574 Acta Chim. Slov. 2007, 54, 574–582 Scientific paper Crystal Structure Prediction in Orthorhombic ABO3 Perovskites by Multiple Linear Regression and Artificial Neural Networks Slobotka Aleksovska*, Sandra Dimitrovska and Igor Kuzmanovski Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University “Sts. Cyril and Methodius” Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Corresponding author: E-mail: bote@iunona.pmf.ukim.edu.mk; tel: ++389 02 3117055 ext. 910; fax: ++389 02 3226865 Received: 17-07-2006 Abstract The unit cell parameters and the fractional atomic coordinates of the orthorhombic perovskites of ABO3 type are expressed as a function of the effective ionic radii of the constituents using two approaches: multiple linear regression and artificial neural networks. For this purpose, 46 orthorhombic perovskites of GdFeO3 type (spa ce group Pnma) with accurately refined structures are included in the analysis: 41 in calibration set, and 5 in test set. The predictive strength of the proposed model is very high. This is shown by the values of the coefficients of correlation (Radj)2 which are higher than 0.9 for all dependent variables and by the agreement between the actual and predicted values for the dependent variables, obtained by both methods. This simple mathematical model can be used: to predict the crystal structure of members in this series; as starting model for crystal structure refinement; to test the actual crystallographic data of ABO3 perov-skites. Keywords: Perovskites, crystal structures, artificial neural networks, multiple linear regression. 1. Introduction The study of perovskites is of academic and technical interest due to their wide variety of interesting physical properties1–3, which could be modified by composition-driven structural variances. The basic perovskite composition is ABO3 where A is large ion suitable for twelve-coordinated cube-octahedral site and B is a smaller ion suitable for the six coordinated octahedral site, formed by the anions. Firstly, it was thought that perovskites have an ideal cubic structure, but it was later found that they could be divided in several isostructural and isomorphous subgroups with orthorhombic, tetragonal, rhombohedral etc. structures. In each group of compounds ions in different oxidation states (A2+B4+O3, A3+B3+O3, ABªxBªª1–xO3, AªxAªª1–xBO3 etc.) can exist.1,2 Many of ABO3 compounds adopt the GdFeO3 struc-ture1,2 even the mineral perovskite – CaTiO31–4, which was formerly assumed as cubic. The GdFeO structure is deri-3 – ved from the ideal cubic structure (space group Pm3 m) by tilting of the FeO6 octahedra about the [110] and [001] directions of the cubic subcell which results in a reduction of symmetry to orthorhombic, Pbnm, space group.2,5 This tilting maintains the B–O distances, while changing the A–O distances. Thus, generally, four A–O distances are elongated and eight are shortened. Therefore, the coordination number of A cations is reduced to 8, instead of 12, as in the ideal perovskite structure. Thus, in the most cases, in orthorhombic perovskites the coordination number of A cation is 8, although there are some cases when it is 9 or 10. Fig. 1. Tilting of BO6 octahedra in GdFeO3 type perovskites. Aleksovska et al.: Crystal Structure Prediction in Orthorhombic ABO3 Perovskites by Multiple Linear Regression ... Acta Chim. Slov. 2007, 54, 574–582 It is well known that physical and chemical properties of the compounds (the perovskites as well) depend on the structure, which is, on the other hand, closely related to the radii of the constituents and some other relevant physical variables. Therefore, numerous attempts have been made to correlate the structural parameters in perov-skites with physical variables of the constituent ele-ments.6–23 In our previous work, the unit cell parameters and crystal structures in some isomorphous series of compounds were predicted using multiple linear regression (MLR).16–20 Recently, we have reported on the prediction of unit cell parameters in orthorhombic ABO3 perovski-tes21 and on cubic22 and monoclinic23 A2BB´O6 perovski-tes using MLR and artificial neural networks (ANN). Continuing our research on structural correlations in perovskites, in this work the complete crystal structure in isomorphous group of perovskites is predicted. For this purpose, the orthorhombic perovskites, which crystallize in GdFeO3 structural type, were chosen. Thus, the unit cell parameters and atomic coordinates of this isomorp-hous group of compounds were expressed as a function of the effective ionic radii of the cations using MLR and ANN. 2. Data Analysis 2. 1. Selection of the Samples and Independent Variables The lattice parameters and the atomic coordinates of isomorphous ABO3 (A2+B4+O3, A3+B3+O3 and A1+B5+O3) orthorhombic perovskites were used as dependent variables in the analysis. The unit cell edges, as well as, the atomic coordinates (refined at room temperature) for 46 ort-horhombic perovskites, which crystallize in GdFeO3 structural type, were taken from the literature.4, 24–48 Five of these compounds were chosen for prediction of the crystal structures (test set). The rest of the compounds were used for construction of the calibration set. Since the crystal structures of the compounds were refined by various groups of authors, there are differences in the choice of the cell, orientation of axis and atom designation. The majority of structures, probably of historical reasons, were refined in nonstandard Pbnm space group in accordance with the structure of GdFeO3. In order to avoid possible confusion, all data were transformed to match the standard Pnma space group (Z = 4). In this structure the four B-atoms are located at the center of symmetry (4b) and the four A-atoms are on mirror planes (4c). There are two crystallographically different types of O-atoms: four (O1) lying on mirror plane (4c) and eight (O2) in general positions. Thus, ten dependent variables (seven for atomic coordinates and three for lattice parameters) must be included in the analysis. Only the accurately refined structures by diffraction methods were taken into consideration (small standard deviation for lattice parameters and fraction atomic coordinates). However, although in the literature there are reported refined structures for series of rare earth mangani-tes49, they were not included in the analysis because of the significant distortion of the MnO6 octahedra due to strong Jahn-Teller effect of the Mn3+ ion at room temperature. Also, the rare earth orthoscandates50 were not included in the analysis, as well, due to highly distorted coordination polyhedron of Ln (Ln = rare earth) and Sc. The independent variables are the effective ionic radii of the constituents introduced by Shannon.51 These values refer to corresponding oxidation state and coordination number of the ions. As mentioned previously, the cations in A-position were treated as eight-coordinated and the cations in B-position as six-coordinated and in high spin state for d-ions. The collected data (dependent and independent variables) for the calibration set are given in Table 1.* 2. 2. Modeling Two methods with powerful predictive abilities were used in this work: multiple linear regression (MLR) and artificial neural networks (ANN). Multiple linear regression. The MLR was performed using the program package Statgraphic Plus Ver. 3.0.52 Each dependent variable d (numerical value of a unit cell parameter or fractional atomic coordinate) was presented as a function of the type: d = e + f · rA + g · rB (1) where rA and rB are the effective ionic radii of A and B cations in Å, f and g are regression coefficients and e is the intercept. Artificial neural networks. In the last decade the ANN – computation systems (implemented most often in terms of software) designed on the basis of the biological neurons capable for parallel signal processing – have been proven as valuable and efficient method for handling of noisy, nonlinear and incomplete multivariate data53 in different aspects of chemistry54, and today are valuable tool for chemometricians. ANN and their application in chemistry in details are described in the literature.54,55 In this work three layered cascade-forward (Fig. 2.) ANNs were used with one input, one output and one hidden layer. This type of ANNs was chosen instead of feed- It should be mentioned that there is a misprint in one of the fractional coordinates of YbVO3.44 Thus, the value for O2z coordinate (O2y in Pnma setting) in the paper is 0.58, whereas it should be 0.058. Aleksovska et al.: Crystal Structure Prediction in Orthorhombic ABO3 Perovskites by Multiple Linear Regression ... Acta Chim. Slov. 2007, 54, 574–582 576 Table 1. Input data (independent and dependent variables) in the analysis1. Formula rA(Å) rB(Å) a(Å) b(Å) c(Å) Ax Az O1 x O1z O2x O2y O2z Ref. GdAlO3 1.053 0.535 5.3049 7.4485 5.2537 0.53778 0.50808 0.4862 0.0722 0.2851 0.03831 0.7153 24 HoAlO3 1.015 0.535 5.3234 7.3764 5.182 0.55185 0.51157 0.4789 0.0829 0.2936 0.04352 0.7056 24 ScAlO3 0.87 0.535 5.2322 7.2042 4.9371 0.5695 0.5204 0.4561 0.1211 0.3066 0.0609 0.6897 25 YAlO3 1.019 0.535 5.331 7.37 5.179 0.55308 0.51197 0.4775 0.0845 0.295 0.0442 0.7045 24 BaCeO3 1.42 0.87 6.235 8.781 6.212 0.523 0.501 0.487 0.071 0.278 0.041 0.726 26 SrCeO3 1.26 0.87 6.145 8.575 6.000 0.5445 0.5117 0.4578 0.1044 0.2997 0.055 0.6998 27 DyFeO3 1.027 0.645 5.598 7.623 5.302 0.56648 0.51707 0.4624 0.106 0.3049 0.0549 0.693 28 ErFeO3 1.004 0.645 5.582 7.591 5.263 0.56913 0.51845 0.4594 0.1137 0.3059 0.0573 0.691 28 EuFeO3 1.066 0.645 5.606 7.685 5.372 0.56012 0.51445 0.468 0.0978 0.3006 0.0506 0.6977 28 GdFeO3 1.053 0.645 5.611 7.669 5.349 0.56284 0.51556 0.4672 0.1005 0.3016 0.0506 0.6957 28 HoFeO3 1.015 0.645 5.591 7.602 5.278 0.56801 0.51781 0.4605 0.1091 0.3052 0.056 0.6924 28 LuFeO3 0.977 0.645 5.547 7.565 5.213 0.57149 0.51997 0.4539 0.1199 0.3071 0.0621 0.6893 28 NdFeO3 1.109 0.645 5.584 7.768 5.453 0.54881 0.51069 0.4759 0.0876 0.2936 0.0462 0.7052 28 PrFeO3 1.126 0.645 5.578 7.786 5.482 0.54367 0.50903 0.4788 0.0817 0.2919 0.0437 0.7075 28 TbFeO3 1.04 0.645 5.602 7.635 5.326 0.56408 0.51597 0.464 0.1035 0.3026 0.0538 0.695 28 TmFeO3 0.994 0.645 5.576 7.584 5.251 0.56913 0.51896 0.4559 0.1148 0.3057 0.0587 0.6907 28 YFeO3 1.019 0.645 5.5877 7.5951 5.2743 0.56852 0.51787 0.4604 0.1103 0.3045 0.0567 0.6924 29 YbFeO3 0.985 0.645 5.557 7.57 5.233 0.57076 0.51936 0.4537 0.1169 0.3077 0.0599 0.6886 28 NdGaO3 1.109 0.62 5.4979 7.7078 5.4276 0.54142 0.50908 0.4826 0.08 0.2903 0.0422 0.7107 30 PrGaO3 1.126 0.62 5.4901 7.7275 5.4557 0.53526 0.50743 0.4848 0.076 0.2874 0.0405 0.7132 31 SrHfO3 1.26 0.71 5.7646 8.1344 5.7516 0.516 0.504 0.486 0.063 0.2789 0.0335 0.7189 32 DyNiO3 1.027 0.6 5.5056 7.4455 5.2063 0.5697 0.5178 0.4729 0.0983 0.301 0.0489 0.6964 33 EuNiO3 1.066 0.6 5.45857 7.5371 5.29413 0.5574 0.5128 0.4767 0.089 0.2947 0.0444 0.7058 34 GdNiO3 1.053 0.6 5.48544 7.51116 5.26063 0.56307 0.515 0.4765 0.0885 0.2974 0.0471 0.7038 33 SmNiO3 1.079 0.6 5.43283 7.56483 5.32693 0.5514 0.5101 0.4865 0.0825 0.2932 0.0457 0.7086 34 BaPrO3 1.42 0.85 6.1787 8.7261 6.2137 0.5135 0.5016 0.4933 0.0703 0.2709 0.0379 0.7294 35 BaPuO3 1.42 0.86 6.193 8.744 6.219 0.5134 0.503 0.4884 0.0703 0.2719 0.0368 0.7275 36 SrRuO3 1.26 0.62 5.5302 7.8441 5.5639 0.5201 0.5016 0.5 0.0541 0.2777 0.0288 0.7225 37 CaSnO3 1.12 0.69 5.662 7.8814 5.5142 0.5506 0.5141 0.4644 0.0997 0.2982 0.0517 0.6988 38 CaTiO3 1.12 0.605 5.447 7.654 5.388 0.5341 0.50626 0.4842 0.0704 0.2884 0.0369 0.7109 4 CdTiO3 1.1 0.605 5.4215 7.6176 5.3053 0.53873 0.50847 0.4722 0.0902 0.2969 0.0472 0.7008 39 LaTiO3 1.16 0.67 5.6156 7.9145 5.6336 0.5457 0.5084 0.4913 0.0799 0.2941 0.0417 0.7096 40 YTiO3 1.019 0.67 5.6901 7.613 5.3381 0.57339 0.52105 0.45736 0.1209 0.30942 0.05824 0.69031 41 DyVO3 1.027 0.64 5.598 7.586 5.292 0.567 0.5186 0.4618 0.1074 0.3031 0.0549 0.6923 42 GdVO3 1.053 0.64 5.62 7.643 5.35 0.5635 0.5169 0.4685 0.101 0.2987 0.0509 0.6954 42 NdVO3 1.109 0.64 5.582 7.738 5.451 0.552 0.513 0.479 0.085 0.296 0.048 0.702 43,44 TbVO3 1.04 0.64 5.621 7.605 5.319 0.568 0.518 0.464 0.103 0.301 0.052 0.692 43,44 TmVO3 0.994 0.64 5.582 7.548 5.244 0.572 0.523 0.455 0.121 0.302 0.058 0.69 43,44 YbVO3 0.985 0.64 5.578 7.54 5.23 0.572 0.521 0.454 0.114 0.306 0.058 0.684 43,44 CaZrO3 1.12 0.72 5.7616 8.0171 5.5912 0.5496 0.5121 0.4619 0.1032 0.3007 0.0548 0.6974 45 SrZrO3 1.26 0.72 5.817 8.171 5.796 0.524 0.504 0.487 0.073 0.285 0.035 0.716 46 The unit cell parameters and fractional atomic coordinates match for Pnma space group. y-coordinates for A and O1 atoms are fixed by symmetry to ¼. Fractional atomic coordinates for B-atom are 0, 0, ½. forward ANNs (which are the most often used), because the cascade-forward networks are capable of solving the same problem with smaller number of neurons in the hidden layer, due to direct connections between the input and output neurons. However, since the number of weights in cascade-forward ANNs is bigger, their optimization is slower compared to feed-forward networks. bias -> ö Fig. 2. Graphical presentation of the cascade-forward ANN. H Leiden lay err Inpullayer bias-> Output layer Aleksovska et al.: Crystal Structure Prediction in Orthorhombic ABO3 Perovskites by Multiple Linear Regression ... Acta Chim. Slov. 2007, 54, 574–582 577 3. Results and Discussion The predictive strength of the regression equations for each dependent variable is very high. This is shown by the value of the adjusted coefficient of determination (Radj)2 which is higher than 0.9 for all dependent variables. The coefficient of determination was calculated using the following formula: (2) where: ZC*.-*)1 is sum of squares of error; !tPi-JO1 is sum of squares of regression; n is the number of analyzed compounds, and k is the number of independent variables. The regression coefficients and (Radj)2 are listed in Table 2 and the predicted values for lattice parameters and atomic coordinates for perovskites in calibration set are given in Table 3. As can be seen, there is excellent agreement between the actual and predicted values for the dependent variables of calibration set. The performance of the ANN architecture is determined by the number of input, output and hidden neurons. However, the number of input, as well as of output neurons, is defined by the data set. Thus, the number of input neurons was 2, while the number of output neurons was 10. The generalization performances of the networks during the training were controlled by early stopping procedure. Optimal network architecture was located by changing the number of hidden neurons from one to ten. The performances of the trained ANNs with different number of hidden neurons were compared using the values of the root mean squared error of prediction (RMSEP): (3) In this equation di,j represents the dependent variab-– les for the samples in the test set, d i,jrepresents the predicted values for di,j obtained by the optimized neural network, m is number of the samples in the test set, while n is Table 2. The coefficients from the regression analysis for each variable and their standard deviations (s) and the coefficients of determination (Radj)2. Variable e f g (Radj)2/% a 3.806 0.066 2.652 98.14 a 0.044 0.065 0.098 b 4.492 1.462 2.534 99.19 O 0.047 0.070 0.106 c 2.828 1.565 1.358 99.00 O 0.042 0.061 0.093 Ax 0.684 -0.202 0.136 91.70 o 0.008 0.011 0.017 Az 0.555 -0.072 0.056 93.82 o 0.002 0.003 0.005 O1x 0.407 0.167 -0.180 93.49 o 0.005 0.007 0.011 O1z 0.190 -0.233 0.243 96.64 o 0.005 0.007 0.011 O2x 0.365 -0.116 0.089 92.92 O 0.004 0.006 0.008 O2y 0.092 -0.110 0.118 96.03 o 0.002 0.004 0.005 O2z 0.628 0.139 -0.110 93.98 o 0.004 0.006 0.009 Table 3. Predicted values for unit cell parameters and fractional atomic coordinates for randomly selected compounds of calibration set obtained by MLR. Formula a(Å) b(Å) c(Å) Ax Az O1x O1z O2x O2y O2z GdAlO3 5.2939 7.3873 5.2018 0.54473 0.50932 0.48616 0.07491 0.29042 0.03929 0.70927 BaCeO 6.207 8.773 6.231 0.516 0.502 0.487 0.071 0.278 0.038 0.724 PrFeO 5.590 7.773 5.465 0.54498 0.51027 0.47847 0.08465 0.29174 0.04420 0.70736 YFeO3 5.5834 7.6164 5.2979 0.56656 0.51793 0.46066 0.10960 0.30414 0.05594 0.69250 NdGaO3 5.5230 7.6846 5.4048 0.54501 0.51009 0.48015 0.08253 0.29149 0.04313 0.70774 SrHfO 5.7717 8.1334 5.7634 0.5268 0.5043 0.4891 0.0692 0.2820 0.0371 0.7188 EuNiO 5.46715 7.57102 5.31039 0.5510 0.5120 0.4766 0.0877 0.2947 0.0455 0.7040 BaPrO3 6.1535 8.7221 6.2038 0.5136 0.5008 0.4904 0.0660 0.2759 0.0361 0.7257 BaPuO 6.180 8.747 6.217 0.5150 0.5013 0.4886 0.0684 0.2768 0.0372 0.7246 SrRuO 5.5330 7.9053 5.6412 0.5146 0.4993 0.5053 0.0473 0.2740 0.0266 0.7287 CaSnO3 5.7094 7.8781 5.5171 0.5523 0.5132 0.4694 0.0970 0.2964 0.0501 0.7016 CaTiO 5.484 7.663 5.402 0.54075 0.50846 0.48469 0.07631 0.28888 0.04016 0.71091 LaTiO3 5.6590 7.8858 5.5525 0.5415 0.5092 0.4796 0.0828 0.2900 0.0434 0.7093 TbVO 5.571 7.634 5.324 0.5616 0.5161 0.4651 0.1035 0.3013 0.0530 0.6960 SrZrO3 5.798 8.159 5.777 0.528 0.505 0.487 0.072 0.283 0.038 0.718 Aleksovska et al.: Crystal Structure Prediction in Orthorhombic ABO3 Perovskites by Multiple Linear Regression ... 578 Acta Chim. Slov. 2007, 54, 574–582 Table 4. Actual and predicted values for lattice parameters and fractional atomic coordinates for the compounds in test set. Formyula a(Å) b(Å) c(Å) Ax Az O1x O1z O2x O2y O2z SmFeO3 Act. (I) 5.6001 7.7060 5.3995 0.55728 0.51335 0.47070 0.09530 0.29910 0.04980 0.69930 MLR (II) 5.5873 7.7041 5.3918 0.55446 0.51364 0.47064 0.09561 0.29719 0.04936 0.70083 ?(I–II) 0.0128 0.0019 0.0077 0.0028 –0.0003 0.0001 –0.0003 0.0019 0.0004 –0.0015 ANN(III) 5.5690 7.6944 5.3784 0.5547 0.5137 0.4693 0.0970 0.2980 0.0500 0.7002 ?(I–III) 0.0311 0.0116 0.0211 0.0026 –0.0004 0.0014 –0.0017 0.0011 –0.0002 –0.0009 ErVO3 Act. (I) 5.589 7.554 5.254 0.5693 0.5199 0.46070 0.1140 0.3043 0.0570 0.6910 MLR (II) 5.569 7.582 5.268 0.5689 0.5187 0.4591 0.1119 0.3054 0.0570 0.6910 ?(I–II) 0.02 –0.028 –0.014 0.0004 0.0012 0.0016 0.0021 –0.0011 0 0 ANN(III) 5.549 7.579 5.256 0.5691 0.5186 0.4581 0.1135 0.3056 0.0582 0.6912 ?(I–III) 0.04 –0.025 –0.002 0.0002 0.0013 0.0026 0.0005 –0.0013 –0.0012 –0.0002 LaGaO3 Act. (I) 5.49139 7.77250 5.52298 0.5170 0.5036 0.4950 0.0570 0.2850 0.0290 0.7200 MLR (II) 5.52640 7.75912 5.48466 0.5347 0.5064 0.4886 0.0706 0.2856 0.0375 0.7148 ?(I–II) –0.03501 0.01338 0.03832 –0.01770 –0.00280 0.00640 –0.01360 –0.00060 –0.00850 0.00520 ANN(III) 5.51100 7.7641 5.49880 0.5305 0.5053 0.4906 0.0668 0.2840 0.0350 0.7166 ?(I–III) –0.01961 0.00840 0.02418 –0.01350 –0.00170 0.00440 –0.00980 0.00100 –0.00600 0.00340 SrSnO3 Act. (I) 5.7035 8.0645 5.7079 0.5193 0.5062 0.4921 0.0601 0.2802 0.0325 0.7184 MLR (II) 5.7186 8.0827 5.7362 0.5241 0.5032 0.4927 0.0643 0.2802 0.0348 0.7210 ?(I–II) –0.0151 –0.0182 –0.0283 –0.0048 0.003 –0.0006 –0.0042 0 –0.0023 –0.0026 ANN(III) 5.7122 8.0882 5.7485 0.5215 0.5029 0.4924 0.0623 0.2808 0.0328 0.7202 ?(I–III) –0.0087 –0.0237 –0.0406 –0.0022 0.0033 –0.0003 –0.0022 –0.0006 –0.0003 –0.0018 NaUO3 Act. (I) 5.9051 8.2784 5.7739 0.5306 0.5075 0.4671 0.0959 0.2984 0.0502 0.6982 MLR (II) 5.8989 8.1432 5.7060 0.5497 0.5129 0.4667 0.1000 0.2957 0.0518 0.7022 ?(I–II) 0.0062 0.1352 0.0679 –0.0191 –0.0054 0.0004 –0.0041 0.0027 –0.0016 –0.004 ANN(III) 5.8996 8.1795 5.7319 0.5482 0.5123 0.4654 0.0990 0.2982 0.0512 0.7001 ?(I–III) 0.0055 0.0989 0.042 –0.0176 –0.0048 0.0017 –0.0031 0.0002 –0.001 –0.0019 number of the dependent variables in the data set. The comparison of the RMSEP values showed that the most suitable of ANN architecture was the one with 3 hidden neurons. These ANN showed the best prediction abilities. As previously stated, in order to check the performances of the proposed models, the complete crystal structures for five compounds (test set) were predicted and compared with the actual ones. Three compounds in test set were randomly chosen: two from the largest series (SmFeO3 from the series of orthoferites47 and ErVO3 from the orthovanadites42) and SrSnO338 from A2+B4+O3 type of perovskites. Recently, the crystal structure of NaUO3 was reported to be of GdFeO3 type.48 This is probably the only one example of orthorhombic perovskite of A1+B5+O3 type with refined structure. Therefore, this compound was also chosen for construction of the test set. In our opinion, another interesting compound was LaGaO3, as an example with c > a.30 It seemed interesting to predict the crystal structure of all these compounds, using the developed models. The predicted values, obtained by both approac- hes, for lattice parameters and fractional atomic coordinates of the compounds in test set are given in Table 4. With the aim to obtain even better picture for the predictive strength of the models, the distances and angles in the structures of the compounds from test set were calculated using the actual and predicted coordinates. Both, the actual and the predicted distances and angles were calculated in the same programme, in order to avoid some small discrepancies due to application of different programes for solving crystal structure by different authors. For this purpose the programme package Crystals 3.0 was used.56 Selected distances and angles for the compounds of the test set are given in Table 5. It seemed also interesting to check how much the differences between actual and predicted values for the distances and angles affected the crystal chemistry of the compounds in test set. Thus, for each compound in the test set the theoretical and observed tolerance factors, tilt angles, the distortion of AO8 and BO6 polyhedra, bond valences and global instability indices were calculated Aleksovska et al.: Crystal Structure Prediction in Orthorhombic ABO3 Perovskites by Multiple Linear Regression ... Acta Chim. Slov. 2007, 54, 574–582 579 Table 5. Comparison between selected distances (Å) and angles (°) for the compounds in test set calculated using the actual and predicted (by MLR and ANN) coordinates. SmFe03 act. MLR ANN Sm-O1 2.388 2.399 2.398 Sm-O1 2.308 2.302 2.291 Sm-O2 2x 2.702 2.709 2.706 Sm-O2 2x 2.340 2.340 2.328 Sm-O2 2õ 2.573 2.569 2.564 Fe-O1 2x 2.000 2.001 2.000 Fe-O2 2x 2.012 2.008 2.003 Fe-O2 2x 2.028 2.018 2.015 O1-Fe-O2 2x 88.74 88.61 88.50 O1-Fe-O2 2x 88.74 88.76 88.70 O2-Fe-O2 2x 90.14 90.14 90.25 LaGa03 act. MLR ANN La-O1 2.646 2.544 2.566 La-O1 2.495 2.404 2.421 La-O2 2x 2.723 2.727 2.726 La-O2 2x 2.450 2.433 2.446 La-O2 2x 2.722 2.642 2.660 Ga-O1 2x 1.969 1.979 1.976 Ga-O2 2x 1.957 1.984 1.978 Ga-O2 2x 1.994 1.991 1.986 O1-Ga-O2 2x 89.76 89.87 89.76 O1-Ga-O2 2x 89.82 90.49 90.97 O2-Ga-O2 2x 91.20 90.83 90.55 NaU03 act. MLR ANN Na-O1 2.406 2.406 2.419 Na-O1 2.646 2.543 2.543 Na-O2 2x 2.934 2.895 2.894 Na-O2 2x 2.414 2.453 2.445 Na-O2 2x 2.850 2.712 2.745 U-O1 2x 2.151 2.123 2.132 U-O2 2x 2.142 2.125 2.133 U-O2 2x 2.151 2.133 2.142 O1-U-O2 2x 88.43 88.20 88.07 O1-U-O2 2x 88.56 88.40 88.44 O2-U-O2 2x 90.86 90.46 90.66 ErV03 act. MLR ANN Er-O1 2.298 2.279 2.268 Er-O1 2.217 2.228 2.216 Er-O2 2x 2.665 2.669 2.675 Er-O2 2x 2.264 2.262 2.253 Er-O2 2x 2.481 2.493 2.482 V-O1 2x 1.993 1.998 2.000 V-O2 2x 2.004 2.003 1.998 V-O2 2x 2.021 2.023 2.020 O1-V-O2 2x 87.70 87.70 87.76 O1-V-O2 2x 88.84 88.48 88.30 O2-V-O2 2x 89.35 89.72 89.94 SrSn03 act. MLR ANN Sr-O1 2.723 2.708 2.716 Sr-O1 2.551 2.524 2.538 Sr-O2 2x 2.853 2.865 2.840 Sr-O2 2x 2.530 2.556 2.557 Sr-O2 2x 2.786 2.770 2.795 Sn-O1 2x 2.046 2.055 2.054 Sn-O2 2x 2.044 2.054 2.055 Sn-O2 2x 2.055 2.062 2.060 O1-Sn-O2 2x 89.61 89.59 89.82 O1-Sn-O2 2x 90.46 90.20 90.33 O2-Sn-O2 2x 90.94 91.27 91.33 using the actual (experimental) and predicted values for structural data using both modelling techniques. The results are presented in Table 6. The observed tolerance factors (to) were calculated using the mean interatomic distances for A (eight coordinated) and B (six coordinated) coordination polyhedra. The actual to was calculated using the experimental values for mean interatomic distances extracted from the literature, while MLR and ANN values for to were obtained by the mean interatomic distances calculated using the predicted values for lattice parameters and atomic coordinates. As can be seen from Table 6 the values for observed tolerance factors obtained using the predicted values by MLR and ANN are close to each other, and also to the value obtained by the experimental data. The values for to are close, as well as, to the values for tcal. calculated using the radii by Shannon.51 The angles of tilting were calculated by fractional atomic displacement of anions from the special positions of the cubic unit cell to new positions.58 This approach was used in order to check the differences between the predicted and the actual values for fractional atomic coordinates, and their influence to the calculated angles of tilting. It might be seen (Table 6) that in the most cases there is very good agreement between the calculated values by the experimental data and by the predicted ones. It might be noticed that the values for tolerance factors (both actual and predicted) are in good agreement with the tilting angles. Namely, as the tolerance factors decrease, the tilting angles increase. Thus, the tilting is the most pronounced at ErVO3 having the smallest value for tolerance factor and the less pronounced at SrSnO3 having the highest value for tolerance factor. Another important crystal chemistry data are the bond length distortions of the coordination polyhedra calculated using the equation by Shannon51. It should be noticed that for SmFeO3, ErVO3, SrSnO3 and NaUO3 the obtained values for ?8 and ?6, calculated with the predicted distances, are in very good agreement with the actual ones. However, the actual values for ?6 for LaGaO3 are evidently higher than the predicted. As it was mentioned in the paper30 the GaO6-octahedron is almost regular with ?6 = 0.006. But, it must be emphasised that, in the paper, the value of r (the average Ga–O distance) is miscalculated and consequently the ?6 value is also not correct. Therefore, taking into account the lattice parameters and fractional atomic coordinates given in this paper, we have calculated the distances and angles using the programme package Crystals.56 The obtained value for ?6 using these distances is 0.057, which indicates that distortion of GaO6-octahedra in actual structure exists. This value for ?6 is higher than the predicted values, also due to the differences in the coordination number of La in actual structure. Namely, contrary to the other perovskites with this structure that have eight coordinated A-cations, the coordination number of La in this Aleksovska et al.: Crystal Structure Prediction in Orthorhombic ABO3 Perovskites by Multiple Linear Regression ... 580 Acta Chim. Slov. 2007, 54, 574–582 Table 6. Crystal chemistry of the perovskites in test set* VIIIto VIIIt cal. 9(°) /V2), while VIIIt are the tolerance factors calculated using the crystal radii by Shannon.51 0, q> and O are the octahedral tilt angles calculated by the fractional atomic coordinates.58 A8 and A6 are the distortion indices of the AO8 and AO6 polyhedra, respectively51 (a-*>"" — , ri- individual and r - average bond length). V(A) and V(B) are the valences determined by bond valence model.59 GII are the global instability indices.60 structure is 10.30 It should be pointed out that in the performed analysis, the value for the effective ionic radii corresponds to eight-coordinated La3+ ion, in accordance to the coordination number for A cations for all compounds in calibration set. Probably, the discrepancies in the actual and predicted values for lattice parameters and fractional atomic coordinates, and consequently for calculated crystallographic parameters, are due to the differences in the values of ionic radii for eight and ten coordinated La3+ ion. The bond valences for A and B cations for each compound in the test set were calculated using the equation proposed by Brown et al.:59 (5) As can be seen from Table 6 the values for bond valences of A and B cations for the compounds in the test set are almost equal to the theoretical values. Further, the bond valence results were used for calculations of the values of global instability indices using the equation proposed by Salinas-Sanchez et al.:60 where d= V – V . i i(ox) i(cal.) (7) (6) As can be seen, the values for GII (both actual and predicted) are close to each other and are less than 0.2 which means that all structures of the compounds in test set are stable with small lattice strain in some of the compounds. 4. Conclusions Two different approaches (ANN and MLR) were used for prediction of the complete crystal structure of orthorhombic ABO3 perovskites of GdFeO3 type (space group Pnma). The obtained values of the coefficients of correlation (Radj)2, higher than 0.9 for all ten dependent variables, as well as, the agreement between the actual and predicted values for the dependent variables, indicates that both approaches could be successfully used for prediction of the crystal structures of new members of this series. The models developed here were tested on five selected compounds (test set) for which the complete structure (lattice parameters and fractional atomic parameters) and consequently distances, angles and several Aleksovska et al.: Crystal Structure Prediction in Orthorhombic ABO3 Perovskites by Multiple Linear Regression ... Acta Chim. Slov. 2007, 54, 574–582 581 crystallochemical parameters were calculated. The obtained results for the compounds in the test set, show that there is very good agreement between actual and predicted values for all parameters. Some small disagreements in the case of LaGaO3 are thought that are caused by the differences in the coordination number of La3+ ion. Namely, the value for effective ionic radii for La3+ used in the analysis corresponds to the eight-coordinated ion instead of actual structure where it is ten-coordinated. 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Ta preprosti matemati~ni model lahko uporabimo za napovedovanje kristalnih struktur posameznih ~lanov skupine, kot za~etni model za prilagajanje kristalne strukture, in za preverjanje kristalografskih podatkov za perovskite ABO3. Aleksovska et al.: Crystal Structure Prediction in Orthorhombic ABO3 Perovskites by Multiple Linear Regression ...