APEM jowatal Advances in Production Engineering & Management Volume 12 | Number 3 | September 2017 | pp 285-295 https://doi.Org/10.14743/apem2017.3.259 ISSN 1854-6250 Journal home: apem-journal.org Original scientific paper Predicting the availability of production lines by combining simulation and surrogate model a,b Jia, Y.a, Tian, H.a, Chen, C.a*, Wang, L. aSchool of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun, P.R. China bSchool of Mechanical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, P.R. China A B S T R A C T A R T I C L E I N F O The availability analysis plays a significant part in both the design and operations management of production lines. In this paper, a method combining discrete event simulation (DES) and surrogate model is presented to predict the availability of production lines with unreliable workstations and finite intermediate buffers. The DES can conduct computer experiments for production lines with the help of design of experiments (DOE) under the Matlab environment. The surrogate model is constructed by using Kriging model integrated with Latin hypercube sampling (LHS), which can predict the responses based on a limited set of simulation results. The major advantages of the proposed approach are its flexibility and convenience. Also, it is the first time to investigate Kriging opportunities in predicting the performance of production lines. Finally, an application in a crankshaft production line is presented, and the results indicate that the proposed approach can achieve higher prediction accuracy than the other methods. © 2017 PEI, University of Maribor. All rights reserved. Keywords: Production lines Availability prediction Discrete event simulation (DES) Kriging model Latin hypercube sampling (LHS) *Corresponding author: cchchina@jlu.edu.cn (Chen, C.) Article history: Received 5 May 2017 Revised 22 June 2017 Accepted 10 July 2017 1. Introduction A production line, also known as a transfer line or a flow line, is one of the most important and common types of manufacturing systems employed for high-volume low-variety production of industrial components. Unlike flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) or manufacturing cells (FMC), production lines play a significant role in processing the main products of a plant, and usually require high capital investment. They are often organized with a predetermined sequence of equipment [1] and intermediate buffers arranged in a serial structure and connected by a material handling system. Because of high sensibility to failures, the improvement of production lines' availability is an important issue for the designers or operators to resolve. It is therefore necessary to research the methods for evaluating or predicting the availability of production lines. A review focusing on availability analysis techniques of production lines is given as follows, which can be divided into three groups: exact analytical methods, approximate analytical methods and simulation. Exact analytical methods, which are generally on the basis of queueing models and Markov chain [2], can obtain the exact solutions of steady-state probability, thus providing insight into the qualitative performance of production lines. But they are only suitable for small lines (no more than three-stage) because of the state explosion problem. Based on the two-stage exact models, approximate analytical methods are developed for lines with more machines. The most representative methods are decomposition and aggregation ap- 285 Jia, Tian, Chen, Wang proaches. The common intention of decomposition methods is to decompose an N-machine system into a cluster of N-1 subsystems which contain two pseudo-machines and one original buffer, and to get the result by solving simultaneous equations [3]. Gershwin [4] developed an efficient decomposition method for synchronous lines and it can get accurate results with the help of the Dallery-David-Xie (DDX) algorithm [5]. Afterwards, Burman [6] modified the continuous model for asynchronous lines and presented a new accelerate DDX (ADDX) algorithm. Other extensions of decomposition method can be found in [7-9]. Compared with decomposition methods, aggregation methods are more straightforward and simpler. The general idea is to aggregate the original line into one unique equivalent machine by iteratively replacing a two-machine one-buffer subline [10]. Meerkov and his group have obtained some achievements on aggregation methods. Detailed descriptions are summarized in [11], and a corresponding software called PSE Toolbox is developed. Although approximate analytical methods have been fully investigated, there is a limitation for wide application: all the distributions have to be limited to special forms, such as geometric or exponential. Compared with analytical approaches, simulation can build the models of production lines at any requested level of detail [12] without being restricted by assumptions such as specified distributions. Consequently, discrete event simulation (DES) has been proved to be the ideal tool for exhibiting the dynamics of complex manufacturing process, and meanwhile, the accuracy can be controlled. Because of the applicability and practicability, DES has been widely used for predicting and optimizing the performance of production lines [13-15]. Furthermore, some authors [16-18] investigated the real production lines by means of case studies. A comprehensive discussion of many important aspects of discrete event simulation is given by Law [19] from fundamentals to applications. In addition, many commercial software packages (e.g., Flexsim, Witness, Plant Simulation, Arena, etc.) have been designed specifically to simulate manufacturing systems, thus increasing the popularity of simulation in recent years. Despite the modelling flexibility and great ease of use, DES is usually time-consuming, particularly at the initial design stage when lots of system parameters are indeterminate. Although high-performance computers are developed, a lot of computing time and resources are still necessary to obtain statistically significant results. To overcome the limitations of the above methods, an integrated simulation-surrogate model methodology is presented to predict the availability of production lines in this paper. For reasons of generality, our research is limited to the analysis of discrete serial-parallel lines with unreliable workstations and finite intermediate buffers. The rest of the article is organized as follows. Production line description, assumptions and symbols are described in Section 2. Section 3 proposes a general DES to simulate the production process and obtain the production lines' availability. Section 4 outlines a surrogate model combined with LHS and Kriging model for prediction. An application in a rough machining production line for crankshaft is presented in Section 5. Finally, conclusions and prospects close the paper in Section 6. 2. Production line model, assumptions and symbols 2.1 Production line description A discrete production line is often organized with workstations connected in product-flow layout and separated by intermediate buffers. A workstation may be composed of several machines in series/parallel or just one machine (in this case the terms "workstation" and "machine" are used interchangeably). The graphical-based structural model of an N-workstation production line is given in Fig. 1, where workstations are represented by squares and buffers are represented by circles. In a production line, workpieces from outside enter the system from the first workstation WS1. Each workpiece is processed by WS1 within operation time T1, after which it is transferred to the first buffer Bi. Then it moves in the direction of arrows until it is finished by the last workstation WSn, and exits the system. 286 Advances in Production Engineering & Management 12(3) 2017 Predicting the availability of production lines by combining simulation and surrogate model Tl Cl Cn-1 Tn Cn TnH Cn-1 Tn Fig. 1 The block diagram of an N-workstation production line In the real production operations, the machines always experience random breakdowns. Consequently, failure of one workstation may affect all other workstations upstream and downstream. This complex phenomenon is generally regarded as perturbation propagation [11], which makes the analysis of the production line difficult. To limit the propagation of disruptions, buffers are usually placed between workstations. In fact, buffers are capable to provide continuity by means of saving parts from the upstream subsystem and releasing parts to the downstream subsystem. The buffer inventory can provide a period of isolation time [20] for maintenance actions before the buffer becomes empty or full without bringing down the entire system immediately. From this point of view, buffers alleviate this mutual interference by decoupling adjacent workstations from "rigid" connection to "elastic" connection. Except the failures of machines, another reason for line inefficiency is the workstations' interference: starvation and blocking. A workstation is called starved when its upstream buffer is empty (buffer inventory is 0). It is said to be blocked when its downstream buffer is full (buffer inventory is its maximum capacity Cn). Taking WSn as an example, starvation is the phenomenon that when WSn has finished a workpiece it is forced to wait because Bn-i is empty. When a workstation is up, it is said to be busy when it is processing a workpiece, and is said to be idle when it is either starved or blocked. Generally, uptimes (including busy times and idle times) and downtimes exhibit statistical regularity, and can be expressed as independent and identically distributed random variables. Thus, the state is summarized as follows: !( busy up j idle \?r,ed blocked down As mentioned above, the parallel machines are simplified to one workstation in this research (see Fig. 1). They are generally used to balance the production line, and have the same operation as well as configuration in most situations. They are therefore assumed to have identical operation time as well as parameter distributions. Thus the workstation's operation time equals to the machines' operation time divided by the number of parallel machines. Moreover, we defined "degradation ratio" as the production capacity coefficient of the workstation when one of the parallel machines is down. For example, the degradation ratio is 2/3 when the workstation contains three parallel machines. Without loss of generality, let it be 0 in the series case. 2.2 Assumptions The following additional assumptions are also used: (a) As the supply and storage of production line are beyond the scope of this research and they are considered to be infinite. In other words, WSi is never starved and WSn is never blocked. (b) Scheduled downtimes such as breaks, meetings, and preventative maintenance are not concerned in this paper. (c) Operation time of each workstation which contains transfer time and setup time is constant because most gantry robots and machines are controlled by predetermined NC code. (d) Failures don't destroy workpieces. Therefore, the workpieces remain at the machines during maintenance, and processing resumes when the machines are up. Advances in Production Engineering & Management 12(3) 2017 287 Jia, Tian, Chen, Wang (e) The two-parameter Weibull distribution is employed to model uptimes and downtimes. Although the proposed DES model is appropriate for any distributed workstations, the Weibull distribution is one of the most common distributions in reliability engineering and can be conveniently transformed into exponential distribution, which is widely used in analytical approaches. 2.3 Symbols of system parameters It is necessary to present a summary of the symbols as well as their explanations used in this research. The system input and output parameters are listed in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. Table 1 The input parameters of model Notations Explanation of the notations Total number of workstations Operation time of WSn, and T =(Ti, T2, •••, Tn)t Maximum capacity of Bn (including the space at WSn+1), and C =(Ci, C2, •••, Cn-i)t Degradation ratio of WSn, and D =(Di, D2, •••, Dn)t, Dn£[0, 1) Uptime of WSn before the ith failure, and UTn = {utni, utn2, •••, utni, •••} Downtime of WSn during the ith failure, and DTn ={dtni, dtn2, •••, dtni, •••} Scale parameter of Weibull distribution for WSn, and a =(ai, a2, •••, aN)T Shape parameter of Weibull distribution for WSn, and p = (3i, P2, •••, Pn)t Simulation time Warmup period Number of independent replications of the simulation N Tn Cn Dn utni dtni an ßn tsim twarmup r Table 2 The output parameters of model Notations Explanation of the notations kn(t) Inventory level of Bn at time t, and 0 < kn(t)< Cn ctn(t) Cumulative busy time of WSn at time t opn(t) Output of WS n at time t m State of WSn at time t, and sn = Dn during downtime, sn =1 during busy time, sn = "starved" or "blocked" n( ) during idle time OP Total amount of output, and OP = opN(tsim) OPh(t) Hourly output of system at time t MTBF Mean time between failures, and MTBFn = utn MTTR Mean time to repair, and MTTRn = dtn Availability of the whole line, defined as the probability of system being processing. Actually, in the A steady state, if no failures occur, the system can process a workpiece in every bottleneck operation time Tmax, which is the maximum operation time of workstations. Thus, the total processing time of system is OP x Tmax, and A = OP x Tmax/tsim. 3. Discrete event simulation In this section a general DES is developed under Matlab environment to simulate the manufacturing process of production lines. The simulation model can provide real-time information on operating characteristics, and evaluate the availability of production lines with various input parameters. Meanwhile, it has a good compatibility with subsequent surrogate model programs. 3.1 Simulation process The flow chart of the proposed DES is shown in Fig. 2 and the main steps are described as follows: (a) Set the input parameters for the DES model: N, T, C, D, tsim, and twarmup. (b) Initialization of k„(0), ct„(0) and op„(0) for every buffer and workstation with the default values all zero. (c) Generate sample sets UTn and DTn with required distribution by Monte Carlo technique for every workstation. Accumulate and sort these data in chronological order until tsim ends. 288 Advances in Production Engineering & Management 12(3) 2017 Predicting the availability of production lines by combining simulation and surrogate model (d) Scan the real-time state for every workstation and buffer at each time unit by means of a nested loop, of which the outer loop runs from t = 1 to t = tsim and the inner loop runs from n = 1 to n = N. In this process, discriminate WSn between up and down according to the samples obtained from step (c). If WSn is up, discriminate WSn between busy and idle according to kn-i(t-l) and kn(t-1). Then record kn(t), ctn(t), opn(t) and Sn(t). (e) Calculate OP, OPh and A at the end of simulation. Fig. 2 The flow chart of DES model for production lines 3.2 Validation The validation of proposed DES model was conducted by comparing the results with Plant Simulation software in different lines. We investigated 4 cases as follows, with the configuration details in Table 3: Case 1: Synchronous series line with same workstations; Case 2: Synchronous series line with different workstations; Case 3: Asynchronous series-parallel line, also be described in Section 5; Case 4: Asynchronous series-parallel line with different buffers and Weibull workstations. We performed r = 100 independent repeated trials with each of simulation length tsim = 1440 h (3 m x 30 d x 16 h). The average results, which are summarized in Table 4, indicate that the percentage errors of OP are extremely small. That means the proposed DES model is practicable. Advances in Production Engineering & Management 12(3) 2017 289 Jia, Tian, Chen, Wang Table 3 Configuration details of 4 cases Parameters Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 N 5 5 5 5 T (s) (200,200,200,200,200) (200,200,200,200,200) (180,200,190,180,190) (180,200,190,180,190) K (10,10,10,10) (10,10,10,10) (10,10,10,10) (10,15,10,15) D (0,0,0,0,0) (0,0,0,0,0) (0,0,0.5,0,0) (0,0,0.5,0,0) UT (h) a (400,400,400,400,400) (400,600,350,300,450) (400,600,350,300,450) (400,600,350,300,450) ß (1,1,1,1,1) (1,1,1,1,1) (1,1,1,1,1) (1.2,0.8,1.2,0.8,1.2) DT (h) a (2,2,2,2,2) (1.5,2,2.5,3,1.5) (1.5,2,2.5,3,1.5) (1.5,2,2.5,3,1.5) ß (1,1,1,1,1) (1,1,1,1,1) (1,1,1,1,1) (0.8,1.2,0.8,1.2,0.8) Table 4 Simulation results of Plant Simulation and the DES in proposed approach Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Parameters- - - - _Matlab PS Error, % Matlab PS Error, % Matlab PS Error, % Matlab PS Error, % OP 25351 25369 -0.0710 25294 25301 -0.0277 25480 25486 -0.0235 25505 25511 -0.0235 3.3 Warm-up The start-up or initial transient problem is a common problem in simulation process. In order to ensure that observations can represent steady-state behaviour, the warming up or initial-data deletion technique is often suggested. In this research, a graphical procedure proposed by Welch is employed to choose the warm-up period (see [19]). This procedure can smooth out the plot of observations based on r independent replications of the simulation and moving average with w (where w is the window, a parameter to adjust the smoothness). Output parameters OPh(t) is selected as the observation, because A is closely related to OP. Taking case 3 as an example, the moving averages for OPh(t) with w = 50 h are shown Fig. 3. From the plot we chose a warmup period of twarmup = 80 h (5 d x 16 h). i-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1--1-r o 15.5 - 15 - " 14.5 - - ,4I_I_I_I_I_I_I_I_I_I__I_I_I_I_ 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 time/h Fig. 3 Moving averages for OPh(t) with w = 50 h 4. Prediction based on Surrogate Model To increase the efficiency, design of experiments (DOE) [21] technique is usually integrated into the simulation, which also be referred to as computer experiments or simulation experiments [22]. This technique can help us to explore the relationship between input parameters (factors) and performance measures (responses) with the least amount of simulating. Another use of DOE is to construct a surrogate model, also known as metamodel or response surfaces, which is a simplified model of the simulation model for representing the quantitative relationship between factors and responses [23]. Fig. 4 illustrates the relationship of different models. Surrogate model provides one approach to predict the responses from a limited set of simulated factor-level configurations. In this section, a prediction method based on surrogate model, which combines Latin hypercube sampling (LHS) and Kriging model, is presented to predict the availability of production lines. 290 Advances in Production Engineering & Management 12(3) 2017 Predicting the availability of production lines by combining simulation and surrogate model Real world system ; 1 Spg ij¡lf]| t„ c„ rn+] Graphical-based structural model ^^ !—, ^^ ,—, A = YG(X1>X2>-XG) SP ition ation Matlab Decomposition ' Plant Simulation Aggregation DES model DOE: LHS SE Analytical model ^ = ^A > X2 ' ' " XA ) Kriging model Surrogate model A = Ys(x1,X2,'-Xs) + £ I Accuracy comparison Fig. 4 The relationship of different models 4.1 Latin hypercube sampling As a kind of space filling design, LHS is widely used for computer experiments because its stratification property allows it to cover the input domain uniformly in a relatively small sample size. A LHS with p sample points in q dimensions is written as an p x q matrix X = [xlt x2, •••, xp]T, in which each column represents a factor and each row Xj = [x_/(i), */(2),'", xj(q)] represents a sample. Firstly, a LHS divides each dimension into p equal levels and gets pq grids. Then select p of them to make that exactly one is selected at each level. Finally, generate one point randomly in every grid and get p sample points. To get better uniformity, various criterions are available to optimize the design. In this paper, the LHS experiment plan was created by Matlab function Ihsdesign with maxmin criterion (maximize minimum distance between points) in 40 iterations. For example, Fig. 5 shows a LHS with 100 sample points for variation of workstations' reliability parameters, which is in the range of MTBFe [-200, 200] h and MTTR e [-1, 1] h. 0.8, 0.6 0.4 ^ 0.2 K o E-h § -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -200 -160 -120 -80 -40 0 40 80 120 160 200 MTBF/ h Fig. 5 A 100 x 2 LHS experiment plan 4.2 Kriging model Kriging is a popular interpolation methodology for computer experiments to construct a cost-effective model as a surrogate to the tedious and time-consuming engineering simulation. Actually, the Kriging is the best linear unbiased interpolation and has the ease of immediate validation by measuring its uncertainty [24]. Compared with traditional polynomial regression, Kriging can give better global predictions because it assumes that the prediction errors are correlated, i.e., gives more weight to 'neighbouring' observations [25]. In Kriging model, the simulation output at design point x is defined as: Y(x) = b(x)TA + Z(x) (1) Advances in Production Engineering & Management 12(3) 2017 291 Jia, Tian, Chen, Wang This model is built by adding up two terms: The first term, which represents the global trend, is a linear combination where b(x) is a vector of given basis functions of x, and A is a vector of unknown coefficients need to be estimated from the simulation results. The second one Z(x) is a local bias expressed by a second-order stationary random process with mean zero and covari-ance Cov[Z(x),Z(x')] =ct2R(||x — x'||;0), where a2 can be elucidated as the variance of Z(x) for all x, and R is the spatial correlation function (SCF) that depends on the 'distances' ||x — x'|| (Euclidean norm). For simplification, the form R(||* — *'||;0) = n^=i^(|xO) _X(V)|; ^O)) is used for studying q-dimensional problems. The parameters a2 and 6 are estimated from the experimental data. There are two steps to build a surrogate model by Kriging: modelling and prediction. Firstly, model Y(x), i.e., estimate the unknown parameters based on the simulated points. Secondly, predict the availability of production lines for given points. We performed these tasks by using a Matlab toolbox called DACE (Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments) [26]. The basis functions b(x) are commonly expressed as polynomials of orders d = 0, 1 or 2. For SCF, the toolbox provides seven types and we choose three of them: exponential, Gaussian and spherical, which are defined as follows, respectively: Rexp(l*-*'l;0) = exp(-0|x-x'|) (2) ^GaussC*- x'l;6) = exp(—0|x — x'|2> (3) Ksph(l*-*'l;0) = 1 - 1.5^ + 0.5i=1 MAPE - x ^ 'J=U V] RMSE = X 100% (5) M HU»-9'? (6) = (7) where y7- is the simulated value and y7- is the forecast value. For the first two indicators, a value closer to zero means a better fit. With respect to R2, it can take any value between zero and one, and the higher the value, the better accuracy of predictions will be. 5. Case study In this section, a rough machining production line before heat treatment for car crankshaft is given to illustrate application of the proposed method. It is organized with five workstations, among which the third one is composed of two parallel machines (see Fig. 6). The operating content is described in Table 5, and the design parameter is the same as Case 3 in Section 3.2. 380 s 380 s Fig. 6 The block diagram of crankshaft production line 292 Advances in Production Engineering & Management 12(3) 2017 Predicting the availability of production lines by combining simulation and surrogate model Table 5 The operating content of crankshaft production line No. Operating content OP1 Milling two end faces and location seam, drilling center hole OP2 Turning rear and front journals OP3 Finishing turning rear and front journals, main journals and undercuts OP4 Milling pin journals, undercuts and outer rings of balancers OP5 Drilling vertical/oblique oil holes and chamfers To investigate how equipment management influences the performance of the whole line, the availability was predicted at different levels of workstations' reliability and maintainability. We made r = 100 independent replications of the proposed DES with tsim = 1440 h and twarmup = 80 h for p = 100 sample points obtained via experiment plan in Section 4.1. These average simulated values of A are shown by black scatter points in Fig. 7. Then we built the Kriging model from above simulation result, and made predictions for grid points with step sizes of MTBF = 40 h and MTTR = 0.2 h. Another simulation was performed for these grid points as verification group by Plant Simulation software. Fig. 7 displays the predictions obtained from Kriging model with second-order basis functions and Gaussian correlation function. We can see that the surface basically overlaps that of simulated values, which demonstrates that the prediction accuracy is high enough. Meanwhile, the response surface proves that A is an increasing function of MTBF and a decreasing function of MTTR. Fig. 7 Response surface of availability A We also compared various Kriging models with four other methods to show the accuracy of the proposed method. They are moving least square (MLS) method with Gaussian weight function [27], Matlab function griddata with v4 method, aggregation approximate method [11] and semi-analytical simulation [28]. The first two methods interpolate the same sample points and act like Kriging model. The results (listed in Table 6) indicate that Kriging models have the lowest MAPE, RMSE and the highest R2, which means that the proposed method provides better predictions than the other four methods. The methods combining simulation and surrogate model are generally better than analytical methods. Furthermore, for Kriging models, Gaussian correlation function delivers better performance, and the other two perform basically the same. The ideal basis function is second-order polynomial. Table 6 Prediction accuracy of availability A Method MAPE (x 10 2) RMSE (x 10 R2 d = 0 d = 1 d = 2 d = 0 d = 1 d = 2 d = 0 d = 1 d = 2 Exponential Kriging 6.9253 6.7465 5.4850 10.835 9.4687 7.2949 0.99034 0.99262 0.99562 Gaussian Kriging 4.2619 4.3389 4.1437 5.8173 5.9956 5.7200 0.99721 0.99704 0.99731 Spherical Kriging 6.6904 6.3328 5.6112 10.596 8.7454 7.3571 0.99076 0.99370 0.99554 Gaussian MLS 46.527 17.823 6.5864 67.015 23.145 8.8208 0.63028 0.95590 0.99359 Griddata with v4 8.5439 12.922 0.98625 Aggregation approximate 65.843 76.846 0.51385 Semi-analytical simulation 11.139 15.356 0.98059 Advances in Production Engineering & Management 12(3) 2017 293 Jia, Tian, Chen, Wang 6. Conclusion and further research In this paper, a new procedure has been proposed to predict the availability of discrete production lines with unreliable workstations and finite buffers. The main advantages are its flexibility and property that it is not restricted by specified distributions. This procedure consists of two phases: DES and surrogate model. The first phase involves conducting computer experiments to obtain the availability of production lines under different system parameters with the help of DOE. These input parameters can describe production lines with different structures, operation times, uptimes, downtimes and buffer capacities. The second phase aims to predict the availability based on the simulated results by surrogate model. It is constructed by combining Kriging model and LHS. A case study of crankshaft production line has shown that the proposed method was practical. It provided better predictions than other interpolation methods, approximate analytical method and semi-analytical simulation. For Kriging model, Gaussian correlation function and second-order basis function predicted with the best performance. We also got the response surface of whole line availability versus workstations' MTBF and MTTR. The main contribution of this paper are developing a new DES under Matlab environment and importing Kriging model to the domain of modeling the availability of production lines. Although the proposed method was flexible and accurate, the downside is that its efficiency is still lower than analytical methods. Since the method is based on DES, the time-consuming problem will inevitably emerge. Even though LHS and Kriging help a lot, there is still room for improvement, especially for the long lines. In the future, we will investigate the prediction of other performance measures with more input parameters for higher dimensions, such as speed losses, defect losses or process failure. Moreover, sensitivity analysis methods should be helpful to gain a deeper understanding of the relationships between factors and responses. It would also be interesting to observe the performance of other DOE techniques and surrogate models. Acknowledgement This paper is based upon work supported by: 1. National Science and Technology Major Project of China (Grant No. 2014ZX04002031, Grant No. 2014ZX04014010); 2. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51505186); 3. Graduate Innovation Fund of Jilin University (Project 2016027). The authors would like to thank the editors and referees for their helpful comments and insightful advice. References [1] Lv, Y., Zhang, J., Qin, W. (2017). A genetic regulatory network-based sequencing method for mixed-model assembly lines, Advances in Production Engineering & Management, Vol. 12, No. 1, 62-74, doi: 10.14743/apem2017.1. 240. [2] Govil, M.K., Fu, M.C. (1999). Queueing theory in manufacturing: A survey, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 18, No. 3, 214-240, doi: 10.1016/S0278-6125(99)80033-8. [3] Dallery, Y., Gershwin, S.B. (1992). Manufacturing flow line systems: A review of models and analytical results, Queueing Systems, Vol. 12, No. 1-2, 3-94, doi: 10.1007/BF01158636. [4] Gershwin, S.B. (1987). 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