SLOVENIA OF SLOVENIJE REPUBLIC THE OF REPUBLIKE URAD OFFICE Ljubljana, 2002 ATISTIÈNI ATISTICAL ST ST Prepared by M. Sc. Irena Krìman, Deputy Director General Prepared and published by Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Ljubljana, Voàrski pot 12 Telephone:+386 1 241 51 00 Fax: +361 1 241 53 44 E-mail: Internet: Photos: KODIA Designed and printed: PROGRAF ISBN 961-6349-89-9 CIP - Katalòni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjìnica, Ljubljana 311.312(497.4) KRI@MAN, Irena The Slovenian national statistics : trusthworthy and user-oriented / [prepared by Irena Krìman]. - Ljubljana : Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, 2002 ISBN 961-6349-89-9 1. Gl. stv. nasl. 120553472 Introduction TRUSTWORTHY AND USER–ORIENTED L ike other similar, modern social and economic communities, Slovenia as a young state has two principal objectives: to have happy and satisfied citizens, and also to provide such economic and social conditions that shall bring about satisfaction. Therefore, the rights and obligations encountered on the way to satisfaction have to be properly distributed; phenomena and circumstances relating to individuals or their business and other associations in the society have to be measured; rules have to be determined – at least in a statistical way. And above all, the announced principal and operational objectives (perhaps even intermediate objectives) have to be determined and measured (not only in terms of contents), so that on the one hand the agreed policies that are linked to these objectives shall have solid foundations and shall be monitored by the domestic and the international democratic communities; and that on the other hand the required measures shall be sufficiently substantiated and timely as well. B oth stated objectives, however, lead to a third objective. Namely, to attain these two objectives, a democratic tool has to be set up. In real life, this task is performed by national statistics, which is not only independent and professionally consistent, but also continuously monitors and makes comparisons of both national statistics and methods with those in the international and supranational environments. It is national statistics that shall enable professionally correct and democratic decision-making in the country and that shall support development planning and actions made either by residents, by domestic or foreign investors or those business subjects that are interested in or concerned about the development of Slovenia. In fact, in the new conditions of globalisation and new social forms, the language and methods of global statistics shall facilitate business subjects and everybody else in understanding the great competitive world and in integrating into it economically and in other manners.. S imilarly, the role of national statistics is determined in Slovenia as well. Its mission has been determined and concentrates on satisfying the needs of all users and on maintaining trust and confidence in the work of the producers of official statistics. The Statistical Office and all authorised producers are fully aware of their responsibilities. This is especially important in such dynamic times, when Slovenia is being incorporated into a new Community which has already accepted reasonable statistical arguments and uses them in its operation. It is not only required that statistical measurements be conducted in Slovenia, but that these national data be disseminated and that comparisons of these data be made with the data, valid within the EU, the United Nations and its institutions, etc. all over the world. We realize that almost each statistical calculation or indicator serves as the basis for concrete actions: for determining the rights and obligations at the level of a business subject or for a concrete person. Therefore, the Statistical Office and other producers of official statistics keep striving to improve the quality of their work, to improve the procedures they make use of and to shorten the data dissemination deadlines – all in accordance with the agreed international statistical principles. T he aim of this booklet is to help you understand our common mission. It can also serve as a basis upon which you can formulate your questions or as evidence, how our objectives are being met. Tomà Banovec Director General of the Statistical Office Ljubljana, October 2002 of the Republic of Slovenia 3 TRUSTWORTHY AND USER–ORIENTED Contents and Abbreviations CONTENTS • Milestones in National Statistics 5 Abbreviations used in the text: SORS Statistical Office of the Republic of • The Slovenian National Statistics 6 Slovenia ID identification number AJPES Agency of the Republic of Slovenia • The Legislative Framework of Slovenian National Statistics 7 for Public and Legal Records and Services • EU European Union Governance Arrangements in National Statistics 10 CRP Central Population Register BR Business Register • RTU Register of Territorial Units Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia 16 PIN personal identification number BIN business identification number • The Slovenian National Statistics from 2003 to 2007 22 IT information technology ICT information and communication technology B2G business to government C2G citizen to government R&D research and development IMF International Monetary Fund TACO Technical Administration Co- operation PUMA Public Management OECD Organization for Economic Co- operation and Development CANSTAT statistical co-operation between Candidate Countries LEG leadership group 4 Milestones in National Statistics TRUSTWORTHY AND USER–ORIENTED MILESTONES IN NATIONAL STATISTICS Short history before 1991 (1970), the Business Register national statistics (e.g. mission, The history of national statistics (1976) and the Register of Statistical Council and statistical goes back to 1754 when the first Territorial Units (1981) with the advisory committees, census was implemented on the centroid for every post code in independence, confidentiality territory which today belongs to Slovenia. 1981 Social Information provisions, dissemination, Slovenia. In the Austro-Hungarian System Act in Slovenia opened the obligation for reporting units, Empire in 1863 the first opportunity to start building access to administrative sources at independent statistical service - the registers with uniform micro level with ID numbers, and Royal Imperial Statistical Central identification numbers for the rules for budgeting). Commission - was established in administrative as well as for Vienna and covered most of the statistical purposes. National statistics territory of Slovenia. entering European Union After the disintegration of the National statistics in In 1996 Association Agreement Austro-Hungarian Empire Slovenia independent Slovenia between the Republic of Slovenia became part of the Kingdom of In 1991 Slovenian Statistical Office and the European Union was Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. The was placed under the Ministry for signed. In 1998 Accesion central statistical service of this Planning. In 1992 Slovenian Partnership Agreement and state was the General National Statistical Office became a member Screening of statistical acquis Statistics in Belgrade. Within its of the Conference of European communautaire Slovenian National framework a special Statistical Statisticians where in the same year Statistics committed itself to Department was operating in the the Fundamental Principles of achieve full compliance with the Slovenian part between 1919 and Official Statistics were adopted. Statistical legislation in EU by 2002 1924. Both contributed very much to the at the latest. As a part of that In 1944 Slovenian National process of preparing new legislation process, Amendments to the Liberation Council set up the Office in the field of national statistics in National Statistics Act were for Statistics of Slovenia. In 1945 Slovenia. In 1994 the Common adopted in 2001 in order to make Slovenian Statistics become a part Declaration of Statistical Co- the preparation and adoption of the of the federal state authority. In operation between SORS and programmes of statistical surveys 1956 the programme of statistical Eurostat was signed and that more flexible, improve the surveys for Slovenian purposes was enabled official participation of statistical confidentiality, deepen for the first time defined by Slovenes in European statistical the independence of the institution republican law. Statistical Office work. 1995 National Statistics Act (SORS) and clearly define the role plays the leading role developing was laid down by Parliament. It of authorised producers of the Central Population Register brought the important elements of statistics. 5 TRUSTWORTHY AND USER–ORIENTED The Slovenian National Statistics THE SLOVENIAN NATIONAL STATISTICS In the Slovenian statistical system SORS is the main producer and co-ordinator. The important role has also been played by the following institutions: • Bank of Slovenia (balance of payments, financial and monetary statistics), • Ministry of Finance (debt, deficit, government financial statistics), • Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Public and Legal Records and Services – AJPES (partly economic statistics), • Institute of Public Health (health statistics), • Pension and Disability Insurance Institute (pensions), • Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (social security), and • Employment Service of Slovenia (partly employment). The last amendments of the National Statistics Act require from the authorised producers to separately organise statistical activities from other activities and fully respect the statistical principles, especially statistical confidentiality. 6 The Legislative Framework of Slovenian National Statistics TRUSTWORTHY AND USER–ORIENTED THE LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL STATISTICS It is one of the most modern and was developed studying the best practices in world statistics, especially in Nordic countries where similar register-based statistics has been developped. The shrinking resources and increasing nonresponse require flexibility of response to users as well as timeliness. The principal legislation • National Statistics Act • Annual Programme of Statistical (1995, 2001) Surveys for 2001 and 2002 • Medium-term Programme of • Medium-term Programme of Statistical Surveys 2001-2002 Statistical Surveys 2003-2007 as well as Annual Programme for 2003 are in the final phase of preparation and will be adopted before the end of 2002. 7 TRUSTWORTHY AND USER–ORIENTED The Legislative Framework of Slovenian National Statistics Censuses The National Statistics Act We mention here two latest acts: stipulates the special acts in case of very large surveys like censuses. • 2000 Census of Agricultural Holdings Act • Census of Population, Households and Housing in the Republic of Slovenia in 2001 Act 8 The Legislative Framework of Slovenian National Statistics TRUSTWORTHY AND USER–ORIENTED General classifications Statistical legislation gives SORS • Decree on the Standard For better transparency and usage the authority to propose to the Classification of Territorial Units of classifications, SORS has Government the general developed the technical solution in classifications. The use of general • Decree on the Introduction and the classification server named classifications in administrations is Use of the Standard Classification KLASJE, which is available via the obligatory and it supports the idea of Institutional Sectors Internet. of good quality administrative records also for statistical purposes. • Decree on the Introduction and We list here decrees governing the Use of the Classification of most important classifications: Products by Activity • Decree on the Introduction and Use of the Standard Classification of Activities • Decree on the Introduction and Use of the Standard Classification of Occupations 9 TRUSTWORTHY AND USER–ORIENTED Governance Arrangements in National Statistics GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS IN NATIONAL STATISTICS Relation SORS Statistical Council – authorised and statistical advisory institutions committees National Statistics Act defines Statistical Council is the highest clearly the role and co-operation representative of the user of SORS and authorised institutions community. Even though its role is concerning the organisation, of advisory nature, it has to be very preparation, execution and much respected due to the high reporting activities on statistical authority of the members of the programmes, respect of the council. The president of the fundamental principles, data council is currently a member of the dissemination and international Slovenian Parliament. co-operation. Director General of SORS can not be the president of the Statistical Council. Statistical advisory committees have been working for Currently there are 24 advisory many years, even before the committees for different fields of National Statistics Act legalised statistics with around 340 outside them. members and 78 SORS members. The president of a statistical advisory committee is always the person from other institution, but the secretary is a member from SORS. 10 Governance Arrangements in National Statistics TRUSTWORTHY AND USER–ORIENTED Participation of SORS in the work of Slovenian Government SORS’s Director General is a regular member of the Government Economic Committee. The main purpose is to discus and estimate the future user needs coming from the state legislation which is not always available for SORS in draft Integration of national and form before the governmental international needs through procedure officially starts. statistical programmes In defining the Medium-term Statistical Programme for 2001- 2002, SORS developed together with other partners the methodology of programming where the link between national and international needs as well as policy relevance have been taken into account. It should be mentioned that the EU compliance, which is almost full, is also a very important Slovenian priority at country level. 11 TRUSTWORTHY AND USER–ORIENTED Governance Arrangements in National Statistics Reporting for the entire statistical system for 2001 In 2002 the reporting on Execution of the Programme 2001 was done for the first time for the entire statistical system and was linked to the programme in a very transparent and user-friendly way. Register-based statistics In close co-operation with Nordic countries, for the past 25 years SORS has been working on developing register-based statistical environment, especially on building infrastructural administrative registers (CRP, BR, RTU) and uniform identification numbers (PIN, BIN, centroid). SORS has played a leading role in development projects in the field of administrative records as well. Influence on the classifications, identifications, methodology used, access to all administrative records at micro level and with ID numbers still remain among the primary long-term objectives of Slovenian National Statistics in general and SORS in particular. As already mentioned, SORS developed basic administrative registers and transferred them to administrative authorities. The latest one – the Business Register – was transferred to AJPES in July 2002. The Business Register of Slovenia Act as a legal framework is also under the procedure to change. 12 Governance Arrangements in National Statistics TRUSTWORTHY AND USER–ORIENTED Fundamental principles Mission In the National Statistics Act the The mission of Slovenian National There are several key words that following fundamental principles Statistics is defined by the National contain fundamental statistical are written down: Statistics Act. In order to associate principles, however, good quality users, data providers and employees statistics for domestic as well as for • Professional and institutional of SORS with the mission of our international users is the main independence work, the mission statement was objective. • Statistical confidentiality developed. The mission statement • Availability, accessibility and has also been put in the Medium- clarity of information term Programme of Statistical • International comparability Surveys in order to show to the • Transparency of methodology users and data respondents as well • Rationality as people working in Slovenian National Statistics what is the main Several other principles should also purpose of statistical activities. be mentioned, such as: The statement reads: “The mission • Relevance of statistical concepts of the statistical office is the • Accuracy of estimates provision of good quality statistics • Timeliness and punctuality in and services for national and disseminating results international requirements at • Coherence minimal costs. By respecting • Completeness statistical confidentiality, the national statistics strengthens the trust of data users and data providers and deepens its professional independence.” 13 TRUSTWORTHY AND USER–ORIENTED Governance Arrangements in National Statistics Vision Trust gained on the part of all participants (users, data providers Mastering of quality, competency of and producers of statistics) became the staff, up-to-date harmonization essential. Independence of the with the international environment, institution and profession is a user-orientation, and modernisation guaranty to keep the trust. of processes and improvement of Knowledge, experience and team working conditions are the most work, respect for privacy, quality important activities which can and user-friendly environment are enable Slovenian statistical system values also of internal to complete the mission organisational importance to make successfully and also taking into users as well as staff satisfied and Values account the moving targets in the motivated. future. Values of SORS as well as the statistical system have been developed in the atmosphere of the growing importance of the official statistical data, especially for the purpose of the EU enlargement. The importance of users, especially key users in the EU - such as the European Central Bank, the EU Commission - national authorities - such as Government, the National Bank, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry - key enterprises, research community and general public has been growing last year. 14 Governance Arrangements in National Statistics TRUSTWORTHY AND USER–ORIENTED Building of trust and confidence of users and respondents Trust and confidence have been built through the strict application of data confidentiality rules. Statistical confidentiality is a one way street. Data collected shall be used for statistical purposes only (aggregates). Micro data with identification obtained from respondents or from administrative sources can only be used for statistical purposes. Anonimised micro data can be used for research purposes. The registered researchers can also be given name, address and year of birth for the purpose of surveying. Personal Data Protection Act in Slovenia (1999, 2001) very strictly defines the conditions for the treatment of personal data. Rules on technical, organisational as well as IT matters in handling the data were put in the internal rules of procedure. Transparency of data requirements is done through the statistical programmes which are published in the Official Journal. Reduction of response burden can also be considered as building a bridge to data respondents. Also the dissemination of data to respondents at the same time when collecting the data proved to be a useful tool in building confidence. Modern ICT offers integrated approach to data collection (B2G and C2G). All statistical surveys in the programme are not obligatory. Authority to collect data SORS defined the criteria when the reporting can be voluntary. SORS and authorised institutions have access to administrative records at micro level and with ID numbers. All data from public and private respondents are free of charge. Institutions within the Slovenian statistical system have the right to link the data from administrative records and surveys to statistical registers and use them for statistical and research purposes. 15 TRUSTWORTHY AND USER–ORIENTED Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia STATISTICAL OFFICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA SORS is organisationally centralised and functionally decentralised office, located in Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia. Currently there are 383 employees with the average age of 42 years. 13.9% of employees are under 30 years old. Women represent 68% of staff. Almost two thirds of employees have university degree. In 2001 labour costs represented 63% of total expenditure. The state budget represented 87% of income, EU funds 12% and revenue from selling data and publications 1%. SORS is production process oriented organisation with the input division, four subject matter divisions (national accounts, business statistics, social and demographic statistics, environmental and natural resources statistics). Dissemination division is taking care of disseminating of statistical production and keeping good relations with users. General methodological division, statistical programmes and international co-operation unit as well as statistical business register are of similar infrastructural nature as dissemination. ICT division and general matters are supportive units. 16 Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia TRUSTWORTHY AND USER–ORIENTED Independence of SORS and authority of Director General One of the most important provisions in the National Statistics Act concerns instructions on scientific decisions from ministers. This kind of instructions are explicitly forbidden by law. In the organisational framework, Responsibility SORS is directly responsible to the of SORS Prime Minister. Director General and Deputy Director General are Coordination of the statistical elected for the period of five years system, international co-operation, with no limitation for re-election. standards setting (methodological, SORS has to be consulted in classifications, administrative budgetary discussions as an records), anticipation of users independent entity within the needs and collection of user Government. requirements and satisfactions with output, collection, processing and dissemination of statistical data, R&D in the field of official statistics and last but not least very strong care for data confidentiality are the most important tasks defined by law and applied though statistical programmes. 17 TRUSTWORTHY AND USER–ORIENTED Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Planning and reporting Medium-term (5 years) and Annual Programmes of Statistical Surveys are followed by detailed work plans for each activity in SORS. All employees are obliged to prepare a monthly report on their tasks. Yearly report on the execution of the annual programme to the Statistical Council and midterm reporting to the Statistical Council and Slovenian Government are important documents for the users and data providers as well as management tools of the whole system. Setting priorities To set priorities, very intensive and wide discussions on the medium-term and annual statistical programmes take place at least once a year. Slovenian statistics has also been subject to several subject matter evaluations and also general assessment of the whole system. The evaluations help us to define the areas where further development is needed and also to define the so called negative priorities, i.e. what we can stop doing without too much harm for our users. 18 Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia TRUSTWORTHY AND USER–ORIENTED Dissemination policy SORS has developed the main strategic objectives: equal access to statistical results, professionalism and transparency, user friendliness, especially availability of the statistical information on the Internet. Following the users’ needs, almost all SORS’s publications are prepared in Slovene and English. International dissemination is one of the basic tasks of SORS. But there are also other authorities which have been asked for data by different bodies within EU Commission as well as by other international organisations. SORS plays a role of co-ordination and it is not always successful in this task. Demands for timeliness in short-term statistics have been growing in economic statistics as well as in other fields. Timely response from reporting units, use of secondary sources and improvement of the processes within the office are some preconditions to meet those requirements. At the moment SORS prepares the advance release calendar for some users, like IMF standards, but it is planning to do that for all results. Currently the users are divided into four groups: enterprises, public sector, general public and researchers and academia. More detailed division of users, more training for users and measuring their satisfaction with the quality of data and services are some important tasks for the future. 19 TRUSTWORTHY AND USER–ORIENTED Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia Relations with the media In order to meet the needs of the Besides the other media, the first general public and build the trust results of statistics are also and confidence in the statistical regularly published in daily system, SORS has developed the newspapers. Press conferences are policy on relations with the media. also used as training of journalists Monthly press conferences and when the statistical results are also press conferences for special complemented by the occasions are organised and well methodological explanations. visited by the journalists as well as by some users from ministries. International co-operation International co-operation started Participation in the project unofficially at the end of the 1960s presented the opportunity for SORS when Slovenia took part in the to start co-operation with Nordic international project TACO countries and Germany. (Technical Administration Co- operation) and later PUMA (Public Management) sponsored by OECD. At the time being all international relations were under the responsibility of the Federal Statistical Office in Belgrade. 20 Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia TRUSTWORTHY AND USER–ORIENTED After Slovenia won independence, SORS was for the first time officially included in the international statistical community in the Conference of European Statisticians in 1992. Currently the co-operation is going on with UN Statistical Commission, CANSTAT, OECD, IMF, in regional co-operation (cross–border and Western Balkans), bilateral co- operation (Nordic countries, The Netherlands, Germany) and in the European Statistical System where most of the co-operation has been organised by Eurostat and the European Central Bank. Quality policy in SORS Following the recommendations of LEG on quality, SORS reinforces the efforts to develop the quality framework with the four basic pillars connected with the quality management: • Users and data providers • Staff • Quality of statistical outputs and services • Process-orientation 21 TRUSTWORTHY AND USER–ORIENTED The Slovenian National Statistics from 2003 to 2007 THE SLOVENIAN NATIONAL STATISTICS FROM 2003 TO 2007 Context The development of Slovenian National Statistics in 2003-2007 has been planned under the following assumptions: • EU membership and the removal of economic borders • New regionalisation in Slovenia • Euro • Monetary Union • New financial framework for statistics after accession Priority tasks The main priorities are: In order to meet the users’ needs • Structural indicators and other indicators (e.g. short-term, sustainable mainly connected with the development indicators, Laeken indicators) enlargement process in the EU and • Quality and transparency of national accounts producing national statistics as an • Structural business statistics EU Member State, the following • Intrastat - trade between EU Member States main priorities have been proposed • Dissemination of Census data in the Draft Medium-term • Environmental statistics Programme of Statistical Surveys • Agricultural statistics 2003-2007. • Statistics of governmental services • Information society statistics • Life-long learning statistics • Health statistics • Institutional strengthening 22 The Slovenian National Statistics from 2003 to 2007 TRUSTWORTHY AND USER–ORIENTED Long-term strategic objectives Following the policy requirements and anticipating the users’ needs in the long run, Slovenian National Statistics has developed the main strategic elements in line with the good statistical practices in EU Member States. • To improve the quality (statistical data and services, staff, processes, management) • EU and international compliance • Sustain independence of the institution as well as the system • Alliance with users and data providers • Development of the methods, knowledge and tools for utilising very large but “imperfect” data sets • Better knowledge of data sources • Furder improvement of general methodology and statistical production processes (i.e. statistical registers, macro editing, rules of procedure) • Enlarged use and certification of non-official statistical sources • Co-operation and exploring the e-government opportunities 23