3 In practice and in principals concerning the master plan often partial understanding is encountered when concepiualis-ing the purpose of a master plan. Some actors visualise only the visionary aspect of a condition of spatial organisation in the future presented on a conceptual level. Undoubtedly this is an important component of the contents, however it doesn't suffice. The master plan is therefore a development, management, design and legal act. If one of the aspects is missing, then the purpose of the plan was not achieved. 4 Urban planning cannot be understood as forecasting, but as understanding the present and thus indirectly directing urban development. 5 A city is never completed, the scope of any plan is the horizon of known possibilities and needs, predictions and expectations (Albers, 1990:209). 6 Here unintentionally the feeling emerges, that from unreliable forecasting of needs one embarks on equally unreliable estimates of spatial capacity; from speculative economy on to inadequately known ecology. Therefore it is necessary to understand the presented dilemma more as a method of thinking about space and city, rather than a devised working method. 7 From available data unequal facilities of different parts of the city are evident, adopted as one of the key urbanistic problems and starting points for improving the urban system. 8 In our circumstances where the organisation and regulatory mechanisms of the real estate market are deficient, the importance of these contents are not adequately evaluated. Improvements to the planning system (above all its transparency) and the real estate market will reinstate land use as one of the basic regulatory policies for built-up areas. 9 Such attitude confronts a strong counter arguments, especially in rapidly changing circumstances and poor knowledge (i.e. needs and possibilities) of future development. If the attitude stands, then the question is, whether urban planning has any meaning at all? Here I would like to point out the difference between often utilised uses of zones, that have, after a certain period, lost the driving reason for their former definition. For planning units morphological or physiognomic elements are much more important than functional elements. This phase hasn't as yet been completed. For literature and sources see page 31 ivan STANIČ Motives of the master plan for Slovenj Gradec 1. Introduction The master plan is a long-term articulated document containing visions of spatial development of an urban settlement and indirectly its gravitational hinterland. Although most Slovenian towns are composed of virtually rural settlements, they mostly function as extensions of a central town. Therefore it is necessary when conceptualising the parameters of such a document, to consider and plan the surroundings as well. Following present conditions in the physical environment, which are a consequence of the last decades, and recent developments in the national political and economic system, we understand the master plan as an articulate and spatially positioned strategic framework for future spatial intervention while focusing on public interest The driving motive behind the ammendments and supplements to the spatial components of the municipal plans of Slovenj Gradec and bringing the existing plans in line with recent expert findings, were innovations to the master plans of the settlements Sloven] Gradec, Pameče, Troblje, Podgorje, Šmartno and Tomaška and Turiška vas, certain development acts and iniatiatives by individuals, as well as companies for new activities.2 Some of the valid guidelines and decisions in the spatial acts didn't coincide with the present historic moment, social conditions and expert findings, thus only such ammendments and supplements to the plan were proposed that are essential for further spatial development procedures and future management of the municipalities territory. These are mainly actions on the central settled areas with rectifications to the road system and communal infrastructure. In the starting stages a series of expert material was added to the already voluminous research previously carried out with emphasis on the following topics: demographic analysis^, tourism development strategy and the master plan countryside and dispersed settlement®. The spatial plan of Slovenj Gradec - forests urban design and planning guidelines for selecting the railway route through the municipality of Slovenj Gradec 8. Following this fairly elaborate research stage, we prepared the proposal for spatial components of the planning acts with standard elements. The proposal was put on exhibition October-2'^'^ November 1998) and during this period public hearings were carrièd out in the local communities. During the exhibition we organised an urban design workshop under the topic Spatial possibilities for the development of entrepreneurship and production activities in the settlements Slovenj Gradec, Pameče in Troblje. The plan was adopted by the Municipal Council in October 1999. 2. Development of activities - motive 1 Development of activities in Slovenj Gradec is based on the following facts: • Construction of the interrmediate route on the European corridor, the connecting railway line that will com- letnik 10, št. 2/99 plete the international system of transport routes in this part of Europe. • The relative decrease in importance of industry as a development motor. Despite this fact and in view of available potentials of employment we nevertheless considered the rationalisation of areas used for industry, especially since by moving certain industrial activities from the vicinity of the town centre, excellent areas for „town building" spaces could be released. • The growth of importance of knowledge and generally third sector activities. The master plan includes initiatives for the development of several central (retail and commercial) areas and areas for service oriented activities (manufacturing, personal services, small enterprises, small production units) and provides areas for education activities with all necessary infrastructure. • The trend for preserving and developing the cultural identity of the town and region heavily leans on listed buildings and natural features, following contemporary global trends. A successful economy that is tied into the development prospects of an area can create a new identity or strengthen the existing one, based on recognised qualities of a place. • All the compactly urbanised area is understood as an un-divisible entity so the master plan is common to ali the settlements in the municipality. The area is structured in the Mislinja valley and Podgorje vailey, the Legen plateau and the areas of the settlements Slovenj Gradec, Pameče and Troblje. Another very important consideration in planning balanced spatial development of the area is the fact, that Slovenj Gradec is a regional centre, with a population of 17.000 inhabitants. Until 2020, the time span of the document, the population will not grow substantially, especially because of emigration of the younger population. However, the number of households will grow (mainly because of ageing, changed social habits etc.). 1.1 Centra] activities (controlled sites) The largest number of central activities (shops, businesses, education, health services, administration, social activities) are and will remian in the largest town. Strenghtening local centres, i.e. the smaller settlements in the municipality also implies provision of areas for such activities, adapted to the size of the settlement. In certain settlements new areas are proposed while in others, only additions to existing structures are proposed. 1.2 Production activities (removal, sanation, reconstruction, additions) Because of unfavourable climatic conditions, sites for production activities with emissions have to be placed carefully, not endangering the living qualities of the inhabitants. In general these are sites to the North of the largest settlement, on the plain below Pameče and Troblje (between the main road and river Mislinja). Production activities that don't have chemical, physical or noise pollutive emissions can be placed in other areas, nearer to dwelling areas. Production activities have to remain on existing sites and innovation and modernisation of technological production processes promoted. There are many reasons for such actions, amongst other to improve accessability and possible organisation of public transport (daily migration). 1.3 Housing Housing will be conducted in several ways: detached housing and terraced housing in areas of lower density and collective, organised housing in areas with higher density. Housing demand will increase following increse in the number of households, a consequence of ageing and changed living habits. The types of housing are as follows: detached and terrace housing (in poorly urbanised areas), housing in mixed use areas (in the settlements), high density housing (organised collective development) and secondary homes. The selected sites for all the housing types are those that can be easily connected to the central sewage system. 1.4 Sports and recreation Areas intended for sports and recreation have to be placed on sites that are easily accessable from all the dwelling areas. A distinction has to be made between sports and recreation areas according to intention, scope and character of the discipline, i.e. passive-active, limited-unlimited access, professional sports-school facilities-amateurs etc. 1.5 Tourism Tourism is one of the most promising development activities in the global dimensiion. Tourism in Slovenj Gradec is a traditional activity. Facts however show, that recently (especially in the last seven years) tourism was stagnating and in certain aspects declining. The reasons are poor supply, poor road connections, inadequate promotion and lack of new investment. Based on a deatiled analysis of tourist offer, the municipality can provide five typical products (the first four are concentrated and the fifth is dispersed): - the town of Slovenj Gradec, where most of the accomodation capacities and services are located. Here the majority of cultural events take place, here are the sports and recreation facilities; - other settlements in the valley, where smaller quantities of accomodation and catering facilities are, as well as a number of sports facilities; - the alpine tourist centre Kope, partially in the municipality and the skiing grounds on Rahtel; - the sports air strip near Turiška vas with a smaller quantity of accomodation facilities in camps and bungalows, inns and other possibilities for recreation (horse riding, moto cross etc.); - the hilly hinterland, that can facilitate all possible types of recreation in nature. Here numerous listed bildings are located and protected eatures of the natural environment as well as goals for hiking tours. The villages scattered all over the hills can provide some accomodation and catering services (inns, touristic farms, mountain and hunting lodges). The touristic offer directly integrates into the touristic offer of neighbouring municipalities, especially on Western Pohorje and Ursija Gora. letnik 10, št. 2/99 3. Physiological minimum - motive 2 Emphasis in providing good quality dwelling conditions involving public expenditure in infrastructure are; provision of drinking water and protection of water resources; waste management for households and industry and the rationalisation of the sewage system following construction of the central sewage collector and treatment plant; additions to the natural gas pipeline; additions to the electrical power lines network; further construction of small hydro-electric power plants (especially on regulated parts of the lowland rivers; strengthening of the tele-communication network. Mostly these are construction activities which were planned earlier. 4. Accessability - motive 3 Road traffic Proposals for the road system include all levels of roads, from regional to local. The most important feature of the regional road OS to reduce the number of feeding roads in the valley and ractionalise e of the road. Until the railroad is built, the road will remain the most important transport mode, taking all the freight and personal traffic in and through the municiplaity. Several pof the forset roads will be re-categorised into touristic roads. Railway traffic The possibility for building a ailway line is shown in the national spatial plan (Dravograd - Celje, under consideration). In the present plan it has only been positioned, since the technical parameters, nature of freight, quantities etc. are undefined. The possible routes for the railroad were shown in the early stages of the project, as well as the first phase of construction, i.e. the industrial track from Dravograd, Cycling On all the reconstructed and new roads, new cycling routes are provided, after all conditions for this traffic mode are optimal, especially in the valleys. Building of cycling routes and touristic lanes in the Slovenj Gradec hinterland will increase accessability and provide another feature for the development of specific forms of tourism in the countryside. The main cycling routes run along the main roads. In the town itself, certain parts of existing roads will have to be adapted for cycling. Parking Parking spaces occupy substantial surfaces, that could be turned over to other activities or simply pedestrians. Possible new parking spaces are: below the main square, by the graveyard, below Voranc square and next to the Eastern entrance. Part of the obligations in providing new parking spaces will have to be met by individual investors. Pedestrian areas Pedestrian surfaces are partly urban (paved, running through the settlements) and partly peripheral, running through the natural surrounding area. The latter are understood as connecting elements between the compactly built-up areas and areas of realitvely preserved nature. Some will be built next to the rivers and streams, e.g. the water park from the Eastern entrance to the confluence of the rivers Mislinja and Suhadolnica. In all areas of higher pedestrian intensity, i.e. to the churches in all settlements, sport and recreation grounds, pavements have to be built, thus providing safe surfaces for pedestrians. Similar conditions have o be met on all the mlan access routes to the central settlement. The width of the pavements depends on local conditions. Public pedestrian surfaces have to be built in a way that enables use also for the functionally disabled The airport and arlal traffic The sports air strip is recognised in all the analyses as one of the leading economic points in the municipality, both in view of potential development and simply logistic and physical dimensions. After the re-categorisation of the airport, conditions for functioning in accordance with transport-tech-nical regulation will have to be achieved. The area of he airport is not only a transport feature. Amongst the numerous possible uses for future development are also tourism, services etc. The town square The town square, the historical centre and focal point of the town, has to be designed as the true historical, identity and cultural centre. This means that the sqaure will always have to provide conditions for mixed use, market oriented and othenwise. In any case functioning of the town square implies good access, especially if it is recognised as the centra! activity point in the town. In view of the present regime of use and rights, activities which would revitalise the square shouldn't move elsewhere. Therefore on the square daily frequency has to be achieved (employment), afternoon accupancy (vistitors and leisure) and constant presence (inhabitants, housing). 5. Possible controlled dvelopment -motive 4 5.1 Improving the quality of life The initial activities on cleaning the environment, presented by technical innovation (construction of natural gas network) have to be supplemented by intervention in urbanisation. The most important one being the construction of the central refuse water processing plant and construction of the central sewer followed by individual attachment of all households in the valleys on to the system. Dispersed settlement on the slopes of Pohorje, Razbor and Uršlja gora, if maintained in their present scope, are not a serious environmental problem. However in these areas there are also numerous water resources, thus future building and construction should be controlled and establishe-ment of activities with emissions avoided - prevented. Similarly, reas for housing should be located in areas with minimal influence from Industry and traffic. Most of the water courses in the compactly urbanised areas are regulated because of potential torrential flooding. Certain parts of these areas could be re-naturised, e.g. the part of Mislinja running through the central town, as well as when emabarking on new hydro-technical endevours, certain areas could be returned to their previous natural state. 5.2 Public greenery and surfaces for sports and recreation Although settlements in the municipality are encircled with relatively preserved natural landscape, the central settlement Slovenj Gradec in fact cannot provide adequate green or open surfaces. In the proposal public green surfaces on specific points are mentioned, and moreover, all the green areas are connected to the natural green hinterland. The proposed sites are: paries in the settlement {at the Mislionja and Suhadolnica cofluence, in the school campus -park with garden pavilions, Colatio - archeological park and a connecting park between the school complex and the Dobrava forest; dividing screens between the housing area and southern bypass road; the water park along MIsllnja from the cofluence till the Turiška vas village; preserving (part of) the Dobrava forest as a forest of special importance, understood as a designed forest with recreational programmes; preserving Rahtel as a forest of special importance and a natural, visual edge of the central settlement. Areas intended for sports and recreation are located adya-cent to the larger settlement structures, whereby the principles for their distribution are similar to those for other development, i.e. complex areas are in communally well equipped areas that are easily accessable . The largest area for sports lies next to the trunk road, alongside the access road^ (Ronkova street), while smaller areas are proposed in Šmartno, Podgorje and Legen, in areas aesily accessable from the residential areas. A larger zone is proposed near the airfield. 5.3 Protection and use of heritage areas and objects In the sense of protecting the historical cultural framework of the settlement Slovenj Gradec and enabling development and/or revitalisation of the historical core, solutions pertain to traffic arrangements, accessability, placement of parking spaces and improving entrances. Values which should be protected from degradation and particular necessary development mechanisms deviced apply to the Nature park Pohorje, the landscape park Plešivec and the historical core. A specific problem and simultaneous value are so called „ceiki" in the hilly hinterland. These areas of autohto-nous dispersed settlement shouldn't become the frame-owork of future urbanisation, but should be preserved as cultural and landscape heritage, while at the same time enabling modern dwelling and other contemporary qualities. The growth (or decay) of these areas should be prevented nad their development directed individually 5.4 Environmental protection and ecological problems A large part of the municipality is protected. The areas include vast areas of forests, water sheds, areas of cultural heritage (especially the Pohorje hills. Razbor and Plešivec). Besides the mentioned state, the settlement as such, in all its dimensions, directly meets with areas of almost primeval nature. Certain specified elements and acts (even in the town plan) can be challenged, therefore in future planning special attention has to be given to: - new roads that will cause new restrictions in space, especially the south by-pass road, preventing direct contact with the Dobrava forest; - the industrial zone in Pamece and Troblje will prevent visual contact with the river and natural contact of the forests; - The natural space along the riverbanks of the predominantly regulated water courses (built as flood protection), especially on the larger rivers and streams is almost non-existant and will have to be recreated in the future. On the other hand, rationalisation of urbanisation processes, i.e. consolidation of built structures in selected areas (above all functional and construction additions next to already existing settlements) will direct urbanisation into controlled areas. Building in forests and on agricultural land or dispersed all over the munncipality should be stopped. Another strong motive for rationalising built-up areas is the planned construction of the central water treatment plant and sewage collectors running through all the major settled areas (Mislinja valley, Podgorje valley and the Legen plateau). 5.5 Enabling agriculture and forestry Agricultural land which is important for long-term development and according to regulations on agricultural alnd is the basis for food production have to be protected from irrational and poorly argumented proposals. New development on agricultural alnd have to be carefully checked, especially in areas where local centres will be developed. Forests cover an area of 10.666 ha (62 % of the territory), 18 % are state owned, 82 % are private. Forests are a valuable element shaping the environment and an important source of income for numerous owners and employees in forestry and the lumber yards. The forests, settlement of the countryside and lumber are the condition for many development activities in the municipality Therefore further urbanisation into forests has to be limited, especially the forest edge. The main goal of forestry is strengthening the production capacity of forest land and systems, preservation and strengthening basic functions of forests and, above all, protection of rare and exceptional forest systems from further urbanisation. 6. Building tlie town - motive 5 6.1 Renewal, rehabilitation and reconstruction Renewal, rehabilitation and reconstruction are acts on the improvement of present living, transport and other qualities in the town. Essentially this means changes in activities, renewal of dilapidated buildings, removal of certain programmes etc. According to principles of sustainable development (Agenda 21, Habitat) these are acts within the town, on already occupied sites. The idea is to maximize land use with activities that fit into an urban programme and that can meet land prices. Proposals for renewal basically apply to vacated industrial sites and inadequately used spaces within the town centre. 6.2 Complementing existing structures The idea of complementing local centres is the rationalisation of recent housing development. An added motive of densening is the planned construction of the central sewage system and rationalisation of costs. The idea stems from the desire to densen built-up areas, establish visible local centres, strengthen edges between different uses and protect the natural environment from dispersed settlement. These areas are provided in all the larger settlements. 6.3 New development Despite the tendency to preserve green sites, new development on such sites will be necessary. Especially the industrial areas, service oriented areas and areas for organised housing development. The latter will become important in the near future, since there are at present no real mechanisms for rational development and housing schemes are limited in quantity. The mentioned actions have to be publicly directed projects because the areas are substantial and shouldn't be left to present speculative „market" oriented or spontaneous initiatives. Before hand, public interest has to be acertained and/or public/private partenerships established. 6.4 Preserving existing built surfaces The existing built structures will be maintained. Changes in activities and moving certain programmes to other sites can imply loss of quality for some areas, therefore the scope of proposed changes must be aligned with preservation of local as well as regional importance of the town. Activities on new sites don't mean a necessary loss for present sites. On the contrary, the system of the settlement will be complemented with presently missing or inadequately developed programmes. 6.5 Strengthening the present identity and quest for novelties Maintaining the town form is possible also with new placement and new development. If the historical town is recognised as a value under a strict heritage protection regime, areas for new activities that the town needs for developem-nt, have to be provided elsewhere. We strongly stress, that ali the built-up structure of the municipality has to be understood as an undividable entity, although particular parts are physically separated or split by agricultural and other areas. Ties can be achieved by densening the built structure, creating new connections and sensible alocation of activities. Slovenj Gradec following changes to the master plan for the settlements Slovenj Gradec, Šmartno pri Slovenj Gradcu, Pameče, Podgorje, Troblje, Tomaška in Turiška was Ivan Stanič, co-authors Edi Koraca, Arh-deko d.o.a., Slovenj Gradec, and mag. Mitja Pavliha; authors of specific chapters were: Marija Majda Dekleva, Aleksander Jakoš and mag. Vladimir Stefanović (Urban planning institute) and Branko Gradišnik, Mika Medved, Samo Vončina in Karel Zagore (Institute for forstry). Final cartopgraphic material was executed by Boštjan Cotič. The co-ordinator for the local authority was Jože Fras. Aleksander Jakoš, univ. dipl. geogr.: The population, employment and households, 1997. Marija Majda Dekleva, univ. dipl. geogr.; Tourism as a component of ammendments to the spatial components of the municipal long-term plan for Slovenj Gradec, 1997. Mag. Vladimir Stefanović, univ. dipl. oec.: The municipal development strategy and master plan Mag. Mitja Pavliha, univ. dipl. inž. arh.: Slovenj gradeč: The countryside - dispersed settlement. Branko Gradišnik, univ. dipl. inž. gozd.. Mika Medved, univ. dipl. inž, gozd., Samo Vončina, inž. gozd.. Kari Zagore, univ. dipl. inž. gozd.: The spatial plan of Slovenj Gradec - forests. Institute for forestry, Regional unit Slovenj Gradec Ivan Stanič: Urban design and planning guidelines for selecting the railway route through the municipality of Slovenj Gradec Illustrations Figure 1: Development guidelines for the settlement system Figure 2: The central urbanised area Figure 3: Connections to the natural hintreland Figure 4: Physical development emphasis For literature and sources see page 40 7. Conclusion The territory of the Municipality of Slovenj Gradec and functionally connected settlements was dealt with uniquely - not separated into central settlement and countryside. This approach and the inclusion of most development factors and interest groups can also add to sustainable development from the economic, social, cultural and spatial aspect; however (and by all means) only if it is coupled with monitoring and evaluation of results and timely response to changes in the internal and external environment and harmonising local development with environmental potentials and limitations. Here all the motives are hidden. Ivan Stanič, architect, Urban planning institute Notes The municipal development plan for the mandate 1995-1998 - proposal, Municiplaity of Slovenj Gradec, april 1995. 2 The co-ordinator of the project Ammendments to the spatial components of the mid-term social plan for the Municipality of Uroš LOBNIK The Master Plan for Maribor The project, Master plan for Maribor was started in 1995 and is today in the phase of proposal. In 1996 the analytical phase was carried out, in 1997 the expert guidelines, in 1998 the first draft for public debate and hearing and in 1999 expert reviews were prepared. Preparation of supplements and amendments to the spatial plan somewhat stopped the completion of the document, so the proposal is expected towards the end of 1999. Preparation of the document, from the analysis till the first draft, was under expert scrutiny and direction from the project council."' 1. Analysis The analytical phase of the master plan was directed into recognition and definition of key spatial issues with guidelines for their solution. Sectorial „expert" analysis, opinions and proposals were collected Into eighteen thematic volumes: Town and region, Demographic characteristics.