X.-P. ZHANG et al.: OPTIMIZING VANADIUM CONVERTER SLAG UTILIZATION: TARGETED ENRICHMENT ... 339–348 OPTIMIZING VANADIUM CONVERTER SLAG UTILIZATION: TARGETED ENRICHMENT AND STABILIZATION OF VANADIUM THROUGH NON-EQUILIBRIUM SOLIDIFICATION OPTIMIRANJE UPORABE VANADIJEVE KONVERTERSKE @LINDRE: CILJANA OBOGATITEV IN STABILIZACIJA S POMO^JO NERAVNOTE@NEGA STRJEVANJA Xiao-Pei Zhang, Jian-Bao Zhang, Li-Jie Peng, Ya-Jun Wang * , Jun-Guo Li School of Metallurgy and Energy, North China University of Science and Technology, 063210 Tangshan, P. R. China Prejem rokopisa – received: 2023-10-01; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2024-04-10 doi:10.17222/mit.2023.984 The objective of this research was to optimize the comprehensive utilization of vanadium converter slag through targeted enrich- ment and stabilization of heavy metal vanadium. Employing the non-equilibrium solidification theory and FactSage software, we investigated the potential of modifying vanadium converter slag. When the original slag failed to generate vanadium-rich spinel with usable V elements, introducing modifying agents Fe and Al proved effective. Fe facilitated the enrichment of Cr within spinel, while Al significantly promoted the V enrichment. Expanding on this, we systematically examined the influence of Fe2O3,Al 2O3 and MgO contents on spinel phase precipitation during vanadium slag solidification. The addition of Al resulted in the precipitation of corundum, hematite, spinel, olivine and diopside phases. With an increase in the Fe2O3 content, the pre- cipitation of FeV2O4 and MgV2O4 initially increased, peaking at 9.67 % before subsequently decreasing. Maintaining the Fe2O3 content within a range of 25–30 % proved optimal for enhancing vanadium precipitation and enrichment. In contrast, variations in the Al2O3 content had minor impacts on SP-V phase precipitation, with slight effects on FeV2O4 reaching 10.34 %. Further- more, the incorporation of MgO facilitated the precipitation of MgV2O4 while concurrently suppressing the FeV2O4 precipita- tion. By judiciously controlling the MgO content at approximately 20 %, vanadium enrichment in the form of FeV2O4 and MgV2O4 spinel phases reached a remarkable 94.46 %. Keywords: vanadium, converter slag, enrichment, stabilization, non-equilibrium solidification V ~lanku avtorji opisujejo raziskavo optimizacije sestave vanadijeve konverterske `lindre za splo{no uporabo s pomo~jo ciljane obogatitve in stabilizacijo vanadija kot te`ke in okolju {kodljive kovine. Z uporabo teorije neravnote`nega strjevanja in programskega orodja FactSage so raziskali potencialne mo`nosti za modifikacijo vanadijeve konverterske `lindre. Ker se v originalni `lindri ne tvori na vanadiju bogati {pinel, ki porabi ves raspolo`ljivi vanadij, se z uvedbo modificiranja z dodatki kot sta `elezo (Fe) in aluminij (Al) le tega u~inkovito porabi. @elezo (Fe) pospe{i obogatitev {pinela s kromom (Cr), medtem ko aluminij mo~no pospe{i njegovo obogatitev z vanadijem. Na osnovi tega so avtorji sistemati~no raziskali vplive vsebnosti Fe2O3, Al2O3 in MgO na izlo~anje {pinelne faze med strjevanjem vanadijeve `lindre. Dodatek Al je povzro~il izlo~anje (tvorbo) korunda, hematita, {pinela, olivina in diopsidne faze. Pove~anje vsebnosti Fe2O3 je v za~etku pove~alo nastajanje FeV2O4 in MgV2O4 do maksimalne vrednosti 9,67 %, nato pa je koncentracija obeh za~ela strmo upadati. Da bi pospe{ili izlo~anje in obogatitev {pinela z vanadijem je potrebno ohranili koncentracijo Fe2O3 v mejah med 25% in 30%. Nasprotno pa ima variranje vsebnosti Al2O3 zanemarljiv vpliv na izlo~anje SP-V faze z rahlim u~inkom na obogatitev z FeV2O4 do 10,34 %. Nadalje dodatek MgO pospe{i nastanek in izlo~anje MgV2O4, kar pa takoj zavre izlo~anje FeV2O4. Z natan~no kontrolo vsebnosti MgO pri pribli`no 20 % so avtorji te raziskave dosegli pomembno 94,46 % vezavo vanadija in tako obogatitev `lindre s {pinelnima fazama v obliki FeV2O4 in MgV2O4. Klju~ne besede: vanadij, konverterska `lindra, obogatitev, stabilizacija, neravnote`no strjevanje 1 INTRODUCTION Vanadium, as a rare metal element, finds wide appli- cation due to its high melting point, hardness, and tough- ness, in fields such as materials, steel production, aero- space, and petrochemicals, and is crucial for strategic resources worldwide. 1,2 P r e s e n t l y ,o v e r9 0%o fv a n a - dium resources are sourced from vanadium-titanium magnetite, with vanadium slag (V 2 O 5 ) being obtained through iron reduction processes. 3 Depending on iron smelting methods, production stages, and slag treatment approaches, the chemical composition of vanadium slag varies. Common oxide components in most vanadium slags include Fe 2 O 3 ,V 2 O 5 , SiO 2 , MgO, MnO, and TiO 2 , along with minor amounts of CaO, Cr 2 O 3, and P 2 O 5 . The diverse chemical composition of vanadium slag influ- ences its phase composition, which in turn affects subse- quent processes for vanadium and chromium extrac- tion. 4–6 Common phases in the low-calcium vanadium slag from converters include spinel, olivine and pyro- xene, characterized as follows. Chromium in vanadium slag mainly exists in forms such as Cr 2 O 3 , MgCr 2 O 4 , FeCr 2 O 4 , CrAl 2 O 4 and CrFe 2 O 4 , while vanadium is primarily present in forms like FeV 2 O 4 , MgV 2 O 4, and V 2 O 3 . When chromium and vana- dium exist as AB 2 O 4 spinels, they exhibit enhanced oxi- Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 3, 339–348 339 UDK 546.881:625.821.4 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 58(3)339(2024) *Corresponding author's e-mail: wangyj@ncst.edu.cn (Ya-Jun Wang) dation resistance, reduced susceptibility to acid-base cor- rosion, and effective suppression of chromium leaching. 7–11 Al 2 O 3 in vanadium slag reacts with MgO and Cr 2 O 3 to form solid solutions like Mg(CrxAl 1-x )O 4 , aiding in lowering the Cr 2 O 3 content and positively influ- encing chromium enrichment and stabilization. 12,13 Moreover, spinel precipitation is closely related to tem- perature, with higher temperatures promoting spinel for- mation. 14–16 Tang et al. 17 found that at temperatures below 1540 °C, the slag contains an amorphous material and iron-aluminum spinel, while at 1580 °C, enriched chro- mium iron-aluminum spinel begins to precipitate, vali- dating the above viewpoint. Wang 20 studied the effects of B 2 O 3 on vanadium slag, observing that the spinel phase size increased with a higher B 2 O 3 content, with most chromium enriched in the spinel phase. Engstrom et al. 21 indicated that higher masses of MgO and Fe 2 O 3 in slag favor increased chromium spinel phase precipitation, un- derscoring the significant influence of the MgO and Fe 2 O 3 content on chromium spinel precipitation in vana- dium slag. Additionally, researchers like Cao and Pan 18–20 investigated the impact of alkalinity on chromium en- richment in vanadium slag, finding that an alkalinity of 1.5 was beneficial for chromium enrichment in the spinel phase, with a nearly 100 % enrichment observed at a temperature of 1300 °C. Consequently, investigating the selective enrichment and stabilization of vanadium-chromium elements in spinel phases within vanadium slag holds critical signifi- cance for enhancing resource utilization and promoting green metallurgical manufacturing. 22–26 This study, based on the vanadium slag composition and thermodynamic principles, employs the FactSage 8.2 thermodynamic software to simulate the solidification process of the Fe 2 O 3 -SiO 2 -TiO 2 -V 2 O 5 -Al 2 O 3 -Cr 2 O 3 -MgO slag system. The analysis explores the influence of the Fe 2 O 3 content on the spinel phase precipitation behavior, thereby pro- viding a theoretical foundation for the enrichment of va- nadium-chromium elements and efficient resource utili- zation in steel slag. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 FactSage simulation conditions The Sheil-Gulliver solidification model is an approxi- mate model for complex melt solidification processes, assuming infinite-fast element diffusion in the liquid phase and zero diffusion rate in the solid phase. During the cooling process, the solid-liquid interface always maintains the local equilibrium state. The liquid and solid phase compositions at the interface can be calcu- lated based on the system phase equilibrium, and the composition of the solid phase remains constant after its formation, while the liquid phase maintains a uniform composition. Based on the non-equilibrium solidification theory of the melt, i.e., the Sheil-Gulliver equation, using the thermodynamic software FactSage 8.2 and relevant databases, the Fe 2 O 3 -SiO 2 -TiO 2 -V 2 O 5 -Al 2 O 3 -Cr 2 O 3 -MgO slag system’s phase equilibrium during solidification was simulated. The influence of the Fe 2 O 3 content on the pre- cipitation behavior of the spinel phase during slag cool- ing was investigated. The simulation calculation em- ployed the following database, compound and precipitation phase settings 13 : (1) Databases: FToxide, FactPS; (2) Compound settings: ideal gas, pure solid; (3) Liquid phase settings: FToxide-SLAGA, FToxide- SPINA, FToxide-MeO_A, FToxide-aC2SA, FToxide- bC2SA, FToxide-Mel_A, FToxide-OlivA, FToxide-Cord, FToxide-Mull, FToxide-CORU, FToxide-SP-V, FToxide-TiO 2 , with the cooling calculation set to Sheil-Gulliver cooling in FToxide-SLAGA. The simula- tion calculation was performed in a temperature range of 1000–2000 °C with a step size of 10 °C, and the system calculation pressure was set to 1.013 × 10 5 Pa. To vali- date the thermodynamic calculation results, a compari- son was conducted between experimental outcomes of the SP-V generation in vanadium slag. This was per- formed to corroborate the effects of Fe 2 O 3 ,A l 2 O 3 and MgO on the vanadium enrichment behavior within the slag. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Simulation of S0 slag In accordance with the compositional range of vana- dium slag from steel plants, a base vanadium slag mate- rial with a mass of 100 g was designed. The composition is as follows: w(Fe 2 O 3 )=5 5% ,w (SiO 2 )=1 5% , w (TiO 2 )=10%,w (V 2 O 5 )=10%,w (Al 2 O 3 )=4%, w (Cr 2 O 3 )=3%,andw (MgO)=3%,asshowninFig- ure 1. The non-equilibrium solidification process of the S0 base slag was simulated using the Sheil-Gulliver so- lidification model. Table 1: Composition of S0 slag mixture (g) ID Fe2O3 SiO 2 TiO 2 V2O5 Al2O3 Cr 2O3 MgO S0 55 15 10 10 4 3 3 From Figure 1, it can be observed that SPINA is a spinel phase containing chromium (Cr) elements, while SP-V is a spinel phase containing vanadium (V) ele- ments. In the SPINA phase, the main constituents are FeCr 2 O 4 , MgCr 2 O 4 , FeAl 2 O 4 , MgAl 2 O 4 , and MgFe 2 O 4 . However, there is no precipitation of the SP-V phase. In the SP-V phase, the main constituents are FeV 2 O 4 , MgV 2 O 4 , FeAl 2 O 4 , MgAl 2 O 4 , and MgFe 2 O 4 . The precipi- tation of chromium-rich spinel is very low, at 3.39 %. Within the SPINA phase, precipitation fractions of MgCr 2 O 4 and FeCr 2 O 4 containing Cr are 0.0013 % and 0.000708 %, respectively, which is almost negligible. Similarly, within the SP-V phase, the precipitation frac- tions of MgV 2 O 4 and FeV 2 O 4 are both 0, which can be attributed to the lack of FeO generation in the S0 slag system. This phenomenon is supported by the studies by X.-P. ZHANG et al.: OPTIMIZING VANADIUM CONVERTER SLAG UTILIZATION: TARGETED ENRICHMENT ... 340 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 3, 339–348 Su et al. 13 and Yu et al. 27 To address the issue of vana- dium not precipitating in the form of a spinel phase and to increase the precipitation of spinel with larger and more concentrated growth, we introduced Fe and Al ele- ments into the slag system as the reducing agents. Ther- modynamic simulations were conducted for this combi- nation of slag systems. 3.2 Simulation with Fe and Al additions in S0 slag Based on the composition range of steel mill vana- dium slag, the basic vanadium slag with a mass of 100 g was designed. Fe and Al elements were separately added to the slag to investigate the influence of different com- positions on the precipitation behavior of the SP-V phase. The goal was to identify effective reducing agents to enhance the yield of vanadium precipitation in the slag. The simulated slag compositions are presented in Table 2. The thermodynamic calculations reveal that the addi- tion of Fe and Al to the S0 original slag can achieve a high proportion of the SP-V phase, including types like FeV 2 O 4 and MgV 2 O 4 . However, we need to further inves- tigate the influence of different Fe and Al contents on the enrichment of vanadium in the spinel phase. Figure 2 presents the impact of a varying Fe content on the pre- cipitation of the SP-V phase in the S0 slag system. It is observed that with the Fe content below 10 %, the pre- cipitation fraction of the SP-V phase gradually increases, X.-P. ZHANG et al.: OPTIMIZING VANADIUM CONVERTER SLAG UTILIZATION: TARGETED ENRICHMENT ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 3, 339–348 341 Figure 1: Mineral phase composition and SPINA phase precipitation fraction during solidification of S0 base slag system Table 2: Slag compositions with Fe and Al additions (g) ID Fe2O3 SiO2 TiO2 V2O5 Al2O3 Cr2O3 MgO Fe Al F e 15 51 51 01 04335– Fe2 55 15 10 10 4 3 3 10 Fe3 55 15 10 10 4 3 3 15 Fe4 55 15 10 10 4 3 3 20 Fe5 55 15 10 10 4 3 3 25 A L 15 51 51 01 0433–1 0 AL 2 55 15 10 10 4 3 3 12.5 AL 3 55 15 10 10 4 3 3 13.5 A L 45 51 51 01 0433 1 5 A L 55 51 51 01 0433 2 0 X.-P. ZHANG et al.: OPTIMIZING VANADIUM CONVERTER SLAG UTILIZATION: TARGETED ENRICHMENT ... 342 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 3, 339–348 Figure 3: Precipitation fractions of spinel phases after adding Fe and Al to S0 slag Figure 2: Precipitation fractions of the SP-V phase after the addition of Fe and Al to the S0 slag and the critical precipitation temperature also rises, indi- cating a positive correlation. However, when the Fe con- tent exceeds 10 %, the precipitation fraction of the SP-V phase decreases, and the critical precipitation tempera- ture reduces, revealing a negative correlation. Hence, controlling the Fe content within a range of 10–15 % during the vanadium extraction process could effectively enhance the vanadium yield. Furthermore, the addition of Al to the S0 slag also promotes the precipitation of va- nadium in the spinel phase. The data in Figure 2 demon- strate that when Al is below 13.5 %, the precipitation fraction of the SP-V phase continues to increase with the increasing Al content, along with a rise in the critical precipitation temperature, indicating a positive correla- tion. However, when the Al content surpasses 13.5 %, the precipitation fraction of the SP-V phase decreases, and the critical precipitation temperature also decreases, showing a negative correlation. Therefore, restricting the Al content within a range of 13.5–15 % during the vana- dium extraction process could enhance the vanadium yield. The precipitation process of the SP-V phase is generally completed at around 1050 °C. From Figure 3, it can be observed that the FeV 2 O 4 precipitation fraction gradually increases as the Fe con- tent rises from5%to25%,with a notable increment when Fe reaches 25 %, resulting in a precipitation frac- tion of approximately 5.5 %. This is concurrent with a significant enrichment of vanadium within the FeV 2 O 4 phase. Similarly, with the addition of Al to the S0 slag, the precipitation fraction of FeV 2 O 4 initially increases and then decreases as Al increases. The maximum pre- cipitation fraction of FeV 2 O 4 is achieved at an Al content of 13.5 %, reaching around 9.86 %. This also leads to a pronounced enrichment of vanadium in the FeV 2 O 4 spinel phase. For MgV 2 O 4 , when the Fe content exceeds 10 %, some vanadium starts to be present in the FeV 2 O 4 phase, causing a decrease in its precipitation fraction. This consequently results in a slight reduction in the overall SP-V phase precipitation, accounting for approxi- mately 50 % of the total precipitation. The enrichment of vanadium within the FeV 2 O 4 phase also experiences a slight decrease. When Al is added to the S0 slag, with the Al content below 15 %, the precipitation fraction of MgV 2 O 4 gradually increases with an increasing Al con- tent, peaking at 1.87 % when Al reaches 15 %. However, with further increases in the Al content, the precipitation fraction of MgV 2 O 4 diminishes. This behavior is attrib- uted to the partial presence of vanadium in the FeV 2 O 4 spinel phase, causing a decrease in the precipitation frac- tion of the MgV 2 O 4 spinel phase. 3.3 Summary (1) When adding Al to S0 slag with an Al content of 12.5 g, the mass of MgV 2 O 4 and FeV 2 O 4 containing V elements increased from0gto1.338 g and 9.9587 g, re- spectively. The precipitation rate of V in spinel reached 94.46 %, indicating a significant role of Al in promoting the V enrichment in spinel during industrial vanadium recovery processes. (2) When adding Fe to S0 slag with a Fe content of 25 g, the mass of MgCr 2 O 4 and FeCr 2 O 4 containing Cr elements increased from 0.000708 g and 0.00103 g to 3.25 g and 0.47 g, respectively. The precipi- tation rate of Cr in spinel reached 86 %. This highlights the importance of the Fe content in enhancing the enrich- X.-P. ZHANG et al.: OPTIMIZING VANADIUM CONVERTER SLAG UTILIZATION: TARGETED ENRICHMENT ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 3, 339–348 343 Figure 4: Mineral phase composition and the fraction of precipitated spinel phases during the solidification of base slag system S0 after the Al addition ment of Cr in spinel, particularly in the growth of MgCr 2 O 4 and FeCr 2 O 4 , during industrial chromium re- covery processes. (3) Based on (1) and (2), it is evident that the reducing agent Fe is more favorable for increas- ing the precipitation fraction of chromite and promoting the growth of MgCr 2 O 4 and FeCr 2 O 4 , leading to the en- richment of Cr in spinel. On the other hand, the reducing agent Al significantly enhances the growth of the SP-V phase, resulting in superior precipitation of MgV 2 O 4 and FeV 2 O 4 and promoting the enrichment of V in spinel. 3.4 Vanadium spinel precipitation behavior in vana- dium slag To explore the detailed impact of adding Fe and Al to S0 slag on the precipitation behavior of vanadium spinel, and based on the conclusions drawn earlier, the effect of adding Al is examined. The Sheil-Gulliver solidification model is used to simulate the non-equilibrium solidifica- tion of S0 basic slag with an addition of 12.5 g Al. The slag composition includes w(Fe 2 O 3 ) = 55 %, w(SiO 2 )= 15 %, w(TiO 2 )=1 0% ,w ( V 2 O 5 ) = 10 %, w(Al 2 O 3 )= 4 %, w(Cr 2 O 3 )=3%,w(MgO)=3%,and12.5 g Al. The results are presented in Figure 4. During the slag so- lidification process, the main precipitated phases include corundum, hematite, spinel, olivine, and diopside. Both chromite and SP-V phases, which contain chromium, are high-temperature precipitates. In the solidification of the S0 basic slag, the starting temperature for the precipita- tion of these two phases slightly differs by 1460 °C for chromite and 1340 °C for SP-V. As the temperature de- creases, the chromite phase reaches its maximum precip- itation fraction of 20.4 % when the temperature drops to 1160 °C. On the other hand, the SP-V phase achieves its maximum precipitation fraction of approximately 42.5 % at 1090 °C. The Al 4 FeSi 5 O 18 and Al 4 MgSi 5 O 18 phases start to precipitate at around 1230 °C, with precipitation fractions increasing from0%t o0.10 and 0.56 %, re- spectively. When the temperature drops to 1190 °C, the precipitation fraction of Al 4 MgSi 5 O 18 no longer in- creases, reaching a maximum value of 9.8 %. Finally, at 1150 °C, the precipitation fraction of Al 4 MgSi 5 O 18 stops increasing, with the maximum value being 1.88 %. The SPINA phase consists of solid solutions, primar- ily composed of FeAl 2 O 4 , MgFe 2 O 4 , MgCr 2 O 4 , FeCr 2 O 4 , and minor amounts of CrAl 2 O 4 and CrFe 2 O 4 . After the completion of solidification, the total precipitation frac- tion of the SPINA phase is 16.59 %, with the FeAl 2 O 4 content of 6.35 %, MgFe 2 O 4 content of 2.04 %, FeCr 2 O 4 content of 3.96 %, and MgCr 2 O 4 content of 1.09 %. In contrast, the SP-V phase has a slightly different compo- sition, primarily replacing MgCr 2 O 4 and FeCr 2 O 4 with FeV 2 O 4 and MgV 2 O 4 . The composition of the SP-V phase includes FeAl 2 O 4 at 13.56 %, MgFe 2 O 4 at 2.38 %, FeV 2 O 4 at 10.12 %, and MgV 2 O 4 at 2.67 %. Addi- tionally, the SPINA phase contains trace amounts of spinel-type CrO·Cr 2 O 3 chromite (0.05 %), Fe 3 O 4 inverse spinel (0.21 %), and minor amounts of MgFe 2 O 4 , CrFe 2 O 4 , and CrAl 2 O 4 spinel phases. In this study, a con- trolled variable method was employed (keeping other variables constant except for the Fe 2 O 3 content varia- tion). Thus, the primary focus is on investigating the im- pact of the Fe 2 O 3 content on the precipitation of SPINA and SP-V phases in the slag system. Therefore, the fol- lowing sections will primarily analyze the changes in X.-P. ZHANG et al.: OPTIMIZING VANADIUM CONVERTER SLAG UTILIZATION: TARGETED ENRICHMENT ... 344 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 3, 339–348 Figure 5: Changes in V and Cr contents in each phase during the solidification after adding Al to the base slag system S0 and the standard Gibbs free energy of spinel phase formation precipitation fractions and onset temperatures of spinel phases, including MgCr 2 O 4 , FeCr 2 O 4 ,F e V 2 O 4 ,a n d MgV 2 O 4 . Figure 5 shows the changes in the Cr and V contents in the slag and spinel phases during the solidification of the basic slag system S0, and the standard Gibbs free en- ergy of formation for four types of spinel phases. As the temperature drops to 1550 and 1350 °C, respectively, the contents of Cr and V in the spinel phase begin to in- crease; upon complete solidification of the S0 base slag at 1000 °C, the mass fraction of Cr in the spinel phase is 1.46 %. Calculations show that the mass fraction of Cr in the base slag with 3-% Cr 2 O 3 is 2.05 %, indicating that the precipitation rate of Cr in the chromite phase is 71.4 %. The mass fraction of chromium in the oxide (CrO x )is also 2.05 %, suggesting that in theoretical conditions, chromium is entirely present in the chromite phase. 28 Ad- ditionally, the mass fraction of V in the spinel phase is 5.2 %. Calculations reveal that the mass fraction of V in the base slag with 10-% V 2 O 5 is 5.6 %, indicating that the precipitation rate of V in the SP-V phase is 94.46 %. Hence, it can be concluded that, in theoretical circum- stances, vanadium is exclusively present in the SP-V phase. From Figure 5, it is evident that at a certain tempera- ture, MgCr 2 O 4 is the most stable phase. Furthermore, previous studies demonstrated that the contents of Fe 2 O 3 , Al 2 O 3 , and MgO can influence the solubility of the FeCr 2 O 4 spinel phase in slag. 13 To enhance the enrich- ment of Cr and V elements in stable spinel phases within vanadium slag, providing favorable conditions for vana- dium and chromium extraction from the original slag, adjustments in the slag’s elemental composition are nec- essary. These adjustments aim to promote the precipita- tion of chromium as MgCr 2 O 4 and FeCr 2 O 4 spinel phases while facilitating the precipitation of vanadium as the FeV 2 O 4 spinel phase. 3.4 Vanadium slag composition design Table 3: Designed slag formulations (g) ID Fe2O3 SiO2 TiO2 V2O5 Al2O3 Cr2O3 MgO Al S0 55 15 10 10 4 3 3 12.5 F1 32 15 10 10 4 3 3 F2 35 15 10 10 4 3 3 F3 37 15 10 10 4 3 3 F4 40 15 10 10 4 3 3 F5 45 15 10 10 4 3 3 F6 50 15 10 10 4 3 3 A1 55 15 10 10 4 3 3 A2 55 15 10 10 6 3 3 A3 55 15 10 10 8 3 3 A4 55 15 10 10 10 3 3 A5 55 15 10 10 15 3 3 A6 55 15 10 10 20 3 3 M1 55 15 10 10 4 3 8 M2 55 15 10 10 4 3 10 M3 55 15 10 10 4 3 12 M4 55 15 10 10 4 3 15 M5 55 15 10 10 4 3 20 M6 55 15 10 10 4 3 25 According to the composition range of steel mill va- nadium slag, when adding 12.5 g of Al, a basic vana- dium slag mass of 100 g is designed. On this basis, the Fe 2 O 3 ,Al 2 O 3 , and MgO contents of the steel slag are var- ied to study the effect of different components on the phase separation behavior of SP-V. This provides a theo- retical basis for a comprehensive utilization of vanadium slag. The simulated slag formulations are shown in Ta- ble 3. 3.5 Effects of three oxide contents on SP-V phase pre- cipitation Figure 6 shows the influences of Fe 2 O 3 ,Al 2 O 3 , and MgO contents on the behavior of SP-V phase precipita- tion and the proportions of various spinel phases after so- lidification in vanadium slag. As depicted in Figure 6a, with an increase in the Fe 2 O 3 content from 32 % to 50 %, the starting precipitation temperature of the SP-V phase gradually increases, with a precipitation temperature range of 1200–1400 °C. During slag solidification, the amount of SP-V phase precipitation increases with the increasing Fe 2 O 3 content, showing a positive correlation. The maximum precipitation amount is achieved with a Fe 2 O 3 content of 50 %, reaching 30.82 %. This indicates a significant influence of the Fe 2 O 3 content on the pre- cipitation of the SP-V phase. From Figure 6a, showing the proportion of each component in the spinel phase, it is evident that FeV 2 O 4 and FeAl 2 O 4 constitute the highest proportion in the SP-V phase. With an increase in the Fe 2 O 3 content, the proportion of MgV 2 O 4 spinel in the SP-V phase initially increases and then decreases. When the Fe 2 O 3 content is between 37 and 40 %, the proportion of MgV 2 O 4 spinel in the SP-V phase reaches its maxi- mum value of 15 %. Meanwhile, the proportion of FeV 2 O 4 spinel in the SP-V phase decreases with the in- crease in the Fe 2 O 3 content, declining from 48 to 34 %. The increased proportion of MgV 2 O 4 spinel is attributed to the decreased proportion of FeV 2 O 4 spinel. The pro- portion of FeAl 2 O 4 also follows the pattern of initial de- creasing and then increasing. As previously analyzed, under certain temperatures, FeV 2 O 4 is more stable than FeAl 2 O 4 .F e V 2 O 4 and MgV 2 O 4 spinels are preferable solid chromium phases. Therefore, maintaining Fe 2 O 3 at 37–40 % (minimizing the proportion of FeAl 2 O 4 )iscon - ducive to the precipitation of vanadium in the form of FeV 2 O 4 spinel. As indicated in Figure 6b, an increase in the Al 2 O 3 content slightly raises the starting precipitation temperature of the SP-V phase to a range of 1350–1410 °C. During solidification, the precipitation of the SP-V phase increases with an increase in the Al 2 O 3 content, showing a positive correlation. However, the precipita- tion amount of the SP-V phase remains between 29.02 % and 31.43 %, suggesting a minor influence of the Al 2 O 3 X.-P. ZHANG et al.: OPTIMIZING VANADIUM CONVERTER SLAG UTILIZATION: TARGETED ENRICHMENT ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 3, 339–348 345 content on the precipitation of the SP-V phase. Figure 6b includes a diagram showing the proportions of com- ponents in the spinel phase. With an increase in the Al 2 O 3 content, the proportions of FeV 2 O 4 and MgV 2 O 4 spinels in the SP-V phase after solidification remain rela- tively unchanged. This implies that the changes in the Al 2 O 3 content have a minimal impact on the proportions of various spinels in the SP-V phase. According to Fig- ure 6c, when the MgO content increases from 8 % to 25 %, the precipitation proportion of the SP-V phase ini- tially increases, then decreases, and increases again. This indicates that a moderate MgO content promotes the for- mation of the SP-V phase. Thus, maintaning the MgO content at 10 % can facilitate the generation of the SP-V phase. According to Figure 6c, the proportion of each component in the spinel phase is plotted; with an in- crease in the MgO content, the proportion of MgV 2 O 4 spinel in the spinel phase increases from 12 % to 25 %, while the proportion of FeV 2 O 4 spinel decreases from 39 % to 26 %. This implies that an increased MgO con- tent favors the enrichment of vanadium in the form of MgV 2 O 4 spinel. Additionally, the content and proportion of MgAl 2 O 4 spinel will also experience a substantial in- crease. In conclusion, a higher MgO content promotes the precipitation of MgV 2 O 4 while inhibiting the precipi- tation of FeV 2 O 4 , making MgO an effective regulator of the composition of the SP-V phase. 3.6 Fe 2O 3,Al 2O 3, and MgO content effects on FeV2O4 and MgV 2 O 4 spinel phase precipitation in slag The influences of Fe 2 O 3 ,Al 2 O 3 , and MgO contents on the precipitation behavior of FeV 2 O 4 and MgV 2 O 4 spinel phases in the slag are depicted in Figure 7. As shown in Figure 7a, the precipitation fraction of the FeV 2 O 4 spinel phase in the slag increases with a higher Fe 2 O 3 content. When the Fe 2 O 3 content reaches 50 %, the precipitation fraction of the FeV 2 O 4 spinel phase reaches its maximum value of 9.668 %. This is due to a substantial reduction of Fe 2 O 3 to FeO in the slag, leading to the reaction of FeO with V 2 O 3 to form the FeV 2 O 4 spinel phase. An in- creased FeO content enhances the enrichment of the SP-V phase, further increasing the precipitation of the FeV 2 O 4 spinel phase. According to the figure, the precip- itation fraction of the MgV 2 O 4 spinel phase initially in- creases and then decreases with the rising Fe 2 O 3 content. The MgV 2 O 4 spinel phase content increases from 0.08 % to 3.06 % as the Fe 2 O 3 content rises to 40 %, and then decreases to 1.72 % with further increases in the Fe 2 O 3 content. This suggests that the addition of Fe 2 O 3 gener- ally promotes the precipitation of the SP-V phase, espe- cially the main component FeV 2 O 4 , and controlling the Fe 2 O 3 mass fraction within a range of 40–50 % is favor- able for the precipitation of the FeV 2 O 4 spinel phase and enrichment of vanadium in the spinel phase. Conse- quently, it can be inferred that the FeO content is also a crucial factor influencing vanadium extraction in the slag system. As illustrated in Figure 7b, the precipitation fraction of the FeV 2 O 4 spinel phase increases with a higher Al 2 O 3 content, showing a positive correlation. When the Al 2 O 3 content reaches 20 %, the precipitation fraction of the FeV 2 O 4 spinel phase reaches its maximum value of 10.347 %. This is attributed to Al 2 O 3 promoting the gen- eration of FeO, leading to an increase in the FeO content X.-P. ZHANG et al.: OPTIMIZING VANADIUM CONVERTER SLAG UTILIZATION: TARGETED ENRICHMENT ... 346 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 3, 339–348 Figure 6: Influence of Fe 2 O 3 ,Al 2 O 3 , and MgO contents on crystalli- zation of the SP-V phase: a) effect of Fe 2 O 3 on SP-V phase, b) effect of Al 2 O 3 on SP-V phase, c) effect of MgO on SP-V phase in the slag, and subsequently enhancing the precipitation of the FeV 2 O 4 spinel phase. The content of the MgV 2 O 4 spinel phase increases and then decreases with the rising Al 2 O 3 content. When the Al 2 O 3 content increases to 8 %, the MgV 2 O 4 spinel phase content increases from the original 1.15 to 1.23 %. Overall, the addition of Al 2 O 3 plays a role in promoting the enrichment of vanadium in the SP-V phase, but its effect is not substantial. As the MgO content increases, the precipitation temperature for FeV 2 O 4 increases while its precipitation fraction de- creases, showing an inverse relationship. When the addi- tion of MgO increases from 8 to 25 %, the precipitation temperature of FeV 2 O 4 rises from 1350 °C to 1520 °C, and its precipitation fraction decreases from 8.16 % to 5.72 %, which is a significant reduction. At the same time, the precipitation temperature of MgV 2 O 4 increases with the increase in MgO, and its precipitation amount also increases with the increase in the MgO content. Es- pecially in the high-temperature region (>1200 °C), the rate of increase in the precipitation of MgV 2 O 4 is consid- erable. At 1150 °C, when the MgO addition increases from 8 % to 25 %, the precipitation fraction of MgV 2 O 4 increases from 2.55 % to 4.79 %, which is a moderate in- crease. Therefore, the promotion of MgV 2 O 4 spinel pre- cipitation by MgO comes at the expense of a reduction in the FeV 2 O 4 precipitation, but overall, the enrichment of vanadium in the SP-V phase is still beneficial, so main- taining MgO at around 20 % is favorable for the enrich- ment of vanadium in the form of FeV 2 O 4 and MgV 2 O 4 spinel phases. 4 CONCLUSIONS In the process of vanadium slag treatment, the pres- ence of the S0 original slag alone does not facilitate a substantial precipitation of high-content SPINA and SP-V phases, thus failing to achieve the enrichment of vanadium and chromium elements within spinel struc- tures. Nevertheless, by introducing Al into the S0 slag, with an Al content of 12.5 g, the mass of V-containing MgV 2 O 4 and FeV 2 O 4 increases from0gto1.338 g and 9.9587 g, respectively. This results in the precipitation rate of V in spinel rising from0%toaremarkable 94.46 %. Simultaneously, an addition of Fe to the S0 slag, with a Fe content of 25 g, causes the mass of Cr-containing MgCr 2 O 4 and FeCr 2 O 4 to rise from their original values of 0.000708 g and 0.00103 g to 3.25 g and 0.47 g, respectively, leading to a Cr precipitation rate within spinel structures of 86 %. Furthermore, during the solidification of vanadium slag with added Fe and Al, prominent phases that form include Al 4 FeSi 5 O 18, Al 4 MgSi 5 O 18 , and spinel phases. The SP-V phase pre- dominantly comprises MgV 2 O 4 and FeV 2 O 4 , while the SPINA phase is primarily composed of MgCr 2 O 4 and FeCr 2 O 4 .In general, the Fe 2 O 3 content significantly af- fects the precipitation behavior of the SP-V phase. A moderate increase in Fe 2 O 3 promotes the precipitation of FeV 2 O 4 and MgV 2 O 4 . However, excessive Fe 2 O 3 sup- presses the precipitation of MgV 2 O 4 . The Al 2 O 3 content influences the overall precipitation of the SP-V phase, with a moderate Al 2 O 3 content facilitating the precipita- tion of FeV 2 O 4 spinel, especially at an Al 2 O 3 content of 20 %, where the precipitation rate of FeV 2 O 4 reaches a maximum of 10.347 %. Nonetheless, the impact on the proportions of different spinel phases within the SP-V phase is minimal. With an increase in the MgO content, the proportion of MgV 2 O 4 rises, while that of FeV 2 O 4 de- creases. Controlling the MgO content at around 20 % is advantageous for the enrichment of vanadium in the form of both FeV 2 O 4 and MgV 2 O 4 spinel phases. In con- clusion, these interrelated factors collectively contribute X.-P. ZHANG et al.: OPTIMIZING VANADIUM CONVERTER SLAG UTILIZATION: TARGETED ENRICHMENT ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 3, 339–348 347 Figure 7: Influences of Fe 2 O 3 ,Al 2 O 3 , and MgO contents on the precipitation of the SP-V phase: a) Effects of Fe 2 O 3 on FeV 2 O 4 and MgV 2 O 4 ,b) effects of Al 2 O 3 and MgO on FeV 2 O 4 and MgV 2 O 4 , respectively to an effective enrichment of vanadium and chromium elements within spinel structures in vanadium slag. Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Postgraduate Innovation Project of North China Uni- versity of Science and Technology (2024S11), the Cen- tral-Guided Local Science and Technology Development Funding Project of Hebei Province (236Z3803G), and the Science and Technology Plan Project of Tangshan City (23130205E). 5 REFERENCES 1 J. Wen, T. Jiang, M. Zhou, H. Gao, J. Liu, X. Xue, Roasting and leaching behaviors of vanadium and chromium in calcification roast- ing–acid leaching of high-chromium vanadium slag, Int. J. Miner. Metall. 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