Original scientific article UDK 597.556.33:591.9(262.32) Received: 2013-11-05 NEW NORTHERNMOST RECORD OF THE BLUNTHEAD PUFFERFISH, SPHOEROIDES PACHYGASTER (OSTEICHTHYES: TETRAODONTIDAE) IN THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA Lovrenc LIPEJ & Borut MAVRIČ Marine Biology Station, National Institute of Biology, SI-6330 Piran, Fornače 41, Slovenia E-mail: lipej@mbss.org Dejan PALISKA University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport, SI-6320 Portorož, Pot pomorščakov 4, Slovenia ABSTRACT A specimen of blunthead pufferfish Sphoeroides pachygaster (Müller & Troschel, 1848) was caught in waters off Piran on 22 November 2012. This record represents the first catch in Slovenian waters and the northernmost occurrence of this species in the Adriatic and the Mediterranean Sea, as well. The blunthead pufferfish began its rapid spread from the east Atlantic towards the Mediterranean in 1979 reaching its northernmost extent in the northern Adriatic Sea thirty years later. Key words: blunthead pufferfish, Sphoeroides pachygaster, northern spread, Adriatic Sea NUOVA SEGNALAZIONE A NORD DEL PESCE PALLA LISCIO, SPHOEROIDES PACHYGASTER (OSTEICHTHYES: TETRAODONTIDAE), NEL MARE MEDITERRANEO SINTESI Un esemplare di pesce palla liscio, Sphoeroides pachygaster (Müller & Troschel, 1848), è stato catturato nelle acque al largo di Pirano, il 22 novembre 2012. Si tratta della prima cattura di tale specie in mare sloveno e della sua segnalazione più settentrionale nell'Adriatico e nel Mediterraneo. Il pesce palla liscio si sta velocemente espandendo dall'Atlantico orientale al Mediterraneo dal 1979, raggiungendo la sua massima estensione a nord, nell'Adriatico settentrionale, trent'anni più tardi. Parole chiave: pesce palla liscio, Sphoeroides pachygaster, espansione settentrionale, mare Adriatico INTRODUCTION Mediterranean fish fauna has faced many changes over the last decades. Many fish species were recorded for the first time in the Mediterranean Sea after the opening of the Suez Canal in 1865 while other newcomers arrived through the Gibraltar Strait. Some authors have considered the Mediterranean Sea to be one of the main hotspots of marine bioinvasion on the planet (Quignard & Tomasini, 2000). The continuous arrival of new species has also been confirmed, although to a much lesser extent, in the Adriatic Sea (see for example Dulcic et al., 2003; Lipej & Dulcic, 2004; Dragicevic & Dulcic, 2010; Dulcic & Dragicevic, 2011). During the same period, native fish fauna experienced some changes as well. Some thermo-philous southern species extended their area of distribution to the north. The northward spread of southern species is caused by the ongoing phenomenon of global warming (Francour et al., 1994; Massuti et al., 2010). The aim of this paper is to describe a specimen of blunthead pufferfish Sphoeroides pachygaster (Müller & Troschel, 1848) from the Gulf of Trieste in order to provide an overview of species spatial distribution in the Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas and analyze the spread of the blunthead pufferfish in both areas. The species is circumglobally distributed in the temperate and tropical Atlantic, in the Indian Ocean, in waters off Japan and the Hawaiian archipelago (Tortonese, 1986) and in the seas off Australia and New Zealand (Hardy, 1981). It is also present in the Mediterranean Sea; however the number of reports of this species is still rather low. MATERIAL AND METHODS The specimen of the blunthead pufferfish (Fig. 1) was caught in waters 5 nm west of Piran (45o35'43 N, 13o29'01 E) on 22 November 2012. It was caught from the muddy bottom at 22 m of depth. It was readily identified as the blunthead pufferfish (Müller & Troschel, Fig. 1: Blunthead pufferfish (Sphoeroides pachygaster) caught in waters off Piran in November 2012 (Photo: B. Mavric). Sl. 1: Riba napihovalka Sphoeroides pachygaster, ujeta v vodah pri Piranu novembra 2012 (Foto: B. Mavric) 1848) according to the identification key of Tortonese (1986). It was accurately measured to the nearest millimetre and weighed to the nearest gram. All measurements (according to Jardas, 1996) and meristic counts are presented in Table 1. The specimen is housed in the ichthyological collection of the Marine Biology Station (National Institute of Biology) in Piran. In order to understand the phenomenon of the blunthead pufferfish spread to the northernmost area of the Adriatic Sea and in the Mediterranean Sea as well, all available literature records of this species in the Mediterranean Sea and the adjacent eastern Atlantic were gathered. On the basis of more than 100 records (from 69 reported sources; see Appendix I) of the blunthead pufferfish in the eastern Atlantic and in the Mediterranean Sea we produced a map of the area with all records presented (Fig. 2). In many sources catchment locations were only approximately defined e.g. Sicily channel, Susac Island etc. In those cases the coordinates have been chosen either within the centre of the area or territory or randomly near the territory. Although the data contain measurement errors in terms of coordinates, these errors are not problematic in this particular study of the wide area spread of the blunthead pufferfish. Another important consideration regarding the data set, when studying spatial distributions and their evolution over time, is that multiple records are reported at the same location in different time periods. This could mean that the species had settled down and is constantly present in the area. Using such data in the process of modelling leads to an inclusion of uncertainty in the data and produces errors in prediction location/trends (more in Gabrosek & Cressie, 2002). To deal with this problem a raster grid with cell size 0.5 degree latitude/longitude was created in ArcGis 9.3 and overlaid on sample data. If a single cell occupied more than one catchment location, the minimum value (year of the first record in the area) was assigned to the cell. For each single raster cell the centroid with minimum value as an attribute was extracted. The transformed dataset, year of first records within the 0.5 degree grid, were used in further analysis. This procedure has also positively influenced the effect of preferential sampling, since for the areas with dense concentrated samplings only one value was assigned, making a sample more evenly distributed in the whole area. A drawback of such a procedure is that the data on species spatial density were partially lost (32% of the original records were lost mostly in the area of high records density). Our aim was to seek indices that could help us reveal the spatial pattern of the blunthead pufferfish population and its change over time. A good index for detecting change in spatial distribution over time is a distributional centroid and the variance of spatial distribution (Hollowed, 1992). The standard deviation ellipse is one of the tools incorporated in Esri ArcMap 9.3 software and has been used to demonstrate shifts in spatial Fig. 2: Records of the blunthead pufferfish (S. pachygaster) in the Mediterranean Sea and eastern North Atlantic. The three directional distribution ellipses, calculated for three different time periods, indicate the shift in spatial distribution in time. The red square represents the first record off the European Atlantic coast. Sl. 2: Zapisi o pojavljanju ribe napihovalke S. pachygaster v vzhodnem Atlantiku in Sredozemlju. Tri elipse, izračunane za tri različna časovna obdobja, kažejo prostorsko smer širjenja v posameznih obdobjih. Rdeči kvadrat prikazuje prvi zapis ob atlantski obali Evrope. distribution over time. Spatial autocorrelation, within the entire study area, was tested using Global Morans I statistics (Anselin, 1995). In order to get a better insight into how local variations are clustered, Getis-Ord Gi statistics were also calculated (Getis & Ord, 1992). Getis-Ord Gi statistics (hereafter called Ord Gi) indicate, for any given location, how individual location is associated with the values of surrounding locations. Ord Gi statistics calculate standardized Z scores for any single location. High negative or positive Z scores indicate statistically significant spatial clustering formed by low or high values (Getis Ord, 1992; Ord & Getis, 1995). Absolute values higher than 1.96 are statistically significant for spatial clustering at the 0.05 level. Values around zero indicate that no apparent spatial clustering exists (neighbours in the selected area have almost random values). The ESDA (Explanatory Spatial Data Analysis) was carried out using GeoDa ver.0.95 (Anselin, 1995). All the parameters that have been used to demonstrate spatial spreading were calculated either in Esri ArcGis 9.3 or in GeoDa. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Description and identification All measurements and meristic counts are presented in Table 1. The studied specimen is among the biggest pufferfish caught in the Adriatic Sea to date, second only to the specimen, caught off Montenegro in 2008 (Joksi-movic & Mandic, 2008), which measured 450 mm in total length (Tab. 2). The specimen was identified by its typical stout and inflatable body with rounded snout, big head and skin without scales. In the mouth four large teeth (two in each jaw) form a beak. Eyes are rather big and oval in shape. A small dorsal fin is placed above the anal fin of similar size and shape. The caudal fin is slightly concave. The pelvic fin is absent. The body has smooth skin, without any scales, prickles or spines (as typical for the other species of this genus, recently confirmed in the Mediterranean Sea, namely Sphoeroides marmoratus). The colour of the dorsal surface and the flanks is greyish to olive green with many pale dots. The Tab. 1: Morphometric data and meristic characters of the blunthead pufferfish specimen caught in waters off Piran in November 2012. Tab. 1: Morfometrični in meristični podatki o primerku napihovalke, ujete novembra 2012 v vodah pri Piranu Morphometric parameter mm % of Total length Total length 348 100 Standard length 300 86.21 Head length 99 28.45 Head height 72 20.69 Head width 77 22.13 Eye horizontal diameter 23 6.61 Eye vertical diameter 16 4.60 Interorbital space 38 10.92 Snout length 49 14.08 Postorbital length 34 9.77 Width of peduncle 49 14.08 Width of gill opening 15 4.31 Predorsal length 220 63.22 Preanal length 232 66.67 Dorsal fin length 35 10.06 Dorsal fin base length 16 4.60 Anal fin length 37 10.63 Anal fin base length 15 4.31 Pectoral fin length 39 11.21 Caudal fin length 40 11.49 Body thickness 93 26.72 Body height 93 26.72 Internarial space 30 8.62 Meristic counts Dorsal fin rays 8 Anal fin rays 8 Pectoral fin rays 14 Caudal fin rays 10 ventral side is whitish. The meristic counts and morphometric data agree well with previously published data on the Mediterranean Sea (for example Dulcic, 2002). Records of S. pachygaster in Mediterranean Among the newcomers in the Mediterranean and the Adriatic Seas, the blunthead pufferfish deserved appropriate scientific attention over the last decades, beginning with its first Mediterranean appearance in 1979 in waters off the Balearic Islands (Oliver, 1981) (Fig.2 and Appendix I). After that time many records from various areas of the western Mediterranean Sea were published (see Dulcic, 2002 for site locations). This circumglobal temperate and tropical species rapidly dispersed thro- ughout the Mediterranean Sea (Ragonese et al., 1997) and it is considered as rather common in the western basin and in certain areas of the eastern basin (Golani et al., 2002). In the eastern Mediterranean, the species was first reported by Golani (1996), who mentions a specimen collected by a trawl off Ashdod (Israel) in 1991 (Golani, 1996). In the eastern Mediterranean Sea the species was also recorded off Cyprus (Katsanevakis et al., 2009), Turkey (Eryilmaz et al., 2003; Bilecenoglu, 2010) and Greece (Zachariou-Mamallinga & Corsini, 1994; Peristeraki et al., 2006). The species is now considered as established in Greek waters (Zenetos et al., 2007) and waters off Malta (Schiberras & Schembri, 2006). After the first record of the blunthead pufferfish in the Ionian basin in 1991 (Tur- si et al., 1992), this species showed a significant increase in abundance with time and there is now a steady population with the presence of spawning females (Ma-iorano et al., 2010). According to Ragonese et al. (1992, 1997) the area between Sicily and Malta hosts an established population of the blunthead pufferfish. Ragonese et al. (1997) reported that 403 specimens of S. pachygaster were collected in the Sicily Strait in the period 1990-1994. Orsi Relini (2010) supposed that such a number of pufferfish probably arrived in the Sicily Strait before the date of the first record in the Mediterranean in the eighties (Oliver, 1981). In fact the area could probably be considered as a centre from which the population is spreading in different directions. However, nowadays, according to the data obtained by experimental surveys, the population in the waters of southern Sicily (and probably in the channel, too) is rather small (Ragonese & Murara, 2012). Blunthead pufferfish in Adriatic waters The first records of this species date from 1992 when Bello (1993) reported the occurrence of this species in southern Adriatic waters, in waters off Albania and close to Mola di Bari (Fig. 2). At about the same time Jardas & Pallaoro (1996) reported records of many blunthead pufferfish in 3 different localities in the southern part of the Adriatic Sea: the Island of Susac (altogether 3 records with 5 specimens), Glavat (single record with 3 specimens) and Blitvenica (1 record with 1 specimen) (Jardas & Pallaoro, 1996). The previous northernmost extension of the range of the species was close to the very tip of the Istrian Penninsula - Cape Kamenjak (northern Adriatic Sea), when a specimen of blunthead pufferfish was captured on 8 November 1998 (Dulcic, 2002). The studied specimen from the waters off Piran represents the northernmost record of this species in the Adriatic and Mediterranean Sea, as well (Fig. 2). In the Adriatic Sea three species of the family Tetrao-dontidae have been recorded to date (Tab. 2). In addition to the blunthead pufferfish, the other two species are Lagocephalus lagocephalus and L. sceleratus. The first is a Mediterranean species and it was first reported in the Adriatic Sea by Dulcic at Molunat in 2004 (Dulcic & Pallaoro, 2006). The second species is a Lessepsian migrant, which is rapidly spreading throughout the eastern Mediterranean and to other areas. The first record of this species is from November 2012, when a specimen was caught in waters off Dubrovnik (HINA, 2012). Dispersal of S. pachygaster into the Mediterranean There are two main hypotheses regarding the presence of the blunthead pufferfish in the Mediterranean Sea. The first deals with the recent immigration of the puffer- Species Locality Country Date n Depth (m) TL (mm) Source Sphoeroides pachygaster Sušac Island Cro 16.3.1992 1 Jardas & Pallaoro, 1996 S. pachygaster Sušac Island Cro 11.4.1992 2 101, 120 Jardas & Pallaoro, 1996 S. pachygaster Sušac Island Cro April 1992 2 Jardas & Pallaoro, 1996 S. pachygaster Glavat Islet Cro August 1992 3 120 147 Jardas & Pallaoro, 1996 S. pachygaster Blitvenica Cro 15.11.1992 1 130-150 213 Jardas & Pallaoro, 1996 S. pachygaster Mola di Bari Ita 1992 some Bello, 1993 S. pachygaster S Adriatic Sea Ita 1992 many 30-130 Bello, 1993 S. pachygaster Albania Alb 1992 1 85 Bello, 1993 S. pachygaster Kamenjak (Pula) Cro 8.11.1998 1 125 45 Dulcic, 2002 S. pachygaster Budva Mtg 5.1.2008 1 80 450 Joksimovic & Mandic, 2008 S. pachygaster Šibenik Cro 20.12.2008 1 Grubac, 2008 S. pachygaster Piran Slo Nov 2012 1 20 348 This work Lagocephalus lagocephalus Molunat Cro 2004 1 70 181 Dulcic & Pallaoro, 2006 L. sceleratus Off Dubrovnik Cro Nov 2012 1 660 HINA, 2012 Tab. 2: Records of pufferfish species in the Adriatic Sea. Legend: Cro - Croatia, Ita - Italy, Alb - Albania, Mtg -Montenegro, Slo - Slovenia. Tab. 2: Zapisi o pojavljanju različnih vrst rib napihovalk v Jadranskem morju. Legenda: Cro - Hrvaška, Ita - Italija, Alb - Albanija, Mtg - Črna gora, Slo - Slovenija fish into the Mediterranean Sea from the Atlantic Ocean due to the gradual warming of the Mediterranean Sea. In fact the first records of this species originated only at the beginning of the eighties of the last century (Oliver, 1981). The second hypothesis is based on a painting by an Italian illustrator in 1558 in which the depicted fish could be identified as the blunthead pufferfish (Relini & Orsi Relini, 1995). The fish specimen, which was used as the model for the illustration came from the Delta of the Nile. Relini & Orsi Relini (1995) suggest that this fish was possibly present in the southern Mediterranean since ancient times. Obviously, since the opening of the Suez Canal was two centuries later, the blunthead pufferfish could not be related to Lessepsian migration. Quero et al. (1998) studied the phenomenon of the occurrence of tropical fish species along the eastern Atlantic coast of Europe. According to their results there is a clearly visible trend of the spread of the blunthead pufferfish towards northern regions (from latitudes 40o to 55o) over the time period 1975-1995. These data clearly favour the first hypothesis of the recent immigration, related to water warming, into the Mediterranean Sea. Many studies have confirmed that one of the main ecological parameters known to affect fish population is temperature (sensu Francour et al., 1994; Dulcic et al., 1999). Many thermophilous species of southern Mediterranean origin have been recently recorded in the Gulf of Trieste, such as Plectorhinchus mediterraneus (Lipej et al., 1996), Mola mola and Ranzania laevis, Luvarus imperialis and others (Lipej et al., 2007). Some alien fish species originating from the Indian Ocean were also reported, such as Siganus luridus (Poloniato et al., 2010) and Terapon theraps (Lipej et al., 2008). The blunthead pufferfish is listed as a vulnerable species in the IUCN (Roberts, 1996); however its placement in this category probably needs a revision based on updated records. On the basis of available data we produced a map of the area with all records presented (Fig. 2). We tried to analyse the change in spatial pattern and its evolution over time in the Mediterranean Sea. For this purpose the reduced dataset were used, and year of first record within the 0.5 degree lat/long grid were analysed. For the whole study area the results indicate a statistically significant high clustering of the data and weak spa- Fig. 3: Getis - Ord Gi Z scores indicating areas with significant spatial clustering of the first records in 0.5 degree lat/long greed. The red square represents the first record off the Atlantic coast of Europe. Sl. 3: Getis - Ord Gi Z vrednost prikazuje statistično značilno gručanje prvih zapisov v 0,5-stopinjski mreži. Rdeči kvadrat označuje prvi zapis ob atlantski obali Evrope. tial global autocorrelation (Morans I = 0.33, z = 3.61). Spatial autocorrelation occurs when the values of variables recorded at nearby locations are not independent from each other i.e. when adjacent geographic locations have very similar values (year of first records within the 0.5 degree grid in our case). Weak global spatial autocorrelation for the entire study area was expected and confirm the change in the spatial pattern of puffer fish records over time. It is common that the magnitude of spatial autocorrelation varies according to locations on a regional scale and exhibits significant clustering on a local scale. At local scale, Ord Gi statistics, with the search threshold for neighbours within 300 km, indicated few areas with statistically significant clustering. Figure 3 provides an overview of the calculated GiZ scores. As one can observe, high positive GiZ scores are clustered in the Adriatic, Aegean and Ionian Seas, indicating the directions of spread over the last two decades from the Sicily Channel (cluster with near zero values where the species had settled down and is constantly present over time). High negative values at the Atlantic coast of Europe and in the western Mediterranean represent the statistically significant cluster of earlier records and the direction of spread in the first decade after the very first record in 1978. It is quite evident that there is a clear eastward and northward spread of the blunthead pu- fferfish. Similarly, temporal dynamics can be observed from Figure 2. The three directional distribution ellipses, calculated for three different time periods, also indicate the expected spatial trend in time. As it is clearly evident from Figures 2 and 3 the donor centre of spread has its origin in the Sicily Channel where the great majority of all findings of the blunthead puffer were recorded. According to the available data many trends of the northward extension of the blunthead pufferfish can be seen. The rather evident trend of spread along the western coast of Europe and northward to Great Britain and Ireland has already been described by Quero et al. (1998). In the Mediterranean Sea there are evident spread patterns in a north-easterly direction in the western Mediterranean, along the Levantine coast, in the Aegean Sea and finally in the Adriatic Sea, as well. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to express their sincere thanks to Valter Ziza, Head of the Piran Aquarium, for providing us with a specimen of blunthead pufferfish. Special thanks go also to Vladimir Bernetic, who provided us with the available scientific literature on the matter. Special thanks also go to Prof. Thomas Mutz for his help and to two anonymous referees. APPENDIX 1: Records of blunthead pufferfish in the eastern North Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea Legend: Country: Por - Portugal, Esp - Spain, Ire - Ireland, Ita - Italy, GBr - Great Britain, Fra - France, Isr - Israel, Cro -Croatia, Mal - Malta, Gre - Greece, Alb - Albania, Tun - Tunisia, Alg - Algeria, Mtg - Montenegro, Slo - Slovenia, Cyp - Cyprus, Tur - Turkey. Region: ATL - Atlantic, W - West Mediterranean, e - east Mediterranean, c - central Mediterranean. DODATEK 1: Pojavljanje ribe napihovalke v vzhodnem severnem Atlantiku in Sredozemskem morju. Legenda: Država - Por - Portugalska, Esp - Španija, Ire - Irska, Ita - Italija, GBr - Velika Britanija, Fra - Francija, Isr - Izrael, Cro - Hrvaška, Mal - Malta, Gre - Grčija, Alb - Albanija, Tun - Tunizija, Alg - Alžirija, Mtg - Črna gora, Slo - Slovenija, Cyp - Ciper, Tur - Turčija. Regija - ATL - Atlantik, W - zahodno Sredozemlje, e - vzhodno Sredozemlje, c - osrednje Sredozemlje N Locus Country Region Date n Source 1 Estuary of the river Tago Por ATL Jun1931 1 Gongalves, 1941 2 Nazaré' Por ATL May 1978 1 Calvário et al., 1980 3 Sintra, 34 Nm NW of Cap Roca Por ATL Jun1979 1 Calvário et al., 1980 4 Ribadesella Esp ATL 25.2.1980 1 Ortea et al., 1981 5 Cala Ratjada, Mallorca Esp W 1979 1 Oliver, 1981 6 Bay de Donegal Ire ATL Jan 1984 1 Wheeler & van Oijen, 1985 7 Comarca del Garraf, Catalunya Esp w 1984 1 Cerro & Portas, 1984 8 Sicilian Channel Ita w 1985 2 Vacchi & Cau, 1985 9 Cala Ratjada, Mallorca Esp w 1984 1 Moreno & Roca, 1984 10 SW Spain Almeria Esp w 1986 2 Crespo et al., 1986 11 Gibraltar, Ceuta Esp w 1986 3 Crespo et al., 1986 12 Gulf of Cagliari, Sardinia Ita w 1986 5 Vacchi & Cau, 1986 13 San Remo Ita w 1986 1 Barletta & Torchio, 1986 14 Plymouth GBr ATL 1.2.1987 1 Quigley& Flannery, 1992 15 NW Sicilia Ita w Jul 1988 1 Arculeo et al., 1994 16 Northern Spain Esp ATL 22.11.1988 1 Quéro et al., 1997 17 sud Gascogne Esp ATL 21.12.1988 1 Quéro et al., 1997 18 Lorient Fra ATL 2.5.1989 1 Quéro et al., 1997 19 La Rochelle Fra ATL 29.5.1989 1 Quéro et al., 1997 20 Concarneau Fra ATL 25.8.1989 1 Quéro et al., 1997 21 SW Ireland Ire ATL 19.8.1989 1 Quigley, 2002 22 Dingle Bay SW Ireland Ire ATL 18.10.1989 1 Quigley, 2002 23 Alboran Sea Esp w 12.6.1905 ? Camiñas et al., 1990 24 Imperia Ita w 1990 1 Fiorentino & Zamboni, 1990 25 coast of Israel Isr e 1990 1 Golani, 1996 26 Amendolara, Gulf of Taranto Ita c 1991 1 Tursi et al., 1992 27 Ashdod Isr e 1991 1 Psomadakis et al., 2006 28 Mola di Bari Ita a 1992 some Bello, 1993 29 south Adriatic sea Ita a 1992 many Bello, 1993 30 Gallipoli, Apulia Ita c May 1992 1 Matarrese et al., 1996 31 Susac Island Cro a 11.4.1992 5 Jardas & Pallaoro, 1996 32 islet Glavat Cro a 22.8.1992 3 Jardas & Pallaoro, 1996 33 Blitvenica Cro a 15.11.1992 1 Jardas & Pallaoro, 1996 34 Ligurian sea Ita w 1992 ? Ragonese et a/., 1992 35 Malta Mal c 1992 Ragonese et a/., 1992 36 Lindos, Rodos Gre e 23.11.1992 1 Zachariou-Mamallinga & Corsini, 1994 37 Plimmiri, south of Lindos Gre e 24.11.1992 Zachariou-Mamallinga & Corsini, 1994 38 Lindos, Rodos Gre e Mar 1993 10 Zachariou-Mamallinga & Corsini, 1994 39 Gulf of Gabes Tun c 1993 1 Bradai et a/., 1993 40 Albania Alb a 1993 1 Bello, 1993 41 Malta Mal c 1994 Schiberras & Schembri, 2006 42 Gulf de Lion Fra w 14.6.1995 1 Quignard & Raibaut, 1993 43 Strait of Sicily Ita w 1990-1994 403 Ragonese et a/., 1997 44 Elba Ita w 8.8.1996 1 Bedini, 1998 45 cape Kamenjak, Istra Cro a 8.11.1998 1 Dulcic, 2002 46 Saros bay TR Tur e Oct 1999 1 Eryilmaz et a/., 2003 47 Serifos Island Gre e 2000 1 Zenetos et a/., 2007 48 South of Meganissi Island Gre e 2000 ? Zenetos et a/., 2007 49 Bozcaada Island Tur e May 2001 1 Eryilmaz et a/., 2003 50 SW Ireland Ire ATL 1.1.2002 1 Quigley, 2002 51 SE Sikinos Gre e 26.8.2003 1 Peristeraki et a/., 2006 52 North of Lefkas Island Gre e 2004 ? Zenetos et a/., 2007 53 North of Lefkas Island Gre e 2005 ? Zenetos et a/., 2007 54 SE Serifos Gre e 14.6.2005 1 Peristeraki et a/., 2006 55 Cyprus Cyp e 2005 1 Katsanevakis et a/.,2009 56 SE Sikinos Gre e 12.6.2005 Peristeraki et a/., 2006 57 Elba Ita w Aug 2005 ? Ligas et a/., 2006, 2007 58 SW Leros Gre e 4.7.2006 1 Peristeraki et a/., 2006 59 Serifos Gre e Oct 2005 Zenetos et a/., 2007 60 SW Astypalaia Gre e 11.7.2006 1 Peristeraki et a/., 2006 61 Annaba Alg w 2008 1 Hemida et a/., 2009 62 off Budva Mtg a 5.1.2008 1 Joksimovic & Mandic, 2008 63 N of Corfu Gre e 16.3.2009 1 lianaskerkyra.blogspot. com/2009/03/strange-fish-in- corfu-waters.html 64 Tyrrhenian sea Ita w 2008-2009 1 Guerriero et a/., 2010 65 Gulf of Hammamet Tun c 2009 Chérif et a/., 2010 66 Karatasas coast, Iskenderun Bay Tur e 26.10.2010 1 Eleftheriou et a/., 2011 67 Samandag, Iskenderun Bay Tur e 28.10.2010 1 Eleftheriou et a/., 2011 68 Strait of Messina Ita w Mar 2012 1 Giordano et a/., 2012 69 Piran Slo a Nov 2012 1 This paper NOVI NAJSEVERNEJŠI ZAPIS O POJAVLJANJU RIBE NAPIHOVALKE, SPHOEROIDES PACHYGASTER (OSTEICHTHYES: TETRAODONTIDAE) V SREDOZEMSKEM MORJU Lovrenc LIPEJ & Borut MAVRIČ Morska Biološka Postaja, Nacionalni Inštitut za biologijo, SI-6330 Piran, Fornače 41 E-mail: lipej@mbss.org Dejan PALISKA Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za pomorstvo in promet, SI-6320 Portorož, Pot pomorščakov 4 POVZETEK Primerek ribe napihovalke vrste Sphoeroides pachygaster (Müller & Troschel, 1848) je bil ujet v vodah pred Piranom 22. novembra 2012. Gre za prvi zapis o pojavljanju te ribe v slovenskih vodah, obenem pa tudi za najsevernejši zapis o pojavljanju te vrste tako v Jadranskem kot tudi v Sredozemskem morju. Intenzivnejše pojavljanje te vrste v Sredozemskem morju se je začelo leta 1979 po prihodu iz Atlantskega oceana, trideset let kasneje pa se je napihoval-ka pojavila v najsevernejšemu predelu Sredozemskega morja. V prispevku avtorji na podlagi zbranih razpoložljivih podatkov o pojavljanju ribe napihovalke razpravljajo o širjenju areala te vrste v smeri proti vzhodu in severu. Ključne besede: riba napihovalka, Sphoeroides pachygaster, širjenje proti severu, Jadransko morje REFERENCES Anselin, L. (1995): The local indicators of spatial association - LISA. Geogr. Anal., 27, 93-115. Arculeo, M., S. Riggio & G. D'Anna (1994): First record of Sphoeroides pachygaster (Tetraodontidae) in the south Tyrrhenian (N/W Sicily). Cybium, 18 (2), 209-210. Barletta, G. & M. 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