ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE ■K NUMERICAL INDEX TO OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME III - (F. T. T.) ISSUES No. 1 - 36 (11 Jan. 1950 - 31 Dec. 1950) Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. La Editoriale Libraria S. A., Trieste - 1951 ORDERS 1 Pardon...................................................................... 23 2 Fines in penal law and procedure............................................ 25 3 Increase of family allowances for children and of contributions for family allowances in industry ................................................... 25 4 Contribution to be borne by the Allied Military Government to balance the burden deriving from the payment of extraordinary unemployment subsidies............ 27 5 Re-establishment of obligation of adding sesame oil to seed-oils and prohibition to of blending olive and seed-oils........................................ 27 6 ' Temporary importation of cotton yarns for the manufacture of pure cotton fabrics of the finest „popeline“ type................................................. 28 7 Temporary importation of certain raw materials for manufacture and exportation 29 8 Value to be attributed to the cotton contained in finished products exported during the second half-year of 1949 ...................................... 30 9 Amendment to Order N. 216 dated 17 November 1949 ................................. 31 10 Exemption from customs and licence duties in respect of common rough wood destined for the manufacture of mechanical and chemical wood paste (cellulose) ...................................................................... 31 11 Compensation for the serving of finance administration documents.................. 32 12 Extension and modification of time-limits of expiration and prescription relating to. taxes ..................................................................... 33 13 Establishment of Corps of Administrative Police ................................ 34 14 Increase in fines for violations of Law 28 September 1939, N. 1822, concerning regular motor-coach services ................................................... 35 15 Control of movement of goods into Italy .......................................... 36 16 Increase of fines for certain traffic offences .................................. 38 17 lime-limits for the expropriation of extraordinary profits from speculation.... 41 18 Increase in the exemption from taxes and duties in individual labor disputes.. 42 19 Special charge on admittance tickets to performances, entertainments and sports events as well as on travel tickets for journeys initiated on four particular Sundays 42 20 Value of stamps in favour of „Ente di Previdenza per gli Avvocati e Procuratori“ 44 21 Juridical and economic treatment of temporary personnel serving with Local Public Bodies — Amendment to Order No. 226 ............................... 45 22 Coordinating body for the development of the Zaule Industrial Port — Amendments to Order No. 104 and approval of administrative regulations............... 47 23 Extension of time-limits fixed by the provisions for the implementation of the Civil Code in respect of Companies and „Consorzi“......................... 48 24 Increase of fees due to „Avvocati“ and of fees and duties due to „Procuratori“ 49 25 Amendment to Order No. 401...................................................... 66 26 Amendment to Order No. 196.................................................... 67 27 Declaration of public utility and urgent and undelayable necessity of construction of a line for the transmission of electric energy from Trebiciano to Monrupino 69 28 Declaration of public utility and urgent and undelayable necessity of construction of a line for the transmission of electric energy from Zaule to Domio......... 71 29 Increase of limit of value for the selection of members of Board of Auditors...... 73 30 Declaration of public utility and urgent and undelayable necessity of construction of a stretch of line for the transmission of electric energy between Caneva and Opicina..................................................................... • 74 31 Payment of the supplementary contingency allowance to pensioners of „Previdenza Sociale“ for the year 1950 ...............................................* • S3 32 Procedure and time-limits for payment of the unified contributions in Agriculture for the year 1950 ........................................................... S3 33 Increase of the maximum amount for agrarian bills of exchange which may be marked by a- cross ....................................................... S4 34 Turnover tax on wheat, maize, rice, barley, rye and vegetable oils............ • • 85 35 Determination of the rate of contribution due for the year 1949 to the „Fondo di Solidarietà Sociale“ .................................................. 97 36 Definition of luxury houses ........................................................ 98 37 Approval of a covenant granting concession of town trolley-bus services to „Acegat“ 100 38 Duration of individual labor contracts of fixed - wage earners in Agriculture.... 101 39 Currency movement control - Amendment to Order N. 14............................... 103 40 Contributions due to „Associazione Giuliana per il Controllo della Combustione“ 107 41 Amendment to Order No. 380 dated 16 November 1948 - Financing of Trieste’s Recovery Program........................................................... 107 42 Issue and possession of documents of identification — Amendment to Order N. 228 dated 15 December 1949 ........................................,........... 108 43 Control of movement of goods into Italy — Amendment to Order N. 15................. 109 44 - Declaration of public utility and of urgent and undelayable necessity of the con- struction of a Reformatory for Minors ..................................... 110 45 Amnesty and Pardon................................................................. Ill 46 Abolition of „Cassa per il trattamento degli operai dell’ industria richiamati alle armi“ ........................................................................... 119 47 Supplement for assessment expenses of unified contributions in agriculture for the year 1950 ................................................................... 120 48 Approval of the new statute of the Serbian Orthodox Community of Trieste.... 121 49 Withdrawal from circulation within the Zone of AM-Lire and of banknotes of the „Banca d’ Italia“ in denominations of 50 and 100 Lire of various issues.... 121 50 Extension of the area of the Free Port..................................... 122 51 Granting of a special allowance to unemployed workers during Christmas holidays 131 52 Social insurance provisions for personnel of Consumer Tax Administrations (Ge- stioni delle imposte di consumo appaltato) ...................................... 132 53 Professional Fishing School, Amendment to Order No. 175/48 ........................ 133 54 Declaration of public utility and of urgent and undelayable necessity of the con- struction of a shunting neck and sidings in the Prosecco station........... 134 55 New provisions concerning Turnover Tax ............................................ 135 56 New fiscal provisions regarding succession, donation and registration duties .... 141 57 Special provisions concerning the payment of the Turnover Tax for 1950 in respect of certain categories of receipt................................... 147 58 Determination of the rates of contributions in agriculture due for the year 1950.. 166 59 Provisions in favour of „Ente Autonomo Comunale Teatro Verdi“.............. 177 60 Fiscal treatment of yams of natural and artificial fibres.................. 178 61 Restitution of duties in respect of manufactured cotton products exported in the second half-year of 1949............................................... 181 62 New provisions regarding the registration of radio electric equipment...... 182 63 Temporary importation of goods for manufacturing........................... 185 64 New concessions regarding temporary importations and exportations.......... 186 65 Penalties in fiscal matters ....................................................... 190 66 Prices of flints for sale to the public.................................... 191 67 Amendments to the fiscal treatment of mineral oils, coffee substitutes, sugar and sugar composite products and seed oils, as well as to Consumer taxes on coffee and cocoa and to Customs duties on spices ................................. 192 68 Raising of the limit of value of cases within the competence of the Harbour-master 201 69 Amendment to General Order N. 100 ................................................. 202 70 Increase of fines for frauds in the preparation of and trade in materials for agricultural use and agricultural products ................................ 204 71 Payment of the turnover tax on methane gas......................................... 205 72 Temporary importation of silk, wool and other goods for manufacturing.............. 206 73 Temporary importation of goods for manufacturing................................... 208 74 Provisions concerning competitions with prizes..................................... 209 75 Zaule Industrial Port-Declaration of public utility ............................... 213 76 Amendments to penalties for contraventions and smuggling relating to lighters and to licence taxes payable for the relative manufacture and sale......... 214 77 Amendments to the table of fees due to tax-collectors for executory acts relating to direct taxes ........................................................... 215 78 Value to be attributed to cotton contained in manufactured products exported in the first half-year of 1950 ............................................... 216 79 Temporary protection of inventions presented at the Fair of Trieste................ 217 80 Provisions concerning the entry into the Trieste Port Area......................... 217 81 Increase of limits for ship-agents’ guarantee deposits............................. 227 82 Increase of limits for forwarding agents’ guarantee deposits....................... 228 83 Dissolution of „DITERAL“ — Amendment to Order N. 168 ............................. 230 84 Amendment to General Order N. 105 ................................................ 230 85 Loans of Communes and of the Province — Amendment to the Communal and Provincial Law ........................................................... 231 86 Inscription of non-permanent teachers in the special roll......................... 232 87 Examinations for Procurators Legale for 1950 ..................................... 232 88 Amendments to social insurance provisions in respect of personnel of public tele- phone services ........................................................... 234 89 Campaign against the Indian corn parasites „Piralide“ and „Nottua“ ............... 240 90 Extension of time limit for lodging applications for repairs to war damaged houses 240 91 Official value of coffee for the purpose of collection of turnover tax............ 241 92 Amendments to Customs regulations................................................. 242 93 Duty-free timber-yard at Prosecco — Exemption from the special tax on deposited timber ........................................................................ 243 94 Extension of time-limit for obtaining identity cards.......................... 243 95 Provisions concerning judicial evictions.......................................... 249 96 Provisions concerning housing offices and housing committees ..................... 250 97 New official value of „Rutina“ for the purposes of the application of customs duty 251 98 Provisions relating to the hunting season of 1950/51.......................... 251 99 Lawyers’ tariffs in penal and extra-judicial matters and contributions in favour of the Councils of the Orders and Colleges of Professions ................ 252 100 Revocation of transfer of property of the Petroleum Companies „The Texas Company S.A.I,“ and „Soeietà Italo-Americana del Petrolio“, now „Standard Italo-Americana Petroli“ to „Azienda Generale Italiana Petroli“ (A.G.I.P. ) 253 101 Determination of the rate of contribution due for the year 1949 in favour of Pa- tronage and Social Assistance Offices ......................................... 263 102 Examinations for qualifying as auxiliary nurses................................... 264 103 New discipline of milling and bread-making'industries............................. 265 104 Investment of foreign capital in the British-United States Zone of the Free Terri- tory of Trieste................................................................ 269 105 Provisions concerning industrial undertakings .................................. 271 106 Provisions concerning the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture — Amendment to Order No. 11 .................................................. 272 107 Employment and placing of workers — Amendment to Order No. 85/1949.. .. 277 108 Establishment of a new free area ................................................. 278 109 Deposit of appeals to the Administrative Appeal Council........................... 279 110 Provisions concerning moving pictures with reduced size films (einematografia a passo ridotto) ................................................................ 280 111 Extension of the validity of Order No. 10/1950, relating to the importation free of Customs and Licence duties of rough common wood destined for the manufacture of mechanical and chemical wood pulp (cellulose) ......................... 281 112 Fiscal privileges for the development of the Zaule Industrial Port................ 281 113 Increase of compensations due to persons charged with the regulation of common usages (Usi Civici) .......................................................... 291 114 Provisions regarding „Ente Nazionale di Previdenza e di Assistenza per i Lavoratori dello Spettacolo“ ............................................................. 291 115 Amendment to Order No. 135/1946 regarding the Administration of the „Enti Comunali di Assistenza“ ....................................................... 298 116 Temporary raising of maximum age limit for public competitions.................... 311 117 Provisions concerning amounts of indemnities to be granted to the workers com- pulsorily insured against occupational accidents and diseases in industry.... 312 118 Enlargement of the area of the Zaule Industrial Port and granting of fiscal privi- leges — Amendment to Order No. 102 dated 12 May 1949...................... 318 Errata Corrigenda to O. 118 ...................................................... 359 119 Super-tax on workers’ incomes — Amendments to General Order No. 25................ 319 120 Signature of extracts from Land-maps („Mappe Catastali“) showing the division of real property .............................................................. 320 121 Allocation of Monopoly shops to persons who were deprived of the authorization to operate them on racial grounds ........................................ 320 122 Amendment to Order No. 23/1950 ................................................... 321 123 Regulations concerning types and standards of flour, bread and pasta.............. 322 124 Production and sale of standard type of bread and pasta........................... 324 é 125 Duty-free clearance of certain agricultural products imported in the years 1942 to 1945 ................................::......:....................... 325 126 Provisions concerning the salvaging of wrecked merchant-vessels — Amendments to Order No, 112/1949...................................................... 326 127 Amendments to Order No. 73/1949 relating to the re-establishment of fiscal pri- vileges in favour of firms operating air transport lines, and extension of suspension of licence dues on certain solid and liquid fuels *........... 328 128 Amendment to fiscal treatment of mineral oils................................ 330 129 Transfer of property from the Public Maritime Domain (Pubblico Demanio Ma- rittimo) to the „Patrimonio dello Stato“...................................... 332 130 Amendments to the fiscal treatment of spirits for the purpose of facilitating the distillation of wine and to Law provisions concerning the retail sale of extracts and essences for the preparation of liqueurs ................................. 343 131 Fiscal exemptions for certain public debt operations.. ......................... 350 132 Increase of taxes payable to the Notarial Archives for deeds received or authenticat- ed by notaries and subject to registration.................................... 351 133 Organization of the organic plan of judicial offices and secretariats, of bailiffs and of judicial ushers ............................................................ 352 134 Authority to the First President of the Court of Appeal of Trieste to engage tem- porary personnel for „Cancelleriè“ and „Segreterie Giudiziarie“.................. 353 135 Amendments to provisions relating to insurance against occupational accidents - in agriculture ..........................;................................... 361 136 Average conventional wages of threshers in the 1950 season for the purposes of insurance against occupational accidents..................................... 364 137 Establishing of a Roll of Contractors of public works........................... 365 138 Advisory Commission for infractions of currency regulations, Amendment to Order No. 155/1949 .................................................................. 372 139 Amendment to Order No. 380/1948................................................ ... 379 140 New concessions of temporary importation.................................... 379 141 Amendments to provisions concerning the signalling-devices for changes of direc- tion and for stopping of motor-vehicles....................................... 381 142 Restitution of duties paid in respect of manufactured cotton products exported in the first half-year of 1950.......................-........................... 383 143 New concessions of temporary importation and exportation................... 385 144 Provisions relating to marriages — Amendment to Order No. 448/1947.......... 388 145 Marriage of members of the United States Armed Forces performed by Aimy Chaplains — Amendment to Order No. 316/1947 .................................. 388 146 Extension of certain transitory provisions concerning competitions to all graduated „Sanitari“ and to midwives (Amendment to Order No. 227/1949).................. 405 147 Provisions concerning judicial evictions (Amendment to Order No. 95/1950).... 406 148 Economics ameliorations to recipients of workmen’s compensation annuities for- merly to the burden of Austro-Hungarian Social Insurance Institutes and to persons injured in operational areas during the war 1915-1918................. 407 149 Approval of new Statute of „Ente Fiera Campionaria Internazionale“ of Trieste 409 150 Provisions concerning the resumption of the construction of buildings — Amend- ment to Order No. 117/1949.................................................... 410 151 Dissolution of SEPRAL .......................................................... 419 152 Extension of term during which the Finance Administration may exercise the power referred to in Article XIII of Order No. 56/1950 for an amicable settlement of disputes relating to the assessment of value of property for taxation purposes 420 153 Modification of patent taxes on industrial inventions ......................... 420 154 Adjustment of value limits of acts and contracts of ecclesiastical institutions and religious bodies subject to Government supervision ........................... 421 155 Amendments to Art. 76 of R. D. 14 June 1941, No. 577, concerning the „canone“ due by Monopoly retailers..................................................... 422 156 Conversion of „Società degli Autori ed Editori (S.A.E.)“ to „Società Italiana degli Autori ed Editori (S.I.A.E.)“ — Agenzia principale di Trieste................. 429 157 Repeal of licence duty on goods imported from abroad and introduction of a duty for administrative services .................................................. 430 158 Temporary importation of goods for processing .................... 431 159 Amendments to R.D.L. 13 January 1936, No. 70, concerning the establishment of monopoly for the sale of cigarette paper and tubes......................... 432 160 Extension of the time-limit for the concession of fiscal facilities for the recon- struction of war-damaged buildings — Amendment to General Order No. 31/ 1945 ....................................................................... 432 161 New concessions of temporary importation........................................ 433 162 Exemption from customs'duty on rough common wood destined for the manufacture of mechanical and chemical wood-pulp (cellulose)............................ 435 163 Control on prices, of goods and services.......................................... 435 164 Trieste Economic Development Centre............................................ 439 165 Apportionment of funds for the financing of Patronage Offices................... 442 166 Statistical data................................................................... 443 167 Provisions in favour of the hotel and tourist industry............................ 443 168 Declaration of public and urgent and undelayable necessity of construction of a high tension line for the transmission of electric energy for the Timavo fish valley in the Commune of Duino.............................................. 449 169 Authority to Cassa di Risparmio of Trieste to grant credit to artisans and arti- sans’ enterprises .........,,............................................... 451 Errata Corrigenda to 0. 169 ..................................................... 534 170 Amendment to the rules and regulations of the civil status..................... 457 171 Contribution to be borne by the Allied Military Government to balance the burden deriving from the payment of extraordinary unemployment subsidies........... 458 172 Increase of family allowances for children of workers in commerce, professions and arts and for children of professional newspapermen...................... 458 173 Declaration of public utility — Sanitorium (Ospedale Sanatoriale) of the I.N.P.S. 459 174 Increase of taxes payable to the notarial archives for deeds received or authenticated by notaries and subject to registration — (Cancelling Order N. 132/1950).. .. 460 175 New provisions regarding lease and sub-lease contracts....................... 461 Errata Corrigenda to 0. 175 ................................................... 579 176 New tariff of customs import duties.......................................... 481 177 Exemption from registration tax of certain contracts of purchase of real property by Communes..................................................................... 482 178 Repeal of Law 24 July 1942, No. 1090......................................... 482 179 Exemption from any stamp duty in respect of applications for issuance of docu- ments required in support of applications for war pensions ................. 483 180 Fiscal provisions in favour of new ship constructions (E.R.P. Programme).. .. 484 181 New provisions in favour of ship-building and shipping industries............ 486 182 Abolition of commercial securities (Cauzioni Commerciali).................... 492 183 Temporary provisions for the first application of the new tariff of customs import duties ......................................................................... 493 181 Provisions concerning commercial licences......................................... 495 185 „Ente Ausiliario di Assistenza Sociale“ ......................................... 496 186 Rents’ Appeal Commission — Amendment to General Order No. 54 '13/1946 .. 498 187 Ente del Porto Industrial di Zaule — Amendment to Order No. 104/1949......... 500 188 Extension of compulsory social insurance to the employees whose earnings exceed 1,500 Lire monthly ............................................................. 511 189 Provisions governing the standards of flour and bread — Amendments to Order No. 58/1946 .................................................................. 512 190 Extension of time limits — Amendment to Order No. 23/1950.................... 513 191 Rules for the payment of turnover tax on commercial transactions relating to fresh yeast for bread-making ......................................................... 513 192 Rates of turnover tax on commercial transactions relating to residues from- the manufacture of mineral oils destined for combustion in boilers and furnaces and to imported pit fuels........................................................... 515 193 Compensation due to experts, technical advisers, interpreters and translators for services performed at the request of the judicial authorities............... 517 194 Partial repayment of excise duty on petrol to taxi drivers................... 520 195 Extension of time-limits for fiscal facilities in respect of ships purchased abroad 521 196 Extension of the time-limit for the concession of fiscal facilities for the'recon- struction of war damaged buildings — Amendment to Order No. 160/1950.. .. 521 197 Provisions for the transfer of merchant ships to aliens...................... 522 198 Appointment of special curators ................................................... 523 199 Amendment to Order No. 104/1949 — Financing by „Ente del Porto Industrial di Zaule“ and new fiscal exemptions........................................ • • • 524 S 200 Authorization for motor transport of goods on behalf of third persons............ 537 201 New concessions of temporary importations........................................ 538 202 Contribution in favour of „Istituto Cotoniero Italiano“.......................... 540 203 Exemption from customs duties on „Oleic acid-flotation grade“ destined for the flotation of fluorine mineral............................................... 547 204 Provisions governing the production and sale of methylphenylpiperidincarbonic acid ethers („eteri dell’acido metilfenilpiperidincarbonico“)............... 548 205 Utilization of Resources Corporation — Amendment to Order No. 243/1948.. .. 548 206 Provisions for the industrial development of the British-United States Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste............................................... 549 207 Amendments to the provisions governing art exhibitions..:........................ 551 208 Provisions concerning judicial evictions — Amendment to Order No. 95/1950.. 553 209 Provisions concerning the financing of „cooperazione“......................... 553 210 Value to be attributed to cotton contained in manufactured products exported in the second half-year of 1950................................................ 561 211 New concession of temporary importations ........................................ 561 212 Temporary reduction of customs duty on butter................................. 563 213 Amendment to Titles IV and V of the Law on public lottery..................... 563 214 Increase of provicial rate levied in addition to the communal rate on industrial and commercial enterprises, arts and professions............................ 568 215 Appointment of Director General, Civil Affairs .................................. 569 216 Repeal of laws relating to eviction orders....................................... 573 217 Lease and sub-lease contracts — (Amendments to Order No. 175/1950)........... 574 218 Extension of agricultural contracts ............................................. 576 219 Inscription in the register of permanent population — Consolidated temporary provisions..................................................................... 577 220 Provisions concerning pharmacies ,,di diritto personale“ ........................ 581 Errata Corrigenda to O. 220 ..................................................... 631 221 Declaration of public utility and urgent and undelayable necessity of construc- tion of a high tension line for the transmission of electric energy to Caresana and Prebenico.................................................................. 581 222 Authorization to the Communal Administrations to check animal drawn vehicles 583 223 Granting of the title of „topograpfic engineer“ to graduates of Geodetic Sections of the former Austio-Hungarian Polytechnical schools................... 584 224 Amendment to Order No. 104/1949 — „Ente del Porto Industriale di Zaule“.. 585 225 Refugee Centres ................................................................. 593 226 Fiscal concessions for the development and modernization of the industrial and agricultural equipment ....................................................... 593 227 New concessions of temporary importation......................................... 595 228 Amendment to Order No. 232/1949.................................................. 596 229 Amendments to Order No. 308/1948 — Organization of Allied Military Govern- ment .......................................................................... 596 230 Amendment to Article 545 of Code of Civil Procedure.............................. 597 231 Extension of time-limits fixed by the provisions for the implementation of the Civil Code in respect of companies and „consorzi“ ................................ 598 232 Adjustment of value limits for authorizing purchases and exercising Government supervision on religious Institutions other than catholic ones................. 599 233 Adjustment of value limits for authorizing purchases by Ecclesiastical Institutions and Religious Bodies ....................................................... 234 New concessions of temporary importations........................................ 600 235 Declaration of public utility and urgent and undelayable necessity of construction of a stretch of line for the transmission of electric energy between Diaga S. Elia and Grozzana .................................................................. 601 236 Declaration of urgent and undelayable necessity of the construction of a water reservoir with relative pipes and service-road.. ........................... 603 237 Provisions governing the application of the fiscal privilege provided for by Order No. 128/1950, relating to kerosene destined for lighting elements used on fishing boats ................................................................. 604 238 Provisions in favour of workers insured against tuberculosis..................... 613 239 Organization of the Organic Plan of the Judiciary................................ 614 240 Commission for taxes assessed ,,ad valorem“...................................... 616 241 Type and price of the State label for extracts and essences for liqueurs......... 617 242 Special charge on admittance tickets to performances, entertainments and sport events as well as on travel tickets for journeys initiated on eight particular Sundays ............................................................................ 618 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS 1 Appointments to the Board of controllers etc. of the Territorial Food Administration (DITERAL) .............................................................. 39 2 Cessation of judicial clerk’s functions by Dr. Alberto Molinari........... 58 3 Authority to „Cassa Scolastica del Liceo-Ginnasio Francesco Petrarca“, Trieste to accept a donation ................................................... 59 4 Changes in the Commission for the investigation of marine accidents.......... 59 5 Temporary appointment of judicial auditors .................................. 60 6 Cessation of Dr. Guido Ruggeri from the fimotions of Deputy Procuratore di Stato 61 7 Appointment of Dr. Francesco Saverio Santonastaso as Deputy Procuratore di Stato____!................................................................. 61 8 Appointment of magistrates................................................... 62 9 Authority to „Chiesa Parrocchiale di Muggia“ to purchase immovable property.. 63 10 Substitution of a member of the Administrative Board of the Astronomic Obser- vatory of Trieste.......................................................... 87 11 Authority to change the surname.............................................. 87 12 Authority granted to „Chiesa Parrocchiale della B. V. del Soccorso“ of Trieste to accept a legacy........................................................... 116 13 Authority to „Casa Famiglia della Giovane Mater Dei“ of Trieste to purchase immovable property ....................................................... 116 14 Appointment of the Auditors of the „Ente del Porto Industriale di Zaule“.. 117 15 Authority to change the surname............................................. 123 16 Authority to change the surname .......................................... 123 17 Official appointment of judicial auditors .................................. 124 18 Authority to change the surname............................................. 168 19 Change in the Board of Directors of „Ente del Porto Industriale di Zaule“. 169 20 Authority to change the surname............................................. 170 21 Appointment of new member to the Board of Directors of the „Ente Porto Indu- striale, Zaule“ ......................................................... 170 22 Authority to „Cassa Scolastica del Liceo-Ginnasio Dante Alighieri“, Trieste, to acept a donation ......................................................... 171 23 Authority to change the surname ............................................ 209 24 Authority to change the surname............................................. 210 25 Authority to change the surname............................................. 220 26 Authority to change the surname ............................................ 220 27 Substitution of a member of the Board of „Ente per il Turismo“ of Trieste. 221 28 Partial exemption from compulsory hiring of war invalids (Cantiere Navale Felszegy) ................................................................ 222 29 Partial exemption from compulsory hiring of war invalids (Cantiere Navale Mar- tinuzzi ) ................................................................ 222 30 Authority to change the surname............................................. 244 31 Substitution of a member of the Commission for the granting of supplementation of wages to workers in industry........................................... 245 32 Authority to Orion Insurance Company Ltd., London, to carry on insurance business ................................................................. 254 33 Appointing of civilian Chief, Agriculture and Fisheries Office.............. 255 34 Appointment of the President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agri- culture ................................................................. 282 35 Legal recognition of Sergio and Aldo Genitoni............................... 283 36 Legal recognition of Nidia and Maria Pia Franco-Rossaldi.................... 283 37 Authority to change the surname ............................................ 284 38 Authorization to „Ente Fiera Campionaria Internazionale di Trieste“ to exchange certain property ......................................................... 356 39 Conferring of judicial functions on Judicial Auditors....................... 356 40 Appointment of a Magistrate................................................. 357 41 Cessation of Judicial fimctions by Dr. Franco Zenari.. .-..................... 372 42 Authority to „Seminario Vescovile“ of Trieste to purchase immovable property.. 373 43 Substitution of the Commissario and Yice-Commissario for the „Cassa di Risparmio dell’ Istria“ ............................................................ 373 44 Authority to change the surname............................................. 389 Errata Corrigenda to Adm. 0. 44 .......................................... 509 45 Authority to change the surname............................................... 390 46 Authority for addition of surname............................................. 391 47 Appointment of the Board of Directors of Magazzini Generali of Trieste........ 391 48 Appointment of a Magistrate................................................... 411 49 Authority granted to „Chiesa Parrocchiale di S. Vincenzo de’ Paoli“ of Trieste to accept a donation .......................................................... 412 50 Authority to change the surname............................................... 423 51 Substitution of liquidator to „DITERAL“....................................... 424 52 Appointment of a liquidator to „SEPRAL“..................................... 424 53 Appointment of the President and of the Vice-Presidents of Provisional Consultative Committee of the „Istituto Nazionale per l’Assicurazione contro le Malattie“.. 425 54 Appointment of the President and Director General of the Trieste Economic Development Centre........................................................ 454 55 Examinations for Proeuratore Legale 1950...................................... 455 56 Authority to change the surname............................................ 474 57 Authority to change the surname............................................ 474 58 Authority to change the surname............................................ 515 59 Compulsory retirement of notary dott. Giulio Paolina......................... 525 60 Substitution of a member of the Board of Directors of the „Ente del Porto Indu- striale di Zaule“ — Amendment to Administrative Order No. 45/1949........ 526 61 Authority to University of Trieste to accept a donation....................... 526 62 Amendment to Administrative Order No. 45/1949................................. 540 63 Appointment of Judicial Auditors ............................................. 541 64 Authority to change the surname............................................... 554 65 Legal recognition of Giuseppe Paolo Carlovich-Gojak........................... 555 66 Authority for addition of surname............................................. 556 67 Authority to change the surname........................................... 557 68 Appointment of a magistrate................................................. 569 69 Appointment of a Commissioner to the Consorzio fra Pescatori della Zona di 'Trieste 578 70 Substitution of members of the Special Turnover Tax Section of the Zone Commis- sion for Taxes ........................................................... 586 71 Substitution of members of the Zone Commission for Taxes...................... 586 72 Substitution of a member of the Territorial Appeal Commission for disputes and appeals relating to the assessment of regime profits...................... 587 73 Authority to change the surname .............................................. 608 74 Authority for addition of surname............................................. 608 NOTICES 1 Minimum wage for personnel in the service of craftsmen painters and decorators, not members of category associations........................................... 3 2 Minimum wage for personnel in the service of firms, running garage, motor-car hiring and renting services and garages with annexed parking and various motor-car repair services, which are not members of category associations .. 5 3 Minimum wage for personnel employed with business firms in the foodstuff sector, not members of category associations................................... 12 4 Minimum wage for personnel employed with business firms pertaining to the cloth- ing sector and general goods, not members of category associations............. 16 5 Minimum wage for the personnel employed by building contractors, not members of category associations ...................................................... 64 6 Minimum wage for the personnel employed by enterprises running itinerant shows, not members of category associations........................................... 65 7 Revision of classification of hotels, pensions and inns ........................ 66 8 Minimum wage for clerical personnel employed by firms operating licensed autobus- -lines, not members of category associati ons.................................. 76 9 Minimum wage for non clerical personnel employed by firms operating licensed autobus-lines, not members of category associations........................... 80 10 Minimum wage for non clerical personnel employed by firms operating auto- transport services for account of third parties, not members of category associations ........................................................................... 81 11 Minimum wages for clerical personnel employed in wood working crafts with firms, not members of category associations................................... 88 12 Extension of the legal and conventional time-limits in consequence of the closure of banks due to exceptional events............................................ 89 13 Minimum wages for non clerical personnel employed in wood working industrial firms, not members of category associations................................... 90 Errata Corrigenda to Not. 13...................................................... 104 14 Restrictions of consumption of electric energy................................ 103 15 Restriction of consumption of electric energy — Repeal of Notice No. 14........... 125 16 Minimum wage for workers employed by keepers of coffee-houses, bars and the like 125 17 Minimum wage for personnel employed by civil engineers, architects, geometers and industrial experts.......................................................... 126 18 Minimum wage for personnel employed with medical consulting rooms, pathological, radiological, gymnastic, orthopedical Institutes and dental surgeries, not members of category associations.................................................. 127 19 Closing and lighting of entrances of houses in the Commune of Trieste............. 172 20 Petroleum products ........................................................... 172 21 Reduction of the normal rate of discount.......................................... 211 22 Minimum wages for the personnel employed by notary offices ...................... 223 23 Minimum wages for personnel employed by keeper of restaurants and similar cater- ing shops ...................................................................... 245 24 Regulation of the distribution of controlled fodder.............................. 246 25 Minimum wages for air-personnel, both clerical and labor of the S.p.a. „Ala Ita- liana“ and similar firms........................................................ 255 26 Minimum wage for casual manual laborers working at commercial firms (excepting forwarding agencies) ........................................................... 260 27 Minimum wages for personnel employed in private hospitals..................... 273 28 Minimum wages for the workers employed by firms operating licensed services for account of the Italian State Railways, which are not registered with the Association of industrialists.......................................................... 274 29 Minimum wages for janitors in the employment of house owners, not registered with Association of the category ............................................... 285 30 Minimum wages for personnel employed, by building contractors................. 299 31 Minimum wages for workers employed by craftsmen firms in the iron trade..... 300 32 Minimum wages for workers employed in offices of Lawyers, Attorneys, Certified Ac- countants, Graduates in Commercial Sciences, Fiscal Advisors, House-Stewards and Commercial Experts.......................................................... 302 33 Minimum wages for personnel employed by oil-refining companies................ 303 34 Minimum wages for personnel employed in wooden ware industries................ 304 35 Minimum wages for workmen employed by watchmen agencies or Cooperative Societies ...................................................................... 306 36 Minimum wages for workers employed by Craftsmen Hairdressers................. 307 37 Minimum wages for workers in the employment of Craftsmen Barbers.............. 308 38 Minimum wage for personnel employed by metalmechanic and related industrial firms .......................................................................... 333 39 Discontinuance of rationing of certain foodstuffs............................... 340 40 Authorization for new plants an renewal of licence to Aquila S.p.A.T.I. Trieste 340 41 Minimum wages for non-clerical personnel employed by firms operating licensed Autobus-Lines................................................................... 341 42 Minimum wages for manual laborers, casually employed by business firms (ex- cepting forwarding agencies) ................................................... 358 43 Minimum wages for personnel employed by business firms pertaining to the food sector ......................................................................... 374 44 Minimum wages for garden laborers, employed by florists and fruit growing establishments ................................................................. 393 45 Minimum wages for farm laborers employed either by farming firms or by farm owners ........................................................................ 396 46 Minimum wages for personnel in the employment of business firms dealing in various goods and clothing articles........................................... 413 47 Minimum wages for laborers employed by firms operating motor-truck services for the conveyance of goods for account of third parties..................... 416 48 Minimum wages for workers in the employment of firms, operating transportation - -services by means of horse-carts.............................................. 426 49 Minimum wages for personnel employed with the Yacht Club Adriaco............. 475 50 Minimum wages for personnel employed by craftsmen furriers................... 476 51 Minimum wages for personnel employed with Società Triestina della Vela and rowing clubs .................................................................. 478 52 Minimum wages for personnel employed by keepers of restaurants and similar caterers ...................................................................... 479 53 Minimum wages for personnel employed by private educational institutes.... 500 54 Minimum wages for personnel employed by coffee-houses, bars and similar shops 501 55 Minimum wages for personnel employed by civil engineers, architects, geometricians and industrial experts ...................................................... 502 56 Petroleum products .............................................................. 503 57 Minimum wages for personnel employed by building .contractors.................... 508 58 Minimum wages for personnel employed by dressmakers - craftsmen-firms, not affiliated with category associations.......................................... 527 59 Minimum wages for personnel employed by- firms carrying out scaling works.... 528 60 Minimum wages for the personnel employed by firms operating motor-car services and of garage keepers, runnig motor-car parking and various repair services not affiliated to category associations ........................................... 531 61 Minimum wages for the personnel employed by craftsmen-painters and decorators 533 62 Minimum wages for personnel employed by concerns operating auto-transportation services for account of a third party ......................................... 541 63 „I.R.C.O. - Soc. a r. 1. - Trieste“.............................................. 544 64 Minimum wages for personnel employed by blacksmiths and similar handyCrafts- men work-shops................................................................. 557 65 Minimum wages for personnel employed by craftsmen in the wood working trade 570 66 Artisans ........................................................................ 579 67 Minimum wages for personnel employed by concerns in the metallurgical and sim- ilar industries ............................................................... 587 68 Minimum wages for personnel employed by owners of horse-flesh butcher’s shops 588 69 Minimum wages for clerical workers employed by concerns operating motorbus lines......................................................................... 609 70 Publication of the Official Gazette............................................ 611 71 Duties in favour of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Trieste 622 72 Prices of petroleum products .................................................... 623 73 Minimum wages for the personnel employed by firms operating licensed services for account of the Statai Railways............................................ 630