Informática 30 (2006) 143-152 143 Semantic Search in Tabular Structures Aleksander Pivk1, Matjaž Gams1 and Mitja Luštrek12 1 Department of Intelligent Systems, Jozef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 Department of Computer Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E8 E-mail: {aleksander.pivk, matjaz.gams, mitja.lustrek} Keywords: tabular structures, ontology learning, semantic web, query answering Received: November 18, 2005 The Semantic Web search aims to overcome the bottleneck of finding relevant information using formal knowledge models, e.g. ontologies. The focus of this paper is to extend a typical search engine with semantic search over tabular structures. We categorize HTML documents into topics and genres. Using the TARTAR system, tabular structures in the documents are then automatically transformed into ontologies and annotated to build a knowledge base. When posting queries, users receive responses notjust as lists of links and description extracts, but also enhanced with replies in the form of detailed structured data. Povzetek: Razvili smo metode semantičnega spleta za iskanje informacij v tabelah. 1 Introduction The World Wide Web has in the years of its exponential growth become a universal repository of human knowledge and culture, thus enabling an exchange of ideas and information on a global level. The tremendous success of the Internet is based on its usage simplicity, efficiency, and enormous market potential [4]. The success of the World Wide Web is countervailed by efforts needed to search and find relevant information. The search of interesting information turned out to be a difficult, time-consuming task, especially due to the size, poor structure and lack of organization of the Internet [3, 7, 31]. A number of approaches appeared in the last decade with a common objective to improve searching and gathering of information found on the Web. One of the first solutions to cope with the information overload was search engines. In order for a search engine to function properly and to return relevant and satisfactory answers to user queries, it must conduct two important tasks in advance. The first task is to crawl the Web and gather, following the hyperlinks, as many documents as possible. The second task deals with document indexing [12, 35], hyperlink analysis, document relevance ranking [20, 23] and high dimensional similarity searches [13, 19]. Once these tasks are completed, a user may post queries to gain answers. User queries, unless they include highly selective keywords, tend to match a large number of documents, because they do not contain enough information to pinpoint most highly relevant resources [28]. They may sometimes even miss the most relevant responses, because of no direct keyword matches, but the most common disadvantage of this approach is that an engine might return thousands of potentially interesting links for a user to manually explore. The study described in [17] showed that the number of keywords in queries is typically smaller than three, which clearly cannot sufficiently narrow down the search space. In principle, this can be seen as the problem of users of search engines themselves. Reducing the ambiguity of search requests can be achieved by adding semantics, i.e. by making computers better 'understand' both the content of the web pages and the users' intentions, which can help to improve search results even with a request of a very limited size. In addition, search engines favor largest information providers due to name-branding and time optimization. To overcome this bottleneck, the Semantic Web search, where information is structured in a machine interpretable way, is a natural step forward, as originally envisioned by Tim Berners-Lee [4]. Moving to a Semantic Web, however, requires the semantic annotation of Web documents, which in turn crucially depends on some sort of automatic support to facilitate this task. Most information on the Web is presented in semi-structured and unstructured documents, i.e. loosely structured natural language text encoded in HTML, and only a small portion represents structured documents [2,12]. A semi-structured document is a mixture of natural language text and templates [2, 12]. The lack of metadata that would precisely annotate the structure and semantics of documents and ambiguity of natural language in which these documents are encoded makes automatic computer processing very complex [9, 21]. 144 Informatica 30 (2006) 143-152 A. Pivk et al. Tabular structures (i.e. tables or lists) are incorporated into semi-structured documents and may have many different forms and can also differ substantially even if they represent the same content or data [14, 16]. Here we consider tabular structures as tables and lists which are described by a particular tag in HTML, i.e. represents a table, where