12. MAJ 2008 12 MAY 2008 št./No 21 14 POSLOVNI SUBJEKTI BUSINESS ENTITIES št./No 2 BRUTO INVESTICIJE V OSNOVNA SREDSTVA, SLOVENIJA, 2006 GROSS INVESTMENT, SLOVENIA, 2006 V letu 2006 so podjetja, družbe in organizacije ustvarili za 5.391,9 mio EUR investicij v nova in rabljena osnovna sredstva. In 2006, enterprises, companies and organisations paid EUR 5,391.9 million for gross investment (new and existing assets). V celotni strukturi investicij so največji delež obsegale investicije v nove in rabljene gradbene objekte, in sicer 48,5 %. The largest share of total gross investment was paid for new and existing buildings and structures, i.e. 48.5%. Največji delež vseh investicij v nova in rabljena osnovna sredstva, to je 80,8 %, so ustvarile dejavnosti, ki so v SKD 2002 uvrščene v področja C, D, E, F, L, G in I. The largest share of gross investment - new and existing assets (80.8%) was created by sections C, D, E, F, L, G and I of the Standard Classification of Activities. Občina Ljubljana je med vsemi občinami ustvarila največji delež vseh bruto investicij v nova osnovna sredstva (31,0 %). As regards municipalities, the largest share of gross investment in new assets was created in Ljubljana (31.0%). Več kot polovico vseh investicij v Sloveniji so v letu 2006 ustvarili v občinah Ljubljana, Novo mesto, Maribor, Koper, Celje in Kranj. In 2006 more than a half of total gross investment in Slovenia was created in municipalities Ljubljana, Novo mesto, Maribor, Koper, Celje and Kranj. Vrednost vlaganj na prebivalca je bila največja v osrednjeslovenski regiji, in sicer 3.743 evrov, sledili sta ji jugovzhodna Slovenija s 3.672 evrov in obalno-kraška regija z 2.958 evrov. The largest investment per capita by region was observed in Osrednjeslovenska region (EUR 3,743), followed by Jugovzhodna Slovenija (EUR 3,672) and Obalno-Kraška region (EUR 2,958). Slika 1: Struktura bruto investicij v nova in rabljena osnovna sredstva, Slovenija, 2006 Chart 1: Structure of gross investment in new and fixed existing assets, Slovenia, 2006 1,2 % 25,8 % 21,5 % 9,4 % 38,4 % 3,7 % Stanovanjske stavbe Dwellings Nestanovanjske stavbe in prostori Non-residential buildings Gradbeno inženirski objekti in izboljšava zemljišč Civil-engineering and land improvement Transportna oprema Transport equipment Stroji in oprema ter gojena naravna sredstva Machinery, equipment and cultivated assets Neopredmetena osnovna sredstva Intangible fixed assets © SURS Statistične informacije, št. 21/2008 2 Rapid Reports No 21/2008 KOMENTAR COMMENT V letu 2006 so podjetja, družbe in organizacije z 20 in več zaposlenimi ustvarili za 5.391,9 mio EUR investicij v nova in rabljena osnovna sredstva, leto prej pa za 4.720,0 mio EUR. Nominalna rast bruto investicije glede na leto 2005 tako znaša 14,2 %. To pomeni realno povečanje, saj je bila povprečna stopnja inflacije v letu 2006 2,5- odstotna. In 2006, enterprises, companies and organisations employing 20 or more employees created EUR 5,391.9 million for gross investment (new and existing assets), while in 2005 EUR 4,720.0 million was created. The nominal increase compared to 2005 was 14.2%, which means that there was a real increase since the annual inflation rate in 2006 was 2.5%. Viri financiranja bruto investicij Sources of financing of gross investment Podjetja, družbe in organizacije so za svoje investicije v letu 2006 v največji meri črpala sredstva iz lastnih virov in iz združenih sredstev (51,4 %). Sledili so jim viri iz finančnih kreditov in lizinga (29,3 %). Financiranja namenskih skladov - predvsem iz proračuna države in občih - ter pridobitev osnovnih sredstev brez denarnih nadomestil je bilo za 19,3 % vseh sredstev za investicije v nova in rabljena osnovna sredstva. V primerjavi z letom 2005 se je struktura virov financiranja spremenila; zmanjšali so se lastni in povečali finančni viri. Povečalo je tudi financiranje iz namenskih skladov (slika 2). In 2006 the enterprises financed their gross investment mostly by own financial assets and joint assets (51.4%), followed by financial credits and leasing (29.3%). Obtaining assets of funds - mostly from the state and municipalities budgets - and fixed assets without monetary compensation represented 19.3% of gross investment in new and existing fixed assets. Compared to 2005 the structure of financing changed; own financial assets decreased and the financial assets increased. The financing from own funds increased as well (Chart 2). Slika 2: Struktura virov financiranja bruto investicij v nova in rabljena osnovna sredstva, Slovenija, 2006 Chart 2: Structure of financing of gross investment in new and existing fixed assets, Slovenia, 2006 © SURS % 0,0 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 50,0 60,0 70,0 Lastna in združena sredstva Own financial and joint assets Finančna sredstva Financial assets Sredstva namenskih skladov in brezplačna pridobitev Assets from funds and without compensation of fixed assets 2005 2006 Statistične informacije, št. 21/2008 Rapid Reports No 21/2008 3 Bruto investicije po dejavnosti Gross investment by activity Prikaz strukture bruto investicij v nova in rabljena osnovna sredstva v letu 2006 kaže, da je bila vrednost vlaganj največja v industriji (področja C, D, E in F), kjer je dosegla skoraj 38-odstotni delež vseh investicij v nova in rabljena osnovna sredstva (slika 3). The largest investment was created by industry (C, D, E and F) with nearly 38% of total investment in 2006, which is shown in the structure of gross investment (Chart 3). Slika 3: Struktura bruto investicij v nova in rabljena osnovna sredstva po dejavnosti investitorja, Slovenija, 2006 Chart 3: Chart 3: Structure of gross investment in new and existing fixed assets by activity of investor, Slovenia, 2006 © SURS26,9 18,3 14,3 10,6 6,9 4,9 2,9 2,5 2,5 2,4 0,6 0,4 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 % D I L G E J F M O N K H A +B C 3,4 3,3 A +B Kmetijstvo, lov, gozdarstvo in ribištvo / Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing C Rudarstvo / Mining and quarrying D Predelovalne dejavnosti / Manufacturing E Oskrba z elektriko, plinom, vodo / Electricity, gas and water supply F Gradbeništvo / Construction G Trgovina; popravila mot. Vozil / Wholesale, retail; certain repair H Gostinstvo / Hotels and restaurants I Promet, skladiščenje, zveze / Transport, storage and communication J Finančno posredništvo / Financial intermediation K Nepremičnine, najem, poslovne storitve / Real estate, renting& business activities L Javna uprava, obramba, socialno zavarovanje / Public administration&defence; comp. soc. sec. M Izobraževanje / Education N Zdravstvo, socialno varstvo / Health and social work O Dr. javne, skupne in osebne storitve / Other social and personal services V letu 2006 so največji delež investicij v nova in rabljena osnovna sredstva v primerjavi z letom 2005 ustvarile predelovalne dejavnosti (področje D), in sicer 26,9 %, leto prej pa 28,9 %. Sledili so ji naslednje dejavnosti: promet, skladiščenja, zveze (področje I) z 18,3 %, javna uprava (področje L) s 14,3 % in trgovina; popravila motornih vozil (področje G) z 10,6 %. V letu 2005 pa so področju D sledili: promet, skladiščenja, zveze (področje I) s 17,6 %, javna uprava (področje L) z 11,4 % in trgovina; popravila motornih vozil (področje G) s 13,2-odstotnim deležem vseh investicij (slika 4). Both in 2006 and in 2005 the largest share of gross investment in new and existing assets was created by manufacturing (section D); in 2006 26.9% and in 2005 28.9%. In 2006 section D was followed by transport, storage and communication (section I) with 18.3%, public administration (section L) with 14.3% and trade, repair of motor vehicles (section G) with 10.6%. In 2005 section D was followed by transport, storage and communication (section I) with 17.6%, public administration (section L) with 11.4% and trade, repair of motor vehicles (section G) with 13.2% (Chart 4). Statistične informacije, št. 21/2008 4 Rapid Reports No 21/2008 Slika 4: Struktura bruto investicij v nova in rabljena osnovna sredstva po dejavnosti investitorja, Slovenija, 2005 in 2006 Chart 4: Structure of gross investment in new and existing fixed assets by activity of investor, Slovenia, 2005 and 2006 © SURS 0,0 5,0 10,0 15,0 20,0 25,0 30,0 35,0 A +B C D E F G H I J K L M N O % 2005 2006 Kot smo že ugotovili, je bilo nominalno povečanje bruto investicij v letu 2006 v primerjavi s predhodnim letom več kot 14-odstotno. Primerjava podatkov po dejavnostih med letoma 2005 in 2006 kaže, da je bil največji porast investicij, in sicer 43-odstoten, v javni upravi (področje L). Porast je bil predvsem rezultat večjih vlaganj v gradbene inženirske objekte - to je predvsem infrastruktura. Skoraj 41-odstotni porast je bil zabeležen v izobraževanju (področje M), nastal pa je zaradi večjih vlaganj v nestanovanjske gradnje. Povečanje investicij v letu 2006 v primerjavi s predhodnim je bilo zabeleženo tudi v dejavnosti gradbeništvo (področje F). Tu je porast znašal več kot 38 odstotkov, nastal pa je zaradi povečanja vlaganj v stroje in opremo. Povečale so se naložbe v zdravstvo (področje N), ki so znašale več kot 27 %, in sicer gre za naložbe v stroje in opremo. Več kot 23-odstotno povečanje investicij je bilo zabeleženo v drugih javnih, skupnih in osebnih storitvah (področje O), in sicer kot posledica večjih vlaganj v gradbene objekte. Povečanje investicij za skoraj 21 % je bilo tudi v oskrbi z elektriko, plinom in vodo (področje E), predvsem zaradi povečanj vlaganj v gradbena dela. V prometu, skladiščenju, zvezah (področje I) so se vlaganja povečala za skoraj 19 %, in sicer kot posledica povečanja gradbenih del (slika 5). As already stated, compared to 2005 the nominal increase in gross investment in 2006 was more than 14%. The data comparison between 2005 and 2006 by activities shows that the largest increase in investment was recorded in public administration (section L) with 43%, mostly as a result of larger investment in civil-engineering. In education (section M) the increase of nearly 41% was recorded due to investment in non- residential buildings. The increase in investment was shown in 2006 compared to 2005 also in construction (section F) with almost 38% due to increase in investment in machinery and equipment. The increase in investment was also observed in health and social work (section N) where it amounted to more than 27% due to investing in machinery and equipment. More than 23% of investment increase was perceived in other social and personal services (section O) due to investments in construction. Investment increase of nearly 21% was perceived in electricity, gas and water supply (section E), due to investment in construction work. In transport, storage and communication (section I) investment increased by over 19% due to enlargement of construction work (Chart 5). Statistične informacije, št. 21/2008 Rapid Reports No 21/2008 5 Slika 5: Bruto investicije v nova in rabljena osnovna sredstva po dejavnosti investitorja, Slovenija, 2005 in 2006 Chart 5: Gross investment in new and existing fixed assets by activity of investor, Slovenia, 2005 and 2006 © SURS 2005 2006 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 A +B C D E F G H I J K L M N O mio EUR Bruto investicije v nova osnovna sredstva v letu 2006 so znašale 5.161,9 mio EUR, leto prej pa 4.417,9 mio EUR. Nominalni porast investicij je bil skoraj 17-odstoten. Zanimiva je primerjava strukture bruto investicije v letih 2005 in 2006, kjer razporedimo gradbena inženirska dela v gradbeništvo (področje F). Primerjava povprečja deležev investicij v nova osnovna sredstva po področjih dejavnosti investitorja za leti 2005 in 2006 kaže, da se je največ vlagalo v predelovalne dejavnosti (področje D), in sicer v povprečju za to obdobje 28,3 %. Sledili so gradbeništvo (področje F) s 13,4 %, trgovina; popravila motornih vozil (področje G) z 11,6 %, promet, skladiščenja, zveze (področje I) z 9,2 % in javna uprava, obramba, socialno zavarovanje (področje L) z 9,0 %. V povprečju so omenjena področja (D, F, G, I in L) obsegala več kot 71-odstotni povprečni delež vseh investicij v nova osnovna sredstva v letih 2005 in 2006 (slika 6). In 2006, gross investment in new assets was EUR 5,161.9 million and a year before EUR 4,417.9 million. The nominal increase between 2005 and 2006 was nearly 17%. The comparison of the structure of gross investment in new assets by activities in which investment was created is interesting for 2005 and 2006 because of the reclassification of construction work in construction (section F). The comparisons of the average shares of investment in new assets by sections where the investment was created in the 2005-2006 period shows that the largest share was created by manufacturing (section D) with 28.3%, followed by construction (section F) with 13.4%, trade, repair of motor vehicles (section G) with 11.6%, transport, storage and communication (section I) with 9.2% and public administration (section L) with 9.0%. On average, all mentioned sections together created more than 71% of total investment in new and existing assets in 2005 and 2006 (Chart 6). Slika 6: Struktura bruto investicij v nova osnovna sredstva po dejavnostih, v katere se je investiralo, Slovenija, 2005 in 2006 Chart 6: Structure of gross investment in new fixed assets by activities where investment was created, Slovenija, 2005 in 2006 © SURS 2005 2006 0,0 5,0 10,0 15,0 20,0 25,0 30,0 35,0 % A +B C D E F G H I J K L M N O Statistične informacije, št. 21/2008 6 Rapid Reports No 21/2008 Bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva Gross investments in fixed assets V sliki 7 prikazujemo bruto investicije v nova in rabljena osnovna sredstva po skupinah. V letu 2006 so se v primerjavi s predhodnim letom najbolj povečala vlaganja v naslednja osnovna sredstva: v gradbene inženirske objekte (za 31,0 %), stroji in oprema (za 16,1 %) in stanovanjske stavbe (za 9,1 %). Chart 7 presents gross investments in new and existing assets by groups. In 2006 compared to the previous year the largest investment increase was observed in the following fixed assets: civil engineering (by 31.0%), followed by machinery and equipment with 16.1% and dwellings with 9.1%. Slika 7: Bruto investicij v nova in rabljena osnovna sredstva po dejavnosti investitorja, Slovenija, 2005 in 2006 Chart 7: Gross investment in new and existing fixed assets by activity of investor, Slovenia, 2005 and 2006 © SURS 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Stanovanjske stavbe Dwellings Nestanovanjske stavbe in prostori Non-residential buildings Gradbeno inženirski objekti in izboljšava zemljišč Civil-engineering and land improvement Transportna oprema Transport equipment Stroji in oprema ter gojena naravna sredstva Machinery, equipment and cultivated assets Neopredmetena osnovna sredstva Intangible fixed assets mio EUR 2005 2006 Deleži bruto investicij v stroje, opremo in transportna sredstva so bili največji v predelovalni dejavnosti (področje D) saj so tam za te namene namenili 75,5 % vseh investicij v letu 2006. Sledili so gradbeništvo (področje F) s 75,1 % in kmetijstvo, lov, gozdarstvo in ribištvo (področji A in B) s 74,1 %. Gradili pa so največ v javni upravi, obrambi in socialnem zavarovanju (področje L), saj so gradbenim objektom in izboljšavi zemljišč namenili 75,0 % vseh bruto investicij v letu 2006, sledili so gostinstvo (področje H) s 73,4 %, izobraževanje (področje M) z 66,3 %, promet, skladiščenje in zveze (področje I) z 62,8 % in trgovina; popravila motornih vozil (področje G) z 59,2 % (slika 8). The share of gross investment in machinery, equipment and transport equipment was the largest in manufacturing (section D) as for that purpose 75.5% of total investment was intended in 2006. This was followed by construction (section F) with 75.1%, and agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing (sections A and B) with 74.1%. Most constructions took place in public administration (section L), where in 2006 75.0% of total investment from that section was intended for construction work and land improvement, followed by hotels and restaurants (section H) with 73.4%, education (section M) with 66.3%, transport storage and communication (section I) with 62.8% and wholesale, retail and certain repair (section G) with 59.2% (Chart 8). Statistične informacije, št. 21/2008 Rapid Reports No 21/2008 7 Slika 8: Deleži novih in rabljenih skupin osnovnih sredstev po dejavnosti investitorja, Slovenija, 2006 Chart 8: Shares of new and existing types of fixed assets by activity of investor, Slovenia, 2006 © SURS % 0,0 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 50,0 60,0 70,0 80,0 A +B C D E F G H I J K L M N O Gradbeni objekti in izboljšava zemljišč Construction work and land improvement Stroji, oprema, prometna sredstva in gojena naravna sredstva Machinery, equipment, transport equipment and cultivated assets Neopredmetena osnovna sredstva Intangible fixed assets Bruto investicije po teritorialni razdelitvi Gross investment by classification of territory Podatke o bruto investicijah v nova osnovna sredstva po teritorialni razdelitvi prikazujemo po občinah in regijah. The data on gross investment by classification of territory are shown by municipalities and statistical regions. Bruto investicije po občinah Gross investment by municipalities V občinah je bilo v letu 2006 investiranih v nova osnovna sredstva 5.161,9 mio EUR, leto prej pa 4.417,9 mio EUR. Med občinami je bila po deležu vseh ustvarjenih investicij v nova osnovna sredstva v letu 2006 na prvem mestu občina Ljubljana (31,0 %); sledile so ji občine Novo mesto (7,5 %), Maribor (7,3 %), Koper (3,9 %), Celje (3,7 %), in Kranj (2,4 %). V omenjenih šestih občinah je bila v letu 2006 ustvarjena več kot polovica (55,9 %) vseh investicij v Sloveniji (slika 9). In municipalities EUR 5,161.9 million was invested in 2006 in new assets, while in 2005 EUR 4,417.9 million was invested. Among the municipalities the largest share of gross investment was created in Ljubljana (31.0%), followed by Novo mesto (7.5%), Maribor (7.3%), Koper (3.9%), Celje (3.7%) and Kranj (2.4%). More than a half (55.9%) of total investment was created in the mentioned six municipalities (Chart 9). Slika 9: Struktura bruto investicij v nova osnovna sredstva po občinah, v katere se je investiralo, Slovenija, 2005 in 2006 Chart 9: Structure of gross investment in new fixed assets by municipalities where investment was created, Slovenija, 2005 and 2006 © SURS % 0,0 5,0 10,0 15,0 20,0 25,0 30,0 35,0 Ljubljana Novo mesto Maribor Celje Koper Kranj 2005 2006 Statistične informacije, št. 21/2008 8 Rapid Reports No 21/2008 Prikaz bruto investicij v nova osnovna sredstva kaže, da se je v občinah v letih 2005 in 2006 največ investiralo v gradbene objekte, sledijo jim stroji; oprema, prometna sredstva in gojena naravna sredstva, in sicer v povprečju z okoli 96 % (slika 10). In 2005 and 2006 municipalities mostly invested in construction work, followed by machinery; equipment, transport and cultivated assets with on average around 96% of total gross investment in new assets (Chart 10). Slika 10: Struktura bruto investicije v nova osnovna sredstva po skupinah sredstev in po občinah, v katere se je investiralo, Slovenija, 2005 in 2006 Chart 10: Structure gross investment in new fixed assets by types of fixed assets and by municipalities where investment was created, Slovenia, 2005 and 2006 © SURS 48,3 4,2 3,9 0,0 10,0 20,0 30,0 40,0 50,0 60,0 2005 2006 % 47,6 47,848,2 Bruto investicije po statističnih regijah Gross investment by statistical regions Struktura bruto investicij v nova osnovna sredstva po regijah, v katere se je investiralo v letih 2005 in 2006, kaže, da je imela osrednjeslovenska regija največji delež vseh investicij, in sicer 36,4-odstotnega, v letu 2006 in nekoliko nižji delež v letu 2005 (36,2 % vseh investicij). Sledili sta podravska regija s 13,5-odstotnim deležem vseh investicij v letu 2006 (11,4 % v letu 2005) in savinjska regija z 10,6-odstotnim deležem vseh investicij v letu 2006 (11,0 % v letu 2005) (slika 11). In Osrednjeslovenska statistical region the largest share of gross investment (36.4%) was created in 2006 and only slightly lower share (36.2%) of total investment was created in 2005 – this was revealed by the review of the structure of gross investment in new assets by statistical regions. This region was followed by Podravska with 13.5% of total investment in 2006 and 11.4% in 2005 and Savinjska with 10.6% of total investment in 2006 and 11.0% in 2005 (Chart 11). Statistične informacije, št. 21/2008 Rapid Reports No 21/2008 9 Slika 11: Struktura bruto investicij v nova osnovna sredstva po regijah, v katere se je investiralo, Slovenija, 2005 in 2006 Chart 11: Structure of gross investment in new fixed assets by statistical regions where investment was created, Slovenija, 2005 and 2006 Ju go vzh od na Sl ov en ija © SURS % 0,0 5,0 10,0 15,0 20,0 25,0 30,0 35,0 40,0 2005 2006 Ob aln o-k raš ka Po mu rsk a Po dra vsk a Ko roš ka Sa vin jsk a Za sa vsk a Sp od nje po sa vsk a Os red nje slo ve ns ka Go ren jsk a No tra njs ko -kr aš ka Go riš ka Zanimiv je prikaz bruto investicij v nova osnovna sredstva na prebivalca po regijah. V letu 2006 se je največ vlagalo v osrednjeslovenski regiji, in sicer 3.743 evrov, sledili sta ji jugovzhodna Slovenija s 3.672 evrov in obalno-kraška z 2.958 evrov. V letu 2005 se je največ vlagalo v osrednjeslovenski regiji, in sicer 3.208 evrov, sledili sta ji jugovzhodna regija s 3.178 evrov in obalno-kraška z 2.238 evrov (slika 12). The review of gross investment per capita by statistical regions is very interesting. In 2006 the largest investment per capita with EUR 3,743 was created in Osrednjeslovenska region, followed by Jugovzhodna Slovenija with EUR 3,672 and Obalno-kraška region with EUR 2,958. In 2005 the largest investment per capita by region was created by Osrednjeslovenska region with EUR 3,208, followed by Jugozahodna Slovenija with EUR 3,176 and Obalno-kraška region with EUR 2,238 (Chart 12). Slika 12: Bruto investicij v nova osnovna sredstva na prebivalca po regijah, v katere se je investiralo, Slovenija, 2005 in 2006 Chart 12: Gross investment in new fixed assets per capita by statistical regions where investment was created, Slovenija, 2005 and 2006 © SURS EUR 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 2005 2006 Ju go vzh od na Sl ov en ija Ob aln o-k raš ka Po mu rsk a Po dra vsk a Ko roš ka Sa vin jsk a Za sa vsk a Sp od nje po sa vsk a Os red nje slo ve ns ka Go ren jsk a No tra njs ko -kr aš ka Go riš ka Statistične informacije, št. 21/2008 10 Rapid Reports No 21/2008 1. Bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva v podjetjih, družbah in organizacijah, Slovenija, 2005 in 2006 Gross investment in enterprises, companies and organisations, Slovenia, 2005 and 2006 tisoč/thousand EUR Nabava novih osnovnih sredstev Purchase of new fixed assets Nabava rabljenih osnovnih sredstev Purchase of existing fixed assets Prodaja1) rabljenih osnovnih sredstev Sale1) of existing fixed assets 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 SKUPAJ 4418144 5161937 301861 229959 699407 537654 TOTAL OPREDMETENA OSNOVNA SREDSTVA 4233016 4960789 300092 229441 694492 536238 TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Gradbeni objekti 2104557 2465112 172959 151104 456284 307412 Costruction work Stanovanjske stavbe 51598 53317 7411 11098 29665 33781 Dwellings Nestanovanjske stavbe in prostori 1182670 1259586 150142 131989 420598 258263 Non-residental buildings Gradbeno inženirski objekti in izboljšava zemljišč 870289 1152209 15406 8017 6022 15368 Civil-engineering and land improvement Stroji, oprema in transportna oprema 2128459 2495678 127132 78337 238207 228825 Machinery, transport and other equipment Transportna oprema 393202 474072 81059 30824 148953 132528 Transport equipment Osebni avtomobili 200472 215071 9247 17408 127166 106653 Passenger cars Tovornjaki 104390 149548 10424 10373 16892 19256 Truck, lorries Druga vozila in oprema 88341 109453 61388 3044 4895 6619 Other transport equipment Drugi stroji in oprema 1735257 2021606 46073 47512 89255 96297 Other machinery and equipment Kovinski izdelki 107645 145977 1728 2492 1607 3113 Metal products Stroji za proizvodnjo 244104 285682 3751 10060 13762 19683 Machinery for the production Drugi stroji in naprave 733934 794370 25100 27318 50755 50677 Other machinery and equipment Kmetijski in gozdarski stroji in gojena naravna sredstva 12097 20976 793 324 1682 3027 Agricultural and forestry machinery and cultivated assets Računalniki in AOP oprema 235870 242220 2416 1736 7979 6972 Computers and data processing machines Električni motorji in generatorji 66875 97470 7031 261 54 758 Electrical motors and generators RA, TV in komunikacijske naprave 104089 150471 163 257 1014 3164 RA, TV nad communication equipment Medicinska oprema in optični instrumenti 83016 109829 488 489 755 810 Medical equipment and optical instruments Pohištvo in notranja oprema 147626 174612 4603 4574 11647 8094 Furniture and equipment NEOPREDMETENA OSNOVNA SREDSTVA 185128 201148 1769 518 4916 1416 INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Študije in projekti 70535 65117 54 122 1323 78 Studies and projects Programska oprema 113420 135314 1715 396 3593 1062 Software Zabava, izvirna književna in umetniška dela 1173 716 0 0 0 277 Entertainment, literary or artistic originals 1) Prodaje so v nakaterih postavkah večje od nabav, ker se rabljena osnovna sredstva lahko prodajo gospodinjstvom kot potrošnikom in kot samostojnim podjetnikom ter pravnim osebam z manj kot 20 zaposlenimi v letu 2005 in 2006. In some items sales are greater than purchases because existing fixed assets can be sold to households as consumers as well as to individual private entrepreneurs and legal persons with less than 20 and more employees in 2005 and 2006. Statistične informacije, št. 21/2008 Rapid Reports No 21/2008 11 2. Viri financiranja za bruto investicije v nova in rabljena osnovna sredstva v podjetjih, družbah in organizacijah po dejavnosti investitorja, Slovenija, 2006- organizacijsko načelo Sources of financing of gross investment of enterprises, companies and organisations by activity of investor, Slovenia, 2006-organisational principle (new and existing fixed assets) tisoč/thousand EUR Viri financiranja za investicije v osnovna sredstva Dejavnost investitorja Skupaj iz lastnih in združenih sredstev from own financial and joint assets iz finančnih kreditov in najema from financial credits and lesing iz sredstev namenskih skladov in pridobitev brez nadomestila from assets of funds and withouth compensatio of fixed assets Activity of investor SKUPAJ 5391896 2770362 1581465 1040070 Total A +B Kmetijstvo,lov,gozdarstvo in ribištvo 31582 23678 5654 2250 A+B Agriculture, hunting,foresty and fishing C Rrudarstvo 22102 z 1080 z C Mining and quarrying CA Pri.energetskih surovin 16102 z 0 z CA Mining & quarrying of energy materials CB Pri.rud in kamnin,razen energet. 6000 4921 1080 0 CB Mining & quarrying, not energy materials D Predelovalne dejavnosti 1450680 1062694 359615 28371 D Manufacturing DA Pro.hrane,pijač,tobačnih izd. 102429 79600 19036 3792 DA Mfr. of food; beverages and tobacco 15 Pro.hrane,pijač,krmil 102429 79600 19036 3792 15 Mfr. of food and beverages DB Pro.tekstilij;tekst.,krzn. izd. 27134 22310 4279 545 DB Mfr. of textiles and textile products 17 Pro.tekstilij 22361 17799 z z 17 Mfr. of textiles 18 Pro.oblačil;strojenje,dodelava 4772 4510 z z 18 Mfr. of wearing apparel; dress. of fur DC Pro.usnja,usnjenih izd. 10945 z z 3041 DC Mfr. of leather and leather products 19 Pro.usnja,usnjenih izd. 10945 z z 3041 19 Leather tanning, mfr. of luggage, etc. DD Obdelava in predelava lesa 79503 42191 36267 1045 DD Manufacture of wood and wood product 20 Obdelava in predelava lesa 79503 42191 36267 1045 20 Mfr. of wood and wood, cork, etc. goods DE Pro.vlaknin,papirja;založništvo 99335 53383 44680 1272 DE Mfr. of paper, publishing and printing 21 Pro.vlaknin,papirja ter izd. 52484 27447 24636 400 21 Mfr. of pulp, paper and paper products 22 Založništvo,tiskarstvo 46851 25936 20043 872 22 Publishing, printing and recorded media DF Pro.koksa,naftnih deriv.,jedrsk. 1906 z z 0 DF Mrf. of coke, petroleum prods.&nuc. fuel 23 Pro.koksa,naft.deriv.,jedrsk. go 1906 z z 0 23 Mrf. of coke, petroleum prods.&nuc. fuel DG Pro.kemika.,kemičnih izd.,um.vl. 198117 181439 15778 900 DG Mfr. of chemicals, prod.&man-made fibres 24 Pro.kemika.,kemičnih izd.,um.vl. 198117 181439 15778 900 24 Mfr. of chemicals &chemical products DH Pro.izd.iz gume in plastič. mas 77610 56769 20024 818 DH Mfr. of rubber and plastic products 25 Pro.izd.iz gume in plastič. mas 77610 56769 20024 818 25 Mfr. of rubber and plastic products DI Pro.dr.nekovinskih mineral.izd. 57904 32814 24447 643 DI Mfr. of other non-metal. mineral products 26 Pro.dr.nekovinskih mineral.izd. 57904 32814 24447 643 26 Mfr. of other non-metal. mineral products DJ Pro.kovin in kovinskih izd. 259999 160906 96233 2860 DJ Mfr. of basic metals& fabricated products 27 Pro.kovin 109184 61480 47703 0 27 Manufacture of basic metals 28 Pro.kovinskih izd.brez strojev, 150815 99425 48530 2860 28 Mfr. of fabricated metal, not machines DK Pro.strojev in naprav 119755 98912 17971 2872 DK Mfr. of machinery and equipment nec. 29 Pro.strojev in naprav 119755 98912 17971 2872 29 Mfr. of machinery and equipment nec. DL Pro.električne,optične opreme 109220 81486 21663 6071 DL Mfr. of electrical and optical equipment 30 Pro.pisarniških strojev,računal. 1237 976 261 0 30 Mfr. of office machinery and computers 31 Pro.el.strojev,naprav 66546 51015 13607 1924 31 Mfr. of electric. machinery etc. nec. 32 Pro.RTV,komunik. naprav,opreme 22771 13681 5614 3476 32 Mfr. of radio, TV and equipment 33 Pro.medicin.,finom.,optič.instr. 18667 15814 2182 671 33 Mfr. of medical &precision instruments DM Pro.vozil in plovil 260889 222711 36952 1226 DM Manufacture of transport equipment 34 Pro.mot.vozil,prikolic,polpriko. 253168 217749 34193 1226 34 Mfr. of motor vehicle., trailers, etc. 35 Pro.dr.vozil,plovil 7721 4962 2759 0 35 Mfr. of other transport equipment DN Pro.pohiš.dr.pred.dej.,reciklaža 45936 23781 18869 3286 DN Manufacturing nec. 36 Pro.pohištva,dr.predelovalne dej 36496 19130 14081 3286 36 Mfr. of furniture; manufacturig nec. 37 Reciklaža 9439 4651 4788 0 37 Recycling Statistične informacije, št. 21/2008 12 Rapid Reports No 21/2008 2. Viri financiranja za bruto investicije v nova in rabljena osnovna sredstva v podjetjih, družbah in organizacijah po dejavnosti investitorja, Slovenija, 2006- organizacijsko načelo (nadaljevanje) Sources of financing of gross investment of enterprises, companies and organisations by activity of investor, Slovenia, 2006-organisational principle (new and existing fixed assets) (continued) tisoč/thousand EUR Viri financiranja za investicije v osnovna sredstva Dejavnost investitorja Skupaj iz lastnih in združenih sredstev from own financial and joint assets iz finančnih kreditov in najema from financial credits and lesing iz sredstev namenskih skladov in pridobitev brez nadomestila from assets of funds and withouth compensatio of fixed assets Activity of investor E Oskrba z elektriko,plinom,vodo 370445 288477 31057 50911 E Electricity, gas and water supply 40 Oskrba z el.,plinom,paro,toplo v 281173 251661 z z 40 Electricity, gas, steam and hot water 41 Zbiranje,čiščenje,distribucija v 89271 36816 z z 41 Colection, purification etc. of water F Gradbeništvo 185317 109783 73006 2528 F Construction 45 Gradbeništvo 185317 109783 73006 2528 45 Construction G Trgovina;popravila mot.vozil 573189 376330 195797 1062 G Wholesale, retail; certain repair 50 Poprav.,trg.z mot.vozili,gorivi 86145 z 6326 z 50 Sale, repair etc. motors; fuel 51 Posred.,trg.na debelo,brez vozil 132399 91118 40709 572 51 Wholesale, commision, not motors 52 Trg.na dr.brez mot.vozil;poprav. 354645 z 148762 z 52 Retail trade, not motors; repairs H Gostinstvo 129426 51007 53998 24422 H Hotels and restaurans 55 Gostinstvo 129426 51007 53998 24422 55 Hotels and restaurans I Promet,skladiščenje,zveze 985286 308567 631508 45211 I Transport, storage and communication 60 Kopenski promet,cevovodni transp z 78222 105917 z 60 Land transport; pipelines transport 61 Vodni promet 196 z z 0 61 Water transport 62 Zračni promet z z z 0 62 Air transport 63 Pomožne prometne dej.,turist.org 563437 z 464594 z 63 Supporting transport; travel agencies 64 Pošta in telekomunikacije 229293 169011 z z 64 Post and telecommunications J Finančno posredništvo 265401 145267 120099 36 J Financial intermediation 65 Fin.posred.brez zavarov.,skladov 245498 z z 36 65 Financial intermed., not insur., pens. fund. 66 Zavarovalništvo brez soc.,skladi 14574 z z 0 66 Insurance, pension not comp. soc. sec. 67 Pomožne dej.v fin.posred. 5329 z z 0 67 Activities aux. to financial intermed. K Nepremičnine,najem,poslovne stor 133567 z 22385 z K Real estate, renting& busines activities 70 Poslovanje z nepremičninami z z 438 z 70 Real estate activities 71 Dajanje strojev,opreme v najem z z z 0 71 Renting equipment without operator 72 Obdelava pod.,s tem povezane dej 15690 13583 z z 72 Computer and related activities 73 Raziskovanje in razvoj 16517 11340 120 5057 73 Research and devalopment 74 Druge poslovne dej. 88333 70899 z z 74 Other business activities L Javna uprava, obramba,soc.zav. 772257 86365 34330 651562 L Public administ. & defence; comp. soc. sec. 75 Javna uprava,obramba,soc.zavarov 772257 86365 34330 651562 75 Public administ. & defence; comp. soc. sec. M Izobraževanje 179992 45534 4714 129744 M Education 80 Izobraževanje 179992 45534 4714 129744 Education N Zdravstvo,socialno varstvo 135974 73075 7003 55896 N Health and social work 85 Zdravstvo,socialno varstvo 135974 73075 7003 55896 85 Health and social work O Dr.javne,skupne in osebne stor. 156679 76172 41220 39287 O Other social and personal services 90 Dej.javne higiene 41486 16139 3333 22014 90 Refuse disposal, sanitation, etc. 91 Dej.združenj,organizacij 2699 2699 0 0 91 Membership organisation nec. 92 Rekreacijske,kult.,športne dej. 105469 52984 35211 17273 92 Recreational, cultural& sport. activities 93 Dr.storitvene dej. 7026 4350 2676 0 93 Other service activities Statistične informacije, št. 21/2008 Rapid Reports No 21/2008 13 3. Bruto investicije v nova osnovna sredstva v podjetjih, družbah in organizacijah po naravi graditve, skupinah osnovnih sredstev in po dejavnostih, v katere se je investiralo, Slovenija, 2006 - načelo čistih dejavnosti Gross investment of enterprises, companies and other organisation by kind of construction, types of fixed assets and activities where investment was created, Slovenia, 2006 - kind of activity (new fixed assets) tisoč/thousand EUR Skupine osnovnih sredstev Types of fixed asset Namen investiranja Purpose of investment opredmetena osnovna sredstva tangible fixed assets Namen investicij Skupaj Total nove zmoglji- vosti new capa- cities rekons- trukcije, posodo- bitev, dogra- ditev enlarge- ment, recon- stru- ction, renova- tions vzdrže- vanje na obsto- ječi ravni main- tenance of exi- sting capa- cities Skupaj Total gradbeni objekti in izbolj- šava zemljišč constru- ction work and land improve- ment stroji, oprema, prome- tna sre- dstva in gojena naravna sredstva machi- nery transport, other equip- ment and cul- tivated assets neopre- dmetena osnovna sredstva intangi- ble fixed assets Purpose of investment SKUPAJ 5161937 2893197 1797266 471475 5161937 2465112 2495678 201148 TOTAL A+B Kmetijstvo, lov, gozdarstvo in ribištvo 29537 11934 10571 7032 29537 5600 23464 473 A+ B Agriculture, hunting,foresty and fishing C Rudarstvo 22647 8617 7826 6203 22647 8885 13320 442 C Mining and quarrying CA Pri.energetskih surovin 15996 5453 z z 15996 6272 9457 267 CA Mining & quarrying of energy materials CB Pri.rud in kamnin,razen energetskih 6651 3164 z z 6651 2613 3863 176 CB Mining & quarrying, not energy materials D Predelovalne dejavnosti 1384017 761839 534600 87578 1384017 265471 1063345 55201 D Manufacturing DA Pro.hrane, pijač, tobačnih izd. 99850 50089 37477 12284 99850 31685 61810 6355 DA Mfr. of food; beverages and tobacco 15 Pro.hrane,pijač,krmil 99850 50089 37477 12284 99850 31685 61810 6355 15 Mfr. of food and beverages DB Pro.tekstilij;tekstilnih,krznenih izd. 20652 9263 9404 1985 20652 3468 15022 2162 DB Mfr. of textiles and textile products 17 Pro.tekstilij 16147 8284 6273 1590 16147 3192 11885 1070 17 Mfr. of textiles 18 Pro.oblačil;strojenje,dodelava 4504 978 3131 395 4504 276 3137 1091 18 Mfr. of wearing apparel; dress. of fur DC Pro.usnja, usnjenih izd. z z 5210 1606 z z z 330 DC Mfr. of leather and leather products 19 Pro.usnja, usnjenih izd. z z 5210 1606 z z z 330 19 Leather tanning, mfr. of luggage, etc. DD Obdelava in predelava lesa 78538 20725 55144 2669 78538 15590 62450 497 DD Manufacture of wood and wood product 20 Obdelava in predelava lesa 78538 20725 55144 2669 78538 15590 62450 497 20 Mfr. of wood and wood, cork, etc. goods DE Pro.vlaknin, papirja;založništvo 88660 31555 50312 6792 88660 10982 73717 3960 DE Mfr. of paper, publishing and printing 21 Pro.vlaknin,papirja ter izd. iz njih 50151 6635 40322 3194 50151 5979 42838 1334 21 Mfr. of pulp, paper and paper products 22 Založništvo,tiskarstvo 38509 24920 9990 3599 38509 5003 30879 2626 22 Publishing, printing and recorded media DF Pro.koksa, naftnih deriv., jedrskega goriva z z 0 z z z z 0 DF Mrf. of coke, petroleum prods.&nuc. fuel 23 Pro.koksa ,naft.deriv.,jedrskega goriva z z 0 z z z z 0 23 Mrf. of coke, petroleum prods.&nuc. fuel DG Pro. kemiikalij ,kemičnih izd.,umetnih vl. 193833 107592 64613 21628 193833 59375 120619 13839 DG Mfr. of chemicals, prod.&man- made fibres 24 Pro. kemiikalij, kemičnih izd.,umetnih vl. 193833 107592 64613 21628 193833 59375 120619 13839 24 Mfr. of chemicals &chemical products DH Pro.izd.iz gume in plastičnih mas 74447 36046 31232 7169 74447 14077 57705 2666 DH Mfr. of rubber and plastic products 25 Pro.izd.iz gume in plastičnih mas 74447 36046 31232 7169 74447 14077 57705 2666 25 Mfr. of rubber and plastic products DI Pro.dr.nekovinskih mineralnih izd. 55284 17530 32963 4791 55284 12143 41043 2098 DI Mfr. of other non-metal. mineral products 26 Pro.dr.nekovinskih mineralnih izd. 55284 17530 32963 4791 55284 12143 41043 2098 26 Mfr. of other non-metal. mineral products DJ Pro.kovin in kovinskih izd. 246072 137208 96948 11917 246072 49625 189696 6751 DJ Mfr. of basic metals& fabricated products 27 Pro.kovin 108850 47333 55066 6451 108850 12502 94838 1510 27 Manufacture of basic metals 28 Pro.kovinskih izd.brez strojev, 137222 89875 41882 5465 137222 37123 94858 5241 28 Mfr. of fabricated metal, not machines Statistične informacije, št. 21/2008 14 Rapid Reports No 21/2008 3. Bruto investicije v nova osnovna sredstva v podjetjih, družbah in organizacijah po naravi graditve, skupinah osnovnih sredstev in po dejavnostih, v katere se je investiralo, Slovenija, 2006 - načelo čistih dejavnosti (nadaljevanje) Gross investment of enterprises, companies and other organisation by kind of construction, types of fixed assets and activities where investment was created, Slovenia, 2006 - kind of activity (new fixed assets) tisoč/thousand EUR Skupine osnovnih sredstev Types of fixed asset Namen investiranja Purpose of investment opredmetena osnovna sredstva tangible fixed assets Namen investicij Skupaj Total nove zmoglji- vosti new capa- cities rekons- trukcije, posodo- bitev, dogra- ditev enlarge- ment, recon- stru- ction, renova- tions vzdrže- vanje na obsto- ječi ravni main- tenance of exi- sting capa- cities Skupaj Total gradbeni objekti in izbolj- šava zemljišč constru- ction work and land improve- ment stroji, oprema, prome- tna sre- dstva in gojena naravna sredstva machi- nery transport, other equip- ment and cul- tivated assets neopre- dmetena osnovna sredstva intangi- ble fixed assets Purpose of investment DK Pro.strojev in naprav 110702 42703 57714 10284 110702 16688 88711 5303 DK Mfr. of machinery and equipment nec. 29 Pro.strojev in naprav 110702 42703 57714 10284 110702 16688 88711 5303 29 Mfr. of machinery and equipment nec. DL Pro.električne,optične opreme 101151 59762 37675 3714 101151 16373 80077 4701 DL Mfr. of electrical and optical equipment 30 Pro.pisarniških strojev,računalnikov 1052 865 z z 1052 z 776 z 30 Mfr. of office machinery and computers 31 Pro.el.strojev,naprav 65251 37830 25605 1816 65251 10721 52127 2403 31 Mfr. of electric. machinery etc. nec. 32 Pro.RTV,komunikacijskih naprav,opreme 17380 9527 6623 1230 17380 4727 11521 1132 32 Mfr. of radio, TV and equipment 33 Pro.medicin.,finomehan.,optič.instr . 17468 11540 z z 17468 z 15653 z 33 Mfr. of medical &precision instruments DM Pro.vozil in plovil 261302 z 32788 z 261302 21277 234125 5900 DM Manufacture of transport equipment 34 Pro.mot.vozil,prikolic,polprikolic 253614 z 27976 z 253614 18532 229509 5573 34 Mfr. of motor vehicle., trailers, etc. 35 Pro.dr.vozil,plovil 7687 z 4812 z 7687 2745 4615 328 35 Mfr. of other transport equipment DN Pro.pohiš.dr.pred.dej.,reciklaža 45184 20065 23120 1999 45184 11749 32795 640 DN Manufacturing nec. 36 Pro.pohištva,dr.predelovalne dej 35798 16269 18289 1240 35798 10417 24881 500 36 Mfr. of furniture; manufacturig nec. 37 Reciklaža 9386 3796 4830 759 9386 1332 7914 139 37 Recycling E Oskrba z elektriko, plinom, vodo 350926 161528 166308 23090 350926 193863 135670 21392 E Electricity, gas and water supply 40 Oskrba z el.,plinom,paro,toplo vodo 277908 130708 133417 13784 277908 131503 126764 19641 40 Electricity, gas, steam and hot water 41 Zbiranje,čiščenje,distribucija vode 73017 30820 32891 9306 73017 62360 8906 1751 41 Colection, purification etc. of water F Gradbeništvo 758834 566276 125941 66618 758834 623536 131259 4039 F Construction 45 Gradbeništvo 758834 566276 125941 66618 758834 623536 131259 4039 45 Construction G Trgovina; popravila mot.vozil 537164 373459 137613 26092 537164 312675 209202 15287 G Wholesale, retail; certain repair 50 Poprav.,trg.z mot.vozili,gorivi 81343 41463 28979 10902 81343 27022 52830 1491 50 Sale, repair etc. motors; fuel 51 Posred.,trg.na debelo,brez vozil 92837 47978 38763 6096 92837 36380 53182 3275 51 Wholesale, commision, not motors 52 Trg. na dr.brez mot. .vozil;poprav. izd. 362984 284018 69871 9095 362984 249273 103190 10521 52 Retail trade, not motors; repairs H Gostinstvo 124805 80899 40185 3721 124805 92791 31174 840 H Hotels and restaurans 55 Gostinstvo 124805 80899 40185 3721 124805 92791 31174 840 55 Hotels and restaurans I Promet, skladiščenje, zveze 498539 290344 155952 52242 498539 133949 341471 23118 I Transport, storage and communication 60 Kopenski promet,cevovodni transp 184143 111803 32563 39778 184143 z 162321 z 60 Land transport; pipelines transport 61 Vodni promet 196 z z 0 196 0 z z 61 Water transport 62 Zračni promet 8152 z z 0 8152 z z z 62 Air transport 63 Pomožne prometne dejavnosti,turistične org. 77907 z z 9903 77907 40539 35783 1586 63 Supporting transport; travel agencies 64 Pošta in telekomunikacije 228140 135995 89583 2561 228140 72481 135535 20124 64 Post and telecommunications J Finančno posredništvo 212420 132603 56438 23380 212420 62940 131575 17905 J Financial intermediation 65 Fin.posred.brez zavarovalništva, skladov 195250 128590 43766 22894 195250 60769 120003 14478 65 Financial intermed., not insur., pens. fund. 66 Zavarovalništvo brez socialnega,skladi 13671 2749 10633 289 13671 1393 9577 2701 66 Insurance, pension not comp. soc. sec. 67 Pomožne dej.v fin.posred. 3499 1264 2039 197 3499 778 1995 726 67 Activities aux. to financial intermed. Statistične informacije, št. 21/2008 Rapid Reports No 21/2008 15 3. Bruto investicije v nova osnovna sredstva v podjetjih, družbah in organizacijah po naravi graditve, skupinah osnovnih sredstev in po dejavnostih, v katere se je investiralo, Slovenija, 2006 - načelo čistih dejavnosti (nadaljevanje) Gross investment of enterprises, companies and other organisation by kind of construction, types of fixed assets and activities where investment was created, Slovenia, 2006 - kind of activity (new fixed assets) tisoč/thousand EUR Skupine osnovnih sredstev Types of fixed asset Namen investiranja Purpose of investment opredmetena osnovna sredstva tangible fixed assets Namen investicij Skupaj Total nove zmoglji- vosti new capa- cities rekons- trukcije, posodo- bitev, dogra- ditev enlarge- ment, recon- stru- ction, renova- tions vzdrže- vanje na obsto- ječi ravni main- tenance of exi- sting capa- cities Skupaj Total gradbeni objekti in izbolj- šava zemljišč constru- ction work and land improve- ment stroji, oprema, prome- tna sre- dstva in gojena naravna sredstva machi- nery transport, other equip- ment and cul- tivated assets neopre- dmetena osnovna sredstva intangi- ble fixed assets Purpose of investment K Nepremičnine, najem, poslovne stor. 164936 103775 46694 14467 164936 81364 76681 6890 K Real estate, renting& busines activities 70 Poslovanje z nepremičninami 31685 23302 6729 1655 31685 29308 z z 70 Real estate activities 71 Dajanje strojev,opreme v najem 20328 20044 266 18 20328 1841 z z 71 Renting equipment without operator 72 Obdelava pod.,s tem povezane dej. 13773 7925 2868 2980 13773 2498 9741 1534 72 Computer and related activities 73 Raziskovanje in razvoj 19212 12044 6132 1036 19212 3850 14681 681 73 Research and devalopment 74 Druge poslovne dej. 79937 40460 30699 8778 79937 43869 32061 4007 74 Other business activities L Javna uprava, obramba, socialno zavarov. 489749 174635 267751 47362 489749 309471 137617 42661 L Public administ. & defence; comp. soc. sec. 75 Javna uprava,obramba, socialno zavarov 489749 174635 267751 47362 489749 309471 137617 42661 75 Public administ. & defence; comp. soc. sec. M Izobraževanje 197895 89640 85551 22704 197895 136100 58068 3728 M MEducation 80 Izobraževanje 197895 89640 85551 22704 197895 136100 58068 3728 80 Education N Zdravstvo, socialno varstvo 133919 32293 79580 22047 133919 55367 74485 4067 N N Health and social work 85 Zdravstvo,socialno varstvo 133919 32293 79580 22047 133919 55367 74485 4067 85 Health and social work O Dr. javne, skupne in osebne stor. 256549 105355 82256 68938 256549 183099 68347 5104 O Other social and personal services 90 Dej.javne higiene 138296 53412 25038 59845 138296 123310 13487 1499 90 Refuse disposal, sanitation, etc. 91 Dej.združenj,organizacij 2699 642 1783 274 2699 1890 730 79 91 Membership organisation nec. 92 Rekreacijske,kult.,športne dej. 109065 47601 53811 7653 109065 54455 51225 3386 92 Recreational, cultural& sport. activities 93 Dr.storitvene dej. 6489 3699 1624 1167 6489 3444 2905 140 93 Other service activities STATISTIČNA ZNAMENJA STATISTICAL SIGNS z podatek zaradi zaupnosti ni objavljen z data not published because of confidentiality METODOLOŠKA POJASNILA METHODOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS Namen statističnega raziskovanja Purpose of the statistical survey Na podlagi statističnega raziskovanja o investicijah v osnovna sredstva zbiramo podatke o dejanskih bruto investicijah v osnovna sredstva in njihovih virih pri neposrednih investitorjih, to je družbah, podjetjih in organizacijah. Ocena bruto investicij (bruto investicije v osnovna sredstva, spremembe zalog in vrednostni predmeti) je ena od postavk (poleg končne potrošnje in salda menjave s tujino) za izračun bruto domačega proizvoda po izdatkovni metodi, podatki pa se uporabljajo tudi za spremljanje investicijske dejavnosti v statistiki o poslovanju podjetij (strukturna statistika podjetij). With the statistical survey on gross investments we collect data on actual gross investments and payment for them from direct investors, i.e. companies, enterprises and organisations. The estimate of gross capital formation (gross investments, changes in stocks and valuables) is one of the items (beside final consumption and external trade balance) for the calculation of the gross domestic product according to the expenditure approach. The data are also used for monitoring of investments in structural business statistics. Statistične informacije, št. 21/2008 16 Rapid Reports No 21/2008 Enote opazovanja Observation units Enote statističnega opazovanja so družbe, podjetja in organizacije, ki so registrirani za opravljanje dejavnosti na ozemlju Republike Slovenije. Observation units are companies, enterprises and organisations registered for performing their activities in the Republic of Slovenia. Vir Source Vir podatkov o bruto investicijah je Letno statistično raziskovanje o investicijah v osnovna sredstva (vprašalnik - INV-1). The source of data on gross capital formation is the Annual Statistical Survey on Gross Investments (INV-1 questionnaire). Zajetje Coverage Pri zbiranju podatkov o investicijah za leti 2005 in 2006 smo vključili vse tiste poročevalske enote, ki so imele 20 in več zaposlenih. Njihova odzivnost je bila 88-odstotna v letu 2005 in 90-odstotna v letu 2006, za neodgovore pa smo izvedli preračun na celotno populacijo z razmernostno cenilko, in sicer tako, da smo uporabili bazo podatkov o davku na dodano vrednost Davčne uprave Republike Slovenije oz. število zaposlenih. Data on gross investment for 2005 and 2006 were collected from all reporting units with 20 or more employees. Their response rate was 88% in 2005 and 90% in 2006. For non-response, we performed recalculation to the total population with the ratio estimator, using the value added tax database of the Tax Authority or the number of employees. Način zbiranja podatkov Method of data collection Podatke zbiramo z vprašalnikom INV-1, ki ga morajo družbe, podjetja in organizacije izpolnjevati s podatki za preteklo leto na podlagi Zakona o državni statistiki (Uradni list RS, št. 45/95 in 9/01). Data on gross investment are collected with the INV-1 questionnaire, which has to be completed by companies, enterprises and organisations with data for the previous year on the basis of the National Statistics Act (OJ RS, No. 45/95 and 9/01). Prikaz podatkov Data presentation V tabeli investicije prikazujemo po posameznih skupinah osnovnih sredstev po metodologiji Evropski sistem računov, 1995 (ESR 1995), in sicer nakupe novih in rabljenih osnovnih sredstev ter njihove prodaje. Poročevalske enote, ki nam poročajo o investicijah, lahko svoja obstoječa osnovna sredstva (npr. avtomobil) prodajo ne samo drugi pravni osebi, ampak tudi gospodinjstvom kot trajno dobrino (ta s tem izgubi funkcijo osnovnega sredstva). Tako so v določenih postavkah prodaje večje od nakupov rabljenih osnovnih sredstev, zato prikaz investicij na ta način po posameznih dejavnostih ni smiseln. Tables show gross investment by individual groups of fixed assets according to the European System of Accounts 1995 (ESA95) methodology, i.e. purchase and sale of new and existing assets. Units reporting on capital formation can sell their fixed assets not only to other legal persons but also to households as durable goods, e.g. cars, which thus lose the function of a fixed asset. Thus in individual items sale exceeds purchase of existing fixed assets, so it is not reasonable to present capital formation in this way by individual activities. Podatki so urejeni po dveh načelih: Data in tables are shown according to two principles: − po organizacijskem načelu: podatki so razvrščeni po pretežni dejavnosti investitorja (ta je določena z vpisom v Statistični poslovni register, ki ga vodi Statistični urad Republike Slovenije) in teritorialno - po sedežu investitorja; − organisational principle: data are classified by the predominant activity of the investor, which is defined with registration into the Statistical Business Register kept by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, and territorially by the location of the investor, − po načelu čistih dejavnosti: podatki so urejeni po dejavnostih enot v sestavi v okviru organizacij, ki so jim investicije namenjene, teritorialno pa po lokaciji objekta. − kind of activity principle: data are classified by activities of constituent units of organisations for which capital formation is in fact intended and territorially by the location of the facility. Definicije Definitions Vrednost investicij v osnovna sredstva obsega: Value of gross investment is: − nakupe osnovnih sredstev v tekočem oz. poročevalskem letu; − purchase of fixed assets in the current or reporting year; − posodobitve, rekonstrukcije in prenove na že obstoječih osnovnih sredstvih; − modernisation, reconstruction and renovation of existing fixed assets; − lastno izgradnjo in pridobitev (brez plačila) osnovnih sredstev; − own formation of fixed assets and gratis fixed assets; − nabavno vrednost osnovnih sredstev v finančnem najemu (lizing); − purchase value of fixed assets in financial leasing; − naložbeno nepremičnino, če je razvidno, da bo prinašala gospodarske koristi v obliki najemnin oz. povečanje vrednosti, in če je njeno nabavno vrednost možno izmeriti (v letu 2006). − real estate as an investment asset if it contributes to economic benefits in the sum of rents or it expresses the enlargement of the value; and if it is possible to measure the purchase value (in 2006). Osnovna sredstva (nova in rabljena) se vrednotijo po nabavni vrednosti; ta sestoji iz nakupne cene, povečane za morebitne davke (npr. DDV), stroške prevzema in druge neposredne stroške (npr. stroški transporta, montaže ipd.). Fixed assets (new and existing) are valued at purchase value, which is composed of purchase price plus eventual taxes (e.g. VAT), costs of delivery and other direct costs (e.g. transport, assembly, etc.). Osnovna sredstva Fixed assets To so proizvedena sredstva, ki se uporabljajo v proizvodnem procesu več kot eno leto, in sicer ponavljajoče oz. nepretrgoma. are produced assets that are used continuously in the production process for more than a year. V skladu z ESR 1995 in slovenskimi računskimi standardi osnovna In accordance with ESA-95 and Slovenian accounting standards, fixed Statistične informacije, št. 21/2008 Rapid Reports No 21/2008 17 sredstva razdelimo v dve veliki skupini: assets are divided into two large groups – i.e. tangible and intangible fixed assets: − opredmetena osnovna sredstva (gradbeni objekti - stanovanjske in nestanovanjske stavbe ter gradbeni inženirski objekti in izboljšava zemljišč; stroji, oprema in prometna sredstva ter gojena naravna sredstva oz. večletni nasadi in osnovna čreda) in − tangible fixed assets include construction work, land improvement, machinery, transport and other equipment, orchard development and breeding stock, whereas − neopredmetena osnovna sredstva (študije, projekti in raziskovalna dela; programska oprema; zabava in izvirniki oz. originali na področju filma, glasbe ipd.). − intangible fixed assets include studies, projects and research work; software and entertainment and originals in the field of literature, film, music, etc. Nakupov zemljišč se od leta 1996 ne šteje več kot investicijo v osnovna sredstva. Since 1996 purchase of land has not been part of fixed capital formation. V vrednosti gradbenih del upoštevamo tudi vrednost opreme, ki je vgrajena v gradbene objekte, v vrednost opreme pa so zajeti tudi stroški montaže, transporta in zavarovanja. Construction work also includes the value of equipment built in the buildings. The value of equipment includes costs of assembly, transport and insurance. Viri financiranja investicij Sources of financing capital formation To so vsi viri oz. izdatki, ki so potrebni za financiranje investicij za nova in rabljena osnovna sredstva in so: iz lastnih sredstev (tudi realizacija v lastni režiji), iz združenih sredstev, iz finančnih sredstev (krediti in finančni najem), iz sredstev posebnih namenskih skladov iz Slovenije in Evropske unije ter pridobitev osnovnih sredstev brez nadomestil oz. brezplačno. These are all sources or expenditure necessary for financing fixed capital formation for new and existing fixed assets. They are divided into own financial assets, joint assets, financial credits, assets of funds from Slovenia and the European Union and acquisition without compensation. Bruto investicije v nove zmogljivosti so vlaganja za ustanavljanje novih samostojnih podjetij, organizacij in obratov ter graditev prometnih poti, ki jih prej ni bilo ali pa so imele drugačen namen kot na novo zgrajene. Gross investment in new capacities is investment in creating new enterprises, organisations and units; construction of roads, etc., which previously did not exist or their purpose has been changed. Bruto investicije za razširitev, rekonstrukcijo in posodobitev so vlaganja v obstoječe zmogljivosti zaradi povečanega obsega proizvodnje ali storitev ali zaradi spremembe tehnologije in tehnike proizvodnje; zajemajo tudi preureditev že obstoječih objektov, opreme in naprav ter tudi graditev ali nabavo novih osnovnih sredstev v sklopu že obstoječe organizacijsko samostojne delovne enote. Gross investment for enlargement, reconstruction and renovation is investment in existing capacities because of increased volume of production or services, or because of the change of technology. It also covers reorganisation of existing buildings and equipment, and construction or purchase of new fixed assets within the scope of an existing organisationally independent unit. Bruto investicije za vzdrževanje obstoječih zmogljivosti na enaki ravni so vlaganja zaradi zamenjave, intenzifikacije in racionalizacije proizvodnje, ne da bi širili razpoložljive zmogljivosti ali bistveno spreminjali sedanjo tehnologijo ali tehniko proizvodnje. Gross investment for maintenance of existing capacities at the same level is investment due to replacement, intensification and rationalisation of production, but without expanding the existing capacities or fundamentally changing the present technology. Opomba: Zaradi zaokroževanja na tisoč EUR se vsota vrednosti v vrsticah oz. stolpcih ne ujema povsem s skupno vrednostjo. Note: In some tables the total in the rows and columns does not correspond to the total value due to rounding to thousand EUR. Sestavila / Prepared by: Božidara Benedik Izdaja, založba in tisk Statistični urad Republike Slovenije, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - Uporaba in objava podatkov dovoljena le z navedbo vira - Odgovarja generalna direktorica mag. Irena Križman - Urednica zbirke Statistične informacije Marina Urbas – Urednica podzbirke Nataša Gorjan - Slovensko besedilo jezikovno uredila Ivanka Zobec - Angleško besedilo jezikovno uredil Boris Panič - Naklada 50 izvodov - ISSN zbirke Statistične informacije 1408-192X - ISSN podzbirke Poslovni subjekti 1580-1829 - Informacije daje Informacijsko središče, tel.: (01) 241 51 04 - El. pošta: info.stat@gov.si - http://www.stat.si. Edited, published and printed by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Vožarski pot 12 - These data can be used provided the source is acknowledged - Director-General Irena Križman - Rapid Reports editor Marina Urbas – Subject-matter editor Nataša Gorjan - Slovene language editor Ivanka Zobec - English language editor Boris Panič - Total print run 50 copies - ISSN of Rapid Reports 1408-192X - ISSN of subcollection Business entities 1580-1829 - Information is given by the Information Centre of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, tel.: +386 1 241 51 04 - E-mail: info.stat@gov.si - http://www.stat.si.