Informatica 25 (2001) 83-88 83 Soft computing on small data sets Bojan Novak University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Informatics, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, Keywords: soft computing, machine learning, neural networks Received: October 24, 2000 The fusion of artificial neural networks (ANN) with soft computing enables to construct learning machines that are superior compared to classical ANN because knowledge can be extracted and explained in the form of simple rules. If the data sets are small it is hard to find the optimal structure of ANN because classical statistical laws do not apply. One possible remedy is the structural risk minimization method applied together with a VC dimension estimation technique. The construction of the optimal ANN structure is done in the higher dimensional space. The distortion of an image in this transformation can happen and the widely used expression for VC estimations based on minimal input data enclosing hypersphere and margin is not precise. An improvement of VC dimension estimation is presented. It enables better actual error estimation and is particularly suitable for the small data sets. Tests on some real life data sets have confirmed the theoretical expectations. 1 Introduction One of the important steps in improving the usefulness of artificial neural networks (ANN) was fusion with soft computing [Zadeh 1994]. The construction of learning machines that are able to extract knowledge and explain it in the form of simple rules is now possible. The problem of an optimal number of neurons and weights of connections and their values is in a fact global optimization problem because of the nonlinear relations between the input and output data. When data sets are small classical statistical laws do not apply and the construction of an optimal ANN is even harder. This problem is handled with the application of the structural risk estimation method together with the VC dimension estimation technique. Mapping of nonlinear relations between the input and the output is done by a transformation into the higher dimensional Hilbert kernel space where the problem is linearized. A distortion of image in this transformation can happen and widely used VC estimations based on minimal enclosing hypersphere and margin are not precise anymore. In this paper a different approach that enables better VC estimation is presented. It is integrated into the structural risk minimization technique. An efficient strategy for constructing fuzzy artificial neural network (FANN) with the minimal actual error has been developed that can be easily implemented as a small addition to the existing FANN learning algorithm. The performances of the proposed method were tested on some small data sets from the UC Irvine machine learning repository. The obtained results have confirmed theoretical expectations. 2 Support vector fuzzy modeling In this chapter some basic definitions and modeling procedures are set. For given k observations, each consisting of a pair: jc; , yt, where xt € R", i=l,....,k is the input vector and y, is the associated output having values -1 or 1. Learning a machine is actually building up a mapping ability x —► f(x,a) where the functions f(x,a) themselves are labeled by adjustable parameters a. For the ANN a represents weights and biases. The expectation of test error for the trained machine is R(a) = \\\y-f{x,a)dP(x,a)\ 2 (2.1) where R(a) is the expected risk. The measured mean error rate on the finite number of observations is "empirical risk" 2k '=1 . (2.2) RemP(a) is fixed for a particular choice of a and for a particular training set {x„ a}. The probability is not included in the equation. The quantity 'A | y, - f(x„ a) | is loss function. Empirical risk minimization does not imply a small error on a test set if the number of training data is limited. The structural risk minimization is one of new techniques for handling efficiently a limited amount of data. For a chosen rj: 0 0 (*,,>>.),.....,(*k,yk), xe^jefl.l} (2.6) (w0-x) + 60 =0 The margin 1 p=n w (2.7) 1 k min <3>(x, Ç) = - (w • w)+ C J Ç,. /=1 (2.8) subject to constraints m=1 (2.10) The structural minimization principle chooses the function f(x,a*) in the subset (f(x,a): ae k,uhj with the minimal right hand side of (2.3). The guaranteed risk bound is minimal. For a given set of data (2.11) then the kernel is a legitime product in the feature space. There are different functions satisfying Mercer's condition: polynomial, splines, B-splines, radial basis functions, etc. In the present work the Gaussian radial basis function is used: a separation of two classes can be performed with an optimal hyperplane K(x, y) = expf-ÎL-ïll] ¿o (2.12) The support vector technique places one local Gaussian function in each support vector. This means that there is no need for a clustering method. The basis width o is selected using structural minimization principle (2.3) and (2.5). The non-linear classification support vector solution using kernels can be solved by can be maximized by the following quadratic programming model K min /(x, a) = sign(£ aiK(xi ,x) + b /=1 subject to constraints a, >0 (2.13) (2.14) >>,(w0x,. +¿>0)>l-£ The coefficients a, can be found by the following quadratic optimization problem SOFT COMPUTING ON SMALL.. Informatica 25 (2001) 83-88 85 I k k max W{a) = - - £ a^y^jK^, y ,) + £«/ 1 U=1 /=1 (2.15) subject to constraints ;=1 0 < or, < C, ï = \,....,k (2.16) In the solution of (2.15) only some coefficients a, differ from zero. The corresponding vectors are support vectors. The model described by (2.15) has only one optimum (that is also global) which is a great advance against the backpropagation based learning algorithm in ANN. The following support vector FANN architecture can be defined as presented in the fig. 2.1 sv f{x) = signfètyKix^x) + b) i=i (2.17) The empirical risk Rcmp(a) in (2.2) is fixed for a particular choice of a and for a particular training set fx,, a}, and the probability is not included in the equation. The risk functional (2.1) depends on the conditional distribution function (c.d.f.) P(x, a), which is not known in advance. The only available information is from the finite independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) training data sets. There are two possible approaches. The first one is to estimate the unknown c.d.f. P(x, a), or also unknown probability distribution function (p.d.f.) in the form of p(x), and then compute the optimal estimate f(x, a0). The second approach is to find a minimum of the empirical risk, which is calculated with the empirical risk minimization procedure (ERM). The second approach is preferable on the small data sets. It works if the asymptotic consistency is fulfilled R(a*\ k) —> R(a0) when k—> °° Remp(a*\k) —> R(a0) whenk.->°°, (3.1) (3.2) where Remp(a*\ k) is the optimal value that minimizes the empirical risk in the loss function (2.2). R(a*\ k) is the unknown value of the true risk for the same loss function. The ERM is consistent if the true risk R(a*\k) and the empirical risk Remp(a*\ k) converge to the same limit R(a0) = mina R(a) as the number of samples k grows toward the infinite value (fig. 3.1). e)— y ■k I-L^^ IP-H K2P K2 _Aj-"XA) Layer 1 Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer A Layer 5 Figure 2.1 Support vector FANN architecture Layer 1 calculates membership values. Layer 2 performs T norm operator (multiplication). Layer 3 derives the product of each rule's output. Layer 4 performs the kernel Gaussian radial basis operation (2.12). Layer 5 sums its inputs as the overall output where dj = ctj. The non-linear classification function is Actual risk Empirical risk where SV is the number of support vectors. K Fig. 3.1 Convergence of the empirical risk toward the actual risk The condition that a small actual risk will be guaranteed at a small empirical error is given by the following limit [Vapniketal. 1989] 3 Optimization of parameters Described are the conditions for optimizing the parameters of FANN, considering that some asymptotical laws from statistics are not valid for small data sets. lim /'[sup | R(a) - Remp(a) | > c] = 0, Vf > 0 a (3.3) The consistency is determined for the worst case function. The structural risk minimization principle is applied to find the optimal value for the true risk estimation 84 Informática 25 (2001 ) 83-88 B. Novak R(a*\k). The penalization method is used to find the optimal function f(x, a0) from the set of functions f(x, a). Then the true risk R(a) is related to the empirical risk R(a) = Rempr(p) (3.4) where r(p) is the penalization factor. In the support vector approach the penalization factor is of the form (2.4) and is proportional to the ratio of the VC dimension divided by the number of samples k. The structural risk minimization principle (2.5) can be realized by estimating the VC dimension as a product of the radius of the minimal sphere that encloses data in the feature space divided by the margin (the distance between the hyperplane and the closest training vector in the feature space) h = D (3.5) ,L(x,yv....,xkyk) _ ER(ak_,) (3.6) For optimal hyperspheres passing through the origin the equivalent of the expression (3.6) is Lr error J E[D2w2] (3.7) Input space Feature space The actual risk prediction can be estimated very efficiently by the leave-one-out procedure. It consists of removing sequentially one sample from the training data and constructing k learning machines and testing all k elements for an error L(xhyd. The leave-one-out estimator is almost unbiased, that is Fig. 3.2 the shape of the feature space It is possible to achieve a better upper bound on the estimate of the expected error rate. The upper bound is constructed from the leave-one-out bound [Luntz 1969], Opper-Winther bound [Opper et al. ], Khun Tucker optimality conditions [Karush 1939, Kuhn et al. 1951] and properties of the essential support vectors [Vapnik 1998], The optimal supporting plane is unique, but can be expressed with different expansions of support vectors. Essential support vectors are those support vectors that appear in all possible expansion of an optimal hyperplane. Their number is presented by kesv and they have the following properties ^ n (3.8) where n is the dimensionality of the transformed input data in the feature space. Let ER(a) is the expectation of the probability of an error for optimal hyperplanes constructed on the basis of training samples of size k, then the following inequality holds where p^'emor is the probability of error on the test set. The expectation on the left is over all training sets of size k-1. The expectation on the right is over all training sets of size k. This bound is tight when data fill almost the whole area of the sphere (fig 2.2 left) enclosing the training data. The consequence of data transformation into the feature space is that the sphere is often transformed into a flat ellipsoid (fig. 2.2 right). The bound (3.7) is not tight anymore. ER{aki)<^i!± (3.9) In the case of a learning machine without threshold under assumption that the set of support vector does not change after removing example p (essential support vector), Opper-Winther equality applies yP(f\*P)-fp{*P)) a„ (K~sl) pp (3.10) Ksv is the kernel matrix (2.12). The f0 is decision function (2.13) trained on the whole training set and fp is decision function after one point xp has been removed. It follows from (3.9) that the number of errors in the leave-out procedure is proportional to the number of essential support vectors. Instead of computing them we can use (3.10) and count the number of cases LE when SOFT COMPUTING ON SMALL. Informatica 25 (2001) 83-88 87 yPf is true. Then expectation is ER(ak_]) = ^-k (3.11) (3.12) 4 Experimental results The program developed on the described principle for constructing optimal fuzzy learning machine on small data set was tested on some real data sets from practice. The data are form the UC Irvine machine learning repository_( The first data set is a sonar data set (originally from benchmarks/ sonar.html). The input consists of 104 samples of dimension 60, and the test data set is of the same size. 0.7 I 0.6 - 0.5 ■ 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 ■ Ractual □ Rpredicted 0.4 0.6 0.6 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 sigma Fig. 4.2 The actual and the predicted risk for the ionosphere data The last example is the Pima Indians diabetes data set with the input dimension n = 8 and 200 learning samples and 200 test examples randomly generated from the complete set of 768 samples. 0. 0. 0. 0. I 0. « 0. 0. 0. 0. Ractual HRpredicted 1 3 sigma Fig. 4.1 The actual and the predicted risk for the sonar data The actual error R(a) and its prediction (3.12) for different a (sigma) values is presented in the fig 4.1. In our case a different set of functions f(x, a) is generated by varying a in (2.12) for the radial basis function (a is actually a in our case). The results are average values of a 100 fold repetition for each sigma value. Errors are given in the relative value (as in (2.2)). Next example is the ionosphere data set with the input dimension n=33 and 200 learning samples and 151 test examples randomly generated from the complete set of 351 samples. The actual error R(a) and its prediction (3.12) for different a (sigma) values is presented in the fig 4.2. Fig. 4.3 The actual and the predicted risk for the Pima data The actual error R(a) and its prediction (3.12) for different cr(sigma) values is presented in the fig 4.3. 5 Conclusion In practice it often happens that the amount of data is limited. Such cases appear in engineering where data are collected through expensive experiments or in medicine where records on certain diseases are rare. When a data set is small a significant discrepancy between the empirical error achieved on the learning data set and the actual error on the testing data set appears. The actual error can be minimized with the structural risk minimization principle. It is calculated with the application of the VC dimension, which has to be estimated precisely to achieve good results. The estimation based purely on the margin and the minimal diameter of sphere including input data can be inadequate due to possible flattening of the sphere caused by mapping data into the feature space. 84 Informática 25 (2001 ) 83-88 B. Novak In this paper a different approach that enables better VC estimation is presented. It is integrated into the structural risk minimization technique. An efficient strategy for constructing FANN with the minimal actual error has been developed that can be easily implemented as a small addition to the existing FANN learning algorithm. The performances of the proposed method were tested on some small data sets from the UC Irvine machine learning repository. The obtained results have confirmed theoretical expectations. 6 References [1] N. Aronszajn, Theory of Reproducing Kernels, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 68, 337-404 , (1950). [2] W. 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