Ytf ISSN 0351 — 0077 PRIRODOSLOVNI MUZEJ SLOVENIJE MUSEUM HISTORIAE NATURALIS SLOVENIAE SCOPOLIA Botanies Geologica & Palaeontologica Mtiseologica 5 Zoologies Boris KRYSTUFEK Forest Dormouse Dryomys niiedula {PALLAS, 1778) — Rodentia, Mammalia — in Yugoslavia Drevesni polh Dryomys niteduia (PALLASj 1778) — Rodentia, Mammalia V Jugoslaviji SCOPOLIA I No 9 [ pp. 1—36 Ljttbljana Oct. 19S5 SCOPOL! A Glasilo Prirodoslovnega muzeja Slovenije. Izdaja Prirodoslovni mu^ej Slovenije, sofinancirali so: Raziskovalna sliupnost Slovenije, Kulturna skupnost Slovenije, Znanstverio-raziskovalni center S A ZU in Inštitut ea biologijo univerze E. Kardelja. Uredniški odbor: Jože BOLE, Ernest FANINGEK, Janez GREGORl (urednik), Ignac SIV EC, Kazimir TARMAN, Ljerka TRAMPUZ in Tone WRABER. Lektorja: Cvetan a TAVZES (za slovenSCino) in Helena SMOLE J [za angleščino). Naslov u redni ätva in uprave; Pri rod OSl ovni muzej Slovenije, 61000 Ljubljana, Prešernova 20. Izideta dve Številki letno, naklada 530 izvodov. Cena številke za ustanove in podjetja 250 din, za posameznike 200 din. Teko« ratun pri LB St. 50100-603-40115, Tisk tiskarna Tone Tornšii, Ljubljana. SCOPOLTA Journal of the Museum of Natural History of Slovenia, Ljubljana. Edited by the Museum of Natural History of Slovenia, subsidized by Research Oommujiity of Slovenia, Cultural Community of Slovenia, Centre of Scientific Research of the SASA and Univ. Institute of Biology E. Kardelj. Editorial Statt: Jože BOLE, Ernest FANIM-GER, Janez GREGORl (Edit«-), Ignac SIVEC, Kaiimij- TARMAN, Ljerka TRAMPUŽ and Tone WRASER. Readers: Gvetana TAVZES (for Slovene) and Helena SMOLEJ (Cor English). Address of the Editorial Office and Administration: Prirodosiovni muzej Slovenije, ITU 61000 Ljubljana, PreJernova 30. The Journal appears twice a year, 500 copies per issue. Issue price for institutions and establishmsnts 250 din, for individuals 200 din. Current account at LB No 50100-803-40115. Printed by tiskarna Tone Tomäid, Ljubljana. FOREST DORMOUSE DRYOMYS NITEDULA (PALLAS, 1778) - RODENTIA, MAMMALIA -IN YUGOSLAVIA KHYSTUFEK Boris Yu ßiooo Lijubljana, Prešernova 20 Natural History Museum of Slovenia sprejeto: 14. 3.1985 XJDC (UDK) 5B9.32S.2{4D7.1)(M5)=20Dn/omi;smtedtila IZVLEČEK — DHE VESNI POLH dryomys W/TECH/L^ (PALLAS, 1778) — RODENTIA, MAMMALIA — V JUGOSLAVIJI — Areal -drevesnega polha Hryomys utfedwJo se v Jugoslaviji sklada z glavnimi ©arskimd masivi (Alpe, Dinar Idi, Sarska-Piindako in Karpatsko-Ealkamako gorovje), medtein ko živi v Maikedonijl tudi v nižavju. Vižinski raapofn mahaJallSi je med 60 in 2000 m nadmorske vdiine. Na ozemlju Jii^oalavije (preponnaimo dve podvrsti; D.»;, Intermetiim (Alpe. severni Dlnanidl) in D. n. favi^ojla (Maikedtoffiiija). Raiilikiijeta se po riäanl loibanje 1 bulami. Večja je iprl i>odvratf ravijojla. Drevesni ,pcdhi 6z Hercegovine, Orne gore in Kosova kažejo anake iprehioda med obema (podvrstama. ABSTRACTS — The area of the foreat dormouse niteditla in Yugoslavia mostly coinciideE with tlie prindipal nwuntain massifs (.the Alps, the Dinaiic Alpe, the Pin die and the Carpatho-Balcaii Tnauntain regions), 'Whereas in Macedonia it lives also in ithe lowland, The vertical nange of the localittea is between 60 and 2000 m. In the tecrMOT^ of Yugoalaraia two subspecies were identified: l>,n. intermedius (the Alps, the NOTthem Dinaric Alps) aiid D. n. rouijajla (Macedonia). They diEEer fnwn each oither toy the liraJinoaise heiight iper JjuHae Virhich is larger liin the sub^äes ravijojla. Foreist darmice from Herzegoivina, Montenegro -and Kosovo display signs of transiti Braincase height per bullae X 100 : Braincase breadth = QZ3 4. Rostrum length X 100: Condylobasal length = QI4 5. Bullae length X 100 : Condylobasal length = QI5 6. Height of ramus mandibulae X 100 : Mandible length = QI6 7. Braincase breadth X 100 : Condylobasal length = QI7 8. Mandible length X 100 : Condylobasal length = QI8 Calculation was made of average values (x), standard deviations (SD) and coefficients of variation (CV). 1.1, MaterUl Slovenia: Julijske Alpe, Planica, 1000 m, 12,—19. 8. 1932, 3 (J <5 1 $ (PMS 2611, 2636, 2639, 2643); 8. 1963, 1 5 1? (PMS 4423^) leg. A. and B. KRYSTUFEK Jelovica, Goška ravan, 970 tn, S5,—30. 1903, 1 5 {PMS 3224) leg, I. KHYSTUFEK Pohorje, Velika Kc®«, 3520 m, i. 7. 1953, (PMS 3430) leg. B. KHYSTUFEK ßakitna, Smrekovec, 750 m, 17. 9. J968, 2 sex? (PMS 4388—&) leg. F, l^BEM; Borovnica, 23. 9. 196B, 1 sex? (PMS4390) leg. F. LEBEN; Snežnik, SvinSčakl, 13431«, ja, 7, 1967, 1 299 (BP 65/67) leg. B. PETROV. Croatia: Hisnjak, 1450—1500 m, 9. B. 1967, 3 ^ <5 (BP 296—297/67) leg. B, PETROV; VelebJt, Zavižan, 1500—1650 m, 1 S (BP 26/71) leg. G. DZUKIC; Velebit, Alan, 1300 m, 15. 6. 1976, 19 (PMS 807) leg. B. KRYSTUFEK. Bosnia and Herzegovina: Sator, Satorsko jezero, 1550 m, 5. 9. 1954, 1 d (PMS 4174) lee. B. KavSTUFEK; KupreSka vrata, Eaprdvnica, PoriCe, 8OB m, 10. 9. 19B3, 1 (J (PMS 3616) leg. B. KRYSTUFEK and V. POPOV; Z^engara, OrOovačko jezero, IS00 m, 9. 1984, 1 9 {PMS 4313) leg. V. POPOV; Magill, Prljevor, 1700—ISOOm, 10. 3. 1970, 13 299 {BP 216—218/70) leg. B, PETROV. Montenegro; Durmitor, Cmo jezero, 1450 m, B.—0. 6. 1083, 3 99 (PMSM04, 3415—6) leg. B. KRYSTUFEK; Bjelaisica, Jelovica, 1450—1500 m, 16,—17. 7. 1976, 2 <3 <3 (PMS 592—3) leg. A. and B, KRYSTUFEK; SO. 9. 1981, 1 5 (BP 130/81) leg. B. PETROV; Komavi, Kom Vasojevii, 1800m, 16. 7. 1978, l9 (PMS 1012) leg. B. KRYSTUFEK; Orjen, Crkvice, 1050m, 1 9 Isex? {PMS 1021—2) leg. B. KRYSTUFEK, B. Kiyätuf^äi: Fora&t Dta-mouse Dryomi^i mfedtila (PALLAS, 1170)... 5 Serbia; 2:jeb, Kula, n&O m, 14. 6. 1970, 1 S 1? (Bp03—9/77) leg, B. PETÄOV; Sar planina. Črni Kamen, KaCanik, 1300 m, 13. 1940, 1(3 ; 11. Forests Of Kočevje Ko^«vsiki gixsäi) (the filas Of the Natural History Muiiemn of Slav.); 12. Snežariik, Svln£6alkii, 1242m (B, PETROV in Jdtt.); 13. Cabar (-Cataar), 550 m (ZALESKY 1938); 14. Riisnjak, H50—1550 m (B. PETHOV in Ktt,); 15. VÄlehit, Zai/Iišan, 1500—1650m (B. PETROV m litt,); Krasno (ZIN-L); 16. Velebit, Alan, 1300 m; H. Velebit, StirovaCa, approx. 900 m (WETTSTEIN 1020); 18. Sator, Satorsko jezero, 1550 m (BULlC et VIDINIC 1907); 19. Kuprežka vrata, Koprivnica, Poride, SSO m; 20. Veliki Igman, Veliko polje, 1340 m (ZIN-L); Gr kali ca (ZIN-L); 21. Tara Mts, (STORCH 1978); 22, Gola Jahüfina, 1800 m (ZIK-L); 24. Tr^afcawica, Kutski grad, 1450 m (2IN-L); 24. Zelengora, OrloVa^ko Jezero, 1500 m; 25. Maglič Pri je vor, 1700—1800 m (B, PETROV in litt.); 26. Kalinovik, Vlaholje (ZIN-L); 27. Prenj, Cmo polje, 1300 ni (B. PETROV in litt.); 2ß, Durmi tor, Valoviti Do, 2000 m (PJrrHOV 1939); Crino jezearo. 1450m; Grepifljna ipoljana, 17Q0m; 29. Bjelasica, B, KryStufak: Forest EJoraiouse Dryomys mted«la (PALLAS, 177B)... 7 Jelovica, 1450—1500m (KRYSTUFEK 1979); 30. Komovl, Kom Vasojevl^, 1800 m (KRYäTUFEK. 1970); 31. Or]en, Crkvice, 1050 m (KEYStUFEK 1979}; 32, LovCen, Ivanova Korita {LEHMANN 1959); 33. RiJgOTO, Lisic (ZIN-L); 34. Žljeb, KuU 1750m (B. PFTEOV in litt,); 35. Sar planina. Črni Kamen, Kačanik, 1300m (PETROV 1969>-, 36, Pri aren. Kopane vode, ie20m (MIRIC 1966); 37. Bistra, Senečki Suvati, 1300 m (MARTINO 1934}; 38. Korab, Cos-Alija, 1500 m (MARTINO 1939); 39, Priiep, Markova kula (ZIN-L); Prilep, 700—800 m (B. PETROV in litt.); 40. Perister, near Magarevo, 1000 m (MARTINO 1939}; 41. Pres p a lako {FELTEN and STORCH 1965); Asamaiti, 860 m; KrurttifuoW, 920 m; 43. KajmakCaJan, 5—7 km below Reder, approx. 1000 m 1,976 3,ia IV 62,41 + 1,873 3,00 0,25 HE 20/ 45,fll tl,SB5 3,Ss 13/ 45,69+1,861 4,06 0,12 an3 20/ 84,63 t 2,^3 3,46 13/ 04,36 + 3,27* 3,88 0,25 114 23/ 4B + 0,301 1.S5 13/ 48,59 + 1,041 2,1+ 0,+Ö 22/ 23,7B tl,477 4,96 13/ 29^7 + 1,061 3,59 0,44 a^ 24/ 4?,57 t 4,35 13/ 48,58 +.2,U7 + ,36 1,34 ai7 54,16 i 1,127 2,00 13/ S4,U 11.70« 3,15 0,10 aia 22/ 5^.49 11,759 3.17 M/ 57 + 1,459 2,55 1.13 Tab. 2, Monphcjnieitrrical characterisiäcs of Dryomys nitdeula fnam Yugoslavia Crom the sex aspect Tab. 2, MorfoTTi&triMe lastUciSti Dryomys nifedula (iz Jugoslavije) gicde na apci 3.3, Sexual Variability Even though males attain somewhat higher values of metric indexes, the differences between the sexes are negligible and cannot be statistically corroborated (Tab. 2). Thus, we can affirm that in the case of D. n. secondary sexul dimorphism is not expressed. 3.3. Individual Vaitability Of the morphometric indexes weight varies most (CV 22,07 with adult males). Body dimensions (CV between 4,13 and 1,07 for males and between 3,18 and 5,93 for females) are more variable than those of the skull (CV between 2,75 and 5,56 for males antj between 2,27 and 5,54 for females). The males display a greater variability than the females. Considerable variability is due also to the colour, which is most evident in the D, n. from Montenegro. By way of example: of the three specimens from the Durmitor two have a greyish and one a yellowish-grey back. 3A Geographic Variability For the purposes of studying geographic variability the material was grouped into four populations (Fig. 4); L the Alps 2, the Northern Dinaric Alps FS^. 4, Geographic jJioSititxriB of four (pojjulatioris of DryCrnys nitedula (sec the text for further explanation) SI. 4. Geografska lega stir ill ipapulaclj drevesnega .polha (ja razlago glej tekst) B, Kry&tufek; Fwest Dormouse Dryom^s nUcduJo (PALLAS, 1718).,. 11 3, the Southern Dinaric Alps 4. Macedonia The population of the Alps has a relatively (QI5) and an absolutely smaller bullae and a relatively longer rostrum (QI 4) than the population of the Northern Dinarlg Alps (Tab, 3, 4). From the population of the Southern Dinaric Alps it differs by a relatively lower skull (Ql 2, QI 3) and from the population of Macedonia by a lesser zygomatic breadth and a relatively (Qlä, QI 3) as well as an absolutely lower skull, The population of the Northern Dinaric Alps distinguishes itself from that of the Southern TJinaric Alps by a greater profile length, greater loC, relatively (QI 5) and absolutely longer bullae and a relatively lower skull (QI2), It differs from the Macedonian population by a smaller weight, a relatively (QI 2, QI 3) and an absolutely lower skull, relatively longer bullae (QI 5) and a relatively narrower skull (QI 1). The population of the Southern Dinaric Alps differs from that of Macedonia by a relatively (QI 1) and an absolutely narrower skull, a relatively (QI 2, QI 3) and absolutely lower skull and a longer mandibula. The D. n. from the Alps differs from the D, n. from other parts of Yugoslavia by a relatively lower skull. The braincase height seems to reveal a dinal growth from the north towards the Eou1;h of the state. The population of the D. n. from Macedonia distinguishes itself from the D. n. from the rest of Yugoslavia by a relatively and an absolutely higher skull. The D. n, from the Northern Dinaric Alps has considerably larger bullae, exceeding S mm {the range for the rest of Yugoslavia is between 6,6 and 7,3 mmj. In the scatter diagram (Pig, 5) in which the height of the skull per bullae is plotted against condylobasal length the population of the Alps and the Northern Dinaric Alps are well distinguishable from the Macedonian population. The population of the D. n. from the Southern Dinaric Alps reveals intermediate characteristics. The coloration of the pelage displays a considerable variability. The most homogeneous are the two populations from the extreme areas of Yugoslavia. Thus, the back of thü D. n, from the Alps is grey, with indistinct brown tones or without them. In the population of the Northern Dinaric Alps the brown tones are more obvious. Considerable homogeneity of coloration is characteristic of the population of Macedonia clearly deviating from the D. ti. of the northwestern part of Yugoslavia by a markedly reddish-brown back. Sped mens with greyish tones are extremely rare in Macedonia. The population of the Southern Dinaric Alps is characterized by an out-« standing variability of coloration. Animals with a grey or else a reddish-brown back can be found in one and the same locality (e.g. the Durmitor). On the other hand, however, the disposition of two colour types in the range of the Southern Dinaric Alps shows a disjunctive charactor. The D, n. from Maglit and Žljeb is perfectly grey, The adult female from Žljeb (BPS9/77) has a black-grey back, darker than of any other D. n. from the Alps that we examined. The specimens from Zelengora and Bjelasica are characterized by well pronounced brownish tones, ä ALP3 KflElHfilJ/ DlKAfilC n I SD CT n I SD n 4/ 27,25 + 14,57 5/ 24,00 + 2,915 HB 4/ + 0,957 6/ 96,5a t 4,037 TI 4/ e+,00 i i.m 4/ 64,38 t Bf L Fig. 5. Discriniiinatkwi of subspecies of Dryomj/s nitedula Ln Yugoslavia by means of a scatter diagram wliere ithe bradincaise height iier tmUae (BbH) is .ploMad agaimat the Kmdylobasal. length (CbL). Solid circles reiJr^eiit D. n. intermedius; half solid circleE D. n. iTiterTnedius > D,Tavtjojia ijitergraides; open circles D, n. Tavijojla; crosses, avK-age values SI. 5. Raallfeovanje ipodvrst dreivesnega ^polha v Jugoeloiviiji s ipomočjo Jioreiacijsirega diagrama. It j er nanažaimo wüino lobanje 2 buJamd (BbH) proti kandilobazairi dolžini lobanje (ObL). &inii Isrogi predistavlja^o D, rt. irtteTJnedtUS; f>ol5rni kPOgl OBnačujeJO prehodno obliiko D- jl intertnediiis ^ D. n. ravijojla; beli Jcrogi D. n. Tooijojla; križi — srednje vrednosti D, n. ravijojla PASPALEV, MAETINO and PECHEV, 1952 (loc, typ.: Macedonia, Bistra Mts., Sensčki Suvati). D. 71. diamesiis LEHMANN, 1959 (loc, typ.: Montenegro, Lovčen Mts,, Ivanova Korita). Most of the authors overlooked the denomination "ravijojla", and only COHBET (1978; 146) and STORCH (197B: 229) drew attention to this name once again. In the last decades several subspecific classifications of D. n. have been proposed with respect to the Balkans. PASPALEV et al. (1952: 202) identified four subspecies which they keyed as follows: s, KrystiUfek: Forest Doirmoiuse Dryomys niieduiji (PALLAS, 1778).., tb 1. Skull massive, zygomatic breadth exceeding 15^5 mm (on an average) D. ti, robusttts — Skull delicate, zygomatic breadth not eitceeding 15,5 mm . . ....... , , ......2 2. Back dari: grey..............D. n, inlerinedius — Back yellowish...............3 3. nostrum shorter than 8 mm..........D. ti. wingei — Rostrum longer than Ö mm..........O. ravijojla Ascribed to D, n. ravijojlti were the specimens from Macedonia, Kosovo and Bulgaria. DULIC and MIRiC (1967; 28) cited 5 subspecies for Yugoslavia: D.n. nitedula (PALLAS, 1779) for Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina D.n. wingei (NEHRING, 1903) for Macedonia D. n. intermedius (NEHBING, 1902) for Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, northern Montenegro, and Croatia with a question mark D.n. robuseu5 (MILLER, 1910) for Macedonia and Serbia with a question mark D. n. diamesns (LEHMANN, 1959) for Montenegro For all of these taxa (MIRiC, 1970) contributed short diagnoses. ONDRIAS (1966: 22) identified 5 subspecies for the Balkans and mapped their distribution. He cites D.n. intermedius for western Yugoslavia, D. n, nitedula for eastern Voivodina and Rumania, D. n. Tobustus for Bulgaria, D, n. diamesus for Montenegro, and D, n. wingei for Macedonia and Greece. His classification reposes on pelage coloration. STORCH (1978: 232) proposed the following classification for the Balkans: D, n. iritermedius (ober sei tes dunkel grau mit höhstens schwachem olivgrünem odor braunem Anflug, schmale Schädelkapsel, relativ kleiner Schädel): Alpen, Abgrenzung nach E (Ungarn) und SE (Slovenien-Bosnien) unklar. D. 71, wing^i (bei Adulten oberseits lebhaft rostrote Tönung, relativ geringe Schädelmasse, sehmale und flache Hirnkapsel): Griechenland und S-Ju-goslawien (Makedonien), wahrscheinlich auch S-Albanien und SW-Bulgarien. — Synonim; Tavijojla, D, 71. nitedula (Obersoitenf ärbung graubraun, gelbbraun oder rotbraun mit grauem bi^ rostrotem Uberflug, Schädel relativ gross, HLrnkapsel robuster als bei den vorhergehenden): Übriges europäisches Art-Areal, Terra typica der Nominatrasse ist die Gegend von Kasan, UdSSR. — Synonyme: robustus, car-pathicus, diamesws. We can see that most of the authors lay great stress upon the colour of the pelage whereas we consider it an auxiliary character. In our opinion a material distinction between the population of the Alps and possibly that of the Northern Dinaric Alps (in fact the latter has larger bullae) on one hand and the population of Macedonia on the other as two different subspecies can be made by taking into account the relative height of the skull. The former would be identical with the ssp. i»itermediHS (Tab. 6). In our belief the D. n. ? I H ■ a = s a = t- LA lA r^ INJ IM ITV O S 3 S a"» a 3 a 3 s a Ä* «D (4 « 0\ C9 CQ "C^ O QV Cr -Crv, ^ biS JH u to Si» VD (D ff^ ^ ^ ^ Jt Ä ^ ffS o^i ^ r-t >-f rH *H ■»1 #1 »I • ® I »1 • •• »I •• • C^ O", O cd CO t^cdfiCiGA f? C> o ODO0 4] fc^ « 4. > *! 4' □I ^AC^HC^LAIA fli O fr^ lA p C ni 'HrH O OM^ fs #H O r4 J C? « g ü • " ä 11 a ^ S-Jd r iS H 5 ^ a ir. " s jj I s.. _ ■ ja Tt H »t ^ S S M Jt M ^ S ^ S A£ is^ssS^ss » v^ ^ irt ^ EiS ^ E^l fe g StflS^J f u E 01 « . ^ g s u J 9 Tab. 5. Data tm Dryomvs ntteduia fiTtan Yugpdslavia as gathered froin the coJlectton of V. MARTINO (ZtJoio^ical toatitiite, USSR Acadmey of Sci&ncas, LeÄigrad) Tab. 5. Podaitikii o vrati Dryom^^s nitectula i\z Jus osla vlje), fci so v zbdrid V. MARTINO {ZooJoäki mi&tiitut. Akademija znajwsti ZSSR, Leningrad) B. Kry^'bufek; Forest DarmOmSe DryOmys niteduEo (PALLAS, 17Va) ... 17 Geographic Region Subspedes N min— S —^jnox Authors Austuria Lntermedius IC 23,a—24.33—25,5 Spitzen berger 1903 Yugoslavia {Alps, North, Dinaric Alps) intermediiE 10 23,0—24,73—25,8 the present study Yugoslavia (Magedonia) raviijojla 32,9—24,60—26,4 the present study Greece Wilngei 13 23,2—Ä3,5 —34,0 Ondrias I96fi Bulgaria wingei 110 22,0—23,95—25,5 Peshev, Mi lev 1979 Europeain Soviet Union nitedula 114 23,0—25,12—27,0 Rossolimo 1971 Asia Minor phrygius 14 23,0—23,37—24,8 Spitzenberger 1973 Tab, e. CoTidylobasal length nn UÜferent subapeDies of Di-yomys tiifsdula Tab. 6. K:ciiiidiloba2ailna dolžina lobanje ipni razlifinih ipodvrstah Dryomys nitedula from Macedonia should not be identified as D. n. wingei from Greece since the former is greater and has a higher skull. It is denominated rnvijojla, Macedonia beitig its type locality. The population of the Southern Dinaric Alps reveals rnixed characteristics both with regard to coloration as well ss in relation to BbH/CbL, therefore, it is designated as an intermediate (mixed) population fD. n. intermedins > D, fi, ravijojla). If recognized as an independent subspecies, this population should he denominated -»diamesiis«. For the present, however, we consider it more adequate to treat it as a population of transitional properties. No data are available on the morphologic characteristics of the D.n. from the Carpatho-Balcanic mountain region. Consequently, nothing can be said of its taxonomic status. Summing up, the following picture is obtained: D. n. intermedius fNEHRlNG, 1902) Type locality; Near lienz, Tyrol, Austria Distribution: Alps and Northern Dinaric Alps (Snežnik, Ri&njak, Velebit, western Bosnia}, Diagnosis: Skull lower (BbH 10,0—11,4mm). Back mostly grey, brownish tones can also be expressed. D. n. Tavijojla PASPALEV, MAKTINO and PECHEV, 1952 Type locality: Senečki Suvati, Bistra Mts., Macedonia, Yugoslavia. Distribution: Macedonia Diagnosis; Skull higher (BbH 11,2—11,9). Back mostly reddish-brown, rarely with visible greyish tones. D. ri, intermedius ^ D. n, rnuijojla Distribution: Bosnia, Herzegovina, Montenegro and Kosovo. Diagnosis; Mixed population. BbH ID,4—11,6mm. From the coloration of the back the characteristics of both subspecies are evident. .J \ t /"v. 1 O Fig. 6. DiÄtribUiättnal reCOTids Ol Druomyi nitedlila subsl>eQiefi in Yugoslavia. Symbols as in fig. 5 SL e. Kae^irjenoet podvrst Dryamys n.itedu!a v Jugoslarviji. SimtwU sü taMni, kt>t na si. 5 5. Vertical Distribution All known localities of D, n. in Yugoslavia Ee within 60 and 2000 m of altitude. The lowest Locality is that in the lowland of Macedonia (Valandovo and Gevgeli; PETROV 1S69: 1), the highest in Montenegro {Durmitor; PETROV 1939: 78). The vertical range of D.n. in Slovenia is between 490 and 1780 ni, in Croatia between 550 and 1650 m, in Bothis and Herzegovina between 330 and IBQD m, in Montenegro between 1050 and 2000 m, in Serbia between approx. 60 and 1750m, and in Macedonia between 60 and 1900 m. 67,4®/o of all localities of D.n. lie above 1000m. One half (53,1 %) belongs to the highland zone from 1201 to IßOO m. D, rt, is rarest in the lowland zone (up to 600 m.). In this respect the lowland of Macedonia is an exception. Most localities (65,3 ®/o) are to be found in the montane zone {600 to 1600 m of B. KryÄtufek: Foreat Dormause Dtyomys jiifediitc (PALLAS, 177S)... 10 Fig. 7 0, 3, gkulls öf Dryomys nitcdulcl fromi Yugoslavia, a — D. n. intermedius (Slovenia, Julian Alps); b — D.n. ravijojla (Macedonia, Pjespa lake}. Fig, 8. — Nofrma dansalis; ög. 9, — Kturna ventralLs; tig, lO. — Norma lateralis. (Foto M. Stangelj) SI. 7, (J, 9. — Ijobanji Dryomys nttcdula iz J.ugoslavije. a — D. Ji. intermedins (Slovenija, Juli jske Alpe); b — D. U. Tavijojla (MaJiedflniiija, E^espaiu^ jezero). Si. S. — Norma dtmsali^; si. — Noima venitralis; b1. 10- — Norma laterailiis. (Foto M. Stangelj) B. Kry&tufek; Foiresi Dormootee Uryomy^ nifeduia (PALLAS, 177B) ... 21 altitude). This means that D. n. is a species of the upper montane and the lower Alpine zone. The narrowest vertical distribution of D, 71. Ls observed in the Dinarle Alps (Velebit, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro) where it is limited to the montane and the sub-Alpine zone (verticals range from 900 to 2000 rn), whereas the broadest verticale range is known in Macedonia (60 to 1000m of altitude). 4,08 16,33 6. IIabital Requirements In Yugoslavia D. n. inhabits the forests of the order Fagetalia, Vcn:cinia-Piceetalia and Quercetalia., as well as their degradational stadia. In beech forests {AnemancFagetum, Abieti-Fagetum, Fagetum mantanum, Fagetum subclpin-um, ALT (m) 20Ü0 1800 - 1600 - 1400 - 1200 - 1000 - 800 - 600 - 400 - 200 ' 0 20,41 16,33 10.20 10,20 8,17 4,08 4,08 6,12 —I— 10 15 I 20 Fig. 10. Vertcal ddstrLbution of Drvom^a nitednlfl dm Yugoslatvia. Itiriicasted ig the frequency of presence wfijthlii a two-hundred meter highlamd zone 31. 10. VeJ^LJcalna raizSirJsniCBt Drt/ornjs nitedula v Jiigoslaviji. Oznaiena je frelpvenca prisotnosti znatt-aj dvestomatrake^a viSinsäiega ipaeu B, Kry^tufdf: Forest Donraoiuse Dryomas nitedula (PALLAS, 17Ta)... 33 Seslcno-Fagetumj it has been found above all in the Dinaric region. It seems to pref&r tJie rocky ground which is quite frequent in the beech forests of said region. It has also been found in rocky places once overgrown by beech forests where as a result of degradation there remain just single beech trees. It is less keen on pine and fir woods {LuEuta siluaticacPtceetum, PtceettiTn excelsas montanum, Piceetum excelsae croaticum, Pinetujn leucodermis, Pinetum peucis), preferring the dwarf pine (Rhndotamno-Rhoiiodendrctum, Pinetum mug i dinaricum) to all other environments. In Macedonia and Serbia it has been found also in oak forests fQuerco-Carpinetttm orientoÜs, Querceium trojftTme, Quer-cetum c arris moesiocw-m, QusrcHwm /rame^to-cerrisj and the more frequently so in their degradation stadia (rocky places, live-hedges). Most of the habitats of D , Tl. are termo p hi lic and 'xerophilous. This is also true of some highlands with a high quantity of precipitation, most of them being carstic, which means that the meteoric water quickly flows off to the underground. Moist and cool habitats are an exception, at least as far as Yugoslavia is conccrncd (e. g. Pohorje). Fig. 11.—J9, HaW'tats of Dryomu« nitetiiila lin Yuigs, Planica, 1000 m (Foto B. KryStuEek); Pig, 12. Poh-ca-je, Velika Kapa, 1530 m (Foto D, Sare); iig. 13. Snežnili. SvinS&aikn, 1242 m {Fato J. Go-egari); fig. H. Mwnteine©ro, Bjelasica, JeJavica, 14S(}m (F<)to B. Kri-Stufek); fig. 15. Kom Vasojevlč, 1000 m (Foto B. Kryätufeik); fi^. 16. Ourmitör, Crepuljrta poljana, 1700 m fFoto N. Mršii}; «g. 17. Žljeib, Kula, 1750 m {Foto 3. Kryitufek); fig. 19, Orjen. Crkvice, 1050 m (Foto B. ICrrštufek); fig. 10. PpMpa laike, Kiirbiinovo, 920 m (Foto B. Kryitufek). SI, 11.—19, Haibiitati drevesnega polha v JugoslanMji B, Kryätufek: Forest DonriMJuse Dryomys nitedula [PALLAS, 1778),.. 33 B. Ktyätufek: Forest Dormouse I>Tyc>myä nitcdula (PALLAS, 17TB) ... 27 fig, 30. Dryomi/s nitedul® iwterfraedius (carcass). Adult female caught on Pohorje, VeJika Kopa (1520 m), M 4tli July 1983. (Fatol. Sivec) SI, KO. Dryomys mtedttla intermedius (mritva živaJ). Odrasla samica, ujeta 4. juJija Z983 na VeiiJci Kopi, Pohorje, (FotO I. Sivec) 7. Dominance Among more than 10.000 specimens of small mammals caught all over Yugoslavia there are only 51 specimens of D. n. In Yugoslavia as a whole D, n. is n rare species. In single habitats where caught its dominance varies between 1,01 and 27,7 "A (Tab. 7), which means that it is a subrecedent and recGdent, and only exceptionally a subdominant species. Due to a high dominance of D.n. certain habitats destrve special attention. — Planica (10ÜO m) In Planica small mammals w<3re being caught during 9 nights. The density of their population has always been low, so all we caught were 39 specimens, arnong them G D. n. In the same habitat we found also Sorea; aratieus, alpinus, Clethrionomys glareolus, Chionotnys nivalis, Pitymys liechtensteini and Apodemus " Maglič (1700—1300 m) Into 50 traps laid far one night at Pinetum mugi and the neighbouring rocky areas, 11 small mammals (Sorer omneu^, Clethrionomys plareolus, Dina- B. K■^yätuf£^^^ F«rest Dmmouse Drvamyi nitedula (PALLAS, 1773)... 29 Locality Altitude Haihiitat N Nd D m Julijske Alpe, Planica 1000 Hhodothamno-Rhododendretnim PredtMmnaiiUy Toclty area 6 15.SR PohiiTic, Vfelika Kopa isao Liizulo silvaiticao-Piceetumi With numerows clearings 43 1 2,33 Snežnik, Svlnäeaki 1242 Abiöti-Fagetüin dinar i cum 80 3 3AQ Hi&njaik 1450—1500 Pinetum mug! 5B 2 3,45 Veleblt, Zaviizan 1500—1650 Pagetum subalpinMm 33 1 3,03 Saitor Mts, 1550 Piinetum niugi predcflnlnaTitly rooky area 33 1 3,03 Kllpreäka vrata B80 Abieti-Faüertuin SO 1 1.01 Zelengora 1500 flooky area With Fagus sylvatica 27 l 3,70 Maglifi 1600—1800 Pinetum raugi II 3 27.27 Durinitor 1450—1700 Piceetuin excelsae croaticum with immeroiis clearings 53 4 7,55 Bjela&ica 1350—1500 Fagffbum montainum 270 3 l.ll Kamovi 1800 Fagstaim Ettbalpinum and rodky area SO 1 3.00 2lje& 1750—ISOt) Riceetam exoelsae Bubaipi^m 25 2 B.00 Prespan, Aaamati Quercetnun frainetto — cenfis 62 4 Prilep 700 Rocky area 30 0 20.00 Valendcivo 65 Sdäx, Popultls 2B 3 7,14 Gewgeli 75 Rocky area ovorgrown with shtiubbery 12 2 16,67 Tab 7. Dominamce of Dryomi^st nitedula in certain Yugwlav locaJitias N — total number of small mammals; Nd — Tnimber of forest -dormice; D — domJ- nance of forest dormice Tab. 7, Doretimimtnoet -drpvesne^a pdha tia nekaterih nahajališčih v Jugoslajviji N — ^upno Iteviliäfl malte seselcev; Kd — Število drevesnih polhov; D — ckmilnantno&t drevesnega polha Tomys bogdanovi, Chionomys nivalis, Apodemus sylvdticus and A, flavicoUis) were caught, among then:i 3 D, n. — Prilep (7ffO—SOOmj Into 100 traps set in a rocky area, 31 small mammals (Apodemua sylvatictis and A. mysiacinus) were caught, e of them being D. n. Living syntopically with D. ti. are no less than 20 species of small mammals, namely: So rex uraneiis, S. alpinus, S. miiiutus, Neomys fodiem, N. anomalus, Croddura leucodon, C. suaveolens, Cl^thrwno'tnys glareolus, Dinaromys bog-daTvouij AficTof-us agrestis, Cfiionomj/a niualis, Pitymys subteTToneus, P. liecft- Unsteini, Apodcmuj sylvaticus, A. jlavicollis, A. viystacinus, Mus hortulanus, Mus domssticus, Glis glis, and Muscardint« avellanarius. In no locality has D. n. been found together with Eliomys quercinns. 8. Period of Activity All specimens of D. n. in Yugoslavia were caught in the period between 7th April and Octobcr. The specimens caught in April aU originate frotn Macedonia. In the period from October-November till the end of March (in mountainous regions probably till the end of May) D. n. hibernates. Month N. D. n. N. r. f. N. juv. April 11 — — May — — ■Tune n 2 — July 10 6 3 August 21 — C September 20 — 3 October 1 — — Total 77 8 11 Tab. 8. Demographic charaotarisbiCE of Dryomys niteduta. from Yiogosiavia N. D. n. -- total number of ftureat dormice; N.i f, — number -of fernales showing signs of reproduction (ipragnancy, 'laotaition); N. juv. — number of juvenile foi-est dormice Tab. 8, Demografiske Ma&ÜnoEti drevesnega polha tz Jugoslavije N. D. JI. — sikiipno število drsvesnih polhov; N. r. f. — feteviJo seinic, ki so Itaiale Enalie brejosti, laktacije; N. juv. — žteivilo juvenilnih drevesnih rpolhofv 8. L Reproduction Females showing signs of reproduction (lactation, pregnancy) were found in June and July. Only three of them were pregnant: Locality Date Embryos Number Dimensions Dur/nitor gill June 5 3 X 2,5 mm Pohorje 4tli July 2 4 X 3,5 mm Snežnik Iflth July i 5 mm The first young animals of the same year were caught in July (on July on Snežnik and July on Orjeri), The testes of sexually mature males are from 7 to IS,5 mm long and 3 to 7,7 mm broad. In young ones they amount to 5 X 3 mm. B. Kryätitfök: Forest Darmouse Bryomys niteävXa (PALLAS, 1770)... 31 2. Conclusjions gad Discussion Our results have considerably changed the present knowledge on D.n. in Yugoslavia, STORCH (1&78: 223) mapped this species for the entire territory of Yugoslavia, with the exception of Istria and western Slpvcnia. Now we know that D. Ji, does not live in the Pannpnian lowland to the north of the Sgva and the Danube, being absent also from the mapr part of the sub-Pannonian and hiUy region ta the south of the Sava. It is not an inhabitant üf Istria, a large part of the Adriatic coast and the islands. MATVEJEV (1961; 97J considers D. n. a species characteristic of the mediterranean mountain rocky woods- This group of elements distinguishes itself by ils tertiary age. However, KEATOCHVIL, (1967} believes that D-n- came to Europe from the East through A$ia Minor as late as in the Holocene. According to SPITZENBERGER (1933: 19) it arrived "into the Eastern Alps together with the spruce from a glacial refuge of mixed oak forest SE of the Alps in the Boreal". STORCH (1978; 232) considers D, n, "ein sehr junger holozäner Immigrant aus SE bzw. E.", The oldest fossil findings of D. h. in Europe date from the lower and the upper Pleistocene in Hungary (JANOSSY 1962, 1964, according to STORCH 197B}. No data are available on fossils of D. n. from Yugoslavia and the Balcan Peninsula as a whole. With respect to the findings of JANOSSY it seems possible that D. n. inhabited the Balcan Peninsula as a glacial refuge as early as in the Pleistocene. For the territory of Yugoslavia authors have stated a considerable number of subspecies (up to 5). We, however, distinguish only two but admit the possibihty of identifying the morphologically mixed populations in the transitional area (Herzegovina, Montenegro) as a third subspecies n. diamesusj. Such an arrangement is not likely to be final. With the intermedius as defined the specimens of the Northern Dinaric Alps deviate from the others by their large bullae. When more material is available, the status of the population from this region (Risnjak in particular) will become much clearer. Quite heterogeneous is the population of the Southern Dinaric Alps. Here a disjunctive distribution is observed of two basic colour types, whereat their appsarance cannot be explained by the ecologic conditions of the environment. If paleon-tologic investigations prove that to D.n. the Balcan Peninsula olfered a glacial refuge, it might become more realistic to recognize a greater number of subspecies than recognized by ourselves. Irrespective of the above, the subspecies so far cited for the territory of Yugoslavia are contrary to facts. Ackiiawled jfcmen ts The present study could not have been nrealUieid wRbaut the genenoius help of Dr. BORIS M. PETROV (Belgrade) who (put at my disposal his unpubUshed data and material, as well as data on the oollecWon of V. MARTINO in the ZIN-L. His aid consisted also in critiicaJ advices and suggestiOTis. 1 hereby warmly thamk him (or his help, 1 am ithauicful also .to Dr. TSOLO HR, PESEV (Sofia) who kindly .provided me with the pertinent literaituTo and oammuniicffited his views on the subspeoific status q( the forest dormouse in Btilgania. L o T £ 3 I 1. It» ¥ 13 n Hf S 'EL CtL Ital, »T DU. BoB HbB H BE Il£t BEL p^iii KIL PHE KK nis liu. i4 95 M 21,1 M,0 17,0 24,7 12,1 3,? 6,® 13,7 15,2 5,1 11,2 T3 5.3 6,5 4,0 ™ 2Ä3S fC 29 100 as 13,B 13,7 24,7 24.1 5.7 13,0 15,0 <.7 3,6 10,8 5,0 14,1 S,a 4,1 {■« 2Ö? g ti IM «5 I4,i 12,1 J3.3 15,1 6,a 5.1 V 10,3 W,Z e,s PMS 2(4% •s- 93 82 21,8 13,s 22, J 11,5 3,S 5,3 13,2 14,1 S,1 4,0 5.5 1.7 15.2 s.? 3,9 IHS ¥ ai 21,S sa 62 21,1 25.7 23,B 11.7 5,6 13,0 14,1 lo.a i.t +.7 13,7 s,* 1,0 fis «a * jut 17.5 Sfl 21,7 13.S 23,3 llfS 5.7 13,9 5,9 4,S a,7 10.3 13,4 4,1 442* JW 8? 75 20,5 26,7 ".5 5,* 12,5 14,0 <1,1 5.i 4,Ci 7,5 4.7 13,3 ä.3 4.0 IP £3/67 t u 22 eS 13,S 27.* 11,5 5,a 15," S,d -«,1 U/! 7,0 5,1 il.e 6,7 JtP £4/(1 i U 70 t7 22,4 211,1 5,3 4,C 12,7 t.5 11,3 5,4 i- ■d 23 m u,s 24,4 ll.J 3,9 5,S 13,2 15,3 6,4 S.2 ni.a 7.7 1.S 14,0 7,2 0 H it A T 1 A ififi m t j" 77 JO 12,? 24^ 10,4 3.S *.3 J2,3 i,l ID^ 4,6 12.3 4,4 BP ti 22 e2 U,3 25.e 12,5 3,7 14,0 15,4 M 5.4 4,1 9.1 11,4 5,0 7,2 4,0 EP SJSr/Sr tc al M UL 67 21,S 25,7 12,2 3,s 5.3 13,7 15,2 S,* 5.5 3.2 U,2 5.0 14,4 4,0 SP zS/71 ■4 50 21,? 24.3 11.5 3,9 E.5 13.2 e.i 4.7 a,s 11,1 E 0 £ K ü: 1. «nI H E a 3 £ C a V T !t A rra Id es 13,? U,S 23,1 11,2 3,« 5.4 12,£ 5,s <,3 a.B 10,4 7.0 +.3 12 6,4 3.3 FNS O £ £ ü E I i Et- lW4a 62 .7B 2a,o ".S ap 6V77 J" JO lOD 75 13,< 27.0 24,3 3.3 6,1 14.0 lf,l 6,6 S,5 4,1 9,1 11,6 6,8 5,0 BF f ni 24 7S ZE,2 !?,0 Ü5.1 12,3 V 5,7 13.6 5.« 5,3 4,(f 9,5 11,6 7P 1,7 R 3* S3 J5 U.B u.? 3.S 5,7 12,7 14,2 t.2 5,1 4,1 8,3 11,2 7,0 4,7 S.7 4,2 FlO Tdl i Id iS 1ÜS ZO.S H,* 25,0 12.5 a £.3 13,4 1^,3 e.4 5,1 4,1 S,T 11,9 7,S 5.0 14,1 7,5 3,0 701 i ÄJ H.3 as,? 11,? 3,e S,a 13,3 5.2 8,7 11,2 7,2 14,(1 £.4 4,1 P® 703 s «d IS lop u,o 37,1 U,e 4,0 3.5 15, S i,! 5,a 3.« S^ U,? T,« 7.S 4,2 it iS/Sa > Kd ?5 IM 11,? 3.? f,D 13,3 £.1 5,2 4,(1 V 11,9 7.2 4,6 7.0 3,9 BP avis Id 31 IM IV 13,+ 17, J 15,0 1?,3 3,? 13,5 5,5 4,9 4,0 S,^ u,s 7,4 4,a 14/ 7,2 Bf Jl3/fi? j< Id 55 Jl,l 27,0 24,7 11.3 3,9 5,9 13,8 15.S 5,2 4,5 7.4 5,1 H,2 7,0 4,0 3r sa/fi? (T Id 3+ 57 lefi 3,8 5,0 4,a S,S ll.S 7,2 4,5 IV i.S 3,6 EP 5Vfi? 37 lOZ ii.9 U,8 17,5 25,5 13,J 3.S 6.1 13,6 4,fi 4,3 5,4 11,4 7,2 a H,i 7.0 3.9 EP (Vi? ■J Cd Povzetek Drevesni polh Dryomys nitedula (odslej D, n.) je eden slabäe poznanih sesalcev jugoslovanske favne. Zaradi svojega zanimivega videza in redkosti je vedno zanimal teriologe in zato niso redke kratke notice o njegovih nahajališčih ali taksonomskih vprašanjih. Vedno pa upoštevajo ftiajhno Število primerkov, pogosto le enega samega. Drevesni polh v Jugoslaviji v glavnem naseljuje glavne gorske masive {Alpe, Dinaride, garsko-Pindske in Karpatsko-balkanske gorske pokrajine). V Makedoniji, kjer je splošno razširjen, naseljuje tudi nizko Makedonijo. Na jadranski obali in otokih D. n. ne živi. Omembne vredno je, da D.n. ni bil najden na dalmatinskih planinah, kjer živi Elicmys queTciiiHs (Mosor, Din ar a). Severno in vzhodno od gorskega sveta, proti subpanonskim pokrajinam, D. TI. verjetno ne Sivi več. Prav tako ga verjetno ni nikjer v panonskem niža vju. Vsa znana nahajališča D, ji, v Jugoslaviji lože med 60 in 2000m nadmorske višine. Najnižja nadmorska višina nahajaliääa je v Makedonskem nižavju, najvišja pa v Črni Gori (Durmitor), Večina habitatov je termofilnih in kserofilnih. To velja tudi za nekatere planine, kjer je sicer veliko padavin {npr. Orjen), a ker so v glavnem kraSke, padavine hitro odtečejo v podzemlje. Vlažni in hladni habi ta ti so, vsaj v Jugoslaviji izjemni. Gledano kot celota, je D. n. redka vrsta. V posameznih habitatih, kjer je bil ujet, variira njegova dominantnost med 1,01 in 27,7 Večinoma je torej subrecedentna in recedentna ter le izjemoma subdominantna vrsta. Vsi primerki D, n. v Jugoslaviji so bili ujeti v času od 7. aprila do 11. oktobra. Samice, ki so kazale znake razmnoževanja, smo dobili v juniju in juliju, prve mlade živali, povržene v istem letu, pa so bile ujete v juliju. Na ozemlju Jugoslavije razlikujemo dve geografski rasi (podvrsti) drevesnega polha. Ena je omejena na severozahodni del države, druga pa na Makedonijo. Vmesne populacije kažejo mešane {prehodne} znake, zato jih oznafiujemo kot mešani (vmesni) takson. Ce bi tudi njemu priznali status podvrste, bi ga morali poimenovati D. n. diamesus LEHMANN, 1959. Subspecifična klasifikacija D.n. iz Jugoslavije je takšnale: D. n. intermedius (NEHRING, 1902) Nahajališče tipa: Lienz, Tirolska, Avstrija. Razširjenost: Alpe in severni Dinaridi (Snežnik, Risnjak, Vele bi t, zahodna Bosna). Diagnoza; lobanja nizka; hrbet večinoma siv. D, n. ravijajla (PASPALEV, MARTINO and PECHEV, 1952 Nahajališče tipa: Senečki Suvati, Bistra, Makedonija Razširjenost: Makedonija Diagnoza: lobanja višja; hrbet večinoma rdečkastorjav. D. n. intcrmedius J favijojla Razširjenost: Bosna, Hercegovina, Črna Gora in Kosovo. Diagnoza: mešana populacija. V obarvanosti hrbta kaže lastnosti obeh podvrst. B. Kt-yžtutek: Forest Dormou« Dryomys niiedula (PALLAS, 1778).,. 35 References BOLKAY, S., 1924: Catalogus of the Mammals occur ing in Bosni a-Hercegovina and preserved in the Land-Museum in Sarajevo. Biol, Hung., 1 (2); 1—7, BUDAPEST. CORBET, G. B., 1970; The Mammals of the Palaearctic Region: a taxonomic review. BM(NH), Cornell Univ. Press. London. DESCHMANN, C., 1866: Ueber das Vorkommen des Baumschläfers, Myoxus Dryas SOHL., in Krain nebs t einer Erklärung des zeitweise massenhaften Auftretens des Siebenschläfers, Myoxus Glis L. Mitt. Museal-Ver. für Krain, 214^218, La i bach. SULIC, B,, 1971: Značaj ni sisavci Dinars k ag krša i njihove ekološke karakteristike. JAZU »Simpozij o zaštiti prirode u našem kršu«, pp. 213—237, Zagreb. DTILIC, B.. D. MIRIC, 1967: Catalogus faunae Jugoslaviae, IV/4 Mammalia. Acad, Sc. et Art. Slov., Ljubljana. DULIC, B., Z. VIDINIC, 1967: Prilog poznavanju sisavaca planina Dinare i Satora. JAZU »Krä Jugoslavije^«. 5j 139—180, Zagreb. FELTEN, H., G. 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