Paper received: 20.10.2006 Paper accepted: 09.02.2009 Condition Monitoring of Milling Tool Wear based on Fractal Dimension of Vibration Signals Chuangwen Xu1* - Hualing Chen2 - Zhe Liu1 - Zhongwen Cheng1 1 Lanzhou Polytechnic College, Lanzhou, Gansu, China 2 School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Shanxi, China The development of flexible automation in the manufacturing industry is concerned with production activities performed by unmanned machining systems. A major topic relevant to metal-cutting operations is monitoring tool wear, which affects process efficiency and product quality, and implementing automatic tool replacements. In this paper, pattern recognition is described for the milling tool wear conditions by means of chaotic theory. Factors influencing the consistency of the calculated fractal dimension based on fractal dimension of vibration signals are analyzed. Angle domain tracing method is adopted during acquisition of vibration signals to minimize the effect from spindle .speed. A new method for calculating the fractal unscale range is proposed in determining fractal dimension. The experiment results show that the fractal theory is leaded into monitoring field for milling tool wear to be practicable. © 2009 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved. Keywords: tool wear, milling, fractal dimension 0 INTRODUCTION In the past 20 years there has been great achievement on the research of monitoring tool breakage, especially, on the occurrence, development and evolvement of the tool breakage, and some significant conclusions are also drawn. But the tool wear monitoring is being researched now. Some methods are applied to the specific aspect, others are in the testing phase. Compared with other machining, the milling tool wear mechanism is more complicated and the accurate model of the milling tool wear cannot set up at all because there are many factors affecting the milling tool wear and these factors are influenced each other. To analyze the tool wear in the theory, it is a highly non-linear in the whole cutting process, including the tool material deformation from elasticity to plasticity, the slip region of the rake face and sticking region deformation and geometry shape of the swarf changes. The non-linearity in the cutting process includes non-linear geometry, material non-linearity and non-linear state. These factors make the change of tool wear very complicated, and thus the evolution process of the tool wear possesses the very strong uncertainty [1] to [8]. Generally, the evolution process of the tool wear is regarded as the random behavior or random variable because of its complexity. Therefore, the statistics theory can be used to research its distribution function and set up its modal forecasting. However, the certain law and the order are hided behind the stochastic semblance of such systems as the stock price, the price index, the traffic flow as well as the machine diagnosis system which are as complicated as tool wear system in recent years. This law or order can be a kind of chaotic behavior, but not a random behavior. Therefore, depending on the chaotic theory, we can analyze and forecast the evolution process [9] to [11] . Suppose the evolution process of the tool wear has the chaotic characteristic, it can be insufficiently accurate to research tool wear by using the probability statistics theory. As a result, we must consider the chaotic characteristic in the evolution process of the tool wear to discover its inherent law, and then the more accurate and reasonable analyzing result and modal forecasting can be obtained. Fractal theory was found by Mandelbrot, an American scientist in Mid-70s. It provides strong tool for explaining complex dynamics system behavior and forecasting as well as other research and is widely applied to the fields of physics, chemistry, geology and aerographs and so on. It can be used to describe the geometry shape of similar structures [12]. A system self-comparability phenomena means the characteristic of a structure or process is similar *Corr. Author's Address: Lanzhou Polytechnic College, Qilihequ,gongjiawan 1, Lanzhou, Gansu, China,730050, in different space and time domain. That is, the self-comparability phenomena is not only restricted to the body aspect but also same feature in function and information aspects and so on. It reflects universal being of the generalized hologram phenomenon. The fractal characteristic is described by fractal dimension which is different from the general integral dimension and is fine parameter to describe the complicated objects' characteristic in nature. It is shown in the research concerned that the change process of the complicated machinery moving state has fractal dimension characteristic. The tool wear is an outcome of the machine tool running [13]. Up to now, few researches analyzed the tool wear fractal dimension from the point of view of the time series. In this paper, the fractal characteristic of the tool wear conditions is discussed through applying the reconstruction phase space technology based on the fractal theory and calculating the fractal dimension of the time series of the tool vibration signals. Therefore, the chaotic characteristic in the evolutionary process of the tool wear vibration is testified. According to observed data of the acceleration signals of the tool wear vibration, the phase space of the topology structure of the unchanged attractor is reconstructed by the single variable. In the phase space, the important characteristic values, fractal dimension which describe the attractor are extracted. It is shown that the evolution process of the tool wear has the chaotic characteristic. This provides the theoretical foundation for forecasting the tool wear with the aid of the chaotic theory. 1 FRACTAL DIMENSION THEORY 1.1 The Phase Space Reconstruction A method to reconstruct the phase space was proposed by Packard based on single variable time series [14]. Supposed the time series of a dimension Xj = x(ti) , t1 = t0 + iAt , i = 1,2,L,N . m dimensional phase space is constructed in terms of sampling with equal space length and time delay t, where t is integral times of At. The m dimension phase space is defined as follows Xi (m, T) = {xi, xi+T , xi+2r , L , xi+(m-1)T } i = 1,2,L,N - (m - 1)t (1) where m is embedding dimension, t is time delay and t = KAt, where At is interval time between sampling data and K is random integer. According to Tankens' embedding theory, method obtaining condition vector Xi from time series xt is called time delay embedding method. Embedding dimension m and time delay t must be selected carefully in order to give really expression to the dynamical characteristic from the measuring signal based on time delay embedding method [15] to [17]. Tankens' embedding theory fails to show the principle of selecting the time delay, but only consider that as long as embedding dimension fills with m > 2D + 1, reconstruction phase space and the system phase space are differential coefficient homeomorphism, that is, topology equivalence, their dynamical characteristic is completely similar in the qualitative sense. When D dimension attractor can be embed in m > 2D + 1 dimension phase space, the geometry characteristic of the initial attractor can be reappeared, and the evolvement law of the system can be researched. When the phase space is reconstructed, the selection of time delay t must assure that every component is relative independence. That is, the relativity of the phase space ordinate is as less as possible. Autocorrelation correlation function and mutual information method are very common methods in selecting the time delay. In this paper mutual information method is used to select the time delay because it is more advanced [18]. Mutual information principle: supposed the states of the discrete variable X and Y are m and n, their entropy function is defined as follows m H (X) = -£ Pi ln p 1=1 (2) where p; is probability of which variable X appears in the i state. The combination entropy of the variable X and Y is defined , * m n H (X, 7 )=-H p. lnpy. i=1j=1 (3) where pij is probability that variable X appears in the i state and variable 7 appears in the . state. According to the definition of the entropy of X and 7 and combination entropy of X and 7, the mutual information can be derived as follows I(X, 7)= H(X)+H(7)-H(X, 7) . (4) The total dependency of two variables can be measured by the mutual information function. Because the mutual information value of the first minimum is less and the two-double inception is differentiated more clearly, the dynamic characteristic of the attractor can be analyzed qualitatively and qualitatively through reconstructing the phase space. It is a better method to select time delay. Therefore, the optimum value is ascertained by using the average mutual information method, that is, selecting time delay when the mutual information function reaches the minimum firstly as time delay Treconstructing the phase space. 1.2 Fractal Dimension The fractal dimension includes many calculation methods such as capacity, correlation, box, self-similitude , information dimensions and correlation dimension and so on. They all describe the fractal characteristic of the fractal set from different aspects. And the correlation dimension can be directly calculated according to reconstruction the phase space by using a dimension time series. In other words, this is a method of calculating the attractor correlation dimension of relative dynamical system by using a dimension time series. Grassberger and Procaccia introduced a method for calculating correlation dimension, which is widely used today for characterizing strange attractors. In the paper, the fractal dimension for analysis is used with correlation dimension method. In order to calculate the fractal dimension, the correlation function C(r, m) should be calculated firstly , nr Nr C ( m)= N2 Z Z H (HK - X |),i * j R i=1 j=1 (5) where NR is the total of the embedding space {X} and shows the orbit length of the reconstruction system, NR = N - (m-1)T. Here r is m dimension sphere radius and the distance scale of the phase space Rm. ||x - xj is Euclide between two phase points. H function and defined as follows n distance is Heaviside H (r - X; -X,11 ) = 1 r-|X - Xjl > 0 0 r- X -X, < 0. According to the distance equation among points of Euclidspace Rm, the distance between X and Xj is dj = Xi - Xj Ci -r,)2 + ■•• + ( Xi+(m-l)x Xj+(tn-1 ■ ) (7) The fractal dimension D(r, m) of the reconstructing phase space is ln C (r, m ) D (r, m ) = lim---- r^0 ln r (8) It is very clear that each pair of phase points is correlative, C(r, m) = 1 if r is very large; the dimension calculated from the correlation dimension formula is not the actual fractal dimension but an embedding dimension if r is too less than the vector difference between circumstance noise and measured error. (8) is a limit process and changes with the variety of the phase space dimension m. When m is more than the upper bound of the space dimension of the embedding attractor, D won't change with m variety and approach to saturation value Dm which is called saturation dimension. If the saturation dimension is not integer, it is a fractal dimension of the attractor to be calculated, thus, the system may be identified as chaos or random. 2 EXPERIMENTS 2.1 The Experiment Method The milling experimental condition is shown in Table 1. In order to monitor milling tool wear conditions, tool wear conditions should be divided into 3 conditions: initial condition (tool wear value VB < 0.1mm), normal condition (tool wear value 0.1mm < VB < 0.35mm) and acute wear condition (tool wear value 0.35mm < VB). 384 groups' typical acceleration signals of tool wear were obtained as primitive data of the time series analysis from different tool wear conditions, which are obtained through cutting experiment with the orthogonal experiment method according to experimental conditions for milling listed in Table 2. Figure 1 is recognition process for monitoring tool wear. Figure 2 is a sets of vibration acceleration signals. (6) Tablel. Cutting experiment condition Cutting tool Material: High-speed steel. Type: End milling cutter. Diameter(mm): 14 to 20._ Milling method Workspace material Cutting speed /(m/min) Feed speed /(mm/min) Cutting depth /(mm) Climb milling Thermal refining 45 steel 8.792 to 26.376 20 to 35 2 to 5 Table 2. Cutting Experiment group Level Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 v f ap v f ap v f ap 1 8.792 30 5 9.671 30 4 13.19 30 4 2 9.671 25 4.5 11.43 25 3.75 15.38 25 3.75 3 11.43 20 3.5 13.19 20 3 21.96 20 3 4 13.19 30 3 15.38 30 2.75 26.376 30 2.75 Fig. 1. Recognition process for monitoring tool wear < -51 HI 0.4 0.6 Time t/s 50 0 0.2 0.8 200 150 o3 0 "ös 8 "50 < -100 -150 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time t/s D cD The tool wear acute stage Fig. 2. The time domain shape of tool wear acceleration signals 2.2 Parameters rand m To obtain fractal dimension about these informations during tool wear, parameters r and m is developed. How to select the time delay r and embedding dimension m, it is taken as the key point of the time delay phase space reconstruction. The time delay r is adopted the mutual info method according to Eq. (2) to Eq. (4), The relation between mutual information and the time delay r is shown in Figure 3. Here r = 1 is obtained. Embedding dimension is usually obtained from time series phase space reconstruction according to formula m > 2D+1. But such embedding dimension is not sure of minimum embedding dimension. Although much large embedding dimension can reconstruct the phase space such calculation easily increases other statistic complexity (such as Lyapunov exponent) and is easily disturbed by outside noise. So it is necessary to search a minimum embedding dimension to reconstruct completely the phase space. Selection of common embedding dimension has system saturation method, false neighboring method and optimization improving method based on false neighboring and so on. The later method of selecting the embedding dimension was proposed by Liangyue Cao in 1997. The method is defined two parameters E1(m) and E2(m), among them, the minimum embedding dimension m was decided by E1(m) and pointed out when E1(m) tends to be steadily in along with the evolution, the corresponds value m is the minimum embedding dimension. At the same time, E2(m) cannot be used to obtain the minimum embedding dimension, but it has a very good function, that is, it can be used to distinguishing random series or chaotic series from time series. It is random series if E2(m) is equal to 1 or is near to 1 to any m. Therefore, to real chaotic series, E2(m ) cannot be equal to 1 to any m. Generally, E2(m ) tends to 1 to a real chaotic series. Thus, it is a direct and simple method to decide whether the time series has fractal characteristic of the chaos series. In Figure 4, the minimum embedding dimension extracted by Cao method is nearly 10. 5 £ „ .a 3 is 3 2 9 5 15 10 Time delay t (a) The tool wear initial stage 20 £ „ .a 3 13 3 5 10 15 Time delay t (b) The tool wear normal 20 .13 a Fig. 3. 5 10 15 20 Time delay t (c) The tool wear acute stage The relation curve between mutual information