Št. 6 / 2018 IGRA USTVARJALNOSTI - teorija in praksa urejanja prostora | THE CREATIVITY GAME - Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning MEDNARODNi TEDEN 2018 - OD CEST DO ULiC: URBANA FROM ROADS TO STREETS - URBAN REG EN ERACIJA V NAMENE SOB VANJ REGENERATION FOR A NA ULICI STREET CONVIVIALITY - THE CASE OF SUBURBS OF LJUBLJANA © LJUBLJANA 2018 EDiTORiAL ČLANEK ARTiCLE RAZPRAVA DiSCUSSiON RECENZiJA REViEW PROJEKT PROJECT DELAVNICA WORKSHOp NATEČAJ TIP DELAVNICE: mednarodna urbanistična delavnica SODELUJOČI GOSTJE IN PREDAVATELJI PARTICIPANTING GUESTS AND LECTURERS Dr. Igor Bizjak, Direktor, (UIRS); Barbara Radovan, Generalna direktorica, direktorat za prostor, graditev in stanovanja, (MOP); Paul Lecroart, Planning Agency for the Paris Region (IAU); assoc. Prof. Antonio Longo, Politecnico di Milano; Senior Lecturer, Jesper Magnusson, Department of Urban Studies, Malmo University; prof. Janez Koželj, podžupan, Mestna občina Ljubljana, UL, Fakulteta za arhitekturo; prof. mag. Peter Gabrijelčič, (UL FA); Dr. Luka Mladenovič, (UIRS); Dr. Pedro Gomes, Paris School of Planning; assoc. prof. Dr. Valeria Fedeli, Politecnico di Milano; assoc. prof. Dr. Hoai Anh Tran, Department for Urban studies, Malmo University; assist. Dr. Matej Nikšič (UIRS); assist. prof. Dr. Boštjan Bugarič, Arhitektuul; assist. prof. Dr. Luka Skansi, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Filozofski Fakultet Tutorji UL FA: assist. prof. dr. Matevž Juvančič, assist. prof. Primož Hočevar, assist. dr. Špela Verovšek, assist. Aleksander Vujovič, assist. Janez P. Grom, assist. Sinan Mihel-čič, assist. Nejc Černigoj, Urša Kalčič, Mia Crnič in drugi ŠTUDENTJE STUDENTS i Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za arhitekturo: Vanesa Bolčina, Polona Grmek, 1 Anja Justin SODELUJOČE INSTITUCIJE PARTICIPANTING INSTITUTIONS HAMBURG, Department of Urban Planning, HafenCity University LJUBLJANA, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana MALMO, Department of Urban Studies, Malmo University MILAN, Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani, Politecnico di Milano PARIS, Paris School of Planning, Université Paris Est Créteil ORGANIZATOR ORGANISER Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za arhitekturo, izr. prof. dr. Alenka Fikfak DATUM IN KRAJ RAZSTAVE DATE OF THE EXHIBITION Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za arhitekturo, Fabianijeva predavalnica 2.2.2018 GRADIVO PRIPRAVILA MATERIALS PREPARED BY izr. prof. dr. Alenka Fikfak, asist. dr. Matej Nikšič 108 IGRA USTVARJALNOSTI - teorija in praksa urejanja prostora | THE CREATIVITY GAME - Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning No 6/2018 VSEBINA v projektu »International week« so študentske ekipe v mednarodni sestavi raziskovale strategije za reševanje vprašanj vezanih na motorizacijo odprtega mestnega javnega prostora v primestnih območjih in iskale možne alternativne rešitve prihodnosti v kontekstu strategij urbane regeneracije. v uvodnem teoretičnem okviru so se študentje spoznali s kompleksnostjo motorizirano usmerjenega razvoja mest ter raziskali alternative, ki v ospredje postavlja človeka in njegovo merilo. Natančno so preučili uporabo javnih prostorov in strategij za načrtovanje infrastrukture v merilu pešca. obravnavana so bila vprašanja strateškega načrtovanja, politik urbane regeneracije, ukrepov za povečanje mobilnosti, vprašanj lastništva, finančnih ovir, vidikov mestne pravičnosti itd. Tuji predavatelji so predstavili posamične primere iz Francije, švedske, nemčije in italije. izčrpno je bil predstavljen tudi primer Ljubljane. v študijskem delu so bile razviti alternativni prihodnji scenariji za urejanje javnih odprtih prostorov v izbranih predmestjih ljubljane. obravnavani so bili Utostrojsko naselje, Savsko naselje in soseska Ruski car. lokacije so študentske ekipe pod vodstvom tutorjev analizirale in se osredotočile na specifična vprašanja vezana na uporabo javnih prostorov. na podlagi ogleda na terenu in izvedbe analitičnega procesa so skupine študentov neodvisno razvijale koncepte za revitalizacijo ali aktivacijo javnih odprtih prostorov. Z neobremenjenim pristopom in poglobljenim poznavanjem sodobnih teoretičnih izhodišč je bila predstavljena široka paleta inventivnih rešitev, ki so sledile osnovnemu cilju delavnice in mednarodnega sodelovanja: kako prekomerno motorizirana predmestja preoblikovati tako, da bodo prilagojena potrebam in merilu človeka. ABSTRACT The International Week was oriented into development of strategies addressing motorisation of urban public open spaces in aged up urban areas and seek the possible alternative futures as part of urban regeneration strategies. The introductory theoretical framework has put light onto the complexity of turning a car-centred urban open space into a human-oriented one. The uses of public space and pedestrian oriented planning strategies have been closely looked at. The issues of strategic planning, regeneration policies, mobility measures, ownership issues, financial obstacles, urban justice aspects etc. have been addressed. In the form of a Studio work students developed alternative future scenarios for public open spaces of concrete locations in suburban Ljubljana. Each students' group has chosen one type of a typical element of Ljubljana's road/street network. Based on the field analyses each student-team has developed its own urban design concept for the reclamation of public space in the selected area. zd1h internntmnnl week, ljueljnnn. slduenm HafenCity University, Department of Urban Planning / University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Urban Planning / Malmö University, Department of Urban Studies / Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani, / Université Paris Est Créteil, Paris School of Planning URBAN REGENERATION FOR STREET CONVIVIALITY - The Case of Suburbs of Ljubljana FDDm RMDS TO STREETS Hosted by the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Ljubljana in collaboration with the Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia and the Slovenian Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning motorisation. eubdana iathe capcalctyofa nation and itis its main employment and educational hub. The urban open public space, including resdental streets and open spaces oS the .......ng dominated by motorised traffic. their rights to enjoy safe and peasant urban open space. These situations are typical for the aged modernist neighbourhoods built between 19 50s and 1970s which were oo thee conceptofthe modernistic urban planniog cheyofuen .......ge open green areas which are getting largely reduced. Nowadays the population expresses a desire to recaim the space used^ by cars for pedestran use >an and architectural standards as they no longer meet the • introduction of urban design solutions, such as kerb strategies will be closely looted at. The issues of strategic uirements of modern life because they are poorly equipped ramps, to cater for the needs of pedestrans, cyclists and planning, regeneration polices, mobility measures, ownership open-air socialising housing standards and do not provde adequate housing Whie the strategic gudance is cear, currentlythe realization of addressed. Exampe from France, Sweden, Germany Italy and conditions, do not meet the energy efficiency standards and the policies is lacking behind and no sufficient organisational international ones will be raised. The LLublana case would also space Among such areas are some older suburbs, older residential exchange of powers between the national and local governing future scenarios for public open spaces of concrete locations city. settlements and colonies, urbanized villages, as well as some bo-dies over the road space hinders the efficiency Innovative in suburban LLublana. Each students' group will choose one documents of the City of older resdental neighbourhoods. As a rule, a compete or approaches that will comprehensively cover different aspects type of a typical eement of LLublana's road/street network. a shoud be carried out in these areas. of quality of urban life are needed t n neighbourhoods through two main angles: the At the same time the recently upgraded mobility policies The International Week will seek •neraton strategies and the sustainable mobility address the issues of quality of urban living they foresee: issue of motorisation of urban pu iey favour an equal use of street space by all types • prioritized sustainable mobility to reduce air pollution, urban areas and seek the possible y changing the traffic regulations and redesigning noise, energy use and space consumption by providing of urban regeneration strs ce in aged up on lied anayses each student team will de design concept for the recamation of p lie space in the Slika 1: Po ogledu terena in oprevljenem analitičnem procesu so skupine študentov neodvisno razvijale koncepte za revitalizacijo ali aktivacijo javnih odprtih prostorov na različnih lokacijah v Ljubljani. 109