18/47 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 1.5.2011 BELA NEDELJA Božje usmiljenje Jožef,delavec 2nd SUNDAY OF EASTER Divine Mercy Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Adress 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail gregory_sdb@cogeco.ca http://www.carantha.net/ st_gregory_the_great_slovenian _church.htm rrsiMi; Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church Vstal je od mrtvih Ko bi bilo v tistih časih časnikarstvo tako razvito, kot je danes, bi na prvih straneh dnevnikov v Jeruzalemu brali ralične novice o Jozusovi smrti. Novice podobnega kova navadno toliko časa burijo duhove, dokler jih ne spodrinejo druge. Čez nekaj časa se tudi te umaknejo naslednjim. Kar se danes zdi ljudem važno, je jutri vse manj pomembno, kmalu pa potone v pozabo. Z dogodkom tistega nedeljskega jutra v Jeruzalemu je bilo drugače. Ni in ni hotel v pozabo. Majhna skupina ljudi, ki je trdila, da je od Pilata obsojeni in na križu umorjeni Jezus iz Nazareta vstal iz groba in živi, je vzbujala vedno večjo pozornost. Ukrepi oblasti, da bi se znebili neprijetne zadeve in jo spravili z dnevnega reda, so rodili nasprotne učinke. Tudi grožnje, zapori, kazni in celo usmrtitve niso zalegle. Saj ni moglo biti drugače. Ali je mogoče umoriti Življenje? Zapečatiti Resnico? Zastražiti Ljubezen? Ali je mogla človeška oblast preprečiti Bogu, da bi posegel v našo zgodovino? Ali je mogla človeška grešnost prekrižati božje odrešenjske načrte? Odrešenjske načrte uresničuje Jezus tudi danes. Prizor o učencih, ki so od strahu pred oblastniki zaklenjeni, pa pride mednje Jezus in jim vliva pogum, se ponavlja. Njegov pozdrav miru, ki ga kar trikrat slišimo v današnjem evangeliju, ni nehal odmevati v človeških srcih. Vedno novim apostolom navdihuje Svetega Duha. Vedno nove Tomaže spodbuja, naj ne bodo neverni, ampak verni. Toliko drugim govori: Blagor vam, ki verujete, čeprav ne vidite ... VELIKA NOC 2011 Praznovanje smo nadaljevali z Velikonočno Vigilijo ob Letošnje obhajanje Velike noči smo začeli z osmih zvečer. Franc Toni je zakuril v posodi °genj, ki blagoslovom jedil v londonski skupnosti ob 10. zjutraj. smo ga blagoslovili in ob njem Prižgali velikonočno Zbrali so se tudi v Breslavu v klubu Sava. Na obeh krajih sveča V Procesiji smo jo ob vzklikih: Kristusova luč je bil zelo lep obisk. Popodlne pa so bili trije blagoslovi prinesli v cerkev, ki so jo razsvetljevale svečke vseh v župnijski cerkvi. Pri prvem je bila cerkev res polna. zbranih. Bralci so nato prebrali 4 branja, mogočno je zadonela Slava in nato še aleluja. Vstalega Kristusa je nesel v procesiji Alojz Sarjaš, pevci so navdušeno prepevali velikonočne pesmi. Med mašo smo blagoslovili krstno vodo in obnovili krstne obljube. Nato pa s prinašanjem darov nadaljevali sveto mašo. Na velikonočno jutro smo sveto mašo začeli z vstajenjsko alelujo in procesijo. Vstalega Kristusa je tokrat nosil Joseph Gosgnach. Hvala vsem sodelavcem za pripravo in sodelovanje pri praznovanju velikonočnih obredov. Le s sodelovanjem vseh je praznovanje res praznično in vzpodbudno za vso župnijsko skupnost. V torek zvečer so članice KŽZ obhajale praznik svoje zavetnice, Marije Matere Dobrega Sveta. Med sveto mašo je MaryAnn Demšar prejela priznanje za 25 let članstva. s Sunday's Readings EASTER SUNDAY First Reading Acts 2:42-47 The early Christian community gives us an ideal view of what can be achieved. Second Reading 1 Peter 1:3-9 Peter calls us to look beyond the problems of the present and live joyfully in the expectation of future glory. Gospel John 20:19-31 Thomas makes the great act of faith: "My Lord and my God!" / \ "These [signs] are recorded so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing this you may have life through his name." V___J Illustration Great storytellers have the wonderful gift of being able to paint pictures in words. Sometimes they will summarise a whole sequence of events in a few short sentences so that they can move on with the plot. On other occasions, and especially when they are writing a thriller, they will lead us down a variety of garden paths, laying clues but at the same time providing us with a mass of detail, all of which adds colour and interest to the story. They also know how to play on our emotions, evoking sympathy for and loyalty towards their heroes and heroines, and sometimes leaving us raging with indignation at the injustice of a world where evil seems to triumph. No matter what their subject, good storytellers all share the gift of being wonderful observers of human nature. It is possible to forget that in the books of both the Old and the New Testament we have some great literature. Those authors were also gifted writers and great observers of human nature. Like all great writers their intent was to draw their readers and listeners into the story, enabling us to match our experience with theirs. Gospel Teaching John perfectly illustrates the truth of all this in his Gospel, where he uses poetry and prose to tell the story of Jesus. He is never afraid to embellish particular events and incidents if he thinks it will make the point more effectively, and at the very end of his Gospel he even suggests that if the whole story were to be told, the world would not be big enough to contain all the necessary books! But it is at the end of his last but one chapter that he tells us quite clearly why he has been selective. It is "so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing this you may have life through his name". In a sense, here he is speaking for each of the evangelists and all the letter writers of the New Testament. Their documents were not written to provide material for the interested historian. They were written so that we might be able to make the same act of faith as Thomas: "My Lord and my God!" And today both Peter, in his first letter, and John, in his Gospel, press home the point that we do not need to have seen Jesus personally to be able to do this. It all hinges on the resurrection, without which none of the rest of the story makes sense. Today's Gospel reminds us that this demands an act of faith and commitment not only from those of us who have not encountered Jesus in the flesh; it demanded the same act of faith and commitment from those who did. So we should not be too hard on Thomas, who will for ever be labelled "doubting" Thomas. Thomas has given us permission to have our doubts, but Peter and John are assuring us that once we overcome them our joy will be beyond description. Application The challenge for us is to examine our experience in the light of the Gospel and see that our stories are part of God's unfolding story. The temptation is to look at that early idyllic picture of community life and consider it too good to be true and beyond our imitation; but that would be to miss the point and fail to read the whole story. It would be like reading only the first half of today's Gospel, about when Jesus came to his disciples on Easter night, and not reading the story of Thomas' doubts on the following Sunday. If you read on in the Acts of the Apostles, you will find plenty of disagreements and misunderstandings in the early Church. But they continued to trust that the Spirit would guide them and lead them to the truth. ROSARY PRAYER EVENT_ The multinational ONE MILLION ROSARIES FOR UNBORN BABIES prayer event is scheduled for May 6, May 7, and May 8 (2011). The Rosary will be prayed for the following intention: For an end to the surgical and non-surgical killing of unborn human persons. Please, do for the unborn babies that which they cannot do for themselves: Pray at least one Rosary from May 6th - 8th. To register your participation, please write down your name and the number of rosaries you are willing to donate. The list is located on the table in the back of the church. MARMORA PILGRIMAGE_ Marmora pilgrimage and day of prayer is taking place on Saturday May 7, 2011. There are a few more empty seats on bus number two. Cost for the bus is only $30 per person. If you are interested, please call Angela on tel.: 905 634 6746 MESEC MAJ - PRVI PETEK_ Začenjamo mesec majnik, pred nami je tudi prvi petek in sobota. Obiskal bom bolnike, zvečer bo priložnost za molitev pred Najsvetejšim in zakrament svete spovedi. Za letošnje šmarnično branje bomo brali šmarnice, ki jih je pripravila Urška Smerkolj: Z Vincencijem v naš čas. V uvodu je takole zapisano: »Ob zgledu svetega Vincencija Pavelskega se bomo v mesecu maju odpravili na pot svoje osebne dobrodelnosti in solidarnosti. Najprej se bomo srečali z zgrešenimi predstavami glede tega, kaj je v življenju pomembno in kaj nas osrečuje. Odkrivali bomo, da so odnosi prazni in nerodovitni, če v njih ni prostora za resnico, sočutje in mir. Spoznavali bomo, da nas vse Bog kliče k darovanju za bližnjega. Odkrivali bomo hrepenenja, ki jih je v nas položil Gospod, ter vrednost molive v hoji za Kristusom.« Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor_ Vaja za zbor bo v četrtek, 5. maja po večerni maši. Pojemo na materinski dan pri maši. CWL - KŽZ_ Our Lady of Good Counsel mass was held this past Tuesday. Thank you to Fr.Drago, our readers, our English choir members, our reception bakers and all those who helped us to celebrate this very special mass. Our monthly General Meeting will be held this Wednesday, May 4, immediately following 7pm mass. We encourage our members attendance and always welcome new membership! BREAKFAST WITH VENEC Folklorna skupina venec will be hosting a Breakfast Fundraiser on May 1st between 10:30 - 12:30 in the Church hall. Come and enjoy a hearty breakfast with live music! Adults $10 and children $5. There will be a limited amount of tickets sold for this exciting event. Tickets must be purchased in advance as they will NOT be available at the door. Please help support Venec as we try to promote our Slovenian culture. All proceeds will go towards aquiring new costumes. For tickets and more information please contact Mateja Mihelcic: 905-692-9679 or mihelcic.mateja@gmail.com KOLEDAR ZA APRIL - MAJ 2011_ ❖ 8. maj 2011-3. velikonočna nedelja: MATERINSKI DAN - Pri maši poje mešani zbor. Slovenska šola pripravlja program v dvorani. Kosilo ob 12:00 nato kulturni program. ❖ 29. maj 2011- Nedelja: Med slovensko sveto mašo bo PRVO SVETO OBHAJILO - FIRST COMMUNION. Poje mešani zbor. GARAGE SALE - SLOVENSKA ŠOLA_ Slovenska šola bo imela »Garage Sale« v soboto, 28. maja na cerkvenem parkirišču. Če imate doma kakšne reči (hišne stvari, slike, knjige, oblačila, igrače, itd.) katerih bi se radi znebili vas prosimo, da jih prispevate v ta namen in jih prinesete v razred za odrom, od 23. do 27. maja od 7:00 do 8:30 zvečer, ko bo ena od učiteljic v šoli, da prevzame vaše prispevke. Hvala za vašo dobro voljo in sodelovanje! The Slovenian School will be holding a »Garage Sale« on Saturday, May 28 on the church parking lot. Should you have anything that you no longer need and want to get rid of (household items, clothing, books, pictures, chairs, tables, toys, etc.) please do not throw them away. Donate them to our Garage Sale. You can bring your donations to Slovenian School from Monday, May 23rd to Friday, May 27th between 7 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. At least one of the teachers will be in the school each day at that time to accept your donations. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and support. MATERISNKI DAN -MOTHER'S DAY MATERINSKI DAN - Slovensko kulturno društvo Hamilton-Wentworth pri sv. Gregoriju prireja kosilo in bogat kulturni program za Materinski dan v nedeljo 8. maja. Sv. maša je ob 9:30, kosilo ob 12:00.(Moški kuhajo in servirajo). Po kosilu sledi kulturni program. Prosimo vas, da si čimprej rezervirate vstopnice pri Victoriji Andolšek (905-639-5191) ali Sandy Allen (905-548-0889); sprejemamo rezervacije samo do 300 ljudi Cena za starejše je $18, za otroke od 4-16 pa $7. MOTHER'S DAY - Hamilton-Wentworth Slovenian Cultural Society of St. Gregory The Great cordially invites everyone to celebrate its annual Mother's Day with them on Sunday, May 8th. An excellent lunch will be cooked and served at 12:00 noon (by our men). A cultural program will follow. Please plan to spend part of this day with us. For reservations, please call Victoria Andolšek (905639-5191) or Sandy Allen (905-548-0889), as soon as possible as reservations are limited. darovi_ Za blazine na klopeh so darovali: Glavač Viktor in Olga $100, Družina Šetej $100, Kazimir in Anica Žižek $ 300; Maria Štefanec $100, Ivan in Angelca Antolin $100, Slava Gomboša $50. Hvala vsem za vaše darove . annual golf tournament_ The Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation is holding its Annual Golf Tournament on Saturday, May 28, 2011 at Rockway Glen Golf Coursewith a shot gun start sharp at 11AM, followed by the Banquet at Bled, Beamsville. Cost is $125. per person and includes golf, cart, prizes, breakfast: kroffe and coffee and dinner. Applications are in the rack at the back of the Church. Contacts: Karl Ferko: 578-5890 or Teresa Zupancic: 664-6013. Prizes for the prize table are welcomed. We appreciate your support and participation for a good cause! Registration forms at the back of the Church in the rack! društvo sv. jožefa_ Lancaster Region of Pennsylvania /Hershey & Bethlehem - Join in the fun with the Slovenian Society of St. Joseph : September 6-9, 2011. Trip highlights include all of the sight seeing attrac- tion, performance of "Joseph"-Millennium Theatre, tours, step on guide & meals: 3 breakfasts, 3 dinners, accommodation, motor coach and gratuities. Also one night stay at the new Sands Casino Hotel with $30 free play. Subsidized package per person: $685 (dbl), $655 (tpl). For reservations-minimum deposit of $150. and balance by July 22. Cheques payable to Maxima Tours. For further information and reservations contact Jerry Ponikvar @ 333-5813 or Frank Erzar @ 643-0285 . Društvo sv. Jožefa/Slovenian Society of St. Joseph - vabi vse člane na zaključni družabni večer za to zimsko sezono. Zbrali se bomo v prostorih društva v torek, 17. maja ob sedmih zvečer. Člani odbora bodo poskrbeli, da se bo tudi kaj prigriznilo. Vsi člani lepo vabljeni! materinski dan_ PRODAJA PECIVA Naslednjo nedeljo, 8. maja bodo učiteljice| slovenske šole po obeh mašah v zgornji dvorani prodajale PECIVO. Vljudno Vas prosimo, da podprete našo akcijo saj je ves dohodek namenjen za otroke v naši šoli, ki gredo naslednje leto na ekskurzijo v Slovenijo in rabijo Vašo pomoč pri zbiranju denarnih sredstev. BAKE SALE - The Slovenian school will be having a BAKE SALE in the upper hall next Sunday, May 8th after both Masses. The teachers invite you to come and buy some baked goods and support their fundraiser. All the proceeds will go towards the Slovenian School excursion to Slovenia next summer. Od 1. 5. 2011 Do 8. 5. 2011 svete mase - masses Masses Monday-Friday 7:00 p.m., Saturday 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. NEDELJA - SUNDAY 01. Maj Bela nedelja Ned. Božjega usmilje. Sv. Jožef, delavec za žive in rajne župljane tt pokojni člani folklorne skupine tt Alojz in Angela Kocmut t Alojz Mes, obletna 9:30 a.m. Folklorna skupina Tone in Marija Bukvič 11:00 a.m.Družina Mes Ponedeljek - Monday 02. Maj Atanazij, šk-c.učitelj t Marija Markeš, 30. dan t Alojz Mes tt Pokojni prijatelji t Marija Kolenc 7:00 p.m. Toni in Marija Franc Hčerka Amalija z družino Ignac Horvat z družino Marija Glavač Torek - Tuesday 03. Maj Filip in Jakob, apost. tt Pokojni iz družina Balažic tt Pokojni duhovniki naše župnije t Steven Booth za zdavje Laznikove družine 7:00 p.m. Matilda Bratuž Alojz in Agata Sarjaš Marija Verbetič Tončka Demšar z družino Sreda - Wednesday 04. Maj Florijan, mučenec Po namenu KZZ t Ivan Dobršek Na čast rožnoveski Materi Božji t Florian Miklavčič 7:00 p.m. CWL Ivan in Cecilija Sobočan I. Roža rožnega venca Žena Četrtek - Thursday 05. Maj Angel, mučenec t Martin Farkaš t Anica Kološa t Metod Kuzma t Steven Booth 7:00 p.m. Elizabeta Farkaš Hčerka Sestra z družino Družina Truden Petek - Friday 06. Maj Dominik Savio, mlad. tt Za duše v vicah tt Pokojni starši Alojzija in Ciril t Milan Stefanec tt Anton, Janko in Tone Kokalj 7:00 p.m. Tone in Marija Bukvič Sin Pavel Novak z dužino Žena in otroci Janko in Tončka Demšar Sobota - Saturday 07. Maj Gizela, opatinja t t t t Jože Kuzmič Matej Čurič Janez Kosednar, 3. obl. Kristina Mertuk 8:15 a.m. Gizela Hauzar 5:30 p.m. Mama Žena in otroci Martin in Regina Nedelko NEDELJA - SUNDAY 08. Maj 3.Velikonočna Bonifacij, papež t t t za žive in rajne župljane Jožefa Kastelic Alojzija Novak Vengar Anton MATERINSKI DAN 9:30 a.m. John in Olga Kastelic 11:00 a.m. Romana Novak z družino Romana Novak z družino Noon ŽUPNIJSKA DVORANA svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.