ristian onie Hlbina IKlovah 1900 = 1971 ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 5 MAY, 1971 VOLUME 43 ZARJA-THE DAWN NEW activities program in Cleveland MAY, 1971 NUMBER 5 VOLUME 43 Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Published monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. — Annual Subscription $3.00. Naročnina $3.00 letno For Social members, $2.40; za družabne članice $2.40. Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608. Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, 111. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 1 v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608. Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 IF YOU MOVE . . . Send your name, old address and new adress with your proper zipcode to the Editorial Office of S. W. U.. 1937 W. Cermak Road, Chicago, 111. 60608 YOUTH: The Slovenian Womens Union is starting a Youth Activities Program at the St. Clair Recreation Center on St. Clair Ave., every Saturday morning at 11 o’clock a. m. If you wish to participate, we will have exciting activities in drill teams, cheer-leading and gymnastics. Ages 6 to 8, 9 to 12 and 13 to 16 are the groupings. Please register at the Recreation Center any Saturday at 11 a. m. ADULT A dressmaking course for S.W.U. adult members will also be conducted on a week day mornnig. Any member wishing to join the sewing class please call Frances Sietz at 261-2856. The sewing group will also meet once a week. FRANCES SIETZ, Youth Activities Director DATES TO REMEMBER: MOTHER OF THE YEAR PARTIES IN MAY 2—Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 2 — Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo. 5 — Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio 5 — Br. 95, So. Chicago, 111. 9—Br. 77, N. S. Pittsburgh, Pa. 13 — Br. 2, Chicago, 111. 14 — Br. 105, Detroit, Mich. 12—Br. 28, Calumet, Mich. 12— Br. 77, Pittsburgh, Pa., 36th Anniversary Party 16—No. 20, Joliet, 111. 18—Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wiscon. 18—Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa., Luncheon 12:30 p. m. 18 — Br. 42 Maple Hghts., O. 26-27—Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio, Bake Sale 30—Br. 42, Maple Hgts, Ohio, Mass 1.15 p. m. IN JUNE: 20—40th Anniversary Banquet, Br. 47, SND Home Maple Hgts, Ohio IN JULY: 18—■ Lemont Zveza Day, Leinont, III. Br. 2, Chicago, 111. IN SEPT. 26 — STATE CONVENTION OHIO-MICH. (and 40th Anniversary) Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio IN OCT.: 4 —STATE CONVENTION — WISC. Br. — 1, Sheboygan, Wise. 4 — STATE CONVENTION — ILL.-1ND. Br. — 20, Joliet, 111. 28 — Card Party Br. 17, West Allis, Wis. IN NOV. 28 — Choral Concert Dawn Choral Group, Cleve., O. SLOVENIAN MOTHERS Born to a peasant farm couple on a hillside or valley in the Carnolias now known as Slovenia, a daughter of a farmer, lumberjack, horse trader, cabinet maker or merchant. The mother either a cook, seamstress, gard-ner or agricultural worker. These young girls raised in poverty, with limited supply of sauerkraut turnips and black bread lived a life of hope and want, they existed throughout their childhood days attending grammar schools and church with prayer and love, hoping to improve life for themselves, always loyal to God by worshipping and working as a domestic or farm hand in a nearby village and dreaming about some day migrating to the promised land, “America.” These were the only wishes and hopes of the young girls born before the turn of the century in the carnolian region of Austria. Who with love, affection and purity, and never a thought of malice in their hearts grew up in a lonely world with her only one desire of some day raising her own family with an improved life for them. Upon arriving in America they worked with happiness and accomplished much beyond any expectations and made a better world. These girls today are our own Mothers and Grandmothers whose love for their children and grandchildren we today pay special tribute to: It was their only hope and prayer they worked and hoped for, with the only thought in her mind to see her offspring youngsters healthy, happy and hoping on this Mother’s Day, 1971. Jacob Strekel HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN MAY National Officers: May 1—Marie Floryan, National Vice-President, May 10—Mary Tomsic, State President, Strabane, Pa. Branch Presidents: May 1—Antonia Stokar, Br. 15, Cleveland, Ohio May 2—Frances Anzelc, Br. 39, Biwabik, Minn. May 5—Ann Satovich, Br. 56, Hibbing, Minn. May 9—Agnes Klarich, Br. 93, Brooklyn, New York May 11—Christine Konte, Br. 66, Canon City, Colorado May 15—Anna Hren, Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn. May 15—Jennie Mohorčič, Br. 69, Fairport Harbora, Ohio May 15—Jennie Mohorčič, Br. 69, Fairport Harbor, Ohio May 17—Angela Arko, Br. 72, Pullman, 111. May 18—Anna Lounder, Br.59, Burgettstown, Penna. May 21—Angela Voje, Br. 84, New York, N. Y. May 24—Antonia Kastelic, Br. 42, Maple Heights, Ohio May 25—Frances Yerman, Br. 57, Niles, Ohio May 28—Margie Preshlren, Br. 23, Ely, Minn, Dawn Club May 30- Mary Snezic, Br. 67, Bessemer, Penna. Secretaries: May 4—Frances Samsa, Br. 67, Bessemer, Penna. May 6—Gladys Buck, Br. 16, So. Chicago, 111. May 9—Catherine Hoefler, Br. 106, Meadowlaiuls, Penna. May 13—Helen Mac.Farland, Br. 66, Canon City, Colo. May 13 Mary Mejac, Br. 103, Washington, D. C. May Z'2—Jennie Tavchar, Br. 65, Virginia, Minn. May 24—Ann Levar, Br. 23, Ely, Minn., Dawn Club Ifcoslovtla se je ofc nas Na velikonočno soboto, dne 10. aprila dopoldne je bila položena k večnemu počitku v Chicagu ena izmed vodilnih Slovenk v Ameriki, ga. ALBINA NOVAK, bivša glavna tajnica in bivša predsednica Slovenske Ženske Zveze. Vse njeno življenje je bilo posvečeno slovenstvu ter napredku Ameriške Slovenije. Poleg društvenega dela je izdala kuharsko knjigo, pesmarico in slovenske plošče. Stekla si je tudi izredne zasluge, da bo v avgustu odprta slovenska kapela v Washingtonu. Pred nekaj leti je prejela Slovensko radijsko odlikovanje in bila je počaščena od čikaške-ga mesta. Večkrat je obiskala njej tako ljubo rodno Slovenijo. Ob priliki njenega zadnjega obiska domovine, je na ljubjanski televiziji zaključila svoj govor z besedami: “Živela Slovenija!” Tako nam je zapustila pomenljivo oporoko. Užaloščenima hčerama Corinne Leskovar in Gloria Nuško, njunim družinam in ostalemu sorodstvu iskreno sožalje. Naj bo veliki Slovenki, ge. Albini Novak, lahka ameriška gruda! GLAVNI ODBOR SŽZ Zvc^a lost a beloveb leader It is with great sadness in our hearts that we announce the passing of a great leader of the American Slovenian people, former secretary and president of Slovenian Women’s Union, MRS. ALBINA NOVAK. She had a rich life, rich in friendships, full of activities among our people throughout the United States. She edited a famous cookbook, a song book and put Slovenian folksongs on records. She loved her native Slovenia whereshe was born 70 years ago and visited there often. As an eloquent speaker, she concluded her last appearance on Slovenian television in Ljubljana with the words,” Long Live, Slovenia!” Mrs. Albina Novak went to her eternal reward during Holy Week, on Tuesday, April 6, 1971. She was laid to rest on Holy Saturday, April 10th and Mass for the repose of her soul was offered by S. W U. Spiritual Advisor Reverend Claude Okorn on Monday, April 12th at St. Stephen’s church in Chicago. On the same day many Masses were offered by our S. W. U. branches throughout the country and prayers said by the members who loved her and were her friends for the 42 years she served as a Supreme Officer of .SW.U. * We Dedicate This Issue To Our Mothers With Love! Branches of S. W. U. selected their chosen Mothers-of-the-Year to be presented in this issue of Zarja as a special tribute to them with thanks for their dedication and loyalty to this organization. We wish them God’s blessings and happy, happy days. And. lest we forget, our dear mothers who sleep in peace. May God grant them eternal rewards for their niother-love here on earth! ■» ?—• tv Beloved Mothers of Our Branches DOROTHY IvREGEL No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. Dorothy Kregel, past vice-president, present treasurer and chairman of our treasurer and chairman of our booth at the International Festival, was selected by our branch as the MOTHER of the YEAR. She was born in Manitowoc, Wis. and later moved to Sheboygan with her parents Joseph and Anna Brandi. After graduation from High School she continued her education at the Lakeshore Technical Institute. In August 1950 Dorothy was married to John Kregel, presently the Plant Manager for the Peterson Chemical Company. Three children were born to them: Stanley, age 17, is enrolled at the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point; Stephen, age 16, attends High School and Yvonne, age 13, a student at Junior High School. Dorothy was employed by Dr. Paul P. Bassewitz, M.D. for several years as medical secrteary. Presently she is private secretary to Mr. Simon Levitan, pres. Levitan Fruit Company. Her activities are many. Besides being an officer of our branch she is Area Chairman for the American Cancer Society, Muscular Dystrophy Drive and Heart Fund Drive. Dorothy is past president of Christian Mothers Society of our parish, for which she does art work. Her decorative ingenuity for our branch and other societies is outstanding. She immensely enjoys refinishing the faces of antique clocks for local jewelers. Recently the finished a project of very intricate scroll design of the face of a hundred year old clock. She also is doing commercial art work for retail stores in the Sheboygan a-rea. Dorothy comes from a family of 13 children, which she has helped to raise after both of her parents were killed in a train accident in October 1950. Two months after her marriage, at the age of 22, being the oldest girl in the family she became father and mother to her sisters and brothers, the youngest being only 5 years old. When the youngest became of school age, Dorothy went to work as bookkeeper to help to support the small children. All stayed with her until they were married. Who would comprehend the work and worry this new great responsibility brought upon her, especially since her own children were growing up with her orphaned sisters and brothers. But God was with her. With the help of her good and understanding husband John she with love and determination managed to bring up her large “family” to become outstanding citizens. What a wonderful life story! And what a wonderful person is our Dorothy! We are very proud of her! We hope to see most of her relatives with her family attending our Mothers Day program, dedicated to Dorothy. To her and to her entire family we sincerely wish good health, happiness and God’s blessing. Marie Prisland. JULIA PAVLIN No. 2, Chicago, III. Mother of the Year for this year is our sister, Julia Pavlin of 222 Timber Lane, La Grange, 111. She was born at Slivnica pri Mariboru in the Štajersko region of Slovenia and her maiden name was Tement. She came to Chicago in 1912 as a young girl and a few years later married Martin Kosir. Their son, Martin, Jr. lives in Florida with his family. God took the young husband early in life. She married Justin Pavlin and two daughters were born to them, who are Lillian married Putzell, a very active member with the local Chicago Bowling League and Helen, married Smuda. Sister Pavlin has 9 grandchildren and is great grandma 3 times. Mrs. Pavlin is a member since 1941, in fact, this month she counts her 30th year as a member. She is a loyal sister and not only that, but Mrs. Pavlin often brings her delicious baked flancate and potica to the branch doings. For her creative enjoyment, she also loves to cook and play cards. Since she has been already 11 years a widow for the second time, Mrs. Pavlin enjoys traveling to visit her family and friends. She spends her winters in Florida and is always on the go! A half-century resident of Chicago, she lives now with her younger daughter in the western suburb of LaGrange Park. A winning smile is always on her face and a happy word for all. We hope Mrs. Pavlin will have many happy times and good health in a-bundance. . w; MARY BOZAICH No. 3. Pueblo, tiolo. Chosen Mother of No. 3., Pueblo, Mary Bozaich deservedly received this honor from her sister members for she is a charter member of the branch and has served as recording secretary for some years. She was an excellent officer and the “right hand” of our late Margaret Kozjan, our pioneer president. Together they did many nice things for our members. We all extend our sincere congratulations and also, best wishes on the forthcoming GUth Wedding Anniversary, Mrs. Bozaich and her husband, Joseph, will be celebrating June 5th 1971. Our dear mother has been a good wife and nurse to Joe, for the past 18 years of his illness. Her life began on Sept. 2i7, 1895 right here in Pueblo. She was one of 14 children born to the Perse family, her maiden name. The family of Mary and Joe Bozaich consists of two sons and two daughters, namely, Albina Feldhaus, Harriet Anderson, Stanley and Fred Bozaich. All the members join in this wish for her happy and long life with God’s blessing. Anna Pachak BETTY PRIBULA No. 7, Forest City, Pa. With many happy family gatherings, the Pribuia’s enjoy their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. And it’s easy to imagine that mother, Betty, does a wonderful job of babysitting, especially, for year old twins, Jeffrey and Jennifer Sukenick! Other great grandchildren are tiny Kelly Ann Cornell, 3 months old, Melissa Cornell, 2 years old and Michelle Sukenick, Z years. The Pribula family home is at 170 Dundoff St., in Forest City. There is where they celebrate birthdays, an-niveries and are anticipating the 49th Wedding Anniversary of Betty and Stephen on November 27th. Their only daughter, Mrs. Betty Sosnoski and grandchildren, Judy Cornell, K. Jaclyn Sukenick and Walter Sosnoski, Jr. complete the family. Our chosen mother’s birthday is Nov. 5th and she was born in Austria in 1903. With heartiest wishes, all the best to Mother, Betty Pribula! SOPHIE MAGAYNA No. 10, Cleveland, Ohio Mother of the Year of No. 10 is Sophie Magayna (Josephine). She is an all-around officer and member. At present she is recording secretary and reporter for Zarja in Slovenian and English languages. Sophie was born in Cleveland, O. on October 19, 1912 where she lived all her life. She married Raymond J. Magayna on June 23, 1934. They live at 315 E. 284th St., in Willow-wick almost all of their married life. Besides being a happy gal, she has made 4 trips to Slovenia to visit her aunts and uncles and many cousins. She enjoys being with Slovenian people and loves to sing and dance to Slovenian tunes. Sophie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Baraga of Chardon Road and has two sisters, Frances Zagar and Albina Zimmerman and a brother, Tony of Pepper Pike. Besides being a working girl, she is active in other things that keep her busy and she enjoys herself most when she attends the meetings of Br. 10 and visits the sick members. All the best to her and happy returns of this Happy Mother’s Day! ST AVIA DOBERSEK No. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. I am writing this in honor of Stavia Dobersek, of 4910 W. Wisconsin Avenue, of Milwaukee, Wis. She was named Mother of the Year, and her fine attributes have made her a wonderful choice. Stavia participates in the many lodges she belongs to, namely Lodge No. 12, Lodge No. G, Venera, and Eagles No. 137. Presently is an auditor for Lodge No. 12, as well as chairman for a card party, and with the Eagles No. 137, she is an outside guard. By being a very active member and also assisting at all their functions, either in her generous donations, or conducting drives for prizes for the many functions that were sponsored by our respective lodges, she has devoted much of her time to fulfill all these requests , and though it was very time consuming, has done so, even if it meant depriving her of time for other duties. Recently she participated in a humanitarian project, and even gave up much of her time at her home at a very recent mailing program of the Easter Seal Campaign that was being conducted in Milwaukee. Her husband Matthew assisted in this project, and gave up many T. V. programs to fulfill the needs of this annual campaign. Knowing that people give up so much of their time so unselfishly is certainly a very commendable gesture. Mr. and Mrs. Dobersek were married on September 25, 1942, and celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary at a party in their honor on September 9, 1967, at the Norway House. Stavia planned and arranged this e-vent with a guest list of well over 400 people, and the celebration was truly a memorable event. Mrs. Dobersek has a son, Lance who is living at home. He is very sociable and gentlemenly, and is just as active as his Mother. He is very sports minded, and has participated in baseball, football, basketball, and many other projects. Lance is employed at the State Office Building as a draftsman, and is still continuing in futuring his education at Marquette Uuiversity, in striving for other goals. In naming Stavia Mother of the year, I wish to mention that besides the fulfillment of being a Mother, she was also a devoted daughter of her late Mother who passed away in 1969. Any plans that Mr. and Mrs. Dobersek had, always included her Mother, the Sunday rides, visiting, attending meetings, social comitments, and doing things together that they knew would make her happier. During her illness she spent many hours with her at home and in the hospital, enduring every moment with a great love and compassion. Stavia is also taking after her Mother in the Culinary Arts, she is really well-versed in the art of cake baking. It is no chore for her to get up at 5:30 every morning, and bake several cakes, besides all her other household duties. Many of you who have attended meetings, have had the pleasure of indulging in her famous German Chocolate Cake, which is her specialty. She has also contributed many savory lunches, refreshments and prizes, to make our meetings more interesting and enjoyable. She keeps our lodges alive by encouraging members to take an active part, and keeping up the tradition of our parents. Presently she is attending classes at the West Allis Vocational School. In the Viewpoints of Women Class supervised by Gretchin Colnik. It is a class that believes in keeping up with world events, politics, fashions, interior decorating, problems of over population, pollution, and many, many more. Also by being a member of this class, she has taken in tours that are of extreme interest, either on the educational or sociable level, and is able to adjust to all phases of environment. Being a personal friend of Stavia’s. and sharing many happy as well as sad experiences her, it is understad-able that I am qualified to relate this information to all members. She has many friends in all walks of life, and I am sure you will all agree the Mother of the Year was well chosen, and much more could be added to this honorable tribute, if space allowed. Submitted by a personal friend. Catherine Zalesnik KATHERINE ŽLOGAR No. 16, So. Chicago, III. A lovely member who keeps herself busy and happy with handwork such as knitting, crocheting and sewing and treats her friends to delicious baked goods, especially kolacky that she brings by the basketful to January meetings in celebration of her birthday — that’s Mrs. Katherine Zlogar, Mother of the Year for No. 1G. Mrs. Zlogar was born in Radoviča, Slovenia and came to America, residing at Houghton, Michigan from 1921 to 1923 when she came to So. Chicago, her home ever since. She married her late husband Martin Zlogar in 1923. Their only son, Martin Jr. was the victim of an unfortunate accident. He hid picked up a hitch-hiker while traveling from St. Paul, Minn on a business trip. He was missing from September to December, 1969 when his body was found near the IUinois-Wisconsin state line. Martin was employed at the North Central Airlines as a radio technician and mechanic and was a licensed pilot. She attends meetings regularly and contributes generously and cooperates in all branch sponsored e-vents. Her home is at 10435 Avenue G. and on this day as always, the members extend her loving wishes and all the best. G. B. BARBARA CIIUTICH No. 17, West Allis, Wis. We come to the season of the year when our gardens become spots for relaxation and comfort. Barbara Chutich, Mother of the Year for No. 17 has just such a garden where she raises beautiful roses and other flowers to make a lovely sight to see. There have been innumerable times when she has made contributions of all sorts for the welfare of our members and branch. Mother Darbara was born March 24, 1896 and came to America as a young lady. She married her late husband, George in April of 1921. Their two daughters are Paula and Agnes Regely. Barbara Chutich is also a specialist in baking, cooking and doing embroidery and crocheting. The members say they are fortunate in having a loyal member as is Barbara Chutich! FRANCES HUBERT No. 20, Joliet, III. Mother of the Year of Branch No. 20 in Joliet has a very interesting occupation. She is a supervisor at the Department of Correction for the city. This gives her a very absorbing job and she’s a lady who likes to keep busy. Frances Hubert was bom in Alabama on Dec. 3, 1903. She is the daughter of the late Joseph and Theresa Erjavec. Her sisters, Mayme Fedo and Tresea Sepich, sisters-in-law Josephine Erjavec and Bertha Erjavec and numerous nieces are all members of Branch No. 20. Her only son Donald is serving as a member of the U. S. Air Force at Huntington Beach, California where he resides with his family. Frances is an auditor of the branch for the last five years and is active in all their doings. She has attended several state conventions and she Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Jesenko ANNA JESENKO No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio Anna Jesenko has a natural talent for socialability and fraternalism. She is a charter member of Br. 53 and was the first secretary of that branch for many years. In 1964 when Br. 53 combined with Br. 21 in West Park, she has continued to be an active officer as the very conscientious reporter of Branch No. 21. Mrs. Jesenko was born July 26th, 1901 at Žiri in Slovenia. She was married in 1920 to her husband Jacob and together they came to America in 1923. They have three children, Ann (Lekan), Myron and Ruth (Abbott), and are proud of four children: Regis and Jack Lekan and Bruce and Therese Abbott. Mother of the Year, Anna Is a person who loves music and singing. She is a member of the Triglav Chorus on Cleveland’s West Side and as their officer also promotes many concerts and activities in the large singing world of the Cleveland area. When there is time, she loves to do the intricate “Bobbin Lace” that is a well-known art in Slovenia for over 300 years although not many Americans know this beautiful handwork. Mrs. Jesenko has also taken it upon herself to sell many of the SWU cookbooks, song books and now, the popular From Slovenia to America history books. Last October, the Jesenko’s celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary with relatives and many friends in attendance. Sisters of the Slovenian Women’s Union again extend to them heartiest wishes and on this occasion, a very Happy Mother’s Day to Mrs. Jesenko, a lovely member, good mother and loyal Slovenian. serves on almost all committees through the year. This summer, she plans to tour Europe with her brother and sister-in-law the Joseph Erjavecs and niece Uosanne Ruth. It’s a pleasure to acknowledge the friendship and love she has given her sister-members. Best wishes to her for a very happy Mother’s Day! ANN RICHARDS No. 22, Bradley, III. A happy home at 324 S. Blaine Ave., in Bradley, 111., Is shared by Ann and Francis Richards. Their two children are Mrs. Barbara Clutter and James both away from home at U. S. Air Force and Marine Camps. Barbara and her husband are presently living at Abilene, Texas as he is stationed with the Air Force and son, James, is serving with the Marines stationed in North Carolina. Ann Richards was born July 13 1920 right in Bradley where she was also married in 1943. Last November, she and her husband celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary. She loves to cook, sew and do fancy work with the crochet needle: and undoubtedly, she spends much time writing letters to her son and daughter. Mrs. Richards has been both president of Br. 22 and recording secretary and is at present their vice-president. All honor and happiness to her on this dav and in the davs to come. HELEN KUNICH No. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. The members of Br. 26 are indeed proud of their chosen Mother, Helen Kunich. Her mother-love is endless and admirable. Since the widowhood of both her daughters. Helen has tried to help them all she can especially since she herself Is a widow after the death of her husband, John, whom she married in June of the year 1925. A happy sound pervades Mrs. Kunich’s home — It is the music of her canaries which she raises as a hobby. She also enjoys the garden at her home 5503 McCandiess Ave. She was born in 1903 on Nov. 17th and the place was Preloko in Slovenia. She came to America as a young lady in 1920. Two granddaughters of Mrs. Kunich both made their Holy Confirmations in March., Donna Lee and Valerie — so that was a specially happy occasion for grandma Helen. She is always a willing worker for the branch and her sister members who send their loving wishes and ask God's bleesslng on their Mother of the Year! FRANCES KLUN No. 32, Euclid, Ohio Mother of the Year Frances Klun was born in Pueblo, Colo., April 19, 1903. She resides at 735 East 236th St., in Euclid, a home which she loves. To pass the time, she enjoys cooking, crocheting and knitting. Mrs. Klun was married to her late husband, Anton in 1926. Their two children are Mrs. Frances A. Bennet and Albert V. Klun. And, naturally, two grandchildren are the apple of grandma’s eye! Mrs. Klun is a lovely member whom her sisters wish all the best with God’s blessing on Mother’s Day and every day! KATHERINE TOTII No. 28, Calumet, Mich. Katherine Toth is one In a million! She attends all meetings of the branch and works on all their projects, besides holdfng a full time job at the Quality Bakery in Calumet. Her home Is at 20G Gth St. and she is a native of Calumet. Her husband, John, was a disabled war veteran and she is a widow now 12 years. Their two children are Kenneth now residing in Minneapolis, Minn, and Dorothy (Fred) Carton of Escanaba, Mich. Mother Katherine’s fondest times are when all the family gathers at home for their yearly summer vacations. There are 3 grandsons and 4 granddaughters. Mrs. Toth Is also active in church and civic affairs. She is a member of St. Paul’s Altar Society and Daughters of Isabella. She Is past president of the Calumet-Laurium Post 3900 Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary and at present Is their secretary. She is senior vice-president of the Copper Country Chapter of Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary and Historian with the Ira Pen-berthy Unit of American Legion Aux. With the S.W.U. she serves as Conductress for the past 15 years. A very healthy and happy wish for many more wonderful Mother’s Day celebrations! ANNA ZILKO No. 33, Duluth, Minn. Mrs. Zilko, honored by her sister members in Duluth is a native of Czechoslovakia where she was born in 1889. Her husband, Andrew and she were married Sept. 28, 1907 so this year they will be celebrating their 64th Wedding Anniversary! Their home Is at 1104 — 97th Ave. West Duluth. From their son. Joseph they already have two grandchildren and a great grandchild. This July one of their grandchildren is getting married. Mrs. Zilko spends much of her time gardening during the short but blessed summer season in that northern climate. Altho Mrs. Zilko has not held any office with the branch, she Is a devout woman who is seen dally going to Mass no matter what the weather, rain, snow, sunshine. The members feel this honor is past due for her. They are proud she was chosen at this time and extend all their best wishes. tAQY SllPf to 3 hours. Charcoal broil 15 minutes 011 each side. Baste with marinade while broiling. MRS. FABIAN’S “EASY” BAKED BEANS 4 slices bacon cut in thin strips % cup finely chopped onions 2 cans (1G oz. each) pork and beans Vi cup Open Pit barbecue sauce Vi cup firmly packed brown sugar 1 tablespoon prepared mustard Saute bacon and onions in large saucepan until onions are tender. Stir in remaining ingredients, stirring occasionally. Garnish with parsley, if desired. Serves eight. Eat at least 2 servings daily of lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, or cheese. Sometimes dry beans, peas, nuts or peanut butter can be served as a substitute. These foods are high in protein — many of them in iron, so important in keeping blood healthy — and In B vitamins, essential to health. An enjoyable and happy Mother’s Day to all, Cordially. HERMINE WE ARE GETTING TO KNOW OUR S.W.U. “DEBS” A LOT BETTER I was bom to Frank and Agnes Modic in Cleveland, Ohio on July 26, 1952. I have three older sisters, one of whom, Marie, is a Sister of Notre Dame and two are married, namely Shirley, Mrs. Neil Bossard and Ger-ri, Mrs. Timothy Leskovec. I also have 3 nieces and 3 nephews. Two summers ago, I travelled as far as California, including visits to Disneyland and Beverly Hills, also to Arizona and Las Vegas. Among other places of interest, I have travelled to Niagara Falls, N. Y„ states of Virginia and Florida and also Washington, D. C. I graduated from Regina High School, June 1970 and now attend Bowling Green State University where I am a freshman, majoring in elementary education. My favorite sports are football, swimming and hockey. Name: Mary Lou Culkar Date of Birth: August 9, 1951 Place of Birth and Nationality: Cleveland, Ohio, Slovenian (Father’s Side) and Bohemian (Mother’s Side) The basic facts of my life are listed above. I first attended school in Cleveland, Ohio at Milford Elementary School, the other elementary schools I attended were Green Valley Elementary (Parma, Ohio) and Royal Ridge Elementary School (Parma, Ohio). During my elementary years, ages 5-11, I attended Viola Scholin Dance School (ballet, tap dancing and baton lessons), I started at age 8 to take piano lessons which I continued for 9 years. I began singing in the Triglav Singing Society at age 8 and am still an active member. I have been taking voice since age 15. At age 13 and at. age 14 I was fortunate to attend Bald- “Deb”, LORRAINE MODIC win-Wallace College during the summer for voice clinics which I consider a very important event in my life. I attended Hillside Junior High School (ages 12-14). I attended Parma Senior High School (ages 15-17). During my junior high school and high school attendance I was a member of choir all six years, was in the junior high school booster club. I was an office page in high school and belonged to a secretarial club. When I was a junior in high school I was selected as homeroom representative and was in charge of 25 students in my homeroom. At present I am a secretary at. Cleveland State University. I work for the Director of Admissions. I, of course, sing in Triglav Singing Society and am an inactive member of the Parma Hospital Auxiliary Volunteer Aid’s Programs I enjoy playing piano, singing, swimming, I have a great love of books and read most. ardently. I believe the most beautiful memory in my life up to now is being in the The Deb Ball. I believe I was even more thrilled than attending my senior prom in high school. My whole family is involved in the Slovenian heritage and I will make sure that my children have the same exposure to it that I was lucky enough to receive. In closing I will mention some other hobbies which interest me. I attend the opera regularly, I also like pop music (I like all types of music, J don’t believe you can appreciate any music unless you have an open mind). There is good music in every category. It goes without saying of my love for Slovenian music and polkas (since my father is one of the best button box accordian players around today). Besides singing in Triglav I also sing solos at some Slovenian and non-Slovenian doings. I sang at. my cousin’s wedding. I hope this biography will give you better insight to me as a person rather than me as a "deb.” Mary Lou Culkar No. 102, Willard, Wise. — On February 22nd we held our first early spring meeting, called to order by president Jo. Artac. 29 guests and members were present. Plans were made for our Annual Easter basket sale on Palm Sunday. Proceeds went for our Summer outing. This year it was voted that we hold it sometime in June. Mrs. Mary Djubenski was voted for Mother of the Year. She is both a devoted member and worker. After the meeting games were played and a pot luck lunch was served. Our next meeting will be held sometime in May. — Elsie Perko. No. 103, Washington, D. C. — Our April meeting was a very interesting and productive one. Many items were discussed with regard to future activities for the rest of the year. The ladies, as usual, are volunteering their services to bake, and perform all the other many duties necessary to accomplish our mission. Mr. Milan Kravanija was our special guest who showed slides of his visit to Moscow. This was indeed very interesting. The many beautiful scenes were quite a contrast to what one would imagine Russia to be like. We hope to see more of the travel pictures which are so informative and interesting. The highlight of tills meeting was a surprise wedding shower for our beloved President, Irene Planinšek. Hostesses were Mary Lou Terselic. Matilda Terselic, Mary Mejac, and Helen Krotec who was unable to attend, but sent a delicious cake and furnished a most beautiful table centerpiece (a fancy umbrella) to add to the lovely decor. There was never a more surprised bride-to-be than Irene. The shock was so great it brought tears to her eyes, and with extreme difficulty she expressed her gratitude. The opening of gifts was exciting, despite frequent pauses for drying tears that persisted. Each and every gift was absolutely lovely — no two were alike. The very special gifts were an indication of the love and respect we all have for her. Space does not permit listing all the items received, but the variety, their usefulness, and unique items combined to make a most unusual array of many things that will be treasured. We all wish Irene our most heartfelt wishes for a very wonderful marriage, and many years of happiness. Matilda Ausich Here we present a brief sketch about Deb. Mary Lou Culkar MATERINSKO ŠTEVILKO ZARJE KRASIJO SLIKE SLOVENSKE UMETNICE DOPISI Št. 2, Chicago, III. — Pomlad jo prišla — lepa, zelena, polna novega življenja. Tudi naša podružnica dobiva novo življenje. Na sestanku meseca marca so bile prisotne sledeče nove članice: Dr. Marija Bernik, profesorica Bieda Remec, slikarska u-metnica Emilija Ražman ter njena sestra Gabriela Bucik. S ponosom jim kličemo, “Dobrodošle med nami”. Na tem sestanku smo tudi sklenile, da bomo imele vsako sredo družabno popoldne v pisarniških prostorih SŽZ na Cermalc Rd. Članice naj prinesejo s seboj ročna dela — kvačkanje, pletenje, klekljanje — pa bomo v prijetni družbi, od prijatelskem kramljanju ena drugi v zabavo, pomoč in oporo. Članice glavnega odbora so bile na uradnem obisku v Chicago v začetku marca. Ker jih nekatere izmed nas nismo še srečale smo odšle skupno na večerjo v Sedlaškovo restavracijo, da se seznanimo. Lep večer je bil, poln toplih presenečenj. Občudovanja vredne so te žene, ki toliko dobrega naredijo, pa so tako preproste, da se me novejše članice pri priči počutimo, da smo v njih našle nove prijateljice. Drugi odsek je prav lepo sodeloval pri mednarodnem festivalu, ki ga je imel Union League Boy’s Club. Pet narodnosti je pokazalo kdo so in kaj znajo. Da Slovenci nismo zaostali se je treba zahvalili vsem članicam, ki so pekle potice in štrudel, gospe Faniki Humar, ki je otroke slovenske šole naučila, da so peli kot škrjančki, najbolj pa gospe Nežki Gaber, ki je vse izvrstno organizirala. V priznanje je Union League Boy’s Club podaril Slomškovi sobotni šoli primeren plakat. Pripravljamo se na materinsko proslavo 13. maja. Imele bomo večerno sv. mašo, nato se bomo zbrale v dvorani pod cerkvijo, da proslavimo naše matere. Skoraj vse naše članice so tudi matere, zato vas ta mesec še prav posebej vabimo, da pridete med nas. Še je čas, da se odločite za obisk Washingtona ob blagoslovitvi Slovenske kapele. Pripravlja se velika slovesnost in gotovo ne bo nobenemu žal, da je prisostvoval tako pomebne-mu dogodku. Med našimi umrlimi sestrami sta Ga. Clara Vrasich in Ga. Mary Poldan. Spomnimo se jih v molitvah, kakor tudi naših bolnih sester. Pozdravljam vse članice in čitatelji-ce “Zarje”. Krista Arko. Št. 10, Cleveland, Ohio. — Veseli “Materinski dan” želim všem članicam naše SŽZ, posebno še sestram pri podr. št. 10. Za mater leta 1971 so članice izvolile mene, za kar se jim lepo zahvalim. V ta namen se bo za Materinski dan brala sv. maša v St. Mary’s cerkvi na Holmes Ave. za vse žive in umrle članice. To je preskrbela naša tajnica Mary Camloh. V februarju smo zopet izgubile dve članice: Mary Terček in Mary Zupančič. Obe zapuščata mnogo sorodnikov. Ses. Terček je bila stara komaj 54 let. Tako mlada, pa je morala zapustiti moža Charles, sestro Jossie, poročeno Opalich in brata Franka Anzlovar in dinge sorodnike. Mary Zupančič je bila vdova in je živela v Slovenian Old Peoples’ domu za ostarale. Njeni otroci to tudi že pomrli, toda zapušča grandchildren, vnuke in ostalo sorodstvo. Vsem izrekamo globoko sožalje. Tudi naša dobra članica Antonia Repič, je izgubila moža Mike. Njemu in sinu v Californiji, naše globoko sožalje. Pokojni pa večni mir in pokoj. V mesecu marcu je bilo zelo lepo vreme. Sejo sem pa zopet zamudila. Je pa moja sestra Frances Žagar bila moja zastopnica in prevzala moje delo. Kako je poročala, je vse šlo lepo na seji. — Tajnica je poročala, da smo dobile zahvalne kartice od družin Charles Terček in Jossie Opalich, za pokojno ženo in sestro ter od družine pok. Mary Zupančič. Lojzka Fabec si je zlomila roko in Millie Novak je tudi na bolniški listi; upam, da so že ozdravele in se bomo kmalu zopet videli na sejah. Vsem bolnim, želimo ljubega zdravja. Vsem, ki slavijo svoje “vesele godove” in rojstne dneve, želimo vse najboljše in še na mnogo let v zdravju in veselju. “Vesel god” našim Mary Camloh, Jennie Košir, Jennie Koren in ses. Frances Žagar, ki go-duje na “St. Patrick’s Day.” Dne 15. aprila sta praznovale Mr. in Mrs. Joe in Steffie Koncilja, 50 letnico zakonskega življenja. Steffie je naša nadzornica in je tudi aktivna pri drugih društvih. Pri naši podr. je pridna članica, ki rada prihaja na seje. Vsi ji želimo še mnogo let zdravja in veselja, da bi še dolgo skupaj živela. Tajnica sporoča, da hranite pole V tej številki na straneh 1, 17, 20, 28 so izvirne slike naše slovenske u-metnice, ge. Emilije Razman-Bucik, ki je tudi postala članica podr. št. 2, v Chicagu. Ga. Ražman je pričela s slikanjem v Sloveniji, posebno v njeni rodni Goriški ter slovenski obali jadranskega morja. Študirala je tudi na univerzi v Ljubljani. V februarju je imela zelo uspešno razstavo slik v Chicagu in pripravlja razstavo konec tega meseca v Clevelandu. Mladi u-metnici želimo še mnogo uspehov v njenem umetniškem delovanju. URED. od SŽZ, če je treba drugega podpisati, dajte napraviti sedaj, predno se kaj zgodi. Mali poklic tajnici, pa boste vse imeli v redu. V blagajno so darovale: Jennie Asseg, Antonia Novak, Mary Komi-dar, Helen Može, Josephine Debevec, Jennie Russ, Alice Opalich, Jossie Sustarsic, Antonia Kapel, Mary Filipovič, Mary Rakovelz, Martha Ba-tich in Margaret Oster. Lepa hvala vsem skupaj. V tem mesecu praznujemo Materinski dan. Pridite na sejo. Vse skupaj pozdravljam in želim vsem materam starejšim in mladim, zdravje in prijetno obhajanje svojega dneva. Sophie Magayna, zapisnikarica Št. 14, Euclid, O. — Na aprilovi seji, je bila kar lepa udeležba članic. Ko boste čitale te vrstice, bo že lepa cvetoča pomlad, katero težko pričakujemo. Club društev bo piredil balincarsko tekmo v juniju in augustu. Katero veseli balincanje naj se prijavi pri Klubu. Po daljšem času je zopet prišla na sejo Mrs. Mary Ukmar. V mesecu marcu je precej zbolela ses. Vida Kuhar. Smo nekoliko pozno zvedele za njeno bolezen in smo vesele, da se ji zdravje vrača. Danes smo izvedele, da je na svojem domu v Chicagu umrla naša glavna tajnica Albina Novak. Vse sestre od podružnice št. 14 ji želimo večni mir in večna luč naj ji sveti. Vsem ostalim pa naše globoko sožalje. V zadnjem mesecu je umrla tudi Mrs. Kutnar. Naj v miru božjem počiva. Ostali družini naše sožalje. V tem mesecu bosta praznovala 50 let poroke, Mr. in Mrs. A. Marold. Vse sestre jima želimo, da bi dolgo živela v zdravju in sreči. Tega večera so darovale Josipina Poje in Mrs. Šporar v denarju in Mrs. Iskra je darovala škatljo voščilnih kart. Vsem najlepša hvala. Lep pozdrav. A. Sustar MATERI V POCAST Če nikoli ne bi bila napisana nobena beseda o materi bi beseda sv. pisma zadostovala, da nam pove, kaj sta oče in mati. V tretjem poglavju Sirohove knjige takole Bog govori po preroku: “Otroci, pazite na očetovo pravico, in tako delajte, da vam bo dobro.” Zakaj gospod je dal očetu čast pri otrocih in določil materino pravico za sinove. Kdor spoštuje očeta dobi odpuščenje grehov, in kdor časti svojo mater, je kakor tisti, ki zbira zaklade. Kdor spoštuje očeta doživi veselje nad otroki, na dan svoje molitve bo uslišan. Kdor časti očeta bo dolgo živel in kdor uboga Gospoda, dela veselje svoji materi. Kdor se boji Gospoda, časti očeta in služi svojim roditeljem kakor gospodom. Z dejanjem in besedo spoštuj očeta, da njegov blagoslov pride nadte . Očetov blagoslov utrjuje otrokom hiše materina kletev pa jim do temeljave podira. Ne išči svoje časti v sramotenju svojega očeta, zakaj tebi ni v čast očetova sramota. Človekova slava prihaja in časti njegovega očeta in mati na slabem glasu je sramota za otroke. Moj sin, podpiraj svojega očeta v njegovi starosti, ne žali ga dokler živi. Ako mu pamet peša mu prizanašaj in ga ne zaničuj v vsej svoji moči. Zakaj usmiljenje do očeta ne bo pozabljeno in se ti bo zaračunalo v spravo za tvoje grebe. Na dan nadloge se bo Godspod spomnil in tvoji grebi izginejo kakor slana pri toploti. Kdor zapusti očeta je kakor bogokletnik, in kdor raz srdi svojo mater, je preklet od Gospoda. To so besede vredne, da jih premislimo. Bog blagoslovi naše matere! Jaz pa grem na zeleno trav’co, trgat roz’ce za mojo raam’co,, trgat rož’ce za mojo mara’co lepe bele marjetice . . . št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Dočakali smo ljubko pomlad. Ko pišem te vrstice v začetku aprila, je pri nas še mraz, toda vemo, da je prijetna pomlad pred durmi. Kakor sem že poročala smo na febr. seji volile odbor za to leto ter je vse ostalo po starem. Našo zapisnikarico Mary Menart smo izvolile za zaslužno mater leta. Mary je izvrstna zapisnikarica, rada se udeležuje vseh sej, preskrbi nam dober prigrizek, ne zamudi naših Zvezinih dnevov vsako leto in rada pomaga, kjerkoli je potrebno, posebno tudi rada obišče bolne sestre. Ona ,1e skrbna gospodinja v kuhinji in na vrtu, ki je krasno obdelan s pomočnjo njenega dobrega moža in edinega sina. Vse članice ji izkrekamo iskrene čestitke z željo njej in vsem njenim zdravja in sreče! V maju bomo imele sejo, kar bo oznanjeno v krajevnem časopisu in na radiju ter vas že sedaj vljudno vabim drage mi sestra, da se vse udeležite in to na domu taj. Mary Lenich. Na tej seji se bomo spomile vseh še živečih mater in sester ter vseh bolnih članic ter vseh mrtvih z molitvijo. Počastile bomo vse mrtve članice, ki so rade hodile na seje ter pomagale kjer je bilo potrebno. Ko to pišem se spomnijam vseh naših delavnih članic, kako so prodajale srečke za knjigo kako radevolje so darovale pecivo, katero smo potem pekle na domu s pok. ses. Sterle in Nemgar ter kako dobre potice so darovale. Kako lepe in dobre štruce, 18 po številu je napekla ses. Stimac, ki se sedaj nahaja v nursing home. Vse to mi prihaja pred oči. Žal nekatere so onemogle, a druge počivajo mirno spanje. Vsem ohranimo nepozabni spomin. Zahvala velja tudi vsem živečim članicam, ki radevolje darujete v blagajno in pomagate pri napredku podružnice. Zopet moram poročati žalostno novico, da smo zopet izgubile iz naše srede ses. Rose Jerome. Umrla je 22. marca v lepi starosti 87 let po večletnem bolehanju. Pok. je bila rojena 2f>. aprila 1884 in je pristopila marca 4. maja 1928. Bila je veliko let tajnica pri podr. Hči Julia ji je lepo stregla v bolezni in je bila pri njej, ko je za vedno zatisnila svoje oči. Ohranile jo bomo v blagem spominu. Več naših članic je bolanih na domu in te so: ses. Kvaternik, Indihar, Mary Brank, ki veliko trpi v bolezni, toda njena trda volja vse premaga. Sestra Sershe in sestra Zadkovlch se zdravi na domu. V nursing domu pa se nahaja ses. Stimac, Setnikar, Kau-sek, Oberstar, Jurkovich ter Mary Mihevtz. Vse drage sestre, se bomo spominjale. Želimo vam veseli Materinski dan. Tudi se bomo spomnile naših pokojnih mater in v duhu bom poklonila na gomilo v Hrovači pri Ribnici, kjer počiva njeno truplo že veliko let. Naj bo njej in vsem pok. materam lahka zemlja. Lepo se zahvalim vsem gl. odbornicam za poslano karto s podpisi vseh navzočih na glavni seji. Vesela sem bila, da ste se me spomnile, ker sem ves čas v duhu z vami. Vem, da ste pogrešale zvesto gl. odbornico ses. J. Železnikar. Naj počiva v miru! Vsem pokojnim sestram v spomin naslednje vrstice: Odšle ste sestre za vedno, odkoder vrnitve ni. To vse prav dobro vemo. Zveste ste nam b’le, a žal v grob so vas zasuli; globoko pod zemljo, s cvetjem ga obsuli, v zadnji vam pozdrav! S pozdravem vsem gl. odb. ter vsem ses. SŽZ. Vsem bolnim pa ljubega zdravja. Mary Lenich, tajnica Št. 20, Joliet, III. — Iskrene čestitke našemu župniku in duhovnemu vodju, Msgr. Butala, ki je prejel posebno odlikovanje in imenovan kot “Deputy Sheriff" na seji društva Presvetega Imena. Odlikovanje z zlato zvezdo in sliko mu je podelil naš šerif, Joseph Trizna v družbi našega Franka Skula. To je gotovo posebno odlikovanje za našega župnika. Na naši seji so bile posebno počaščene vse članice z imenom “Josephine” med katerimi imamo 3 odbornice: Josephine Muster, Josephine Sumic in Josephine Erjavec, dalje naslednje članice, vse Josephine: ze-stre Bučar, Berard, Bericic, Bostjan-che, Mlakar, Ruth, Goran, Lustik, Težak in Zelko. Nasledje Josephine so bile srečne, ker so zadele dobitek: ses. Muster, Erjavec, in Sumic, dalje Karl, Ruth in Bostjanche, a prvo nagrado je prejela J. Bučar. Bilo je veselo razpoloženje med članicami za ta praznik in servirana je bila kava s pecivom. Miza z dobrotami je bila lepo okinčana s pomladanskimi motivi. Darilo navzočnosti je prejela ses. Anne Mihalič. Predsednica je organizirala posebni odbor za sprejem in postrežbo srednje zapadne kegljaške tekme, ki se je vršila v našem mestu. V odboru so bile pod vodstvom Mrs. Planinšek nasleduje: J. Muster, J. Sumic, Mary Kunstek, Theresa Ma-rentich, Theresa Muhich, Mildred Pu-cel, J. Ruth, Marianne Morgan, J. Karl, Rosanne Ruth, Emma Nosse in J. Erjavec. Upamo, da so bile vse kegljačice zadovoljne s postrežbo. Sožalje naši nadzornici, Emma Nosse ob nenadni izgubi matere, Rose Snider, ki je bila položena na mrtvaški oder v Dwight, 111., kamor so šle naše odbornice, da ji izkažejo poslednjo čast. Podr. smo zastopale: Olga Anceli, Josephine Erjavec s soprogom Josephom in Frances Hubert. Pokopana je bila v grobnico v Wilmington, 111. Dalje sožalje družini Peter Ancel ob izgubi očeta v lepi starosti 86 let, ki je podlegel dolgi bolezni. Zapušča ženo Anno, roj. Plut, šest hčera, enega sina ter 12 vnukov. Hči Catherine se žal zaradi bolezni ni mogla udeležiti pogreba iz daljne Fairbanks, Alaska. Bog daj obema pokojnima večni mir in plačilo v nebesih. Pok. Ancel je stric mojega zeta, Edwarda Ancel. Čestitke Veri Ancel, ki je končala študije na Carbondale Univerzi ter sedaj poučuje v Gompers šoli. članica Barbara Ivec, se nahaja že več tednov v bolnišnici. Spomnile smo se je z Velikonočnimi voščili podpisanimi od vseh članic. Čestitke naši vrli Mrs. Anna Kraus, ki ima devet vnukov naši podružnici. Izrekamo iskreno sožalje bivši odbornici Mrs. Jennie Sprengel, ob prerano umrlem vnuku, David Elan-der, starem komaj 18 let. Njegov o-če je isti dan ležal na mrtvaškem odru. Naj jima sveti večna luč. Majska seja bo zelo važna, ker bomo počastile vse matere, posebno še našo zaslužno mater podružnice, zato ste vabljene, da pridete vse. Postrežen bo tudi lunch. Želim vsem zdrav Materinski dan, da bi vse še mnogokrat dočakale, ta pomembi dan v živlejnju. Pridite vse na sejo, 16. maja. Josephine Erjavec Št. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. — Ko boste brale te vrstice, bodo lepi Velikonočni prazniki že za nami in prinesli nam bodo zeleno pomlad, katero že komaj čakamo in si želimo toplih sončnih dni. Gotovo smo že vsi siti starke zime in snega. Sedaj že v lepem mesecu majniku poln cvetja in zelenja. V tem mesecu tudi slavimo materinski dan, zato čestitam naši zaslužni materi leta, ki je naša dobra in pridna ses. Helen Kunič. Ona rada pomaga kjerkoli je potrebno. Čestitam tudi drugim materam, da bodo zdrave in vesele praznovale materin dan. Me pa, ki nismo tako srečne, da bi imele ljubo mamico še med nami, ker je bila poklicana v večnost, pa se je spomnimo ta dan v naših molitvah. V majniku imamo tudi našo prireditev, lunčen, ki bo dne 18. maja ob 12: 30 P.M. v slovenskem domu na 57 Str. Na ta način bomo tudi pomogle naši blagajni, zato prosim vse članice, da gredo nam na roke in pomagajo prodajati vstopnice in da prinesejo dobitke, ker po kosilu bomo imele pokrivanje številk. Tudi v Washington, D.C. se odpravljamo na blagoslovitev slovenske kapele, Marije Pomagaj, 15. avgusta. I-mele bomo posebni charter bus in smo si že rezervirale hotelske sobe in še drugo kar je treba. Najlepša hvala čla. Mary Slany za vso njeno pomoč pri tem delu. V nedeljo dne 28. prejšnjega meseca smo se udeležile praznovanja 35 letnice podr. št. 71 v Strabane. Bilo je zelo lepo in dobra večerja nam je bila postrežena. Najlepša hvala dekleta. Bilo je zelo lepo se srečati s tolikimi sestrami in tudi gl. predsednica je bila med nami z njenim soprogom. Prišla sta iz Clevelanda in je bilo prijetno se z njima pozdraviti in malo pogovoriti. Najlepša hvala gre državni predsednici, ki je vse tako lepo uredila za nas, da so prišli vozniki po nas na postajo z automobili in so nas zopet zapeljali nazaj. Res iskrena hvala, Mrs. Tomšič in vašim voznikom in tudi našim članicam, ki so se v tako velikem številu udeležile proslave. Želim vsem glavnim odbornicam in duhovnemu vodju in našim članicam veselo praznovanje Materinskega dne. Bog vas blagoslovi! Anna Trontel, preds. Št. 30, Aurora, III. — V našem domu ostarelih, imamo mnogo smeha, špasa in razvedrila. Jaz sem pred par tedni obhajala 84 rojstni dan, pa sem za špas obrnila številke in sem rekla, da sem 48 let stara. En mož, ki je razumel mojo šalo, mi seveda tudi tako lepo čestita in pravi: le škoda, da nimaš več sob, ker to ti Izdaja Tvojo mladost! Vsi smo se smejali! Ena žena, pa ni razumela šale, pa me je resno vprašala: Kako to, tako mlada pa si že tukaj v tem domu? Odgovorila sem ji: Obrni številko, pa boš vedela zakaj sem tukaj! Na Valentinovo se nam napravili lep Valentine party. Od neke višje šole je prišlo nad 30 deklet z učiteljicami, ki so nam lepo zapele in izvajale telovadbno, katero so simbolično končale z nad C0 visoko gori dvignjenih rok. Vsi smo radi gledali lepo izvajano telovadbo. V tem domu res lepo skrbijo za nas. Hrana najboljša, obleko operejo,, nurse noč in dan, ljudje dobri. Večkrat nam pridejo za razvedrilo prepevati iz Aurora in okolice. Meni se tudi dopade, da imajo vse vere dostop v kapelo. Vsako nedeljo pride minister od kake vere s par osebami, da pojejo in igrajo, on pa ima pridigo. Katoliški duhovnik pride vsak prvi četrtek v mesecu za spoved, prvi petek pa mamo mašo in obhajilo. Res, če kdo misli iti v dom ostarelih, mu gotovo svetujem ta dom, ampak mora čakati, da pride na vrsto, ker imajo čakalno listo. Od časa do časa postane kaka soba prazna, ko odpeljejo koga v bolnico iz katere se redko vrne, smrt ga reši dolgega življenja in trpljenja. Tople majniške pozdrave pošiljam vsem članicam In njihovim družinam! Frances Kranjc, Jening Terace, Aurora, 111. POOR. ST. 47 PRAZNUJE 40 LETNICO Št. 47, Garfield Hts., O. — Naša podr. bo praznovala 40 letnico obstoja dne 17. junija. Ustanovljena je bila s 104 članicami in danes imamo še 19 živih, a umrlo jih je že 32, druge so prestopile, ali pustile. Podr. ima 45 članic v razredu A, 38 v razr. B, 21 nad 75 let starih, 1 je prosta, je 12. marca dopolnila 87 let, to je Jennie Begovič. V mladinskem oddelku i-mamo 3G čl. skupaj 141. Še živeče ustanoviteljice so sledeče: Theresa Bizjak, Jennie Bizjak. Prances Bricel, Helen Cergol, Anto-nette Dovies, Antonia Dolinar, Danica Dučič, Mary Frank, Mary Peternel (Godec), Kočevar Therisa, Jennie Konestabo, Carolina Mauser, Val Mervar, Jennie Pugely, Mary Rickard, Roselyn Shuster, Josephine Slana. Jennie Stemberger in Mary Železnik. V 40 letih je umrlo 65 članic. Izmed treh organizatoric je sama še ses. Antonia med živimi. Ses. Helen Tomažič je umrla v oktobru leta 1966: ses. Louise Zidanic, 22. avg. leta 1970. Naj počivata mirno v ameriški grudi. Veliko sta storile za podr. Naj jima bo ohranjen blag spomin. Ta pomembni dan bomo praznovale 20. junija v S.N.D., 5050 Stanley Ave., Maple Hts., O., kjer imamo seje to leto. Imele bomo dobro kosilo, katerega bomo servirale že ob eni u-ri in naprej, potem pa bomo imele malo zabave med seboj. To je za članice in njihove družine. Vršilo se bo v spodnji dvorani. Članice ste prošene, da si rezervirate vstopnice, ker pozneje kot do 10. junija jih ne bomo prodajale. Prijavite se čimprej, ali vsaj do 10. junija, ker moramo vedeti za koliko oseb bo treba pripraviti. Vstopnice so po $2 na osebo in $1 za otroke do 12 let starosti. Katere pa veste, da se ne boste mogle udeležiti, ste prošene, da pošljete mali dar za ta pomembni dan. Pregovor pravi: Vse za eno, ena za vse. Tega dne bomo tudi počastile našo zaslužno mater leta, Mary Scholar. Mary je naša zavedna članica, saj ima pri podr. hčerke Eleonore in Esther ter dve vnukinje, ki sta sodelovale na programu ob 35 letnici. Spominjam se minulih časov, kako so članice ob začetku z navdušenjem delovale za Zvezo; rade so darovale pecivo, zelenjavo, sočivje, da smo za banket kupile samo mesne jedi. Res, bili so dobri zlati časi. Sedaj je vse moderno. Še enkrat apeliram na vse, da se vsaj za 40 letnico skupaj snidemo in se malo razvedrimo. Tudi tiste, ki ste oddaljene v Californiji in Arizoni, pridite tisti čas na počitnice, saj tudi ptice rade priletijo, kjer so gojile svoj zarod. Za 35 letnico smo imele lep program, katerega je takratna predsednica, pok. Helen Tomažič uredila in vodila. Sodelovale so od št. 50, pod vodstvom drž. preds. Mary Boštjan in Mr. Frank Culkar Jr. je spremljal svoje hčerke s harmoniko. Naše članice so zapele v spomin umrlih, tisto lepo: Gozdič je že zelen... in še par drugih, za kar so žele toplo priznanje. To so bile: Rose Ban, Jennie Gerk, Ste-fania Mahnich, Angela Mogavec in Rose Vatovec, ki je že tudi pokojna. Kjerkoli so omenjene žene, tam je vedno mnogo lepega petja in veselja. Končno pa želim vsem, ki ste praznovale svoje rojstne dneve v febr., marcu in aprilu, še mnogo srečnih in veselih let. Tudi vsem našim bolnim članicam želimo ljubega zdravja, da bi lahko praznovale v krogu sosester 40 letni jubilej podružnice. Prvi odbor, ki je bil izvoljen na u-stanovni seji, je bil: Preds. Louise Zidanic, podpreds. Mary C. Bates, taj. Helen Tomažič, zapis. Jennie Pugely in blag. Antonia Dolinar. Nadzornice: preds. Eda Brožič, 1. nadzor. Frances Bricel, 2., Val. Bizjak (Mervar). Sedanje odbornice: preds. Jennie Gerk, podpreds. Mary Scholar, taj. Jennie Pugely, zapis. Jennie Praznik in blag. Antonia Dolinar. Nadzor.: preds. Anna Kresevic, 1. Stefania Mahnich in 2. Anna Christofek. Prihodnja seja se bo vršila dne 16. maja v S.N.D. na Maple Hts. ob 2. popoldne. Vabljene ste vse, da dobite vstopnice. Vsem želim lep materinski dan in Vas vse lepo pozdravljam. Mesec maj je vsem zaželjen, ker je res najlepši pomladanski čas. V tem mesecu imamo toliko lepih spominov preteklosti in vzbujajo se nam novi. Tudi letos imamo različne priprave za razne priredbe. S prvim majem se pričnejo šmarnične pobožnosti v čast Marije majniške Kraljice nas vseh. Sledijo proslave Materinskega dne. V tem času se z gorečo ljubeznijo spomnimo naših ljubih mamic, živih in mrtvih. Tudi podružnice si vsako leto izberemo zaslužno mater. Za leto 1971 smo poklonile to čast naši podpredsednici Mary Sliolar. Rojena je bila 24. febr. 1910 v vaši Drnovo pri Krškem v Sloveniji. Njena mamica ji je umrla, ko je bila stara komaj 4 leta. V oskrbo in vzgojo so jo vzeli daljni sorodniki Sholarjeva družina v vas Vihro. Ko je doraščala, je tudi njo vleklo srce, da bi šla v daljni svet iskati življenske sreče. Posebno jo je vleklo v Ameriko, kjer so bili trije Sholarjevi: Mary por. Barbič, sedaj že pok. Christina por. Ferenchak in Mike, ki je služil Strica Sama v prvi svetovni vojni. Bil je nastanjen v Franciji. Leta 1926 je šel na obisk k staršen, da je videl še enkrat svoj rodni dom, kjer mu je tekla zibeljka. Takrat se je spoznal z Mary, jo povprašal za roko in srce. Dne 7. nov. 1926 sta se poročila v farni cerkvi Leskovec. Potem se je Mike vrnil v Ameriko, da si poišče delo in stanovanje, da dobi mlado ženko k sebi. Mary je prišla za njim 12. maje 1927 in v mestu Clevelandu sta nadaljevala zakonsko srečo. Rodilo se jima je štiri o-trok: Rosemary, poročena z g. Joseph Nawalaniec, ki imata dve hčerki in sina; dalje Esther, poročena z g. Joseph Boncser, ki imata sina in hčerko; nato Eleanor, ki je še doma in sin Rymond, ki je služil Strica Sama za časa Korejske vojne. Naša slavljenka je zelo vesela njenih 5 vnukov in 2 pravnukov. Naša častna mati je delavna za podružnico. Prav rada se odzove vsaki prireditvi SŽZ. Bila je z nami, ko smo šle na konvencijo v Chicago, leta 1964 in v Euclidu lansko leto. Bila je tudi z nami v Washingtonu, ko smo šle na izlet še za časa predsednikovanja J. F. Kennedy in sedaj ima rezervirano mesto, da se bo udeležila slavnostih posvetitve slov. kapele dne 15. avgusta. Pri podružnici zavzema že 4 leta urad podpreds., zanima jo gospodinjstvo, ročna dela, posebno cvetlice goji na vrtu, kjer pridela tudi zelenjavo. Poleg tega varuje vnučke, da je vedno zaposlena. To je življenje naše častne matere. Bog te ohrani zdravo in veselo še mnogo let. To ji želimo vse članice. Jennie Pugely Št. 38, Chisholm, Minn. •— Prva seja podružnice Slovenske Ženske Zveze št., 38 v Chisholm Minnesota je bila obdržana v sredo Marca 3, v Slovenskem Narodnem Domu, in u-deležba je bila kar povolna in imele smo kar izvrstno na seji. Po seji smo odločile da se nekaj naredi v prid podružnične blagajne, in prišle do zaključka, da bi sestra tajnica naredila afgaan, in da bi se isti izžrebal na Materinski dan. Moram se tudi zahvaliti naši tajnici in ob enem ji čestitat k njenemu rojstnemu dnevu, kateri je bil na isti dan ko smo imele sejo. Prinesla je okrepčil in jestvin ter nam je bil krasen večer. Prav lepa hvala ti, Ani, in še mnogo let ti želimo vsi, še posebno jaz kot predsednica. Vabim vse članice da za gotovo pridete na prihodnjo sejo katera bo obdržana prvo sredo 2. junija v Slovenskem Narodnem Domu, kjer na tej seji bode oddan afgan oddani bodejo tudi 2 in tretji dobitek, z tem vsem vred bodemo imeli prigrizek in pa i-granje kart. Toraj vas iskreno vabim da, ja pridete. Z sestrskim pozdravom vaša, Sylvija Petrjch, predsednica NAŠA JENNIE Z ROŽAMI — - — - — Iskrene čestitke Mrs. Jennie Kosten o kateri je časopis The News-Herald objavil slike črez celo stran, kako pri njenih 74 letih pridno goji in pro-dajacvetlice vseh zadnjih 20 let. Ljudje radi občudujejo njene rože in Zveza je tudi ponosna na našo vrlo članico,, ki kakor vsaka prava Slovenka ljubi in neguje cvetlice. Bog jo Št. 49, Mentor Ohio. — Moje iskreno sožalje družini blagopokojne Albine Novak. Sožalje velja tudi glavnemu uradu in vsej Zvezi, ker nas je bridka izguba vse močno zadela. Bila je tudi moja prijateljica še iz mladih let. Sklenile smo, da podr. 49 daruje za sv. mašo za pok. Albino Novak. Bog ji bodi dober plačnik! Smo v prelepem mesecu majniku, ko bomo počastile naše matere. Vse slovenske matere so vzorne žene, ki so dobrega srca in prijaznih obrazov. Rade vam razkažejo marljivo obdelani vrt, domačega dela pecivo in skrbne matere so, ki se trudijo za svoj rod. Po večini smo dobre katoličanke in ponosne na smo na našo SŽZ Zvezo in na naše gl. uradnice, ki tako dobro vodijo našo organizacijo. Pri nas je še vedno nekaj bolnih: Mary Gombač, Barbara Štefančič. Tudi druge so več ali manj bolne, že starost sama na sebi je bolezen. Naša podr. obstoja že 40 let, zato je kar gotovo, da smo se tudi me že postarale. Ko smo bile mlade, smo bile aktivne in smo napolnile blagajno, sedaj pa bolj rade počivamo. Telefon nam je v veliko pomoč, da se kaj po potrebi razgovorimo. Časi so boljši, da nam ni treba več več tako po hišah kolektati, kot včasih. Sama živim zunaj na deželi, zato vam pošljem sliko, kako rože gojim in prodajam. Pozdravljene, Jennie Kosten Št. 77, North Side, Pittsburgh, Pa. Zima nas letos kar ni hotela zapustiti, posebno februar in marec sta ga lomila na vse strani. Tudi hudi živi! snežni zamet smo imeli po vsej okolici, da so bile šole zaprte in prireditve odpovedane. Sedaj je vse to za nami, pa je menda nam prirojeno, da se radi pritožujemo črez vreme, čeprav vse prenesemo, če smo le zdravi. Stari pregovor pravi, da je človeško življenje kot rosa, pihne veter in rože ni več. Dne 12. maja, bo naša podr. zopet praznovala obletnico ustanovitve in sicer že 3G letnico. Ker je to prav lepa obletnica, zato ste vse prošene, da se udeležite te vaše prireditve. Ker ne bomo imele piknika, zato pridite vse na to majsko prireditev in pomagajte vsaka po svoji moči k u-spehu. To je naša podružnica in delajmo, da jo ohranimo še mnogo let. Prireditev bo na Lackhart St., toda če bo kaka sprememba glede prostorov Vam bomo pravočasno sporočile. Kakor zgleda, bo North side v nekaj letih ves porušen in prostor napravljen za nove stavbe in poslopja. Dne 9. maja, bomo tudi praznovale Materinski dan. Malo pomislimo; koliko dobrih in spoštovanih mater, je že leglo v grob. Skoro sleherna je bila mučenica, ko je delala od jutra do večera, da niso bili otroci lačni. Ponoči je šivala in krpala. Skrbna in usmiljena je bila naša mati, ko je pomagala graditi to bogato Ameriko. Veliko trpljenja je doprinesla, samo, da je bila družina srečna in zdrava. V njenem čutečem srcu, je bila želja, da bi se njenim otrokom bolje godilo kot se je njej, ki je morala po svetu. Bila je kakor svetnica na zemlji. Da, to je bila naša MATI, dobrodelna MATI, ki je rezala kose kruha vsem, ki se bili v njeni bližni. Poglejmo še naše živeče matere! Osivele so v delu in poznih letih, srebne niti prepletajo lase na glavi, v očeh se blišči topla ljubezen do njenih otrok. Da, to so naše matere, ki so vredne ljubezni in hvaležnosti. Mati je samo ena na svetu, počastimo jo s toplo in iskreno besedo, ona ne pričakuje darila; ona samo želi vaše navzočnosti, pa bo srečna na njen dan v letu. Te besede naj bodo v čast vsem živim in mrtvim materam. Vsem bolanim članicam in njihovim družinam, ki so morale iskati zdravja po bolnicah, ali pa se zdravijo doma, želim kar najhitrejšega okrevanja. Na veselo svidenje vsem dne 12. maja, to je v sredo zvečer še v navadnih prostorih. Z Bogom! Minka Chrnat, tajnica Št. 103, Washington, D. C. Naslednjo ljubko pesmico je spisala naša nova članica Mrs. Mary Ausich, mati naše zapisnikarice, Miss Tillie Ausich. Mrs. Ausich je obiskala Washington lansko poletje in se je spoznala s članicami na našem pikniku. Od takrat drži stike z nami, čeprav živi daleč v Iowi, toda njeno zanimanje za našo podr. je živo. Njena hčerka in Zarja jo redno obveščajo o našem delovanju. S čestitkami k njenemu pesniškemu talentu, ji želimo, da bi napisala še mnogo lepih slovenskih pesmic. Irene Planinšek, preds. STARI SPOMINI Bili so dnevi, ko skup’ smo se zbrali, rekel je eden in vsi smo ostali. Prišli so znanci od vse naokoli, pozabit’ ne moremo tega nikoli. Tam bil je Steve, Franco in Jože, Mike in John, vsi gori opoldne. So pili in peli, vsi bili veseli. Prišli so prijatelji, vsi smo zapeli. Bilo je takrat vse zdravo in živo. Smo mislili, da ne bo nikdar minilo. Zadosti pijače za goste, domače. A danes poglejmo, vse to je drugače. Veliko Slovencev je bilo takrat, nobenega danes, da šel bi tja spat. Tam, kjer je hiša takrat še stala, sledu ni za njo — je bila odpeljana. Le hrib dandanes še tamkiaj stoji, a ni ga Slovenca, še znanci so šli. Le kje ste zdaj vsi, sprašujemo se, kje John. kje France—le Jože je še. Danes, ko gledamo vse to nazaj, in mislimo samo, bo le se kedaj veselje in petje, kot včasih, nekaj. Ne verjamem, saj nihče ne pride nazaj. Kaj naj še storimo, on jaz ali ti? Potrti smo, stare so naše kosti. Življenje izpilo je moč, trudni smo in delo brez konca nas je izmozgalo. MARY AUSICH, Woodward, Iowa FINANCIAL REPORT, FINANČNO POROČILO, MARCH, 1971 MAREC, 1971 Br. Assessment Adult Jr. 41 77.55 195 30 1 $93.40 163 59 42 23.40 48 — 2 234.55 368 182 43 130 59 3 148.70 258 165 45 20.50 45 14 4 8.00 13 — a 46 26.70 29 5 c 5 86.20 99 20 a 47 109.55 105 36 c 6 43.10 102 7 49 30 — 7 49.00 92 51 50 279.35 213 75 c 8 16.95 44 — 51 15 — f 9 103.20 21 2 b 52 30.85 51 19 10 130.00 300 26 54 56.20 56 40 c 12! 67.65 164 55 55 24.20 51 2 13 57.85 111 18 56 42.15 93 7 14 146.75 294 48 57 39.05 66 34 15 190.65 201 9 c 59 46.50 29 2> g 16 82.05 140 84 61 5 — 17 80.95 152 76 62 24.00 25 — a 19 52.40 111 24 63 91.60 86 21 c 20 150.50 32?5 71 64 45 2 21 60.10 114 47 65 45 24 22 17 — d 66 32.60 57 19 23 103.10 247 50 67 40.00 68 9 24 101.40 105 76 e 68 39.55 60 23 25 325.50 613 153 70 14 3 h 26 49.90 105 21 71 59.85 121 36 27 43 3 72 8.75 23 — 28 42.40 72 23 73 57.00 105 71 2® 10.65 24 6 74 23 1 f 30 9 — 77 22.65 47 32 31 40.00 84 27 79 32 18 d 32 80.40 138 71 80 9 — 33 122.60 196 154 81 29 — 34 18.30 36 4 83 8.55 17 — 35 31.70 52 38 84 20.10 49 3 h 37 81.00 18 1 h 85 35.50 38 2 c 38 80.85 114 — c 86 22 — h 39 20.20 43 9 88 24.80 55 9 h 40 53.20 101 2 89 31.20 72 22 OBIŠČITE LEPO SLOVENJO, JUGOSLAVIJO IN EVROPO V LETU 1971! Letite z Jet letalom na Ljubljansko Brnik letališče. Najnižje cene in najugodnejše potovanje boste imeli kadar letite s HOLLANDER skupino v Ljubljano. $260.00 — je cena potovanja od New Yorka do Ljubljana in nazaj na Jet letalu v maju in septembru. $320.00 — je cena potovanje od New Yorka do Ljubljane in nazaj na Jet letalu v juniju, juliju in avgustu. Obe ceni sta veljavni kadar potujete v skupini od 40 ali več članov potnikov. Člani vaše družine so deležni iste nizke cene. Otroci izpod 12. leta plačajo polovično ceno in dojenčki izpod 24. mesecev samo 10%. Iz Ljubljane imamo za Vas zanimive izlete z autobusom po Evropskih državah, Slovenski in Jadranski obali. 3 tedne: 24. maja, 7. 23. 28. junija; 26. Julija, 6. sept.; 4 tedne: 24. maja, 9. avgusta, 2. septembra; 5 tedne: 19. julija; 6 tedne: 17. maja 21. maja, 21 Junija, 12. julija, 9. avg.; 7 tedne: 21. ju- nija; 10 tedne: 5. julija; 11 tedne: 14. junija, 14 tedne: 31. maja. Kadar želite ugodno potovati kličite Kollander urad za rezervacije. Ne čakajte! Jamčite si sedež na letalu začasno. Kličite, pišite ali obiščite: KOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL, INC. 589 East 185th St. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 tel: (216) 531-1082 531-4066 421-4148 90 17.95 42 15 91 28.50 47 11 92 16.70 25 1 93 24.GO 58 2 94 13 4 95 118.10 186 25 h 96 23.05 45 — 97 15 — 99 5.95 16 — 100 32.50 50 13 101 20.75 28 14 102 57.60 37 3 1 103 .31.10 23 14 c 105 18.35 30 6 106 22 3 4,630.70 7899 2311 Assessment pd. a — March & Apr.: b — pd. Jan. to Dec.; c — Feb. & March; d — pd. in Feb.; — e Jan. & Feb.; f — pd. in Jan.; g — Jan.. Feb. & March; h — Febr.; i — pd. April, May and June. March 1971: Income: Assessment Interest; Obresti: Tax deposit: Rent; najemnina: Total; skupaj: $4,630.70 3,445.03 29.58 169.00 $8,274.31 DISBURSEMENTS IN MARCH 1971 STROŠKI MESECA MARCA 1971 Br. 2 Chicago, Clara Vrasich $100.00 Br. 2 Chicago, Mary Poldan 100.00 Br. 5 Indianapolis, Antonia P. Snidarcic 100.00 Br. 8 Steelton, Anna Ferenchak 100.00 Br. 14 Euclid, Johanna Mozina 100.00 Br. 19 Eveleth, Rose Jerome 100.00 Br. 20 Joliet, Julia Trubich 100.00 Br. 23 Duluth, Mary Blatnik 100.00 Br. 40 Lorain, Frances Tomazic 100.00 Br. 41, Cleveland, Anna Bregar 100.00 Br. 63 Angela Zorich, Denver 100.00 Br. 80 Moon Run, Elodia Stoffela 100.00 Br. 93 Brooklyn. Josephine Cotar 100.00 Salaries — plače 1,183.21 Administration — upraviteljice 395.00 Rent 75.00 Travel. Per Diem — Dnevnice, potovanja 889.27 Fuel, Water, Electricity, — kurjava, voda, elekt. 112.33 F.I.C.A. Tax, Soc. zavar. 61.53 Zarja — The Dawn 1,340.20 Postage, Telephone — Pošta in telefon 40.87 Awards — nagrade 457.4B Donations — darila 39.50 Accrued Interest — obresti 64.58 Investment — Bond invest. 10,000.00 Cleaning — čiščenje 10.00 Misc. — Razno 4.58 March expenses: 15,973.52 Investment assets — nova invest. 10,000.00 Total expenses in March 1971 5,973.52 Ledger Balance, Feb. 28, 1971: 539,728.98 Income March 1971: 8,274.31 Disbursements — izdatki marca 1971 5,973.52 Balance March 31, 1971: 542,029.77 J U N lOR’S PA QE HI BOYS AND GIRLS! Enroute to the convention city last May on the Indiana Tollway and just about 86 miles from Chicago, Notre Dame’s golden dome sparkled above all the green beauty of nature. Coming home a few days later the dome topped with the Blessed Virgin Mary was beautifully illuminated. From an information bulletin of the school comes this history: The University of Notre Dame was founded in 1842’ and was chartered two years later by the legislature of the State of Indiana. The foundation was inspired by the missionary zeal of the Rev. Edward Sorin, CSC, and six brothers of the French religious community known as the Congregation of Holy Cross, who came to this country in response to an appeal made to the Congregation by Bishop Haillandiere of Vincennes, for assistance in developing his extensive diocese. The capital of the little community a-mounted to four hundred dollars. The land now occupied by the University was deeded by the Bishop to Father Sorin and his associates on the condi tion that a college be built and made ready for students within two years. In spite of great difficulties and many personal hardships, the task was completed and a number of students were enrolled within the time specified. As soon as the first building had been completed Father Sorin applied to the State authorities for a charter, which by special act of the legislature of Indiana was granted on the fifteenth of January, 1844. The little community with Father Sorin as head, was soon augmented by the arrival of other members of the Congregation from France. A church and other buildings were added, friends gave the institution aid, and the enrollment of students gradually increased. Father Sorin served as president of the University from the founding in 1842 to the year 1865. Today Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, CSC, is the fifteenth president. Until 1865 the only courses offered at Notre Dame w'ere the traditional ones in classics and in letters. In that year provision was made for courses in science, and in 1869 for a department of law, the first permanent department of the kind at a Catholic university in the United States. A department of civil engineering, likewise a pioneer effort in the Catholic institution, was inaugurated in 1873, The departments of Mechanical Engineering, Architecture. Pharmacy, Electrical Engineering and others were added before 1900. In 1897 the University was organized in four units — arts and letters, science, engineering and law. In 1905 these divisions came to be designated as colleges and as such constituted (he organization of the University until 1902, when the College of Commerce was added. Prior to 1920 there was in connection with the University a preparatory school in which more students were enrolled than in the collegiate departments of the University. An elementary school also (St. Edward’s Hail) was for many years conducted on the campus. Before 1920 a student could receive his entire education at Notre Dame, from kindergarten to graduate work — an opportunity of which many took advantage. The traditions which resulted from these circumstances and the emphasis placed upon character-training at Notre Dame help to explain the long life of the preparatory school. While the University has been from the beginning under the Congregation of Holy Cross, with a large number of priests and brothers serving on the faculty, there has always been a considerable number of lay professors. The University occupies a campus of 1200 acres, immediately north of the city of South Bend, Indiana, an industrial center of 140,000 people. Its twin lakes and many wooded areas provide a setting of natural beauty for more than seventy University buildings, the majority of which have been erected in the past thirty years. Among the campus landmarks are the Log Chapel, a replica of the first, building erected at Notre Dame, and the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes, a replica of the famed shrine at Lourdes, France. Three buildings, including the new Moreau Seminary, which are devoted to the religious formation of younger members of the Congregation of Holy Cross, are located across the lake from the campus proper. Bordering the campus are the Notre Came stadium, which can accommodate 58,000 spectators and the William .1. Burke Memorial golf course. Before the event of the 1960s residence hall curfew was 10 p.m. and all the lights had to be out at 11 p.m. Just to make sure, the electricity was shut off. “A Catholic University is a society composed of faculty and students whose primary purpose is the pursuit of Christian wisdom.” What distinguishes Notre Dame from other universities is something "that Father Hesburgh and almost any person sensitive to the spirit of this University has noticed: the faculty abounds with men of deep religious faith, men who transmit their faith to the students and faculty members who come to know them. For this is finally how faith moves in the church and in history; it moves in the person-to-person transmission of the sanctity and the beauty of life and death. A passion for wisdom, for more than wisdom, penetrates the failures and the inadequacies of this University, transforms the faculty and the students, and makes Notre Dame not a sacred society but a society of sacred people.” President Father Hesburgh says: A Notre Dame education is more than just lectures, books, and study. It is a community of students and faculty members engaged in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding. It is the pandemonium of a pep rally and the tranquility of a midnight visit to the Grotto. It is the feeling any Notre Dame man experiences when he gazes at the statue of Our Lady atop the Golden Dome. Most of all, it is the intense spirit that is so evident here on the campus and wherever there are Notre Dame men. The reason I’m writing about Notre Dame Du Lac (which means by the lake) is because our son is graduating tnis month from this university filled with tradition. Enrolled in a 3-2 engineering program, he spent the first three years at College of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota. He is a member of the 126th graduating class. His Notre Dame memories will include his residency in St. Edward Hall built in 1892 and where perhaps Knute Itockne roomed; as well as his proud membership in America’s oldest university marching band—the Fifing Irish. Always he will recall with great fondness his happy busy days of classes, games, concerts, practices, friends, counsellors, professors, walks on the campus and the Golden Dome each time he’ll hear the famed Notre Dame Victory March whose words are: Rally sons of Notre Dame; Sing her glory and sound her fame, Raise her Gold and Blue And cheer with voices true; Rah, Rah, for Notre Dame (rah, rah) We will fight in ev-ry game, Strong of heart and true to her name We will ne'er forget her And we’ll cheer her ever Loyal to Notre Dame. CHORUS Cheer, cheer for old Notre Dame. Wake up the echoes cheering her name, Send a volley cheer on high, Shake down the thunder from the sky. What though the odds be great or small? Old Notre Dame will win over all, While her loyal sons are marching Onward to victory. With St. Edward’s Hall so close to the administration building with the Golden Dome, I felt that Our Lady was ever watchful of our son. As he graduates I pray she continues to watch over him and all other sons of Notre Dame, as well as all graduates everywhere. Your friend, REGINA Odmevi z Osme % Jana Okorn I 38« Harman St. RM^^Nt^E OUR ADVERTISERS AVE AFELY alf; 5 NEIGHBORHOOD OFFICES 813 East 185th St. 25000 Euclid Ave. 6235 St. Clair Ave. 6135 Wilson Mills 26000 Lake Shore Blvd. ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT: The only English language compilation of stories on the Slovenian people in America: From Slovenia to America Written by S.W.U. Founder, Marie Prisland for the enjoyment and delight of the younger generation! $4.25 including postage Kl VISIT BEAUTIFUL SLOVENIA AND EUROPE THIS SUMMER Pay only $298.00 for a round trip fare from Cleveland to Ljubljana on a modern jet plane leaving on JUNE 23 — RETURNING JULY 17 JULY 31 — RETURNING AUGUST 22 This is for our members and their families. Tour Slovenia, Adriatic Coast and Europe from Ljubljana in arrangement of: K0LIANDER WORLD TRAVEL, INC. 589 East 185th St., Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Tel: (216) 531-1082 531-4066 Secure your seat on the plane now! For reservations write to: MRS. COR IN N E LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III 60608 GEREND - HABERMANN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 53081 fl.GRDINR& SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele In žalostne dneve Nad 65 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocento postrežbo Tel. Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62ml Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel. KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST Company 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois 60608 FDIi ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd. Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago, Illinois 60608 WE HAVE A HOME TO FIT YOUR NEEDS! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate and Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, 111. 60608 VI 7-6679 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAI) LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Directors and Embalmers CHICAGO, ILL. 60608 Virginia 7-6688