¿^creative , ars mathematica ^commons contemporánea Also available at http://amc-journal.eu ISSN 1855-3966 (printed edn.), ISSN 1855-3974 (electronic edn.) ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA 12 (2017) 89-109 Xd(G), |Aut(G)|, and a variant of the Motion Lemma Niranjan Balachandran *, Sajith Padinhatteeri t Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India Received 13 May 2015, accepted 28 January 2016, published online 8 August 2016 Abstract The Distinguishing Chromatic Number of a graph G, denoted xD (G), was first defined in [5] as the minimum number of colors needed to properly color G such that no non-trivial automorphism ^ of the graph G fixes each color class of G. In this paper, 1. We prove a lemma that may be considered a variant of the Motion lemma of [15] and use this to give examples of several families of graphs which satisfy xD (G) = x(G) + 1. 2. We give an example of families of graphs that admit large automorphism groups in which every proper coloring is distinguishing. We also describe families of graphs with (relatively) very small automorphism groups which satisfy xD (G) = x(G) +1, for arbitrarily large values of x(G). 3. We describe non-trivial families of bipartite graphs that satisfy xD (G) > r for any positive integer r. Keywords: Distinguishing chromatic number, automorphism group of a graph, Motion Lemma, weak product of graphs. Math. Subj. Class.: 05C15, 05C25, 05C76, 05C80 1 Introduction For a graph G = (V, E) let us denote by Aut(G), its full automorphism group. A labeling of vertices of a graph G, h : V(G) ^ {1,..., r} is said to be distinguishing (or r-distinguishing) provided no nontrivial automorphism of the graph preserves all of the vertex * Supported by grant 12IRCCSG016, IRCC, IIT Bombay. tSupported by grant 09/087(0674)/2011-EMR-I, Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, India. E-mail addresses: niranj@math.iitb.ac.in (Niranjan Balachandran), sajith@math.iitb.ac.in (Sajith Padinhatteeri) ©® This work is licensed under http://creativecommons.Org/licenses/by/3.0/ 81 Ars Math. Contemp. 12 (2017) 111-126 labels. The distinguishing number of the graph G, denoted by D(G), is the minimum r such that G has an r-distinguishing labeling (see [1]). Collins and Trenk introduced the notion of the Distinguishing Chromatic Number in [5], as the minimum number of colors r, needed to color the vertices of the graph so that the coloring is both proper and distinguishing. In other words, the Distinguishing Chromatic Number is the least integer r such that the vertex set can be partitioned into sets V1, V2,..., Vr such that each V is independent in G, and for every I = n e Aut(G) there exists some color class V such that n(Vj) = Vj. The problem of determining the distinguishing chromatic number of a graph G, or at least good bounds for it, has been one of considerable interest in recent times ([4, 13, 5, 2, 3]). Clearly, the notion of the distinguishing chromatic number begins to get more interesting only if the graph admits a large group of automorphisms, in which case, it can vary substantially from the usual chromatic number. It is known (see [5]) that xd (G) = |V | if and only if G is complete multipartite. Consequently, it is simple to see that there exist graphs G with x(G) = k,xD (G) = l+k,forany k, l, since for instance, a disjoint union of a clique of size k and Ki,; achieves the same. Some upper bounds for xd (G) (for instance, a version of Brooks' theorem for the distinguishing chromatic number) appear in [4], which also includes the inequality xd(G) < D(G)x(G). However, in many interesting large naturally occurring families of graphs, we have xd (G) < x(G) + 1 (see [3, 2, 5, 4]). In this paper, we seek to address three aspects of the problem of determining xd (G) for a given graph G. Firstly, we prove a lemma that may be considered a variant of what is now well known as the motion lemma, first introduced in [15]. The motion lemma basically says that if every nontrivial automorphism of a graph moves 'many' vertices then its distinguishing number is small. A similar lemma also appears in the context of graph endomorphisms and 'endomorphism breaking' in [12]. As a result of our variant of the Motion lemma, we give examples of several families of graphs G satisfying xd (G) = X(G) + 1. Secondly, we contrast the relation between the size of the automorphism group Aut(G) of a graph with its distinguishing chromatic number xd(G). A result describing an upper bound for xd(G) in terms of the prime factors of |Aut(G)| appears in [4]. However, our perspective is somewhat different. We demonstrate families of vertex transitive graphs G with large chromatic number, and xd (G) = x(G) + 1 even though |Aut(G)| is not very large (we have |Aut(G)| = O(|V|3/2)). As a contrast, we also demonstrate a family of graphs with arbitrarily large chromatic number, with 'super large' automorphism groups for which every proper coloring of G with x(G) colors is in fact distinguishing. This latter example also addresses a point raised in [3] and these contrasting results indicate that the relation between | Aut(G) | and xd (G) can tend to be haphazard. Finally, as we indicated earlier, while it is simple to give (the trivial) examples of graphs G with x(G) = r, xd (G) = r + s, for any r, s, non-trivial examples are a little harder to come by. Clearly, adding a copy (not necessarily disjoint) of a large complete multipartite graph to an arbitrary graph achieves this goal but we shall consider such examples 'trivial' since the reason for the blowing-up of the distinguishing chromatic number is trivially attributed to the presence of the complete multipartite component. While it seems simple to qualitatively ascribe the notion of what constitutes a nontrivial example in this context, we find it a bit tedious to describe it precisely. Our last result in this paper describes what we would like to believe constitutes a nontrivial family of bipartite graphs G such that xd(G) > r, for any r > 2. It turns out that large complete bipartite graphs do N. Balachandran and S. Padinhatteeri: \d (G), \ Aut(G) |, and a variant of the Motion Lemma 97 appear as induced subgraphs in our examples, but that alone does not guarantee that the distinguishing chromatic number necessarily increases. Furthermore, what makes these nontrivial in our opinion, is the fact that the distinguishing chromatic number of these graphs is more than what one might initially guess. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we state and prove what we regard as a variant of the motion lemma and use this to establish instances of families of graphs with xd (G) = x(G) + 1 in Section 3. In Section 4, we describe two families of graphs — G1 and G2 — with rather contrasting properties. For G e Gi, we have xd(G) = x(G) + 1 even though |Aut(G)| = O(|V|3/2); for G e G2, |Aut(G)| = w(e|V|) and yet every proper x(G) coloring of G is in fact distinguishing. In Section 5, we describe a family of bipartite graphs for which xd (G) > r, for any r > 2. The Section 6 contains some concluding remarks and open questions. 2 A Variant of the Motion Lemma Following [15], we recall that the motion of an automorphism ^ e Aut(G) is defined as m(4>) := {v e G : ^(v) = v} and the motion of a graph G is defined as m(G) := min m(^). 0GAut(G) 0=/ The Motion lemma of [15] states that for a graph G, if m(G) > 2log2 |Aut(G)| then G is 2-distinguishable. We prove a slightly more general criterion to obtain a similar conclusion for the distinguishing chromatic number. For a graph G with full automorphism group Aut(G), let G C Aut(G) be a subgroup of the automorphism group. For A e G and S C V(G) we define FixA(S) = {v e S : A(v) = v} and Fa(S) = |FixA(S)|.Let F(S) := max Fa(S). AgG A=/ Definition 2.1. The Orbit of a vertex v with respect to an automorphism A is the set OrbA(v) := {v, Av, A2v,... Ak-1v} where Ak v = v. Lemma 2.2 (A variant of the motion lemma). Let C be a proper coloring of the graph G with x(G) colors and let C1 be a color class in C. Let G be the subgroup of Aut(G) consisting of all automorphisms that fix the color class C1. For each A e G, let 0A denote the total number of distinct orbits induced by the automorphism A in the color class C1. If for some integer t > 2, f (G)= E teA-'Cl' 5. Proof. Firstly, we consider the case when q > 5 and q is prime and show that xd (LGq) < 3. Consider a 2-coloring of LGq by assigning color 1 to the point set P and color 2 to the line set L. It is easy to see that an automorphism of LGq that maps P into itself and L into itself corresponds to an automorphism of the underlying projective plane, and hence any such automorphism is necessarily in PGL(F3) (by the preceding remarks). In order to use Lemma 2.2, set G = PGL(F^) and observe that every A e PGL(F^), which is not the identity, fixes at most q + 2 points of LGq. Hence ñ . , 2 , (q2 + q + 1) - (q + 2) q2 + 2q + 3 eA < q + 2 +-2-=-2-. Consequently, f(c) < (q8 - q6 - q5 + q3) +, (31) f (G) <-t(g*+i)/2-+ 1 (3.1) Case 1: q > 7. For q = 7, t = 2, the right hand side of Equation (3.1) is approximately 1.16. Since the right hand side of inequality Equation (3.1) is monotonically decreasing in q, it follows that f (G) < 2 for q > 7, hence by Lemma 2.2, LGq admits a proper distinguishing 3-coloring. In particular, xd (LGq) = 3, for q > 7, since clearly, xd (LGq) > 2. Case 2: q = 5. In this case, for t = 2 we actually calculate f (G) using the open source Mathematics software SAGE to obtain f (G) ~ 1.2; see the Appendix for the code with relevant explanations. Again in this case, xd (LG5) = 3. We also can prove that xd(LG2) = 4 and xd(LG3) < 5; these proofs are included in the Appendix for the sake of completeness. If q = pn for n > 2 and a prime p, we note that the cardinality of the automorphism group of PG(2, Fq) equals n|PGL(F3)| < log2(q)|PGL(F3)|. As in the prime case, we have f (g) < log2 q(q8 - q6 - q5 + q3) +1 t For q = 8 and t = 2 the right hand side is approximately 1.01. By the same arguments as in the preceding section, it follows that xd (LGq) = 3. □ 1 It follows that this group is contained in the full automorphism group. The full group is larger since it also includes maps induced by isomorphism of the projective plane with its dual. 85 Ars Math. Contemp. 12 (2017) 111-126 For q = 4 we calculate f (G) ~ 1.2. for q = 4, and t = 3 using the same SAGE code in the case q = 5 to make the actual computation, so we have xd (LG4) < 4. We believe that xd (LG4) = 3 though our methods fall short of proving this. 3.2 Levi graphs of order one Suppose n, k G N and 2k < n, consider the bipartite graphs G = G(L, R, E) where L := (¿1) corresponds to the set of k - 1 subsets of [n], R := ([k]) corresponds to the k subsets of [n], and u G L, v G R are adjacent if and only if u c v. We shall refer to these graphs as Levi Graphs of order one and we shall denote them by LGi(k, n), or sometimes, simply LG1. Note that for each u G L, v G R we have d(u) = n — k + 1 and d(v) = k. It is clear that Sn c Aut(LG1). But in fact Aut(LG1) = Sn, and this is a fairly routine exercise, so we skip these details. We shall use Lemma 2.2 to determine the distinguishing chromatic number of LG1(k, n). Following the notation of the lemma, set Fa := {v G R : a(v) = v} for a G Sn and let F = max FI. vesj a=I Lemma 3.2. For n > 4, F < (k-2) + 2) and equality is attained if and only if a is a transposition (ij) for some i = j. Proof: Firstly, it is easy to see that if a = (12) then |Fff | = (£-2) + 2), so it suffices to show that for any n that is not of the above form, | Fn | < | Fa |. Suppose not, i.e., suppose n G Sn is not an involution and |Fn | is maximum. Write n = O1O2... Ot as a product of disjoint cycles with |O1| > |O2| > • • • > |Ot|. Then either |O11 > 2, or |O11 = |O21 = 2. If |O11 > 2, then suppose without loss of generality, let O1 = (123 • • •) If h G Fn then either {1,2} c h or {1,2} n h = 0. In either case we observe that h G Fa as well. Therefore Fn C Fa. Furthermore, note that a fixes the set g = {1, 2,4,..., k + 1}, while n does not. Hence |FCT | > |Fn|, contradicting that |Fn| is maximum. If |O11 = |O21 = 2, again without loss of generality let O1 = (12), O2 = (34). Again, h G Fn implies that either {1, 2} c h or {1, 2} n h = 0, so once again, h G Fa ^ h G Fn. Furthermore, {1, 2, 3,5,..., k + 1} G Fa n Fn, which contradicts the maximality of |Fn |. □ For k > 2 define n0(k) := 2k +1 for k > 3 and n0(2) := 6. Theorem 3.3. xd(LG1(k, n)) = 3 for k > 2 for n > n0(k). Proof. We deal with the cases k = 2, k = 3 first, and then consider the general case of k > 3. For k = 2, let A = {(1, 2), (2,3), (2,4), (3,4), (4,5), (5,6),..., (n — 1, n)}, and consider the coloring with the color classes being L, A, R \ A. Consider the graph G with V(G) = [n] and E(G) = A. Observe that the only automorphism G admits is the identity. Since a nontrivial automorphism that preserves all the color classes of this coloring must in fact be a nontrivial automorphism of G, it follows that the coloring described is indeed distinguishing. If k = 3, note that the coloring described by the sets R, A, L \ A is proper and distinguishing for the very same reason. N. Balachandran and S. Padinhatteeri: \d (G), \ Aut(G) |, and a variant of the Motion Lemma 97 For the case k > 4, we use Lemma 2.2 with t = 2 and G = Aut(LG1). From Lemma 3.2 we have F < {""Z2^) + ("k2). Let C = R be the color class to be parted randomly and assign color 3 to all vertices in L = (fc["1). Then we have, f(G) < |Aut(LGi)|21 (F-|Cl|) + 1, (3.2) where |C| = (£). Therefore from Equation 3.2, we have n! f (G) < 2Kc+1, ( n)_( n — 2)_( n — 2) where K = (k) (k—2 ( k ). For n > 2k it is not hard to show that 2"jt < 1 for n > n0(k), so, by Lemma 2.2 we are through. □ 3.3 Weak product of graphs The distinguishing chromatic number of a Cartesian product of graphs has been studied in [3]. The fact that any graph can be uniquely (upto a permutation of the factors) factorized into prime graphs with respect to the Cartesian product plays a pivotal role in determining the full automorphism group. In contrast, an analogous theorem for the weak product only holds under certain restrictions. In this subsection, we consider the n-fold weak product of certain graphs and consider the problem of determining their distinguishing chromatic number. To recall the definition again, the weak product (or Direct product as it is sometimes called) of graphs G, H denoted G x H, is defined as follows: V(G x H) = V(G) x V(H). Vertices (g1, h1), (g2, h2) are adjacent if and only if {g1,g2} € E(G) and {h1, h2} G E(H). We first collect a few basic results on the weak product of graphs following [9]. For more details we refer the interested reader to the aforementioned handbook. Define an equivalence relation R on V(G) by setting xRy if and only if N(x) = N(y) where N(x) denotes the set of neighbors of x. A graph G is said to be R - thin if each equivalence class of R is a singleton, i.e., no distinct x, y G V(G) have the same set of neighbors. A graph G is prime with respect to the weak product, or simply prime, if it is nontrivial and G = G1 x G2 implies that either G1 or G2 equals Kf, where Kf is a single vertex with a loop on it. Observe that Kf x G = G. Before we state our main theorem of this subsection, we state two useful results regarding the weak product of graphs. If G is connected, nontrivial, and non-bipartite then the same holds for Gxn. This is a simple consequence of a theorem of Weischel (see [9] for more details). The other useful result is the following theorem which also appears in [9]. Theorem 3.4. Suppose $ is an automorphism of a connected nonbipartite R — thin graph G that has a prime factorization G = G1 x G2 x ... x Gk . Then there exist a permutation n of {1,2,..., k}, together with isomorphisms fa : Gn(j) ^ Gj, such that ^¡r^ xk ) = ($1(xn(1) ^ . . . , (xn(k))). We are now in a position to state our main result regarding the distinguishing chromatic number for a weak product of prime graphs. An analogous result for the cartesian product of graphs, under milder assumptions, appears in [3]. 87 Ars Math. Contemp. 12 (2017) 111-126 Theorem 3.5. Let G be a connected, nonbipartite, R — thin, prime graph on at least 3 n-times /-*-s vertices. Denote by Gxn the n-foldproduct of G, i.e., Gxn := G x G x ... x G. Suppose further that G admits a proper x(G) coloring with a color class C1 such that no non-trivial automorphism of G fixes every vertex of C1. Then xd(Gxn) < x(G) + 1 for n > 4. Proof. Let G be connected, non-bipartite, R — thin, and prime. We first claim that Aut(Gxn) = Aut(G) I Sn, the wreath product of Aut(G) and Sn. To see this, note that if G is R — thin one can easily check that Gxn is also R — thin. Moreover since every connected non-bipartite nontrivial graph admits a unique prime factorization for the weak product (see [9]), it is a simple application of Theorem 3.4 to see that Aut(Gxn) = Aut(G) I Sn. This proves the claim. Suppose x(G) = r and let [Ci : i e [r]} be a proper coloring of G. Then Ci x Gxn-1,i e [r] is a proper r coloring of the graph Gxn, so x(Gxn) < r. On the other hand, the map g ^ (g,g... ,g) is a graph embedding of G in Gxn, so x(Gxn) = r. Let us denote the aforementioned color classes of Gxn by C',i e [r]. We claim that xD (Gxn) < r + 1 and show this as a consequence of Lemma 2.2. By hypothesis there exist a color class, say C1 in G such that no nontrivial automorphism fixes each v e C1. Consider C' = Ci x Gxn- 1 and for each element in C' assign a value from [1,r + 1} uniformly and independently at random. This describes a proper (r + 1) —coloring of Gxn. By Lemma 2.2, we have F — T f (G) < n!IAut(G)ln2 — + 1 (3.3) where T = |C1 x Gxn- 11, G = n!IAut(G)ln and F is as in Lemma 2.2. Claim: If there exists a nontrivial automorphism of Gxn which fixes each color class C',i = 1... ,r, then it cannot also fix each vertex of C'. To prove the claim, suppose ^ is an automorphism of Gxn which fixes C' for each i e [r], and also fixes C' point-wise. By Theorem 3.4, there exist $ 1, $2,... ,$n e Aut(G) and n e Sn such that ^{x i,X2,...,Xn) = ($ 1 {xn( 1)),$2(xn(2)),...,$n(xn(n})) (3.4) for all (x 1,x2,..., xn) e Gxn. Now note that if ^ fixes C' point-wise then $ 1 fixes C1 point-wise. Indeed, 4>(x1, x2, . . . , xn) = (x1,x2 ,...,xn) ^^ {$1(xn(1)),$2(xn(2}),. . .,$n(xn(n})) = (x1,x2 , . . . , xri) ^^ $i(xn(i}) = xi forall i e [r]. (3.5) Since Equation (3.5) holds for all vertices (x1, x2,..., xn) e Gxn with x1 e C1 and xi e G , 2 < i < n, we conclude that n = I, $i = I, for 2 < i < n, and $1 acts trivially on C1. But then by the hypothesis on G, it follows that $1 = I in G and hence ^ = I. We now show that F < (|C11 — 2)IGIn-1. We adopt similar notations as in Lemma 2.2 and for simplicity, let us denote |G| = m. For ^ e Aut(Gxn) we shall write ^ = ($1,$2,... ,$n : n) to denote the map , x2 , . . . , xn ) = ($1(x^(1)), $2(x^(2)), ..., $n(xn(n})) N. Balachandran and S. Padinhatteeri: \d (G), \ Aut(G) |, and a variant of the Motion Lemma 97 as in Equation (3.4) (see Theorem 3.4). Suppose ^ fixes the vertex (x^x2,..., xn) G Gxn. In particular we have x^) = (xj) for all i. It then follows that for all k, we have (Xnfc(i)) = xnk+1 (i) for each i. Consequently, if n has t cycles in its disjoint cycle representation then ^ can fix at most |C1|mt-1 vertices in C1. If n = I, then t < n, and in this case, since m > 3, n > 4, we have |C1|mt-1 < (|C11 — 2)mn-1. If n = I, then ^ is non-trivial if and only if = I for some i. In this case ^i(xi) = xi for all i, so (x1, x2,..., xn) is fixed by ^ if and only if xi G Fix^ for n all i. Consequently, = f] F^. Observe that if ^ is not a transposition then it moves i=1 at least three vertices, say x, y and z in G. In particular, ^ does not fix any vertex of the form (x1, x2,..., g,..., xn), where g G {x, y, z} and appears in the ith position. Thus, it follows that F^ < |C1|mn-2(m — 3). If is a transposition for some i > 1 then it is easy to see that F^, < (|C11 — 3)mn-1 < (|C1| — 2)mn-1. Finally, if is a transposition, then again F < (|C1| — 2)mn-1. This proves the claim. Setting F = (|C11 — 2)mn-1 , T = |C1 |mn-1 in Equation (3.3) gives us n!|Aut(G)|n +1 J(G) < -2m-1--+ 1 It is a simple calculation to see that the first term in the above expression is less than 1 for all m > 3 and n > 4. This completes the proof. □ Corollary 3.6. xd (Krxn) = r + 1 for n > 4, and r > 3. Proof. First note that for r > 3, Kr is prime, non-bipartite, and R — thin. Hence by Theorem 3.5 it follows that xd(Krxn) < r +1. A result of Greenwell and Lovisz (see [8]) tells us that all proper r—colorings for Krxn are induced by colorings of the factors Kr. In particular, it implies that xd (Krxn) > r. □ 4 xd(G) versus \Aut(G)\ As indicated in the introduction, one aspect of the problem of the distinguishing chromatic number of particular interest is the contrasting behavior of the distinguishing chromatic number vis-i-vis the size of the automorphism group. Our sense of contrast here is to describe the size of the automorphism group as a function of the order of the graph. First, note that one can give somewhat trivial examples of graphs with xd (G) > x(G) > k for any k and with a very small automorphism group as follows. Start with an arbitrary rigid graph, i.e. a graph with no non-trivial automorphism, with chromatic number larger than k. Now fix an edge e = {x, y} and 'blow up' the vertices x, y by small disjoint subsets X, Y respectively, and replace the edge e by the complete bipartite graph on the sets X, Y. The new graph satisfies xd (G) > x(G) rather trivially and one can ensure that by picking small subsets X, Y we can ensure that the full automorphism group is not too large either. 89 Ars Math. Contemp. 12 (2017) 111-126 In some sense, these examples are not very interesting because the fact that the distinguishing chromatic number exceeds the chromatic number for these graphs is attributable to a 'local' reason. It however becomes a more intriguing problem if we insist that the graph is also vertex transitive. Our first theorem in this section gives examples of vertex transitive graphs that admit 'small' automorphism groups, and yet have xd (G) > x(G) and with arbitrarily large values of x(G). Theorem 4.1. Given k G N, there exists a sequence of graphs Gni satisfying 1. X(Gni) > k, 2. XD (Gni ) > X(Gni ), 3. Gni is vertex transitive and |Aut(Gni )| = O(n3/2). Proof. Let q > k be prime and suppose S c Fq is a subset of size . We define the graph GS as follows: The vertices of V(GS) are the points of the affine plane AG(2, q); u = (ui, u2) and v = (vi, v2) are adjacent in GS if and only if v1 = u and (v2 - u2)(vi -mi)-1 G S. We denote (v2 - u2)(vi - ui)-i by s(u, v). For a, P G Fq, consider the set if := {(P + x, P + xa) : x G Fq}. We shall call the sets if as lines in what follows. Observe that, for each a G S and P G Fq, the sets is a clique of size q, so x(Gs) > q. We shall denote the independent sets2 {(P, x + P) : x g Fq} by Similarly, if a G S the set is an independent set of size q, the collection {/f : P g Fq} describes a proper q-coloring of GS, hence x(Gs) = q. Claim: xd(GS) > q. Let G = {G1, C2,..., Gq} be aproper q-coloring of GS. We claim that each Gj is a line, i.e., for each 1 < i < q we have Gj = for some a G S, P G Fq. Observe that for a G S, the collection C = {/f |P G Fq} partitions the vertex set of GS into cliques of size q. Therefore, in any proper q-coloring of GS, each color class contains exactly q vertices. Next, we recall a result of R6dei [14] which states that for a prime number q if X c AG(2, q) such that |X| = q and X is not a line then the set S(X) = {s(x, y)|x = y, x, y G X } has size at least . If a color class Gj is not a line then by the theorem of R6dei, | S(Cj) | > (q++3) and since |S| = 2—1 this implies that S(Gj) n S = 0. But then this contradicts that Cj is independent in Gs . In particular, any proper q-coloring G of GS must be a partition of the form {/f : P G Fq} with a G (Fq U {to}) \ S. Then the map ^a(x,y) = (x + 1, y + a) if a = to, ^~(x,y) = (x, y + 1) is a nontrivial automorphism that fixes each color class of G. This establishes that XD (GS) > q and proves the claim. Now, we shall show that for a suitable choice of S, GS has a relatively small automorphism group. Our choice of subset S shall be a uniformly random subset of Fq. Note that our earlier proof of the claim in fact shows that any maximum independent set corresponds to a line in AG(2, q). We now make the observation that all maximum sized 2 These are independent in Gs since ^ (/ Fq N. Balachandran and S. Padinhatteeri: \d (G), \ Aut(G) |, and a variant of the Motion Lemma 97 cliques also correspond to certain lines in AG(2, q). Indeed, suppose X is a maximum clique of size q which does not correspond to a line. Again, by R6dei's theorem we have |S(X)| > . Since X is a clique, S(X) c S, but this contradicts the fact that |S| = . Consequently, if $ G Aut(GS) then since maximum cliques (respectively, maximum independent sets) are mapped into maximum cliques (resp. maximum independent sets), it follows that $ is a bijective map on F^ which maps affine lines into affine lines in AG(2, q) (as a consequence of [14]). Hence, it follows that Aut(GS) c AGL(2, q) (see [11]). In other words, any $ G Aut(GS) can be written as A + b for some A G Aut0(GS) and b(= $(0,0)) G F^, where Aut0(GS) c Aut(GS) is the subgroup of automorphisms which fix the vertex (0,0) G V(GS). The following lemma shows that for a random choice of the set S, the automorphism group Aut(GS) is not very large. Lemma 4.2. Suppose S is picked uniformly at random from the set of all subsets of Fq. Then asymptotically almost surely, Aut(GS) = {XI + b : X G F*, b G V(GS)}. Consequently, IAut(GS)| = q2(q — 1) asymptotically almost surely. Here by the phrase asymptotically almost surely we mean that the probability that Aut(GS) = {XI + b : X G F**,b G V(GS)} approaches 1 as q ^ to. Aut0(GS). Here, A G GL(2, q) corresponds to a matrix ^ ^ for a, b,c,d G Fq with Proof. Since we have already observed that Aut(GS) c AGL(2, q), every $ G Aut(GS) can be written in the form $(x, y) = A(x, y) + (bL, b2) for some bL ,b2 G Fq and A G ab ad — bc = 0. We introduce the symbol to and adopt the convention that a + to = to, a to = to for a = 0, and ^ = to for a = 0. For $ G Aut(GS), define a map f : Fq U{to} ^ Fq U{to} as follows: da + c a f(a) = —~T, if a = — I, a + ba b ^ = to, Mto) = Observe that f is trivial if and only if b = c = 0 and a = d. Let x = (xL, x2),y = (yL,y2) be two adjacent vertices in GS. Since $(x) is adjacent to $(y), we have c(yi — xi) + d(y2 — x2) d ■ s(x,y) + c s($(x),$(y)) = —,-r—r7-r = T--r-—. a(yi — xi) + b(y2 — x2) b ■ s(x,y) + a Observe that yL — xL is nonzero since s(x, y) G S. Therefore we have, s($(x),$(y))= U(s(x,y)). (4.1) Also note that if $ = XI then for m G Fq and k G N, setting fik)(M) := U ◦ f ◦■■■◦ U(M = M v-v-' k-fold 91 Ars Math. Contemp. 12 (2017) 111-126 yields a quadratic equation in m, so there are at most two values of m G Fq satisfying /^(m) = M. In other words, for each positive integer k, the map / admits at most two orbits of size k. Moreover if A G Awt(GS) then by equation (4.1), /A(S) = S. Consider the event E: There exist a nontrivial automorphism A G Awt0 (GS) such that /A is not the identity map. Observe that E is the union of the events EA where the event EA is described as follows: For any A g GL(2, q) where A = A/, A = 0, S is the union of /A orbits. Recall that /A is not the trivial map if and only if A = A/ for any A = 0. By a favorable automorphism, we shall mean an automorphism A G Awt0(GS), A = A/ such that S is union of /A orbits. By the preceding discussion, it follows that a favorable automorphism of GS induces a partition A of ^r1 in which there are at most two parts of any size. Therefore the number of favorable automorphisms is at most twice the number of integer partition of ^^ in which there are at most two parts of any size which is clearly less than 2p(^r1), where p(n) denotes the partition function. By the asymptotics of the partition function of Hardy-Ramanujan (see [10]), p(t) ~ 4tT3exp where t = (q - 1)/2. So in particular, for any A G Awt0(GS) the probability that /A is nontrivial is less than p(t) (q) 1. Consequently, P(E) < (q2 - 1)(q2 - q)2^ ^ 0 as q ^ TO. Hence asymptotically almost surely, every S c Fq satisfies Aut0(GS) = {A/ : A G Fq}. The second statement follows trivially from this conclusion and this completes the proof of the lemma. □ Resuming the proof of the theorem, let S be a subset of Fq of size ^^ such that Aut(GS) = {A/ + b : A G F*, b G V(GS)}; such a choice for S exists by the preceding lemma. For such S, the distinguishing chromatic number of GS is greater than its chromatic number. Furthermore, since GS admits all translations in AG(2, q) as automorphisms it follows that it is vertex transitive. □ In fact, the graph GS satisfies xd (Gs) = x(Gs) + 1 as we shall see now. Theorem 4.3. Let S c Fq be a set of size such that Aut0(GS) = {A/ : A G Fq}. Then xd (Gs) = q + 1. Proof. For 1 = y G S, consider the coloring of GS described by the color classes {/^ : P G Fq}. Assign the color q +1 to only the vertex (0,0) G V(GS). This forms a q +1 coloring of GSwhich is obviously a proper coloring. To show that this is distinguishing, let ^ be a color fixing nontrivial automorphism of GS. By Theorem 4.2, ^ maps (x, y) to (ax + b1, ay + b2) for some a, b1, b2 G Fq. Since ^ fixes (0,0) we have b1 = b2 =0 and a =1. This implies ^ = a/ and hence it is not color fixing; indeed ^ maps (1,1) to (a, a) and (a, a) G /1. □ Our second result in this section describes a family of graphs with very large automorphism groups - much larger than exponential in |V(G)|, but for which xd(G) = x(G). As N. Balachandran and S. Padinhatteeri: \d (G), \ Aut(G) |, and a variant of the Motion Lemma 97 was proven in [2], we already know that the Kneser graphs K(n, r) with r > 3 satisfy the same. However, one might also expect that in such cases, distinguishing proper colorings are perhaps rare, or at the very least, that there do exist minimal proper, non-distinguishing colorings of G. It turns out that even this is not true. Theorem 4.4. Let K (n, r) denote the complement of the Kneser graph, i.e., the vertices of K (n, r) correspond to r element subsets of [n] and two vertices are adjacent if and only if their intersection is non-empty. Then for n > 2r and r > 3 xd (K (n,r)) = x(K (n,r)). Moreover, every proper coloring of K (n, r) is in fact distinguishing. Proof. First, observe that since Aut(K(n, r)) ~ Sn for n > 2r, the full automorphism group of K(n, r ) is also Sn. Consider a proper coloring c of K(n, r) into color classes C1,C2,... ,Ct. Note that for any two vertices v1, v2 in the same color class, v1 n v2 = 0. If possible, let a e Sn be a non-trivial automorphism which fixes Cj for each i. Without loss of generality let a(1) = 2. Observe that for the vertex vi = (1,2,..., r), its color class has no other vertex containing 1 or 2, so a maps {1,2,,... ,r} to {1,2,... ,r}. Again, with the vertex v2 = {1, 3,... ,r+1}, which is in color class C2 = C1, a maps v2 into {2, a (3),..., a(r+ 1)} = v2, so a(v2) n v2 = 0 by assumption. However, since a(i) e {1, 2,... ,r} for each 3 < i < r this yields a contradiction. □ 5 Bipartite graphs with large xd (G) In this section we describe a family of bipartite graphs whose distinguishing chromatic number is greater than any integer k, where k > 4. As we described in the introduction, the sense of non-triviality of these examples arises from a couple of factors. Our examples contain several copies of Kr,s as induced subgraphs. That by itself does not imply that the distinguishing chromatic number is at least r + s but it is suggestive. What makes these families nontrivial is the fact that the distinguishing chromatic number of these graphs is in fact r + s + 1. Again, in order to describe these graphs, let q > 5 be a prime power, and let n := (P, L) be a Desarguesian projective plane of order q. As is customary, we denote by [r], the set {1,2 ...,r}. The graph which we denote LGq (g> Kr,s has vertex set V(LGq (g> Kr,s) = (P x [r]) U (L x [s]), and for p e P ,l G L, and (i,j) G [r] x [s] we have (p, i) adjacent to (l,j) if and only if p G l. Another way to describe this graph goes as follows. The weak product LGq x Kr,s is bipartite and consists of two isomorphic bipartite components. The graph LGq ( Kr,s is one of the connected components. For each point p there are r copies of p in the graph LGq ( Kr,s; we call the set {(p, i) |i G [r]} the fiber of p, and denoted it by F(p). Similarly we denote by F(l), the set F(l) = {(l, i) : i G [s]}, and shall call this the fiber of l. Each vertex (p, i) (resp. (l,j)) of LGq ( Kr,s has degree r(q + 1) (resp. s(q + 1)). Theorem 5.1. xd (LGq ( Kr,s) = r + s +1, where r,s > 2 and q > 5 is a prime number. Proof. Firstly, we show that xD(LGq ( Kr,s) > r + s. If possible, let C be an (r + s)-proper distinguishing coloring of LGq ( Kr,s and let Ci, i G [r + s] be the color classes of C in LGq ( Kr,s. We claim: 93 Ars Math. Contemp. 12 (2017) 111-126 1. For each p eP, each vertex of F (p) gets a distinct color. The same also holds for each l e L and each vertex of F(l). 2. If Cp and CL denote the sets of colors on the vertices of |J F(p) and |J F(l) peP leL respectively, then Cp n CL = 0 and |Cp | = r, |CL| = s. Consequently, for each i, either F (p) n C = 0 for each p eP or F (l) n C = 0 for each l e L. We shall first prove each of the claims made above. 1. For p e P suppose F(p) contains two elements, say (p, i) and (p, j), with the same color. Consider the map ^ that swaps (p, i) with (p, j) and fixes all other vertices. It is easy to see that ^ is a graph automorphism which fixes each color class C contradicting the assumption that C is distinguishing. The argument for the part regarding vertices in the fiber F(l) is identical. 2. Let l e L and p e l. By claim 1 each vertex in F(p) has a distinct color. Since |F (p) | = r we may assume without loss of generality let (p, i) gets color i for i e [r]. In that case, no vertex of F(l) can be colored using any color in [r]. Furthermore, by the same reasoning as above, each vertex of F(l) is colored using a distinct color, so we may assume again that (l, i) is colored r + i for i = 1, 2..., s. Since there is a unique line through any two points, no vertex of the form (p', j) gets a color r+s r in U Cj. Similarly, no vertex of the form (l',j) belongs to U C,. Therefore, i=r+1 i=1 r all points and their fibers belongs to U C and all lines with their fibers belongs to i=1 r+s u c,. ,=r+1 From claims 1 and 2 above, we conclude that for each p e P, C n F (p) = 0 for i e [r]. Otherwise, since |F (p)| = r, there exist an i e [r] such that |C n F (p)| > 2, contradicting claim 1. Similar arguments show that for each l e L, Cj+r n F (l) = 0 for i e [s]. To show C is not a distinguishing coloring we produce a nontrivial automorphism of LGq ( Kr s which fixes each C, for i = 1,2,..., r + s. We first set up some terminology. For i e [r], we call a vertex in the fiber of p its ith vertex if its color is i and shall denote it p®. Similarly, we shall call a vertex in the fiber of l its ith point if its color is i + r and shall denote it by l\ Let ^ e Aut(LGq) be a nontrivial automorphism such that ^(P) = P so that it also satisfies ^(L) = L. Let a be defined on V (LGq ( Kr,s) by a(v*) = ^(v)4 for v ePuL. It is clear that a is a color preserving map. Moreover a preserves adjacency in LGq ( Kr s; indeed, v is adjacent to w in LGq if and only if F(v) U F(w) forms a Kr,s as a subgraph of ( Kr,s and ^ e Aut(LGq). Therefore a is a nontrivial automorphism which fixes the color classes, thereby showing that (LGq ( Kr,s) > r + s. We now claim that (LGq ( Kr,s) < r + s + 1. For 1 < i < r - 1, assign the color i to the points {(p, i) : p e P} and for r +1 < j < r + s let {(l, j) : l e L} be colored j. Recall that LGq admits a distinguishing 3-coloring in which every vertex of L is given the same color, and the point set P is partitioned into P1, P2 that correspond to the other two color classes (Theorem 3.1). We split the set {(p, r) : p e P} into Cr := {(p, r)|p e P1} and Cr+su1 := {(p, r) : p e P2} and designate these sets as color classes r and r + s + 1 respectively. N. Balachandran and S. Padinhatteeri: \d (G), \ Aut(G) |, and a variant of the Motion Lemma 97 It is easy to see that the above coloring is proper since adjacent vertices get different colors. To see that it is distinguishing, let ^ be a nontrivial automorphism which fixes each color class. Since ^ fixes each color class as a set, and ^ is nontrivial, in particular, ^ fixes the set {(p, r) : p € P}, and also fixes each set {(/, i) : / € L} for r + 1 < i < r + s, so in particular, ^ induces a nontrivial automorphism, v, on LGq — Cr U Ci+r for each i € [s], which is non-distinguishing. But this contradicts Theorem 3.1, and so we are through. □ 6 Concluding Remarks • It is possible to consider other Levi graphs arising out of other projective geometries (affine planes, incidence bipartite graphs of 1-dimensional subspaces versus k dimensional subspaces in an n dimensional vector space for some k etc). Many of our results and methods work in those contexts as well and it should be possible to prove similar results there as well, as long as the full automorphism group is not substantially larger. For instance, in the case of the incidence graphs of k sets versus /-sets of [n], it is widely believed (see [7], chapter 1) that in most cases, the full automorphism group of the generalized Johnson graphs is indeed Sn though it is not known with certainty. • As stated earlier, we believe that xd(LG4) — 3 though we haven't been able to show the same. Similarly, we believe xd (LG3) — 4. One can, by tedious arguments considering several cases, show that a monochromatic 3-coloring of LG3 is not a proper distinguishing coloring. For related details on what a monochromatic coloring is, see the Appendix. • We were able to show xd (Krxn) — r +1 since in this case, all proper r colorings of Krxn are of a specific type. For an arbitrary (prime) graph H, it is not immediately clear if xd(Hxn) > x(H). It would be interesting to find some characterization of graphs H with xd(Hxn) — x(H) + 1 for large n. • For a given k € N, we obtained nontrivial examples of family of vertex-transitive graphs G with arbitrarily large chromatic number which have xd(G) > x(G) and with |Aut(G)| somewhat small. It is an interesting question to seek infinite families of vertex-transitive graphs G with xd (G) > x(G) > k for any prefixed k, while |Aut(G)| — Ok (|G|). • While we have attempted to construct non-trivial families of bipartite graphs with large distinguishing chromatic number, it would be interesting to construct nontrivial examples of graphs with arbitrary chromatic number, and arbitrarily large distinguishing chromatic number. Acknowledgement We would like to thank the anonymous referees for helpful suggestions and comments that have helped in improving the clarity of the paper. References [1] M. O. Albertson and K. L. Collins, Symmetry breaking in graphs, Electron. J. 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Combin. 5 (1998), #R23. N. Balachandran and S. Padinhatteeri: \d (G), \ Aut(G) |, and a variant of the Motion Lemma 97 7 Appendix 7.1 The Levi graph LG2 Firstly, we remark that the upper bound xd (G) < 2A - 2 whenever G is bipartite and G ^ ka-i,a, ka,a, which appears in [13], gives xd(LGq) < 2q. In particular, xd(LG2) < 4. We shall show that in fact xd (LG2) = 4. We first set up some notation, let je^ e2, e3} be the standard basis of the vector space V with ei = (1,0,0), e2 = (0,1,0) and e3 = (0,0,1). For g, h, k e Fq, a vector v e V is denoted by (g, h, k) if v = ge1 + he2 + ke3. A point p e P is denoted by (g, h, k) if p =< ge1 + he2 + ke3 > . Thus, there are q2 points in the form (1, h, k) such that h, k e Fq, q points in the form of (0,1, k) such that k e Fq and finally the point (0,0,1) to account for a total of q2 + q +1 points in PG(2, Fq). We start with the following definition. Definition 7.1. A coloring of the Levi graph is said to be monochromatic if all the vertices in one set of the vertex partition have the same color. Lemma 7.2. LG2 does not have a proper distinguishing monochromatic 3-coloring. Proof. Assume that LG2 has a proper distinguishing monochromatic 3-coloring. Without loss of generality let the line set L be colored with a single color, say red. Call the remaining two colors blue and green, say, which are the colors assigned to the vertices in P. We shall refer to the set of points that are assigned a particular color, say green, as the color class Green. By rank of a color class C (denoted r(C)), we mean the rank of the vector subspace generated by C. Observe that a nontrivial linear map T that fixes the color class Green, must necessarily also fix the color class Blue, so any such linear map would correspond to an automorphism that preserves each color class. For any 2-coloring of P (which has 7 points), one of the two color class has fewer than four points. Without loss of generality, assume that this is the color class Green. Firstly, if r (Green) < 2 then consider a basis B of V which contains a maximal linearly independent set of points in color class Green. If r(Green) = 2, then the linear map T obtained by swapping the elements of the color class Green in B, and fixing every other basis element is a non-trivial linear transformation of V which necessarily fixes the color class Green. If r(Green) = 1, then consider the map T which fixes the green point of B and swaps the other two (necessarily Blue) is a nontrivial linear transform that fixes the color class Green. Finally, if r(Green) = 3, then let T be the map that swaps two of them and fixes the third. Again, this map is a nontrivial linear map that fixes every color class. □ We now set up some notation. Denote the points in LG2 by e1, e2, e3, e1 + e2, e1 + e3, e2 + e3 and e1 + e2 + e3 (see Figure1) and denote the lines in the following way: 1. l1 : (e1, e2) the line (two dimensional subspace) spanned by e1 and e2. 2. I2 : (e1 ,e3). 3. I3 : (e2,e3). 4. I4 : (e1, e2 + e3). 5. I5 : (e2,e1 + e3). 6. l6 : (e3,e1 + e2). 97 Ars Math. Contemp. 12 (2017) 111-126 Figure 1: Fano plane 7. I7 : (ei + e3, e2 + e3). Theorem 7.3. xd (LG2) = 4. Proof. By the remark at the beginning of the section, we have xd (LG2) < 4, so it suffices to show xd(LG2) > 3. We first claim that if LG2 has a proper distinguishing 3-coloring, then three linearly independent points (points corresponding to three linearly independent vectors) get the same color. Suppose the claim is false. Then each monochrome set C of points satisfies r(C) < 2. Since any set of four points contains three linearly independent points and | V(LG2) | = 7, a 3-coloring yields a monochrome set of points of size exactly three. Denote this set by E and observe that E in fact corresponds to a line lE e L. Since any two lines intersect, no line is colored the same as the points of E. If p, p' eP \ E are colored differently, then the line lpp cannot be colored by any of the three colors contradicting the assumption. Consequently, every point in P \ E must be colored the same if the coloring were to be proper. But then this gives a color class with four points which contains three linearly independent points contradicting that the claim was false. Without loss of generality, suppose e1, e2, e3 are all colored red. Since l7 contains the points e1 + e2, e2 + e3 and e1 + e3, these three points cannot all have different colors. Hence at least two of these three points are in the same color class. Without loss of generality, assume that e1 + e2 and e2 + e3 have the same color. Now observe that the map a defined by a(e1) = e3,a(e3) = e1,a(e2) = e2, induces an automorphism of LG2 that fixes every color class within P. Furthermore a swaps l1 with l3 and l4 with l6 and fixes all the other lines. If the sets of lines {l4, l6 } and {11, l3} are both monochrome in L, then note that a fixes every color class contradicting that the coloring in question is distinguishing. Thus we consider the alternative, i.e., the possibilities that N. Balachandran and S. Padinhatteeri: \d (G), \ Aut(G) |, and a variant of the Motion Lemma 97 the lines /1 and /3 (resp. /4 and /6) are in different color classes, and in each of those cases produce a non-trivial automorphism fixing every color class. Case I: /4 and /6 have different colors, say blue and green respectively. In this case, the point set witnesses at most two colors and none of the points of P \ {e1 + e3} can be colored blue or green. Moreover, by Lemma 7.2, all the seven points cannot be colored red (note that e1, e2, e3 are colored red). Consequently, e1 + e3 is colored, say blue, and all the other points are colored red. The /7, /5 and /2 are all colored green since all these three lines contain the point e1 + e3. As mentioned above, we shall in every case that may arise, describe a non-trivial automorphism a that fixes each color class. As before, we shall only describe its action on the set {e1, e2, e3}. Sub case 1 : /1 is colored blue. Then a(e1) = e1,a(e2) = e2 + e3,a(e3) = e3 fixes e1 + e3, swaps /1 with /4 and fixes /3. Consequently, it fixes every color class. Sub case 2 : /1 is colored green and /3 is colored blue. In this case, a(e1) = e2, a(e2) = e1,a(e3) = e1 + e2 + e3 doesthejob. Sub case 3: /1 and /3 are both colored green. In this case, the only line which is colored blue is /4. Then a(e1) = e2 + e3, a(e2) = e2, a(e3) = e1 + e2, does the job. From the above it follows that /4 and /6 cannot be in different color classes. So, we now consider the other possibility, namely that /1 and /3 are in different color classes. Case II: /6 and /4 have the same color but /1 and /3 are in different color classes, say blue and green respectively. Here we first note that e1 + e2 and e2 + e3 are necessarily red because they belong to /1 and /3 respectively. Again, we are led to three subcases: Sub case 1 : e1 + e3 and e1 + e2 + e3 are both colored blue. Here, it is a straightforward check to see that every / = /1 is colored green. Then, one can check that a(e1) = e1 + e2, a(e2) = e2, a(e3) = e3 fixes every color class. Sub case 2 : The point e1 + e3 is colored red and e1 + e2 + e3 is colored blue. Again, one can check in a straightforward manner, that for all 3 < i < 6, /i is colored green. If /2 is blue then a(e2) = e3,a(e3) = e2,a(e1) = e1 does the job. If /2 is colored green, a(e1) = e2, a(e2) = e1, a(e3) = e3 does the job. Sub case 3: e1+e2+e3 is colored red and e1+e3 is colored blue. Here we first observe that /2, /3, /5, /7 are all necessarily green. Also, by the underlying assumption (characterizing Case II), /4, /6 bear the same color. In this case, a(e1) = e1 + e2, a(e3) = e2 + e3, a(e2) = e2, does the job. This exhausts all the possibilities, and hence we are through. □ 7.2 The Levi graph LG3 As remarked earlier, it is not too hard to show that x(LGq) < 6, so the same holds for q = 3 as well. The next theorem shows an improvement on this result. Theorem 7.4. xd(LG3) < 5. Proof. As indicated earlier we denote the points p e P as mentioned in the beginning of this section. A line corresponding to the subspace {(x, y, z) e P : ax + by + cz = 0} is denoted (a, b, c). We color the graph using the colors 1,2,3,4, 5 as in Figure 2 (the color is indicated in a rectangular box corresponding to the vertex) It is straightforward to check that the coloring is proper. For an easy check we provide below, a table containing adjacencies of each p e P. Here the first row lists all the points in the projective plane of order 3. The column corresponding to the vertex p e P lists the set of lines / e L such that p e /, so that the 109 Ars Math. Contemp. 12 (2017) 111-126 Points ^ 100 110 010 120 112 121 012 122 011 111 101 102 001 Lines 001 001 001 001 011 011 011 012 012 012 010 010 010 ; 011 120 100 110 120 121 122 122 121 120 122 121 120 012 121 101 111 101 102 100 101 100 102 102 101 100 010 122 102 112 112 110 111 110 112 111 112 111 110 columns are the adjacency lists for the vertices in P. To see that this coloring is distinguishing, firstly, observe that the line 001 is the only vertex with color 1. Therefore, any automorphism ^ that fixes every color class necessarily fixes this line. Consequently, the points on 001 are mapped by ^ onto themselves. Since each point on 001 bears a different color, it follows that ^ fixes each p e 001. In particular, for 1 < i < 4, ^ maps each set [In, li2, li3} onto itself. Here, [lij, 1 < j < 3} denotes the set of lines adjacent to the ith point of 001. But again note that by the coloring indicated, the vertices lij and j have different colors for each i, so ) = lij for each pair (i, j) with 1 < i < 4,1 < j < 3. Now it is a straightforward check to see that ^ = I. □ 7.3 SAGE code to calculate f (G) when G = PGL(Fp SAGE has inbuilt functions that allow us to list the elements of PGL (F^) and to write down the disjoint cycle decomposition of a given permutation. For a e PGL(F^) the disjoint cycle decomposition, including its fixed points gives 6a, the total number of distinct orbits induced by a as in Lemma 2.2. Now it is easy to calculate P(Ba) and sum over PGL(F^). The SAGE code that we used for the calculation is given below, note that the N. Balachandran and S. Padinhatteeri: \d (G), \ Aut(G) |, and a variant of the Motion Lemma 97 text in the square bracket is an explanation of the corresponding line in the code. #!/usr/bin/env sage -python import sys from sage.all import * p = int(input("Enter p = " )) t = float(input("Enter t = " )) etot = p**2 + p + 1 [Total number of points in LGp.] y = 0 G = PGL(3,p) [Automorphism group of PG(3,p).] n = int(G.order()) [cardinality of G.] for i in range(1, n): g = G[i] s = Set(g.cycle_tuples(singletons=True)) [Set of disjoint cycles of g G G including singleton.] og = s.cardinalityO [Gives total number of distinct orbits induced by 'g'. That is 9g in Lemma 2.2.] ex = float(etot - og) [|C — 1| — 9g as in the proof of Lemma 2.2.] pg = 1 / float(t**ex) y = float(pg + y) print "tot prob is",y