Original scientific article UDC 595.384.2:591,9(262).3 Received: 2010-03-23 NEW RECORD OF THE BLUE CRAB, CALLINECTES SAPIDUS RATHBUN, 1896, (DECAPODA: BRACHYURA) IN THE ADRIATIC SEA Jakov DULCIC & Branko DRAGICEVIC Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, HR-21000 Split, P.O. BOX 500, Croatia Lovrenc LIPEJ Marine Biology Station, National Institute of Biology, SI-6330 Piran, Fornace 41, Slovenia E-mail: lipej@mbss.org ABSTRACT Authors are reporting on the new record of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus in the Adriatic Sea. The specimen was found at the mouth of the river Neretva in November 2009. From the very first record of this species, dating from 1949, another 12 records of the species have been detected in the Adriatic Sea. The majority of sites where the blue crab was found are coastal lagoons. Key words: blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, Decapoda, non-indigenous species, Adriatic Sea NUOVA SEGNALAZIONE DI GRANCHIO BLU, CALLINECTES SAPIDUS RATHBUN, 1896, (DECAPODA: BRACHYURA) IN MARE ADRIATICO SINTESI Gli autori riportano una nuova segnalazione di Granchio blu, Callinectes sapidus, in mare Adriatico. L'esemplare di granchio e stato trovato nella foce del fiume Neretva nel novembre del 2009. Dalla prima segnalazione della specie, che risale al 1949, il Granchio blu e stato trovato altre dodici volte nel mare Adriatico. Le lagune costiere rap-presentano la maggioranza dei siti, dove la specie e stata trovata in Adriatico. Parole chiave: Granchio blu, Callinectes sapidus, Decapoda, specie non indigena, mare Adriatico INTRODUCTION Blue crab Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896, is a portunid crab, occurring off the western Atlantic coast of America from Nova Scotia to Argentina. It is generally found over muddy and sandy bottoms. This species is characterized by sexual dimorphism in adults with the males having blue fingers and females orange or reddish ones. The first occurrence of this species in the Adriatic Sea dates back to 1949, when the blue crab was reported in Grado (northern Adriatic Sea) by Giordani Soika (1951). Nowadays, the species has been confirmed in different parts of the eastern Mediterranean Sea, namely the Adriatic Sea as well as the Aegean Sea (Koukoras et al., 1992), in waters off Turkey (Enzenrob et al., 1997; Atar & Fig. 1: A specimen of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus caught in November 2009 at the mouth of the river Neretva (south-eastern Adriatic Sea), photographed from the dorsal (above) and ventral sides (below). (Photo: P. Du-gandžič) Sl. 1: Primerek modre rakovice Callinectes sapidus, ujete novembra 2009 v ustju reke Neretve (jugovzhodni del jadranskega morja), fotografiran s hrbtne (zgoraj) in trebušne strani (spodaj). (Foto: P. Dugandžič) Seier, 2003), Lebanon (Shiber, 1981), Israel (Holthuis & Gottlieb, 1955) and Egypt (Abdel-Razec, 1987) and the Black Sea (Monin, 1984), and in the western Mediterranean in the Gulf of Genova (Tortonese, 1965) and in waters off Sicily (see Gennaio et al., 2006 for references). In this report we are dealing with the record of the blue crab in the southern part of the eastern Adriatic Sea. Since the blue crab is reported amongst the most aggressive alien species in the Mediterranean, new information of this non-indigenous species is worth to be published in order to understand the species expansion in the new environment. MATERIAL AND METHODS On 25th November 2009, a female of the blue crab was found at the mouth of the stream Norin that flows into the river Neretva, on muddy bottom at the depth of 4 m (Fig. 1). The carapace length (CL) and carapace width (CW) of the specimen were measured to the nearest milimetre, the specimen was weighed with digital balance. The specimen was subsequently photographed and is now housed in a private collection. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The specimen measured 210 mm of carapace width and 105.0 mm of carapace length. The measured body weight was 504 g. According to the classification of Harding (2003), who divided crabs in three size groups (small - CW < 80 mm, medium - CW 80 - 120 mm and large CW > 120 mm), our specimen should be considered as a large one. At least 8 species of alien crabs were up to date recorded in the Adriatic Sea (Kirincic & Stevcic, 2008) (Tab. 1, Fig. 2). Among them are two species of the genus Callinectes, C. sapidus and C. danae (Mizzan, 1993). In the eastern part of the Adriatic Sea the blue crab was first reported in October 2004, when four specimens were caught near Ston (south-eastern Adriatic) in a hypersaline lagoon at the depth of 0.5 m (Onofri et al., 2008). In the same area the species was recorded in two additional cases in 2004 and 2006. An additional report of the blue crab is known from the Lagoon of Patok in Albania (Beqiraj & Kashta, 2010). Authors are considering the species to be an established one, since the species was regularly caught in the la- goon in 2009 and due to the presence of ovigerous females and juveniles. The reports of the blue crab occurrence in the Adriatic are mainly limited to the southern part of the Adriatic Sea. Only few reports are dealing with the finding of this species in the northern Adriatic, reporting sites such as Grado, the Lagoon of Venice and the waters of Ravenna (Tab. 1, Fig. 2). The majority of sites where the blue crab has been recorded are lagoons. Together with river mouths where blue crabs were found in few cases they could be described from bionomical point of view as euryhaline and eurythermal biocenosis. Low numbers of species, living in this biocoenosis, are able to withstand the great variations of salinity and temperature (Bellan-Santini et al., 2002). In such unstable environments, non-indigenous species might take advantage to settle down. In certain Mediterranean areas such as the coast of Turkey, the importance of commercial and recreational fishing of the blue crab increased substantially (Atar & Secer, 2003). In the Adriatic localities, the blue crab was recorded only in a single or few specimens. Only in the Lagoon of Patok in Albania, the blue crab is already present in high densities (Beqiraj & Kashta, 2010) and triggers the attention of local fishermen. The present record of C. sapidus from the Neretva river area could give some reasons for the conclusion that this species established a population in the area, since several specimens were found and registered in scientific literature (Onofri et al., 2008) at different times and at different locations (in and around the river Neretva area) in the last few years. In addition to that, several specimens were observed by local fishermen who support the conclusion that the population could have already been established in the new environment. In any event, the impact of a possibly successful colonization by this exotic species would, at least, represent a possible change in the composition of the native fauna. blue crabs feed on various crustaceans, molluscs, fish detritus, and other blue crabs. They are characterized as opportunistic benthic omnivores (in Onofri et al., 2008). Its strong swimming capability, high fecundity, and its aggressiveness, imply that such colonization might have significant effects on the existing local communities. On the other side, it might well become a candidate for a target species in commercial fishery (in Onofri et al., 2008). Tab. 1: Localities in the Adriatic and Ionian Sea, where the blue crab Callinectes sapidus was up to date confirmed, listed in chronological order. Tab. 1: Lokalitete v Jadranskem in Jonskem morju, na katerih je bila ugotovljena vrsta morske rakovice Callinectes sapidus, razvrščene v časovnem zaporedju. N Site Area Abundance Date Source 1 Grado Northern Adriatic 1 4 Oct 1949 Giordani Soika, 1951 2 Lagoon of Venice Northern Adriatic 1 8 Oct 1950 Giordani Soika, 1951 3 Lagoon of Venice Lagoon of Venice 1 6 Oct 1991 Mizzan, 1993, 1999 4 Lagoon of Venice Lagoon of Venice 1 13 Oct 1992 Mizzan, 1993, 1999 5 Mouth of river Neretva Southern Adriatic 1 1 Oct 2004 Onofri et al., 2008 6 Ston Southern Adriatic 4 15 Oct 2004 Onofri et al., 2008 8 Ugento ponds, Lecce Ionian Sea 5 Jul-Oct 2004 Gennaio et al., 2010 7 Mouth of river Neretva Southern Adriatic 1 6 Dec 2006 Onofri et al., 2008 9 Ravenna Northern Adriatic 1 12 Mar 2007 Scaravelli & Mordenti, 2007 10 Lesina Lake Southern Adriatic 5 Jun-Oct 2007 Florio et al., 2008 11 Varano Lake Southern Adriatic 2 ? Florio et al., 2008 12 Lagoon of Patok Southern Adriatic 12 11-29 Oct 2009 Beqiraj & Kashta, 2010 13 Mouth of river Neretva Southern Adriatic 1 25 Nov 2009 This work Fig. 2: Sites, where C. sapidus was up to date recorded in the Adriatic and Ionian Sea (site 8). See Table 1 for explanation. Sl. 2: Lokalitete v Jadranskem in Jonskem morju (lokaliteta 8), na katerih je bila ugotovljena modra rakovica C. sapidus. Glej Tabelo 1 za razlago. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Authors wish to express their gratitude to Mr. Perica Dugandzic, who provided the blue crab specimen to us. NOVA NAJDBA MODRE RAKOVICE, CALLINECTES SAPIDUS RATHBUN, 1896, (DECAPODA: BRACHYURA) V JADRANSKEM MORJU Jakov DULCIC & Branko DRAGIČEVIČ Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, HR-21000 Split, P.O. BOX 500, Croatia Lovrenc LIPEJ Morska biološka postaja, Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, SI-6330 Piran, Fornače 41, Slovenija E-mail: lipej@mbss.org POVZETEK Avtorji poročajo o novi najdbi modre rakovice Callinectes sapidus, ki je tujerodna vrsta v Jadranskem morju. Osebek te vrste je bil ujet na ustju reke Neretve v novembru 2009. Od prvega zapisa o najdbi te vrste, ki sega v leto 1949, je bila vrsta do danes ugotovljena še v 12 primerih. V večini primerov so bile modre rakovice najdene v obrežnih lagunah, ki jih uvrščamo v evrihaline in evritermne biocenoze. Za te so značilna velika nihanja slanosti in temperature in nizka vrstna pestrost. Na podlagi novih podatkov modre rakovice v ustju reke Neretve avtorji dopuščajo možnost, da se je vrsta v novem okolju že ustalila. V novem okolju bo verjetno imela vpliv na samonikle vrste, gotovo pa bo postala zanimiva kot tarčna vrsta za lokalno ribištvo. Ključne besede: modra rakovica, Callinectes sapidus, Decapoda, tujerodna vrsta, Jadransko morje REFERENCES Abdel-Razec, F. A. (1987): Crab fishery of the Egyptian waters with notes on the bionomics of Portunus pelagi-cus (L.). Acta Adriat., 28(1 -2), 143-154. Atar, H. H. & S. Seçer (2003): Width/length-weight relationships of the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896) population living in Beymelek Lagoon Lake. Turk. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 27, 443-447. Bellan-Santini, D., G. Bellan, G. Bitar & J. G. Harmelin & G. Pergent (2002): Handbook for interpreting types of marine habitat for the selection of sites to be included in the national inventories of natural sites of conservation interest. UNEP-MAP RAC/SPA, Tunis, 217 p. Beqiraj, S. & L. Kashta (2010): The establishment of blue crab Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896 in the Lagoon of Patok, Albania (south-east Adriatic Sea). Aquat. Invasions, 5(2), 1-3. Enzenrob, R., L. Enzenrob & F. 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