ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC PAPER RECEIVED: SEPTEMBER 2018 REVISED: NOVEMBER 2018 ACCEPTED: NOVEMBER 2018 DOI: 10.2478/ngoe-2018-0023 UDK: 336.748:339.562(497.5) JEL: F3, F4, F31 Citation: Kurtovic, S., Sehic - Krslak, S., Halili, B., & Maxhuni, N. (2018). Exchange Rate Pass-Through into Import Prices of Croatia. Nase Gospodarstvo/Our Economy, 64(4), 60-73. DOI: 10.2478/ngoe-2018-0023 Exchange Rate Pass-Through into Import Prices of Croatia Safet Kurtovic University of Travnik, Faculty of Management and Business Economics, Bosnia and Herzegovina safetkurtovic71@yahoo.com Sabina Sehic - Krslak University of Travnik, Faculty of Management and Business Economics, Bosnia and Herzegovina sabina.sehic.krslak@fmpe.edu.ba. Blerim Halili University „Union - Nikola Tesla", Faculty of Engineering Management, Serbia blerimhalili547@yahoo.com. Nehat Maxhuni University „Union - Nikola Tesla", Faculty of Engineering Management, Serbia nehati504@yahoo.com Abstract NG NAŠE GOSPODARSTVO OUR ECONOMY VoL. . 64 No. 4 2018 PP . 60-73 The main goal of this paper is to examine the influence of macro factors and the degree of the exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) on aggregate and disaggregate import prices of the industrial sectors in the short- and long-run. The study is based on a model used by Campa and Goldberg (2002) and Campa et al. (2005). The ERPT is determined by applying the single equation and the cointegration approach (autoregressive distributed lag model [ARDL]), vector decomposition, and data over the period from 200201 to 201604. In the long-run, the ERPT is complete for the aggregate import and for the industrial sector beverages and tobacco. In the short-run, the ERPT is incomplete for the aggregate import and for majority of industrial sectors. Further, we have discovered that the degree of the ERPT is higher with heterogeneous products than with homogeneous products. Due to the inaccessibility of data for micro factors, we were not able to determine their effect on import prices. The results of our research can help economic policymakers to create adequate measures in the field of economic policies that will improve the competitiveness of the economy. Finally, this paper identified the effect of the volatility degree of the ERPT on the disaggregate import prices of industrial sectors that has not been sufficiently explored so far. Keywords: exchange rate, industrial sectors, import prices, ARDL approach Introduction In the last few decades, in the international economy and macroeconomics, the correlation between fluctuations in exchange rates and import prices remains critical (Lopez-Villavicencio & Mignon, 2017). Pass-through is defined as the 46 Safet Kurtovic, Sabina Sehic - KrsLak, BLerim HaLiLi, Nehat Maxhuni: Exchange Rate Pass-Through into Import Prices of Croatia percentage change in the import prices caused by a change of import prices resulting from a 1% change in the exchange rate, which is better known as the first-stage pass-through (Barhoumi, 2006; Aron et al., 2014). Earlier studies focused on the microeconomic approach, while the latter research focused on the macroeconomic approach. In microeconomic factors, we included industrial organizational models, substitution between import and domestic products, the determination of the pricing strategy of monopolistic companies at the industrial and product degree (Dornbusch, 1987; Goldberg & Knetter, 1997; Kurtovic et al., 2018), while macroeconomic factors included exchange rate variability, inflation, market openness, monopolistic competition, etc. (Menon, 1995; Taylor, 2000; Devereux et al., 2004; Maria-Dolores, 2010). The degree of exchange rate pass-through (ERPT) depends on economic shocks, nominal exchange rate volatility, the importing country's shifts in demand, market structure, economic openness, market segmentation, and aggregate imports (Kurtovic et al., 2018). The import price ERPT elasticity ranges from 0% to 100%, depending on the exporter's pricing strategy (Brun-Aguerre et al., 2012). The ERPT degree depends on the price strategy of the exporter. The ERPT will be incomplete and low, and changes in currency exchange rate will not have an impact on international prices when the prices are expressed in the local currency (LCP). On the other hand, the ERPT will be complete, and the floating currency exchange rate will have a powerful effect on macroeconomic adjustment when prices are expressed in the currency of the exporter (producer currency pricing [PCP]) (Dabusinskas, 2003). The problem of pass-through is especially important for small open economies that are import-dependent in international exchange. In that sense, Croatia is ranked among the transition countries that have traditionally had a negative trade balance and are import-dependent. Being faced with a trade imbalance, the Croatian economy lacks competitiveness. Therefore, it is exceptionally important to measure the effect of ERPT into import prices. A low ERPT leads to low inflation. On the other hand, a low ERPT could also cause a trade imbalance when there is a requirement to change the import or export composition and impair competitiveness in the international trade exchange. A high ERPT works in the opposite direction. Finally, the evaluation of ERPT is important for restraining inflation pressures and trade imbalance caused by currency fluctuations. The main objectives of our research are the assessment of the influence of macro factors and the degree of the ERPT on aggregate and disaggregated import prices of industrial sectors in the short- and long-run, i.e., to examine how the degree of the ERPT affects the import prices and the composition of imports by industry and whether the degree of the ERPT is higher with homogeneous products or heterogeneous products. Nevertheless, our research differs, compared with previous empirical research related to Croatia, because they mainly focus on the estimation of the exchange rate regime to degree of ERPT (Darvas, 2001; Billmeier & Bonato, 2002; Tica & Posedel, 2014). The research is based on a model used by Campa and Coldberg (2002) and Campa et al. (2005), i.e., the autoregressive distributed lag model (ARDL), and variance decomposition and quarterly data over the period from 2002 to 2016. The econometric techniques we used have enabled us to measure the effects of ERPT on aggregate import prices in the short- and long-run. The majority of existing research has used Johansen's cointegration techniques and the vector autoregressive model (VAR) (Kurtovic et al., 2018). However, the disadvantages of these econometric techniques are explained in Methodology and Data. In our research, due to the unavailability of data, we were not able to examine the effect of micro factors on the disaggregate import prices of the industrial sectors. The structure of the paper is organized as follows: the next section provides an overview of the literature; then the model, econometric techniques, and used databases are presented; the last but one section presents the results of our findings; the last section provides the conclusions of this research. Literature Review Investigating the currency depreciation effect on US trade balance, Magee (1973) first introduced the concept of exchange-rate pass-through (ERPT). This term was originally used to estimate the effect of devaluation of domestic currency on the trade balance and the price of trade products. Later it was used to assess the relevance of the law of one price, e.g., to explain certain deviations from the law of one price and to confirm the presence of incomplete pass-through. In addition, it was used to estimate theory of purchasing-power parity and the effect of appreciation and depreciation on the (Goldberg & Knetter, 1997; Feenstra & Kendall, 1997). Below, we further discuss the research that influenced our work. Taylor (2000), Gagnon and Ihrig (2004), and Bailli and Fuji (2004) estimated the effects of inflation and exchange rate volatility on the pass-through rate. They used yearly and quarterly data and auto-regression, panel cointegration, and dynamic panel-data models. They showed that low inflation rates and low exchange-rate volatility lead to a pass-through decline. Campa and Goldberg (2002) and Campa et al. (2005) estimated the transmission rate of the ERPT 61 NASE GOSPODARSTVO / OUR ECONOMY Vol. 64 No. 4 / December 2018 to the import prices of euro-zone countries. The author's used annual data and panel cointegration and VECM. In the short-run, the ERPT is higher and incomplete and differs from country to country and from industry to industry. The ERPT is higher in homogeneous than in heterogeneous industries. Marazzi et al. (2007) estimated the rate of the ERPT on aggregate import prices and prices of industrial products in the United States. They used data from 1970 to 1980 and panel cointegration. The degree of the ERPT has declined with aggregate import prices but has, on the other hand, increased with certain industrial products imported from Asian countries. Mumtaz et al. (2006) estimated the degree of the ERPT on the import prices of industrial sectors in the United Kingdom. The authors used quarterly data over the period from 1984 to 2004 and panel cointegration. They revealed a high degree of the ERPT for the food industry and the manufacturing sector, but, in spite of this, the ERPT's degree has declined over the last few years. De Bandt et al. (2008) and Ben Cheikh and Rault (2016, 2017) have estimated a degree of the ERPT on import prices in the euro zone. They used quarterly data and panel cointegration, GMM and GLS. The degree of the ERPT has been declined more for homogeneous products than for heterogeneous products. Barhoumi (2006), Byrne et al. (2010), and Brun-Aguerre et al. (2012) estimated the degree of the ERPT rate at the import prices of emerging economies and developing countries. The authors used quarterly data and a nonstationary panel, a pooled mean group estimation, and error-correction models. Emerging economies and developing countries have a higher pass-through compared with that of developed countries. María-Dolores (2010) and Velickovski and Pugh (2011) estimated the ERPT's degree of import and consumer prices for new EU members, developed countries, and transition economies. The authors used cointegration analysis and error-correction terms. In most countries, a complete pass-through has not been recorded, and the pass-through degree is higher for consumer prices than import prices. Beckmann et al. (2014) estimated the degree of the ERPT to import prices in Germany. They found that macroeconom-ic factors, such as inflation and exchange rate variability, had an impact on the degree of pass-through. The short-and long-run pass-through was incomplete because of the product heterogeneousness. Methodology and Data Theoretical framework Over the last three decades, a significant increase in the openness of a global economy has been recorded as well as a growing fluctuation in nominal exchange rates, which demands a better understanding of transmission of exchange rates into import prices. The effect of exchange rate variations on import prices depends on the following circumstances: a) basic economic shocks cause exchange rate variations; b) the mechanism of the model establishes a correlation among basic shocks, exchange rates and import prices; and c) time frame is important for understanding the relationship between the variables (Campa & Goldberg, 2005; Campa et al., 2005). Pioneer research was based on the partial equilibrium model. Researchers were primarily focused on the exporters/importers issue and the organisation of a single industry (Dombush, 1987; Campa et al., 2005). This approach was rejected, as it failed to take into account the fact that exchange rates are affected by endogenous and exogenous variables influencing the equilibrium prices in a given industry. Accordingly, the nominal exchange rate alters the price of imported goods interacting with industrial subjects on an oligopolistic market. In our model, we use the micro assessment of exporters' behaviour as a starting point in the analysis of the effects of exchange rate variations on import prices (Campa & Goldberg, 2005; Campa et al., 2005). For the assessment of the degree of ERPT into import prices, we used the standard model initially used by Goldberg and Kantter (1997), Campa and Goldberg (2002), and Bailliu and Fujii (2004). This model enables the assessment of ERPT into import prices on the grounds of nominal effective exchange rate variation. In that sense, it is important that the model provides the necessary isolation of the effect of the nominal effective exchange rate from the effects of other variables such as changes of costs incurred by the exporter and domestic demand. Additionally, our starting point is the imperfect market, whereby the exporter is faced with the competition on the domestic market. Finally, our model enables us to assess the exporter's behaviour on the grounds of the first-stage pass-through effect. The ERPT is the linear equation Pti=<*o + «1 mcit + a2eit + «3y™ + (1) where p™ is import prices in the local currency and is a function of £t2eit, which is the nominal effective exchange rate, mcft is marginal foreign costs, y™ is the domestic demand, et is the error disturbance term, and fj0 is a constant. In the estimation of the ERPT on import prices, macro-economic factors have a special impact. Therefore, in our research, we will try to assess the impact of macroeconomic factors, such as rate of inflation, trade openness, at import prices. The empirical assessment of the ERPT is based on the linear equation 48 Safet Kurtovic, Sabina Sehic - KrsLak, BLerim HaLiLi, Nehat Maxhuni: Exchange Rate Pass-Through into Import Prices of Croatia Pu = «o + a\mcft + a2elt + a3y% + + a4in/iJ + a5openft + st (2) where inft* is the rate of inflation, openft is market openness. The next step in our analysis is related to the assessment of macroeconomic factors on the import prices of sectoral industries. In that sense, we will use Eq. (2): Inpt1-, hip™ = ccj + a-t jlnmcj} + a2jlneit + a3jlny™ + (3) + atjlninf£ + a5Jopenft + stx where Inp™ is aggregate import price, and Inp™ is disaggregate import price of industrial sectors in the local currency. We shall now reflect on some of the econometric techniques we will be using in our research model. First, we will use the ADF, PP, and the KPSS tests to examine whether the variables are stationary or nonstationary. Consequently, we shall apply the cointegration approach (the ARDL model) and the EC(-1). The ARDL model or bounds testing is used to examine whether there is a long-term relationship between the variables. Additionally, the ARDL model enables us to avoid potential endogenous problems and the inability to test our hypothesis on the grounds of assessment of variables in the long-run, characteristic of the Engle-Granger (1987) method. Moreover, the ARDL model ensures the assessment of variables in the long- and short-run (Kurtovic et al., 2017). It has an essential advantage over Johansen's cointegration technique, which does not assess the long-run relationship between the variables within the vector autoregressive model (VAR). As opposed to the ARDL model, the Johansen test requires that all variables are integrated of the same order and the need to define lag numbers, choose various models, and endogenous/exogenous variables and then obtain different test results from various choices (Hong & Zhang, 2016). For the industrial sectors, we used quarterly disaggregated import prices data at the degree of the one-digit number of standard trade classification (SITC Revision 3) for eight industrial sectors: 0) food and live animals, chiefly for food (Standard International Trade Classification, SITC 0 ); 1) beverages and tobacco (SITC 1); 2) crude materials, inedible, except fuels (SITC 2); 3) mineral fuels, lubricants, and related materials (SITC 3); 4) animal and vegetable oils, fats, and waxes (SITC 4); 5) chemicals and related products (SITC 5); 6) manufactured goods classified chiefly by material (SITC 6); 7) machines and transport equipment (SITC 7); 8) miscellaneous manufactured goods (SITC 8). Testing of a long-term relationship between the variables is done by means of bounds testing. The steps in the bounds process are based on the F or Wald statistics and represent the first phase of the ARDL method. The second phase relates to the F test of the null hypothesis of long-term variables with a time lag whose aggregate value equals zero, while in the case of the alternative hypothesis, at least one long-term variable does not equal zero (Kurtovic et al., 2017). This relationship is represented by the following relation: Null hypothesis or H0 =a2=a3 = 0 andH'0: 0!= p2= fo = 0, i.e., the long-term relationship does not exist. Alternative hypothesis or H0 * a2 & a3 ^ 0 and H0 : p1 * (¡2 * fa, i.e., the long-term relationship exists (Kurtovic et al., 2017). Pesaran et al. (2001) calculated two levels of critical value, i.e., either all variables are I(0), or all the variables are I(1). Proof of a long-term relationship between the variables is obtained if the F-statistic exceeds the upper critical value. In the case of a value between the critical bounds, the test is inconclusive; if it falls below the lower critical value, there is no evidence of cointegration (Belke et al., 2013). The length of lags is chosen based on the Akaike information criterion (AIC) (Kurtovic et al., 2017). The ARDL model requires the following two steps (Pesaran et al., 1999; Pesaran et al., 2001): the first step relates to the process of determining any significant long-run relationship between the variables using the Fisher statistics; the second step relates to the long-run relationship variables and determining their value and assessment of the short-run elasticity of variables showing the error correction representation of the ARDL model. Based on Eq. (3), we will use multiple regressions and disaggregated import prices for different industrial sectors: Amptm; Ampft = a0+ I U au Ampf^ + £'=o a2ii Aew + + ZU aXi Amcft +2U ( + lj=0 aSii Mnf£ + +LL kopenZ + pumpftii + (4) yu + infS + P6,iOpenft + Et . Data For Croatia, we used quarterly data over the period from 2002 to 2016. Our dependent variable in the model is the import price or the import unit value index (2010 = 100) -expressed in the local currency and taken from the Eurostat database (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/tgm/table.do?tab=ta-ble&init=1&language=en&pcode=teiet310&plugin=1). Import unit value index measures average changes of the value of imported goods (homogeneous and heterogeneous products). Heterogeneous products refer to manufactured goods, machinery and transport equipment, food products, beverages, tobacco products, etc., while the homogeneous products are related to mineral fuels, lubricants, raw 61 NASE GOSPODARSTVO / OUR ECONOMY Vol. 64 No. 4 / December 2018 materials, etc. The marginal costs, mcip were obtained on the basis of the calculation model Campa et al. (2005). Marginal foreign costs of production are calculated by eliminating the nominal effective exchange rate and labour wages or the producer price index from the relative effective exchange rate: MCit' = REERit X Wit NEERit, where the NEERft is nominal effective exchange rate, REER¡t is real effective exchange rate, and is the domestic unit labor cost (real labour productivity per person). The nominal effective exchange rate (2010 = 100) is the weighted average of the bilateral nominal exchange rate of the euro against the basket of 37 currencies of the main trading partners; the real effective exchange rate (REER) measures the value of a particular currency against the average basket of trading currency of the leading trading partners. Data for REERit, NEERit, and Wit were taken from the Eurostat database (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/ex-change-and-interest-rates/data/main-tables; https://ec.eu-ropa.eu/eurostat/web/labour-market/labour-costs/main-ta-bles). For inflation, we used harmonized indices of consumer prices, which measure changes in consumer prices and services needed by the household. Data for HCPI or inflation were taken from the Eurostat database (https://ec.europa.eu/ eurostat/web/hicp/data/database). Openness index or trade (percentage of GDP) represents the share of exports and imports in GDP and tells us how many countries are open in international trade. This index is obtained by dividing total exports and imports into GDP. Data on the openness index or trade (percentage of GDP) were taken from the World Bank Database (World Data Indicator). Import unit value index or import prices for the sectors correspond to the one-digit-level Standard International Trade Classification (SITC 3). Data on import prices of industrial sectors were taken from the Eurostat-Comext database (http://epp. eurostat.ec.europa.eu/newxtweb/setupdimselection.do). In the end, in the absence of data on output gap, we used real GDP (gross domestic product 2010 = 100) as a domestic demand that determines the margin; thus, we took data from the Eurostat database (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/ national-accounts/data/database). Results and Discussion Table 1 shows the correlation between our key variables over the period from 2002Q1- 2016Q4. The correlation matrix provides information about the expected signs with estimated variables. In line with expectations, a positive correlation between all variables was estimated. Namely, the correlation between aggregate import prices (MP) and the nominal effective exchange rate (NEER) is particularly important for this study. The correlation between these two variables is quite strong at 0.44%. The correlation results do not allude to any correlation with the results of the degree of the ERPT. More about degree of the ERPT to import prices will be given below. Table 1. Correlation MP NEER Inf Y MC Open MP 1.00 0.44 0.95 0.39 0.02 0.27 NEER 0.44 1.00 0.60 0.74 0.11 0.08 Inf 0.95 0.60 1.00 0.40 0.01 0.26 Y 0.39 0.74 0.40 1.00 0.28 0.03 MC 0.02 0.11 0.01 0.28 1.00 0.04 Open 0.27 0.08 0.26 0.03 0.04 1.00 Source: Authors' calculations Table 2. Descriptive Summary Statistics MP NEER Inf Y MC Open Mean 100.01 98.05 89.26 111.08 116.66 84.96 Median 99.15 98.15 91.15 111.94 101.65 84.95 Maximum 117.90 103.50 101.00 124.47 1041.00 96.40 Minimum 75.40 89.80 73.50 93.82 90.30 71.50 Std. Dev. 12.20 3.00 9.31 67.52 12.47 6.02 Obs. 60 60 60 60 60 60 Source: Authors' calculations "68" Safet Kurtovic, Sabina Sehic - KrsLak, BLerim HaLiLi, Nehat Maxhuni: Exchange Rate Pass-Through into Import Prices of Croatia Finally, Table 2 shows a summary of statistics indicating whether the variables are mutually comparable. The variation value is satisfactory; thus, we can expect significant correlation of variables. Table 3 presents the results for ADF, PP, and KPSS unit root tests. Most variables have unit roots, but, after the first difference is introduced, all variables become stationary at 1% or 5% of statistical significance. Consequently, we emphasize that the data series integrated at level I (0) and I (1), meaning that we can continue to use the ARDL approach. Table 4 shows the results of F-statistics. The optimum number of lags was received only on the basis of Akaike information Table 3. Unit Root Test criterion (AIC) values. The optimal length is between four to five lags. The optimal length for aggregate import prices (MP) and for most industrial sectors is above the upper bounds of statistics. The optimal lag length for aggregate import prices (MP): 4, for food and live animals, chiefly for food (SITC 0); 5, beverages and tobacco (SITC 1); 5, crude materials, inedible, except fuels (SITC 2); 4, mineral fuels, lubricants, and related materials (SITC 3); 5, animal and vegetable oils, fats, and waxes (SITC 4); 4, manufactured goods classified chiefly by material (SITC 6); 4, machines and transport equipment (SITC 7); 4, miscellaneous manufactured goods (SITC 8); 4, accordingly, we reject the null hypothesis that there is no cointegration (cointegration) between variables. However, only in the case of chemicals and related products (SITC 5) Variable InMP InNEER InMC InInf InOpen InSITCO InSITCl c -2.20(0.20) -2.64 (0.09) -7.34(0.00)" -1.76(0.39) -1.42 (0.56) -0.82(0.80) -0.69 (0.83) c, t -1.85 (0.66) -2.58(0.28) -7.27(0.00)" -0.58 (0.97) -1.76 (0.70) -2.98(0.14) -2.39(0.37) ADF - First -5.87(0.00)" -7.31(0.00)" -11.06(0.00)* -3.87(0.00)" -7.80(0.00)" -3.12(0.03)"" Diff. -5.87(0.00)" -7.27(0.00)" -6.90(0.00)* -3.92(0.01)"" -7.74(0.00)" -3.05 (0.12) c -2.20(0.20) -2.64(0.09) -7.34(0.00)" -2.02(0.27) -0.82 (0.80) -0.58 (0.86) c, t -5.87 0.00)" -2.61(0.27) -7.27(0.00)" 0.11(0.99) -1.25 (0.89) -1.75 (0.71) -1.34 (0.40) PP - First -5.77(0.00)" -7.31(0.00)" -6.37(0.00)" -3.97(0.00)" -7.80(0.00)" -8.75 (0.00)" Diff. -5.74(0.00)" -7.27(0.00)" -6.77(0.00)" -3.94 (0.01)"" -7.74(0.00)" -8.70(0.00)" 0.53(0.46)"" 0.34 (0.34) 0.32(0.34) 0.59(0.46)" 0.22(0.34) 0.91(0.71)" 0.86(0.73)" KPSS c, t 0.15(0.14)"" 010. (0.11) 0.15(0.14)" 0.15(0.14)"" 0.13(011) 0.11(0.11) 0.12(0.11) First Diff. 0.20(0.34) 0.20 (0.14)** 0.50 (0.46)"" 0.50 (0.46)"" 0.46(0.21)* 0.14(0.14)** 0.36(0.21)" Variable lnSITC2 In SITC3 In SITC4 In SITC6 ln SITC7 ln SITC8 c -0.62 (0.85) -2.97 (0.04)"" -2.37 (0.15) -2.15 (0.22) 0.06 (0.96) -0.53 (0.87) ADF c, t -2.01 (0.58) -3.14 (0.10) -3.64 (0.03)"" -2.57 (0. 29) -3.37 (0.06) -2.35 (0.39) First Diff. -3.26(0.02)"" -3.22(0.09) -5.57(0.00) " -4.05(0.00)" -5.11(0.00)" -5.26(0.00)" -3.61 (0.00)" -3.62 (0.03)"" -8.62 (0.00)* -8.73 (0.00)" c -0.61 (0.85) -3.40(0.01)"" -2.23 (0.19) 1.78 (0.38) 0.10 (0.96) -0.04 (0.95) PP c, t -3.16 (0.10) -3.43(0.05) -2.44(0.35) -1.62 (0.77) -6.40 (0.00)" -2.17 (0.49) First Diff. -8.94(0.00)* -8.84 (0.00)* -6.83 (0.00)" -7.15 (0.00)" -3.73 (0.00)" -3.60(0.03)"" -4.79(0.00)" -4.95(0.00)" -22.19 (0.00)* -9.29 (0.00)* -16.63 (0.00)" c 0.89(0.73)" 0.93(0.73)" 0.58(0.46)" 0.84(0.73)" 0.94(0.73)" 0.82(0.83)" KPSS c, t 0.11(0.11) 0.11(0.11) 0.14(0.14)** 0.20(0.14)** 0.13(0.11) 0.22(0.21)" First Diff. 0.19(0.14)** 0.50 (0.21)" 0.16(0.14)** *, **, and *** show significance degrees at 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively. Note: c-intercept includes constant and ct-constant with trend. Source: Authors' calculations 61 c NASE GOSPODARSTVO / OUR ECONOMY Vol. 64 No. 4 / December 2018 inedible, except crude materials, and inedible, except fuels (SITC 2) ERPT degree is 0.62%, in the first lag, mineral fuels, lubricants, and related materials (SITC 3) is 0.69%, at first lag, manufactured (SITC 8) is 0.35%, in the first lag and in machines and transport equipment (SITC 7), the ERPT degree ranges from -0.95% to -0.76%, in the first and fourth lags (Appendix, Figure 3). Considering the significant values for all of the above industrial sectors, we reject the null hypothesis and complete pass-through, while the hypothesis about LCP cannot be discarded. Based on the results of the assessment, we can conclude that the ERPT degree is the highest in the short-term for beverages and tobacco of 0.86% and machines and transport equipment, which is close to one or -0.95%. In addition, the ECM (-1) has a negative significant value in all industrial sectors and the aggregate import prices. Based on the different degrees of ECM(-1) per sector, we have different correction rates in establishing long-term equilibrium after the shocks of import prices. Table 5 also presents the results of diagnostic tests that indicate the stability and justification of the applicability of our model. The result of the Wald test shows, on the basis of F-statistics, that the value of the upper bounds is to confirm that there is cointegration between the variables. All other tests show that there are no functional constraints and that there is complete stability of our model. Finally, we emphasize that we have researched the heterogeneity of the exchange-rate transmission, that is, that ERPT heterogeneity exists among the industrial sectors. In addition, we conclude that the ERPT degree in the long-run is higher than in the short-run and that, in most industrial sectors, there was incomplete ERPT registered. The ERPT is higher in the case of heterogeneous products than homogeneous products. In Table 5. Short-Run Coefficient Estimates ERPT and ECM(-1) Variable SITC0 SITC1 SITC2 SITC3 SITC4 SITC6 SITC7 SITC8 Total MP D(lnMC) 0.03(5.26) 0.00" 0.01(1.06) 0.29 0.02(4.21) 0.00" 0.02(4.41) 0.00" 0.02(1.58) 0.12 0.01(1.84) 0.07 0.01(1.56) 0.12 -0.01(-0.32) 0.74 -0.01(0.30) 0.76 D(lnMC(-1)) 0.06(5.57) 0.00" -0.02(-3.92) 0.00" 0.17(6.62) 0.00" 0.01(1.53) 0.13 0.10(6.36)0.00" 0.05(5.18) 0.00" 0.06(6.95) 0.00" D(lnMC(-2)) 0.06(5.89) 0.00" 0.15(6.47) 0.00" 0.03(3.25) 0.00" 0.09(6.25)0.00" 0.05(4.74) 0.00" 0.06(7.39) 0.00" D(lnMC(-3)) 0.05(5.17) 0.00" 0.09(4.47) 0.00" 0.02(2.47) 0.01"" 0.06(5.08)0.00" 0.02(3.42) 0.00" 0.03(4.39) 0.00" D(lnMC(-4)) 0.03(4.12) 0.00" 0.01(1.92) 0.06 0.04(5.40)0.00" 0.02(3.22) 0.00" D(lnMC(-5)) 0.02(3.84) 0.00" D(lnY) -0.58(-2.93) 0.00" 0.61(2.04) 0.05" -1.35(-5.15) 0.00" -1.17(-5.18) 0.00" -2.38(-5.03) 0.00" 0.24(1.28) 0.20 -0.65(-3.22) 0.00" -0.52(-2.68) 0.01"" -0.47(-2.11) "0.04 D(lnY(-1)) 0.06(0.34) 0.73 0.59(1.72) 0.09 0.63(2.36) 0.02"" -0.51(-2.60) 0.01"" -0.75(-3.57) 0.00" 52 F-statistics are below the bounds of statistics, which means we cannot reject the null hypothesis and exclude this variable from further analysis. Table 4. F-Test or Bounds Statistics Variable Lag Length AIC F-Statistics SITC 0 5 -33.81, -34.68" 3.94" SITC 1 5 -32.27, -33.29" 5.90" SITC 2 4 -31.79, -32.69" 5.29" SITC 3 5 -32.35, -32.51" 10.64" SITC 4 4 -31.72, -32.23" 7.17" SITC 5 4 -32.21, -32.89" 2.52 SITC 6 4 -32.20, -32.82" 4.33" SITC 7 4 -32.00, -32.88" 4.27" SITC 8 4 -33.17, -33.39" 3.74" Total MP 4 -34.34, -36.21" 6.89" Source: Authors' compilation Table 5 presents the results of the ERPT degree estimates on the import prices of the industrial sectors in the short-run, which are in line with the expected sign. Short-run represents the effect of an independent variable on the dependent variable, e.g., for each independent variable, the lag is introduced for at least one or two quarters. Evaluation results show that, in the short-run, the degree of ERPT is incomplete -0.95% and negatively significant for aggregate import prices. The ERPT is incomplete and negatively significant for food and live animals, chiefly for food (SITC 0) in the amount of -0.29%, in the fifth lag. For beverages and tobacco (SITC 1), the ERPT degree ranges from -0.48% to 0.86% in the first and third lags. Also, for raw materials, the Safet Kurtovic, Sabina Sehic - KrsLak, BLerim HaLiLi, Nehat Maxhuni: Exchange Rate Pass-Through into Import Prices of Croatia Table 5. Short-Run Coefficient Estimates ERPT and ECM(-1) - continuation Variable SITC0 SITC1 SITC2 SITC3 SITC4 SITC6 SITC7 SITC8 Total MP D(lnY(-2)) 0.08(0.47) 0.63 1.69(4.88) 0.00" -0.43(-2.23) 0.03" -0.63(-2.96) 0.00" D(lnY(-3)) 0.34(2.01) 0.06 1.27(3.61) 0.00" D(lnY(-4)) -0.58(-2.86) 0.00" 1.84(5.65) 0.00" D(lnY (-5)) 0.84(3.30) 0.00" D(lnInf) 0.56(2.47) 0.02"" -0.22(-0.82) 0.41 -0.40(-1.4) 0.15 -0.76(-2.49) 0.01"" 0.90(1.95) 0.06 -0.29(-1.27) 0.21 -0.85(-3.49) 0.00" 0.46(-2.53) 0.01"" 0.41(2.10) 0.04"" D(lnInf(-1)) -0.88(-3.92) 0.00" -0.42(-1.49) 0.14 -0.94(-3.71) 0.00" -0.60(-2.32) 0.02" 0.45(1.69) 0.10 0.51 (2.50) 0.01"" D(lnInf(-2)) -0.91(-3.13) 0.00" -1.16(-3.89) 0.00" 0.33(1.48) 0.14 D(lnInf(-3)) 0.68(2.47) 0.01"" D(lnInf(-4)) D(lnNEER) -0.23(-1.77) 0.091 0.27(1.24) 0.22 -0.37(-1.80) 0.08 -0.61(-2.91) 0.00" 0.15(0.41) 0.68 0.64(-3.57) 0.00" -0.60(-3.76) 0.00" -0.48(-3.42) 0.00" -0.95(-5.96) 0.00" D(lnNEER(-1)) -0.17(-1.01) 0.32 -0.48(-2.08) 0.04"" -0.62(-2.95) 0.00" -0.69(-3.36) 0.00" -0.95(-5.08) 0.00" -0.35(-2.34) 0.02"" D(lnNEER(-2)) 0.31(1.75) 0.09 0.44(2.03) 0.05" -0.02(-0.14) 0.88 D(lnNEER(-3)) 0.17(1.01) 0.32 0.86(3.88) 0.00" -0.28(-1.56) 0.12 D(lnNEER(-4)) 0.19(1.32) 0.19 -0.76(-5.22) 0.00" D(lnNEER(-5)) -0.29(-2.39) 0.02"" D(lnOpen) -0.42(-1.93) 0.06 -0.18(-0.75) 0.91(4.71) 0.45 0.00" 0.82(4.69) 0.00" -0.54(-1.31) 0.19 -0.10(-0.71) 0.48 -0.18(-0.85) 0.40 0.17(1.03) 0.30 0.05(0.34) 0.72 D(lnOpen(-1)) 0.51(2.13) 0.04"" 0.08(0.37) 0.70 -0.30(-1.72) 0.09 0.19(1.09) 0.28 -0.13(-0.38) 0.70 -1.20(-5.12) 0.00" -0.50(-2.48) 0.01"" 0.32(2.09) 0.04" D(lnOpen(-2)) -0.73(-3.78) 0.00" -0.87(-4.68) 0.21(1.41) 0.00" 0.16 0.16(1.05) 0.30 0.80(2.89) 0.00" 0.26(2.04) 0.05" 0.30(2.76) 0.00" 0.45(3.56) 0.00" D(lnOpen(-3)) 0.27(2.17) 0.04"" 0.11(0.55) 0.58 -0.31(-1.88) 0.06 -0.29(-1.85) 0.07 0.388(3.40) 0.00" D(lnOpen(-4)) 0.16(1.15) 0.26 0.01(0.01) 0.98 0.69(3.91) 0.00" 0.50(2.95) 0.00" D(lnOpen(-5)) 0.31(2.44) 0.02"" 0.68(3.92) 0.00" 0.47(2.64) 0.01"" C 1.25(5.48) 0.00" 3.51(6.50) 0.00" 0.83(6.09) 0.00" 0.74(8.73) 0.00 -1.48(-6.87) 0.00" -0.49(-5.19) 0.00" -1.27(-5.41) 0.00" 0.24(5.20) 0.00" -1.30(-7.64) 0.00" ECM(-1) -0.71(-5.44) 0.00" -0.38(-6.49) 0.00" -0.45(-6.08) 0.00" -0.57(-8.67) 0.00" -0.19(-6.87) 0.00" -0.57(-5.27) 0.00" -0.48(-5.49) 0.00" -0.40(-5.07) 0.00" -0.40(-7.65) 0.00" Wald test 4.05 0.00" 2.25 0.00" 2.44 0.00" 7.60 0.00" 2.85 0.00" 3.66 0.00" 2.83 0.00" 3.13 0.00" 230.81 0.00" Norm. 0.18 0.55 0.38 0.35 0.46 0.23 0.80 0.88 0.56 CUSUM Unstable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable CUSUMSQ Unstable Stable Stable Stable Stable Unstable Stable Stable Stable Adjusted R. 0.91 0.92 0.88 0.82 0.83 0.91 0.78 0.95 0.87 DW 2.07 1.86 2.04 1.72 2.00 2.023 1.61 1.90 2.03 *, **, and *** show significance degrees at 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively. Note: numbers outside brackets are the standard errors and numbers in brackets are the p-value. Source: Author's compilation. Source: Authors' compilation. 61 NASE GOSPODARSTVO / OUR ECONOMY Vol. 64 No. 4 / December 2018 addition, we have investigated that a higher share of imports leads to a lower degree of the ERPT; in our case, it is evident for manufactured goods classified chiefly by material and machines and transport equipment. Table 6 presents the results of the degree of the ERPT estimates in the long-run on the import prices of the industrial sectors, which are in line with the expected remark. The long-term effect is the sum of the coefficients of several variables. The estimation results show that, in the longrun, there is a complete ERPT for aggregate import prices -1.02% and for beverages and tobacco (SITC 1) 1.58%. In this way, we reject the null hypothesis and incomplete pass-through, while the PCP hypothesis cannot be discarded. Complete pass-through is equal to or higher than 1 or H0: a > 1, while incomplete pass-through is less than 1 or H0: a < 1. NEER's depreciation has led to an increase in import prices (Appendix, Figure 1). Foreign exporters use a PCP strategy that leads to complete ERPT, i.e., the prices are expressed in the manufacturer's currency. The ERPT will be complete, and the floating currency exchange rate will have a powerful effect on macroeconomic adjustment when prices are expressed in the currency of the exporter (producer currency pricing [PCP]) (Dabusinskas, 2003). In other industrial sectors, we have revealed that a significant and incomplete ERPT, i.e., minerals, lubricants, and related materials (SITC 3), is -0.70%, Manufactured goods are classified primarily by material (SITC 6) -0.64% and machines and transport equipment (SITC 7) 0.93% lags (Appendix, Figure 2). Thus, we reject the null hypothesis and complete pass-through, while the hypothesis about local currency pricing (LCP) cannot be discarded. The ERPT will be uncomplete and low, and changes in currency exchange rate will not have an impact on international prices when the prices are expressed in the local currency (LCP) (Dabusinskas, 2003). In these industries, the Croatian economy is not competitive and not elastic enough in terms of import. In addition, foreign exporters use the LCP price strategy that affects ERPT to be low, and currency changes have no strong impact on price changes. Finally, for food and live animals, primarily for food (SITC 0), crude materials, inedible, except fuels (SITC 2), animal and vegetable oils, fats and waxes (SITC 4), and miscellaneous manufactured goods, no significant ERPT was found; therefore, we reject the null hypothesis, incomplete and complete pass-through. Table 7 presents the results of estimating variance decomposition of the aggregate import prices (MP) to shocks in the nominal effective exchange rate (NEER) after 6.12% and 24 months. The variation of the nominal effective currency Table 6. Long-Run Coefficient Estimates ERPT of Industrial Sectors Variable D (InMC) D (InY) D (InNEER) D (InInf) D (InOpen) -0.05 (-1.10) -0.07(-0.45) -0.39(-1.83) 1.33(9.65) -0.07(-0.48) 0.28 0.65 0.08 0.00" 0.63 SITC1 0.06(1.73) -1.56(-3.78) 1.58(3.36) 2.06(3.90) -1.55(-2.11) 0.09 0.00" 0.00" 0.00" 0.04"" SITC2 0.09(2.17) -0.19(-0.79) -0.27(-0.64) 1.07(7.11) 0.13(0.67) 0.03"" 0.43 0.52 0.00" 0.50 SITC3 0.13(3.07) 0.10(0.49) -0.70(-2.30) 1.07(10.84) 0.04(0.41) 0.00" 0.62 0.02"" 0.00" 0.68 SITC4 -0.78(-1.74) 1.21(1.22) 0.34(0.23) 0.67(0.23) -0.02(-0.06) 0.08 0.22 0.81 0.17 0.95 SITC6 0.02(0.90) 0.47(3.78) -0.64(-2.75) 0.93(21.09) -0.07(-1.30) 0.36 0.00" 0.00" 0.00" 0.20 SITC7 -0.18(-2.94) -0.23(-1.67) 0.93(3.07) 0.95(11.26) 0.39(3.13) 0.00" 0.10 0.00" 0.00" 0.00" SITC8 -0.13(-2.19) 0.08(0.47) 0.09(0.37) 0.15(1.33) 0.61(4.32) 0.03"" 0.63 0.71 0.19 0.00" Total MP -0.16(-2.32) 0.80(4.13) -1.02(-3.21) 0.85(5.80) 0.30(2.16) 0.02"" 0.00" 0.00"" 0.00" 0.03" *, **, and *** show significance levels at 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively. Note: Numbers inside brackets are the standard errors; numbers in outside brackets are the coefficients and the p-value. Source: Authors' compilation "68" Safet Kurtovic, Sabina Sehic - KrsLak, BLerim HaLiLi, Nehat Maxhuni: Exchange Rate Pass-Through into Import Prices of Croatia exchange rate variation is growing in the short-term from 8.15% to 9.19%, which means that NEER explains shocks in import prices at 9.19% in the short-term. 12 68.89 9.19 8.37 5.03 7.31 1.18 24 63.09 8.84 13.44 5.04 7.60 1.96 Source: Authors' compilation In the long-run (24 months), the variation of the nominal effective exchange-rate decomposition varies to 8.84%. On the other hand, the variation of domestic demand decomposition grows in short- and long-run. In the long-run, the decomposition variant amounts to 13.44% and mostly explains shocks at import prices. Finally, the variation of inflation decomposition in the long run or in 24 months at 7.60% explains shocks at import prices (Appendix, Figure 4). Conclusion This paper examines the influence of macro factors and the degree of the exchange-rate pass-through (ERPT) on aggregate and disaggregated import prices of industrial sectors, in the short-and long-run, in Croatia over the period from 2002 to 2016. We have estimated the degree of the ERPT to aggregate and disaggregated import prices of the industrial sectors. In a short-run, the degree of the ERPT is incomplete at -0.95% and negatively significant for aggregate import prices and for food and live animals, chiefly for food mineral fuels, lubricants, and related materials, manufactured goods classified chiefly by material, machines and transport equipment, and miscellaneous manufactured goods. On the other hand, in the long-run, degree of ERPT is a complete for aggregate import prices at -1.02% and beverages and tobacco at 1.58%, while mineral fuels, lubricantsm, and related materials, chemicals and related products, and machines and transport equipment have incomplete pass-through. Therefore, we have examined that, in the long-term, foreign exporters use the PCP price-setting strategy, while using an LPC short-run pricing strategy. The latter strategy has little impact on changing prices in the international market. The estimation results show ERPT heterogeneity, which is the result of the heterogeneity transmission of the exchange rate. The ERPT degree is higher in the long- than in the short-run for the majority of the industrial sectors. The ERPT is higher in the case of heterogeneous products than homogeneous products. In addition, we have investigated that a higher share of imports leads to a lower degree of the ERPT; in our case, it is evident for manufactured goods classified chiefly by material and machines and transport equipment. On the other hand, we have succeeded in confirming the conventional statement that product imports composition will change, meaning that product imports from sectors with lower ERPT will increase, and that imports of products from the sectors with higher pass-through will decrease. In our case, imports of raw materials and chemical and related products were increased, while imports of machinery and transport equipment decreased. Finally, the results of the research emphasize the importance of macroeconomic factors, such as currency exchange rate and inflation, and degree of the ERPT, i.e., to import prices. Also, the industrial compositions of trade influence the degree of the ERPT, i.e., at the import prices of the industrial sectors. 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Complete and Partial ERTP in a Short-Term, Significant by Sectors Source: Authors' compilation 7Ï NASE GOSPODARSTVO / OUR ECONOMY Vol. 64 No. 4 / December 2018 Figure 4. Variance Decomposition of Import Price for 24 months Percent LIPR C ES variance due to LFRCES Percent LPR CES variance due to LFMC Variance Decomposition ± 2 S.E. Percent LPR CES variance due to LGDP Percent LPR ICES variance due to LN FLA Percent LPRCE3 variance due to LN ŒR Percent LPRCESvarlance due to LOPBJ Percent LFMC variance due to LIPRCES Percent LFMC variance due to LFMC Percent LFMC variance due to LGDP Percent LFMC variance due to LNFLA Percent LFMC variance due to LN ŒR Percent LFMC variance due to LOPEN Percent LGDP variance due to LIFRCES Percent LG D P varianc e due to LFMC Percent LG D P varianc e due to LGD P Percent LGD P variance due to LNFLA Percent LGDP variance due to LN EER Percent LGDP variance due to LOFEN PercentLN FLAvariance due to LIPRCES Percent LWFLA variance due to LFMC Percent LNFLA variance due to LGDP PercentLN FLA variance due to LNFLA PercentLN FLAvariance due to LN S3 PercentLN FLAvariance due to LOPB'J Percent LNEER variance due to LIFRCES Percent LN ffi* variance due to LFMC Percent LN ffi* variance due to LGDP PercentLN EER variance due to LNFLA PercentLN EER variance due to LNŒR PercentLN EER variance due to LOFEN Rsrcent LOPEN variance due to R3rcentLOF0>l variance due to LFMC Forcent LOF0>I variance due to LGDP FtercentLOPEN variance due to LNFLA F%rcentLOPEN variance due to LNH F%rcentLOPEN variance due to LOFEN 5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15 Source: Author's compilation Authors Safet Kurtovic received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Belgrade in 2002. He is a professor at the Faculty of Management and Business Economics, University of Travnik. He started his professional career at the Faculty of Economics in Mostar, the University of Dzemal Bijedic. His research focus is on international economics, international business, international trade, and applied economy. He has published over 80 scientific papers in leading journals and 11 books and over a dozen studies and research projects. Ph.D., Sabina Sehic - Krslak is employed as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Management and Business Economics at the University of Travnik in the scientific field of management and organization and management of small and medium enterprises. She earned her Ph.D. thesis at the Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka, in September 2014. In the period from 2010-2014, she worked as a senior assistant at the Faculty of Economics of the University Dzemal Bijedic Mostar. From 2008-2010, as an assistant at the University Dzemal Bijedic, the Faculty of Business Management. Published 19 scientific research papers and six international scientific-technical conference of chosen scientific field. She published a book entitled Entrepreneurship and Small Business, in publishing the Economic Faculty of Mostar in 2016. 72 Safet Kurtovic, Sabina Sehic - KrsLak, BLerim HaLiLi, Nehat Maxhuni: Exchange Rate Pass-Through into Import Prices of Croatia Blerim Halili received his Ph.D. in economics from Alfa University in 2009. He is an associate professor at the Faculty of Engineering Management, University "Union - Nikola Tesla" His research interests include theoretical economics, macroeconomics, and international finance. He has published over 30 scientific papers in leading journals and five books and over a dozen studies and research projects. Nehat Maxhuni received his Ph.D. in economics from Alfa University in 2012. He is an associate professor at the Faculty of Engineering Management, University"Union - Nikola Tesla" He research interests include accounting and finance. He has published over 40 scientific papers in leading journals and seven books and over a dozen studies and research projects. Učinek prehajanja deviznega tečaja v hrvaške uvozne cene Izvleček Ključni cilj tega članka je testirati kratkoročni in dolgoročni vpliv makro dejavnikov in stopnjo učinka prehajanja deviznega tečaja (ERPT) v agregatne in neagregatne uvozne cene industrijskih sektorjev. Študija temelji na modelu Campe in Goldberga (2002) ter Campe in drugih (2005). Učinek prehajanja deviznega tečaja smo določili z uporabo ene enačbe in kointegracijskega pristopa (ARDL), vektorske razčlenitve ter podatkov iz obdobja od 200201 do 201604. Dolgoročno je ERPT popoln za agregatni uvoz in industrijski sektor pijač in tobaka. Kratkoročno je ERPT nepopoln za agregatni uvoz in večino industrijskih sektorjev. Nadalje smo ugotovili, da je stopnja ERPT-ja višja pri heterogenih proizvodih kot pri homogenih proizvodih. Zaradi nedostopnosti podatkov za mikro dejavnike nismo mogli določiti njihovega učinka na uvozne cene. Rezultati naše raziskave lahko pripomorejo k oblikovanju primernih ukrepov ekonomskih politik, ki bodo izboljšali konkurenčnost gospodarstva. Nazadnje je članek identificiral vpliv stopnje volatilnosti ERPT-ja na neagregatne uvozne cene industrijskih sektorjev, ki do zdaj še ni bil zadosti raziskan. Ključne besede: devizni tečaj, industrijski sektorji, uvozne cene, pristop ARDL 61