Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished Amoncan ^ Ionu over 100 yonry of serving American Slovenians American Home Ameriška Domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Recalling the Gas Explosion _ by JENNIE SCHULTZ 1 remember the East Ohio Gas explosion Fire, 60 years ago on Oct. 20, 1944. People know me as a Registered Nurse, but to get the educa-t'°n, my parents could not kelp financially. A graduate ofCollinwood k'gh school class of 1940 I Was fortunate to be employed at Higbee on Public Square from 1940 to 1944, but still was looking for a better paying job. 1 heard that Double Eagle Bottling Company on East 65lh and St. Clair was looking for bookkeepers so I left Higbee in June, 1944. Will Never forget Wednesday, Oct. 20, 1944. I looked out the window - as the office was on the second floor and saw a ball of fire. I could not believe that the building was on fire because 't was of birch structure. 1 ran down the stairs without nty shoes to the outside. I did not see any fire so ran back to get my shoes and down the stairs again to St. Clair where 1 saw people running. Manhole covers were fjying as we were running. hat is when I learned about the explosion. One instance as we reached East 72nd treet, a mother with a baby buggy was trying to get up °n the sidewalk. She was Jamming the buggy against e curb so we picked up the r°nt end of it and kept go-'ng- 1 realized to get home I ad to return to the office for Hty purse so 1 could get home by streetcar. I later learned 1 had seen a fireball and it dissipated was the reason 1 didn’t see the fire. On Aug. 15, 1945 I received a letter of acceptance to the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps, with training at St. Alexis School of Nursing. We lived in the dormitory for three years with classes and patient care in the hospital. We took care of burned patients from the Garfield Heights Nursing Home which brought back memories of the East Ohio gas fire. Graduated in May, 1948 and married Carl Schultz and was now a Registered Nurse. 1 was employed at Huron Rd. Hospital working in surgery where plastic and skin graft was done on WWI1 veterans. 1 worked until 1952 and left to be closer to home and the new Euclid Genville Hospital which opened in December, 1952. Again, bum patients were taken care of which reminded me of the East Ohio gas fire. Later I worked at Metro Hospital again took care of burn patients. I retired in 1984 from nursing. I must have been an influence as our son Dr. Ray C. Schultz, who is a pathologist in California and daughter Linda J. Frick is a Medical Transcriber in Kansas, Missouri. Both know what fire does to humans as well as my husband, Carl, who was in the U.S. Army Air Force and saw explosions and fire. I( ' 'brvt' workers lu lp ilciiioiislralt' Ilir Irmiriiriniis si/c ul Mu' “"•Hlini,,ii of a nas tank h Ilich exploded. v • 1 ‘ - P: ■ •-v - ■ m The Slovenian Women’s Union of America, Cleveland area branches held their Slovenian Heritage Festival on Sunday, Oct 3 at the SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, Ohio. The event began with an 11:30 a.m. Polka Mass celebrated by Father Louis Pizmoht. The Joey Tomsick Orchestra, featuring Phil Hrvatin on sax, played for the Mass and provided the dance music during the afternoon. Besides delicious food, there were displays by the Slovenian American National Art Guild, bobbin lace demonstrations by Ruth Abbott and her sister Ann Lekan. Pictured above is event chairman Rose Mary Toth, second from right, and volunteers Jennifer Hrovat,, Jamie Vecchione, Glenn Terrell, and at right, Alescia Sharpe. _ Slovenian Democratic Party Wins Elections I ..JI JR! J ANI A rirtU* ___1___• i rvrx i LJUBLJANA, Slovenia - The rightleaning party of a former defense minister snapped a 12-year hold on power by the Liberal Democrats in Slovenia’s nationwide parliamentary elections, according to final unofficial results. Janez Jansa’s Slovene Democratic Party held about 29 percent of the vote, six percentage points ahead of their Liberal Democratic rivals. Outgoing Prime Minister Anton Rop conceded defeat Sunday, adding that he would tender his resignation as president of the Liberal Democrats “If his party comes up with a bitter alternative.” Jansa rejoiced outside his party headquarters. “A much needed political change has come to Slovenia and we have the program and the people to carry out that change,” he told private Pop television. “Of course, the good policies, like those toward the European Union and NATO, will not be changed,” he said of his country’s recent membership in both organizations. The Coalition of Social Democrats, allies ol Rop, held about 10 percent of the vote, according to the preliminary results. However, Jansa’s allies. The New Slovenia Party and the People’s Party, held nine and seven percent respectively, bringing the center-right coalition close to an outright majority in the legislature. A preliminary breakup of the results into parliamentary seats indicated that Jansa’s alliance secured 45 scats, one shy of an outright majority. Though Sunday’s results were final, they still had to be certified by the national electoral commission. The lack of an absolute majority opened the possibility of Jansa having to turn to Amago Jelincic’s radical National Party -which captured about 6% of the ballot - for support. Rop’s center-left party has. governed for all but a few months since Slovenia gained independence in 1991. Their crowning achievement came earlier this year when the country was welcomed into the EU and NATO. However, a tide of Euroskepticism and a simmering territorial dispute with neighboring Croatia saw support for Rop’s party drop from 36 to 24 percent coming into the polls. Analysts attributed some of the decline to fear that the country of just 2 million could lose its sovereign and identity in the EU, home to about 450 million people. Jansa, defense minister during Slovenia’s 10-day war for independence from the Yugoslav federation, apparently capitalized on his image as a tough leader, who won’t easily back down to dictates from foreign powers. Campaigning on pledges to reform the tax system, cut welfare benefits to immigrants and defend Slovenia’s national interests with greater resolve, Jansa’s message was: “It’s time for a change.” Some 1.6 million voters were eligible to cast ballots in 3,400 polling stations across the country. Turnout was about 55 percent. Although candidates touched on unemployment, taxes and education, the campaigns also focused on a territoriaf dispute with neighboring Croatia that has stoked nationalist tensions. Ljubljana and Zagreb have yet to fully define about 1% of their land and sea border, including a key outlet for Slovenian vessels to international waters. Tempers recently flared with Croatia briefly detained 12 members of Slovenia’s People’s Party at a nearby land crossing after they tried to visit a colleague living in a contested strip of land without showing border guards identity cards. The incident between the otherwise friendly nations triggered a diplomatic furor and threats from Ljubljana to withdraw sup-port for Croatia’s efforts to join the EU. This article was submitted by PhiHp ft Hrvatin. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 14, 2004 2 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher. English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik. Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche. Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 39 October 14, 2004 Falling in Love with Betsy by RUDY FLIS What a great week this has been. I had to read a book and then be tested on what I retained. Worried and nervous because it has been ages since I was required to do anything like that. 1 passed the test with room to spare. Perhaps because of my age 1 thought 1 might be beyond the learning cycle of life. Fm not. And what a great feeling. Friday was to be a boring day because there was to be no American Home paper to read. But guess what? My new company car was delivered. So what? Well, if 1 live to be a hundred, a new car will excite me, and Friday at much less than 100 years, 1 was very excited. New buttons to push, more controls to master, instructions to be read, all not mastered as I headed out of my company driveway. What an exhausting ride. 1 did not wish to stop at any customers as my new car propelled me over the interstate highways. I overcame my wild urge to never stop as long as there was gas in my tank, and made my sales calls. As 1 waited for my customers I just loved looking at my beautiful car in the parking lot. 1 got through Friday okay, even without the American Home newspaper, because of Betsy, my new car. The rest of the weekend was hectic. Obligations had to be taken care of. At Mass on Sunday 1 mentioned to our Lord how grateful I am for my beautiful car. Sunday afternoon 1 was cruising through the colorful countryside, but had to cut it short because I’m studying for another test tomorrow. As I pour through this book 1 will be tested on, my mind, my heart and my soul are in the garage with Betsy, my new car. I’m hopeless. If only my test were about my new car I could be out driving now instead of sitting here studying. . £ ■ - A Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court Elect Mary A. Malloy Judge Daughter of Mary (Sterk) Kolar & Michael Kolar St. Vitus Parish n-tvw. marvmallov. ore Paul for by Comm u> i icet M.»-v > v- • • it.u.tv 1 Papal book: Pope causes shock by calling Communism ‘necessary evil’ Stuck on the Wrong Track A guy is walking along when suddenly he got his foot caught in some railroad tracks. He tried to get it out but it was really stuck. He heard a noise and turned around to see a train coming. He panicked and started to pray, “God, please get my foot out of these tracks and I’ll stop drinking.” Nothing happened. He prayed, “God please get my foot out and I’ll stop cussing, too. Still nothing, and the train was just seconds away. He tried it one more time, Please, God, if you get my foot out of the tracks I’ll quit drinking, cussing, smoking and fooling around with all the women I meet. Suddenly his foot shot out of the tracks and he was able to dive out of the way, just as the train passed. He got up, dusted himself off, looked toward heaven and said, “Thanks anyway, God, but 1 got it out all by myself.”__________________ -Philip J. Hrvatin An insurance man who falls into an upholstery machine is usually fully covered. The king of hearts is the only king without a mustache. by Tony Barber in Rome Financial Times Pope John Paul II, who experienced at first hand Nazi and communist oppression in his native Poland has startled admirers and opponents alike by suggesting in a new book that communism may have been a “necessary evil” of the 20lh century. The observation is contained in Memoiy and identity, a book based on private conversations the 84-year-old pope had with two Polish philosophers in the summer of 1993, four years after the fall of communism in eastern Europe. John Paul was one of the century’s most severe critics of totalitarian ideologies. His condemnation of communism were an inspiration for Poles when they established the Solidarity trade union in 1980, two years after he became pope. In his book, excerpts of which were released this week by Rizzoli, his Italian publisher, John Paul recalls his feelings after Poland and other eastern European countries fell under Soviet communist domination after the Second World War. “For me, it was suddenly clear that [communism | would last much longer than Nazism. How long? It was difficult to predict. What one was made to think was that this evil was in some sense necessary for the world and for mankind. “It can happen, in fact, that in certain concrete situations of human existence evil is revealed to be somehow useful - useful in as much as it creates opportunities for good.” Giovanni Reale, a philosopher and historian at Milan’s Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, said the pope’s thoughts had “given rise to enormous surprise and puzzlement.” However, in an article in yesterday’s 11 Sole 24 Ore, Italy’s main business newspaper, he said the pope had in mind not communism as an event in history, but communism as a force that was defeated at the philosophical and theological level. Vatican officials said the conversations on which the book was based had been tape-recorded in 1993 and undergone only light editing by the pope. The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense. -Thomas Edison 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina YOU KNOW YOU ARE CATHOLIC WHEN... (Partly found on the Internet, author unknown) □ You sit on the end of a pew and refuse to scoot over when others need a seat □ You think a missal is a book and not ammunition □ You use your “gluteus maximus” to kneel □ You think “trespass” refers to something other than stepping on someone’s lawn □ You still think fish should be cheap □ You don’t drink the holy water □ You put $ 5.00 in the collection basket and think you’re generous □ You don’t think of Mormons when you hear the word “tabernacle” □ You hear “14 stations” and you don’t think of TV □ You know the Knights of Columbus aren’t a hockey team from Ohio □ You don’t give a fellow Christian driver in the parking lot after mass a right of way □ You believed that male members of the Kennedy family could do no wrong □ Your attendance at an 11 AM Saturday wedding Mass fulfills y°ur Sunday obl igation □ You have your own designated seat for Mass □ You bought a Subaru because you thought it was named after Sam Bernadette □ You know that Daniel Chapter 11 has nothing to do with his going bankrupt □ You know that John Paul isn’t half of the Beatles □ You know that Perpetual Adoration has nothing to do wlt i adolescents and movie or rock stars □ You...............(please fill it in yourself, but only if you ate 8 Catholic) Life in the Refugee Camps 1949 By Anton Žakelj, translated and edited by John Žakelj Wednesday, Juh 20, 1040 It's cool. The bedbugs were biting me all night. Saturday, July 23, 1949 Cilka has been working in Copi’s shoemaking shop the last few days. I was in the camp workshop repairing her shoes. Sunday, July 24, 1949 At 7 a.m., about 90 of us, including Slovenians, Croa-tians, and Volksdeutcher, left on trucks for a pilgrimage to Maria Zell, about 50 miles away. (But Cilka and Janko stayed at the camp.) At 9 a.m., we stopped at the See-Pass, at an altitude of 4,000 feet. At 11 a.m., we reached our destination, after traveling through the mountains, across many very steep and winding roads. Maria Zell is a modern tourist village. But our primary destination was a 700-year-old church located on the hillside above the town. The inside of the church was stunningly beautiful. Rev. Malavašič said Mass at noon, accompanied by Slovenian singing. After Mass, we had lunch at the “Golden Ox.” The lunch cost 10 shillings, and we didn’t have to use any ration cards. At 2 p.m., we toured a mechanical nativity scene which they told us is the largest in the world. At 3 P m., we went to Slovenian litanies to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Four men led the singing from the altar, with the entire church responding to each refrain. It was deeply moving for all of us. At 5 p.m. we left for the mturn journey to the camp. The weather was beautiful all day. I rode in the open ti'uck behind the cab. Despite my warm clothes, 1 felt very cold. 1 missed my wife and little boy during the entire trip. I wanted to buy them some souvenirs, but everything seemed terribly expensive. At 7:30 we arrived back in the camp. The Hungarians m the camp were waiting for Us and they greeted us with singing. Monday, July 25, 1949 ^ As I went to the post of-l|ce to pick up the mail, I felt a growing pain in my back, but 1 continued with my ttsual mail delivery. Tuesday, July 26, 1949 This morning 1 couldn’t gel up; my back was stiff and painful. Cilka went to get the mail for me and brought it back to our room. 1 sorted it out on the bed and then Cilka took it out to each of the Slovenian barracks. I distributed the rest to the other barracks in the afternoon. When I got back to our room, I warmed my back with an electric heater which I had bought from Stefan Zorc for 20 shillings. Wednesday, July 27, 1949 My back still felt stiff, but I distributed the mail in the Croatian and Ukrainian sections of the camp. In the afternoon, I went to the clinic, where they gave me some anti-neuralgic tablets and 30 minutes of heat treatments. Back in my room, I warmed my back some more with my electric heater. Thursday, July 28, 1949 Cilka helped me distribute the mail in the Croatian and Ukrainian sections of the camp. The IRO in Kapfenberg sent us an invitation to apply for emigration to America. This afternoon I worked on the forms, But couldn’t finish. Here’s an example of some of the questions and my replies (this is all translated from German): Question #40: Why did you leave your homeland, and why have you not returned? Answer: Refugee from communism. Question #41: Don’t you want to return to your homeland and why not? Answer: No. Life in communist countries is uncertain and the people are mean. Question #42: Provide a short history of your life. Answer: For my first 25 years 1 lived with my father, including 10 years as a shoemaker’s apprentice. In 1929 and 1931 I served as a draftee in the Yugoslav Army. During the Great Depression in 1932 I attended business school in Ljubljana. After I graduated from business school, 1 was employed as an accountant at the shoemakers’ cooperative in Žiri. I continued there until 1943 when the Partisans ITb ^SltKdies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio i'nmily KD MEfAO ROC Program Director VVCSB 89 B FM l(ADIO HOURS. Sunday 9 1U am Wednesday 6-7 pm "HO1; Sonirack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-95 M 709 rra/mx iv Hi www wrsb org Our son Janko is learning to walk, in the Trofaiach D.P. camp, probably on July 10, 1949. - Photo by Radulovič. made further work impossible. From the fall of 1943 to the spring of 1945 I was the accountant for a shoe factory which was established in Kranj by a group of shoemakers who had moved there from Ziri. After the war I fled from my homeland because as a democratic man I felt that life under communist rule would be impossible. At 4 p.m., I was called on to help Karl and his family complete similar forms. Since I am one of the few people in the camp who has documents showing my family history going back for a number of generations, I am often called upon to be a witness for people who have no identity papers. Without proof of identity, they cannot emigrate anywhere. (To Be Continued) fit. tu Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio ^ Ovsenik S 440-944-2538 Good News 3 Department Serving Up Wishes iNAPS)—A unique service has helped brint; smiles—and good food le thousands of seriously ill children The Gingerbread House, a restaurant that serves seriously III children and their families, recently gave away its two-millionth meal. The Gingerbread House (GBHi serves free meals to kids and their families as part of an all-expenses-paid vacation to many of central Florida’s most famous al.t factions. The CBH is operated by the Perkins Restaurant & Bakery chain and funded through contributions that Perkins makes to Grive Kids the World, a wish-granting nonprofit organization. Since 1989. the company has raised over seven million dollars for the cause and just, recently the GRH served its two millionth free meal, marking what many consider to be a true milestone. It is thought that such efforts can help make life more enjoyable for children with life-threatening illnesses across the country. For more information, visit www.perkiiisre.staurants.com or www.gktw.org. Wanted Daytime companion -aide for elderly Slovenian woman. Kirtland area. Cali Anne 440-256-1559 Savings Account Li fe Insurance What’s Best For Funeral Expenses? Savings Account:__________________________ • Earns interest • Taxable interest income Life Insurance:__________ « 1 1 " • Earns dividends • Guaranteed cash value. • Death benefit passes to heirs tax-free (Example: If you’re a 68 year old, non-smoking male, in reasonably good health, you can take your savings account of $5,000 and purchase a KSKJ Life Insurance Policy. Immediately, your $5,000 premium has turned into a tax free death benefit of 58,166!) Interested? Want to learn more? ^ Call KSKJ at 1-800-THE-KSKJ or visit us online at www.kskjlife.com KSKJ AMERICAN SLOVENIAN JArHOUC 4^/ Life Insurance • Annuities Proudly serving the needs of more than 24,000 members nationwide since 1894. 2439 Glcnvvood Ave. Joliet, 11.60435 1-800-TIIE-KSKJ AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA. OCTOBER 14. 2004 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 14, 2004 4 Mlakar Walks Down Memory Lane fc? Cycle of Democracy In KAV MLAKAR Well, Ray is back and so is the cooler weather and before long the leaves vsili fall, and we will be clicking on the furnace and then comes the snow and soon we will all hibernate indoors. With the devastation they had in Florida, we can certainly put up with the snow. Perhaps the newest news is that I took Harry, my Cairn Terrier to the beauty parlor or better known to him as the dog groomer. It seems each time the price goes up and his haircut cost a lot more than mine but then he has more hair than 1 do. When we came back to his own yard, he strutted around like he was a descendant of Lassie. Then in the mail box he got his notification from his doctor (vet) that he is due for a checkup and shots. I got to see about listing him as a dependent on my tax return for unfortunately he is only three years old and does not qualify for Medicare. Well, guess it is time to get back to the Reserve Center and the three stooges. With their long hair at times and their antics, they could certainly sub for the stooges. I don’t want to give the impression they were all bad for as the years went by, they really did improve and perhaps I would have been proud to serve along with them, but at the beginning, especially with the cooks, well, I would be tempted to join the Navy. As 1 have mentioned earlier they were supposed to stick to what was known as the “Master Menu” when they planned and purchased items for the weekend drills, but for some reason they liked to cook whatever they wanted. Thank God we only had one weekend drill a month. I recall the one weekend Saturday they had frankfurters and beans and I said, “What goes, why so skimpy?” The cook said, “Tomorrow we are going to surprise the troops and have a clam bake.” I said, “Do you know anything about putting on a clam bake?” “Nothing to it; it is all cooked in one big pot and the main thing is to insure that the clams are clean.” Sunday came and so did the clam bake and one I am sure the troops will never forget. At that time we had access to an old Nike Site on the opposite earner of the Reserve Center where they For Sale Beauty Salon, E. 64'h and St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland. Call evenings (216) 261-3427 had piemv ol room. At about 1 I a.m. as we looked out the front windows of the Reserve Center we noticed the cars going along both Harvard Road and Richmond Road were traveling at a snail’s pace, for among the cars were these huge floats of what first appeared to be clouds and as I looked out the front door I seen they were coming from the Nike Site where the cooks were preparing the clam bake. Cars were stopping along the route peering at the cooks in the Nike Site. I suggested to one of the officers he had better go back to the Motor Pool, get a jeep and go down there and see what the trouble is. “You are right. Mlakar, but you better come along.” We drove down there and seen the big pots on the Field Ranges and I asked the cook. “Why all the foam?” - “Well, it has us baffled,” he said. “I had the KP’s wash the clams real well, in fact, they put them all in a new garbage can with the immersion heaters to heat the water and threw a lot of soap in there and then scrubbed them with GI brushes, gave them a quick rinse and put 12 clams in the netting and put them in the huge stock pot along with the celery, yams and chicken. As it heated we noticed all the foam coming out.” Lord have mercy. It seems that by washing them with soap suds, a lot of the soap still clung to the clams when they put them in the stock pot and up rose the soap suds. Needless to say, they got the bulldozer out, scooped out a hole and dumped the entire mess in. The troops ended up eating rolls and pumpkin pie. I told them as long as I was working there no more cock-eyed ideas of clam bakes. The Mess Officer kept saying, “Keep cool; it was. an honest mistake.” Well, time for a joke. A wealthy lawyer was riding in his limousine when he saw two men along the roadside eating grass. Disturbed, he ordered his driver to stop, and got out to investigate. He asked one man, “Why are you eating grass?” “We don’t have any money for food, so we’re eating the grass.” The rich lawyer says, “Well then you come with Stimburys Accounting Accounting & Income Tax Services 496 E. 200th St.. Euclid, OH 44119-(216) 404-0990 Fax (216) 404-0992 taxtime@en.com http://stimburysaccounting.com EnmlM k> Practice Before foe Internal Revenue Service Senmnftidlviduals Corporations l Small Businesses .»via emuvj oococ. [ me to my home and I’ll feed you.” “But sir, 1 have a wife and two children with me. They are over there under that tree.” - “Bring them along,” the lawyer says. Turning to the other poor man. the attorney said, “You come with us, too.” The second man, in a pitiful voice said, “But sir, I also have a wife and six children with me.” - “Bring them along as well,” the lawyer says. They all entered the huge limousine which was no easy task for such a large group. Once underway, one of the poor fellows turned to the lawyer and said, “Sir, you are most kind. Thank you for taking all of us with you.” The lawyer responded, “Glad to do it. You’ll really love my place, my goat died and the grass is almost a foot high.” With that, time to sign off with a caution to watch out where you go for clambakes. Until the next time, May the good Lord bless and watch over all of you and keep you in his loving care. Petkovšek Program Remembers Gas Explosion Tony Petkovšek will air a special 7 minute message in English and Slovenian that Senator Frank Lausche gave on his (Tony’s) radio program in 1962. It will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 20, at 3:45 p.m., the 60lh anniversary of the East Ohio Gas Explosion. The program will be repeated on Saturday, Oct. 23 at 1:45 p.m. on WELW -1330 a.m. and on line at www.247polkaheaven.com Search for Slivovka recipe Editor, I was asked to see if anyone in your readership has ever heard of and is in possession of a cake recipe in which one of the ingredients is “Slivovka.” This cake was obviously made by a Slovenian. If anyone can help, please e-mail the recipe to gospa@cprinternet.com or to biggy@cprintcrnet.com or send in to American Home and they will print it. --Anita Vovk IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 27359 Tungsten Rd. Euclid, OH 44132 216-486-1105 Professor Alexander Tyler wrote in his book entitled The Cycle of Democracy which was written in 1778: “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves money from the public treasury. From that moment on. the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, [which is] always followed by a dictatorship.” Once the herd realizes their high expectations are not about to be fulfilled, the present hysterical optimism will turn to unbridled bitterness. Cycles repeat. People do think that if they avoid the truth, it might change to something better before they have to hear it. _____ TP! When you need car repairs, stop at Complete Repairs • Foreign & Domestic VC*/7 REPAIR 216.531.6900 - ALIGNMENT • TRANSMISSION ■ ENGINE REPAIR • TUNE-UPS EXHAUST • MUFFLERS BRAKES .HEATING »AIR • CLUTCH CONDITIONING •SHOCKS • GOOD YEAR TIRES Certified E»Z Repair £$ 9' .tlOMIlMVr -I'HVif AmxcYPO .Vrt-, Ben. • 19099 Lake Shore Blvd. Mcn.-Fri. 8-6 Euclid. Ohio 44119 LJUBOMIR (ACE) ROZIC, PRESIDENT j3 “Polkas in Paradise”p with your Host: Al Battistclli Outstanding Accordionist/Host of Lorain,Ohio on a 12-day Hawaii cruise aboard NCL’s “Wind” ( A^Hl 30 - May 11,2005^ "RocliiH PoMias at Sea" j3 aOoard tUo Star Princess Princess Cays-Cozumel-Grand Cayman-Ocho Rios AprM JO - /7, 2005 Cruise with Three-Time Grammy Nominee Lynn Marie & The Boxhounds Celebrating 81 Years in Travel, since 1921" 35) Kollander World Travel TZi 971 E 185 St ♦ Cleveland OH 44119 (800) 800-5981 ♦ (216) 692-1000 ivvvvv.kollandcr-travcl.com PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185'" Area 531-7700 - EMERGENCIES -Dental Insurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. • The answer, at least in the short term, appears to be: Not much. The U.S. accounts for 25% of global oil use, and nearly half the petroleum it burns goes to power cars and trucks. Though oil consumption is rising faster in developing nations such as China and India, the U.S. remains by far the biggest piece in the global petroleum puzzle. The average American uses about 16 times as much petroleum each year as the average Chinese. That is largely because Americans like to drive a car and drive it longer distances every year. The quickest way to ease the world’s current petroleum crunch would be to quickly and significantly improve the fuel economy of the U.S. automotive fleet. Gasoline-and-electric hybrid vehicles remain a small part of the U.S. auto market and most analysts predict it will be decades before they are driven in numbers large enough to make an appreciable dent in U.S. oil con sumption. The typical U.S. consumer, given the choice between a smaller or larger engine when shopping for a new vehicle, still typically picks the bigger - and thirstier - one. Oil prices are high because concerns are mounting about potential supply disruptions at the same time that global demand is surging. The Paris-based international Energy Agency pre-diets that global demand this ^ year will rise to 82 million ^ barrels a day - 3.2% above last year’s level. China will account for the bigger surge, a whopping 15.3% to 6.36 million barrels per day. In Washington, a bipartisan panel called the National Commission on Energy Policy is considering recommending federal tax breaks for auto makers that retool their U.S. factories to build vehicles that go farther on a gallon of fuel. The theory is that such an incentive would encourage auto makers to build more efficient vehicles - and to do it in the U.S., rather than abroad. Detroit’s Big Three auto makers and the United Auto Workers union oppose calls for significantly tougher federal fuel-economy standards largely because they think such a move would hurt U.S. auto makers and help Japanese and European rivals. Slovenian Genealogists Meet The Ohio Chapter of the Parking is available across Slovenian Genealogy Society International (SCSI) will hold a combined East/West group meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 19. This meeting will be held during the day instead ol the usual evening meeting and includes a field trip and a luncheon. First, we will meet at I I a.m. at the main entrance of the Louis Stokes Building of the Cleveland Public Library located at East 6lh and Superior in downtown Cleveland. A representative of the History and Geography Department will acquaint us with their vast collection of valuable genealogy materials which may help in discovering clues to your family’s history in the Cleveland area. the street from the Library’s main entrance (325 Superior) next to the Old Arcade. The second portion of the meeting will be held at Sterle’s Country House, 1401 East 55lh Street at 1 p.m., where we will have lunch (order off the menu), a short meeting, and live entertainment provided by our SGSI member Wayne Tomšič, who plays a spirited accordion. There will be some surprises, too. If you cannot make it to the field trip, please join us for lunch and camaraderie at Sterle’s. Everyone interested in Slovenian genealogy is welcome. Call Rose Marie at 440—230-2251 if you have any questions. (440)602-5120 Fax (440) 602-5 124 ZELE & ZELE CO., L.P.A. RONALD ZELE & SCOTT J. ZELE Attorney-at-Law Centre Plaza South Suite 380 35350 Curtis Blvd. Eastlake, Ohio 44095 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 14, Alpine Evening at St. Mary’s Yo-lay-di-hooooo! If that yodel got your attention, you are invited to enjoy more alpine sounds on Friday, October 22. St. Mary’s Parish (Collinwood) invites you to an Alpine Evening in its new Parish Community Center. Special guests will be Gregor Avsenik and the Ansambel Gregorji from Begunje (Gorenjska region), of Slovenia. They will play for your dancing and listening enjoyment beginning at 7 p.m. this will be their only appearance in Cleveland. In the tradition of great Alpine restaurants, the kitchen will feature weiner-schnitzel sandwiches and other specialties that evening. The bar will highlight an assortment of imported beers of Slovenia and neighboring countries, as well as other refreshments. Tickets will be available at the door. For complete parties of 10, you can reserve a table by calling St. Mary’s rectory 216 — 761-7740. Admission is $10; and only $5 for students ages 13 through high school. The event will be held in St. Mary’s new Parish Community Center on Holmes Avenue. The new building is connected to the existing school building and is handicapped-accessible. There are no stairs and the complex is equipped with handicapped-accessible restrooms. There is also a new parking lot just a few feet from the main entrance. The “Jewel of the Alps” -Lake Bled, will serve as a backdrop for this fun, one-night excursion into the mountains. Bring your friends and enjoy the echoes of polkas and waltzes, swirling skirts, tapping toes, and see if you don’t just get the urge to yodel yourself. Wear your planinke (edelweiss flowers), lederho-sen, or whatever puts you in the mood for an enchanting Alpine evening. Yo-lay-di-hoooooo. The members of the ansambel Gregorji are all from the Gorenjska region. The majority are professional musicians. Jure Valjavec (clarinet, saxophone) is from {Begunje, the home of the legendary Slavko and Vilko Avsenik. Klemen Repe (baritone, bass, trombone, vocals), is also from Begunje. He plays first chair trombone with the RTV Ljubljana Big Band. Tomaž Cilenšek (accordion, keyboard) teaches accordion in the Music School in his hometown of Radovljica. Also from Begunje is Ales Slivnik (solo vocals, keyboard, accordion), who is studying at the Music Academy in Ljubljana. Guitarist and vocalist Uroš Primožič is from the town of Lesce. To date, the group has released one CD and cassette entitled Srangajmo, one of the finalists for the award Zlati petelin (Golden rooster). The title song was their entry into the Ljubljana competition “Polka in valček 2000,” and won them the prestigious title of Best Band of the competition. In the same competition in 2004, they took first place honors for Best Performance and Best Overall Song. They have also received the award Zlati smeh (Golden laughter) at a festival in the Koroško regions. Gregorji are regular guests on several TV shows. Ansambel Gregorji was formed when the ansambel Grega Avsenik disbanded. On Friday, Oct. 22, Grega Avsenik and the ansambel Gregorji will be reunited to play at the Alpine Evening being hosted by St. Mary’s parish in Collinwood (Cleveland) beginning at 7 p.m. For tickets and information, call Elizabeth Zalik at 440 537-1941. -SSP Where Does Wind Come From? There are two ways of looking at the wind and where it comes from. One is in terms of your immediate neighborhood, and one is in terms of the world and the big winds that blow over it. Differences in pressure may exist in a small region around you, and you will have a local wind blowing. If you live near the shore, you have an example of this every day. During the day, the land becomes heated, the air above it rises, and cool winds come in from the water to take its place. At night, the land becomes colder than the water, the warm air rises over the water, and the breeze blows out from the land to take the place of the rising warm air. What is true in your immediate neighborhood is true on a much larger scale of the winds that blow over the earth. The warmest place on earth is around the Equator. So there is always a belt of warm air rising from this region. This belt of warm air flows out to the north and Slovenians: People with good taste Florida is the leading honey producing state in the U.S. and Canada. Mario’s International Program WKTX - 830 AM Saturdays - 3 to 5 p.m. south and sinks again at certain latitudes, which are called “the horse latitudes.” This sinking air flows out along the surface of the earth toward the Equator and the Poles. If the earth were not rotating, these winds would be north winds or south winds. But the spinning of the earth makes all winds in the Northern Hemisphere deflect to the right and in the Southern Hemisphere to the left. The winds blowing from the horse latitudes toward the Equator are called “the trade winds.” Those blowing toward the Poles are called “the westerlies.” The United States is largely in the zone of the westerlies. There are other “prevailing” or common winds in other parts of the world. But as you can see, the wind does come from somewhere - and it comes from there because of very definite reasons caused by the way the air over the earth is heated. Catholic War Vets Seeks Names St. Vitus Post 1655 of the Catholic War Veterans invites all Catholic families to send the names and addresses of their sons and/or daughters who are in the U.S. Armed Forces. The list will be used to inform them of Veterans benefits. Service personnel are also welcome to join our post. For information contact Commander Robert Mills, St. Vitus Post 1655, 6101 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. —Tony Grdina Post Historian Slovenian Cultural Garden News Another Cleveland summer has come and gone. The beauty of spring has given way to the rains of summer and as we type this letter the seasons are once again beginning to turn towards the beauty of autumn and winter. We hope you have had the opportunity to walk through the Slovenian Cultural Garden sometime during this past year. The SCGA is proud to inform you that we do not stop working for the winter. It is actually one of our most productive times of year. It will be no different this year. The board of the SCGA warmly invites all to our general meeting and election on Monday, Nov. 15 at 7:00 p.m. in St. Mary’s (Collinwood) school meeting room. Please come to this meeting to see what we have accomplished in the past year and what we are planning for the coming year. Agenda Financial Reports Review of the Past Year’s Events Future Fund-raisers Elections of New Board Food and Beverages The board of the Slovenian Cultural Garden Association thanks you for your support, time and donations throughout the past year. If high heels were so wonderful, men would still be wearing them. - Sue Grafton Stretch Your Vacation Dollars + Save Time! Euclid Travel’s agents have the expertise to plan a vacation that fits your budget and lifestyle. EUCLIDZri&i -nRAX/El* 22078 Lakeshore Blvd., Euclid, Ohio 44123 1 -216-261-1050, travel ©euclidtravel com LEAF PROOF- Your Gutters and Downspouts and Never Clean Them Again!™ y' Handles the heaviest downpours S Sections are not screwed into your roof S Water channel may be cleaned from the ground with a hose “So simple, but effective you will wonder why no one thought of it before! ™ For a free estimate call MIDWEST SIDING CO. 440-365-6545 Website: www.midwest-dsiding.com JERRY VESSALO MIKE POLUTNIK Consul General Tomas Rosander with Mark Ryavec, and Senator Betty Karnette Swedish Royal Order of Polar Star Awarded to Mark Ryavec LOS ANGELES - The Consul General of Sweden, Tomas Rosander, bestowed Sweden’s distinguished Royal Order of the Polar Star upon Mark Ryavec, the Republic of Slovenia’s former Honorary Consul General and former Vice Dean and Secretary of the Los Angeles Consular Corps., at a dinner last week at the Swedish residence in Santa Monica. Ryavec, a government affairs and media relations consultant, has represented various clients as a registered legislative advocate with the State of California and the County and City of Los Angeles. He was presented the Polar Star for his contributions on behalf of the Consulate General of Sweden on the issue of State California compliance w'th the 1985 Council of Europe Treaty on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons (also known as the Strasbourg Treaty). Ryavec assisted in drafting the bill, SB 300 (Karnette) to expedite 0re>gn prisoner transfers and secure renewed funding for the Board of Prison Terms Foreign Prisoner Transfer Program. “Mark was instrumental in helping to communicate the message for change regarding the indefinite retention of foreign prisoners incarcerated in California that neither serves the state nor the future rehabilitation and productivity of such persons,” said Senator Betty Karnette, who attended the dinner. King Fredrik I in 1748 instituted the Swedish Royal Order of the Polar Star, originally to honor Swedish citizens for civic virtue and meritorious service to the nation. Since 1975 the Polar Star has been reserved solely for foreign nationals in recognition of personal services to Sweden or for the promotion of Swedish interests. The distinctive badge of the Order consists of a white Maltese cross set in gold and is accompanied by a diploma bearing the seal of the Royal Order signed by the King of Sweden. Kres says Thank You I 1-wv __ 1 w—> < i The members of Folk-°ina Skupina Kres would e to send out a gracious 1 a>ik you to all those ip. attendance at the group’s l50'h anniversary celebration held Jte Saturday, Sept. 11 in the °venian National Home on E Clair Avenue. The evening was an en-J°yafcle success. Many Memories were relived and many more were made, was wonderful to see so many alumni in the crowd. Special thanks is given to area dignitaries and Slovenian cultural groups for their well-wishes and gifts. Kres appreciates the love and support from all over the years and is proud to have celebrated such an exceptional milestone. Thank you. Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HA IR SA L ON 5216 Wilson Mills Road tta£l~7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 Big Polka Event in Girard 7 Dear polka lover. On October 16, a historic event is going to be held at the Avon Oaks Ballroom in Girard, Ohio. 1 he Avon Oaks Ballroom has promoted polka music for the last 53 years. It is now 100 years old and an unforgettable night of music, dancing, entertainment and memories is being planned to celebrate its birthday. Blast from the past. Built in 1904, the Avon Oaks Ballroom was the crown jewel of the lormer Avon Park Amusement Company. The dance pavilion, as it was first known, was extensively remodeled in 1950-1951, re-opening on April 4, 1951 as The Avon Oaks Ballroom. The Steve Garchar Orchestra played that night. The SNPJ Golden Eagle Lodge 643 of Girard, Ohio had several noteworthy events at this site. On July 4. 1941 tney held the Second Annual Ohio SNPJ Day at the Avon Park dance hall as it was then known. 3,600 people attended the dance/picnic. Tw'o orchestras, eight hours of dancing, numerous accordion players, and nine busloads of polka music fans from out of town were in attendance. Frank Zeitz, chairman of the SNPJ supervisory committee, w'as the main speaker at this event. In 1964, Girard hosted the record-breaking National SNPJ Bowling Tournament. The Saturday night social dance was held at the Avon Oaks Ballroom w'ith attendance topping 600. Throughout the past 53 years the Avon Oaks Ballroom has been the place to go on a Wednesday or Sunday night. Polka and waltz music has been provided by the best bands in the Akron, Canton, Youngstown and Pittsburgh areas. Pecan, Vadnal, Spetich, Zagger, Bass, Champa, Umeck, Kobal, Trontel, Fedor- ehak, Sinehak and Vallos have put '.miles on the faces of guests. The list goes on and on. So many great dancers doing what they love best on the best dance floor in the country. The ballroom is currently for sale and who knows what the future holds for this histqrie building. When it sells, it may be used for anything but a dance hall. So many young people met their life partners dancing at the Oaks. Others have become inseparable friends. So many good times. Will there be many more? Will it remain a ballroom or will it be used as a church? Maybe it will be divided into offices or used as an antique market, no one knows. However, what w'e do know is on October 16, a 100lh birthday celebration will take place. Bob Kravos and The Boys In The Band will play from 8:00 to midnight. Bob’s saxophone/clarinet player is Norm Kobal who played at the Avon Oaks on April 6, 1951, two days after its grand opening. Norm played in his father’s band. Stan Kobal and 1 he Airliners. Making a special appearance will be button box accordionist extraordi-nare Jake Zagger of Hermitage, PA. In addition to the polkas and waltzes, the Fred Astaire Dance Studio of Youngstown will showcase 100 years of dances done on the wonderful maple dance floor. This truly will be a Blast from the Past. Don’t miss it. For information or table reservations phone 330—545-2454. --Frank Macek Girard, OH K Pristava Annual Meeting Slovenska Pristava annual meeting will be held on Sunday, Oct. 24 at 3 p.m. All members are asked to show up for this important event. Sausages and drinks will be served after the meeting. —Milan Ribic President I know God won’t give me more than 1 can handle. I just wish he didn’t trust me so much. __________—St. Mary’s Alumni When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds. The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that endure. These qualities are so much more important than the events that occur. -Vince Lombardi Come Visit PATRIA IMPORT STORE for your Unique Gifts Boris and Suzi Music Store Hours: Tues.-to-Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tel: (216) 531-6720 Patria Imports 794 E. 185th St. Cleveland, OH 44119 i m If we are to sustain a court system that engenders trust and confidence, honesty is not an option. It is the essence.” —Chieijustice 7 bonusJ. Moyer M www.ChiefJustlcelVloyer.com .......................................... • ..... ■ AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 14, 20C SKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 14, 2004 s Sweetest Day Anniversary Dance The Friends of the Slovenian National Home invites you to a special dance in honor of all past brides and grooms who were married in the Slovenian National Home. This event will take place on Saturday, Oct. 16. This dance should bring back a lot of happy memories to all individuals and couples who celebrated their special day at our hall. This dance is an invitation to all who may wish to join us on Sweetest Day. To make this event even 2 more memorable, invite your ^ bridal party to join you and make this an extra happy celebration, one you will remember for years to come. Doors open at 6 p.m. A light buffet dinner will be served from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Dance to the music of Jeff Pecon Orchestra. Cash bar. Ticket prices include the light buffet and are as follows: $30 per couple or $27 per couple with a photocopy of wedding picture. $ 15 per person or $13.50 per person with a photocopy of wedding picture. Please make your reservations in advance and include a photocopy of wedding so your picture will become a part of our Decades of Wedding Picture Collage that will be on display. Also special prizes will be awarded for different categories, such as longest married, largest bridal party, couple with most children. Please note the year of your wedding. Make your check payable to: Friends of Slovenian National Home and mail to: 6409 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. For more information call (216) 361-5115. Come and join your Friends for a fun-filled evening on Saturday, Oct. 16. Everything About Anything A dime has 118 ridges around the edge. A cat has 32 muscles in each ear. A crocodile cannot stick out its tongue. A dragonfly has a life span of 24 hours. A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds. A “jiffy” is an actual unit of time for l/100Ih of a second. A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes. A snail can sleep for three years. Al Capone’s business card said he was a used furniture dealer. All 50 states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the $5 bill. Almonds arc a member of the peach family. An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain. Babies are bom without kneecaps. They don’t appear until the child reaches 2 to 6 years of age. Butterflies taste with their feet. Cats have over 100 vocal sounds. Dogs only have 10. “Dreamt” is the only English word that ends in the letters “mt.” February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon. In the last 4,000 years, no new animals have been domesticated. If the population of China walked past you, in single file, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction. If you are an average American, in your whole life, you will spend an average of six months waiting at red lights. It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors. Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable. No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, or purple. On a Canadian two dollar bill, the flag flying over the Parliament building is an American flag. Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing. Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite. Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated. “Stewardesses” is the longest word typed with only the left hand, and “lollipop” with your right. The average person’s left hand does 56% of the typing. The cruise liner, QE2 moves only six inches for each gallon of diesel it bums. The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket. --Phil Hrvatin Getting money is like,digging with a^fdle. Spending it. is like water,soaking into the sand. -Japanese proverb Joey Tomsick and Phil Hrvatin play music on October 1 and 2 at the Sugarcreek, Ohio town square during their Swiss festival in the heart of Amish countryside. Report on Collinwood Musicfest The Collinwood Slovenian Musicfest 2004 is now history. The sun was shining bright, a little on the cool and breezy side. But no rain. The working crew was all there on time to set up the big tent under the supervision of our Matt Zabukovec and John Kozelevar. The work was done in no time. It goes to show what a little Slovenian music, some muscles and a few beers can do. Thanks to the buttonaires who entertained everyone under the big top. They were great. The Captain’s Crew, captained by Ken Zalar started the festivities at 3 o’clock upstairs. That got everyone into a dancing mood. Our polka man of the year Fred Ziwich was already there greeting all his friends. The rest of the afternoon was one big happy “Peoplefcst” with every band playing one hour or so. There were seven bands in all. The crowd was in a very dancing mood. The dance floor was jammed all evening. What a happy time. At 8 o’clock Tony Petkovšek, our M.C., presented Fred Ziwich to all his fans. Thanks to all the people who presented him with gifts. Thank you again Tony for the great job you did. Also thank you Father Perk-ovich for your kind words. It was a pleasure to meet you. “Another Chisholm, Minne-sotian.” Then it was time for “Our Polka Man” Fred Ziwich and his band to take the stage. They played until closing. Everyone was having a terrific time. As always, there were some that weren’t ready to go home. Again, thank you. The Board of Directors of the Collinwood Slovenian Home want to thank everyone for all the hard work to make our day a success. Hopefully we will see you all again next year. Until then, take care and God bless you all. CONQUER STRESS A little anxiety can be energizing, but “constant stress interferes with the ability to learn new information and recall things you already know,” says psychologist Margaret Sewell, Ph.D., director of Mount Sinai’s Memory-Enhancement Program. Stress can also undermine your ability to concentrate, preventing your brain from storing information. “If you are stressed because you’re carrying too much of a load at work, you won’t focus on what you’re doing,” says Daniel L. Schacter, Ph.D., chair of the Department of Psychology at Harvard University. To decompose, exercise or sit quietly for a few minutes and take deep, slow breaths. Another strategy is to change the way you respond to stress. Look at the bright side of things. Get Enough Sleep Studies show that if you try to teach people a list of words, differences in the ability to remember between those who get enough sleep and those who don’t, are dramatic. Stay at Job Researchers for the Nun Study, an ongoing look at aging and Alzheimer’s disease, have found that nuns who were college educated and led active intellectual lives - in this case, as teachers - were less likely to develop dementia. Experts believe that staying mentally active may create a brain reserve that can be called upon in later life. It's Cool To Be Slovenian! Hvala lepa, Mary Podlogar Hospitality is Highlighted in Slovenia wm •M*mb#rof N.O.IA foundation MtAfORS SINU ' f.J 440-516-4444 Sefving Lake, Geauga and Cuyahoga Counties Silling . laying , R/Ucotion GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUR BUSINESS!!! uFiiMlior Euclid Offered at: $249,900 ■uiSafeJ." ■Aik I’ill)! •Mr.t; . • T*-'' >c::a l;f.- lui.c.'ig w.ta | and Vteik-dp nr:'":; W.:v s Meat Market fc: Over hO Y> Owners RiTrec! ! & 3rd rloo; finished as '.iviag CJeartersi « -u3 ! 2 Car Garage! Lxce'Ient for Owner Operated Business! Lafcc/SeauBJ Cumhoga location E-man: pauIttckwIaiKlicaltorcoiii (440)51&4444 (216)2*9-2277 (800)660-2939 nterfor pfcot« .t wwoctcwtaMrealt«^:,, htnoC) D-alsbo »«.* t» n n ««• * n n n »* 71 n ti jrn «tt« »m % n * w m h AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, OCTOBER 14, 2004 News About St. Vitus Parish St. Vitus pastoral council met on September 8 with guest speaker Ms. Mary Anne Vogel, principal of St. Martin de Porres High School. Ms. Vogel noted that the first full school day was August 23. The current school year will run until June 17, 2005. There are 104 students at this new co-educational high school. The expected student population in four years is 425-500 students. About 50% of the new students are graduates of Catholic elementary schools while the other 50% come from public schools. Some students are from the immediate neighborhood area while others are from many different parts of Cleveland. Most students come from families earning less than $24,000 (writer’s note: this is verified through copy of W2s, federal tax returns, etc.). Tuition cost for each student is S7,500 per year. About $5,000 of this tuition ls earned by each student working in a corporate work program whereby four students are assigned to hold down a full time job at a local northeast Ohio company or corporation. Each of the four students works five days a month at the job. St. Vitus Parish leases the school and auditorium buildings to St. Martin de Porres High School. In this arrangement the parish continues to have full use of both buildings as in past years. The parish and school representatives hold regular meetings in order to Euild the best possible working relationship between both parties. St. Martin de Porres High School in Cleveland, Ohio is the 9Ih Such school in the “Cristo Rey” school network of this innovative corporate work pro-8ram as well as a college preparatory cur riculum. This type of educational approach is for a student who would have no other means to attend a tuition paying Catholic high school with a college preparatory program. The new high school spent about 5400,000 of its own money for improvements in the school while the parish spent about 5127,000 for outside improvements such as foundation drainage (north and west side of the school buildings), new downspouts on the auditorium roof, parking lot restoration, and other such improvements. The finance council report followed by indicating replacement of the entire church roof as more urgent repairs around the church (e g., side church steps) and rectory house. Work has also begun in the interior of the parish house (writer’s note: Last significant work performed in the rectory was in the mid-late 1970s when Fr. Pevec was the pastor.) Fifty and 30-year-old carpeting is being removed with the hardwood floors underneath being restored to their original condition. Heating and radiators are disconnected with new valves being installed. Walls and ceilings are being repaired, wallpapered, and painted. The front offices will receive the most attention. There are currently three office spaces. The plan is to have two offices only. While this work is proceeding, parishioners and visitors are requested to use the other front office entrance when coming to the rectory house. Everyone’s patience on this matter is appreciated during this “moving commotion” at the parish house. --Stane Kuhar Finance Manager Election is Between Teams by Fr. FRANK PAVONE National Director, ---- Priests for Life_______ The elections of Novem-2 are pivotal for the pro-lfe movement, and it is imperative that on that day we e-t more public officials Vho are willing to do some-lr>g to restore full protec-mn to the lives of unborn cmldren. The ability ofCon-8ress and of the states to make progress in this arena, as well as the configuration 0 lhe Supreme Court for many years to come, are at s ake in this election. People on both sides of e abortion controversy acknowledge that the makeup the Supreme Court, and k e fate of Roe vs. Wade, are ey consequences of how we W|11 vote this year. Since the beginning of the m-Hfe movement, we who end the unborn have car-,ed out our work steadily whether the political climate was favorable or unfavorable, and that will be the case until our goal is reached. While we don’t want government to do our work, we demand government do its own work, and that means, first of all, passing laws that protect the lives of all citizens, including the unborn. Elections are not contests between two or more candidates, they are contests between two or more teams. Because of the supreme urgency of this upcoming election, and because of how close so many races will be, every pro-life individual has a serious moral obligation to work in each race, for the victory of the candidate who will do more than his or her opponent to increase protec-tion for unborn children. This article was submitted by Anton Lavrisha of Euclid. ^bstacles are those frightful things you see when you take j [ eyes olf the goal.________ -Hannah More lavrisha 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services ....r"V A i "n Feel Confident Eva Baer-Schenkein, a nurse, enrolled in the Memory Enhancement Program at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, after she could no longer remember the names of friends and colleagues, “I learned lots of memory tricks, but what helped most was learning that if I had the confidence to remember something, it would often come.” Feeling as though you can influence your daily activities and relationships can have a powerful effect. Older people are far less likely to suffer from age-related memory problems if they believe in themselves and work on improving their ability to recall. Enjoys paper at age 90 Received a note from Diane Bell of New York City who is renewing the American Home subscription for another year for her dad, Rudolph Zgonc, age 90 of Wickliffe, Ohio. She writes, “He is still going strong and enjoys reading the paper.” Originally a Christmas gift years ago, Diane has been »otodeleccon,Jp:L::g;:::::i:igfe- fPl ...... t. Mary Church, Avon, where she was PSR coordinator. She is survived by her sister, Clara Chrysler of Lorain, and her brother, Stanley Perusek of Avon. In Loving Memory On Oct. 20, 1944 The Safran Family The Sintič Family The Kastelic Family were victims of the East Ohio Gas holocaust. Fondly Remembered by: Emma Marczis Cleveland, Ohio Edward Eckart, by Richard M. Perry The Plain Dealer EUCLID, OH Edward J. Eckart, 86. a Euclid councilman for 18 years and longtime community leader, died Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2004 at his home. “He was ahead of his time on council,” said his son, Dennis, a former Congressman. “He set aside land for recreation with deeded restrictions and helped facilitate the buying of lakefront property for a park. He never called himself an environmentalist, but he wrote ordinances banning the use of leaded gas in city cars and required developers to plant two trees for every one they cut down.” Eckart was born in Cleveland and graduated from East Technical High School in 1936. He enrolled in the Civilian Conservation Corps and worked for the WPA depression-era federal jobs programs. He sent money home from Oregon, where he cut trails through woods to create parks. He eventually joined the Army to continue his education. Eckart was assigned to a Signal corps unit at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii during the attack on Pearl Harbor. He later served in Europe and participated in the liberation of Paris. He was discharged as a first lieutenant. After the war, Eckart worked in factories and became Euclid’s deputy finance director. He married Mary Luzar in 1948. He was a real estate broker in 1957 when he made his first run WILLIAM NOVINCE William M. Novince, M.D., beloved husband of the late Avadean L. (nee Smith); dear father of William Jr., D.D.S. (Loretta) and Nancy DuLaurence; grandfather of Zachery, Chad and Ryan William Novince, Henry DuLaurence IV, Hawley MacEachern and Tara Holland; brother of the late Mildred Tumbry. Graduate of Adelbert College Class of 1936, Case Western Reserve School of Medicine Class of 1939. U.S. Army Veteran. Former staff and board member of St. John’s Hospital, Cleveland. Mass of Christian Burial was on Saturday, Oct. 9 at St. Christopher Church in Rocky River. Private interment in All Souls Cemetery. leader in Euclid for political office and was the top vote-getter among council-at-large candidates. Two years later, he broke with the city and county Democratic organizations to make an unsuccessful run against incumbent Mayor Kenneth Sims. He returned to council in the 1960s and nominated the first woman to serve on council. Eckart resigned in 1983 to become a top executive for the troubled Ohio Lottery Commission. He established his independence by dismissing relatives of down-state county chairmen who were not producing. Eckart was a chief organizer and four-time chairman of the Euclid Vetrans Club, the state’s largest independent veterans group. The organization raised millions to support a home for mentally-challenged children. He was a leader of the Euclid Memorial Day parade each year and in 1996 was co-grand marshal with son Dennis, a former Ohio Congressman. He was involved in raising money for St. Joseph High School and for the construction of St. William Catholic Church. . He is survived by his wife; son, Dennis of Bra-tenahl, Edward J. Jr., of Lyndhurst, and Gary of Willowick; and five grandchildren. Services were held at St. William Church on Saturday, Oct. 2. Arrangements were handled by Brickman & Sons Funeral Home of Euclid. St. Clair Pensioners News Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 SU Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908 Recently we took another bus trip to one of our favorite casinos “Greektown.” Needless to say we always look forward to the camaraderie when our group goes on these various trips. In September wc held our annual “Picnic in the Park” (members only) which was held in the Eddie Kenik Room of the Slovenian National Home. We had a good turnout and a fun time was had by all. Happy to announce we will have Robert Dolgan, sports writer, of the Plain Dealer, as our guest speaker. So please plan on attending our next meeting on Thursday, Oct. 21 at 1 o’clock. New members are most wel- come. -Sylvia Plymesser SISTER CATHERINE MARY OVNIK, OP Dominican Sister Catherine Mary Ovnik, an educator in Ohio for 29 years who taught in schools in the Cleveland and Toledo dioceses, died September 13 at the Dominican Life Center, Adrian, Mich. She In Memory of Albert Ringenbach 8lh Anniversary passing of our beloved husband and father Died Oct. 20, 1996 We were together in life. Will be together in death. Loving wife, Mildred and daughter Linda In Loving Memory Josephine A. Mlakar 20 October, 2002 / have lost my Soul's Companion, a life linked With my own, and Day by Day I miss her more As I walk through Life Alone. Love, Raymond was 89 and in the 73ul year of her religious profession in the Adrian Dominican Congregation. A funeral Mass was celebrated September 16 at the Dominican Life Center. Born in Cleveland, Sister Ovnik held a bachelor of arts degree in social studies from Siena Heights College, and a master of arts degree in education from John Carroll University. She spent 50 years in education, 29 of those in the Cleveland Diocese at schools including Our Lady Mount Carmel School, Wickliffe, St. Francis Xavier School, Medina, and St. Lawrence School, Nativity School, Transfiguration School, and St. John Nepomucene School, all i*1 Cleveland. She also served as a housekeeper at Christ the King Church, East Cleveland. Sister Ovnik also taught in schools in Marblehead as well as in Detroit, Jackson, and Utica, Mich. She retired in 1996. /> In Loving Memory of Julia Giambetro (nee Mihelčič) Born: October 1, 1913 Died: January 3, 2004 The depths of sorrowvve cannot tell, Of the loss of one we loved so well. And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep, Her memory we shall always keep. Sadly missed by: Children, grandehildiTn and friends - FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina 7 aI 1 r* rcfi ^i^ESIIT^TiT 11——Si AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, October 14, 2004 SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER - Vesti iz Slovenije Janez Janševa Slovenska demokratska stranka največja zmagovalka volitev Janez Drnovšek se bo o novem mandatarju odločil šele prihodnji teden Čeprav ob tem poročanju še niso na razpolago povsem uradni rezultati parlamentarnih volitev, ^ so bile 3. oktobra, ni dvoma, jfr je prepričljiva zmagovalka vo-'tev Janez Janševa Slovenska demokratska stranka (SDS) in da 0 Janezu Janši predsednik republike Janez Drnovšek najverjetneje prihodnji teden poveril ruandat za sestavo naslednje slovenske vlade. Rezultati, ki so bili objavljeni uiso še uradni, kakšne večje sPremembe pa tudi ni pričakova-2 ~ kažejo, da je SDS dobila 77.183 glasov, s tem 29,13 od-^Mka ter 29 sedežev v 90-član-skem državnem zboru. Dalje, S je zmagala v sedmih volil-ph enotah (Slovenija jih ima le osem), po-e& tega bo imela SDS najmlajši poslanec 2- poslanko v osebi 28-letne Eve Irgl. v Druga stranka na lestvici in hkrati naj-^eja poraženka je bila Liberalna demokra-'J3 (LDS) z dosedanjim premierom Anto-om Ropom na čelu. LDS je sicer dobila vs h126 8lasov’ kar Pomeni 22,8 odstotka Se in s tem imela 23 poslancev. Tretja ranka je Združena lista oz. ZLSD (bivši ^-i), ki ie dobila 10’2 odstotka in 10 e2ev> nato je bila Nova Slovenija (NSi) fr si slanci je priborila 8,9 odstotka in devet po-cev. peta je bila SLS, ki je dobila 6,82 -otka in 7 sedežev. Sledila ji je Zmago S^čeva Slovenska nacionalna stranka oz. jj. odstotka in šest poslancev). Zad- °d strank, ki jim je uspelo priti v no-Parlament, je bila DeSUS, ki je volilni a8 komaj prestopila s 4,01% in 4 sedeži, g ako bodo imele tri pomladne stranke, ta ae bo prišlo do nobene spremembe, na-29 \ ,P0*ov‘co sedežev v parlamentu: SDS fin ^ 7. To pa ni dovolj za ve- Tako od volitev vodi Janez Janša šte-S|j-ne Pogovore o tem, kako priti do zane-ntre^ VeČine- V Preteklosti je bil Janša na-koap •de^a*’ 113 nc predsedovati šibki da' 1Clj!- volitev Janša menda tudi ne Je izjav novinarjem. je *\0rnentatorji omenjajo več možnosti. Ena sja 3 bi Janša lahko dobil 46. glas od podeč v maci2arske manjšine, Marije Pozso--• ’ kar Pa bi bil vendar le en glas večine 'n ^ek dial l° od osebe, ki pripada levemu polu. aj več je slišati, da bi se Janša pozanima ^ DeSUS, vendar prvi odzivi s te Poys C n'S0 ravno navdušeni, niso pa še vSajSerri odklonilni. Spet druga možnost, d0s ,teoretiona, je Jelinčičeva SNS, glede na tu dnje obnašanje Jelinčiča, med drugim škihnJc8°va izjava ob predzadnjih predsedni-Jože ko je bil med kandidati tudi Pobi] ^rn*k’ ^a jc škoda, da partizani niso nje„ ' še več domobrancev, bi morala biti silno Va navzočnost v Janševi vladi najmanj pj nerodno za denimo NSi. sta ^Cvnik Delo je poročal o sestanku, ki $iCer8d Imcla Janez Janša in Borut Pahor, Pienj Prodsednik Združene liste. Poročilo ’ da bi bil Janša pripravljen ponuditi '1 tj t{ i>, :« n n »# it a * ji« ii«n # umi h s a k * e im n Pahorju mesto zunanjega ministra v zameno za sodelovanje ZL v vladi. To so pa takoj zanikali nekateri v tej stranki. Tudi so govorice o možnosti nekakšne “velike” koalicije, v kateri bi sodelovala celo LDS, vendar je tudi to malo verjetno. Glasovi iz tujine tokrat imele nekaj učinka, a vendar na škodo Podobnika Glasovnice iz tujine niso spremenile števila mandatov strank, zamenjale pa so nekaj izvoljenih imen, v prvi vrsti Janeza Podobnika, predsednika SLS, ki bi bil postal ponovno poslanec, na podlagi glasovnic iz tujine je pa ostal brez sedeža. Na diplomatsko-konzularnih predstavništvih po svetu je glasovalo 2126 oseb (od teh jih je bilo 15 neveljavnih), ko so vključene glasovnice, prejete po pošti, je bilo skupno število udeležencev volitev iz tujine 2597. Z diplomatsko-konzularnih predstavništev je NSi prejela 40,8 odstotka vseh glasov, SDS je dobila 19 odstotkov, SLS pa le 3,27. Pričakovano je bilo, da bo Republiška volilna komisija pripravila uradno poročilo o izidu volitev včeraj, torej 13. oktobra, vendar je AD izšla že pred tem in tako bo prihodnjič naknadno poročilo. Med kandidati, ki na volitvah niso uspeli, je bil bivši zunanji minister Dimitrij Rupel, ki se je sicer med volilci precej slabo izkazal. V intervjuju, ki ga je bil dal ob letošnji Dragi, je verjetni mandatar Janez Janša bil med drugim vprašan, kakšno vlogo vidi za Rupla, ki je tokrat bil eden kandidatov ravno SDS, v morebitni Janševi vladi. Janša je odgovoril, da bi lahko zopet bil zunanji minister in tako nadaljeval že uspešno začeto delo. Intervju je izšel v tržaškem Novem listu. Isto možnost pripisujejo nekateri komentatorji Janezu Podobniku, saj bo po vsej verjetnosti njegova stranka sestavna partnerica Janševe vlade. Možnost za Podobnika bi lahko bila npr. ministrstvo za zdravstvo, ali pa kakšno drugo bolj vplivno. Splošno mnenje baje je, da bo Andrej Bajuk, predsednik NSi, prevzel ministrstvo za finance. Precej je tudi ugibanj o usodi predsednika poražene Antona Ropa. Za njegovega naslednika vidijo nekateri v Slavku Gabru. V LDS pripravljajo kongres po novem letu. .til 1. G i t < i V te>.rl Iz Clevelanda in okolice Martinovanje se bliža— Štajerski-prekmursk klub vabi na svoje vsakoletno martinovanje, ki bo v soboto, 23. oktobra, v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair Ave. s pričetkom ob 6.30 zv. Za ples in veselo razpoloženje bo igrala godba “Nova generacija”. Za vstopnice in več informacij: Tonica (440-256-6717) oz. Mimi (216-531-4817). Več v dopisu na str. 14. Zopet na delu— Po enotedenskem odmoru je AD zopet na delu. List bo kakor doslej izhajal vsaki četrtek. Občni zbor— Balincarski klub Slovenske pristave vabi članstvo na občni zbor to nedeljo pop. ob treh, na Pristavi. Pridite, če le morete. Avsenikova glasba— Gregor Avsenik in an- Novi grobovi Frank G. Minello Umrl je 86 let stari Frank G. Minello, mož Josephine, roj. Furlan (poročena sta bila 58 let), oče Daniela, Thomasa, Madelyn Johnson in Gine Marie Volpe, 8-krat stari oče, brat Josepha, Margaret, Petra, Alberta in Anthonyja (vsi že pok.), veteran 2. svetovne vojne, v kateri je služil v ameriških letalskih silah, veliko let zelo aktiven član društva Modern Crusaders št. 45 AM LA. Pogreb je bil 13. oktobra s pokopom na pokopališču Western Reserve Memorial Park. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojnikov spomin Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, OH 44110. Mary A. Tome Umrla je Mary A. Tome, hčerka že pok. Michaela in Catherine, sestra č.g. Viktorja N. (upokojenega župnika pri Mariji Vnebovzetij, Katie Slaper ter že pok. Johnnyja, Martina, Stanleya, Jean Trzeciak, Michaela in Agnes, teta. Pogreb je bil 4. oktobra v oskrbi Ferfoli-jevega zavoda na Maple Hts. s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Pija IX. in pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. Edward J. Eckart Dne 29. septembra je u-mrl 86 let stari Edward J. Eckart, mož Mary, roj. Luzar, oče bivšega zveznega kongresnika Dennisa, Gary-ja in Edwarda, 6-krat stari oče,' brat že pok. Louisa, Rose Morano, Josephine Spellman, Mildred Payerchin in Dorothy Haransky, pred leti član mestnega sveta v Euclidu. Pogreb je bil 2. septembra v oskrbi Brick-manovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Viljema in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. t+r < | II »4 i II “ I u . ' * sambel Gregorji iz Slovenije bodo nastopili v petek, 22. oktobra, na Alpskem večeru v novi farni dvorani pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. V kuhinji bodo pripravili dunajske zrezke in druge specialitete. Vstopnice so $10 za odrasle, $5 za najstnike, brezplačne pa za otroke izpod 13. leta. Vstopnice dobite v predprodaji od Elizabete Žalik (440-537-1941). Občni zbor Slov. pristave— Izvršni odbor Slovenske pristave vabi vse člane na letni občni zbor v nedeljo, 24. oktobra, ob 3h pop., na Pristavi. Pridite in izpolnite svojo člansko dolžnost. Postreženi boste s kranjsko klobaso in pijačo za $2.50. Popravek— V članku o nastopu folklorne skupine Kres ob njeni 50. obletnici, je bilo pomotoma objavljeno, da je prve narodne noše za skupino šivala ga. Marija Zupančič. V resnici je to bila ga. Rozalija Zupančič. Za neljubo napako se prizadetim opravičujemo. Sen. Lausche na radiu— Radijski napovedovalec Tony Petkovšek sporoča, da bo v sredo, 20. oktobra, ob 60. obletnici katastrofalnega East Ohio Gas Co. požara, ki je tako prizadel ravno takratno slovensko naselbino ob St. Clairju, prenašal 7-minutni govor v slovenščini in angleščini, ki ga je imel sen. Lausche že leta 1962 na programu, ki ga je vodil g. Petkovšek. To bo omenjeni dan ob 3.45 pop., ponovljen bo v soboto, 23. okt., ob 1.45 pop. G. Petkovškove oddaje so dnevno na postaji WELW 1330AM. ^ ’».i .»A Vn I .»»S ■m I! 1! hž M iTtr'A .Al* M »u .j u ihwA-iA m . .... ! u u w iWMiw at* w ittnnro i,.a u m M a ^ ^ j, ^ a ^ u ^ a « aim m * * * j, „ a a ,, a gu u B ^ g ^ a ^ j « i I Štajersko/Prekmursko martinovanje Ta “hram” vas bo čakal v soboto, 23. oktobra! CLEVELAND, O. - Zopet je prišla jesen, grozdje je dozorelo; čas je trgatve, veselja, vina in s tem tudi praznovanje sv. Martina! Štajerski/Prekmurski klub ima svoje vsakoletno martinovanje v soboto, 23. oktobra, v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair Avenue, s pričetkom ob 6.30 zvečer. Vabljeni ste vsi člani, rojaki, znanci in prijatelji s svojimi družinami, in vsi, ki ste radi v veseli družbi. Pri lepo okrašenih mizah boste postreženi z okusno večerjo, spretni natakarji v baru pa vas bodo postregli s pristno kapljico. Za ples in veselo razpoloženje bo igrala godba “Nova generacija”. Oglasite se tudi v “hramu”, ki ga vidite na dveh slikah zgoraj in spodaj tega dopisa. Okrašen bo z domačimi dobrotami in vas bo gotovo spominjal na domače kraje na Štajerskem oz. Prekmurskem. Za vstopnice in več informacij o našem martinovanju, pokličite Tonico na 440-256-6717 ali pa Mimi na 216-531-4817. Čas teče - pokličite že danes! Sv. Martina slavimo, se radi veselimo, veselje je pri nas - vabimo tudi vas! Odbor A Z Ameriško Domovino ste vedno na tekočem z dogajanjem v slovenskem svetu ^on^l Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family ED MEJAC RDC Program Director WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO hours: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 TFl /lAX wgr: www.wcsb.org V spremstvu petih krogov v Atenah ( Rojakinja ANDREJA WIESER iz Celovca oz. Slovcnjcga Plajbcrka t jc bila šefica Olimpijskih iger in koordinirala spored za dostojanstvenike Atenc/Slovenji Plajberk - (Ta dopis v celovških "Novicah" je izšel že 20. avgusta, ko so olimpijske igre še potekale: to sc Vidi iz teksta, ki ga pa nisem hotel nič spremeniti. op. ur. AD) - Olimpijske igre 2004 v Atenah so še v polnem teku. 34-letna Andreja Wieser, maturantka Slovenske gimnazije, iz Celovca je prišla v stik z olimpijskim gibanjem leta 1998, ko se je Celovec skupno s Trbižem in Kranjsko Goro potegoval za zimske OI 2006. Tedaj je bila mlada absolventka (študij amerikanistike) salzburške univerze pristojna za mednarodne odnose. Po negativnem izidu glasovanja MOK za kandidata Celovec (leta 2000) se je Andreja Wieser preselila v London in se zaposlila v mednarodni športni firmi. Tam je delala projekte z Mednarodnim olimpijskim komitejem (MOK) in prišla v stik s funkcionarji, ki so jo vprašali, če bi bila pripravljena sodelovati v organizacijskem komiteju za pripravo OI v Atenah. Angažirana menedžerka kozmopolitskega kova je takoj privolila in se februarja 2002 preselila v grško prestolnico Atene s skoraj 5 milijonov prebivalcev. Najvišji gosti - Zaposlila se je v oddelku za odnose z MOK in protokol ter bila poverjena z njenim vodstvom. V njenem ožjem timu je 15 sodelavcev, v širšem pa 65. 1 Pogovorni jezik med sodelavci in sodelavkami pa sta angleščina in francoščina. Njen delokrog je zelo obširen in obsega koordinacijo sporeda najvišjih gostov (državni predsedniki, ministrski predsedniki in člani kraljevskih družin), ki so se udeležili otvoritve OI ali pa še bodo prišli na igre. Andreja Wieser: “Treba je bilo organizirati konvoj, vse varnostne ukrepe, prenočišče in akreditacijo, torej spored od pristanka na atenskem letališču do odhoda iz Aten.” Andreja Wieser je vse goste osebno pozdravila na letališču in jim predala akreditacijo. V dobrim spominu ima shake hands z angleškim pre-mierom Tonyjem Blairom, ki je izžareval simpatičnost in dinamičnost. Celoten proračun za izvedbo olimpijskih iger znaša 4 milijarde evrov, od tega so v varnost investirali kar celo milijardo evrov. Ta projekt bo zgled za vse bodoče olimpijske igre. Varnost atletov in obiskovalcev je absolutno v ospredju. Do sedaj je vse dobro potekalo, je povedala zadovoljna Andreja Wieser po telefonu. Njen delovni dan pa je bil v fazi priprav zelo dolg, do 18 ur tr K OSEBI... ANDREJA WIESER, rojena 31. maja 1970 v Celovcu; ljudska šola na Pedagoški akademiji, zatem se je vpisal* v Slovensko gimnazijo, kjer je leta 1988 maturirala. Nato 5t0 dij angleščine in amerikanistike v Salzburgu. 1991 zaklju^ z magisterijem. 1994 je študirala na Bowling Greeo State University (ur. AD: tj. v Bowling Greenu, kjer jc spoZ‘ ■tjili ob med drugimi profesorji tudi dr. Timothyja Pogačarja, obiskih v Clevelandu in drugod tudi mnoge tu živeče rojakc in rojakinje) in zaključila z naslovom magister. Leta 199? Jc doktorirala na salzburški univerzi. Od leta 2002 nap' sodelavka pri Mednarodnem olimpijskem komiteju v Ate nah in odgovorna za protokolarne zadeve najvišjih gostov- 4! te d: ni d; st gr ci J; m k; kc dc Pc dnevno. Prostega časa skoraj ni bilo, samo nekajkrat je šla plavat. Sedaj ima nekoliko več zraka. Kaj pa domotožje? Andreja Wieser; “Kaj takega sploh ne poznam, čfeprav mi je Koroška zelo blizu.” Zadnjič je bila Andreja na obisku doma za božič, za deset dni. In njeni načrti za prihodnost? “V septembru so v Atenah paralimpijske igre, tam sem tudi pristojna za protokol. Nato bom obiskala Koroško, da se malo oddahnem od službenih naporov.” Za konec pa je še povedala, da bo ostala naprej zvesta olimpijski ideji. Tudi grško se je nekaj naučila simpatična “protokolarna olimpijka” iz Celovca. Marko Štukelj Drago Zorec prejemnik več priznanj Ljubljana - ec, Slovenec, 1969. leta Drago ^ ki 'no z že*0 iano odletel s PtuJa ,od' lourna. Pred net hotelu Sherato11 idke. Od teh so bili kar imenujejo pran Benjaminu r in dr** dr11' 0' ki se po linu, izumitelju niku, ki je izšel iz ine s sedemnajstin1* ^ -oki in je postal hid*^ en od soustvarjalcev G Avstralijo, je postal P ^ etnik tiskarske strok^ \. hehmondu, predel edavn” Chicagu potem, ko jc £ tbran med 5000 ^ i, prejel sedem prizrl ’ a vrhunske tiskarske tri' ft •tl; IO Al JE na str. «5) tir, to tis; 4o •jl\ •toj ki k^i Jill to 4vt ksi tok PAVLE BORŠTNIK Komentar - Kaj zdaj? - Če izvzamemo kratki in-termezzo vlade Andreja Bajuka pred dvema leto-ma. bo Slovenija, prvič P° letu 1941, zdaj mor-da dobila vlado, ki ne b° pod kontrolo Komuni-sUčne partije. Zmaga Ja-nez Janševe Demokratske franke in njenih zaveznic Nove Slovenije in Slo-Venske ljudske stranke -Pa pomeni samo začetek ^ezke poti, ki naj bi pri-Peljala Slovenijo v resnič-n° demokracijo. Ostaja namreč dejstvo, zmagovita koalicija sa-1113 Po sebi ne more se-Stavriti nove vlade. Njene franke bodo imele, v Parlamentu 45 sedežev, kontinuiteta” pa 43. Je-2*ček na tehtnici torej Predstavljata oba manj-?lnska poslanca - mad-zarski in italijanski. dva sta v preteklo-rutinsko glasovala z adajočo koalicijo, se ^ravi s komunistično ^ntinuiteto. Če sta to e^ala iZ prepričanja, po-^ bosta to prakso go- tovo aient nadaljevala in parla . po paralizirar ( '4b. Če pa sta v pr e e losti glasovala z vic ^ajočo večino iz oporte ^2rna' potem bosta mor nasl0pala oportuni ^no tudi zdaj in prite y.^a novi vladajoči koali Ji’ ki j0 bo vodil Jane Janša. T° je ^°goče, t b' (jr,^rkoli drug gradil b< aočnost Polihke. drug izhod. torej teoretičn« ni pa nekaj, n; lahko Janša al svoje Zato vlade ii bo treb Janš C)rago Zorec J^&ALJEVANJE s str. 14) aracije o ameriški neo-qvisnosti. (jf rag° Zorec, ki že *eto zaPored osva-^aanja, je z izumom H0 anJa v dvanajstih os-,Jlv ^ barvah nenadkri-Pje Zat° Se k)red vrati *ja'o°Ve dskarne postavic 0 v vrsto naročniki, 15 h°čejo najboljši tisk Jll\ ^0®ov za prodajo svo-^ragocenih izdelkov, le katerimi omenimo avt iZ^e^ovalce prestižnih Cobilov BMW in Le-ter ®P°rtno globalno ^ko Adidas Aleksamlcr ’ o Nedelo, 3. okt ; je nakazal dve možnosti: da ali izloči stranko DeSUS (upokojence), ker naj bi se pri registraciji njenih volilcev dogodilo nekaj nepravilnosti, ali pa da jo pridobi, da vstopi v njegovo koalicijo in mu tako da potrebno večino. Ne smemo tudi spregledati možnosti, da bo kontinuiteta spet našla in kupila nekega “cucka", ki ji bo omogočil obstati na oblasti. To so kratkoročne odločitve. Za prihodnja štiri leta mora (Janševa) nova vlada izdelati program za rešitev vseh zastaranih vprašanj, ki se kot kurja čreva vlečejo skozi slovensko politiko' vsa leta od osamosvojitve, obenem pa mora, u-poštevajoč, da bo dokončen preobrat možen šele na volitvah leta 2008, začrtati svojo pot v absolutnem soglasju z vsemi pravili demokratične družbe in etične državne u-prave. Z drugimi besedami: samo če bo Janševa vlada naslednja štiri leta preživela brez kakršnegakoli finančnega ali političnega škandala, lahko ra-''umi da ji bodo volilci po .štirih letih ponovno izrekli zaupanje. Nova vlada mora zato razčistiti stare in zastarele škandale, obenem pa preprečiti vsakršno kričečo nepravilnost na svoji strani. V vprašanju zdomske Slovenije so stvari popolnoma jasne: ostaja še cela vrsta nerešenih pritožb na račun denaconalizacije in v tem pogledu bi morala nova vlada ukrepati hitro in odločno, da se ta nadležni problem vendar enkrat odstrani z dnevnega reda slovenske politike. Še važneje pa je vprašanje množičnih grobišč, razmetanih po slovenski zemlji. Da ta grobišča obstajajo, vedo vsi Slovenci; kdo je v njih pokopan, prav tako. Kar je zdaj potrebno, je, da vlada z neko pošteno, humano odločitvijo prizna in potrdi značaj teh žrtev in s tem omogoči preživelemu narodu, da si obveže to zijajočo rano in mu obenem vzbudi upanje, da se bo le zacelila. Morda bi za izhodiščno točko svojega romanja na “Goro sprave” lahko pos- JANEZ PODOBNIK PO INCIDENTU S HRVAŠKIMI POLICISTI - Predsednik SLS Janez Podobnik, ki je dobil manjšo poškodbo, ko so ga aretirali policisti iz Hrvaške (o tem smo poročali pred dvema tednoma), se rokuje z zunanjim ministrom Ivom Vajglom. Na desni na fotografiji je Roman Jakič, predsednik odbora za zunanjo politiko državnega zbora. Čeprav se je zdelo takoj po slovenskih volitvah 3. oktobra, da bo Janez Podobnik zopet izvoljen v parlament, menda zaradi glasov iz tujine, ki so bile večinoma za NSi, je izpadel iz seznama poslancev. Kljub temu so govorice, da mu bo verjetni mandatar Janez Janša v želji, da SLS sodeluje v vladni koaliciji, ponudil pomembnejšo ministrstvo. Zakona preskočila zamolčane tavili dejstvo, da so bile nedavne volitve, to kljub vsem razumljivim strastem ali še vedno tlečemu sovraštvu, vendar izvedene na način, ki ni izzval nobenih resnih protestov ali kritike. Da je bila torej kljub vsemu dosežena neka osnovna stopnja demokratičnega odločanja in da so ljudje, ki bodo vstopili v novi parlament, v resnici dobili pristna pooblastila svojih volilcev. Dokončna rešitev problema ob koncu vojne zaplenjene imovine in zadovoljujoča rešitev vprašanja statusa žrtev medvojnega in povojnega terorja, to so dvojna vrata, ki jih je treba odpreti za začetek zdravega narodovega življenja. PERRY, OHIO PrijatePs Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 Sl. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS Ljubljana - Po ugotovitvah zgodovinarjev so med drugo svetovno vojno pripadniki NOB pobili okoli 5000 civilistov, 1000 vojnih ujetnikov in 2000 soborcev. Skupaj okoli 8000 oseb, kar je dvakrat več, kot so do marca 1945 pobili okupatorjev, ugotavlja svetovalec Gorenjskega muzeja Kranj Jože Dežman, ki je tudi mentor študijskega krožka, v katerem sodelujejo ožji družinski člani oseb, ki so med drugo svetovno vojno umrle nasilne smrti. Širši javnosti so svoje izpovedi že predstavili v dokumentarni oddaji RTV Slovenija z naslovom Zamolčani - moč preživetja avtorja Jožeta Možine. Pričevanja bodo čez nekaj dni izšla tudi v knjigi- Trinajst članov pa je v petek (17. sept., op. ur. AD) vložilo pobudo za za- četek postopka za oceno ustavnosti zakona o žrtvah vojnega nasilja in zakona o popravi krivic. Pobudniki ugotavljajo, da navedena zakona ne urejata pravic ža te kategorije oseb. Zakon o popravi krivic zajema bivše politične Zapornike in po vojni pobite osebe ter jim priznava pravico do odškodnine, do izdaje mrliških listov in določitve grobov. Svojci med vojno pobitih oseb pa do teh pravic niso upravičeni. Tudi zakon o žrtvah vojnega nasilja tega ne ureja, saj priznava pravice le osebam, ki so jih med vojno pobili okupatorji. Pripadniki NOB pa so izvzeti kot mogoči povzročitelji vojnega nasilja. Pobudniki trdijo, da je zakonodajalec s tem kršil ustavo, saj ni uredil pra- (DALJE na str. 16) '‘Childhood is too precious to waste. ” Cuyahoga County - November 2, 2004 ri —^ Mary A. Malloy * /m B /{-) for Juvenile Court Judge JF # s P-./iVENDELIN SPENDOV LEMONTSKI ODMEVI Spomenik Celje (Delo fax. 11 okt 2004) - V nasprotju s prejšnjimi leti, ko se je oktobrske žalne slovesnosti ob križu na Teharjah udeleževalo po nekaj tisoč ljudi, se je včerajšnjega (tj. 10. okt.) odprtja parka spomina na Teharjah kot osrednjega državnega spomenika zamolčanim žrtvam povojnih pobojev udeležilo razmeroma malo, morda največ 800 ljudi. Spomenik je odkril predsednik državnega zbora Feri-Horvat (izhaja iz Združene liste, op. ur. AD) in k sarkofagu položil žalni venec, blagoslovil pa ga je predsednik slovenske škofovske konference in mariborski škof dr. Franc Kramberger. Feri Horvat je v svojem nagovoru dejal, da se želi Republika Slovenija s spomenikom predvsem simbolično oddolžiti vsem žrtvam in svojcem za njihovo trpljenje, hkrati pa želi tudi postaviti temelje za nov začetek našega skupnega življenja. “Naj se z odkritjem tega spomenika za nazaj in opomnika za naprej konča ločitev duhov, ki nas je težila do sedaj,” je še dejal. "To zmoremo in smo še posebej dolžni storiti za prihodnje generacije ter za skupno sobivanje! in sožitje v združeni Evropi.” Predsednik vladne komisije za reševanje vprašanj prikritih grobišč Peter Kovačič Peršin pa je na teharski slovesnosti pojasnil globoko simbolno sporočilnost celotnega kot spomin [Jarka spomina in dodal, da je tudi opomin, kako moramo kot narod kljub razlikam - živeti v strpnosti. Predsednik slovenske škofovske konference in mariborski škof dr. Franc Kramberger, ki je blagoslovil osrednji slovenski spomenik zamolčanim žrtvam povojnih pobojev na Teharjah in daroval mašo. je zbrane opozoril na tri ključne misli, ki so po njegovem napolnile vsebino včerajšnjega spominskega slavja. Prva skozi molitev presega sovraštvo in skuša žrtvam vrniti ime in človeško dostojanstvo ter jim sporoča, da niso več v nasilni anonimnosti, temveč so končno spet pripadniki našega naroda. Druga misel je povezana z odpuščanjem, je nadaljeval dr. Kramberger in dodal, da sicer ni mogoče pozabiti, je pa mogoče odpustiti. Tretja misel pa je sprava. A povejmo si resnico, je dejal škof: “Narodna sprava ni filozofija, ne beseda in tudi ne samo slovesnost. Sprava je dogajanje, je ves čas navzoča pripravljenost podati vsakemu človeku desnico miru, je in bo zgodovinski napor vsakega naroda in vseh generacij, mora biti del vzgoje in kulture našega duha in srca. Samo tako bo slovenski narod postal narod s prihodnostjo in narod brez strahu." Toda veliko ljudi se včerajšnjega odprtja parka spomina na Teharjah ni udeležilo predvsem za in opomin to. ker jo je namenoma spregledala Nova slovenska zaveza (NSZ). Pod predsedstvom Antona Drobniča je namreč NSZ pripravila obletno spominsko slovesnost že pred tednom dni na volilni dan 3. oktobra, vendar ne kot ponavadi, ob križu v parku spomina, temveč v bližnji cerkvi sv. Ane. Maše in žalne slovesnosti se je udeležilo kakih 300 ljudi, od teh so se številni pripeljali tudi organizirano z avtobusi. “Dokler ta država ne bo zmogla priznanja in opravičila za sramotna dejanja osvoboditeljev po drugi vojni, sprava Slovencev ni mogoče. Zato tudi ni mogoče, da bi tu stali skupaj mi, ki smo bili žrtve morilcev, in vsi ,• drugi, ki stojijo na strani morilcev,” mi je na včerajšnji slovesnosti dejal vidno prizadet starejši mož, ki ni hotel razkriti svojega imena. Po njegovem je zato edino prav, da se je Nova slovenska zaveza z nedeljske slovesnosti umaknila. Predsednik vladne komisije za popravo krivic Janez Lukač pa je bil prav nasprotnega mnenja. Po njegovem bi morala NSZ zagotovo podpreti slovesnost z udeležbo svojih članov, saj si je zastavila cilj, da bo slovenski narod združevala. “Preprosto v NSZ ne razumejo pietete države, ki prav s postavitvijo tega spomenika obžaluje svoja dejanja,” je še dejal Lukač. Damjana Stamejčič Zakona preskočila zamolčane (NADALJEVANJE s str. 15) vnega statusa med vojno pobitih oseb, ki so jih pobile vojaške enote NOB. S tem je zanemaril tudi njihove družinske člane, ki so bili zasmehovani in potisnjeni na rob družbe. Komunistična oblast je namreč sistematično izvajala partijski rasizem. Ubojem je ponavadi sledila zaplemba premoženja, svojcem je bila kratena pravica do državnih pomoči, do štipen- Oktober - mesec rožnega venca: sedmega je (bil) praznik Rožnovenske Matere božje: "Kraljica venca rožnega, / naj celi svet ti slavo da! / je človek star že ali mlad, / naj rožni venec moli rad!" Sv. Frančišek Asiški (1182 - 1226), ustanovitelj frančiškanskih redov. Frančišek je umrl zvečer 3. oktobra 1226, njegov dij, zaposlitve oziroma službenega napredovanja. Težave so imeli pri vzpostavljanju pietetnega odnosa do umrlih, številnim pobudnikom pa še ni u-spelo najti grobov svojih najbližjih. Dežman ugotavlja, da je vsaka od zgodb pobudnikov vredna človeškega sočutja, kar Slovencem manjka. Politika, kljub spravnim poskusom, še vedno ni zmožna odgovoriti na pomembna vprašanja iz zgodovine. Matjaž Albreht Delo fax. 23. sept. 2004 god obhajamo 4. oktobra. Zato je ta dan za naš red velik praznik: "V raju blaženem kraljuje / sredi serafinske čet. / sveti učenik Frančišek / z žarom angelskim odet-/ Zdrav nam bodi. oče blagi, / zvezda jasnega neba. / vzor največjega uboštva. / roža umbrijskih gora." Rojstni dnevi sobratov, p. Vendelin Špendov D okt. 1921) - goduje 20. oktobra: p. Atanazij Lovrenčič (3. okt. 1922). Umrli meseca oktobra-p. Janez Vianej Trink0 , (10. okt. 1969): P- Av£u' štin Svete (16. okt. ,1979). p. Ciril Shircel (17. okt-1959); p. Bernard Ambrožič (23. okt. 1973); P’ Odilo Hajnšek (30. okt 1971). Naj jim sveti večna Luč! I Romanja: Letos so bik j nedelje romanj in pikn* j kov večinoma lepe. Bil° je sončno, zraven pa nC prevroče. Romarske fn3Šc so bile večinoma dobf° (DALJE na str. 18) Sprememba naslova j «■ Ko se selite, trajno ali začasno, ste lepo naprošeni, da naši pisarni posredujete pravočasno tako Vaš nov naslov kakor sedanji. To omogoča, da boste brez prekinitve dobivali naš list, prihranili boste pa pisarni strošek 60 centov, ki jih računa pošta za vsak povrnjen oziroma ne dostavljen izvod lista. Uporabljajte ta obrazec za posredovanje potrebnih informacij. Nov naslov Ime Naslov Mesto, Država, Zip _________________________ Star naslov Star naslov________________________ Mesto, država, zip_________________ V BLAG SPOMIN 1. obletnice, ko ni več med nami naša draga, nikoli pozabljena mama, stara mama, teta in svakinj3 Pavla Zevnik roj. Kobal Zapustila nas je 13. oktobra 2004 Leto dni te zemlja krije, tvoje truplo v grobu spi, ni za nas miru, pokoja, odkar te več med nami ni. Kakor ovce brez pastirja čutimo zdaj osamljenost. Vsi želimo k tebi priti, v nebeško veselost. Vrh višave bivaš jasne, kjer težav ni ne skrbi, sonce sreče ne ugasne, lepša zarja ti svetli. Žalujoči: sinova: Frank (Wllowick) in Jože (Highland H1®-) hčere: Ann Marie Hiršelj (Circleville, O.) in Rose Marie Blatnik (Herndon, Va.) zeta: Emil Hiršelj in Victor Blatnik snahi: Laura in Linda vnuki in vnukinje: Mark, Rebecca, Dan in David pravnuk in pravnukinja: Drew in Morgan Hiršelj svakinja: Ančka Zevnik v Sloveniji mnogi nečaki in nečakinje v Sloveniji HirŠe|j’ j' 1 c F i ž Ni O Valentinu Zdravku Inzku Ljubljana (Kar sledi, je vzeto iZ rubrike, ki jo tedensko za Nedelo piše Aleksander Lucu, tokrat iz šte-^kc z dne 5. okt. 2004, °P- ur. AD) - Med najbolj razveseljive novice prejš-nJega meseca pa sodi tu-sklep sveta avstrijskih ministrov, da bo po no-Vem letu službo velepo-sianika v Sloveniji nasto-Pii 55-letni doktor prav-nih znanosti, koroški Slo-Venec dr. Valentin Inzko. „ ^°ma je v Svečah pri šentjakobu j —>jcu\(juu v Rožu in je Sin slavnega očeta, tudi i ^alentina, profesorja in slavista, ki se je neomaj n° boril za pravice sle Venske manjšine (dobil j ^di visoko odlikovanj ePublike Slovenije) te dosegel takšno spoštova nje’ da so mu namenil indi mesto v elitnem lek sikonu najpomembnejši! Osebnosti Avstrije. Inzkovi predniki izhaja ■1° iudi iz rodbine zname nitih Einspielerjev, ki s S°reče podpirali progran edinjena Slovenija v 1£ Poletju, in prav v hiš jmjslavnejšega Einspieler a Andreja sedaj stanuj alentin (za prijatelj dravko) s svojo žem ernardo Fink, izjemni °Perno pevko mezzoso Pr^nistko, ki je bila roje a slovenskem staršem Uebos Airesu, kjer j ^0stal njen umetnišk ^ejnik slavna operna hi a Teatro Colon. kot trideset pleši Posnela Bernarda Inz a Pink, za vlogo v Han lovi operi Julij Ceza Je prejela tudi presti 2tl° nagrado Grammy. ^oako kot basist Ma ko V Pink tonika (oba in sopranistk Menvielle Fin sta iz njenega <1^3) je tudi Bernard stalna gostja na elitnih opernih odrih v Avstriji.- Dr. Valentin Zdravko Inzko je imeniten mož. Maturiral je na slovenski gimnaziji v Celovcu in s tiho pomočjo župana nekdanje celovške občine Radiše (po avstrijskih zakonih mora namreč športni klub registrirati občina) Ludvika Ogrisa kljub hudim nasprotovanjem protislovenske politike ustanovil Slovenski atletski klub (SAK). Zanimivo, da so Avstrijci pol leta po njegovi ustanovitvi ukinili občino Radiše. V SAK pa je začel delovati legendarni slovenski nogometni klub. Inzkov oče je nogometni enajsterici posojal svojega velikega mercedesa, ki je bil tako prostoren, da se je lahko vanj z malo spretnosti stisnila celotna ekipa. Dr. Valentin Zdravko Inzko je bil tudi kulturni ataše Avstrije v Pragi, kjer sta z Vaclovom Havlom postala tako dobra prijatelja, da je slavni češki predsednik dal svoj originalen tekst Mohorjevi družbi (Inzko je namreč njen podpredsednik), da ga je izdala prva pred vsemi. Zdravko je bil tudi avstrijski veleposlanik v Sarajevu (postal je častni občan Sarajeva), kjer se je Bošnjakom tako prikupil, da je prišel ob smrti Inzkovega očeta (od slovenskih politikov je so-žalno brzojavko poslal le Milan Kučan) na pogreb na Koroško tudi slavni nogometaš in trener Ivica Osim in povedal, da njegova družina ne bo nikdar pozabila Inzkovih dobrih del. MtffflMlf nMHMIFdf fM f ITrirHiirflfltfi IVO ŽAJDELA v DRUŽINI... (5. sept. 2004) “Podatkov ni bilo mogoče ugotoviti” Ob robu poročila tožilstva o raziskovanju povojnih pobojev - III. del (konec) - Nemška manjšina “Nekaj sto pripadnikov nemške manjšine so po aretaciji izgnali v Avstrijo. Ko izgon ni bil več mogoč, so jih pobili, vsa odgovornost za poboj te skupine pa leži na slovenski OZNI. Grobišča teh žrtev niso znana, saj i-dentifikacija nobene od oseb iz grobišča v zaklonišču v Slovenski Bistrici ni bila uspešna, le domneva se lahko, da so žrtve iz tega zaklonišča nemška manjšina. V času od 3. 9. 2001 je bilo v zaklonišču pri Slovenski Bistrici po o-dredbi preiskovalnega sodnika in pod strokovnim vodstvom izvedencev Inštituta za sodno medicino v Ljubljani ekshumi-ranih 231, v času od 7. 3. 2002 do 29. 3. 2002 pa še nadaljnih 200 trupel. Večina trupel je imela z žico zvezane roke, na nekaterih lobanjih so vidne številne poškodbe. Najdeno je preko 60 predmetov, s pomočjo katerih smo poskušali opraviti identifikacijo, vendar neuspešno. Identifikacija je bila neuspešno posku-šana tudi s takozvano DNK analizo. Ostanki najdenih predmetov napotu-jejo na sklepanje, da so bile žrtve premožnejši ljudje. Policija in tožilstvo sta se ukvarjala z raziskavami še več drugih grobišč, pri katerih pa ni nobenega podatka o tem, kdo so žrtve, ali pa je obstoj grobišča zgolj domneva okoliških prebivalcev. Raz-čiščevane so bile tudi številne prijave po vojni izginulih oseb. Nujno je pojasniti, da so bile v poročilu opisane tiste okoliščine, pri katerih zbrani dokazi kažejo na visokb stopnjo verjetnosti. V številnih primerih, ki so navedeni v poročilu, pa gre vendarle za bistveno nižjo stopnjo gotovosti, kot jo za obsodbo zahtevajo ka-zensko-pravni standardi v Sloveniji." Nenatančnost in pomanjkljivost Značilnost 00 tožilskega L poročila o povojnih pobojih je terminološka nenatančnost in neustreznost, še posebej pa velika podatkovna "ohlapnost” in nenatančnost. O povojnih pobojih je namreč na voljo že precej dobre literature (poleg precej slabe seveda), zato ta površnost in nenatančnost preseneča. Že iz čisto strokovnih razlogov bi pričakovali u-porabo čim bolj natančne terminologije. Glede pobojev v Kočevskem rogu je govor o srbsko in hrvaško govorečih “likvidatorjih", med katerimi so bili tudi Slovenci. To je nenatančna in zato zavajajoča navedba. Iz literature se da dovolj dobro razbrati, kdaj in kje je kdo pobijal. Zanesljivo pa Slovenci niso bili le neki obrobni spremljevalci. Berite zelo podrobno pričevanje re-šenca iz roškega brezna Franceta Kozine, ki izvajalce navaja celo po imenih. Simptomatična sta stavka: “O tem, kdo je bil likvidiran je odločala OZNA, na katerem nivoju njene organizacije, oziroma kdo konkretno je odločal o usmrtitvi ni bilo mogoče ugotoviti, saj ni dokumentov. Podatkov, pomembnih za oceno kazenske odgovornosti od še živečih ni bilo mogoče dobiti." Tega “ni bilo mogoče ugotoviti” in podatkov od še živečih dobiti samo na dva načina: da tožilstvo tega ni ugotavljalo ali da tega ni hotelo početi. Usten to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WORN Cleveland Public Radio Tony Ovsenik 440-944-2538 Enako so zapisali za pobite in za storilce iz teharskega taborišča: “Kje vse so bili pobiti in zakopani, ni bilo mogoče ugotoviti. Prav tako ni bilo mogoče za nobeno še živečo osebo zbrati dovolj dokazov za uvedbo kazenskega postopka, pa čeprav so bili pregledani arhivi in opravljeni razgovori s še živečimi pričami." Vsaj za pobite domobrance in njihove civilne spremljevalce se dokaj dobro ve, kje so jih pobijali. O “zbiranju" dokazov za morilec oziroma tiste, ki so te zločine organizirali in vodili, pa moramo znova ugotoviti, da očitno teh dokazov sploh niso zbrali ali iskali. Glede zbiranja dokazov proti odgovornim za povojne poboje (medvojni partizanski umori in poboji, kjer gredo številke prav tako v nekaj tisoč, bodo očitno še naprej velika tabu tema!) je ob tem poročilu tožilstva treba zapisati vsaj naslednje: če nečesa nočeš odkriti, tega pač ne boš počel o-ziroma, če hočeš koga zaščititi, ga pač boš. V Sloveniji je to pri takšni strukturi oblasti in oblastnih podsistemov (kot sta tožilstvo in policija) ne le mogoče, ampak vsakdanja praksa. Dobro se ve, kdo je bil leta 1945 na kateri funkciji, kdo so bili vodilni ljudje Komunistične partije, in da sta bili tako Ozna kot Knoj partijski politični policiji z izrazito hierarhično organiziranostjo. Natanko torej vemo, kdo je bil na vrhu obeh organizacij oziroma kdo je vodil poboje. Nekaj jih še živi. Zelo sporna in do žrtev krivična je tudi terminologija, ki jo uporablja tožilstvo. Tako lahko v delu, kjer navaja razloge. ki bi jim lahko rekli kar izgovori, zakaj ni odkrilo nobenih storilcev o-ziroma odgovornih za povojne poboje, med drugim preberemo tudi naslednji stavek: _ "Postopek ukaza za aretacijo preko aretacije same, do odločitvi o lito ALJ E na str. 18) ---------------------_J j! dr, Vendelin Špendov Lemont, ll}.' LEMONTSKI ODMEVI zvonovi preselili v nov zvonik za samostanom in cerkvijo. Podatkov ni bilo mogoče... (NADALJEVANJE s str. 17) (N AD Al J EV A N J K s str. 16) obiskane, prireditelji piknikov pa so nekajkrat pogrešali "piknikarje". razen ob pikniku Kulturnega centra. Srečolov je ob tem pikniku - v splošno zadovoljstvo - določil glavni dobitek (deset tisoč) cerkvi sv. Jožefa v Rockdale, južno predmestje Jolieta, 111. Za “Medeni piknik” je bilo popoldne prijetno sončno. Dopoldne je bilo še mokro od ponočnega dežja,. da je bila sv. maša v cerkvi. - Koga je žreb določil za denarne nagrade, prihodnjič. Letos je bilo za to priliko na razpolago precej več peciva kot lani, pa je kljub temu hitro pošlo, zlasti krofi in potice. Tudi medu je bilo dovolj na razpolago - čebele so bile pridne, jih je pohvalil mojster. - Nadaljevanje v novembrski številki. Že več kot 50 let je vsakoletno romanje Oltarnih društev iz Clevelanda v avgustu, drugi konec tedna, ki nekako uvaja Veliki šmaren. Priprave in vodstvo je letos organizirala Ivanka Matič, predsednica Zveze oltarnih društev. Poleg polnega avtobusa, jih je še nekaj prišlo s svojimi avtomobili. Spored romarskih maš in molitev so, kakor vedno, vestno izpolnjevale. Zlasti globoko doživet je bil serafinski rožni venec v rožnovenski dolinici s petjem, polaganjem nageljnov k Marijinim nogam in kronanjem fatim->kf Mm ere božje. Rožni venec je molila Ani Nemec, predsednica Oltarnega društva pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. Nageljne so položile: Ivanka Rozman, Nežka Tominec, Ivanka Tominec, Matilda Tavčar, Tončka Urankar, Marija Bajc in Milena Gorše. Marijo je kronala Pavla Dolinar. Kot uvod je p. Vendelin spomnil na 50 let rožnovenske dolinice, ki je ponosen spomenik članic ZOD iz Clevelanda. Poleg tega so darovale še za dve maši - $50 in $210 za cerkev. Predsednica ZOD Ivanka Matič je po pobožnosti dodala: “Veliko imamo onemoglih, ki bi se rade pridružile temu romanju. Na žalost ne morejo več. Zato so nas prosile, da vam izročimo tople pozdrave. Prosijo tudi, da jih ne pozabite v vaših molitvah, ko so vedno tako rade prihajale k Mariji Pomagaj. Devet članic je Bog poklical že v tem letu v večno domovino samo od Sv. Vida.” Poleg tega nam je poslala še naslednje sporočilo: “Spoštovani patri! Rada bi se zahvalila v imenu clevelandskih romarjev: Bogu in Mariji za tako lepo vreme, bilo je veliko duševne hrane. Na avtobusu smo veliko molili, potem pa nadaljevali pri Mariji Pomagaj. Pater Vendelin. hvala, da ste vodili križev pol in sodelovali v 'dolinici” in pri petju. • Patru Blažu hvala za vso skrb, da je bilo vse preskrbljeno in dobro. Patru Atanaziju za večerno mašo s pridigo in za pete litanije. Patru Ogorevcu za nedeljsko sv. mašo s pridigo, za pete litanije in podobice Marije Pomagaj. Diakonu Janezu Vidmarju, hvala za vse sodelovanje. Hvala pa tudi tistemu, ki je tako lepo vse uredil in počistil “dolinico”, da so pastirčki in predvsem rože prišle do izraza. Zahvala tudi tistim, ki so pripravili hrano. - Vsem prav lepe pozdrave - clevelandski romarji.” V Ave Mariji beremo: Ko so slovenski frančiškani ob cesti Archer Ave. - sedaj Main Street, leta 1924, dogradili samostan in cerkev z zvonikom, je namestnik chi-caškega naadškofa cerkev in samostan slovesno blagoslovil. Čez leto dni so iz livarne pripeljali tri zvonove, ki so skupaj tehtali 1500 kg. Ob romanju. 19. julija 1925, ko se je zbralo veliko število rojakov, je bil pred sv. mašo slovesen “krst zvonov", ki so pri maziljenju dobili imena: veliki zvon "Marija Pomagaj", srednji “Sv. Štefan” in tretji "Sv. Frančišek”. Od tedaj so iz prvega zvonika zvonovi pozdravljali i omarje do lem ! 949. t\' j** j >iia o■ ■ 'a s*i- danja cerkev m ob njej samostan, ko so se tudi Enoletna naročnina na Ave Maria je $20, izven ZDA pa $25. Naslov za naročitev: Ave Maria Printery, 14246 Main Street, P. O. Box 608, Lemont, IL 60439-0608. Pa so pred nekaj meseci številni rojaki izrazili željo, naj bi zvonovi, ki se iz zvonika v ozadju cerkve slabo slišijo, dobili primeren proster pred cerkvijo in samostanom. Načrti 'so bili naročeni in izdelani, posebna zbirka pa naj bi krila stroške. To bo sedaj že tretji zvonik pri cerkvi Mariji Pomagaj v Lemontu. V soboto, 14. avgusta, dan pred Velikim šmarnom, so pod vodstvom in po načrtih Kazimirja Krampača postavili žele-žno ogrodje, ki bo nosilo zvonove, ki so se pred kratkim vrnili iz zvonar-ne, kjer so jih očistili in uredili nekaj okvar, da bodo vnaprej zvonili kot novi. Ko je bilo ogrodje postavljeno, so delavci s stroji Župančičeve Tri-tek Co. zvonove dvignili in postavili na natančno odmerjena mesta. Za zidavo zvonika sta poskrbela Ignac Glavač in Viktor Lavriša s sodelavci in največ sama pozidala. Ob tem pisanju delo ob zvoniku končujejo, da bo vse pripravljeno za slovesni blagoslov, 18. septembra 2004. Predstojnik samostana in cerkve p. Metod Ogorevc se pa še vnaprej priporoča za darove tako za zvonik kot za popravilo orgel. Darove, ki ste jih do sedaj poslali preko Ave Marije, objavljamo. Med rojaki, ki nam pomagajo pri reviji Ave Maria, je bil Martin Kacin, dokler mu je zdravje dopuščalo. Po daljši bolezni ga je Bog poklical k sebi 25. avgusta 2004. Večna Luč naj mu sveti! Sožalje družini! AVE MARIA Oktober 2004 | BRALCI ameriške domovine ''Priporočajte naš list! kvidaciji in usmrtitev sama, je vključeval večje število oseb, zato ni mogoče zbrati dovolj dokazov za trditev, da so tis-, ti, ki so izvrševali aretacije, izbirali domnevne sodelavce ali simpatizerje okupatorja, jih vodili v zapore ali taborišča, zavestno sodelovali pri usmrtitvah.” Velika večina pobitih nikakor ni bila “domnevni sodelavci ali simpatizerji okupatorja”, kot jih v poročilu žali tožilstvo. Večina pobitih v povojnih pobojih je bila v vsem svojem bistvu najprej žrtev medvojne komunistične revolucije, ki so se ji morali, če so hoteli preživeti, upreti. Bili so, kar se tiče terminologije, pro-tirevolucionarji, kot seveda tisto, kar so se sami imenovali, npr. domobranci. Ignoriranje zakonov V poročilu beremo, da sta se policija in tožilstvo “ukvarjala z raziskavami še več drugih grobišč, pri katerih pa ni nobenega podatka o tem, kdo so žrtve, ali pa je obstoj grobišča zgolj domneva okoliških prebivalcev”. Pri tem lahko ugotovimo samo še naslednje porazno stanje, da policija in tožilstvo pač ne o-pravljata svojega dela o-ziroma tistega, kar po zakonih morata. V nekdanji Sovjetski zvezi so konec osemdesetih let, še pod partijskim Gorbačovom, kvalificirano izkopavali množična grobišča. Na Hrvaškem so v začetku devetdesetih let sistematično in strokovno izkopavali in raziskovali hrvaška povojna grobišča. Že več let lahko v medijih spremljamo, kako grobišča raziskujejo v Bosni in Hercegovini in kako ravnajo s tistimi, ki so zločine organizirali. Le Slovenija je očitno še oaza, kjer zakoni in civilizirane norme ne veljajo. Tožilstvo in policija sta povojne poboje (ne “izvensodne”, kot jih tožilstvo imenuje, saj, kakšni pa so potem "sodni p°-bpji”?) raziskovali več let. Delo naj bi teklo z zbiranjem podatkov na terenu, med ljudmi. Toda že samo na osnovi dosedanje literature bi pričakovali, da bo tožilstvo državnemu zboru kot svojo dokončno poročilo predložilo obširno, vsebinsko bogato in dokaj natančno ekspertizo, ne pa nekakšnega poročilca, ki je morda malo boljšega oC* kakšnega pisma bralcev. Ob toliko opevani stro kovnosti naših vladnih služb to nikakor ni stro kovni izdelek, ampak kvečjemu nestrokovni. To liko uporabljenega časa in energije, da o raznie tavanju davkoplačevalske ga denarja sploh ne £° vorimo, za tako klavrno opravljeno delo! Iz poročila ni razvidno, kakšno literaturo so pre iskovalci uporabljali, ka ko poglobljeno so razi skovali v arhivih, predv sem pa koga, koga kaj so spraševali o temi. Že na osnovi vsega do danes napisanega povojnih pobojih bi lahkoto ugotovili kriv^ za poboje, tako tiste, so že pomrli, kot tu tiste, ki še živijo. Ni znano, kaj so spra ševali npr. Mitjo Ribičk v času pobojev enega na-i višjih funkcionarjev Ozn ^ ki je vodila poboje, Pr tako ne, kaj nec^avn0 mr lega Bojana poIa ta Stjenko, kornan Knoja, vojske, ki je iz jala poboje. Znano je praktično ^ tako mnogi navadni P sodeloval' od stra nikO^' žarjev do samih krv kot tudi vsa organizaira sko-hierarhična strn ^ organizatorjev (Ozna. ^ kratni politični org311 izvajalcev (Knoj). (KONEC) in tej tizani, ki so morilski verigi BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. (216) 481-527? Between Chardon Rd. & E. 222 St. in Euclid, 0^' *■ •>*>"> ii n ij %ij »i ■, »i % vvojptfc r' riTi r< ti r,iyT)T«T t) *> i *1 . V HiltfUkdf m t,a'a V* V v r t'./i Dr. Matej Makarovič, sociolog - analiza o volitvah Preizkušene napake (Pred dvema tednoma sem objavil analizo dr. Makaroviča pred slovenskimi volitvami, ki se mi je zdelo precej tehtno, tokrat pa gre za njegovo analizo o volitvah, ki so bile 3. oktobra v Sloveniji in so prinesle zmago konserva tivnejšim strankam. Tudi to pisanje se mi zdi tehtno in ga posredujem bralcem. - Ur. AD) O Ljubljana - Tistih, ki so spremljali in vsaj približno razumeli dogodke zadnjih dveh let, volilna zmaga opozicijske SDS in poraz vladajoče LDS olsta mogla pretirano presenetiti. V ozadju je veliko dejavnikov, ki daleč Presegajo okvira tega prispevka. Zato se osredotočim le na nekatere. Najprej moramo zavreči poenostavljene razlage o “naveličanosti” volivcev nad vladavino LDS, saj je to pravzaprav zgolj cenen izgovor za pomanjkljivo analizo. Če ne na-nireč naveličanost odločilen dejavnik, bi morala veljati preprosta zakonitost: dlje kot je LDS na oblasti, bolj so je volivci naveličani. To pa očitno ni res. Od leta 1992 do leta 2000 je bil delež LDS na vsakih naslednjih volitvah višji. Svoj najboljši rezultat je LDS dosegla po ( •! t.-.-.iiiih k-(ih na ol)la-i;i. po dvanajstih letih pa so sc jc »olivci kar nenadoma “naveličali”. Treba bo iskati bolj prepričljive razlage. Kaj je naredila narobe LDS? Vedno obstajajo strukturni učinki, na katere politični akterji nimajo neposrednega vpliva. In vendar ne pretiravamo, če trdimo, da so voditelji LDS in njihovi zavezniki predvsem sami krivi za svoj neuspeh. Pravzaprav je krivo njihovo veliko pomanjkanje samorefleksije, ki je šlo tako daleč, da so z neverjetno lahkotnostjo ponavljali celo “preizkušene" napake, zaradi katerih so se v prejšnjih letih opekli njihovi nasprotniki. V tem smislu so morda posredno res žrtve svojega preteklega uspeha. jim je oblastniška aroganca zameglila sposobnost (samo)kritične presoje. Značilna napaka, ki so jo neposredno prevzeli po “pomladnih strankah" iz prejšnjih časov, je bila konfliktnost navzven in še posebno navznoter. Tako se je, na primer, LDS v iskanju večje ideološke čistosti sprla s svojim nekdanjim zunanjim ministrom. Volivci se ob tem ne sprašujejo toliko, kdo ima bolj prav, temveč jih moti že sam konflikt. Iz želje po rio seganju ideološke enotnosti in prepozna’/nosti LDS je nastal vtis o njeni notranji sprtosti. Paradoks je podoben nekdanjim brezupnim poskusom .Janeza Janše med leti 1994 iu 2000. da bi gradil "programsko sorodno” pomladno koalicijo. Bolj kot je poudarjal povezovanje teh strank, bolj sprte so bile. Po letu 2000 je SDS postopoma spreminjala svojo politiko, se omejila na bolj minimalistično koalicijo z NSi in se namesto pritoževanja nad raznimi “vrinjenci” bolj približala načelu, ki ga je na Zboru za republiko formuliral dr. Tine Hri- bar: “Kdor ni proti nam. je z nami." SDS se je iz lastnih napak nekaj naučila, LDS se iz tujih napak ni, temveč jih je morala narediti še sama. Drug problem LDS je povezan z njenim voditeljem. Celo v razvitih demokracijah so stranke v glavnem prepoznavne po svojih voditeljih. V Sloveniji, kjer je demokratična tradicija šibkejša, stranke pa temu primerno manj utrjene med volivci, je to še tem bolj očitno. Umik Drnovška z vrha stranke je za seboj pustil veliko večjo praznino, kot so si bili pripravljeni priznati člani vodstva LDS. Sledila je relativno ponesrečena izbira Toneta Ropa za naslednika; pri tem se zdi, da so zaradi ravnotežja med strankarskimi frakcijami namerno izbrali političnega birokrata brez prave karizme. • Zdi se, da so tudi v tem primeru pretirano samozavestno sklepali, da bodo volivci avtomatično izbirali LDS ne glede na osebnosti, ki jo zastopajo. Razlogi za uspeh SDS Zaradi prelahkih zmag v preteklosti jc vodstvo LDS podcenjevalo še eno bistveno dejstvo. V nasprotju s prejšnjimi volitvami so volivci tokrat dojemali opozicijo kot realno alternativo. Razblinila se je prejšnja medijska podoba opozicije kot nevarne, ekstremistične, konfliktne, populistične, nekompetentne, domobranske in klerikalne. Težko je oceniti, koliko se je opozicija te nekdanje negativne podobe otresla z načrtnimi potezami in koliko so se ji stvari same po sebi posrečile zaradi nekoliko u-godnejših okoliščin. Vsekakor so SDS k bistveno boljši podobi v očeh volivcev pomagali tile dejavniki: 1. - Konec kulturnega boja kmalu po volitvah leta 2000. Zamrle so konfrontacije, povezane z drugo svetovno vojno in Cerkvijo, v kateri so po pravilu potegnile kratko pomladne stranke. Zamenjava - problematičnega metropolita in večja politična zadržanost Rimskokatoliške cerkve sta gotovo pomagali pomladnim strankam. Hkrati so se te stranke učile tudi na preteklih izkušnjah: modro so ignorirale nekatere kontroverzne izjave nekdanjega predsednika republike in se s tem izognile pastem, ki bi jih prinesla nova “avnojska” razprava. 2. - Če je bila SDS »••.'.•d ifoma L’ •> ui 2000 I' i Ujv:M 'v eno s.t- >"•: • siStOMI, pri drugih pa je puščala glavno besedo svojim nasprotnikom, je tokrat kazala večjo tematsko širino. Pri posameznih temah, kot so bili izbrisani ali korupcija, je sicer deloma pridobivala, vendar se pri tem ni ujela v past in se obesila na eno samo temo, temveč je poskušala bolj spretno kot prej loviti ravnotežje na razmeroma širokem spektru političnih tem in s tem ustvariti podobo širšega interesa in kompetence. 3. - Slog nastopov, predvsem pri Janezu Janši, je postal bolj u-mirjen in spravljiv. Svoj polemični nastop, ki je veljal po eni strani za njegovo močno, po drugi strani pa tudi kontroverzno točko, je vsaj deloma dopolnil s preizkušenem slogom Barbare Brezigar s predsedniških volitev. Paradoksalno pa je pri tem prav Tone Rop s konfliktnostjo malo spominjal na “staro” podobo Janeza Janše. 4. - SDS se je v očeh volivcev "evropeizirala” in s tem izgubila prejšnjo podobo marginalno-prote-stniško-ekstremne stranke. Predvsem ob evropskih volitvah so lahko slovenski volivci prepoznali SDS kot del etabliranih političnih sil v EU. Te pa po mnenju povprečnega volivca, ki mu je bila Evropa vsaj zadnjih petnajst let predstavljena kot nesporni vzor, gotovo ne morejo biti slabe. Pred volitvami se je LDS zavedala te zanjo neugodne situacije, a se ni znala odzvati drugače, (dalje na str. 20) Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. Cleveland, Ohio Tel. 216-641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod. Amhulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! Savings Account ^^Life Insurance What’s Best For Funeral Expenses? Savings Account:____________ • Earns interest • Taxable interest income Life Insurance:_____________ • Earns dividends • Guaranteed cash value. • Death benefit passes to heirs tax-free (Example: If you’re a 68 year old, non-smoking male, in reasonably good health, you can take your savings account of $5,000 and purchase a KSKJ Life Insurance Policy. Immediately, your $5,000 premium has turned into a tax free death benefit of $8,166!) Interested? Want to learn more? Call KSKJ at 1-800-THE-KSKJ ‘or visit us online at www.kskjlife.com KSKJ ijfej AMERICAN SLOVENIAN CATHOLIC j Life Insurance • Annuities Proudly serving the needs of more than 24,000 members nationwide since 1894. 2439 Glcnwood Ave. Joliet, IL 60435 1-800-THE-KSKJ Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1543. V Duhovnem življenju, mesečniku, ki i/haja v Argentini, sem mišla zelo lep članek “Še o podjetniku Hubertu Licbherrju”: "Že leta 1999 - v majski številki tega lista - smo pisali o spreobrnjenju nemškega podjetnika Huberta Liebhcrrja - o njegovem rojstvu v katoliški družini: o njegovi oddaljitvi od vere v dijaških letih: o skrivnostni avtomobilski nesreči na nekem križišču dvajset let kasneje, ko je bi! že solastnik družinskega podjetja Liebhemverke, ki zaposluje po različnih državah 20.000 ljudi. V nesreči sta bila oba avtomobila popolnoma uničena, šoferjema pa se ni hudega zgodilo. Kako je tri leta kasneje odkril kapelico Lurške Matere božje v bližini tistega križišča, kako je romal v Fatimo in kako se je v Medjugorju po dolgih letih spovedal. Kako je leta 1988 s prijateljem organiziral že prvo romanje v Medjugorje in kaj je tam doživel; kako je v zadnji vojni v Bosni organiziral transporte hrane in drugih potrebščin za ljudi, ki jih je vojna prizadela; kako je gradil lesene hišice za vojne brezdomce v Bosni in na Hrvaškem in kako je dobil prošnjo od škofov iz Rusije za nekaj lesenih cerkvic. Z današnjo objavo treh njegovih odgovorov iz intervjuja, ki ga je objavila letos revija Mir-odmev Med-Jugorja- bomo podobo o tem nemškem podjetniku še malo dopolnili. Gre nedvomno za izreden primer spreobrnjenja človeka našega časa in zasluži, da ga poznamo: Vi ste predsednik ustanove. V Nemčiji sem predsednik zadruge, ki se imenuje Medjugorje Deutschland U.V., ki smo jo osnovali leta 1987. Za zadrugo dela danes pet ljudi, jaz pa sem prostovoljec. Okoli zadruge se zbirajo molitvene skupine, zadruga organizira romanja, razne prireditve in pričevanja v Nemčiji. Jaz osebno imam 20-30 predavanj letno. Govorim o Medjugorju... Povejte nam še kaj o graditvi cerkva za Rusijo! To je prečudovit apostolat! Že od nekdaj sem se spraševal, za kaj lahko uporabi inženirja gradbeništva. Vse se je začelo z vojno v Sloveniji, Hrvaški in BiH. To je bil začetek dobrodelne pomoči. Zbirali smo denar, kupovali, kar je bilo potrebno in prinašali sem. Axel Weldinger je tesno sodeloval z nami. On je gozdar in je pripeljal več kot 10.000 k.m. lesa. S tem smo popravili mnogo streh. Axelu je bilo žal za vsako zapuščeno in porušeno vas in je začel premišljevati, kako bi postavili montažne lesene hišice, v katerih bi ljudje živeli vsaj tako dolgo, dokler bi jim ne postavili pravih hiš. V Hrvaško in BiH je pripeljal več kot sto takih hišic, ki so merile 6x4 m. Nekatere od njih so ljudje uporabili tudi za kapelice. Spomladi 1993 smo poslali človekoljubni konvoj tudi v Rusijo, v Saratov ob Volgi. Tamkajšnji župnik, ki je danes škof v Sibiriji, se je pogovarjal s škofi in jim pripovedoval o hišicah, ki smo jih poslali na Hrvaško in v BiH. Vprašali so nas, če bi lahko naredili kaj takega tudi zanje. Poslati kapelice v Rusijo! Najprej smo mislili, da to ne bo mogoče, potem pa smo našli nekoga, ki jih je bil pripravljen v svojem pro- stem času postaviti, če mu damo material. Škof Kon-duszewicz jih je želel za Rostov ob reki Don. Tako smo oktobra 1993 prvič odšli z velikim tovornjakom v Rostov. To so bili sami prostovoljci, prijatelji Medjugorja. Tamkajšnji župnik je bil Poljak, župnija je imela okoli 40 ali 60 župljanov brez stanovanja za Boga. Selili so se po mestu iz dvorane v dvorano, iz kraja v kraj. Župnik je iskal gradbeno dovoljenje in ga je proti pričakovanju tudi dobil! Zemljišče je dobil v srcu mesta Rostova pod pogojem, da začne z gradnjo že leta 1993. Oblast je vedela, da so ljudje revni in ne bodo zmogli, videz bo pa le, da je oblast pokazala dobro voljo. Župnik se je od dne, ko je dobil dovoljenje, vsak dan ob 5. uri popoldne pripeljal s svojim malim avtom in z mizo na njem. Postavil je mizo v parku na prostem in daroval sv. mašo. Prišli so trije, deset ali tudi več ljudi, kakor je pač kdo mogel. Molili so za cerkev. Nekega dne pa je prišel iz Moskve klic: iz Nemčije prihaja cerkvica! Svojim ušesom niso mogli verjeti. Čez tri dni smo se prikazali s kamioni pri vhodu v mesto. Cerkvica je prišla! Tega veselja si ne morete predstavljati! Deset dni smo jo postavljali in imeli smo polno ovir. toda župnik je nekako rešil vse težave. Spominjam se prve sv. maše z župljani in njihove sreče. Nič več niso bili nomadi, imeli so svojo cerkev! Potem smo postavili še 25 lesenih cerkvic po bivši Sovjetski zvezi od Kaliningrada preko Kavkaza. U-rala, Kazahstana, Sibirije, vse do Bajkalskega jezera. Potovali smo s štirimi tovornjaki, na katere smo vložili po dve zloženi cerkvici ter ves potreben pribor: generatorje, hrano, pivo... Najdaljše potovanje je trajalo dva meseca. Po ruskih cestah smo prevozili okoli 100.000 km. Koliko trpljenja in sreče smo doživeli. Vsa verska znamenja so jim bila odvzeta, nobenega imetja niso imeli. Spominjam se starih žena. ki so nas s solzami pričakale in govorile: Nikoli nismo u-pale doživeti čas, da bi imele cerkev v našem kraju. Začeli smo s cerkvami, zdaj se naše delo širi na človekoljubne in socialne objekte okoli cerkva. Letno pripeljete več kot 1000 romarjev v Medjugorje. Se lahko spomnite kakega lepega dogodka? Spominjam se starejšega gospoda, s katerim sem se ob prihodu pogovarjal o spovedi. Bil je zelo ponosen in trdno prepričan, da on spovedi ne potrebuje, da se že 35 let ni spovedal in da mu ne pade v glavo, da bi v Medjugorju naredil kaj takega. On to rešuje osebno z Bogom, ko gre v gozd. na sprehod, in mu takrat vse pove, tudi kar je naredil slabega. Tretji dan pa je v Medjugorju s solznimi očmi poiskal spovednico! Ko vidite tako visokega in po postavi močnega moža jokati, takrat se zemlja trese. Ko jokajo žene, takrat zemlja samo drhti. Bil sem v bližini in sem mu mogel pomagati. Vrsta je bila dolga, on pa popolnoma skrušen. Vsi so ga spustili naprej. Zvečer je med našimi z neverjetnim veseljem pripovedoval, da je bila njegova največja neumnost, ki jo je naredil v življenju, ta, da ni bil 35 let pri spovedi. Občutil je tako veliko olajšanje, kot da se je rešil strašno težkega bremena. Na misel mi prihaja stavek nekega tukajšnjega duhovnika, da je spovednica kraj, kjer so solze žalosti najbližje solzam veselja.” Kako so čudovita božja pota! Molitev vseh kristjanov pomaga reševati duše. Dobro se še spomnim, kako smo včasih po sv. maši molili za spreobrnitev te velike dežele Rusije in Sibirije. Zdaj sta tam dva naša duhovnika, ki pomagata tem zapuščenim najti pot preko Marije - Bogorodice do Jezusa. Bog ju ohrani pri zdravju, da bosta dobro orala to ledino. Mi pa molimo za vse naše misijonarje, da bodo močni Jezusovi garači! Prav iskren misijonski pozdrav od vseh sodelujočih in Marice Lavriša 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 Preizkušene napake (NADALJEVANJE s str. 19) kot da se je zapletla v polemiko z Evropsko ljudsko stranko in si s tem verjetno povzročila še nekaj dodatne škode. Nekaj besed si zasluži tudi opozicijska “predvolilna” interpelacija proti Ropovi vladi, predvsem zato, ker je bila pogosto napačno interpretirana kot napaka SDS. Če bi bila interpelacija pripravljena malo bolj skrbno, kot je bila, bi imela lahko SDS od nje sicer še več koristi. Toda kljub temu je opozicija z njo dejansko uresničila vsaj štiri cilje, pa naj se jih V’.v ,,V V;,- . Se- je takrat povsem zavedala ali ne: (1) LDS je pokazala, da se razprave o svojem delu boji, in čeprav je poskušala ta vtis pozneje popraviti, je bila škoda za stranko že storjena; (2) s tematsko široko razpravo je SDS potrdila svoj interes za širok spekter političnih tem in se izognila zase nevarnim temam, vezanim na kulturni boj; (3) postavila je vladajočo stranko v defenzivno pozicijo in sama ohranila pobudo; in, končno, (4) opozo- 1 ‘h rila na neizpoljneiie obljube, pri tem pa obramba LDS. da je neizpolnjenih obljub malo. d n so krivi zunanje okoliščine in podobno, ni mogla biti prepričljiva. Volivcu že dejstvo, da stranka ne izpolni dveh ali treh obljub, zadošča za vtis, da niti novih obljub ne sme jemati resno. LDS seveda ni edina stranka, ki je obljubljala več, kot je lahko uresničila, je pa SDS v Sloveniji prva, ki je uspešno uporabila neizpolnjene obljube nasprotnika v volilnem boju. Dolgoročni u-činek tega premika bo za slovensko politično kulturo pozitiven: politiki bodo bolj pazili, kaj obljubljajo, saj lahko na koncu pričakujejo javno analizo (neuresničenega-Prav prihodnji predsednik slovenske vlade je naslednji, ki ga to čaka- Manj očiten, pa vendar precej verjeten dejavnik poraza LDS je tudi značilni slovenski egalitarizem in antielitizem. ^ družbi, kjer je pričakovano bleščečo politično kariero Franceta Arharja na predsedniških volitvah zrušil že podatek o višini njegove plače, se je nekdanji predsednik re' publike precej presenetlji' vo odločil, da z ustanovitvijo Foruma 21 zag0' tovi javno razvidnost svojih (starih) povezav z ve likim kapitalom. Hkrati so Kučan in del vodstva LDS poskr beli tudi za krepitev jaV nega vtisa o povezanost* vladajoče stranke s terl1 forumom bogatih. (-t: ^ Kučan vladajočo strank0 poetpr* •mm. bi ji n’ord** vsaj malo koristil. ^er pa jo je podprl v imenu ekonomsko najmočnejših Slovencev, ji je povzroči še dodatno škodo. Tokrat je s transp3 velik1 rentno navezavo na kapital onstran vsa^e. dvoma dokazal, kako sničarska je slovens “levica” in s tem PolTl gal do oblasti bolj , čarski slovenski “desni^,, Rubrika “Gostujoče P# Delo, 8. okt- 2 BRALCI