Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years of serving American- Slovenians American Home Ameriška SLOVENIAN MORNI Vol. 108, No. 25 USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X 89S6-I.80W- HO AtitiBd 133tilS OIHO £868 k NOHVIAPIAI NVItiVW AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 24, 2006 i nunc; ‘Ol-UOZS e-mail: ah@buckeyevveb.com 70ses to thrill audiences with contagiously energetic Slovenian polkas, lively skits and song, as well as traditional dances originating from the various regions of beautiful Slovenia. Dance is a crucial part of any culture. The members of Kres are dedicated to sharing the joy of song and dance and educating the public on age-old ethnic traditions from Slovenia. From exquisite and colorful traditional costuming, to historically researched choreography and stylized dances, perform- ances appeal to audiences of all ages and backgrounds. Recently, Kres has performed at the Taste of Cleveland, the International Children’s Games, in Toronto, Canada, and at events pertaining to Cleveland Slovenian Days - a summer long celebration of the 15th anniversary of Slovenia’s independence. Folklorna Skupina Kres extends a most sincere invitation to attend August 26’s performance which will be followed by dancing with food and drink available throughout the evening. Tickets are $15.00 for all adult and table seats, and $3 for all child balcony and child floor seating. Tickets are on sale now. Call Annie Kmetich to reserve your tickets at (440) 449-7125. Philatelist Wanted for MZA Catholic Mission Aid, Inc., °f Cleveland, Ohio has been rising funds for Slovenian missionaries throughout the World for many decades n°w. One of its initial meth-°ds of fundraising was to collect canceled postage stamps. Thus, initially it was known as Misijonsks Znanilka Akcija (MZA), which °osely translates to “Mis-Sl°n action (committee) by means of postage stamps.” Cver the years they have Collected several boxes (c. 3 x c- 2 ft) of canceled e amps. The stamps are from very country imaginable, nd they date back into the 1960s. It is time to sell this collection. But Catholic Mission Aid has no idea of the value of this collection or where to sell it. Therefore, this note is a general plea for help in finding an appraiser of canceled postage stamps, and any other suggestions that may be helpful in turning this asset into cash in order to help support the missions. If you can help, please contact Maria Lavrisha, president of Catholic Mission Aid, at (216) 481-3768 or write 1004 Dillewood Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119. Preat things are done when men and mountains meet. This -lLPot done bv jostling in the street._-John Mercina Hospitality is Native to Slovenia Newspaper Schedule This year, the Ameriška Domovina (American Home) evvspaper will continue publishing three times each month, c September the American Home will be printed on Sept 7- K and 21. 5 i->n ®ct°ber, the American Home will be printed on Oct. ’ ‘2, and 19. Xj November the American Home will be printed on N0vj2. 9, and 16. Deo t ^ccember the American Home will be printed on K and 21. Toronto Group Celebrates 50th Anniversary On April 29, members of Our Lady Help of Christians CWL Council celebrated our 50th anniversary at 11 a.m. Mass. We invited His Eminence Aloysius Cardinal Ambrožič to be the honorary celebrant. (He celebrated his first Mass at Our Lady Help of Christians.) Concelebrants were our pastor and present spiritual advisor Rev. Ivan Plazar, and previous spiritual directors, Fr. Valentin Batic and Fr. Tone Zmec. After the celebration we had a reception for all parishioners. We asked Fr. Zmec to present some slides on what was happening in our church. Mrs. Mimi Mar-kes, our first president, gave a short speech where she mentioned 21 presidents of the Catholic Women’s League, the names of priests who celebrated their first Mass (including our Cardinal) and other priests who had served at Our Lady Help of Christians. Mostly, all of our members were married in our parish. In 50 years we have had 2,566 Christenings, 1,172 marriages, and 523 deaths. We currently have 49 members. We have meetings on Sunday after the 10 a.m. Mass. Once a month we serve coffee, tea and pastry and we help to do the same to the missionary circle. Spiritual Bouquets are sent to seminaries and on many occasions, to our priests. Over the past half century, we have been trying to do our best to follow our duties. We have attended regional meetings, conventions, had parish council meetings monthly, special monthly breakfasts and meals, where most of us participate. We have helped missionaries, schools and less fortunate all over the world. Our CWL members visit the sick, the poor, and help our parish community with charitable work to help neighbors who need our assistance. On Palm Sunday, we prepare special Slovenian ornaments made with olive branches and greenery on which we “sew” apples and oranges and carry them to be blessed. On Holy Saturday, we bring a basket or special bag of ham, colored red eggs, horseradish and cake to be blessed. The ham represents Christ’s body, the eggs, his blood; horseradish are the nails and walnut round cake - his crown. We prepare a special breakfast of butarice, sweets, cakes, colored eggs, and lunch. The hall is full and we have an enjoyable time. These are nice customs and give a true spiritual renewal. --Emma Pogačar Labor Weekend at Pristava Coming up soon, on Saturday, Sept. 2 is Slovenska Pristava’s now traditional Labor Day weekend “veselica.” Dinner, prepared by Joe Tavčar and his crew, will be served from 5 - 6:30 p.m. Music for your listening and dancing pleasure will be provided by musicians from Štajersko, Slovenia, Ansam- bel bratov Gašperšič with popular vocalist Rudi Šantl. The entrance fee will be $4 for members, and $8 for nonmembers. On Sunday, Sept. 3, the Pristava kitchen and bar will be open from 4-6 p.m. Come and enjoy the last weekend of summer in the outdoors at Pristava. -Milan Ribič President Bus to Bishop Baraga Festivities This year’s observance of Bishop Baraga Days will take place in Calumet, Michigan on September 23 and 24. The bus will leave Greater Cleveland on Sept. 22nd in the evening from Euclid City Hall, and from St. Vitus Village. For more details and reservations, please call Mrs. Ivanka Matic at (216) 481-1514. All reservations MUST be in by Aug. 28. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 24, 2006 2 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 25 August 24, 2006 Celebrating Our Anniversary by RUDY FLIS This weekend Therese and I celebrated our 51st anniversary. So I took a couple of. days off work, just to goof off and enjoy ourselves. I promised Therese I would take her shopping for a new dress for our daughter Monica’s wedding, and I did, as much as I care little for shopping of that sort. If you heard a strange sound originating from the southwest area of Cleveland, it was a sigh of relief, as Therese purchased a dress for the wedding. I was her chauffeur and her hero that day because 1 drove her to the store, and faithfully waited in the car as she shopped. I read all of the American Home newspaper, which I had just received in the mail before we left for the store. It made the waiting easier. Our plans Friday were to just take off after Therese was finished with the laundry and ironing, and we did. I was going to head south, but Therese said, “It’s been a long time since you were in Warren, and had a hot dog at that place you love.” WOW. With that suggestion, I headed east on Rt. 422, my mouth watering, as hot dogs fluttered through my thoughts. The Hot Dog Place was packed, as usual, and I was starved. Two chili dogs, fries, chocolate shake and several napkins, and I was set for the day. Not far from The Hot Dog Place is the Packard Museum, small, but interesting. After that, it was to Hubbard, Ohio and the WWII Museum. Much history is in that building, about some rough times our country had and how our industry and people rose to the occasion. I’ve heard of this place, but never gave a thought about visiting it. I’m glad I made that stop. I was buried in memories, as much of the equipment of WWII was used during the Korean Conflict. This afternoon Therese and I will go to Carrie Cerino’s and celebrate our anniversary with a great, great tasting meal, almost as good tasting as the Chili Dogs. How blessed I am May God bless our troops and our country on this our special day. * Fr. George Balasko’s Polka Mass on computer is http://catholicmass.blogspot. com. In American Home there was an ‘a’ between blog and spot. LAVRISHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services Rokodelec Contractor The Joey Tomsick Orchestra performing at the Iron World Discovery Center in Chisholm, MN in July. Phil Hrvatin is on sax. (Photo by JENNIFER BROWN, member of the Singing Slovenes in Duluth, MN) Latest News From Slovenia New Building The building of a new conference hall has been launched at the Brdo pri Kranju diplomatic protocol complex as part of Slovenia’s preparations for its stint as EU president in the first half of 2008. The three-story building with over 9,000 square meters of meeting areas, including a large conference room and smaller rooms for bilateral meetings, will host major EU meetings when Slovenia has the EU presidency. Diplomacy Slovenia has welcomed the adoption of a UN Security Council resolution calling for the full cessation of hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah. Army The parliament defense committee has rejected a proposal by the opposition Liberal Democracy (LDS) and Social Democrats (SD) which have called on the cabinet to reverse its decision to send a second rotation of four military instructors to Iraq because the situation there is too dangerous. Defense Slovenian police have assessed that the security situation in Slovenia has not deteriorated after the recent arrests of alleged terrorists in Great Britain. Nevertheless, the situation is being continually reassessed and the intensity of individual measures adequately adopted, the police said. Cultural Ruins Construction workers digging a ditch for new public utility infrastructure near Ljubljana city center have come across archaeological findings from the period of the Roman city of Emona, dating back to the 4lh century AD. Maribor Synagogue A holographic exhibition on the life of Vienna Jews opened on Tuesday evening at the medieval synagogue in Maribor. The historical exhibition, conceived by the curator of the Jewish Museum in Vienna Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek, is showing the history of Jews living i** 1 the Austrian capital. It's so Suave to be Slovenian Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. -Albert Einstein Happy Labor Day Weekend to All! Anton J. Ogrinc, D.D.S. Family Dentistry/Preventive Dentistry • MAYFIELD VILLAGE 6551 Wilson Mills Rd., Suit 103 1-440-473-1920 This and that from Emilee by EMILEE JENKO Activities: AMLA Annual Dinner for 50-year members will be held at Sterle’s Country House on Sunday, Nov. 12. time: 1 p.m. Fred Zwick entertainment. Goulash Dinner: AMLA Lodge #9 Collinwood Slovenian Home on Holmes Avc. Serving 3:30 to 5:30 P-ni. on Sept. 24. Clambake: Oct 7. - Christmas Party for the children Dec. 10 SNH. Lodge #8 Mystery Bus Trip Dec. 17. August Birthday Wishes: Ed Bucar, Geo. Dietz, Teresa Marie Vegh (TM), Florence ■laksic, John Kendzerski, Faye Zahurancik, Ben Cart-rnell, Blagio Banco, Jcrr Rovanšek. Congratulations to all. August wedding anniversaries: Bill and Marie Azman, Jr. Forty years wedding anniversary to Professor Edi and Milena Gobetz. A Mass at St. Mary’s Church (Collin-w°od) July, 2006. Many, many years of happiness to a very lovely couple. Belated July wedding anniversaries: Don and Nancy Slapnik. Na zdravje. Congratulations to Fred and Fran Spelich on their wcdding anniversary. Sorry I don’t know how many happy years together but very best wishes. Accolades to Chris Cherniy, honored in May as j^ian of the Year for the Holy Flame Society of St. Mary’s Church, Holmes Ave., Col-•nwood, for his support of ^any parish and cultural r8anizations. Sa^3t Frank and Julie ar at the Collinwood Th°Vun'an Ft°me breakfast. 1 C kitchen crew did a fabu-le s J°b, the food was excel-2el A*so chatted with Rich loo"and Lou Sadar. Rich is Pas ln^ ^antastic after his by-ag0S SUrgcry a few months pUr °l to cut this short as my at t.C Was lifted from my car and i Dcli 0,1 East 266 St. WCnt ake Sh°re Blvd., as I ln to purchase my lot- tery tickets. The thief must have been really surprised as I was carrying my wallet with all the goodies. It was an empty purse except for makeup pencil, pen and paper. Ha, ha, ha. Back to the breakfast. Three gals from the St. Vitus Village were also enjoying the brunch, Babe Cizel, Bernie Sajovec, Juliette Slapnik as was her brother Jim and wife, June. It was a grand crowd that partook of the breakfast. Rest in peace John M. Copic. Condolences to wife and children, owner of John’s Fun House on East 185 St. He was a fun guy, loved by all. Blessings and peace be with you Justine Girod who passed away this past month. Our prayers and thoughts are with Marie Gombach, Joseph Grdina, and Al Marolt who passed away this past month. Love and blessings to all. Get well to Mitzie Jerman, well known tavern keeper on St. Clair Avenue for many years. A very sweet lady who is in the hospital for tests. Pray. Heather Davidson was selected one of the many to probably appear on “Wheel of Fortune.” Give her all your support and cheers for a job well done. Here’s hoping we will see her on the “Wheel.” Saturday, August 5 th was the marriage of Angelique Skorich and Michael Pastva. Uniting them was Bishop A. Ed Pevec, and Fr. Joseph Boznar, the concelebrant at St. Vitus Church on Lauschc Ave. Parents are Bill and Marie Azman, Jr. Parents of the groom are Ernest and Kathryn Kerezsi. When Bill and Angelique came down the aisle, the sight was something to behold. When she passed, her gown was beautiful, but her train was gorgeous, very, very lengthy and beautifully embossed with crystal and beads. The flower girls, so young and beautiful, were delightful. The best man was David Hough, the flower girls: Megan Pastva, Mackenzie Skorich, Taylor Bierce, and Sawyer Skorich-Pastva. Ceremony musician: John Srsen. Ring bearer was Patrick Short. The reception was held at the Irish American Club on Lake Shore Blvd. Many friends and relatives were in attendance. A DJ provided the entertainment. Chatted with many friends I haven’t seen in quite some time, too numerous to mention by name, but it was wonderful to see everyone. The honeymoon??? Everyone had a gala time. August birthday wishes to Helen Palumbo from your good friend Fazee. Congrats on their 45th wedding anniversary to Tom and Dolores Krause, Sept. 4th. Best wishes from Ray and Lil Novak, and yours truly. Zivio. Happy 90th birthday to resident of the Slovene Home for the Aged Ed Azman from family and friends. Till we meet again, I will leave you with this thought: “the Lord will command his angels to guard you in all your ways.” (psalm 91:11). See ya, Love, --Emilee St. Vitus Adult Slovenian Classes The St. Vitus Adult Slovenian Language class will begin on Saturday, Sept. 16 at 9:15 a.m. in St. Martin de Porres High School (formerly St. Vitus School.) New students are most welcome. Students will continue to expand on vocabulary, grammar and conversation. Presentations will also be given on Slovenian history and culture. For further information, please call Marie Burgar (216) 432-1193 or Lillian Centa (216)289-7253. BECOME A MEMBER WITH A NEW INSURANCE PLAN FROM KSKJ! AQCIDENTAL DEATH & DISMEMBERMENT PLAN Available from ages 20 to 65 (coverage expires at age 70) ^ini,num Amount Available $25,000 - Maximum Available $100,000 $1 2n3C1 Minimum per mode premium - $1.00 per thousand in PA Per thousand in CA, CO, CT, IL, IN, KS, Ml, MN, MT, OH, DC, Wl Qgl I y°ur local sales agent or the Home Office at 1-800-843-5755 www.kskjlife.com Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pastva and Bishop Pevec (Photo by EMILEE) Potato Chip Cookies One cup butter One cup sugar 4 tablespoons brown sugar One egg 2 cups flour One-half tsp. soda One-half tsp. vanilla 3A cup crushed potato chips 'A cup ground nuts Cream shortening, add sugars, egg and vanilla. Add flour, ! soda, potato chips and nuts. Mix well. Drop by teaspoon on ! ungreased cookie sheet. Flatten with fork dipped in flour, i Bake 12-15 minutes in 350 degree oven. Sprinkle with j powdered sugar when cool. --Emilee Jenko X Euclid, Ohio Blue-ribbon cheesecake i Prep: 20 minutes plus cooking and chilling. 2 cups graham-cracker crumbs j Zi cup butter or margarine (1 stick), melted 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 Vi cups sugar j 3 packages (8 ounces each) cream cheese, softened ; 3 large eggs : 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Salt 1 cup sour cream 1. - Preheat oven to 350°F. In 13” by 9” glass or ceramic j baking dish, mix crumbs, butter, cinnamon, and 14 cup sugar i until crumbs are evenly moistened. Reserve 1 cup crumb : mixture. Press remaining mixture firmly onto bottom of dish, j 2. - In large bowl, with mixer on medium speed, beat | cream cheese, eggs, vanilla, 1/8 teaspoon salt, and remaining I sugar until creamy, about 3 minutes. Add sour cream; beat : 30 seconds or until blended. j 3. - Pour cream-cheese mixture over crust and spread | evenly. Bake 20 minutes. Remove cheesecake from oven; : sprinkle with reserved crumb mixture. Return to oven; bake j 10 minutes longer. Turn oven off; leave cheesecake in oven j 1 hour. Remove and cool completely on wire rack. Cover : and refrigerate until well chilled, at. least 3 hours or : overnight. j PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 24, 2006 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 24, 2006 4 Mlakar Walks Down Memory Lane by RAY MLAKAR Well, Ray is back and perhaps that in itself is a miracle and hanging in there, and each day seems to be a challenge to complete. Well, if nothing else, the weather has been in our favor although I do not get out that much. Well, last week with checkups on the eye surgery and getting the stitches removed from the shin bone, things are a little better. The shin bone is quite tender and the doctor warned from possibly bumping it in any way. Anyone who has gone thru cataract surgery knows the ropes, drops four times a day and when you arc trying to do it by yourself, it is quite a challenge. To be truthful, most of the drops ran down my cheek than into my eye and then eight night, one must tape the plastic shield over the eye to help refrain from possibly rubbing the eye during the night. If the Good Lord ever called me during the night, he would say, “This is not the body I sent you on earth. What happened?” Here is hoping I mend soon so that I will look half-way normal when “D-Day” comes. I cannot walk far thru the house without looking for a place to sit. I hope that improves. I am very short-winded to say the least. I do not have much of a capacity for food and have lost a few more pounds but then it is that much less to lug around. I am getting thinner and Happy Harry is getting heavier for he cleans up what is left on my dish. Speaking of Harry, since the cataract surgery, I checked out the haircut I gave him a few weeks back and for operating with Happy Harry only one eye at the time, his haircut did not turn out that bad, but once I get my new glasses, he will be due for a new corrected even-out trim. Last week I felt I had to get out of these four walls and went to the KSKJ lodge meeting and it was nice to be among the fellow members. One thing I have to admit, they had enough food to much on that would have more than served all those who attended the Last Supper. They discussed the upcoming plans for the Weiner Roast and Hay Ride they plan for September. I went to the one last year which was great fun but am dubious about going this year, for with my luck, I will fall off the hay wagon and be back to square one, health-wise. Perhaps now over the past few months with my bouts in the hospital and now with the shortness of breath, now more than ever I feel that all of us fail to thank God for the good health we enjoy when we do have it. We take too much for granted and feel our health will always remain the same. We know God when we want something, but we fail to go to him to give thanks. Now that I look back, I guess with age, everything deteriorates, for I can’t recall seeing many cars built well over three quarters of a century ago that are still on the road in good working condition. Well, enough of the medical talk for without a doubt I am sure that all of us have more than our share of aches and pains. It is time for some jokes from none other than my brother Frankie Mlakar from Erie, Penn. Ready? Here they are: I just came back from a pleasure trip. I took my mother-in-law to the airport. Someone stole my credit cards, but I won’t be reporting it. The thief spends less than my wife. We always hold hands. If I let go, she goes shopping. My wife and I went back to the hotel where we spent our honeymoon. Only this time I stayed in the bathroom and cried. My wife and I went to a hotel where we had a water-bed. My wife called it the Dead Sea. She was at the beauty shop for two hours. That was only for estimates. She got a mud pack and looked good for two days. Then the mud fell off. The doctor called me up and said, Mr. Mlakar your check came back. I said, “So did my arthritis.” Well, with that it is time to sign off praying that God will watch over all of you and keep you in good health and his loving care. Slovenians "R" Us IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 !t& Best Labor Day Wishes SHELIGA DRUG, INC. Your Full Service Pharmacy 6025 St. Clair Avenue 431.1035 431-4644 FAX . American'Ixpress We bilf mos' ™*r insurance plans • Discover • Photo Finishing • MasterCard • Package & Mailing Center • Visa • FAX Service • WIC - Food Stamps • Manufacturers Coupons Visit Us! • Keys Made • Layaways Contact Lens Replacement Tony Oblak, a resident of St. Vitus Village, meets Slovenia’s Prime Minister, Janez Janša on Friday, June 25, 2006 at the Village. (Photo by Anna Lunder) P.M. Janša Concludes Talks in White House (Conclusion) The talks with Vice President Cheney focused on the need for a concerted energy policy between the US and the EU as well as on the need to adopt a common EU energy policy. Prime Minister Janša said that Mr. Cheney and a number of congressmen were informed of the Bled Strategic Forum organized by Slovenia this year with emphasis on the “Caspian Outlook.” The Forum will be attended by a number of distinguished international politicians, businessmen and experts on strategic energy issues. There was a great deal of interest in the Slovenian evaluation of the situation in Serbia, the issue of the future status of Kosovo, and the implications of Montenegro’s decision on independence. “Everyone has said that our opinion is held in high esteem because we know the circumstances there and have been willing to assume responsibility for the settling of affairs. Slovenia is very much committed and next year, when we deploy an entire battalion of the Slovenian Armed Forces in Kosovo, we shall move considerably higher on the list of those contributing real forces and funds. This is another aspect in favor of our credibility,” said Janša. The talks with Speaker of the House Dennis Hasted were attended by other congressmen. Slovenian Prime Minister Janša said that j praise was heard relative to the International Trust Fund for De-mining and Victims Assistance (ITF) as well as institutions established by Slovenia to assist in opening up Euro-Atlantic prospects to the countries of the West- ; em Balkans. The discussions with senators and congressmen also touched on areas of conflict elsewhere in the J world and on operations in which both Slovenia and the US are involved within NATO. Finally, the Prime Minister met with Secretary of State Condolezza Rice. For the most part, they discussed issues related to the situation in BiH, Serbia and Kosovo. F ortuna FUNERAL HOME 316 Fleet Ave. Cleve OH foseph & Virginia Fortuno Founders in 1958 (216) 641-0046 NEW & 2nd LOCATION OPENING FALL 2006 7076 Brecksville Rd. Independence, OH LICENSED STAFF: ohn Fortuna - James Tržaška Mary Ann (Fortuna) Tržaška Come Visit PATRIA IMPORT STORE for your Unique Gifts Boris and Suzi Music Store Hours: Mon. - Sat: 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p m-Tel: (216) 531-6720 Patria Imports 794 E. 185th St. Cleveland, OH 441 ijL 5 The Memoirs of Ladislav Bevc Ladislav Bevc: Spomini (Memoirs), published by Jutro in Ljubljana, Slovenia, 312 pages, 45 photographs; English text is included on a compact disc. Reviewed by Anthony Pečavar._____________ The book spanning 80 years of the author’s political life contains political as well as personal memoirs of a Yugoslav liberal politician, a Sokol and prominent leader in the Mihajlovi resistance movement. Considerable, perhaps enormous, political and business courage is required |° Publish a book of this kind m contemporary Slovenia - a country whose government as well as population at large remains burdened with communist heritage. Slovenians do not like to be reminded that in their recent history they had a democratic alternative which they rejected in favor of Tito’s and Kučan’s communism and how the series of such decisions is inexorably lead-lng their nation in a declen-si°n and decay. Portions of the book have nppeared in the South Slav Journal in the late 80’s. The Present memoirs connect the described events into an in-, tegrated whole and include, So far as we know, first time Publication of the wartime Agreement between the Slovenian People's Party and the Slovenian part of the Jugoslav Nationalist Party, j..e National Declaration of October 29, 1944, the Ric-I:‘°ne Agreement of 1946 ehveen the Slovenian progressive parties in exile as ' of 3S eYewitness accounts the negotiations with j. errnan occupation forces transfer of authority to pc Slovenian National mittee. fc^he author leads in with a yeW glimpses of his early y 3rs’ more than a hundred il 3rs a8°, his life in the fam-°t a civil servant and a liberal agitator, studies in Ljubljana and academic life as an engineering student in Vienna where his commit-. ment to the Yugoslav idea within the scope of interacting Yugoslav student societies was first translated into political action. His organizational talent started to show there in fund-raising drives for the Cyril and Methodius Association and related activities. Limited as he was with his resources he even, jointly with a colleague, took on the obligation of providing financial assistance to a needy fellow student. Finding that Austrian civil service in Ljubljana was employing only German nationals the author accepted employment as civil engineer in the Slovenian Littoral where World War I caught up with him. He served in the corps of engineers on the Eastern front in Ukraine and Belarus and later on the Western front in France from which he gives edifying glimpses on the human factors and the working of the Austrian Imperial army. As an officer who could communicate with his enlisted men as well as with the local population in their native languages he earned their loyal support and cooperation in difficult situations. It took the collapse of the evil empire before the author could work as civil engineer in his beloved Ljubljana. In free Yugoslavia he entered local politics with gusto. The reader gets glimpses of the inner working and behind the scenes manipulations of the city, small in size but vast in the labyrinth of politics, the organization of committees building monuments to Yugoslav kings, the politics involving artists, architects, councilmen and special interests. The author shared the views of his friend and world class architect Ivan Vurnik about the narrowly parochial concepts of politicians’ protege architect Plečnik. Together with Vurnik they built the monumental Sokol Hall at Tabor - Vumik’s design executed by the author and his colleague structural engineer Stanko Dimnik. That edifice at least has withstood the ravages of war and revolution albeit the communists had taken it away from the Sokol organization. The monuments, creations of sculptor Lojze Dolinar, were destroyed by the Italians, who did not quite live up to their reputation as creators and guardians of works of art. All this went on among the political intrigues within the Reserve Officers’ Association which had the author temporarily banished to Novi Sad from where he staged a spectacular comeback. The central point of author’s public life was the Sokol Association at Tabor. Sokol was a highly popular gymnast association founded by Miroslav Tyrs which existed in all Slav countries promoting achievement of health through gymnastics, high moral standards, and brotherhood of all Slav nations. It was at Tabor where the author was first confronted by the communist conspiracy. The communists, who have never achieved anything, realizing their pernicious and destructive practices could never win enough adherents to their cause, attempted to infiltrate respectable organizations through which they would promote their political agenda as if it were coming from a respectable organization. The Sokols at Tabor expelled the communist infiltrators in an acrimonious and rancorous struggle. This earned the author and his friends the mortal enmity of the communists. The experience is still relevant today as the communists are far from being neutralized and continue to Wish All of You a Peaceful Labor Day Holiday Brickman- 1 )i Donato JTjneral home Funeral Directors: Di Dona to, Owner ~ Thomas Corrigan -----Harlan Saxton - Lloyd Rankin Serving All Faiths 21900 Euclid Ave. Euclid,Oh 216-481-5277 mg ~ Compassionate ~ Dedicated to Euc/id exert their influence wherever they can. The disaster that met Yugoslavia with World War II is dramatically, if briefly, described through the viewpoint of a reserve officer in the army retreating to the remote recesses of Bosnia. Evading the German capture, the author found his way home to be met by the Gestapo and Kulturbund agents ransacking his home. Miraculously, he was left behind when the Gestapo departed from Ljubljana, apparently on request of the Italians. Early in May of 1941 the author was instrumental in establishing the Sokol War Council and the Sokol Legion which along with the Slovenian Legion and National Legion was part of the resistance movement headed by General Dragoljub Mi-halovič long before the communists established their so-called Liberation Front. The communists decreed that anyone who did not submit to their command was a traitor to their cause - a cause he never supported - and subject to execution by their assassins who in today’s Slovenia draw privileged pensions as “people’s heroes.” We read of the communist destruction of the chetnik detachment at Grčarice, the Kočevje political trial admired by the British press, the gradual roundup of Mihajovic’s men in Ljubljana and their deportation to concentration camps until a few months before the end of the war the Gestapo caught up with the author and his closest collaborators but not before he had the chance to sign an agreement between the Yugoslav Nationalist Party and Slovenian People’s Party and the National Declaration proclaimed by the communists to be “high treason.” After several months imprisonment chetnik General Damjanovič negotiated the release of the author and his coworkers in exchange for some captured German officers. Barely out of jail, the author, member of the Slovenian National Committee, found himself in negotiations with the Germans on the transfer of authority in view of Germany’s immi- nent defeat. A democratic government was proclaimed in Ljubljana shortly before Germany surrendered at Rheims but, unfortunately, under the onslaught of communist hordes it had to flee abroad toward the advancing Allies, or those whom they thought were their allies. It turned out that the so eagerly awaited Allies were allies of Stalin and Tito and it was necessary to escape from them also to avoid being delivered to Tito’s firing squads. After an arduous trip over the mountains, the author and a few other members of the National Committee reached the sanctuary of the American zone of occupation in Italy. Following is the description of the dismal years of lingering in the refugee camps under uncaring Allied administration. The author, however, was not idle. With friends he organized a fusion of all Slovenian progressive parties into the Slovenian Democratic Party the program of which was to keep the spark of liberty and idea of democracy alive for the time when the communist tyranny would be no more. United by that mission, they emigrated to Argentina and the United States where they could carry on their work and publish their paper Domovina (Homeland). The Sokol organization had in the meantime been banned in Yugoslavia and the Sokol halls, as all other valuable property, were confiscated by the communists who continue to hold it to this day. But the Sokol organization could not be destroyed so long as Sokols lived. It was rebuilt on the initiative of Sokols in Argentina and, later, in the United States where a few Sokol associations already existed. The author took an active role in rebuilding the Sokol organization and soon members of the Yugoslav Sokol in the Free World were participating at quadrennial rallies held by the much stronger Czechoslovak Sokol organization in the free world. (Continued on page-6) i# S°ng&Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family ED MEJAC RDC Program Director WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO HOURS: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 ' 440-953-1709 TEL/FAX web: www wcsb.org AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 24, 2006 6 The Unique I Trademark of Ruple by JOE GLINŠEK H ----------------------------- C/3 q Ruple ran their business D from a tiny storefront be-^ tween Dr. Fowler’s office ^ and a barber shop. While the ^ barber, at the comer of O Aspinwall and E. 152nd, ^ decorated his front entrance Q with the traditional spiraling «- pole of red, white, and blue, ,oo and cigar stores displayed a S wooden Indian, Ruple was notable for a unique trade-< mark, requiring no explanation. Sitting on the sidewalk next to their entrance was a rough block of coal, about the size of a 1930’s refrigerator. Wrapped only in loose wire fencing, it had been there a long time, undisturbed. Ruple was one of two nearby companies that delivered truckloads of coal directly into your cellar coal bin. Along with the usual ground-level casement windows, older homes also had a cast iron ‘window’ through which coal was shoveled, via a steel chute, from the tmek. Early in the fall, both of these companies were very busy. Though just a business office, Ruple also sold small lots of coal from their rear entrance. These could be taken home in a child’s wagon or in the trunk of a car. The coal was cut into a block the size of two cereal boxes, stacked. A neat convenience, and profitable for Ruple, they were individually wrapped in heavy brown paper. Sometimes, after an unusually long or severe winter, you might run a bit short: a wagon-load or two would tide you over. A couple of times, late in the spring, I was sent to Ruple to buy these pieces of coal. With careful loading, I could get a half dozen into my wagon. In the mid ‘70s, Mom, alone in the old house after Uncle Mike died, asked me to clean out the garage. Tons of stuff were given or thrown away, but the rest made up a very interesting garage sale. Among the items I chose to sell, was a block of Ruple’s coal in its original wrapper, mint condition. I thought it was an interesting item that someone would buy for a buck. In spite of the neat little sign explaining its history, and the eventual reduced price - free - nobody rescued this piece of Americana. Too late, Smithsonian. It went out with the trash For Rent Immaculate downstairs of a double off E. 185th. Beautiful refinished floors 2 bedroom, dining, living refinished wood work. Refrigerator, stove, fenced in yard. Enclosed sun porch. Garage for 1 car. $625 month. Can e-mail pictures krg@guildint.com 1-440-231-1452 President-elect Zachary Taylor refused to take his oath of office on the designated inauguration day, March 4, 1849, because it was a Sunday. He was sworn in the next day, leaving David R. Atchison, President Pro Tempore of the Senate, as acting President for the day. Bevc (Continued from page 5 The memoirs conclude with a ringing rebuttal of the communist indictment of Sokols at a staged political trial in Ljubljana in 1946. The indictment is reproduced in its entirety for all the world to see the depravity of communist lies and their methods. The author refutes the communist accusations and points to the glaring violations of basic precepts of judicial procedure which are the mode of operation of communist jurisprudence and its courts still firmly entrenched in today’s Slovenia. For the Slovenian public the book’s message is equivalent to a message from another world. For the Slovenians, although written in their language, it might as well be written in a language spoken on a planet revolving around a distant star, light years away. The publisher hopes that in 25 years or so the ignorance now pervading Slovenians will somehow evaporate and give way to greater understanding of their history. He certainly valiantly and nobly strives to accomplish this by the books he publishes to serve as a beacon of hope for his nation which has lost too many men like him already. We only wish we could share his optimism and that his predictions may come true. HOUSE FOR SALE 10 room brick house, zoned for home and business. On Rt. 6 + 19 between Cleveland and Erie, PA (2 hours from Cleveland) for only $42,000. Call after 6 p.m. 1-814-763-5334. Happy Labor Day to all American Slovenians! FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES President - Robert Royer 1st Vice President - Anthony Mannion 2nd Vice President - Edward Gabrosek Financial Secretary and Treasurer - Lou Grzely Recording and Corresponding Secretary - Nancy Vasilko Executive Secretary - Patricia Ipavec Clarke Auditors: Frank Gruber, Anna Mae Mannion and Evelyn Pipoly Coming Attractions Saturday, Aug. 26 Kres annual performance at Slovenian National Home on St. Clair, Cleveland. Saturday, Aug. 26 Polka Hall of Fame Annual Sausage Festival at Slovenska Pristava from 1 to 9 p.m. Advance tickets $6 at Polka Hall of Fame (216) 261-3263, or $7 at door. Six bands. Sunday, Aug. 27 Dance hosted by Comrades Lodge 566 at SNPJ Farm featuring Joey Tom-sick Band with Phil Hrvatin tootin’ his own horn. Sunday, Aug. 27 Annual memorial pilgrimage to Sorrowful Mother Shrine, Frank, Ohio, sponsored by DSPB, Cleveland. Mass at 12 noon. Bus leaves Collinwood Slovenian Home at 8 a.m. and St. Vitus Village at 8:30 a.m. Reservation (216) 531-2728 or (440) 944-0020. Wed., Aug 30 Federation of American Slovenian Senior Citizens clubs annual picnic at SNPJ Farm on Heath Rd. Dinner served 1 p.m. by Julie Zalar. Music by Frank Moravcik Orch. 2:30 - 5:30 p.m. Dinner, admission and dancing $13. Tickets call (216) 481-0163 or (440) 943-3784 before Aug. 24. Saturday, Sept. 2 “Veselica” with Ansambel Bratov Gašperšič with vocalist Rudi Šantl at Slovenska Pristava. Entrance fee $4 for members and $8 for nonmembers. There will not be the dedication of the new hall. Ansambel Gašperšič may not come, in which case Veseli Godci will play instead. Come on out; all profits are for the new building. Sunday, Sept. 3 Dance hosted by SNPJ Farm featuring Joey Tom-sick Band. Sunday, Sept 3 Slovenska Pristava kitchen and bar open from 4-6 p.m. Monday, Sept. 4 Labor Day Dance at SNPJ Farm featuring Joe Grkman & Wayne Tomsic Bands Sunday, Sept. 10 St. Vitus Altar Society traditional Chicken and Roast Beef Dinner in auditorium. Sunday, Sept. 10 SNPJ Ladies Dance & Goulash Dinner featuring Eddie Rodick Band. Sunday, Sept. 10 Day at the Races presented by Collinwood Slovenian Home. Admission $6 includes sandwich, soft drinks and beer. Horses available for $10. Sunday, Sept. 17 Wine festival (Ed Mejac Ansambel) at Slovenska Pristava. Wednesday, Sept. 20 Annual Social of Slove- nian National Home, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland in Main Hall. Tickets $60 for main board and dinner; $20 for additional dinner, family style prepared by Julie Zalar. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. Call 216-361-5115. Sept. 23-24 Baraga Days in Calumet, Michigan: - Saturday, Sept. 23 - Slovenian Mass 4 or 4:30 in St. Paul Church, 301 8th St., followed by social in parish hall. Musical concert honoring Bishop Baraga in Calumet Theater 7:30 or 8 p.m. Theater built in 1900. — Sunday, Sept. 24 - 1 or 1:30 p.m. Mass in Sacred Heart Church, Calumet followed by banquet and annual Baraga Association meeting at Michigan Technological University Ballroom, Houghton, MI. Banquet tickets $20. Roast pork dinner. Saturday, Sept. 23 Slovenian National Home Co., Newburgh, 3563 E. 80 St., Cleveland, Wine and Cheese, 6:30 p.m. Music by A1 Battistelli from 7:30 to 10:30. Donation $15. Call (216) 662-3339, Sunday, Sept. 24 Slovenian Grape Festival, parade and dance at SNPJ Farm featuring Joey Tom-sick Band. Sunday, Oct. 1 Slovenian Heritage Festival at SNPJ Farm on Heath Road in Kirtland, OH. Noon polka Mass with Bishop Pevec and the Joey Tomsick Orchestra. Festival from 1-5 p.m. Advance $3, $4 at gate. Friday, Oct. 6 3rd Annual Alpine Evening at St. Mary’s (Coll.) Guest Ansambel Spev from Slovenia. Saturday, Oct. 14 St. La.wrence School & Friends Reunion Dinner-Dance. Mass 5:30 in St-Lawrence Church by Bishop A. Edward Pevec. Nash opens at 6:30. Donation $ 15-Music by Joe Novak. Reset' j vations call (440) 243-0312- Sunday, Oct. 15 St. Mary’s (Coll) School Alumni dinner in new parish center. Saturday, Oct. 21 Štajerski Klub Dinnc| Dance, Slovenian Nation^ Home, St. Clair (216) 531' 4817. Sunday, Oct. 22 Annual meeting of Sloven ska Pristava. Sunday, Oct. 22 St. Mary’s Slovenia0 Regional Heritage Day l0 Parish Center, Holmes AvCs A journey through 7 regi°° of Slovenia. Exhibits, f°° sampling, full dinner mc°^ ! with regional dishes and PaS^ tries. Begins 11 a.m. Fre admission. Death Notices HELENE SIGMUND Helene Sigmund (nee Kresse), age 79, of Austin, TX passed away on Sunday, Aug. 13, 2006 at her son’s residence surrounded by family. Helene was born on April 8, 1927 in Gottschee, which is now part of Slovenia. She immigrated to the U.S. after WWII and spent much of her life in Cleveland and Broadview Heights. She moved to Austin eight years ago to be with her children and grandchildren. Beloved wife of Josef (deceased); loving mother of Frank (wife Laura) of Coppell, TX, and Josef (wife Jennifer) of Austin, TX; beloved grandmother “Omi” of Kyle, Scott, Kelly and Nicolas; dear sister of Josef Kresse of Grunwald, Germany, Marie Fink of Seven Hills and Franz (deceased). The family suggests contributions to the American Heart Association, 1689 E. 115 St., Cleveland, OH 44106. Friends called on Friday, Aug. 18 from 7-9 p.m. at The Donald A. Faulhaber Funeral Home, 7915 Broadview Rd. (at Sprague), where services were held on Saturday, Aug. 19 at 9:30 a.m., and from Assumption Church, 9183 Broadview Kd., at 10 a.m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. Love never dies as long as there is someone who ^members. t*1 Loving Memory of the 9th Anniversary of the death of Ldvvard Avsec Died August 25, 1997 Always remembered ith thoughts of love in our hearts and still so missed. ^Cst in God’s loving care, dear Ed. ^ife, Daniella and Family A thing of beauty is a joy forever; Its loveliness increases; it will never Pass into nothingness. —John Keats Aug. 26,1992was a sad day for all who knew and loved you. We below, your family, can 7 forget who and what you were to us all. Love, Son - John Nieces - Carole, Mimi D. Mim A. - Tillie Nephews - John - Ed Granddaughters -Linda - Laura All Great-Grandchildren In Loving Memory of the 3rd Anniversary of our dear husband, father, and grandfather Ernie Mramor Born Oct. 30, 1919 Died Aug. 29, 2003 He was always there to lend a hand, to give advice, to smile, To comfort or encourage or just be with you awhile. He was a special man whose love and caring seems to have no end. He was a teacher and supporter -He’s your father, and lifelong friend. Sadly missed by Wife: Mary Daughters Marsha McGill and Madelyn Mramor Son-in-law Craig McGill Grandson - Collin McGill 2ele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family QWne(] and operated since 1908 Justine ‘Jessie’ Girod, 92, co-owned Zele Funeral Home In Loving Memory of the 14m Anniversary of Mary Muniza- Klemencic % ? . * : ■ .. ** .. . es... CLEVELAND - Justine “Jessie” Girod, 92, retired co-owner of the Zele Funeral Home in Cleveland, aided many surviving residents of the 1944 East Ohio Gas Co. explosion and fire replace singed money recovered from burned-out homes. Justine wrote a full-page article about her experiences in a special edition of American Home newspaper in October, 1994, commemorating the 50lh anniversary of the East Ohio gas explosion. Girod died Thursday, July 27 in Euclid Hospital. When the fire erupted at the gas company’s East 55th Street plant, many homes in the East 61st and 62nd Street areas were destroyed. Some of the residents, primarily of Slovenian descent, distrusted banks because of the 1930s financial collapse and had life savings tucked away in their homes. Girod was working as a secretary at the funeral home at East 65th Street and St. Clair Avenue at that time. As residents found some of the money, Girod, a notary public, helped prepare the paper-work that was sent off to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington, D.C. The residents received full value of the money back if the bureau found serial numbers, said Girod’s son, Sutton, of Painesville. The Zele Funeral Home, undamaged by the fire, was turned into the disaster headquarters. Girod, who was bom in Cleveland, started working with the funeral home’s financial books when she was 12. The funeral home was founded in 1907 by her father, Joseph Zele. She became a licensed beautician in 1931 and styled In Loving Memory OF THE 25™ ANNIVERSARY Mary Branisel who passed away on Aug. 28, 1981 Upright and just in all her ways, Loyal and true through all her days, Silently suffered, patiently bore; God took her home to suffer no more. Sadly missed by Frank, husband; Nancy, Frances and James, children, grandson Alan JUSTINE GIROD the hair of thousands of deceased women whose families turned to the funeral home for services, her son said. A branch funeral home was opened in 1932 on East 152nd Street in the Collin-wood section of Cleveland. After graduating from Col-linwood High School, Justine Girod became a secretary of the company, then secretary-treasurer. She became co-owner of the funeral home in 1953 with her husband Sutton when her father died. She retired in 1985. Her son now operates the funeral home on East 152nd Street. The funeral home at East 65th Street was closed in 2001. Girod was a collector of Slovenian artifacts and had an extensive collection of bobbin lace and splasher cloths, and other craft items. She often displayed the collection at local art and cultural exhibits. She was a member of many Slovenian organizations, and was a charter member of the Slovenian National Art Guild. She was a member of Progressive Slovene Women of American Circle No. 2, Euclid Hospital Senior Board, and Club Ljubljana. Girod, who was raised in Cleveland, also lived in East Cleveland, Euclid, and the Slovene Home for the Aged on Neff Road in Cleveland. Her husband, Sutton, died in 1997. They had been mar-ried 65 years._____________ —Wally Guenther The Plain Dealer Kres Performance Mark your calendars. Kres’ annual performance will be on August 26 at the Slovenian National Home. Euclid. Ohio Stimburys Accounting Accounting G Income Tax Services 496 E. 200th St. Euclid, OH 44119 (216)404-0990 Fax 6) 404-0992 taxtime@en.com http://$timburysaccoimting. com Enrolled to Practice Sef&e the Internal Revenue Service Servicing Indmduats Corporations <$ Small businesses. Labor Saturday 7 Picnic at Pristava Goes On The Ansambel Bratov Gasperic has difficulties coming to Slovenska Pristava for the Saturday, Sept. 2 picnic. In case they do not make it, the event is still going on and our Pristava Musicians will play instead of them. All profits are going for the new building. Do not let this stop you from coming to Pristava; we will have a good time anyhow. —Milan Ribic President Garden Cleanup The Slovenian Cultural Garden will have clean-up parties from 9 a.m. to 12 noon on the following dates: Aug. 29 Sept. 9 Sept. 19, and Sept. 30. —Mary Ann Vogel, _____________President Pilgrimage to Frank, Ohio The annual memorial pilgrimage to the Sorrowful Mother Shrine in Frank, Ohio, sponsored by DSPB, Cleveland, will be held on Sunday, Aug. 27 with Mass at 12 noon. Bus will leave from Col-linwood Slovenian National Home at 8 a.m., and St. Vitus Village on Lausche Avenue at 8:30 a.m. For reservations call Viktor at (216) 531-2728 or Frank (440) 944-0020. Ohio Boy Choir Auditions Auditions are now being held for the Ohio Boychoir 2006-2007 season for its Concert Choir and Training Choir programs. Membership is open to boys ages 9 to voice change for the concert choir and to boys ages 7 and 8 for the training choir. contact Music Director Jon Simsic at (216) 556-2222 for more information or visit us at www.ohiobovchoir.ortz The Ohio Boychoir has been training boys to develop an appreciation for music, the arts and vocal quality for over 32 years. This internationally renowned choir has performed for five US presidents, has won numerous awards, and has toured several countries. Membership in the Ohio Boychoir is open to boys regardless of race, creed or economic status. No previous choral experience is necessary. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 24, 2006 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 24, 2006 8 The life and times of Joseph Mihevc Surrounded by love anil family during our 1992 trip to Slovenia ... gEgpaoHf ... and during our May 2005 visit. Slovenian Genealogists Meet (Continued from last week) Visit to Slovenia 1992 by JOSEPH MIHEVC As the quiet moon shines brightly, My soul's thoughts are of my home And my heart beats quickly. God only knows when I will see my home again. After lengthy preparations, my wife, Ann, and I are finally on our way home to Slovenia. The year is 1992. We were not tired after the pleasant plane trip over Ireland, then Amsterdam and then finally Munich. The five-hour bus trip through the Austrian Alps went by quickly. Although memories of past, difficult times were reawakened, they quickly passed once I looked on my homeland and in my soul, I could hear the songs that welcomed me home: Be strong, my gentle Slovenian homeland To me, you are the most beautiful and like heaven on earth. As the bus pulled into the station, I could barely contain my excitement and was anxious to meet all of the relatives. Despite my enthusiasm, however, I did not neglect to look upon the spot where the railroad maintenance shop had stood. It was at this spot, on February 3, 1944, that as a refugee, I began to work on the railroad. Everyone welcomed us with open arms. When we arrived at Tone’s place in Kleče, they all, young and old, greeted us warmly and surprised us by singing the Slovenian anthem and presenting us with a honey cookie in the shape of a heart. We were treated like wedding guests and the food was fantastic. We were given various tours of the farms and were very impressed at the modernization that had taken place. I was impressed by how crops are planted on the hills. It was vastly different from what I remembered from my youth, and farming methods had improved significantly, resulting in greater yields and productivity. There was a greater emphasis on commercial farming. Unfortunately, this type of innovation had not been encouraged back when I was growing up. Also, the growing season in Slovenia is longer than in Canada. I also noticed that many of the Slovenian dialects that were spoken when I was growing up had somewhat disappeared and people seemed to communicate more clearly which led to better understanding. The houses were also built more sturdily than in Canada. We saw parts of Slovenia that we had not seen before, even though we had spent our youth there. I was especially impressed with the Gorenjska area, which I had never visited before which reminded me of this song: I would be happy if I could go once more to the moun-taintops, So that I could see the beauty of our land. I felt free and just wanted to sing: With a crooked cane in one hand and a bouquet of wildflowers pinned to my hat Like a king, I wanted in the mountains and meadows after the flock of sheep. We also visited many friends and relatives. In Gaberje, the families and the children are growing and looking forward to a bright future, which reminds me of the following song: Go forth and sing, Slovenian youth And move your homeland forward. These are just some of the people whom we visited and whom we wish to thank for their hospitality and warm welcome: • Francka Kos and her family. - the entrance to their home reminded me of a large farm in Canada. • Mici - a very lively and brisk talker. We enjoyed eating the wonderful meal that she had prepared. It’s too bad that I fell asleep during the visit. • Anica and Janez - We enjoyed the fresh air at their cottage and a tasty meal. • Jerca - Unfortunately, we could not sneak some of the excellent food and fresh, home-grown vegetables into our pocket. • Martina, Jernej, Marinka, Lojze, Mirjam and Tone - the visit in Kleče was memorable. I remember Filip wondering what I meant when I told him, “I am known as Doctor Rooster.” We also saw the play “Veriga,” went to a procession, picked blueberries, sat around a fire, traveled to Brezje, and watched as the younger family members sang and played games. • Nevenka and Kanci, and their sons Rok and Matja - We stayed with them and are grateful for their attention, hospitality and all the many favors. We also traveled through Babno hills, Polhov Gradec, Sv. Katarina Tehovc to see Francka Česnovar and Helka Božič, which pleased Ann very much. We really enjoyed this visit and hope to return their hospitality when-they visit with us. --The End - The Ohio Chapter of the Slovenian Genealogy Society International (SCSI) will meet on Tuesday, Sept. 12 at the Slovenian Society Home in Euclid, Ohio (Recher Ave.) at 7 p.m. Guest speaker will be A1 Peterlin, SCSI President. His topic: “SCSI, Then and Now - Who Knew?” This will be an excellent opportunity to learn more about the society, its mission, goals and accomplishments as well as challenges that lie ahead. Anyone interested in learning more about researching Slovenian heritage is welcome to attend. Call Rose Marie Jisa at 440-230-2251 if you have any questions. Joseph Zevnik Licensed f uneral Director !Z^a/2 ‘(2o±ic FUNERAL HOMES* *"" 'LSttlicalsA to Excellence, in 'funeral xSewice 28890 Chariton Road Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 440-944-8400 fax: 440-944-7977 WEALTH Is A Flow Not a Fund May we explore and measure your flow? Call me for a Conference John R. Telich Sr. CLU CHFC 21801 Lakeshore Blvd. (216) 289-7729 Sum Life Financial Serving clients since 1949. Located in “Downtown Euclid” To me a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug. _______________ —Phil Hrvatin National Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame Presents the 3rd Annual SAUSAGE FESTIVAL A Celebration of Down-Home Food and Music Saturday, August 26,2006 Slovenska Pristava Brandt Road, Harpersfield, Ohio _____ Off 1-90 DIRECTIONS: 1-90 to Rt. 534, Geneva,OH Soutt on 534 to So-Rivor Rd Turn light (west) on Brandt Pristava at end r,f Nationality side dishes, heme-fcaked desserts, and refreshments Served all day. Gate Opens 1:00 Advance Ticket $S $7£tthe Gate Tickets a Info F°rxa Hall cf Fame *05 Ea.it 222, Eudld (216) 251-3263 (366) 6S-FOLKA Toil.-fret Dance to Your Favorite polka Band/ 2:30 to 9:00 New Hall! Outdoor Pavilion! Rain or shine! Freo parking! Slovenian beer f YourFavorite Slovenian Sausage/ Best in Fest People’s Chcic3 Winners announced at 6 p.m.. Voting from 1:00-5:30 P-^\ Fr. Christian A Psychological Help 9 In 1985, Chicago Slovenians first met Fr. Christian Gostečnik, a Slovenian Franciscan priest from Ljubljana. He came to St. Stephen’s parish in Chicago with a dream to further his studies and begin a new ministry based on his desire to help his beloved Slovenian people by means of spiritual and psychological counseling. This dream had begun during his early religious ministry and when he arrived in Chicago he headed right for a place where he could begin serious studies. It was at Loyola University. There he earned his master’s degree in 1988 and immediately after, took on a full course of studies at Argosy University in Chicago, earning his doctorate in Clinical Psychology in 1995. During this time, he helped at St. Stephen’s parish, as Part-time assistant, and was a very charismatic preacher. FT. Christian returned to Slovenia in 1995 and is an assistant at the Franciscan church located on Prešeren Square, in the center of Ljubljana. As in his earlier service years, he continues to be a natural spiritual leader, and is especially noted for celebrating very active Weekly Masses, particularly for the youth. He has an intense schedule °f daily Masses, conducting the sacraments of Marriage, baptism, and face-to-face Reconciliation. He has become the primary celebrant f°r the English language Sunday Mass that serves the n°n-Slovenian speaking Population of Ljubljana. He also directs regular conferences for marriage-bound c°uples, classes for individu-a*s and families who need ^P^ial counseling such as divorced couples and those in marital crises. He travels all through Slovenia visiting parish groups who request his help and guidance. In addition, he has been a guest commentator on radio and television on subjects that require expert psychological and spiritual knowledge and is still often called upon by the media to join special panel discussion groups. For more than 10 years he has been writing a popular newspaper column called, Srečal Sent Svojo Družino (I Have Met My Own Family) in weekly religious newspaper Družina (Family). An intensely studious man, Fr. Christian became a student again after returning to Slovenia, earning two doctorates (1997-1999) and becoming a professor in the Theology faculties at the Universities of Ljubljana and Maribor. Fr. Christian has always felt there is a critical need for psychological help for the people of Slovenia, so it was not long before he began searching for a way to approach the needs of more of his beloved Slovenian compatriots. Widespread alcoholism and the large suicide rate among young Slovenians is a well-known fact, proven by scientific and medical research. It became imperative to establish a professional therapy center in the capital city of Ljubljana and he began with the only space available to him at the time, empty rooms in the outer wing of the building that houses the Franciscan Monastery. Although it began in just a few rooms and with a very small staff, the Franciscan Family Institute has rapidly grown and now, with the addition of more space that was previously occupied in the same structure, there are 15 private counseling rooms, and a staff of well-trained therapists. They are, for the most part, young men and women who have completed their post-graduate studies at the University and have been trained by Fr. Christian. In 2004, through his dedication and insistence, a new post-graduate three-year study course was inaugurated at the University of Ljubljana theological faculty that is directed by Fr. Christian and awards masters degrees and doctorates on the completion of studies in marital and family therapy. There are now more than 60 students working toward higher degrees. Many will become well-qualified therapists. Fr. Christian is the author of 11 books written in the Slovenian language, one in each of the past 11 years. His books are not only sources of information and education but also are text books for students studying psychology and methods of therapy. They are so popular that almost immediately they are sold out as printed. He also has written a number of articles in English for the American Journal of Pastoral Counseling describing integrative marital therapy, the system he follows and teaches. He is requested frequently by well-known marital therapy organizations, such as the American Association of Marital Therapists, to present case studies and lectures at conferences all over the world. As recently as August of this year, Fr. Christian was present in Montreal at the inauguration of the new- est book by distinguished psychiatrists, Drs. David and Jill Scharff. Knowing him and his work, they had asked him to write a full chapter on the subject of relational family therapy in their new book, titled, “New Paradigms for Treating Relationships.” Because of the prominence of the Scharffs in this field, many who were present at the event commented that this outstanding recognition brings Fr. Christian and his clinic into the modem, accepted system of therapy developed in the USA which is the leader in the field. In the past year he has also been in Barcelona and Berlin and will soon speak at a conference in Reykjavik, Iceland. His colleagues from various countries have frequently visited the Institute in Ljubljana also, to observe and confer. The Franciscan Family Institute accepts all who seek psychological counseling. They need not pay for this service. Most of the therapists are also not salaried but work to gain more experience under Fr. Christian’s tutelage. The Franciscan Family Institute operates on donations and some government assistance. * * * On September 10, a benefit dinner to meet the current expansion needs of the Institute in Ljubljana will be held at the Slovenian Cultural Center in Lemont, Illinois, sponsored by St. Anne Lodge #170 KSKJ. The members are very proud to be sponsoring this event with the additional financial help of the KSKJ Matching Funds Program. Everyone is invited to attend and reservations may be made by calling the Slovenian Cultural Center at (630) 243-0670 by Sept. 3. Franciscan Family Institute Fund Raising Committee There is nothing in the world more peaceful than apple leaves with an early moon. -Bob Hopkins 0petf6oude6 & 'pol&a America’s longest running daily show since 1961 2 Hours Daily 3-5 pm / Saturdays 12-2 pm Hollander World Travel, 971 East 185th St, Cleveland OH 44119 and Harbortowne Point, Fairport Harbor Simulcast in Lake County on Ch. 99 Comcast Cable and W™ World on-line www.247polkaheaven.com (216) 481-8669 or (216) 952-8669 TONY PETKOVSEK’S over 40 Years on Radio “Greatest Polka Music Variety'' “At the pulse of an ever busy polka and Slovenian Community'' Offering complete Community News Daily and phone in Polka Opinion every Monday Featuring: ALICE KUHAR (Recipes and Traditions) DUKE MARSIC (Strictly Slovenian News) PATTY SLUGA (Women’s Interviews) ED OSTRY (Guest co-host) MARK SEDMAK (Alternative Music) St. Clair Pensioners Club At our August meeting it Vas decided and agreed that timbers will pay $5.00 for . ® P*cnic food. If you would 1 e y°ur name added to the lst Please call Sylvia Ply-nesser (216) 391-9453 bc-0re Frid; our lay, Sept. 1 to insure seat at our picnic. The nimittee promises a boun-■ U* Picnic, with the usual ' grilled hot dogs and all e trimmings. A number of ^embers have signed up to ng delicious pastry, um, I ' ^ you have a special ssert jet Syiviia a •Trise door prize raffle is hC W(At*Vo C— — — .„.^1 ;ome. REMINDER: Federation ets at $13 are available for the picnic at SNPJ Farm on Wednesday, Aug. 30. Call Larry Hočevar (216) 431-1995. Sorry, but our $2 side board tickets were sold out at our August meeting, but will be available on the day of the picnic. MEMBERSHIP: We are always looking for new members. Gertrude and Bob Menart joined our Club last month. They both grew up in the neighborhood and have fond memories of the past years at the Slovenian National Home. We do not have a waiting list and all are welcome. —Larry Hočevar ve without friends; we may live without books, inot live without cooks. -Harry Mlakar________________ CONGRATULATIONS AND CONTINUED success —Family Owned and Operated since 1908 — In time of Need — We are here to help you. Happy ‘FouF^GENERivnoNs of Labor Day Zele Funeral Homes, Inc. Richard J. Zele — Louis F. Zele Sutton J. Girod - Louis E. Zele 452 East 152nd Street 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohm .i.-i\.tvwvv *tlumim.f.inng.wiu- .V it ---v ^ AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 24, 2006 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, AUGUST 24, 2006 10 Beary Merry Christmas Show It’s holiday shopping time at the 21s1 Annual Beary Merry Christmas Show on Wednesday, Nov. 29 and Thursday, Nov. 30 at the Normandy Party Center in Wickliffe, Ohio. The craft extravaganza showcases 40 talented artisans from Ohio and Pennsylvania displaying unique holiday gifts for your shopping pleasure. Featured will be a Chinese Raffle for all members of the family including a spa package, an overnight, a variety of tickets, dinners, sports items and more. Delicious lunch and dinners catered by Normandy Party Center will be available for purchase. Hourly door prize gift certificates will be provided by John Roberts Hair Studio and Spa of Mayfield, Solon and Chagrin Falls. The show will benefit The Rosemary Center, a residential facility celebrating 84 years of service to the community, providing comprehensive, specialized care and resources to adults and children with mental retardation and other developmental disabilities. Admission is $2. The Roman emperor Augustus, it’s said, was so afraid of thunder he would hide In a closet whenever a thunderstorm came up. NEW QUIZ by James V. Debevec II What are the longest words consisting only of letters in the first half of the alphabet? There are two possible answers: both sharing the first two letters (Fi). Thanks to Ruth (Jesenko) Abbott of Parma, Ohio who correctly answered fiddle-dee-dee for the first answer. Nobody got the other word which was Fickleheaded. New Quiz: Which is the only state in the U.S. that grows coffee? Send answers to Jim ah@buckeveweb.com or mail to Jim, American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. Euclid Slovenian Home Friday Meals Serving 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Call 216-531-8348 for take out orders. Featuring deep fried Canadian pike and baked cod dinners, breaded pork chops, beef goulash, four-cheese macaroni and cheese and Slovenian Home fries, polenta, hand-cut French fries, coleslaw and assorted desserts. 10 & under children’s menu available. Every Friday will feature a different dinner FISH FRY Every Friday by Auxiliary of the Slovenian Workmen’s Home 15335 Waterloo-Cleveland Fish - Shrimp - Pork Chops Goulash, etc. Take-outs: 216—481-5378 Investors! Large home with 2 suites, one 7 room, 4 bedroom. Plus inlaw/suite. 4 room full bath, attic, basement. Large lot. Room for garage, driveway. Great for extended family. Mechanically in good working order. Asking $49,500, Possible seller participation. Telich Realty 216-481-3123 Tony's... Old World Plaza Barber Shop Haircuts: $7.00 664 E. 185 St. - at Abby Ave. and Windward Rd. HOURS: 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. M-F 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sat We love the Slovenian people. We want more of them as our customers. Speciolists In Corrective Hair Coloring /___________ y y tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON 461-7989/461-0623 5216 Wilson Mills Rd. Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 All Invited to Kres Performance Over half a century and still going strong. This year Folklorna Skupina Kres will be celebrating 51 years of educating and entertaining audiences through song, dance and the presentation of traditions. In the past years, Kres has performed in venues around the greater Cleveland area including The Taste of Cleveland, The International Children’s Games, and the Polka Hall of Fame Awards Ceremony. Kres has also performed around the globe in countries such as Italy, Slovenia, Austria, and Canada. The group is composed of 135 youthful dancers, their ages ranging from first grade through college. The dancers have been working hard this summer to learn and polish dances for the annual performance, which will be held at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue at 7 p.m. this Saturday, Aug. 26. This year’s program promises to be quite entertaining. The first half will be filled with various regional dances, singing, a bit of swing dancing, and polkas. The second half will be comprised of a skit involving various age groups. We will- be accompanying an elderly couple as they stroll down memory lane. Wondering what types of stories and shenanigans this elderly couple might have from their youth? Come and check out Kres this Saturday, Aug. 26 at the Slovenian Home on St. Clair to find out. Ruminations and Old Cards by JOE SNYDER A ugust is a big month in our family. We -Z. X.celebrate our wedding anniversary and Honey’s birthday. It is also the anniversary of my mother’s death and a time of reflecting on our lives. One of the projects that we periodically undertake is to realize that it is again time to trim down the contents of our proverbial trunk. After 60 plus years of saving diaries, vestniks, wedding invitations, holy cards, pictures, thank you notes, school term papers, lab reports, high school and college year books, menus from old time favorite restaurants, love letters, letters from service men, get well cards, Christmas cards, match books, post cards, pictures, autographed baseballs, golf balls with various logos, recipes, pictures, holy cards, and theatrical programs, and more pictures. It becomes important to take stock of what and why we hold onto these bits of personal history. The answer obviously is that they were and in most cases arc still dear to our hearts. When I reread all of the thoughtful cards that I received when I was in the hospital seven years ago, I wept unashamedly. The thought that so many of my friends thought enough of our family to extend prayers, and best wishes for a speedy recovery. I almost forgot about the many relatives and friends who were so gracious at a critical time of my life. These memos are difficult to part with. We decided to depart with all of the Christmas cards that were just signed without a personal message included. We gave our autographed baseballs to our grandsons. My wife bundled up her diaries and love letters for safe keeping. Maybe she will someday publish her memoirs. Who knows? The post card collection covers most of the continents and most of the ordinary and extraordinary locations around the globe, from the Great Wall of China, throughout Europe, to Australia, to Viet Nam, to Malaysia, to Havana, Cubs, to the Panama Canal, to Lima, Peru, to Antarctica, to Yellowstone to the Grand Canyon, to Put-in-Bay, to Akron and Cleveland, Ohio. Each one has the name of the sender with fond remembrance. The golf balls with logos have to go. If we haven’t used some of those famous hand written recipes until now, we probably never will. The holy cards arc segregated for each year. (My prayer book is now so filled that I need a rubber band to keep it shut.) We will con- tinue to hold onto these even though our children will never k now who most of the people are. When we examined the pictures from our 25lh Wedding Anniversary in 1984, we find that about half of our guests are now deceased. A periodic review brings more tears. We gave our children first dibs on anything left. A5 expected, they have their own ‘accumulations.’ We ate not about to enlist c-Bay f°r any remuneration because most of our prized possessions are probably worthies5 beyond our family. So far W6 have reduced our “Prizc Treasures” by about 25°A Maybe in five years we Wi be down another 25%, and 1 we live long enough we wi finally be cleaned out. Aside from consolidating our volume, we have r6^ freshed our acquaintances 0 those that we have be6° praying for many a year. father’s classic notes 3,1 messages, Sr. Anne M3fl Snyder’s gracious thank r, letters, Sr. Mary Ann >° seph’s pearls of wisdom, brothers’ informative lcttc from the service, and th° wonderful greetings *f ^ friends arc sufficient minders to think of s0 . way to thank them for rtf ing our life so great. God truly blessed our family i° many ways. Ability is what will get you to the top if the boss has no daughter. Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it. -Bob Miltg__ k. Ameriška Domovina r»ii vt i r — AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVENIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, August 24, 2006 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Podpora Janševi vladi narašča - Opozicija Precej razdrobljena - Najmočnejša stranka je SDS, najšibkejša pa DeSUS Zadnje javnomnenjske ankete kažejo, da se priljubljenost vlade in največje vladne stranke SDS povečuje. V tej oceni soglaša-J° tri najbolj upoštevane ankete: Politbaro-meter, ki jo pripravlja Center za merjenje javnega mnenja na Fakulteti za družbene vede v Ljubljani, Vox Populi, ki jo za Dne-Vnik pripravlja agencija Ninamedia, in anketo’ ki jo za vlado pripravlja agencija Aragon. Politbarometer pravi, da vlado podpira 44 odstotkov vprašanih (prej 37%), Vox Populi pa je ugotovilo 51-odstotno podpo-ro> agencija Aragon pa priljubljenosti vlade kot take ni merila. Glede podpore posameznih strank, Polit-baromer tako ugotavlja ob zadnji anketi: SDS 20% (prej 17), nato LDS 14% (prej H), SD 11% oz. bivši komunisti (prej 9), bedita SNS in SLS s 4% (prej SNS tudi 4’ SLS pa le 1), nato NSi 3% (prej 2), na rePu pa je DeSUS 1,5% (prej 1). Drugi dve anketi imata približno enak razpored Priljubljenosti. Povečanje podpore vladi (in tudi največji, Janševi SDS) je po vsej verjetnosti posledi-Ca uspešnega obiska vladne delegacije v ^A (in pred tem tudi v Rusiji). Janša in drugi vodilne člani vlade so v zadnjih me-Secih obiskali tudi druge močnejše (tako Politično kot gospodarsko) države po svetu, ^akor komentira Aleš Kocjan v Demokraci-ij' “Takšni obiski namreč volivcem sporoča-J°> da ima Slovenija kljub svoji majhnosti v Svetu veljavo, sicer je ne bi bili pripravljeni ^Prejemati največji svetovni voditelji, po rug> strani pa v domači javnosti utrjuje ugled tistih, ki jih ti tuji državniki sprejelo” To utegne pomagati predvsem koali- cijskim strankam na prihajajočih oziroma jesenskih lokalnih volitvah. Janez Janša kritičen do ravnanja Janeza Drnovška - Oster besedni dvoboj - Več denarja za svoje stroške Drnovšek ne dobi V zadnjih tednih je premier Janez Janša kritično komentiral nekatere aktivnosti in izjave Janeza Drnovška. Janša je bil npr. kritičen do tega, da je Drnovšek sprejel srbskega prestolonaslednika princa Aleksandra II. Ta obisk, je rekel Janša, ni bil usklajen z vlado. Drnovšek je imel ostre besede na račun ministra za zdravje Andreja Bručana in na ministra za javno upravo Gregorja Viranta. Janša je bil kritičen do Drnovškovih aktivnosti v tkim. Gibanju za pravičnost in razvoj, ki ga je bil Drnovšek ustanovil: “Predsednik države bo moral razmisliti, ali je predsednik stranke oziroma gibanja ali predsednik vseh državljanov, in se počasi začeti tudi tako obnašati.” Finančno ministrstvo (minister je dr. Andrej Bajuk) je odklonilo Drnovškovo prošnjo za dodatnih 180 milijonov tolarjev za predsednikove stroške. V negativnem odgovoru Drnovšku, naj bi ministrstvo predlagalo njemu in njegovemu kabinetu, naj si poiščejo notranje rezerve za kritje stroškov. Nekateri sicer predlagajo, da naj bi bila najboljša rešitev, da bi se obe strani dobili na kakšnem sestanku in si poiskali kompromisno rešitev. S ponedeljkom v veljavi novi slovenski potni listi - Dosedanji še tudi veljavni Dne 28. avgusta pridejo v veljavo novi, tkim. biometrični potni listi. Zanje se je vlada odločila zaradi evropskih varnostnih standardov in zaradi zahtev, ki so jih ZDA postavile državam, ki za vstop - kakor državljani Slovenije - ne potrebujejo vizumov. Sedanji potni listi so veljavni do njih izteka. ^GSEph F. SUTTER, IDEJNI OČE BOEINGA 747 IN UPOKOJENI PODPREDSEDNIK GEINGA, KONEC JULIJA OBISKAL DOMOVINO SVOJIH STARŠEV - Na svojem več kot enotedenskem obisku v Sloveniji si je Sutter ogledal številne slovenske c aje »n se sešel s številnimi ljudmi. Tako si je med drugim ogledal Ljubljano, Novo ‘ r'co, Dobrovo in Idrijo, sešel pa se je z Lojzetom Peterletom, s predsednikom Slo-,v $ke akademije znanosti in umetnosti (SAZU) dr. Boštjanom Žeksem in podjetnikom J? Boscarolom, ki mu je razkazal svoje podjetje Pipistrel. Na foto je Sutter na levi Več žledom prostorov na Univerzi v Novi Gorici. Oseba na desni ni identificirana. ° ameriškem rojaku Josephu F. Sutterju v članku na str. 12. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Folklorna skupina KRES— Folklorna skupina Kres bo imela svojo predstavo to soboto, 26. avgusta, zvečer ob 7h v Slovenskem narodnem domu na St. Clair Avenue. Po programu bodo za ples in zabavo igrali Veseli godci. Vstopnina je $15, vstopnice imajo člani Kresa, na voljo bodo tudi pri vratih pred koncertom. Lepo vabljeni! Romanje v Frank— Če se zanimate za potovanje z avtobusom za to romanje, ki bo to nedeljo, 27. avgusta, lahko kličite Franka Šega na 440-944-0020 ali Viktorja Tominca na 216-531-2728 in ugotovite, ali je še prostora in za druge potrebne podatke. Zopet 7. septembra— Prihodnji teden (31. avg.) AD ne ob izšla. Zopet bomo med vami v četrtek, 7. septembra. Pošta pa dostavlja dopise in naš faks in e-mail sta vedno vključena. Novi grobovi Mary A. Yeray Umrla je 87 let stara Mary A. Yeray iz Eastlake-a, rojena Marinčič, mati Patricije Ann Yeary in Connie Blackman, 3-krat stara mati, 5-krat prastara mati, sestra Angele Miller, Charlesa Marin in Edwarda Marinčič, članica AMLA. Pogreb je bil 23. avgusta s sv. mašo v cerkvi Marije Vnebov-zete in pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. Louise M. Jancigar Umrla je 88 let stara Louise M. Jancigar, rojena Germ, vdova po Albertu, mati Marge Ryan, Geri Ku-zmiak in Linde Eich, 4-krat stara mati, 1-krat prastara mati, sestra Julije in An-thonyja. Pogreb je bil 21. avgusta v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Kristine in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Mary V. Steigenvald Umrla je 93 let stara Mary V. Steigenvald, rojena Muhic, vdova po Williamu, mati Thomasa, Joanne Horvath in Wileen Steigenvald, 7-krat stara mati, 4-krat prastara mati, sestra Dorothy Russell, Lorette Erker, Clarencea in Rite Kaeferle (vsi že pok.). Pogreb je bil 21. avgusta s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Lea Velikega in pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. Sprememba na Pristavi— Odbor SP sporoča, da ima ansambel Bratov Gaš-perič, ki naj bi igral v soboto, 2. septembra, težave in zato je možno, da ne bodo mogli priti. Če jih slučajno ne bo, bodo na-mestno njih igrali naši pri-stavski muzikantje. Pridite in podprite prizadevanja SP, saj je dobiček namenjen za novo dvorano. Pristavski upokojenci— Klub upokojencev Slovenske pristave ima redni sestanek v sredo, 30. avgusta, pop. ob 1.30, na Pristavi. Članstvo vljudno vabljeno k udeležbi. Piknik krasno uspel— Piknik župnije Marije Vnebovzete, ki je bil preteklo nedeljo na Slovenski pristavi, je doživel izredno lep uspeh. Udeležba je bila zelo velika, vreme naklonjeno, združen je bil tudi s tradicionalnim piknikom KS-KJ federacije. Baragovi dnevi— Letos bodo 22. in 23. septembra v Calumetu, MI. Ob tem . poročanju ne vemo, če je še kaj prostih sedežev na avtobusu, ki bo peljal romarje, zadnji rok za prijavo je pa ponedeljek, 28. avgusta. Če se zanimate za avtobus, pokličite go. Ivanko Matič na 216-481-1514 za več informacij. Večerja s špageti— Ta bo v soboto, 9. septembra, pod sponzorstvom društva Najsvetejšega Imena pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. Dobiček po pomagal gibanju za pravico do življenja. Serviranje bo od 6. do 8. zv. v župnijski dvorani. Dar je $8 za odrasle in $3 za otroke pod 12. letom. Kartice dobite pri članih društva, v župnišču in pri vratih na dan večerje. Podpora listu— Ga. Doroteja Gruntar, Denver, Colo., je poklonila $45 v podporo našemu listu. Mary in Anna Lunder iz Clevelanda sta poklonili $50, v spomin pokojnih iz družine Lunder. G. in ga. Ciril Selan iz Euclida, sta darovala $15. Prav tako je $15 daroval g. Paul Barba-rich iz Brownsburga, Ind. Ga. Matilda Simčič iz Franklina, Wis., je darovala $32 v spomin ob 5. obletnici smrti moža Martina. Ga. Helen Sturm je darovala $25, v spomin moža Tonyja. Iskrena hvala vsem! Kar je novo - in tudi staro -s Slovensko pristavo CLEVELAND, O. - Cas hitro beži in tako se že bliža konec poletja, ko zabave in pikniki na Pristavi počasi pojenjujejo. Kot vsako leto, smo letos začeli prvo veselico s sv. mašo, ki jo je daroval naš č.ž. Janez Kum-še. Tokrat smo prvič rabili kelih, podarjen od tunjskega župnika Pavleta Juhanta in g. Janeza Trontelja, poslovneža iz Ljubljane, za kar se jima iz srca zahvaljujemo. Slovenska šole fare Marije Vnebovzete je tudi letos imela uspešno veselico in Vesedli godci so poskrbeli za veselo razpoloženje. Za očetovski praznik je Tabor imel proslavo in kosilo v počastitev vseh padlih domobrancev in drugih žrtev komunističnega nasilja. Neutrudljivi dobrovoljci Misijonske znamkarske akcije so zopet pripravili kosilo in druge dobrote; obisk rojakov je bil polnoštevilen. V okviru Slovenskih dnevov meseca junija v počastitev 15. obletnice neodvisnosti Slovenije, smo imeli na Pristavi malo proslavo in veselico. Obiskal nas je priljubljeni zvezni senator George V. Voinovich z ženo Janet. Nagovoril je navzoče in potem sta z ženo zaplesala ob glasbi ansambla Staneta Mejača. Navzoče je pozdravil tudi generalni konžul dr. Zvone Žigon. Fantje na vasi so dogodek popestrili z ubranim petjem ameriške in slovenske himne ter dodali pesem "Oj Triglav, moj dom.” Za ameriški “Dan neodvisnosti” konec tedna so naši taborniki priredili že tradicionalni “steak dinner” večer. Dobitek 4000 dolarjev so darovali v sklad za novo dvorano, za kar jim je od-bro SP zelo hvaležen. V juliju sta imela Slovenska šola pri sv. Vidu in fara sv. Vida zelo obiskani veselici. V mesecu avgustu pa smo imeli na Pristavi dve veselici. Primorski klub in sama Pristava, ko so nam igrali in peli primorski muzikantje oz. ansambel Tramontana. Z ubranimi glasovi so nam čudovito prepevali o našem morju in obali, peli so slovenske in tudi dal- matinske pesmi. Pozno v noč smo se vrteli ob njihovi glasbi in petju. Pristavski upokojenci so nam spet pripravili prijeten piknik z odličnim kosilom, Pristavski muzikantje pa so igrali za ples in dobro razpoloženje. Preteklo nedeljo smo imeli veselico in žegnanje fare Marije Vnebovzete v Collimvoodu, zabavali so nas Veseli godci. O novi dvorani Delo na novi dvorani tudi napreduje. Pristavski zidarji so končali obzido-vanje s kamenjem in zunanjim ometom. Žlebovi in napušč so že tudi do- končani. Notranja napeljava, električna dela, razsvetljava, varnostni sistem, povečana kuhinja in druge potrebne stvari so še v delu. Za ozvočenje in razsvetljavo nam je ponudil pomoč John Perovšek, ki je tudi član Pristave, za varnost in alarm pa Martin Jerič. Želja Pristavskih odbornikov je bila, da bi imeli svečano odprtje dvorane letos za Delavski dan praznik oz. “Labor Day” konec tedna, pa se ni dalo. Dosti je še dela in tudi denarja bo še treba. Upamo in pričakujemo pa, da bo nova dvorana dokončana do naslednjega poletja. Milan Ribič Predsednik SP Joseph F. zgodba o ALEŠ KOCJAN (Demokracija, 10. avg. 2006) O Ljubljana - Sutter se je rodil leta 1921 v ZDA slovenskim staršem, ki so v času zlate mrzlice s trebuhom za kruhom odšli v to obljubljeno deželo. Že kot otrok se je velikokrat ustavljal ob poljih v bližini njihovega doma, kjer so vzletala in pristajala letala, in sanjal, da bo nekoč letalski konstruktor. V začetku ni nič kazalo na to, da se mu bo želja izpolnila. Denarja je bilo namreč le toliko, da je petčlanska družina, v kateri sta bila poleg njega in staršev še dva brata, komajda preživela. Na njegovo srečo sta so se starši vendarle zavedali, kako pomembna je izobrazba, zato so skupaj “spraskali” še zadnji denar in fanta poslali na srednjo šolo v Cleveland. Slednjo je uspešno končal in se leta 1939 vpisal na univerzo v Wa-shingtonu, kjer je začel študirati aeronavtiko. Sošolci se ga spominjajo kot zelo inteligentnega in zagnanega študenta. Tako je danes upokojeni administrator NASA Dale Myers nekoč dejal: “Bil je zelo inteligenten fant, ki je bil precej očitno glavni v razredu. Vedno je dobival najboljše Sutter ali uspehu Joseph F, Sutter (desno) ocene, razen enkrat pri aeronavtiki, ko sem jaz dobil boljšo. Takrat so me on in še nekaj sošolcev prijeli in me vrgli v mlakužo zraven fakultete.” V dobrem spominu ga imajo tudi profesorji. Fred Eastman ga je nekoč opisal takole: “Bil je zelo impresiven študent, ki je veliko študiral sam in je imel vedno odgovor na vsak problem.” Robert Hage pa je dejal: “Ko sem prišel učit fesor, ki je komajda prišel z univerze, in moral sem se zelo potruditi, če sem hotel biti v znanju vsaj malo pred njim.” Konstruktor boeinga 747 Po končani diplomi se je Sutter zaposlil pri Boeingu kot inženir začetnik za aerodinamiko. Čeprav so ga njegovi starejši kolegi, ki so končali ugledne inženirske šole, kot so bile šola v Cal-techu ali Michiganu, zbadali, da ima samo diplomo washingtonske univerze (v Boeingu so namreč vsi, ki niso doštudirali na kateri od elitnih inženirskih letalskih šol, veljali za drugorazredne delavce), se Sutter ni pustil motiti in je še naprej zvesto sledil svojim ciljem. Prva priložnost se mu je ponudila kmalu po prihodu v Boeing, ko je bilo treba odpraviti napake na enem od letal, na katerem niso delovale naprave za nadzor letenja, v motorjih pa se je pojavljalo čudno ropotanje, ki je onemogočalo njihovo hlajenje. Sutter je napake uspešno odpravil, za nagrado pa je napredoval v ekipo, ki je v naslednjih letih konstruirala letala, ki so Boeing dvignila med vodilne letalske izdelovalce komercialnih letal na svetu - boeing 707, 727, 737. Čeprav je sodeloval praktično pri vseh najpomembnejših Boeingovih letalih, se je kot eden vodilnih konstruktorjev letal na svetu uveljavil, šele ko je skonstruiral boeing 747 ali t. i. jumbo jet. Letalo, ki ga je nekoč predstojnik oddelka za aeronavtiko in astronavtiko na washingtonski univerzi Adam Bruckner opisal z besedami, da gre za fascinantno vozilo, ki bi ga lahko podobno kot piramide v Egiptu, Eifflov stolp in Sueški prekop uvrstili med naj večja čudesa sveta, je bilo do ne- letalo na svetu (primat mu je vzel airbus A380); njegova največja posebnost je, da je pilotova kabina zaradi boljše preglednosti dvignjena nekoliko nad trup letala. Tako so do danes v Boeingovih delavnicah izdelali že skoraj 1.500 tovrstnih letal, čeprav so ob vzletu prvega primerka mnogi zmajevali z glavo in se spraševali, ali bo letalo zaradi velikosti sploh vzletelo. (Eden izmed sodelavcev naj bi bil Sutterja tik pred vzletom vprašal, ali njegova žena ve, kaj dela.) Številne nagrade Uspeh boeinga 747 in sodelovanje pri konstruiranju vseh drugih Boeingovih leta (B-727, B-737, B-747, B-757 in B-767) sta Sutterju prinesla mesto podpredsednika Boeinga (tega je zasedal vse do upokojitve leta 1986) ter številne domače in mednarodne nagrade. Za svoje dosežke na področju načrtovanja letal je tako leto 1971 prejel nagrado Ameriškega inštituta za aeronavtiko in astronavtiko (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics). Leta 1984 je bil potrjen za člana ameriške Državne akademije za inženiring (National Academy of Engineering), kar je največje priznanje, ki ga v ZDA podelijo inženirju, leta 1985 pa mu je predsednik Ronald Reagan v Beli hiši za zasluge, ki jih je imel pr* razvoju treh generacij le' tal, podelil še državno odlikovanje za tehnologijo- Sutter je tudi član številnih znanstvenih družb v ZDA, Angliji in Franci' ji, od nedavnega pa tudi ene iz Slovenije. Ob nje' govern obisku v Sloveniji mu je namreč Univerza v Novi Gorici podelil3 častni doktorat v upanj0, da mu bo, ko se bo vr' nil domov, pomenil leP spomin na domovino nje' govih staršev. ■ TORONTO - NAŠE ŽIVLJENJE Preminul Lojze Ponikvar piše ANICA RESNIK (Po dolgem odmoru se je zopet oglasila ga. Anica Resnik, ki v svojem dopisu posreduje oris še vedno zelo bogatega kulturnega življenja naših rojakov v Torontu in oko-lici. Upajmo, da bo naš dst še v bodoče obogati-te s svojimi prispevki. Ur. AD) O Toronto, ont. - Letos 29. aprila je Društvo katoliških žena (Catholic Women’s League) v župniji Marije Pomagaj praznovalo petdesetletnico ob-stoja (gl. foto spodaj). S slovesno sv. mašo, ki jo je v prvi slovenski cerkvi v Torontu daroval kardinal dr. Alojzij Ambrožič ob asistenci čč.gg. Valentina Batiča in Ivana ^lazarja in z družabnim srečanjem v cerkveni dvorani so članice zaznamo-Vale v zgodovino sloven-ske župnije in katoliške Cerkve v Kanadi zlati jubilej svojega dela in se zahvalile Bogu in svoji zavetnici Mariji Materi dobrega sveta za to dol-S° dobo aktivnega delo-Vanja za Boga in bližnjega. S koristnimi in praktičnimi predavanji na sestankih članice pridobiva-j° znanje in širijo svoja duhovna obzorja. Z butaricami in poticami za Ve-bko noč in Božič ohrani0 slovenske narodne °bičaje. S svojim delom So navzoče pri mnogih župnijskih dogodkih vseh teh Petdeset let. Pri maši Je organizacijo in njeno del° lepo predstavil kari-na* dr. Ambrožič: •• veliko malih del ve-‘ko pomeni..." maja - Na tradi-^°nalni Pohod za Dom *Pa - Walkathon - na ^venskem letovišču se e Podalo stopetdeset pe-jjev Vseh starosti. Akcija bila vsestransko uspe-Ua, vreme odlično, fi-nančni ^ - uspeh zadovoljiv. _ 9onzorjj so pD ucJele- Učili walkathona daro- 9,1 842.000. 1» d^n JUniJ ~ Prekrasen Slo Za Procesij° na 2j3rVenskem letovišču Uih3' Ve^ko množico ver- ,ladird, njimi mn0g0 tr družin. Stoletna Sv Javnega češčenja biin V^aristiJe nas v spo- rtlačini Vf°di k našim do" ob tarnim procesijam: Zv°njenju zvonov, po Toronto, Ont. - Pred nedavnim je umrl Lojze Ponikvar. Rojen v Cerknici leta 1915, je rastel v senci Prosvetnega doma in postal telovadni učitelj ZFO v 1930ih letih. Skupno z bratom Tonetom sta prednjačila na orodju in vadila mladino za veliki nastop mladine na stadionu Ljubljana leta 1938 in nato v Mariboru isto leto. Lojze je dajal posebno pozornost mehkoti telesa in streniral talno vajo mlademu Francu Grmeku, ki je vzdignila posebno pozornost v Mariboru z ruskimi špagami in motov! ter napolnila časopise. Med vojno je bil oficir Slovenske narodne vojske (SNVj in vodil umik narodne vojske Cerknice in okolice čez Begunje na Koroško. Emigriral je v Toronto in leta 1954 je prišla za njim žena Stanka. Nekaj časa je imel brivski lokal. Imela sta skupno pet fantov in hčerko. Mladi Alex je bil ubit v prometni nesreči še v rosnih letih. Lojze je bil aktiven pri STZ (tj. Slovenska telovadna zveza), Slovenskem letovišču, Slovenskem dnevu in vodil tudi dramatski odsek. Njegov sin Marko je bil član STZ orodne vrste, pozneje pa specialist v podvodnem hokeju in postal kot tak kanadski prvak. Lojze zapušča ženo Stanko Kušlan, sinove Lojzeta, Jožeta, Žana in Mar kota ter hčerko Stanko - ter veliko prijateljev od STZ do Slovenskega doma. Naj mu bo lahka kanadska zemlja. F.G. za STZ vaseh in zelenem polju, mimo kapelic in okrašenih hiš... Bandera, možje in fantje, množica narodnih noš, vrste beloobleče-nih deklic pred “nebom” z monštranco. Mogočne petje se dviga nad pšeničnimi njivami... molitev rožnega venca spremlja žene in dekleta. Jezus, naš Bog in Odrešenik, skrit v sv. Hostiji, je hodil z nami tista mlada leta... in hodi še danes. Hvala, neskončna hvala in prošnja, da bi naš mladi rod ohranjal tradicije svojih staršev. Procesija Sv. Rešnjega Telesa je poleg mnogih domačih navad in običajev znamenje naše identitete v mednarodnem in versko mešanem kanadskem okolju. V nedeljo, 2. julija, smo na Slovenskem letovišču na 47. Slovenskem dnevu praznovali 15-letni-ce svobodne slovenske države in se spomnili stoletnice smrt pesnika Simona Gregorčiča. V organizaciji društva Kanadska slovenska skupnost (KSS) je potekal program dneva, ki smo ga začeli s sv. mašo pri Marijini kapelici. V letoviški dvorani je bila na ogled zgodovinska razstava Slovencev v Kanadi. Popoldanski program pri letoviški lopi je obsegal slavnostni govor veleposlanika Slovenije v Ot-tawi g. Tomaža Kunstlja, govor zastopnika mladine (Štefan Muhič), zborovske in solo petje (Kristijan Križan) in folklore skupin Mladika in Mladi glas (vodi Nancy Kajin) ter Nageljčki (voditeljica Irena Soršak Jager). Življenje in delo gori-škega slavčka je predstavil župnik Valentin Batič. Vili Staj an je v imenu Slovenske kreditne banke podelil nagrado g. Stanetu Kranjcu za mnogotero delo v slovenski skupnosti. Slavje dneva smo zaključili z zabavo, plesom in prijateljskimi srečanji. 16. julija smo se praznično oblekli za ponovitev nove maše, ki jo je v kapelici Marije Pomagaj na Slovenskem letovišču daroval letošnji no-, vomašnik Igor Ignacij Novak iz nadžupnije Sv. Jurija v Hočah pri Mariboru. Ob obisku Svetovnih mladinskih dni v Torontu leta 2002 so nastala prijateljstva, ki so mladega bogoslovca, sedaj no-vomašnika pripeljala nazaj v Kando za kratek obisk in cerkveno slavje. Naj mu njegovo duhovniško geslo “Vstal bom in šel k Očetu” daje pogum, vztrajnost in moč, da bo s svojimi mnogimi talenti klical mladino in vse ljudstvo na pot k Očetu. 15. julija je umrla v Torontu Justina Petrič. Kot stotri leta stara je bila dozdaj najbrž najstarejša Slovenka iz prve povojne imigracije v Kanado. Komunistična revolucija ji je ubila tri sinove. Med vojno ji je italijanska bomba zrušila dom in posestvo. Z dvema hčerkama je kot brezdomka v Sloveniji dočakala konec vojne, in potem begunstvo, Vetrinje, Spittal ob Dravi, začetek novega življenja v Kanadi, in potem kmalu izguba moža in skrb za vsakdanji kruh. Kaj premore verna žena! Dolga leta - do prihoda Marijinih sester -sta s hčerko Justi oskrbovali in s cvetjem krasili novo slovensko cerkev Brezmadežne v New Torontu. V skromnem, lepo oskrbovanem domu, s cvet- jem in slikami okrašenem, je pokojna mama preživljala svoje dni in pri skrbni hčerki Justi čakala Gospodovega klica v nebeški dom. Polna cerkev ljudstva ob njenem pogrebu je pričala o vrenosti življenja po veri in zaupanje v Boga, našega nebeškega Očeta. ■ Seznanjajte naše bralce z aktivnostmi vaših društev V blag in nepozaben spomin Ob 17. obletnici smrti nam dragega moža in očeta Williama Drew Umrl 5. septembra 1989. Res na svetu vse minljivo je, a spomin na Tebe dragi ne zamre. Odšel za vedno si od nas. Vsa radost, sreča je s Teboj odšla! In to boli. močno boli. a v naših srcih upanje budi, da le v trpljenju večna sreča dozori. Žalujoči: žena Katica, sin Marjan in ostalo sorodstvo v Sloveniji. 29 APRIL 2006-OB PRAZNOVANJU PETDESETLETNICE DRUŠTVA KATOLIŠKIH ŽENA (CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE) V ŽUPNIJI MARIJE POMAGAJ V TORONTU V prvi vrsti v sredini je torontski nadškof kardinal dr. Alojzij Ambrožič. Mrtvi se ne bodo tepli med seboj Eno bistvenih interesnih področij leta 1955 v Lescah rojenega zgodovinarja Jožeta Dežmana, direktorja Muzeja novejše zgodovine Slovenije, je že lep čas preučevanje najrazličnejših žrtev vojne, zlasti zamolčanih. PETER AVSENIK (Demokracija ) 8. junij 2006 O Ljubljana - Dopolnitev stalne razstave Muzeja novejše zgodovine Slovenije, v katerem je direktor, bo po njegovih besedah kmalu postana realnost; na drugi strani pa se kot predsednik komisije vlade RS za reševanje vprašanj o prikritih grobiščih zavzema za čim doslednejše reševanje te problematike. Dežman v svojem delovanju ostaja zvest prepričanju, da je mrtve treba dostojno pokopati, saj ima vsak človek pravico izvedeti, kako so njegovi bližnji umrli in kje so pokopani. Z njim smo se pogovarjali o napovedani dopolnitvi stalne razstave muzeja in o koordinaciji pobud, vezanih na urejanje vojnih grobišč. O Lahko na kratko pojasnite izhodišča za dopolnitev stalne razstave Muzeja novejše zgodovine Slovenije? Prenova stalne razstave je projekt, ki je načrtovan že od postavitve obstoječe leta 1996. Kot reakcija na to razstavo oziroma na njene pomanjkljivosti je leta 1998 nastal projekt Temna stran meseca, zadnje resnejše razmišljanje o prenovi pa je bilo leta 2003. Obdobje, s katerim začenjamo prenovo, je tisto, ob katerem se je izostril motiv za Temno stran meseca, to je obdobje med letoma 1945 in 1960. Zakaj ste se pravzaprav lotili te še vedno zelo občutljive teme slovenske zgodovine? Projekt sem prevzel, ker je dolg muzeja, da se vanj vnese zamolčana stran zgodovine. Po Temni strani meseca so se zgodili še mnogi pomembni projekti, ki potrjujejo upravičenost dopolnitve tega dela razstave. Omenil bi samo Fe-renčev projekt Prikrito in očem zakrito pa tudi vrsto knjiga ki kritično ali pa vsaj opisno problematizirajo slovenski boljševistični totalitarizem v njegovi najtrši fazi Izhodišče prenove je torej, da revolucionarni del tedanje stvarnosti ostaja približno tak, kot je sedaj, vendar pa se nadgradi s predstavitvijo posledic boljševistične permanentne državljanske vojne proti Sloveniji in njenim prebivalcem. Temu, kar je bilo doslej predstavljeno predvsem afirmativno, želimo dodati kritični premislek o precej problematičnem poskusu revolucionarnega oblikovanja novega sveta. Ta je temeljil na zapleteni kultni strukturi od kulta vodje do kulta mrtvih, ki rasistično deli tako žive kot mrtve na partijska nebesa in partijski pekel. Bo v razstavo vključena tudi problematika povojnih pomorov? Posledice boljševističnega napada so predvsem raznovrstne čistke in permanentno izsiljevanje notranjih in zunanjih sovražnikov. Posledice so bile množični pomori, brezpravje in stalinistični sodni procesi, uničenje zasebne gospodarske pobude, zatiranje svobodne ustvarjalnosti vključno s prepovedjo potovanj, vojna proti kmetu itd. In seveda verska vojna proti transcendentnemu Bogu, saj se postavi novi bog na zemlji ... Tako na razstavi predstavljamo dve Sloveniji -če je bog na partijski strani Tito, je na drugi strani vojna simbolna figura križ iz Kočevskega roga. Če na eni strani razvoj pelje v Srebrenico, na drugi strani zrastejo Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. Cleveland, Ohio Tel. 216-641-0046 Modemi pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! kardinala Ambrožič in Rode pa leta 2000 predsednik vlade Bajuk. Pa spravni vidik razstave? Če bi opredelil etično ali spravno izhodišče, bi rekel, da je poskus seštevanja procesov in dogodkov, ki so bili po prejšnji šabloni tabuizirani, ločeni. Po partijskem kultu zgodovine namreč mnogo zgodb ni smelo biti povedanih. Ali jih zdaj seštevamo, ne izločamo. Na razstavi sta napadajoča revolucijska Slovenija in napadena tradicionalna Slovenija druga ob drugi. Temelj pripovedi je spoštovanje človekovih pravic, demokracije in drugih načel, ki naj bi jih normalna civilizirana družba spoštovala. Predvsem pa projekt razumem kot povabilo k nadaljnjemu pogovoru, ki ga Slovenija krvavo potrebuje. Spregovorimo še o vprašanju vojnih grobišč. Omenjali ste težave v zvezi s koordinacijo med ministrstvi in komisijo. Je prišlo že do kakšnega premika v tej smeri? Pred kratkim je gospod Pelko v svoji diplomski nalogi jasno navedel, da se komisije že 15 let ukvarjajo s podobnimi težavami. Oblikovanje strukture, ki naj bi področje slovenskih vojnih grobišč uredila, je nacionalni problem. Prva in druga svetovna vojna, povojni pomori -revolucijski teror in osamosvojitvena vojna so pravzaprav štirje veliki grobiščni kompleksi, ki pa bi morali biti pod eno streho. Tega nobena od dosedanjih vlad ni hotela doseči, so pa komisije poskušale delovati v tej smeri - denimo tudi s skupnim spomenikom slovenskim žrtvam. Moram pa reči, da je bilo dejansko delovanje komisij usmerjeno v dejanja, ki bi morala priti na koncu, se pravi pred raziskavo in pokopom mrtvih so urejale predvsem grobišča (npr. na Teharjah in pod Krenom ...). Slovensko mesto mrtvih naj oblikuje skupno voljo živih do sožitja in spravne strpnosti. Zavzemate se za ustanovitev zavoda, ki bi obravnaval ta vprašanja. Zavzemamo se, da bi Slovenija pokopala svoje mrtve: proces zajema raziskave, prekop, pokop, razglasitev, uvrstitev v register, ureditev, vzdrževanje ... Tu so še mednarodna razmerja do tujih mrtvih na naših tleh in naših na tujih. Vsega tega pa ne more delati ena komisija in dva uradnika, pač pa zavod, ki bi prevzel izvajanje zakona o vojnih grobiščih. Na podlagi teh dejstev je komisija poudarila nujnost razglasitve registra in ustanovitve zavoda. Na čem bi temeljilo njegovo delovanje? To je razmeroma resen program, ki ga ne moreta sama uvajati niti komisija niti ministrstvo za delo. Zato je na nedavnem sestanku z ministrom Janezom Drobničem in predstavniki komisije ter ministrstev prišlo do pobude, da se na vladni ravni sprejme protokol. Dobro bi bilo nadgraditi izjavo, ki jo je 22. novembra 2001 sprejela Drnovškova vlada. Njena dikcija o celovitem načrtu ureditve grobišč je sicer definirala dobro voljo vlade. A doslej je bil zakon o vojnih grobiščih pač trgovina in ena od manifestacij kulturnega boja, tako da nismo prišli daleč. Kakšen je zakon 0 vojnih grobiščih in ali bi ga po vaše potreboval kakšna dopolnila? Zakon niti ni tako slab. Zato želimo vzp°' staviti normalen uradni' ški krog, ki bo objektivno, zakonito in po določenih kriterijih vzpostavil red. Je pa zakon potreben dopolnitev. Glede napisov je seveda treba vztrajati, da opišejo dejstva (se pravi predvsem revolucionarni teror), omog°' (DALJE na str. 16) Cleveland Public Radio WCPN 90.3 FM Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 Phone: I-440-944-2S38 e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcglobal.nc Saturdays 9-I0pm CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO OCNJISCE-LIUBLJANA V NEPOZABEN SPOMIN JOŽE in JOŽEFA ŠTEPEC 32. OBLETNICA 13. OBLETNICA umrl 5. avg. 1974 umrla 6. feb. 1993 Gospod, daruj jima mir, naj večna Luč jima sveti; ker si dobrote vir, uživajta raj naj sveti. Žalujoči: Tone, sin, z družino Pepca, Vida in Ani, hčere, z družinami in ostalo sorodstvo v ZDA, Kanadi in Sloveniji DRAGA 2006 - Park Finžgarjevega doma Manjšinska kultura in narodova duša Trst - Od petka, 1. septembra, do nedelje, 5. septembra, bodo v parku Finžgarjevega doma potekali tradicionalni študijski dnevi. Kot ponavadi je tudi letos program res pester. Tega nam je predstavil Sergij Pahor, predsednik Društva slovenskih izobražencev, ki Drago prireja že več kot štiri desetletja. “Letošnja Draga je 41. Po vrsti. Kot ponavadi je Posvečna preteklosti, sedanjosti in prihodnosti. Razmišljamo namreč v duhu gesla, ki smo ga izbrali za naš bilten, v katerem se spominjamo tudi pokojne sodelavke Nadje Maganje: gre za Rlisel Antona Trstenjaka. Čeprav so mi bile nje-gove besede še neznane, smo se na Dragi njegove •hisli vedno držali: poz-nati preteklost, študirati sodobnost in gledati v Prihodnost, zato da us-Ivarimo boljši jutrišnji dan za manjšino in za slovenski narod." Manjšinski problematiki je posvečeno predava-nje. ki bo v petek, 2. SePtembra. “Prof. Miran košuta bo imel predava-nje z naslovom 60 let kulture v manjšinskem Prostoru. Gre za sreča-nje- ki je bilo predvideno lani, vendar je bil pre-^vatelj zadržan drugod, vprašanje je namreč še Vedno aktualno. Po vojni Sltlo obnovili našo prometno kulturo, dobili smo n°ve institucije, pridobili Srtl° to, kar smo imeli ^Fed fašizmom. dobili Srn° še več od tega, kar Sltlo Prej imeli. Vprašanje je, ali smo ^'dobljeno v času utrdi-^ a*l smo ustvarili dolo-sm° "^avno mnenJe' all za te naše ustanove gledališče. Glasbeno *atico, Slori, NŠK - us-af**l določeno publiko, bru lran košuta je eden ria/antnih opazovalcev storCga zamejskega pro- Prof9 ln obenem Je tudi VerzfS°r kritik kat našega stanja, k retn kot na tržaški uni-de zato primeren smo se znašli kot Sat* neke rutine bolj določenega spoznava- *ot tja. Vr K»kšr *ia, „ c,— — v0 em pa, da bo goto-p°vedal nekaj, kar bo 0PreJ sicer ne vem, Kšna k o° njegova oce- koristno tudi za prihodnost: se pravi, kako naprej, kako iskati stike s someščani italijanskega jezika, kako jim posredovati našo kulturo, kar gotovo ni lahko, saj odpori so prisotni tako na eni kot na drugi strani, morda smo tudi mi sami premalo sproščeni do večinskega naroda." Sobotno srečanje bo temeljilo na okrogli mizi, ki bo posvečena psihologiji slovenskega naroda. "Večkrat smo se spraševali, ali obstaja neka psihologija naroda, posebno slovenskega. Za druge narode je morda ta bolj očitna kot za našega: same sebe namreč ne znamo pogledati v obraz. Sobotno predavanje je tako poskus, kako bi sebe gledali v ogledalu. Na srečanju bodo sodelovali psih. Silva Ma-toš, psih. Cvetko Helio-dor, prof. Janek Musek in prof. Jože Ramovš. Menim, da je tako predavanje nadvse potrebno. Obrnili smo se zato na skupino slovenskih izvedencev, ki delujejo tudi na terenu v raznih terapevtskih skupinah. Povabili smo jih zato, da bi v skupnem razmišljanju poskusili ustvariti našo podobo. Upam, da bomo v tem uspeli: Draga namreč ne ponuja rešitev, a zgolj vprašanja." V tem duhu bo potekalo tudi nedeljsko dopoldne, 3. septembra, ko bosta predavanje imela zakonca dr. Katerina Kompan Erzar in dr. Tomaž Erzar. “Oba sta psihologa. Poskusila sta ustvariti sliko sodobnega slovenskega vernika: vprašala se bosta, kako je ta prešel od tradicionalne oblike vernika pred vojno do povojnega ideološkega enoumja in kako se je ■ - V* ict, - * m •*r -1 'M :f S| ; . -jijg f m v tSEE eMvV.’S Pahor, predsednik Društva slovenskih izobražencev med tem časom ohranil in se razvil. Vprašala se bosta, ali je slovenski vernik postal bolj zrel ali je ostal vezan na tradicijo. Ni namreč rečeno, da smo vsi Slovenci prevzeli zaključke Drugega vatikanskega koncila z velikim navdušenjem ali s prepričanjem ali s suverenostjo. Šlo bo tako za kritično presojo, obenem tudi za pogled. 41. STUDIJSKI DNEVI DRAGA 2006 Park Finžgarjevega doma - Opčine (TS) Dunajska cesta 35 Petek, 1. septembru 2006 Ob 16.30: prof. Miran Košuta 60 LET KULTURE V MANJŠINSKEM PROSTORU Po vojni smo obnovili, kar nam je fašizem uničil v dvajsetih letih in celo presegli prejšnje stanje, zlasti na šolskem področju. Ali smo tudi iskali kvaliteto in načrtno gradili temelje, ki bi zagotovili razvoj novim generacijam? V spremenjenih razmerah smo danes še sposobni načrtovati prihodnost lastne kulture, ki nas edina lahko reši pred folklorizacijo? Smo lahko most med slovenskim in italijanskim svetom na področju kulture, umetnosti in znanosti? Sobota, 2. septembra 2006 Ob 16.30: psih. Silvo Matos, psih. Cvetko Heliodor, prof. Janek Musek, prof. Jože Ramovš Okrogla mixa: SLOVENCI V VRTINCU NAGLIH DRUŽBENIH SPREMEMB Velike spremembe, ki so se zvrstile v 20. stoletju, še posebej pa tiste iz zadnjih 15 let, so načele ne ravno trdno ravnotežje povprečnega Slovenca in v njegovi zavesti zrahljale identiteto. Kako najti novo podlago, ki je potrebna za razvoj vsake družbe in naroda? Nedelja, 3. septembra 2006 Ob 10. uri: dr. Katarina Kompan Erzar in dr. Tomaž Erzar SLOVENSKI VERNIK MED TRADICIONALNO IN OSEBNO VERO Med slovenske vernike še ni povsod prodrl duh II. vatikanskega koncila. Kako se povprečni vernik postavlja v odnosu do družbe, politike in sploh do problemov sodobnosti? Kako gleda na Cerkev in njene institucije? In na družino? Je pripravljen pristati na novo vlogo, ki mu jo postavlja razvoj, in na nove naloge, ki jih terja vsakdanja praksa? Ob 16. uri: prof. Marko Stabej ZVEZDE, VRTNICE IN TRNJE (KAM IN KAKO S SLOVENŠČINO?) Prispodobe so kar prejasne: Slovenci smo med evropskimi zvezdami, razcvetele so se nam vrtnice blaginje in svobode. Veselimo se svojega vrta, radi ga kažemo drugim in radi hodimo drugam. Trnje v živi meji ni več potrebno. Toda vrtnic brez trnov ni. Več svobode pomeni tudi več drugačnosti in več odgovornosti. Zdi se , da le s težavo iščemo odgovore na vprašanja, kdo smo, kako se predstavljati drugim in kako drugačne sprejemati. Slovenščina nam je pri tem vir veselja, ponosa in istovetnosti, včasih pa se nam zdi tudi ovira pri mednarodnem sporazumevanju. V nedeljo, 3. septembra, ob 9. url bo za udeležence Drage sv. maša, ki jo bo daroval tržaški škof msgr. Evgen Ravignani. DSI - Ul. Donizetti 3 - 34133 Trst (Italija) Tel. +39 040 370846 - faks +39 040 633307 El. naslov: redakcija@mladika.com kam naj bi se razvijala slovenska tradicionalna vernost." Zadnje predavanje bo tudi letos posvečeno bolj splošnim vprašanjem, ki presegajo manjšinske meje. “V nedeljo bo tako ob 16. uri spregovoril profesor na ljubljanski univerzi prof. Marko Stabej, ki bo skušal podati veliko sliko slovenskega naroda, ki se seli v Evropo. To je namreč že stalnica zadnjih Drag, saj smo ta vprašanja skušali razviti na podlagi raznih vidikov. Prof. Stabej je jezikoslovec po poklicu in oster opazovalec slovenskega javnega življenja, obenem dobro pozna manjšinski prostor - študiral je namreč na devinski mednarodni šoli. Njegov bo gotovo nov, svež doprinos k spoznavanju te široke stvarnosti. Vprašanje je osredotočeno na jezik, pa tudi na kulturo, se pravi, na celotno antropologijo slovenskega naroda." Ali bo govor tudi o spravi? Tema je v teh tednih nadvse aktualna. “O spravi smo na Dragi že govorili, ko je šlo o argumentih, ki so zadevali medvojne in povojne dogodke. Dali smo celo pobudo za konkretne korake v tej smeri. Menim vendar, da je sprava med narodi kajpada zapletena zadeva, saj jemlje v pretres tudi diplomatska in pravna vprašanja. Spravna dejanja morajo biti tudi formalne narave. Vprašanje ni tako dozorelo, da bi skupno sedli k mizi in se ga zlahka lotili. Pri mizi s pogodbo lahko uredimo ne- (DALJE na str. 16) RALU MARIBORSKEMU METROPOLITU - Papež Benedikt XVI. je pri slo- vesni maši na god apostolov Petra in Pavla, 29. junija, v baziliki sv. Petra v Rimu podelil palij - znamenje metropolitove povezanosti z njim in oblasti v cerkveni pokrajini - mariborskemu nadškofu in metropolitu dr. Francu Krambergerju. Tako ima Slovenija zdaj dva metropolita, poleg dr. Krambergerja še ljubljanskega nadškofa Alojza Urana. (NADALJEVANJE s str. 14) či naj se ustanovitev zavoda in vseh procedur, potrebnih za vse postopke, ki sem jih omenil. Zato bi bilo treba dopolnitve zakona že zdaj premisliti, da bi uradniški postopki lahko že tekli in da bi zakon dobil pametne - univerzalne dopolnitve, pa tudi če ob tem pride do čustvenih izbruhov ali pa kulturnega boja. Bolje je, da se pet let pogovarjamo, kaj bi s Teharjami, kot da potrošimo 350 milijonov za prvo fazo, pa še vedno ne vemo, kaj hočemo. Kakšne sklepe ste sprejeli na nedavnem sestanku s predstavniki vlade? Reševanje problematike grobišč se tiče ministrstva za delo, družino in socialne zadeve kot izvajalca zakona, ministrstva za kulturo kot izvajalca pri urejanju lokacij, ki so tudi kulturni spomeniki, in soizvajalca topografije, ministrstva za notranje zadeve z akcijo Sprava in z njeno usodo, ministrstva za pravosodje s sektorjem za popravo krivic. To pa je že tak sklop, da se neposredno tiče vlade. Na sestanku je bilo doseženo soglasje, da se medministrska razmerja in generalna vladna namera začnejo obravnavati. Ta hip ni kompetentnega sogovornika, ki bi suvereno odločal o teh zadevah - pa s tem ne dolžim ne uradništva in ne ministra. Tvari moramo premakniti toliko naprej, da ne bo izgubljeno še eno proračunsko leto in da se te točke, ki jih je ko- misija usidrala kot fiksne, peljejo naprej tako na izvajalski ravni kot tudi na ravni uveljavitve v zakonu. Torej bi bil potreben koordinator. Da, potrebujemo vzpostavitev stabilnih admini-strativno-izvajalskih razmerij. Te zadeve se dotikajo tako Zveze združenj borcev kot Nove slovenske zaveze. Združenja mobilizirancev v nemško vojsko in civilnih žrtev okupacijskega in revolucijskega terorja - pa tudi drugih držav. Pod Krenom danes lahko vidimo idealno sliko tega, kako se s težko razumljivim prestižnim bojem degradira zgodovinska lokacija, imamo pa hkrati krasen antropološki dokument, kako lahko ljudje iste volje v konfliktnem tekmovanju naredijo veliko zmedo. Zato je treba vse vidike strniti v sporazumno nacionalno odgovornost do memorialnega spomeniškega fonda, imenovanega vojna grobišča. Menite, da je za začetek urejanja tega področja sedanja vlada kompetentnejša, kot je bila prejšnja? Odgovornost je naša -gre za vprašanje prihodnosti. Slovensko mesto mrtvih mora biti evropsko primerljivo in spodobno urejeno, to je vse, česar se morata politika pa tudi ozaveščena javnost zavedati. Ne pravim, da je ta vlada bolj ali manj odgovorna kot ona prej; ne ena ne druga pač ob vseh drugih zadevah pri graditvi države in ob vseh ideološko-političnih konfliktih nista zmogli najti končne rešitve. Splača pa se vse pretekle izkušnje strniti in končno združiti tudi slovensko občestvo mrtvih. Ti si med sabo ne bodo tepli, in če se bomo odločili, kako jih bomo združili, nam bo to pomagalo, da bomo tudi živi laže živeli drug ob drugem. ■ DRAGA 2006 (nadaljevanje s str. 15) ko ozemeljsko vprašanje, lahko se pogovarjamo o mednarodnih odnosih: sprava pa mora biti višek nekega zbliževanja, sodelovanja. Menim, da je govor o spravi ravno v Trstu, s sedanjo občinsko upravo, nesmiseln. Tudi na vse državni ravni ne verjamem, da bodo Italijani dovolj iskreni, kljub temu da so se v zadnjih časih pomnožili prispevki v knjižni in esejistični obliki, ki govorijo o odgovornosti za to, kar so italijanski vojaki počeli v Afriki pred in med fašizmom. Italija se mora tako najprej zavedati svojih odgovornosti, nekaterih svojih krivd. Govoriti o spravi bo obenem pomenilo tudi imeti za norca manjšino. S težavo sprejmem tudi dejstvo, da se pri teh spravnih dejanjih pogajajo trije predsedniki. Spravo je treba delati med dvema partnerjema." Igor Gregori NOVI GLAS, 10. avg. 2006 Louis Adamič Ljubljana - V zbirki Migracije (Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU) je izšel prevod dela Dana Schiffmana z naslovom Korenine multi-kulturalizma, Slovenija pozna Louisa Adamiča kot vidno literarno osebnost slovenskega predvojnega izseljenstva, ki je po drugi svetovno vojni nekritično podprl Tita in nov revolucionarni režim. Zelo malo pa je znana njegova osrednja vloga v porajanju multikulturali' zma, sistematičnega uveljavljanja priseljenskih kultur v ZDA. Svoje delo na tem področju je Adamič uresničil s številnimi študijskim* potovanji, obiski arhivov in knjižnic, terenskimi raziskavami, množničnind anketami in globinskimi intervjuji, z njihovimi iz' sledki pa je seznanjal ja' vnost v številnih člankih-Schiffman je to Adami' čevo angažiranje raziskal in objavil v knjigi. (Drugih podatkov 0 knjigi, razen da je iz^ pri Založbi ZRC, v kr*)' šem opisu ni. Ur. 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