Prejeto / Received: 14.6.2010 Sprejeto / Accepted: 19.8.2010 Check list of Slovenian Microlepidoptera Tone LESAR(t), Marijan GOVEDIČ1 1 Center za kartografijo favne in flore, Klunova 3, SI-1000 Ljubljana; e-mail: Abstract. A checklist of the Microlepidoptera species recorded in Slovenia is presented. Each entry is accompanied by complete references, and remarks where appropriate. Until now, the data on Microlepidopteran fauna of Slovenia have not been compiled, with the existing information scattered in literature, museums and private collections throughout Europe. The present checklist is based on records extracted from 290 literature sources published from 1763 (Scopoli) to present. In total, 1645 species from 56 families are listed. Keywords: Microlepidoptera, checklist, Slovenia, fauna Izvleček. SEZNAM METULJČKOV (MICROLEPIDOPTERA) SLOVENIJE - Predstavljen je seznam vrst metuljčkov, zabeleženih v Sloveniji. Za vsako vrsto so podane reference, kjer je bilo smiselno, pa tudi komentar. Do sedaj podatki o metuljčkih Slovenije še niso bili zbrani, obstoječi podatki pa so bili razpršeni v različnih pisnih virih, muzejskih in zasebnih zbirkah po Evropi. Predstavljeni seznam temelji na podatkih iz 290 pisnih virov, objavljenih od 1763 (Scopoli) do danes. Skupaj je navedenih 1645 vrst iz 56 družin. Ključne besede: Microlepidoptera, seznam vrst, Slovenija, živalstvo NATURA SLOVENIAE 12(1): 35-125 ZOTKS Gibanje znanost mladini, Ljubljana, 2010 Introduction Along with beetles (Coleoptera), butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera) are one of the most attractive groups for the amateur insect collectors, although the number of researchers professionally engaged in these two groups is relatively high as well. Adequate to the quantity of the collected data, both groups are therefore relatively well researched, if compared with diptera that have been, except for certain families, studied to a much smaller extent. In numerous European countries, lists of species registered in their territories have thus been made. In the 1967-1983 period, 17 works with integral review lists of animal species in the territory of the former Yugoslavia were published within the collection of Catalogus faunae Jugoslaviae, while the presence of species was presented per separate republics as well. Some vertebrate and invertebrate groups were analysed, too. Among insects, stoneflies (Sivec 1980), leathery-winged insects (Us & Matvejev 1967), a beetle subfamily (Pretner 1968) and the group of diptera (Glumac 1972) were dealt with, whereas butterflies were not treated at all. In the ensuing few decades, lists of other Slovenian insect groups were published, i.e. true bugs (Heteroptera) with some supplements (Gogala & Gogala 1986, 1989), bees (Apoidea) (Gogala 1991, 1994, 1999), hoverflies (Syrphidae) (De Groot & Govedič 2008) and cicadas (Auchenorrhyncha) (Gogala & Gogala 1999), which are all regularly supplemented. In the last few years, some beetle (Coleoptera) groups have also been dealt with (Brelih et al. 2003, 2006, Vienna et al. 2008), to mention just the larger groups. In 1992, Carnelutti presented, trough the Red List, the first integral list of all Slovenian butterflies and moths from the traditionally treated and nontaxonomically specified group of Macrolepidoptera. Micromoths (Microlepidoptera), presented by this article, were not dealt with by Carnelutti (1992a), who analysed only the families Hepialidae, Psychidae, Limacodidae, Heterogynidae, Zygaenidae, Sesiidae, Cossidae and Thyrididae, considering that they had been classified as macrolepidopterans in the past. The first person to publish a text on Lepidoptera from our territory was Joannes Antonius Scopoli in his Entomologica Carniolica (Scopoli 1763). The past studies of Microlepidoptera reflect very much the political situation in the territory of Slovenia. In the times of the Habsburg Monarchy, Josef Johann Mann (1854, 1866), Phillip Christoph Zeller (1868), Egon Galvagni (1910) and Hans Rebel (1989, 1905-1910) published their works on Lepidoptera of the Monarchy, with today's Slovenia included. When, between 1920 and 1940, large parts of Slovenia were occupied by Italy, Hermann Stauder (1929-1933) collected specimens in the western part of Slovenia, as far as Postojna to the east. Particularly active in the Štajerska region were Karl Prohaska, Fritz Hoffmann and Rudolf Klos (see Lesar & Habeler 2007), while in the former Carniola these insects were studied mainly by Mate and Ivan Hafner and, eventually, by the latter's son Ivan Hafner. Mate Hafner was predominantly a collector with very few publications about his findings, while Ivan Hafner, Sr. published, between 1909 and 1912, until then the most extensive evaluation of Carniolan Lepidoptera (Hafner 1909-1912). The specimens sent by him to his colleagues are currently kept in various collections all over Europe and are often used^ in more recent scientific monographs as well. Soon after World War II, Jan Carnelutti and Štefan Michieli began to publish, in the Biološki vestnik (Biological Jornal), faunistic contributions on Lepidoptera, including micromoths (Carnelutti & Michieli 1955, 1960). They published particularly their interesting finds and the so-called new species for the Slovenian fauna, in spite of the fact that the butterfly and moths species evaluation had never been published before. The trend of publishing texts on merely »new« species for Slovenia, especially as macrolepidopterans are concerned, continues even these days. The list of butterflies (Rhopalocera), which in Slovenia comprise less than 200 species, is relatively short if compared with the estimate that Slovenia is inhabited by about 3,500-3,700 Lepidoptera species (Habeler & Gomboc 2005). The trend of publishing records of »new« micromoth species for Slovenia fell after 2000; particularly rare are articles by foreign researchers or collectors. The latter is almost certainly not the result of a thorough knowledge of our lepidopteran fauna, but of the non-existence of an official list of registered species that would serve as reference. Somewhat better is the evaluation in the sphere of »pests«, given that finds of some »new« species for Slovenia, well known particularly to agronomists, have been published in the last few years (e.g. Gomboc & Jankovič 2001, Gomboc 2003a, Seljak 2005a, b). The absence of an official list and review sources is also the reason for the insufficient quotations of Slovenian species in European evaluations (Karsholt & Razowski 1996, Karsholt & Van Nieukerken 2010) and other general overviews, or there are even statements that species are not present in Slovenia (e.g. Fazekas 2009). Despite the fact that species know no political boundaries and that their distribution is closely associated with biogeographical factors, registration of the presence of species with regard to political boundaries and thus the preparation of national lists is still topical and will remain so for a long time. Specifically, the list of species is only the first step in the preparation of lists of nationally and more broadly endangered species and proposals as to their protection. Publication of the first list often provokes an avalanche of new publications, as numerous collectors are enabled to present immediate evaluations of their finds, which no longer demand a review of all possible dispersed literature. For example, after the publishing of the list of Štajerska microlepidopterans (Lesar & Habeler 2005), no less than 20 »new« species for Štajerska (Lesar & Verovnik 2008, Lesar et al. 2009) were published as early as in the ensuing year. This article presents a list of Slovenian micromoths, based on the review of the existing sources that have not been compiled as yet. The list, however, does not include the species the specimens of which are scattered in museum and private collections in our country and elsewhere in Europe, which means that supplements to our check list are expected. Methods Each reported species is accompanied by: a) Latin name, full name of the author and year of publication; b) taxonomical remarks where possible; c) the list of records published in Slovenia, arranged according to the year of publication; d) short comment where necessary. Species are listed according to the system by Huemer & Tarmann (1993), marking families. The families Hepialidae, Psychidae, Limacodidae, Heterogynidae, Zygaenidae, Sesiidae, Cossidae and Thyrididae, which were in the 1992 Red List (Carnelutti 1992a) still classified as macrolepidopterans, are considered as microlepidopterans, too. Information on the presence of species has been deduced from: primary sources (i), in which the origin of the information and often the year of sampling or even the date are clearly stated; secondary sources (ii), in which the origin of the information is clearly stated; other popular sources (iii), in which the origin of the information is unclear. Apart from published sources, information obtained from the so-called grey literature (e.g. Accetto et al. 1994, 1996a,b, Carnelutti 1975) is also included. As numerous faunistic data obtained through research are often not published at all, grey literature for the preparation of species list has also been taken into consideration in, for example, Brelih et al. (2006) and Jogan et al. (2001). Studies of this kind usually contain extensive information on all registered species of a certain area and not on only rare ones, which are generally the subject of the published studies. For the making of the first list of Slovenian micromoths, numerous old sources have been examined. As political-historical conditions, such as changing of the state border, had to be taken into consideration, the sources from the titles of which one cannot conclude that they comprise information from the territory of modern-day Slovenia also had to be examined, for example Rogenhofer (1858) »Neue Schmetterlinge aus Oesterreich«. At the same time, the data for places that are no longer located in the territory of Slovenia had to be excluded. These are particularly in Austrian Carinthia and in the vicinity of Trieste. When considering older sources, which mostly do not include precise locations of certain finds, we have accepted some arbitrary decisions in the selection of data from the vicinity of the present state border. The fact is that in old literature data are mostly bound just to larger settlements, or to separate mountains in the Alpine region. Arbitrarily, we have taken into consideration all quotations from the period prior to 1941 (e.g. Hafner 1909-1912, Mann 1854, Stauder 1929-1933) for all larger settlements along the present border that are today located in the territory of Slovenia (e.g. Solkan, Miren, Vipolze). On the other hand, we did not take into consideration older quotations for the places that today lie on the Italian side of the border (e.g. Gropada, Dolina near Trieste). The exact locating of these records is, however, not possible. For the period after 1945, the decision was much simpler, as we presume that the observers did not cross the state border. A different arbitrary decision was reached for the places that were after 1945 annexed to the neighbouring countries and in the vicinity of which new towns were built. Thus we took into consideration all data from the pre-1941 period from Hafner (1909-1912), Stauder (19291933) and Mann (1854), stated for Gorz or Gorizia, and from Martinek (1875), stated for Bad Radkersburg. Both towns are today located outside Slovenia, with the new towns of Nova Gorica and Gornja Radgona built in their immediate vicinity. We infer that the actual finds were registered around these towns, therefore in the territory of modern-day Slovenia as well. We further took into consideration the species from Entomologia Carniolica (Scopoli 1763), except those for which Trieste is explicitly stated. General quotations, like »Krain« and »Carniolia« in old literature, and »Slowenien« or »Slovenia« in modern literature, are always included in the check list. The stated »Julijske Alpe« (e.g. Huemer 1991) were also paid regard to, as part of them lies in Italian territory. We had to make a decision for the border mountains as well, given that today's border with Austria that was drawn in 1920 after the Carinthian Plebiscite runs along numerous mountain peaks. As far as general data for border mountains are concerned, we took into consideration, as a rule, the data from the period after 1945, if they were published by Slovenian authors or were published as a contribution to the Slovenian or Yugoslav Lepidoptera fauna. On the other hand, they were not taken into account if they were published by Austrian authors or were published as a contribution to the Austrian Lepidoptera fauna. The quotations regarding mountain peaks were taken into consideration in both cases. Although borders can be crossed freely after 1991, the localities of samplings are now drawn and written much more accurately. For the sources from the period prior to 1920, the arbitrary decision on taking (or not taking) into consideration a separate information was usually passed at the level of a separate source. In older sources, the path of the ascent to a certain mountain is usually described, from which the locations of samplings can be reconstructed. When authors stated precise locations for an inner area, e.g. the area of Karavanke Mts in Galvagni (1910), we took into consideration only those that are today located in the territory of Slovenia. At the same time we took into consideration, in the same work, the general quotation, e.g. Karavanke Mts, as we presumed that the author stated the species for a wider area, as it was common and therefore did not state a more precise locality. Somewhat different decision was reached for the statements given by Thurner (1937, 1955, 1958, 1961), where no general quotations for Mt Peca were taken into consideration. For other places along the Mura and Kolpa rivers we reached a different decision than in the case of Gornja Radgona. Namely, we took into account only those places that lie in Slovenia, in spite of the fact that at least for some samplings we could probably presuppose that while searching for light, specimens from the area on our side of the border could have also been caught. The general species distribution maps were taken into consideration only if the actual localities were drawn on them. The details such as »all over Europe« or »in the whole of Yugoslavia« were not taken into account either, except for those where Slovenia was clearly stated. Neither did we include the sources, from which it was indeed clear that they concerned today's Slovenia, but this was not explicitly written in them (e.g. in all Yugoslav Republics). During the survey of old sources, the new nomenclature had to be also taken into account. The nomenclature used generally follows Huemer & Tarmann (1993), Karsholt & Razowski (1996), Leraut (1997, 2002, 2003, 2005), Gaedike & Heinicke (1999), Arenberger (1995, 2002, 2005), Elsner et al. (1999), Razowski (2001, 2002, 2003), Goater et al. (2005), Tokar et al. (2005) and other relevant contributions and studies by different authors from 2005 to 2009. Notwithstanding, some names could not be traced back via synonymy. As the latter are not valid and neither synonymised at the same time, they are stated separately. Owing to the great extensiveness of the matter, no indefinable taxa are stated for the time being from Scopoli (1763), from which only the valid names or known synonyms are given. In synonymisation of older names we were greatly aided by Staudiger & Wocke (1871) and Kennel (1921). Results The species list, which includes 1645 species from 56 families, is based on data from 290 literature sources published from 1763 (Scopoli) till today. We must emphasize that our checklist is a review, not a revision, and that data have been gleaned from the literature. This is the reason why judgments as to possible incorrectly presented species for Slovenia are given only exceptionally. In a separate list 24 species are listed as excluded from the fauna of Slovenia. All the species stated for Slovenia are dealt with. In the list, we have kept some species that are believed by some people not to be present in Slovenia, with the existing data probably based on incorrect determinations. Decisions of this kind are possible only through well-founded substantiations and authentication of museal material which, however, is not the purpose of this work. Additionally, a list of taxa with uncertain status is given. The list further includes the species whose only source is the Red List or the List of Protected Species in Slovenia (Anonymous 2002, 2004), despite the fact that we have found no primary sources that would confirm the finds of these species in Slovenia. For the species Caryocolum peregrinella, Jordanita graeca, Phtheochroa fuivicinctana, Cochylimorpha halophllana, EupoeciHa sanguisorbana, Choristoneura lafauryana, Eucosma flavispecula, Hypsotropa Umbeiia, Eudonia angustea, Diasemiopsis ramburiais and Agdistis intermedia we thus expect an early publishing of the finds, the same as a years later, for Bembecia himmighoffeni, Catoptria pauperellus, Schoenobius gigantella and Atraiata albofasciaiis (Predovnik 2005, Habeler & Gomboc 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008). For several species, the only source used is secondary literature (e.g. Rothe 1902), which predominantly states data for larger areas (Carniola, Slovenia), although we, the authors of this article, are in no position to give a judgment on the correctness of the statements therein. Several species that appear in the list are referred to only in Scopoli (1763) (e.g. Cauchas leucocerella, Coieophora vestianella) or in Mann (1854) or Zeller (1868) and have no longer been confirmed for Slovenia in the last 100 years. Apart from all species described by Scopoli (1763) in Entomologia Carniolica, places in Slovenia can be also considered as type localities at least for Incurvaria trigiavensis Hauder, 1912, Pelecystola fraudulentella (Zeller, 1852), Postsoienobia nanosella Petru & Liska, 2003, Brevantennia trigiavensis (Rebel, 1919) and Merrffieldia renatae Skyva & Eisner, 2007. The list of sources also states some older sources that can be considered one of the basic works in the sphere of microlepidopterology. In Zeller (1851, 1852) and Frey (1852) for example, several data from Carniola can be found. Species list MICROPTERIGIDAE Micropterix allionella (Fabricius, 1794); Zeller 1851, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Liška & Skyva 2000, Zeller-Lukashort et al. 2007. Micropterix aruncella (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Zeller 1851, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Zeller-Lukashort et al. 2007. Micropterix aureatella (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Rebel 1905-1910, Galvagni 1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Zeller-Lukashort et al. 2007. Micropterixaureoviridella (Höfner, 1898); Höfner 1909-1922, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Micropterix mansuetella Zeller, 1844; Liška & Skyva 2000. Micropterix rablensis Zeller, 1868; Zeller 1868, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1958, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Zeller-Lukashort et al. 2007. Micropterix rothenbachiiFrey, 1856; Liška & Skyva 2000, Zeller-Lukashort et al. 2007. Micropterix schaefferi Heath, 1975; Liška & Skyva 2000. Micropterix calthella (Linnaeus, 1761); Verovnik 2003, Gomboc 2008, Lesar et al. 2009, Mastnak 2009. ERIOCRANIIDAE Dyseriocrania subpurpurella (Haworth, 1828); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Eriocrania salopiella (Stainton, 1854); Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1978, Maček 1999. Eriocrania cicatricella (Zetterstedt, 1839); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1999. HEPIALIDAE Triodia sylvina (Linnaeus, 1761); Hafner 1909-1912, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Stauder 19291933, Carnelutti 1975, Mladinov 1976, Jugovic 1989, Carnelutti 1992a, Accetto et al. 1994, Accetto et al. 1996a, Gomboc 1999, Kühne 2000, Liška & Skyva 2000, Zadravec 2001, Jež 2002b, Jež et al. 2003c, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež & Lesar 2008, Jež & Lesar 2009. Triodia adriaticus (Osthelder, 1931); Carnelutti 1992a, Anonymous 2002, Anonymous 2004. Pharmacis lupulina (Linnaeus, 1758); Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Hoffmann & Klos 19141923, Loebel 1920-1921, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti 1975, Mladinov 1976, Carnelutti 1989, Carnelutti 1992a, Hlad & Skoberne 2001, Anonymous 2002, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Quotations for Hepialus dacicus Caradja, 1893 and Korscheltellus dacicus Caradja, 1893, are also taken into account with regard to this species, given that the status of this taxon is not yet totally clear. Pharmacis fusconebulosa (DeGeer, 1778); Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1978b, Carnelutti 1992a, Jež 1995, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Pharmacis carna (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Galvagni 1906, Hafner 19091912, Höfner 1909-1922, Galvagni 1910, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Stauder 1929-1933, Thurner 1948, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1978b, Carnelutti 1980, Carnelutti 1992a, Jež 1995, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2007. Phymatopus hecta (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Hoffmann 1915, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti 1975, Mladinov 1976, Carnelutti 1980, Carnelutti & Tonkli 1990, Carnelutti 1992a, Gomboc 1999, Habeler 2001, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Hepialus humuli (Linnaeus, 1758); Martinek 1875, Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1978b, Carnelutti 1992a, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Jež 2006b. NEPTICULIDAE Simplimorpha promissa (Staudinger, 1871); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Nieukerken 1986, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Enteucha acetosae (Stainton, 1854); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991a, Maček 1999. Stigmella lapponica (Wocke, 1862); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Stigmella confusella (Wood & Walsingham, 1894); Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Stigmella freyella (Heyden, 1858); Maček 1967-1996, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella paliurella (Klimesch, 1940); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999. Stigmella tiliae (Frey, 1856); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1973, Maček 1974a, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella sakhalinella Puplesis, 1984; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1978, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella luteella (Stainton, 1857); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella microtheriella (Stainton, 1854); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella prunetorum (Stainton, 1855); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella aceris (Frey, 1857); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella malella (Stainton, 1854); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1973, Maček 1978, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Vrabl 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella rhamnella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1860); Maček 1967-1996, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Stigmella catharticella (Stainton, 1853); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999. Stigmella anomalella (Goeze, 1783); Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella centifoliella (Zeller, 1848); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella ulmivora (Fologne, 1860) syn: Stigmella ulmifoliae Hering, 1931; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1991b, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella ulmiphaga (Preissecker, 1942); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999, Gomboc 2008. Stigmella viscerella (Stainton, 1853); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1999. Stigmella thuringiaca (Petry, 1904); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999. Stigmella rolandivan Nieukerken, 1990; Maček 1999. Stigmella paradoxa (Frey, 1858); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1999. Stigmella torminalis (Wood, 1890); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella regiella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855); Maček 1967-1996, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella crataegella (Klimesch, 1936); Maček 1967-1996, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella hahniella (Wörtz, 1890); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella nylandriella (Tengström, 1848); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella oxyacanthella (Stainton, 1854); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella pyri (Glitz, 1865); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1976, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella minusculella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella desperatella (Frey, 1856); Maček 1967-1996, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella hybnerella (Hübner, 1813); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella mespilicola (Frey, 1856); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1973, Maček 1974a, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella floslactella (Haworth, 1828); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella carpinella (Heinemann, 1862); Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Stigmella tityrella (Stainton, 1854); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1978, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella salicis (Stainton, 1854); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1973, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1978, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella vimineticola (Frey, 1856); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella myrtillella (Stainton, 1857); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Stigmella obliquella (Heinemann, 1862); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella trimaculella (Haworth, 1828); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella assimilella (Zeller, 1848); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Stigmella sorbi (Stainton, 1861); Höfner 1895, Höfner 1909-1922, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Maček (1999) synonymises the data published for Stigmella sorbifoliella Sorh with S. sorbi. Van Nieukerken (1986) S. sorbifoliella does not recognize the status of the species, but neither does he synonymise it at the same time. Stigmella plagicolella (Stainton, 1854); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1978, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella lemniscella (Zeller, 1839); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella aurella (Fabricius, 1775); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974b, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella splendidissimella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1973, Maček 1974a, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella pretiosa (Heinemann, 1862); Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Stigmella geimontani (Klimesch, 1940); Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1999. Stigmella aeneofasciella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1973, Maček 1974a, Maček 1978, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella stelviana (Weber, 1938); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella filipendulae (Wocke, 1871) syn: Stigmella ulmariae Wocke, 1879; Maček 1999. Stigmella incognitella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella perpygmaeella (Doubleday, 1859); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella hemargyrella (Kollar, 1832); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella speciosa (Frey, 1857); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella suberivora (Stainton, 1869); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Nieukerken & Johansson 2003. Stigmella lonicerarum (Frey, 1856); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1999. Stigmella basiguttella (Heinemann, 1862); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999. Stigmella fasciata Nieukerken & Johansson, 2003; Nieukerken & Johansson 2003. Stigmella zangherii (Klimesch, 1951); Nieukerken & Johansson 2003. Stigmella dorsiguttella (Johansson, 1971); Nieukerken & Johansson 2003. Stigmella ruficapitella (Haworth, 1828); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella atricapitella (Haworth, 1828); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella samiatella (Zeller, 1839); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1973, Maček 1974a, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Nieukerken & Johansson 2003, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stigmella eberhardi(Johansson, 1971); Nieukerken & Johansson 2003. Acalyptris minimella (Rebel, 1924); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999. Maček (1980, 1999) presents it as Niepeltia lentiscella Groschke, whereas Van Nieukerken (2007) synonymises it with A. minimella. Trifurcula pallidella (Duponchel, 1843); Mann 1854. Trifurcula serotinella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Trifurcula orientella Klimesch, 1953; Laštuvka & Laštuvka 2008. Bohemanniapulverosella (Stainton, 1849); Mann 1854. Ectoedemia louisella (Sircom, 1849); Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Ectoedemia septembrella (Stainton, 1849); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ectoedemia atrifrontella (Stainton, 1851); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ectoedemia liebwerdella (Zimmermann, 1940); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ectoedemia hannoverella (Glitz, 1872); Janežič 1972-1991, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Ectoedemia turbidella (Zeller, 1848); Janežič 1972-1991, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ectoedemia argyropeza (Zeller, 1839); Janežič 1972-1991. Ectoedemia caradjai (Groschke, 1944); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ectoedemia heringi (Toll, 1934); Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Ectoedemia liechtensteini(Zimmermann, 1944); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Ectoedemia erythrogenella (Joannis, 1908); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ectoedemia atricollis (Stainton, 1857); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Ectoedemia arcuatella (Herrich-Schaffer, 1855); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999. Ectoedemia rubivora (Wocke, 1860); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1973, Maček 1974a, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ectoedemia spinosella (Joannis, 1908); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ectoedemia mahalebella (Klimesch, 1936); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Ectoedemia occultella (Linnaeus, 1767); Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. OPOSTEGIDAE Opostega salaciella (Treitschke, 1833); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871. HELIOZELIDAE Antispila metallella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Elachista stadtmüüllerella F.R., stated in Mann (1854), has been accepted as a synonym of A. metallella ( Huemer pers. inf. to the first author). Antispila treitschkiella (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1843); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Heliozela sericiella (Haworth, 1828); Janežič 1972-1991. Heliozela resplendella (Stainton, 1851); Maček 1967-1996, Janežič 1972-1991, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Heliozela hammoniella Sorhagen, 1885; Janežič 1972-1991. Holocacista rivillei (Stainton, 1855); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999. ADELIDAE Nemophora degeerella (Linnaeus, 1758); Scopoli 1763, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Jež et al. 2005a, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Nemophora ochsenheimerella (Hübner, 1813); Dorfmeister et al. 1864, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2007. Nemophora metallica (Poda, 1761); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Nematois acrosellus F.R., stated in Mann (1854), has been accepted as a synonym of N. metallica (Huemer pers. inf. to the first author). Nemophora pfeifferella (Hübner, 1813); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Nemophora violellus (Herrich-Schäffer in Stainton, 1851) syn: Nemophora violaria Razowski, 1978; Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Nemophora prodigellus (Zeller, 1853) syn: Nemophora auricellus Ragonot, 1874; Zeller 1868, Gomboc 1999. Nemophora fasciella (Fabricius, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Lesar et al. 2009. Nemophora barbatellus Zeller, 1847; Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Nemophora minimella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Nemophora dumerilella (Duponchel, 1839); Lesar et al. 2009. Adela violella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Gomboc 1999. In Gomboc (1999) quoted as Cauchas violellalr., and this seems to be A. violella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775). Adela reaumurella (Linnaeus, 1758); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Dorfmeister et al. 1864, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Accetto et al. 1996a, Gomboc 1999, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Adela albicinctella Mann, 1852; Höfner 1895, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Adela cuprella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Adela associatella (Zeller, 1839); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Adela croesella (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Cauchas fibulella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Cauchas leucocerella (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763. Cauchas rufimitrella (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Nematopogon pilella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Zeller 1868, Höfner 1895, Rebel 1905-1910, Carnelutti 1958, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Nematopogon schwarziellus Zeller, 1839; Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Nematopogon adansoniella (Villers, 1789); Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Nematopogon metaxella (Hübner, 1813); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Nematopogon swammerdamella (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Nematopogon robertella (Clerck, 1759); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Galvagni 1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Accetto et al. 1996a, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. PRODOXIDAE Lampronia stangei Rebel, 1903; Rebel 1905-1910, Carnelutti 1978a, Huemer 1991, Habeler & Gomboc 2005. Lampronia capitella (Clerck, 1759); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Lampronia luzella (Hübner, 1817); Liska & Skyva 2000. Lampronia corticella (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Verovnik 2003, Lesar et al. 2009. Mann (1854) states Lampronia varieiia F.R. We believe that Mann probably had L. variella F. in mind, which is a synonym of L. corticella. Lampronia rupella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Höfner 1909-1922, Liska & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Lampronia splendidella (Heinemann, 1870); Carnelutti 1978a, Liska & Skyva 2000. INCURVARIIDAE Alloclemensia mesospilella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854); Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Incurvaria pectinea Haworth, 1828; Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1999. Incurvaria masculella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Incurvaria vetulella (Zetterstedt, 1839); Zeller 1868, Höfner 1895, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 19091922, Galvagni 1910, Lesar & Habeler 2005. The quotations in the sources from the period prior to 1912 are probably doubtful, given that it was only Hauder who in 1912 recognized the disparity of Alpine specimens, describing them as Incurvarla vetulella var. triglavensis (Hauder 1912). Incurvaria triglavensis Hauder, 1912; Hauder 1912, Thurner 1937, Thurner 1938, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Incurvaria oehlmanniella (Hübner, 1796); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Incurvaria koerneriella (Zeller, 1839); Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Phylloporia bistrigella (Haworth, 1828); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1999. TISCHERIIDAE Tischeria ekebladella (Bjerkander, 1795); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1978, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Jurc 1996, Maček 1999, Harapin & Jurc 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jurc 2006. Tischeria decidua Wocke, 1876; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Coptotriche marginea (Haworth, 1828); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coptotriche heinemanni (Wocke, 1871); Maček 1967-1996, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coptotriche gaunacella (Duponchel, 1843); Maček 1973, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1999. Coptotriche angusticollella (Duponchel, 1843); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Maček 19671996, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. TINEIDAE Ateliotum hungaricellum (Zeller, 1839); Lesar et al. 2009. Haplotinea insectella (Fabricius, 1794); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Petersen & Gaedike 1979, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eudarcia confusella (Heydenreich, 1851); Liška & Skyva 2000. Infurcitinea captans Gozmany, 1960; Gaedike & Baldizzone 2008. Infurcitinea albicomella (Stainton, 1851); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Infurcitinea finalisGozmany, 1959; Gaedike & Baldizzone 2008. Montescardia tessulatellus (Lienig & Zeller, 1846); Rebel 1905-1910, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Scardia boletella (Fabricius, 1794); Zeller 1852a, Rothe 1902, Petersen & Gaedike 1979. Morophaga choragella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Petersen & Gaedike 1979, Jež 2002a, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež & Lesar 2008. Pelecystola fraudulentella (Zeller, 1852); Zeller 1852a, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Lindeborg & Bengtsson 2009. Zeller (1852a) described this species on the basis of the specimen found in the vicinity of Ljubljana. Only a few years ago, the second specimen of this species was found, specifically in Sweden (Lindeborg & Bengtsson 2009). Triaxomera fulvimitrella (Sodoffsky, 1830); Gomboc 1999. Triaxomera parasitella (Hübner, 1796); Zeller 1868, Gomboc 1999. Nemapogon granella (Linnaeus, 1758); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1985, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Nemapogon cloacella (Haworth, 1828); Zeller 1868, Galvagni 1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 19241929, Petersen & Gaedike 1979, Carnelutti 1985, Carnelutti 1986, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Nemapogon wolffiella Karsholt & Nielsen, 1976; Zeller 1854, Thurner 1937, Thurner 1938, Liška & Skyva 2000. Nemapogon variatella (Clemens, 1859); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Nemapogon gravosaellus(Petersen, 1957); Lesar et al. 2009. Nemapogon clematella (Fabricius, 1781); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Petersen & Gaedike 1979, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Nemapogon gliriella (Heyden, 1865); Gaedike 2007. Nemapogon nigralbella (Zeller, 1839); Lesar et al. 2009. Neurothaumasia ankerella (Mann, 1867); Gomboc 1999. Cephimallota crassiflavella Bruand, 1851; Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Trichophaga tapetzella (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Petersen & Gaedike 1979, Verovnik 2003. Tineola bisselliella (Hummel, 1823); Rebel 1905-1910, Carnelutti 1985, Carnelutti 1986, Gomboc 1999, Verovnik 2003, Gomboc 2005. Tinea pellionella Linnaeus, 1758; Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Carnelutti 1985, Carnelutti 1986, Gomboc 2005. Tinea semifulvella Haworth, 1828; Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Tinea trinotella Thunberg, 1794; Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Tinea flavicostella (Zeller, 1839); Mann 1854. Niditinea fuscella (Linnaeus, 1758); Scopoli 1763, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 19241929, Petersen & Gaedike 1979, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Monopis laevigella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Carnelutti 1985, Carnelutti 1986, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Monopis weaverella (Scott, 1858); Lesar et al. 2009. Monopis obviella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Zeller 1868, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Monopis imella (Hübner, 1813); Mann 1854. Monopis monachella (Hübner, 1796); Gomboc 1999, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Euplocamus anthracinalis (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Stauder 1914, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Petersen & Gaedike 1979, Gomboc 1999, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007. Psychoides verhuella Bruand, 1853; Höfner 1909-1922, Carnelutti 1958, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. PSYCHIDAE Eosolenobia manni (Zeller, 1852); Höfner 1909-1922, Carnelutti 1992a, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Weidlich 2005. This species is listed for Mt Peca in Höfner (1909-1922). According to Weidlich (2005), the species occurs only in the Pannonian region, so the distribution in the Alpine region is doubtful. The same remarks are found in Meier (1958) and Thurner (1948-1971), with E. Hauser sharing the same opinion (pers. inf. to the first author). For the time being, the species remains in the list. Praesolenobia clathrella (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1837); Carnelutti 1992a. Postsolenobia nanosella Petru & Liska, 2003; Petru & Liska 2003. Postsolenobia juliella (Rebel, 1919); Sieder 1972, Carnelutti 1992a, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Postsolenobia thomanni(Rebel, 1936); Carnelutti 1992a. Dahlica klimeschi(Sieder, 1953); Carnelutti 1975. Dahlica lichenella (Linnaeus, 1761); Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a. Dahlica triquetrella (Hübner, 1813); Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1980, Carnelutti 1992a, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Gokhman 2007. Siederia alpicolella (Rebel, 1919); Meier 1955, Sieder 1972, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Liska & Skyva 2000. Siederia listerella (Linnaeus, 1758) syn: Siederia pinetiZeller, 1852; Carnelutti 1992a. Siederia meierella (Sieder, 1956); Meier 1958, Sieder 1972, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a. Brevantennia styriaca Meier, 1957; Carnelutti 1992a, Verovnik 2003, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Brevantennia triglavensis (Rebel, 1919); Kusdas 1944, Meier 1955, Sieder 1972, Carnelutti 1978a, Carnelutti 1992a. Taleporia politella (Ochsenheimer, 1816); Carnelutti 1971, Carnelutti 1980, Carnelutti & Tonkli 1990, Carnelutti 1992a. Taleporia tubulosa (Retzius, 1783); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1980, Carnelutti 1992a, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Typhonia ciliaris (Ochsenheimer, 1810); Höfner 1895, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Galvagni 1910, Thurner 1937, Thurner 1938, Carnelutti 1958, Carnelutti 1980, Carnelutti 1992a, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Bacotia claustrella (Bruand, 1845); Carnelutti & Michieli 1955, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Proutia betulina (Zeller, 1839); Hafner 1909-1912, Schieferer 1912-1913, Hoffmann & Klos 19141923, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Bruandia raiblensis (Mann, 1870); Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Stauder 1929-1933, Sieder 1949b, Thurner 1955, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1978b, Carnelutti 1980, Carnelutti 1992a. Psyche casta (Pallas, 1767); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Hoffmann 1915, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Gomboc 1999, Liska & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Psyche crassiorella (Bruand, 1851); Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Höfner 1909-1922, Stauder 1929-1933, Thurner 1948, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1980, Vasic et al. 1990, Carnelutti 1992a, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Bijugis bombycella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 19091912, Höfner 1909-1922, Hafner 1910, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Stauder 1929-1933, Thurner 1948, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1975, Mladinov 1976, Carnelutti 1980, Ilersic et al. 1988, Vasic et al. 1990, Carnelutti 1992a, Accetto et al. 1996a, Gomboc 1999, Seliskar et al. 1999, Liska & Skyva 2000, Verovnik 2003, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Rebelia herrichiella Strand, 1912; Hafner 1909-1912, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Hoffmann 1915, Carnelutti 1975, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Rebelia macedonica Pinker, 1956; Carnelutti 1971, Carnelutti 1975, Vasic et al. 1990, Carnelutti 1992a. Rebelia sapho (Milliere, 1864); Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Loebel 1920-1921, Stauder 1929-1933, Loebel 1941, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Rebelia surientella (Bruand, 1858); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Galvagni 1910, Stauder 1929-1933, Thurner 1948, Gomboc 1999. Rebelia styriaca Rebel, 1937; Loebel 1941, Sieder 1972. Rebelia thomanniRebel, 1937; Loebel 1941, Carnelutti 1992a. Montanima karavankensis (Höfner, 1888); Höfner 1909-1922, Loebel 1941, Thurner 1948, Sieder 1949a, Matjasic 1956, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Epichnopterixalpina Heylaerts, 1900; Carnelutti 1992a, Liska & Skyva 2000. Epichnopterix ardua Mann, 1867; Höfner 1895, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Epichnopterix kovacsi Sieder, 1955; Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1975, Mladinov 1976, Carnelutti 1980, Carnelutti 1992a, Accetto et al. 1996a, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Epichnopterix montana Heylaerts, 1900; Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Liska & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Epichnopterix plumella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Höfner 1909-1922, Hafner 1910, Hoffmann 1911, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Stauder 1929-1933, Thurner 1948, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1980, Ilersic et al. 1988, Carnelutti 1992a, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Epichnopterix sieboldi (Reutti, 1853); Thurner 1948, Forster & Wohlfahrt 1960, Carnelutti 1992a. Acanthopsyche atra (Linnaeus, 1767); Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Schieferer 1912-1913, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Loebel 1920-1921, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1980, Carnelutti 1992a, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Acanthopsyche ecksteini (Lederer, 1855); Stauder 1929-1933, Michieli 1970, Michieli 1978, Stanta 2008. Acanthopsyche zelleri (Mann, 1855); Loebel 1920-1921, Stauder 1929-1933, Michieli 1970, Sieder 1972, Michieli 1978, Carnelutti 1980, Carnelutti 1992a. Canephora hirsuta (Poda, 1761); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Hoffmann 1911, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Hoffmann 1915, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Culiberg et al. 1998, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Pachythelia viilosella (Ochsenheimer, 1810); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Schieferer 1912-1913, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Loebel 1920-1921, Stauder 19291933, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1980, Vasic et al. 1990, Carnelutti 1992a, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ptilocephala muscella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Predovnik 2009. Ptilocephala plumifera (Ochsenheimer, 1810); Hafner 1910, Stauder 1929-1933, Michieli 1970, Sieder 1972, Michieli 1978, Carnelutti 1992a, Accetto et al. 1996a. Leptopterixhirsutella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Stauder 1929-1933, Thurner 1948, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1975, Mladinov 1976, Carnelutti 1980, Carnelutti 1992a. Leptopterixplumistrella (Hübner, 1793); Hafner 1909-1912, Galvagni 1910, Thurner 1925, Stauder 1929-1933, Thurner 1948, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Sieder 1972, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a. Megalophanes stetinensis (E. Hering, 1846); Forster & Wohlfahrt 1960, Carnelutti 1971, Carnelutti 1992a. In Carnelutti (1971, 1992a), this species is presented as Psyche viadrina Stgr. The occurrence of M. stetinensis in Slovenia is questionable, as the specimens could have been confused with M. turatti (Staudinger, 1877) (pers. inf. Erwin Hauser to the first author). Megalophanes viciella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1980, Ileršič et al. 1988, Vasic et al. 1990, Carnelutti 1992a, Accetto et al. 1996a, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phalacropterixpraecellens (Staudinger, 1870); Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Loebel 1920-1921, Stauder 1929-1933, Forster & Wohlfahrt 1960, Michieli 1970, Sieder 1972, Michieli 1978, Carnelutti 1980, Carnelutti 1992a, Accetto et al. 1996a. Sterrhopterix fusca (Haworth, 1809); Rebel 1905-1910, Thurner 1948, Carnelutti 1975, Culiberg et al. 1998, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Sterrhopterix standfussi (Wocke, 1851); Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1978b, Carnelutti 1992a, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Apterona crenulella (Bruand, 1853); Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Loebel 1920-1921, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1980, Carnelutti 1992a. Apterona helicoidella (Vallot, 1827); Carnelutti 1975, Vasic et al. 1990, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. ROESLERSTAMMIIDAE Roeslerstammia erxlebella (Fabricius, 1787); Lesar & Verovnik 2008. DOUGLASIIDAE Tinagmaperdicella Zeller, 1839; Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871. BUCCULATRICIDAE Bucculatrix albedinella (Zeller, 1839); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Bucculatrixalbella Stainton, 1867; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1973, Maček 1974a, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. In Maček (1999) B. albella and B. spina-cristi Ams. & Hg. are presented. Tokar (pers. inf. to the first author) believes that B. spina-cristi Ams. & Hg. occurs only in Israel and in the Near East, so the specimens from Slovenia (Portorož) are very probably misidentified. Both species have the same host plant (Paliurus spina-christi), which is probably the reason for the misidentification of Slovenian specimens. Bucculatrix bechsteinella (Bechstein & Scharfenberg, 1805); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Bucculatrix cidarella (Zeller, 1839); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1973, Maček 1974a, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Bucculatrixcristatella (Zeller, 1839); Mann 1854. Bucculatrix demaryella (Duponchel, 1840); Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Bucculatrix frangutella (Goeze, 1783); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1978, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Bucculatrixnigricomella (Zeller, 1839); Maček 1999. Bucculatrix thoracella (Thunberg, 1794); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Bucculatrix ulmella Zeller, 1848; Zeller 1868, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1999. Bucculatrix ulmifoliaeM. Hering, 1931; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. GRACILLARIIDAE Parectopa ononidis (Zeller, 1839); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Galvagni 1910, Maček 1973, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991a, Maček 1999. Parectopa robiniella Clemens, 1863; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Seljak 1995, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Micrurapteryx kollariella (Zeller, 1839); Mann 1854, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Caloptilia alchimiella (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1973, Maček 1974a, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Caloptilia azaleella (Brants, 1913); Gomboc 2003a. Caloptilia cuculipennella (Hübner, 1796); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Caloptilia elongella (Linnaeus, 1761); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Maček 19671996, Maček 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Caloptilia falconipennella (Hübner, 1813); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Caloptilia fidella (Reutti, 1853); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Caloptilia fribergensis (Fritzsche, 1871); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Caloptilia hauderi (Rebel, 1906); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Caloptilia hemidactylella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999. Caloptilia robustella Jackh, 1972; Lesar et al. 2009. Caloptilia roscipennella (Hübner, 1796); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Caloptilia rufipennella (Hübner, 1796); Liška & Skyva 2000. Caloptilia semifascia (Haworth, 1828); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Caloptilia stigmatella (Fabricius, 1781); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Gracillaria syringella (Fabricius, 1794); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1973, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Aspilapteryx tringipennella (Zeller, 1839); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eucalybites auroguttella (Stephens, 1835); Mann 1854, Maček 1976, Maček 1999. Calybites magnifica (Stainton, 1867); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1973, Maček 1974a, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Calybites quadrisignella (Zeller, 1839); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999. Calybitesphasianipennella (Hübner, 1813); Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Acrocercops brongniardella (Fabricius, 1798); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Metriochroa latifoliella (Milliere, 1886); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999. Ornixola caudulatella (Zeller, 1839); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Maček 1999. Callisto coffeella (Zetterstedt, 1839); Hofner 1909-1922, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Callisto denticulella (Thunberg, 1794); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974b, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Callisto pfaffenzelleri (Frey, 1856); Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Parornixalpicola (Wocke, 1877); Liška & Skyva 2000. Parornixampliatella (Stainton, 1850); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Parornix anglicella (Stainton, 1850); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Parornix anguliferella (Zeller, 1847); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1991b, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Parornix betulae (Stainton, 1854); Maček 1967-1996, Janežič 1972-1991, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1978, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Parornix carpinella (Frey, 1863); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1978, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Parornix devoniella (Stainton, 1850); Zeller 1868, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Maček 19671996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Parornix fagivora (Frey, 1861); Zeller 1868, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Parornix finitimella (Zeller, 1850); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1973, Maček 1974b, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Parornixpetiolella (Frey, 1863); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Parornix scoticella (Stainton, 1850); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Parornix torquillella (Zeller, 1850); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter acaciella (Duponchel, 1843); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1999. Phyllonorycter acerifoliella (Zeller, 1839); Mann 1854, Mann 1870, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Phyllonorycter alpina (Frey, 1856); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Phyllonorycter belotella (Staudinger, 1859) syn: Phyllonorycter joviela Constant, 1890; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter blancardella (Fabricius, 1781); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974b, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Vrabl 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter cavella (Zeller, 1846); Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1978, Maček 1999. Phyllonorycter cerasicolella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1973, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter comparella (Duponchel, 1843); Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1999. Phyllonorycter connexella (Zeller, 1846); Liška & Skyva 2000. Phyllonorycter coryli (Nicelli, 1851); Zeller 1868, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter corylifoliella (Hübner, 1796); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Vrabl 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter cydoniella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974b, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter delitella (Duponchel, 1844); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Phyllonorycter distentella (Zeller, 1846); Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Phyllonorycter emberizaepennella (Bouché, 1834); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter esperella (Goeze, 1783); Mann 1854, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter fraxinella (Zeller, 1846); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter geniculella (Ragonot, 1874); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter harrisella (Linnaeus, 1761); Mann 1854, Mann 1870, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter hilarella (Zetterstedt, 1839); Höfner 1895, Höfner 1909-1922, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter joannisi (Le Marchand, 1936) syn: Phyllonorycterplatanoidella Joannis, 1920; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter junoniella (Zeller, 1846); Liška & Skyva 2000. Phyllonorycter kleemannella (Fabricius, 1781); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Maček 1973, Maček 1974a, Maček 1978, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter kuhlweiniella (Zeller, 1839) syn: Phyllonorycter saportella Duponchel, 1840; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter lantanella (Schrank, 1802); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter leucographella (Zeller, 1850); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter maestingella (Müller, 1764); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1978, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter mespilella (Hübner, 1805); Mann 1870, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1973, Maček 1974b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter millierella (Staudinger, 1871); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1978, Maček 1999. Phyllonorycter muelleriella (Zeller, 1839); Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Phyllonorycter nicellii (Stainton, 1851); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1973, Maček 1974a, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter nigrescentella (Logan, 1851); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999. Phyllonorycter oxyacanthae (Frey, 1856); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Phyllonorycterpastorella (Zeller, 1846); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter platani (Staudinger, 1870); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Jurc 1996, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter populifoliella (Treitschke, 1833); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter quercifoliella (Zeller, 1839); Mann 1854, Mann 1870, Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Phyllonorycter quinqueguttella (Stainton, 1851); Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Phyllonorycter rajella (Linnaeus, 1758); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter robiniella (Clemens, 1859); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999, Gomboc 2002. Phyllonorycter roboris (Zeller, 1839); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter sagitella (Bjerkander, 1790); Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Phyllonorycter salicicolella (Sircom, 1848); Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter salictella (Zeller, 1846); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Phyllonorycter schreberella (Fabricius, 1781); Mann 1854. Phyllonorycter scitulella (Duponchel, 1843); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Phyllonorycter sorbi (Frey, 1855); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter spinicolella (Zeller, 1846); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974b, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Lesar & Habeler (2005) cites Phyllonorycter cerasicolella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855), quoted after Maček (1999), and describe P. spinicolella (Zeller, 1846) as its synonym. Today, these are two different species. Lithocolletis spinicolella Z. is quoted by Maček (1974b, 1991), although in 1999 he does not synonymise it with P. spinicolella (Zeller, 1846), but with P. pomonella (Zeller, 1846) which, however, is a synonym for Phyllonorycter oxyacanthae Frey, 1856. Maček (1999) presents P. oxyacanthae separately. In this case we believe that it would be more appropriate to refer to the primary source (Maček 1974, 1991) and to consider these quotations as P. spinicolella. An additional argument is the fact that a confusion is possible in synonymisation in Maček (1999) with P. pomonella auct. which, however, is today a valid synonym for P. spinicolella (Zeller, 1846). Phyllonorycter stettinensis (Nicelli, 1852); Maček 1973, Maček 1974a, Maček 1978, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllonorycter strigulatella (Lienig & Zeller, 1846); Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Phyllonorycter sublautella (Stainton, 1869); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1999. Phyllonorycter tenerella (Joannis, 1915); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1991b. Phyllonorycter trifasciella (Haworth, 1828); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Phyllonorycter tristrigella (Haworth, 1828); Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Phyllonorycter ulmifoliella (Hübner, 1817); Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Phyllonorycter viminetorum (Stainton, 1854); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic, 1986; Milevoj & Maček 1997, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Koršič & Jančar 2001, Gomboc 2002, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Wittenberg 2005. Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Jurc 1996, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phyllocnistis vitegenella (Clemens, 1859); Seljak 2005. YPONOMEUTIDAE Scythropia crataegella (Linnaeus, 1767); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 19241929, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Yponomeuta evonymella (Linnaeus, 1758); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Ileršič et al. 1988, Culiberg et al. 1998, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež & Lesar 2008, Jež & Lesar 2009. Staudinger & Wocke (1871) synonymise Phalaena evonymella Linnaeus, 1758 from Scopoli (1763) with Yponomeuta cagnagella (Hübner, 1813). Yponomeutapadella (Linnaeus, 1758); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910. Yponomeuta malinellus Zeller, 1838; Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Vrabl 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Yponomeuta cagnagella (Hübner, 1813); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Yponomeuta irrorella (Hübner, 1796); Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Lesar et al. 2009. Yponomeuta plumbella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Yponomeuta sedella Treitschke, 1833; Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Maček 19671996, Maček 1999, Anonymous 2002, Anonymous 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar et al. 2009. Euhyponomeutoides ribesiella (Joannis, 1900); Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Kessleria alpicella (Stainton, 1851); Hornig 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Kessleria nivescens Burmann, 1980; Huemer & Tarmann 1992, Habeler & Gomboc 2005. Kessleria burmanniHuemer & Tarmann, 1992; Huemer & Tarmann 1992. Kessleria petrobiella (Zeller, 1868); Zeller 1868, Huemer & Tarmann 1992, Liška & Skyva 2000. Kessleria klimeschiHuemer & Tarmann, 1992; Huemer & Tarmann 1992. Pseudoswammerdamia combinella (Hübner, 1786); Mann 1854, Lesar et al. 2009. Swammerdamia pyrella (Villers, 1789); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Swammerdamia compunctella Herrich-Schäffer, 1855; Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Paraswammerdamia albicapitella (Scharfenberg, 1805); Lesar et al. 2009. Paraswammerdamia lutarea (Haworth, 1828); Liška & Skyva 2000. Cedestisgysseleniella (Zeller, 1839); Lesar et al. 2009. Cedestis subfasciella (Stephens, 1834); Liška & Skyva 2000. Ocnerostoma piniariella Zeller, 1847; Zeller 1868, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Niphonympha dealbatella (Zeller, 1847) syn: Niphonympha albella Zeller, 1847; Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Prays fraxinella (Bjerkander, 1784); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Prays ruficeps (Heinemann, 1854); Rebel 1905-1910. Prays oleae (Bernard, 1788); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999, Verovnik 2003. Argyresthia illuminatella (Zeller, 1839); Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Argyresthia glabratella (Zeller, 1847); Rebel 1905-1910. Argyresthia amiantella (Zeller, 1847); Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000. Argyresthia bergiella (Ratzeburg, 1840); Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000. Argyresthia trifasciata Staudinger, 1871; Gomboc 2003a. Argyresthia thuiella (Packard, 1871); Škerlavaj & Munda 1999, Gomboc 2002. Argyresthia abdominalis Zeller, 1839; Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000. Argyresthia aurulentella Stainton, 1849; Rebel 1905-1910. Argyresthia brockeella (Hübner, 1813); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Argyresthia goedartella (Linnaeus, 1758); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Argyresthia pygmaeella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) syn: Argyresthia rudolphella Esper, 1791; Lesar et al. 2009. Argyresthia sorbiella (Treitschke, 1833); Zeller 1868, Liška & Skyva 2000. Argyresthia curvella (Linnaeus, 1761); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Argyresthia retinella Zeller, 1839; Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Argyresthia fundella (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1835); Spaic 1972, Titovšek 1994. Argyresthia glaucinella Zeller, 1839; Zeller 1868. Argyresthia spinosella Stainton, 1849; Zeller 1868, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Argyresthia conjugella Zeller, 1839; Lesar & Habeler 2005. Argyresthia pulchella Lienig & Zeller, 1846; Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Argyresthia semifusca (Haworth, 1828); Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež & Lesar 2008. Argyresthia pruniella (Clerck, 1759); Zeller 1868, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Vrabl 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Argyresthia bonnetella (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 19241929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Argyresthia albistria (Haworth, 1828); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Argyresthia semitestacella (Curtis, 1833); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. YPSOLOPHIDAE Ypsolopha mucronella (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ypsolopha nemorella (Linnaeus, 1758); Liška & Skyva 2000. Ypsolopha falcella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ypsolopha asperella (Linnaeus, 1761); Rebel 1905-1910, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Ypsolopha scabrella (Linnaeus, 1761); Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ypsolopha horridella (Treitschke, 1835); Rebel 1905-1910, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Ypsolopha lucella (Fabricius, 1775); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ypsolopha persicella (Fabricius, 1787); Mann 1854. Ypsolopha alpella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar et al. 2009. Ypsolopha sylvella (Linnaeus, 1767); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ypsolopha parenthesella (Linnaeus, 1761); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ypsolopha ustella (Clerck, 1759); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ypsolopha sequella (Clerck, 1759); Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ypsolopha vittella (Linnaeus, 1758); Lesar & Habeler 2005. PLUTELLIIDAE Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus, 1758); Hornig 1854, Mann 1854, Höfner 1895, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1976, Ileršič et al. 1988, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Gomboc 2003b, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Gomboc 2005. Plutella geniatella Zeller, 1839; Liška & Skyva 2000. Plutella porrectella (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Rhigognostis senilella (Zetterstedt, 1839); Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Rhigognostis annulatella (Curtis, 1832); Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Rhigognostis incarnatella (Steudel, 1873); Liška & Skyva 2000. Rhigognostis hufnagelii (Zeller, 1839); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rothe 1902, Lesar et al. 2009. Eidophasia messingiella (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1840); Lesar & Verovnik 2008. ACROLEPIIDAE Digitivalva reticulella (Hübner, 1796); Mann 1870. Digitivalva pulicariae (Klimesch, 1956); Gaedike 1969. Digitivalva orientella (Klimesch, 1956); Gaedike 1969, Habeler 2003. Digitivalva granitella (Treitschke, 1833); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Acrolepiopsis assectella (Zeller, 1839); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Acrolepiopsis vesperella (Zeller, 1850) syn: Acrolepiopsis tami Hering, 1927; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Acrolepia autumnitella Curtis, 1838; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE Glyphipterix thrasonella (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854. Glyphipterix bergstraesserella (Fabricius, 1781); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Glyphipterix equitella (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rothe 1902, Höfner 1909-1922, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Glyphipterix forsterella (Fabricius, 1781); Mann 1854, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Glyphipterixsimpliciella (Stephens, 1834); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000. HELIODINIDAE Heliodines roesella (Linnaeus, 1758); Zeller 1868. BEDELLIIDAE Bedellia somnulentella (Zeller, 1847); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1973, Maček 1974b, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. LYONETIIDAE Leucoptera onobrychidella Klimesch, 1937; Maček 1999. Leucoptera laburnella (Stainton, 1851); Zeller 1868, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1973, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Leucoptera orobi (Stainton, 1869); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999. Leucoptera malifoliella (O. Costa, 1836); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1973, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Vrabl 1999, Lešnik & Tojnko 2003, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Lyonetia clerkella (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1973, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Vrabl 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Lyonetia prunifoliella (Hübner, 1796); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999. ETHMIIDAE Ethmia quadrillella (Goeze, 1783); Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ethmia pusiella (Linnaeus, 1758); Scopoli 1763, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ethmia bipunctella (Fabricius, 1775); Mann 1854, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ethmia chrysopyga (Zeller, 1844); Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Ethmia haemorrhoidella (Eversmann, 1844); Lesar et al. 2009. Ethmia flavianella (Treitschke, 1832); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871. DEPRESSARIIDAE Semioscopis steinkellneriana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Luquetia lobella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Gomboc 2008. Agonopterix ocellana (Fabricius, 1775); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Agonopterix doronicella (Wocke, 1849); Schmidt 1849, Zeller 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rothe 1902, Lesar et al. 2009. Agonopterixscopariella (Heinemann, 1870); Lesar et al. 2009. Agonopterix atomella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Agonopterixlaterella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Lesar et al. 2009. Agonopterixsubpropinquella (Stainton, 1849); Mann 1854. Agonopterix propinquella (Treitschke, 1835); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Agonopterix arenella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Agonopterixheracliana (Linnaeus, 1758); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Agonopterix ciliella (Stainton, 1849); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Agonopterixadspersella (Kollar, 1832); Stauder 1914, Liška & Skyva 2000. Agonopterixcurvipunctosa (Haworth, 1811); Lesar et al. 2009. Agonopterixcapreolella (Zeller, 1839); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Agonopterixrotundella (Douglas, 1846); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Agonopterixnodiflorella (Milliere, 1866); Lesar et al. 2009. Agonopterix assimilella (Treitschke, 1832); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Agonopterixnanatella (Stainton, 1849); Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Lesar et al. 2009. Agonopterix kaekeritziana (Linnaeus, 1767); Zeller 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Jež et al. 2004a, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež & Lesar 2008. Agonopterixpallorella (Zeller, 1839); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Agonopterix umbellana (Fabricius, 1794); Liška & Skyva 2000. Agonopterix nervosa (Haworth, 1811); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Carnelutti 1985, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Agonopterix petasitis (Standfuss, 1851); Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000. Agonopterix alstromeriana (Clerck, 1759); Mann 1854, Zeller 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Agonopterixalpigena (Frey, 1870); Liška & Skyva 2000. Agonopterixangelicella (Hübner, 1813); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Agonopterix astrantiae (Heinemann, 1870); Liška & Skyva 2000. Agonopterixcnicella (Treitschke, 1832); Lesar et al. 2009. Agonopterix senecionis (Nickerl, 1864); Lesar et al. 2009. Agonopterixyeatiana (Fabricius, 1781); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Agonopterixparilella (Treitschke, 1835); Zeller 1854, Zeller 1868, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Agonopterix hippomarathri(Nickerl, 1864); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Agonopterix selini (Heinemann, 1870); Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Agonopterix furvella (Treitschke, 1832); Mann 1854, Rothe 1902, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Agonopterix ferulae (Zeller, 1847); Mann 1854, Lesar et al. 2009. Horridopalpus dictamnella (Treitschke, 1835); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rothe 1902, Lesar et al. 2009. Depressaria radiella (Goeze, 1783) syn: Depressaria pastinacella Duponchel, 1838; Lesar & Habeler 2005. Depressaria pimpinellae Zeller, 1839; Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Depressaria libanotidella Schläger, 1849; Lesar et al. 2009. Depressaria ultimella Stainton, 1849; Lesar et al. 2009. Depressaria sordidatella Tengström, 1848; Liška & Skyva 2000. Depressaria gudmanni Rebel, 1927 in Liška & Skyva (2000) is today considered a synonym for D. sordidatella. Depressaria douglasella Stainton, 1849; Lesar & Habeler 2005. Depressaria olerella Zeller, 1854; Lesar et al. 2009. Depressaria lacticapitella Klimesch, 1942; Liška & Skyva 2000. Depressaria heydenii Teller, 1854; Liška & Skyva 2000. Depressaria depressana (Fabricius, 1775); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Orophia denisella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Höfner 1909-1922, Galvagni 1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1958, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Tokar et al. 2005. Cephalispheira mendosella (Zeller, 1868); Hornig 1854, Zeller 1868, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Liška & Skyva 2000, Tokar et al. 2005. Orophia ferrugella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Hornig 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. ELACHISTIDAE Perittia herrichiella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1999. Stephensia abbreviatella (Stainton, 1851); Höfner 1909-1922, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Elachista adscitella Stainton, 1851; Mann 1854, Liška & Skyva 2000. Elachista revinctella Zeller, 1850; Hauder 1924, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Elachista agelensisTraugott-Olsen, 1996; Liška & Skyva 2000, Liška et al. 2005. Elachista argentella (Clerck, 1759); Mann 1854, Gomboc 1999. Elachista atrisquamosa Staudinger, 1880; Liška & Skyva 2000. Elachista chrysodesmella Zeller, 1850; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999. Elachista cingillella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855); Mann 1854, Frey 1859, Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Elachista collitella (Duponchel, 1843); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Elachista dispilella Zeller, 1839; Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Elachista dispunctella (Duponchel, 1843); Liška & Skyva 2000. Elachista heinemanniFrey, 1866; Carnelutti 1958, Liška & Skyva 2000. Elachista heringiRebel, 1899; Lesar et al. 2009. Elachista obliquella Stainton, 1854; Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Elachista pollinariella Zeller, 1839; Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Galvagni 1910. Elachista pollutella Duponchel, 1843; Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Lesar et al. 2009. Elachista rudectella Stainton, 1851; Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Elachista subalbidella Schläger, 1847; Rebel 1905-1910, Galvagni 1910, Liška & Skyva 2000. Elachista subocellea (Stephens, 1834); Zeller 1868, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Elachista albidella Nylander, 1848; Rebel 1905-1910. Elachista albifrontella (Hübner, 1817); Rebel 1905-1910. Elachista argentifasciella Höfner, 1898; Höfner 1909-1922, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. As a source for this species, Höfner (1895) can also be taken into consideration, where it is still stated as undescribed taxon Elachista nov. spec. Elachista brachypterella (Klimesch, 1990); Liška & Skyva 2000. Elachista canapennella (Hübner, 1813); Höfner 1909-1922, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Elachista differens Parenti, 1978; Liška & Skyva 2000. Elachista exactella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Elachista freyerella (Hübner, 1825); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Elachista gleichenella (Fabricius, 1781); Mann 1854, Liška & Skyva 2000. Elachista griseella (Duponchel, 1843); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rothe 1902, Rebel 1905-1910. Elachista juliensis Frey, 1870; Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Primary data (Prohaska & Hofmann 1924-1292, Maček 1967-1996, Liška & Skyva 2000) have been published before revision of E juliensis complex by Kaila & Varalda (2004). To confirm determination or presense of E occidenalis Frey, 1882 from E julinesiscomplex, revision of material is essential. Elachista luticomella Zeller, 1839; Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Elachistapigerella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854); Lesar et al. 2009. Elachista quadripunctella (Hübner, 1825); Lesar et al. 2009. Elachista rufocinerea (Haworth, 1828); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Elachista utonella Frey, 1856; Liška & Skyva 2000. AGONOXIDAE Heinemannia laspeyrella (Hübner, 1796); Lesar et al. 2009. Blastodacna hellerella (Duponchel, 1838); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Spuleria flavicaput(Haworth, 1828); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Koster & Sinev 2003. SCYTHRIDIDAE Scythris obscurella (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Zeller 1855, Zeller 1868, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Galvagni 1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Bengtsson 1997, Liska & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Scythris cuspidella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 19241929, Bengtsson 1997, Liska & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Scythris productella (Zeller, 1839); Mann 1854, Zeller 1855, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 19051910. Scythris amphonycella (Geyer, 1836); Rebel 1905-1910. Scythris seliniella (Zeller, 1839); Zeller 1868, Stauder 1914. Scythris fallacella (Schläger, 1847); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Galvagni 1910, Carnelutti 1958, Bengtsson 1997, Liska & Skyva 2000. Scythris sappadensis Bengtsson & Sutter, 1992; Bengtsson 1997, Liska & Skyva 2000. Scythris tabidella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Bengtsson 1997. Scythris aerariella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855); Hornig 1854, Bengtsson 1997. Scythris fuscoaenea (Haworth, 1828); Zeller 1855, Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000. Scythris disparella (Tengström, 1848); Bengtsson 1997. Scythris picaepennis (Haworth, 1828); Rebel 1905-1910, Maček 1967-1996, Bengtsson 1997, Maček 1999. Scythris glacialis (Frey, 1870); Rebel 1905-1910, Carnelutti 1978a, Bengtsson 1997, Liška & Skyva 2000. Scythrispascuella (Zeller, 1855); Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rothe 1902, Bengtsson 1997. Scythris laminella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Bengtsson 1997, Liška & Skyva 2000. Scythrispunctivittella (O. Costa, 1836); Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Bengtsson 1997, Habeler 2003. Scythris tributella (Zeller, 1847); Bengtsson 1997. Scythris vittella (O. Costa, 1834); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Scythris hornigii (Zeller, 1855); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Bengtsson 1997, Liška & Skyva 2000. Scythris schleichiella (Zeller, 1871); Bengtsson 1997. Scythris limbella (Fabricius, 1775); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Parascythris muelleri (Mann, 1871); Gomboc 1999. CHIMABACHIDAE Diurnea fagella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Culiberg et al. 1998, Gomboc 1999, Seliskar et al. 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Diurnea lipsiella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. OECOPHORIDAE Deuterogonia pudorina (Wocke, 1857); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Bisigna procerella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Jež et al. 2004a, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Schiffermuelleria schaefferella (Linnaeus, 1758); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Denisia stipella (Linnaeus, 1758); Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Denisia similella (Hübner, 1796); Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Denisia nubilosella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854); Höfner 1909-1922, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Denisia stroemella (Fabricius, 1779); Rebel 1905-1910. Metalampra cinnamomea (Zeller, 1839); Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež & Lesar 2009. Endrosis sarcitrella (Linnaeus, 1758); Scopoli 1763, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 19241929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Borkhausenia minutella (Linnaeus, 1758); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Borkhausenia fuscescens (Haworth, 1828); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Kasyniana diminutella (Rebel, 1931); Tokar et al. 2005. Crassa tinctella (Hübner, 1796); Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Crassa unitella (Hübner, 1796); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Batia lunaris (Haworth, 1828); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Batia internella Jäckh, 1972; Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Batia lambdella (Donovan, 1793); Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Epicallima formosella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Esperia sulphurella (Fabricius, 1775); Lesar et al. 2009. Dasycera oliviella (Fabricius, 1794); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Oecophora bractella (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000, Jež 2002a, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Alabonia staintoniella (Zeller, 1850); Lesar et al. 2009. Harpella forficella (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Rebel 1905-1910, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Jež et al. 2003a, Jež et al. 2005b, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Carcina quercana (Fabricius, 1775); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Jež et al. 2004b, Jež et al. 2005b, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež & Lesar 2009. Hofmannophila pseudospretella (Stainton, 1849); Carnelutti 1985. Minetia crinitus (Fabricius, 1798); Mann 1870, Carnelutti 1958. Minetia labiosella (Hübner, 1810); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Minetia criella (Treitschke, 1835); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rothe 1902. Pleurota pyropella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Pleurota malatya Back, 1973; Lesar et al. 2009. Pleurota bicostella (Clerck, 1759); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Galvagni 1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Pleurota pungitiella Herrich-Schäffer, 1852; Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Stauder 1914, Tokar et al. 2005. Pleurota aristella (Linnaeus, 1767); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Höfner 1909-1922, Tokar et al. 2005. Pleurota punctella (O. Costa, 1836); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Tokar et al. 2005. Stathmopoda pedella (Linnaeus, 1761); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. LECITHOCERIDAE Homaloxestis briantiella (Turati, 1879); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Lecithocera nigrana (Duponchel, 1836); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Oditeskollarella (O.G. Costa, 1836); Mann 1854, Lesar et al. 2009. In Mann (1854), it is presented as Oecophora flavedinella F.R, which is today accepted as a synonym for O. kollarella (Huemer pers. inf. to the first author). COLEOPHORIDAE Metriotes lutarea (Haworth, 1828); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Coleophora albella (Thunberg, 1788); Mann 1854, Lesar et al. 2009. Coleophora spiraeella Rebel, 1916; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1973, Maček 1978, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora lutipennella (Zeller, 1838); Rebel 1905-1910, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999. Coleophora gryphipennella (Hübner, 1796); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora milvipennis Zeller, 1839; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1973, Maček 1974a, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora alnifoliae Barasch, 1934; Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Coleophora badiipennella (Duponchel, 1843); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora limosipennella (Duponchel, 1843); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1999. Coleophora siccifolia Stainton, 1856; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1973, Maček 1974a, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora coracipennella (Hübner, 1796); Mann 1854. Coleophora serratella (Linnaeus, 1761); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1973, Maček 1974a, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora prunifoliae Doets, 1944; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1976, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora trigeminella Fuchs, 1881; Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora fuscocuprella Herrich-Schäffer, 1855; Maček 1999. Coleophora lusciniaepennella (Treitschke, 1833); Hornig 1854. Coleophora glitzella O. Hofmann, 1869; Liška & Skyva 2000. Coleophora orbitella Zeller, 1849; Zeller 1868. Coleophora binderella (Kollar, 1832); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora ahenella Heinemann, 1876; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1973, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora albitarsella Zeller, 1849; Zeller 1868, Maček 1976, Maček 1999. Coleophora pulmonariella Ragonot, 1874; Maček 1976, Maček 1991a, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora trifolii(Curtis, 1832); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora alcyonipennella (Kollar, 1832); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929. Coleophora obviella Rebel, 1914; Carnelutti 1958, Liška & Skyva 2000. Coleophora lineolea (Haworth, 1828); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora hemerobiella (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Maček 19671996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora lithargyrinella Zeller, 1849; Zeller 1868, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000. Coleophora onobrychiella Zeller, 1849; Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Coleophora colutella (Fabricius, 1794); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora bilineatella Zeller, 1839; Klimesch 1938. Coleophora niveicostella Zeller, 1839; Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora albicostella (Duponchel, 1842); Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Coleophora squamella Constant, 1885; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1976, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora discordella Zeller, 1849; Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora deauratella (Lienig & Zeller, 1846); Zeller 1868. Coleophora mayrella (Hübner, 1813); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000. Coleophora anatipenella (Hübner, 1796) syn: Coleophora bernoulliella Goeze, 1783; Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974a, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora albidella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Liška & Skyva 2000. Coleophora kuehnella (Goeze, 1783); Mann 1854. In Mann (1854), this species is listed as C. enervatella Z. The present situation is not clear. Some sources quote C. enervatella Zeller, 1849 as a synonym for C. kuehnella, but others claim that C. enervatella is »not an evaluated name«. According to Baldizzone et al. (2006), C. kuehnella should be accepted as a senior synonym of C. palliatella Zincken, 1813. Coleophora ibipennella Zeller, 1849; Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora zelleriella (Heinemann, 1854); Lesar et al. 2009. Coleophora currucipennella Zeller, 1839; Liška & Skyva 2000. Coleophora pyrrhulipennella Zeller, 1839; Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora virgatella Zeller, 1849; Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rothe 1902, Maček 1976, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora serpylletorumE. Hering, 1889; Liška & Skyva 2000. Coleophora auricella (Fabricius, 1794); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Coleophora coronillae Zeller, 1849; Maček 1999. Coleophora gallipennella (Hübner, 1796); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Coleophora flaviella Mann, 1857; Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Daniel et al. 1951. Coleophora caelebipennella Zeller, 1839; Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora vibicella (Hübner, 1813); Mann 1854. Coleophora ochrea (Haworth, 1828); Lesar et al. 2009. Coleophora lixella Zeller, 1849; Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora ornatipennella (Hübner, 1796); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora oriolella Zeller, 1849; Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Prohaska 1923, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora vulnerariae Zeller, 1839; Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 19241929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora pennella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Höfner 1909-1922, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora laricella (Hübner, 1817); Rebel 1905-1910, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Titovšek 1994, Maček 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora caespititiella Zeller, 1839; Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora alticolella Zeller, 1849; Liška & Skyva 2000. Coleophora obscenella Herrich-Schäffer, 1855; Liška & Skyva 2000. Coleophora therinella Tengström, 1848; Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Coleophora vestianella (Linnaeus, 1758); Scopoli 1763. Coleophora succursella Herrich-Schäffer, 1855; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora galbulipennella Zeller, 1838; Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora ramosella Zeller, 1849; Liška & Skyva 2000. Coleophora trochilella (Duponchel, 1843); Maček 1973, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora inulae Wocke, 1876; Maček 1967-1996, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora derasofasciella Klimesch, 1952; Liška & Skyva 2000. Coleophora follicularis (Vallot, 1802); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974b, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora nubivagella Zeller, 1849; Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Galvagni 1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1958, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Maček 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora ciconiella Herrich-Schäffer, 1855; Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora saponariella Heeger, 1848; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Coleophora paripennella Zeller, 1839; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1972, Maček 1973, Maček 1974a, Maček 1974b, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. MOMPHIDAE Mompha ochraceella (Curtis, 1839); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Mompha lacteella (Stephens, 1834); Mann 1854. Mompha propinquella (Stainton, 1851); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Mompha epilobiella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Mompha idaeiZeller, 1839; Habeler & Gomboc 2005. Mompha miscella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Koster & Sinev 2003. Mompha locupletella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Carnelutti 1978a. Mompha terminella (Humphreys & Westwood, 1845); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1973, Maček 1974a, Maček 1978, Ocepek & Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Mompha raschkiella (Zeller, 1838); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. BLASTOBASIDAE Blastobasisphycidella (Zeller, 1839); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Liska & Skyva 2000. Blastobasis huemeri Sinev, 1994; Gomboc 1999, Habeler 2003, Habeler & Gomboc 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Hypatopa binotella (Thunberg, 1794); Liska & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Hypatopa segnella (Zeller, 1879); Habeler & Gomboc 2005. AUTOSTICHIDAE Oegoconia uralskella Popescu-Gorj & Capuse, 1965; Lesar et al. 2009. Oegoconia novimundiBusck, 1915; Lesar et al. 2009. Apatema whalleyiPopescu-Gorj & Capuse, 1965; Liška & Skyva 2000. Apatema apolausticum Gozmany, 1996; Szaboky et al. 2009. Szaboky et al. (2009) state in their comments that they know of still unpublished data on the occurrence of this species in Slovenia. Symmoca caliginella Mann, 1867; Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Symmoca albicanella Zeller, 1868; Zeller 1868, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1889, Rebel 19051910, Höfner 1909-1922, Galvagni 1910, Hoffmann 1915, Huemer & Gozmany 1992, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Symmoca achrestella Rebel, 1889; Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Prohaska & Hoffmann 19241929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Symmoca dolomitana Huemer & Gozmany, 1992; Liška & Skyva 2000. Symmoca signatella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854); Lesar et al. 2009. AMPHISBATIDAE Pseudatemelia flavifrontella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Tokar et al. 2005. Pseudatemelia synchrozella (Jäckh, 1959); Liska & Skyva 2000, Tokar et al. 2005. Pseudatemelia josephinae (Toll, 1956); Liska & Skyva 2000. Pseudatemelia elsae Svensson, 1982; Tokar et al. 2005. Lypusa tokariElsner, Liska & Petru, 2008; Fazekas 2008a, Elsner et al. 2008. Telechrysis tripuncta (Haworth, 1828); Gomboc 1999. Hypercallia citrinalis (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Hornig 1854, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Liska & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Anchinia daphnella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Hornig 1854, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Carnelutti 1958, Liska & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Anchinia grisescens Frey, 1856; Liska & Skyva 2000, Tokar et al. 2005. In Liska & Skyva (2000), the species Anchinia dolomiella, Mann 1877 is presented and declared a bona species. Tokar et al. (2005) quote A. dolomiella as a synonym for A. grisescens Frey, 1856. Anchinia laureolella Herrich-Schäffer, 1854; Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liska & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Tokar et al. 2005. Anchinia cristalis (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Lesar & Habeler 2005. COSMOPTERIGIDAE Pancalia leuwenhoekella (Linnaeus, 1761); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Carnelutti 1958, Koster & Sinev 2003, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Pancalia schwarzella (Fabricius, 1798) syn: Pancalia latreillella Curtis, 1830; Carnelutti 1958, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Pancalia nodosella (Bruand, 1851); Mann 1854, Koster & Sinev 2003. Limnaecia phragmitella Stainton, 1851; Anonymous 2004, Habeler & Gomboc 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Cosmopterixzieglerella (Hübner, 1810); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Cosmopterixschmidiella Frey, 1856; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000. Cosmopterix orichalcea Stainton, 1861; Gomboc 2008. Cosmopterix pulcherimella Chambers, 1875; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999. Cosmopterix turbidella Rebel, 1896; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999. Pyroderces argyrogrammos (Zeller, 1847); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Koster & Sinev 2003, Lesar et al. 2009. Eteobalea anonymella (Riedl, 1965); Koster & Sinev 2003. Eteobalea intermediella (Riedl, 1966); Koster & Sinev 2003. Eteobalea albiapicella (Duponchel, 1843); Mann 1854, Koster & Sinev 2003. Eteobalea serratella (Treitschke, 1833); Koster & Sinev 2003. Vulcaniella pomposella (Zeller, 1839); Mann 1854, Koster & Sinev 2003. Sorhagenia rhamniella (Zeller, 1839); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Sorhagenia janiszewskae Riedl, 1962; Liška & Skyva 2000. GELECHIIDAE Paranarsia joannisiella Ragonot, 1895; Rebel 1905-1910. Megacraspedus binotella (Duponchel, 1843); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rothe 1902, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Aristotelia decurtella (Hübner, 1813); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910. Aristotelia subericinella (Duponchel, 1843); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 19051910. Chrysoesthia drurella (Fabricius, 1775); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1974b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Chrysoesthia sexguttella (Thunberg, 1794); Mann 1854, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1973, Maček 1974b, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Isophrictis striatella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Metzneria paucipunctella (Zeller, 1839); Mann 1854. Metzneria neuropterella (Zeller, 1839); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Metzneria aestivella (Zeller, 1839); Liška & Skyva 2000. Metzneria lappella (Linnaeus, 1758); Lesar et al. 2009. Metzneria metzneriella (Stainton, 1851); Mann 1854, Rothe 1902, Liška & Skyva 2000. Metzneria artificella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1861); Lesar et al. 2009. Metzneria aprilella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1861); Lesar et al. 2009. Apodia bifractella (Duponchel, 1843); Liška & Skyva 2000. Psamathocrita osseella (Stainton, 1860); Rebel 1891. Argolamprotes micella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Monochroa cytisella (Curtis, 1837); Rebel 1905-1910. Monochroa rumicetella (O. Hofmann, 1868); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991a, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Monochroa tenebrella (Hübner, 1817); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910. Monochroa servella (Zeller, 1839); Zeller 1868. Monochroa conspersella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Monochroa lutulentella (Zeller, 1839); Gomboc 2008. Monochroa nomadella (Zeller, 1868); Zeller 1868, Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Eulamprotes wilkella (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854. Eulamprotes superbella (Zeller, 1839); Mann 1854. Eulamproteslibertinella (Zeller, 1872); Höfner 1909-1922, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eulamprotes unicolorella (Duponchel, 1843); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rothe 1902, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1958, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eulamprotes atrella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Liška & Skyva 2000. Eulamprotes helotella (Staudinger, 1859); Rebel 1891. Bryotropha terrella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Bryotropha senectella (Zeller, 1S39); Rebel 1905-1910. Recurvaría nanella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Maček 19671996, Maček 1974b, Maček 1976, Maček 1978, Huemer S Karsholt 1999, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Recurvaría leucatella (Clerck, 1759); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Hoffmann 1915, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Exoteleia dodecella (Linnaeus, 175S); Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Exoteleia succinctella (Zeller, 1S72); Rebel 1918, Huemer S Karsholt 1999, Elsner et al. 1999, Liška S Skyva 2000. Stenolechia gemmella (Linnaeus, 175S); Lesar et al. 2009. Stenolechia nigrinotella (Zeller, 1S47); Mann 1854, Staudinger S Wocke 1871. Stenolechiodes pseudogemmellus Elsner, 1996; Lesar S Verovnik 2008. Parachronistis albiceps (Zeller, 1S39); Zeller 1868, Liška S Skyva 2000, Lesar S Verovnik 2008. Teleiodes vulgella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Teleiodes italica Huemer, 1992; Liška S Skyva 2000. T. gallica Huemer, 1992 in Liška S Skyva 2000 is today considered a synonym for T. italica. Teleiodes wagae (Nowicki, 1S6G); Lesar et al. 2009. Teleiodes saltuum (Zeller, 1S7S); Huemer S Karsholt 1999, Liška S Skyva 2000, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Teleiodes luculella (Hübner, 1S13); Zeller 1868, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Huemer S Karsholt 1999, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Teleiodes flavimaculella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1S54); Liška S Skyva 2000. Teleiodes sequax (Haworth, 1S2S); Staudinger S Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Huemer S Karsholt 1999, Liška S Skyva 2000, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Teleiopsis terebinthinella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1S56); Lesar et al. 2009. Teleiopsis diffinis (Haworth, 1S2S); Rebel 1905-1910. Teleiopsis albifemorella (E. Hofmann, 1S67); Rebel 1905-1910, Thurner 1938, Carnelutti 1958, Huemer S Karsholt 1999, Elsner et al. 1999, Liška S Skyva 2000. Teleiopsis rosalbella (Fologne, 1S62); Liška S Skyva 2000. Carpatolechia decorella (Haworth, 1S12); Huemer S Karsholt 1999, Lesar et al. 2009. Carpatolechia fugitivella (Zeller, 1S39); Hornig 1854, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Carpatolechia alburnella (Zeller, 1S39); Huemer S Karsholt 1999. Carpatolechia notatella (Hübner, 1S13); Huemer S Karsholt 1999. Carpatolechia proximella (Hübner, 1796); Rebel 1905-1910, Huemer S Karsholt 1999, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Pseudotelphusa scalella (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Huemer S Karsholt 1999, Gomboc 1999, Lesar S Verovnik 2008. Pseudotelphusa paripunctella (Thunberg, 1794); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Huemer S Karsholt 1999, Lesar et al. 2009. Pseudotelphusa tessella (Linnaeus, 175S); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Huemer S Karsholt 1999, Liška S Skyva 2000, Jež et al. 2003c, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Altenia scriptella (Hübner, 1796); Mann 1854, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Huemer S Karsholt 1999, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Gelechia rhombella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska S Hoffmann 19241929, Huemer S Karsholt 1999, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Gelechia asinella (Hübner, 1796); Huemer S Karsholt 1999, Liška S Skyva 2000. Gelechia cuneatella Douglas, 1S52; Huemer S Karsholt 1999. Gelechia sororculella (Hübner, 1S17); Huemer S Karsholt 1999, Liška S Skyva 2000. Gelechia nigra (Haworth, 1828); Huemer & Karsholt 1999. Gelechia turpella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Huemer & Karsholt 1999. Gelechia sestertiella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854); Lesar et al. 2009. Psoricoptera gibbosella (Zeller, 1839); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Huemer & Karsholt 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Mirificarma maculatella (Hübner, 1796); Huemer & Karsholt 1999. Mirificarma eburnella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Huemer & Karsholt 1999. Mirificarma lentiginosella (Zeller, 1839); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Huemer & Karsholt 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Mirificarma cytisella (Treitschke, 1833); Mann 1870, Huemer & Karsholt 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Mirificarma interrupta (Curtis, 1827); Rebel 1905-1910. Sophronia semicostella (Hübner, 1813); Carnelutti 1958. Sophronia illustrella (Hübner, 1796); Habeler & Gomboc 2005. Sophronia sicariellus (Zeller, 1839); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Chionodes lugubrella (Fabricius, 1794); Huemer & Karsholt 1999. Chionodes tragicella (Heyden, 1865); Huemer & Karsholt 1999, Lesar et al. 2009. Chionodes luctuella (Hübner, 1793); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Chionodes praeclarella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854); Rothe 1902. Chionodes continuella (Zeller, 1839); Huemer & Karsholt 1999. Chionodesperpetuella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854); Huemer & Karsholt 1999, Elsner et al. 1999. Chionodes distinctella (Zeller, 1839); Mann 1854, Dorfmeister et al. 1864, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Huemer & Karsholt 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Chionodes electella (Zeller, 1839); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Huemer & Karsholt 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Chionodes viduella (Fabricius, 1794); Rebel 1905-1910, Huemer & Karsholt 1999. Chionodes fumatella (Douglas, 1850); Huemer & Karsholt 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000. Chionodes nebulosella (Heinemann, 1870); Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Huemer & Karsholt 1999, Elsner et al. 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000. Aroga velocella (Zeller, 1839); Rebel 1905-1910, Huemer & Karsholt 1999. Neofriseria peliella (Treitschke, 1835); Huemer & Karsholt 1999, Lesar et al. 2009. Prolita sexpunctella (Fabricius, 1794); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Carnelutti 1958, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Prolita solutella (Zeller, 1839); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Athrips patockai (Povolny, 1979); Huemer & Karsholt 1999, Elsner et al. 1999. Athrips nigricostella (Duponchel, 1842); Mann 1854, Huemer & Karsholt 1999. Athrips mouffetella (Linnaeus, 1758); Huemer & Karsholt 1999. Gnorimoschema streliciella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854); Povolny 1992, Elsner et al. 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000. Scrobipalpa acuminatella (Sircom, 1850); Mann 1854, Rothe 1902, Carnelutti 1958, Maček 19671996, Maček 1999. Scrobipalpa artemisiella (Treitschke, 1833); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 19051910, Liška & Skyva 2000. Scrobipalpa murinella (Duponchel, 1843); Rebel 1905-1910. Scrobipalpa ocellatella (Boyd, 1858); Milevoj 2003, Valič et al. 2005, Lesar et al. 2009. Scrobipalpa perinii (Klimesch, 1951); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999. Scrobipalpula tussilaginis (Frey, 1867); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999. Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller, 1873); Janežič 1951, Carnelutti 1985. Caryocolum tischeriella (Zeller, 1839); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Caryocolum alsinella (Zeller, 1868); Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rothe 1902. Caryocolum vicinella (Douglas, 1851); Liška & Skyva 2000. Caryocolum petryi(O. Hofmann, 1899); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Elsner et al. 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Caryocolum cauligenella (Schmid, 1863); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Caryocolum trauniella (Zeller, 1868); Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Carnelutti 1958, Elsner et al. 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000. Caryocolum saginella (Zeller, 1868); Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Caryocolum peregrinella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854); Anonymous 2004. Caryocolum leucomelanella (Zeller, 1839); Elsner et al. 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000. Caryocolum laceratella (Zeller, 1868); Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Caryocolum schleichi (Christoph, 1872); Liška & Skyva 2000. Caryocolum blandella (Douglas, 1852); Lesar et al. 2009. Caryocolum moehringiae (Klimesch, 1954); Liška & Skyva 2000. Sattleria triglavica Povolny, 1987; Huemer & Sattler 1992, Elsner et al. 1999. Stomopteryxremissella (Zeller, 1847); Zeller 1868, Liška & Skyva 2000. Syncopacma patruella (Mann, 1857); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Syncopacma coronillella (Treitschke, 1833); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Syncopacma cinctella (Clerck, 1759); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Syncopacma taeniolella (Zeller, 1839); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Syncopacma cincticulella (Bruand, 1850); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Aproaerema anthyllidella (Hübner, 1813); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Iwaruna biguttella (Duponchel, 1843); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910. Anacampsispopulella (Clerck, 1759); Rebel 1905-1910, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Anacampsis blattariella (Hübner, 1796); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Anacampsis timidella (Wocke, 1887); Lesar et al. 2009. Anacampsis scintillella (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1841); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Anacampsis obscurella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Mesophlepssilacella (Hübner, 1796); Mann 1854, Lesar et al. 2009. Anarsia lineatella Zeller, 1839; Vrabl 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Anarsia spartiella (Schrank, 1802); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Liška & Skyva 2000. Nothris verbascella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Nothris lemniscella (Zeller, 1839); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Neofaculta ericetella (Geyer, 1832); Hornig 1854, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Höfner 1895, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Galvagni 1910, Stauder 1914, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Neofaculta infernella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854); Rebel 1905-1910, Hoffmann 1911, Hoffmann 1915, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1958, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Dichomeris juniperella (Linnaeus, 1761); Rebel 1905-1910. Dichomerismarginella (Fabricius, 1781); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Lesar et al. 2009. Dichomeris ustalella (Fabricius, 1794); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Dichomeris derasella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Dichomeris limosellus (Schläger, 1849); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Dichomeris alacella (Zeller, 1839); Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Anasphaltis renigerellus (Zeller, 1839); Lesar et al. 2009. Brachmia dimidiella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Zeller 1868, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Brachmia blandella (Fabricius, 1798); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Helcystogramma triannulella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež & Lesar 2008. Helcystogramma lutatella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000. Helcystogramma rufescens (Haworth, 1828); Zeller 1868, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Acompsia cinerella (Clerck, 1759); Hornig 1854, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Huemer & Karsholt 2002, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež & Lesar 2008. Acompsia maculosella (Stainton, 1851); Liška & Skyva 2000, Huemer & Karsholt 2002, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Acompsia minorella (Rebel, 1899); Huemer & Karsholt 2002. Acompsia tripunctella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 19091922, Galvagni 1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1958, Huemer & Jakšic 1996, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Huemer & Karsholt 2002, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Fazekas 2009. Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier, 1789); Janežič 1951, Carnelutti 1985, Poženel 1997. Thiotricha majorella (Rebel, 1910); Liška & Skyva 2000. LIMACODIDAE Apoda limacodes (Hufnagel, 1766); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Schieferer 1912-1913, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1975, Mladinov 1976, Carnelutti 1980, Ileršič et al. 1988, Carnelutti 1992a, Accetto et al. 1996a, Culiberg et al. 1998, Gomboc 1999, Jež 2002a, Jež et al. 2003a, Jež et al. 2003b, Jež et al. 2004a, Jež et al. 2005a, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007. Heterogenen asella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Stauder 19291933, Carnelutti 1975, Mladinov 1976, Carnelutti 1980, Carnelutti 1992a, Gomboc 1999, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež & Lesar 2009. HETEROGYNIDAE Heterogynispenella (Hübner, 1819); Rogenhofer 1858, Rogenhofer 1860, Schmidt 1860, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Loebel 1920-1921, Stauder 1929-1933, Forster & Wohlfahrt 1960, Michieli 1970, Michieli 1978, Zilli & Racheli 1989, Carnelutti 1992a. ZYGAENIDAE Theresimima ampellophaga (Bayle-Barelle, 1808); Mann 1854, Wilde 1861, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Hafner 1909-1912, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Stauder 1929-1933, Issekutz 1957, Carnelutti 1992a, Vrabl 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Seljak 2005, Subchev et al. 2008. Rhagades pruni (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Stauder 1929-1933, Naufock 1930, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Anonymous 2002, Anonymous 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Jordanita budensis (Ad. & Au. Speyer, 1858); Hafner 1909-1912, Stauder 1929-1933, Michieli 1970, Michieli 1978, Vasic et al. 1990, Carnelutti 1992a, Anonymous 2002, Verovnik 2003, Deutsch 2009a. Jordanita notata (Zeller, 1847); Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a. Carnelutti (1992a) quotes the species as Roccia notataZ. Jordanita graeca (Jordan, 1907); Anonymous 2004. Jordanita chloros (Hübner, 1813); Hafner 1910, Schieferer 1912-1913, Stauder 1929-1933, Michieli 1970, Michieli 1978, Carnelutti 1992a, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Jordanita globulariae (Hübner, 1793); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Höfner 1909-1922, Hafner 1910, Loebel 1920-1921, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1975, Mladinov 1976, Carnelutti 1980, Carnelutti 1992a, Gomboc 1999, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007. Jordanita subsolana (Staudinger, 1862); Hafner 1909-1912, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Gomboc 1999. Adscita albanica (Naufock, 1926); Daniel 1960, Bartol et al. 1965, Michieli 1970, Michieli 1978, Carnelutti 1992b, Freina & Witt 2001, Anonymous 2004. Adscita geryon (Hübner, 1813); Vasic et al. 1990, Carnelutti 1992a. Adscita mannii (Lederer, 1853); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1978b, Carnelutti 1992a. Adscita statices (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Hoffmann 1917, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti 1975, Mladinov 1976, Carnelutti 1980, Jakšic 1990, Carnelutti 1992a, Valič 1996, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007. Zygaena punctum Ochsenheimer, 1808; Mann 1854, Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Stauder 19291933, Holik 1937, Michieli 1970, Michieli 1978, Carnelutti 1992a, Accetto et al. 1996a, Anonymous 2002, Verovnik 2003, Anonymous 2004. Zygaena cynarae (Esper, 1789); Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Stauder 1929-1933, Michieli 1970, Rauch 1976, Michieli 1978, Carnelutti 1992a, Anonymous 2002, Anonymous 2004. Zygaena purpuralis (Brünnich, 1763); Lipič 1834, Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Hoffmann 1909, Hafner 1910, Schieferer 1912-1913, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Hoffmann 1915, Stauder 19291933, Holik 1936-1937, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Michieli 1970, Ličar 1971, Carnelutti 1975, Mladinov 1976, Carnelutti 1978b, Michieli 1978, Carnelutti 1980, Naumann 1982, Jakšic 1990, Wraber et al. 1990, Carnelutti 1992a, Accetto et al. 1996a, Valič 1996, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007. Zygaena carniolica (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Dorfmeister et al. 1864, Trost 1904, Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Hoffmann 1909, Hafner 1910, Schieferer 1912-1913, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Hoffmann 1917, Loebel 1920-1921, Stauder 1929-1933, Holik 1939, Michieli 1958, Forster & Wohlfahrt 1960, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1975, Mladinov 1976, Carnelutti 1978b, Mladinov 1979, Carnelutti 1980, Wraber et al. 1990, Carnelutti 1992a, Accetto et al. 1996a, b, Čelik 1996, Valič 1996, Gomboc 1999, Ramovš et al. 2000, Freina & Witt 2001, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007. Zygaena loti (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Hoffmann 1915, Hoffmann 1917, Stauder 1929-1933, Holik 1937, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1978b, Mladinov 1978, Carnelutti 1980, Carnelutti 1992a, Accetto et al. 1996a, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007. Zygaena osterodensis Reiss, 1921; Dorfmeister et al. 1864, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2007, Phillips & Pickles 2007. Zygaena viciae (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Hafner 1909-1912, Hoffmann 1909, Hafner 1910, Hoffmann 1911, Schieferer 1912-1913, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Stauder 1929-1933, Holik 1943, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1975, Mladinov 1976, Carnelutti 1980, Carnelutti 1992a, Accetto et al. 1996b, Hofmann & Tremewan 1996, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007. Zygaena ephialtes (Linnaeus, 1767); Mann 1854, Martinek 1875, Trost 1904, Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Sajovic 1913, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Stauder 1929-1933, Holik 1948, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Anonymous 2002, Anonymous 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Zygaena transalpina (Esper, 1780); Hornig 1854, Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Trost 1904, Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Galvagni 1910, Hafner 1910, Hoffmann 1911, Schieferer 19121913, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Gadolla 1915, Hoffmann 1915, Hoffmann 1917, Loebel 1920-1921, Stauder 1929-1933, Meier 1960, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Michieli 1970, Carnelutti 1975, Mladinov 1976, Michieli 1978, Carnelutti 1980, Jakšic 1990, Carnelutti 1992a, Gomboc 1999, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007. Zygaena angelicae Ochsenheimer, 1808; Rogenhofer 1858, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 19051910, Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Stauder 1929-1933, Koch 1938, Michieli 1970, Carnelutti 1975, Michieli 1978, Naumann & Naumann 1980, Carnelutti 1992a, Jež 1996, Gogala et al. 2001, Anonymous 2002, Fazekas 2002, Anonymous 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Zygaena filipendulae (Linnaeus, 1758); Hornig 1854, Mann 1854, Dorfmeister et al. 1864, Zeller 1868, Martinek 1875, Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Hoffmann 1911, Schieferer 1912-1913, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Hoffmann 1915, Loebel 1920-1921, Stauder 1929-1933, Holik 1943, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1975, Mladinov 1976, Carnelutti 1980, Carnelutti 1992a, Accetto et al. 1996a, Kopušar 1997, Culiberg et al. 1998, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007. Zygaena lonicerae (Scheven, 1777); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Hoffmann 1915, Stauder 1929-1933, Holik 1943, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1975, Mladinov 1976, Carnelutti 1978b, Carnelutti 1980, Carnelutti 1992a, Accetto et al. 1996a, Valič 1996, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007. BRACHODIDAE Brachodes appendiculata (Esper, 1783); Mann 1854, Rothe 1902. SESIIDAE Pennisetia bohemica Kralicek & Povolny, 1974; Predovnik 2002, Anonymous 2004, Predovnik 2004. Pennisetia hylaeiformis (Laspeyres, 1801); Carnelutti & Michieli 1960, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Vrabl 1999, Predovnik 2003, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Jež 2006b. Sesia apiformis (Clerck, 1759); Mann 1854, Martinek 1875, Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Jež 1996, Jurc 1996, Gomboc 1999, Jež 2000, Predovnik 2003, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Sesia bembeciformis (Hübner, 1806); Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Carnelutti 1971, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Sesia melanocephala Dalman, 1816; Predovnik 2001, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Paranthrene tabaniformis (Rottemburg, 1775); Mann 1854, Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Jurc 1996, Gomboc 1999, Predovnik 2003, Lesar & Habeler 2005. ParanthreneinsolitusLe Cerf, 1914; Predovnik 2001, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Synanthedon scoliaeformis (Borkhausen, 1789); Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Carnelutti 1971, Carnelutti 1992a, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Fazekas 2008b, Predovnik 2008. Synanthedon spheciformis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Predovnik 2003, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Jež 2006b. Synanthedon stomoxiformis (Hübner, 1790); Mann 1854, Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti 1992a, Predovnik 2003, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Jež 2006b. Synanthedon culiciformis (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854, Hafner 1909-1912, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti 1992a, Predovnik 2003. Synanthedon formicaeformis (Esper, 1783); Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Predovnik 2003, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Synanthedon flaviventris (Staudinger, 1883); Predovnik 2002, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Synanthedon andrenaeformis (Laspeyres, 1801); Štanta 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Synanthedon soffneri Špatenka, 1983; Predovnik 2005. Synanthedon melliniformis (Laspeyres, 1801); Predovnik 2001, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Jež 2006a. Synanthedon myopaeformis (Borkhausen, 1789); Hafner 1909-1912, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Gomboc 1999, Vrabl 1999, Predovnik 2003, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Jež 2006b. Synanthedon vespiformis (Linnaeus, 1761); Hafner 1909-1912, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Gomboc 1999, Predovnik 2003, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Synanthedon conopiformis (Esper, 1782); Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Carnelutti 1971, Carnelutti 1992a, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Synanthedon tipuliformis (Clerck, 1759); Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Janežič 1972-1991, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Vrabl 1999, Predovnik 2003, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Synanthedon spuleri (Fuchs, 1908); Liška & Skyva 2000, Predovnik 2001, Predovnik 2003, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Synanthedon loranthi (Kralicek, 1966); Predovnik 2001, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Synanthedon cephiformis (Ochsenheimer, 1808); Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti 1992a. Bembecia ichneumoniformis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Hafner 1909-1912, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Carnelutti 1971, Carnelutti 1975, Vasic et al. 1990, Carnelutti 1992a, Gomboc 1999, Predovnik 2003, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Bembecia scopigera (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Špatenka & Laštuvka 1990, Pühringer 1995, Freina 1997, Predovnik 2001, Fazekas 2003. Bembecia albanensis (Rebel, 1918); Predovnik 2001, Predovnik 2003, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Jež 2006b. Bembecia pavicevici Toševski, 1989; Predovnik 2001. Bembecia megillaeformis (Hübner, 1813); Predovnik 2001. Bembecia himmighoffeni(Staudinger, 1866); Anonymous 2004, Predovnik 2005. Bembecia uroceriformis (Treitschke, 1834); Predovnik 2001. Pyropteron chrysidiformis (Esper, 1782); Hafner 1910, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti 1992a, Phillips & Pickles 2007. Pyropteron triannuliformis (Freyer, 1845); Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Predovnik 2003, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Jež 2006b. Pyropteron muscaeformis (Esper, 1783); Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Carnelutti 1971, Carnelutti 1992a, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2007. Pyropteron leucomelaena (Zeller, 1847); Hafner 1909-1912, Forster & Wohlfahrt 1960, Carnelutti 1992a. Pyropteron affinis (Staudinger, 1856); Hafner 1909-1912, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti 1992a. Chamaesphecia chalciformis (Esper, 1804); Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti 1971, Carnelutti 1992a. Chamaesphecia schmidtiiformis (Freyer, 1836); Predovnik 2002. Chamaesphecia aerifrons (Zeller, 1847); Predovnik 2002. Chamaesphecia doleriformis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1848); Lesar & Habeler 2005, Predovnik 2005, Lesar & Jež 2006b. Chamaesphecia dumontiLe Cerf, 1922; Predovnik 2001. Chamaesphecia nigrifrons (Le Cerf, 1911); Lesar & Habeler 2005, Predovnik 2005, Lesar & Jež 2006b. Chamaesphecia euceraeformis (Ochsenheimer, 1816); Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Carnelutti 1992a, Predovnik 2003. Chamaesphecia hungarica (Tomala, 1901); Predovnik 2002, Anonymous 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Chamaesphecia empiformis (Esper, 1783); Hafner 1909-1912, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Gomboc 1999, Predovnik 2003, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Specimens collected by Hafner in the vicinity of Novo mesto and currently kept in the Slovenian Natural History Museum have been redetermined as C. euceraeformis (Predovnik 2003), which means that the citing of C. empiformisfor Novo mesto in Hafner (1908-1912) is probably incorrect. Chamaesphecia tenthrediniformis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Predovnik 2001, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Jež 2006a. COSSIDAE Cossus cossus (Linnaeus, 1758); Scopoli 1763, Lipič 1834, Mann 1854, Martinek 1875, Rebel 19051910, Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Hoffmann 1915, Hoffmann 1917, Loebel 1920-1921, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1978b, Carnelutti 1980, Carnelutti 1992a, Accetto et al. 1996a, Jež 1996, Pohleven 1996, Gomboc 1999, Vrabl 1999, Jež 2000, Jež et al. 2004a, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Gomboc 2005. Lamellocossus terebra (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Hoffmann 1917, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti 1975, Vasic et al. 1990, Carnelutti 1992a, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Parahypopta caestrum (Hübner, 1808); Hafner 1910, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti & Michieli 1960, Carnelutti 1992a, Accetto et al. 1996a. Dyspessa ulula (Borkhausen, 1790); Mann 1854, Hafner 1909-1912, Stauder 1929-1933, Carnelutti 1992a, Accetto et al. 1996a. Zeuzera pyrina (Linnaeus, 1761); Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Hoffmann & Klos 1914-1923, Hoffmann 1917, Stauder 1929-1933, Thurner 1948, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1978b, Carnelutti 1980, Carnelutti 1992a, Accetto et al. 1996a, Pohleven 1996, Culiberg et al. 1998, Gomboc 1999, Vrabl 1999, Zadravec 2001, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phragmataecia castaneae (Hübner, 1790); Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1992a, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. TORTRICIDAE Phtheochroa inopiana (Haworth, 1811); Gomboc 1999. Phtheochroa schreibersiana (Frölich, 1828); Mann 1854. Phtheochroapulvillana (Herrich-Schäffer, 1851); Lesar et al. 2009. Phtheochroa sodaliana (Haworth, 1811); Gomboc 2008. Phtheochroa fulvicinctana (Constant, 1893); Anonymous 2004. Phtheochroa frigidana (Guenée, 1845); Lesar et al. 2009. Hysterophora maculosana (Haworth, 1811); Mann 1854. Cochylimorpha hilarana (Herrich-Schäffer, iS5i); Lesar et al. 2009. Cochylimorpha halophilana (Christoph, iSS2); Anonymous 2004. Cochylimorpha meridiana (Staudinger, iS59); Lesar et al. 2009. Cochylimorpha perfusana (Guenée, iS45); Mann 1854, Staudinger S Wocke 1871. Cochylimorpha straminea (Haworth, iSii); Mann 1854, Lesar et al. 2009. Cochylimorpha alternana (Stephens, iS34); Lesar et al. 2009. Phalonidia gilvicomana (Zeller, iS47); Lesar S Verovnik 2008. Phalonidia manniana (Fischer von Röslerstamm, iS39); Mann 1854, Gomboc 1999. Gynnidomorpha vectisana (Humphreys a Westwood, iS45); Lesar et al. 2009. Gynnidomorpha permixtana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Zeller 1868, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Gynnidomorpha alismana (Ragonot, 1SS3); Gomboc 1999. Agapeta hamana (Linnaeus, 175S); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Gomboc 1999, Seliškar et al. 1999, Jež et al. 2004a, Jež et al. 2005b, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Agapeta zoegana (Linnaeus, 1767); Hornig 1854, Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Kopušar 1997, Gomboc 1999, Jež et al. 2003b, Jež et al. 2004b, Lesar S Habeler 2005, Jež et al. 2007. Fulvoclysia nerminae Koçak, 19S2; Lesar S Habeler 2005. Prochlidonia amiantana (Hübner, 1799); Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Eupoecilia angustana (Hübner, 1799); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska S Hoffmann 19241929, Liška S Skyva 2000, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Eupoecilia ambiguella (Hübner, 1796); Mann 1854, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Vrabl 1999, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Eupoecilia sanguisorbana (Herrich-Schäffer, 1S56); Anonymous 2002, Anonymous 2004. Aethes hartmanniana (Clerck, 1759); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Schawerda 1920, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Culiberg et al. 1998, Liška S Skyva 2000, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Aethes williana (Brahm, 1791); Mann 1854. Aethes ardezana (Müller-Rutz, 1922); Liška S Skyva 2000, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Aethes rutilaría (Hübner, 1S17); Staudinger S Wocke 1871, Höfner 1909-1922, Thurner 1961, Liška S Skyva 2000, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Aethes smeathmanniana (Fabricius, 17S1); Mann 1854, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Aethes tesserana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Aethes decimana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Höfner 1909-1922, Thurner 1961, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Aethes aurofasciana (Mann, 1S55); Liška S Skyva 2000. Aethes cnicana (Westwood, 1S54); Lesar S Habeler 2005. Aethes rubigana (Treitschke, 1S30); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Carnelutti 1958, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Cochylidia rupicola (Curtis, 1S34); Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška S Skyva 2000, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Cochylidia heydeniana (Herrich-Schäffer, 1S51); Gomboc 1999, Liška S Skyva 2000. Cochylis roseana (Haworth, iSii); Hornig 1854, Mann 1854. Cochylis hybridella (Hübner, 1S13); Lesar S Verovnik 2008. Cochylis dubitana (Hübner, 1799); Mann 1854, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Cochylispallidana Zeller, 1S47; Zeller 1868, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Cochylis posterana Zeller, 1S47; Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Falseuncaria ruficiliana (Haworth, 1811); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000. Tortrix viridana Linnaeus, 1758; Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Titovšek 1994, Gomboc 1999, Harapin & Jurc 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Aleimma loeflingiana (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Jež et al. 2005a, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Acleris holmiana (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Acleris forsskaleana (Linnaeus, 1758); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Acleris bergmanniana (Linnaeus, 1758); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000. Acleris laterana (Fabricius, 1794); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Batinica 1974, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar et al. 2009. Acleris abietana (Hübner, 1822); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Acleris sparsana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Acleris rhombana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Acleris emargana (Fabricius, 1775); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Acleris schalleriana (Linnaeus, 1761); Batinica 1974, Lesar et al. 2009. Acleris cristana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Acleris variegana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Acleris aspersana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854. Aclerishastiana (Linnaeus, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Aclerispermutana (Duponchel, 1836); Mann 1854. Acleris ferrugana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Aclerisnotana (Donovan, 1806); Rebel 1905-1910. Acleris quercinana (Zeller, 1849); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Acleris kochiella (Goeze, 1783); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Acleris logiana (Clerck, 1759); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Acleris literana (Linnaeus, 1758); Lesar et al. 2009. Acleris rufana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Xerocnephasia rigana (Sodoffsky, 1829); Mann 1854. Neosphaleroptera nubilana (Hübner, 1799); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Lesar et al. 2009. Oporopsamma wertheimsteini(Rebel, 1913); Lesar & Verovnik 2008, Fazekas & Lesar 2009. Doloploca punctulana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Exapate duratella Heyden, 1864; Lesar & Habeler 2007, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Tortricodes alternella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Gomboc 1999, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eana osseana (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eana argentana (Clerck, 1759); Hornig 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Galvagni 1910, Carnelutti 1958, Ileršič et al. 1988, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eana canescana (Guenée, 1845); Rebel 1905-1910, Stauder 1914, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eana incanana (Stephens, 1852); Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eana derivana (La Harpe, 1858); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eana penziana (Thunberg, 1791); Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Cnephasia incertana (Treitschke, 1835); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Maček 19671996, Maček 1972, Maček 1973, Maček 1978, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Cnephasia lineata Walsingham, 1900; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999. Baixeras et al. (2009) synonymise C. terebrans Ams. & Hg. cited in Maček (1967-1996, 1999) with C. lineata Walsingham, 1900. Cnephasia abrasana (Duponchel, 1843); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Cnephasia stephensiana (Doubleday, 1849); Lesar et al. 2009. Cnephasia alticolana (Herrich-Schäffer, 1851); Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Cnephasia asseclana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854. Cnephasiapasiuana (Hübner, 1799); Hornig 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Cnephasia cupressivorana (Staudinger, 1871); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Cnephasia oxyacanthana (Herrich-Schäffer, 1851); Mann 1854. Cnephasia chrysantheana (Duponchel, 1843); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991a, Maček 1999, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Cnephasia sedana (Constant, 1884); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999. Cnephasia heinemanniObraztsov, 1956; Schawerda 1918, Liška & Skyva 2000. Sparganothis pilleriana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 19241929, Vrabl 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eulia ministrana (Linnaeus, 1758); Rebel 1905-1910, Galvagni 1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 19241929, Culiberg et al. 1998, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Pseudargyrotoza conwagana (Fabricius, 1775); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Epagoge grotiana (Fabricius, 1781); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Meixner 1910, Hoffmann 1915, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Paramesia gnomana (Clerck, 1759); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Periclepsis cinctana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854. Philedone gerningana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Pseudeulia asinana (Hübner, 1799); Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Capua vulgana (Frölich, 1828); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Archips oporana (Linnaeus, 1758); Hornig 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Archips podana (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Verovnik 1995, Gomboc 1999, Vrabl 1999, Jež et al. 2003a, Matis et al. 2003, Jež et al. 2005a, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež & Lesar 2008, Jež & Lesar 2009. Archips crataegana (Hübner, 1799); Ileršič et al. 1988, Gomboc 1999, Vrabl 1999, Harapin & Jurc 2000, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Archips xylosteana (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Bleiweis 1968, Titovšek 1994, Vrabl 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jurc 2006, Jež et al. 2007. Archips rosana (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Vrabl 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Choristoneura diversana (Hübner, 1817); Hornig 1854, Mann 1854, Trost 1907, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Choristoneura murinana (Hübner, 1799); Titovšek 1994. Choristoneura hebenstreite/la (Müller, 1764); Gomboc 1999, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Choristoneura lafauryana (Ragonot, 1875); Anonymous 2002, Anonymous 2004. Argyrotaenia ljungiana (Thunberg, 1797); Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Tosirips magyarus Razowski, 1987; Habeler 1992, Habeler 2003, Habeler & Gomboc 2005, Fazekas 2007. Ptycholomoides aeriferana (Herrich-Schäffer, 1851); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ptycholoma lecheana (Linnaeus, 1758); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Pandemis cinnamomeana (Treitschke, 1830); Mann 1854, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Pandemis corylana (Fabricius, 1794); Gomboc 1999, Jež et al. 2004a, Jež et al. 2005b, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež & Lesar 2008, Jež & Lesar 2009. Pandemis cerasana (Hübner, 1786); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Thurner 1961, Ileršič et al. 1988, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Pandemis heparana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 19241929, Gomboc 1999, Vrabl 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Matis et al. 2003, Jež et al. 2005b, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Pandemis dumetana (Treitschke, 1835); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Syndemis musculana (Hübner, 1799); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910. Lozotaenia forsterana (Fabricius, 1781); Höfner 1895, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Thurner 1961, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Cacoecimorphapronubana (Hübner, 1799); Mann 1854, Gomboc & Jankovic 2001. Apheliapaleana (Hübner, 1793); Rebel 1905-1910, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Aphelia ferugana (Hübner, 1793) syn: Aphelia ochreana Hübner, 1799; Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Aphelia viburnana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854. Dichelia histrionana (Frölich, 1828); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Clepsis rolandriana (Linnaeus, 1758); Carnelutti 1958. Clepsisrogana (Guenée, 1845); Galvagni 1910, Lesar et al. 2009. Clepsis steineriana (Hübner, 1799); Hornig 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Galvagni 1910, Thurner 1961, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Clepsis senecionana (Hübner, 1819); Mann 1854, Höfner 1895, Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Clepsis rurinana (Linnaeus, 1758); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež & Lesar 2008, Jež & Lesar 2009. Clepsis spectrana (Treitschke, 1830); Gomboc 1999, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Clepsispallidana (Fabricius, 1776); Mann 1854, Mann 1870, Lesar et al. 2009. Clepsis dumicolana (Zeller, 1847); Mann 1854. Clepsis consimilana (Hübner, 1817); Hornig 1854, Mann 1854, Lesar et al. 2009. Adoxophyes orana (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1834); Hornig 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 19241929, Gomboc 1999, Vrabl 1999, Matis et al. 2003, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Gomboc 2005. Epichoristodes acerbella (Walker, 1864); Glavendekic 2006. Olindia schumacherana (Fabricius, 1787); Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Isotrias hybridana (Hübner, 1817); Mann 1854, Galvagni 1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Thurner 1961, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Bactra lancealana (Hübner, 1799); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Gomboc 1999, Seliškar et al. 1999. Endothenia gentianaeana (Hübner, 1799); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Endothenia oblongana (Haworth, 1811); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Endothenia marginana (Haworth, 1811); Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Endothenia ustulana (Haworth, 1811); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Endothenia lapideana (Herrich-Schäffer, 1851); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Endothenia ericetana (Humphreys & Westwood, 1845); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868. Endothenia quadrimaculana (Haworth, 1811); Hoffmann 1915, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Seliškar et al. 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eudemisporphyrana (Hübner, 1799); Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Eudemis profundana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Aterpia corticana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Höfner 1895, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 19091922, Galvagni 1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Selenodes karelica (Tengström, 1875); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Pseudosciaphila branderiana (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Hoffmann 1915, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Apotomis semifasciana (Haworth, 1811); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Seliškar et al. 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Apotomis lineana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar et al. 2009. Apotomis turbidana (Hübner, 1825); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Apotomis betuletana (Haworth, 1811); Jež et al. 2005b, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Apotomis capreana (Hübner, 1817); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Apotomis sororculana (Zetterstedt, 1839); Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Apotomis sauciana (Frölich, 1828); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež et al. 2007. Orthotaenia undulana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Dorfmeister et al. 1864, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Hedya salicella (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Culiberg et al. 1998, Gomboc 1999, Seliškar et al. 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Hedya nubiferana (Haworth, 1811) syn: Hedya dimidioalba Retzius, 1783; Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Vrabl 1999, Matis et al. 2003, Jež et al. 2005a, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Hedya pruniana (Hübner, 1799); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež et al. 2007. Hedya dimidiana (Clerck, 1759); Höfner 1909-1922, Thurner 1961, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Hedya ochroleucana (Frölich, 1828); Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Metendothenia atropunctana (Zetterstedt, 1839); Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Celypha rufana (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Celypha striana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Hornig 1854, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 19051910, Galvagni 1910, Gomboc 1999, Seliškar et al. 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Celypha rurestrana (Duponchel, 1843); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rothe 1902, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Celypha flavipalpana (Herrich-Schäffer, 1851); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Celypha cespitana (Hübner, 1817); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Galvagni 1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Gomboc 2003b, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Celypha lacunana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Höfner 1895, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Gomboc 1999, Seliškar et al. 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Gomboc 2003b, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež & Lesar 2008, Jež & Lesar 2009. Celypha rivulana (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Gomboc 1999, Seliškar et al. 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež & Lesar 2009. Celypha aurofasciana (Haworth, 1811); Liška & Skyva 2000. Phiaris umbrosana (Freyer, 1842); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phiaris schulziana (Fabricius, 1776); Höfner 1895, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Thurner 1961, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phiaris helveticana (Duponchel, 1845); Rebel 1905-1910, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phiaris micana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) syn: Phiaris olivana Treitschke, 1830; Mann 1854, Anonymous 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phiaris palustrana (Lienig & Zeller, 1846); Gomboc 1999, Anonymous 2004. Phiaris bipunctana (Fabricius, 1794); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Thurner 1961, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Cymolomia hartigiana (Saxesen, 1840); Lesar et al. 2009. Argyroploce noricana (Herrich-Schäffer, 1851); Lesar et al. 2009. Stictea mygindiana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Höfner 1895, Höfner 1909-1922, Thurner 1961, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Olethreutes arcuella (Clerck, 1759); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Dorfmeister et al. 1864, Rebel 19051910, Galvagni 1910, Stauder 1914, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Piniphila bifasciana (Haworth, 1811); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Pseudohermenias abietana (Fabricius, 1787); Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Thurner 1961, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Pelatea klugiana (Freyer, 1834); Mann 1854, Mann 1866, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Deutsch 2009b. Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Hoffmann 1911, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Vrabl 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Gomboc 2005. Lobesia reliquana (Hübner, 1825); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Lobesia bicinctana (Duponchel, 1844); Lesar et al. 2009. Lobesia helichrysana (Ragonot, 1879) syn: Lobesia cinerariae Nolcke, 1882; Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999. Eucosmomorpha albersana (Hübner, 1813); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Enarmonia formosana (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Vrabl 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ancylis unguicella (Linnaeus, 1758); Rebel 1905-1910. Ancylis uncella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Zeller 1868, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Ancylis laetana (Fabricius, 1775); Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ancylis obtusana (Haworth, 1811); Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ancylis comptana (Frölich, 1828); Mann 1854. Ancylisgeminana (Donovan, 1806); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ancylis diminutana (Haworth, 1811); Gomboc 1999. Ancylis selenana (Guenée, 1845); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Ancylis unculana (Haworth, 1811); Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ancylis myrtiilana (Treitschke, 1830); Zeller 1868, Höfner 1895, Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ancylis apicella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Gomboc 1999, Seliškar et al. 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ancylis badiana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Höfner 1895, Rebel 19051910, Höfner 1909-1922, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ancylis achatana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ancylis mitterbacheriana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Dorfmeister et al. 1864, Hoffmann 1915, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ancylis tineana (Hübner, 1799); Zeller 1868. Thiodia torridana (Lederer, 1S59); Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Thiodia trochilana (Frölich, 1S2S); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Carnelutti 1958, Lesar et al. 2009. Rhopobota myrtillana (Humphreys & Westwood, 1S45); Lesar S Habeler 2005. Rhopobota stagnana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Rhopobota ustomaculana (Curtis, 1S31); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Liška S Skyva 2000, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Rhopobota naevana (Hübner, 1S17); Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Spilonota ocellana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Seliškar et al. 1999, Vrabl 1999, Matis et al. 2003, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Spilonota laricana (Heinemann, 1S63); Gomboc 1999, Liška S Skyva 2000, Lesar S Verovnik 2008. Epinotia brunnichiana (Linnaeus, 1767); Mann 1854, Höfner 1895, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 19091922, Galvagni 1910, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Epinotia solandriana (Linnaeus, 175S); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854. Epinotia abbreviana (Fabricius, 1794); Lesar S Verovnik 2008. Epinotia festivana (Hübner, 1799); Mann 1854, Janežič 1972-1991, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Epinotia granitana (Herrich-Schäffer, 1S51); Höfner 1909-1922, Galvagni 1910, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Epinotia cruciana (Linnaeus, 1761); Hornig 1854, Mann 1854, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Epinotia mercuriana (Frölich, 1S2S); Hornig 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Liška S Skyva 2000, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Epinotia immundana (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1S39) syn: Epinotia rhomboidella Geoffroy, 17S5; Lesar S Verovnik 2008. Epinotia thapsiana (Zeller, 1S47); Staudinger S Wocke 1871, Lesar et al. 2009. Epinotia kochiana (Herrich-Schäffer, 1S51); Mann 1854. Epinotia crenana (Hübner, 1799); Liška S Skyva 2000. Epinotia nanana (Treitschke, 1S35); Liška S Skyva 2000. Epinotia demarniana (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1S40); Rebel 1905-1910. Epinotia subocellana (Donovan, 1S06); Lesar S Habeler 2005. Epinotia tetraquetrana (Haworth, 1S11); Rebel 1905-1910, Janežič 1972-1991, Gomboc 1999. In Janežič (1972-1991), one can find more than 100 data on this species from entire Slovenia, including Štajerska. Lesar S Habeler (2005) did not include it in the list of micromoths of the Štajerska region. Epinotia tenerana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Liška S Skyva 2000, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Epinotia ramella (Linnaeus, 175S); Gomboc 1999, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Epinotia nigricana (Herrich-Schäffer, 1S51); Liška S Skyva 2000. Epinotia tedella (Clerck, 1759); Zeller 1868, Höfner 1895, Rebel 1905-1910, Galvagni 1910, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška S Skyva 2000, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Epinotia fraternana (Haworth, 1S11); Rebel 1905-1910, Ocepek S Maček 1984, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999. Epinotia nisella (Clerck, 1759); Scopoli 1763, Lesar S Verovnik 2008. Zeiraphera griseana (Hübner, 1799); Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Titovšek 1994, Liška S Skyva 2000, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Zeiraphera rufimitrana (Herrich-Schäffer, 1S51); Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Titovšek 1994, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Zeiraphera ratzeburgiana (Saxesen, 1S40); Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Zeiraphera isertana (Fabricius, 1794); Gomboc 1999. Crocidosema plebejana Zeller, 1S47; Gomboc 1999. Phaneta pauperana (Duponchel, 1843); Lesar et al. 2009. Pelochrista caecimaculana (Hübner, 1799); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910. Pelochrista mollitana (Zeller, 1847); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Pelochrista modicana (Zeller, 1847); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Hoffmann 1911, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eucosma obumbratana (Lienig & Zeller, 1846); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar et al. 2009. Eucosma cana (Haworth, 1811); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eucosma hohenwartiana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 19241929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eucosma fulvana (Stephens, 1834); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929. Eucosma flavispecula Kuznetsov, 1964; Anonymous 2004. Eucosma campoliliana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1958, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eucosma aemulana (Schläger, 1849); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eucosma albidulana (Herrich-Schäffer, 1851); Gomboc 1999. Eucosma fervidana (Zeller, 1847); Liška & Skyva 2000. Eucosma metzneriana (Treitschke, 1830); Janežič 1972-1991. Eucosma conterminana (Guenée, 1845); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eucosma aspidiscana (Hübner, 1817); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871. Eucosmapupillana (Clerck, 1759); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Lepteucosma huebneriana Koçak, 1980; Gomboc 1999. Gypsonoma minutana (Hübner, 1799); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1978, Maček 1991b, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Gypsonoma dealbana (Frölich, 1828); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Gypsonoma sociana (Haworth, 1811); Zeller 1868, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Gypsonoma nitidulana (Lienig & Zeller, 1846); Lesar et al. 2009. Gypsonoma aceriana (Duponchel, 1843); Janežič 1972-1991. Epiblema sticticana (Fabricius, 1794); Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Epiblema scutulana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Carnelutti 1958, Seliškar et al. 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Epiblema cirsiana (Zeller, 1843); Hornig 1854, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868. Epiblema foenella (Linnaeus, 1758); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Culiberg et al. 1998, Gomboc 1999, Jež et al. 2003a, Jež et al. 2004b, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Epiblema costipunctana (Haworth, 1811); Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000. Epiblema hepaticana (Treitschke, 1835); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Epiblema confusanum (Herrich-Schäffer, 1856); Höfner 1895. In Höfner (1895), the species is presented as Grapholitha confusanum H.S.. In Lesar & Habeler (2005), the species was commented upon as not yet clear, but today E. confusanum is a valid name. Epiblema turbidana (Treitschke, 1835); Scopoli 1763, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Epiblema grandaevana (Lienig & Zeller, 1846); Scopoli 1763, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Epiblema graphana (Treitschke, 1835); Rebel 1905-1910, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Epiblema simploniana (Duponchel, 1835); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1958, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Epiblema similana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Notocelia cynosbatella (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Notocelia uddmanniana (Linnaeus, 1758); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 19241929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Gomboc 1999, Seliškar et al. 1999, Jež et al. 2004a, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Notocelia roborana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Notocelia incarnatana (Hübner, 1800); Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Notocelia trimaculana (Haworth, 1811); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Pseudococcyxposticana (Zetterstedt, 1839); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Pseudococcyxmughiana (Zeller, 1868); Liška & Skyva 2000. Retinia resinella (Linnaeus, 1758); Janežič 1972-1991, Mihajlovic et al. 1990. Rhyacionia buoliana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Hornig 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Janežič 1972-1991, Titovšek 1994, Jurc 1996, Gomboc 1999, Jurc 2001, Jež 2002b, Jež et al. 2003a, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Rhyacionia pinicolana (Doubleday, 1849); Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Jež et al. 2005b, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Rhyacionia hafneri (Rebel, 1937); Huemer 2003, Habeler & Gomboc 2005, Jaroš & Liška 2005, Deutsch 2006. Rhyacionia pinivorana (Lienig & Zeller, 1846); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Dichrorampha alpigenana (Heinemann, 1863); Lesar et al. 2009. Dichrorampha plumbana (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Dichrorampha aeratana (Pierce & Metcalfe, 1915); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Dichrorampha bugnionana (Duponchel, 1843); Hornig 1854, Huemer 1993, Liška & Skyva 2000. Dichrorampha consortana (Stephens, 1852); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Dichrorampha simpliciana (Haworth, 1811); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Dichrorampha sequana (Hübner, 1799); Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Dichrorampha heegerana (Duponchel, 1843); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Dichrorampha vancouverana McDunnogh, 1935 syn: Dichrorampha gueneeana Obraztsov, 1953; Lesar & Habeler 2005. Dichrorampha petiverella (Linnaeus, 1758); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Dichrorampha montanana (Duponchel, 1843); Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Dichrorampha distinctana (Heinemann, 1863); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Cydia nigricana (Fabricius, 1794) syn: Cydia rusticella Clerck, 1759; Prohaska & Hoffmann 19241929, Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Cydia succedana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar et al. 2009. Cydia cythisanthana Burmann & Pröse, 1988; Lesar et al. 2009. Cydia ulicetana (Haworth, 1811); Liška & Skyva 2000. Cydia albipicta Sauter 1968; Habeler & Gomboc 2005. Cydia microgrammana (Guenée, 1845); Rebel 1905-1910. Cydia duplicana (Zetterstedt, 1839); Rebel 1905-1910, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Cydia illutana (Herrich-Schäffer, 1851); Lesar et al. 2009. Cydia conicolana (Heylaerts, 1874); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Cydia cosmophorana (Treitschke, 1835); Liška & Skyva 2000. Cydia strobilella (Linnaeus, 1758); Mihajlovic et al. 1990. Cydia pactolana (Zeller, 1840); Rebel 1905-1910, Carnelutti 1958. Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus, 1758); Lipič 1834, Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Gomboc 1999, Vrabl 1999, Vogrin 2002, Gomboc 2003b, Lešnik & Tojnko 2003, Matis et al. 2003, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Gomboc 2005, Jež & Lesar 2008. Cydia pyrivora (Danilevsky, 1947); Vrabl 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Cydia servillana (Duponchel, 1836); Mann 1854, Janežič 1972-1991. Cydia leguminana (Lienig & Zeller, 1846); Zeller 1868, Höfner 1909-1922. Cydia splendana (Hübner, 1799) syn: Cydia triangulella Goeze, 1783; Cydia penkleriana Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775; Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Mann 1870, Rebel 1905-1910, Galvagni 1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Harapin & Jurc 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Cydia fagiglandana (Zeller, 1841); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Cydia amplana (Hübner, 1800); Harapin & Jurc 2000, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Lathronympha strigana (Fabricius, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Grapholita fissana (Frölich, 1828); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Grapholita compositella (Fabricius, 1775); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Grapholita coronillana (Lienig & Zeller, 1846); Mann 1854. Grapholita discretana (Wocke, 1861); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Grapholita lunulana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Grapholita gemmiferana (Treitschke, 1835); Zeller 1868, Höfner 1909-1922. Grapholita nebritana (Treitschke, 1830); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Grapholita jungiella (Linnaeus, 1761); Mann 1854. Grapholita lobarzewskii(Nowicki, 1860); Vrabl 1999, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Grapholita molesta (Busck, 1916); Vrabl 1999, Matis et al. 2003, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Grapholita funebrana (Treitschke, 1835); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Vrabl 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Grapholita tenebrosana (Duponchel, 1843); Mann 1854. Pammene splendidulana (Guenée, 1845); Mann 1854. Pammenegiganteana (Peyerimhoff, 1863) syn: Pammene inquilana Fletcher, 1938; Lesar et al. 2009. Pammene argyrana (Hübner, 1799); Lesar et al. 2009. Pammene suspectana (Lienig & Zeller, 1846); Lesar et al. 2009. Pammene albuginana (Guenée, 1845); Lesar et al. 2009. Pammene amygdalana (Duponchel, 1842); Lesar et al. 2009. Pammene querceti (Gozmany, 1957); Lesar et al. 2009. Pammene fasciana (Linnaeus, 1761); Scopoli 1763, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Pammene rhediella (Clerck, 1759); Mann 1854. Pammene regiana (Zeller, 1849); Lesar et al. 2009. Pammene aurita Razowski, 1991; Habeler 2003, Habeler & Gomboc 2005, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Pammene germmana (Hübner, 1799); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868. Pammene aurana (Fabricius, 1775); Lesar et al. 2009. Corticivora piniana (Herrich-Schäffer, 1851); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. CHOREUTIDAE Millieria dolosalis (Heydenreich, 1851); Mann 1854, Heppner 1982. Anthophila abhasica Danilevsky, 1969; Liška & Skyva 2000. Anthophila fabriciana (Linnaeus, 1767); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Galvagni 1910, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Prochoreutis holotoxa (Meyrick, 1903); Liška & Skyva 2000. Tebenna micalis (Mann, 1857); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Choreutis pariana (Clerck, 1759); Hornig 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Choreutis nemorana (Hübner, 1799); Mann 1854. In Mann (1854), this species is listed as Choreutis inicisalis Tr. The present situation is that this taxon is accepted as C. nemorana (Huemer pers. inf. to the first author). URODIDAE Wockia asperipunctella (Bruand, 1851); Liška & Skyva 2000. SCHRECKENSTEINIIDAE Schreckensteinia festaliella (Hübner, 1819); Lesar et al. 2009. EPERMENIIDAE Phaulernis rebeliella Gaedike, 1966; Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. In Prohaska & Hoffmann (1924-1929), this species is presented as Epermenia silenerella Rbl. nov.sp. See comment in Lesar & Habeler (2005). Epermenia insecurella (Stainton, 1849); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Lesar et al. 2009. Epermenia chaerophyllella (Goeze, 1783); Maček 1967-1996, Maček 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Epermenia illigerella (Hübner, 1813); Lesar et al. 2009. Epermenia pontificella (Hübner, 1796); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Epermenia scurella (Stainton, 1851); Höfner 1895, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Epermenia devotella (Heyden, 1863); Rebel 1905-1910. Ochromolopis ictella (Hübner, 1813); Mann 1854, Lesar et al. 2009. ALUCITIDAE Alucita hexadactyla Linnaeus, 1758; Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Alucita huebneri Wallengren, 1859; Stauder 1914, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Alucita grammodactyla Zeller, 1841; Zeller 1868, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Alucita desmodactyla Zeller, 1847; Rebel 1905-1910, Carnelutti 1958. Pterotopteryxdodecadactyla Hübner, 1813; Zeller 1852b. PTEROPHORIDAE Agdistisintermedia Caradja,1920; Anonymous 2004. Platyptilia gonodactyla (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Ileršič et al. 1988, Arenberger & Jakšic 1991, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Platyptilia calodactyla (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Thurner 1938, Carnelutti 1958, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Platyptilia nemoralis Zeller, 1841; Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Platyptilia tesseradactyla (Linnaeus, 1761); Rebel 1905-1910. Gillmeria tetradactyla (Linnaeus, 1758); Zeller 1852b, Hornig 1854, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Despite the fact that in Scopoli (1763) it is stated as Phalaena didactyla Linnaeus 1758, which is now Geina didactyla (Linnaeus, 1758), Zeller (1852) synonymises Scopoli's quotation with G. tetradactyla (Linnaeus, 1758). P. didactyla from Scopoli (1763) is equally classified also by Staudinger & Wocke (1871). From what has been established to date, we thus cannot make a conclusion for the time being as to the occurrence of G. didactyla (Linnaeus, 1758) in Slovenia. Amblyptilia acanthadactyla (Hübner, 1813); Höfner 1895, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Amblyptilia punctidactyla (Haworth, 1811); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Arenberger & Jakšic 1991, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stenoptilia pterodactyla (Linnaeus, 1761); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Carnelutti 1958, Liška & Skyva 2000, Arenberger 2005. Stenoptilia stigmatodactyla (Zeller, 1852); Arenberger 2005, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Stenoptilia bipunctidactyla (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Zeller 1868, Höfner 1909-1922, Arenberger 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stenoptilia annadactyla Sutter, 1988; Liška & Skyva 2000. Stenoptilia inopinata (Bigot & Picard, 2002); Lesar et al. 2009. Stenoptilia pelidnodactyla (Stein, 1837); Arenberger 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stenoptilia coprodactyla (Stainton, 1851); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Galvagni 1910, Carnelutti 1958, Liška & Skyva 2000, Arenberger 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stenoptilia graphodactyla (Treitschke, 1833); Dorfmeister et al. 1864, Liška & Skyva 2000, Arenberger 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stenoptilia zophodactyla (Duponchel, 1840); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Arenberger 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Stenoptilia pneumonanthes (Büttner, 1880); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Cnaemidophorus rhododactyla (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Oxyptilus pilosellae (Zeller, 1841); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Arenberger 2002, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Oxyptilus parvidactylus (Haworth, 1811); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Liška & Skyva 2000, Arenberger 2002. Oxyptilus chrysodactylus (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Arenberger 2002, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Crombrugghia distans (Zeller, 1847); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 19241929, Arenberger 2002, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Pterophorus pentadactylus (Linnaeus, 1758); Scopoli 1763, Lipič 1834, Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Arenberger 1995, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež et al. 2007. Pterophorus ischnodactylus (Treitschke, 1835); Lesar et al. 2009. Merrifieldia tridactyla (Linnaeus, 1758); Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phalaena tri dactyla Linnaeus, stated in Scopoli (1763), is a synonym for Pterophorus pentadactylus (Linnaeus, 1758) and not for M. tridactyla (Staudinger & Wocke 1871). Merrifieldia leucodactyla (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Arenberger 1995, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Merrifieldia renatae Skyva & Elsner, 2007; Skyva & Elsner 2007. Merrifieldia malacodactyla (Zeller, 1847); Mann 1854, Arenberger 1995. Oidaematophorus lithodactyla (Treitschke, 1833); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Arenberger 1995, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Oidaematophorus rogenhoferi (Mann, 1871); Liška & Skyva 2000. Oidaematophorus constanti (Ragonot, 1875); Arenberger & Jakšic 1991, Arenberger 1995. Hellinsia tephradactyla (Hübner, 1813); Arenberger 1995, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Hellinsia didactylites (Ström, 1783); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Hellinsia distincta (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Hellinsia carphodactyla (Hübner, 1813); Hornig 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Galvagni 1910, Arenberger 1995, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Hellinsia inulae (Zeller, 1852); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Hellinsia osteodactyla (Zeller, 1841); Hornig 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Arenberger 1995, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Adaina microdactyla (Hübner, 1813); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rebel 1905-1910, Janežič 1972-1991, Arenberger 1995, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Emmelina monodactyla (Linnaeus, 1758); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Arenberger 1995, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. CARPOSINIDAE Carposina berberidella Herrich-Schäffer, 1854; Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Rothe 1902. THYRIDIDIDAE Thyris fenestrella (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Hafner 1909-1912, Hoffmann 1915, Carnelutti & Michieli 1969, Carnelutti 1975, Mladinov 1976, Carnelutti 1992a, Accetto et al. 1996a, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007. PYRALIDAE Aphomia sociella (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Stauder 1914, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1985, Liška & Skyva 2000, Jež et al. 2005a, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež & Lesar 2008. Aphomia zelleri Joannis, 1932; Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Thurner 1958, Anonymous 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Lamoria anella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Gomboc 1999. Paralipsa gularis (Zeller, 1877); Štanta 2008. Achroia grisella (Fabricius, 1794); Carnelutti 1985. Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1985, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Synaphe moldavica (Esper, 1794); Mann 1854. Synaphe punctalis (Fabricius, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Jež et al. 2005b, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2006. Pyralis regalis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Liška & Skyva 2000, Jež et al. 2004b, Lesar 2004, Jež et al. 2005a, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2006. Pyralis farinalis (Linnaeus, 1758); Scopoli 1763, Hoffmann 1915, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1985, Ileršič et al. 1988, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Gomboc 2005, Slamka 2006, Jež & Lesar 2008, Jež & Lesar 2009. Aglossa pinguinalis (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 19241929, Carnelutti 1985, Gomboc 1999, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2006. Stemmatophora brunnealis (Treitschke, 1829); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Jež et al. 2004b, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2006. Hypsopygia costalis (Fabricius, 1775); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1985, Ileršič et al. 1988, Gomboc 1999, Jež et al. 2003a, Jež et al. 2004b, Jež et al. 2005a, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2006, Jež et al. 2007, Jež & Lesar 2008, Jež & Lesar 2009. Hypsopygia incarnatalis (Zeller, 1847); Lesar et al. 2009. Hypsopygia rubidalis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Hypsopygia glaucinalis (Linnaeus, 1758); Hoffmann 1915, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Jež et al. 2005a, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2006. Endotricha flammealis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Gomboc 2003b, Jež et al. 2003b, Jež et al. 2004b, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež et al. 2007, Jež & Lesar 2008. Cryptoblabes bistriga (Haworth, 1811); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Trachonitis cristella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež & Lesar 2009. Salebriopsis albicilla (Herrich-Schäffer, 1849); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Elegia fallax(Staudinger, 1881); Lesar et al. 2009. Elegia similella (Zincken, 1818); Mann 1854, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007. Ortholepis betulae (Goeze, 1778); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Matilella fusca (Haworth, 1811); Rebel 1905-1910, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Moitrelia obductella Zeller, 1839; Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Pempeliella ornatella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 19091922, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Thurner 1958, Kopušar 1997, Liška & Skyva 2000, Jež et al. 2004a, Jež et al. 2005b, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Pempeliella sororiella (Zeller, 1839); Mann 1854, Rothe 1902, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Delplanqueia dilutella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Hornig 1854, Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Hoffmann 1915, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Catastia marginea (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1870, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 19091922, Galvagni 1910, Thurner 1958. Sciota fumella (Eversmann, 1844); Lesar 2004, Habeler & Gomboc 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Sciota rhenella (Zincken, 1818); Ileršič et al. 1988, Culiberg et al. 1998, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Sciota hostilis (Stephens, 1834); Jež et al. 2003a, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Sciota adelphella (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1836); Rebel 1905-1910, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Selagia argyrella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Selagia spadicella (Hübner, 1796); Lesar et al. 2009. Etiella zinckenella (Treitschke, 1832); Mann 1854, Stauder 1914, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Merulempista cingillella (Zeller, 1846); Hornig 1854. Oncocera semirubella (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Hornig 1854, Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Hoffmann 1915, Hoffmann 1917, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Verovnik 1995, Culiberg et al. 1998, Gomboc 1999, Seliškar et al. 1999, Jež 2002b, Jež et al. 2003a, Gomboc 2003b, Jež et al. 2003c, Jež et al. 2004a, Jež et al. 2004b, Jež et al. 2005b, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež et al. 2007, Phillips & Pickles 2007, Jež & Lesar 2008, Jež & Lesar 2009. Laodamia faecella (Zeller, 1839); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Pempelia palumbella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 19241929, Culiberg et al. 1998, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Dioryctria sylvestrella (Ratzeburg, 1840); Kopušar 1997, Culiberg et al. 1998, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Jež et al. 2003a, Jež et al. 2003b, Jež et al. 2004b, Jež et al. 2005b, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Dioryctria schuetzeella Fuchs, 1899; Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Dioryctria simpliciella Heinemann, 1863 syn: Dioryctria mutatella Fuchs, 1903; Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Dioryctria abietella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Hoffmann 1917, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Culiberg et al. 1998, Gomboc 1999, Seliškar et al. 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Jež 2002b, Jež et al. 2005a, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež et al. 2007. Phycita metzneri (Zeller, 1846); Lesar et al. 2009. Phycita meliella (Mann, 1864); Lesar et al. 2009. Phycita roborella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Hypochalcia dignella (Hübner, 1796); Mann 1854, Anonymous 2004. Hypochalcia lignella (Hübner, 1796); Hornig 1854, Mann 1854, Stauder 1914, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007. Hypochalcia ahenella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Hornig 1854, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Hoffmann 1915, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Liška & Skyva 2000, Jež et al. 2003b, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007. Hypochalcia propinquella (Guenée, 1845); Seliškar et al. 1999, Habeler & Gomboc 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2005. In Seliškar et al. (1999), Habeler & Gomboc (2005), Lesar & Habeler (2005) this species is presented as H. bruandella (Guenée, 1845). The present situation is that this taxon is accepted on subspecific rank as H. propinquella bruandella (Guenée, 1845). Nephopterixangustella (Hübner, 1796); Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Acrobasis tumidana (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Acrobasis repandana (Fabricius, 1798); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Acrobasis advenella (Zincken, 1818); Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Acrobasissuavella (Zincken, 1818); Mann 1854, Lesar et al. 2009. Acrobasis legatea (Haworth, 1811); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Liška & Skyva 2000. Acrobasis dulcella (Zeller, 1848); Mann 1870. Acrobasis marmorea (Haworth, 1811); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Acrobasis romanella (Milliere, 1865); Lesar et al. 2009. Acrobasis sodalella Zeller, 1848; Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Acrobasis consociella (Hübner, 1813); Mann 1854, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Acrobasis glaucella Staudinger, 1859; Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Acrobasis obtusella (Hübner, 1796); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Glyptoteles leucacrinella (Zeller, 1848); Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Episcythrastis tetricella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eurhodope incompta (Zeller, 1847); Habeler 2003. Eurhodope rosella (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Anonymous 2002, Anonymous 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar et al. 2009. Eurhodope cirrigerella (Zincken, 1818); Mann 1854. Myelois circumvoluta (Fourcroy, 1785); Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Apomyelois ceratoniae (Zeller, 1839); Carnelutti 1985. Pterothrixidia rufella (Duponchel, 1836) syn: Pterothrixidia impurella Duponchel, 1836; Stauder 1914, Anonymous 2004, Lesar et al. 2009. In Lesar et al. (2009) the species is presented as P. impurella (Duponchel, 1836) and P. rufella (Duponchel, 1836). In Leraut (2005) P. impurella is quoted as a synonim for P. rufella (Duponchel, 1836) but the sources before 2005 quote both as bona species which was the reason to quote also P. impurella as bona species in Lesar et al. (2009). Asarta aethiopella (Duponchel, 1837); Gomboc 1999. Zophodia grossulariella (Hübner, 1809); Carnelutti 1975, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eccopisa effractella Zeller, 1848; Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Assara terebrella (Zincken, 1818); Rebel 1905-1910, Carnelutti 1975, Kopušar 1997, Liška & Skyva 2000, Jež et al. 2005b, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež et al. 2007. Euzophera pinguis (Haworth, 1811); Gomboc 1999, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Euzophera bigella (Zeller, 1848); Carnelutti 1975, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Euzophera cinerosella (Zeller, 1839); Carnelutti 1975, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar et al. 2009. Euzophera fuliginosella (Heinemann, 1865); Carnelutti 1975, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Euzopherodeslutisignella (Mann, 1869); Rebel 1905-1910, Carnelutti 1975, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Nyctegretis lineana (Scopoli, 1786); Carnelutti 1975, Gomboc 1999, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ancylosis cinnamomella (Duponchel, 1836); Carnelutti 1975, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ancylosis oblitella (Zeller, 1848); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1975, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Homoeosoma sinuella (Fabricius, 1794); Mann 1854, Carnelutti 1975, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež & Lesar 2009. Homoeosoma nebulella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Carnelutti 1975, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Homoeosoma nimbella (Duponchel, 1837); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1975, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phycitodes binaevella (Hübner, 1813); Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Phycitodes saxicola (Vaughan, 1870); Liška & Skyva 2000. Phycitodes albatella (Ragonot, 1887); Carnelutti 1975, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Vitula biviella (Zeller, 1848); Carnelutti 1975, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Plodia interpunctella (Hübner, 1813); Mann 1854, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1985, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Gomboc 2005. Ephestia kuehniella Zeller, 1879; Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1985, Ileršič et al. 1988, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ephestia welseriella (Zeller, 1848); Lesar et al. 2009. Ephestia elutella (Hübner, 1796); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1985, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ephestia parasitella Staudinger, 1859; Lesar et al. 2009. Cadra abstersella (Zeller, 1847); Lesar et al. 2009. Cadra figulilella (Gregson, 1871); Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1985, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Cadra cautella (Walker, 1863); Carnelutti 1975, Carnelutti 1985, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Hypsotropa limbella Zeller, 1848; Anonymous 2002. Ematheudespunctella (Treitschke, 1833); Mann 1854. CRAMBIDAE Cholius luteolaris (Scopoli, 1772); Mann 1854, Goater et al. 2005. Scoparia manifestella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1848); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Thurner 1937, Thurner 1938, Thurner 1958, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007. Scoparia italica Turati, 1919; Goater et al. 2005, Lesar et al. 2009. Scoparia subfusca Haworth, 1811; Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Scoparia basistrigalis Knaggs, 1866; Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Jež et al. 2003a, Jež et al. 2004a, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Scoparia ambigualis (Treitschke, 1829); Zeller 1846, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Thurner 1958, Culiberg et al. 1998, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Scopariaperplexella (Zeller, 1839); Mann 1854, Anonymous 2004, Lesar et al. 2009. Scoparia pyralella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 19241929, Gomboc 1999, Jež et al. 2004a, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007. Scoparia ingratella (Zeller, 1846); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Thurner 1958, Culiberg et al. 1998, Liška & Skyva 2000, Jež et al. 2003b, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eudonia lacustrata (Panzer, 1804); Rebel 1905-1910, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eudonia murana (Curtis, 1827); Rebel 1905-1910, Carnelutti 1958, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eudoniapetrophila (Standfuss, 1848); Lesar et al. 2009. Eudonia angustea (Curtis, 1827); Anonymous 2002, Anonymous 2004. Eudonia laetella (Zeller, 1846); Rebel 1905-1910, Habeler & Gomboc 2005. Eudonia delunella (Stainton, 1849); Lesar et al. 2009. Eudonia phaeoleuca (Zeller, 1846); Höfner 1909-1922, Carnelutti 1958, Thurner 1958, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eudonia truncicolella (Stainton, 1849); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eudonia mercurella (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eudonia sudetica (Zeller, 1839); Hornig 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000, Anonymous 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Eudonia pallida (Curtis, 1827); Gomboc 1999, Anonymous 2002, Goater et al. 2005, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Heliothela wulfeniana (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Anonymous 2002, Goater et al. 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Euchromius superbellus (Zeller, 1849); Anonymous 2002, Slamka 2008. Chilo phragmitella (Hübner, 1805); Carnelutti 1975, Culiberg et al. 1998, Gomboc 1999, Anonymous 2002, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Friedlanderia cicatricella (Hübner, 1824); Gomboc 1999, Anonymous 2002, Slamka 2008. Calamotropha paludella (Hübner, 1824); Carnelutti 1975, Gomboc 1999, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Calamotropha aureliellus (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1841); Anonymous 2002, Anonymous 2004. The only quotation for Slovenia can be found in Anomymus (2002, 2004). Distribution map in Slamka (2008) we didn't take into consideration. Chrysoteuchia culmella (Linnaeus, 1758); Scopoli 1763, Hornig 1854, Mann 1854, Dorfmeister et al. 1864, Rebel 1905-1910, Hoffmann 1915, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1975, Ileršič et al. 1988, Gomboc & Milevoj 1994, Gomboc 1999, Seliškar et al. 1999, Jež et al. 2003a, Jež et al. 2004a, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Crambus pascuella (Linnaeus, 1758); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1975, Culiberg et al. 1998, Gomboc 1999, Seliškar et al. 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Crambus silvella (Hübner, 1813); Rebel 1905-1910, Carnelutti 1975, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Crambus uliginosellus Zeller, 1850; Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Anonymous 2004, Lesar 2004, Habeler & Gomboc 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2007, Slamka 2008. Crambus ericella (Hübner, 1813); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1975, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež et al. 2007, Slamka 2008. Crambus pratella (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854, Dorfmeister et al. 1864, Zeller 1868, Mann 1870, Höfner 1895, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1975, Ileršič et al. 1988, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Crambus lathoniellus (Zincken, 1817); Höfner 1895, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 19241929, Carnelutti 1975, Accetto et al. 1996a, Culiberg et al. 1998, Gomboc 1999, Seliškar et al. 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Jež et al. 2004a, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež et al. 2007, Phillips & Pickles 2007, Slamka 2008. Crambus hamella (Thunberg, 1788); Anonymous 2002, Anonymous 2004, Slamka 2008. Crambus perlella (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Hornig 1854, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 19051910, Galvagni 1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Thurner 1958, Carnelutti 1975, Ileršič et al. 1988, Fazekas 1993, Gaston et al. 1997, Culiberg et al. 1998, Gomboc 1999, Seliškar et al. 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008, Jež & Lesar 2009. Angustalius malacellus (Duponchel, 1836); Mann 1854, Anonymous 2002, Anonymous 2004, Slamka 2008. Agriphila deliella (Hübner, 1813); Slamka 2008. Agriphila tristella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 19241929, Carnelutti 1975, Gomboc 1999, Jež et al. 2005b, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež et al. 2007, Jež & Lesar 2008, Slamka 2008, Jež & Lesar 2009. Agriphila inquinatella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Stauder 1914, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1975, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Gomboc 2003b, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008, Jež & Lesar 2009. Agriphila brioniellus (Zerny, 1914); Slamka 2008, Lesar et al. 2009. Agriphila selasella (Hübner, 1813); Gomboc 1999, Jež et al. 2004a, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Agriphila straminella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1975, Gomboc 1999, Jež et al. 2004b, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008, Jež & Lesar 2009. Agriphila geniculea (Haworth, 1811); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1975, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Verovnik 2008, Slamka 2008, Jež & Lesar 2009. Agriphila tolli(Bleszynski, 1952); Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Agriphila dalmatinellus (Hampson, 1900); Slamka 2008. Catoptria permutatellus (Herrich-Schäffer, 1848); Jež et al. 2003b, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Catoptria myella (Hübner, 1796); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Hoffmann 1915, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Thurner 1958, Carnelutti 1975, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Catoptria osthelderi (Lattin, 1950); Klimesch 1960, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007, Slamka 2008. Catoptria speculalis Hübner, 1825; Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007, Slamka 2008. Catoptria pyramidellus (Treitschke, 1832); Hornig 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Galvagni 1910, Thurner 1958, Carnelutti 1975, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. In Slamka (2008) the species is also quoted for Petrinjski Kras. This is a mistake, the specimen (Tokar leg.) is from the Slovenian Julian Alps (Slamka pers. inf. to the first author). Catoptria luctiferella (Hübner, 1813); Hornig 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Galvagni 1910, Hafner 1925, Thurner 1925, Carnelutti 1978a, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Catoptria radiella (Hübner, 1813); Slamka 2008. Catoptria conchella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 19091922, Galvagni 1910, Thurner 1938, Carnelutti 1975, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Catoptria pauperellus (Treitschke, 1832); Anonymous 2002, Anonymous 2004, Slamka 2008, Lesar et al. 2009. Catoptria mytilella (Hübner, 1805); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Habeler & Gomboc 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar & Verovnik 2008, Slamka 2008. Catoptria pinella (Linnaeus, 1758); Scopoli 1763, Rebel 1905-1910, Stauder 1914, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1975, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Catoptria margaritella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Carnelutti 1975, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Catoptria languidellus (Zeller, 1863); Lesar & Habeler 2007, Lesar & Verovnik 2008. Catoptria falsella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Mann 1870, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1975, Gomboc 1999, Jež et al. 2003a, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Catoptria verellus (Zincken, 1817); Rebel 1905-1910, Hoffmann 1915, Prohaska & Hoffmann 19241929, Carnelutti 1975, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Catoptriapetrificella (Hübner, 1796); Rebel 1905-1910, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Catoptria combinella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Hornig 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Galvagni 1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Thurner 1958, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Metacrambus carectellus (Zeller, 1847); Slamka 2008, Lesar et al. 2009. Xanthocrambus saxonellus (Zincken, 1821); Mann 1854, Slamka 2008, Lesar et al. 2009. Xanthocrambus lucellus (Herrich-Schäffer, 1848); Mann 1854, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Hoffmann 1915, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Anonymous 2002, Anonymous 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Chrysocrambus linetella (Fabricius, 1781); Mann 1854, Gomboc 1999, Lesar 2004, Jež et al. 2005a, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Chrysocrambus craterella (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Hoffmann 1911, Stauder 1914, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1975, Gomboc 1999, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Thisanotia chrysonuchella (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Trost 1907, Stauder 1914, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1975, Accetto et al. 1996a, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007, Slamka 2008. Pediasia luteella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Carnelutti 1975, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Pediasia contaminella (Hübner, 1796); Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Platytes cerussella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Galvagni 1910, Hoffmann 1915, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1975, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Platytes alpinella (Hübner, 1813); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1975, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Ancylolomiapalpella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Slamka 2008, Lesar et al. 2009. Talis quercella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Gomboc 1999, Slamka 2008. Schoenobiusgigantella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Anonymous 2002, Anonymous 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2008. Donacaula forficella (Thunberg, 1794); Gomboc 1999, Anonymous 2002, Anonymous 2004, Slamka 2008. Donacaula mucronella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Anonymous 2002, Anonymous 2004, Lesar 2004, Geister 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007, Slamka 2008. Scirpophagapraelata (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Staudinger & Wocke 1871, Slamka 2008. Elophila nymphaeata (Linnaeus, 1758); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Culiberg et al. 1998, Čelik et al. 1999, Gomboc 1999, Anonymous 2002, Gomboc 2002, Anonymous 2004, Čelik 2005, Geister 2005, Goater et al. 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Acentria ephemerella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Čelik 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Cataclysta lemnata (Linnaeus, 1758); Culiberg et al. 1998, Gomboc 1999, Anonymous 2002, Anonymous 2004, Čelik 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež & Lesar 2008. Parapoynx stratiotata (Linnaeus, 1758); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Culiberg et al. 1998, Gomboc 1999, Jež et al. 2003a, Čelik 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Nymphula nitidulata (Hufnagel, 1767); Gomboc 1999, Anonymous 2002, Lesar 2004, Čelik 2005, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Metaxmeste phrygialis (Hübner, 1796); Höfner 1895, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Galvagni 1910, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2006. In Slamka (2006) is quoted a specimen from Budapest Museum (HNHM) with location: »Slovenia, Koprivnik Mts., leg. Csiki«. This location is not in Slovenia but on Balkans where Hungarian Coleopterist Csiki was investigating. Slamka was informed by the first author and agrees with this constatation. Metaxmeste schrankiana (Hochenwarth, 1785); Hornig 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000, Slamka 2006. Cynaeda dentalis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007. Epascestria pustulalis (Hübner, 1823); Maček 1976, Maček 1999. Atralata albofascialis (Treitschke, 1829); Anonymous 2002, Anonymous 2004, Habeler & Gomboc 2005. Eurrhypis pollinalis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Slamka 2006, Phillips & Pickles 2007. Evergestis sophialis (Fabricius, 1787); Hornig 1854, Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 19091922, Hoffmann 1909, Galvagni 1910, Hoffmann 1911, Stauder 1914, Hoffmann 1915, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Evergestis caesialis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1849); Lesar et al. 2009. Evergestis forficalis (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Gomboc 1999, Jež 2002b, Jež et al. 2004b, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Evergestis extimalis (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Hoffmann 1915, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Evergestis limbata (Linnaeus, 1767); Lesar S Verovnik 2008. Evergestis pallidata (Hufnagel, 1767); Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Culiberg et al. 1998, Gomboc 1999, Seliškar et al. 1999, Liška S Skyva 2000, Lesar S Habeler 2005, Jež S Lesar 2008. Evergestis politalis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Carnelutti 1958, Liška S Skyva 2000, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Evergestis aenealis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Seliškar et al. 1999, Liška S Skyva 2000, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Orenaia alpestralis(Fabricius, 17S7); Hornig 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Liška S Skyva 2000. Orenaia helveticalis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1S51); Rebel 1905-1910, Lesar et al. 2009. Orenaia lugubralis (Lederer, 1S57); Rebel 1905-1910. Hellula undalis (Fabricius, 17S1); Lesar S Habeler 2005. Loxostege aeruginalis (Hübner, 1796); Mann 1854, Stauder 1914. Loxostege sticticalis (Linnaeus, 1761); Mann 1854, Stauder 1914, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Loxostege fascials (Hübner, 1796); Mann 1854, Anonymous 2002, Anonymous 2004. Ecpyrrhorrhoe rubiginalis (Hübner, 1796); Mann 1854, Gomboc 1999, Jež et al. 2003a, Jež et al. 2003b, Jež et al. 2004b, Jež et al. 2005b, Lesar S Habeler 2005, Jež et al. 2007, Phillips S Pickles 2007, Jež S Lesar 2008, Jež S Lesar 2009. Ecpyrrhorrhoe diffusalis (Guenée, 1S54); Mann 1854. Pyrausta cingulata (Linnaeus, 175S); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Stauder 1914, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Thurner 1958, Liška S Skyva 2000, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Pyrausta rectefascialisToll, 1936; Lesar 2004, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Pyrausta virginalis Duponchel, 1S32; Lesar et al. 2009. Pyrausta sanguinalis (Linnaeus, 1767); Mann 1854. Pyrausta castalisTreitschke, 1S29; Liška S Skyva 2000. Pyrausta despicata (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Gomboc 1999, Seliškar et al. 1999, Jež et al. 2004b, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Pyrausta porphyralis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Pyrausta aurata (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Hornig 1854, Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Galvagni 1910, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Liška S Skyva 2000, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Pyrausta purpuralis (Linnaeus, 175S); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Verovnik 1995, Gomboc 1999, Jež et al. 2004a, Jež et al. 2004b, Lesar S Habeler 2005, Phillips S Pickles 2007, Jež S Lesar 2009. Pyrausta ostrinalis (Hübner, 1796); Mann 1854, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar S Habeler 2005, Lesar et al. 2009. Pyrausta falcatalis Guenée, 1S54; Hornig 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Thurner 1938, Thurner 1958, Liška S Skyva 2000, Lesar 2004, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Pyrausta obfuscata (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763. Pyrausta nigrata (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška S Skyva 2000, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Pyrausta coracinalis Leraut, 19S2; Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Galvagni 1910, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1958, Thurner 1958, Liška S Skyva 2000, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Pyrausta aerealis (Hübner, 1793); Hornig 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Liška S Skyva 2000, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Uresiphita gilvata (Fabricius, 1794); Mann 1854, Prohaska S Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar S Habeler 2005, Lesar et al. 2009. Nascia cilialis (Hübner, 1796); Gomboc 1999, Lesar 2004, Lesar S Habeler 2005. Sitochroa palealis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Sitochroa verticalis (Linnaeus, 1758); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Ileršič et al. 1988, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007, Jež & Lesar 2009. Anania coronata (Hufnagel, 1767); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Jež et al. 2004b, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež & Lesar 2009. Anania crocealis (Hübner, 1796); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Galvagni 1910, Hoffmann 1911, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Thurner 1958, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Anania funebris (Ström, 1768); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Anania fuscalis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Dorfmeister et al. 1864, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Seliškar et al. 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Anania hortulata (Linnaeus, 1758); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Jež et al. 2003a, Jež et al. 2003b, Jež et al. 2004a, Jež et al. 2005a, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Anania lancealis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Anania luctualis (Hübner, 1793); Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Anania perlucidalis (Hübner, 1809); Gomboc 1999, Habeler 1999, Anonymous 2002, Anonymous 2004. Anania stachydalis (Germar, 1821); Ileršič et al. 1988, Culiberg et al. 1998, Gomboc 1999, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Anania terrealis (Treitschke, 1829); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Jež et al. 2003c, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Anania testacealis (Zeller, 1847); Lesar et al. 2009. Anania verbascalis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Jež et al. 2004b, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007. Sclerocona acutella (Eversmann, 1842); Anonymous 2002, Anonymous 2004, Lesar et al. 2009. Ostrinia quadripunctalis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 19241929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Ostrinia palustralis (Hübner, 1796); Gomboc 1999, Anonymous 2002, Gomboc 2002, Anonymous 2004. Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner, 1796); Lipič 1834, Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Verovnik 1995, Gomboc et al. 1996, Culiberg et al. 1998, Gomboc & Milevoj 1999a, Gomboc & Milevoj 1999b, Gomboc 1999, Gomboc et al. 1999, Maček 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Jež et al. 2003a, Carlevaris et al. 2003, Jež et al. 2004a, Jež et al. 2004b, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Gomboc 2005, Hoshizaki et al. 2008. Paratalanta pandalis (Hübner, 1825); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Höfner 1895, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Culiberg et al. 1998, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Jež et al. 2004b, Jež et al. 2005a, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Paratalanta hyalinalis (Hübner, 1796); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Udea ferrugalis (Hübner, 1796); Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež & Lesar 2008. Udea fulvalis (Hübner, 1809); Mann 1854, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Udea lutealis (Hübner, 1809); Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Udea elutalis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Udea prunalis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Liška & Skyva 2000, Jež et al. 2005a, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Udea cyanalis (La Harpe, 1855); Lesar et al. 2009. Udea inquinatalis (Lienig & Zeller, 1846); Lesar & Habeler 2005. Udea accolalis (Zeller, 1867); Zeller 1868, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Anonymous 2002, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež & Lesar 2009. Udea alpinalis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Hornig 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Trost 1907, Höfner 1909-1922, Galvagni 1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Carnelutti 1958, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Udea uliginosalis (Stephens, 1834); Rebel 1905-1910, Galvagni 1910, Thurner 1958, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Udea nebulalis (Hübner, 1796); Rebel 1905-1910, Trost 1907, Höfner 1909-1922, Galvagni 1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Udea carniolica Huemer & Tarmann, 1989; Huemer & Tarmann 1989, Liška & Skyva 2000, Verovnik 2003. Udea decrepitalis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1848); Höfner 1895, Rebel 1905-1910, Höfner 1909-1922, Thurner 1958, Liška & Skyva 2000, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Lesar et al. 2009. Udea olivalis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Liška & Skyva 2000, Jež et al. 2005a, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Pleuroptya ruralis (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Verovnik 1995, Culiberg et al. 1998, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Jež 2002a, Jež 2002b, Jež et al. 2003a, Jež et al. 2003b, Jež et al. 2004a, Jež et al. 2004b, Jež et al. 2005a, Jež et al. 2005b, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež et al. 2007, Jež & Lesar 2008, Jež & Lesar 2009. Pleuroptya balteata (Fabricius, 1798); Mann 1854. Mecyna flavalis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Hornig 1854, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Jež et al. 2003a, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007. Agrotera nemoralis (Scopoli, 1763); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Hoffmann 1915, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Gomboc 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Jež et al. 2003a, Jež et al. 2005b, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Phillips & Pickles 2007, Jež & Lesar 2009. Diasemia reticularis (Linnaeus, 1761); Scopoli 1763, Mann 1854, Zeller 1868, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Seliškar et al. 1999, Liška & Skyva 2000, Anonymous 2002, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež & Lesar 2008, Jež & Lesar 2009. Diasemiopsis ramburialis (Duponchel, 1834); Anonymous 2002, Anonymous 2004. Palpita vitrealis (Rossi, 1794) syn: Palpita unionalis Hübner, 1796; Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Dolicharthria punctalis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Mann 1854, Prohaska & Hoffmann 19241929, Gomboc 1999, Gomboc 2003b, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež et al. 2007. Antigastra catalaunalis (Duponchel, 1833); Lesar et al. 2009. Metasia ophialis (Treitschke, 1829); Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Lesar 2004, Lesar & Habeler 2005. Nomophila noctuella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Hornig 1854, Mann 1854, Rebel 1905-1910, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929, Ileršič et al. 1988, Gomboc 1999, Seliškar et al. 1999, Jež et al. 2004a, Lesar & Habeler 2005, Jež & Lesar 2009. The species excluded from the fauna of Slovenia In this chapter we present the species that have been published for the Slovenian fauna but their occurrence in Slovenia is doubtful. We believe that for the time being it is unreasonable to include them in the list of Slovenian micromoths. For this decision, some substantial reasons are given. Phialacropterix graslinella (Boisduval, 1852) The species is cited in Carnelutti (1992a) and Jež (1996). Owing to the fact that it was stated as falsely determined already in Carnelutti (1955) and confused with P. praecellens (Staudinger, 1870), there is no reason for the time being to include in the list of our micromoths. Kessleria zimmermanni (Nowicki, 1864) This species is quoted for the Alps as Swammerdamia zimmermanni Now. in Rebel (19051910). Given that Huemer & Tarmann (1992) described several new species from the genus Kessleria and stated that the Slovenian Alps are inhabited by Kessleria burmanni Huemer & Tarmann 1992, Kessleria nivescens (Burmann, 1980), Kessleria petrobiella (Zeller, 1868) and Kessleria klimeschi Huemer & Tarmann 1992, we can justifiably express our great doubts as to all statements given in older literature. Rebel's collection was kindly checked by Huemer (pers. inf. to the first author), who established that Rebel's specimens from the Julian Alps belonged to K petrobiella and K nivescens. This is the reason why K zimmermanni was excluded from the list of Slovenian micromoths. Oegoconia quadripuncta (Haworth, 1828) The species listed in Prohaska & Hoffmann (1924-1929) has been in view of its geographic distribution excluded from the Slovenian fauna already by Lesar & Habeler (2005). At the moment, the species O. uralskella Popescu-Gorj & Capuse, 1965 and O. novimundi (Busck, 1915) (Lesar et al. 2009) are known from Slovenia. To which taxon the specimens quoted by Prohaska & Hoffmann (1924-1929) actually belong, could be established only by reviewing their material. Zygaena trifolii (Esper, 1783) Z. trffolii has been quoted for Slovenia by Hafner (1908-1912), Hoffmann & Klos (19141923) and Stauder (1929-1933). Considering that since the time, when Carnelutti & Michieli (1960) expressed their opinion that it was falsely determined and confused with Z. lonicerae Scheven, 1777, the species has not been quoted for Slovenia at all, it remains off the list for the time being. Agriphila latistria (Haworth, 1811) For Slovenia, the species has been listed by Fazekas (1990). The information is based on the specimen labelled »Kranj 1899« (presumably kept in the Hungarian Natural History Museum), but the specimen has unfortunately not been found during the new review of the material (Fazekas pers. inf. to the first author). As almost all specimens from the same period as stated on the label are marked, as a rule, »Carniola« or »Krain«, we presume that the possibility that »Kranj« on the label actually delineates Kranj in the Gorenjska region is very slim. For the same reason we have thus not included this species on our list. Ectoedemia variicapitella Chretien, 1908 In Maček (1994, 1996), the species is listed as Stigmella variicapitella Chret. At a later date (1999), Maček no longer referred to it. The species is endemic to the Canary Islands, hence the data from outside its range are false (Van Nieukerken 2008). Scythris tergestinella (Zeller, 1855) For Carniola, the species is stated by Staudinger & Wocke (1871). With regard to the historical changes in Carniola's borders, the statements in the original description of the species (Zeller 1855) (» 14. September bei Triest am Südabhange des Karst auf einer grasigen Stelle...«) cannot be considered as data for modern-day Slovenia. Scythris gravatella (Zeller, 1847) Mann (1854) refers to Oecophora gravatella Zell., now known as Scythris gravatella (Zeller, 1847). Later on, however, Zeller (1855) described Mann's specimens as a new species Scythrispascuella (Zeller, 1855). For Carniola, the species S. gravatella was quoted neither by Staudinger & Wocke (1871). Scythris knochella (Fabricius, 1794) In spite of the fact that Mann (1854) clearly states Oecophora knochella Fab. and not knochella Tr., Staudinger & Wocke (1871) quote for Carniola Butaiis punctivittella Costa (=knochella Tr.) and not Butaiis knochella Fab. This is why S. knochiella does not appear, for the time being, in the fauna of Slovenia. Thiotricha subocellea (Stephens, 1834) The species is referred to in Lesar & Habeler 2005 with reference to Höfner (1895). In Höfner, the locality is accurately stated as »Bei der »Schmölz«« which, however, does not lie in the territory of modern-day Slovenia. The species is therefore no longer kept in the list of our micromoths, at least for the time being. Symmoca signella (Hübner, 1796) The species is cited in Hornig (1854), Mann (1854) and Rebel (1905-1910). Staudinger & Wocke (1871) do not equal Psec. signella Hb. in Hornig (1854) and Psecadia signella H. in Mann (1854) with S. signella, but with a few years the later described Symmoca albicanella Zeller, 1868. Rebel's (1905-1910) record is doubtful if we consider today's knowledge (Huemer & Gozmany 1992) about distribution of species in Symmoca genus. Lypusa maurella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) The species is cited in Mann (1854) and Staudinger & Wocke (1871). Lypusa (Zeller, 1852) is a Palaearctic moth genus which, until recently, was supposed to comprise a single widespread species L. maurella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) (Heikkila & Kaila 2010). Elsner et al. (2008) established that it actually comprises a species group. Elsner et al. (2008) found on Mt Nanos the species L. tokari, only few kilometres away from where Mann (1854) recorded L. maurella. A revision of Mann's specimens is needed to prove the occurrence of L. maurella. Adscita alpina (Alberti, 1937) The only quotation for Slovenia can be found in Carnelutti (1992a) as Procris alpina Alberti for the Slovenian submediterranean region, with a remark that only a single locality is known in Slovenia for this species. Although its occurrence in our country is questionable, we have left it out of the list of Slovenian micromoths for the time being. Phtheochroa rugosana (Hübner, 1799) The only quotation for Slovenia can be found in Mann (1854). We classified Mann's record as dubious considering distribution of the species in Europe. Udea murinalis (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1842) The only quotation for Slovenia can be found in Rebel (1905-1910). We classified Rebel's record as dubious considering distribution of species in Europe. Acompsia antirrhinella Milliere, 1866 Mann (1854) cites Gelechia tripunctella ? S. V. with the following remark: »Diese Art gleicht ziemlich der Tripunctella, welche auf unsern Alpen vorkommt, nur sind die Flügel kürzer und stumpfer«. Staudinger & Wocke (1871) believe that Mann's find possibly refers to the species A. antirrhinella. For the time being, it is classified as a dubious record. Dahlica klimeschi (Sieder, 1953) The species is listed by Carnelutti (1975). As it is not summed up in Carnelutti (1992a), it is classified as a dubious species for the time being. Coleophora vestianella (Linnaeus, 1758) Scopoli (1763) quotes Phalaena vestianella Linnaeus, 1758. Of the more than 80 species from the genus Coleophora, which we present in this list, Linnaeus described only two of them, i.e. C. vestianella in 1758 and C. serratella in 1761, while Scopoli (1763) described the species C. hemerobiella. All other species have been described after 1763. This is why we believe that the quotation in Scopoli (1763) for C. vestianella cannot be taken into consideration as relevant. The species has thus not been included in the list of Slovenian micromoths. Orenaia preisseckeri Rebel, 1903 The species is listed for Slovenia by Leraut (2003) and Goater et al. (2005). Huemer (pers. inf. to the first author) believes that more investigations are needed to clarify the specific ranks of O. alpestralis and O. preisseckeri. Of the same opinion is Nuss (pers. inf. to the first author) especially for the Slovenian Julian Alps' populations. Slamka (1997) quotes for preisseckeri only »Niedere Tauern, Höchstein« as the species' distribution area. Habeler (pers. inf. to the first author) says that the populations at Höchstein seem to be extinct. Zygaena brizae (Esper, 1800) Z. brzzae is listed for Slovenia by Hafner (1908-1912) without stating its precise locality. For the Dinaric (karst) region, Carnelutti (1992a) classifies the species as presumably extinct (Ex?), with the citing of locality of Col. The Red List from 2002 (Anonymous 2002), on the other hand, classifies it as an endangered species (E). Jež (1996) and Verovnik (2003) do not refer to any locality. A somewhat reliable information is the specimen in Dresdner Museum für Tier- und Völkerkunde, marked as »Krain, 1899«, although no collector's name or precise locality are stated (Holik 1936-1937). Scrobipalpa halymella (Milliere 1864) In Maček (1983), the species Microsetia halymella Ams. & Hg. is listed, while in the review part of his work Maček (1999) cites Chrysoesthia halymella Dgl., marking it with a note that the validity of the name could not have been checked. By comparing the locality and sampling date in Maček (1983) and Maček (1999), we believe that we are dealing with the same data. At the moment, the species' status remains unknown. Most probably, the two taxa constitute Scrobipalpa halymella (Milliere 1864), but for now we are not going to include it in the list of Slovenian micromoths. Afjorodes floralis (Hübner, 1809) The only quotation for Slovenia known to the authors is the distribution map in Slamka (2006). The source for this quotation is not known (Slamka pers. inf. to the first author). Apterona gracilis (Ad. Speyer, 1886) Maček 1972, Maček 1974a, Maček 1999 According to some sources, the distribution of this species is only West-Mediterranean. Hauser is of the same opinion, saying that a confirmation of this find is necessary (Hauser pers. inf. to the first author). Epinotia subsequana (Haworth, 1811) Species is cited in Lesar & Habeler (2005) with reference to Höfner's (1895) Dichrorampha subsequana Hw. Since Hoefner's description is very general (»In der Voralpenregion einzeln«) we haven't included the species on the checklist. The taxa with momentarily unknown status This chapter deals with taxa published so far for Slovenia, except that their status of valid species has not been recognized and are at the same time not defined as synonyms for valid species. Stigmella ulmiSkala, 1934 The species was published in Maček (1978, 1991), although in the review of his work Maček (1999) does not state it as a valid name or synonym. Van Nieukerken (1986) denies it the status of a species. Callisto blandella Mll.-Rtz. The species was published in Maček (1969, 1974, 1999). At the moment, however, its status is not defined. Phiyllonorycter quercus (Ams. - Hg.) The species is referred to in Maček (1999). Its status, however, remains undefined. Equally questionable is its determination, given that it is supposed to be endemic to Israel. Monochroa chrysanthemi Kow. The species is listed in Maček (1991), although in the review of his work Maček (1999) does not state it as a valid name or synonym. At the moment, its status remains undefined. Gnorimoschema ochraceelum Chret. The species is referred to in Maček (1994, 1999). Its status has not been defined as yet. Grapholitha coccana F.R. The authors of this paper have not succeeded in disclosing today's status of the taxon stated in Mann (1854). Botys sericealis S.V. The same as above. Tortrix favana The taxon is listed by Zeller (1868), although without stating the author's name. In those times, favana Dup. and favana Hb were possible. The latter is listed by Staudinger & Wocke (1871) under two different names. Today, the taxon Tortrix favana can represent Clepsis consimilana (Hubner, 1817), Aphelia paleana (Hubner, 1793), or Epagoge grotiana (Fabricius, 1781). Eudorea parella The taxon is listed by Mann (1870), although without stating the author's name. In those times, parella Z. and parella HS were possible. The latter is listed by Staudinger & Wocke (1871) under two different names. Today, the taxon Eudorea parella can represent Eudonia vallesiais (Duponchel, 1832), Eudonia phaeoleuca (Zeller, 1846) or Eudonia murana (Curtis, 1827). Discussion After Scopoli (1763) and Staudinger & Wocke (1871), no list of micromoths (Microlepidoptera) has been published for the territory of Slovenia. In order to prepare the first list of micromoths, the majority of available sources have been reviewed. The authors of this paper believe that most primary sources and, very likely, a good fourth of secondary sources have been collected. This is the reason why the future supplementing of micromoth list will be based predominantly on the processing of the available collections as well as on field work, and little less on the review of texts published so far. The survey of numerous collections will thus be a huge task in the future. At the same time, we should not underestimate secondary sources, mostly composed of popular articles, given that species can be mentioned much earlier in them than an accurate information is published in respect of them. For example, while the species Lampronia splendidella was published in a popular article in 1978 (Carnelutti 1978a), it was only in 2000 that the first solid information on it was actually published (Liska & Skyva 2000). The numbers of sources for separate species are mostly the result of how »interesting« they are, and in no way reflect their abundance. Almost 100 sources concern one species only; on the other hand, quarter of species are referred to in only a single source. The highest amount of sources refer to Zygaena carnioiica. In Slovenia, this species has a type locality, and as a result, this facts is referred to in virtually every work dealing with this particular species. A fairly high number of sources also refer to significant pests, e.g. Ostrinia nubllalis. Regarding the proportion of all sources, the share of grey literature is negligible. The latter is mainly the result of the fact that mostly collectors are faunistically occupied with macromoths in Slovenia. Only economically significant species are dealt with slightly better. Slovenia thus affords not even a single expert professionally engaged in micromoths. Although several species are endangered, they have been more or less overlooked in different impact assessments. The number of researchers is further reflected by the number of publications that have been very scarce in the last few years, although this has not always been the case. Thanks to Scopoli, Slovenia can boast its first list from 1763, which encompasses at least 76 micromoth species. Till 1854 (Mann 1854), the knowledge of these insects remained about the same, but then the number of known micromoth species rose to over 400 (Figure 1). In the following years, however, the territory of modern-day Slovenia, especially Mt Nanos, Kras and the Alps, began to be visited by foreign lepidopterologists. After Zeller's publication in 1868, the number of species increased to over 500, and prior to 1930 more than 900 species were known (Figure 1). In those times, extensive faunistic reviews were published (e.g. Rebel 1905-1910, Hafner 1909-1912, Hafner 1910, Stauder 1929 - 1933, Prohaska & Hoffmann 1924-1929). Until 1970, when rising almost to 1,200, the number of published species did not change a great deal. In the 1970s, a higher number of contributions on micromoths were published by J. Carnelutti in S. Michieli, while at the same time a more intense research into economically significant micromoths began to take place. The last and at the same time the greatest leap in the knowledge of Slovenian micromoths has been noted in the last ten years. Habeler (1999, 2001, 2003), Gomboc (2003), Habeler & Gomboc (2005), Lesar & Verovnik (2008) and Lesar et al. (2009) have published numerous texts on new micromoth species of Slovenia. Also published, however, were several monographs (Microlepidoptera of Europe), in which data for Slovenia are stated as well. Kras, the Alps and Mt Nanos have thus remained very attractive destinations to foreign researchers and collectors, who have been discovering in these areas many new species, both for Slovenia and the science itself (e.g. Liska & Skyva 2000, Petru & Liska 2003). In the last 100 years, the number of Slovenian micromoths has risen owing to the newly discovered species and fieldwork, and only to a minor extent due to new taxonomic cognitions and new described species. The number of recorded species has increased on the account of more intensive work and evident range expansions of species (e.g. pests, with southern species moving towards the north). As the courve of the increasing of the number of species does not show any stagnation, we expect further increase and a much higher number of micromoths for Slovenia (Figure 1). The geographic position of Slovenia with its Alpine, Dinaric, Mediterranean and Pannonian regions and very diverse climatic, geological and topographical conditions, is a superb prerequisite for a greater expected number of species. Thus we have estimated the expected number of Slovenian micromoths at almost 2,200. Two other estimates have been given so far for the territory of our country. Habeler & Gomboc (2005) estimate 1,800, Gomboc & Lasan (2006) 1,891 micromoth species for Slovenia. A comparison of the micromoth fauna with the neighbouring Hungary and Austria (Table 1) shows that in all micromoth families the number of species is lower in Slovenia, the most salient among them being the families Coleophoridae, Gelechidae and Tortricidae, where the highest number of new species is expected. The authors of this paper believe that the first published review of Slovenian micromoths will spur numerous researchers and collectors to review their collections and to evaluate their finds, as well as to publish the new, still unregistered species for Slovenia. We leave the species not included in the list of Slovenian micromoths to further debate. We also anticipate that on the basis of the review of collections and critical estimate of the distribution of certain species in Slovenia, several micromoth species will have to be erased from the first list of Slovenian micromoths in the future. E 1000 nnn.nnn < 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 1800 0 year Figure 1. Species number accumulation histogram for Microlepidoptera species records in Slovenia by separate decades. Slika 1. Histogram naraščanja števila objavljenih vrst metuljčkov Slovenije po desetletjih. Table 1. Number of species per families in Slovenia (this work*, Karsholt & Van Nieukerken 2010**), Hungary (Pastoralis 1007), Carinthia (Wieser & Huemer 1999), Austria (Karsholt & Van Nieukerken 2010) and Europe (Karsholt & Van Nieukerken 2010). Tabela 1. Število vrst po družinah v Sloveniji (to delo*, Karsholt & Van Nieukerken 2010**), Madžarski (Pastoralis 1007), Avstrijski Koroški (Wieser & Huemer 1999), Avstriji (Karsholt & Van Nieukerken 2010) in Evropi (Karsholt & Van Nieukerken 2010). Slovenia* Hungary Carinthia Austria Slovenia** Europe Micropterigidae 9 7 9 14 10 47 Eriocraniidae 3 3 4 8 0 10 Hepialidae 7 7 7 7 0 16 Nepticulidae 89 118 41 1 33 1 01 264 Opostegidae 1 4 2 4 0 6 Heliozelidae 6 4 2 5 1 8 Adelidae 25 28 22 33 4 50 Prodoxidae 6 7 5 13 0 18 Incurvariidae 8 6 7 10 2 13 Tischeriidae 6 8 4 8 5 12 Tineidae 36 57 31 70 12 279 Psychidae 51 42 50 67 32 238 Roeslerstammiidae 1 2 1 2 0 2 Douglasiidae 1 4 4 8 0 13 Bucculatricidae 11 18 12 23 0 55 Gracillariidae 100 120 80 134 15 252 Yponomeutidae 50 43 54 68 3 117 Ypsolophidae 14 19 15 21 0 44 Plutellidae 8 8 7 9 0 23 Acrolepiidae 7 9 4 9 4 23 Glyphipterigidae 5 9 7 9 0 20 Heliodinidae 1 1 1 1 0 1 Bedelliidae 1 2 1 1 0 3 Lyonetiidae 6 14 6 15 0 30 Ethmiidae 6 9 6 11 6 28 Depressariidae 50 63 1 07 83 6 168 Elachistidae 36 69 1 08 1 247 Agonoxenidae 3 10 5 11 1 16 Scythrididae 22 31 21 42 18 201 Chimabachidae 2 3 3 3 1 3 Oecophoridae 35 38 31 48 22 124 Lecithoceridae 3 3 0 2 1 10 Batrachedridae 2 2 2 0 3 Coleophoridae 75 195 101 195 69 567 Slovenia* Hungary Carinthia Austria Slovenia** Europe Momphidae 9 16 10 16 1 20 Blastobasidae 4 5 4 5 1 51 Pterolonchidae 2 1 0 6 Autostichidae 9 9 9 13 2 1 29 Amphisbatidae 11 11 11 16 7 30 Cosmopterigidae 17 23 10 24 8 83 Gelechiidae 154 248 167 293 85 726 Limacodidae 2 2 2 2 2 5 Heterogynidae 1 0 1 5 Zygaenidae 24 26 20 29 23 26 Brachodidae 1 3 2 2 15 Sesiidae 45 43 24 46 43 116 Cossidae 6 7 4 6 6 32 Tortricidae 345 461 335 533 368 994 Choreutidae 7 9 6 11 0 18 Urodidae 1 1 0 1 0 1 Schreckensteiniidae 1 1 1 1 0 1 Epermeniidae 8 9 10 17 8 24 Alucitidae 5 6 5 5 2 23 Pterophoridae 40 60 45 63 24 1 68 Carposinidae 1 2 1 2 0 7 Thyrididae 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pyralidae 1 01 137 21 9 119 20 470 Crambidae 168 169 193 77 488 Total 1645 2214 1536 2576 995 6350 Povzetek Leta 1992 je Carnelutti z Rdečim seznamom metuljev predstavil prvi celostni seznam vseh v Sloveniji živečih vrst metuljev iz tradicionalno obravnavane in nesistematsko opredeljene skupine Macrolepidoptera. Metuljčkov (Microlepidoptera), ki jih obravnavamo v tem prispevku, Carnelutti (1992a) ni obdelal, ampak je obravnaval le družine Hepialidae, Psychidae, Limacodidae, Heterogynidae, Zygaenidae, Sesiidae, Cossidae in Thyrididae, ker so jih v preteklosti uvrščali med makrolepidoptere. Dejstvo, da nimamo uradnega seznama in preglednih virov, je vzrok tudi za pomanjkljive navedbe o vrstah iz Slovenije v evropskih pregledih (npr. Karsholt & Razowski 1996, Karsholt & Van Nieukerken 2010), drugih splošnih preglednih delih, ali pa obstajajo celo navedbe, da vrst v Sloveniji sploh ni (npr. Fazekas 2009). Kljub temu da vrste ne poznajo političnih meja in je njihova razširjenost vezana na biogeografske dejavnike, je in bo registriranje vrst glede na politične meje in s tem izdelava nacionalnih seznamov še dolgo aktualno. Objava prvega seznama pogosto izzove plaz novih objav, saj je številnim zbirateljem omogočena takojšnja ocena njihovih najdb, ki ne terja več pregleda vse možne razpršene literature. Avtorja meniva, da bo prvi objavljeni pregled metuljčkov Slovenije vzpodbudil številne raziskovalce in zbiratelje k pregledu svojih zbirk in ovrednotenju svojih najdb ter jih vzpodbudil k objavi novih, še ne registriranih vrst za Slovenijo. V članku je predstavljen seznam vrst metuljčkov Slovenije, ki temelji na pregledu obstoječih virov. V seznam niso vključene vrste, katerih primerki so razpršeni po muzejskih ter zasebnih zbirkah pri nas in po Evropi, tako da avtorja pričakujeva skorajšnje dopolnitve. Poleg objavljenih virov so vključeni tudi podatki iz t.i. sive literature (npr. Accetto et al. 1994, 1996a, b, Carnelutti 1975). V seznam so vključene tudi vrste, katerih edini vir je Rdeči seznam oziroma seznam zavarovanih vrst v Sloveniji (Anonymous 2002, 2004), kljub temu da avtorja nisva našla primarnih virov, ki bi potrdili najdbe teh vrst v Sloveniji. Za namene izdelave prvega seznama metuljčkov Slovenije so bili pregledani številni starejši viri. Pri tem je bilo treba upoštevati politično-zgodovinske razmere oziroma spreminjane državne meje. Splošnih zemljevidov razširjenosti vrst nisva upoštevala. Slednji so bili upoštevani le, če so na zemljevidih bile lokacije. V seznamu vrst je navedenih 1645 vrst iz 56 družin. Seznam vrst temelji na podatkih iz 290 literaturnih virov, objavljenih od 1763 (Scopoli) do danes. Poudariti je treba, da seznam predstavlja pregled vrst in ne njihove revizije in da so bili podatki zbrani iz številnih razpršenih virov. Zato, razen izjemoma, ne prinašava sodb o morebitnih napačno navedenih vrstah za Slovenijo. Obravnavava vse vrste, navedene za Slovenijo. Tako je v ločenem seznamu navedenih 24 vrst, ki so za zdaj izključene iz favne Slovenije. Dodatno je naveden seznam taksonov z nedoločenih statusom, v katerega pa niso vključeni nedoločljivi taksoni iz Scopoli (1763), od koder navajava samo veljavna imena ali znane sinonime. Za namene izdelave prvega seznama metuljčkov je bila pregledana večina dostopnih virov. Avtorja ocenjujeva, da sva zbrala večino primarnih virov ter verjetno dobro četrtino sekundarnih virov. Zato bo bodoče dopolnjevanje seznama mikrolepidopterov temeljilo predvsem na obdelavi zbirk in na terenskemu delu, manj pa na pregledu dosedanjih objav. Glede na krivuljo naraščanja števila zabeleženih vrst, ki nikakor še ne stagnira, pričakujeva precej večje število metuljčkov, kot je trenutno znano. Geografska lokacija Slovenije z alpsko, dinarsko, mediteransko in panonsko regijo z različnimi klimatskimi, geološkimi in topografskimi razmerami je odličen predpogoj za večje pričakovano število vrst. Pričakovano število vrst metuljčkov Slovenije tako ocenjujeva na skoraj 2200. Acknowledgements Sadly, Tone Lesar has passed away just before final completion of this manuscript. It was his wish to fully acknowledge everyone who has contributed to the manuscript in any way. Among others, the authors wish to thank Ernst Arenberger (Vienna) for critical remarks to family Pterophoridae, Dr. Erwin Hauser (Wolfern) for the same to family Psychidae and Franc Rebeušek (Celje) to family Zygaenidae. We are grateful to Dr. Peter Huemer (LMF Innsbruck) for useful suggestions and remarks in taxonomic issues, Dr. Matthias Nuss (Munich) and Zdeno Tokar (Michalovce) for their remarks, and many other contributors whose valuable correspondence with Tone Lesar led to significant improvements of this manuscript. Finally, Marijan Govedič wishes to thank Franc Rebeušek and Rudi Verovnik for their kind help in finishing the manuscript and Ali Šalamun for his help in data handling. 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