mmmmm Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 10/47 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 6.03.2011 9.NEDELJA MED LETOM 9th SUNDAY in Ordinary Time Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Adress 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail st_gregory_the_great_slovenian _church.htm Besede in dejanja Še nikoli ni bil svet tako preplavljen z besedami, kot je danes. Kdo bi preštel besede, izrečene po vsem svetu na raznih sejah, zasedanjih, sestankih, srečanjih, konferencah in podobnih prireditvah. Če dodamo, koliko od vsega tega pošiljata radio in televizija v eter in koliko je natisnjenega v časopisih in okrožnicah, gredo številke v neskončnost .. . Besede, sklepi, obljube, pričakovanja, razočaranja... Morda smo mi v cerkvah v tem pogledu še najbolj napredni. Prvi smo ugotovili nemoč samih besed. Nedeljske pridige vse bolj skrajšujemo. Nekoč so trajale najmanj pol ure. Danes komaj še deset minut. Spoznali smo, da so besede toliko manj vredne, kolikor več jih povemo. To spoznanje pa je šele prvi korak k poboljšanju. Treba bo narediti še drugega. Od manj besed bo treba preiti k več dejanjem. Cerkev bo luč narodov šele takrat, ko bodo narodom svetila dejanja njenih vernikov. Naša župnijska občestva bodo v svojih okoljih toliko pomenila, kolikor bo v njih kristjanov, ki bodo jemali Jezusa zares. Vznemirja nas, da nas imajo nekateri za drugorazredne, toda bolj bi nas moralo vznemirjati, da nas nimajo za prvorazredne kristjane. Če se ne bomo trudili iz dneva v dan postajati resnično bolj sveti, je vse naše krščanstvo pesek v oči in hiša na pesku. Velika podrtija, ki jo omenja Jezus v današnjem evangeliju, lahko doleti tudi tebe in mene. Ne bo pomagal izgovor, da sva Boga klicala z imenom Gospod, Gospod. Tudi ne bo pomagalo, če bova v Jezusovem imenu prerokovala ali celo naredila kakšen čudež. Pomagala nama bo edino izpolnitev volje nebeškega Očeta. Torej - dejanja. s Sunday's Readings 9th SUNDAY in Ordinary Time First Reading Deuter. 11:18.26-28.32 Moses urges the people to bind his words to their wrists and foreheads, promising that there is a blessing for those who obey them, a curse for those who do not. Second Reading Romans 3:21-25.28 God's justice is made available by faith to all people, through the justifying, redeeming and reconciling work of Christ. Gospel Matthew 7:21-27 It's not cries of "Lord, Lord", says Jesus, but the doing of his Father's will that enables a person to enter the kingdom of heaven. Illustration It seems a professional hazard of politicians that sooner or later they will be accused of hypocrisy. They'll be told, usually to their faces, that they are deceitful, insincere men or women who haven't kept their promises, who can't be trusted, whose actions belie their words. When Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth president of the United States, was accused of being two-faced, he famously retorted, "If I had another face, do you think I would wear this one?" His witty reply may have blunted the effect of the jibe, but the fact that the jibe was made would not have pleased him. The simple truth is that none of us likes to be accused of hypocrisy; it has an unpleasant ring to it. The literal meaning of the word "hypocrite" is an actor, someone who plays a part, who pretends to be what he or she is not. And while that may be perfectly acceptable onstage, it's hardly desirable 76 | VESTNIK 2011 in daily life. A criticism often levelled against churchgoers is that they are "a bunch of hypocrites". And before dismissing it as totally undeserved, it might be worth asking: would it have been uttered at all if there were not a grain of truth in it? Gospel Teaching Today we have heard the final words of the Sermon on the Mount, the sermon that is Jesus' manifesto, his picture of what real Christian living means. It ends with a plea that is also a warning against hypocrisy: he urges us to put our faith into practice. Mere words, he tells us, even pious ones, like "Lord, Lord", will not be enough. Even preaching or working miracles in his name will not save us. What is required is not lip service but doing the will of our heavenly Father to the best of our ability. Jesus illustrates the point with a parable, which compares the exploits of two people. One of them, whom he describes as "a stupid man", built his house on sand, probably in one of the sandy river beds common in the Holy Land. When the winter floods came and the winter gales blew, that house was washed away. It didn't stand a chance: it was built on shifting sand. The other person, characterised by Jesus as "a sensible man", built his house on a sure foundation. It too had to bear the brunt of winter floods and gales, but it stood firm: "it was founded on rock". People who listen to Jesus' words but don't put them into practice are builders on sand, and there is no place for them in the kingdom of God. On the other hand, those who strive to listen to the Lord and act upon what they have heard are building on solid rock. Application Of course, life is seldom simply either/or - on sand or on rock - as the parable might suggest. Even if we take to heart Christ's teaching and try to put it into practice in daily life, we fail - some of us, all too often. The Christian life is not a matter of personal achievement; it is what is achieved "It did not fall: it was founded on rock." with God's help. It is God who is our "rock of refuge... [our] mighty stronghold", as we acknowledged in the responsorial psalm. And that is why, so long as we strive to live out our faith and at the same time trust in our merciful God, we have every reason to believe that one day we shall meet God, and God's face will, as the psalmist puts it, shine on us, brim over with love for us; and God's voice will gently welcome us: "My son, my daughter, because you tried and because you trusted, you built on solid rock; and now the kingdom is yours." Lent 2011 My dear friends, During Lent Catholics participate in a sacred time of spiritual renewal, individually and as a community of faith. There are many ways we do this: increased prayer and Mass attendance, self-discipline such as fasting (from eating, smoking, drinking, watching television, and internet), participating in spiritual or educational programs such as retreats or renewal sessions, AND almsgiving, or acts of charity. Since it was established in 1967, it has become a tradition in Canada to support the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (CCODP) through the Share Lent Program. This support is the main way that Development and Peace raises funds to promote education and to create "peace through development" in selected projects around the world. The Canadian government also supports CCODP by making contributions through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). By contributing to the Share Lent Collection on April 9-10, we support the great enterprise of human development. This past year the bishops of Canada completed an intense and focused review of Development and Peace and its works - a summary report of which can be found on the CCCB website. At the 2010 Plenary meeting of the bishops, when the results of the review were presented, there was a renewed commitment to support the organization and its many good works. I urge you to be part of this community of Catholic solidarity through your generous support of Share Lent, as we strive together to build a world of justice, where all can live in dignity and peace. The criterion given to us by Jesus of being welcomed into the kingdom will be how we respond to the needs of the poor, the least of our brothers and sisters. Here is a concrete suggestion: in spirit adopt one family from the developing world for the 40 days of Lent. Budget one dollar a day for their food. Following this suggestion, the offering to the Share Lent collection on April 2-3, 2011, from each person with gainful employment could be $40.00! All funds collected are sent from the Chancery Office of the diocese to the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace. This Lent, may your spirit of generosity and concern for the poorest of the poor continue to grow stronger in our diocese! And may God bless our many efforts to open ourselves to His grace at work IN us and THROUGH US! Sincerely in Christ and Mary Immaculate, + Douglas Crosby, OMI Bishop of Hamilton Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor_ Pevske vaje za zbor bodo v četrtek 10. marca po večerni maši. Pojemo na 2. postno nedeljo, ko ima društvo sv. Jožefa tudi svoj banket. društvo sv. jožefa_ Društvo sv. Jožefa/Slovenian Society of StJoseph Kosilo/Dinner invite you to attend! The date is: Nedelja/Sunday, March 20 at *12:00 PM. Entertainment will be provided by the St Gregory the Great Parish Choir. Tickets are now on sale -adults:$17. and children $5. (5-12 years). To reserve a table or purchase tickets to reserve your seating - please contact: Frank Erzar @ 643-0285 or Ivan Miketic @ 560-1200. koledar za marec-april 2011_ ❖ 9. marec 2011-sreda: Pepelnica, začetek postnega časa - pepelenje med mašo. ❖ 12. marec 2011- sobota: Bled ima zvečer LOVSKI BANKET ❖ 20. marec 2011- nedelja: ob 12:00 noon BANKET DRUŠTVA SV. JOŽEFA. Vabljeni! ❖ 27. marec 2011- nedelja: Lipa park -BANQUET, Miss Lipa park. - Maša v Savi -Kitchenerju ❖ 3. april 2011-nedelja: SPOMLADANSKI ŽUPNIJSKI BANKET - pri mašah in na banketu bo bo pel operni pevec iz Argentine: Luka Debevec Mayer. Prijavnice pridejo 20 marca. ❖ 10. april 2011-nedelja: 5. postna - tiha nedelja. Obe maši bosta v angleščini, ker bo maševal Fr. Frank Kelly iz Toronta. ❖ 17. april 2011-nedelja: CVETNA NEDELJA. Procesijo, če bo vreme dobro, bomo začeli ob 9:15 pri kipu Marije pomočnice z blagoslovm zelenja. diocesan wedding anniversary mass Če obhajate 25, 40, 50, 60 in več let poroke v letu 2011, potem ste povabljeni v našo katedralo na skupno sveto mašo vseh slavljencev, ki bo 15. maja 2011 ob 2:00 popoldne. Sveto mašo bo vodil hamiltonski škof Crosby Douglas. Na oglasni deski si lahko vzamete prijavnico in jo izpolnjeno pošljete na škofijo. Prijavite se najkasneje do konca meseca aprila. cwl - kžz_ Unfortunately we are without a new executive council. Many nominated persons were not present at our meeting this past Wednesday. We will try the election process again next month. Our Bazaar was a great success and we thank everyone for their support. Profit of the Bazaar 2011 was $9681.25. garage sale - slovenska šola Slovenska šola bo imela »Garage Sale« v soboto, 28. maja na cerkvenem parkirišču. Če imate kakšne reči v hiši (hišne stvari, slike, knjige, oblačila, igrače, itd.) katerih bi se radi znebili vas prosimo, da prispevate v ta namen in jih prinesete v razred za odrom ob sobotah v maju od 9 am-12:30pm. Hvala za sodelovanje! darovi_ Namesto rož za pokojnega Toneta Vengarja Zorka Rev z družino daruje $80 za cerkev. Agata in Alojz Sarjaš darujeta $100 za klopi in $50 za misijone. Hvala za vse darove. Postna postava za leto 2011_ Postni čas, ki se začne na pepelnično sredo, nas vsako leto pripravlja na veliko noč. Naj bo to res čas milosti, duhovne poglobitve in dobrih del, ki jih bomo darovali za potrebe Cerkve in vsega sveta. Cerkev za postni čas določa tudi posebne oblike spokornosti. Strogi post je na pepelnično sredo in veliki petek. Ta dva dneva se le enkrat na dan do sitega najemo in se zdržimo mesnih jedi. Strogi post veže od izpolnjenega 18. leta do začetka 60. leta. Samo zdržek od mesnih jedi je na vse petke v letu. Zunaj postnega časa smemo zdržek od tapeciranje cerkvenih klopi mesnih jedi zamenjati s kakim drugim dobrim delom pokore ali ljubezni do bližnjega. Zdržek od mesnih jedi veže vernike od izpolnjenega 14. leta. Kadar je praznik (cerkveni ali državni) na petek ali je kakšna slovesnost v družini ( poroka, pogreb ...), post in zdržek odpadeta. pokojni_ Prejšnji petek je v Londonu umrl Jože Končan, brat Franka Končana. Gospod daj mu večni pokoj, naj počiva v božjem miru. V torek, 1. marca 2011, so pripeljali naročene blazine za naše cerkvene klopi. Sedaj so vse klopi, tako v cerkvi kot tudi v kapeli, oblazinjene in ne boste imeli več izgovora, da ne morete v cerkev, ker so klopi hladne. Ker cene po meri narejenih blazin za klopi niso ravno nizke, bomo počasi zbirali prostovoljne prispevke za kritje stroškov. Cena za eno sedišče je okroglih $50. Prosil bi, da pazite, da ne bi lepili kakih čigumijev ali podobnih stvari. Cerkev je sedaj veliko pridobila tudi na izgledu in upamo, da nam bodo dolgo služile. Blazine niso pritrjene na klop, pa vseeno lepo stojijo in bo lažje tudi za čiščenje, kadar bo potrebno. Od 06. 03. 2011 Do 13. 03. 2011 svete mase - masses Masses Monday-Friday 7:00 p.m., Saturday 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. NEDELJA - SUNDAY 06. Marec 9. Nedelja med letom Fridolin, opat za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. ff iz družine Bohnec in Dragica Bolko f Toni Hočevar 11:00 a.m. f Florian Miklavčič Pokojni iz društva London 1:00 P.m. Vera in Štefan Gonza Anica Miklavčič Anica Miklavčič Triglav - London Ponedeljek - Monday 07. Marec Perpetua in Felicita ff Ida in Jožef Ftičar ff Anica in Janez Kološa f Franc Fujs f Ivan Ray 3:15 a.m. Joe Ftičar z družino Blaž Čulig z družino Margaret Perger Matilda Bratuž Petek - Friday 11. Marec Benedikt, škof KRIZEV POT f Cilka Rogan ff Ida in Jožef Ftičar ff Tone Vengar in Stane Napast ff Jože, obl. In starši Langenfus 6:30 p,m. 7:00 p.m. Cilka Lehner Joe Ftičar z družino Janko in Tončka Demšar z druž. Sonja Langenfus f Jožica Kastelic 8:15 a.m. Ivan Kastelic Sobota - Saturday f Jožefa Kastelic 5:30 p.m. John in Olga Kastelic 12. Marec ff sestre Marija Košir Doroteja, mučenka f Stane Napast Zena Fanika Napast z družino f Anna Selšek Mož z družino NEDELJA - SUNDAY za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. 13. Marec ff iz družine Gonza Vera in Štefan Gonza 1. Postna f Verona Smodiš Vera in Štefan Gonza Kristina, dev.-muč. f Stane Kanc 11:00 a.m.n.n. svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.