LJUBLJANA, JUNIJ 2014 Vol. 22, št. 1: 19-28 IDENTIFICATION OF SEX PHEROMONES OF CLEARWING MOTHS SYNANTHEDON CEPHIFORMIS (OCHSENHEIMER, 1808), S. LORANTHI (KRAL^EK, 1966) AND S. SPULERI (FUCHS, 1908) (LEPIDOPTERA: SESIIDAE) IN SLOVENIA Ob železnici 82, 3313 Polzela, Slovenia; e-mail: predovnik1@gmail.com Abstract - The results are presented of faunistic research of the morphologically similar and related clearwing moth species Synanthedon cephiformis (Ochsenheimer, 1808), S. loranthi (KraUček, 1966) and S. spuleri (Fuchs, 1908) in Slovenia using the method of pheromone traps. New sex attractants for males of the species S. cephiformis and S. loranthi were discovered, which are also the first known effective pheromones for S. cephiformis in general. The distribution and biology of the mentioned species in Slovenia are briefly described. External morphological characters for the determination of males caught in pheromone traps of species of the S. tipuliformis group are given, as well as the composition of the effective pheromones and a phylogenetic tree. Keywords: Sesiidae, Synanthedon, pheromones, Slovenia. Izvleček - IDENTIFIKACIJA SPOLNIH FEROMONOV STEKLOKRILCEV SYNANTHEDON CEPHIFORMIS (OCHSENHEIMER, 1808), S. LORANTHI (KRALKEK, 1966) IN S. SPULERI (FUCHS, 1908) (LEPIDOPTERA: SESIIDAE) V SLOVENIJI Prikazani so rezultati favnističnih raziskav morfološko podobnih in sorodnih vrst Synanthedon cephiformis (Ochsenheimer, 1808), S. loranthi (KraUček, 1966) in S. spuleri (Fuchs, 1908) z uporabo metode feromonskih pasti v Sloveniji. Odkrite so bile nove seksualne vabe za samčke vrst S. cephiformis in S. loranthi, ki so tudi prvi znani učinkoviti feromoni za S. cephiformis na splošno. Na kratko sta opisani razširjenost in biologija navedenih vrst v Sloveniji. Podani so zunanji morfološki Željko Predovnik znaki za določevanje v feromonske pasti ujetih samčkov vrst iz skupine tipuliformis, kot tudi sestavine učinkovitih feromonov in filogenetsko drevo. Ključne besede: Sesiidae, Synanthedon, feromoni, Slovenija. Introduction New pheromone compositions for S. cephiformis and S. loranthi were tested in Slovenia, resulting in additional information about pheromone trapping of males of some species of the S. tipuliformis group. As reported in the literature (Bartsch et al., 1997; Lepidopterologen-Arbeitsgruppe, 2000; Pühringer & Ryrholm, 2000; B^kowski, 2002, 2013 a, 2013b), no pheromone response from males of S. cephiformis to known attractants has so far been observed. This work investigated how effective the use of pheromone traps is in faunistic research of the local clearwing fauna and also how the composition of the pheromones can be useful in identifying the males caught in these pheromone traps. Four closely related species from the S. tipuliformis group occur in Slovenia and neighbouring countries. This group, described as the subgenus Tipulia KraUček & Povolny, 1977 (Laštuvka & Laštuvka, 2001), is represented by the following species: Synanthedon tipuliformis (Clerck, 1759), S. spuleri (Fuchs, 1908), S. cephiformis (Ochsenheimer, 1808), S. loranthi (KraUček, 1966) and S. conopiformis (Ochsenheimer, 1808). All these species have a well-developed proboscis and visit various flowers (Ligustrum spp., Sambucus ebulus L., Rubus spp., Mellilotus spp. etc.) on sunny days. Except for S. conopiformis, even for specialists specimens of this group are sometimes difficult to distinguish by their external and genital morphology, especially when the specimens are damaged. For all these reasons, the old literature contains a lot of erroneous determinations of imagos and the host plants of their caterpillars. S. tipuliformis and S. conopiformis, widespread in Slovenia, are not discussed in detail in this work. Methods The author has used synthetic pheromones in pheromone traps as a very successful method in faunistic studies of many clearwing species. A large number of pheromone traps were hung at selected localities in different habitats in Slovenia. The traps were baited with various types of synthetic pheromones obtained from Pherobank (PRI-Plant Research International, Wageningen, The Netherlands). Some pheromone compositions were custom made at the author's request and have been in use for several seasons. Each pheromone (or lures of double loaded rubber pheromone dispensers) was placed separately in a transparent plastic delta trap (RAG-Trap) with exchangeable bottom coated with sticky material, or in funnel traps (VARs+ -Trap, Uni-Trap), which were loaded with insect poison. This type, however, was used in smaller numbers. At each locality, 5 to 9 traps were placed baited with different pheromones. The traps were attached to branches and on the peaks of young bushes and trees (Sorbus, Quercus, Carpinus) at heights of 1 m to 6 m above the ground. Specimens trapped in delta traps were later soaked in clean gasoline to detach them and prepared. Species identification was based on external morphology and knowledge of the composition of the pheromones used in these pheromone traps. Mitochondrial DNA analysis (iBoL project) was later performed as confirmation, at the Canadian Centre for Dna Barcoding (CCDB, Guelph). The PCR primers used were LepF1 and LepR1; the distance model was Kimura 2 Parameter. For details see the "Barcode of Life Database" (BOLD) web page (http://www.barcodinglife.com/views/login.php). Detailed data can be accessed by login under the project "Global Sesiidae - Clearwing Moths of the World". Representative specimens have been deposited in the private collection of the author. The nomenclature used is according to Laštuvka & Laštuvka (2001). Identification of trapped males During faunistic research in Slovenia in the period 2005-2013 (author's data), a large number of males belonging to 38 different clearwing species was caught using pheromone traps baited with various pheromone compositions. Many males showing external morphological characteristics of S. cephiformis - S. loranthi - S. spuleri were found among these. Identifying these trapped males initially represented a problem and they were therefore initially determined as S. spuleri, on the presumption that the observed morphological differences represented variability among local populations of this species. Subsequent redetermination, using molecular analysis (I-BOLD), showed that they in fact belong not only to S. spuleri but also to S. cephiformis and S. loranthi. After closer inspection, the re-determined males indeed showed the external characteristic of S. cephiformis, S. loranthi and S. spuleri as referred to in the literature (Bartsch et al., 1997; Špatenka et al., 1999; Lepidopterologen-Arbeitsgruppe, 2000; Laštuvka & Laštuvka, 2001; B^kowski, 2013a), as well to reared material in the collection of the author. The now reliable identification, supported by DNA analysis, provides important information about which species is attracted to which pheromone composition. This, in combination with the morphological differences and sometimes the ecological characteristics, allows reliable identification of trapped males in the field, even with more damaged specimens. Using the genital morphology, in particular in the closely related sister species S. cephiformis / S. loranthi and S. tipuliformis / S. spuleri, it is difficult to find significant differences between these species (Bartsch et al., 1997; B^kowski, 2013a, 2013b). For example, S. spuleri males are in many cases barely distinguishable from S. cephiformis and S. tipuliformis, although they differ well in pheromone response. Additional external morphological characters useful in identification: S. loranthi has two-thirds of the fore coxa yellow laterally: in S. cephiformis this is entirely or at least up to four-fifths yellow laterally. S. spuleri has the fore coxa black and yellow on the dorsal margin only, while in S. tipuliformis it is yellow dorsally. S. spuleri is also distinguishable from other species by the slightly rounded apex of the forewing: the apical area is dark without or, at most, indistinct spots. Populations of S. tipuliformis in the submediterranean part of Slovenia have a squarer ETA, the Table 1: The table includes only those characteristics that, in the opinion of the author, can be helpful in identifying trapped male specimens and only the effective pheromone compositions used in the study. Morphological properties External transparent area (ETA) Discal spot on hindwing Wingspan Pheromone S. cephiformis Varies in size and in shape. Nearly square, sometimes narrower. Divided into 5 cells. Broad, cuneiform. More visible than with S. loranthi / S. spuleri. Almost always extending to the stem of veins M3-Cu1. varies in size. 19-22 mm n= 14 ins, fla, myo S. loranthi Generally larger than with other species. At least twice as broad as apical area. Short and narrow, barely visible. Never reaching stem of veins M3-Cu1. varies in size. 18-21 mm, n= 10 ins S. spuleri Nearly square or narrower. Sometimes similar to S. cephiformis. Narrowest of S. loranthi Narrow, barely visible. Wider than with S. loranthi. Not extending to the stem of veins M3-Cu1. Greatly varies in size. Usually smaller than by S. cephiformis / S. loranthi 16-21 mm, n= 21 "old api" S. tipuliformis Narrow. In submediterranean populations broad, similar to S. spuleri Fairly broad and short. Approximately between S. loranthi / S. spuleri. Greatly varies in size. 12-20 mm n= 106 tip, rarely sof S. conopiformis Trapezoid, higher than broad. Divided into 5 cells Narrow, cuneiform. Extending to stem M3-Cu1. varies in size. 12-24 mm n= 52 tab, rarely myo, ves apical area is almost black and they are very similar to S. spuleri. In contrast, S. tip-uliformis from the greater part of the country have a narrow to very narrow ETA, with frequently emphasised yellowish brown stripes between the veins in the apical area (author's data). Males of S. conopiformis show very good response to the pheromone tab initially developed for Paranthrene tabaniformis (Rottemburg, 1775) (Pühringer & Ryrholm, 2000; author's data) and are well differentiated from other species of the S. tipuliformis group by the conspicuously copper-coloured stripes between the veins in the apical area of the forewing and by the typical distinctive yellow transverse spot on the metathorax (Špatenka et al., 1999; Laštuvka & Laštuvka, 2001). An additional observation is that S. tipuliformis males show a very good response to the pheromone tip initially developed for this species (Pühringer & Ryrholm, 2000; author's data) and were trapped by pheromone traps baited exclusively with pheromone tip, rarely with pheromone intended for Synanthedon soffneri Špatenka, 1983. Table 2: Pheromone response. +++, very good response ++, good response +, weak response -, no response pheromones ins fla myo tab tip sof "old api" ves S. cephiformis ++ + (++?) + - - - - - S. loranthi ++ - - - - - - - S. spuleri - - - - - ++ - S. tipuliformis - - - - +++ + - - S. conopiformis - - + +++ - - + + Photo 1-11: S. spuleri, 1: 2: J; S. cephiformis, 3: 4: J; S. tipuliformis, 5: 6: J, 9: J; S. loranthi, 7: 8: J; S. conopiformis, 10: 11: J. Table 3: Abbreviations of pheromones used. pher. pheromone "old api" old pheromone apiformis (empi in Lepid.-Arbeitsgruppe, 2000) pher. trap pheromone trap sof pheromone soffneri ins pheromone insolita tip pheromone tipuliformis fla pheromone flaviventris tab pheromone tabaniformis myo pheromone myopaeformis ves pheromone vespiformis Results Synanthedon cephiformis has a European distribution and occurs in central Europe, parts of western Europe and in the Balkan Peninsula (Laštuvka in Laštuvka, 2001). In Slovenia, this clearwing species is well spread, particularly in forests in the hills of the Dinaric Alps and subalpine part (author's data). The host plant of the larvae is silver fir (Abies alba Mill., Pinaceae) while in the Southern Balkans it is A. cephalonica Loudon and A. borisii-regis Mattf. Numerous larvae regularly live together during the one year (less often two-year) development below the bark of succulent tissues of swellings on trunks and branches caused by the fungus Melamp-sorella caryophyllacearum (DC) Schröt on Abies alba at all elevations. Rarely Viscum (Loranthaceae), growing on Abies or in injured parts of trees, is used as host. Infested trees usually serve several generations of the moth and some of them can eventually contain hundreds of old exit holes. The presence of larvae can be observed externally by characteristic orange grain chips on the surface of the bark. The larvae pupate in a compact cocoon. The flight period of the adults is June to August (Špatenka et al., 1999; Laštuvka in Laštuvka, 2001). The most attractive pheromone for S. cephiformis contains a mixture of three compounds: E2,Z13-18:Ac, Z3, Z13-18:Ac and Z3,Z13-18:OH in a ratio 100:100:5. It attracted 14 males in pheromone traps. This interesting pheromone (under the abbreviation ins) is attractive in Slovenia for males of Synanthedon mesiaeformis (Her-rich-Schäffer, 1846), Paranthrene insolita Le Cerf, 1914, Synanthedon myopaeformis (Borkhausen, 1789) (Predovnik, 2012), S. andrenaeformis (Laspeyres, 1801), S. loranthi (KraUček, 1966), Bembecia albanensis (Rebel, 1918), Chamaesphecia schmidti-iformis (Freyer, 1836) and C. empiformis (Esper, [1783]) (author's data). An alternative attractant for males of S. cephiformis was originally designed for Synanthedon flaviventris (Staudinger, 1883) (Lepidopterologen-Arbeitsgruppe, 2000) and is made of binary compounds E2,Z13-18:Ac and Z3,Z13-18:Ac in a ratio 100:100. Traps baited with this pheromone (under the abbreviation fla) lured 5 males of S. cephiformis. Pheromone fla is also attractive for P insolita and, to a lesser extent for Pyropteron affinis (Staudinger, 1856) (author's data). Lastly, a PRI commercial attractant (under the abbreviation myo) designed for S. myopaeformis (Borkhausen, 1789) also lured 5 males, which considering the large number of pheromone traps baited with pheromone, was a poor result. Nevertheless, this is a very effective pheromone for many other clearwing species, in particular of the genus Bembecia Hübner, 1919. Material: Ljubljansko barje, Jezero, Vitje, 300 m, 16.6.-1.7.2005, pher. trap VARs+, pher. fla (in two traps), 3$ (CCDB-14648 D03, 1$); Logatec, Zaplana, Strmica, 600 m, 16.6.-1.7.2005, pher. trap VARs+, pher. ins (in two traps), 3$; Grosuplje, Hočevje, Brujek, 466 m, 14.6.-1.7.2006, pher. trap VARs+, pher. myo, 1$; Boč, čača vas, Šekličev vrh, 480 m, 19.-24.6.2007, pher. trap RAG, pher. myo, 2$ (CCDB-14648 E08, 1$); Nova Gorica, Ajševica, Lijaško polje, 70 m, 26.6.-2.7.2007, pher. trap RAG, pher. fla, 1$; Kranj, Naklo, Dobrava, 438 m, 3.-13.6.2009, pher. trap RAG, pher. ins, 1$ (CCDB-14648 E03); Dražgoše-Podblica, 808 m, 11.-27.7.2013, pher. trap RAG, pher. ins, 5$ and pher. trap RAG, pher. myo, 2$. Mojstrana, Belca, Jurčkov vrh (soteska potoka Belca), 1014 m, pher. trap UNI, pher. myo, 11.-27.7.2013, 1$. Croatia, Gorski Kotar: Čabar, Gorači, Kajšli, 845 m, 7.-19.7.2009, pher. trap RAG, pher. ins, 4$; Gerovo, Gerovski Kraj, Mladje, 875 m, 7.-19.7.2009, pher. trap VARs+, pher. fla, 1$ (CCDB-14648 F06). Synanthedon loranthi has a European but insufficiently known distribution area. This species occurs in western, central and southern Europe (Laštuvka & Laštuvka, 2001; B^kowski, 2013 a) but is found in Slovenia only in the eastern part of the country (author's data). The larvae live one year - rarely two years - in trunks and branches of Viscum spp. and Loranthus europaeus Jacq., on various tree and bush species from the top to 1.5 meters from the ground. The larvae pupate in a compact cocoon behind the membrane of the emergency hole. Adults occur from May to August (Špatenka et al., 1999; Laštuvka & Laštuvka, 2001). Pheromone traps for this clearwing species should be placed as high as possible on the branches or the tops of young trees, since males do not otherwise fly into them (Bartsch et al., 1997). Only a few non-standard pheromone compositions are known to be attractive for this species. In Slovenia, 14 males were lured into traps baited with pheromone ins (E2,Z13-18:Ac/ Z3,Z13-18:Ac/ Z3,Z13-18:OH in a ratio 100/100/5). Material: Boč, čača vas, Šekličev vrh, 480 m, 19.-24.6.2007, pher. trap RAG, pher. ins, 1$; Ljutomer, Pristava, 172 m, 16.-24.6.2008, pher. trap RAG, pher. ins, 1$ (CCDB-14648 E01); Orešje na Bizeljskem, Kozja peč, Silovec, 401 m, 20.6.-2.7.2012, pher. trap RAG, pher. ins, 12$ (in one trap). Synanthedon spuleri has a Western Palaearctic distribution. It occurs throughout western, central, southern and eastern Europe (B^kowski, 2013a). This clearwing species is widespread in Slovenia but, nevertheless, not many data are available (author's data). The nearly polyphagous larvae live one year, occasionally two years, under the bark of trunks and branches, especially in damaged places, of many wood species. In Slovenia, it is found on Fagus sylvatica L., Corylus avellana L., Carpinus betulus L., Acer sp. (author's data) and Juniperus (Predovnik, 2003). Several other casual food plants are mentioned in the literature: Quercus spp, Salix spp., Populus spp., Ulmus spp., Abies spp., Salix spp., Betulapendula Roth., Picea abies (L.) and Abies alba Mill. (Špatenka et al., 1999; Lepidopterologen-Arbeitsgruppe, 2000; Laštuvka & Laštuvka, 2001; B^kowski, 2013a). During their development, the larvae push granular pellets towards the surface of the bark and they finally pupate in a cocoon constructed from sawdust and silk. Adults fly from May to September (Špatenka et al., 1999; Laštuvka & Laštuvka, 2001) and in warmer years even starting from the end of April (Bartsch et al., 1997). Thirty-one males of S. spuleri were captured only in pheromone traps baited with "old api" pheromone (PRI) with a single compound Z3,Z13-18:oH. This confirmed previous data in the literature about "old api" as a known attractant for this species (Pühringer 1997, www 4.12.2012; Pühringer & Ryrholm, 2000; Lepidopterologen-Arbeitsgruppe, 2000). The recommended pheromone for S. spuleri, with a composition E3,Z13-18Ac and E2,Z1-18Ac in a ratio 10:1 (Lepidopterologen-Arbeitsgruppe, 2000 [after Priesner, Dobler & Voerman, 1986]), has proved to be ineffective for this species in Slovenia but appeared strongly attractive for Synanthedon andrenaeformis (Laspeyres, 1801). Pühringer (www 4.12.2012) mentioned pheromones ves (PRI), designed for Synanthedon vespiformis (Linnaeus, 1761) and tab (PRI) as a poor attractant for S. spuleri, which we were unable to confirm. Material: Godovič, črni vrh, Predgriže, 645 m, 26.6.-2.7.2007, pher. trap VARs+, pher. "old api" (in one trap), 9$ (cCDB-14648 E06, 1$); Kočevsko hribovje, Štalcerji, Štalcerski hrib, 591 m, 28.5.-11.6.2008, pher. trap RAG, pher. "old api", 1$ (CCDB-14648 E10); Kočevski Rog, Stari Log, Šenberg, 372 m, 28.5.-11.6.2008, pher. trap RAG, pher. "old api", 1$; Štanjel, Braniška dolina, Ječmenov hrib, 141 m, 15.-25.6.2009, pher. trap RAG, pher. "old api", 1$ (CCDB-14648 F01); Spodnja Trenta,V Klancu, 559 m, 12.-26.7.2009, pher. trap RAG, pher. "old api", 2$; Godovič, Vrh Zale, 505 m, 5.-16.8.2009, pher. trap RAG, pher. "old api", 1 $; Slovenske Gorice, Hermanci, Strmec, 256 m, 22.6.-1.7.2010, pher. trap RAG, pher. "old api", 1$; Col, Podkraj, Križna gora, 894 m, 12.-25.6.2011, pher. trap RAG, pher "old api" (in one trap), 9$; Kamnik, Županje Njive, Zg. Stahovica, Iverje, 471 m, 8.-17.7.2011, pher. trap RAG, pher. "old api", 5$; Log pod Mangartom, Predel (Predelska trdnjava), 1148 m,, pher. trap RAG, pher. "old api", 1$. Discussion The author primarily used pheromone traps baited with pheromone ins in the field to monitor P. insolita mainly on sites with Quercus spp., in the period from the end of May until the middle of July. Perhaps using these traps in areas with predominantly Abies alba present, they would attract large numbers of S. cephiformis. In two cases, males of S. cephiformis were found in traps baited with pheromone fla, placed in marshes far away from the larval habitat, which confirms reports of the high mobility of males of the genus Synanthedon (Špatenka et al., 1999). In one case, at the same locality, 5 males of S. cephiformis were caught in a pheromone trap baited with pheromone ins and only two males in a pheromone trap baited with pheromone myo. The above mentioned trapping results do not give any information about the attraction period or the daily pheromone activity of males of S. cephiformis nor about their behaviour. In view of the daily sexual activity of males of other related species of the S. tipuliformis group, it can be assumed that males of S. cephiformis are also probably active in early or even late afternoon. 1 % - S. scoliaeformis | BOX-2218 D09 — S. tipuliformis | CCDB-02114 C07 - - S. tipuliformis | CCDB-02114 C06 L S. tipuliformis | CCDB-02114 C08 - S. tipuliformis | BOX-2220 F01 S. cephiformis | CCDB-14648 E03 S. cephiformis | CCDB-14648 F06 i_L S. cephiformis | CCDB-14648 D03 ■ S. cephiformis | CCDB-14648 E08 - S. spuleri I CCDB-14648 F01 _ S. spuleri I CCDB-14648 E06 — S. spulen I CCDB-14648 E10 - S. spuleri I BOX-2220 F05 |— S. loranthi | CCDB-14648 E01 1 S. loranthi \ BOX-2218 H04 Fig. 12: Neighbour joining tree of DNA barcodes of Synanthedon species, showing specimen registry numbers (all specimens from Slovenia, one from Croatia). S. scoliaeformis (Borkhausen, 1789) represents an outgroup. The difference (in %) between 2 specimens is given by the total length of the horizontal lines from the first specimen to the second one. in general, a difference of more than 3 % is considered to be an indication of possibly different species. The fact that different species group together and are well separated from each other indicates that DNA confirms the species status and the determination based on other criteria. Males of S. cephiformis, S. loranthi and S. spuleri have never been found in large quantities in pheromone traps, while males of S. tipuliformis and S. conopiformis are usually found in large number and, in appropriate places, occasionally trapped in masse. The highest numbers of trapped males per trap are 5 males for S. cephiformis, 12 males for S. loranthi and 9 males for S. spuleri. These 12 males of S. loranthi together in single trap baited with pheromone ins suggest that this mixture is perhaps more effective for this species but the available data are insufficient to draw final conclusions. It is necessary in the future to examine the behaviour, daily rhythm of attraction and field responses of males of S. cephiformis to free hanging pheromone lures and to try to find optimal pheromone blends for S. cephiformis, S. loranthi and S. spuleri. Acknowledgment I would like to thank Theo Garrevoet (Antwerp, Belgium) for his help in mediating several pheromone blends, as well as for linguistic help and a critical review of this paper. I am also grateful to Dr. Franz Pühringer (St. Konrad, Austria) for his efforts to make the molecular analyses possible. References Bartsch, D., Bettag, E., Bläsius, R., Blum, E., Kallies, A., Špatenka, K. & Weber, F., 1997: Nachtfalter III: Sesiidae.- Die Schmetterlinge Baden-Württembergs 5: 61-200. 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