Strong vs. Weak A l Matjaž Gams Jožef Štefan Institute, Jamova 39, 61000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Phone: +386 61 17-73-644, Fax: +386 61 161-029 E-mail:, WWW: Keywords : strong and weak Al, principle of multiple knowledge, Church's thesis, Turing machines Edited by: Xindong Wu Received: May 15, 1995 Revised: December 13, 1995 Accepted: December 17, 1995 An overview of recent Al turning points is presented through the strong-weak Al oppo­sition. The strong strong and weak weak Al are rejected as being too extreme. Strong Al is refuted by several arguments, such as empirical lack of intelligence in the fastest and most complex computers. Weak Al rejects the old formalistic approach based only on computational models and endorses ideas in several directions, from neuroscience to philosophy and physics. The proposed line distinguishing strong from weak Al is set by the principle of multiple knowledge, declaring that single-model systems can not achieve intelligence. Weak Al reevaluates and upgrades several foundations of Al and computer science in general: Church's thesis and Turing machines. Introductio n The purpose of this paper is to present an over­view of yet another turn-around going on in the artificial intelligence (Al) communitv, and to propose a border between the strong (old) and weak (new) Al through the principle of multiple knowledge. To understand current trends in artificial intel­ligence, the history of Al can be of great help. In particular, it records ever recurring waves of ove­renthusiasm and overscepticism (Michalski, Te­cuci 1993): Early Enthusiasm or Tabula Rasa Craze (1955-1965)1 The first Al era was impressed by the fact that human brains are several orders of magnitude slo­wer that computers (in transmission as well as coupling speed). Therefore, making a copy of a human brain on a computer would have to re­sult in something ingeniously better. Three su­bjects were predominant: (1) learning without knowledge, (2) neural modeling (self-organizing 'Vears are rounded by 5. Note that there are different opinions regarding the exact periods. systems and decision space techniques), and (3) evolutionary learning. Dark Ages (1965-1975) In the second epoch it became clear that the first approach yielded no fruitful results. There were strong indications that the proposed me­thods were unable to make further progress be­yond solving a limited number of simple tasks. After funds for artificial intelligence research were deeply cut worldwide, new approaches were se­arched for. This era recognized that to acquire knowledge one needs knowledge, and initiated symbolic concept acquisition. Renaissance (1975-1980) Research in artificial intelligence continued de­spite cuts in funding, since it is a subject that will probably challenge human interest forever. Taking modest aims more appropriate to the le­vel of current technology and knowledge someti­mes produced even better results than expected. The characteristics are: (1) exploration of diffe­rent strategies, (2) knowledge-intensive approa­ches, (3) successful applications, and (4) confe­rences and workshops worldwide. A l Boom (1980-1990) Artificial intelligence R&D produced a number of commercial booms such as expert systems. Lite­rature, conferences, funds and related events have been growing exponentially for a few years. Su­perprojects like the CYC project and the Fifth Generation project were in full progress appro­aching final stages. Artificial intelligence was reaching maturity as indicated by: (1) experi­mental comparisons of Al methods and systems, (2) revival of non-symbolic methods such as ne­ural networks and evolutionary computing, (3) technology-based fields gained attention - agents and memory-based reasoning, (4) computational learning theorv, (5) integrated and multistrategy systems, and (6) emphasis on practical applica­tions. However, no generally accepted intelligent (i.e. "truly" intelligent) system was in sight. New A l Winter (1990-1995) Major Al projects like the Fifth Generation pro­ject or the CYC project have not resulted in intel­ligent or commercially successful products. Ove­rexpectations backfired again and criticism emer­ged, with two basic claims: (1) There are several indications that intelligence can not be easily achieved on digital computers with existing approaches and methodologies2 . (2) Today's computers as well as existing approa­ches basically do not differ much from those of 30 years ago (apart from being faster and having bet­ter storing capacities) and, therefore, are very un­likely to approach not only human-level but also any level of intelligence established by biological intelligent systems. Possible consequences are profound: for exam­ple, if computers can not think, then quests for true intelligence on computers are as unrealistic as searching for perpetuum mobile. Another pos­sible implication is as follows: if computers can nevertheless think and if the brightest minds have not been able to achieve intelligence in over 30 2This viewpoint is close to the one presented by Penrose (1990) - we humans would recognise any true intelligence although different from the one we possess. Of course, there would be opinions that only humans possess intelli­gence even in the čase when an intelligent computer passed ali tests. However, at present there is no such system in sight and this is only an imaginary situation. M. Gams years on the best computers available, then they must have been trying in the wrong directions. Funds for science in general, and Al in particu­lar are decreasing as a long-term trend. Invisible Al plus First Dawn Approaching? (1995-...) Invisible Al produces working systems, although it has disappeared from the first pages of sci­entific journals. Software engineers are adding model-based diagnoses, rule-based modules and intelligent-interface agents on top of their conven­tional systems. Al techniques are invisibly inter­woven with existing systems. It is not top Al science, but it vrorks. At the same tirne, bold new ideas are emerging, challenging the fundamentals of computer science as well as science in general - the Turing machine paradigm, GodePs theorem and Church's thesis. Pollock (1989) writes: "It represents the dream of Al since its infancy, but it is a dream that has faded in much of the Al community. This is be­cause researchers in Al have made less progress than anticipated in achieving the dream." In the words of Minsky (1991): "the future work of mind design will not be much like what we do today". After this short overview of Al history, the Al mega projects FGCS and CYC are analysed in Section 2. The strong vs. weak Al issue is pre­sented in Section 3, showing the basic differences between the two approaches and describing pola­risations between their proponents. The line be­tween strong and weak Al is proposed along the principle of multiple knowledge in Section 4. The principle presents a necessary condition for better performance and true intelligence in real-life do­mains. Fundamentals of Al and computer science are reexamined through the weak-AI viewpoint in Section 5, including the Turing test, Church's thesis, GodePs theorem, and Turing machines. 2 A l Mega-Projects 2.1 The Fifth Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) Project The FGCS project (Furukawa 1993; FGCS 1993) was the first research project in Japan to embrace Mircrnational collaboration and exchange (around 100 scientists involved). It created a frenzy in the developed countries, fearing that Japan is going to take the lead in another central technological area - new generation computers. As a result, se­veral other projects were started, based on logic programming (LP), the core of the FGCS project. The project was heavih/ based on logic program­ming to bridge the gap between applications and machines. Several (some concurrent) versions of Prolog (e.g. KL1) were designed to support di­fferent levels, from the user-interface to machine language. The profound effect of LP is obvious even today, as it remains one of the central areas of computer research despite recent criticism3 . The most crucial question posed is: is logic appropriate for real-life tasks? Obviously, it has several advantages, among them a very strict for­mal basis, and great expressive power. However, while it may be suitable for computers and forma­lists, it may not be so for humans and intelligent systems in general. Arno Penzias says: "Logic is cumbersome - that's why humans rarely use it." The logical approach effectively assumes that Al is a subset of logic and that intelligence and life can be captured in a global and consistent logic form4 . According to logicism (Birnbaum 1992)5 , knowledge representation is independent of its use - quite opposite to the new Al approach based on biological and cognitive sciences. The progress in both logic programming and Al areas as well as in the pursuit of general-purpose parallel computers has been modest but certainly not mili. Although the Fifth Generation has not been able to compete with commercial products, the rest of the world listened to it. Japan has alre­ady launched the Sixth Generation project, based on real-life domains, neural networks, optical con­nections, and heavy parallelism. Just recently there have been substantial cuts in LP funding in Europe. 4 One should be careful to distinguish between different kinds of logic. Fuzzy logic, logic of informal systems, and many-valued logic seem to be quite different from the logi­cism analysed here. Inductive logic programming (Bratko, Muggleton 1995) is another area that should not be iden­tified with "pure" logic approach. Note that logicism cannot be directly identified with Nilsson's work (1991). 2.2 The CYC Project The CYC project was started by Dough Lenat in 1984 as a ten-year project (Stefik, Smoliar 1993; Lenat, Guha 1990; Lenat 1995). Sub­stantial funding was provided by a consortium of American companies. It is based on two pre­mises: that the tirne has come to encode large chunks of knowledge into a meta-system encoding common-sense knowledge, and that explicitly re­presented large-scale knowledge will enable a new generation of Al systems. This "knowledge is po­wer" (the Renaissance-era slogan) approach cla­ims that by using huge amounts of knowledge, performance and intelligence of new generation Al systems will increase substantially. The inten­tion is to overcome one of the biggest obstacles of existing Al systems, their brittleness (dispersed isolated systems working only on carefully chosen narrow tasks). The CYC project addresses the tremendous task of codifying a vast quantity of knowledge possessed by a typical human into a workable sy­stem. Lenat estimates (1995) that they have ente­red 106 general assertions into CYC's knowledge base, using a vocabulary with approximately 105 atomic terms. CYC is intended to be able to give on-line sensible answers to ali sensible queries, not just those anticipated at the tirne of knowledge entry. Lenat and Guha estimate that this will require at least ten million appropriately organi­zed items of information, including rules and facts that describe concepts as abstract as causality and mass, as well as specific histographic facts. CYC includes a wide range of reasoning facilities, including general deduction and analogical infe­rence. Reasoning is done through argumentation, through comparison of pro and con arguments. CYC is the first project of its magnitude, and therefore represents a pioneering work. Several questions and problems were posed for the first time. The whole project has strong emphasis on pragmatism - to make something workable. There are four important design characteristics: (1) the language is first-order predicate calculus with a series of second-order extensions (2) frames are the normal (general) representation for pro­pošitions, (3) nonmonotonic inferences are made only when explicitly sanctioned by the user, and (4) knowledge acquisition and inference involve different languages between which translation is automatic. Ali knowledge in CYC is encoded in the form of logical sentences, and not in diagrams, procedu­res, semantic nets, or neural networks. The me­chanism for managing uncertainty is not as com­mon as Bayesian networks or reason maintenance systems. One of the interesting aspects in the CYC project is the distinction between episte­mological and heuristic levels of representation. A user communicates with CYC in a high level epistemological language. CYC translates queries and assertions in this language into a lower-level heuristic notation, which provides a variety of spe­cialized inference mechanisms corresponding to special syntactic forms. According to the authors, success will be achie­ved if the system works and is used by different in­stitutions for further research and development of new (generation of) expert and knowledge-based systems6 . There have been several strange events related to the project from the start. For example, in the overview book by Lenat and Guha (1990), there are 22 publications, of which 7 were writ­ten by the head of the project (Lenat). In (Lenat 1995) there are only 9 publications, and only 4 of them were not (co)authored by Lenat. In addi­tion and as pointed out by one of the anonymous referees, CYC's runtime behaviour as well as the assessment of the program in (Lenat, Guha 1990) is far too brief to be convincing. Reviewers of the project (Stefik, Smoliar 1993) generally claim that it has not succeeded to the point proclaimed by the authors (although the project is not fully completed and the final eva­luation has not been published yet). Lenat even claimed that machines will start learning by them­selves when the CYC computer system becomes operational around 1994 (Lenat 1989). In 1995, it is becoming clear that nothing like that is go­ing to happen. According to critics like Dreyfus (MTCM 1992), the CYC system is as dull as any other program7 . 6 Authors of the project have changed success criteria and basic aims a couple of times during the last ten years, obviously trying to please public interest and accommodate scientific remarks. One of these "commercial" moVes was quite probably the astronomic priče of the CYC system. 7The anonymous referees of the paper seem to share the opinion that the paper could be even more critical of the project. M. Gams On the other hand, important new understan­dings were arrived at, some positive and some ne­gative, which could be very useful for new pro­jects. In Lenafs words (1995): (CYC) " is not a bumb on a log. It saddens me how few software-related projects I can say that about these days."8 2.3 CYC and FGCS - A l Dinosaurs? The two projects have addressed several fun­damental questions and come with modest and in some areas even with reasonable success. CYC has managed to encode a huge amount of knowledge and the Fifth Generation project resul­ted in tens of working computer systems (software plus hardware). Implemented systems have wor­ked better than commercial ones on specific tasks. Their apparent commercial failure lies in the fact that commercial computer products such as new PC's and workstations are not only more general and applicable than the products of these huge R&D projects, but also the pace of their progress was and stili is faster. Being a pioneer has its dangers, yet one has to do it if we are to get anywhere. After ali, Al is constantly changing in search for true discove­ries, and in a great majority of questionnaires it is predicted a great future. But in the eyes of public, both CYC and the Fifth Generation project have not fulfilled their promises. The relative failure revived the old hypotheses that classical symbolic Al may not be able to achieve intelligence on digital computers. In the words of Dreyfus (MTCM 1992): (classical symbolic) "Al is finished". The analogy with dinosaurs lies in the fact that CYC and FGCS represent dominant approaches and achievements of the tirne, but their evoluti­onary line is at best shaky. . "Hairy", weak Al systems will probably supplement formal ones. In the author's opinion, basic research directi­ons in the two projects mentioned could not pro­duce intelligent systems at ali. Both projects have adopted the computationally strong-AI approach instead of at least combining it with others, e.g. cognitive weak-AI. Both projects relied on a one-sided approach, disregarding the "new school of 8In my personal opinion, CYC has shown that common­sense knowledge is essential for any intelligent program. That brittle systems stili dominating Al are not related to any true intelligence. Al". This new approach claims that to design an intelligent system, one has to give it ali proper­ties of intelligent creatures: unity (i.e. multiple knowledge and multistrategy approach), intenti­onality, consciousness and autonomy along with generality and adaptability. However, doing this will be much more difficult than previously expec­ted. 3 Strong and Weak A l 3.1 Description The terms "weak" and "strong" Al were originally defined by Searle (1982); here, we shall introduce similar ones based on our viewpoints. There are several terms attached to the old and stili dominant Al: symbolic, classical, formalistic, and strong. The latest alludes to several versions of the strong Al thesis. More or less they ali claim that it is possible to obtain intelligence by pure algorithmic processes regardless of technology or architecture. By weak Al we denote: — the negation of the strong Al thesis — adopting knowledge from interdisciplinary sciences to upgrade the computational appro­ach. The extreme version of strong Al is termed strong strong Al, and the extreme version of weak Al weak weak AL Whereas strong strong Al cla­ims that even thermostats have feelings, weak weak Al claims that only humans can have fee­lings because they are the only beings with souls. Both extremes fall out of the scope of this paper. There are several analyses of the strong-weak relations. Here, we present Sloman's gradations of the strong-weak scale (Sloman 1992). His vi­sion of weak Al is based on architectural upgrades of Turing machines. In that sense he tries to avoid mentalism and cognitive sciences completely. In­stead, he tries to upgrade the formalistic Turing-machines approach with engineering knowledge. Sloman denotes the strongest thesis of Al as T\. Each version Tn declares something about an Undiscovered Algorithm of Intelligence (UAI). T\ is the strongest version, claiming that every in­stantiation of UAI has mental abilities - ali that matters are data and algorithms - no time, rich Informatica 19 (1995) 479-493 483 execution mechanisms, meaning. However, ab­stract and statical structures can not have men­tal abilities. An often quoted example is the book of Einstein's brain. Supposedly, this book is no different than ali the information and algorithms stored in Einstein's head. Indeed, hardly anybody would claim that any book itself - be it of Ein­stein i brain, Turing machines or anything else ­is capable of thinking or speaking. A book on its own without any execution mechanism can not perform any action at ali. A slightly modified version of T\ is T\a: every time-instantiation of UAI has mental abilities. This eliminates the book čase, but has other ob­vious flaws. For example, if \ve throw a bunch of paper sheets into the air we certainly do not get anything intelligent even in the čase that by chance a new interesting story emerges. The exe­cution mechanism must be in some sort of stron­ger causal relation. What about Searle's Chinese room? According to Sloman the causal relation between a book (formal syntactic structures) and Searle (the execution mechanism) is too weak. There can be no understanding and intelligence in such a loose connection. Ti is a further modified version, requiring suffi­cient reliable links between program and process. This is not a strong, but a vague, mild version. Sloman analyses the properties of links between program and process from the engineering point of view. In his view, one algorithm executed on a single processor can not emulate intelligence. The process must consist of many interleaving and in­tensively communicating subprocesses. The ar­chitecture of the Turing machine with one algori­thm and one processor (executioner) can not pro­vide intelligence. The difference between physical (T4) and vir­tual (T3) parallelism is similar to that between one- and many-processor architectures. One algo­rithm, however complicated, is not sufficient for intelligence. Parallelism has to be at the same time fine- and coarse-grained. Minsky, Moravec and Sloman have presented various parallel archi­tectures. Parallelism is discussed in greater detail: Tv\ enables intelligence with a simulated continuous environment. Tp2 needs a serial processor with time-sharing. Tpz states that intelligent proper­ties can be obtained through an appropriate ne­twork of computers. What if any machine relying on digital techno­logy is incapable of reproducing intelligence? T5 declares that at least in some subsystems super-computing power is necessary, e.g. chemistry or biology. According to Sloman, even such disco­very could be very valuable for focusing further research in AL Ti: abstract and statical procedures can repro­duce mind Tia'- time instantiation of Ti can have mental abi­lities T2: links between programs and mechanisms T3: virtual parallelism T4: physical parallelism T5: super-computing powers Figure 1: Sloman's strong (top) - weak (bot­tom) Al scale. In Figure 1 we can see Sloman's gradation of the strong-weak Al paradigms. There are several other directions of weak Al indicating that the new discipline is intensively searching for new discoveries. The general appro­ach seems promising, yet it is not clear in which particular direction the discovery of true intelli­gence lies. For the time being it seems that new Al is strongly related to interdisciplinary sciences, especially biological and cognitive sciences. In the words of Edelman (1992): "Cognitive science is an interdisciplinary effort drawing on psycho­logy, computer science and artificial intelligence, aspects of neurobiology and linguistics, and phi­losophy." 3.2 Strong vs. Weak Al The strong Al thesis has been attacked by Drey­fus (1979), Searle (1982), Winograd (1991) , and Penrose (Penrose 1989; 1990; 1994). According to Sloman (1992), some practitioners of Al believe in the strong strong thesis. But that is a reason for criticising them, not Al. In any field there are the "naive, ill-informed, over-enthusiastic", axcording to Sloman. In Sloman's opinion, the main reason for such thinking is lack of appropriate trainingS in philosophy. Fair to say, the author of this paper was not much different a couple of years ago. After ali, M. Gams ali students in computer sciences get acquainted with Church's thesis and Turing machines. After a while technical details fade away, and we are left with a frame in our memory declaring that anything that can be computed is executable by the Turing machine. And that it has been shown that the proof that the Turing machine can not solve "normal" (computable) problems cannot it­self be computable (operational). Since weak Al opposes the core of not only pre­dominant Al but also some interpretations of po­stulates' of computer science in general, it is of no great surprise that it has been successfully su­ppressed until recent years. The ideas of Wino-grad, Drevfus or Searle were more or less rejected in the natural and engineering sciences commu­nity. But the discussion is becoming less and less one-sided in recent years. One of the turn-arounds was a discussion re­garding the Oxford professor Roger Penrose. He is one of the most famous mathematical physi­cists, with several discoveries from physics (e.g. regarding black holes with Hawking) and mathe­matics (e.g. how to tile a plane non-periodically with only two shapes). He wrote his first book "The Emperors New Mind: Concerning Compu­ters, Minds, and the Laws of Physics" (1989) be­cause he was astonished by a TV debate with strong Al supporters. The title of the book allu­des to the emperor's invisible dress - everybody admires it, yet there is nothing to be seen. Accor­ding to Martin Gardner's forevrord, Penrose is "the child sitting in the third row, a distance back from the leaders of Al, who dares to suggest that the emperors of strong Al have no clothes." In 1994, Joseph R. Abrahamson describes Pe­nrose as one of those "who in the name of an}' one of a number of gods want to destroy rationa­lity and science. It is important to be particularly aware when one of our attempts, in however sub­tle a manor, to suggest this magic should supplant or even be used to embellish reason and logic." Based on old literature citations in Penrose's book, the predominantly strong Al community harshly attacked Penrose because of his obvious lack of knowledge of current Al activities. Even more, Penrose's arguments remain debatable even inside the weak Al community. Yet, the criticism of classical Al failed. In a reply to Abrahamson's critique, Cronin (1994) writes: (the old) "Al community has become an arcane, closed-minded, and theoretically incestu­ous field of computer science." Such words cer­tainly did not encourage friendliness between the so antagonized communities; however, they mi­ght contain at least a grain of truth especially regarding close-mindedness9 . Angeli (1993, p.15) writes: "Do those Al people really think they can capture meaning with a logico-mathematical ana­lysis?" In a reply to Cronin, Abrahamson (1994b) softens his criteria, posing the limit at rejecting nonscientific approaches. In this way he does not directly reject mild versions of weak Al. There are several well-established researchers in weak Al representing the major human factor why this new wave of weak Al was not rejected as be­fore: — Francis Crick is probably one of the most well-deserved researchers for introducing con­sciousness as a legitimate subject of science. He shared a Nobel Prize for the discovery of DNA's structure in 1953. As a neuroscientist, he wants to study consciousness through the brain's internal structure. - Another Nobel Prize winner in weak Al is Ge­rald M. Edelman. He shared the prize in 1972 for research on antibodies. He is the author of neural Darwinism, a theory promoting com­petition between groups of neurons as the ba­sis of awareness and consciousness. - Brian D. Josephson won his Nobel Prize in 1973 for a special quantum effect (Josephson's junction). He proposes a unified field theory encapsulating mystical and psychic experien­ces. — Maurice W. Wilkes is one of computer-science pioneers and the first person ever earning mo­ney for Al-related events. In the 1992 paper in Communications of ACM he presents the opinion that classical Al is getting nowhere in the last years in the sense that ali computer systems today are totally unintelligent, and that according to empirical observations in- It should be noted that Al and closeIy related fields are becoming more and more open to discussions. For example, see (Clancey 1993; Minsky 1991; Vera, Simon 1993). Informatica 19 (1995) 479-493 485 telligence may be out of reach of digital com­puters. 4 Principle of Multiple Knowledge In this section a line delimiting strong from weak Al is proposed, using the principle of multiple knowledge10 (Gams, Križman 1991). The princi­ple is seen as an attempt to define an Al analogy of the Heisenberg physical principle which divides the world of atomic particles from the world of macro particles. Previous related work is presen­ted, e.g. in (Sloman 1992, Minsky 1987, Minsky 1991, Penrose 1994). Our work is presented in (Gams, Karba, Drobnič 1993). Knowledge about domain properties can be uti­lised as a single system (model) or as two or more subsystems, each representing a different viewpoint on the same problem. Usually, each (sub)model represents at least a part of the exter­nal world. The 'general' thesis of multiple knowledge states (Gams, Križman 1991): in order to obtain better performance in real-life domains, it is ge­nerally better to construct and combine several models representing different viewpoints on the same problem than one model alone, if only a re­asonable combination can be designed. 'Reasonable' combination means e.g. a com­bination designed by a human expert. 'Perfor­mance' means e.g. percentage of successfully sol­ved tasks. The 'strong' thesis of multiple knowledge states that multiple semantic models are an in­tegral and necessary part of intelligence in any machine or being. In real-life domains a single model can not achi­eve as good performance as multiple models beca­use each model tries to fit data and noise accor­ding to its own structure and therefore tries to impose its own view. During the construction phase, it is difficult to estimate which of the mo­dels has imposed the most appropriate structure for the unseen data, and different subparts of the measurement space are typically more suitable for different models. When combining or integrating While the majority of sections in this paper represent an overview of the strong-weak Al relations, this section describes the author's personal opinion and contribution. single models it is usually not too difficult to eli­minate unsuccessful parts of models. The general thesis of multiple knowledge im­plies that by constructing only one model it is practically impossible to achieve the same perfor­mance as by multiple models. In other vrords, al­though multiple models can be at any tirne (with more or less effort) transformed into one single model with the same performance as a set of mo­dels, in general it is not possible to construct such a single model in the process of learning without designing multiple models. Integration of models after they are designed seems not only feasible but also sensible because of reduction in storage and classification time. In our experiments (Gams, Karba, Drobnič 1993), after integration a decrease in complexity and an increase in classification accuracy was observed. 4.1 Confirmations of the Theses Attempts to confirm the theses of multiple knowledge were performed by: - analogy with humans, e.g. expert groups per­forming better than single experts; analogy to the human brain, neural Darvvinism; ana­logy with the architecture of human brain, especially regarding split-brains. A hypothe­sis is presented that the human race owes its success to the rise of multiplicity in their bra­ins (Gazzaniga 1989; Crick 1994; Brazdil et al. 1991; Edelman 1991). - Empirical learning, e.g. by analyses of PAC learning, which show that a combined system works better or the same as the best single system (Littlestone, Warmuth 1991); by prac­tical measurements. - Simulated models, indicating that in real-life domains significant improvements can be expected when combining a couple of the best systems (Gams, Bohanec, Cestnik 1994). - Average-case formal models, indicating that in real-world domains combining has to be only a little bit better than by chance (success rate around 0.6) in order to produce improve­ments (Gams, Karba, Drobnič 1991). - Related cognitive sciences, confirming similar ideas as the Principle although not presented in a technical form (Dennett 1991). — Quantum physics, where the multiple-worlds theory (Dewitt 1973) enables computing in multiple universes (Deutch 1985; 1992) thus representing a possible theoretical backgro­und for the Principle. One-model systems work, but are not as useful as many-model systems in real-life domains. If top performance matters, combining or integra­ting several svstems generally seems to be advan­tageous regardless of additional costs in program­ming and computer time. The strong version of the Principle represents one of the necessary conditions for true AL It is neither sufficient nor the only necessary condition. However, it does substantially narrow the search space from single-model to many-model systems. For example, over 99% of ali existing computer systems and most current Al orientations are ba­sed on a single model. Intelligent svstems seem to have special properties, e.g. multiplicity. These systems are very rare among ali the systems. It is highly unlikely that we find (construct) them when searching in the space of ali possible systems without correctly assuming their special proper­ties. The Principle is sometimes getting accepted as "everybody-knew-it-all-the-time". Indeed, there are many similar ideas around, e.g. Minsky's mul­tiple representations (1991) or Sloman's parallel architectures (1992). Angeli (1993, p. 15) writes: "As if every word were not a pocket into which now this, now that, now several things at once have been put!" Accepting the Principle means introducing weak Al and leads to fundamental changes in future progress in Al and computer science alike.11 5 Fundamentals of A l an d Compute r Science Weak Al reexamines and disputes the soundness of several well-established scientific fundamentals: Turing's test, GodePs theorem, Church's thesis, and the Turing machine. nAccording to the Principle, many research directions will not produce true intelligence, meaning that efforts, achievements and future funding in that areas are doubtful. 5.1 Turing's Test When Turing nearly half a century ago posed his famous question "Can computers think", electro­nic computers were just emerging. The back-bone of his test is a detective probabilistic quiz in which an interrogator has to be sufHciently sure which of the two subjects communicating through a com­puter interface (terminal plus keyboard) is human and which computer, given limited time. Turing believed that his test would be passed in around 50 years when computer storage capacity reached 109 . By then, "an average interrogator would not have more than 70 per cent chance of making the right identification (as between human and com­puter) after five minutes of questioning." During years, several modifications of Turing's test have being proposed, e.g. the total Turing test (TTT) in which the subject has to perform tasks in the physical world such as moving blocks. Other remarks imply that the original test is (1) too easy since it is based on typed communica­tion only, (2) too narrow since it is basically an imitation game, (3) too brittle since it can not reveal the internal structure of thinking processes - Searle's basic claim (Searle 1982), and (4) too difficult since no animal and many humans (e.g. handicapped) are unable to compete at ali, and intelligence can be displayed well below average-human level. Ali these remarks have their coun­terarguments, e.g. that (1) communication thro­ugh typing is more than relevant to evaluate the intelligence of a subject, e.g. by the IQ tests, (2) such communication allows very rich possibilities of questions and themata, (3) it is not possible to reveal the human thinking process either, and (4) if the Turing test (TT) is too difficult then the li­mited Turing test (LTT) can be applied. Indeed, such is the čase in practical contests held annually (Shieber 1994). T T remains probabilistic, appro­ximate, detective, fundamentalistic, behaviouri­stic and functional. Although the Turing test is heavily analvsed and disputed, it remains the most interesting sci­entific test up to date, offering important impli­cations. The latest analyses of the Turing test were per­formed by Turing's contemporary Donald Michie (1993). In his opinion, there are two obstacles an intelligent computer system has to face in order to approach passing it: Informatica 19 (1995) 479-493 487 1. subarticulacy - the human inability to articu­late specific activities although performed by humans, and 2. superarticulacy - the ability to explain parti­cular thought processes in a suitably program­med machine although being subarticulate in humans. Regarding the first point, humans can not ar­ticulate their internal thought processes, which are sometimes more transparent to observers than to themselves. Therefore, how can human knowledge be transformed into computer systems if humans are not able to specify it? The second point poses another problem. Com­puter programs are by default traceable - mea­ning their decisions can be traced and reprodu­ced. Even systems like neural nets or numeri­cal procedures can be 'understood' up to a point, and simulated by other transparent systems. AH computer systems, therefore, have abilities none­xistent in humans. Some of these questions were discussed already by Turing. He proposed that machines would have to play the imitation game, thus simula­ting thought processes while inherently being di-. fferent. While it is not yet clear whether digital machines can achieve intelligence at ali, it is beco­ming accepted that on digital computers, systems simulating human thought processes will be es­sentially different from humans. In light of this conclusion, the claim of connectionists - that su­fficiently complex neural netvrorks will be effec­tively the same as the human brain - is hard to accept. Even if neural networks were to achieve the performance of a human brain, it would be possible to extract weights, topology and other characteristics of nets. By not being able to do it in humans, one (of many) unavoidable substantial difference appears. The "End of Innocence" pe­riod, together with empirical verification, brings new insights, displaying the naivete of existing approaches and opening new directions. The Tu­ring test indicates substantial differences between formal machines and real-life beings. Weak Al is in general satisfied with less than passing the Turing test. For example,' artifi­cial life and evolutionary computing try to si­mulate rather primitive forms of life. Brooks (1991) proposes intelligence without reasoning, low-intelligence robots (insects) without symbo­lic internal representation of the external world. Sloman (1992) finds the Turing machine rather unrelated to real life. It represents an artificial machine very capable for specific formal tasks only. Sloman, Penrose and also people in gene­ral tend to believe that even animals can display certain aspects of intelligence when solving real-life problems. On the other hand, while machines can solve dimcult formal problems which are often practically unsolvable even by humans and defi­nitively unsolvable for ali animals, they are stili regarded as totally unintelligent. 5.2 Church's Thesis and Turing Machine Around 1930 Church, Godel, Kleene, Post, Turing and others tackled questions such as: what can be computed and what not, are ali statements either provable or not inside a formal system? They have come with basic concepts that represent a backbone of today's computer science. Church's thesis is the assertion that any pro­cess that is effective or algorithmic in nature de­fines a mathematical function. These functions form a well-defined class, denoted by terms such as recursive, A-definable, Turing computable. Ali these functions are computable by the Turing ma­chine, a formal model of computers. Anything that a digital or analog computer can compute, be it deterministic of probabilistic, is computa­ble by the abstract Turing machine, given enough tirne and space. The problems that the Turing machine can not solve are unsolvable for present and future formal computer systems as well, be it simple PCs , supercomputers or parallel connec­tionist machines. Church's thesis provides the essential founda­tion for strong AL If computable problems are sol­vable by the Turing machine then digital compu­ters can solve them if only they are quick enough. Therefore, achieving true intelligence on compu­ters demands only very fast hardware with su­fficient memory capabilities and a program. In Abrahamson's opinion (1994) it is only a matter of time and technological progress. In general, there are two major philosophical orientations regarding the human mind and our world in general: mentalistic and mechanistic. Mechanicists regard mind as a material object M. Gams obeying the laws of nature. Mind is a (biologi­cal, physical ... ) machine. Mentalists see mental states as something bevond formal sciences (mild version) or even extramaterial, i.e. outside the real world (strong version). Church's thesis im­plies that its computational essence can not be refuted by effective means. It means that the opposing hypothesis can not be effective at ali, or in other words, it can not be computed in the general meaning of the word. The strong principle of multiple knowledge col­lides with the direct explanation of Church's the­sis. One possible compromise is that although intelligent models can be - at least in principle, with unknown practical problems - designed and executed on any Turing machine, it is not pos­sible to design intelligent computer programs in the form of a single model not consisting of mul­tiple models. Therefore, if the program on the Turing machine is multiple enough and has the ne­eded additional properties, it could simulate intel­ligence. However, the principle does not exclude the other possibility - that true intelligence can not be achieved on Turing machines at ali, that stronger computational mechanisms having expli­cit multiplicity at the core of the computing pro­cess are necessary. Practically ali weak Al researchers in this or another way distance their ideas from Church's thesis (see Section 3). Neuroscientists (Edelman 1992) propose their models of the brain. Physi­cists propose new physical theories enabling new computing mechanisms - Penrose proposes micro-tubules where quantum effects in relation to the correct quantum gravity enable supercomputing powers. Deutch (1992) proposes a quantum Tu­ring machine. Sloman's viewpoint is similar to the principle of multiple knowledge based on the engineering architecture of the computing machine. Theore­tically, it has been proven that the computational power of one Turing machine is equal to the power of many parallel machines. From the engineering point of view this is not the čase. The key is not in speed or time, but in the architecture. For exam­ple, a fatal error in one processor simulating pa­rallel computing causes malfunction in serial ar­chitectures yet is usually only a smaller obstacle in appropriate parallel hardware architectures. If one processor simulates several virtual processors then it must constantly check the internal states of each parallel process. This disables true asyn­chronous interaction with complex real-life envi­ronments. Although the parallel and sequential process display equal computational powers, they substantially differ in causal relations. 5.3 Seeing the Truth of GodePs Sentence In his 1931 paper, Godel showed that for any for­mal system F broad enough to express the ari­thmetic of natural numbers, there is a construc­tion of a formula Pk(k) where k is the GodePs number of that formula itself. This well-defmed formula is denoted by G(F). G6del's theorem sta­tes that if F is consistent, there can be no deri­vation of G (F), and if F is omega-consistent, no derivation of ->G(F). Therefore, G(F) is undeci­dable (unprovable), and the formal system F is incomplete. Not only that GodePs theorem is formally pro­vable, computer programs such as SHUNYATA (Ammon 1993) have been able to automatically reproduce, i.e. rediscover the proof. By proving his theorem Godel demolished the strong formalistic approach in science. He proved that at least one formula (statement, sentence) can not be proven inside a formal system (later it was found that there are many such statements). Therefore, there is no way a formal machine can prove a specific sentence constructed by a formal (legal) procedure. Many relevant researchers including Godel and Turing thought that although the proof shows that it is not possible to formally prove G (F), G{F) is nevertheless true. Of course, no formal proof oiG(F) can be constructed inside F since it has been formally proven that such a proof does not exist. Therefore, how can G(F) be seen as true by humans? In 1961 Lucas presented his view of this paradoxical situation hypothesising what happens if humans use some kind of a for­mal algorithm UAL This idea was revived and extended by Penrose (1989). Lucas proposes - in his viewpoint - a valid ma­thematical procedure for seeing the truth of G (F). Namely, if the sentence asserts about itself that it is not provable, and the formal proof showed that G(F) can not be proved, then the sentence is obviously true. Therefore, humans can see at G{F) is true. Penrose's extension is as follows: even if a hu­man ušes some kind of (probably very complex) formal algorithm UAI executable on a Turing ma­chine, and we construct a formal GodePs sentence G (UAI) for that algorithm, he can see the truth of it. Not only Penrose and mathematicians, pro­bably ali students in natural and technical Scien­ces can intuitively see (or have that feeling of) the truth of Penrose's line of reasoning. Therefore, we can assume that ali humans are at least in prin­ciple able to see it. Furthermore, ali humans use similar processes when seeing the truth of GodePs sentence. Since formal systems are not able to formally prove the truth of GodePs sentence, and humans can see it, humans do not always apply formal algorithms (e.g. UAI). Therefore, since humans can in principle reproduce anything that Turing machines can, and Turing machines in principle can not reproduce ali things humans can (e.g. se­eing the truth of GodePs sentence), Turing machi­nes do not possess ali computational powers that humans do. Since Turing machines are capable of reproducing any computation by digital com­puters, true intelligence can not be achieved on digital computers. Among the common objections to this kind of reasoning are the following: - it is not possible to see that G (F) true since this requires proving that F is consistent12; - G(F) can be seen to be true by flible and in­complete procedures (similar to the ones hu­mans use); - GodePs theorem is not related to real life; it is j ust a formal matter relevant to formal sy­stems. Although this means that we have to reject deductive semantics as means of descri­bing human intelligence, we can endorse other types of inference, e.g. abductive logic. - in a computationally stronger meta F it is po­ssible to formally prove a statement (theorem) provable(metaF, G (F)). 12As pointed out by Boolos, Chalmers, Daviš and Perlis (Penrose 1990), the consistency of complex mathematical systems, e.g. ZF systems, can not be proved. This me­ans that nobody, Turing machines and Penrose included, can prove or even see the truth of G6del's sentence in Z F systems. The most fundamental denial of Penrose's ar­gument was presented by Sloman (1992). He attacked the core meaning of GodePs theorem: G6del's sentence does not mean what it seems to mean, and Penrose can not see the truth of G (F) since there are models in which it is true and those in which it is false. The first premise does not seem to be justified as shown by Bojadžiev (1995). Sloman's claim is based on constructing two models: of (F,G(F)) and of (F,^G(F)). This is valid since neither G (F) nor -iG(F) are prova­ble in F, if consistent. Now, nobody can see the truth of G(F) in (F,-iG(F)) , Penrose concluded. However, in models of (F, ->G(F) it is possible to establish the trut h of ->G(F), therefore, G (F) is not unprovable anymore if (F, -^G(F) is consi­stent. Extended models of F usually do not cor­respond to classes of universal Turing machines. This is a common čase in computational capabi­lities of systems: stronger mechanisms can often answer puzzles in weaker mechanisms, yet have their own undecidable questions. Sometimes it is even sufficient to apply meta-reasoning inside sy­stems with the same computational powers, but again new undecidable questions can be produ­ced. For example, it has been formally proven by a meta-system that GodePs sentence G (F) is true in natural numbers if F is consistent. Therefore, the truth of GodePs theorem in certain mathe­matical models, e.g. in Peano Arithmetic can be formally proven outside F if it is consistent. Here we shall translate the same problem into the world of Turing machines. Namely, GodePs theorem corresponds to the halting problem of Turing machines, i.e. to the question if a Turing machine can in general predict whether a Turing machine will stop or not. It has been formally proven that the halting problem is in general un­decidable (Turing 1936; Hopcroft, Ullman 1979). Furthermore, the concept of GodePs theorem is so fundamental for formal systems that it can be reproduced in many forms (see for example Pe­nrose^ second book (1994)). Consider for example an Algol-like procedure U which shows that a procedure can not determine whether it will stop or not. Reasoning starts with the hypothesis that there exists a procedure T which can determine for any procedure proč whe­ther it stops or not. Then we construct a proce­M. Gams dure U which includes the procedure T. If U itself (self-reference) is given as an input for U, it sho­uld stop when it should not (i.e. T(U) is false) and vice versa. Since the transformation from T to U is legal inside the same description mecha­nism of Turing machines, and U cannot exist, T cannot exist. Therefore, a procedure which de­termines for any procedure whether it will stop or not, does not exist. procedure U(proc); begin while T(proc) do; write('OK'); end; The self-referential applicability of U, and the halting problem in Turing machines and formal programming languages are beyond reasonable doubt. Furthermore, high-school students usually do not have troubles seeing or understanding the paradoxical nature of the halting problem. Penrose replies that there is no reason for dea­ling with unsound or incomplete systems. Under this assumption it is possible to see the truth of GodePs sentence, it is possible to formally prove it outside F, and quite probably possible to dupli­cate Penrose's semantical reasoning about truth by special meta-systems. In summary, Penrose's version of the Godel the­orem and the halting problem represents an inte­resting hypothesis, however is not proven. On the other hand, several attempts to formally disprove Penrose's version have been formally proven to be wrong. 6 Discussion The history of Al teaches us that the only con­stant is its ever-changing nature. In recent years new, fresh ideas are coming from interdisciplinary sciences - neurobiology, philosophy, cognitive Sci­ences. In this way, the computational approaches are being enriched and upgraded. Weak Al reexamines basic postulates of Al and computer science. In regard to Turing's test, pro­ponents of weak Al see the test as an indicator of important differences between humans and com­puters. Computer systems can explain their line of reasoning in detail. Humans do not know how reasoning is performed in their heads and do not know how to reveal (transplant) that to compu­ters. Just passing the test is not sufficient to be accepted as intelligent. A computer chess pro­gram beating most humans is not intelligent al­though it performs brilliantlv compared to an ave­rage human. Animals are not capable of plaving chess, yet some of them show properties of intel­ligence while computers are regarded as totallv unintelligent. By-passing Church's tkesis, weak Al does not accept that one Turing machine performing one algorithm is sufficient to achieve intelligence. The principle of multiple knotvledge proposes multiple-model structures as one of necessary conditions for intelligent systems. Extreme viewpoints see digital computers as incapable of achieving intel­ligence. There are several indications that the human brain is computationally more powerful than digi­tal computers, e.g. observed through the progress of computer power and the lack of computer intel­ligence. Theoretical analyses are often performed through the Godel theorem and halting problem. The principle of multiple knowledge dictates a step-up of complexity from one optimal model to an optimal combination of models. It upgra­des the centuries old Occam's Razor indicating that the Razor can be even misleading wh,en blin­dly applied. However, an upgraded version of Occam's Razor might be valid in the multiple-model world. Similarly, human knowledge is seen as significantly more complex than curren­tly expected. Multiple models introduce an addi­tional level of combinatorial explosion, thus ma­king knowledge less transparent, more difficult to store, and more powerful. Clashes between strong and weak Al propo­nents may help sift new ideas and eliminate unso­und attempts. Weak Al is stili in the brainstor­ming state - lots of new ideas and not many con­firmed achievements. Weak Al is getting accep­ted as another discipline researching consciou­sness and relations to computers. 8imilarly, most of new nonsymbolic approaches in Al were rejec­ted at first and then accepted, be it neural ne­tworks or evolutionary computing. How can weak Al be proven wrong? The sim­plest proof would be constructive - to design a single-model computer system capable of true in­Informatica 19 (1995) 479-493 491 telligent behaviour. Note that just designing an intelligent computer system executable on a Tu­ring machine is not enough. How can strong Al be proven wrong? There are several possibilities. For example, it is eno­ugh that the Penrose's hypothesis about G6del's theorem gets proven. Or that the principle of mul­tiple knowledge gets proven. Or that neurosci­ence produces substantial new discoveries about the human brain. Or that a new physical theory gets proven. Or ... Today, the house of science is based on empi­rical validation and formal verification. Formal verification is well within the domain of Turing computable functions. The fear that weak Al is attacking the core of science by reevaluating Church's thesis and other scientific postulates is not grounded. For example, if Penrose's ideas get accepted, meaning that unprovable true functions are computable by humans but not by computers, scientific knowledge will essentially expand. Sci­ence will expand even if the principle of multi­ple knowledge gets accepted. Instead of relying on formal models, other aspects will gain promi­nence, e.g. engineering or cognitive enrichments of formal sciences. Acknowledgment s This work was supported by the Ministry of Sci­ence, Research and Technology, Republic of Slo­venia and was carried out as part of different Eu­ropean projects. Research facilities were provided by the "Jožef Štefan" Institute. 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