ISSN 1855-3966 (printed edn.), ISSN 1855-3974 (electronic edn.) ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA 22 (2022) #P4.02 / 541–559 (Also available at Multivariate polynomials for generalized permutohedra* Eric Katz † Department of Mathematics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, United States McCabe Olsen ‡ Department of Mathematics, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, Terre Haute, Indiana, United States Received 9 July 2019, accepted 8 September 2021, published online 3 August 2022 Abstract Using the notion of a Mahonian statistic on acyclic posets, we introduce a q-analogue of the h-polynomial of a simple generalized permutohedron. We focus primarily on the case of nestohedra and on explicit computations for many interesting examples, such as Sn-invariant nestohedra, graph associahedra, and Stanley-Pitman polytopes. For the usual (Stasheff) associahedron, our generalization yields an alternative q-analogue to the well- studied Narayana numbers. Keywords: Generalized permutohedron, h-polynomial, q-analogues. Math. Subj. Class. (2020): 52B12, 05A15, 06A07, 05C31 1 Introduction Given any combinatorially defined polynomial, a common theme in enumerative combina- torics is to consider multivariate analogues which further stratify and enrich the encoded data by an additional combinatorial statistic. A notable example of is the Euler–Mahonian polynomial An(t, q) = ∑ π∈Sn tdes(π)qmaj(π) *The authors thank Vic Reiner for helpful comments at the beginning of this project. The authors also thank the anonymous referee for helpful comments and suggestions. †Partially supported by NSF DMS 1748837. ‡Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: (Eric Katz), (McCabe Olsen) cb This work is licensed under 542 Ars Math. Contemp. 22 (2022) #P4.02 / 541–559 which is a bivariate generalization of the more foundational Eulerian polynomial An(t) = ∑ π∈Sn tdes(π), both of which are specializations of the n− 1 variable polynomial An(t1, t2, . . . , tn−1) = ∑ π∈Sn ∏ i∈Des(π) ti. In this case, we further stratify the descent statistic on permutations by the additional data of the major index. Such a generalization is commonly referred to as a q-analogue in reference to usual choice of added variable. Given a convex polytope P ⊂ Rn, the h-polynomial is an encoding of the face numbers of P obtained as a linear change of variables of the generating function for the face num- bers. If P is simple or simplicial, then the Dehn–Sommerville equations for P are reflected in the palindromicity of the h-polynomial. For simple rational polytopes, the h-polynomial is the Poincaré polynomial of the cohomology groups of the toric variety attached to the polytope. Moreover, for simplicial polytopes, the h-polynomial is the generating function for facets of P according to the size of their restriction sets [25, Section 8.3]. Generalized permutohedra are a broad class of convex polytopes which exhibit many nice properties. First introduced by Postnikov [20], these polytopes have been the subject of much study and are of wide interest in many areas of algebraic and enumerative com- binatorics, including the combinatorics of Coxeter groups, cluster algebras, combinatorial Hopf algebras and monoids, and polyhedral geometry (see, e.g., [2, 4, 15, 16]). Of particular interest for our purposes, Postikov, Reiner, and Williams [21] give a com- binatorial description of the h-polynomial for any simple generalized permutohedron using an Eulerian descent statistic on posets. Moreover, they provide a formula for well-behaved, special cases of generalized permutohedra. We give a bivariate generalization of their de- scription for any simple generalized permutohedron: for P a simple generalized permuta- hedron and Qσ the cone poset for a full dimensional cone σ in the normal fan N (P ) (See Definition 2.1), we define hP (t, q) := ∑ σ∈N (P ) tdes(Qσ)qmaj(Qσ) where des and maj are statistics defined below. Furthermore, we are able to be more explicit when restricting to particular classes of generalized permutahedra, specifically Sn- invariant nestohedra, graph associahedra, and Stanley–Pitman polytopes. Our definition of the bivariate h-polynomial, which specializes to the usual h-polynomial is justified by analogy with the Euler–Mahonian polynomial. Other possible definitions ex- ist. An inequivalent definition is the principal specialization of the Frobenius characteristic of the permutohedral toric variety. This definition does not extend to generalized permuto- hedra and is not discussed in the body of the paper. However, it does make use of the major index. The structure of this note is as follows. In Section 2, we provide a review of necessary background and terminology on permutations, posets, polyhedral geometry, and general- ized permutohedra. Section 3 defines and discusses the the q-analogue for the h-polynomial of any simple generalized permutohedron. In Section 4, we focus on general results for a E. Katz and M. Olsen: Multivariate polynomials for generalized permutohedra 543 large class of simple generalized permutohedra called nestohedra, including a palidromic- ity result for special cases. Section 5 is devoted to several explict examples, including Sn-invariant nestohedra, graph associahedra, the classical associahedron, the stellohedron, and the Stanley–Pitman polytope. These examples produce some alternative q-analogues of some well-known combinatorial sequences, including the Narayana numbers. 2 Background In this section, we provide a brief review of basic properties of permutations statistics, posets, polytopes and normal fans, and generalized permutohedra. 2.1 Permutation statistics Let A = {a1 < a2 < . . . < an} be a set of n elements. The symmetric group on A, denoted SA, is the set of all permutations of the elements of A. In the case of A = [n], we will simply write Sn. Given π = π1π2 · · ·πn ∈ SA, the descent set of π is Des(π) = {i ∈ [n− 1] : πi > πi+1}, the descent number of π is des(π) = |Des(π)|, and the major index of π is maj(π) = ∑ i∈Des(π) i. The descent statistic is commonly referred to as an Eulerian statistic, due to the con- nection to polynomial first studied by Euler [14]. The Eulerian polynomial An(t) is the unique polynomial which satisfies∑ k≥0 (k + 1)ntk = An(t) (1− t)n+1 However, this polynomial can be interpreted entirely combinatorially as An(t) = ∑ π∈Sn tdes(π). The major index, on the other hand, is commonly known as a Mahonian statistic, as it was introduced by MacMahon [18]. The descent statistic and major index statistic are naturally linked as they both encode information regarding the descent set of a permutation. Thus, it is fruitful to consider the joint distribution of these statistics, which motivates the Euler– Mahonian polynomial An(t, q) = ∑ π∈Sn tdes(π)qmaj(π), which specializes to the Eulerian polynomial under the substitution q = 1. This polynomial and various generalizations are widely of interest (see, e.g., [1, 5, 7, 9]). 2.2 Posets Let Q be a partially ordered set (poset) on [n] with relation Z j} and thus the descent number of Q is des(Q) := |Des(Q)|. If Q is a graded poset on [n] with minimal rank function ρ, we further have a notion of major index of Q maj(Q) := ∑ (i,j)∈Des(Q) ρ(j). We note that if Q is a totally ordered set with labels π1 N j} and des(T ) = |Des(T )|. Given x ∈ T , we say that the depth of x, denoted dp(x), is the length of the unique path from x to the root. The depth of T is depth(T ) := maxx∈T dp(x). The major index of T is maj(T ) := ∑ (i,j)∈Des(T ) (depth(T )− dp(j)) Remark 4.5. Note that for any x ∈ T , the quantity depth(T ) − dp(x) is precisely ρ(x) where ρ is the minimal rank function on the poset representation of T . Proposition 4.6 ([21, Corollary 8.4]). For any connected building set B on [n], the h- polynomial of the generalized permutohedron PB is hB(t) = ∑ T tdes(T ) where the sum is over B-trees T . Given connected building sets B1, . . . ,Br on pairwise disjoint sets S1, . . . , Sr, we can form the combined connected building set B on S = ⋃r i=1 Si by B = ( ⊔r i=1 Bi) ⊔ {S}. We will now give a formula for the h-polynomial of such a building set. Proposition 4.7. Let B1, . . . ,Br be connected building sets on the pairwise disjoint sets S1, . . . , Sr, and let B be the combined connected building set on S = ⋃r i=1 Si. Then hB(t) = (1 + t+ · · ·+ tr−1) r∏ i=1 hBi(t). Proof. Without loss of generality, let S = [n] and let the sets S1, . . . , Sr partition [n] such that if x ∈ Si and y ∈ Sj , x < y if and only if i < j for every 1 ≤ i, j ≤ r. Let T be a B-tree with vertex i as the root. Suppose that i ∈ Sj for some j. By Proposition 4.4, T is formed by connecting the root i to the roots of trees on the connected components of B|[n]\{i}. Note that the connected components are precisesly Bk where k ̸= j and the connected components of Bj |Sj\{i}. Therefore, T is formed by Bk-trees T1, T2, . . . , Tr such that for all k ̸= j, the root of Tk is connected to the root of Tj for some j = 1, 2, . . . , r. Additionally, given any collection of Bk-trees, we can form a B- tree by simply choosing one of the trees Tj to contain the root. Therefore, we will consider T as being partitioned into Bk-trees T1, T2, . . . , Tr with root in Tj in this way. Now, it is a 550 Ars Math. Contemp. 22 (2022) #P4.02 / 541–559 straightforward computations to note that des(T ) = r−j+ ∑r k=1 des(Tk) as the construc- tion preserves all existing descents in each tree Tk and introduces exactly one new descent between Tj and Tk where k > j. Since we the choices of trees for each k are independent, the contribution of all trees where Tj has the root to the h-polynomial is tr−j ∏r k=1 hBk(t). Thus, summing over all choices of j gives us the desired expression. Now we give a different characterization of the q-h-polynomial of the generalized per- mutohedron. This description comes from specializing Definition 3.1 to the case of nesto- hedra, making use of alternative descriptions of the descent set and major index. Proposition 4.8. For any connected building set B on [n], the q-h-polynomial of the gen- eralized permutohedron PB is hB(t, q) = ∑ T tdes(T )qmaj(T ) where the sum is over B-trees T . Define the statistic µ(T ) := ∑ (i,j)∈T (depth(T )− dp(j)). Note that this statistic depends only on the isomorphism type of the rooted tree T not on the labeling. With this, we introduce a trivariate analogue of the h-polynomial of a nestohedron on connected building set hB(t, q, u) := ∑ T tdes(T )qmaj(T )uµ(T ) By the Dehn-Sommerville relations, we have that the h-polynomial is palindromic. In certain cases, we can provide a multivariate analogue of palindromicity. Theorem 4.9. Let B be a connected building set on [n] which is invariant under the invo- lution ω : [n] → [n] such that ω(i) = n− i+1. Then the h-polynomial for the nestohedron PB is hB(t, q, u) = t n−1hB(t −1, q−1, qu) Proof. Let B be a building set such that ω(B) = B. Suppose that T is a B-tree. By Proposition 4.4, there exists a B-tree T̃ such that T and T̃ such that T̃ = ω(T ). That is, the trees are isomorphic as unlabeled rooted trees, and one can obtain the appropriate labels of one tree by applying the involution. It is clear that Des(T̃ ) = {(i, j) : (i, j) ̸∈ Des(T )}. Hence des(T̃ ) = n− 1− des(T ) and maj(T̃ ) = µ(T )−maj(T ). This gives the equality above. 5 Examples We conclude with a section computing explicit examples of q-h-polynomials for nestohe- dra of interest. Included in the list are Sn-invariant nestohedra, graph associahedra, the associahedron, the stellahedron, and the Stanley–Pitman polytope. 5.1 Sn-invariant nestohedra We will now specialize to the case of building sets which are invariant under the action of Sn on the ground set [n]. Note that a connected building set B on [n] is Sn-invariant if and only if B = { {1}, . . . , {n}, ( [n] j ) , j = k, . . . , n } E. Katz and M. Olsen: Multivariate polynomials for generalized permutohedra 551 for some 2 ≤ k ≤ n. Therefore, for a fixed n and fixed 2 ≤ k ≤ n, we will denote this building set Bkn. Proposition 5.1. Let Bkn be the Sn-invariant connected building set of [n] with minimal nonsingleton set of cardinality k. Suppose that T1 and T2 are any two B-trees. Then T1 and T2 are isomorphic as unlabeled rooted trees. Moreover, for any B-tree T , T ∼= Ak−1⊕Cn−k+1 as a poset, where Ai is an antichain on i elements, Cj is a totally ordered chain on j elements, and ⊕ is ordinal sum. Proof. This follows from Proposition 4.4 with the observation that Bkn|[n]\{i} ∼= Bk−1n−1 which is a connected building set. Continuing in this fashion, repeated restictions will result in connected building sets until we arrive at Bkn|[n]\W where W ⊂ [n] with |W | = n−k+1, which consists only of singleton elements. Theorem 5.2. Let Bkn be the Sn-invariant connected building set on [n] with minimal nonsingleton set of cardinality k. The q-h-polynomial for the nestohedron PBkn is hBkn(t, q) = ∑ A∈( [n]n−k+1) ∑ π∈SA tdes(π)+|{j∈[n]\A : j>π1}|qmaj(π)+des(π)+|{j∈[n]\A : j>π1}| Moreover, this polynomial satisfies hBkn(t, q) = t n−1q k2−2kn−k+n2+3n−2 2 hBkn(t −1, q−1). Prior to giving the proof of this formula, it is instructive to give concrete example of enumerating the descents in Bkn-trees. Example 5.3. Consider the B58-tree T given in Figure 3. The descents which occur along the chain are precisely the descents of the permutation π = 5481 ∈ S{1,4,5,8} which has Des(5418) = {1, 3} and des(5418) = 2. Moreover, there are descents which oc- cur between the antichain and the chain itself. The number of such descents is precisely the number of elements of [8] \ {1, 4, 5, 8} which are larger than 5. There are precisely 2, and hence yielding des(T ) = des(5481) + |{j ∈ [8] \ {1, 4, 5, 8} : j > 5}| = 4. When computing the major index, we note that the contributions of π = 5418 is∑ i∈Des(5418)(i + 1) = maj(5418) + des(5418) = 4 + 2 = 6, to account for the cor- rect rank. Moreover, every descent between the antichain and the chain has rank 1, so this contributes a total of 2. Thus, maj(T ) = maj(5418)+des(5418)+|{j ∈ [8]\{1, 4, 5, 8} : j > 5}| = 8. Proof. By Proposition 5.1, we know that any T has the poset structure of Ak−1⊕Cn−k+1. So any labeled tree is described by an n− k+1-element subset A of [n] and a permutation π ∈ SA. The permutation labels Cn−k+1, and the remaining elements of [n] \ A label the antichain Ak−1. There are two types of descents in the labeling: descents in Cn−k+1 which are enumerated by des(π), and descents where a label on the antichain Ak−1 is greater than π1 which is enumerated by |{j ∈ [n] \ A : j > π1}|. To compute maj(T ), note that if i ∈ Des(π) this corresponds to (j, ℓ) ∈ Des(T ) such that ρ(ℓ) = i + 1. So the contribution from descents of this form is qmaj(π)+des(π). The other descents are of the form (i, π1) ∈ Des(T ) and since ρ(π1) = 1, this contributes q|{j∈[n]\A : j>π1}|. To see the palidromicity statement, note that since Bkn is Sn-invariant, then it is invariant under the involution ω(i) = n − i + 1. It is clear that µ(T ) = k − 2 + ∑n−k+1 i=1 i = 552 Ars Math. Contemp. 22 (2022) #P4.02 / 541–559 k2−2kn−k+n2+3n−2 2 for any B k n-tree T . Subsequently, applying the result of Theorem 4.9 and setting u = 1 yields the desired statement. 1 8 4 5 2 3 6 7 Figure 3: An example of a B58-tree T as appears in Example 5.3. By directly applying the definitions of descent and major index statistics, we can see that des(T ) = 4 and maj(T ) = 8. 5.2 Graph associahedra We now consider a large family of examples of nestohedra arising from graphs. Given a graph G = ([n], E), a tube of G is a proper, nonempty subset I ⊂ [n] such that the induced subgraph G|I is connected. A k-tubing of G, χ, is a a collection of k distinct tubes subject to: 1. For all incomparable A1, A2 ∈ χ, A1 ∪A2 ̸∈ χ (non-adjacency); 2. For all incomparable A1, A2 ∈ χ, A1 ∩A2 = ∅ (non-intersecting). We do, however, allow for A1 ⊂ A2, which is called a nesting. We say that a tubing χ is maximal if it cannot add any additional tubes to χ, or equivalently, if |χ| = n − 1. Given a graph G, the graph associahedron of G is the polytope PG whose face lattice is given by the set of all tubings of G where χ < χ′ if χ is obtained from χ′ by adding tubes. Subsequently, the vertices of PG correspond to maximal tubings. This notion of graph associahedra originates with Carr and Devadoss [12, 13] and has been a well-studied family of examples of simple generalized permutohedra (see, e.g., [3, 6, 10, 11, 19]). Remark 5.4. Given a simple graph G = ([n], E), the graph associahedron PG is an ex- ample of nestohedron on a connected building set, even when G is not a connected graph. The graphical building set of G, B(G) is the collection of nonempty J ⊆ [n] such that the induced subgraph G|J is connected. While the building set B(G) is connected if and only if G is connected (c.f. [21, Example 6.2]), the graph associahedra PG using the notions of Carr and Devadoss [12, 13] is the nestahedron with building set B̂(G) = B(G)∪ [n] which is always connected and B̂(G) = B(G) if G connected. In light of Remark 5.4, we can specialize Proposition 4.7 to determine the h-polynomial of a disconnected graph. E. Katz and M. Olsen: Multivariate polynomials for generalized permutohedra 553 Corollary 5.5. Let G be a simple graph on [n] with connected components G1, G2, . . . , Gk. Then hG(t) = (1 + t+ · · ·+ tk−1) k∏ i=1 hGi(t). Let G = ([n], E) be a simple graph and let χ be a maximal tubing of G. Given i ∈ [n], the nesting index of i, denoted νχ(i), is the number of tubes containing i. The nesting number of χ is nest(χ) := maxi∈[n] νχ(i). Given any maximal χ, observe that for any tube Aj ∈ χ, there exists a unique element αj ∈ Aj such that for any tube Ak ⊂ Aj , we have αj ̸∈ Ak. For convenience, we will write Ak ⋖ Aj if Ak ⊂ Aj and there is no tube Aℓ such that Ak ⊂ Aℓ ⊂ Aℓ. Let αn denote the unique element which is not contained in any tube of χ. The nesting descent set is NestDes(χ) :={(αk, αj) : αk > αj and Ak ⋖Aj} ∪{(αℓ, αn) : αℓ > αn and Aℓ ̸⊂ Ap for any Ap}. The nesting descent number is nestDes(χ) := |NestDes(χ)| and the nesting major index is nestMaj(χ) := ∑ (αk,αj)∈NestDes(χ) (nest(χ)− νχ(αj)) We now state a formula for the q-h-polynomial of graph associahedra in terms of graph tubings. Proposition 5.6. Let G be a simple graph. The q-h-polynomial is hG(t, q) = ∑ χ tnestDes(χ)qnestMaj(χ) where the sum is taken over all maximal tubings χ. Proof. This follows by unpacking the definitions of B-trees in terms of graph tubings and applying Proposition 4.8. Remark 5.7. As was the case with nestohedra in general, we should note that this poly- nomial is invariant only under labeled graph automorphisms. Under most circumstance, a different choice of labeling of the vertices G will produce a different bivariate polynomial. However, the specialization under q = 1 is invariant under permutation of the ground set. Remark 5.8. As with nestohedra, we can similarly define a trivariant polynomial for graph associahedra, namely hG(t, q, u) = ∑ χ tnestDes(χ)qnestMaj(χ)uµ(χ) where the sum ranges over all maximal and µ(χ) = ∑ (αk,αj) (nest(T ) − νT (αj)) where this sum is over all pairs (αk, αj) such that Ak ⋖Aj , which is a direct translation of the µ 554 Ars Math. Contemp. 22 (2022) #P4.02 / 541–559 statistic for nestohedra. If the involution ω : [n] → [n] such that ω(i) = n− i+1 produces a labeled graph automorphism, then Theorem 4.9 gives us that palindromicity statement hG(t, q, u) = t n−1hG(t −1, q−1, qu). There are only two Sn-invariant graphs, namely the complete graph Kn and the null graph Nn = Kn (i.e. the edgeless graph), which produce only the simplest examples of gen- eralized permutohedra. PKn is the usual permutohedron Πn, and hence hKn(t, q) is the usual Euler–Mahonian polynomial. PNn is simply an n− 1 dimensional simplex and thus hNn(t, q) = ∑n−1 i=0 (tq) i. 5.3 The associahedron and a new q-analogue of Narayana numbers The associahedron A(n), which first appeared in the work of Stasheff [24], as well as the notable work of Lee [17], is the graph associahedron for G = Path(n), where the vertices are labeled linearly. It is well-known that hPath(n)(t) = n∑ k=1 N(n, k)tk−1 where N(n, k) = 1n ( n k )( n k−1 ) is the Narayana number, which refine the Catalan numbers. That is, hPath(n)(1) = Cn. To verify this formula, one should note that B-trees, or graph tubings on Path(n), are in bijection with binary trees on n vertices (See [20, Section 8.2]). The bijection sends descents in a B-tree to right edges in an unlabeled binary tree and N(n, k) is known to enumerate the number of unlabeled binary trees on n vertices with k − 1 right edges. Subsequently, we will phrase all formulae in terms of binary trees. Let T be a binary tree. Given an edge e ∈ T , let dp(e) be the length of the path from the root vertex to the closest vertex incident with e. Let depth(T ) = maxe∈T dp(e). The right multiset of T is the multiset R(T ) := {dp(e) : e is a right edge of T} . The right number of T is r(T ) = |R(T )| and the right index of T is rindex(T ) := depth(T )r(T )− ∑ j∈R(T ) j. By translating the general results for nestohedra into the above language for binary trees, we have the following: Corollary 5.9. The q-h-polynomial for the associahedron is hPath(n)(t, q) = ∑ T tr(T )qrindex(T ) where the sum ranges over all rooted unlabelled binary tree T on n vertices. Remark 5.10. This theorem gives rise to a q-analogue of the Narayana numbers. We say the (alternative) q-Narayana number is N(n, k, q) = ∑ T r(T )=k−1 qrindex(T ). E. Katz and M. Olsen: Multivariate polynomials for generalized permutohedra 555 It is clear that the substitution q = 1 yields N(n, k) as desired. We call these the alter- native q-Narayana numbers because, while this is the natural q-analogue in the context of generalized permutohedra as it arises from the major index, this does not agree with the usual q-Narayana number in the literature (see, e.g., [8, 22]). 5.4 The stellahedron The star graph on n + 1 vertices is the complete bipartite graph K1,n. The stellohedron is the graph associahedron associated to K1,n. Let K1,n be labeled such that the center vertex is labeled n + 1. Recall that a partial permutation of [n] is a linear ordering of a k-subset L ⊆ [n] for some k = 1, 2, . . . n. The B-trees for K1,n are in bijection with partial permutations of [n]. In particular, the structure of a B-tree is given by the ordinal sum of an antichain with a totally ordered chain An−k−1 ⊕Ck+1 for some k = 0, . . . , n such that the minimal element of Ck+1 has label n+ 1. 2 35 6 1 4 7 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 Figure 4: A tubing of K1,6 and its corresponding B-tree. To see this, note that we can identify the B-trees with graph tubings. Any tubing of K1,n is either (i) the tubing where each vertex i = 1, 2, . . . , n is in a singleton tube and n + 1 is the root, or (ii) some vertex i is the root and we have a tube containing all other vertices. In the case of (ii), once i is chosen, then the tubing directly arises from a tubing of K1,n−1 on the labels [n+ 1] \ {i}. Thus, by induction, we will have B-trees of the proposed form. For example, consider the tubing and B-tree given in Figure 4, which corresponds to the partial permutation π = 61 on [6]. Subsequently, the elements of the Ck+1 above the n+1 are the partial permutation (see [21, Section 10.4]) With this in mind, we can state the q-analogue of the h-polynomial for the stellohedron. Proposition 5.11. The q-h-polynomial for the stellohedron is hK1,n(t, q) = 1 + ∑ w tdes(w)+1qmaj(w)+2des(w)+2 where the sum is over all nonempty partial permutations of [n]. 556 Ars Math. Contemp. 22 (2022) #P4.02 / 541–559 Proof. The labels on Ck+1 correspond to a partial permutation of w̃ of [n + 1] where w̃1 = n + 1. Thus, we consider w to be the partial permutation of [n] with this first element omitted. If w = ∅, the corresponding B-tree has no descents. If w ̸= ∅, then the corresponding B-tree T has precisely des(w) + 1 descents, due to the guaranteed descent between n + 1 and w1. When computing the major index, note that if i ∈ Des(w), this means that we have an element of rank i + 2 where a descent occurs in T . Hence, the contribution to the major index is ∑ i∈Des(w)(i + 2) = maj(w) + 2des(w). Additionally, the descent between n+ 1 and w1 contributes 2, as ρ(w1) = 2. Thus, we have the desired formula. 5.5 The Stanley-Pitman polytope Introduced by Stanley and Pitman in [23], the Stanley-Pittman polytope is a integral poly- tope defined by the equations PS(n) := { x ∈ Rn : xi ≥ 0 and j∑ i=1 xi ≤ j for each 1 ≤ j ≤ n } . This polytope is combinatorially equivalent to an n-cube, as illustrated in Figure 5. How- ever, this polytope is of particular interest as it appears naturally when studying empirical distributions in statistics and has connections to many combinatorial objects, such as park- ing functions and plane trees. Postnikov [20, Section 8.5] observed that this polytope can be realized as the nestohedron from the building set BPS = {[i, n], {i} : i ∈ [n]}, where [i, n] = {i, i + 1, . . . , n}. Notably, this is not a graph associahedron. Given that this polytope is combinatorially equivalent to an n-cube, we have hBPS(t) = (1 + t) n−1 [23, Theorem 20]. We now give the q-analogue. x1 x2 x1 x2 x3 Figure 5: PS(2) and PS(3). Proposition 5.12. The q-h-polynomial for the Stanley-Pitman polytope is hBPS(t, q) = n−2∑ ℓ=0 ( n− 2 ℓ ) tℓq ℓ2+3ℓ+2 2 ( t+ qℓ ) . E. Katz and M. Olsen: Multivariate polynomials for generalized permutohedra 557 3 4 6 75 21 3 4 7 65 21 Figure 6: Two BPS-trees for n = 7 from the increases sequences I1 = {3 < 4 < 6 < 7} and I2 = {3 < 4 < 7}. Alternatively, these are the two trees from the set {3, 4} ⊂ [5]. Proof. First note that hBPS(t, 1) = (t + 1) n−1, so this agrees with the known results. To compute this, we will need BPS-trees, which as determined by Postnikov, Reiner, and Williams [21, Section 10.5], are formed in the following way. Given any increasing se- quence of positive integers I = {i1 < i2 < · · · < ik = n} where we let i1 be the root and form the chain of edges (i1, i2), (i2, i3), . . . , (ik−1, ik) and for all j ∈ [n] \ I we have the edge (is, j) where is is the minimal element of I such that is > j. An example can be seen in Figure 6. It is clear that all descents will be occur along the chain of edges. So, we must consider two cases: (i) ik−1 = n− 1 and (ii) ik−1 ≤ n− 2. In case (i), for convenience let ℓ = k − 2. We form a tree T by choosing a subset J ∈( [n−2] ℓ ) and arranging it increasing order to form a chain of edges which ends in (iℓ, n−1), (n− 1, n). By definition, depth(T ) = ℓ+ 1, des(T ) = ℓ+ 1, and maj(T ) = (ℓ+ 1)2 −∑ℓ i=0 i = ℓ2+3ℓ+2 2 . So, the contribution of trees of this form to the q-h-polynomials is n−2∑ ℓ=0 ( n− 2 ℓ ) tℓ+1q ℓ2+3ℓ+2 2 . (5.1) In case (ii) where ik−1 ̸= n − 1, for ease of notation, let ℓ = k − 1. Similarly, we form such a tree T by choosing J ∈ ( [n−2] ℓ ) and arranging it increasing order to form a chain of edges which ends in (iℓ, n). Note that, when including the elements not in the chain, we gain edges from the vertex n going away from the root, in particular, the edge (n, n− 1). So, we again have depth(T ) = ℓ+1. However, we now have des(T ) = ℓ, and maj(T ) = (ℓ + 1)2 − ∑ℓ−1 i=0 i = ℓ2+5ℓ+2 2 . So the contribution of trees of this type to the q-h-polynomial is n−2∑ ℓ=0 ( n− 2 ℓ ) tℓq ℓ2+5ℓ+2 2 . (5.2) Summing (5.1) and (5.2) and simplifying gives the desired expression. 558 Ars Math. Contemp. 22 (2022) #P4.02 / 541–559 Remark 5.13. We conclude our discussion by noting that our computation produces an alternative q-analogue of ( n−1 ℓ ) , namely( n− 2 ℓ− 1 ) q ℓ2+ℓ 2 + ( n− 2 ℓ ) q ℓ2+5ℓ+2 2 . This, of course, reduces to ( n−1 ℓ ) when q = 1 and arises quite naturally from generalizing the major index statistic. However, this is not the usual q-analogue of a binomial coefficient which arises in many natural ways, such as bit string inversions and lattice path areas. References [1] R. M. Adin, F. Brenti and Y. Roichman, Descent numbers and major indices for the hyperocta- hedral group, Adv. Appl. Math. 27 (2001), 210–224, doi:10.1006/aama.2001.0731. [2] M. Aguiar and F. Ardila, Hopf monoids and generalized permutohedra, 2017, arXiv:1709.07504 [math.CO]. [3] F. Ardila, V. Reiner and L. Williams, Bergman complexes, Coxeter arrangements, and graph associahedra, Sém. Lothar. Comb. 54A (2006), Art. B54Aj, https://www.mat.univie.˜slc/. [4] D. Armstrong, Generalized noncrossing partitions and combinatorics of Coxeter groups, Mem. Am. Math. Soc. 202 (2009), x+159, doi:10.1090/s0065-9266-09-00565-1. [5] E. Bagno and R. Biagioli, Colored-descent representations of complex reflection groups G(r, p, n), Isr. J. Math. 160 (2007), 317–347, doi:10.1007/s11856-007-0065-z. [6] E. Barnard and T. 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