TOLNAI, Otto Otto Tolnai (Kaniža, Vojvodina, 1940) is a poet, prose writer, playwright and translator. He studied at the Faculties of Arts in Novi Sad and in Zagreb. Between 1969 and 1974 he was editor-in-chief of the avant-garde magazine Uj Symposion in Novi Sad. After the magazine had been banned, he became editor with the local radio. Two years ago, after living in Novi Sad and Palic, he moved to Budapest. He vvrites in Hungarian, and has published more than 25 collections of poetrv, including Concave verse (1963), Really, vohat voill become ofus (1968), Country Orpheus (1983), and Wilhelm's Songs (1992). Otto Tolnai (Kanjiža, Vojvodina, 1940) je pesnik, prozaist, dramatičar i prevoditelj. Študiral je na filozofskim fakultetima u Novom Sadu i Zagrebu. Od 1969. do 1974. godine bio je glavni urednik avangardnog časopisa Uj Svmposion v Novem Sadu. Po ukidanju časopisa bio je urednik tamošnjeg radija. Zivio je u Novem Sadu i na Palicu, a prije nekoliko godina preselio je v Budimpešto. Objavio je preko 25 pesničkih zbirki, pored ostalih Konkavne pjesme (1963), Zaista, šta če biti s nama? (1968), Orfej sa sela (1983) in Wilhelmove pjesme (1992). Sodobnost 2001 I 360 OTTO TOLNAI If it flies away bring me a blade of grass from the field mother bring me a blade of grass for tomorrow the/11 be sawing bring me a blade of grass if my soul flies away may the blade of grass fly with it too it is spring lapwings are roaming in the chestnut treetops candles flutter tomorrow the/ll be sawing, drilling, hewing in a sack with a wolf they will sow me back together with myself bring me a blade of grass from the field mother bring me a grass blade bring it along I will / With chattering purple bodies with a small stool over the fields I stride I like to help with plucking I like to watch women how they clutch a goose between their thighs and start roughh/ plucking the plumage sometimes a swan's neck may also get clinched it rises up to their throats Sodobnost 2001 I 361 Otto Tolnai and is hatched with a yellow beak through the downy frothy mouth with the already purple bodies under my arm I like to roam in downy clouds over the fields I stride with a small stool I like to help with plucking even though I always get the smallest amount of feathers over the fields I stride in one barrel collecting tar in the other feathers I Stone when the garden broom is completely threadbare when not a bristle of broomcorn is left nothing and what is more the bristles in the broomstick are break- ing too then I like to sweep with it then it is my broom my garden broom then it can be used for sweeping it sweeps the garden of nothing with nothing but now it is completeh/ worn out each of its strands is frayed yet I cannot sweep for now I will die right now I will die right now I must die that is how it turned out for everyone it turns out differently for me it turned out so that I must die now just when it has worn out when the garden broom broke down I can stili hear how the/re saying he died what a heavy load off my mother's heart Sodobnost 2001 I 362 Otto Tolnai I like it when they call me stone they compare me with an enormous stone I really like that I stone enormous stone I've never thought of it but I should have how many times I shouldVe thought of it but Fve always thought only of the garden broom and of my dad's army mirror which I smeared with shit and then yes stone yes I stone that Fm an enormous stone and how wonderful this is even god can talk like that stone stone stone how wonderful this is stone stone stone an enormous stone that rolls away simply tumbling down some red hill down some quietly rumbling bloody hill to hell with the garden broom army mirror tumbling like thunder tumbling like thunder down some quietly rumbling bloody hill Translated by Marjan Golobić * Sodobnost 2001 I 363