P. MISÁK et al.: STATISTICAL VIEW OF EVALUATING CONCRETE-SURFACE-LAYER PERMEABILITY TESTS ... 379–385 STATISTICAL VIEW OF EVALUATING CONCRETE-SURFACE-LAYER PERMEABILITY TESTS IN CONNECTION WITH CHANGES IN CONCRETE FORMULA STATISTI^NI POGLED NA OCENO PREIZKUSA PREPUSTNOSTI POVR[INSKE PLASTI BETONA V POVEZAVI S SPREMEMBAMI FORMULE BETONA Petr Misák, Tomá{ Stavaø, Iva Rozsypalová, Dalibor Kocáb, Petr Põssl Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute of Building Testing, Veveøí 95, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic possl.p@fce.vutbr.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-07-14; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2016-06-06 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.223 Concrete is one of the most common building materials and its durability has been observed with increased attention. It can be said that concrete durability is closely connected with permeability and, generally speaking, the quality of its surface layer. Evaluating the quality of the surface layer of concrete is a rather difficult issue that can be addressed in different ways. The authors of this paper focus on three internationally used methods – TPT, GWT and ISAT. The paper sums up the results of the experiment whose goal was to investigate the influence of concrete composition on the outputs of the above-mentioned methods. For the purposes of the experiment, specimens were made using 9 mixtures, which differed only in the amount of cement and plasticiser, i.e., the water/cement ratio. The experiment was designed and evaluated using the statistical methodology DOE (Design of Experiment). Next, the paper discusses a new view of the statistical evaluation of the test results of the methods described above. Keywords: concrete, permeability, durability, design of experiment Beton je eden najbolj uporabljanih materialov v gradbeni{tvu in njegova zdr`ljivost se prou~uje z veliko pozornostjo. Lahko se re~e, da je zdr`ljivost betona tesno povezana s prepustnostjo, na splo{no s kvaliteto njegove povr{inske plasti. Ocena kvalitete povr{inske plasti betona je precej komplicirano vpra{anje, h kateremu se lahko pristopi na razli~ne na~ine. Avtorji tega ~lanka se osredoto~ajo na tri mednarodno priznane metode – TPT, GWT in ISAT. ^lanek povzema rezultate preizkusa, katerega cilj je bil prou~evati vpliv sestave betona na rezultate zgoraj omenjenih metod. Za namene preizkusa so bili vzorci izdelani iz 9 me{anic, ki so se razlikovale samo v koli~ini cementa in plastifikatorja, to je razmerja voda/cement. Preizkusi so bili postavljeni in ocenjeni s statisti~no metodologijo DOE (angl. Design of Experiment). Nadalje ~lanek obravnava nov pogled na statisti~no oceno rezultatov preizkusa in zgoraj opisanih metod. Klju~ne besede: beton, prepustnost, trajnost, na~rtovanje preizkusa 1 INTRODUCTION The durability of hardened concrete and thus the whole structure greatly depends on the quality and per- meability of the surface layer. A low permeability of the surface layer ensures a greater resistance to carbonation and entery of chlorides and other outside intrusions.1–3 These phenomena cause, among other things, corrosion of the steel reinforcement in concrete and thus its overall degradation.4,5 It is known that the quality of concrete is determined by the correct composition of fresh concrete and thus by the amount of cement, water and other additives and admixtures.6,7 There is a large number of rather different methods for determining the quality of a concrete surface layer. In terms of permeability, these methods can be divided into two groups – methods determining the resistance to the penetration of liquids or gases. The durability of hardened concrete with respect to the quality of its surface layer is being dealt with in the GACR 13-18870S project. One of the goals of the project is the assessment of existing test methodologies for the determination of the surface layer of concrete or the creation of new methodologies. A number of papers have been published within the project, such as 8,9. Permeability itself is addressed in 10–12. The research described in this paper summarises an experiment whose goal was to assess the influence of concrete composition on the results of the tests deter- mining the concrete surface layer’s permeability, i.e., TPT, GWT and ISAT. For the purposes of the experi- ment, specimens were made using 9 mixtures, which differed only in the amount of cement and plasticiser, i.e., the water/cement ratio. The experiment was designed and evaluated using the statistical methodology DOE (Design of Experiment). These statistical methods are discussed in greater detail, e.g., in 13. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 3, 379–385 379 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS UDK 67.017:625.821.5:681.5.015.42 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 51(3)379(2017) 2 EXPERIMENT PART 2.1 Testing methods 2.1.1 TPT method A TPT (Torrent Permeability Tester) is suitable for the determination of air permeability of the surface layer and can be used in both laboratory measurements and in-situ. The principle of determining the air permeability of concrete is in creating a vacuum on the surface layer and measuring the flow of air through the concrete into the measurement device over a set period of time. Table 1: Evaluation of the concrete cover by means of kT lists the quality categories of concrete cover as written in 14. Table 1: Evaluation of concrete cover by means of kT Tabela 1: Ocena kvalitete povr{ine betona s pomo~jo kT Concrete cover quality index kT (× 10–6 m2) Very bad 5 >10 Bad 4 1.0–10 Medium 3 0.1–1.0 Good 2 0.01–0.1 Very good 1 <0.01 This method is discussed more in 14–18. 2.1.2 ISAT method The second method used in the experiment, ISAT (Initial Surface Absorption Test), is used for determining the water permeability of the surface layer. Measurement by ISAT is performed exclusively with specimens in a laboratory. The principle of the test is the determination of the rate of water absorption (measured using a cali- brated glass capillary) with a concrete cover of known area at a constant water pressure of a 200 mm water column. More can be found in 19– 21. 2.1.3 GWT Method GWT (German Water Permeability Test) is also used for the measurement of concrete cover permeability to water but at constant water pressure of 0.02 MPa. The amount of water absorbed by the surface layer per unit of time is measured. This method can be used in-situ as well as on laboratory specimens.22 2.2 Material The goal of the experiment was to assess the influence of the concrete composition on the results of TPT, ISAT and GWT tests while both the design and the experiment were evaluated using the DOE (Design Of Experiment) method. The two main factors which were to decisively influence the concrete cover permeability were set to be cement and plasticiser content. The portion of these components in fresh concrete is determining for the amount of water and water/cement ratio as all the mixtures were always designed for S2 or S3 consistency according to 23. The water/cement ratio was subsequently added into the calculation models as a third factor as the change in water/cement ratio best corresponds to the change of the overall composition of fresh concrete. Plasticiser was added in 0 %, 50 % and 100 % of the maximum amount recommended by the manufacturer. The amount of cement was increased in the mixture always by approx. 50 kg/m3 of the concrete. In order to assess the broad spectrum of construction concretes, mixtures were prepared with 4 different contents of cement. The authors first considered performing the research as a full factorial experiment13 with the factors of the amount of cement and plasticiser, while the amount of cement was represented by four levels and the amount of plasticiser by three. However, some variants of these two factors did not meet the basic technological requirements for the production of concrete and therefore were elimi- nated from the experiment. The method of evaluation of the experimental results is described in the following sections of this paper. Table 2: Design of experiment shows the concrete mixture matrix. The horizontal direction shows the amount of plasticiser from zero content to the maximum dose recommended by the manufacturer (100 %). The level of cement amount (vertical) is identified 0–III, while dose 0 corresponds approximately to 255 kg/m3 of concrete and dose III to 405 kg/m3 of concrete. The identification of the mixtures then corresponds to the portion of the components. Table 3: Composition of the mixtures shows the specific amounts of the components used. All the mixtures use the same aggregate from the same location and the same type of cement from one cement mill. Table 2: Design of experiment Tabela 2: Zasnova poskusa Cement / Plasticiser (%) 0 50 100 0 R - - I 0/1 1/1 - II 0/2 1/2 2/2 III 0/3 1/3 2/3 Table 3: Composition of the mixtures Tabela 3: Sestava me{anic Component Mixture R 0/1 0/2 0/3 1/1 1/2 1/3 2/2 2/3 CEM I 42.5 R (kg) 248 308 357 392 295 349 394 338 386 Bratcice 0-4 mm (kg) 953 925 889 826 927 897 846 905 854 Olbramovice 4-8 mm (kg) 173 182 174 195 185 185 192 183 207 Olbramovice 8-16 mm (kg) 675 696 693 669 689 693 684 667 671 Water (kg) 201 203 201 208 177 175 183 176 181 faultPlasti- ciser (kg) 0 0 0 0 0.71 0.91 0.95 1.77 2.01 w/c (-) 0.75 0.61 0.53 0.50 0.55 0.46 0.43 0.48 0.44 P. MISÁK et al.: STATISTICAL VIEW OF EVALUATING CONCRETE-SURFACE-LAYER PERMEABILITY TESTS ... 380 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 3, 379–385 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Fresh concrete for the production of specimens was always taken in conditions according to 24. The proper- ties of the fresh concrete tested according to 23,25–27, are listed in Table 4: Properties of fresh concrete. Beam specimens of size 300 × 300 × 150 mm were made from each mixture. Each specimen was tested three times with TPT and twice with GWT and ISAT. The results of ISAT were recorded at 60 min after the beginning of the test. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The authors first performed a statistical analysis of the use of different distributions of probability for the quantities being observed mainly due to a strong absence of symmetry and normality in the test results. The non-normality of kT (TPT) has been discussed earlier, e.g., in 16. The test results of the other parameters exhibit a similar statistical behaviour. In order to test the most suitable distribution of probability, an additional experiment was conducted. The kT coefficient was determined on 32 specimens of size 300 × 300 × 80 mm using TPT. The measurement was performed in the same conditions in the shortest possible time interval and at a water content of 3.0 % to 3.5 %. TPT was chosen mainly due to time economy. The results of the tests are represented in the histo- gram in Figure 1 TPT result histogram. The most suit- able probability distribution was chosen to be the lognor- mal distribution. This distribution generally appears suitable for a description of the quantities that exhibit high variability and at the same time the results are close to zero. The advantage of the lognormal probability distribution is, among others, the fact that it does not reach negative values. Tests of goodness of fit did not disprove the option of using a lognormal probability distribution in the output of GWT and ISAT. In Tables 5 to 7 Measurement results – TPT through 7 show the basic statistical properties of the results of TPT, GWT, and ISAT performed on the above-described concrete mixtures with variable composition. The arith- metic average and the experimental standard deviation s0 are supplemented with the calculation of 95 % quantiles, which were determined using normal (identified by lower index n0.95) and lognormal (lower index ln0.95) probability distributions. The 95 % quantile was used as the characteristic value of the quantities being observed (amend D of 28). The value V always identifies coeffi- cient of variation in %. All the values were determined at specimen mass water content within 3–3.5 %, which corresponded to the normal laboratory storage of the specimens. Table 5: Measurement results – TPT Tabela 5: Rezultati TPT-meritev Mixture kT (10–16 m2) s0 (10–16 m2) V (%) kT;ln0.95 (10–16 m2) kT;n0.95 (10–16 m2) R 1.414 0.700 49.5 3.300 2.566 0/1 0.052 0.013 25.0 0.075 0.072 0/2 0.042 0.016 38.1 0.072 0.068 0/3 0.018 0.007 38.9 0.030 0.029 1/1 0.035 0.014 40.0 0.067 0.059 1/2 0.030 0.014 46.7 0.056 0.053 1/3 0.016 0.004 25.0 0.023 0.023 2/2 0.032 0.007 21.9 0.045 0.044 2/3 0.014 0.003 21.4 0.019 0.019 Table 6: Measurement results – GWT Tabela 6: Rezultati GWT-meritev Mixture kT (10–16 m2) s0 (10–16 m2) V (%) kT;ln0.95 (10–16 m2) kT;n0.95 (10–16 m2) R 10.70 1.67 15.6 13.70 13.50 0/1 5.21 0.14 2.7 7.88 7.45 0/2 4.60 0.13 2.8 7.02 6.67 0/3 1.20 0.25 20.8 1.73 1.61 1/1 2.13 0.28 13.1 2.62 2.59 1/2 1.78 0.40 22.5 2.51 2.44 1/3 1.24 0.28 22.6 1.78 1.70 2/2 1.43 0.31 21.7 2.04 1.94 2/3 0.59 0.06 10.2 0.70 0.69 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 3, 379–385 381 P. MISÁK et al.: STATISTICAL VIEW OF EVALUATING CONCRETE-SURFACE-LAYER PERMEABILITY TESTS ... MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 1: TPT result histogram Slika 1: Histogram TPT-rezultatov Table 4: Properties of fresh concrete Tabela 4: Lastnosti sve`ega betona Property Mixture R 0/1 0/2 0/3 1/1 1/2 1/3 2/2 2/3 Density (kg/m3) 2 250 2 315 2 315 2 290 2 275 2 300 2 300 2 270 2 300 Flow table test (mm) 435 410 385 415 360 350 370 340 330 Slump-test (mm) 110 60 60 110 60 50 60 65 50 Air content (%) 2.8 2.7 2.5 2.5 3.6 2.8 3.2 4.5 3.0 In order to determine the influence of the individual factors (water/cement ratio, cement and plasticiser content) on the permeability of the surface layer, the experiment was analysed using DOE. Using the appro- priate SW, this method enables an easy identification of such factors that have a significant statistical influence on the quantity being observed. Table 7: Measurement results – ISAT after 60 min Tabela 7: Rezultati ISAT-meritev po 60 min Mixture f60 (mL/m2/s) s0 (mL/m2/s) V (%) f60; ln0.95 (mL/m2/s) f60; n0.95 (mL/m2/s) R 0.334 0.061 18.3 0.441 0.434 0/1 0.260 0.024 9.2 0.301 0.299 0/2 0.227 0.027 11.9 0.274 0.271 0/3 0.141 0.008 5.7 0.155 0.155 1/1 0.211 0.042 19.9 0.291 0.281 1/2 0.140 0.007 5.0 0.151 0.151 1/3 0.101 0.012 11.9 0.122 0.121 2/2 0.118 0.006 5.1 0.128 0.128 2/3 0.077 0.023 29.9 0.100 0.098 During multiple factor analysis it is very important not to consider only the individual factors, but also to test their influence at the same time. There are a number of advantages. Especially, it is possible to assess the mutual interactions of the factors and, moreover, to mini- mise the errors of statistical tests. This paper contains all the effects of the factors as well as their interactions assessed by means of the so-called analysis of variance (ANOVA) on the significance level of 0.05, whose out- comes are subsequently processed into Pareto charts.13,29 As mentioned above, the experiment was not de- signed as a full factorial experiment; all factor options (mixture compositions) were not put to combination. Analytical tools of the so-called central composite design were used as the evaluation apparatus. The authors used three basic models for the output quantities of TPT, GWT and ISAT. In the first model, all the factors are represented only in the linear form (Equation (1)) and in the second one, in linear and quadratic form (Equation (2)). The third model involves more factor interactions (Equation (3)). For simplicity, in all formulae, factors are represented by xi and regression coefficients ai. y represent the output quantity, i.e., kT or f60: y a x a x a x= + +1 1 2 2 3 3 (1) y a x a x a x a x= + + + +1 1 2 1 2 5 3 6 3 2... (2) y a x a x a x a x a x x a x x= + + + + + + + +1 1 3 3 2 1 2 6 3 2 12 1 2 23 2... ... ... 3 (3) Figures 2a, 2b and 3 show the outcomes of the analysis of variance of the kT coefficient (TPT) per- formed on models according to (1) through (3) as stand- ardised assessments of the effects. A standardised assessment of the effect is in the case of this application test statistic – if it exceeds 0.05 on the level of significance, it can be assumed that the given factor (or interaction of factors) has a statistically significant influence on the output quantity y. Based on this simple linear model (Equation (1) and Figure 2a)) all the factors are statistically significant. When introducing the quadratic elements (Equation (2) and Figure 2b), the evaluation showed, as the only statistically significant factor, the square of water/cement ratio, which thus P. MISÁK et al.: STATISTICAL VIEW OF EVALUATING CONCRETE-SURFACE-LAYER PERMEABILITY TESTS ... 382 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 3, 379–385 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 3: TPT: Pareto chart of standardised assessment of effects – linear (L) as well as quadratic (K) representation of effects and their interaction (*) Slika 3: TPT: Pareto diagram standardizirane ocene u~inkov – linearna (L) kot tudi kvadratna (K) predstavitev u~inkov in njihov medsebojni vpliv (*) Figure 2: TPT: a) Pareto chart of standardised assessment of effects – linear model, b) Pareto chart of standardised assessment of effects – each effect represented in linear (L) and quadratic (K) form Slika 2: TPT: a) Pareto diagram standardizirane ocene u~inkov – linearni model, b) Pareto diagram standardizirane ocene u~inkov – vsak u~inek je predstavljen v linearni (L) in kvadratni (K) obliki appears to be the most statistically important factor. The interactions of some of the factors were eliminated from the analysis of the complex model (Equation (3)) because of the clear correlation between them. However, the analysis thus performed did not determine any factor nor combination as being statistically significant. Based on these calculations it can be said that the permeability of the surface layer of the concrete deter- mined by TPT depends mainly on the water/cement ratio. The analysis of the GWT results arrived at the same results. In the case of f60 measured by means of ISAT, the statistical evaluation is different. The linear model (Equation (1) and Figure 4a)) showed the significance of all the factors, much like in the previous cases, however, in different order. According to Equation (2) and Fig- ure 4b, no factor or a square of a factor is significant. Only the use of the third model (Equation (3) and Fig- ure 5) enabled a better identification of statistically significant factors, which were determined to be mainly water/cement ratio and cement content. Based on the analyses it can be said that the observed quantities, i.e., TPT, GWT and ISAT outputs, are determined mainly by the water/cement ratio. However, the significance of the water/cement ratio is not statis- tically large enough for the representation of the other components to be neglected. Nevertheless, the water/ce- ment ratio is very suitable for a simple visualisation of the surface layer permeability values, Figure 6 through 8. These charts show the results of all the methods using a logarithmic scale. In all cases, the exponential formula was evaluated as best: y ae b w c= ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ (4) where a and b are the regression coefficients and w/c signifies the water/cement ratio. Table 8: Regression coefficients show values of the regression coefficients and the coefficients of determination. Table 8: Regression coefficients Tabela 8: Regresijski koeficienti Method a b R2 TPT 5E-05 12.705 0.86 GWT 0.343 7.877 0.80 ISAT 0.017 4.223 0.80 P. MISÁK et al.: STATISTICAL VIEW OF EVALUATING CONCRETE-SURFACE-LAYER PERMEABILITY TESTS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 3, 379–385 383 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 4: ISAT: a) Pareto chart of standardised assessment of effects – linear model, b) Pareto chart of standardised assessment of effects – each effect represented in linear (L) and quadratic (K) form Slika 4: ISAT: a) Pareto diagram standardizirane ocene u~inkov – linearni model, b) Pareto diagram standardizirane ocene u~inkov – vsak u~inek je predstavljen v linearni (L) in kvadratni (K) obliki Figure 5: ISAT: Pareto chart of standardised assessment of effects – linear (L) as well as quadratic (K) representation of effects and their interaction (*) Slika 5: ISAT: a) Pareto diagram standardizirane ocene u~inkov – linearna (L) kot tudi kvadratna (K) predstavitev u~inkov in njihovega medsebojnega vpliva (*) Figure 6: Relationship between w/c ratio and kT value (TPT method) with standard deviation and characteristic value (lognormal probabi- lity distribution) Slika 6: Odvisnost med w/c razmerjem in vrednostjo kT (TPT metoda) s standardnim odkolonom in zna~ilno vrednostjo (logaritemska nor- malna razporeditev verjetnosti) Figure 9 shows the percentage drop of the test results dependent on the water/cement ratio. The results relate to the values measured on the mixture with the highest water/cement ratio, i.e., mixture R. As the chart indi- cates, the test results of all the methods were able to capture the change in the permeability depending on the change in the water/cement ratio (with rare exceptions). Figure 9 also indicates that the mixture R is not entirely suitable as a reference. In particular, the results of TPT are difficult to distinguish for this setting. Figure 10 shows the same percentage representation of the results after eliminating mixture R – the reference mixture was chosen to be the mixture with the highest water/cement ratio, i.e., 0/1. Figure 10 better shows the drop in the permeability of the surface layer depending on the water/cement ratio, especially in the case of the TPT results. 4 CONCLUSIONS The experiments and their analyses indicate the following: Given the relatively high variability of the test results (especially in the case of TPT – the lowest coefficient of variation was 21.4 % in concrete identified as 2/3) the more suitable characteristic appears to be the 95 % quantile, as opposed to only the arithmetic average. The lognormal distribution appears suitable for the evaluation of the results of concrete cover permeability test using TPT, GWT and ISAT. The reason is mainly the limitation of this distribution for negative values. The use of a normal distribution can probably cause a number of problems. As seen in Table 5: Measurement results - TPT through 7, the value of the 95 % quantile deter- mined using a normal probability distribution is probably always lower than the value of the 95 % quantile deter- mined using a lognormal distribution. The evaluation of the quality of the concrete cover according to a normal distribution brings higher values. The authors find it appropriate to slightly adapt the current way of categorising the surface layer of concrete, e.g., according to Table 1: Evaluation of concrete cover by means of kT. A simple categorisation into 5 groups is certainly useful; however, the experiment shows that the limits thus set do not sufficiently capture the significant changes in the concrete composition. The TPT and test result evaluation were first published more than 20 years ago14 and experiments then performed no longer corres- pond to the results of contemporary concrete. The P. MISÁK et al.: STATISTICAL VIEW OF EVALUATING CONCRETE-SURFACE-LAYER PERMEABILITY TESTS ... 384 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 3, 379–385 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 9: Percentage drop of the results of the observed methods depending on water/cement ratio Slika 9: Odstotkovno zmanj{anje rezultatov v odvisnosti od razmerja voda/cement Figure 10: Percentage drop of the results of the observed methods depending on the water/cement ratio without mixture R Slika 10: Odstotkovno zmanj{anje rezultatov opazovanih metod v odvisnosti od razmerja voda/cement, brez zmesi R Figure 7: Relationship between w/c ratio and kT value (GWT method) with standard deviation and characteristic value (lognormal probabi- lity distribution) Slika 7: Odvisnost med w/c razmerjem in vrednostjo kT (GWT metoda) s standardnim odklonom in zna~ilno vrednostjo (logaritemska Figure 8: Relationship between w/c ratio and f60 value (ISAT method) with standard deviation and characteristic value (lognormal probabi- lity distribution) Slika 8: Odvisnost med w/c razmerjem in vrednostjo f60 (ISAT metoda) s standardnim odklonom in zna~ilno vrednostjo (logaritemska normalna razporeditev verjetnosti) authors believe that a solution to this situation can be the adjustment of existing limits of the categories and per- forming the categorisation using 95 % quantile instead of the arithmetic average. The introduction of a similar categorisation system would be suitable in the other methods as well. The water/cement ratio seems to have the most significant influence on the results of the concrete cover permeability tests. However, the significance of the water/cement coefficient is not statistically large enough for the content of the other components to be neglected. The results of all the methods used in the experiment reacted to a change in the concrete composition with similar trends of concrete cover permeability reduction, especially with respect to its water/cement ratio. The set of methods called DOE (Design Of Experi- ment) appears to be a suitable tool for the design and evaluation of similar experiments. Acknowledgement This paper was elaborated with the financial support of the Czech Science Foundation project GA^R 13-18870S and European Union’s Operational Pro- gramme Research and Development for Innovations, No. CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0097. 5 REFERENCES 1 S. Han, W. 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