T. KUBINA, J. NACHÁZEL: MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF LAMINATED STEEL-BASED COMPOSITE MATERIALS ... 557–561 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF LAMINATED STEEL-BASED COMPOSITE MATERIALS FABRICATED BY HOT ROLLING MEHANSKE LASTNOSTI SLOJEV JEKLA, OSNOVANEGA NA KOMPOZITNIH MATERIALIH, IZDELANIH Z VRO^IM VALJANJEM Tomá{ Kubina, Jan Nacházel COMTES FHT a.s., Prùmyslová 995, 334 41 Dobøany, Czech Republic jan.nachazel@comtesfht.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-07-15; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2017-01-16 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.227 The fabrication of laminated steel composites by hot rolling is described. Composite sandwiches were made from martensitic stainless tool steel with an increased nitrogen content and from standard AISI 304 steel using 3 to 7 layers. The maximum strength of the martensitic steel was 1370 MPa. The composite sheets had strengths in the range 950–1200 MPa, depending on the number of layers and the proportion of the steels. A metallographic observation of the fractures revealed that the first occur- rence was fracture in the martensitic steel layers, followed by deformation of the layers of tough austenitic AISI 304 steel. The notch toughness values were the highest when the notch was oriented from the sheet surface to the sheet interior. Keywords: laminated composite, steel sandwich, tension test, hot rolling, notch toughness V delu je opisana izdelava laminiranih jeklenih kompozitov z vro~im valjanjem. Kompozitni sestavi so bili narejeni iz marten- zitnega nerjave~ega orodnega jekla s pove~ano vsebnostjo du{ika, in v skladu s standardom AISI 304 je bilo uporabljeno jeklo s 3 do 7 sloji. Maksimalna mo~ martenzitnega jekla je bila 1370 MPa. Mo~ kompozitnih slojev je bila med 950–1200 MPa, odvisno od {tevila slojev in proporcev jekla. Metalografska analiza zlomov je pokazala, da je najprej pri{lo do zloma pri slojih martenzitnega jekla, sledila je deformacija slojev te`kega avstenitnega jekla AISI 304. Vrednosti `ilavosti v zarezah so bile najvi{je, kjer je bila zareza usmerjena iz povr{ine sloja v njegovo notranjost. Klju~ne besede: laminirani kompozit, sestav jekla, napetostni preizkus, vro~e valjanje, `ilavost zareze 1 INTRODUCTION Various fabrication methods can be used for making composite materials. For multi-layered laminated com- posites, pressure-based joining comes into consideration. In the review article by H. J. McQueen,1 the differences between pressure-based joining, diffusion bonding and friction joining are explained. In terms of production ef- ficiency, rolling is an advantageous method, which per- mits the pressure-based joining of two or more dissimilar materials. Various combinations of dissimilar roll-bonded me- tallic materials have been described in the literature. These included, for instance, titanium alloy/steel,2–3 alu- minum alloy/aluminum alloy,4 aluminum alloy/steel,5 brass/steel,6 steel/steel7–9 and other possible combina- tions.10 Laminated metallic composites offer an abundance of topics for study, ranging from fabrication, where the flow of layers during deformation can be explored,11–13 through their overall mechanical properties14 measured, for instance, by conventional tension testing10,15 or by three-point bend test;16,17 used for mapping delamination during failure.18 One can also investigate internal stresses on the interlayer interface, for instance, in a composite fabricated of martensitic and austenitic steels.19 It is these two steel types, austenitic and martensitic steel, that receive attention in the present paper. The focus of the paper is conventional. It covers the fabrication of laminated composite sheets and a description of their fundamental properties. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART Two stainless steels with different properties upon heat treatment were chosen for the experiments. The first, soft constituent was AISI 304L austenitic steel. It is characterized by its relatively high ductility and by an average level of tensile strength. Martensitic stainless steels have an inverted combination of properties: high strength and very low elongation upon heat treatment. The attention was focused on a carbon steel (mark as 55C15N) with a high nitrogen level. It was made for this particular purpose by melting in an electrical induction furnace using N2 overpressure in the final melting stage. A round ingot was cast and rolled into a 7-mm-thick sheet. The chemical composition of the 55C15N steel obtained in this way is given in Table 1. It clearly shows that the 55C15N steel is a carbon tool steel, in which corrosion resistance was achieved by no other means than alloying with chromium. As opposed to normal practice, the carbon content has been reduced and a part Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 557–561 557 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS UDK 67.017.620.1:62-419:621.78 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 51(4)557(2017) of the original carbon content has been substituted with an increased nitrogen content of 0.15 % of mass fraction. Table 1: Chemical composition of the experimental steels in mass fractions (w/%) Steel C Co Cr Mn Mo Si S P Ni N AISI 304 0.08 - 18.20 2 - 0.75 0.03 0.045 8.6 55C15N 0.52 0.007 13.628 0.56 0.03 0.185 0.003 0.007 0.07 0.15 The surface of the sheets was ground. Stacks were as- sembled from 55C15N steel blanks of 7 mm thickness and AISI 304 steel blanks of 3 mm thickness. The blank size was 65×250 mm2. The stacks were assembled ac- cording to the schematic drawing in Figure 1. The designation of the specimens and the numbers of layers of the individual sheets were as follows: • S1 – 55C15N steel sheet, • S3 – 1 sheet of 55C15N steel, 2 sheets of AISI 304 steel, • S5 – 2 sheets of 55C15N steel, 3 sheets of AISI 304 steel, • S7 – 3 sheets of 55C15N steel, 4 sheets of AISI 304 steel. A verified method was employed to hold the stack to- gether. It was GMAW welding along the entire circum- ference of the stack. The positions of the welds were such that in each case, a pair of sheets of different steels, i.e., 55C15N steel and AISI 304 steel, were joined by the weld. The first pass in the rolling process involved a thick- ness reduction denoted as h. It was approximately equal to 23 % engineering strain, as calculated from the actual stack height h. Additional passes involved thickness re- ductions of 27 %. All the specimens were rolled to a thickness of 4.1 mm. The soaking temperature and time were 1100 °C and 40–60 min, respectively. The rolling operations were carried out in the laboratory rolling mill at COMTES FHT a.s. The work rolls had a diameter of 550 mm. Upon rolling, the scale was removed by grind- ing to achieve the final thickness of 4 mm. The S7 specimen was reheated upon the fifth pass us- ing the soaking parameters: 1100 °C and 40 min. The rolled specimens were cooled in still air. Given the limited width of the laminated rolled sheet, the orientation of the specimens for tension testing was chosen in the rolling direction.21 The test pieces for im- pact testing with the dimensions of (4×4×25) mm3 were machined according to the sketch in Figure 2, which shows the orientation of the 1-mm-deep V notches. The procedure for finding the appropriate heat-treat- ing sequence is described in 21. Considering the expected use of the 55C15N steel, the final hardness of this steel in the sandwich products was specified as 57 HRC. All the mechanical testing specimens were pre-treated as fol- lows: • sheets were painted with a protective coating, • heating to 1050 °C and holding for 30 min, • oil quenching, • tempering at 175 °C for 2 h. The specimens were then prepared using a standard metallographic procedure involving grinding and subse- quent polishing. The macro and microstructure in the ingots and rolled sheets of 55C15N steel were revealed by etching with nital, i.e., a 5 % solution of nitric acid. The microstructure in the tension test pieces was re- vealed by etching with Marble’s reagent (bringing out one constituent) and then with Beraha 2 (bringing out the other constituent). The un-etched microstructure and the microstructures upon consecutive etching steps were documented using a Carl Zeiss – Observer.Z1m optical microscope. The microscope workstation is equipped with AxioVision Rel. 4.8 digital image-processing soft- ware. The fracture surfaces in tension and the impact test pieces were documented using a JEOL JSM 6380 scan- ning electron microscope (SEM), which is provided with an Oxford INCA X-sight EDX detector for measuring the local chemical composition. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Sandwich fabrication by rolling In the course of the sandwich rolling process, rolling forces, torque values, surface temperatures measured by pyrometers and the set rolled product thickness were re- corded. An example of mean values measured and calcu- lated for S3 specimen is given in Table 2. The first-pass rolling force F for all three stacks was around 630 MPa. Due to different initial heights, the torque values (M) were in the range from 20 kNm to 45 kNm. The strain rate (v) in the first pass was 2.3–3.6 s–1. T. KUBINA, J. NACHÁZEL: MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF LAMINATED STEEL-BASED COMPOSITE MATERIALS ... 558 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 557–561 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 2: Schematic representation of samples taken from rolled sheets for Charpy impact test; X stands for the stack number and Y de- notes the sequential number of the test piece Figure 1: Configuration of sheets in stacks. Each white layer repre- sents a 7-mm-thick sheet of 55C15N steel, each black layer represents a sheet of AISI 304 steel of 3 mm thickness Table 2: Measured and calculated mean values of fundamental rolling parameters for S3 specimen pass h h vv F M v mm - ms–1 kN kNm s–1 0 14 1 10.7 0.238 0.5 629 20.6 3.6 2 7.8 0.267 0.9 857 19.8 8.2 3 5.7 0.267 0.9 1283 29.8 9.6 4 4.2 0.267 0.9 1519 28.2 11.0 Considering the initial sandwich width of 65 mm, the rolling-force values are not high. They are normally be- low 2000 kN, despite the fact that the reductions h in in- dividual passes exceeded 25 %. The calculated strain rates (v) were between 2 and 11 s–1. The rolling speeds (vv) were 0.5 and 0.9 m·s–1. These rolling parameters were sufficient for adequate layer bonding within all the sandwiches. A joint in the S5 specimen is documented in Figure 3. A line of iron oxides on the interface can be seen. Similar structures were found in the S3 and S7 specimens. Table 3: Layer-thickness ratios in individual sandwiches specimen Layer thickness ratios Initial Post-rolling S3 1:2.33:1 1:2.614:1 S5 1:2.33:1: 2.33:1 1:2.59:0.93:2.59:1 S7 1:2.33:1:2.33:1:2.33:1 1:2.56:0.87:2.27:0.87:2.56:1 The layer thicknesses in specimens S3, S5 and S7 are given in Table 3. These post-rolling ratios were found by microstructure examination under an optical microscope. A detailed analysis of thickness evolution vs. rolling pa- rameters, as reported in 11, was impossible, due to multi- ple passes having been carried out. Despite that, it was confirmed that the "soft" constituent, AISI 304L steel, undergoes larger reductions than the 55C15N steel. 3.2 Mechanical properties of rolled sandwiches The test pieces used for the tension testing were ori- ented in the forming direction. Three specimens from each sandwich were tested. The test results plotted as en- gineering stress vs. strain curves are shown in Figure 4. The specimen denoted as S1 represents the 55C15N steel upon heat treatment to a hardness of 57 HRC. The laminated composite sheets exhibit lower hardness val- ues. Among the composites, the highest strength of 1210 MPa was found in the 7-layer sheet. This sheet contained the largest volume fraction of 55C15N steel. The AISI 304 steel had a strength of 580 MPa and elon- gation to fracture of more than 85 %. The pure 55C15N steel had a low ductility, which corresponds to the heat treatment procedure used. This is characteristic of tool steels. The micrographs of the fracture regions in the ten- sion test pieces (Figure 5) show that the fractures were of the brittle type, initiating in the 55C15N steel layers. Then, the austenitic steel layers underwent large defor- mation and the fracture of the entire specimen occurred. This is in agreement with the behavior described in the review article by J. Wadsworth.22 Three different specimen orientations were used for taking samples for impact testing. No effect of the notch or specimen orientation was proved by the impact tough- T. KUBINA, J. NACHÁZEL: MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF LAMINATED STEEL-BASED COMPOSITE MATERIALS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 51 (2017) 4, 557–561 559 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE/MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY (1967–2017) – 50 LET/50 YEARS Figure 5: Micrographs of fractures in tension test pieces of sandwich sheets Figure 3: Joint between the 55C15N steel layer and AISI 304 steel layer; un-etched microstructure Figure 4: Engineering stress vs. strain plot of the sandwich sheet ten- sion test ness test of the material with a single 55C15N steel layer, as illustrated in Figure 6, specimen designation S1. For the specimens taken in the transverse direction with respect to the rolling direction and provided with notches in a direction oriented from the rolled sheet sur- face (the group denoted 1), the impact energy (13–15 Jcm–2) approximately doubled when compared to the previous case. There is a clear effect of the AISI 304 steel layer, which retards the crack propagation. Neither the orientation of the notch across all the layers, nor the transverse or longitudinal orientation of the specimen has any effect, as evidenced by the minimal differences between impact energy levels. In the specimens made en- tirely of AISI 304 steel, the impact energy was 135 Jcm–2. The fracture surfaces in the tensile and impact test specimens were examined using scanning electron microscopy. In the fracture surfaces of the tension test pieces, inclusions were found in the 55C15N steel. They were identified by means of EDX analysis as complex aluminum oxides. Examples of the measured chemical composition of the inclusions are summarized in Table 4. Figure 7 shows the fracture surface in the 55C15N steel layer in the seven-layer sandwich. In all cases, the fracture surfaces examined showed transgranular fracture morphology. In the fracture surfaces of the impact test pieces, no aluminum oxides were found. Table 4: Chemical composition of inclusions in mass fractions (w/%), measured by EDX Elements O Al Si Cr Mn Fe + C Inclusion 1 53.24 32.57 1.28 5.22 - balance Inclusion 2 42.77 40.82 - 3.64 - balance Inclusion 3 35.11 37.80 5.01 14.76 4.75 balance 4 CONCLUSIONS A fabrication procedure for laminated composite ma- terials was mastered, in which two different steels were joined by hot rolling. The resulting sandwiches contain- ing martensitic stainless tool steel and austenitic steel were rolled to a thickness of 4 mm and heat-treated to a hardness of 57 HRC in the 55C15N steel layers. Oxides were found at the interface between the martensitic 55C15N and austenitic AISI 304 steels. They, however, had no impact on the delamination between the layers during the mechanical testing. No contribution of austenitic AISI 304 steel to ductil- ity enhancement was proved. It can be attributed to the small number of its layers. 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