ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME IV No. 16 - 11 June 1951 Published by the A. M. G. F. T. T. under the Authority of the Commander British - United States Forces Free Territory of Trieste. La Editoriale Libraria S. p. A., Trieste - 1951 ) ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 88 EXTENSION OF TENURE OF OFFICE OF COMMUNAL COUNCILS WHEREAS it is considered advisable to extend the tenure of office of the present Communal Councils of that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES C. BLANCHARD, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Article LX of Order No. 38, dated 20 February 1951, is hereby repealed and substituted by the following : „Section 1. — The provisions of Article VI, first paragraph, and of Article XXXVIII „of this Order shall not apply to the Communal Councils elected in terms of Order No. 33, „dated 21 February 1949. „Section 2. — The Communal Councils indicated in the foregoing Section shall remain „in office until elections are held for their renewal ; the Mayor and the Communal Board „shall remain in office until their successors are elected“. ARTICLE II All Commissions administering municipalized concerns and other bodies which, by virtue of Law or of Statutes, have been appointed by the Communal Councils elected in terms of Order No. 33, dated 21 February 1949, and cease from office within the year 1951, shall remain in office until the appointment of the new Communal Councils. ARTICLE III This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 29th day of May 1951. CHARLES C. BLANCHARD Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : DLIA/51189 Director General, Civil Affairs PARTIAL REIMBURSEMENT FOR THE YEAR 1949 OF THE EXCISE DUTY ON PETROL CONSUMED FOR THE OPERATION OF TAXI-CABS IN PUBLIC SERVICE WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to partially reimburse, for the year 1949, the excise duty on petrol consumed for the operation of taxi-cabs in public service, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“), NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES C. BLANCHARD, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Partial reimbursement of the excise duty on petrol consumed for the operation of taxicabs in public service duly provided with the prescribed communal licence and circulating within the Zone on 1 January 1949, is hereby permitted, for the year 1949, at the rate of L. 20 per litre. The above concession shall be granted only for the days in which the said taxi-cabs have performed actual service, on the basis of an assumed average consumption of 1) 3 litres per day for each taxi-cab circulating in Trieste ; 2) 2 litres per day for each taxi-cab circulating in the other Communes of the Zone. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and, pursuant to the administrative instructions already issued, shall be operative from 28 March 1951. Dated at TRIESTE, this 31st day of May 1951. CHARLES C. BLANCHARD Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LD/A¡51/52 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 90 INSTITUTION OF A COLOURED STATE LABEL FOR BRANDIES WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to institute a coloured State label for brandies in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces ; NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES C. BLANCHARD, Brigadier General U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Receptacles containing not more than 2 litres of genuine brandy, as referred to in Art. XI of Order No. 130, dated 30 June 1950, shall be provided exclusively with metal labels of the type approved by Order No. 128, dated 27 June 1949. Such labels, after anode oxidation, shall be coloured as hereinafter specified : Green, for brandies removed from storage before 3 years of maturation ; gold yellow, for brandies removed from storage after 3 years of maturation. If the coloured labels referred to in the foregoing paragraph are not ready for use by 18 April 1951, the Finance Administration may provisionally arrange for appropriate stamps to be affixed to the receptacles removed from the factories or imported from abroad. ARTICLE II Retailers holding on 31 December 1951, as established in the first paragraph of Art. XIV of Order No. 130, dated 30 June 1950, receptacles containing domestic products not conforming with the provisions of Art. XIII of the said Order and with those of this Order shall: a) substitute on the labels the name „cognac“ with one of the names established by the aforesaid Art. XIII ; b) substitute on the labels the names established in the aforesaid Art. XIII with other names, if the receptacles do not contain genuine brandy ; c) file, not later than 5 January 1952, with the appropriate Excise Technical Office a declaration covering the receptacles containing home produced genuine brandy still held by them in the evening of 31 December 1951, subdivided according to the denomination of the „corri-mon label for liqueurs“ affixed. The substitution of the ordinary label for liqueurs with the green-coloured one for genuine brandies as referred to in Art. I hereof shall be carried out with the assistance of the Finance Administration personnel delegated by the appropriate Excise Technical Office, the relative indemnities being to the burden of the party concerned. ARTICLE III This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 31st day of May 1951 CHARLES C. BLANCHARD Brigadier General U.S. Army Ref. : LD/AI51/53 Director General, Civil Affairs AMENDMENTS TO THE FISCAL TREATMENT OF MINERAL OILS AND ABOLITION OF THE EXCISE DUTY ON BENZOL WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to modify the fiscal treatment of mineral oils and to abolish the excise duty on benzol, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-XJnited States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES O. BLANCHARD, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: MINERAL OILS ARTICLE I The rates of excise duty and of the corresponding frontier duty applicable to the under mentioned petroleum products, are hereby established as follows : Petroleum oils, oils extracted from processed paraffin tar derived from lignite, peat, schists and the like (item 271 of Customs Tariff): NATURAL CRUDE PETROLEUM OILS : 1) for direct use as fuel (item 271-a)-l) of Tariff : per quintal alpha) in boilers and furnaces ..........................................L. 110 beta) in engines ...................................................... „ 3,000 2) for other uses (item 271-a)-3) ........................................ ,, 5,000 PETROL (item 271-b)-l).................................................. „ 10,500 MINERAL TURPENTINE (item 271 -b)-2) .................................... „ 8,400 KEROSENE (item 271-b)-3) ............................................... „ 8,000 GAS OILS : 1) for direct use as fuel (item 271-b)-4-aIpha): 1) specific gravity from 0.850 to 0.890 at the temperature of 15° C. „ 4,800 II) specific gravity exceeding 0.890 at the temperature of 15° C......... „ 3,000 2) for other uses (item 271-b)-4-beta) .................................... „ 4,800 LUBRICANTS : 1) white oils (item 271-b)-5-alpha) .................................... „ 11,300 2) others (item 271-b)-5-beta) ........................................... 9,000 RESIDUES from processing (item 271-b)-6) per quintal alpha) for direct use as fuel: I) exclusively in boilers and furnaces : A) heavy................................................................ „ 110 B) fluid ............................................................... „ 110 plus an extra 28.80 Lire for each unit, expressed as a percentage, of oils refined up to 300° exceeding 20% but not 30% per quintal ; II) in engines .............................................................. „ 3,000 gamma) for other uses ................................................... „ 5,000 VASELINE (item 273): a) natural ........................................................... „ 2,500 b) artificial, with paraffin base........................................... „ 5,680 SOLID PARAFFIN (item 274).................................................... „ 680 MINERAL WAN (item 277): a) raw (raw ozocerite)................................................ „ 180 b) refined (ceresine) ...................................................... „ 460 In respect of products derived from the processing of lignite, peat, schists and the like, an allowance of 30% on the rates specified above shall be granted, subject to observance of the rules established'by the Department of Finance. The temporary concessions concerning the characteristics of gas-oils to be used as fuel shall remain in force. ARTICLE II Duty paid petrol recovered and regenerated in cleaning-shops and laundries after use for cleaning, shall be exempt from a second payment of the duty. ARTICLE 111 The duty increases established by Article I hereof shall also apply to petroleum products in respect of which the duty has been paid at the previous rates and which, on the effective date of this Order, are stored in areas or premises subject to continuous Customs supervision, as well as to products travelling by any means under bond („con bolletta di cauzione“). For this purpose the respective holders shall declare the quantities held, including those in transit, to the Excise Technical Office, or to the Customs office if the products are stored in Customs-controlled areas or premises, within five days after the effective date of this Order. ARTICLE IV The additional amount of the duty payable in accordance with the foregoing Article III of this Order shall be paid to the Treasury Provincial Section („Sezione Provincials di Teso-reria“) within 20 days from the notification of the assessment („liquidazione“). A.M.G. - F.T.T. Gazette - Voi. 'IV, No. 16 - 11 June 1951- 331. A fine („indennità di mora“) of 8% shall be applied on amounts not paid within the prescribed time-limit. Such fine shall be reduced to 2%, if the payment is made within the fifth day following the expiration of the time-limit. ARTICLE V Any person failing to file the declaration referred to in Article III hereof or making a false declaration or filing same after the time-limit prescribed, shall be punishable with a fine („pena pecuniaria“) of not less than twice and not exceeding ten times the amount of duty defrauded or which it was intended to defraud. ARTICLE VI Table „B“ appended to Order No. G7, dated 7 April 1950, as amended by Order No. 128, dated 24 June 1950, is hereby repealed and substituted by the Table appended to this Order. BENZOL ARTICLE VII The excise duty on pure or refined benzol and on home-produced raw benzol, and the corresponding frontier additional tax on the same products imported from abroad, are hereby abolished. ARTICLE VIII The use of benzol (whether mixed with other petroleum products or not) as fuel is hereby prohibited. The Department of Finance may authorize, however, the preparation of compound fuels containing also benzol. In this case the benzol used shall be subject to excise duty at the same rate as established for petrol. ARTICLE IX Any person violating the provisions of Article VIII hereof shall be liable to the payment of a duty corresponding to the excise duty on petrol, to be applied on the quantity of benzol used as fuel, and to a fine („multa“) ranging from twice up to ten times the amount of such duty. ARTICLE X This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and, pursuant to administrative provisions already issued, its provisions shall be operative as from 27 February 1951. Dated at TRIESTE, this 31st day of May 1951. CHARLES C. BLANCHARD Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : DLfA/51162 Director General, Civil Affairs Table “B„ Olii di petrolio, olii provenienti dalla lavorazione dei catrami paraffinici, di lignite, di torba, di schisti e simili (voce 271 della tariffa dei dazi doganali), da ammettere ad aliquota ridotta di imposta di fabbricazione sotto l’osservanza delle norme prescritte. Numero della tariffa doganale DENOMINAZIONE DELLA MERCE Aliquota per quintale 271-b) 1 1. Olii di petrolio, ecc., altri, benzina : Lire 1) acquistati con speciali buoni da automobilisti e da motociclisti, stranieri ed italiani residenti all’estero, nei viaggi di diporto nello Stato 5.250 2) consumati per l’azionamento delle autovetture da noleggio da piazza ; compresi i motoscafi che in talune località sostituiscono le vetture da piazza 5.250 3) destinati al consumo per il collaudo dei motori di auto- veicoli e di aviazione nei quantitativi di benzina che verranno accertati dall’Amministrazione finanziaria .. 5.250 4) impiegati per generare forza motrice in lavori di per- forazione per le ricerche petrolifere nel sottosuolo nazionale 1.660 2-71-b) 2 2. Olii di petrolio, ecc., altro, acqua ragia minerale : impiegati nella fabbricazione di vernici 4.200 271-b) 3 3. Olii di petrolio, ecc., altri, petrolio : impiegati per generare forza motrice in lavori di perfora- zione per ricerche petrolifere nel sottosuolo nazionale . . 1.320 271-b) 5 4. Olii di petrolio, ecc., altri, lubrificanti : destinati al consu- beta mo per il collaudo dei motori di autoveicoli e di aviazione nei quantitativi di lubrificanti che verranno accertati dall’Amministrazione finanziaria 4.500 271-b) 4 5. Olii di petrolio, ecc., altri, olii da gas : destinati al consumo densità da alpha per il collaudo dei motori di autoveicoli e di aviazione, nei 0.850 a 0.890 quantitativi di olii da gas che verranno accertati dall’Am- 2.400 ministrazione finanziaria densità su- periore a 0.890 1.500 Numero della tariffa doganale DENOMINAZIONE DELLA MERCE Aliquota per quintale 271-b) 4 6. Olii di petrolio, ecc., altri (olii da gas — residui dalla la- alpha vorazione) : 271-b) 6 alpha k 1) impiegati per generare forza motrice in lavori di perfo- razione per ricerche petrolifere nel sottosuolo nazionale 110 2) impiegati per l’azionamento di macchine idrovore per il sollevamento delle acque allo scopo di agevolare la coltivazione dei fondi rustici su terreni bonificati.... 110 3) acquistati con speciali buoni da automobilisti e da densità da motociclisti stranieri ed italiani residenti all’estero, 0.850 a 0.890 nei viaggi di diporto nello Stato 2.400 4) impiegati per generare direttamente o indirettamente energia elettrica, purché la potenza installata non sia inferiore a Kw 1 densità superiore a 0.890 1.500 110 5) impiegali per produrre direttamente forza motrice con motori fissi in stabilimenti industriali, agricolo-industriali, laboratori, cantieri di costruzione (1’ agevolezza è limitata ai residui della lavorazione) 110 Order No. 92 INCREASE OF FEES DUE TO THE VITAL STATISTICS OFFICIAL FOR THE RELEASE OF EXTRACTS AND CERTIFICATES WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to increase the fees due to the Vital Statistics Official for the release of certificates and extracts, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British- United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES C. BLANCHARD, Brigadier General U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: • ARTICLE I Article 190 of R.D. 9 July 1939, n. 1238, as amended by Article I of Order No. 319, dated 2 October 1948, is hereby repealed and substituted by the following : „In addition to the cost of the stamped paper, the Vital Statistics Official shall be entitled to collect the following fees for the release of extracts and certificates : „1) For extracts as integral copies of any of the Vital Statistics Office records („atti di stato civile“) including copies of records relating to trascription of decrees („processi verbali di trascrizione di decreti“) and other documents : one page L. 25 ; for each additional page or part thereof, L. 20 ; „2) For copies of deeds and documents inserted in the book of enclosures („volume degli allegati“) : one page L. 25 ; for each additional page or part thereof, L. 20 ; „3) For summary extracts of any of the Vital Statistics Office records, L. 15 ; „4) For any certificate ,L. 10. „The payment of the fees referred to in the foregoing paragraph shall be recorded at „foot of each extract, copy or certificate.“ ARTICLE II Article 191 of R.D. 9 July 1939, No. 1238, as amended by Article I of Order No. 319, dated 2 October 1948, is hereby repealed and substituted by the following : „The extracts and certificates referred to in the preceding Article, when needed by poor „persons, shall be released against collection of a fee of L. 2. Such release shall be gratuitous if the documents are needed for charity purposes or for war pensions. „The above mentioned extracts and certificates shall likewise be released free of charge to „Public Authorities for office use and to any person in all cases where, under existing legislation, „such documents are exempt from stamp duty. „At the foot of the extracts or certificate, there shall be specified, in addition to the Christian name and surname of the applicant, the reason of the gratuitous release.“ ARTICLE III This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and, pursuant to administrative instructions already issued, shall be operative as from 9 April 1951. Dated at TRIESTE, this 31st day of May 1951. CHARLES C. BLANCHARD Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref.: LD/A/51/63 Director General, Civil Affairs RADIO LICENCE FEES WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to establish the modalities for the payment of radio licence fees, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES C. BLANCHARD, Brigadier General U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The radio licence fee of L. 1,250 for each half-year, as established by Article I of Order No. 291, dated. 14 July 1948, is hereby confirmed with effect from 1 January 1949. ARTICLE II Subject to the existing regulations on the matter remaining extant, the licence fee for privately used radio receivers, shall be prepaid by half-yearly instalments, falling due on 31 January and 31 July. ARTICLE III If the payment is made after the time-limits established by Article II hereof, but before the violation is detected, the holder of the radio set, instead of paying the fine referred to in Article 19 of D.L. 21 February 1938, No. 246, as amended, shall pay a surtax equal to one-sixth of the amount of the instalment involved. The surtax shall be reduced to one-twelfth of such instalment, if the payment is made before the violation is detected, but not later than one month after the expiration of the time--limit established. If the surtax shows a fraction of less than 5 lire, such fraction shall be rounded up to 5 lire precisely. ARTICLE IV The provisions referred to in Article III hereof shall apply to radio licence fees relating to periods commencing on or after 1 July 1951. ARTICLE V This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 31st day of May 1951. CHARLES C. BLANCHARD Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LD¡A¡¡ijyi Director General, Civil Affairs EXTENSION OF TIME-LIMIT FOR FISCAL PRIVILEGES IN RESPECT OF ADVANCES AND LOANS CONNECTED WITH OPERATIONS OF CESSION OR PAWNING OF CREDITS WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to extend the time-limit relating to fiscal privileges in respect of advances and loans connected with operations of cession or pauming of credits („cessions o costituzione in pegno di crediti“) ,in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES C. BLANCHARD, Brigadier General U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Fiscal privileges relating to advances and loans in general connected with operations of cession or pawning of credits, as granted by Order No. 180, dated 30 August 1949, are hereby granted for a further period running from 1 January 1951 to 31 December 1951. The validity of the provisions of Article II of Order No. 180, dated 30 August 1949, so far as they concern the cession of credits claimed for supplies of war materials ordered up to the date of cessation of the state of war, is hereby extended from 1 January 1951 to 31 December 1951. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective, on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and, pursuant to administrative instructions already issued, its provisions shall be operative as from 27 April 1951. Dated at TRIESTE, this 31st day of May 1951. CHARLES C. BLANCHARD Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LD/A/51/72 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 95 AMENDMENT TO ORDER No. 40/1951 PROVISIONS CONCERNING HOUSING OFFICES AND HOUSING COMMITTEES WHEREAS it is considered advisable to amend Order No. 40 dated 27 February 1951 containing provisions concerning Housing Offices and Housing Committees in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES C. BLANCHARD, Brigadier General Ü.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The words „and shall be operative as from the 21 May 1950“ occurring in Article II of Order No. 40 dated 27 February 1951 are hereby cancelled. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 31st day of May 1951. CHARLES C. BLANCHARD Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LD/A/51/74 Director General, Civil Affaire Order No. 96 NEW ADDITIONS TO THE TEMPORARY RULES FOR THE FIRST APPLICATION OF THE NEW CUSTOMS TARIFF AS APPROVED BY ORDER No. 183/1950 WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to make new additions to the temporary rules for the first application of the new Customs Tariff, as approved by Order No. 183 dated 21 September 1950, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British- United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone"), NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES C. BLANCHARD, Brigadier General U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs ORDER: ARTICLE I The following additions are hereby made to the Table referred to in Article III, letter b), of Order No. 183, dated 21 September 1950: Number and letter of the Tariff DESCRIPTION OF GOODS Customs duty Lire 82 a Pepper (black, white and clove-flavoured) 700 per net kilo 268 b Oils and products directly derived from the distillation of coal etc., others : ex 1) beta) refined benzol — Refined benzol for use as raw material in the manufacture of styrol shall be admitted against payment of an ,,ad valorem“ duty of 8%, subject to observance of the terms and conditions to be established by the Department of Finance ex 505 a Polyethylene (polymeric derivative of ethylene) : without plasticizer, in blocks or powder 12% ad valorem ex 505 c Mixed polymers of vinyl chloride and vinylidene chloride : in powder prepared for printing and drawing, with or without charging and colouring substances 12% ad valorem ARTICLE II The application of customs duties on materials constituting ship’s provision, brought from abroad into the ports of the Zone for repair and maintenance works on the ship concerned, is hereby suspended up to 14 July 1952 inclusive. ARTICLE III This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and, pursuant to administrative instructions already issued, its provisions shall be operative as from 15 April 1951. Dated at TRIESTE, this 31st day of May 1951. CHARLES C. BLANCHARD Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LD/Aj51/88 Director General, Civil Affairs DETERMINATION OF THE RATE OF CONTRIBUTIONS DUE TO THE „INTEGRATION FUND FOR SOCIAL INSURANCES“ FOR THE YEAR 1950 WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to determine the rate of supplementary contributions due to the „Integration Fund for Social Insurances“ for the year 1930, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES C. BLANCHARD, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The contributions due to the „Integration Fund for Social Insurances“ for the year 1950 are fixed at the following percentages of wages computed in accordance with the provisions of General Order No. 47, dated 20 March 1946, and within the limits established by Order No. 371, dated 3 December 1948 : 1) 1.97% for workers subject to compulsory insurance for invalidity, old age and survivors ; 2) 0.56% for workers subject to compulsory insurance under the Fund for the personnel of the Public Telephone services ; 3) 0.46% for workers subject to compulsory insurance under the Fund for the personnel of the Consumer tax administration ; 4) 0.64% for workers subject to compulsory insurance under the Fund for the personnel of the Direct Tax Collecting and Receiving Agencies ; 5) 2.99% for workers subject to compulsory insurance against involuntary 'unemployment ; 6) '3.22% for workers subject to compulsory insurance against tuberculosis. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 31st day of May 1951. CHARLES C. BLANCHARD Brigadier General U. S. Ermy Ref. : LDIAI51I90 ' Director General, Civil Affairs SERVICE OF FAMILY ALLOWANCES OF WORKERS EMPLOYED WITH MESSES OF PRIVATE FIRMS ETC. ENTRUSTED TO „GESTIONE DEL COMMERCIO DELLA CASSA UNICA DEGLI ASSEGNI FAMILIARI“ WHEREAS it is considered advisable to include workers employed with messes established jor personnel of private firms and other bodies in general within the „Gestione del Commercio della Gassa Unica degli Assegni Familiari“, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES G. BLANCHARD, Brigadier General U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The service of family allowances in respect of workers employed with messes established for the personnel of private firms and other bodies in general is hereby entrusted to the „Gestione del Commercio della Cassa Unica degli Assegni Familiari“. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this Ist day of June 1951. CHARLES C. BLANCHARD Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LD/Af51/79 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 99 NEW DETERMINATION OF THE VALUE OF REMUNERATION PAID IN KIND FOR THE RECKONING OF CONTRIBUTIONS DUE FOR SOCIAL AND SICKNESS INSURANCES AND FAMILY ALLOWANCES WHEREAS it is deemed advisable and necessary to provide, pursuant to Article III of General Order No 47, dated 20 March 1946, for a new valuation of the remunerations paid in kind for the reckoning of the contributions due for social and sickness insurances and family allowances, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British- United States Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“), NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES C. BLANCHARD, Brigadier General U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I With effect from the pay-period in course on the date of publication of this Order the value of remunerations paid in kind (such as food, lodging and other maintenance expenses) to workers of the Zone shall be fixed, as for the reckoning of contributions due for social and sickness insurances and family allowances, in terms of Article III of General Order No. 47, dated 20 March 1946, at the rate set out in the schedule attached to this Order, which shall repeal and substitute the one attached to Order No. 97, dated 30 April 1949. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 1st day of .lime 1951. CHARLES C. BLANCHARD Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LD¡A¡5l/8o Director General, Civil Affairs SCHEDULE OF THE VALUE OF THE REMUNERATIONS PAID IN KIND Board Lodging Other allo- wances Total per day Lire Lire Lire Lire 1. Relatives of employer and other workers with family dependents 255 25 145 425 2. Relatives of employer and other workers without family dependents : a) over 20 years 195 25 110 330 b) from 16 to 20 years 140 25 75 240 c) under 16 years 100 25 35 160 3. Workers employed by Hotels, Restaurants, Bars, etc. and by Sanatoria etc .... 255 25 — - 280 4. Janitors (Lodging, water, lighting) : I category — 60 — 60 II category — 40 — 40 Ill category — 30 — 30 IV category — 20 — 20 LIMITATION OF EFFECTIVENESS OF ORDER No. 233/1946 WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to limit the effectiveness of Order No. 233 dated 20 September 1946 in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES C. BLANCHARD, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I The provisions of Order No. 233 dated 20 September 1946, concerning the temporary suspension of operation of executory deeds, shall cease to be effective as from 1 July 1951. ARTICLE II This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 1st day of June 1951. CHARLES C. BLANCHARD Brigadier General IT. S. Army Ref. : LD/Al5olgy Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 101 TARIFF RATES OF, AND CONTRIBUTIONS DUE TO „ ASSOCIAZIONE GIULIANA PER IL CONTROLLO DELLA COMBUSTIONE“ FOR 1951 WHEREAS it is necessary to provide for modifications and amendments to the tariff rates and dues payable for the year 1951 to „ Associazione Giuliana per il Controllo della Combustione“ within that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United Stales Forces (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“), NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES C. BLANCHARD, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I APPROVAL OF TARIFF RATES AND CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE YEAR 1951 The „Associazione Giuliana per il Controllo della Combustione“ is hereby authorized to charge for the year 1951 the members (consortisti) of its Association within the Zone the tariff rates and the contributions set forth in Tables „A“, ,,B“, ,,C“, ,,D“, ,,E“ and „F“ annexed to this Order. DEPOSITING OF TABLES The Tables „A“, „B“, ,,C“, ,,D“, „E“ and ,,F“ mentioned in the preceding Article, together with the annotations set out therein, shall constitute a part of this Order. A copy of such Tables shall be deposited at the Office of the Department of Interior, at the Office of the Zone President, and at the Office of the Association, where they may be inspected by the parties interested. ARTICLE III EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 5th day of June 1951. CHARLES C. BLANCHARD Brigadier General U. S. Army Ref. : LD/Aj51/41 Director General, Civil Affairs Order No. 102 EXAMINATIONS FOR PROCDRATORE LEGALE FOR 1951 WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to make provision for examinations for qualifying as Procuratore Legale for the year 1951 in the British-United States Zone of the Free Territory of Trieste (hereinafter referred to as the „Zone“), NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES G. BLANCHARD, Brigadier General U. S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I ANNOUNCEMENT OF EXAMINATIONS AND DATES OF WRITTEN TESTS Section 1. — Examinations for qualifying as Procuratore Legale, Court of Appeal of Trieste, are hereby announced open to all qualified candidates residing in the Zone. Section 2. — Written tests will bo held at 0900 hours on the following dates at such place in Trieste as the Examining Commissicn shall appoint: 30 October 1951 — Substantive Civil and Administrative Law ; 31 October 1951 — Civil and Penal Procedure. APPLICATIONS FOR ADMISSION Section 1. — Applications for admission, addressed to the Examining Commission, Court of Appeal, Trieste, must be lodged not later than 31 July 1951. Section 2. — Admission tax will be Lire 1.600. ARTICLE III CONFIRMATION OR MODIFICATION OF PRECEDING PROVISIONS Section 1. — The provisions of Order No. 65, dated 24 January 1946, shall remain in effect as regards the present examinations in so far as they are not incompatible with this Order. Section 2. —- The Provisions of Article 1, Sections 1 and 3 of Order No. 70, dated 13 February 1946, shall remain in effect as regards the examinations provided for by the present Order. ARTICLE IV EXAMINING COMMISSION The Examining Commission shall be appointed by a successive Administrative Order. ARTICLE V EFFECTIVE DATE This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 5th day of June 1951 CHARLES C. BLANCHARD Brigadier General U. S. A. Army Ref. : LD/AI51I95 Director General, Civil Affairs MODIFICATION OF RATES OF DUTY ON CINEMA PERFORMANCES WHETHER COMBINED OR NOT WITH OTHER ENTERTAINMENTS WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to modify the rates of duty on cinema performances either combined or not with other entertainments, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British-United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, CHARLES C. BLANCHARD, Brigadier General U.S. Army, Director General, Civil Affairs, ORDER: ARTICLE I Section 1 of Article I of Order No. 200, dated 14 April 1948, as amended by Section 1 of Article I of Order No. 21, dated 29 January 1949, is hereby repealed and substituted by the following : „ Section i — The State duty („diritto erariale“) on gross receipts from cinema performances, anywhere and in any way offered to the public, including those given in clubs and „private halls, is hereby fixed as follows : on admittance prices, exclusive of State duty, not exceeding Lire 60........15% on admittance prices, exclusive of State duty, exceeding Lire 200 ..........50% „ The State duty on intermediate fees shall be calculated in accordance with the following „formula : „ Y = 0.25 X „where X corresponds to the admittance price (exclusive of State duty) and varies from 60 „up to 200.“ Except as provided for by Article II of Order No. 21, dated 29 January 1949, admittance prices (exclusive of State duty) payable by the public for cinema performances shall not show fractions of Lire. ARTICLE II Section 2 of Article I of Order No. 200, dated 14 April 1948, as amended by Section 2 of Article I of Order No. 21, dated 29 January 1949, is hereby repealed and substituted by the following : „ Section 2 —-In respect of cinema performances combined with other entertainments „anywhere and in any way offered to the public including those given in clubs or private halls, „the State duty shall be as follows : on admittance prices, exclusive of State duty, not exceeding Lire 60........15% on admittance prices, exclusive of State duty, exceeding Lire 200 ..........40% The State duty on intermediate prices shall be calculated in accordance with the following formula: „where X corresponds to the admittance price (exclusive of State duty) and varies from 60 „up to 200. „ In order to benefit by the rates established in the foregoing paragraph, the additional „entertainment shall alternate daily with cinema shows and shall consist of one of the perfor-„mances indicated below : „ a) at least 5 successive numbers of variety show ; „ b) a „revue“ performance ; „ c) a musical comedy („operetta“) ; 1 „ d) a stage play ; „ e) at least five successive pieces of music by a stage orchestra. „ For any possible inspections which may be made by officials delegated by the Finance „Administration, the type of combined performance and the relative component parts shall be shown in the daily appropriate list of receipts.“ Except as provided for by Article II of Order No. 21, dated 29 January J.949, admittance prices (exclusive of State duty) payable by the public for the performances referred to in this Article, shall not show fractions of lira. 1 The Tables appended to this Order, showing the rates of State duty on intermediate admittance prices for cinema performances (either combined or not with other entertainments) referred to in Articles I and II hereof are hereby approved. The rate and amount of State duty corresponding to each of the above admittance prices are given in Table A for cinema performances, and in Table B for cinema performances combined with other entertainments. The provisions of Article VI of Order No. 144 B, dated 29 .July 1946, in favour of E.N. A.L. are hereby extended to members of „Dopolavoro Ferroviario‘1 Y = 0.0005 X2 + 0.0486 X + 10.28 ARTICLE III ARTICLE IV ARTICLE V This Order shall become i e and, pursuant to administrative as from 1 May 1951. effective on the date of its pu in the Official Gazette e instructions already issued, ilts provisions shall be operative Dated at TRIESTE, this 5th day of June 1951. Ref. : LD I A/51186 CHARLES C. BLANCHARD Brigadier General XJ. S. Army Directçr General, Civil Affairs SCHEDULE OF RATES OF DUTY ON CINEMA PERFORMANCES Price without duty Percent rate Duty Price without duty Percent rate Duty 60 15,00 9,00 117 29,25 34,22 61 15,25 9,30 118 29,50 34,81 62 15,50 9,61 119 29,75 35,40 63 15,75 9,92 120 30,00 36,00 64 16,00 10,24 121 30,25 36,60 65 16,25 10,56 122 30,50 37,21 66 16,50 10,89 123 30,75 37,82 67 16,75 11,22 124 31,00 38,44 68 17,00 ■ 11,56 125 31,25 39,06 69 17,25 11,90 126 31,50 39,69 70 17,50 12,25 127 31,75 40,32 71 17,75 12,60 128 32,00 40,96 72 18,00 12,96 129 32,25 41,60 73 18,25 13,32 130 32,50 42,25 74 18,50 13,69 131 32,75 42,90 75 18,75 14,06 132 33,00 43,56 76 19,00 14,44 133 33,25 44,22 77 19,25 14,82 134 33,50 44,89 78 19,50 15,21 135 33,75 45,56 79 19,75 15,60 136 34,00 46,24 80 20,00 16,00 137 34,25 46,92 81 20,25 16,40 138 34,50 47,61 82 20,50 16,81 139 34,75 48,30 83 20,75 17,22 140 35,00 49,00 84 21,00 17,64 141 35,25 49,70 85 21,25 18,06 142 35,50 50,41 86 21,50 18,49 143 35,75 51,12 87 21,75 18,92 144 36,00 51,84 88 22,00 19,36 145 36,25 52,56 89 22,25 19,80 146 36,50 53,29 90 22,50 20,25 147 36,75 54,02 91 22,75 20,70 148 37,00 54,76 92 23,00 21,16 149 37,25 55,50 93 23,25 21,62 150 37,50 56,25 94 23,50 22,09 151 37,75 57,00 95 23,75 22,56 152 38,00 57,76 96 24,00 23,04 153 38,25 58,52 97 24,25 23,52 154 38,50 59,29 98 24,50 24,01 155 38,75 60,06 99 24,75 24,50 156 39,00 60,84 100 25,00 25,00 157 39,25 61,62 Price without duty Percent rate Duty Price without duty Percent rate Duty 101 25,25 25,50 158 39,50 62,41 102 25,50 26,01 159 39,75 63,20 103 25,75 26,52 160 40,00 64,00 104 26,00 27,04 161 40,25 64,80 105 26,25 27,56 162 40,50 65,61 106 26.50 28,09 163 40,75 66,42 107 26,75 28,62 164 41,00 67,24 108 27,00 29,16 165 41,25 68,06 109 27,25 29,70 166 41,50 68,89 110 27,50 30,25 167 41,75 69,72 111 27,75 30,80 168 42,00 70,56 112 28,00 31,36 169 42,25 71,40 113 28,25 31,92 170 42,50 72,25 114 28,50 32,49 171 42,75 73,10 115 28,75 33,06 172 43,00 73,96 116 29,00 33,64 173 43,25 74,82 174 43,50 75,69 188 47,00 88,36 175 43,75 76,56 189 47,25 89,30 176 44,00 77,44 190 47,50 90,25 177 44,25 78,32 191 47,75 91,20 178 44.50 79,21 192 48,00 92,16 179 44,75 80,10 193 48,25 93,12 180 45,00 81,00 194 48,50 94,09 181 45,25 81,90 195 48,75 95,06 182 45,50 82,81 196 49,00 96,04 183 45,75 83,72 197 49,25 97,02 184 46,00 84,64 198 49,50 98,01 185 46,25 85,56 199 49,75 99,00 186 46,50 86,49 200 50,00 100,00 187 46,75 87,42 SCHEDULE OF RATES OF DUTY ON CINEMA PERFORMANCES COMBINED WITH OTHER ENTERTAINMENTS Price without duty Percent rate Duty Price without duty Percent rate Duty 60 15,00 9,00 116 22,65 26,27 61 15,11 9,22 117 22,81 26,69 62 15,22 9,44 118 22,98 27,11 63 15,33 9,66 119 23,14 27,54 64 15,44 , 9,88 120 23,31 27,97 65 15,55 10,11 121 23,48 28,41 66 15,67 10,34 122 23,65 28,85 67 15,78 10,57 123 23,82 29,30 68 15,90 10,81 124 23,99 29,75 69 16,01 11,05 125 24,17 30,21 70 16,13 11,29 126 24,34 30,67 71 16,25 11,54 127 24,52 31,14 72 16,37 11,79 128 24,69 31,61 73 16,49 12.04 129 24,87 32,08 74 16,61 12,29 130 25,05 32,56 75 16,74 12,56 131 25,23 33,05 76 16,86 12,81 132 25,41 33,54 77 16,99 13,08 133 25,59 34,03 78 17,11 13,35 134 25,77 34,53 79 17,24 13,62 135 25,95 35,04 80 17,37 13,90 136 26,14 35,55 81 17,50 14,18 137 26,32 36,06 82 17,63 14,46 138 26,51 36,58 83 17,76 14,74 139 26,70 37,11 84 17,89 15,03 140 26,88 37,63 85 18,02 15,32 141 27,07 38,17 86 18,16 15,62 142 27,26 38,71 87 18,29 15,91 143 27,45 39,25 88 18,43 16,22 144 27,65 39,81 89 18,57 16,53 145 27,84 40,37 90 18,70 16,83 146 28,03 40,93 91 18,84 17,14 147 28,23 41,50 92 18,98 17,46 148 28,42 42,07 93 19,12 17,78 149 28,62 42,64 94 19,27 18,11 150 28,82 43,23 95 19,41 18,44 151 29,02 43,82 96 19,55 18,77 152 29,22 44,41 97 19,70 19,11 153 29,42 45,01 98 19,84 19,44 154 29,62 45,61 99 19,99 19,79 155 29,83 - 46,23 Price without duty Percent rate Duty Price without duty Percent rate Duty 100 20,14 20,14 156 30,03 46,85 101 20,29 20,49 157 30,23 47,47 102 20,44 20,85 158 30,44 48,10 103 20,59 21,21 159 30,65 48,73 104 20,74 - 21,57 160 30,86 49,37 105 20,90 21,94 161 31,07 50,02 106 21,05 22,31 162 31,28 50,67 107 21,20 22,68 163 31,49 51,33 108 21,36 23,07 164 31,70 51,99 109 21,52 23,46 165 31,91 52,65 no 21,68 23,85 166 32,13 53,33 111 21,84 24,24 167 32,34 54,01 112 22,00 24,64 168 32,56 54,70 113 22,16 25,04 169 32,77 55,39 114 22,32 25,44 170 32,99 56,08 115 22,48 25,85 171 33,21 56,79 172 33,43 57,50 187 36,85 68,91 173 33,65 58,21 188 37,09 69,73 174 33,87 58,93 189 37,33 70,55 175 34,10 59,67 190 37,56 71,37 176 34,32 60,41 191 37,80 72,20 177 34,55 61,15 192 38,04 73,04 178 34,77 61,89 193 38,28 73,88 179 35,00 62,65 194 38,53 74,74 180 35,23 63,41 195 38,77 75,60 181 35,46 64,18 196 39,01 76,46 182 35,69 64,96 197 39,26 77,34 183 35,92 65,73 198 39,50 78,22 184 36,15 66,52 199 39,75 79,10 185 36,38 67,30 200 40,00 80,00 186 36,62 68,11 NOTICE is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board, constituted 'pursuant to Order No. 63 dated I December 1947, has issued in respect of personnel employed by artisan-opticians not member of category associations, the following Award : LODO: ARTICOLO 1 A partire dal 1 maggio 1951, al personale in premessa sara. applicata la tabella salariale sottoindicata: 1) Operaio ottico meccanico.......................................L. 53.60 orarie 2) Operaio ottico di I cat........................................L. 47.90 orarie 3) Operaio ottico di II cat.......................................L. 42.15 orarie Operaio ottico meccanico. E’ colui che esegue a regola d’arte qualsiasi lavoro di riparazione di istrumenti ottici, geodetici, di precisione e di apparecchi fotografici. Operaio ottico di I categoria. E’ colui che esegue tutti i lavori di ocehialeria. Operaio ottico dì II categoria. E’ colui che, assolto l’apprendistato, esegue lavori più semplici dell’operaio precedentemente descritto. La permanenza in tale categoria dura al massimo quattro anni. Per gli apprendisti è previsto il trattamento che segue : nei primi 6 mesi ....................................................... il 15% nei secondi 6 mesi...................................................... il 20% nel II armo 30% nel 111 anno ........................................................... il 45% nel IV anno 60% del salario dell’operaio ottico di II categoria. ARTICOLO 2 I lavoratori cui il presente lodo si riferisce, a partire dalla stessa data godranno dell’indennità di contingenza nella stessa misura e forma e con le stesse modificazioni previste per i lavoratori disciplinati dal contratto collettivo di categoria. ARTICOLO 3 L’orario normale di lavoro è di 48 ore settimanali e di 8 ore giornaliere. II lavoro straordinario, prestato cioè oltre il limite sopra accennato, sarà compensato con le maggiorazioni che seguono calcolate sulla paga base per le prime 2 ore............................................................. il 25% por le successive 3............................................................ il 45% per le ulteriori .............................................................. il 75% Il lavoro compiuto nei giorni festivi sarà compensato con le maggiorazioni indicate sotto, da calcolarsi come sopra 11 lavoro notturno, prestato tra le ore 22 e le 6 sarà compensato con la maggiorazione del 20%, pure calcolata come sopra. Il cumulo delle maggiorazioni non è ammesso : la maggiore assorbe la minore. In coincidenza con le festività natalizie, i dipendenti cui il presente lodo si riferisce, avranno diritto alla gratificazione natalizia. Essa dovrà corrispondere ad un importo di 200 ore di retribuzione globale. Nel caso in cui il rapporto di lavoro si sia iniziato o sia cessato nel corso dell’anno, il dipendente avrà diritto a tanti dodicesimi del suddetto importo, quanti saranno stati i mesi di servizio compiuti. Il presente lodo decorre dal I maggio 1951 e verrà a scadere il 30 aprile 1952. Sarà consi-, derata legittima una richiesta di revisione anteriore alla predetta scadenza, solamente nel caso in cui il trattamento economico del personale disciplinato dal contratto collettivo di categoria, avesse a subire delle modificazioni. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto. Trieste, 25 aprile 1951. per le prime 8 ore per le successive . il 45% il 75% ARTICOLO 4 ARTICOLO 5 Il Presidente: Sgd. Walter LEVITUS I Componenti : „ Bruno PERENT1N Vittorio CARTURAN Deodato DECOLLE Renato CORSI Consulenti Tecnici : „ Egidio FURLAN „ Giovanni D’ELIA Approvato : 18 maggio 1951 Sgd. de PETRIS Capo Dipartimento del Lavor - Dated at TRIESTE, this 31st day of May 1951. Ref. : LD¡Cl5i¡i8 Doit. Eng. E. de PETRIS Chief, Department of Labour NOTICE is hereby given that the Minimum, Wages Arbitration Board, constituted pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1 December 1947, has issued in respect of personnel employed by artisan-vulcanizers. not member of category associations, the following Award : LODO ART. 1 A partire dal 1° maggio 1951, al personale interessato sarà applicata la tabella salariale che segue : Operai capisquadra : ricevono un supplemento del 10% sul salario degli operai del proprio gruppo. Operaio specializzato...................................................... L. 40.30 orarie „ qualificato ....................................................... „ 35.45 „ Manovali specializzati .................................................... „ 32.95 „ „ comuni................................................................ „ 29.65 „ Pure dalla stessa data sarà erogata al personale una quota oraria, a titolo di rivalutazione salariale, valida a tutti gli effetti contrattuali, del seguente ammontare : Uomo Donna Operaio speeializzato .................................................. L. 9.— L. 6.30 „ qualificato ..................................................... „ 6.—■ „ 4.20 Manovale specializzato ............................................... „ 4.50 „ 3.15 Il personale femminile riceverà per la mansione di operaio specializzato lo stesso salario del personale maschile. Per le altre mansioni il suo salario subisce una riduzione del 30% salvo che si tratti di lavori tradizionalmente effettuati da operai, nel qual caso, a parità di condizioni e di rendimento, esso rimarrà inalterato. Per gli apprendisti è previsto il seguente trattamento : nei primi sei mesi.. ..................................... il 15% nei secondi sei mesi ..................................... „ 20% nel secondo anno ......................................... „ 30% nel terzo anno ........................................... „ 45% nel quarto anno,.......................................... „ 60% del salario dell’operaio qualificato. In caso di lavori particolarmente pesanti, come pure se i lavoratori sono esposti ad agenti dannosi (esalazioni di benzolo, di acido per la vulcanizzazione, di gomma bruciata), o all’azione di polvere di gomma, la paga base avrà un aumento di lire 5.80 orarie. L’orario di lavoro è di 48 settimanali e di 8 ore giornaliere. 11 lavoro straordinario compiuto oltre i limiti precedenti, viene compensato con la paga base maggiorata come segue : per le prime due ore 25% per le successive tre ore ............................... „ 45% per le ulteriori ........................................ „ 75% Il lavoro prestato nei giorni festivi, con la maggiorazione calcolata come sopra, sarà compensato come segue : nelle prime 8 ore........................................col 45% nelle successive......................................... „ 75% Il lavoro notturno, prestato cioè dodici ore dopo l’inizio del lavoro normale, sarà compensato con l’aumento del 20% pure calcolato come sopra. Non è ammesso il cumulo delle maggiorazioni : la maggiore assorbe la minore. ART. 3 A partire dalla stessa data ai dipendenti cui il presente lodo si riferisce, sarà corrisposta l’indennità di contingenza nella forma e misura e con le eventuali modificazioni previste per il settore artigianale. ART. 4 In coincidenza con le festività natalizie, i lavoratori avranno pure diritto ad una gratifica della misura di 200 ore di retribuzione. In caso d’inizio o di cessazione del rapporto di lavoro nel corso dell’anno, essi avranno diritto a tanti dodicesimi del suddetto importo, quanti saranno stati i mesi di servizio compiuti. ART. 5 Il presente lodo decorre dal 1° maggio 1951 e verrà a scadere il 30 aprile 1952. Sarà ammessa una richiesta di revisione anteriore alla predetta scadenza, solamente nel caso in cui il trattamento economico dei Lavoratori disciplinati dal contratto di categoria, avesse a subire delle modificazioni. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto. Trieste, 27 aprile 1951. Il Presidente: Sgd. Walter LEVITO S I Componenti : „ Bruno PERENTIN „ Nicola DENTI S „ Renato CORSI „ Deodato DECOLLE I Consulenti Tecnici : „ Nicolò PASE „ Giovanni POLI Approvato : 18 maggio 1951 Sgd. : de PETRIS Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Dated at TRIESTE, this 31st day of May 1951 Dr. Eng. E. de PETRIS Ref. : LD/CISl/lO Chief, Department of Labour NOTICE is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board, constituted pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1 December 1947, has issued in respect of personnel employed by building contractors not member of category associations, the following Award : LODO: . ARTICOLO 1 Il lodo arbitrale pubblicato con l’Avviso n. 57 nella Gazzetta Ufficiale dd. 1/10/1950, si intende integrato dagli articoli che seguono. ARTICOLO 2 A partire dal 21 marzo 1951 ai dipendenti interessati, a titolo di rivalutazione salariale, oltre a quanto già percepito, sarà erogata un’u1teriore quota, come sotto indicato : QUALIFICA Oltre i 20 anni dai 18 ai 20 anni dai 16 ai 18 anni sotto i 16 anni Operaio specializzato Operaio qualificato Manovale specializzato L. 90. - „ 44. - „ 22. — L. 90,-„ 44,-„ 19.80 L. 90.-„ 44.-„ 15.40 L. IL- I minori di cui alla precedente tabella, sono quelli che hanno raggiunto la. qualifica dell’operaio adulto cui spettano le quote di rivalutazione o che ne esplicano autonomamente le mansioni. Ai fini del computo delle quote di cui sopra nei vari istituti contrattuali, si seguiranno le norme relative all’ indennità di contingenza. ARTICOLO 3 A partire dalla stessa data e in sostituzione dell’assegno straordinario previsto dall’articolo 2 del lodo pubblicato con l’Avviso n. 30 nella Gazzetta Ufficiale dd. 21/6/50, allo stesso personale sarà erogato un assegno temporaneo giornaliero come segnato nella tabella che segue : QUALIFICA Oltre i 20 dai 18 ai dai 16 ai sotto i anni 20 anni 18 anni 16 anni Operaio specializzato L. 14. - L. 10,- L. 2. - - Operaio qualificato „ 28. - „ 20,- „ 8,- Manovale specializzato „ 40. - „ 34.20- „ 28.60 L. 19,- Manovale comune „48,- 44.— „ 36,- „ 24,- Per quello che concerne gli apprendisti rimane in vigore l’assegno previsto nel lodo sopra citato. Dell’assegno cui alla tabella suddetta si terrà conto nei vari istituti contrattuali. lì presente lodo costituisce parte integrante del lodo citato nell’articolo 1 e del medesimo seguirà le sorti. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto. Trieste, 24 marzo 1951. Approvato : 18 maggio 1951 Sgd. de PETRIS Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Il Presidente : Sgd. Walter LEVLTUS I Componenti : » Bruno MARI Guerrino BRADASCHIA Giuseppe BITBNICH Renato CORSI I Consulenti Tecnici : Egidio FTJRLAN Giovanni D’ ELIA Dated at TRIESTE, this 31st day of May 1951. Ref. : LD\C\$i\20 Dr. Eng. E. de PETRIS Chief, Department of Labour Notice No. 24 MINIMUM WAGES FOR PERSONNEL EMPLOYED BY ARTISAN-PHOTOGRAPHERS NOTICE is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board, constituted pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1 December 1947, has issued in respect of personnel employed by artisan-photographers not member of category associations, the following Award : LODO: ART. 1 A partire dal 1° maggio 1951, al personale in premessa sarà applicata la tabella salariale sotto indicata : 1) Operaio specializzato ...............................L. 49.75 orarie 2) operaio qualificato di I. cat.......................L. 42.10 orarie 3) operaio qualificato di II cat. .....................L. 35.45 orarie Operaio specializzato —' E’ colui che oltre a compiere tutti i lavori inerenti all’attività dell’azienda, sa eseguire a regola d’arte più d’uno dei seguenti lavori : a) ritratto artistico, b) assunzione di interni ed esterni, c) riproduzione, d) ritocco di negativi, e) ritocco di ingrandimenti f) sviluppo e stampa di positivi e negativi, g) stampa ingrandimenti. Operaio qualificato di I cat. — E’ colui che, superato il periodo di appartenenza alla II categoria, sa eseguire tutti i lavori dell’azienda, pur non rispondendo alle premesse previste per l’operaio specializzato. Operaio qualificato di II cat. — E’ colui che superato il periodo di apprendistato e assolto l’esame relativo, lavora a fianco dell’artigiano. La permanenza in tale qualifica dura quattro anni. Il personale femminile che compie tradizionalmente lavori affidati a maestranze maschili, a parità di condizioni di lavoro e rendimento, ha lo stesso salario del personale maschile. Non sussistendo le premesse accennate e solamente per le mansioni di operaia qualificata di I e II categoria, è ammessa la riduzione del 30%. Per gli apprendisti è previsto il trattamento che segue : Nei primi 6 mesi 15% Nei secondi 6 mesi ............................................ il 20% Nel II anno di app............................................. il 30% Nel III anno di app.............................................. il 45% Nel IV anno di app...................................... 60% del salario dell’opei aio qualificato di II categoria. ART. 2 I lavoratori cui il presente lodo si riferisce, a partire dalla stessa data godranno dell’indennità di contingenza nella stessa misura e forma e con le stesse modificazioni previste per i lavoratori disciplinati dal contratto collettivo di categoria. ART. 3 L’orario normale di lavoro è di 48 ore settimanali e di 8 ore giornaliere. II lavoro straordinario, cioè quello prestato oltre il limite previsto, sarà compensato con le seguenti maggiorazioni, da calcolarsi sulla paga base per le prime due ore 25% per le successive tre 45% per le ulteriori 75% Il lavoro compiuto nei giorni festivi, sarà compensato, con le maggiorazioni sotto indicate, da calcolarsi come sopra per le pi ime 8 ore 45% per le successive 75% 11 lavoro notturno, prestato cioè tra le 22 e le ore 6, sarà compensato con la maggiorazione del 20% calcolata come sopra Non è ammesso il cumulo delle preaccennate maggiorazioni, la maggiore assorbe la minore. In coincidenza con le festività nazalizie, i lavoratori avranno diritto ad una gratifica della misura di 200 ore di retribuzione globale. In caso di inizio o di cessazione del rapporto di lavoro nel corso deiranno, essi avranno diritto a tanti dodicesimi del suddetto importo, quanti saranno stati i mesi di servizio compiuti. ARTICOLO 5 Il presente lodo decorre dal 1° maggio 1951 e verrà a scadere il 30 aprile 1952. Sarà ammessa una richiesta di revisione anteriore alla predetta scadenza, solamente nel caso in cui avesse a subire delle modificazioni il trattamento economico dei lavoratori disciplinati dal contratto collettivo di categoria. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto. Trieste, 23 aprile 1951. Il Presidente Sgd. Walter LE VITI! S I Componenti: „ Bruno PERENTIN „ Cristoforo TACCHINA „ Renato CORSI „ Deodato DECOLLE 1 Consulenti Tecnici : „ Nicolò PASE „ Ruggero TIRO NI Approvato : 18 maggio 1951 Sgd. : de PETRIS Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Dated at TRIESTE, this 31st day of May 1951. Dr. Eng. E. de PETRIS Ref. : LD/CI51/21 Chief, Department of Labour Notice No. 25 MINIMUM WAGES FOR PERSONNEL EMPLOYED BY KEEPERS OF RESTAURANTS, INNS AND SIMILAR CATERERS NOTICE is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board established pursuant to Order No 63 dated I December 1947 has issued in respect of personnel employed by keepers of restaurants, inns and similar caterers, not members of category associations, the following award : LODO: ARTICOLO 1 Il lodo arbitrale pubblicato con l’Avviso No. 52 nella Gazzetta Ufficiale di data 21 settembre 1950, si intende integrato e modificato dagli articoli che seguono. La trattenuta del 23% calcolata sull’indennità di contingenza, nei riguardi del peiso-ale che fruisce del regolare vitto quotidiano, viene abrogata con effetto dal 1« aprile 1951. Nei riguardi di quel personale viceversa, che non può fruire del vitto, la stessa indennità di contingenza viene elevata della identica percentuale del 23%. ARTICOLO 3 Resta naturalmente fermo, nei riguardi del personale dei buffet-birrerie senza cucina calda, il diritto a godere dell’aumento del 18%% calcolato sulla paga base. ARTICOLO 4 Oh st'pend' attualmente in vigore per il personale impiegatizio, devono considerarsi stipendi iniziali. Per l’anzianità maturata aziendalmente in data anteriore o da maturarsi posteriormente alla data prevista all’articolo 2, il personale avrà diritto a sette scatti pari al 5% calcolato sullo stipendio base da concedersi rispettivamente all’ inizio del quarto, settimo, nono, undicesimo, tredicesimo, quindicesimo e diciasettesimo anno di servizio. ARTICOLO 5 Il presente lodo costituisce parte integrante del lodo citato nell’articolo 1 e del medesimo seguirà le sorti. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto Trieste, 29 marzo 1951. Il Presidente : I Componenti : I Consulenti Tecnici Approvato : 12 Maggio 1951 Sgd. de PETRIS Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Dated at TRIESTE, this 28th day of May 1951. Dr. Eng. E. de PETRIS Ref. : LD/C/5i/ij Chief, Department of Labour Sgd. Walter LEV1TUS „ Felice MEZZARI „ Natale ACERBI „ Deodato DECOLLE „ Renato CORSI „ . Nicolò PASE „ Giovanni POLI Errata corrigenda Order No. 74 published in Gazette -No. 13 dated 11 May 1951, page 286. The date ,,2o June 1863“ occurring in Article 1, Section 1.—, last line is hereby cancelled and substituted by the date: „25 June 1865“. CONTENTS Order Page No. 88 Extension of tenure of office of Communal Councils .......................... 327 No. 89 Partial reimbursement for the year 1949 of the excise duty on petrol consumed for the operation of taxi-cabs in public service .......................... 328 No. 90 Institution of a coloured State label for brandies ....................... 328 No. 91 Amendments to the fiscal treatment of mineral oils and abolition of the excise duty on benzol................................................................. 330 No. 92 Increase of fees due to the Vital Statistical Official for the release of extracts and certificates ............................................................ 334 No. 93 Radio licence fees ........................................................ 336 No. 94 Extension of time-limit for fiscal privileges in respect of advances and loans connected with operations of cession or pawning of credits ................ 337 No. 95 Amendment to Order No. 40/1951 — Provisions concerning Housing Offices and Housing Committees ...................................................... 337 No. 96 New additions to the temporary rules for the first application of the new Customs Tariff as approved by Order No. 183/1950 .......................... 338 No. 97 Determination of the rates of contributions due to the „Integration Fund for Social Insurance“ for the year 1950 ......................................... 340 No. 98 Service of family allowances of workers employed with messes of private firms etc. entrusted to „Gestfone del Commercio della Cassa Unica degli Assegni Familiar4“ .................................................................. 341 No. 99 New determination of the value of remuneration paid in kind for the reckoning of contributions due for social and sickness insurances and family allowances 341 No. 100 Limitation of effectiveness of Order No. 233/1946 .......................... 343 No. 101 Tariff rates of, and contributions due to „Associazione Giuliana per il Controllo della Combustione“ for 1951.................................................. 343 No. 102 Examinations for „Procuratore Legale“ for 1951 ............................. 344 No. 103 Modification of rates of duty on cinema performances whether combined or not with other entertainments.................................................... 346 Notice No. 21 Minimum wages for personnel employed by art’san-opticians................. 352 No. 22 Minimum wages for personnel employed by art.san-vulcanizers .............. 354 No. 23 Minimum wages for personnel employed by building contractors ............. 356 No. 24 Minimum wages for personnel employed by artisan-photographers ............ 357 No. 25 Minimum wages for personnel employed by keepers of restaurants, inns and similar caterers ............................................................. 359 Errata corrigenda .................................................................... 361