Also available at ISSN 1855-3966 (printed edn.), ISSN 1855-3974 (electronic edn.) ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA 4 (2011) 329–349 Decomposition of skew-morphisms of cyclic groups István Kovács ∗ FAMNIT, University of Primorska, Glagoljaška 8, 6000 Koper, Slovenia Roman Nedela † Institute of Mathematics, Slovak Academy of Science, Ďumbierska 1, 975 49 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia Received 10 December 2009, accepted 16 July 2011, published online 1 October 2011 Abstract A skew-morphism of a group H is a permutation σ of its elements fixing the identity such that for every x, y ∈ H there exists an integer k such that σ(xy) = σ(x)σk(y). It follows that group automorphisms are particular skew-morphisms. Skew-morphisms ap- pear naturally in investigations of maps on surfaces with high degree of symmetry, namely, they are closely related to regular Cayley maps and to regular embeddings of the complete bipartite graphs. The aim of this paper is to investigate skew-morphisms of cyclic groups in the context of the associated Schur rings. We prove the following decomposition theorem about skew-morphisms of cyclic groups Zn: if n = n1n2 such that (n1, n2) = 1, and (n1, φ(n2)) = (φ(n1), n2) = 1 (φ denotes Euler’s function) then all skew-morphisms σ of Zn are obtained as σ = σ1×σ2, where σi are skew-morphisms of Zni , i = 1, 2. As a con- sequence we obtain the following result: All skew-morphisms of Zn are automorphisms of Zn if and only if n = 4 or (n, φ(n)) = 1. Keywords: Cyclic group, permutation group, skew-morphism, Schur ring. Math. Subj. Class.: 05C25, 05E18 1 Introduction Let G be a group with identity element e. A nonidentity permutation σ of G with finite order ord(σ) = m is said to be a skew-morphism of G if there exists a function π from G to {1, . . . ,m} such that ∗Supported in part by “ARRS – Agencija za raziskovanje Republike Slovenije”, program no. P1-0285. †Suported by the Slovak Ministry of Education, grant VEGA 2/5132/26. E-mail addresses: (István Kovács), (Roman Nedela) Copyright c© 2011 DMFA Slovenije 330 Ars Math. Contemp. 4 (2011) 329–349 1. σ(e) = e, and 2. σ(xy) = σ(x)σπ(x)(y) for all x, y ∈ G. The function π is called the power function of σ. For example, all automorphisms of G are skew-morphisms, and these can be characterised as those having power function π(x) = 1 for all x ∈ G. One can prove that the above definition of skew-morphism is equivalent to the one given in the abstract. We adopt the terminology pure skew-morphism for a skew-morphism which is not an automorphism of G. Following [7], we denote by Skew(G) the set of all skew-morphisms of G. The notion of a skew-morphism was introduced by Jajcay and Širáň in [7] in the context of regular Cayley maps. Let G be a finite group and ρ be a cyclic permutation of a set of generators X of G closed under taking inverses. The pair (G, ρ) determines a 2-cell embedding of the (right) Cayley graph Cay(G;X) into an orientable surface, where the cyclic permutation of arcs based at a vertex is induced by ρ and G. The corresponding map is called the Cayley map CM(G; ρ). By definition, the group of left translations GL acts as a group of map automorphisms of CM(G; ρ). It follows that Cayley maps are vertex-transitive. Jajcay and Širáň proved that the map automorphism group of CM(G; ρ) is regular on arcs if and only if ρ extends to a skew-morphism σ of G. Moreover, the map automorphism group of the regular Cayley map CM(G; ρ) is a product GL〈σ〉. For more details we refer the reader to the papers [3, 4, 7]. In particular, an ongoing project of Conder and Tucker is aimed towards a classification of all regular Cayley maps coming from cyclic groups, equivalently, this requires to understand skew-morphisms of Zn admitting an orbit T for which T = T−1 and T generates Zn. Note that there are skew-morphisms of Zn with no such orbit. Skew-morphisms of cyclic groups appear in the study of regular embeddings of complete bipartite graphs as well. More precisely, a classification of regular embeddings of Kn,n is equivalent to the description of the set of all skew-morphisms σ of Zn whose order divides n, and whose power function π satisfies π(x) = −σ−x(−1) for all x ∈ Zn (see [14, 12]). Skew-morphisms of Zn posessing these properties are called n-admissible in [12]. A classification of regular embeddings of Kn,n was completed recently by Jones [8]; this result was preceeded by several papers treating partial cases (see [5, 6, 9, 10]). In particular, a formula enumerating all n-admissible skew-morphisms in Skew(Zn) can be found in [8]. In this paper we consider skew-morphisms of Zn with no restriction. The set of all skew-morphisms of Zn will be denoted by Skew(Zn). For i = 1, 2, let σi be a permutation of Zni . The direct product σ1 × σ2 is the permutation of Zn1 × Zn2 defined as (σ1 × σ2) : (x1, x2) 7→ (σ1(x1), σ2(x2)) for all (x1, x2) ∈ Zn1 × Zn2 . Notice that if σi is a skew-morphism of Zni for both i = 1, 2, σ1 × σ2 is not necessarily a skew-morphism of Zn1 × Zn2 . In what follows φ denotes Euler’s function. In this paper we prove the following decomposition theorem. Theorem 1.1. Let n be a natural number which admits a decomposition n = n1n2, where (n1, n2) = 1 and (n1, φ(n2)) = (φ(n1), n2) = 1. Then σ ∈ Skew(Zn) if and only if σ = σ1 × σ2, and σi ∈ Skew(Zni) for i = 1, 2. In proving Theorem 1.1 our main tool is to study the permutation groupG = 〈(Zn)L, σ〉 ≤ Sym(Zn), where (Zn)L is the left regular representation of Zn. In particular, we study the transitivity module over Zn induced by 〈σ〉, to which we shall also refer as the S-ring I. Kovács and R. Nedela: Decomposition of skew-morphisms of cyclic groups 331 generated by σ, and denote it by V (σ). At this point we remark that, the transitivity mod- ules over Zn which are induced by cyclic permutation groups with a faithful orbit are, in general, not known. To give a description of these S-rings seems to be an interesting problem in the theory of S-rings over cyclic groups. An outline of the paper is as follows. Section 2 contains definitions and facts on skew- morphisms and S-rings needed for further use. In Sections 3-5 we consider the S-rings V (σ), σ ∈ Skew(Zn). In Section 3 we apply the structure theorems of Evdokimov and Ponomarenko to the S-rings V (σ) and discuss some consequences for the skew-morphisms σ. In Sections 4 and 5 we restrict to special orders n. In Section 4 we set n = pe, p is an odd prime, and prove that the S-rings V (σ) in this case coincide with those generated by group automorphisms (see Theorem 4.1). This result is used to construct the whole set Skew(Zp2). In Section 5 we set n = pq, where p, q are distinct primes. We first determine all S-rings V (σ), and using this result we construct the whole set Skew(Zpq). Theorem 1.1 is proved in Section 6. 2 Preliminaries 1. Skew-morphisms First we summarize some properties of skew-morphisms proved in [7]. Proposition 2.1. Let σ be a skew-morphism of a group H and let π be the power function of σ. Then the following hold. (i) For all k ≥ 1, and all x, y ∈ H , σk(xy) = σk(x)σ ∑k−1 i=0 π(σ i(x))(y). (ii) The set kerπ = {x ∈ H : π(x) = 1} is a subgroup of H . (iii) For all x, y ∈ G, π(x) = π(y) if and only if x and y belong to the same right coset of the subgroup kerπ in H . For an arbitrary group H and h ∈ H , let hL be the permutation in Sym(H) defined by hL(x) = hx, x ∈ H . Thus HL = {hL | h ∈ H} is the left regular representation of H . Throughout the paper a permutation group G ≤ Sym(H) with HL ≤ G will be referred to as an overgroup of HL in Sym(H). Skew-morphisms of H appear naturally in the investigation of overgroups of HL in Sym(H) with cyclic point stabilizers. The following proposition relates skew-morphisms of groups and products of groups, where one of the factors is cyclic. Proposition 2.2. Let G be an overgroup of HL in Sym(H), and Ge be the stabilizer of e in G. If Ge is a cyclic group, then any generator σ of Ge is a skew-morphism of H . Conversely, if σ is a skew-morphism of a group H , then the permutation group G = 〈HL, σ〉 has point stabilizer Ge = 〈σ〉. Proof. Let Ge = 〈σ〉. By the assumptions G is a product G = GeHL = HLGe. It follows that for every x ∈ G there exists a unique integer k, 1 ≤ k < ord(σ), and a unique y ∈ H such that σxL = yLσk. Setting y = σ(x) and k = π(x) we get the identity σxL = σ(x)Lσ π(x). (2.1) 332 Ars Math. Contemp. 4 (2011) 329–349 Let us fix x and apply the above permutations to an arbitrary element y ∈ H . Then we obtain that σ(xy) = (σxL) (y) = ( σ(x)Lσ π(x) ) (y) = σ(x)σπ(x)(y). Thus σ is a skew-morphism of H . Vice-versa, if σ is a skew-morphism then the equation (2.1) holds proving G = 〈σ〉HL = HL〈σ〉. It follows thatHL ≤ 〈σ〉HL ≤ Sym(HL). Hence,G = 〈σ〉HL is an overgroup of HL with the point stabilizer Ge = 〈σ〉. Following [4], we shall refer to the group 〈HL, σ〉 in (ii) as the skew product group induced by σ. Corollary 2.3. Let σ be a skew-morphism of a groupH , and T be an orbit of 〈σ〉 such that 〈T 〉 = H . Then 〈σ〉 acts faithfully on T . In particular, ord(σ) = |T |. Remark. In the case where H is an abelian group we will consider the right action of permutations of H , that is, the product π1π2 of two permutations evaluated from the left to the right; in this case we write xπi (or ocasionally xπi ) for the image πi(x), x ∈ H , and we have x (π1π2) = (xπ1)π2. In this context we obtain the right permutation group 〈HR, σ〉 acting on H , where HR is the right representation of H consisting of permu- tations hR (that is xhR = xh, x ∈ H) and where σ acts on the right (that is xσ = σ(x), x ∈ H). Since H is abelian, we have HL = HR, and from (i) in Proposition 2.1 we get y (xR σk) = σk(yx) = σk(xy) = σk(x)σ ∑k−1 i=0 π(σ i(x))(y) for all x, y ∈ H . The latter equals y (σ ∑k−1 i=0 π(σ i(x)) σk(x)R), hence giving us the commuting rule in the right permutation group 〈HR, σ〉, xR σ k = σ ∑k−1 i=0 π(σ i(x)) σk(x)R for all x ∈ H. (2.2) Conversely, if G is a right permutation group of H such that HR ≤ G and the stabilizer Ge is a cyclic group, then any generator of Ge is a skew-morphism of H . LetG ≤ Sym(H) be a transitive permutation group, and let B be an imprimitivity block system (or block system for short) of G. Then denote by GB the corresponding kernel, that is, GB = {g ∈ G | g(B) = B for all B ∈ B}. Furthermore, denote the permutation of B induced by the action of g ∈ G on B by gB, and set GB = {gB | g ∈ G}. For a block B, denote by G{B} the set-wise stabilizer of B in G, and for a subgroup H ≤ G{B}, denote the restriction of H to B by HB . Note that in the case where HL ≤ G ≤ Sym(H) and H is abelian, any block system B is formed by the K-cosets of a subgroup K ≤ H . In this case we identify B by the factor groupH/K, and it follows readily that (HL)B = (H/K)L and (H/K)L ≤ GB ≤ Sym(H/K). Skew-morphisms of abelian groups satisfy the following properties (see also [3]). Proposition 2.4. Let σ be a skew-morphism of an abelian group H with power function π, and let B be a block system of the skew product group G = 〈HL, σ〉 formed by the K-cosets of a subgroup K ≤ H . Then the following hold. (i) The restriction σK is a skew-morphism of K. If there is a block system of G formed by the K ′-cosets of a subgroup K ′ ≤ H such that H = K × K ′, then σK is an automorphism of K if and only if KL / G. I. Kovács and R. Nedela: Decomposition of skew-morphisms of cyclic groups 333 (ii) The permutation σB is a skew-morphism of H/K; moreover, its power function π satisfies π(Kx) ≡ π(x) (mod ord(σB)) for all x ∈ H. Proof. (i): We have σK is an automorphism ofK if and only if π(x) ≡ 1 (mod ord(σK)) for all x ∈ K. If KL / G, then σxLσ−1 = σ(x)L ∈ KL for all x ∈ K and by the previous remark, σK is an automorphism of K. Suppose next that σK is an automorphism of K. Then G is a subgroup of GK{K} × G K′ {K′}. As G K {K} = 〈σ K ,KKL 〉, it follows that KKL / G K {K}, hence KL / G. (ii): GB is an overgroup of (H/K)L in Sym(H/K). The group GB has cyclic sta- bilizer 〈σB〉, giving that σB is a skew-morphism, see Proposition 2.2. Since σ is a skew- morphism, we have σxL = σ(x)Lσπ(x) in G. This implies in GB that σB (Kx)L = σB(Kx)L (σ B)π(x). However σB (Kx)L = σB(Kx)L (σB)π(Kx), so the result fol- lows. 2. Schur rings Let H be a group written in multiplicative notation and denote the identity element by e. Denote by Z(H) the group ring of H over the ring Z. The group ring Z(H) is also a Z-module with scalar multiplication a( ∑ h∈H ahh) = ∑ h∈H(aah)h, a ∈ Z. The Z-submodule of Z(H) spanned by the elements η1, . . . , ηr ∈ Z(H) will be denoted by 〈η1, . . . , ηr〉. Given a subset S ⊆ H , we write S for the Z(H)-element ∑ h∈H ahh defined by ah = 1 if h ∈ S, and ah = 0 otherwise. Such elements in Z(H) will be called simple quantities. By a Schur ring (for short S-ring) A over H of rank r we mean a subring of the group ring Z(H) such that there exist subsets T1, . . . , Tr of H satisfying the following axioms: 1. A has a Z-module basis of simple quantities: A = 〈T1, . . . , Tr〉. 2. T1 = {e}, and ∑r i=1 Ti = H . 3. For every i ∈ {1, . . . , r} there exists j ∈ {1, . . . , r} such that T−1i = {x−1 | x ∈ Ti} = Tj . The subsets T1, . . . , Tr are the basic sets of A, and we use the notation Bsets(A) ={ T1, . . . , Tr } . A subgroup K ≤ H is an A-subgroup if K ∈ A. In this case AK = A ∩ Z(K) is an S-ring over K, also called an induced S-subring of A. It is trivial that the whole group ring Z(H) and the Z-submodule 〈e,H \ {e}〉 are S- rings over H . The latter one is the trivial S-ring over H . Further examples can be obtained from an overgroup G of HL in Sym(H) as follows. Let Ge denote the stabilizer of e in G, and let T1 = {e}, T2, . . . , Tr be the orbits of Ge. Then due to a result of Schur, the Z- submodule 〈T1, . . . , Tr〉 is an S-ring over H (see [17, Theorem 24.1]). This is also called the transitivity module over H induced by Ge, denoted by V (H,Ge). Thus V (H,Ge) = 〈T | T ∈ Orb(Ge) 〉. It is interesting to note that not all S-rings over H arise in this way, and an S-ring A is called Schurian ifA = V (H,Ge) for some overgroup G of HL in Sym(H). Note that, if a subgroup K ≤ H satisfies K ∈ V (H,Ge), then K is a block of the permutation group G. 334 Ars Math. Contemp. 4 (2011) 329–349 We conclude this section with two structure theorems of Evdokimov and Ponomarenko about S-rings over cyclic groups. This requires some more general notation. Let A be an S-ring of a group H , and let E and F be two A-subgroups of H such that E / H , F / H , E ∩ F = 1, and EF = H . The S-ring A is the tensor product of the induced S-subrings AE and AF , denoted by A = AE ⊗ AF , if for any basic set Ti of A we have Ti = TjTk for some basic sets Tj ⊂ E and Tk ⊂ F . For an arbitrary subset X ⊆ H its radical is defined as rad(X) = {y ∈ H : Xy = yX = X}. Equivalently, radX is the largest subgroup K of H such that X is the union of both right and left cosets of K. An S-ring A of a group H is said to satisfy the U/L-condition ([11, Definition 5.2]) if the following hold: 1. L ≤ U ≤ H , and L / H , 2. L and U are A-subgroups, 3. L ≤ rad(Ti) for any basic set Ti ∈ Bsets(A) such that Ti ⊆ H \ U . If, moreover, L 6= 1, U 6= H , then we say A satisfies the U/L-condition nontrivially. In [16], the S-ring A satisfying the above conditions was introduced as the wedge product of S-rings AU and the quotient S-ring A/L. The latter S-ring is defined over the factor group H/L by having basic sets Ti/L = {Lt | t ∈ Ti}, i ∈ {1, . . . , r} (see [15, Proposi- tion 3.5]). If in addition U = L, then we say that A is the wreath product of the quotient S-ring A/L with the induced S-subring AL, and shall write A = A/L o AL. Now, suppose that H is an abelian group and let Ti be a basic set of an arbitrary S-ring A over H . Then it follows for any number m coprime with |H| that (see [17, Theorem 23.9 (a)]), T (m) i := {x m | x ∈ Ti } is a basic set of A. (2.3) Let H = Zn. Then (2.3) implies that rad(Ti) is the same for all basic sets Ti of A that contain a generator of Zn. This radical is the radical of A and denoted by radA. The first theorem describes S-rings with trivial radical (see [11, Corollary 6.4]). Theorem 2.5. LetA be an S-ring over Zn. Then radA = 1 if and only if Zn is decomposed into a direct product Zn = E1×· · ·×Ek ofA-subgroupsE1, . . . , Ek, andA is decomposed into the tensor productA = AE1⊗· · ·⊗AEk of induced S-subringsAE1 , . . . ,AEk , where AE1 is normal with trivial radical, and AEi is trivial for all i ∈ {2, . . . , k}. In general, an S-ring A over H is normal if HL E Aut(A), where Aut(A) is the subgroup in Sym(H) formed by all permutations preserving the relations (see [13]) Ri = { (h, ht) | h ∈ H, t ∈ Ti } , Ti ∈ Bsets(A). Note that if A = V (H,Ge) for some HL ≤ G ≤ Sym(H), then G ≤ Aut(A). For the case of nontrivial radical the following statement holds true (see [11, Corol- lary 5.5]). Theorem 2.6. An S-ring A over Zn satisfies some U/L-condition nontrivially if and only if radA > 1. I. Kovács and R. Nedela: Decomposition of skew-morphisms of cyclic groups 335 3 S-rings and skew-morphisms of Zn Let σ be a skew-morphism of a group H . Then the skew product group G = 〈HL, σ〉 is an overgroup of HL in Sym(H) with stabilizer Ge = 〈σ〉. Thus σ induces the transitivity module V (H, 〈σ〉), which we call the S-ring generated by σ, and for short denote it also by V (σ). In this section we study these S-rings in the case when H is a cyclic group. First we set some notation. For the rest of the paper the cyclic group of order n is the additive group Zn, written also as Zn = {0, 1, . . . , n − 1}, and will also denote the ring of integers modulo n. As usual, we denote by Z∗n the multiplicative group of invertible elements in Zn. For x ∈ Zn we write ord(x) for the order of x as an element in Zn, and ord∗(x) for the order of x as an element in Z∗n whenever x ∈ Z∗n. For a ∈ Zn we write αa for the homomorphism from the cyclic group Zn onto the cyclic group Zn/(n,a) defined by αa(x) = ax, x ∈ Zn. The mapping αa is an automorphism if and only if a ∈ Z∗n. For a divisor d of n let Cd denote the unique additive subgroup of Zn of order d. Thus we have Cd = { x(n/d) | x ∈ {0, . . . , d− 1} } . Let τ be the permutation in Sym(Zn) acting as follows τ(x) = x+ 1, x ∈ Zn. By Proposition 2.2 a skew-morphism σ of Zn with a power function π induces the skew product group G = 〈τ, σ〉. By (i) in Proposition 2.1, for a fixed x ∈ Zm, m = ord(σ), and y ∈ Zn we have σx(y + z) = σx(y)σπ(y)+π(σ(y))+···+π(σ x−1(y))(z) for all z ∈ Zn. Thus the following commuting rule holds in G, σxτy = τσ x(y)σπ(y)+π(σ(y))+···+π(σ x−1(y)) for all x ∈ Zm, y ∈ Zn, (3.1) where m = ord(σ). In particular, the characteristic identity of a skew-morphism σ of Zn can be expressed as στy = τσ(y)σπ(y) for all y ∈ Zn. Suppose that B is a block system of G = 〈τ, σ〉, and B is formed by the Cd -cosets for some subgroup Cd ≤ Zn. Then we write σ|d for the skew-morphism σCd , see (i) in Proposition 2.4. Also, we write σ|n/d for the skew-morphism σB of the factor group Zn/Cd ∼= Zn/d, see (ii) in Proposition 2.4. In our first result we describe skew-morphisms inducing S-rings with trivial radical. Proposition 3.1. Let σ be a skew-morphism of Zn with radV (σ) = 1. Then σ is an automorphism of Zn . Proof. We set G = 〈τ, σ〉 and A = V (σ). Assume first that radV (σ) = 1. By The- orem 2.5, the group Zn decomposes into a direct product Zn = Cn1 × · · · × Cnk of A-subgroups Cn1 , . . . , Cnk so that A = ACn1 ⊗ · · · ⊗ ACnk , 336 Ars Math. Contemp. 4 (2011) 329–349 where the induced S-subring ACn1 is normal, and ACni is trivial for all i ∈ {2, . . . , k}. It is obvious that ACni = V (σ|ni) for all i ∈ {1, . . . , k}. In particular, the skew product group Gi = 〈(Cni)L, σ|ni〉 ≤ Aut(ACni ) for all i ∈ {1, . . . , k}. For i = 1 the subring ACn1 is normal, hence (Cn1)L E Aut(ACn1 ). Therefore (Cn1)L E 〈(Cn1)L, σ|n1〉, so σ|n1 is an automorphism of Cn1 . By (i) in Proposition 2.4, (Cn1)L / G. Let i > 1. Then ACni = V (σ|ni) is trivial. Thus the subring ACni is generated by 0 and Cni \ {0}, and so Cni \{0} is an orbit of σ|ni . It follows that ord(σ|ni) = |Cni \{0}|, and we obtain that Gi is a sharply 2-transitive Frobenius group. Therefore Gi must have a regular elementary abelian normal subgroup, say Ei. Furthermore, |Gi| = |Ei|(|Ei| − 1), hence Ei is a Sylow p-subgroup of Gi. We conclude that ni = |Ei|, (Cni)L = Ei / Gi. Hence σ|ni is an automorphism of Cni , and (Cni)L / G by (i) in Proposition 2.4. To summarize, (Cni)L / G for all i ∈ {1, . . . , k}. Therefore, (Zn)L / G, equivalently, σ is an automorphism of Zn. It follows from Theorem 2.6 that a generating orbit of a pure skew-morphism σ of Zn is a union of cosets of a nontrivial subgroup L ≤ Zn. We give next three corollaries which seem to be of independent interest. Corollary 3.2. All skew-morphisms of Zn have power functions with nontrivial kernel. Proof. Let σ be a skew-morphism of Zn with power function π. To simplify notation we put H = Zn. The skew product group G = 〈HL, σ〉 = HL 〈σ〉. Let m = ord(σ). By Corollary 2.3, m < n. Consider G acting on the right cosets of HL in G. Denote by G̃ the induced permutation group. Then G̃ is of degree m, in particular, 〈̃σ〉 is a regular cyclic subgroup. The point stabilizer of the coset HL in G̃ is H̃L, hence it is cyclic. Also, H̃L ∼= HL/ coreG(HL), where coreG(HL) = ⋂ g∈G g −1HLg, or in other words, the largest normal subgroup of G contained in HL. Any generator of H̃L becomes a skew- morphism of 〈̃σ〉, hence |H̃L| < m < n = |HL|. Therefore, there exists a nontrivial subgroup K ≤ H = Zn such that KL / G. It is obvious that K ≤ kerπ (see the proof of (i) in Proposition 2.4). The next fact was important in the study of regular cyclic maps (see [2]). Corollary 3.3. Let σ be a skew-morphism σ of Zn, and T be an orbit of σ such that 〈T 〉 = Zn. Then there exists t ∈ T such that 〈t〉 = Zn. Proof. We prove the statement by induction on n. The statement is trivially true if n is a prime. Thus we assume that n is a composite number, and that the statement is true for all groups Zn′ such that n′ < n. If radV (σ) = 1 then by Proposition 3.1 σ is an automorphism of Zn, and we are done. Let radV (σ) 6= 1. Then V (σ) satisfies the Cu/Cl-condition for subgroups 1 < Cl ≤ Cu < Zn. Since 〈T 〉 generates Zn, the set T/Cl = {x + Cl| x ∈ T} forms a generating orbit of Zn/Cl in the quotient skew-morphism. By the induction hypothesis there exists t ∈ T such that 〈t + Cl〉 = Zn/Cl. If 〈Cl + t〉 < Zn, then 〈Cl + t〉/Cl < Zn/Cl, and Cl + t is a nongenerating element of Zn/Cl, a contradiction. It follows that Zn = 〈t + Cl〉 = 〈t〉 + Cl. Let m = ord(t). Then n = lm/(l,m). Set t′ = nl + t. Then ord(t′) = lm/(l,m) = n, so 〈t′〉 = Zn. Now, by the Cu/Cl condition we find Cl+t ⊆ T, hence t′ ∈ T , proving the result. I. Kovács and R. Nedela: Decomposition of skew-morphisms of cyclic groups 337 Corollary 3.4. Let σ be a skew-morphism of Zn. Then ord(σ) is a divisor of nφ(n). Moreover, if (ord(σ), n) = 1, then σ is an automorphism of Zn. Proof. We prove the statement by induction on n. If n is a prime, then by Corollary 3.2 kerπ = Zn, hence σ is an automorphism of Zn and ord(σ) | φ(n). Thus we assume that n is a composite number, and that the statement is true for all groups Zn′ such that n′ < n. Let σ be an arbitrary skew-morphism of Zn with power function π. In the case where radV (σ) = 1, by Proposition 3.1 the skew-morphism σ is an automorphism of Zn. It follows that ord(σ) | φ(n). Let radV (σ) 6= 1. Then V (σ) satisfies the Cu/Cl-condition for subgroups 1 < Cl ≤ Cu < Zn. Consider the skew-morphism σ|n/l of the factor group Zn/Cl ∼= Zn/l. Let T be an orbit of σ such that 〈T 〉 = Zn. By Corollary 2.3, ord(σ) = |T |. Then T/Cl is an orbit of σ|n/l such that 〈T/Cl〉 = Zn/Cl, and hence ord(σ|n/l) = |T/Cl|. As V (σ) satisfies the Cu/Cl-condition, |T/Cl| = |T |/l, and we obtain that ord(σ|n/l) = ord(σ)/l. Induction gives ord(σ)/l = ord(σ|n/l) | (n/l)φ(n/l). This implies that ord(σ) | nφ(n/l), hence ord(σ) | nφ(n). As noted after Proposition 3.1, if σ is a pure skew-morphism of Zn, then a generating orbit T of σ must be a union of L-cosets for a subgroup 1 < L ≤ Zn. By Corollary 2.3, ord(σ) = |T | is divisible by |L|, in particular |L| | (ord(σ), n). Now, it is clear that if (ord(σ), n) = 1, then σ must be an automorphism of Zn. If n is a square-free integer and σ is a skew-morphism of Zn, then the fact that σ is an automorphism of Zn can be read off quickly from the generated S-ring V (σ). Proposition 3.5. Let n be a square-free number and σ be a skew-morphism of Zn. Then σ is an automorphism of Zn if and only if Cd ∈ V (σ) for all subgroups Cd ≤ Zn. Proof. The implication⇒ is obvious. The converse implication⇐ follows by an easy induction on the order n. We get that all subgroups of (Zn)L of prime index are normal in G = 〈τ, σ〉. Since n is square-free, this implies (Zn)L E G, equivalently, σ is an automorphism of Zn. There is yet another S-ring which can be associated with a skew-morphism σ of an arbitrary group H . Consider the skew product group G = 〈HL, σ〉 = HL〈σ〉. The group G has a well-known right action on the set G/HL of right HL-cosets in G as for x, y ∈ G, (HLx) y = HLxy. As G = HL 〈σ〉 and |HL ∩ 〈σ〉| = 1, the elements σi form a complete set of coset representatives of HL in G. Thus the set G/HL can be identified with 〈σ〉, and the group G admits a corresponding right action on 〈σ〉. (We remark that the only property we are using here is that |HL ∩ Ge| = 1, hence the same right action can be defined on arbitrary point stabilizer Ge, and Ge need not be generated by one element.) Formally, for σi ∈ 〈σ〉 and g ∈ G we set (σi)g = σj , where the integer j satisfies HL(σ i)g = HL σ ig = HLσ j . For g ∈ G, denote by g̃ the permutation of 〈σ〉 induced by g. The subgroup 〈σ〉 ≤ G is faithful, and 〈̃σ〉 = 〈σ〉R. The group HL is not always faithful, in fact H̃L ∼= 338 Ars Math. Contemp. 4 (2011) 329–349 HL/ coreG(HL), where coreG(HL) = ⋂ g∈G g −1HLg, or in other words, the largest nor- mal subgroup of G contained in HL. The stabilizer of id ∈ 〈σ〉 equals H̃L, hence we obtain the S-ring V (〈σ〉, H̃L) over 〈σ〉. Notice that coreG(HL) ≤ KL, where K = kerπ, π is the power function of σ, and that the conjugate subgroup σKLσ−1 ≤ HL. If H ∼= Zn is a cyclic group, then every subgroup of HL is uniquely determined by its order, in par- ticular, |σKLσ−1| = |KL| yields that σKLσ−1 = KL. This implies, in turn, that KL is a normal subgroup in G, KL ≤ coreG(HL), and so coreG(HL) = kerπ. Then H̃L is cyclic, and thus any of its generators is a skew-morphism of 〈σ〉 (see the remark following Corollary 2.3). Recall that HL = 〈τ〉, where τ is the permutation x 7→ x+ 1, x ∈ Zn. Let ord(σ) = m, and let ψ be the isomorphism from 〈σ〉 to Zm sending σx to x ∈ Zm. Then the function σ∗ = ψ −1 τ̃ ψ is a skew-morphism of Zm. We shall call σ∗ the skew-morphism derived from σ. The skew-morphism σ is related to its derived skew-morphism σ∗ as follows. Proposition 3.6. Let σ be a skew-morphism of Zn with ord(σ) = m, and π be the power function of σ. Then the derived skew-morphism σ∗ of Zm and its power function π∗ are given by (σ∗) y(x) = π(y) + π(σ(y)) + · · ·+ π(σx−1(y)), (3.2) π∗(x) ≡ σx(1) (mod n/| kerπ|). (3.3) Proof. Using commuting rule (3.1) in the skew product groupG = 〈τ, σ〉 we conclude that 〈τ〉σxτy = 〈τ〉σπ(y)+π(σ(y))+···+π(σ x−1(y)). This shows that τ̃ y : σx 7→ σπ(y)+π(σ(y))+···+π(σx−1(y)), and (3.2) follows. Notice that 〈σ̃, τ̃〉 = 〈〈σ〉R, τ̃〉 is a right permutation group with skew-morphism τ̃ . Thus by the commuting rule (2.2), σ̃ x τ̃ = τ̃ π∗(x) σ̃ σ∗(x) for all x ∈ Zm. Combining this with (3.1) gives us π∗(x) ≡ σx(1) (mod ord(τ̃)). Now, ord(τ̃) = [(Zn)L : coreG((Zn)L)], and (3.3) follows as coreG((Zn)L) ∼= kerπ. Note that the derived skew-morphism σ∗ is the identity if and only if σ is an automor- phism. 4 S-rings V (σ) over Zpe In this section our goal is to prove the following theorem about S-rings V (σ) where σ ∈ Skew(Zpe), p is an odd prime. Theorem 4.1. If σ ∈ Skew(Zpe), where p is an odd prime, then V (σ) = V (α) for some α ∈ Aut(Zpe). Theorem 4.1 suggests the following definition. I. Kovács and R. Nedela: Decomposition of skew-morphisms of cyclic groups 339 Definition 4.2. A permutation σ of a finite group H is a near automorphism if σ is a skew- morphism ofH, and the orbits of σ are equal to the orbits of an automorphism α ∈ Aut(H) (or equivalently, V (σ) = V (α) holds). In this context Theorem 4.1 can be rephrased as every skew-morphism of Zpe , p is an odd prime, is a near automorphism. We first prove several properties of skew-morphisms of Zpe , p is an odd prime. Lemma 4.3. Let σ ∈ Skew(Zpe) be a skew-morphism with power function π. Then all subgroups Cpi , i ∈ {0, 1, . . . , e} are blocks of 〈τ, σ〉. Proof. We prove the lemma by induction on the exponent e. The case e = 1 is trivially true. By Corollary 3.2, the power function π of σ has nontrivial kernel, say K. Therefore K is normal in the group G = 〈τ, σ〉, in particular, Cp is a block of G. Now, applying induction to σ|pe−1 if e > 1 yields the result. In the next lemma we consider skew-morphisms of p-power order. Lemma 4.4. Let σ ∈ Skew(Zpe) of order pf with power function π. Then the following hold: (i) The orbit T generated by 1 is the coset T = 1 + Cpf , in particular σi(1) ≡ 1 (mod pe−f ) for i = 0, 1, . . . , pf − 1; (ii) For all x ∈ Zpe , π(x) ≡ 1 (mod p); in particular, if the order of σ is p then σ is an automorphism; (iii) For every i ∈ N, σi is a skew-morphism of Zpe , moreover ord(σi(1)) = pf/(pf , i). Proof. We put G = 〈τ, σ〉. Observe that f < e. (i): By Corollary 2.3, |T | = ord(σ) = pf . By Lemma 4.3 Cpe−1 = 〈p〉 is fixed by σ and hence T ⊆ Z∗pe . Let c be a generator of Z∗pe . By (2.3) T, cT, c2T, . . . , cp e−1(p−1)−1T are basic sets in V (σ) and the union of these sets forms Z∗pe . It follows that the least power of c fixing T is d = c(p−1)p e−f−1 of multiplicative order pf . In particular T = {1, d, d2, . . . , dpf−1}. Since Z∗pe is cyclic, it contains a unique subgroup of order pf , namely 1 + Cpf . It follows that T = 1 + Cpf . (ii): Consider the skew-morphism σ∗ derived from σ. Then σ∗ is a skew-morphism of Zpf of p-power order. Because of (3.2), σ y ∗(1) = π(y) for all y ∈ Zpe . Now, the result follows by (i). (iii): If i is coprime to p then σi is a generator of the stabilizer of 0 in G and the result follows by Proposition 2.2. For i = p` for some ` > 0 by (i) in Proposition 2.1 σi is a skew-morphism if and only if p` divides ∑p`−1 j=0 π(σ j(x)) which holds true by (ii). Clearly, the orbit of σp ` generated by 1 consists of the elements of the multiplicative subgroup of Z∗pe generated by dp ` , and we are done. Next we determine the skew-morphisms σ ∈ Skew(Zpe) of order p2. Denote by Fun(Zn,Zn) the set of all functions from Zn to Zn. For f, g ∈ Fun(Zn,Zn), let fg and f + g be the functions in Fun(Zn,Zn) defined as (fg)(x) = f(g(x)) and (f + g)(x) = 340 Ars Math. Contemp. 4 (2011) 329–349 f(x) + g(x), respectively, for all x ∈ Zn. Further, if c ∈ Zn, then let cf be the function in Fun(Zn,Zn) defined as (cf)(x) = cf(x) for all x ∈ Zn. Let f ∈ Fun(Zn,Zn). We introduce the sum operator ∇ as the function in Fun(Zn, Zn) defined as (∇f)(0) = 0, and (∇f)(x) = f(0) + f(1) + · · ·+ f(x− 1) if x ∈ Zn, x 6= 0. Note that ∇ satisfies∇(f + g) = ∇f +∇g for all f, g ∈ Fun(Zn,Zn). Let us put n = pe for the rest of the section, where p is an odd prime. For a ∈ Z∗pe and b ∈ Zpe , b ∈ Cp define the function σa,b = αa +∇αb. Let Ge = { σa,b | a ∈ Z∗pe , ord ∗(a) = pi, i ∈ {0, 1, . . . , e− 1}, b ∈ Cp } . Lemma 4.5. With the above notation Ge is a subgroup of Sym(Zpe),Ge ∼= Zpe−1 × Zp with the composition rule σa,bσc,d = σac,b+d. In particular, ord(σa,b) = ord ∗(a) if a 6= 1 and ord(σa,b) = ord(b) if a = 1. Proof. Clearly, the identity permutation id = σ1,0, hence id ∈ Ge. Now, it is enough to prove that σa1,b1σa2,b2 = σa1a2,b1+b2 for all σa1,b1 , σa2,b2 ∈ G. Since b ∈ Cp, we have (∇αb)(x) = (∇αb)(x′) if x ≡ x′ (mod p). Since a2 ∈ 1 + Cpi for some i ∈ {0, 1, . . . , e − 1} we have σa2,b2 ≡ id (mod p). It follows that (∇αb1)σa2,b2 = ∇αb1 . Thus σa1,b1σa2,b2 = (αa1 +∇αb1)σa2,b2 = αa1σa2,b2 +∇αb1 . Since a1b2 = b2 in Zpe , αa1σa2,b2 = αa1a2 +∇αa1b2 = αa1a2 +∇αb2 . These yield σa1,b1σa2,b2 = αa1a2 +∇αb2 +∇αb1 = αa1a2 +∇αb1+b2 . It follows that Ge is a group generated by the automorphisms σa,0 and elements σ1,b. Lemma 4.6. The permutations σa,b in Ge are pure skew-morphisms of Zpe if and only if a ∈ 1 + Cpf , where f > 1 and b 6= 0. Proof. Let b 6= 0 and a ∈ 1 + Cpf , where f > 1. To simplify notation we set σ = σa,b. Let a′ = b + 1. Notice that a′ ∈ Z∗pe and ord ∗(a′) = p. By Lemma 4.5, σp = αap + ∇αpb = αap . Thus σ` = αa′ for a suitable ` ∈ N. Since the order of σ is pf for some f ∈ {2, . . . , e− 1}, we get that pf−1 divides `. It follows that (xb + 1) = a′x for all x ∈ Zpe . We want to show that σ(x + 1) = a(1 + a′ + a′ 2 + · · ·+ a′ x) for all x ∈ Zpe . We have a(1 + a′ + a′ 2 + · · ·+ a′ x) = a(1 + (b+ 1) + (b+ 1) 2 + · · ·+ (b+ 1) x) = a(x+ 1) + a(b+ 2b+ 3b+ · · ·+ xb) = a(x+ 1) + ab(1 + 2 + 3 + · · ·+ x) = a(x+ 1) + b(1 + 2 + 3 + · · ·+ x) I. Kovács and R. Nedela: Decomposition of skew-morphisms of cyclic groups 341 If x 6= pe − 1 the last term is equal σ(x + 1) by definition. For x = pe − 1 we get a((pe − 1) + 1) + b(1 + 2 + 3 + · · ·+ (pe − 1)) = 0 = σ(0). Now we are ready to prove the commuting rule στ = τaσ`+1. This is equivalent to the identity σ(x + 1) = a + a′σ(x). Inserting σ(x + 1) = a(1 + a′ + a′ 2 + · · · + a′ x) and σ(x) = a(1 + a′ + a′ 2 + · · ·+ a′ x−1) we get the result. Taking this to the ith power, i ∈ N we find σ〈τ〉 ⊆ 〈τ〉〈σ〉. A simple induction argument gives σi〈τ〉 ⊆ 〈τ〉〈σ〉 for all i ∈ N. We conclude that 〈σ〉〈τ〉 = 〈τ〉〈σ〉, hence σ is a skew-morphism of Zpe . Furthermore, σ takes 1 7→ a and 2 7→ 2a + b. Therefore, it cannot be an automorphism for b 6= 0. Clearly σa,0 is an automorphism. It remains to show that σa,b, where b 6= 0 and a ∈ 1+Cp is not a pure skew-morphism. By Lemma 4.5 the order of σ is p. By Lemma 4.4(iii) σa,b is an automorphism, a contradiction. Lemma 4.7. The skew-morphisms of Zpe of order p2 are exactly the elements σa,b in Ge of order p2. Proof. Let σ(1) = a. By (ii) in Lemma 4.4, a ∈ Z∗pe with ord ∗(a) = p2. Let σ′ = σπ(1)−1. Because of (iii) in Lemma 4.4 we have σ′ is a skew-morphism of Zpe of order at most p. Therefore σ′ is an automorphism of Zpe , and we may write σ′ = αa′ for some a′ ∈ Z∗pe , ord ∗(a′) = pi, i ≤ 1. By (3.1), σ satisfies στ = τσ(1)σπ(1). Therefore, στ = τaσπ(1)−1σ = τaαa′σ = τ a(αa′ + σ) = σ + κa + αb, (4.1) where b = a′ − 1, and κa is the constant function κa(x) = a for all x ∈ Zpe . Notice that b ∈ Cp, and hence we have αa′σ = αa′ as σ(x) ≡ x (mod p) for all x ∈ Zpe . It is not difficult to see that the functional equation in (4.1) with σ as variable and initial value σ(0) = 0 has a unique solution, and this is σ = ∇(κa + αb) = ∇κa +∇αb = αa +∇αb. We obtain that σ ∈ Ge and this completes the proof. Proof of Theorem 4.1. We put G = 〈τ, σ〉, and let P be the Sylow-p-subgroup of G. By Corollary 3.4, ord(σ) = pfd, where d | (p − 1). The group P contains (Zpe)L and has stabilizer P0 = 〈σd〉. It follows from Proposition 2.2 that σd is a skew-morphism of Zpe of order pf . If f = 0, then σ is an automorphism of Zpe , see Corollary 3.4. Thus we assume that f ≥ 1. We prove the theorem by induction on e. If e = 1, then σ is an automorphism of Zp, and the proposition is trivially true. Let e > 1 and assume that the proposition holds for any group Zpe′ for which e′ < e. We put A = V (σ). By Lemma 4.3, all subgroups Cpi are blocks of G, equivalently, Cpi ∈ A for all i ∈ {0, 1, . . . , e}. The further argument is divided into four steps. (a) ACpe−1 = V (β) for some automorphism β in Aut(Cpe−1). We have ACpe−1 = V (Cpe−1 , σ| pe−1). Thus (a) follows by induction. 342 Ars Math. Contemp. 4 (2011) 329–349 (b) A/Cp = V (γ) for some automorphism γ in Aut(Zpe/Cp). We have A/Cp = V (Zpe/Cp, σ| p e−1 ). Thus (b) follows by induction. (c) There exists a unique automorphism α in Aut(Zpe) such that α|pe−1 = β and α|p e−1 = γ. First, there exists a unique automorphism α in Aut(Zpe) such that p | ord(α) and α|p e−1 = γ. Then β|p e−2 = ( σ|pe−1 ) |p e−2 = ( σ|p e−1) |pe−2 = γ|pe−2 . The latter can be written as ( α|p e−1) |pe−2 = ( α|pe−1 ) |p e−2 . Thus we have β|pe−2 = ( α|pe−1 ) |pe−2 . This forces β = α|pe−1 if p2 | ord(α|pe−1), or (α|pe−1 , pe−2) = (β, pe−2). Assume that f ≥ 3. Then p3 | ord(σ), hence p3 | ord(α), and we are done as p2 | ord(α|pe−1). Let f = 2. Then (α|pe−1 , pe−2) = p. But σd is a skew-morphism of Zpe of order p2. Applying Lemma 4.7 we find that ord(σ|pe−1 , pe−2) = p also. Let f = 1. Then (α|pe−1 , pe−2) = 1. But σd is a skew-morphism of Zpe of order p. Thus σd is an automorphism of Zpe , and we find that ord(σ|pe−1 , pe−2) = 1. This completes (c). (d) A = V (α). This follows directly from (c) and the fact that every basic set T ∈ Bsets(A) where 〈T 〉 = Zpe is a union of Cp-cosets. Remark. Theorem 4.1 does not hold for powers of 2. Take the permutation σ ∈ Sym(Z2e ) defined as σ(x) = { x+ 2 if x /∈ C2e−1 , x if x ∈ C2e−1 . It is easy to check that σ is a skew-morphism of Z2e , and its power function π satisfies π(x) = 1 for all x ∈ C2e−1 , and π(x) = −1 for all x /∈ C2e−1 . Clearly, if e ≥ 3, then V (σ) 6= V (α) for all α ∈ Aut(Z2e). As a small application of Theorem 4.1 we determine the whole set Skew(Zp2). We need to consider the automorphisms of the group Me = 〈 x, y | xp e = yp = 1, xy = xp e−1+1 〉 . The next lemma is a special case of [1, Lemma 2.1]. I. Kovács and R. Nedela: Decomposition of skew-morphisms of cyclic groups 343 Lemma 4.8. The automorphisms in Aut(Me) are given as the permutations θa,b,c, a ∈ Z∗pe , b ∈ Cp and c ∈ Zp defined as θa,b,c(x iyj) = xai+bj yci+j for all i ∈ Zpe , j ∈ Zp. Therefore, |Aut(Me)| = (p− 1)pe+1. Proposition 4.9. If p is an odd prime, then Skew(Zp2) = Aut(Zp2)∪ { αa+a∇αb | a ∈ Z∗p2 , ord ∗(a) = pd, d > 1, b ∈ Cp, b 6= 0 } . Proof. Let σ ∈ Skew(Zp2). We are going to show that σ is a permutation described in the statement. We put G = 〈τ, σ〉 and let P be the Sylow p-subgroup of G. By Corollary 3.4, ord(σ) | p(p−1). Let ord(σ) = pfd for a divisor d of p−1. Because of Sylow’s Theorem P / G, and thus µ = σp acts on P by conjugation as an automorphism; denote by µ the induced automorphism. If f = 0, then P = (Zp2)L, and σ = µ is an automorphism of Zp2 of order d. Let f > 0. Then with a suitable choice σ0 ∈ 〈σd〉 we have P = 〈 τ, σ0 | τp 2 = σ p0 = 1, τ σ0 = τp+1 〉 ∼=M2. By Lemma 4.8, µ = θu,v,w for some u ∈ Z∗p2 , v ∈ Cp and w ∈ Zp. Now, ord(µ) = ord(µ) = d, and µ fixes σ0. These imply that u ∈ Z∗pe has ord ∗(u) = d, and v = 0. If u = 1, then µ = θ1,0,1 is the identity, and in this case σ is an automorphism of Zp2 of order p. Let u > 1. Then µ = θu,0,w for some w ∈ Zp. Then µτµ−1 = µ(τ) = θu,0,w(τ) = τ u αwp+1. (4.2) Using the fact that µ(0) = 0, µ is determined by (4.2). We obtain that µ(x) = u(1 + (p+ 1)w + · · ·+ (p+ 1)w(x−1)) for all x ∈ Zp2 , x 6= 0. Because (p+ 1)y = yp+ 1 in Zp2 for all y ∈ Zp2 , we may write µ = αu + u∇αb, where b = wp is in Cp. This gives σ = αa′µ for a′ ∈ Z∗p2 , ord ∗(a′) = p. Therefore σ = αa + a∇αb, where a = a′u. Now, σ is a pure skew-morphism if and only if b 6= 0. Conversely, let σ = αa + a∇αb, a ∈ Z∗p2 , ord ∗(a) = pd, d > 1, b ∈ Cp, b 6= 0. Then a = a′a′′ for a′, a′′ ∈ Z∗p2 with ord(a′) = p and ord ∗(a′′) = d. From this σ = αa′σ′ for σ′ = αa′′+a ′′∇αb. From the above discussion it follows that σ′ normalizesP = 〈τ, αp+1〉. This implies 〈τ, σ〉 = 〈P, σ′〉 = P 〈σ′〉 = 〈τ〉〈σ〉, so that σ is a skew-morphism of Zp2 . The formula for the number |Skew(Zp2)| of all skew-morphisms of Zp2 follows di- rectly from Proposition 4.9. Corollary 4.10. If p is an odd prime, then |Skew(Zp2)| = (p− 1)(p2 − 2p+ 2). 5 S-rings V (σ) over Zpq We recall that the wreath product Z(Zq) o Z(Zp) of S-rings Z(Zq) and Z(Zp) is the S-ring over Zpq that has basic sets {x}, x ∈ Cp and the cosets Cp+y, y ∈ Zpq \Cp. Similarly the wreath product Z(Zp) o Z(Zq) is the S-ring over Zpq that has basic sets {x}, x ∈ Cq and the cosets Cq + y, y ∈ Zpq \ Cq . Two distinct primes p, q will be called disjoint if neither q | (p− 1), nor p | (q − 1). 344 Ars Math. Contemp. 4 (2011) 329–349 Theorem 5.1. Let q < p be distinct primes and σ be a skew-morphism of Zpq . Then V (σ) = V (α) for some α ∈ Aut(Zpq), unless q | (p− 1) and V (σ) = Z(Zq) o Z(Zp). Proof. Let σ be a pure skew-morphism of Zpq of order ord(σ) = m. By Proposition 3.5, not all subgroups of Zpq are V (σ)-subgroups. The S-ring V (σ) is neither trivial, hence either Cp ∈ V (σ) and Cq /∈ V (σ), or Cp /∈ V (σ) and Cq ∈ V (σ). We show that in the first case q | (p−1) and V (σ) = Z(Zq) oZ(Zp) as described above. Then by the symmetry, the second case implies p | (q − 1), a contradiction. We put G = 〈τ, σ〉, and let B be the block system of G formed by the Cp-cosets. Thus m = pd, for some d | (q − 1). Let GB denote the kernel of G acting on B. It is obvious that τ q is in GB. By Proposition 2.4.(ii), σB is a skew-morphism of Zpq/CP ∼= Zq . It follows from the classification of S-rings over Zpq that any basic set of V (σ), which is not contained in Cp, is a union of Cp-cosets (e.g. [13]). Let T be an orbit of σ such that 〈T 〉 = Zpq . By Corollary 2.3, |σ| = |T | and |σB| = |T/Cp| = |T |/p. This implies that |G/GB| = |G|/p2 and |〈σ〉 ∩GB| = |〈σ〉 : 〈σB〉| = p, and thus σd is in GB. We conclude that GB = 〈τ q, σd〉 = 〈τ q〉 × 〈σd〉 ∼= Zp × Zp. Consider the group N = 〈τ〉GB. Then N = 〈τ〉〈σd〉, and σd is a pure skew-morphism of Zpq of order p. Clearly, V (σd) = Z(Zq) o Z(Zp). Since N = GB o 〈τp〉, the element τp acts on GB by conjugation as a group auto- morphism. We may identify τp with a matrix A(τp) in GL(2, p) such that for all (i, j) ∈ Zp × Zp, ( τ qiσdj ) τp = τ qi ′ σdj ′ if ( i′ j′ ) = A(τp) ( i j ) . Now, τ q is fixed by τp and 〈σd〉 is not normalized by τp. Also, ord(A(τp)) = ord(τp) = q. These conditions imply that A(τp) = ( 1 a 0 b ) , a, b ∈ Z∗p, bq = 1, b 6= 1. It also follows that q | (p− 1). Let A = A(τp). The group N = 〈τ q, σd〉 o 〈τp〉, and we may identify N with the group of all pairs (x,Ai), where x = (x1, x2)> is in the vector space V = Z2p, and i ∈ {0, 1, . . . , q − 1}. The group operation ∗ is defined as (x,Ai) ∗ (y,Aj) = (x+Aiy,Ai+j). Note that e1 = (1, 0) and e2 = (0, 1) in V correspond to τ q and σd, respectively. Denote µ = σp. Since N / G, G = N o 〈µ〉, and hence µ acts on N as a group automorphism. Denote this automorphism by µ. Then µ satisfies the following conditions: 1. ord(µ) = d, 2. µ normalizes 〈(e1, I)〉, 3. µ fixes (e2, I), I. Kovács and R. Nedela: Decomposition of skew-morphisms of cyclic groups 345 To see 1. observe that if ord(µ) < d, then a subgroup 1 < M < 〈µ〉 centralizes N . In particular, M centralizes τ , hence M is semiregular, which is impossible. Condition 2. follows from the fact that 〈τ q〉 / G. Finally, Condition 3. follows from µσd = σdµ. The above conditions imply µ : (x, I) 7→ (Bx, I), where B = ( c 0 0 1 ) , for some c ∈ Z∗p. (0, A) 7→ (v,Ak) for some v ∈ V, k ∈ {1, . . . , q − 1} . Since µ is an automorphism, it is defined by the above images, and we have µ : (x,Ai) 7→ (Bx+ (I +Ak + · · ·+Ak(i−1))v,Aki). In particular, (I +Ak + · · ·+Ak(q−1))v = 0. Then µ ( (x,A) ) ∗ µ ( (y, I) ) = µ ( (x,A) ∗ (y, I) ) = µ ( (x+Ay,A) ) . Therefore (Bx + v,Ak) ∗ (By, I) = (Bx + AkBy + v,Ak) = (Bx + BAy + v,Ak). From this BAB−1 = Ak, and thus ac ≡ a(1 + b+ . . . , bk−1) (mod p), bk ≡ b (mod p). Now b 6= 1 and bq = 1 in Z∗p. As k < q, bk = b (mod p) implies k = 1. It follows that c = 1. We have µ̄d : (0, A) 7→ (dv,A). Since µ̄d = id, dv = 0 and so v = 0. Thus µ is the identity, and d = ord(µ) = 1. We obtain V (σ) = V (σd) = Z(Zq) o Z(Zp), as claimed. Let σ be a pure skew-morphism of Zpq . The order of σ equals |T |, where T is an orbit of σ such that 〈T 〉 = Zpq (see Corollary 2.3). By Theorem 5.1 we obtain that a pure skew- morphism of Zpq must have order either p or q. We conclude the section with describing the pure skew-morphisms of prime order in an arbitrary cyclic group Zn. Let n = mp, where p is a prime. Then every element in Zn is written as xm + y for uniquely defined x ∈ Zp and y ∈ Zm. For b ∈ Z∗p denote by πb the function in Fun(Zm,Zp) defined as πb(x) = bx. Proposition 5.2. Let σ be a pure skew-morphism of Zn of order p, p is a prime, and π be the power function of σ. Then n = pm, (n, p − 1) > 1, and there exist a, b ∈ Z∗p, b 6= 1, b(n,p−1) = 1 so that σ(z) = z +ma(∇πb)(y) π(z) = bz for all z ∈ Zn and y ∈ Zm, y ≡ z mod (m). Moreover, every mapping σ : Zpm → Zpm given by the above formula is a pure skew- morphism of order p and a different choice of the parameters a, b ∈ Z∗p gives different skew-morphisms. 346 Ars Math. Contemp. 4 (2011) 329–349 Proof. We setG = 〈τ, σ〉. Since σ is pure, by Proposition 3.1 radV (σ) = Cp, Cp ∈ V (σ) and n = pm for some m. Then σ|m is the identity. The subgroup (Cp)L is centralized by σ. Therefore σ maps a Zn-element written in the form xm+ y, x ∈ Zp, y ∈ Zm as σ(xm+ y) = (x+ c)m+ y for some c ∈ Zp. The value c is the same for x′m + y′ whenever y′ = y, and thus there is a function ϕ : Zm → Zp which associates c = ϕ(y) with y ∈ Zm. As σ(0) = 0, we have ϕ(0) = 0. Let σ(1) = am+ 1 ∈ Cp + 1 (see (ii) in Lemma 4.4). Then a 6= 0, and ϕ(1) = a. By (3.1), στ = τam+1σπ(1). For mx+ y ∈ Zn, (στ)(xm+ y) = ( x+ ϕ(y + 1) ) m+ y + 1, and also τam+1σπ(1)(xm+ y) = ( x+ π(1)ϕ(y) + a ) m+ y + 1. Combining these equations we find ϕ(y + 1) = π(1)ϕ(y) + a for all y ∈ Zm. (5.1) Applying (5.1) repeatedly leads to a(1 + π(1) + π(1)2 + · · ·+ π(1)m−1) ≡ 0 (mod p). (5.2) Since σ /∈ Aut(Zn), π(1) ∈ {2, . . . , p− 1}. Thus (5.2) is equivalent to π(1)m = 1 in Zp. This means (n, p − 1) > 1, and π(1)(n,p−1) = 1 holds. Inserting b = π(1) into (5.1) and solving, we get ϕ = a(∇πb). Thus σ has the form as claimed. It remains to prove that σ is indeed a skew-morphism and to determine its power func- tion π. It is clear that στm = τσm. We claim that, στz = τσ(z) σ b z for all z ∈ Zn. (5.3) We prove (5.3) by induction on z. The equality is clear if z = 0 or z = 1. The induction hypothesis gives στz+1 = στzτ = τσ(z) σ b z τ = τσ(z)σ b z−1τam+1σb. Using στam = τamσ and bz = by if z = mx+ y we conclude στz+1 = τσ(z)+amσ b z−1τσb = τσ(z)+2amσ b z−2τσ2b · · · = τσ(z)+b zam+1σb z+1 = τσ(z+1)σb z+1 . Comparing (5.3) with (3.1) we see that σ is a skew-morphism of Zn and that the power function π is given by π(z) = bz , z ∈ Zn. The formula for |Skew(Zpq)| follows directly from Theorem 5.1 and Proposition 5.2. Corollary 5.3. If p, q are distinct primes, then |Skew(Zpq)| = { (p− 1)(q − 1) if p 6 | (q − 1) and q 6 | (p− 1) 2(p− 1)(q − 1) if q | (p− 1) or p | (q − 1). I. Kovács and R. Nedela: Decomposition of skew-morphisms of cyclic groups 347 6 Decomposing skew-morphism of cyclic groups We are now in a position to prove our decomposition theorem. Proof of Theorem 1.1. Let σ ∈ Skew(Zn). First, we prove that σ decomposes as σ = σ1 × σ2, where σi ∈ Skew(Zni) for i = 1, 2. Let A = V (σ). We claim that Cni ∈ A for i = 1, 2. This we prove by induction on n. If both n1 and n2 are primes, then we are done by Theorem 5.1. Let π be the power function of σ. By Corollary 3.2 kerπ 6= 1. Choose Cp ≤ kerπ, where p is a prime. Thus Cp ∈ A, and Cp is contained either in Cn1 or in Cn2 , say Cp ≤ Cn1 . Consider the quotient S-ring A/Cp = V (σ|n/p). By the induction hypothesis we get that Cn1/Cp and Cn2p/Cp are in A/Cp. It follows that Cn1 ∈ A. Next Cn2p/Cp contains a subgroup of prime order q (p 6= q) which is contained in A/Cp. Consequently, Cpq ∈ A. By the assumptions p, q are disjoint primes, hence Cq ∈ A, see Theorem 5.1. Repeating the previous argument with Cq ≤ Cn2 we deduce that also Cn2 ∈ A. Let us write Zn = Zn1 × Zn2 . Since Cni ∈ A for i = 1, 2, the quotient skew- morphisms σ|ni , i = 1, 2 are well defined and we have σ((x1, x2)) = ( σ|n1(x1), σ|n2(x2) ) for all (x1, x2) ∈ Zn1 × Zn2 . Therefore σ = σ|n1 × σ|n2 . Second, we prove that for all σi ∈ Skew(Zni), i = 1, 2, σ1 × σ2 ∈ Skew(Zn). Let Gi = 〈τi, σi〉 for i = 1, 2, where τi is the permutation x 7→ x + 1 of Zni . Let Ĝ be the permutation direct product Ĝ = G1 × G2. Clearly, σ ∈ Ĝ. If both σ1 and σ2 are automorphisms, then we are done. Assume that σ1 is a pure skew-morphism. Thus there exists a prime divisor p of n1 such that ord(σ|n1/p) = ord(σ1)/p andCp ∈ V (σ1)⊗V (σ2). Let B be the block system of Ĝ formed by the Cp-cosets. Then ĜB = 〈(Cp)L, (σn1/p1 , 1)〉 ∼= Zp × Zp. Corollary 3.4 gives ord(σ2) | n2φ(n2), and thus p 6 | ord(σ2). We conclude that 〈(σn1/p1 , 1)〉 is the only subgroup of order p in 〈σ1〉 × 〈σ2〉. We put σ = σ1 × σ2, τ = τ1 × τ2 and G = 〈τ, σ〉. Then (σn1/p1 , 1) ∈ 〈σ〉 and ĜB ≤ G. |G|/|ĜB| = |(ĜBG)/ĜB| = |GB| = ∣∣∣〈(τ1 × τ2)B, σB〉∣∣∣. We have (τ1 × τ2)B = τB1 × τ2 ∼= Zn1/p × Zn2 , and σB = σB1 × σ2 = σ1|n1/p × σ2. Induction gives σ1|n1/p × σ2 ∈ Skew(Zn/p), hence∣∣∣〈(τ1 × τ2)B, σB〉∣∣∣ = n/p× ord(σ1|n1/p × σ2) = n/p× ord(σ1|n1/p) ord(σ2)( ord(σ1|n1/p), ord(σ2) ) As ord(σ1|n1/p) = ord(σ1)/p and p 6 | ord(σ2), we can further write |G| = |ĜB||GB| = p2 × ∣∣∣〈(τ1 × τ2)B, σB〉∣∣∣ = n ord(σ1) ord(σ2)( ord(σ1), ord(σ2) ) . It follows that G = 〈τ〉〈σ〉 and σ = σ1 × σ2 is a skew-morphism of Zn = 〈τ〉. 348 Ars Math. Contemp. 4 (2011) 329–349 A simple induction leads to the following corollary on the number |Skew(Zn)| of all skew-morphisms of Zn. Corollary 6.1. Let n be an odd integer which decomposes into a product of powers of mutually disjoint primes n = ∏k i=1 p ei i . Then every skew-morphism of Zn is a near auto- morphism and |Skew(Zn)| = k∏ i=1 |Skew(Zni)|. A number n ≥ 1 is singular if (n, φ(n)) = 1. The following result was proved by Jones, Nedela and Škoviera in [10]. Theorem 6.2. There is one unique orientably regular embedding of Kn,n if and only if n is singular. We conclude the paper with a similar result about arbitrary skew-morphisms of Zn. Theorem 6.3. All skew-morphisms of Zn are automorphisms of Zn if and only if n = 4 or n is singular. Proof. Let n have decomposition n = n1n2 . . . nk such that for all distinct i, j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , k}, (ni, nj) = 1, and (ni, ϕ(nj)) = (nj , ϕ(ni)) = 1. Now, all skew-morphisms of Zn are automorphisms of Zn if and only if |Skew(Zn)| = φ(n). Because of Cororllary 6.1 this is equivalent to |Skew(Zni)| = φ(ni) for all i ∈ {1, . . . , k}. Proposition 5.2 shows that |Skew(Zni)| > φ(ni) if ni 6= pei for some prime pi. Thus if n is even, then we must have n = 2e. It follows readily that |Skew(Z2e)| = φ(2e) if and only if n ≤ 4 (see also the remark following the proof of Theorem 4.1). Let n be odd. Then by Proposition 4.9, |Skew(Zni)| = φ(ni) if and only if ni is an odd prime for all i ∈ {1, . . . , k}, and this means exactly that n is singular. Theorem 6.2 now becomes an easy corollary of Theorem 6.3. Acknowledgements A visit of the first author to the Institute of Mathematics, Slovak Academy of Science in Banská Bystrica in September 2008 helped us to write the paper. The first author thanks the Institute of Mathematics for supporting his trip. We would like to thank one of the anonymous referees for helpful suggestions that have improved both the content and the presentation of the paper. References [1] J. M. S. Bidwell and M. J. Curran, The automorphism group of a split metacyclic p-group, Archiv der Mathematik 87 (2006), 488–497. [2] M. Conder, private communication. [3] M. Conder, R. Jajcay and T. Tucker, Regular t-balanced Cayley maps, J. Combin. Theory B 97 (2007), 453–473. [4] M. Conder, R. Jajcay and T. Tucker, Regular Cayley maps for finite abelian groups, J. 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