Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years of serving American- Slovenians Vol. 108, No. 19 USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X Americ m SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 22, 2006 Phone: (216) 431-0628 e-mail: ah@buckeyewcb.com /Ut Story of United States Flag The United States Flag is the third oldest of the National Standards of the world; older than the Union Jack of Britain or the Tricolor of France. The flag was first authorized by Congress on June 14, 1777. This date is now observed as Flag Day throughout America. The flag was first flown from Fort Stanwix, on the site of the present city of Rome, New York, on August 3, 1777. It was first under fire for three days in the Battle of Orinskany, beginning on August 6, 1777. It was first decreed that there should be a star and a stripe for each state, making 13 of both; for the states at the time had just been erected from the original 13 colonies. The colors of the flag may he explained: The red is for valor, zeal and fervency; the white is for hope, purity, cleanliness of life, and rectitude of conduct; the blue is the color of heaven, for reverence to God, loyalty, sin-cerity, justice and truth. The star (an ancient symbol of India, Persia and Egypt) symbolized dominion ar>d sovereignty, as well as lofty aspirations. The con-stcllation of stars within the union, one star for each state, 18 emblematic of our Federal Constitution, which reserves to the States their individual sovereignty except as to fights delegated by them to the Federal Government. The symbolism of the flag Was thus interpreted by George Washington: “We take the stars from heaven, red from our mother c°untry, separating it by white stripes, thus showing that we have separated from her, and the white stripes shall go down to posterity representing Liberty.” In 1791 Vermont and in 1792 Kentucky were admitted to the Union and the number of stars and stripes was raised to 15. As other states came into the Union it became evident there would be too many stripes. So in 1818 Congress enacted that the number of stripes be reduced and restricted henceforth to 13 representing the original 13 states; while a star should be added for each succeeding state. That is still the law of today. The United States flag is unique in the deep and noble significance of its message to the entire world, a message of national independence, of individual liberty, of idealism, of patriotism. It symbolizes national independence and popular sovereignty. It is not the flag of a reigning family or royal house, but of 205 million free people welded into a nation, one and inseparable, united not only by community of interest, but by vital unity of sentiment and purpose; a nation distinguished for the clear individual conception of its citizens alike of their duties and their privileges, their obligations and their rights. It has been brought to this proud position by love and sacrifice. Citizens have advanced it and heroes have died for it. It is the sign made visible of the strong spirit that has brought liberty and prosperity to the people of America. It is the flag of all of us alike. Let us accord it with honor and loyalty. Newspaper Schedule 3 he next issue of Ameriška Domovina will be dated July !3th. There will be no American Home on Thursday, June 29, -iHjhc first week in July for the July 4lh holiday._ Slovenia Ambassador to the United States Samuel Žbogar is at the center of this photo with the daughters of Patricia (Ipavec) and Townsend Clarke on June 5, 2006 in Cleveland City Hall. The girls are, left to right, Shannon, Katherine, Patricia, and Elizabeth Clarke. _________________ (Photo by Phil Hrvatin) Cleveland Slovenian Days Events Monday, June 5 - Friday, July 7 Slovenian Art and Archival Exhibit at City Hall Free and Open to the Public Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays - 11: 30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.: Slovenian themed presentations during lunch hour at City Hall Free and Open to the Public Friday, June 23 - 12 noon Raising of Slovenian Flag at Ohio State Capital in Columbus Saturday, June 24 12 noon Slovenski Dan at Slovenska Pristava. - Members: free. Non-members: $4 3 p.m. - Steak Dinner 4 p.m. - Dance - Music by Stan Mejac Orchestra Sunday, June 25 (Slovenian Independence Day) 12:30 p.m.: Slovenian Independence Day Mass in St. Vitus Church. Co-celebrants: Most Rev. Bishop A. Edward Pevec, Reverend Joseph Božnar, and Rev. John Kumšc. Slovenian National Costumes are welcome. 1:30 - 3:00 pm.: Refreshments at Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue 3:00 p.m.: Official Celebration of 15 years of Slovenian Independence at Slovenian Home, 6019 St. Clair Ave. Masters of Ceremony: Mojca Slak, Dick Russ, Tony Petkovšek. Singing groups: Fantje na Vasi, Glasbena Matica, Korotan, Melodija, Slovenian Junior Chorus, Zarja, Kres dancers, from Slovenia: Slovenski oktet. ALL EVENTS FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Tuesday, June 27, 7:30 pm. Slovene Octet in Concert at historic St. Stanislaus Church in Slavic Village Sunday, July 2-10 a.m. Slovene Octet sings at Slovenian Mass in St. Mary’s Church Sunday, July 2 - Noon to 7:30 p.m. Picnic and Slovenian Octet in concert, 2 p.m. at SNPJ Farm, Heath Rd. Kirtland, OH. Friday, July 7 - 12:00 p.m. Slovenia’s Ambassador Samuel Žbogar addresses Cleveland City Club, Friday Forum Closing Ceremony at City Hall (tentative) Unveiling of restored historic Slovenian plaque on Mall B, 2:30 p.m., sponsored by Slovenian-American Heritage Foundation. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 22, 2006 2 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 19 June 22, 2006 Mass of Christian Joy ___by RUDY FLIS_ melodic and clear, burst forth from the hearts and If you have a Mass of Christian joy, and if you have a special celebrant, Fr. George Balasko, the Polka Priest, and if you have a great combo as the Wayne Tomsic Combo, and if the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes in Euclid, Ohio was the place of this great gathering, and if you were there, you experienced an exceptional worship service of the Slavic heritage. It was crowded, all seats in the chapel were occupied. The singing, reverent, souls of all present, proud of their faith and heritage. Thanks Fr. George and all involved, a fine group of volunteers. And then this past Saturday afternoon at Mass in my daughter Mary’s parish, two missionaries, one a native of the USA, the other African, sang the Lord’s prayer in the Swahili language. It was beautiful, just as the polka Mass was. Thank you Lord for my mom and dad who raised me in the Catholic faith. LAVRISHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services Rokodelec Contractor SNPJ Farm Tuesday, July 4 Honoring Val Pawlowski The Polka Gal Music by Del Sinchak 3:30 - 7:30 p.m. Program 5:30 p.m. by Ray Somich Coordinator George Knaus 1-216-481-9300 Gate Admission ~ $5.00 Trip to SNPJ Campsite There will be a bus trip to beautiful SNPJ Campsite in Enon Valley, PA on Saturday, July 8. Price is $40.00 which includes $9 admission. If interested, call Rudy Pivik (216) 433-1941. Written in 1814, “The Star-Spangled Banner” did not become the national anthem of the U.S. until 1931. Apartment for Rent E. 200 and Neff. 1 Bdrm., New carpet, appliances, clean, quiet. $460 a month. Call 440-951-3087 Tony's... Old World Plaza Barber Shop Haircuts: $7.00 664 E. 185 St. - at Abby Ave. and Windward Rd. HOURS: 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. M-F 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sat We love the Slovenian people. We want more of them as our customers. New Subscriber Campaign Ends The campaign to enroll 35 new subscribers has been fulfilled this week and therefore the discount campaign ends. Thanks to all the new readers for joining the American Home team and thanks to everyone who paid subscriptions for their relatives and friends. Special thanks to our “anonymous” benefactor who paid $15.00 towards each of the 35 new subscribers. IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by JOHN MERCINA “Free” million dollar advice to graduates starting their first real job. (From www.salestrainingplus.com, Thomas Wood-Young Consulting, Colorado Springs, CO. Please read the rest of the article at above site.) “The most important decision we make in our lives is the attitude we choose to express each day when dealing with people or circumstances. This critical choice determines success or failure in sales and in life. The key is the realization that we choose. That’s right. You purposefully choose your attitude. Choosing a positive state of mind will lead to virtually unlimited success in your career and your life. A negative attitude will lead to unhappiness, poor relationships, difficulty at work and ultimately, poor health. In fact, the most common causes of death in the United States is a result of a negative attitude, carried out via perceptions, choices and behaviors. KEEP IN MIND, CHOOSING YOUR MENTAL ATTITUDE IS THE ONLY THING YOU CAN CONTROL IN YOUR LIFE. LEARN AND PRACTICE A POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE, AND ENJOY THE REWARDS.” Seamstress Wanted Sewing of lettering on athletic apparel. Call 216 289-2254 i FUNERAL HOME i * > COMPUTE FUNERAL PRE-PLANNING SPACIOUS LUNCHEON ROOMS AVAILABLE FOR FAMILY USE AFTER SERVICES • Burials / Memorial Services • Cremations • Trusts Available • Itemized Pricing • Traditional Services • Community • Entombments Rooms Available *• What Really Happened 15 Years Ago (Continued from last week) Part II by STANE KUHAR April 1990 Elections and After Effects During the winter of 1989 Mr. (Dimitrij) Rupel spoke at Euclid Library to provide an overview and explanation of the “May Declaration” to those in attendance. This declaration was for purposes and intent to allow for “free elections” on a “multi-party" basis and to have these elections as soon as possible. The declaration was a call for a “free Slovenia.” The one disappointment for Mr. Rupel was that the intent to raise funds for his emerging political party (Slovenian Democratic Alliance) was not progressing satisfactorily. A number of individuals Were not impressed with the approach or substance of what Mr. Rupel was proposing. The perception was that Mr. Rupel sought to have his political party emerge as the leading party. This was wishful thinking as this political party appealed primarily to “intellectuals” or individuals of an academic background, maybe 5 - 10% of the population in Slovenia. Representatives from a number of organizations in northeast Ohio sought to provide leadership to have a real democracy emerge in Slovenia compared to the communist system. This was discussed throughout December, 1989 so that in January, 1990 the Slovenian American Council (SAC) 'vas established with the intention to provide the resources needed for free elec-tlons in Slovenia. SAC s°ught and had input and ^filiation with other Slove-man communities in the SA and Canada. As a point °f history, no other organiza-t’on in the USA accepted this rcsponsibility. Free elections multiple political parties and peaceful transition of Power from one form of government to another ould be a monumental c uevement, especially in ast or Central Europe that a 0nly known bloodshed r icprcssion for the past 45 ears. This would then be a rst necessary but large step '“»ml democracy, tio Slovenia a coali-tj n Var'°us political parti ’ ’"aoging from Slovenia’s Dern C'S Party- Christian S] 0crats, and even the anccCnian Dcmocralic Alli- Deacef,mmC t0gcthcr t0 bc tul|y and legally elected as the first non-Communist government in Slovenia since 1945. Nearly $87,000 was raised by SAC for this historic moment in Slovenia. The elections were held over Palm Sunday weekend, April, 1990. I can honestly say that at times this was an enormous responsibility: initiate this campaign; and to raise and properly account for the funds. The weekly reports in the American Home/-Ameriška Domovina along with proper verification of funds were overwhelming. The end result was that Lojze Peterle, a Christian Democrat candidate, was elected as the first prime minister for Slovenia. History was made. One has to remember that the former Slovenian Communists made this election as difficult as possible: a three chamber rather than normal two chamber form of government was kept; citizenship was granted to non-Slovenians while those born of Slovenian parents, such as myself, were denied the right to become citizens; and so on. But this first peaceful election was the first of many steps toward real independence. The next step was to initiate, as allowed in the Constitution of the former federal socialist state of Yugoslavia, the holding of a plebiscite on whether or not Slovenia should be allowed to break away from Yugoslavia and become an independent sovereign state. There are a number of individuals who do not want any participation from a religion especially the Catholic Church. But when push comes to shove, a church is “expected” to help because it is their “duty” or “responsibility.” In laymen terms, use the church when needed, but otherwise forget about it. The parishes of St. Vitus, St. Mary of the Assumption (Collinwood), St. Cyril (Lorain), St. Lawrence, and St. Christine set about to collect the needed signatures for this endeavor. They were successful. At the same time, unusual flooding was occurring in Slovenia. A monetary collection drive was enacted by SAC through Karitas, the Slovenian Catholic relief agency that had been outlawed by the Slovenian communist government for nearly 45 years. Since I was the treasurer for SAC, I was the person who issued the official bank checks made payable to Karitas. The Slovenia’s first Prime Minister, Lojze Peterle, right, chats at the American Home with publisher James Debevec, in 1991. funds were directed to then Metropolitan and Archbishop, archdiocese of Ljubljana, His Eminence, Alojze Sustar. Archbishop Sustar was good enough to detail how the funds would be used. A number of speakers were also hosted by SAC to have the local communities and general public become more familiar with what was occurring in Slovenia. Individuals such as Lojze Peterle, Franc Bučar, and Dr. Janez Dular came to the USA and Canada. It did not come as a surprise to those of us involved in SAC that a plebiscite was finally held on Dec. 23, 1990. The results were announced on Dec. 26, 1990 that nearly 90% of those who had voted agreed for Slovenia to become a sovereign and independent country and separate from Yugoslavia. Between Dec., 1990 and June, 1991, a series of legal mandates were initiated by the three chamber government of Slovenia to further move away from Yugoslavia and more toward becoming an independent and sovereign state: passed a law for a peaceful dissolution of re- publics in Yugoslavia (Jan. 1991); conscripts from Slovenia no longer are bound to serve in the Yugoslav military forces (March, 1991); and laws for citizenship, banking and other activities are enacted by the three chamber government in Slovenia (May 1991). By June 25, 1991, the past was simply the past: the Slovenian government fi- nally adopted a constitutional law enabling the independence of Slovenia as a separate and sovereign state. But after this declaration all hell broke loose and Slovenia again, as in World War II, experienced warfare on its native soil. NEXT: American Slovenian communities respond and the United Americans for Slovenia is formed. Happy Birthday, America! Best Wishes to Slovenia on their Anniversary of Independence! Happy 4th of July - USA! FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES President - Robert Royer 1st Vice President - Anthony Mannion 2nd Vice President - Edward Gabrosek Financial Secretary and Treasurer - Lou Grzely Recording and Corresponding Secretary - Nancy Vasilko Executive Secretary - Patricia Ipavec Clarke Auditors: Frank Gruber, Anna Mae Mannion and Evelyn Pipoly AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 22, 2006 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 22, 2006 Europe to ok Slovenian euro; reject Lithuania BRUSSELS (Dow Jones) - European leaders are set Friday to welcome Slovenia’s application to adopt the euro, but to reject Lithuania’s application, a document published Wednesday, said. -Philip J. Hrvatin Kres Performance Mark your calendars. Kres’ annual performance will be on August 26 at the Slovenian National Home. Who was the fattest knight at King Arthur’s court? Sir Cumference. -St. Mary’s Alumni PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster State Representative KENNY YUKO Pensioners Picnic Same fun. New spot. The Holmes Avc. Pensioners invite all to their annual picnic at Eagles, 37299 Euclid Ave., Willoughby, 1.2 miles east of Rt. 91 on July 12 from noon to 6 p.m. Free admission. Food and refreshments available. Music by Fred Ziwich. For info call (440) 943-3784. —Matt Z. Stimburys Accounting Accounting £ Income Tax 'Services 496 E. 200th St. ' Euclid, OH 44119 (216)404-0990 Fax \216) 404-0992 taxtlme@en.com http://stimburysaccounting.com Enrol«# to Practice Bette lie Internal Revenue Service Servicing Individuals Corporations S Smet fkrsinesses Congratulates fellow Slovenians on our 15th Anniversary Celebration of Slovenia’s Independence Pam and Kenny Yuko Paid for by the Friends of Kenny Yuko Pamela J. Yuko, Treasurer, 479 Pierson Dr,, Richmond Heights, OH 41443 Happy Independence Day —Somraf tTQtcfiens— CUSTOM CABINET DESIGN CENTER Now that you're ready to make your dream come true. Realize your dream of having a custom kitchen with the professional staff and quality products Somrak's can provide. Visit our showroom and see the stuff dreams are made of. 26201 RICHMOND RD. BEDFORD HEIGHTS. OHIO 44146 Distributors of Fine Cabinetry 464-6500 HOURS MON-FRI 8:30-5 SAT 9-2 EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Happy Birthday, America! - Visit Us Soon — ..... ,, zz::::"■■■■■ >•,... —We Are Open from 6 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. - — SEVEN DAYS A WEEK — — SERVING BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER — Mary Vesel Family (440) 243-7373 7533 Pearl Rd., Middleburg Hts, Ohio Happy 4th of July from The Board of Directors, Lodge Officers, and All Members of the AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION 19424 South Waterloo Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 -3250 Phone: 216- 531-1900 Fax: 216- 531- 8123 Modic saluted for journalistic achievement Stanley J. Modic has been selected to receive the American Society of Business Publication Editors Lifetime Achievement Award. It is awarded annually and will be presented at the society’s National Conference in Chicago on July 20. Roy Harris, president of ASBPE, in announcing the award said, “Modic is the classic Lifetime Achievement Winner, someone who brings innovation after innovation to our profession.” Modic is the seventh person to be so honored by the business editor group. The ASBPE cited his work as editor °f Industry Week in trying to alert his readers of the changes they would face as the wave of globalization, which was in its very early stages then, would sweep across the manufacturing business world. Stanley J. Modic Recognition of his work is not new to Stan Modic. In 2002 he was inducted into the Press Club of Cleveland’s Hall of Fame, and was presented the G.D. Craine award in ceremonies in New York City by the Association of Business Publications. He also served as president of the Cleveland chapter of the journalism society, Sigma Delta Chi, and was a driving force behind the resurrection of the Press Club of Cleveland. Active in the Slovenian community all his life, he is a past Board member and past president of the Fairport American-Slovenian Club. In 1998 he was honored by the Federation of Slovenian Homes as its Slovene of the Year. Modic has been a lifetime member of AMLA and served as president of Lodge 30 for more than 30 years before retiring from the post two years ago. He attended several AMLA conventions and in the 1960s and early 1970s he served as the English editor of AMLA’s Our Voice for several years. Modic started his career in journalism in 1960 at the Painesville Telegraph daily newspaper. In 1965 he joined Penton Publishing in Cleveland as an assistant editor on Steel magazine. He was part of the team that converted Steel into a new magazine, Industry Week, in 1970. He was named editor of Industry Week in 1972, a position he held until 1986 when he had a heart attack. In 1989 he joined Huebcore Publishing in Solon as editor of Purchasing World magazine and shortly after that became editor in chief of Tooling & Production magazine. The company changed hands several times and Modic retired as vice president of the five-magazine Manufacturing Group in 2002 when Nelson Publishing Co. purchased the company. He continues, however, to write a monthly column that appears in Tooling & Production. Modic lives with his wife, Poppy, in Painesville. They have two grown children. NEW QUIZ by James V. Debevec II Last quiz: What is the only word in the English language that has all six vowels in alphabetical order. Hint: It starts with a “f.” Thanks to Ruth Abbott of Parma, Marie Dular of Cleveland, and Jennie Mramor of Euclid, Ohio who correctly identified the word “facetiously” as the answer. Retired teacher Bob Skully pointed out that abstemiously also qualifies. Newer quiz: What is the biggest word you can type using only the top row of a typewriter? Send answers to Jim ah@buckeveweb.com or mail to Jim, American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. T TV »»»»»»»»»»WO)* 0±LC FUNERAL HOME Family Owned and Operated P ' :.:-W ' 55856 JlP . v: A i*Spl i&lšiPP Because we care... We offer our families the option of Advance Funeral Planning —Joseph Zevnik, Dan Cosic . Funeral Directors I * Complete Funeral Pre-Planning Happy Birthday, America! “Relieving a burden from those we love. An associate,!)!"Homesteaders * Burials/Memorial Services * Trusts Available * Traditional Services * Entombments Cremations Itemized Pricing • Community Rooms Available 440-944-8400 28890 Chardon Road Willoughby Hills Dan Cosic, licensed Funeral Director Now Open: - Additional New Location - Totally Renovated Dan COSIC FUNERAL HOME, 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. (formerly Grdina’s) 216 - 486-2900 * E HAPPY 4TH ©F JULY T@ ALL AMEEHCA^S from Euclid Travel Vacation Specialists Condos /Villas Florida Mexico Las Vegas Caribbean Myrtle Beach Fav'216'261-1050 AX 1"216-261-1054 Packages/Tours Skiing Safari Europe Golf/Tennis Honeymoons OJCL/ofe^ TOAVEif 22078 Lakeshore Blvd. Euclid, Ohio 44123 Cruises Hawaii Caribbean New Zealand South America Mediterranean www.euclidtravel.com travel @euclidtravel. com : PVENIAN H ATIONAL OME 6417 ST. CLAIR AVENUE CLEVELAND, OHIO 44103 (216) 361-5115 Happy 4th of July j pi r, ■ rc/-V • N$. t - it /1 ■ % HALL FOR ALL * OCCASIONS * WEDDINGS PARTIES CONCERTS MEETINGS BEST WASHES FOB A HAPPY eroEFEroEBSCE DM From the Executive Committee, Board of Trustees and Members Slovenian American Heritage Foundation Slovensko Ameriški Kulturni Svet AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 22, 2006 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 22, 2006 Slovenian Plaque Rededication KSKJ AMrSlCAN SlOVtNIAN CATHOUC The SIovenian-American Heritage Foundation invites all to attend the rcdcdication of the restored plaque, Slovenians, Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence on Friday, July 7, at 2:30 p.m. on Mall B in downtown Cleveland (weather permitting). This event is part of the Cleveland Slovenian Days celebration of Slovenia’s 15 years of independence. Originally installed 30 years ago as part of Cleveland’s celebration of the United States Bicentenial, the commemorative inscription honors the Slovenian contribution to the Declaration of Independence. Quoting the text of Senator Frank J. Lausche’s speech before the United States Senate, the plaque describes the installation ritual of the Dukes of Carinthia. The Slovenian ritual was known to Thomas Jefferson through Jean Bodin’s book The Republic and possibly influenced Jefferson’s principle that the power to govern rests in the people who are to be governed. Several years ago the plaque was vandalized and a portion was stolen. In order to celebrate Slovenia’s 15 years of independence and the 230lh anniversary of United States independence, the monument is being restored and the missing plaque recast. The plaque will be rededicated by H.E. Samuel Žbogar, the Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to the United States following his noon presentation at the City Club of Cleveland. The plaque is located at the north end of Mass B near Lakeside Avenue, between Ontario Street and East 6lh Street. Parking is available in Cleveland City Hall’s Willard Park Garage or at parking meters along Lakeside Avenue. BECOME A MEMBER WITH ANEW INSURANCE PLAN FROM KSKJ! ACCIDENTAL DEATH & DISMEMBERMENT PLAN Available from ages 20 to 65 (coverage expires at age 70) Minimum Amount Available $25,000 - Maximum Available $100,000 $30 minimum per mode premium - $1.00 per thousand in PA $1.20 per thousand in CA, CO, CT, IL, IN, KS, Ml, MN, MT, OH, DC, Wl Call your local sales agent or the Home Office at 1-800-843-5755 www.kskjlife.com Hospitality is Highlighted in Slovenia Best Wishes for a Happy Independence Day Happy 4th of July SHELIGA DRUG, INC. Your Full Service Pharmacy 6025 St. Clair Avenue 431-1035 431-4644 FAX we accept: We bill most major insurance plans • American Express r • Discover • MasterCard • Visa • WIC - Food Stamps • Manufacturers Coupons • Photo Finishing Toe Sheliea -- Owner • Package & Mailing Center & • FAX Service • Keys Made • Layaways Visit Us! • Contact Lens Replacement Happy Independence Day! 2'c o ižmgpl In Time of Need - We Are Here to Help You! Licensed Funeral Directors: Richard J. Zele -Sutton J. Girod - Louis E. Zele “Four Generations of THE ZELE FAMILY” Zele Funeral Homes, Inc 452 East 152nd Street - 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio A Family Owned And Operated Since 1908 V Death Notices ANNA M. MLAKAR Anna M. Mlakar (nee Laurich), age 97 of Euclid; wife of the late Anthony; beloved mother of Anthony (Rita) Mlakar, Janet (Frank) Mlakar and Dorothy (John) Bianchi; cherished grandmother of 11 and greatgrandmother of 24; dear sister of Elizabeth Zalar, Theodore Laurich and seven deceased. Family received friends at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills on Friday, June 16 from 6-9 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial was at 10 a.m. on Saturday, June 17, 2006 at St. Christine Church. Interment in All Souls Cemetery. Family suggests memorial donations in her name to the Hospice of the Western Reserve, 300 E. 185 St., Cleveland, OH 44119. MONICA M. MIKOLIČ Monica M. Nikolič, age 39, beloved daughter of Patricia Budzilek and dearest step-daughter of Ronald Budzilek; preceded in death by her baby twin sister Michelle. She leaves behind her loving extended family at Decpwood Center. Mass of Christian Burial was at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 17 at St. Fclicitas Church. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Family received friends at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd. Willoughby Hills on Friday, June 16 from 4-8 p.m. In Memory Thanks to John F. Erjavec of Euclid, OH who Scnt in a $5.00 donation in Memory of Frank Kovacic a»d Rose Erjavec Kovacic. In Memory Thanks to Anton Vogel of Euclid, OH who donated $15.00 in memory of his w'fe, Mary Vogel. In Memory Thanks to Anna Jalovec Richmond Heights, OH who submitted a $15.00 do- In Memory Thanks to Anne and Greg Mihalek of Sevierville, Tennessee who renewed their subscription and added a generous donation of $100.00 in memory of the deceased Debevec family and all our Slovenian friends. In Memory Thanks to Marie Pivik of Middleburgi Hts., OH who submitted a $30.00 donation in memory of Mary Marsic, wife of Duke Marsic. In Memory Thanks to Jennie Schultz, Linda Frick and Dr. Ray Schultz who submitted a $100 donation in memory of Carl A. Schultz. Donation Thanks to George Knaus who donated $50.00 to the American Home newspaper. George is a great Slovenian promoter. Donation Thanks to Louis Kobal of Richmond Heights, OH who donated $10.00 to the Ameriška Domovina. 9,n Year Anniversary In Loving Memory of Marion (Roy) Rebol Died June 26, 1997 Your presence is ever near us, your love remains with us yet. You were the kind of father; your loved ones would never forget. Daughter - Margie Son - Mike Daughter-in-law - Marianne Grandsons - Matt, Danny Brothers - Joe, Rev. Anthony, Brother-in-law - Elfie Uncle - Rodney, Eileen Large Donation Thanks to Margaret J. Gorensek, M.D., of Fort Lauderdale, FL who renewed her subscription and added a wonderful $100.00 donation. In Loving Memory OF OUR HUSBAND AND UNCLE Tony Okicki 21st Anniversary He passed away June 22, 1985 God took him home; it was His will. But in our hearts we love him still. His memory is as dear today as in the hour he passed away. We often sit and think of him when we are atone, For memory is the only friend that grief can call its own. Wife — Mary Many nieces and nephews In Loving Memory of Josephine Grdina who died on June 22, 1975 Your memory is our keepsake With which we will never part Though God has you in His keeping, We will always have you in our heart. Sadly missed by Sons: Joseph and Anthony Daughters-in-law Mary and Betty Grandchildren, and Great-Grandchildren Friday, June 23 West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland dance from 7:30 - 11:15 p.m. with music Eric Nolt-kamper. Saturday, June 24 Slovenian Day - celebrating 15 years of independence of Slovenia and 45 years of Slovenska Pristava (Stan Mejač Ansambel) at Slovenska Pristava. Guests Sen. Voinovich and Consul Zvone Zgon. — Steak dinners served. To reserve dinner tickets call (440) 943-0621. Sunday, June 25 Beaverdale, PA reunion at SNPJ Farm from 12:30 to 7:30 p.m. Lodge 142 picnic provides food, beverages, and Ray Polantz Band. Saturday, July 1 Pristava Campers picnic / steak roast at Slovenska Pristava from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Advance steak dinners $15 (at door: $20); chicken $12 (at door $15). Advance call (216) 529-0579 or (440) 256-1924. Tuesday, July 4 Big Bang Fourth of July Dance at SNPJ Farm featuring Frank Moravcik & Del Sinchak. Thursday, July 6 St. Vitus Alumni meet in St. Vitus Village, 7 p.m. Friday, July 7 Slovenian-American Heri- tage Foundation invites all to attend redcdication of restored plaque Slovenians, Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence on Mall B near Lakeside Ave, between Ontario and E. 6th St, downtown Cleveland. Sunday, July 9 Catholic Mission Aid picnic (MZA) at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, July 9 Family Fun Day & Dance Lodge 604 at SNPJ Farm featuring Joey Tomsick Band. Wednesday, July 12 Holmes Ave. Pensioners Picnic at Eagles, 37299 Euclid Ave., Willoughby from noon to 6 p.m. Free admission. All invited. Music by Fred Ziwich. Food and refreshments available. Saturday, July 15 Moonlight Bowling, 6:30 p.m. at Slovenian National Home Co., 3563 E. 80,h St. $25 per couple includes bowling, prizes and meal. Call Tony at 440-243-4062. Sunday, July 16 St. Vitus Parish Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, July 16 Dance hosted by Cleveland Lodge 126 at SNPJ Farm featuring Jeff Pecon Orchestra. Monday, July 17 Camp Pristava until Sunday morning 7/23 Ration in memory of her jusband, Joe Jalovec. Annual Steak Dinner at Pristava Summer has arrived and so has the ‘buch-anticipated Slovenska Pristava “camp-crs” annual Steak/Chickcn Dinner on Saturday, July lsl. This annual “sell-out" diner will be extra Special this year... as a kick-off to the 4lh of U ^ wcekend and a special preview of the ncw “Hall Project.” . Eomc and enjoy an evening at Pristava 1 1 a delicious home-cooked dinner... steak outdoors) or chicken dinners with sPccial side dishes. su. . ke Dolinar promises us some special Pas*t*1,SCS *n mus*c department, and as in years, fireworks are usually present. Most of the proceeds from the campers dinner will be donated to the new Pristava Hall Project. So come out and enjoy a delicious dinner and support a great cause. Much of the work for the “new" hall is completed. So this will also be a great opportunity to view the magnificent structure. “Mish” Radisek will also be on display. The tickets are $15.00 / steak ($20 at door) and $12 / chicken ($15 at door). Tickets must be reserved in advance. Bar opens at 2 p.m. and dinner served from 5 p.m. thru 7:30 p.m. only. Please call Terri Vogel (216) 529-0573, Marg Rus (440) 256-1924, or Maria Štepec (440) 942-4688. _ Inlin I OAnnnrl Julie C. Harbie July 4, 2005 Sadly missed Wife of Edward Harbie Mother of Dale Harbie Richard and Candi Harbie Julie and Bob Petras Edward and Michele Harbie Grandmother of Loni Bobby Sarah Tommy Rachel Erica AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 22, 2006 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 22, 2006 8 HAPPY HWDEPEWDIWCE DAY Anton J. Ogrinc, D.D.S. Family Dentistry/Preventive Dentistry • MAYFIELD VILLAGE 6551 Wilson Mills Rd., Suit 103 1-440-473-1920 Slovenian Council Dr. Zvone Žgon, left, and State Representative Kenny Yuko. The Dream of Liberty “Whatever else history may say about me when I 1111 gone, I hope it will record that 1 appealed to your best hopes, not your worst fears; to your confidence rather than you1" doubts. My dream is that you will travel the road ahead with liberty’s lamp guiding your steps and opportunity’s arm steadying your way.” —Ronald Wilson Reagan -St. Vitus Catholic War Vets Newsleto* The life and times of Joseph Mihevc May 1945-June 1948 My Journey as a refugee (Continued) In Vetrinje When we arrived in Vetrinje, we were led to an open field that was totally exposed to the weather. There were between 20,000 and 30,000 people, including domobranci and Slovenian families. About a week later, there were fewer of us. The German prisoners were moved first, while the Slovenian domobranci and civilians were last. Many Slovenians were transported back to Slovenia, under the direction of the English army, which loaded them onto trains and told them they were going to Italy. Instead, they were sent directly into communist hands where over 12,000 were killed after suffering gross atrocities. (Recent investigation suggests that this genocide eliminated over 200,000 people.) At the end of May, 1945, this forced return was ultimately stopped through the intervention of the Red Cross, under the direction of Major Barry, who was a Canadian, and also Dr. Valentin Meršol (a Slovenian). After these orders came, we were left in that open field for the next three weeks, until we were resettled in camps in Austria. There was a severe shortage of food, especially among those who had left home several days earlier. Franc Arhar and Mr. Bauman were extraordinary in their attempts to obtain food. They went north from Celovec into a village and bought two calves that they led through Celovec into the camp later in the evening. Early the next morning, a young butcher, Tone Bavdek, went about the task of carving up the meat and thus we were able to add to our meager rations. I don’t remember who provided the flour nor did we know how to bake bread without an oven. Again, Franc Arhar and Bauman demonstrated their resourcefulness and Franc somehow acquired a stone plate from the nearby castle. It was carried to our tent and he, a stonemason (bricklayer?), built an oven. We all helped in whatever way we could and we finally baked our bread. Very soon, the rest of the camp learned that we were baking bread and others came by with their flour to bake their bread. The privilege of using the oven was paid for with some of the bread that was baked. One day, a young woman (Bara Remec, renowned as an artist in both Argentina and Slovenia) came by and drew a picture of our oven, the only one of this type in the camp. A few years ago, I saw that same picture in a magazine or book. Mr. Babnik, currently in New York, kept us up-to-date on what was occurring in Slovenia. He had come from Slovenia after the Slovenian domobanci were sent back. He would stand on a horse-driven wagon and provide us with information about the situation. In Peseez. (June, 1945) We stayed in Vetrinje for about six or seven weeks and I don’t recall the exact date in June, 1945 when the refugees were moved out. The largest group went to Spittal and Peggez near Lienz, while two smaller groups went to Judenburg and to Kelenberg by the Drava River. Our group was taken by the English to the railway station in Celovec, which had been heavily bombed. We traveled in ordinary rail-cars, from which we saw many smaller civilian and army camps that were awaiting further orders. We also saw railcars that had been bombed by planes. The train stopped at Peggez, from which we walked about a kilometer to the camp’s entrance. Russians who were forced to return to Russia had previously occupied this camp. (There is a Russian graveyard at the site and Tolstoy’s book, The Minister and the Massacres. documents this event.) A few Russians were allowed to remain and they managed the camp. At the entrance, we were told how many people were allowed into each amiy barrack. It wasn’t until the evening hours that we were given barrack number 27. As I mentioned earlier, some Russians remained and we shared the rooms with them. Since it was so late, we did not organize ourselves that evening and tried to get whatever sleep was possible under those conditions. The next day, we got ourselves organized, decided who slept where, and begged for some straw for the beds from the farmers in the neighboring village, Tristach. Slovenian Day at Cleveland City Hall , On Monday, June 5, State Representative Kenny Yuko presents Euclid resident Tony Hiti with a commendation for designing the banner “Cleveland Celebrates its Slovenian Community.” Slovenian Ambassador to the United States, Samuel Žbogar addresses the crowd as Councilman Michael Polenšek, Councilman Joe Cimperman, and State Rep. Kenny Yuko, watch. Sen. Voinovich at Pristava Forty-five years went by and Slovenska Pristava is going as strong as ever before. A new hall is being built and summers are very lively with events going on every weekend. Also, 15 years ago, Slovenia gained its independence. In honor of these two events we will have Slovenski dan celebration on Saturday, June 24. Steak dinners will be served from 2:30 to 4 P m. Reserve your dinner by calling Breda Ribic at (440) 943-0621 or Elizabeth at ((216)486-0660. At 4 o’clock we will have a short program. Fantje na Vasi will sing both American and Slovenian national anthems. Two special guests, Senator George Voinovich and Cleveland Counsul General Dr. Zvone Žigon will have short speeches. After that, Stan Mejac Orchestra will play for your dancing and listening pleasure. Entrance tickets for nonmembers is $4. Plenty of food and refreshments will be available throughout the evening. Members and friends of Slovenska Pristava are invited. —Milan Ribič Happy Birthday Elsie Zaletel of Makawao (Maui), Hawaii June 14, 2006 love, Family, Friends and the American Home staff Slovenians Well Represented at Ohio State University Commencement Antonia Žakelj - Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Dennis Zalik - Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Rebecca Žakelj -Doctor of Dental Surgery Matthew Plečnik, Master of Architecture (Happy 2nd Wedding Anniversary Michelle & Happy 4th of July! Matt) Brie km an- 1 )i Donato FUNERAL HOME Funeral Directors: Jeff DiDonato, Owner ~ Thomas Corrigan Harlan Saxton ~ Lloyd Rankin Serving All Faiths 21900 Euclid Ave. Euclid,Oh 216-481-5277 Caring ~ Compassionate ~ Dedicated to Euclid AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 22, 2006 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 22, 2006 10 Fr. Spendov Honored for Musical Contributions "Pater Vendelin, Ad mul-tos felices annos” - With these words addressed to Fr. Vendelin Spendov, O.F.M., renowned composer of liturgical music in the USA and in Slovenia, Fr. Blase Chc-mazar, O.F.M., concluded his remarks at the Appreciation Dinner held on Sunday, May 28 by the Slovenian Cultural Center in Lcmont, Illinois. It was a day filled with music, and good spirit. “He brought so much beautiful music to our whole Slovenian community.” -“He made us understand the meaning of choral singing.” - “We would not know this kind of music without him,” were some of the comments made by many guests in praise of Fr. Vendclin’s active musical life in Chicago as they crowded near to shake his hand at the end of a very delightful program dedicated to the man and his music. The large crowd of 300 persons had already enjoyed a sumptuous banquet prepared by Lilijana Čepon and her crew from Joliet and served by the Folklore group “Lipa” that was held in recognition of the exceptional volunteerism of members who have made the activities held at the Slovenian Cultural Center the core of Slovenian community life in the Midwest. In his welcoming remarks, SCC President, Martin Hozjan, expressed appreciation for all the dedicated work with special emphasis on the men who keep our grounds so perfectly groomed and the many members who spend hours at various chores to make the hall so beautiful and welcoming. Martin also emphasized how appropriate was this day to acknowledge the support and inspiration of Fr. Vendelin at the time when the Slovenian Cultural Center was formed as an organization back in 1991, and plans began to build a Center for all Slovenians. Testimonial letters to Fr. Vendelin from Bishop Emeritus James Garland of Marquette, Michigan and Baraga Archivist Elizabeth Delene were also read at the dinner. Three story-boards were on display in the Center foyer prepared by Ivanka Markun and our musical archivist, Nandi Puc, highlighting Father’s musical career with photos and press clippings of many concerts and performances, also copies of his own musical compositions and the book he authored about the church organs in Slovenia. Master of Ceremonies for the program was John Vid- Rev. Vendelin Spendov, O.F.M. mar, our Deacon at Bishop Anton Martin Slomšek Slovenian Catholic Mission. In enumerating all the choirs Fr. Vendelin has directed over the past decades, he called on their representatives, e.g., the St. Stephen choir, Mladinski Zbor and Orchestra, St. Stephen School Choir, Prekmurski Zbor, St. George Church Choir, France Prešeren Chorus, Sovenska pesem Chorus, and St. Mary’s Lemont Choir, to stand and join together at the stage to sing -one more time - together. It was something to behold, as the group formed a huge chorus estimated at about 50 people, fdling the area that is normally used as a dance floor. The singers were from all suburbs and of all ages, including our beloved Frances Martinčič, a young 95 years. Under the direction of Helen Schroth, and accompanied by Patty Zeleznak, they sang without further delay, and needless to say, without any rehearsal, two favorite choral compositions: “Zabučale gore (arrangement by Fr. Vendelin), and a rousing rendition of “V hribih se dela dan.” Vigorous applause was so inspiring that some of the singers vowed to start reorganizing the former Slovenska Pesem chorus again. (Singers, consider this an invitation to “voice” your willingness to be a part of it.) A very touching moment earlier in the program was the recitation of a lyrical poem written in Slovenian especially for this occasion by our genial Jaka Praprotnik, our well-known coworker. It recalled Fr. Vendelin’s birth, his family, his inherited musical genius and his many attributes as a dedicated priest and fine composer. The testimonial was also appropriate at this time in anticipation of Fr. Vendelin’s 85th birthday in October, and his 60th Jubilee as a Franciscan priest in 2007. We learned these facts from Fr. Blase, President of the Commissariat of the Holy Cross in Lemont, who gave a most informative and interesting biographical sketch that was dotted with remembrances of events he shared with his Brother Franciscan. A special video piece entitled: “Father Vcndeline, The One and Only” was prepared and shown to conclude the program by well-known videographer and former St. Stephen parishioner, Bill Trinko, who is currently gathering old movies and photos for the Slovenian , Media Library at the Cultural Center. Bill is on hand most Sundays at the Center to distribute videos he has made of the well-remembered events at old St. Stephen’s, as well as in Lemont and at various Chicago locations, and says he is offering them to people who would like to visually re-live and recall the “old days” at those many historic and enjoyable gatherings, among them, the Centennial of St. Stephen church in 1998. —Corinne Leskovar Our parishioners, and loyal supporters Karl and Marija Zorjan and family celebrated the ordination of their son Peter as a Transitional Deacon of the Diocese of Peoria on May 27th, and we had the honor and pleasure of having Peter and his parents, brother, Andrew, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Markosek, aunt, Theresa Meyer and uncle, Frank Markosek Jr. and other relatives present at our May 28 event. The Zorjan family was with us to observe another occasion, their wedding anniversary that very day. We feel Peter is a son of all of us and thank God for blessing him and his family with his calling to the priesthood. It was beautiful to see Peter at the altar the morning Mass with Fr. Metod Ogorevc, O.F.M., our pastor, Fr. Vendelin, and Deacon John Vidmar, and to be able to welcome him later at the Center. We look forward to Peter’s priestly ordination one year from now. St. Christine Church Annual Rummage Sale FRIDAY, JUNE 23 - noon - 6 p.m. SATURDAY, JUNE 24-9 A.M. - 6 P.M. SUNDAY, JUNE 25 - noon to 4 p.m. 840 E. 222 St., Euclid, OH - in GYM Books, tool, lighting & plumbing fixtures, furniture, small appliances, household items, knick knacks, toys, collectibles and MUCH MORE Come In or Call Us for Appointment Cleveland Accounting Service 6218 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 881-5158 Combined Chorus directed by Helen Schroth What Really Happened on Independence Day, July 4th Independence Day, or the Fourth of July is the adoption by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776 of the Declaration of Independence, proclaiming the severance of the allegiance of the American colonics to Great Britain. It is the greatest secular holiday of the United States, observed in all the states, territories and dependencies. Although it is assumed the Continental Congress unanimously signed the document on the 4th of July, in fact not all delegates were present and there were no signers at all. Here is what really happened. The congressional delegate from Virginia, Richard Henry Lee, introduced in the Continental Congress, on June 7, 1776, a resolution “that... body declare the United Colonies free and independent States, absolved from allegiance to or dependence on the Crown or Parliament of Great Britan...” On June 10 a committee of five, headed by Thomas Jefferson (the actual Writer), was appointed to Prepare a declaration suitable to the occasion in the event that the Virginia resolution was adopted. Jefferson’s version was revised by Benjamin Franklin and John Adams before it went to the Congress where they did some editing of their own. Congress approved the resolution on July 2, the declaration composed by Jefferson and amended by his committee was adopted on July 4. That evening John Hancock ordered Philadelphia printer John Dunlap to print 200 broadside copies of the agreed upon Declaration that was signed by him as President and Charles Thomson as Secretary. These were distributed to members of the Congress and distributed to the 13 colonies and elsewhere. The Declaration was read in the yard of the state house on July 8. New York did not even vote on it until July 9. The signing was even more gradual, and it is somewhat misleading to speak of the “fifty-six original signers of the Declaration of Independence.” By August 6, most of those whose names are on the document had signed, but at least six signatures were attached later. One signer, Thomas McKean did not attach his name until 1781. Some of those who signed were not even in Congress when the Declaration was adopted, and some who voted for it in Congress never did get around to signing it. Robert R. Livingston was one of the committee of five; he helped to frame it; he voted for it; but he never signed it. The first anniversary of the declaration was observed only in Philadelphia with the adjournment of Congress, a ceremonial dinner, bonfires, the ringing of bells and fireworks. In 1788 after the requisite number of states had adopted the constitution, Philadelphia celebrated July 4 by elaborate festivities, including a grand parade. Boston, Mass., first observed the day in 1783, and thereafter this celebration replaced that of the Boston Massacre, March 5. The custom spread to other cities and states, where the day was marked by parades, patriotic oratory, picnics, patriotic programs and pageants, and community fireworks of pyrotechnic expertise characteristic of the 4th of July. Mlakar Walks bown Memory Lane _by RAY MLAKAR Well, Ray is back, ready or n°t> but I don’t know for how long, but certainly aPologize for missing my submission over the past few ^ceks. As some of you may have heard I had been con-‘ned to the hospital on two different occasions. Was uierc, went home for a few ays and then headed back. . Ucss anyone who has been 'u the hospital realizes that is lc last place one wants to be. fortunately, on Vls't, they were al ltl°Ve the water u,1g area and wati s° called water dri c°ntainer was a sigl ^es t0 say the lea: be doctor, “Are lost well over ^d now nothing an CaH me “ba "°w- I have to ^spenders. Even 7° not have n ,Ppct‘tc for foot s face facts cZZWoia tr°p is Lr nKs 1 an: ,HaPPy Harry, f * have learn« °m aH this ex that is not knowing if there will be a tomorrow. The good Lord always sends us an angel and he certainly sent me mine and it was my sister Irene. I don’t know what I nor Happy Harry would have done without her for she makes it a point to insure that she was at my house each day to let Happy Harry go outside and check out the back yard and do whatever fertilizing he felt needed to be done. And she certainly gave him his share of treats. Goes without saying I will be forever grateful to God Almighty for having “Sister Irene” at my side. Can’t overlook my other sister Eleanor for although it is difficult for her to come out, she called me each day giving me encouragement to face the new tomorrow. Between both stays at the hospital, they certainly took enough pictures for I felt they took more photos of me than we had taken when we were married. At our wedding they took pictures of me in my tuxedo, now they take them with me in my “birthday suit.” I swear that Sister Bernadette had something to do with this “photo session.” I won’t even go into the diet, but what can one say about a liquid diet. A lot has changed over the past month. A month ago it was me and Happy Harry in the bed, now it is Happy Harry, me, and the oxygen tank. Before I get too carried away, I want to thank the readers who have kept me in their prayers. One word to the young folks, whatever you do, don’t ever smoke cigarettes for you will pay for it dearly and regret it for the rest of your life. I wish to extend my deepest sympathy to Frankie and Janet Mlakar as well as Janet’s sister and brother in the loss of Janet’s mother, Ann Mlakar whose funeral' was on Saturday, 17 June. Well, Ray, you spent a lot of paragraphs telling us what life is like in the hospital, so how about leaving us with a smile? Army doctor: “Have you any physical defects, soldier?” New recruit: “Yes, no The Irish water spaniel is sometimes called the clown of the dog family. St. Vitus Alumni News Just a reminder that it is meeting time. Our quarterly meeting will take place the first Thursday in July 6 in the Slovenian Room of St. Vitus Village, at 7 p.m. It should prove to be an exciting meeting. News of 2006 scholarships and honorees for the coming year will be announced. That in itself should make you curious and want to attend the meeting. This is not “just” another meeting. It is getting together with your friends. Another page in your book of memories. Our member Annie Arhar’s mate, Ed is still recuperating at the Cleveland Clinic. Remember him in your prayers. It’s been a long road to recovery. (151 E. 199 St., Euclid, OH 44119.) Another member, not to be forgotten is Louie Shank. Now residing at Mt. St. Joseph, 218000 Chardon Rd., Room 229, Euclid, OH 44117. I am sure a card would be appreciated. Looking forward to seeing you, and YOU, too at the meeting Thursday, July 6 at 7 p.m. Won’t you join us? Don’t want to come? Bring a friend. Everyone, if you attend St. Vitus, in the “good old days” way back then, or just graduated, ‘not too long ago,’ Come to our meeting. The dues are only $5 a year. But the benefits are lifetime treasures. --Aggie Koporc 11 Mario’s International Program WKTX - 830 - AM Saturdays - 3 to 5 p.m. A special program for 4th of July Slovene or Slovenian? Editor, I am disappointed when I see how American and Canadian Slovenians use the word “Slovene” instead of “Slovenian,” which is the correct word. Slovenians in Australia don’t allow the word to be misused. We are known as Slovenians in Australia, not Slovenes. Croatians would not permit to be called Croate (“Krote”), so why should the Slovenians demean ourselves into Slovene (or Sloven)? Please join Slovenians in Australia and don’t permit the misuse of our national pride, and refer to ourselves as Slovenians. --Jožica Garden, Australia In Memory Thanks to Ann Kretic of Eastlake, OH who sent in a $20.00 donation in memory of Edward Kretic. Donation Thanks to John J. Leskovec of Kirtland, OH who sent in a $50.00 donation. Help Wanted Factory Growing company offering competitive wages, excellent benefits & 40IK, is seeking an experienced individual to perform bending, grinding, polishing, drilling & various duties. Apply @ PAKO, Inc., 7615 Jenther Dr., Mentor, OH. EOE. Inspector Dimensional and visual inspector for a growing aerospace company offering competitive wages/-excellent benefits /401K. Apply @ PAKO, Inc., 7615 Jenther Dr., Mentor, OH EOE Specialists In Corrective Hair Coloring V___________ ^ V ting & brenda’s HAIR SALON 461-7989 / 461-0623 5216 Wilson Mills Rd. Richmond Hts.. Ohio 44143 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 22, 2006 Nekaj poudarkov iz homilije v ljubljanski stolnici... Kardinal dr. Franc Rode v Sloveniji Rudiju in Anici Knez za zlato poroko Prižgimo v svojih srcih kres na čast družine vzorne Knez, ki zlati jubilej obhaja! Bog ljubi nam poslal je v dar ta čudoviti zlati par, ki skupnost dviga in oplaja. Naš Rudi, vedno nasmejan, Slovenec vnet, goreč kristjan, kulturnik, vzornik naš, učitelj, vse od mladostnih let in dni mladino vzgaja in uči, rodov je treh vodnik, vzgojitelj. Predragi Rudi, cenjena gospa in vzorna ženka Anica, nalila sta nam čisto vino. Slovenska skupnost še živi, še moli, poje, se uči, vsa vpeta v vrlo kneževino! Knezov učenec v mestecu Spittal je bil sedanji kardinal dr. Rode, ki še hvaležen ga spoštuje. Harmonikarji, Korotan, slovenske šole — vsi na plan, ko par naš zlati jubilej praznuje! Hvaležno kliče zdaj srce: Zahvaljen, zlati par, za vse! Naj Baraga in Mati sveta izprosita Vam milosti ter zdravja, sreče in moči! Bog živi Vas na mnoga leta! Hvaležni otroci, sorodniki, učenci in prijatelji Kaj je torej narobe, da je med nami 10.000 zasvojenih z mamili, da vsako leto cesta vzame nekaj sto življenje, še več pa jih uničijo ginelo-ške klinike, da je število rojstev od leta 1981, ko smo jih našteli 30.000, v zadnjih letih padlo pod 17.000? Kaj je narobe, da nas je Slovencev vsaki dve leti 2.400 manj? To sicer ni samo naš problem, to je problem celotne Evrope, ki ni več sposobna zagotoviti svoje prihodnosti, še več, ki nima več volje do prihodnosti. V otroku, ki je prihodnost, vidi grožnjo CLEVELAND, O. - Že smo zapustili velikonočno dobo in stopili v navadno liturgično leto. Pred nami je še procesija Sv. Reš-njega telesa, kater nas poveže z Jezusom, da Mu lažje sledimo. Tudi konec šole je tu, razne graduacije, ko prehajajo otroci z ene šole na drugo in se tako pripravljajo za življenje. Počitnice so pred vrati, pa tudi pikniki, obiski. Življenje teče svojo pot, vsakemu drugače. V vse to vpade tudi odhod marsikaterega znanca, da ostrmimo ali je res že njegova ura prišla in se gremo poslovit ter molimo za pokojnega. Vsi smo vedeli, da je Helenca Nemec precej opešala, molili smo, za njeno zdravje opravili de-vetdnevnico, a je vseeno čudno zastala beseda, ko smo zvedeli, da je prav na hitro odšla. Lepo smo se poslovili od nje, ji želeli večno srečo v Bogu. Tudi podpisana sem se v cerkvi Marije Vnebov-zete pri pogrebni sv. maši poslovila v imenu Oltarnega društva in Misijonskega krožka s temi vrsticami: “Draga Helenca! Težko smo sprejeli novico o Tvojem odhodu ob poklicu Nebeškega Očeta, odšla si v boljše življenje. Trda je bila Tvoja življenjska pot, posuta s trpljenjem, a obenem vdana v voljo božjo. Vse si sprejemala brez godrnjanja v tihi poslušnosti. za sedanje ugodje; otrok ni več upanje, ampak omejevanje. Kot da ne bi imeli več prave življenjske moči. Kaj storiti? Najprej moramo spremeniti temeljno občutje bivanja kot nujnosti in zabave iz dolgočasja in preiti v občutje, da je življenje zastonjski dar Stvarnika, svoboda in naloga. "Sem, in bom, in zato sem več od pozabljanja, neizmerno več od zanikanja, neskončno več od niča” (Edvard Kocbek, Molitev). Če vem, da me je Bog v svoji suvereni svobodi poklical v bivanje, da je Dobro se zavedamo, da ni bilo lahko, a Tvoja vera je bila tako močna, da nisi klonila in ne dvomila, ali je prav ali ni! Ko je bila težava, kdo bo vodil misijonsko blagajno, si se ponudila in še prijateljico nagovorila za pomoč. Skrbno si vse vodila, a zdaj je utihnil Tvoj računalnik-kompju-ter, ni več roke, da bi premikala črkovnico, ne bo več okornega podpisa, ko so Ti tudi oči odpovedovale. Odšla si, nastala je velika praznina, vendar si nam zdaj bližja, lažje nam pomagaš, zato Te prosimo, da poprosiš Nebeškega Očeta za milost osebi, ki bi bila pripravljena sprejeti to delo. Izprosi tudi milost, da bomo še naprej z veseljem delali za rast božjeta kraljestva na misijonskem polju. Draga Helenca, vsi Ti želimo, da se veseliš v Bogu, kateremu si tako vdano služila in Ga ljubila!” Nato je še Marija Vogel dodala svojo zahvalo za vse Helenino delo v raznih drugih organizacijah. Bila nam je lep zgled vere, upanja in ljubezni, kar ne bomo pozabili in nam bo še velikokrat stopila pred oči, kako je sprejemala božjo voljo, posebno ko bomo na razpotju. V imenu vseh, ki smo Te srečali: HVALA TI, HELENCA! Lavriševa moj izvor v čisti Božji darežljivosti, potem lahko občutim bivanje kot radost in dar in me lahko navdaja neprestano veselo čudenje nad neverjetnim, osupljivim dejstvom: Jaz sem... Tu bi nagovoril predvsem starše. O čem sanjajo vaši otroci? Mar ne o ljubezni, ki se razdaja, o brezmejni pripravljenosti na žrtvovanje, o dobroti, ki ne šteje? Otrok sanja o velikodušnosti, plemenitosti, svetosti svojih staršev. Ne razočarajte svojih otrok! Ni bolj zahtevnega, kot so sanje otrok o svojih starših. Če pomislite na to, boste spoznali, da vas otroci kličejo k svetosti. Vse to nas navaja k eni od temeljnih moralnih prvin, kjer naj bi se izražala slovenska in evropska istovetnost: pri- znavanje in obramba zakonske zveze, kot skupnosti med moškim in žensko in zanikanje vsakega poskusa, da bi ta naravni zakon pravno izenačili z drugimi oblikami skupnosti. Monogamni zakon kot osnovna struktura družine ima svoj izvor v svetopisemskem pojmovanju odnosov med moškim in žensko. Ravno to pojmovanje je dalo Evropi njen posebni obraz, njeno plemenito človeškost, saj je terjalo zvestobo in odpoved, kar pa ni šlo brez naporov in trpljenja. Evropa ne bi bila več to, kar je, če bi ta osnovna celica njene zgradbe izginila ali bi bila bistveno spremenjena. Druga moralna prvina, ki sodi k istovetnosti Evrope, je brezpogojno spoštovanje človekovega dostojanstva in njegovih pravic. Teh pravic ne ustvarja državni zakon. Človekovo dostojanstvo ni odvisno od politične odločitve, ampak ima svoj izvor v Stvarniku. Samo Bog lahko utemeljuje vrednote, ki so nedotakljive. Šele to je prava garancija naše svobode in veličine: v dejstvu, da smo ustvarjeni po Božji podobi. Tretja moralna pravica, ki sodi k evropski istovetnosti, je poseben odnos do vere, se pravi, spoštovanje tega, kar je za drugega sveto, sveto v najvišjem pomenu besede - spoštovanje Boga. Tu je temelj vsake kulture. To spoštovanje imamo pravico pričakovati tudi od tistih, ki nimajo vere. V družbi, kjer tega spoštovanja ni, se je izgubilo nekaj bistvenega. In tu smo pred specifičnim slovenskim in evropskim problemom. Pri nas bo obsojen vsak, kdor sramoti judovsko vero in njena izročila, vsak, kdor bi žalil Koran ali Preroka. Ko pa gre za Kristusa in za to, kar je sveto kristjanom, se izgovarjajo na svobodo izražanja, če ne celo na umetnost. V tem je nekaj patološkega. Odpiramo se drugim, občudujemo in hvalimo druge kulture, sebe in svoje duhovno bogastvo pa preziramo. V svoji preteklosti iščemo to, kar je bilo narobe, nismo pa sposobni videti, kar je veliko in čisto. Če bomo hoteli preživeti, bomo morali - kritično in ponižno - sprejeti sami sebe, svojo kul' turo in svoje vrednote ter jim ostati zvesti. Naj nas pri tem navdihuje Duh resnice, ki Ša je Jezus obljubil svoji Cerkvi, in naj prenov1 obličje slovenske zemlje- Vzeto od Novega glasU' Trst, 8. junija 2006 m ^OR®l Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family ED MEJAC RDC Program Director WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO hours: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 TEL/FAX WEB: www.wcsb.org Izpod zvona župnije Marije Vnebovzete k SLOWPZSM&&L 6114 LAUSCHE AVENUE CLEVELAND, OHIO 44103 Tel. 216-361-0300 Fax: 216-361-0321 Dom tel. 216-381-2602 E-mail: felixjgaser@adelphia.net Slovenska pisarna sporoča, da ima v zalogi še nekaj knjig “Slovenia 1945” v angleščini. V kratkem izide ista knjiga tudi v slovenskem prevodu. Ako si hočete zagotoviti izvod, prosim, pokličite me. Lahko jo naročite v Slovenski pisarni, ki je odprta vsako soboto od 10. ure dopoldne do 1. ure popoldne, in pa v nedeljo, od pol 12. ure do 1. ure popoldne. Lahko pa tudi kličete na moj dom: 216-381-2602, ali na telefon Slovenske pisarne (216-361-0300) med uradnimi urami in vam jo dostavimo po pošti kakor hitro idi-de. Obljubljeno mi je, da bo to okoli 20. junija. Želel bi, da bi dobil več prednaročil, da bom vedel, koliko naj jih naročim. Cena bo verjetno kot je angleška. Takoj ko izvem, bom ceno objavil. Ne pozabite na knjigo dr. Metoda Milača “Kdo solze naše posuši” (v slovenščini); ista je tudi izšla v angleščini kot “Resistance, Imprisonment & Forced Labor". Tu lahko dobite tudi knjigo “Dr. Valentin Meršol”; to je knjiga o rešitelju tisočev beguncev v Vetrinju tistih usodnih dni v maju in juniju 1945. Kot že veste, sprejemamo tudi naročila za naslednje revije: Družina, Ognjišče, Svobodna Slovenija, Duhovno življenje. Nova zaveza. Naša luč in Misijonsko obzorje. Ustavite se v naši pisarni in si oglejte mnoge stare In novejše knjige, ki so naprodaj ali pa v posojilo. Ne bo vam žal! Na svidenje v Slovenski pisarni! Felix Gaser "u3 V BLAG SPOMIN LAUSCHETOVE DRUŽINE Frances Lausche Louis Lausche MATI OČE umrla 4. julija 1934 umrl 7. januarja 1908 BRATJE Louis Lausche umrl 5. septembra 1911 William J. Lausche umrl 8. julija 1967 Albert Lausche Charles Lausche umrl 5. junija 1905 umrl 25. julija 1969 Harold J. Lausche umrl 29. maja 1986 Frances Lausche umrla 22. februarja 1900 Frances Urankar “mrla 18. oktobra 1987 Sen. Frank J. Lausche umrl 21. aprila 1990 Alice Lausche umrla 28. marca 1900 Josephine Lausche Welf umrla 11. decembra 1990 SESTRE Antonija Lausche umrla 18. julija 1999 SVAKINJE Jane Sheal Lausche U|nrla 21. novembra 1981 Frances Knaus Lausche Alice Lausche umrla 29. novembra 1991 umrla 7. februarja 2004 Clcveland, Ohio, 22. junija 2006 V Sloveniji se zadovoljstvo z življenjem izboljšuje Trst - V novi številki Ekonomskega ogledala, publikacije, ki jo izdaja Urad slovenske vlade za makroekonomske analize in razvoj, je objavljena tudi analiza o tem, kakšno je v Sloveniji zadovoljstvo z življenjem. Njena avtorica Jana Javornik je zapisala, "da v Sloveniji spremljamo zadovoljstvo z življenjem s pomočjo raziskave Slovenskega javnega mnenja, mednarodne podatke pa dobivamo iz Evropske družboslovne raziskave, ki ponuja podatke za dvaindvajset držav”. Ob tem ugotavlja, “da je v Sloveniji zadovoljstvo z življenjem primerjalno gledano nizko, a se izboljšuje.” Politična stabilnost in razvoj razmeroma hitro vplivata na zviševanje povprečnih ocen zadovoljstva. Čeprav za prva leta po osamosvojitvi države ni na voljo zanesljivih podatkov, zdaj ocenjujejo, da je z življenjem ves čas “zadovoljnih” ali “dokaj zadovoljnih" približno 80% prebivalcev. Zadovoljstvo z življenjem v Slovenil je, sodeč po raziskavah, višje kot v Grčiji in na Portugalskem, v dveh “staroevro-pskih” državah s stopnjo gospodarske blaginje, ki je primerljiva s slovensko, vendarle pa nekoli- V BLAG SPOMIN 15. OBLETNICE SMRTI MILKO PUST Umrl 25. junija 1991 V miru božjem Ti počivaj, dragi, nepozabni nam; v nebesih večno srečo uživaj, do svidanja na vekomaj! Žalujoči: žena Dragica sin Marjan z družino hčerki Slavica in Vida z družinama v Ljubljani sestra Vida Lun z družino ostali sorodniki v Ameriki in Sloveniji. Tonetu in Martini Štepec ob zlati poroki Prerevne so vrstice te, a srce vendar naj pove, da radi Vaju vsi imamo. Martina draga, Tone naš, ko delo dozoreva v klas, vse bolj ceniti Vaju znamo. Čeprav v pokoj sta že odšla, z veseljem še pomagata. Kjer koli kliče delo, marljiva, dobrega srca, naša predraga slavljenca zagrabita veselo. Ko Vajin vnuk nam zaigra, očarana je skupnost vsa ob zvokih violine. Le kdo med nami ne pozna violinista Joškota, dar Toneta, Martine! Vmes sta še bistra hčerka, bister sin, sposoben mož mnogih vrlin, ki Vaškim pevcem predseduje. Tako ponosni Štepčev rod se uveljavlja vsepovsod, poslanstvo skupno nadaljuje. Predragi Tone, ženkica, za vse srčno zahvaljena! Ta pesem ni nikdar izpeta! Se dolgo bo odmevala in srca nam ogrevala! Bog živi Vaju še na mnoga leta! Hvaležni naraščaj, sorodniki, Pristavski upokojenci in drugi prijatelji ko nižje kot v Italiji in v Avstriji. Najvišja so povprečja v skandinavskih državah in v zahodni Evropi. Ocene zadovoljstva z življenjem so pomembno povezane s številnimi dejavniki. Slovenske in tuje raziskave potrjujejo pomembnost ocene zadovoljstva z življenjem, z višino dohodka in bruto domačega proizvoda države. Rezultati analize, denimo, kažejo, da imata v Sloveniji največjo pojasnjevalno moč samoocena zdravja in zakonski stan, manjšo pa izobrazba in lastna ocena družbenega položaja posameznika. V Sloveniji so skratka bolj zadovoljni ljudje, ki se počutijo zdravi, so poročeni (ali živijo v tako imenovanih izvenzakon-skih partnerskih zvezah) in imajo višji (samooce-njeni) družbeni status. Razlike v indvidualnem zadovoljstvu glede na starost in spol so razmeroma majhne, raziskave pa tudi kažejo, da na izraženo zadovoljstvo z življenjem vedno bolj pomembno vplivajo tudi zaposlitev, njena kakovost in stopnja delovne samostojnosti posameznih oseb. M. Novi glas, 18.V.2006 Cleveland Pubuc Radio WCPN 90.3 FN Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 Phone: 1-440-944-2538 e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcglobal.net ensk& Saturdays 9-I0rm CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO OGNJISCE-LJUBLJANA JfSSt Lemontska obletnica LEMONT, 111. - V torek, letošnjega 27. junija, bo poteklo 80 let, kar je ljubljanski škof Anton Bonaventura Jeglič v Le-montu kronal podobo brezjanske Marije Pomagaj - prav tisto podobo, ki nas k čaščenje in molitvi spodbuja še danes z lemontskega glavnega oltarja. Cerkev in samostan seveda nista več tista, kot ob kronanju - pravzaprav je od prvotnega Lemonta ostala le Marijina kronana slika. Cerkev in prit-lilčni samostan okoli nje sta takrat stala skoraj čisto ob glavni cesti, kjer je danes uvoz na zasebno cesto, ki iz Main Street vodi tako v samostan s cerkvijo kot tudi v Kulturni center. Kronanje lemontske Marijine slike in prihod ljubljanskega škofa Jegliča ter takratnega provin-ciala p. Regalata Čebulja je sovpadalo z mednarodnim evharističnim kongresom, ki je bil v Chicagu od 20. do 24. junija 1926. Baragov grob v Marquette je provincial p. Regalat obiskal še pred kongresom, škof Jeglič pa po kongresu in kronanju v Lemontu. Sicer je pa zanimivo pobrskati po zgodovini V BLAG SPOMIN ATU IN MAMI JOŽE VOJE umrl 29. junij 1981 ANA VOJE umrla 11. nov. 1991 Ata, minilo je že 25 let, odkar si nas zapustil; Ljuba mama, Tebi pa 15 let; Toda v naših srcih še vedno živita med nami, Vera nas tolaži, da se bomo spet srečali! Zelo žalujoči: Hčerke: ANI in mož STANE JOŽI in mož TONE SILVA (pokojna) Vsi vnuki in vnukinje z družinami in ugotoviti, kako so takrat praznovali. O tem je poročala Ave Maria v junijski in julijski številki leta 1926 in Koledar Ave Maria za leto 1927. Oglejmo si nekaj odlomkov. Prvi je iz junijske številke Ave Maria 1926, st. 182. Spored kronanja lemontske Marije Pomagaj Na predvečer, v soboto, 26. junija, ob pol osmih litanije z blagoslovom in spovedovanje romarjev. V nedeljo zjutraj bo več svetih maš, pri katerih se bo delilo sv. obhajilo. Ob 11. uri se začne slovesnost: podoba Marije Pomagaj se v procesiji odnese na grič za cerkvijo, ker bo takoj nato škofova maša s pridigo in kronanje. Po kronanju se podoba prenese v slovesni procesiji nazaj v cerkev. Sledi odmor za kosilo. Ob 2. uri pete litanije in blagoslov z Najsvetejšim v cerkvi. Po blagoslovu ljudski tabor pri jezeru na griču. Govorili bodo najodličnejši govorniki izmed ameriških in staro-krajskih romarjev. Po taboru prosta zabava na farmi. Za pokrepčila bodo zadostno skrbeli šotori. Dostavek: Med sv. mašo na griču bo pel cerkveni pevski zbor “Adria" od sv. Štefana v Chicagu. P. Benigen Snoj je v daljšem prispevku opisal pomen romanj s posebnim ozirom na Lemont v isti številki na strani 183. Celoten članek je veliko predolg za objavo, zato navajam samo bistvene odlomke iz njega: (...) Vsakemu Slovencu je brez dvojbe najbolj znana in najbolj priljubljena Marijina podoba: Marija Pomagaj na Brezjah. - Vsem je znano, koliko milosti je že Bog podelil ljudem na priprošnjo brezjanske Marije Pomagaj. Na Brezje torej teže srca vseh vernih Slovencev v domovini. To svojo dobro nebeško Mater hočemo imeti pred očmi tudi mi, verni Slovenci v Ameriki. Tudi mi bi radi zrli v ta mili obraz Marije Pomagaj, kakor smo zrli, ko smo bili še v domovini. Toda predaleč so Brezje na Gorenjskem, ne moremo iti tja, kamor nas tako vleče srce... Mi ne moremo iti na Brezje, je pa Marija prišla k nam v Ameriko. Imamo isto lepo podobo Marije Pomagaj tu v Lemontu. Naslikal jo je prav mojstrsko naš akademski slikar p. Blaž Farčnik, O.F.M., iz Ljubljane, ki ji je na Brezjah vdihnil materinsko milobo, da že sam pogled na to podobo razveseli naše srce. (...) Zakaj si je pa Marija izbrala ravno Lemont za naše Brezje? Ker je Lemont lahko dostopen za naše rojake širom Amerike, ker je nekako v sredi med njimi. Iz tega središča naj bi se širilo češčenje Marijino med ameriškimi Slovenci. (...) Zato bo torej slovesnost kronanja milostne podobe Marije Pomagaj, naj bi Ona, kraljica nebes in zemlje, zavladala (DALJE na str. 15) NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA Z globoko žalostjo naznanjamo vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem da nas je 1 aprila po težki bolezni zapustila naša draga žena, mama, sestra, teta in babica. Mary Maršič Rojena je bila 31 julija 1932 v Haarlem, Holandija in kot dvoletna deklica prišla nazaj v Ljubljano, Slovenijo. V Cleveland je prišla leta 1955. Leta 1961 je spoznala Dušana Maršiča s katerim seje poročila leta 1962. Rodila sta se jima sin Martin in hčerka Verica. Skozi pet let je uspešno vodila gostilno “Slovene Village” na Saint Clairju in se kasnje zaposlila kot kuharica v Kennedy Junior High School v Eastlake. Kasnje je postala manager v North High School v Eastlake do upokjitve leta 1998. Po hudi bolezni je 1 aprila za vedno zatisnila oči v Hospice of the Western Reserve. Od nje smo se poslovili v Clevelandu 5. aprila 2006. Pogreb je bil iz Cosičevega pogrebnega zavoda v cerkev Marije Vnebovzete, kjer je častiti.g. Župnik Janez Kumše daroval pogrebno sveto mašo. Nato je bila pokopana na pokopališču Vernih duš v Chardon, Ohio. Iskrena hvala č.g. Župniku Janezu Kumšetu za vso pomoč naši družini v tem težkem času mamine bolezni in smrti. Hvala za obiske v bolnici, molitve v pogrebnem zavodu in na pokopališču, ter za darovano sveto mašo. Najlepša hvala članom in članicam društva Pristavskih upokojencev za molitve rožnega venca v pogrebnem zavodu. Prisrčna hvala članom Fantje na Vasi za lepe žalostinke v zadnje slovo pri krsti. Hvala tudi organistu in vsem pevcem in pevkam, za lepo petje pri pogrebni maši in na pokopališču. Bog poplačaj vsem, ki so darovali za vence, cvetlice in maše, in v dobrodelne namene v mamini spomin. Bog naj tudi poplača vsem, ki so prišli kropit našo mamico, molili za pokoj njene duše, se udeležili pogrebne svete maše in jo spremili na pokopališče. Najlepša hvala tudi voditeljem radijskih oddaj: Toniju Petkovšku, Tonetu Ovseniku in Ediju Mejaču za oglase in prelepe besede v spomin naše mamice. Hvala tudi Ameriški Domovini za osmrtnice v časopisu. Hvala osebju Cosičevega pogrebnega zavoda posebno g. Zevniku, za vodstvo pogrebnega sprevoda. Bog naj povrne vsem in vsakemu posebej, ki so karkoli storili naši mamici in naši družini v pomoč in podporo ob teh žalostnih dneh. Hvala tudi vsem tistim znancem izven Clevelanda, ki so se spomnili naše mamice in nam poslali tako lepe tolažilne besede, z molitvami in darovi za mase in v dobrodelne namene v njen spomin. Skušali smo poslati zahvalne kartice vsem; če smo koga po pomoti izpustili, naj nam oprosti, in naj sprejme našo hvaležnost s to javno zahvalo. Ni smrt tisto, kar nas loči, in življenje ni, kar druži nas. So vezi močnejše. Brez pomena zanje so razdalje, kraj in čas. (M. Kačič) Draga ženka, mamica in babica, počivaj v miru. Nikoli te ne bomo pozabili! Žalujoči: mož Dušan, sin Martin, hčerka Verica, snaha Maria, vnuka Niko in Andreja, ter sorodstvo v Ameriki in Sloveniji. Ponudba iz Slovenije - Nagradni natečaj Urad Vlade Republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu (v nadaljevanju Urad) objavlja 5. nagradni natečaj za diplomska, magistrska in doktorska dela na temi: Slovenci v zamejstvu in Slovenci v izseljenstvu. Morebitni kandidati naj pošljejo ustrezno dokumentacijo oz. diplomsko, magistrsko in doktorsko delo neposredno na Urad. Urad Vlade RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu objavlja NAGRADNI NATEČAJ za diplomska, magistrska in doktorska dela na temi: A: Slovenci v zamejstvu; B: Slovenci v izseljenstvu Namen natečaja je spodbujanje in nagrajevanje raziskovalne dejavnosti dodiplomskih in podiplomskih študentov na področju zamejske in izseljenske tematike in s tem krepitve zavesti o njeni pomembnosti za ohranjanje slovenske identitete v matični domovini in zunaj njenih meja. Način in rok prijave na natečaj: Kandidati naj na naslov Urad Vlade za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu, Železna cesta 14, 1000 Ljubljana s pripisom “ZA NAGRADNI NATEČAJ” pošljejo ali dostavijo en vezan izvod svojega dela, potrdilo o uspešno opravljenem zagovoru diplomskega, magistrskega ali doktorskega dela z razvidnim datumom zagovora, kratko mnenje oziroma priporočilo slovenske organizacije ali društva v zamejstvu in po svetu (ki je ustrezno glede na tematiko dela) za kandidaturo na nagradnem natečaju ter kratek življenjepis z osebnimi podatki in kontaktnim (tudi elektronskim) naslovom. Strokovna komisija bo dela sprejemala do vključno 18. novembra 2006, rezultati natečaja pa bodo znani predvidoma do konca marca 2007. Svečana podelitev nagrad bo sledila predvidoma v spomladi leta 2007. Dodatne informacije na tel. 011-386-1 430 28 11 ali na Generalnem konzulatu RS v Clevelandu, tel. 1-216-589-9220. Ljubljana, 26.05.2006 Zorko Pelikan Državni sekretar LEMONTSKA OBLETNICA Na nagradni natečaj se lahko prijavijo kandidatke in kandidati iz Republike Slovenije in tujine. Prednost nagradnega natečaja so uspešno zagovarjana diplomska, magistrska in doktorska dela na kateri koli univerzi v Sloveniji ali zunaj nje, ki obravnavajo tematike slovenskih manjšin v sosednjih državah ter slovenskih izseljencev. Besedilo je lahko tudi v angleščini. Na natečaj Urada lahko kandidirajo tudi dela, ki kandidirajo na drugih podobnih natečajih. Upoštevana bodo dela, zagovarjana v obdobju od 1.11.2005 to 31.10.2006. Nagrajena bodo tri dela za področje zamejstva in dela za področje izseljenstva, in sicer prvi nagradi 2a vsako od področij v višini 170.000 SIT (tj. približno 915 USD) ter po dve nagradi v višini 130.000 SIT (tj. približno 700 USD). Na predlog strokovne komisije se Urad lahko odloči tudi o večjem številu nagrad v eni od kategorij, vendar skupno število nagrad ne sme presegati skupnega števila razpisanih nagrad (61 in fonda 860.000 SIT (tj. približno 4.600 USD). Najboljša dela bodo na željo nagrajencev prejela tudi priporočilo Urada za objavo. Strokovna komisija bo ocenjevala diplomska, magistrska in doktorska dela z različnih področij na temo slovenskega izseljenstva oziroma slovenskih manj-šin v sosednjih državah. Pri tem bo upoštevala nasle-^nJe osnovne kriterije: izvirnost teme - pristopa, upornost v smislu ohranjanja slovenske identitete zunaj Republike Slovenije in povezanosti z njo, strokovnost in zahtevnost dela. Sodelovanje naloge na nagradnem natečaju se šteje °t soglasje avtorja, da se prispelo delo obdrži v ar-hivi> Urada. ?Z Ameriško Domovino ste vedno na i^očem z dogajanjem v slovenskem svetu (NADALJEVANJE S STR. 14) v srcu vsakega našega rojaka v Ameriki. To je namen in pomen kronanja podobe Marije Pomagaj v Lemontu: razširiti in poglobiti češče-nje Marijino med našimi ameriškimi rojaki. (...) V julijski številki Ave Maria 1926 pa isti p. Benigen Snoj poroča o kronanju. Tudi tu bom zaradi dolžine navedel samo nekaj bistvenih odlomkov: (...) V soboto proti večeru so se pripeljali k nam naš ljubljeni vladika Jeglič, z njim so bili še naš preč. p. provincijal Regalat Čebulj, ter gospoda župnika Rev. C. Zupan, O.S.B., iz Puebla, Colorado, in Rev. V. Kragl, iz Frama pri Mariboru. (...) Živahni in veseli so bili naš višji pastir, ki so nenavadno čili kljub velikemu naporu pri evharističnem kongresu, in so s tem še bolj navdušili redovno družino za slavje prihodnjega dne. V nedeljo zjutraj so bili presvetli škof že na vse zgodaj v cerkvi pri več sv. mašah in po deveti uri, ko so dospeli še Very Rev. dr. Mihael Opeka, stolni kanonik iz Ljubljane, Rev. Ivan Štraj-har, župnik v Borovnici. Rev. S. Lampe, O.S.B., indijanski misijonar v Red Lake, Minn., Rev. John Smoley, župnik iz Callis, N. Dak., in Very Rev. Kazimir Zakrajšek, komisar iz Chicaga, smo se pripravili za procesijo na hrib. (...) Množice mož z zastavami so se ustavile za procesijo, za njimi polno število pevcev društva “Adria" od Sv. Štefana iz Chicaga, katerim je sledila duhovščina, že pripravljena za škofovo mašo. Štirje dijakoni so nesli na nosilnici milostno podobo pred škofom, ki so šli peš v vsem škofijskem ornatu, za njim pa je bila dolga vrsta deklic in žena. Vsa procesija je na glas molila sv. rožni BECOME A MEMBER WITH A NEW INSURANCE PLAN FROM KSKJ! ACCIDENTAL DEATH & DISMEMBERMENT PLAN Available from ages 20 to 65 (coverage expires at age 70) Minimum Amount Available $25,000 - Maximum Available $100,000 $30 minimum per mode premium -$1.00 per thousand in PA $1.20 per thousand in CA, CO, CT, IL, IN, KS, Ml, MN, MT, OH, DC, Wl Call your local sales agent or the Home Office at 1-800-843-5755 www.kskjlife.com venec. (...) Po evangeliju so škof stopili k širokemu vhodu poleg milostne podobe in imeli v srce segajoč govor o Mariji, nebes in zemlje Kraljici. Rekli so: Pred 18 leti sem kronal čudodelno podobo Marije Pomagaj na Brezjah; danes bom pa tukaj na ameriških Brezjah kronal po čudodelni podobi narejeno sliko Marije Pomagaj. Nato so lepo razložili pomen tega obreda in zakaj zasluži Marija, da je kot Kraljica nebes in zemlje kronana. Navduševali so vernike, ki so jih tako željno in pazljivo poslušali, k zaupanju in češčenju naše predobre nebeške Matere in da se tudi mi vselej prizadevajmo po zgledu Marijinem, ki je rekla: Glej, dekla sem Gospodova, zgodi se mi po tvoji besedi, spolnjevati zvesto in natanko voljo božjo, da bomo tudi mi zaslužili krono večnega življenja. “Po Mariji k Jezusu”, so sklenili navdušeni, prelepi govor. Zdaj je nastopil tisti sveti in zaželjeni trenotek: ko so škof z zlatima kronama kronali Marijo in Jezuščka. Vsa obilna množica je v sv. navdušenju gledala preginljivi prizor. Po odpeti molitve so vzeli škof krono in jo položili na glavo Mariji ter na to krono na glavo Jezuščku in vse navzoče posvetili nebeški Kraljici. Veličasten, ganljiv trenotek! Kronist nato še obširno popisuje zahvalni govor komisarja p. Kazimirja Zakrajška po maši ter popoldansko pobožnost z blagoslovitvijo nove podobe sv. Jožefa za stranski oltar, pa seveda popoldanske nastope pri jezeru, vendar to že presega meje tega poročila. Letos torej poteka 80 let od tega dogodka. Dovolj okrogla obletnica, da se je je vredno spomniti, zato se je bomo spomnili ob medenem pikniku v nedeljo, 27. avgusta. Za to priliko je iz Slovenije povabljen sedanji rektor brezjanske bazilike lp. Silvin Kranjc. p. Bernardin Sušnik AVE MARIA junij 2006 PrijatePs Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1587. Na zadnji strani Misijonskih obzorij piše pod naslovom “Deklica v cunjah in Janez Pavel II.: "Konec maja je bil v Sloveniji na uradnem obisku monaški knez Albert. V njegovem spremstvu je bil Peter Opeka, misijonar na Madagaskarju. Knez in misijonar sta že dolgo prijatelja in to prijateljstvo rojeva čudovite sadove za najrevnejše. Knez skrbi namreč za plače za več kot 180 učiteljev v Petrovih šolah. Kako veliko delo opravlja naš misijonar predstavlja “Bojevnik upanja" - življenjepis upornika. Lani je izšla v Franciji, zdaj pa jo je izdala celjska Mohorjeva. Na zelo obiskani tiskovni konferenci jo je predstavil g. Opeka - objevnik upanja - sam. Poglejmo, kako je naš junak prišel med smeliščarje. Elektrošok... je naslov uvodnih misli in se začnejo takole: “Težko si je predstavljati bolj okužen smrad od tistega, ki me je zadel 20. maja 1989. Bil sem na vrhu enega izmed sedmih gričev Atananariva. Ozračje je bilo onesnaženo, pokvarjeno. Smetišče na prostem, pred mestnimi vrati, se je zdelo kot velikansko trohnišče. Vendar je bilo nekaj še hujšega od smradu. Če je bil pogled na malgaško prestolnico, kjer si čutil ozke vijugaste uličice, prav imeniten, je bilo prizorišče pred mojimi očmi, skoraj pod mojimi nogami, podobno prizoru iz apokalipse: muhe so se v tisočih zbrale okrog teh brezmejnih grmad gnijočih odpadkov, med tem ko so ženske, moški in otroci skrbno brskali po njih." ... 250 strani kasneje zvemo za odločilni preklop. “Odpotoval sem v Argentino - k družini, k izviru. Mesec dni po vrnitvi v Afriko, pa sem že stal pred Janezom Pavlom II. Gotovo nas je bilo več deset tisoč tisto soboto, 29. aprila, na stadionu Alarobia v Antananarivo Vse se je odvijalo kot ob običajnih papeževih potovanjih: oder, pesmi, folklorni plesi, sprevodi vernikov... Nenadoma pa je množica opazila majhno deklico, ki se je bližala papežu. Oblečena je bila v cunje, na hrbtu pa je nosila še majhnega fantiča, verjetno bratca. Janez Pavel II. je še ni opazil. Okrog mene je vladalo razburjenje. Ljudje so se spraševali: "Kako neki se je povzpela na oder?” “Kakšna sramota! Mislili bodo, da smo Malgaši vsi taki reveži!" Ko jo je opazil, je papež najprej prosil svoje pomočnike, naj mu dajo nekaj denarja. Vsi so nekaj brskali pod albami, a brez uspeha. Tedaj je deklico vzel v naročje in jo navdušeno objel. Pred našimi očmi je bil velikan v beli obleki, simbol univerzalnega bratstva, ves nasmejan z revno deklico. Mno.žica je otrpnila. Ta gesta je povročila veliko hrupa na Velikem otoru. V naši komunistični diktaturi je obisk take osebnosti že sam po sebi velik dogodek, še posebej, ker se je papež izrekel proti revščini, krivičnosti in pomanjkanju svobode. Papež je tudi živo spodbujal mlade, naj se zavzamejo za obnovo in razvoj svoje dežele. Bil je tudi to simbolno srečanje med najbolj obubožanimi in glasnikom Cerkve. V svoji sobi hranim upodobitev tega prizora z deklico. Gre za sliko, ki mi jo je štirinajst let pozneje izročil apostolski nuncij monsinjor Bruno Mussaro, ki je želel počastiti naše delo. Ni vedel, kako zelo mi boj všeč! Tisto srečanje med deklico in Kristusovim namestnikom je zame pomenilo odločilni preklop. Kako naj si ta objem, to spontano gesto miru in ljubezni razlagam drugače kot znamenje - v trenutku, ko sem začenjal novo poglavje v svojem življenju? Nekaj dni pozneje je papež odpotoval na otok Reunion, jaz pa sem odkril smetišče." Tu imamo odgovor, kako Bog rešuje najbolj ponižane. Vsak korak je lahko odločilen, če ga naredimo iz ljubezni do Boga in bližnjega. Hvala vam vsem, ki boste s tako ljubeznijo, kot jo je čutil in jo še vedno izpolnjuje g. Peter Opeka, prišli na piknik Misijonske Znamkarske Akcije, ki bo na Slovenski pristavi 9. julija. Ob pol eni uri bo sv. maša, katero bosta darovala lanski novomašnik g. Gregor Celestina, pranečak pokojnega Mira Celestina, in njegov prijatelj, tudi lanski novomašnik. Na to bo na razpolago kosi- lo, kasneje pa še druge dobrote. Gospodinje pa lepo prosimo za domače pecivo. Gotovo se že veselite srečanja s starimi znanci, ko boste počivali v senci in tudi našli nove, ki radi prebirajo misijonska pisma v Ameriški domovini ter se vesele uspehov naših misijonarjev po svetu. Pridite in se obenem zahvalite za vse dobrote, s katerimi nas Bog obsipa v tej deželi. Prav lepo misijonski pozdrav od vseh misijonskih sodelavcev in Marice Lavriše 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 Novi grobovi Russell Hlabse Umrl je 57 let stari Russell Hlabse, sin Henryja in Mary (oba že pok.), brat Richarda (poročevalec za televizijsko postajo št. 3, ki bo eden od napovedovalcev programa ob Slovenskem dnevu v SND na St. Clair-ju to nedeljo pop.) in Ma-rilynn Clement, 5-krat stric. Pogreb je bil 20. junija s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Marije v mestu Berea, O. in s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. James Cherne st. Umrl je 70 let stari James Cherne st., mož Janet, roj. Ryder, oče Kevina, Jamesa ml. in Anite, 2-krat stari oče, 1-krat prastari oče, brat Betty ter že pok. Ronalda in Kennetha, veteran korejske vojne. Pogreb je bil 16. junija v oskrbi Zeletovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Roberta in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. John D. Zak Dne 12. junija je umrl 80 let stari John D. Zak, v BLAG IN LJUBEČ SPOMIN mwfcfjr* m “‘sM MARA HREN ki nas je za vedno zapustila 24. junija 2005 Minilo je že leto dni, odkar si nas zapustila Ti. Smrt Ti je vzela življenje, končala Tvoje trpljenje. Tvoji žalujoči: Mož France Sinovi: Rudi Klemen Edi z družinami Brat Tone Sestre: Pepca, Vida, Ani Sorodstvo: tukaj, v Kanadi in Sloveniji mož Lillian, roj. Maurich (poročena sta bila 58 let), oče Marie Beyer in že pok. Davida, 2-krat stari oče, brat že pok. Ronalda Golob, stric. Pogreb je bil 17. junija s sv. mašo v cerkvi Our Lady of Mt. Carmel s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Pauline T. Žnidaršič Umrla je 84 let stara Pauline T. Žnidaršič iz Eu-clida, vdova po Stanleyju, mati Davida, 2-krat stara mati, sestra Caroline Jurcak ter že pok. Vere Žnidar, Mildred Novak, Sophie To-masello, Angele Handler, Louisa, Franka in Henryja. Pogreb je bil 21. junija v oskrbi Cosicevega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi Sv. Križa in pokopom na Vernih duš pokoopališču. Anna M. Mlakar Umrla je 97 let stara Anna M. Mlakar iz Eucli-da, rojena Laurich, vdova po Anthonyju, mati Antho-nyja, Janet Mlakr in Janet Bianchi, 11-krat stara mati, 24-krat prastara mati, sestra Elizabeth Zalar in Theoro-rea, 7 bratov in sestra pa je že pok. Pogreb je bil 17. junija v oskrbi Cosicevega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Kristine in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Vida A. Habjan Umrla je 92 let stara Vida Habjan, rojena Kovačič, vdova po Johnu, mati Vide F. in Johna, sestra Williama, Dorothy ter že pok. Felixa, Frances, Josephine in Alberta, teta in prateta. Pogreb je bil 15. junija v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojničin spomin župniji sv. Vida, 6019 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. Herman F. Ogrinc Dne 11. junija je umrl 85 let stari Herman F. Ogrinc, rojen 5. decembra 1919, mož Meri N. (r. Tichy), oče Meribeth, Michaela, Te-rese in Rosemary. Pogreb je bil 17. junija s sv. mašo v cerkvi St. Joan of Arc v Chagrin Fallsu. Anne M. Turk Umrla je Anne M. Turk, hčerka Jacoba in Mary, roj. Lah (oba že pok.), sestra s. Suzanne C.S.J., Syl-vije, br. Ernesta C.S.C. (Brazilija), Esther, s. Dorothy C.S.J., Lawrencea ter že pok. Olge, Jamesa in Agnes, teta. Pogreb je bil 30. maja v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida s pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave/ Cleveland, Ohio * Tel. 216-641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! Ob uvedbi evra bodo možne nove podražitve Trst (Novi list, 4. maja) - Slovenci brez posebnega navdušenja pričakujejo uvedbo evra, skupne evropsk6 valute. Razmišljajo o zamenjavi domačega plačilnega sredstva, kar pri večini prebivalstva verjetno ne b° pomenilo nikakršne posebnosti. V preteklih petnajstih letih bo v Sloveniji to že četrta zamenjava denarj3' Najprej je bil v obtoku jugoslovanski dinar, krajše obdobje po osamosvojitvi so veljali tolarski boni, 113 koncu pa še slovenska nacionalna valuta, imenovan3 tolar. Ob uvedbi evra bo potreben krajši čas z3 prilagajanja novi valuti, pri čemer pa ne pričakujej0 večjih težav. Zgodovina slovenskega denarja je sicer dolga i0 pestra. Za prvi slovenski denar lahko štejemo dvoje žične bankovce ljubljanskega mestnega sveta iz daljnC ga leta 1848. V Sloveniji se ob uvedbi evra, predvidoma L ^ nuarja leta 2007, cene naj bi ne povečale. Pač ^ pričakujejo podražitve bencina in drugih goriv, more bitno uvedbo enotne davčne stopnje, ki bi poslabša13 življenjske razmere v državi in obdavčitev nepremič^1*1 ter osebnih avtomobilov.