I-' i ;ts rt® #» * Naslov—Address nova doba 6233 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio (Tel. HEndcrson 3889) NOVA DOBA (NEW ERA) KATOLIŠKE JEDNOTE — OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SOUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION Naša J. S. K. Jednota je samo bratska podporna organizacija brez vsakih drugih primesi, in kot taka uspeva. Ohranimo jo tako! URADNO GLASILO JUGOSLOVANSKE -Sjjfjfrj M Second Class Matter April 15th, 1926, at The Post Office at Cleveland, Ohio Under the Act of March 3rd, 1870. — Accepted' for Mailing ut Special Rate of Postage, Provided lor In Section 1103, Act of October 3rd, 1817. Authortne^i March 15th, 192B ŠT. 32 CLEVELAND, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16th — SREDA, 16. AVGUSTA, 1939 VOL. XV. — LETNIK XV. I ZAPISNIK S’ %/P zborovanja glavnega odbora jskj, *' %«? yKvILO V DNEH 29. IN 31. JULIJA TER 1. IN 2. *£ 1939 V GLA VNEM URADU V ELYU, MINNESOTA ■ ■It PRVA SEJA tp p . i. “J Za Prvo seJ° zborovanja 29. julija dopoldne so sle- p H;pa!n’ Zborniki: Joseph Mantel, prvi glavni podpredsed-lis^i ,U • Oblock, d -ugi glavni podpredsednik; Anton Zbašnik, I 0“ik; f"«* Tomsich, Jr., pomožni glavni tajnik; Louis 1 Lglavni blagajnik; Anton J. Terbovec, urednik-upravnik >',> Ho^pi■6’ Kumše, predsednik nadzornega odbora; Janko ilatj, ^’Prvinadzornik; Frank E. Vranichar, drugi nadzornik; i Ze^c> tretji nadzornik, in Andrew Milavec, Jr., četrti nad- f Prvi \ VlJi Podpredsednik Joseph Mantel pokliče zboroval- ci **Ur’ dopoldne, konštatira, da je seja sklepčna, datii % rJ!aVzo^a glavni predsednik in vrhovni zdravnik, nakar f foij. c n° Polletno zasedanje in prvo sejo s sledečim nagovori n ’ * Po * ^'avni odborniki: 1( ^aPi’a!]lr0^^u glaynega tajnika, ki je' dobil obvestilo od glav-y c^a se ne mo’1'e udeležiti polletne seje, kot nje- P °tvarjam polletno zasedanje glavnega odbora Ju- li - Pozd 6 katoliške jednote. Drago in ljubo mi je, da vas mo-a %jJaViti v slavnem uradu naše Jednote. želim vam vse Sh* ^ SV0J'ih možnostih opravili dobro delo na tem % ^ esecev našega dela je zopet za nami. V tem času se je f* V'dampanja za oba oddelka naše Jednote. Vam vsem je m ■ ^ -Se Je kampanje zaključila z nepričakovano dobrim l ^ dri;.' Ce Jeml.iemo v poštev razmere, ki so vladale v posamez- * L^n-' ’ ^'ler P°sluje naša organizacija. Na podlagi tega A Sove ,a,) se završilo tudi to zborovanje* da bi odšli na svoje j« %etZadov°lj.stvom in veseljem do ponovnega dela, kadar II Pokličejo dolžnosti naše Jugoslovanske katoliške jed- Asarv ■ ffllknf ni^ai’ja tega zborovanja je izvoljen Anton J. Ter-'*e Za C^° določena odškodnina v običajni vi-Hfc se določi čas zborovanja od 9. ure zjutraj do 12. ure °d 1-3° do popoldne. K*.. a Se zapisnik zadnjega letnega zborovanja in se spre j- 'f i^"! a Anton Zbašnik poroča, da je vrhovni zdravnik / V Zch, zadržan za današnjo sejo, toda udeležil se bo zbo-j | ^lavrj1-1 i^°dnj0 sejo v Ponedeljek 31. julija, j v “r nato želi, da se reši vprašanje jednotinega e1ie ternal Age” za mesec avgust. Po kratki razpravi; ^i^°’ se oglasa v omenjeni publikaciji ne naroči. &lav° ^0ro^la glavnih odbornikov. Glavni tajnik sporoči, D Bj^ov l6^a P,edf*ednika Paula Bartela še ni dobil poročila za '»ega ariJe> torej pride kot prvo na vrsto poročilo prvega g i: Podpredsednika Josepha Mantela. f\ ^(W * * * ;ILo PRVEGA GLAVNEGA PODPREDSEDNIKA ij| Kot 1)SOljratie glavni odborniki: '1 glavr|i podpredsednik nimam pač posebnega poro-J PoSv ,.Uradno korespondenco sem točno odgovarjal. Skušal v \ Kot 2.Jla Možnostih storiti najboljše, i** glavnega predsednika v njegovi odstotnosti t °!)i > ,°Val z glavnim blagajnikom in glavnim nadzornim ,J Pugledu jednotine lastnine, ki je shranjena na The S onal banki v Duluthu dne 24. julija 1939. Pri tem sta bila navzoča tudi dva državna pregledovalca, 1Pr''6^a Ura(lno poslovanje v glavnem uradu. Tudi ona-vtM„ S 'la vse bonde ter pronašla z glavnimi nadzorniki Ih *• ti 625 • piiv ' Ju*>ja se je pričelo pregledovanje uradnega poslova-pNil ^eeni Uradu. Tu sem nadomestoval glavnega predsednika Reselj °’ ^ ga Podpisujejo naša pravila. jPlitj °!e’ da je kampanja tako dobro uspela, kar se moram Ii 1C*nernu delu glavnega tajnika, Antona Zbašnika, !l bitu gl&vnim odbornikom, posebno pa našim dobrim in 1%,. »°m in članicam, ki so šli od hiše do hiše zapisat nove R0?abif !nski I'1 odrasli oddelek. Pri tem dobrem delu ne sme-|f h;iv °P'Rnika v angleški sekciji Nove Dobe, sobrata Stan-6^kli i6rja ter se druge, ki so pisali vzpodbudljive članke » vi“ši 1 Se k° zasedanje završilo v slogi in bratstvu. Po IS kar m,adinska konvencija in atletska konferenca. Stori-do]0 v naši moči, da bo naša mladina razumela udobno-Pš0Jaše bratske organizacije. In če storimo to, storili bo- I * Cinost- R pozdravom, ^ omočil Joseph Mantel, prvi gl. podpredsednik, ij. 0 ^ gl. podpredsednika se vzame na znanje. INt m * * * 0P SECOND SUPREME VICE-PRESIDENT a e Supreme Board of the SSCU: to ,,etr|ber of the Supreme Board I am submitting my 0 Supreme Board of the South Slavonic Catholic Vtt , S SScr S'x montbs I earnestly tried to fulfill my duty IX • 1 answered all of my various referendums and let- S M e Supreme Office with my honest opinion and for \ *>vlu'Union- ^.^>1 trj °Ur Past campaign to enroll new members for our tyj JGd *"° a,,d helped to put enthusiasm and courage in |2Q'll(] G’nbers to go out and try hard to enroll new members. MSjNclei a juvenile from our English-speaking lodge to | % ,Gfiate to the juvenile convention but the senior’s lodge | Juvenilt. to run as a delegate and he secured enough i new members and he will represent Lodge 33. Our athletic de- j partment of our lodge had delegates running for the athletic | conference but our member was defeated by a close margin by a delegate from Lodge 228 in our district. May I congratulate the j winner and may we be better in the run for the next time. I attended most of the lodge’s anniversary picnics and dan-1 | ces in our part of Pennsylvania. Also I was represented at the [ [ ones when one of our supreme board members was a guest speak-rer. I have to say that our supreme board is working hard to con- j | tinue on with our SSCU. In closing I express my thanks to all the supreme officers for their spelndid cooperation in the past six months and may 1 we continue on for a bigger and better SSCU. Paul J. Oblock, second supreme vice-president, j Report of second supreme vice-president accepted. :Jt * * POROČILO GLAVNEGA TAJNIKA Glavnemu odboru JSKJ: 1 j V prilogi je moje poročilo o dohodkih in izdatkih obeh od-; delkov JSKJ od 1. januarja do 30. junija 1939 in o stanju Jednote ! jz dnem 30. junija 1939. Poročilo je bilo predloženo v pregled1 nadzornemu odseku in upam, da so ga nadzorniki našli v redu. j Čisto premoženje odraslega oddelka je z dnem 30. junija i 1939 znašalo $2,302,244.03, mladinskega oddelka pa $161,899.88, skupaj $2,464,143.91. Napredek $47,235.53. V bolniškem skladu smo 31. decembra 1938 imeli $29,640.01, dne 30. junija 1939 pa $30,686.56. Napredek $1,046.55. V onemoglostnem skladu smo 31. decembra 1938 imeli $21,-137.69, dne 30. junija 1939 pa $18,007.86. Izguba $3,129.83. (Opomba. Vzrok, da beležimo v tem skladu izgubo,fje, ker smo stroškovnemu skladu, športnemu skladu in bolniškemu skladu ' vrnili $6,078.90, kar je bilo pred leti prenešeno iz omenjenih skla- , dov, da se je pokrilo deficit v onemoglostnem skladu.) V športnemu skladu smo 31. decembra 1938 imeli $5,367.96, dne 30. junija 1939 pa $6,781.62. Napredek $1,736.96. V stroškovnem skladu smo 31. decembra 1938 imeli $19,- ] 902.49, dne 30. junija pa $26,276.49. Napredek $6,374.36. : Tekom zadnjih 6 mesecev je bilo ustanovljeno eno novo društvo, namreč angleškoposlujoče društvo št. 236, Strabane, Pa., ki zelo dobro napreduje. Med tem časom so pa prenehala poslovati , tri društva. Društvo št. 104 se je združilo z društvom št. 70, društvo št. 195 je pristopilo k društvu št. 44 in društvo štv161 je pristopilo k društvu št, 149. Jednota sedaj šteje 187 društev. V prvi polovici tekočega leta je pristopilo v odrasli oddelek Jednote 723 članov, v mladinskega pa 1,711, skupaj 2,434 članov in članic. 1 Jednota je 31. decembra 1938 štela v odraslem oddelku 14,312 članov, v mladinskem pa 8,141, skupaj 22,453. Z dnem 30. 1 junija 1939 šteje Jednota 14,809 članov v odraslem oddelku in 1 9,321 v mladinskem, skupaj 24,130 članov in članic. Na podaljšani zavarovalnini se je dne 30. junija 1939 nahajalo 280 članov in članic. V prvi polovici tekočega leta jev odraslem oddelku umrlo 89 ‘ članov, v mladinskem pa 5. Skupaj 94 članov in članic. Letošnja članska kampanja, predhodnica tretje mladinske konvencije in druge atletične konference, se je obnesla boljše kot sem pričakoval. Rezultat bi bil še bolj povoljen, ako bi ne bilo , radi slabih delavskih razmer in stavke premogarjev, ki je trajala , okrog 11 tednov. Zapisali smo 2,434 novih članov in okrog en mili- ] jon in dve sto tisoč dolarjev nove zavarovalnine. V glavnem ura- -du nam je to povzročilo silno veliko dela in le marljivosti, točno- , nosti in agilnosti mojih pomočnikov7 in pomočnic se moram za- ] hvaliti, da mi ni bilo treba najeti posebne pomoči. Radi tega pri- ] i poročam, da daste mojim asistentom primerno priznanje, kajti ] | plače, ki jih prejemajo, niso zadostna kompenzacija za njih točno , in marljivo delo. Sploh pa želim na tem mestu in ob tej priliki ( konstatirati, da je v glavnem uradu sedaj več kot dvakrat toliko ■ dela kot ga je bilo pred letom 1932, a imam samo dve pomoči več , kot jih je imel moj prednik. Pred leti smo imeli v veljavi samo tri članske certifikate, danes jih imamo deset. Pred leti ni bilo , treba računati prememb iz enega načrta v druge načrte; ni bilo -treba računati dob podaljšane zavarovalnine, ni bilo treba računati vrednosti plačanih certifikatov in se tudi ni bilo treba ukvar- ' jati s posojili na članske certifikate, katerih imamo nad dva tisoč: Zraven tega se je pa tudi jednotino premoženje pomnožilo za več kot EDEN MILIJON DOLARJEV od kar sem prevzel vodstvo glavnega tajništva, in to ne pomnoži samo lhojega dela in : odgovornosti, ampak tudi delo mojih pomočnikov in pomočnic. Za sijajen uspeh naše letošnje kampanje se moramo seveda v prvi vrsti zahvaliti našim društvenim uradnikom, brez katerih , ne bi mogli nikamor. Aktivni v tej kampanji so bili po večini tisti, ki so bili aktivni tudi v prejšnjih kampanjah, pasivni so bili po večini tisti, ki tudi v prejšnjih kampanjah niso beležili uspeha. Po nekaterih krajih je bilo res človeško nemogoče kaj storiti, toda vem za naselbine, kjer je bila prilika sijajna, a ni bilo nikogar, da bi šel na polje. K uspehu naše kampanje so znatno pripomogli tudi dopisniki Nove Dobe, angleški in slovenski. Uredništvo glasila je jako efektivno ko-operiralo, ravno tako tudi naš “Little Stan” (Stanley Pechaver), nadzornik Janko N. Rogelj in drugi. Vsem se prav lepo zahvalim za vse, kar so dobrega storili v tem oziru. Za mladinsko konvencijo in atletično konferenco je vse pripravljeno. Poskrbel sem, da pride na zaključek obeh konvencij (piknik v nedeljo, 6. avgusta )tudi governer države Minnesote, Harold E. Stassen. To bo prvič v zgodovini naše Jednote, da nas pride pozdravit najvišji uradnik države, v kateri je bila naša Jednota ustanovljena. Priprave za obe konvenciji in za piknik je vodil posebni odbor, v katerem so zastopana vsa elijška društva in v Ely-ju živeči glavni odborniki ter odbornica. Zastopniki elijških društev so se tudi to pot radi odzvali in storili so in bodo storili vse, da bosta delegaciji obeh konvencij najboljše postreženi. Drugih posebnosti nimam za poročati. K sklepu se toplo zahvaljujem vsem glavnim odbornikom in VSAK PO SVOJE društvenim uradnikom in uradnicam za njih prijazno sodelovanje in beležim Z bratskim pozdravom, Anton Zbašnik, glavni tajnik. Poročilo glavnega tajnika se vzame na znanje. ❖ * * POROČILO GLAVNEGA BLAGAJNIKA Glavnemu odboru JSKJ : Sobrat glavni tajnik je ravnokar v podrobnostih poročal o finančnem stanju Jednote z dne 30. junijav1939 za oba oddelka, zato ne smatram za potrebno ponavljati istih številk. S tajnikovim poročilom se docela strinjam. Sledila bodo poročila glavnih nadzornikov, glede katerih upam, da so našli vse poslovanje v redu. Iz poročila je razvidno, da je jednotino premoženje v prvi polovici tega leta spet povoljno napredovalo. Večina društev pošilja mesečne asesmente pravočasno, kakor je predpisano v pravilih, in navadno točno označajo v kake svrhe je pošiljan denar. Tu in tam se pripete zamude, ker nekateri društveni tajniki ali blagajniki pošiljajo v delna pokritja ases-mentov jednotine čeke, na katerih ni podpisa prejemnika. V smislu pravil in po naročilu glavnega in nadzornega odbora moram društvom take asesmente vrniti z navodilom, da na čeke preskrbijo odgovarjajoče podpise. Moje poslovanje z glavnim uradom je vsestransko zadovoljivo. Vselej, kadar pridem po jednotinih opravkih v glavni urad, sem točno postrežen. Na januarskem zasedanju glavnega odbora sem bil pooblaščen, da se udeležim zimskega zasedanja National Fraternal Congressa, ki se je 21. in 22. februarja letos vršilo v Chicagu. O moji udeležbi na omenjenem zasedanju sem že poročal v našem glasilu. Ta mesec je minilo 16 let, odkar mi je glavni odbor poveril blagajniški urad, in sicer na svoji polletni seji v juliju 1923. Naj na tem mestu omenim, da je takratno premoženje odraslega oddelka znašalo $525,635.27, konci junija letos pa je znašalo $2,-302,244.03. Premoženje mladinskega oddelka, ki je takrat znašalo $26,717.19, znaša zdaj $161,899.88. Skupno premoženje obeh oddelkov je pred 16 leti znašalo $552,352.46, zdaj pa znaša $2,464,-143.91. Skupni napredek jednotinega premoženja v šestnajstih letih znaša $1,911,791.45, kar predstavlja povprečni narastek nekaj nad $119,486.00 na leto. Louis Champa, glavni blagajnik. Poročilo glavnega blagajnika se vzame na znanje. POROČILO UREDNIKA-UPRAVNIKA NOVE DOBE Glavnemu odboru JSKJ: V prvi polovici tega leta, ko je bila v teku kampanja za pridobivanje novih članov kot predhodnica tretje mladinske konvencije in druge atletične konference, je moralo samoumevno tudi uredništvo Nove Dobe posvetiti mnogo pozornosti tej aktivnosti. To ni bilo običajno rutinsko, ampak dodatno delo, ki se je vidno izražalo že v tem, da je bilo treba list izdajati mnogo bolj pogosto na osmih straneh kot tekom prejšnjih mesecev. Seveda je to razumljivo, saj je bila Nova Doba tisti zvočnik, potom katerega se je vršilo glavno oglaševalno delo kampanje. Mnogo kampanjskega čtiva je bilo napisanega v uredništvu, mnogo pa ga je bilo tudi prispevanega od glavnega tajnika in od drugih glavnih odbornikov in glavnih porotnikov, pa tudi od posameznih članov in članic. Agitacija je bila vsled teh prispevkov bolj pestra in živa in nedvomno tudi bolj uspešna. Urednik želi tem potom izraziti vsem kampanjskim prispevateljem odkritosrčno priznanje za dobro delo. Vsi, ki so javno agitirali, so se kampanje tudi dejansko udeleževali, z njimi vred pa so vršili hvalevredno kampanjsko delo tudi stoteri drugi člani in članice, ki se niso v javnosti oglašali. Uspeh tega združenega dela nam najlepše kažejo številke: skoro poltretji tisoč novih članov v obeh oddelkih in nad milijon dolarjev novo zapisane zavarovalnine. Zavest, da smo dosegli tako krasen uspeh, je najlepše plačilo za naše delo. Našo kampanjo smo vodili vseskozi dostojno in gentlemansko, zato je poleg uspehov, ki so izraženi v številkah, povečala tudi splošni ugled organizacije. Zelo velikega pomena je tudi, da je ta kampanja, bolj kot katera prejšnjih, zainteresirala za našo Jednoto doraščajočo in doraslo mladino. To smo videli iz prispevkov v Novi Dobi in v faktično doseženih kampanjskih uspehih. Z rastočim številom članstva narašča sorazmerno tudi delo v uredništvu in upravništvu. Kljub temu pa si seveda urednik-upravnik ne bo nikoli želel olajšanega dela na račun nižjega števila članstva. Za angleško čtivo je zadnje čase večkrat primanjkovalo prostora na določenih dveh straneh. To je razveseljiv znak, da se mladina v vedno večjem številu udeležuje jednotinih aktivnosti; vsekakor, ako pojde tako naprej, bo morala prihodnja redna konvencija nekaj ukreniti v tem oziru. Lista se tiska zdaj v nakladi okrog 13,500 tedensko. Oglasi se v splošnem točno plačujejo. Konci junija 1939 je bilo dolga na oglasih za $174.53. Ta vsota pa se v glavnem nanaša na oglase, za katere so bili poslani računi šele po omenjenem datumu. Urednik-upravnik s priznanjem in hvaležnostjo beleži, da je bil deležen prijaznega in točnega sodelovanja ter prave bratske naklonjenosti od strani glavnega urada ter od vseh članov glavnega in porotnega odbora, s katerimi je imel opravka osebno ali pismeno. Isto velja tudi glede urednika angleške sekcije Nove Dobe. Prav take bratske naklonjenosti je bil v splošnem deležen od strani društvenih uradnikov in uradnic ter ostalega članstva. Vse to lajša delo, lepša življenje ter pomaga k ugledu in napredku Jednote, zato zasluži javno priznanje. Anton J. Terbovec, urednik-upravnik Nove Dobe. Poročilo urednika-upravnika se vzame na znanje. V * * * POROČILO PREDSEDNIKA GLAVNEGA NADZORNEGA ODBORA: Glavnemu odboru JSKJ: Kakor običajno, smo se tudi to pot naj prvo ustavili na The Northern National banki v Duluthu, Minn. Na omenjeni banki (Dalje na 2. strani) Potovanje iz države Ohio v Minnesoto in nazaj ni za današnje pojme nič posebnega. Vendar bom iz tega primeroma kratkega potovanja skušal zbrati toliko bežnih slik in sličic, da za enkrat z njimi napolnim zevajočo kolono. Ako se vam bo za malo zdelo, ker te slike nimajo pravih zvez med seboj, upoštevajte dejstvo, da včasih nimajo točnih zvez niti najmodernejši vlaki.' Chicago ima več prebivalcev kot Cleveland, večje nebotičnike, pa tudi večjo vročino. Tako je bilo vsaj v pasjih dneh, ko sem potoval skozi. Na State Streetu sem videl dva mlada moža, ki sta z velikimi plakati na hrbtih in prsih naznanjala, da iščeta delo. Ljudje so hodili po cestah mnogo počasneje kot nekdaj. Prav za prav so se vlekli kot nekake podobe iz sanj. Ne vem, ali jih je depresija zadnjih let prepričala, da se jim prav za prav nikamor ne mudi ,ali jih je k počasnejšemu tempu primorala vročina. Rdeče prometne luči na cestnih križiščih upoštevajo samo avtomobilisti. Pešci hodijo kot koze. Prav kakor v Clevelandu. Moderni poletni ženski čevlji, ki jih človek vidi prav tako v Chicagu kot v drugih mestih, so res moderni. Svežemu zraku iz-postavl j a j o ne samo peto in zu-nofe' afrtpak tudi palec. Pa ta moda ni tako bedasta kot bi nas eden sodil na prvi pogled. ženska se lahko popraska* po peti, po palcu ali koderkoli, ne da bi se ji bilo treba sezuti. Tekom vožnje od Dulutha proti Elyu se vidi, poleg zelenih gozdov, kjer prevladujejo smreke in breze, še marsikaj tipično minnesotskega. Po jezeiih ali jezerskih rokavih, ki segajo tu in tam v bližino proge, je videti mnogo belo in rumeno cvetočih vodnih lilij, katere bi bile v ponos vsakemu vrtu. Zagoreli otroci nabirajo borovnice in maline. Mestoma splaši vlak dolgokrako vodno ptico, ki z velikimi zamahi izgine med brezami. Okoli mesteca Tower, kamor pride vlak iz Dulutha z glavo naprej, iz Elya pa z repom naprej, se košatijo pravi pragozdi csata, pelina in kopriv. In minnesotske koprive prav nič ne prikrivajo svojega strupenega pokolenja in pekočega temperamenta. Okrog malih postaj in seveda tudi po mestecih, kjer se pozimi dolgočasijo veliki snežni zameti, se zdaj košati milijarde pestrobarvnih cvetlic, posebno popelnov, ostrožnika, gladi j ol, maka, plavic in sladkega graha. Lipe cveto tam šele v začetku avgusta. Kdaj dozori njihovo sadje, nisem mogel izvedeti. Tudi robini so še navdušeno peli v zgodnjih jutrih avgusta, kar znači, da so se takrat še ženili ali pa so vsaj še pestovali mladi zarod. Tudi to rodbinsko življenje minnesotskih robinov je težko razumeti. Mesto Ely, ki je vsaj v svojem stanovanjskem delu precej podobno razdrobljenemu parku, ima tudi prijazen mestni park. To je tisti park, v katerega dva pred nekaj .leti takt) poželjivo gledala z rogato čado, ker je bil vhod vanj zaprt, menda zaradi mlado posajenega drevja. Takrat sva bila s kravo enih misli, da nikakor ni prav, če je park zaprt slavnemu občinstvu. Park je zdaj odprt za dvonožno občinstvo in kolesarje; Poletne večere prireja včasih tam koncerte mlada elyska godba, ki je lepo (Dalje na 4. str.) Zapisnik polletnega zborovanja glavnega odbora JSKJ (Nadaljevanje & X. strani) ima naša Jednota shranjene vse vrednostne listine. V navzočnosti vseh mojih kolegov, glavnega podpredsednika, glavnega blagajnika, bančnega uradnika in dveh državnih pregledovalcev iz Minnesote in države Ohio, smo prešteli vse obveznice, katerih vsota je $2,147,844.75. Odrezali smo od njih vse obrestne kupone za nadaljnih šest mesecev. Odrezke smo izročili glavnemu blagajniku, da iste vnovči, ko pride čas dozoritve. Iz varnostnih predalov na banki smo vzeli sledeče bonde: Big Creek School District, McDowell County, W. Va., $10,000.00, Euclid, Ohio, Street Improvement, $10,000.00, City of Lima, Ohio, Street Improvement in Sewer, $10,000.00, Monroe County, Mich. Twsps, $4,000, Palestine, Texas, School House, $10,000.00, Rich-1 land Parish, Louisiana School District No. 18 $10,000.00, City of Trinidad, Colorado, Water Refunding, $20,000.00. Ti bondi bodo j izplačani v prihodnjih šestih mesecih. Pustili smo jih pri upravi banke proti posebnim pobotnicam, da iste z dovoljenjem glavnega 1 blagajnika vnovčijo, ko pride čas dozoritve. S pregledovanjem knjig in računov v glavnem uradu smo pričeli v torek 25. julija. Pregledali smo vse poslovne knjige glavnega tajnika, glavnega blagajnika in urednika-upravnika Nove Dobe. Z zadovoljstvom moram konštatirati, da smo našli vse knjige in račune pi'ejeomenjenih glavnih uradnikov v dobrem in pohvalnem redu. Zatorej priporočam vam, cenjenim souradnikom, da finančno poročilo odobrite in sprejmete. Iz računskega poročila glavnega tajnika in glavnega blagajnika je razvidno, da smo v j zadnjih šestih mesecih imeli lep napredek v blagajni, kar je razveseljivo za vse naše članstvo. Glavni tajnik, glavni blagajnik in knji} ovodkinja, sosestra Barbara Matesha in drugi uradniki, so nam bili za časa revizije vedno radevolje na razpolago. Zato jim iskrena hvala. Zadnje letno zasedanje me je odbralo, da naj zastopam -Jed-noto na zborovanju Ohio Fraternal kongresa. Ker se istega nisem mogel udeležiti radi zaposlenosti, sem sporočil mojemu namestniku, bratu Janko N. Rogelj-u, ki me je nadomestoval, zakar mu hvala. Kakor navadno, smo imeli tudi zadnjih šest mesecev precej dopisovanja in glasovanja z glavnim uradom radi važnih zadev, ter ssm vedno skušal biti točen. Vedno sem priporočal in glasoval tako, kakor sem sodil, da bo prav za Jednoto. Kot član finančnega odbora sem priporočal nakup bondov, o katerih sem bil prepričan, da bo dobro in varno posojilo za našo Jednoto. Z bratskim pozdravom, John Kumse, predsednik glavnega nadzornega odbora JSKJ. Poročilo predsednika gl. nadzornega odbora se vzame na znanje. * * * t POROČILO PRVEGA GLAVNEGA NADZORNIKA Dragi mi glavni odborniki: Strinjam se s poročilom predsednika glavnega nadzornega odbora, da smo dne 24. julija pregledali jednotino premoženje na The Northern National banki v Duluthu, Minn. Odrezali smo vrednostne kupone od vseh bondov, da se jih vnovči v prihodnjih šestih mesecih. Ob istem času sta pregledala isto premoženje dva državna nadzornika ter ugotovila predpisano premoženje naše Jednote. Dne 25. julija smo pričeli s pregledovanjem knjig glavnega tajnika, glavnega blagajnika in urednika-upravnika Nove Dobe. Primerjali smo dohodke in izdatke med Jednoto in društvi, kakor tudi tvrdkami, s katerimi posluje organizacija. Ugotovili smo, da knjige soglašajo ter da je poslovanje v vzornem in pravem r3du. Zato priporočam sprejem vseh predloženih računov. Za vestno poslovanje gre priznanje vsem, ki vodijo to uradno jednotino poslovanje. Zahvaljujem se vsem glavnim odbornikom za složno sodelovanje v zadnjih šestih mesecih. V zadnjih šestih mesecih me je glavni odbor poslal na dve slavnosti naših društev, in sicer v Center City, Pa., in v Delmont, Pa. V obeh prilikah sem bil hvaležno in dobro sprejet od društvenih uradnikov in članov istega društva. Jednoto sem tudi zastopal na zborovanju Ohio Fraternal kongresa v Columbusu, Ohio, o čemur sem vam že poročal v Novi Dobi. / O moji aktivnosti v Novi Dobi ne bom poročal v detajlih, ker to ste opazili sami. Skušal bom isto še v bodočnosti. V minuli kampanji sem skušal po svojih močeh pomagati, kjer je nanesla prilika in kjer sem bil vprašan, da naj pomagam. Udeležil sem se sej federacije naših društev v državi Ohio, katera vrši dobro in bratsko delo. Veseli me, da je bil naš uspeh tako sijajen in plodonospn. Vse to kaže, da imajo člani in članice naše organizacije veliko zaupanje v svojo Jednoto. Vse kaže, da v organizaciji vlada splošno zadovoljstvo in mnenje, da je Jednota dobra in poštena, ker le v tem slučaju jo morejo člani in članice priporočati novim kandidatom. Ako bomo tudi v bodoče vzdržali to razpoloženje med našim članstvom, potem ji je napredek zagotovljen tudi v bodočnosti. Kot član finančnega odbora sem priporočal in glasoval za nakup tistih bondov, ki sem jih smatral za dobre in obrestonosne. S tem zaključujem moje poročilo ter vas pozivam: Le tako naprej, brez strahu in bojazni. Z bratskim pozdravom, Janko N. Rogelj, prvi glavni nadzornik JSKJ. Poročilo prvega gl. nadzornika se vzame na znanje. * # * REPORT OF SECOND SUPREME TRUSTEE To The Honorable Supreme Board of the SSCU: The prescribed duty of making this semi-annual report is | combined frith a feeling of pleasure because of the fact that our Union has again made unique progress during the past six months. A thorough examination and audit has been made of the i books and accounts of the Supreme Secretary, Supreme Treasur- i er and Editor-Manager of “Nova Doba,” and they were found to be accurate in all respects. The Union is continuing its forward march and financial gains are again shown in both adult and juvenile departments. It goes without saying, however, that most outstanding is! the gratifying success in enrollment of new members during the recent Juvenile Convention and Athletic Conference Campaigns. That such gains were made despite the unfavorable economic conditions which still prevail in so many communities is almost unbelievable. We must be justly proud of our loyal workers who made this result possible and especially of those who have been so successful that they will next week attend the Convention and Conference here in Ely as honored delegates of our Union. My duties as a member of the Finance Committee were performed to the best of my ability. Likewise the other business of the Union referred to me received my earnest and prompt attention. I have made a number of contacts with people who I believe will be able to aid us in securing our license in the State of Wisconsin in the near future. On March 28, 1939, 1 attended the Annual Meeting of the Illinois Fraternal Congress and took part in discussions and made recommendations which I felt were for the good of Fraternal Insurance. What I learned there I shall endeavor to make practical use of at the earliest opportunity and will give a more detailed explanation later. Also at the request of our Home Office I attended a meeting of our branch No. 158 in Auburn, Illinois. While unfortunately no immediate major benefits of my visit can be recorded, I feel that some interest has been aroused and am hopeful that a new lodge may be organized in the near future. Recently I had the pleasure of going to Strabane, Pennsylvania, to be present as repi'esentative of the Supreme Board at the victory celebration of our newest English-speaking Lodge No. 236. There I received a very warm, cordial reception and found unusual enthusiasm abounding for our Union, which is in no Ismail part due to the able and sincere efforts of Bro. Stanley Progar with the assistance of his many friends. This new lodge j is especially to be congratulated on enrolling enough new members to be entitled to two delegates to our forthcoming Athletic ! Conference. I join in expressing sincere thanks and hearty appreciation to all who have contributed toward the excellent showing made i since January 1st. Fraternally yours, Frank E. Vranichar, 2nd Supreme Trustee. Report of second supreme trustee accepted. * * * POROČILO TRETJEGA GLAVNEGA NADZORNIKA: | Cenjeni glavni odborniki: Dne 24. julija smo se sešli v The Northern National banki v Duluthu, Minn., vsi glavni nadzorniki z glavnim podpredsednikom in glavnim blagajnikom naše organizacije. Opravili smo predpisano delo, kar so že poročali nekateri glavni odborniki. Dne 25. julija pa smo pričeli s pregledovanjem knjig glavnega tajnika, glavnega blagajnika in urednika-upravnika Nove | Dobe. Poročati moram, da smo našli vse v lepem redu. Tekom i zadnjih šestih mesecev sem gledal, da sem bil točen. Kjer je bila prilika, sem delal in agitiral za Jednoto. Na uspehe v kampanji sem ponosen, ker se je tako dobro završila. člani in članice ljubijo našo organizacijo, zato gre vsem, ki so delali, pravo'prijateljsko in bratsko priznanje. Upam, da boste tudi vnaprej delali za Jednoto. / ' ' . Upam tudi, da naši delegatje mladinske in atletske konvencije ne bodo pozabili naše organizacije. Upam, da bodo ostali lojalni in pridni tudi v bodoče. Le tako naprej. želim, da bi to zasedanje glavnega odbora napravilo dobre | in koristne zaključke, da bodo v korist organizacije in našega članstva. S tem zaključujem moje skromno poročilo ter se zahvaljujem celokupnemu glavnemu odboru za složno delovanje v ko-I rist JSKJ. Z bratskim pozdravom, Matt Anzelc, tretji glavni nadzornik JSKJ. Poročilo 3. gl. nadzornika se vzame na znanje. * * # j REPORT OF FOURTH SUPREME TRUSTEE | To the Supreme Board of the SSCU: In accordance with the provisions of our Constitution and By-! Laws, the board of trustees met at The Northern National Bank i of Duluth, Minn., July 23rd to examine all the valuable papers | kept by our Union in the safety deposit boxes there. Since our | supreme president was unable to be present at the audit, our I vice-president brother Joseph Mantel presided. Two state examiners representing sixteen different states were also present. The valuable papers are kept in the safety deposit boxes in The Northern National Bank being bond certificates, on our examination. We carefully checked and counted every bond, and too, coupons were cut from the bond certificates having interest due in the near future. After completing our examination, the exa ;t number of bond certificates owned by our Union were i placed back in the great safety vaults of The Northern National Bank of Duluth, Minn. Incidentally, the amount of coupons clipped for interest total almost to the amount of forty-seven thou-i sand dollars. Further complying to the provisions of our Constitution and ! By-Laws, the board of trustees along with the supreme vice-j president came to the Home Office for the purpose of examining the books and accounts of the supreme secretary, supreme treas-! ur er and the editor-manager of our official organ—the Nova i Doba. Every book, record and account was carefully examined as to all income and disbursements of our Union in the past six ! months. Hence, I am very glad and proud to state that the state-I ment disposed to the general public as to the condition of our : Union is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. A substantial gain is evident in practically every fund kept j by our Union, which certainly means financial progress. More-! over, I am very proud to .state that materially our Union is making a mighty progress. There never was, I believe, another fraternal organization that obtained as many new members as did ours in the same course of time. This certainly means that our organization is being recognized as the outstanding Unioji for the protection of its certificate holders. As to the correspondence with the Home Office, I answered 1 every letter promptly, and with the greatest of consideration. As a member of the finance committee, I continued to use my very best judgment in the selecting of bonds for the purpose of investing the surplus of our Union. In conclusion, dear members, we must be grateful to each other for the good cooperation which made progress evident. Therefore, I urge that we continue the good spirit, so that before long, we can proudly say, “The South Slavonic Catholic Union is not only the best, but the largest fraternal organization in I America.” Andrew Milavec, Jr., Fourth Supreme Trustee. | Report of fourth supreme trustee accepted. POROČILO PREDSEDNIKA GL. POROTNEGA ODBORA Polletni seji gl. odbora, 1939: 1 Iz The Fraternal Compend-Digest, za leto 1939 je vidno, da v primeru s številom članstva v odraslih oddelkih pri naših ; slovenskih podpornih organizacijah, ima naša Jednota pro-centno največ otrok zavarovanih. To je seveda posledica mladinskih konvencij. Mladinske konvencije ,kot vidno iz poročila v glasilu ta teden, so bolj privlačno sredstvo za pridobivanje novega članstva kot pa atletiške konference. To seveda pride od tega, ker je asesment v mladinskem oddelku zelo majhen. Veselo pa sem bil iznenaden ko sem čital v glasilu, da je za atletiško konferenco kvalificiralo 31 delegatov. To nam živo dokazuje, da se je začela tukaj rojena naša mladina zanimati za svojo Jednoto. To zanimanje pa je seveda v glavnem prinesla povečana športna aktivnost pri nas zadnjih par let, in ne toliko zavarovalnina sama, kar pa nas ne sme motiti, in naj nam služi le kot kazalnik poti, katere se bodemo morali v j bodoče še bolj držati kot v preteklosti. Kar se tiče športa pri nas je sedaj najbolj važno vprašanje to kako kolikor mogoče zainteresirati naše starejše članstvo za šport. Osebno mi je znano in pa tudi potom korespondence, da pri nekaterih naših društvih ne samo da se starejše članstvo ne zanima zadosti za svojo mladino, ampak jim celo povzroča razne ovire, kadar se gre za šport. Naša mladina hoče iger, razvedril, takih, katerim so vajeni kot tukaj rojeni. Za vse tako večkrat izrekajo svoje želje potom društvenih uradnikov ali pa na sejah. Tam pa namesto, da bi bili takoj pripravljeni za kooperacijo, pa argumentirajo, da mladina, namesto da se igra in išče razvedril, bi morala biti zainteresirana v glavnem za delavske probleme in sploh za socijalne probleme v tej deželi. Eden najbolj priljubljenih argumentov je, da so športne igre če ne iznajdba kapitalistov, vsaj podpirane od njih, da na tak način obračajo ljudi od resnih problemov v tej deželi in tako koristijo sebi. Z drugimi' besedami povedano, vse preveliko število našega starejšega članstva pričakuje od naše mladine, da puste svoje mladeniško ve-velje in takoj, ko dovrše šole, postanejo resni možaki. Posledica takega obnašanja je, kar je tudi vam znano, da naše mladine pri vse prevelikem številu naših društev ni videti na sejah. Priznam, da me je privedlo do tega pisanja moje lastno zanimanje in kooperacija pri športu med našo mladino tukaj, vendar pa si upam toplo priporočati in apelirati na vse vas na seji zbrane glavne odbornike naše Jednote, da vsak izmed vas vselej in ob vsaki priliki deluje in pomaga do večje športne aktivnosti pri naši Jednoti, ker znano nam je vsem, da naša mladina absolutno potrebuje našega sodelovanja in pomoči, in v veliki meri je ravno od nas starejših odvisno, da-li bo naša Jednota v bodoče še bolj napredovala potom za našo mladino najbolj efektivne privlačne sile—ATLETIKE. - V upanju, da bodete glavni odborniki v polni meri sodelovali z delegati pri atletiški konferenci in ukrenili dosti dobrega in dalekovidno-koristnega za našo Jednoto, vas vse bratsko pozdravljam. Anton Okolish, predsednik gl. porotnega odbora JSKJ. Poročilo predsednika gl. porotnega odbora se vzame na znanje. * * * REPORT OF THE ATHLETIC COMMISSIONER AND ENGLISH EDITOR To the Supreme Board of the SSCU: This is my report as athletic commissioner and English editor for the first six months of the year 1939. Requests for financial assistance made from they sports fund have been considerable between January 1st and June 30th. Part of the larger number of requests can be traced directly to the activity spurred by the juvenile convention-athletic conference membership drive, which officially terminated on June 30th. This campaign drive encouraged the younger set to enroll their friends and acquaintances—spurred on the "boys and girls to organize athletic teams, and the subsequent need of additional funds to maintain their lodge teams. Recommendations for grants from the sports fund were made to the supreme board committee on athletics on the basis of new enrollments, lodge teams, and the plans to increase the lodge membership. This year the national SSCU duckpin tournament, held in Pittsburgh, and the national SSCU tenpin tournament, held in Cleveland, attracted again a host of SSCU members, their friends and outsiders. In my opinion, both events justified the money appropriated from the sports fund for this purpose. I am also very happy to report that our English-speaking members have shown an unprecetended enthusiasm for our SSCU this year, due to the athletic conference idea embodied with the juvenile convention in this year’s drive for new members. Practical experience gained by the candidates, delegates j and others of the younger set in our Union during the membership campaign just ended has made the younger set in general conscious of their responsibilities to the SSCU; in many instances it has transformed a disinterested member to a staunch booster of our Organization. Letters, articles and news items submitted for publication j in the English section of Nova Doba have reflected the sincere j and profound interest of the younger set in our SSCU. Where in other years this unbridled enthusiasm was confined to the juvenile members ,this year it has spread into the veins of the; entire English-speaking group. As long as the ingenuity of the supreme board will extend to the youthful members of our Union the type of ideas fol-1 lowed in the juvenile conventions and athletic conferences, there need be no fear that the SSCU will decline from its present enviable position because of the failure of the English-speaking members to do their part. I see in the juvenile convention-athletic conference idea the beginning of genuine action by the younger set to fill the niche in the SSCU carved by the admiring senior members. Louis M. Kolar, Athletic Commissioner and English Editor. Report of athletic commissioner and English editor ac- i cepted. | (Continued on pafle 3) 1 ‘ Razsodbe gl Por() nega odbora JSl 207-335. . J Priziv sobrata Ante vich-a, člana društva Vi j 207, McIntyre, Pennsy j ker mu je bila odklonjen8 va za bolniško p°dp°r°> sevalnemu odseku nase e od dne 11. marca, 1939 P® • 18. marca, 1939. Zahtev3 bila odklonjena zato, er lo vidno iz poročila nje^ zdravnika od dne 1 ■ , 1939, da je bil prizivni ^ krat zmožen opravlJa Prizivnik je poslal gl.P J mu odboru sicer doda ® j čilo njegovega zdravr11 jj istemu pa ni povedano, ^ lo poročilo od dne • ^ 1939 nepravilno. Glavm ni odbor je razsodil, a^ nik ni upravičen do za ^ bolniške podpore in da Je^ valni odsek naše Jedno ^ pravilno oz. v smislu ^ še Jednote ,točke 323-e > ; je odklonil zahtevo. ^ Anton Okolish, Frank Mikec, Rose Sve j;j lentin Orehek, porotni 50-330. d Nov'0, Pritožba Georga ^ člana društva sv. Pe j Brooklyn, New Yowj predsedniku in blagaJ” •jjj ga društva. V pritož 1 da je bil on na društven • . . Jylfi ^ posebno pa na seji ° p? ca 1939, oralno napa e , toženih. Trdi tudi, da nl^(; njena vršila svojih lir8.v g vilno na več društven1 ^ Pritožnik trdi nadalje j sklepi na društvenih s pravomočni in jih ne fcf za veljavne. Iz Pre* igl je naredil glavni P°r° je vidno, da je nesp°rg . pritožnikom na eni str^JM obtoženimi in društvo 3 gi strani nastal potenc J društvo obveščeno P° ^ American Slovenian |j um Inc., da je Pr*^a ^ niral od svojega rneS.j)i| i stopnik društva, na bora, meseca marca ■ j štvo je bilo tam zaS.j(j)i. svojih treh zastopa A omenjeni tajnik je ® #)| ; svojem poročilu drus_ J izvolijo drugega zas ^ mesto pritožnika. $ na svoji seji dne 20. ^ sklenilo, da naj ^1 : zanaprej zastopa«0 j jt< ! dveh zastopnikih, i11 drugega. Pritožnik ^ij bil podal svojo reSl^j ^ ne prizna veljavn0" ^ društvene seje od dpe jji 1939. Pritožnik sicerj.^j) je bil pozvan, da 1 •/ času in kraju kot P\ ^ no. Prizna tudi, da Je J ni priliki odšel iz prostora, trdi pa. ral za samo dotičn1 iskava je tudi dogna j^i tožnik skušal delati ) kaj oče se prej oniell^.0 poracije, na svojo 1 ^ vatno, neglede na ^ istočasno še zastop11 p Pritožnik tucli to Pj’12^ pa, da je bilo vse nje®^ nje le za v korist drllS^ ni porotni odbor je se prizivniku ni zg° krivica, ne od strani 0 istotako ne od stran1 .(( društva. Da-li obtože11^1 nista vršila svojih uf®' t nosti na sejah pi*avl $ predloženih zadostn1 f in pritožnik sam Prl je bilo nemogoče do ^ t* pomočjo katerih kazal resničnost sV?j 0r1^ pred gl. porotnim °1 $ Anton Okolish, J° Frank Mikec, Rose J1 lentin Orehek, porot” J ^ VELIK PRO^l V Zedinjenih drž®'gj)t Ija železniški promet ^ liških vlakov. V tej v^. sačne en vlak voziti a ■ •lak ustavi na vs&^gBj cund. L C« \ <11 k S \ *e| h in# i»r.j Vi' l&: o fi (Continued from page 2) Hon mORT ?f campaign publicity director South c,e1m^ers °f the Supreme Board Elv Mr- avon*c Catholic Union of Am ^•Minnesota Clemen: been^n°^er ^^y-making membership campaign has just suits °i1 our colorful convention will open, and ■ t distinct' n° C*Ues^on but that everyone who has gained the fine A comes when qualifying as delegate, is eagerly U arealM°r> train time‘ ^ooks like Little Stan will have to get 0urag'C.^ar^e^ cover all the territory. ! Co,1»t of or&an, Nova Doba, has carried complete ac- !ki ^uPrem « ^rogress °f our delegates and the campaign. Our H ^Hager retary> Bro. Anton Zbasnik, who was campaign « Serial' W&S rny biggest news source. His information and ^ Weekly press conferences aided me very much in * »e enthusiastic reports. 1 %ee however, that not much work was done the first ' f they had i camPa^n- It appeared that candidates felt j r,l ^ off time, and were more or less “putting the 80on> and tomorrow.” — Of course tomorrow comes too 1 camp ?°me^mes too late. However, the last few months of ,j “ft the m a‘gn’ ^ seemed that the convention spirit was instilled K' first ,aJ0rity °f candidates,'and the results were better than icfc "Predicted. 1 ' 1#0*e Pu v,S ^ Per^aPs a three-month campaign would carry ^ore and results would undoubtedly be immediate and yavorable. ,vf fesPondelne camPaign, I have enjoyed a fine personal cor- l* ^^siast^6 candidates- a^d found them all to be very J h * ^ors received wonderful cooperation in my work from the I jiav 0ur or£anization, and from our supreme officers. I 6n^oyed the work very much, and can’t say enough !?• ^orlf y aPPreciation for giving me the opportunity to do the n P j?Qr hJ Bigger and Better SSCU, I remain jo« aternally( ^ i Retjo Stanley Pechaver, campaign publicity director, campaign publicity director accepted. :fc * ^ Drllga DRUGA SEJA e'.J ^teln^. Se,*.a po glavnemu podpredsedniku Josephu 111 < ^Dikov Vk°rjena dne Ju^Ja °b 9. juri zjutraj. Poleg glavnih V?0^ tudi ’ j! S0 navzoči na prvi seji, je bil za drugo sejo na- % seje , vn* zdravnik dr. Arch. Zapisnikar prečita zapisnik Glavni^ zborovanja> Hi se sprejme kot čitan. ri0„, tajnik naznani, da je dobil po pošti poročilo glavne- Sednika. Sledi {itanje istega. «va» . 0CIL0 GLAVNEGA PREDSEDNIKA Del^*/11^ gtavni odborniki: Prisilile 6 ^6r ek°nomske razmere, katere vladajo v deželi, 3;"l te/* SG je.nemogoče udeležiti to pot glavne pollet ^ Vršij-° fnem mladinske in atletične konvencije, kateri se ili se^en 1 ?a^etkom avgusta. V trgovini, kjer sem sedaj zopet re>^ fe*1 v tenf11 v. letnih mesecih ne dovolijo dopusta, radi tega u,^ v n >Smislu Pisal glavnemu tajniku, da naj moje mesto piii* ^.tu P°dpredsednik sobrat Mantel, kateri itak živi ko 8v1i ni.ojyU’ ^er naJ to pot prevzame posle, katere ima vršiti i3j» frepričSednik v tem slučaju. Jf1 Sem> da je vsemu našemu članstvu znano, da 8v s.edniH naše Jednote ne živi od organizacije, pač pa i ji* ^ je 0j°j. ^ruh služiti po tovarnah, ali kjer si že bodi, radi ■p,' da !sen dela ter vsakdanjega zaslužka. Radi tega ^ (j^11 članstvo oprostilo mojo odsotnost, ako še pri- i $ ^'^bii Sem po velikih bojih ter po osemmesečni brezposel-moJe stalno.delo. Vsak delavec (in delavci smo ri^ ti04v* ^edn-oti) ve, posebno v današnjih časih, kaj se li0S!’^sv • do*:)ro dei°> posebno ako izgubiš delo radi aktiv^ 0 tij 0 Sei^ °1 ^ud* g^vnega urada dobil vso kooperacijo, za Sj-V?ra®ai- Zelo sem vesel dejstva, da je naša kampa-;,y djj z usPeia ter da bo ta krasen uspeh te kampanje fit n z mia^insi<;0 ter atletično konvencijo v prvih ,v*! ',1.4tliaterJveef' avgusta. V duhu sem z vami ves čas vašega za-v.Mo Zelim iz dna mojega srca, da bi to zasedanje prineslo j, $ e^terii[° 0rganizacijo plemenite iskrenosti, katere še vedno / tij.^liju sIučajih tako silno pogrešamo, jf^ d0geda ,na®a Jednota še nadalje uživa tisti ugled ter pres-v<* aj> da ne bo naš trud ter delo zastonj, katerega baš Ii/ \\^y tein Ojy,; , o,f ?e| poleg *. u vas vse skupaj iskreno pozdravljam ter vam frr O'llin rudaPolnega dela želim tudi prijetne zabave tam v ^ijo eso^i ter srečen povratek domov, z novo ter še večjo A VeČjo JSKJ. ji ^ ^Ocil Bartel, glavni predsednik. 1,1"1 of SSCD ki ^Hd Hiy 1 has J°thers: cj ^°^ice a een a pleasant duty to again perform the duties of (I r S Prescribed in our by-laws. I must say that the co- fjl 5Pir' e3cPectCe*Ve(^ ^rom t^e loca.1 lodge officers was almost more y f i° the past all decisions were made in the e j, ln conformation with the by-laws now in force. | *tiber of applications for maternity benefits in the Zapisnik polletnega zborovanja glavnega odbora JSKJ America so past six months was one hundred fourteen (114). The number of claims for operation and indemnity benefits was one hundred forty (140). The number of claims for sick and disability benefits was two thousand three hundred eight-seven (2387). The nnmber of new applications for membership was in the neighborhood of five hundred and fifty. I say in the neighborhood of five hundred and fifty because the routine transfer from the juvenile to the adult department are not examined by me. I do not, therefore, have the number of total new adult members admitted or considered during the past six months. The claims for benefits, when considered and compared with those of the same period a year ago are practically the same. The membership as a whole is to be congratulated on the general health of the Union. It is my sincere desire that we continue along the same path as heretofore. The past six months have been active on the part of the entire Supreme Board with reference to the visitation of various lodges. Our Supreme Secretary wrote me a letter to visit the meetings of the following lodges, namely 175, Verona, Pa., and 12 Pittsburgh, Pa., on Sunday, April 9th, 1939. These meetings I attended and reported the result of my visit to the home office. On Sunday, April 16, I was directed to visit lodges 99 at Moon Run, Pa., and lodge 29 at Imperial, Pa. The results of these visits were also reported to the home office. I was also asked to contact the officers of local lodges 182 and 196. The results of my contacts with these lodges was also reported to the home office. Our Supreme President directed me to attend the convention of the Insurance Federation of Pennsylvania, Inc., which was held at the William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh the week of May 15, 1939. I attended this convention as well as all the meetings of our Federation of Lodges of the SSCU in Western Pennsylvania. I have also attended various annual celebrations of our local lodges in our area. ' At the request of our Supreme Secretary I had a conference with the legal advisor of the Pennsylvania Workman’s Compensation Board. The result of this conference was reported to the home office. Also at the request of our Supreme Secretary I contacted a member of the Alleghany County Assistance Board, a branch of the Pennsylvania Assistance Board. This was with reference to the amount of insurance carried by members of ours who may be on relief. The result of this contact was also reported to the home office. In closing I wish to thank the members of the Supreme Board, the members of the Supreme Judiciary as well as all local officers for their cooperation in my work during the past six months. It is my earnest wish and desire that we continue in the future as in the past, that is, for the growth and progress of our South Slavonic Catholic Union. Respectfully submitted, F. J. Arch, supreme medical examiner Report of supreme medical examiner accepted. 5>C * Jji S tem so bila prečitana in na znanje vzeta vsa poročila glavnih uradnikov in pridejo na vrsto razne zadeve, ki jih ima za predložiti v rešitev glavni tajnik. Kot prva taka zadeva je predložena resignacija sosestre Mary Kolenc, ki je bila osem let kot dobra in zanesljiva pomočnica zaposlena v glavnem uradu. Resignira zato, ker se bo poročila. Glavni urad bo vsled tega seveda potreboval novo pisarniško moč, in glavni tajnik priporoča v to svrho Miss Margaret Mlakar, članico društva št. 1, ki je po njegovem mnenju sposobna za tako delo. Vrstni red pomožnega osobja v glavnem uradu bo nekoliko izpremenjen in plače regulirane; vsekakor skupne plače pomožnega osobja ne bodo znašale nič več kot dosedaj. Frank Lunka, član društva št. 1, je prestal operacijo, za kakršno pravila ne predvidevajo operacijske odškodnine, in prosi za nekaj pomoči na podlagi točke 307. Se mu odobri $25.00 izredne podpore. Mary Klopčič, članica društva št. 3, prosi za kako izredno podporo. Pred meseci si je zlomila nogo. Je še vedno bolna, toda ni zavarovana v bolniškem skladu, iz onemoglostnega sklada pa si ji tudi ne more nakazati redne podpore, ker bolezen še ne traja eno leto. Se ji odobri $25.00 izredne podpore iz onemoglostnega sklada. Glavni tajnik poroča o nekem društvu naše Jednote, ki odklanja prospektivne nove člane, ki niso katoličani. Tako postopanje seveda ni v skladu z našimi pravili, ki določajo, da za-more postati član naše organizacije vsaka značajna oseba kav-kaškega plemena, ki zadosti zahtevam glede zdravja in starosti; verska, narodnostna ali politična pripadnost ne igra nikake vloge. V Minnesoti bivajočim glavnim uradnikom se naroči, kakšne korake naj store v tem oziru. Društvo št. 6 priporoča, da naj bi se nakazalo nekaj izredne podpore mladinski članici Frances Gradišek, ki je morala prestati dve operaciji. Omenjeni želji se ne more ustreči, ker mladinski sklad nima nikakega fonda, iz katerega bi se pokrivali taki izdatki. Louise Brodarič, članica društva 11, ki je zavarovana samo za smrtnino, bi se želela zavarovati tudi za bolniško podporo. Omenjena članica je že pred leti izčrpala vso onemoglostno podporo, kar kaže, da ji njeno zdravstveno stanje onemogoča zavarovanje za bolniško podporo. Ludvik Mrhar, član društva št. 15, je prestal več operacij, za kakršne v naših pravilih niso določene operacijske odškodnine. Se mu na podlagi točke 307 nakaže $15.00 izredne podpore. Frank Mehle, član društva št. 15, je tudi prestal neko operacijo, za katero se mu v smislu pravil ne more plačati redne operacijske odškodnine. Nakaže se mu $15.00 izredne podpore. Jernej Selan, član društva št. 16, želi dobiti nekaj odškodnine za operacijo na bezgavkah. V smislu pravil se mu ne more ničesar nakazati, niti na podlagi točke 307. Joseph J. Laurich, član društva št. 25 in delegat letošnje atletične konference, je zaposlen pri CCC ter morda ne bo mogel dobiti dopusta, da bi se udeležil atletične konference, in vprašuje glavni odbor, če bi mogel mesto njega priti na konferenco njegov brat. Sklenjeno, da se prizna brata za polnomoč-nega delegata, če bi originalni kandidat in delegat ne mogel priti na konferenco. Antonia Nemgar, članica društva št. 25, je prestala operacijo, za kakršno se v smislu pravil ne more zahtevati odškodnine. Se ji nakaže $25.00 izredne podpore. Anton Koren, član društva št. 27, se je pritožil zaradi odklonjene mu odškodnine za operacijo. Zadeva ni dovolj jasna in se izroči vrhovnem zdravniku v svrho nadaljne preiskave. Frank Augustin, član društva št. 29, se je pritožil, da je prejel prenizko odškodnino za operacijo na dvojni kili. Na pod- lagi predloženih podatkov se sklene, da se mu nakaže še $35.00, s čimer bo operacijska odškodnina plačana v polnem. Za Johna Kromarja, člana društva št. 37, ki je 64 let star in je svojo rezervo že izčrpal, se nakaže asesment za šest mesecev iz onemoglostnega sklada. Louis Paskvan, član društva št. 39, zahteva odškodnino za otrpnjeno nogo pod kolenom, na podlagi točke 299, odstavek d. Po pregledu listin in po pojasnilih vrhovnega zdravnika je bilo sklenjeno, da omenjeni Paskvan ni upravičen do zahtevane odškodnine. John Klobučar in Mihael Praznik, oba člana društva št. 40, sta morala prestati neke operacije, za kakršne v pravilih ni predvidenih operacijskih odškodnin. Se nakaže po $15.00 izredne podpore vsakemu. Tajnik društva št. 43 se obrača na glavni odbor z vprašanjem, da-li bi bilo proti pravilom ali ne, če se iz društvene blagajne prispeva v neko gotovo svrho. Glavni odbor je mnenja, da se kolektanju v označeno svrho prav lahko od ene ali druge strani obesi znak verskega ali političnega značaja, kar lahko pri društvu zaneti prepir in morda celo pritožbe na razne instance. Ako se pri naših društvih kolekta v razne svrhe, glede katerih obstaja možnost, da imajo politično ali versko ozadje, je najbolj varno, da se v take svrhe ne prispeva ničesar iz društvenih blagajn, ampak se zadeva odloži za po seji, ko lahko prijatelji dotične svrhe kolekta jo med sočlani prostovoljne prispevke. Na ta način ne bo nihče indirektno prisiljen prispevati za nekaj, kar ni po njegovem okusu. Na priporočilo glavnega tajnika je bilo nato sklenjeno, da iz vzroka, ker je glavni predsednik odsoten, podpiše vse čeke, ki bodo izdani tekom polletne seje ter mladinske konvencije in atletične konference in ki zahtevajo predsednikov podpis, navzoči prvi glavni podpredsednik Joseph Mantel. Zaključek druge seje ob 12. uri opoldne. TRETJA SEJA Tretja seja zborovanja je bila po prvemu glavnemu podpredsedniku otvorjena dne 31. julija ob pol dveh popoldne. Navzoči so vsi tisti glavni odborniki kot na drugi seji. Nadaljuje se z reševanjem zadev, ki jih ima za predložiti glavni tajnik. Društvo št. 50 v Brooklynu, N. Y., bo 26. novembra letos obhajalo svojo 30-letnico. Za slavnostnega govornika za tisto priliko želi glavnega tajnika, obenem pa se priporoča za oglas za programno knjižico, ki bo izdana ob tisti priliki. Zaključeno, da se vzame oglas v velikosti ene strani za $10.00, Jednoto pa naj na omenjeni prireditvi zastopa v Brooklynu bivajoči glavni porotnik Valentin Orehek. Ludviku Mayerju, članu društva št. 58, je bila po vrhovnemu zdravniku odklonjena operacijska podpora. Po predloženih boljših podatkih in po pojasnilu vrhovnega 'zdravnika, je bilo sklenjeno, da se sobratu Mayerju zadržana operacijska odškodnina v znesku $50.00 izplača. Društvo št. 87 v St. Louisu, Mo., bo 29. oktobra obhajalo svojo 30-letnico in želi za tisto priliko kakšnega glavnega odbornika kot govornika. Sklenjeno, da Jednoto na omenjeni prireditvi zastopa glavni predsednik Paul Bartel iz Waukegana, 111.; v primeru pa, da bi bil on zadržan, ga nadomesti Frank E. Vranichar iz Jolieta, 111. Mary Maček, članica društva št. 99, je prestala operacijo, za kakršno se po pravilih ne plača redne operacijske odškodnine. Nakaže se ji $25.00 izredne podpore. Edvard Ambrožič, član društva št. 105, ki je bolan že od maja 1935 ter je izčrpal vse podpore, prosi za kako izredno pomoč. Sklenjeno, da se mu plača asesment za šest mesecev iz onemoglostnega sklada. Ignac Novljan, član društva št. 110, se pritožuje, ker mu je bila odklonjena bolniška podpora, ko se je po presledku gotove dobe spet javil bolnega. Dokazano je iz poročil zdravnikov, da boluje za isto bolezen, za katero je bolniško podporo že izčrpal, in je, v smislu tolmačenja glavnega odbora, zdaj deležen samo podpore iz onemoglostnega sklada. Tony Stražišar, član društva št. 112, je prestopil iz mladinskega v odrasli oddelek in se je moral podvreči operaciji prej kot je bil v smislu pravil upravičen do redne operacijske odškodnine. Prosi za kakšno izredno podporo. Se mu nakaže $15.00. Društvo št. 133 priporoča, da bi se nakazalo nekaj izredne podpore članici Margaret šuklje, ki da je že dolgo bolehna, toda še ni prejela nikake bolniške podpore. Prošnji za izredno podporo se ne more ugoditi, toda, če je omenjena članica res bolna, naj se pravilno javi bolno, pa bo deležna redne bolniške podpore. Tajnica društva-št. 137 se pritožuje zaradi odklonjene porodne nagrade članici Frances Jevnikar. Porodna nagrada je bila odklonjena na podlagi točke 526 in glavni odbor potrdi postopanje glavnega urada. Zadeva operacije Dorothy Kochevar, članice društva št. 184, se odda glavnemu tajniku v svrho nadaljne preiskave. Jennie Gorman, članica društva št. 186, je prestala operacijo, za kakršno se v smislu pravil ne plača redne operacijske odškodnine. Se ji nakaže $25.00 izredne podpore. Anna Gornick, mladinska članica društva št. 190, je kvalificirala za delegatinjo letošnje mladinske konvencije, toda je takoj po zaključeni šoli dobila službo v nekem uradu in se vsled tega konvencije ne bo mogla udeležiti. Z ozirom na ta slučaj je sklenjeno, da se Anni Gornick pošlje v dar ženska zapestna ura. Mary Skalar, članica društva št. 200, je prestala operacijo, za katero se po pravilih ne more zahtevati operacijske odškodnine. Se ji nakaže $25.00 izredne podpore. Tajnik federacije društev JSKJ v državi Ohio vprašuje, dali ne bi mogel glavni odbor nekaj ukreniti z ozirom na takojšno plačevanje izrednega asesmenta v onemoglostni sklad od strani novo pristoplih članov. Glavni odbor smatra za umestno, da se tovrstne izpremembe prepustijo konvenciji, ki se bo itak vršila že prihodnje leto. Tajnik ohijske federacije dalje vprašuje po danem mu navodilu, če ne bi tudi glavni odbor JSKJ mogel kdaj izpustiti kak smrtninski asesment na leto, kakor to delajo nekatere druge sorodne organizacije. Z ozirom na to vprašanje je mnenje glavnega odbora, da v smislu konvenčnih sklepov nima takih pravic. Toda, četudi bi imel tako pravico, bi se je v teh časih ne po-služil. Danes nam prinašajo naše investicije nizke obresti in ni videti, da bi se obrestna mera raznih investicij dvignila. Pri taki nizki ali še nekoliko znižani obrestni meri pa lahko v nekaj letih porabimo vso rezervo in lahko bi se zgodilo, da bi morali razpisati celo izredne asesmente v smrtninski sklad. Ako se nekatere druge organizacije poslužujejo take reklame, je to popolnoma njihova zadeva. Zadeva našega glavnega odbora pa je, da drži solventnost naše Jednote kar mogoče visoko, da ne bo (Dalje na 4. strani) DOPISI Trinidad, Colo. — V tem okrožju smo pred nedavnim izgubili dva dobra člana J. S. K. Jednote. Prvi je nevarno obolel sobrat Frank Krivec, član društva št. 84 JSKJ v Trinidad u, Colo. Po nasvetu njegove soproge in članov društva se je podal v bolnišnico v Pueblo, Colo. Tam je bil okrog 30 dni, nakar je bolezni podlegel dne 31. julija. Njegovo truplo je bilo prepeljano v Trinidad, kjer se je vršil pogreb dne 3. avgusta. Pogreba so se po možnosti udeležili člani društva št; 84 in drugih društev JSKJ v tej okolici, isto-tako tudi člani linijskega lokala U. M. W. of A. iz Morleya, Colo., h kateremu je pokojnik spadal. ; Pokojni sobrat Krivec je bil Idoma iz Trnja pri št. Petru na j Notranjskem in je bival v Ameriki okrog 35 let. Tu zapušča 'žalujočo soprogo in, če se ne motim, šest .otrok. Naj mu bo lahka ameriška gruda, žalujočim ostalim pa bodi izraženo sožalje. Drugi, katerega je skoro istočasno pobrala neizprosna smrt, je bil sobrat Ilija Salapich, član in predsednik nadzornega odbora društva Sloga, št. 233 JSKJ v Ludlowu, Colo. že par i dni predno se je podal v bolniš-mico se je počutil nekako slabega, vendar je mislil, da bo ta neugodnost minila brez resnih posledic. četrti dan pa je povedal očetu, na katerega farmi je de-| lal da ne more več opravljati običajnega dela, nakar so ga takoj odpeljali k zdravniku v Trinidad, Colo. Zdravnik je ugotovil, da ima akutno vnetje slepiča, nakar je bil takoj odprem-ljen v bolnišnico, da ga pripravijo za operacijo. Zdravnik je očetu povedal, da bo operacija težka in nevarna in da ni dosti upanja, da bi jo uspešno prestal. In tako je tudi bilo. Deset dni Je v. bolnišnici boril s smrtjo in 81. julija je za vedno zatisnil oči. Pogreb se je Vršil po cerkvenih obredih dne 4. avgusta. Društva Sloga, št. 233 JSKJ, katerega član in uradnik je bil pokojnik od ustanovitve istega, mu je priredilo lep pogrebni sprevod. Pogreba so se udeležili tudi člani linijskega lokala U. M. W. of A. iz Delague, Colo., h kateremu je pokojnik spadal. Pokojnik je bil rojen v naselbini Delagua, Colo., in je bil ob času smrti šele 22 let star. Mater je izgubil pred petimi leti. Kot dober sin je pomagal očetu pri vzgoji nedorasle družine. Pokojnik zapušča žalujočega očeta, pet bratov in eno sestro ter več drugih sorodnikov po Zedinjenih državah. V imenu društva Sloga, št. 233 JSKJ, se iskreno zahvaljujem bratskemu dimštvu št. 84 JSKJ v Trinidadu, Colo., ki nam je za pogrebni sprevod posodilo svojo zastavo in nam tudi drugače prav bratsko šlo na roke. Zahvalim se tudi članom drugih društev JSKJ in vsem ostalim rojakom in prijateljem, ki so se udeležili pogreba. Naj bQ pokojniku lahka rodna ameriška gruda in naj mu bo ohranjen blag spomin, žalujočim ostalim pa bodi izraženo iskreno sožalje! Za društvo Sloga, št. 233 JSKJ: John Lipec, zapisnikar. Center, Pa. — Tem potom hočem nekoliko poročati o pikniku, ki sta ga skupno priredili tukajšnji društvi JSKJ dne 4. julija v Center Beachu. Piknik je še dosti povoljno izpadel, vreme je bilo lepo in udeležba precej velika. Izmed glavnih odbornikov so bili navzoči: Paul Oblock, prvi glavni podpredsednik; dr. F. J. Arch, vrhovni zdravnik; Frank E. Vranichar, drugi glavni nadzornik iz Jolieta, in Frank Mikec, glavni porotnik iz Strabane, Pa, Navzoč je bil tudi sobrat Joseph Sneler iz Pittsburgha, predsednik pennsylvanske fedracije društev JSKJ. V imenu društev, ki sta piknik priredili, se na tem (Dalje na 4. Etranl) idejo narodnega muzeja za dobro in pooblasti glavnega tajnika, I da za istega lahko pošlje primerne predmete, ki jih Jednota brez škode pogreša. Enako pooblastilo velja za urednika-upravnika Nove Dobe. Za glavni urad se sklene nabaviti “photostat,” katerega praktično porabo je zastopnik pristojne družbe prej demonstriral. Glavni tajnik obširno pojasnjuje potrebo vpeljave novega sistema knjigovodstva, ki bo bolj praktično in pregledno ter v teku časa tudi ceneje. K posvetu je povabljen tudi v uradu se mudeči državni preglednik poslovanja, ki se izrazi, da je sedanji sistem zanj popolnoma zadovoljiv, toda ncJvi sistem bi bil še bolj praktičen. Po daljši razpravi je sklenjeno, da je glavni tajnik pooblaščen vpeljati novi sistem knjigovodstva, ko bo imel priliko. Zaključek četrte seje ob 12. uri opoldne. PETA SEJA Prvi glavni podpredsednik otvori peto sejo polletnega zborovanja dne 1. avgusta 1939 ob pol dveh popoldne. Navzoči so vsi tisti glavni odborniki kot na prejšnji seji. Glavni tajnik prečita pismo od Mr. Zvonko Novaka, ki se bavi s sestavljanjem novega angleško-slovenskega in slovensko-angleškega besednjaka, in želi, da bi glavni odbor izrazil svoje mnenje na podlagi poslanega odlomka. Sklenjeno, da se po pregledu poslanih kopij želji Mr. Novaka ugodi. Sobrata Janko N. Rogelj in Frank E. Vranichar sta pooblaščena, da sestavita za mladinsko konvencijo potrebne resolucije. Kampanjskemu direktorju Stanleyu Pechaverju se dovoli enaka odškodnina za mesec julij kot za junij. Dalje se Stanleyu Pechaverju naroči, da dne 3. avgusta sprejme mladinsko delegacijo v Duluthu. Sledi obširna razprava ,tikajoča se mladinske konvencije in atletične konference in mnogih s tem zvezanih podrobnosti. S tem in z nekaterimi drugimi informativnimi razgovori o Jednoti ter njenih sodobnih in bodočnih aktivnostih v splošnem se je nadaljevalo do zaključka seje ob peti uri popoldne.'Glavni odborniki so povabljeni h kratki seji za drugi dan ob enajsti uri dopoldne, da se prečitata zapisnika četrte in pete seje in da se lahko reši še kaka morebitna pozabljena azdeva. ŠESTA SEJA Zaključna seja polletnega zasedanja je po prvem glavnem podpredsedniku otvorjena 2. avgusta ob 11. uri dopoldne. Navzoči so vsi tisti glavni odborniki kot so bili na peti seji. Prečitana sta zaporedno zapisnik četrte in pete seje ter sta sprejeta kot čitana. Glavni tajnik prečita pravkar prejeto pismo od sobrata Antona Okolisha, predsednika gl. porotnega odbora, vsebujoče razna priporočila, tikajoča se atletičnih aktivnosti pri Jednoti. Priporočila se vzamejo na znanje. — Nato se prečita zapisnik šeste seje in sprejme. S tem je bil dnevni red šeste seje izčrpan in prvi glavni podpredsednik zaključi sejo in polletno zborovanje ob 12.10 popoldne. JOSEPH MANTEL, ANTON J. TERBOVEC, prvi gl. podpredsednik. zapisnikar. VSAK PO SVOJE (Nadaljevanje s 1. strani) .n", i..-J... .'-'...■m.neg* "NOVA DOBA" GLASILO JUGOSLOVANSKE KATOLIŠKE JEDNOTE Lastnina Jugoslovanske Katoliške Jednote " IZHAJA VSAKO SREDO ~ Cene oglasov po dogovoru Naročnina za člane 72c letno; za nečlana $1.50; za inozemstvo $2 OFFICIAL ORGAN of the SOUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION, Inc., Ely, Minn. Owned and Published by the South Slavonic Catholic Union, Inc. ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY Subscription for members $.12 per year; nonmemberš $1.5U Advertising rates on agreement Naslov za vse, kar se tiče lista: NOVA DOBA 6233 St. Clair Aye. Cleveland, O. VOL. XV. : NO. 32. Iz urada glavnega tajnika VAŽNA NAZNANILO DRUŠTVENIM TAJNIKOM Ta teden smo razposlali na društvene tajnike in tajnice tabele asesmenlov in neizgubljivih vrednosti certifikatov načrtov “D,” “E,” in “F” s kratkim pojasnilom. Vsakemu društvu smo poslali po tri iztise in vsaki pošiljatvi smo priložili tudi en izlis tabele za načrte “AA,” “11,” in “C.” Ako kako društvo teh knjižic ne bi sprejelo, naj izvoli sporočiti glavnemu uradu. Z bratskim pozdravom, ANTON ZBAŠNIK, glavni tajnik. Zapisnik polletnega zborovanja glavnega odbora JSKJ Nadaljevanje s 3. str. treba izrednih asesmentov, če bi visoka umrljivost, poslabšane obrestne mere od investicij ali pa druge izredne zadeve nenadoma začele črpati našo rezervo, časi so preveč nestalni, da bi bili preveč lahkomiselni glede naših smrtninskih rezerv. Tajnik federacije društev JSKJ v zapadni Pennsylvaniji priporoča, da bi glavni odbor na svoji polletni seji nakazal penn-sylvanski federaciji kako denarno podporo, iz katere bi potem federacija nagradila tiste tajnike posameznih društev svojega področja, ki so se izkazali najbolj aktivne tekom letošnje kampanje v pridobivanju novih članov. Priporočilo se ne more upoštevati, ker nimamo nikakega fonda, iz katerega bi jemali denar za take svrhe. Ako pa bi imeli na razpolago denar za take svrhe, bi se take nagrade agilnim društvenim tajnikom lahko nakazale kar direktno iz glavnega urada, brez posredovanja federacij. O agilnosti posameznih društev in društvenih tajnikov je na podlagi doseženih uspehov pač glavni urad najbolj poučen. Tajnik coloradske federacije vprašuje, če ne bi mogel glavni odbor nakazati kake odškodnine društvenim tajnikom za izredno delo, ki ga imajo s članstvom mladinskega oddelka. Kakor že večkrat prej, more glavni odbor tudi sedaj odgovoriti, da za enkrat ni odkod vzeti denarja v take svrhe. Morda prihodnja konvencija ustanovi kak poseben fond za take ali slične svrhe. Glavni tajnik nato poroča o nekaterih bondih, glede katerih naj bi seja glavnega odbora napravila kakšne zaključke. Po vsestranskem debatiranju o vseh posameznih skupinah bondov je bilo sklenjeno sledeče: Glavni blagajnik in glavni tajnik sta pooblaščena, da prodata bonde" St. Lucie County, Florida, v znesku $2,500.00; dalje sta pooblaščena, da prodata bonde nizkih izdaj State of Arkansas, Road District Refunding Series B, katerih je nekaj za nad pet tisoč dolarjev. Glede bondov Parish of Richland, Louisiana, School District No. 18, katerih je za $10,000, sta glavni blagajnik in glavni tajnik pooblaščena, da jih zamenjata za bonde nove izdaje, ki se bodo obrestovali po 4%. Za nove bonde bo jamčil ves okraj, ne pa samo šolski distrikt kot sedaj za stare. Glede bondov Pasco countya v Floridi, katerih je za $5,000, sta pooblaščena glavni tajnik in gl. blagajnik, da pristaneta v znižanje obrestne mere na 4%, ako večina drugih lastnikov bondov pristane v tako znižanje. Zadeva Marion, 111., bondov za vsoto $16,000.00 se poveri osebni preiskavi sobrata Franka E. Vranicharja. Na podlagi podatkov njegove preiskave naj potem glavni tajnik, glavni blagajnik in omenjeni nadzornik Vranichar ukrenejo, kar se jim bo v situaciji zdelo za Jednoto najboljše. Zaključek 3. seje ob 5.30 zvečer. ČETRTA SEJA Prvi glavni podpredsednik Joseph Mantel otvori četrto sejo polletnega zasedanja dne 1. avgusta 1939 ob 9. uri zjutraj. Navzoči so vsi tisti glavni odborniki kot so bili na tretji seji. Zapisnikar prečita zapisnik druge seje in nato še zapisnik tretje seje. Oba zapisnika sta sprejeta in potrjena kot čitana. Slovenic Publishing Co., v New Yorku se priporoča za običajni jednotin oglas v koledarju za leto 1940, ki ga izda omenjena tiskovna družba. Se sklene naročiti eno stran oglasa. Pismo s ponudbo oglasa v Ameriškem družinskem koledarju se vzame na znanje. ' Prečita se pismo od Foreign Language Information Service, katera ustanova vrši zelo važno delo v korist priseljencev različnih narodnosti in ki se vzdržuje s privatnimi prispevki. Vsi naši kot drugojezični listi dobivajo od te ustanove informativne članke, ki so mnogokrat velikega pomena za priseljence. Kot malo odškodnino za to se ustanovi nakaže $25.00. Glavni tajnik prečita pismo od Catholic Knights of St. George, ki ima glavni stan v Pittsburghu, Pa. Omenjena bratska podporna organizacija je tekom zadnjih let zasledovala razveseljivo rast naše Jednote in bi želela pobližje poznati naš sistem in metode naših mladinskih kampanj. Glavnemu tajniku se dovoli, da omenjeni organizaciji pošlje zaželjene informacije. Prečita se pismo prosvetnega odseka direktorija Slovenskega Narodnega Doma v Clevelandu, Ohio, ki namerava organizirati “narodni muzej,” ter se priporoča za kakšne slike, pravila, letnike glasila in slične predmete, ki bi na en ali drugi način kazali našo slovensko zgodovino v Ameriki. Glavni odbor smatra * julija pri delu v rovu ubit Louis Grantz, star 47 let, član in tajnik društva št. 171 JSKJ. Pokojnik je bil rojen v vasi Hrastje na Dolenjskem in je prišel v j Ameriko leta 1912. Tu zapušča ] soprogo, sina, dve hčeri, dva bra- j ta in tri sestre, v starem kraju ; pa eno sestro. * V Trinidadu, Colo., sta bila v j začetku avgusta položena k večnemu počitku dva člana JSKJ. Po enomesečni bolezni je v bolnišnici v Pueblu umrl Frank Krivec, član društva št. 84 JSKJ v Trinidadu. Pokopan je bil na trinidadskem pokopališču dne 3. avgusta. Zapušča soprogo in več otrok. Rojen je bil v Trnju pri Št. Petru na Notranjskem in j e bival v Ameriki okrog 35 let. Dne 4. avgusta pa je bil pokopan Ilija Salapich, član in odbornik društva št. 233 JSKJ v Ludlowu, Colo., star šele 22 let. Podlegel je posledicam operacije za akutno vnetje slepiča. Pokojnik je bil rojen v Delagui, Colo., in zapušča očeta, pet bratov ,eno sestro in več drugih sorodnikov. V Chicagu, lil., je nagle smrti umrla Mary Roseman, članica društva št. 70 JSKJ. Pokopana je bila dne 3. avgusta. Pozdrave izmed gora države Idaho pošilja uredništvu Nove Dobe in vsem svojim prijateljem in sobratom v Clevelandu, Ohio, sobrat Louis F. Truger, bivši Clevelandčan, član društva št. 173 JSKJ in večkratni predsednik istega. Omenjeni se že več let bavi s kopanjem zlate rude v Pioneervillu, Idaho. Pozdrave je “lastnoročno” prine-| sel v Cleveland Mr. špehek, ki se je mudil nekaj tednov v državi Idaho. ❖ Tajnik društva št. 37 JSKJ v Clevelandu, Ohio, naznanja članstvu, da se je preselil. Njegov novi naslov je: “Joseph Rudolf, 15317 Shiloh Rd., Cleveland, O.”, telefonska številka pa: KEnmore 2347W. rwnl?pnwnw.Tn,nw?i,iTfn Jugoslovanska Katoliška Jednota v Araeri ELY, MINNESOTA 6.1.i.iit j. i. GLAVNI ODBOR: a). Izvrševalni odsek: S Predsednik: PAUL BARTEL, 225 N. Lewis Ave., Waukegan, «*• : Prvi podpredsednik: JOSEPH MANTEL, Ely, Minn. _ Drugi podpredsednik: PAUL J. OBLOCK, Box 105, Unity, ra~ Tretji podpredsednik: FRANK OKOREN, 4759 Pearl St., ^eu Colo. Četrti podpredsednik: JOHN P. LUNKA, 1266 E. 173rd St., w land, Ohio. Tajnik: ANTON ZBASNIK, Ely, Minn. Pomožni tajnik: FRANK TOMSICH, JR., Ely, Minn. Blagajnik: LOUIS CHAMPA, Ely, Minn. hiirtfc' Vrhovni zdravnik: DR. F. J. ARCH, 618 Chestnut St., Pittsou** Penna. clalt Urednik-upravnik glasila: ANTON J. TERBOVEC, 6233 St. Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. b). Nadzorni odsek: Predsednik: JOHN KUMŠE, 1735 E. 33rd St., I.oram, Ohio. > 1. nadzornik: JANKO N. ROGELJ, 6208 Schade Ave., Clovt Ohio. 2. nadzornik: FRANK E. VRANICHAR, 1312 N. Center St, Illinois. 3. nadzornik: MATT ANZELC, Box 12, Aurora, Minn. pi. 4. nadzornik: ANDREW MILAVEC, Box 31, Meadow LanOft^ GLAVNI POROTNI ODBOR: a Predsednik: ANTON OKOLISH, 1078 Liberty Ave., Barberi® 1. porotnik: JOHN SCHUTTE, 4751 Baldwin Ct., Denver, Cow 2. porotnik: FRANK MIKEC, Box 46, Strabane, Pa. 3. porotnica : ROSE SVETICH, Ely, Minn. N t 4. porotnik: VALENTIN OREHEK, 264 Union Ave., BrooUJTV^ Jeelnotino uradno glasilo. NOVA DOBA, 6233 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio . '*■ ; Vse stvari, tikajoče se uradnih zadev, naj se pošiljajo na Ki3''”1?* Baj *e • denarn# pošiljatve pa na glavnega blagajnika. Vse pritožbe in Pr £iancf' \ ; naslovi na predsednika porotnega odbora. Prošnje za sprejem 11 gnjajo ^ prošnje za zvišanje zavarovalnine in bolniška spričevala naj se Pu ‘ vrhovnega zdravnika. H*' , Dopisi, društvena naznanila, oglasi, naročnina nečlanov in izpLe,'velaDd» ' slovov naj se pošiljajo na naslov: Nova Doba, 6233 St. Clair Ave., oslov*®5*1 I Jugoslovanska Katoliška Jednota v Ameriki je najboljša I) zavarovalnica v Zedinjenih državah in plačuje najliberalnejše £®eri*j i članom. Jednota je zastopana skoro v vsaki večji slovenski naselbini J .[fJ al* [ ? in kdor hoče postati njen član, naj se zglasi pri tajniku lokalnega a j ! pa naj piše na glavni urad. Novo društvo se lahko ustanovi z 8 jednotJ J plemena, neoziraje se na njih vero, politično pripadnost ali narodnos. f sprejema tudi otroke v starosti od dneva rojstva do 16. leta in ostan.e* mladinskem oddelku do 18. leta. Pristopnina za oba oddelka je Prosl ‘.or., n NAGRADE V GOT0VINi 1 ZA NO V OPRI DOBLJENE ČLANE ODRASLEGAl DINSKEGA ODDELKA DAJE J.S.K.JEDNOTA GOTOVINI, M | Za novopridobljene člane odraslega oddelka 80 Pre deležni sledečih nagrad: M i-j za člana, ki se zavaruje za $ 250.00 smrtnine, $1' j za člana, ki se zavaruje za $ 500.00 smrtnine, jjRji za člana, ki sc zavaruje za $1,000.00 smrtnine, $4.0U ^ j za člana, ki se zavaruje za $1,500.00 smrtnine, $5M ^ j za člana, ki se zavaruje za $2,000.00 smrtnine, i za člana, ki se zavaruje za $3,000.00 smrtnine, $8JN ^f , Za novopridobljene člane mladinskega oddelka P°j lagatelji deležni sledečih nagrad: za člana starega načrta “JA" — $0.50; za člana načrta “JB” — $2.00; za člana novega načrta “JC”, * $500.00 zavaro $2.00; za člana novega načrta “JC” s $1,000.00 zavaro> $J.00. ,|j t. Vse te nagrade so izplačljive šele potem, ko so t>1 elane plačani trije mesečni asesmenti. ———id > f uniformirana in dobro izvežba-na. Koncert, ki sem ga imel priliko slišati, mi je ugajal, in zabavali so me tudi otroci, ki so v velikih rojih in v pravi otroški razigranosti rojili okoli platforme godbenikov. V okolici Elya se te čase klati tudi nekaj patrulj komarjev, ki so pa večinoma škrbasti, kot se mi je povedalo. Koliko je na tern resnice, ne vem, ker nisem nobenemu na zobe gledal. Minnesotske borovnice so letos nenavadno temno višnjeve. Ko sem vprašal po vzroku, so mi dejali eksperti, da se jim hud zimski mraz še pozna na obrazih. Borovnicam namreč. Pravijo, da ima Minnesota deset tisoč ^jezer in seveda temu odgovarjajoče število ril). Ribolov je torej tu nekak narodni šport, ki sem se ga tudi jaz udeležil v toliko, da sem poslal nekaterim mojim clevelandskim prijateljem nekaj rib—na karticah. O krasno uspelem pikniku na Sandy Pointu bi se dalo marsikaj napisati, pa bom za sedaj odložil. Za enkrat naj povem le, da bom morda v bližnji bodočnosti dobil kak ducat računov za pokvarjene fotografske kamere, in pa, da me je neskončno zabavalo, ko sem videl bartender-je, ki so v velikih škafih nosili vodo v jezero. Tretja mladinska konvencija in druga atlet.ična konferenca naše Jednote sta mi pustili mnogo lepih spominov, toda v pestrem vencu teh spominov bodo ostali najdalje sočni in sveži pozdravi prijateljev, ki so mi jih prinesli prijazni fantje in lepe deklice iz raznih držav. Posebno so me razveselili pozdravi z mojega nepozabnega zapada. Potrtega srca naznanjam, da je konec mojih letošnjih počitnic. Z nekoliko bolj korajžnim srcem pa opažam, da se je približal tudi konec te kolone. Ni namreč šala pisati kolono za DOPISI (Nadaljevanje s 3. str.) smeh in kratek čas, če gre avtorju na jok. Če se jim zdi prekratka, naj cenjeni čitatelji upoštevajo, da meni so se pa počitnice zdele prekratke. Tako vsi takratko vlečemo, kakor po navadi. A. J. T. DRUŠTVENE IN DRUGE SLOVENSKE VESTI Slovenski narodni dom v Indianapolisu, Ind., priredi piknik v nedeljo 20. avgusta. Prostor piknika: Otey’s Farm, W. 10th St. & High School road. ❖ Piknik za nedeljo 27. avgusta naznanja društvo št. 108 JSKJ v Youngstownu, Ohio. Prostor piknika: Dežmanova farma, Avon Park, Girard, Ohio. Petdesetletnico ustanovitve je svečano proslavilo mesto En-umclaw v državi Washington v dneh od 9. do 12. avgusta. V območje mesta Enumclaw spada tudi stara slovenska farmerska naselbina Krain, kjer gospodari večinoma že druga generacija in kjer. je več slovenskih društev, med njimi, tudi društvo št. 162 JSKJ. V Rock Springsu, Wyo., se je dne 28. julija v premogovniku smrtno ponesrečil Frank štefic, star 59 let, član JSKJ in SSPZ. Pokojnik je bil rojen v Boštaj-nu na Dolenjskem in je prišel v Ameriko pred 32 leti. Zapušča soprogo, sina in tri hčere. * V Eliju, Minn., je dne 11. julija po daljši bolezni preminil Jacob Golob, star 25 let, član društva št. 200 JSKJ in društva št. 72 KSKJ. Pokojnik je bil rojen v Elvu, kjer zapušča starše, tri brate in tri sestre. * V Veroni, Pa., je bil dne 14. mestu naj lepše zahvalim vsem | glavnim odbornikom ter vsem ! drugim članom in rojakom, ki | so nas na pikniku obiskali in i pripomogli k boljšemu uspehu. [Posebno se še zahvaljujemo sobratu Vranichar ju in njegovi soprogi, ki sta se potrudila med nas, dasi je njun dom v 111i-i noisu. I Člane in članice društva št. 33 JSKJ opozarjam, da je bilo sklenjeno na junijski seji, da J člani in članice, ki se ne udeležijo piknika, plačajo prispevek v društveno blagajno, in sicer enakopravni člani in članice po 50 centov, neenakopravni člani in članice pa po 25 centov. Le bolniki so bili oproščeni te naklade. To je sicer samaritansko, praktično pa ni, kajti, kadar se gre za korist društvene blaga'j-; ne, je dolžnost vsakega člana, rda prispeva svoj delež. Člane ir: | članice našega društva, ki se niso udeležili piknika 4. julija, i prosim, da poravnajo omenjeno naklado ta mesec, da bom mogel urediti knjige. Bratski pozdrav! — Za društvo št. 33 JSKJ: Frank Schifrar, tajnik. Lorain, O. — Prihodnja seja društva Sv. Alojzija, št. 6, JSKJ, se bo vršila v nedeljo 20. avgusta in se bo pričela ob eni uri popoldne, člani jn članice so prošeni, da se te seje polnoštevilno udeležijo. Tisti, ki imajo neprodane knjižice, naj jih skušajo prodati do seje, kar jim ostane, pa naj vrnejo meni. Na gori omenjeni seji bomo videli, koga ima sreča rada. V imenu društva Sv. Alojzija, št. 6 JSKJ, se tem potom najlepše zahvaljujem vsem. ki so posetili naš pik-! nik v nedeljo 23. julija. Posebej se še zahvalim predsedniku federacije ohijskih društev JSKJ, sobratu Ujčiču, in tajniku iste sobratu Opeki za poset. Dalje naj lepša hvala igralcem baseball teama društva št. 44 JSKJ iz Barbertona, in seveda tudi našim fantom iz Loraina, društvu št. 60 SDZ, posebno pa našemu članu in voditelju baseball teama Victorju Balantu. Sploh hvala vsem, ki so na en ali drugi način pripomogli k uspehu piknika. Bratski pozdrav! — Za društvo št. 6 JSKJ : Matija Ostanek, tajnik. Indianapolis, Ind. — Slovenski narodni dom v Indianapolisu tem potom vljudno vabi slovensko občinstvo tega okrožja na poset piknika, ki ga priredi v nedeljo 20. avgusta, Prostor piknika: Otey’s Farm, W. 10th & High School Road. Nekatere po-setnike bo na pikniku čakala | sreča. Kakšna, bodo videli, če | bodo navzoči. Za postrežbo vseh vrst in za dobro godbo bo poskrbljeno. Naš zadnji piknik nam je vreme pokazilo, zato, upamo, da bomo imeli 20. avgusta lepše in primernejše vreme. Za vožnjo na piknik posetniki lahko počakajo na Warman Avenue in West 10th St. Direk-torij Doma se priporoča za obilen poset. čim boljši bo finančni uspeh prireditve, tem prej se bo | v naselbini dvignil novi Sloven-| ski narodni dom. Pozdrav in na j svidenje v nedeljo 20. avgusta! j— Za publicijski odbor S. N. Doma: Louis Znidarsich. ‘ ' \ Republic, Pa. — Naše društvo “Vsi za enega, eden za vse,” št. 171 JSKJ, je dne 14. julija izgubilo dobrega in zvestega člana Louisa Grantza, ki je bil ob-jenem društveni tajnik. Omenje-!ga dne se je pokojnik podal nič ———* »i j hudega sluteč na delo' * J ( ga je ob 12.15 pop0' ^ j plast kamenja do i Pokojni Louis Gr^ yf j rojen 27. avgusta ( Hratje na Dolenjske*5^ \t j riko je prišel leta ^ ^ j kmalu nato pristopi' J št. 55 JSKJ v Uniont0' jjf je štiri leta opravlj8,,,^! ( posle. Leta 1926 j ° Pfš*1 t stopnim listom k drusv y j JSKJ v Republic, ”a' j) , društvo je vedno za'zeo(jPf šno od borni ško mest0’ ^ sednika in blagajn*^1, a 4 \ zornika. Od leta 1935 l^j|: ^ svoje prerane smrti .1( p f! društvu tajniške P°^I<'ry, ^ 1 žalujejo: soproga ^ ‘ j/ j ka Rose (omožena . jj j hčerka Helen, sin J°sC v5jf' ; Vincent Grlovich, l | brata, namreč Fr&n ‘ ( sepha, ter tri sestr^y ( Anno, Agnes in Rose’ gt,#' kraju pa zapušča p.110 več drugih sorodnik0 i 1 t'1^1 Pokojnik je spada* ^4 B. Zajednici in k U. Ob njegovi krsti je 28 vencev, med n.iT' r. ^ od društva št. 171 ^ |i’> seka št. 528 HBZ in ° „ 6292 U. M. W. of A- J nem sprevodu, ki se j , cerkvenih obredih, 60 avtomobilov. P1*’ mili se je za naše d' sl ovil od pokojnega^0 (/ društveni predsednik Tomasevich, za dru-'-HBZ tajnik, za unij^1 podpredsednik. ba pH pogrebu je P li/j je bil pokojni sobrat J |j znan in priljubljen. Nesreča, ki je zadda : ^ , ga sobrata Grantza, vsem v opomin, da J; (Dalje na 7. stf' ; f -■* B ENGLISH SECTION OF B ▼ olf»C1510rgan ▼ of the South Slavonic Catholic Union. AMPLIFyiNG THE VOICE OF THE ENGLISH SPEAKING MEMBERS from SSCU Supreme Secretary Thl°RTANT NOTICE TO LODGE SECRETARIES mte iIH{ Wee^ We have mailed to the secretaries of the subordi-CcrW/cafeS *a^es assessments and non-forfeiture values of T°each es of plan “D,” “E,” and “F” with brief explanations, ^hris “a*! „e!;ery lod9e we °lso niailed a copy of the tables for rtceke th ’ and “C-” Secretaries who shall have failed to Fr„!eSe ^a^es WM kindly so report to the Home Office, "tonally yours, ANTON ZBASNIK, Supreme Secretary k Appreciation C°nventiohalf delegates of the Third National Juvenile 10 tfa an<^ ®econc^ National Athletic Conference, I want sible f0r , °PPortunity to thank those persons directly responds- 4-6 6 SUccess °f the recent convention in Ely, Minn. Speciai tions, ec°gnition is due the “father” of the two convenes duri 011 asn^ f°r his paternal kindness and thoughtful-Wewp"g°ur recent stay in Ely. It will be a long time before ^ he has done for us. foard wj, S no^ f°rget to mention the generosity of the supreme ever°t S° Woncierfully cooperated with Anton Zbasnik to tO the JT § as comfortable and satisfying as possible. Here’s Power to hosts and hostesses who did all within their Appfg13^6 Us cornfortable and extremely happy. ^erbovec Cla^on also extended to the editor-manager, Anton Paper su’ an<^ assistant editor, Louis Kolar for their fine news-^'t°riais i°r c‘ur^n§ the recent campaign. Their encouraging teh n« aVe §^ven many of us that final boost necessary to Cverthet°p- *°r ^Ipin S a^S° ^le mem^ers the branches of the SSCU C°llrse are^ can(^ates secure new members. The results of ,J°ne ijy ^ gratifying and are a good sign of the splendid work «noUgh • e fiends and relatives of those trying to sign up those ^SUrance to qualify as delegates. We also owe thanks ^rs ijy . . ® generously responded to our appeals for new mem-We 0llr local lodges to help us along. ^0,1ghtf i?W *n c^eeP gratitude to the school board who so toting ^ ,°tfered us the use of The Washington School Audi-tfcat 0(lr which to hold our sessions. This in itself is a true sign The°r^an^Za^^0n *S ’°°kecl upon as an asset to the coramu-S| th ?a^erness with which they gave us the loan of the hall ^Uth, the ^°Pe t° see our organization prosper through its 0rch./°^ger English-speaking element of the Union, tig tjj1 S the Ely Municipal Band for their fine music fair th tConvention. Your wonderful renditions gave the entire ei)&yed v CU^ural background. Thanks Mr. Frank Di Nino, we > f the fi °Ur music and hope you have the best of luck with one !l1 S>rofJest bands in the country. Here’s hoping we have the y i We 0 arinS more of your fine playing at future conventions. ,i Itle °We the deepest respect and thankfulness to one of the V* ^he State of Minnesota, Hon. Governor Harold E. ot th ° S° kindly ^e^t the political world of business to ji e humble members of the best Union in America, the v1 he ° satisfy the wants of its fellowmen. How a addressed the assembly on the occasion of the forty-i if ^ of 1Versary of the birth of our union highly praising the uh'. Ij00llr ^orefathers who made the organization what it is •i.* tarri !^.^eePly he impressed the audience with an account of Jjj Ns. qqSv jPs endured by our ancestors to give us our daily s! Of „ ernor we thank you as best as we can. ;(. Ely \v?Urse We rnust not forget to give credit to the citizens V! I ryilro' H ^elped us have such a g°od time. The gathering at I \ M to w , Nation on our arrival is proof enough that you were |?! ^ ^ e c°me us to your midst for a few days. We were glad 0 fi . It is city and appreciate your courtesy. vsf |] atliic f0 ng that we also thank the famous author Louis ,;j! frotri r addressing the conclave. It was a great pleasure to J e ^ear f ^°U ^r- Adamic. We hope we have the honor again in Is f(j MayorlltUre to hear from you. I,# j?r Sivjtlo.r Lambert deserves a fine word of praise also i> 6 ^ort^ ^e key to the city. Ely is one of the finest cities in ji '^est and therefore we thank you Mayor Lambert for ijr ^ °ffiCp G r*ght to the finest city. Thanks also to the aldermen ji' 1 thjjji y°ur city who made our stay a pleasant one. in j, Woj.}. , °nly fitting that some mention be made of the 5ve show °ne ^ chaperons. They certainly are a credit. They y hy n extreme kindness and attention to those in their the (jej Seeing that they were well taken care of. The parents hau^a^es need not worry but that their loved ones were in '; Servi° to thank those typists who so kindly offered • , f0r at the Home Office so that we could get our reports [sj v rji _______ ,l[ 0n/!ni^ad rVl, 1»; Clrj%G ] °' - On July 31, Vo e Pe^c, °St a go°d member ‘ C’»fce°2"°tBro-F™'kKri- ;S; a. Mfe r ’ “e is survived by $ lort^r°P, atl^ several grownup I* 84 belong to our ie. on »’ ' SCU. Funeral was in ^.gUst 3, at the ceme-:1’- 1 n ln*dad. Many people ^ \ to10 ^Uneral. and to all, i(s thejr e^press my thanks ttendance. Allow me Chicago, 111. — Members of lodge “Jugoslovanski zvon”, 70, SSCU are hereby notified that on July 30, death came unexpectedly and took away sister Mary Roseman. She was buried on August 3. The deceased was well known to the members, always prompt with payment of assessments, and atte n d i n g meetings regularly, even though she lived some 5 miles from the place of meeting. She always will remain a vivid personality in our lodge picture. At the last meeting wrs read the 3-month and the six-month report. Unfortunately, only 12 members out of 140 were present. For this reason, it was decided at the last meeting to assess a fine on each member who fails to attend at least four meetings a year. All members in arrears with assessments are requested to be more prompt with their payment. The secretary cannot advance funds from the lodge treasury to anyone for this purpose, and he himself is not in a position to do so out of his own pocket. Those unable to pay should come to the meeting and explain their predicament, or come to the home of the secretary. Then, and only then, can the secretary help out members in need. Members are invited to attend the next meeting to take place on Saturday, August 19, in the usual quarters. Admission ( tickets to our dance on October i 22, will be distributed at the meeiting. Cost of,admission shall be 30 cents; at the door, 40 cents. Each member of the lodge j must purchase at least one ticket, and it is the duty of each; member to sell as many as he, can. To save postage, all mem-; bers are requested to come to the next meeting and secure j their dance tickets. Andrew Bavetz, Sec’y. miEFS A picnic on Sunday, August 27, will be held by lodge 108, SSCU of Youngstown, O. Site of the picnic: Dezman’s farm, Avon Park, Girard, 0. Some very sad news has been received from Philadelphia. Bro. Martin Regina, former president of lodge 40, SSCU, Claridge, Pa., and delegate to the 15th quadrennial convention held in Cleveland, lost his left leg following an accident. Doctors were compelled to amputate his left leg above the knee. Martin Regina has been confined to the Fankenau Hospital for some time' From Chicago Delegates Enjoy Wonderful Convention! A number of contributing articles intended for this issue will appear in subsequent editions because minutes of the supreme board semi-annual meeting, and minutes of the athletic conference have taken all available space this week. On Sunday, August 20, lodge 209, Hiyasota, Pa., will hold a picnic. Elsie Desmond of Cleveland, Ohio, was made a reporter for the Scoop and Euclid News Journal. Elsie, a. juvenile delegate from lodge 173, SSCU was elected recording secretary of the third biennial juvenile convention. to give special thanks to the local union in Morley. May the | memory of the departed bro-, ther remain long with us. Jacob Prunk, Sec’y. i “ SOFTBALL SCHEDULE ’ Friday, Aug. 18 Coll. Boosters vs G. Washington, . Kirtland Monday, Aug. 21 Ilirska Vila vs. Coll. Boosters, Napredek Wednesday, Aug. 23 , G. Washington vs. Ilifska Vila, Grove-wood ’ ■ Friday, Aug. 25 ;, Napredek vs. Betsy Ross, Kirtland | CARDINALHIGHLIGHTS Struthers, Ohio. — “Won’t; somebody please wake the Cardinals.” Ho-hum! and another day is gone. Oh, by the way, why don’t you Cardinals -show your true colors and attend the; meetings. At the last meeting the attendance was poor as I would say. So come to the meeting and make the attendance one hundred percent.' The Cardinals wish to thank St. Martins of Barberton, O., the neighboring lodges and all friends who attended the picnic and helped make it a success in spite of the rain. The feature attraction was a double-header ball game. Both games were won by the Cardinals. Both teams have some wonderful players. More power to you boys. After the rain it seems to me that a larger crowd was drawing near to the picnic. Can you imagine: Alice Zalar and Pauline Fri-lich not wanting to go home on j the bus. We wonder why? Louis Mihelič wanting to: I leave early because of work. I wonder. Joe S. of Barberton, O. celebrating his birthday at thee Cardinals picnic. Tony Okolish and John Opeka bringing their own music box just to see the jitterbugs dance. Al Slabe and Steve Millison wanting to dance. Why so sudden boys? Just to remind the Cardinals | not to forget the next meeting. Several newspapers on the Iron Range carried stories of the SSCU’s third biennial juvenile convention and second athletic conference, and the attending. festivities such as the picnic at Sandy Point, where Minnesota’s Governor Hon. Harold E. Stassen was the principal speaker. Louis Adamic, noted writer, spoke at the juvenile convention and the picnic. Credit for the Wide publicity given the SSCU’s juvenile convention and athletic conference goes to Little Stan Pechaver, national SSCU publicity director. Chicago, 111. — Now that the convention is over, and the delegates are back home again thinking over the glorious vacation they enjoyed, I wish to mention a few items. I do not think that we should lose our enthusiasm, with the convention and conference now history. We should go forth with even more glory than ever to bring new members to the SSCU. I was down at the Chicago and Northwestern station to see the delegates. Our president, Bro. Gottlieb missed the opportunity to greet the delegates, inasmuch as he was busy on business. He is a florist, and a busy one. We were pleased to see Bro. William Launch, Bro. Oblak and Bro. Zvezdich of lodges 211 and 70. Louis M. Kolar was on hand to meet the delegates in his charge, and to introduuce the delegates. The many happy smiles on the faces of delegates indicated that they were proud members of the SSCU. We regret very much the passing of Mrs. Mary Rozman, a member of our lodge, who died at the age of 61. She had just returned from a vacation in Utah with her son. A member for many years, she leaves seven daughters and one son: Mrs. Mary Lenzi, Mrs. Anna De Sitter, Helen and Henriette Rozman and Mrs. Marcella Kulpo, all of Chicago; Rosalia Roza-nig of Hibbing, Minn., Joseph Rozman of American Fork, Utah, Mrs. Elizabeth Swite, Columbus, O. The deceased formerly lived in Chisholm, Minn. Rose Laflamme No. 70, SSCU Second Athletic Conference and Third Juvenile Convention Covered in Detail By Nova Doha Staff By Little Stan Llttla Stan Ely, Minn.—They came; They conquered and were conquered! Although not meant to be words of battle, the above lead sentence can well be applied to the Second Athletic Conference and the Third Juvenile convention which ended here in Ely, Aug. 6 after two days of a really wonderful ;time! 1 From the time the trains left j from homes of the delegates to i the day when they returned home, one eventful thing after I another took place which will | forever be a thrilling and ex-; citing memory in the hearts of j them all. So many things hap- Two Brothers Depart Lodge 233 Ludlow, . Colo. — Our lodge “Sloga”, 233, SSCU lost a good member in the death of Ilija Salapich, who died on July 30. A member of our lodge since its inception on August 14,1938, he served on the board of trustees, attended the meetings and helped the lodge as a good member. The lodge will miss him. The deceased was 22 years old at the time of death, and leaves behind, his father Jack Salapich, five brothers and one married sister. Our delegates all returned safely from the convention in Ely. Our delegate from the juvenile convention arrived on Wednesday, August 9, and she was very well pleased with the trip and stay in Ely, where she saw the birthplace of our Union, and where she met many new acquaintances, including delegates and members of the supreme board. Josephine Barun, Sec’y. Yeh, the Old Man She: “But, darling, we can’t live on love!” He: ‘“Sure we can. Your father loves you, doesn’t he?” So be present and make the attendance perfect. Molly Slabe, Recording SeG’y. Trinidad, Colo. — Recently we lost two good SSCU members in this locality. First it was Frank Krivec, member of lodge 84, Trinidad, who passed into the great beyond in the hospital in Pueblo, Colo., where he was confined to bed for some 30 days. Funeral services were held on August 3, and attending the services were members of lodge 84 and other SSCU lodges in this locality; also members of the Morely, Colo., local of U. M. W. to which the deceased belonged. The departed Bro. Krivec resided some 35 years in the states. He left behind a bereaved wife, and if my memory serves correctly, six children. May he rest lightly in his grave and may the bereaved be consoled with a pleasant memory. • The second to depart was Bro. Ilija Salapich, member and board of trustee chairman of lodge “Sloga,” 233, SSCU of Ludlow, Colo. The deceased suffered but four days from an acute attack of appendicitis, and after being operated upon, wavered between life and death for ten days, when the last breath' left him. The funeral was held on August 4, and members of his lodge, 233, SSCU accompanied him to his final resting grounds. Attending the funeral services were also members of Delague, Colo., local of U. M. W., of which the deceased was a member. He lost his mother some five years ago, and as a good son, helped out his father with the still growing family. The deceased leaves a sorrowful father, five brothers, one sister i pened — all of them being the best things. You might call this short preliminary story a prelude to what will come in successive weeks. Our SSCU members throughout the nation will read thrilling accounts of the stories of the conclaves for weeks to come. For the entire Nova Doba staff of reporters — regular contributors and newer writers will give you laeir personal bird’s eye view of the entire affair. Done in their own master-| ful style, covering all the phases, i There was material for weeks S to come, and if you want interesting reading keep your eyes peeled every single week for Nova Doba. Because of the printing of minutes of the supreme- board, the convention business sessions and the like, Little Stan will cut his column a bit short this week. But beginning next week, his story of'the convention will begin, and won’t stop until he has covered all the ground possible. Before going much further, Little Stan wants to thank immensely, Miss Anne Prosen and Miss Elsie Desmond, members of Ilirska Vila lodge No. 173 of Cleveland, Ohio, for their wonderful assistance in covering the speeches of notables at the convention. Miss Prosen was one of the recording secretaries i of the second athletic conference, and Miss Desmond of the juvenile convention. Ilirska Vila lodge has produced the writers. Then Bro. Anton Terbovec editor-manager of Nova Doba, recorded the minutes of the supreme board session, and he too is a member of No. 173. Bouquets to Lodge Illirska Vila for developing these fine writers. It is a feather in their hats! In addition to recording min- and several relatives throughout the United States. In the name of lodge “Sloga,” 233, SSCU, I wish to extend my sincere thanks to lodge 84, SS-! CU, Trinidad, Colo., for the loan j of their lodge banner, and for ! all other assistance. I wish to thank also all the members of other SSCU lodges, and all friends who attended the funeral. May the ground covering our departed brother rest lightly, and may the bereaved be comforted with pleasant memories of the deceased. John Lipec, Rec. Sec’y utes, Miss Prosen took in short hand the speech by Loui& Adamic, prominent Slovene writer, to the convention, and also recorded the speech of Minnesota’s Gov. Harold Stassen and other speakers at Sandy Point. Miss Desmond assisted her. Miss Rose Banovetz of Roundup, Montana collaborated with Miss Prosen in recording Mr. Ada-mic’s convention address. My sincere thanks to you. By the way, a personally autographed copy of Mr. Adamic convention talk awaits delegates who didn’t get their copy. Just drop Little Stan a line and he’ll send you one. The steady click of the teletype can well be likened “to what is on tap for SSCU members in Nova Doba during the next week. For news is coming in. Let’s Go To Press! Convention News Ely, Minn. —■ While I am writing this letter, the third juvenile convention of our SSCU is in full swing. It is Friday, August the fourth. Yesterday, Thursday, the delegates from al over the United States arrived. The city of Ely is decorated with flags and "welcome” signs for the occasion. The delegates arrived to find the station platform at the depot just filled j with people. The Ely High ; band played to welcome our j delegates and marched us to the I Home of the SSCU. Then we had : an informal meeting nominating our officers for the convention. Albert Adamich, of Joliet, Illinois, was unanimously appointed as chairman, and all of us believe that it would be hard j to find a better person to fill that position. With Bob Jurgel as chief l'un-maker and waker-upper on the train, the delegates state that even though they were very tired and sleepy, they enjoyed their trip very much. Friday morning we had an official meeting, with Mr. Zbasnik acting as : chairman until Albert Adamich was officially elected. During , recess we got acquainted with all of the delegates and also got i their autographs. Mr. Louis Adamic, the great author, came here as a special guest and gave a speech with so many good points that a resolution Avas made that a copy of the speech, | with Mr. Adamic’s autograph, be given to each and e^ery delegate present. Friday afternoon we went on Lake Vermillion to the Indian Reservation and saw ! a real pow-wow. Some of the delegates participated in this ; war dance and they seemed to be j having a lot of fun. I hope they don’t go “native” on us. Friday evening there was a dance at the Ely Community Center. Everybody seemed to be enjoying ! themselves. If they couldn’t dance, they could enjoy themselves just looking at some of lour Ely jitterbugs. Little Stan is certainly having a lot of fun. I didn’t look at him once that he wasn’t surrounded with a crowd of pretty girls—am I not right Stan ? • Saturday night there is going to be a street dance (the second i (Continued on page 6) in 1935. To the supreme boar* in office in 1930 and in 1».^ owe an immeasurable VO thanks for their far-sighted" and for their interest ® younger element, the leaders and workers of t®e CU. While not intending40 tract from the personal «-of any one member of e . preme board, there is °nel vidual here who deserves* ial mention for his Perff ^ in promoting the athle * ference. He is our sUPre®e^ retary Anton Zbasnik, 0 *. given the title of “Father Juvenile Conventions. ^ this title should be exteB : “Father of the Juvenfle ventions and the Athle ic ferences,” for he certain serves this honor. (To be continued) No, Not Yet “Have vou lived here all ? life?” * ntd* “I don’t know. I’m 110 yet.” g fi August KollatjjJ1 6419 ST. CLAIR^kj v Slovenskem N»r- ® ( UstW H PRODAJA parobrodne^. I POŠILJA denar v nah; I OPRAVLJA notarske P0*1* H Kollander ima v nikakih skrbi : : > GLEDE i 1 5 PARKANJ*; i Ji ■>( : K' ■ ^S0 * >1 * | KKADAH # J POSLUŽUJ^ - POULICN^ l KARE A& l motornb^ 5 BUSA ? V I ^ Albert Jelercic, lodge 186 Cleveland, O., was the unanimous choice for sentinel, and Jimmie Klobuchar, juvenile delegate, as honorary sentinel. It was then moved and seconded that the chair appoint a resolutions committee of seven Motion was carried and the following were appointed to serve on the resolutions committee: Mary L. Bodack, lodge 182, Pittsburgh, Pa., Ralph Kovačič, lodge 138, Export, Pa., Joseph J. Kovach, lodge 1, Ely, Minn., Frank Tomsich, Jr., lodge 1, Ely, Minn., John Pucel, lodge 85, Aurora, Minn., John Kardell, lodge 180, Cleveland, 0., and Mary Predovich, lodge 190, Butte, Mont. Louis M. Kolar, Athletic Commissioner, submitted the following report of athletic activities within our Union: DELEGATES AND SUPREME OFFICERS: It was back in September of 1930, in Cleveland, O., that the first national athletic conference was held, and I was one of the fortunate members to be in attendance. The first athletic conference .was of two-day duration, and upon adjournment, all the delegates looked forward to the second athletic conference in the near future. Little did we realize, back in 1930 ,that nine years would transpire before the second athletic conference would be held. Little did we realize then that one of the most serious of world’s crises in history would impede the continuation of the work started in that year. Banks have collapsed, great institutions have tottered and crashed into oblivion, relief and WPA have made their entry—since 1930. So great was the depression, and so acute was the condition felt by our members that in the following year, 1931, the sports fund was suspended from its original course and the money used to help members to maet their assessments. We must remembers that in 1931 our SSCU had not yet adopted the legal reserve in its death benefits— the 20-year endowment, 20-year pay life, and the ordinary life certificates based on the American Experience Table of Mortality were not adopted until the 1932 regular convention at Indianapolis. In 1935 the supreme board saw fit to reinstate the sports fund into the original purpose for which it was created. Financial assistance again was granted to such SSCU lodges as deserved it: Namely, those who supported athletic activities with new enrollments. It was in this year that the members saw for the first time national SSCU open tenpin and duckpin tournaments. In the years that followed, 1936, 1937, 1938 and the present year, the sports fund has been utilized principally to extend grants to SSCU lodges, in organizing and maintaining athletic teams, to sponsor national bowling tournaments open to all members. The sports fund has served a very worth while purpose. I doubt very much if the first or the second national athletic conference would even be considered a possibility without the sports fund. I mention this short history to you delegates because I feel that in your efforts to reach your goal during the past six months, you have become very much acquainted with the SSCU, its possibilities, and its responsibilities. I feel that in the delegates, both to the juvenile convention and the athletic conference, the SSCU has an enviable working nucleus for posterity. \ Our Union was the first to idopt the athletic conference dea in 1930. It was the first to s.dopt the juvenile convention 1: MINUTES | Of the Second National Athletic C011- 0 | ference of the SSCU Held in Ely, k Minnesota, August 5, 1939 e ------- s Athletic Commissioner Louis g- M. Kolar officially opened the r i second national athletic confer- 1 ence of the South Slavonic rf Catholic Union of America at 9:20 a. m. on the 5th day of e August 1939. Emil Zebre was ” | appointed temporary recording e secretary. Mrs. F. J. Arch was r called upon by the temporary t chairman to lead all delegates, rj j supreme officers, members and _ | guests in singing the National ,] Anthem. Louis M. Kolar then ; called on Miss Frances Sker-_ jane, president of Brigadiers n : lodge 234, Detroit, Mich., and a Mrs. Pauline Vogrich, secretary e of lodge 225, Milwaukee, Wise., to say a few words for the good e■of the order. i Nominations were then open-.f 1 ed for the chairman of the second national athletic confer-] ence. The two nominees were: _ Joseph Kovach, lodge 1, Ely, ] Minn., and ' Stanley Progar, lodge 228, Strabane, Pa. Stanley Progar was elected by a i slight majority. Athletic Com-I; missioner Louis M. Kolar then I i presented the gavel to Stanley ; Progar who opened the con-5 J ference proper. It was then h; moved and seconded that the , | chair appoint a credential com-^ | mittee of four. Motion was car-;! ried and the following were selected : John Kardel, lodge 180, .Cleveland, chairman; Anna .; Crawley, lodge 190, Butte, r | Mont., Ralph Kovacic, lodge j; 138, Export, Pa., and William I Stavor, lodge 228, Cheswick, Pa. A 15-minute recess was then de-51 clared in order that the creden-! tial committee may make their ■ i investigations. Meeting was then called to order and chair- 1 man John Kardell gave his re-! port on credentials. All were ! found in order except Lillian : Rudolph, lodge 37, Cleveland, O., and George Paulich, lodge 101, Walsenburg, Colo., who 1 were not present. Nominations were then opened for vice-chairman. It was moved and seconded that Jo-; seph Kovach of Ely, Minn., be unanimously elected as vice-chairman of the conference. Mo-. tion was carried. Nominations for secretary of , the conference were then in or-. der. Joseph Milkovich, lodge , 114, Ely, Minn., was elected unanimously to this position. In ■ the nominations for two record-. ing secretaries, Emil Zebre, lodge 28, Kemmerer, Wyo., and , Anne Prosen, lodge 173, Cleve-, land, were elected unanimously. Convention News (Continued Irom page 5) ever held in Ely) for the honor of the delegates. It’ll give them a chance to wear out some of the shoe leather and give their shoemakers back home some business ! Sunday morning we’ll be going to church ; picnicking in the ' afternoon—whew!—and dancing again in the evening. There’s always so much to do and I’m all flustered and excited now, so if I happened to miss any- ( thing, I believe you’ll see it in the paper anytime now. I’ll be writing again soon, to tell you more about the conven- ‘ tion and the fun we are having. Justine Korent , Lodge 200, SSCU. ] place reserved in our hearts to ; be remembered. i Too soon did the ending come, i We.left Ely with a very cheer- ( ful sendoff by a great throng of t friends and Ely delegates. ( Last but not least, I wish to ( thank Mr. Joseph Tui-k, secre- 1 tary of lodge 36, and all those \ who did their part in giving me t the opportunity to become an athletic delegate to this success- £ ful convention. i Max Fink i All’s Well that Ends Well 11 ---------------------- s j Conemaugh, Pa. — I want to :> | take this opportunity to thank i j the great SSCU for being the r , only organization which gives i the opportunity to the young t! folks to come together from far g ; and near to attend a successful \; conference which we had in Ely, s | Minnesota. e! The wonderful welcome e | shown us first by “Little Stan” -land by the Ely people is more than words could express our , | feelings, and which we cannot forget. I also appreciate and ‘ wish to thank the supreme officers, Ely Council, Ely' School 3 i Board, and the fine band or-f | ganization, for the support giv-11 en us. The fine cooperation 1! shown by the above will have a ’ place in our heart for some e time. 3 We sure are proud to have the £ * e Home of our organization in - such a beautiful surrounding, ■ as Ely most fortunately has, v such as the following: The land . of lakes, fine buildings, beauti-s ful parks, modern city hall and 11 community building, the mar-s'velous Home Office building, -1 and last but not least the eheer-£ | ful inhabitants which inhabit si this beautiful and wonderful 11 city. |! The fine work of “Little Stan,” who devoted most, if not i all, of his time in showing us 3 delegates the different points of t interest in the great Tourist > Country, will not be forgotten ’ | by the delegates for many years ^ yet to come. I guess the dele-. gates got a few pointers on how 1 to Jitterbug from Little Stan, (the master of Jitterbug). ‘ A great point of interest was 5 : the trip (we traveled by boats) j made to the Indian Reservation. L ■ , We sure enjoyed the trip be-« cause some of us never had seen ! an Indian. The real treat was the | Indian War Dance which wras as interesting as the Jitterbug 1 Dance made by “Little Stan;” 1 Through the capable leader-j ship of our supreme officers, 1 the juvenile conference was a very successful event, The ju-; venile conference had many good and interesting discus-[ sions held by a good group of . young intelligent officers. The athletic conference was 1 held without the aid of the supreme officers and came through with much success 1 through the fine work of the ; athletic commissioner Louis M. . Kolar, Chairman Stan Progar | and all other capable athletic ; | officers. The community street dance | was another great treat to the | delegation. It was a gallant affair for both young and old. Many acquaintances were made through this incident. This af-! fair was accompanied by a ' group of talented young musicians. I noticed that one of our delegates (Justine Korent) is a member of this fine musical organization. The picnic held in honor of the delegation was well attended. Here we had some real speakers such as, Louis Adamic (Slovene author), Governor Stasson of Minnesota, supreme officers, and Mayor Lambert of Ely. These speeches have a I -....—.. ....—-------------- . Emil Zebre, Mary Petritz, Helen Okoren, Louis Shray and Eleanor Lange I who kept one of my buddies very well occupied from Chicago on thru to Ely. But as I have said dear diary, the fun lasted until just before we came to Ely. Then the fun was laid aside just long enough for the official greeting of ■ Brother Zbasnik by our own Elsie Des-' mond and Helen Okoren. But this all j comes on another page so please wait : until the page is turned and until my j memory is cleared for I don’t want any-| thing to slip and not be registered. You i see diary, we are now coming to the most important part of the journey, the first glimpse of Ely, our Supreme Secretary and of the many friends in Ely. So please don’t be angry when I tell you that all this will be saved for i another occasion. You see diary, I am not the only one that would like to record his or her happy moments, so 1 please excuse me until exactly seven < days hence when X will tell you of the rest of my trip. Until then dear diary it’s just so-long from Big Stan. Traffic Lights ! Risking your life to save a few seconds in crossing the [street is really an invitation to ! spend the next few months in a hospital. Traffic lights are for : the protection of the pedestrian as well as the motorist, and it | takes but a few seconds before the light will be in your favor. More than half of the persons killed so far this year were crossing in the middle of the block or against the traffic signal. —Bureau of Public Relations, Cleveland Police Department. ------------------------------ i______ made at regular intervals such as “next stop, Spooner two minutes—no time for telegrams—candy, cigars and slightly used pears—five cents and smoking in the outer lebby only.” Of course some obeyed this last command only because they happened to be in the outer lobby when they were smoking. And another thing diary, the vegetable door, or I should have said the vestibule door, had one sweet time to remain closed. Even in the dark of night some one or the other would open the door and peer into the night, see nothing and them return to the coach sat-> isifed. All going to show that we really had a swell time. Yes, dear diary, I did mention something of the artistic talent that was aboard the train. Ha, ha, you should have seen some of the faces that reflected in the mirror after us artists were done with the lip stick. As someone said, boy was my face red. They were, dear diary. Especially the face of Joe Oblak. His was such a dear face as I said before, a face that just invited the touch of lip stick. Boy, diary, you should have seen him after myself and my staff of artists completed our job. Even Joe didn’t recognize himself when he looked into the mirror. He had to pinch himself to prove just who he was. Now diary, why must you know’ just who were my henchmen on the trip? Ah, so you think I’m not capable of so much devilishness? Ah, which proves that you still don’t know me. But I will confess that I had plenty of help. Sure they were of the male species. You don’t think that ladies would be any thing but ladies do you? Oh you do. Well, my cohorts of mischief were Bobby Jergel, Francis Sneler and Ralph Kovacic. This foresome is the quartet that ruined many a peaceful hour of sleep from many of the travelers. But they were paid back by the others. Yes diary, fully repaid for you should have seen their faces. Looked as though some one was heaving red ripe tomatoes around and proved to be outte a marksman. Right, Prank .Mekina? And so it was dear diary, when no fun was in sight, some of us tried to open brother Kartell's “suit-koufer” without a key. You see, for a while Bub was without a key but later it turned up when we failed to open it. * And all this while dear diary, wa were approaching Duluth, the second leg of our journey. Just as we were getting close, fun was suspended so some of us could make ourselves prettier, as if we gould. But we tried anyhow for we knew that in Duluth we would meet the Western delegation and Little Stan. And sure enough when we pulled into Duluth, the first person we saw was Litftle San for we were looking up just a little bit. As the train stopped, we all grabbed our bags and left the train to be greeted by Little Stan himself and to be escorted to the station across the way where the Ely train made its stops. Here Diary, we had time to refresh ourselves and our appetites and before you could say Jack Robinson, I was j having lunch with four pretty girls. Sure I can tell you for they were my 1 traveling friends from away out Penn- j sylvania. The traveling foresome that had quite a time aboard and lpnched with me were Veronica Barbie, Jackie Schimmel, Prances Prah and my honey, Theresa Macek. And we all had good appetites for laughters and the bumping ! of the.train'really put us in shape for! a hearty meal. And so diary, we sojourned back to the station to,write cards and to await traintime. Soon everybody appeared and all aboard was heard. A fast scramble for a good seat was out of the question for I had business to attend to and was one of the last to get on. But my cohorts proved on the job and as I boarded, the -choice of the train was saved for me. But there was no time for sitting as more fun had to be had. And before one could sneeze, the fun started. The girls of Montana started to give their fellow passengers lessons in the Barnyard hop and one of the first few students were your boyfriend and his j pal, Louis Kolar. Sure it was lots of fun for as we got stung, everybody roared and in this way, no time was; had for the blues. And diary, it was here that I really met a friend. She is such a sweet little ?irl that you won’t mind me raving ibout her. Yes, I first seen her with j Rose Banovetz and just like that my j little friend got acquainted. They called ' ler Giggles and rightly so for that’s! ill she did. But how did we get ac- j luainted? Sure you guessed it. By air-nail. She yelled air mail and when I ooked, kersock, Giggles scored a direct; lit. Prom then on, Giggles and I were ust like that. Air mail was our game j md I must tell you that before leav-ng Ely, Giggles or perhaps I had better ell you her real name, Marie Stimac lent me a card via air mail. Rather :ute, don’t you think diary. Oh yes diary, I met many more in-eresting people aboard the Ely Flyer »ut I must quit now and turn the page i >efore you prove rude and go back : m me. Just to mention a few, there was : Rambling Chatter BY STAN PROGAR v crowd was to be left behind. But just as ! r; we were about to board 'the train, who j y should show up but the absentee, Mary ii Bodack living up to the true tradition I ;t of all women, using up every spare mo- i s ' ment and causing greying hair to reach j a their goal long before time y And so, dear diary, we boarded the j r train and headed for Chicago, the first! a. leg of our trip. All in one corner of j ' the coach and with most of the intro-1 ductions over with and nothing but fun a on the program. But diary, our trip to ! ’• Chicago proved rather tame for we 1 had too many strangers aboard. Oh yes, ■; we did have fun but when one is in a ! 1 hurry, he covered only the important; r tilings, so if you don’t mind, 111 just j 3 J say that the trip was never dull and j ! every moment was well taken care of.! 1 But as it was bound to happen, we ar- ; ? i rived in Chicago late in the afternoon, i f j hungry and in a hurry to transfer sta- j 1 i tions. Mr. Panfil of the Chicago- j ‘ : Northwestern met us and took charge of j r I our baggage and seeing to it that all of | ^; us found a ride to the Northwestern ; | station. This is what we looked forward i '! to for at the Chicago-Northwestern sta- j r | tion; W’e knew that our Ohio buddies I '! would be awaiting us. So away we went, j I ; Oh yes, before we left the Pennsy sta- ! * tion, I had to see our friend from away II out Indianapolis, Indiana, Joseph Ba- ■ nich. Sure enough he was there, tired -: of waiting for he waited for us about i j two hours. Anyhow diary, Joe spotted ^ (us and tagged right along. Seeing a ■ i new face, I just had to inquire, for it’s 11 just my nature. Oh, I know you’ll ex-’ j cuse me especially when I tell you ? i that Joe turned out to be a very fine • boy even though he was rather bashful. > i But along with us he came and we then ! s I started to the spot where the Ohio j ' I friends were. But diary, we were almost : disappointed for there was no one at ’ | the station. Our first traveling com--: panion that we met was Joe Oblak from : j the windy city. And at the moment I j II saw him, a thought came to me. Just j i i the right material to practice on my , | art . . . And sure enough diary, Joe ■ I proved it. His face had just the right I i i features. But that comes later. At first j s \ our Ohio friends were nowhere in sight i; so we went directly to our coach and ■ i then skipped back to the station for a ■ \ light, snack. That over with, we hustled ! ’ oack to the train and who do you sup- ’ pose we found in our car? Yes, dear j I diary, our Ohio friends led by our very ' .; good friend, Louis Kolar. And so dear | i diary, customary greetings were in or-i j der and up and down the line went ' j new introductions and just like that new friends were made. There was John “Bub” Kardell, as fine a fella as 1 ■ one cares to meet, A1 Jelercic, another . 1 ace from Cleveland that gave us many III hwrfi' lftiiihi From Barberton cam? Frank Mekina, also an ace who later I turned to be my buddy in Ely. What? I should be ashamed of myself for in-troducting the men before the women? 1 But Diary ,the women are always first * | so why couldn’t the men be first only ' in this one occasion? Especially since ’ 1 they are such nice fellas. Oh, you’ll excuse me if I hurry on and bring in the : women! Sure dear diary, there was < Cecelia Seme, a cute and charming girl ' | from Cleveland and a sister scribe from ' \ the same city, good Ann Prosen. Ann < sure saw to it that everybody had a 1 j swell time and was very comfortable. ' j Lillian Rudolph was absent for she ■ , couldn’t make the trip due to work. ; Then with Ann was another sister ' j scribe from away out Cleveland way. i Yes, you guessed it, for the person in I mind is Elsie Desmond. A hard worker I and a good scribe. What? You say if I 1 ; stay in Cleveland I may write as good ' ! as them? Now diary, you promised that you wouldn’t tease me. Anyhow, if I < move from good old Pennsy you know : where I’ll go. Yes diary, to dear old 1 : Ely. Ah yes, before you tease me more, • ! I must tell you of the sweet little boy > from 19600 Arrowhead avenue, in Cleve- f land. Yes, diary, his name is Frank 1 ; Tanko but whom we all called Frankie 1 ; de tankie. Yes we all had so much fun > with him, so please remember him. And so diary, after all the boys and 1 ; gals met each other, we went on an ex- < i ploration trip to see just what we were i ! riding in. And believe you me dear diary, ! we rode in class. The coach was very t i modern with all the comforts of home. 1 To accommodate those that loved to ' ! spend a nice quiet evening, and by the 1 | way we had many that went for this t famous indoor sport, the car had a ' very comfortable lounge. And dear < diary, that lounge proved very popu- I lar. No, I can’t tell you who went for s the cut-away apartment for that would f be telling and wouldn’t be fair. 1 Yes diary, I heard you. W<> all had r so much fun. I still believe that some- t one spread laughing gas around for we 1 just couldn’t stop laughing. Of course, s fun had something to do with it but I not all for we laughed from the time we 1 started till our journey ended. Still then i we had a tough time to stop especially 1 when we marched in Ely. Oh yes, I’m too far ahead of myself and you want r to know just what placed us in a jolly £ j mood. Well it was this way Diary, some e j one told a story and we all laughed. I i Some one would holler air mail and; 1 | when you did a right about face, bowie 11 you were hit and everybody laughed c like as if it was funny. Then again, some c; one would fall asleep and awake to find r that he had changed from a white fel- 1 la to one of the Indians that we saw in 1 Ely. Then, A1 Jelercic or Eddie Mikec' j would yell, “Oh I’m dying” or tap you a on the back and ask you for an aspirin, i; This would make everybody laugh, but t I dear diary, how could some one laugh s when one was dying. Maybe it was c 'just a joke, I don’t know. And so it was all thru the night. Few ti ; slept for much had to be done before b j Ely was reached. Stops had to be regis- b | tered and announcements had to be o \ • Strabane, Pa. — Dear Diary, I know you will excuse the extra load on your pafe'ss just this one time for it is a very extra special occasion. Yes, the much talked about SSCU vacation has just concluded and I must put on record as much as I can remember after such a swell time. You see, so many happy memories are all trying to get out for airing that I must ask you to bear a heavier load than yoif are usually accustomed 1 to, but I know you won’t mind for just think of all the extra swell people will be noted on you/.' pages. Yes, Diary, I’ll just say that a swell group met me at the Pennsylvania Station in Pittsburgh to begin the most ■wonderful journey any person ever took. From my home I made the trip with Veronica Barbie, a swell little girl that wrote many interesting articles in one of your family’s pages. Also with pe was one Eddie Mikec, the treasurer of the beloved Sentinels and a fine and jolly lad. We first traveled to Meadow Lands to pick up the sweetheart of our trip, little Jacqueline Schimmel. And by the wray, dear diary, please note that somewhere between Chicago and Duluth, Minnesota, little Jackie had her twelfth birthday and I was inconsiderate enough to awake her from her slumbers just after midnight past and Sipg to her a very happy birthday. Oh I know I should be spanked for it but you see, I was very mischievous at the time. Ann Prosen reminded me of the great occasion and somehow I just couldn't persuade old Satan to behave. He just pushed until I found myself in front of the sleeping beauty and before I knew what I was doing', he made me awake the sleeping beauty with a kiss. Okay, diary, I'll get on but I had to mention this here so as not to forget it. As we arrived at the station, our first companions to greet tts were the Conemaugh boys. They were rather slcjepy for they both traveled from five-thirty in the morning, but still Max Fink and Louis Omer greeted us with a very friendly smile. Into the station we went and there they were. Well, most of them were there and just be-: fore we left, there were. Oh, yes, you 1 want to know who they were. Sure Diary, I’ll tell you for one was just as sweet as the other. First our dear little, honey from Moon Run, Theresa Macek. Right from the start I knew she would | give me a lovely time by the lobk in her eyes. She had the twinkle of a mis- j chievous elk that warned you that fun was her most important issue on deck. Greetings over, we looked around and i found Frances Prah ready to start for1 Ely. Frances hailed from Uniontown but proved rather intelligent by mak- ‘ ilig the tfip earlier to Pittsburgh and testing at the home of |>er aunt. Prom j Center Pr>. . #11 HvrirTi Kovnrick sil i shined up and full of smiles. Add then; came the Export delegation. What a fine group we saw whrfn our eyes spot-! ted William Kuznik and brother Louis, j Ralph Kovacic and Victor Scarton. Right then Dear Diary, you must have! warned me to be on my toes for this sure was a crafty group. They caused 1 me to lose much sleep on the ride but since it was all in fun, and fun that I wouldn’t miss for all the gold in the world, please excuse them diary. They j were swell and helped to make the ride ’ very exciting for I never knew when I would be slapped with a glass of cold water. Then as we were about to check on the attend’ance, William Stavor, my! old brother member of the Electrons,: showed himself to help the attendance.' Will was all set and proved it “by his fun and help on the way. As I was; checking over the attendance to make sure no one was left out of the fun,| Zowie, I was hit a wallop across the j back. Yes, diary, I knew without looking that Robert Jurgel arrived and checked his attendance. With him was his dad ] and mother ready to bid us good-bye. j I asked Bob if Francis Sneler had ar-' rived and sure enough .there he was beaming and smiling as if his hated \ relative died and willed him more money ' than you and I knew existed. With! Francis was his mother telling Francis to behave and bidding us all a very! happy journey. That about checked j everybody in for Mary Milavec left j earlier with her husband, Andy Milavec ! who had to attend the semi-annual j meeting of the supreme board. But you I know diary, when I checked over the j attendance, two of the Pittsburgh dele- ! gation was still absent. Train time was; due and I promised I wouldn’t disturb my neatly plastered hair but what else could a fella do. You would do the same diary for the absentees were Mary Bodack, the genial ehairlady of the past tourney dinners and Francis Arch, the smiling son of our medical examiner. You see, dear diary, Mr. and Mrs. Arch were already in Ely awaiting the arrival of their son so I just had to see that he arrived safely. But as time flew by as it always does, there was no Francis. What could I do but call his home and see if he was still sleeping. A hurried call to the Arch homestead was answered by the cheerful voice of Isabel, whom we later met at the station on the return trip home. She told, me that Francis left and so would we j be left if we didn’t hurry for Francis \ couldn’t wait and started one day | earlier. I didn't blame him, dear diary, for as we found out later. Francis was the smartest boy in the delegation. Yes, he left earlier and had more to enjoy, didn’t he Mary Petritz. Yes, diary, she's of the delegation but for further information you must see Doc. Arch Jr. That checked everybody but Mary Bodack. By this time, my hair was 1 everywhere but where it belonged and ; -Mr. Becker of the Pen'nsylvania divi- j sion suggested that we start for the train and one of the station boys would see to it that she got the train when ! i she arrived. What else could we do but : start and believe that one of the happy i OPREME SECRETARY’S REPORT of the condition of the ADULT DEPARTMENT SOUTu SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION OF AMERICA at the close of business JUNE 30, 1939 H IHg - 0 PunJ: nECE,PTS # ^ments c “west from p *--$ 84,381.87 Wtrest frnm „oncls' ‘ess am't. trans, to Expense Fund .. 44.807.14 J ^WsrZ?e?fiCate loans .................................... 3'313-30 Lodges 37 and 137 ............................. 163.26 $132,665.57 jf” Sick a ___________ Indemnity Fund: |J| PSfWerreri , ........................................... $ 57,269.85 ‘ Refunds from r"1 the Disability Fund .................... 2,719.33 Lodges 22 and 200 .............................. 36.00 $ 60,025.18 CI C?rMlity F»"d: ---------- ^ ^iaa Special Assessments ................................ $ 7,200.10 Lodge No. 11 ..................................... 20.67 $ 7i220.77 &£etic Fund: rT ments ^•sferred frn.......................................... L664.04 m the Disability Fund ....................... 1,486.58 $ 3,150.62 I!*' j^est . :........................................... $ 24,967.82 )£ ,!r ^Odge .............................................. 1,561.81 i? and Suh • • and new t:el'tificates ..................... 51.60 | Jv^etred fSCnPtions tetyP«nd: ,. : ---------- A K^ents rT^ ......................... *................... $ 4'264-80 W ^eiTed t rned for member of lodge No. 223 6.90 Petisg 0 the Sick and Indemnity, Disability, Ex-j j, d Athletic Funds .............................. 6,078.90 $ 10,350.60 aifc® Fu»d: i Of Athwents to l0l1ees ............................* 1,135.00 f : iJJH ton. c Commissioner ..................................... 60.00 P Fluent« nament expenses .................... 540.00 | eturned to members of lodges 203 and 223 .... 1.96 $ 1,736.96 fer,a: ,®uPreme Board not including M"1Cal Examiner .....................«4,722.00 ' C’t,ers Of fh°al Examiner ..................... 776.25 Kvm Flnance Committee ................. 202.00 . I ** finip, of “Nova Doba” .................. 390.00 l&4Vt, °yeeS .............................. 2,910.00 $ 9,000.25 fenS,JpREMBEXPENSES OF MEMBERS OF X, «*« BOARD. C:eitis ..................................$ 595.38 fcfv ...................................... 1,240.00 $ 1,835.38 Fo», ■ -------- &atl0fficeCR„Building .......................$ 60000 tetyjW®°Xes ................................... 4.00 i W 1 Boxes ............................. 72.05 $ 676.05 I — jk ®ervice .................................. $ 519 20 $ 519.20 &\>CES: ---------------------------------------------- Cc.^ar, Salary................................$ 50.00 ^as J c e: Lodges 150 vs 230 378.00 4 ey, it-'enl advice .................. 8.00 $ 436.00 V>S: -------- , io>iiSLort I p ^tdinat CS for new members $ 863.00 iicat, 6 secretaries for conversirns of 6s .................................. 175.50 $ 1,038.50 5 t>lafc0lJS F«KS: (Su ar‘Ci> r. ees for new members $ 391.00 JC,j9ratpiZepartment fees ..................... 355.00 Mant f Con&ress fees ..................... 55.00 el’ notarial fees .................... 15.00 $ 816.00 J6dih!^lIT?lENT COMPENSATION CON-CVs\0NS ANr> S. S. TAX: il °>>C^0ta Un al Secur>ty Tax $ 91.16 ernp*°yment Compensation Div. 166.81 ^ *Vatlia°ynient' Compensation Commission 53.25 a t!. jj'hcl Unemployment Com pen lation p ; ' 21.94 lax ................................ 146.72 $ 479.88 /*(}£ --------------------------------------------- X P R E S S, TELEGRAM & ^ . * * J0tl J' tT'k ’ ®uPre>ne Secretary $ 570.28 W^Tch, *?°Vec. Editor ......................... 141.54 ^hef^ha^n ' D-> Sup. Med. Examiner ......... 38.97 ^6 ta^nihp5’ ®uPl'eme Treasurer ................ 19.60 thernrS of Supreme Board ....... 40.55 n National Bank, Duluth. M nn. 8.32 $ 819.26 ^ ^(t^fiNsp).FPlCE maintenance and \r0,if>'hs Sa'es Agency ..................... $ 17.50 ] Caicn B Machine Company .................. 11.95 K j ref>ai lating Machine Company .............. 18.00 i ’ TerboVn 2.50 . AW c’ waxing floor .................... 3.00 $ 52.95 . , - ?^8lv 1 1 STATIONERY AND \%ZS: i i Kti 11 Hnn,Sales ASency S 5.34 ; > pUblishing Company .............. 280.40 «1 ^(i...et-\Viir°s'av Ptg. & Pub. Cormany 80.00 ^ ^ S LHhotms ComPany 110 74 m w*A °&raph and Ptg. Company 31.22 1 Si>hPl. r .......................................... 10 00 ■ »‘Company 1,260.40 |, I M?'8 °nitor ................................. 28.50 ■ [ Ss?°0d ti,^rs Service .......................... 50.00 R ;• Fisher Company 3.00 XSh . ........................................... 7.00 I J»a'Jr- Ad in program 5.00 Home, Pueblo, Colorado 65.00 j 1 ad in program 8.00 L V *e. ^immings ...,......................... 2.40 ^ DOPISI Nadaljevanje s 4. strani ■ Fraternal Field ....................................... 2.00 I Fraternal Compend-Digest ...........-.................. 38.00 | Northern National Bank, photostats ..................... 1.60 A. J. Terbovec, stationery and supplies in office of Nova Doba ................................... 116.21 $ 2,104.81 PREMIUM ON FIDELITY BONDS: William W. Flanegin and Company .....................$1,127.01 $ 1,127.01 k-NOVA DOBA, OFFICIAL ORGAN: | American-Jugoslav Ptg. & Pub. Company ..............$4,613.34 $ 4,613.34 OTHER EXPENSES: G. J. Porenta, per diem and fare ....................$ 8.00 ■ Joseph Dablock, Lodge No. 13 ........................... 8.00 I Michigan State Board of Tax Administration .... 1.05 Ely Hardware and Furniture Co. (wreaths) .... 20.00 Collection and exchange charges on interest coupons and checks ................................ 55.02 Duluth police for safe-guarding Supreme officers while checking Society’s Bonds and Securities 10.00 Assessments returned to members of lodges 203 and 223 ......................................... 24.50 ! Protest charges for check from Lodge 35 ................ 3.45 $ 130.02 $ 23,648.65 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS .........................................-.......... $190,136.28 GAIN ........................................................-............ 42,948.87 . j TOTAL .........................................-.......................... $233,085.15 CONDITION OF FUNDS Mortuary Fund: , j Receipts .......-...-............-............-..........................$ 132,665.57 Disbursements ........................................................... 95,421.44 Gain ..............................................................$ 37,244.13 Balance December 31, 1938 ............................................. 2,119,441.08 Balance June 30, 1939 .................................................$2,156,685.21 Sick and Indemnity Fund: Receipts ..........................................................-...$ 60,025.18 Disbursements ............................................. ,............ 58,978.63 Gain ..............................................................$ 1.046.55 | Balance December 31, 1938 ................................................... 29,640.01 ; Balance June 30, 1939 .....................................................$ 30,686.56 Disability Fund: Receipts ................-.............................................$ 7.220.77 Disbursements ............................................................ 10,350.60 Loss .....................-........................................$ 3,129.83 Balance December'31, 1938 .............................................. 21,137.69 Balance June 30, 1939 ............................................ $ 18,007.86 Athletic Fund: Receipts .....................................—-.......................$ 3,150.62 Disbursements ............................................................ 1,736.96 Gain ............................................................ $ 1,413.66 Balance December 31, 1938 ................................................ 5,367.96 Balance June 30, 1939 ....................................... :......$ 6,781.62 Expense Fund: Receipts ..............................................................$ 30,023.01 Disbursements ............................................................ 23,648.65 Gain ..............- |.............................................$ 6,374.36 i Balance December 31, 1938 .................................................. 19,902.49 Balance June 30, 1939 .................................................$ 26,276.85 DEATH BENEFIT CLAIMS PAID From January 1, 1939 — To June 30, 1939 Names of Deceased Lodge Amount Names of Deceased Lodge Amount Members No. Paid Members No. Paid John Presheren .............. 1 $ 233.79 Mary Spehar 49 500.03 ; Frank Jerich ............... 1 1,375.00 Ivan Kolar 53 325.uO George Butarac 1 1,000.00 John Kaucic ................ 53 1,000.00 Stanislav Vesel ............. 1 1,000.00 John Jeshe ................. 54 1 000.00 Angela Zupancich 1 50.00 Jožefa Mavsar 55 600.00 Ursula Prijatelj ............ 2 33.65 Vinko Marolt .............. 55 841.53 George Krek 4 1.000.00 Anna Rogina 57 125.37 George Nemanich ............. 5 885.72 Nick Rogina ................ 57 227.45 Johana Ursic ................ 6 1,500.00 Lewis J. Bergant 57 500.00 Frank Durjava ............... 6 1,000.03 John Gross 58 199.bl Margareta Sunich 9 366.67 Matt Fox 58 1,000.00 Joseph Plautz ............... 9 1,000.00 Peter Cernic 61 1,000.00 John Schmalzel .............. 9 500.00 Anton Jaklic 61 881.08 Katherine Plut ............. 9 500.00 Marjeta Ozanich 64 50.00 Mary Vidmar ................. 9 500.00 Anton Peselj ............... 66 195.05 Anton Cepuran .............. 11 500.00 j Christina Kren 66 250.00 Katarina Pezdirtz .......... 11 500.00 Anna Plodinec 68 1.000 00 Katarina Sutej ............. 11 500.00 Charles Jevnikar .......... 71 500.00; Nick Cvetas ................ 11 1,000.00 Matt Sternad ............... 72 3,000.00, ! Frank Frankovich .......* 12 1,000.00 Martin Vertačnik 72 1,000.00 l Joseph Dele j a ........... 15 825.00 Antonia Evansek 78 450.02 Anton Bojc ................. 15 950.19 Frank Mishmash 85 86.74 | Louis Papes ............... 15 28.47 Anna Rom 88 500.00 Marija Martinčič ........... 16 500.00 John Sme PO 1,000.00 Paul Demshar ............... 18 1,000.00 ' Anton Levar 92 500.00 Leo Kordish 21 188.00 Anton Zupancich 92 1,000 90 Jacob Kovach 22 500.00 John Movern 107 1,000 00 ! Frančiška Zupančič .. 22 404.32 Joseph Stariha 108 1,000.00 j Mary Virant ................ 25 500.00 Anna Ozanich............... 109 250.00 j Anton Zidar ................ 25 1,000.00 John Somrock 114 250.00 j Tony Gaspersic 26 696.64 John Zitnik 114 1.000.00 Frances Podvasnik .......... 26 250 0C Frances Frisl 110 500.00 John C. Mertel............. 26 666.67 Margaret Shustarich 120 200.00 , Philip Hussar 28 95.64 John Jovanovich 123 250.00 Andrew Opeka ............... 29 1,000.00 Joseph Lavko 127 1.000.00 Anton Panian 30 1,000.00 Vladimir Braje .......... 128 1,000 00 John Erchul 30 300.00 Katarina Krall 129 53 24 Katherine Nemanich 31 500.00 Josephine Pujzdar 137 197.00. Frank Safran ............... 31 1,000.00 Thomas Kuznik 138 250.00 John Kodrich ............... 31 1,000.00 Matt Judnich 141 1,000.00 Mary Strah ................. 31 500.00 Anton Merlak 149 1,000.00 Ljudmila Kiren ............. 33 500.00 Apolonia Kasper 155 1,000.00 John Princ ................. 36 823.83 Frank Speiser 158 1,000 00 Anton Bercan 36 1,000.00 Frank Jonta 166 250.00 Frank Ahcin ................ 37 1,000.00 Mihael Lenarčič 174 500 00 Frank Kmet ................. 37 1,000.00 John Simcic .......... 179 100.00 John Petrich ............... 37 1,000.00 Matt Vertnik ......... 200 1,000.00 Anton Stih ................. 37 1,000.00 Frank Srsen 200 416.67 Frank Kolenc 37 1,000.00 Anton Stih, refunded Nikola Kosanovich .......... 39 378.75 and repaid) 37 114.76 Paul Centa ................. 44 500.00 Josephine Pujzdar, (re- Frank Kocjan ............... 45 500.00 funded and repaid) 137 48.50 Joseph Kanovsek 45 25.00 __________ Johana Oberstar 47 500.00 Karl Toplikar............... 49 1,000.00 $67,089.06 TRUST FUNDS DUE BENEFICIARIES OF DECEASED MEMBERS Amount Mary Klinar ............................. 20.00 Names of deceased members due Barbara Plantan 116.67 Frank Zupančič - . ...’..........$ 53.85 John Sposta .......................... 50.00 Joseph Palcher....................... 209.13 Joseph Sluga 47.43 Katherine Pogorelc 183.01 John Turk 444.47 Anna Novosel 119.50 Karl Petrovcich .................... 225.001 John Hutar 104.57 Frank Šebenik 100.00 Mary Ulchar......................... 355.25 Blaz Gorse ... 425.00 Joseph Volk 350.00 Andrew Sharko 100.00 Peter Novak 99.00 Angela Zupancich 100.00 Mary Miklaucic 50.00 Josephine Bradach 390.42 Jernej Jaklovich 111.98 Jozefa Bolks 500.00 Mary Gorichan 800 00 Lucy Merhar 112.22 Frank Gorichan 966.50 Fannie Stariha 221.03 Anton Svigel 25.00 Mary Milavec 546.71 Josephine Pustoslemsek 100.00 Mirko Mihtel 202.49 I John Simcic 100.00 John Podpečan......................... 189.75 Mary Kapler ........................ 250.00 John Krize............................ 654.03 Mary Lisac 323.17 Frank Koss...................... 504.76 John Britz 750.00 Frank Debar ....... 151.36 Frank Pengal 371.42 Anton Stare 14.14 Louis Rudman 232.13 Louise Klobučar 140.51; John Marolt 175.67 Anton Zupevc 111.59; Ivana Zakrajšek ..................... 100.00 Mike Jankovitz..................... 508.01 Lucija Kalan ........................ 150.00 Mary Ramoush ........................ 68.55 1 I Amount Paul Tomsich .......-............... 371.78 ! Names of deceased members due ! Ursula Prijatelj ................... 33.65 j Ivana Guzelj ................... 135.20 Mary Teka veta ....................... 70.00 Matt Simec ......................... 54.02 Lina Schober ....................... 298.71 Anton Godic ...................... 515.32 John Polugnak ...................... 320.57 John Basel ....................... 152.74 John Pintar ........................ 450.00 John Jamnik ...................... 570.19 Mike Raspet.......................... 350.00 Frank Umek ....................... 125.18 Louisa Champa ..................... 170.00 Joseph Sikich .............. -...... 318.32 j Nick Evanoff ...................... 497.79 George Krcelic 994.70 John Gross........................... 50.69 Jernej Steblaj....................... 168.96 Katherine Lambert .................. 600.00 Anton Pust ........................... 28.46 John Princ.......................... 176.17 Elizabeth Oblak ..................... 100.00 Anton Bojc ........................... 49-81 Josip Redek........................... 86.40 George Nemanich...................... 114.28 Bartol Luzar ....................... 100.00 Marjeta Sunich ...................... 133.33 Louis Papes ......................... 142.35 Ivan Kolar .......................... 175.00 Katrina Krall........................ 532.40 Frances Zupančič .................... 95.68 | Mary Semerl........................ 823.87 John Erchul ..................... 200.00 John Premro ......................... 200.00 Frank Jerich ....................... 125.00 ! Frank Gruden .................... 34.05 Margaret Shustarich.................. 300.0» John Skoda......................... 100.00 : Frank Srsen .....-.................. 83.33 11 Frank Stanich .................... 624.75 John C. Mertel...................... 333.33 Tony Shine .......................... 276.42 Anton Jaklic ........................ 118.92 I! Elizabeth Makara .........-......... 100.00 ---------- ’ i Anton Bolka ..................... 642.86 $24,188.55 DEATH BENEFIT CLAIMS IN COURSE OF ADJUSTMENT .'Mike Novak ........................$1,000.00 John Kocjan ..................... 500.00 Ivan Gerzin ..................... 1,000.00 Alois J. Pirc ................. 1,000.00 j Martin Petek .................... 1,000.00 --------- | John Loushin .................... 1,000.00 $6,000.00 i John Kozer ............... .".... 500.00 --------- BONDS Arkansas State Highway, Refunding, Series A................. 4%% $ 10,000.00 Arkansas State Highway, Series A.................................... 5 15,000.00 Arkansas State Highway, Series B................................................ 3,024.85 Arkansas State Road District, Refunding, Series A................... 3 20,000.00 Arkansas State Road District, Refunding, Series B................... — 2,016.60 North Dakota State Real Estate Series............................... 5 10,000.00 State of West Virginia, Hopemont Admin. & Hospital Revenue 4 10,090.00 Aberdeen, S. Dakota, Independent School District.................... 4% 10,000.00 Aberdeen, Washington, Water Revenue................ ............... 5 10,000.00 Aberdeen, Washington, Water Extension Project Fund.................. 5 10,000.00 Aberdeen, Washington, Water Revenue ............................... 5 7,000.00 Akron, Ohio, Sewage Disposal ....................................... 4‘4 10,000.00 Akron, Ohio, Grade Crossing Elimination (Unlimited Tax) .... i% 15,000.00 Alexander County, Illinois, School District No. 1................ 5 10,000.00 Altoona, Pa., Improvement.......................................... i\t 7,000.00 Altoona, Pa., School District....................................... 4'4 3,000.00 Amarillo, Texas, Water Works :...................................... 5 20,000.00 Atlantic City, New Jersey, Bridge Bonds (Reg.) ..................... 4% 20,000.00 Bayonne, New Jersey, School......................................... 4V4 25,000.00 Bell County, Kentucky, Voted Road and Bridge....................... 5 15,000.00 Beresford, South Dakota, Water Works................................ 5 5,000.00 Bertie County, N. Carolina, Funding................................ 4% 10,000.00 Big Creek School District, McDowell County, W. Va.................. 5% 10,000.00 Birmingham, Michigan, Sewage Disposal Revenue...................... 4 15,000.00 Bloomington, 111., Water Revenue................................... 4 Vi 10,000.00 Blue Island Park Dist., Cook County, 111., Park Bonds.............. 4 10,000.00 Borger Independent School Dist., Hutchinson Co., Texas ............ 3-5 10,000.00 Borger Independent School Dist., Hutchinson Co., Texas ............ 3-5 473.30 Brazoria County, Texas, Brazos River Harbor Navig. Dist 5M 10.000.00 Brevard County, Florida, Special Road and Bridge............. 4>i 10,000.00 Cicero (Cook County) Illinois, Water Revenue ...................... 4'A 10,000.00 Cicero (Cook County) Illinois, Funding, Third Series................ 4% 10,000.00 Cleveland, Ohio, Park & Air Craft Field............................ 4V6 20,000.00 Cleveland, Ohio, Aircraft Landing Field............................ 4V< 20,000.00 i Coal Township, Pa., School District, Funding...................... 5 20,000.00 Coleman County, Texas, Road........................................ 5 10.000.00 Cook County, (Cicero) Illinois, School Dist. No. 99................ 5 20,000.00 Cook County, 111., Evanston Township H. S. Dist. No. 202........... C 10,000.00 Cook County, 111., Evanston Township H. S. Dist. No. 202........... 5 10,000.00 Cook County, 111., Maine Township H. S. Dist. No. 207.............. 5 20,000.00 Cook County, 111., Proviso Township H. S. Dist. No. 209............ 5 10,000.00 Cranford Township, N. J. School District........................... 4 15,000.00 Cranford, New Jersey, School (Board of Education) ................ 4 10,000,00 Crow Wing County, Minnesota, Refunding, Series B................... 4V4 9,500.00 S Cuyahoga County, Ohio, Sewer...................................... 4 10.009 00 Dade County, Florida, Board of Public Instruction ................. 4-6 10,000.00 Dearborn, Michigan, Sewer ......................................... 4Ms 10,000.00 Detroit, Michigan, Water........................................... 4V4 10,000.00 Detroit, Michigan, Water........................................... 4 10,000.00 East Chicago, Ind., Water Works.................................... 6 25,000.00 Elizabeth City, N. Carolina, Public Improvement I 4-5 5,000.00 Euclid, Ohio, Street Improvement.................................. 5*,4 10,000.00 Euclid, Ohio, School District...................................... 5 15,000,00 Euclid, Ohio, Street Improvement................................... 5'4 10,000.00 Flint, Michigan, Sanitary Trunk Sower.............................. 4% 10,000.00 Flint, Michigan, Union School District............................. 5 10,000.00 Florida State Everglades, D. D..................................... 6 25.000.00 Florida State Everglades D. D. Refunding........................... 5 10,000.00 Forest Park, 111., Water Revenue......................,\........... 4',4 10,000.00 Freeport, 111., Water Revenue...................................... 3M 25,000.00 Garfield Heights, Ohio Refunding................................... 2K-4 10,000.00 Glencoe Park District, Cook County, 111............................ 4% 10,000.00 Goldsboro, N. Carolina, Public Improvement.......................... 4;!i 10.000.00 Greenburgh, New York............................................... 5V4 15,000.00 Highwood City, Illinois, Water Revenue............................. 3V< 18,000.00 Hoboken, N. J. School. ........................................... 4V4 10,000.00 Hoquiam, Washington, Water Works.................................... 5% 20,000.00 Hudson County, N. J. Park Bonds..................................... 4V4 10,000.00 j Hutchinson County, Texas, Road...................................... 514 20,000.00 j Jefferson County, Texas, Court House Refunding...................... 5 10,000.00 Jersey City, N. J. Harbor Bonds..................................... 4U 5,000.00 : Jersey City, N. J. Water Bonds...................................... 4V4 5,090.00 Johnson City, Tenn., School........................................ 6 5,000.00 Johnston County, N. Carolina, Highway.............................. 5 10,000.00 Knoxville, Tenn., Sewer............................................. 4V4 5,000.00 Knoxville, Tenn., Bridge.......................................... 4'4 10,000.00 Lakewood, Ohio, City School District................................ 6 10,000.0# Lakewood, Ohio, Sewage Treatment Works.............................. 4'/a 16,000.00 Lakewood, Ohio, School............................................. 4% 10,000.00 Lee County, N. Carolina, Road...................................... 4% 10,000.00 Liberty County, Texas, Road........................................ 5% 20,000.00 Lima, Ohio, Street Improvement ................................. 5'A 10,000.00 Long Beach, N. Y„ Beach and General Improvement............. 5% 10,000.00 1 Long Beach, N. Y. Water................................. 6 10,000.00 Long Beach, N. Y„ Refunding................................. 5si 10,000.00 Los Angeles County, Calif., County Sanitation Dist. No. 5.......... 5U 25,000.00 Lubbock, Texas, School District.................................j.... 5 30,000.00 Lynwood (Lugo) School Dist., Los Angeles, Calif................. 5 5,000.00 Macomb County, Mich., Drain Bonds................................... 6 10,000.00 Mahoning Valley Sanitary District, Ohio, Water...................... 4% 10,000.00 Mahoning Valley Sanitary District, Ohio, Water..................... 414 5,000,00 Mahoning Valley Sanitary District, Ohio, Water..................... 4’i 5.000.00; Maine Township, 111., High School District No. 207.............. ... 4 Vi 10,000.00; Mamaroneck, N. Y„ Sewer............................................. 4'4 10,000.00 Marion County, W. Va„ Road, Mannington Magisteral Dist. . 5!4 10,000.00 Maple Heights, Ohio, Village School District....................... 6 10,000.00; Marion, 111., General Corporate Bonds ............................. 5 16,000.00! Marion County, W. Va., Union Independent School District.... 4-% 10.000.00 Matagorda County, Texas, Conservation & Reclamation Dist. 6 20,000.00 j McKinley County, New Mexico, Road & Bridge.......................... 5 10,000.00 Menominee, Michigan, Sewage Disposal System Revenue 3V4 4,000.00 Michigan City, Indiana, Sewage Works Revenue........................ 4 10,000.00 Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, New Mexico, Ref 4 15,000.00 Milwaukee County, Wis., Metropolitan Sewer.........................4-% 15,000.00 Minot, North Dakota, School Building ............................ . 5 10,000.00 , Mobile County, Alabama, Funding.................................... 4V4 15,000.00 Moffat Tunnel Improvement District, Denver, Colorado................ 514 10,000.00 Moffat Tunnel Improvement District, Denver, Colorado................ 5U 10,000.00 Monroe County, Alabama, Refunding ................................ 6 10,000.00 Monroe County, Mich., Twsps. of Exeter & Raisenville, Road. 4:i* 4,000.00 ; (Continued on page 8) '■ bodo naši društveni prispevki vedno točno plačani, in pa, da dobimo v dobro podporno organizacijo vse naše sorodnike in prijatelje, dokler so zdravi in sposobni za pristop. Nihče namreč ne ve, kdaj in kje ga nesreča čaka. Pokojnemu sobratu Louisu Grantzu naj bo ohranjen blag spomin, .žalujočim ostalim pa naj bo v imenu društva izraženo iskreno sožalje! — Za društvo št. 171 JSKJ: Tomo Simrak, tajnik. Chicago, III. — Ko bodo člani in članice društva Zvezda, št. 170 JSKJ, prejeli današnjo izdajo našega glasila, bo seja za mcsec avgust že za nami. Zato prosim tem potom člane in članice, da bolj redno plačujejo svoje asesmente. Po navadi, ko pride zadnji dan v mesecu, nimam niti polovico asesmenta skupaj, pa nQ vem, ali bi šla kolektat okoli ali bi čakala na asesment doma. Na glavnem uradu zahtevajo točnost od društev, prav kakor mi pri društvih zahtevamo točnost od glavnega urada, oziroma, da dobimo od Jednote točno, kar nam pripada. To pomeni, da je tudi naša dolžnost, da smo točni. Jaz nerada opominjam člane in članice na njihove dolžnosti napram društvu, pa ni druge pomoči, želim, da prizadeti moj opomin upoštevajo. Tem potom naznanjam tudi, da se v Chicagu že pridno pripravljamo na izlet v Milwaukee, Wis., kjer bo 1. oktobra zborovala federacija društev JSKJ za Illinois in Wisconsin. Naša federacija je stara šele leto dni, pa ima pokazati že lep napredek. Upam, da se nam v bližnji bodočnosti pridružijo tudi društva, ki se doslej še niso priglasila. Ker som bila že večkrat vprašana, kdaj bodo chicaška društva JSKJ spet priredila kakšno veselico, naj tem potom poročam, da so priprave za jesensko veselico v polnem teku. Veselica z bogatim vzporedom, ki bo vključeval tudi igro in petje, se bo vršila ob prvi obletnici federacije društev'JSKJ, to je 22. oktobra, v dvorani SNPJ na So. Lawndale Ave. Kdor se je udeležil nstše veselice lanskega oktobra, se gotovo spominja, kako so bili posetniki zadovoljni s programom. Letos pa si je veselični odbor vzel za nalogo, da mora biti program še lepši in zanimivejši kot lani. Vse rojake in rojakinje iz Chicaga in bližnjih naselbin že danes pozivam, da si rezervirajo dan 22. oktobra za poset te prireditve. Vstopnice v predprodaji so po 30 centov, na dan prireditve pri vratih pa bodo po 40 centov. Priporočljivo je torej, da si vstopnice v naprej preskrbite; prvič zato, ker so cenejše .drugič pa zato, da gotovo ne zamudite te prireditve. Postrežba bo prvovrstna in godba bo v zgornji in spodnji dvorani. Sestrski pozdrav! — Za društvo Zvezda, št. 170 JSKJ: Agnes Jurečič, tajnica. Chicago, lil. — članom in članicam društva Jugoslovanski zvon, št. 70 JSKJ, naznanjam, da je dne 30. julija nagle smrti umrla sosestra Mary Roseman. Pokopali smo jo dne 3. avgusta po katoliškem obredu. Vsak član, ki je prihajal na naše seje, jo je lahko poznal, ker ona je bila edina članica našega društva, ki se je redno udeleževala mesečnih sej, čeravno je živela 5 milj oddaljeno od zborovalnih prostorov. Bila je tudi točna s plačevanjem svojih društvenih prispevkov. Podpisani sem že 7 let tajnik tega društva in kot :ak vem, da pokojnica ni nikoli iaostala z asesmenti, dasiravno je plačevala za štiri v družini. Bodi ji ohranjen blag spomin! Na zadnji seji so bili prečita- (Dalje na 8. str.) želijo, udeležiti slavnosti | ske organizacije v Mason0 - , Torej, naša redna seja v 1 jo 20. avgusta se bo začel ^ uro prej kot običajno. Dalje opozarjam čla^ naj točno plačujejo svoje . p mente. Društvena blagaJ^ izčrpana in ne morem0 1 za nikogar založiti aseSJ| j| Naj se torej nihče ne za“ J | to, kajti iz prazne bla^ ne more ničesar plačati. < > je najbolj težko, ko pri e ^ dan v mesecu, pa nima i na_j dovolj denarja, da hi ^ asesment na glavni ma ' tem ne kaže nič drugeSa ^ javi za suspendirane °n®' f p;1 majo plačanih asesmen,-aSj5 zelo nerad stori, toda ' .j : I more drugače, člani f>a upoštevali in skrbeli, asesmente pravočasno P i . kajti član, ki tekom sU pjjj cije zboli, izgubi podp°r ’ j ni mala reč. Tekom zadnjih šestihfflgj p beleži tudi naše društ'® ^ ,, no lep napredek v članS ^ ; bili smo 21 novih čla«0''^ i dinski oddelek in ene^aVjfl$ ; 1 oddelek. Upam, da h° ^ s rastlo tudi v drugi P0^0'^ t Bratski pozdrav! —"a 4 št. 55 JSKJ: J oseph Prail'| Cleveland, O. — :jj * štva Sv. Janeza Krstni > j . JSKJ, obveščam tem P° ^ ‘ sem se preselil iz moJe ^i { danjega naslova, it s ri ali doli.— Pri večjih A , sorazmeren popust. Tiyj \ I k DRUGI POSLI S STAB^ $ Kadar rabite pooblas . ali. ^ drugo listino za stari K 1 imate s starim kraje*” ^ opravilo, je v vašo k°n- > nete na: . fCftP 1 LEO ZAKRAJ; General Travel S<‘r^Cyof*/ 302 E. 72nd St., ^>1 5 ; /A V L 0® pBfM w l* w ... J : w »tej p- ; lavB.rovane do ^ Savings & Loan Insur- ^ vi ,j ration, Washingi011’ ^ ^ ) Sprejemamo osebne 10 1 vloge. J ' t Plačane obresti P'° J ! ! St. Clair Savings & JJUj 1 , 6235 St. Clair Avenue 1 ’ Važno za vsflkj ; i &. 1 - KADAR pošiljate denar v ®tJir ufjj' t KA1»AR ste namenjeni v »tflr $riP'J KADAR želite koga iz staretf* ^ ^ i 3 KARTE prodajamo za vse ^U|fl ^ J najnižji ceni in ^ 1 3 Izlete. aj Potniki so z nalim posrjo » i zadovoljn«. - r [ Denarne pošiljke izvrsUJ zanesljivo po dnevfle^ 1 V JUGOSLAVIJO „ s3^5 '? - Za $ 2.30.. 100Din | Za* za 4.50.. 200 ” | za 6.60.. 300 ” | za *rs0'# ; za 10.25.. 500 ” | 711 za 20.00.. 1000 ” | *» ko® V« • za 39.00..2000 ” | *9 “J0 Ker »e cene sedaj hitro m0'1 'j' | cene podvržene spremeni P* ^ jp 1 ^ Pošiljamo tudi denar Izplačila v dola«: ^ t V Vašem lastnem interesi! i®' & r prodno se drugje poslu®11 ’ FmL, *} pojasnila* # v v Slovenic Publis^*^/® a (Glas Naroda-Travel O 216 West 18 St. | I (SEAL) JOSEPH L. MANTEL, Notary Public, St. Louis County, Minn. | My Commission Expires March 5, 1943 STATE OP MINNESOTA'] j COUNTY OP ST. LOUIS | SS: JOHN KUMSE, JANKO N. ROGELJ, PRANK E. VRANICHAR, MATT ANZELC and ANDREW MILAVEC, Jr., trustees of the South Slavonic Catholic Union of America, being duly sworn, each for himself, depose and say that they S have examined the foregoing statements of income and disbursements and gener- j al conditions of said South Slavonic Catholic Union of America, and that they ! have carefully comioared said statements with the books and records of said \ ‘ Union and are satisfied that said statements are true and correct, in every re- j | spect, to the best of their knowledge and belief. JOHN KUMSE JANKO N. ROGELJ PRANK E. VRANICHAR MATT ANZELC ANDREW MILAVEC, Jr. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 29th day of July, 1939. JOSEPH L. MANTEL, Notary Public, St. Louis County, Minn. ! (SEAL) My Commission Expires March 5, 1943. Naši delegati so se vsi srečni , vrnili s konvencije v Elyu, Min- ^ nesota. Naša delegatinja na j mladinski konvenciji se je vrni- r i la v sredo 9. avgusta. Bila je ze- ; lo vesela in zadovoljna, ker je r imela priliko videti rojstno me- j t i sto naše Jednote ter se seznaniti , is tolikim številom mladinskih ^ in atletičnih delegatov in tudi; z glavnimi uradniki. Pravi, da : 1 I lepih dni ne bo nikoli pozabila.; Sestrski pozdrav! — Za društvo i št. 233 JSKJ: • Josephine Barun, tajnica. 1 ji Struthers, O. — člani društva c jCardinals, št. 229 JSKJ so zad- c nje čase čudno zaspani. Kdaj se 1 jih je ta bolezen prijela, ne ve- 1 mo. Istotako tudi ne vemo, če bo ‘c treba klicati zdravnika. Na vsak način pa bi bil dobrodošel nekdo, ki bi te zaspane člane zbrihtal, vsaj toliko, da bi mogli priti en- ^ krat na mesec na sejo svojega društva. Poset zadnje seje je bil i slab, da se milo izrazim. Upam, da se prihodnje seje udeležijo ( ; člani in članice stoprocentno. Društvo Cardinals se želi tem potom zahvaliti bratskemu dru- ] j štvu št. 44 JSKJ v Barbertonu, 1 O., in drugim bratskim društ- i vom ter prijateljem iz tega me- ; sta in okoliških naselbin za po- -i set našega piknika. Pripomogli so s svojim posetom, da je bil piknik uspešen, kljub deževnemu vremenu. Atracija piknika je bil dvojni baseball. V obeh s tekmah so zmagali igralci dru- j štva Cardinals. Na obeh straneh | so bili izborni igralci. Le tako naprej! — Za društvo Cardi-| nals, št. 229 JSKJ : Molly Slabe, zapisnikarica. \ Moon Run, Pa. — članom in članicam društva Sv. Frančiška, j št. 99 JSKJ, naznanjam, da se i bo vršila naša redna mesečna se-! ja v nedeljo 20. avgusta. Vršila I se bo. v navadnih prostorih in se bo pričela ob 1. uri popoldne, želeti je, da se članstvo udeleži i te seje polnoštevilno. 1 šestmesečna kampanja pri naši Jednoti je za nami ,in, kot ■jsmo čitali v Novi Dobi, je bila .j prav uspešna. Tudi naše dru-■ i štvo št. 99 JSKJ je nekoliko pri-> pomoglo k dobremu uspehu te • kampanje. Lepa hvala vsem članom in članicam, ki so pripomogli, da se je v tej kampanji pri našem društvu število članstva zadovoljivo pomnožilo v odraslem, posebno pa v mladinskem oddelku. Posebej pa še hvala staršem, ki so dali vpisati svoje otroke v naše društvo. Naj bodo zagotovljeni, da so zavarovani pri dobri, močni in pošteni organizaciji. Le tako naprej, člani in članice. Jednota vedno potrebuje nove člane in ljudje vedno potrebujejo zavarovanje. Poletje naglo beži proti jeseni in kmalu bo sezona piknikov za nami. Da je ne zamudimo popolnoma, smo članice tukajšnjega Gospodinjskega kluba sklenile prirediti naš letni piknik v nedeljo 20. avgusta. Vršil se bo na prijaznem gričku Portmans Grove. Za vso postrežbo bo dobro poskrbljeno, istotako tudi |za dobro godbo. Vsi rojaki in rojakinje tega okrožja so prijazno vabljeni na poset.. Frances Koritnik, tajnica društva št. 99 JSKJ. Uniontown, Pa. — Na zadnji seji našega društva Sv. Roka, št. 55 JSKJ, je bil sprejet predlog, da se naša prihodnja seja začne ;eno uro prej kot po navadi, da ise zamorejo člani, kateri tako DOPISI |. (Nadaljevanje s 7. str.) ni trimesečni in šestmesečni računi. Zdi se pa, da to člane zelo malo zanima. Od' 140 odraslih i ■članov in članic'nas je bilo na seji vsega skupaj 12 članov. Slab je tisti gospodar, ki se ne briga, kaj se godi pri njegovem gospodarstvu; istotako je slab član tisti, ki se ne briga, kako , posluje njegovo društvo. Zato i je bilo na zadnji sepi sklenjeno, da se kaznuje v smislu pravil; i vsakega člana, ki se ne bo udele- j žil mesečnih sej vsaj štirikrat ; na leto. Tiste člane, ki zaostajajo s svojimi asesmenti, prosim, da naj bodo v bodoče bolj točni v plačevanju. Tajnik ne more za nikogar zakladati iz svojega, iz i društvene blagajne pa tudi ne |sme založiti, razen, ako se pri- > ; zadeti član javi na seji ali pri | i tajniku ter izrazi željo, da se | asesment zanj založi. člani in članice so vabljeni,! ida se v obilem številu udeležijo ; prihodnje seje, ki se bo vršila v : soboto 19. avgusta v navadnih | prostorih. Jaz imam za to sejo j j pripravi jene vstopnice za ve-j i selico, katera bo prirejena dne 22. oktobra. Vstopnice j so v predprodaji po 30 centov, pri vraim pa bodo po 40 centov. J Vsak član našega društva mora i eno vstopnico sam plačati. Kar jih bo dobil več, pa naj jih po J možnosti razproda, želim, da ) člani kar mogoče polnoštevilno ) pridejo na prihodnjo sejo, da j 1 jim ne bo treba pošiljati vstop-j ) nic po pošti. Bratski pozdrav! — ! i Za društvo Jugoslovanski zvon, > št. 70 JSKJ : j Andrew Bavetz, tajnik, i ) -— i } Trinidad, Colo. — List za lis- j j toni pada. Naše društvo Sv. An-) dreja, št. 84 JSKJ, je dne 31. i * julija spet izgubilo enega dobre- j j ga člana. Po kratki bolezni jel 3 namreč preminil sobrat Frank | o Krivec, star 62 let. Zapušča ža-! H lujočo soprogo in več odraslih ) otrok, ki vsi spadajo v naše dru-1 ) štvo št. 84 JSKJ. Pogreb pokoj-, ^ nika se je vršil 3. avgusta na po- j kopališče v Trinidadu. Njegovo priljubljenost je izpričevala velika udeležba pri pogrebu. Vsem, ki so se pogreba pokojnega sobrata udeležili, naj bo j izrečena najlepša hvala. Pose-J bej naj se zahvalim za udeležbo j pri pogrebu članom unijskega lokala v Morleyu. Naj bo pokojnemu sobratu ohranjen blagi spomin, žalujočim ostalim pa j naj bo v imenu društva izraženo iskreno sožalje. — Za dru-j štvo št. 84 JSKJ: Jacob Prunk, tajnik, j Ludlow, Colo. — Najprej mi je sporočiti žalostno vest, da jej naše društvo “Sloga,” št. 233 JSKJ, izgubilo iz svojih vrst, dobrega člana. Dne 30. julija je namreč preminil Ilija Salapich,; ki je bil član našega društva od 14. avgusta 1938, to je od usta-1 novitve našega društva. Bil je izvoljen v nadzorni odbor in se je pri društvu vedno udejstvoval kot dober član, točno pose-čal društvene seje in pomagal kjer koli in kadar koli je bilo potrebno. Društvo ga bo torej težko pogrešalo. Pokojni sobrat, ki ja bil ob času smrti 22 let star, zapušča žaltijočega očeta Jacka Sala-picha, pet bratov in eno omože-no sestro. Naj mu bo ohranjen blag spomin! PRANK E. VRANICHAR MATT ANZELC ANDREW MILAVEC, JR. Sworn to and subscribed before-me this 29th day of July, 1939. JOSEPH L. MANTEL, Notary Public, St. Louis County, Minn. (SEAL) My Commission Expires March 5, 1943 SUPREME SECRETARY’S REPORT of the condition of the JUVENILE DEPARTMENT of the SOUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION OF AMERICA at the close of business JUNE 30, 193S RECEIPTS Mortuary Fund: Assessments ..................................... -.....$6,017.64 Interest from Bonds ......................... -.......... 2,815.63 Refund from Lodge No. 50 (Reserve Credit) ............... 10.60 $ 8.843.87 Expense Fund: Assessments ......................................... $1,695.23 Rent paid by the Adult Department ....................... 600.00 Transferred from Mortuary Fund (Reserve Credits) .......... 385.40 Joseph Mantel, refund of premium ........................ 1.00 2,681.63 TOTAL INCOME ............................................. $ 11,525.50 j DISBURSEMENTS Mortuary Fund: Death Benefits ...—...........-......-...................$1,514.00 Reserve Credits ......................................... 1,074.76 Transferred to Expense Fund ............................... 385.40 $ 2,974.16 Expense Fund: GENERAL OFFICE MAINTENANCE A NIJ EXPENSE: Janitor’s Salary .................................. $220,48 Supplies ........................ -.............. 4.24 E. L. Rautio, repairs to heating plant .......... 51.03 Miscellaneous expenses on bldg. and lawn ......... 31.55 $ 307.30 INSURANCE PREMIUMS: Friedsburg Service Agency ......................_$ 14.45 $ 14.45 WATER. LIGHT AND IIEAT: City of Ely ................................... $ 64.57 Standard Oil Company ............................ 279.00 $ 343.57 TAXES: W. C. Sargent, Treasurer.........................$327.01 $ 327.01 AWARDS: Articles in the “Nova Doba” ......................$ 45.00 To various lodges for new members................ 285.50 $ 330.50 FEES: Examination fees for new members ................. $ 45.00 $ 45.00 STATIONERY AND SUPPLIES: W. A. Pisher Company ............................$195.34 $ 495.34 OTHER EXPENSES: Stanley Pechaver, salary and per diem ...........$273.00 A. J. Terbovec, engraving ..................... 20.67 Employer’s share of Social Security Tax ......... 3.80 $ 297.47 $ 2,160.64 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS ...........................i........... $ 5,134.80 i Gain ...............................•........ft.............. 6,390.70 j TOTAL ...................;................... .......... . $ 11,525.50 BONDS Arkansas State Road District, Refunding, Series A......... 3 % $ 3,000.00 Arkansas State Road District, Refunding, Series B......... — 330.00 Beresford, South Dakota, Water Works. .................... 5 3,000.00 Bloomingtorr, Indiana, Sewage Works Revenue............... 4 5,000.00 Bluefield, W. Va„ Direct Obligation....................... 5 5,000.00 Chicago Heights, 111., Refunding.......................... 5 5,000.00 Cuyahoga County, Ohio, Sewer.............................. 4 3,000.00 El Dorado Special School District No. 15, Union Co., Ark 4 3,000.00 Port Worth, Texas, (Voted) Hospital Series. .............. 3% 5,000.00 Galveston, Texas, Road Improvement........................ 5 5,000.00 Garfield Heights, Ohio. Improvement. Refunding .......... 2Vi-5 3,000.00 Glencoe Park District, Cook County, 111................... 4% 3,000.00 Hamtramck, Mich., Public City Hospital.................... 3Vi 5,000.00 Jersey City, N. J. Water.................................. 4 V2 5,000.00 Knoxville, Tennessee, ^Bridge............................. 4’/l> 5.000.00 Liberty County, Texas, Road............................... 5‘i 5,000.00 Mahoning Valley, Ohio, Sanitary Dist., Water, Series B 4V> 5,000.00 McLennan County, Texas, Road District No. 3............... 5% 10,000.00 Mercedes, Texas, Independent School District.............. 5 5,000.00 Middle Rio Grande Conservancy, Dist., N. Mex., Refunding .... 4 5,000.00 Norfolk County, Va., Tanner’s Ci’eek Magisteral District.. 5 5,000.00 North Bergen Township, N. J. Refunding.................... 4-4Vi 5,000.00 Pender County, N. C. Road and Bridge Funding..............4% 5,000.00 Phoenix Union H. S. District, Maricopa County, Arizona 4 . 4,000.00 Stark County, N. D. Funding............................... 6 5,000.00 Vincennes, Indiana, Water Works Revenue................... 3% 5,000.00 Vincennes, Indiana, Water Revenue......................... 3% 5.000.00 Wise County, Virginia, Gladeville Magisteral Dist., Ref... 4::t 5.000.00 $127,330.00 Financial Condition of the Juvenile Department OF THE SOUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION OF AMERICA JUNE 30, 1939 ASSETS Cash in transit to the Northern National Bank of Duluth, Minn........$ 198.30 Checking Account. Northern National Bank of Duluth, Minnesota 9,349.64 Invested in Bonds ............................................... 127,330.00 Real Estate iless $150.00 incumbrances) ........................... 22,530.77 Due and Accrued interest on bonds .................../.............. 2,837.42 Assessments due from Lodges ...................................... 1.232.15 TOTAL ................................................... $163,358.28 LIABILITIES Death Benefit ............................................... .......$ 32.14 | Reserve Credits .................................................... 198.93 ! Outstanding Checks ................................................. 512.88 | Assessments not due ................................................ 4.45 ! Awards for new members .................................................. 696.00 Medical Examiner’s fees for new members................................ 14.00 BALANCE JUNE 30, 1939 161,899.88 TOTAL ................................................... $163,358.28 STATE OP MINNESOTA] COUNTY OP ST. LOUIS | SS: ' : JOSEPH MANTEL, ANTON ZBASNIK and LOUIS CHAMPA, being duly ! sworn, each for himself, depose and say that they are first supreme vice-president, i supreme secretary and supreme treasurer, respectively of the South Slavonic ! Catholic Union of America; that on the 30th day of June, 1939, 'all of the above I described assets were the absolute property of said South Slavonic Catholic Union I of America, free and clear from any and all liens or claims thereon, except as ! above stated, and that the foregoing statements as to the income and disburse-; ments and the general condition of said South Salvonic Catholic Union of America are true and correct to their best knowledge, information and belief. JOSEPH MANTEL, First Supreme Vice-President. ANTON ZBASNIK, Supreme Secretary LOUIS CHAMPA, Supreme Treasurer Sworn to and subscribed before me this 29th day of July, 1939. SUPREME SECRETARY’S REPORT | of the condition of the ADULT DEPARTMENT ( of the SOUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION OF AMERICA at the close of business JUNE 30, 1939 (Continued from page 7) Montgomery, Alabama, Water Works Warrants.................... 5 15,000.00, < Montgomery, Alabama, School ................................ 5 15,000.00 j Morton County, N. Dakota. Funding and Refunding.............. 3-4 15,000.00 Muncie, Indiana, Sewage Works Revenue.......................... 3% 10,000.00' Newark, N. J. City Railway Construction...................... 4% 10,000.00 : Newark, N. J., Public Improvement .......................... 6 5,000.00 ; New Orleans (Port of), Louisiana, General Improvement........ 4% 5,000.00 New York, N. Y., Refunding................................... 4% 20,000.00 \ ^ North Chicago, 111., Water Revenue........................... 5 10,000.00 j North Little Rock, Arkansas, Special School District......... 3 ’4 -4 Vi 5,000.00 Palestine, Texas, Serial School House........................ 5 10,000.00 Pascoe County, Florida, Road and Bridge Refunding ........... 4-5% 5,000.00 f Pawhuska, Oklahoma, Sanitary Sewer........................... 6 10,000.00 f Pennington County, S. Dakota, Court House.................... 6 10,000.00 ^ Perry County, Kentucky, Road & Bridge........................ 5 10,000.00 \ ^ Perth Amboy, N. J. School..................-................. 4% 10,000.00 i . Perth Amboy, N. J. School.................................... 4% 20,000.00 i Philadelphia, Pa., General Obligation........................ 4 20,000 00 Phoenix Union High School Dist., Maricopa County, Ariz 4% 10,000.00 j Polk County, Tennessee, Funding.............................. 6 20,000.00 Pueblo Conservancy District, Colorado........................ 4% 20,000.00 j- Richland Parish, La., School District No. 18................. 5 10,000.00 j Roane County, Tennessee, Refunding Series A. ................ 5 20,000.00 j rj St. Lucie County, Florida, Road. ............................ 5 2,500.00 i San Antonio, Texas, Water Works.............................. 5% 10,000.00 j Seattle, Washington, Sewer Bonds ........................... 4(4 5,000.00 i ( Sheffield, Alabama, Water Revenue..........-................. 4% 15,000.00 j South Jersey Port District, N. J............................. 4'/a 10,000.00 j Summit County, Ohio, Refunding............................... 5 5,000.00 , g Toledo, Ohio, School District................................ 5’4 6,000.00 j Trinidad, Colorado, Water Refunding.......................... 4 20,000.00 | j Tulsa, Oklahoma, Water Works................................. 5 10,000.00 Union City, N. J. Serial Funding............................ 49* 10,000.00 j Union City, N. J. School Bonds of 1932....................... 6 10,000.00 ! j. Union Township, N. J. School District........................ 5 20,000.00 Vancouver, Washington, Water Revenue ....................... 4H 10,000.00 j \ Vincennes, Indiana, Water Works Revenue................................. 5,000.00 j c Wayne County, N. Carolina, Funding........................... 5 10,000.00 ; £ Westchester County, N. Y.. Park.............................. 4>i 20,000.60 j Westchester County, N. Y., Sanitary Sewer.................... 6 10,000.00 ] W. Matanzas D & L District, Fulton County, 111............... 4 10,000.00 I \ W. Matanzas D & L District, Fulton County, 111............... 5 2,000.00 j A West Park, Ohio, General Sewer............................... 6 10,000.00 j t White Plains, N. Y„ (Reg.) Water Works....................... 4% 10,000.00 'n Wichita County, Texas, Water Improvement Dist. 1, Ref 3-6 5,000.00 i Wise County, Virginia, Richman and Gladeville Magist. Dist. 4% 15,000.00 1 j Wyoming County, W. Va., Slab Fork Magisteral District........ 5*i 10,000.00 | Yonkers, N. Y. School. ......- -............ 4% . 15,000.00 ; S Yonkers, N. Y. Water......................................... .4% 5,000.00 ; \ Yuma County, Arizona, Highway................................ 5% 15,000.00 j< Indiana Electric Corporation, First Mortgage Gold Bonds...... 6 10,000.00 j S West Penn Power Co., Pgh., Pa., 1st Mortgage, Series E....... 5 30,000.00 I -------------i $2,020,514.75 j 1TT--1 Financial Condition of the Adult Dqiartment ** T OF THE Ii SOUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION OF AMERICA { JUNE 30, 1939 i ASSETS: |1 Cash: , I < Cash on hand.......................................$ 200.00 ; 1 Cash in transit to Northern Nat’l Bank, Duluth ... 2,723.21 j 1 Checking account, Northern Nat 1 Bank, Duluth .... 66,838.83 $ 69,762.04 1 < Investments: * Bonds ........................................... $2,020,514,75 $2,020,514.75 1 Loans on Certificates ................................ $ 171,646.51 $ 171,646.51 ’ Other Assets: ■ Due and accrued interest on bonds .................$ 50,239.69 • Accrued interest on certificate loans ............... 3,190.70 Due from lodges ................................... 27,001.46 $ 89,431.85 I Inventory ............................................‘$ 10,500.00 $ 10,500.00 : !---------------------- 1 TOTAL ...................................................... $2.361,855.15 ' ] LIABILITIES Unpaid Claims: Trust Funds due Beneficiaries of deceased members .........................................$ 24,188.55 Death benefit claims in course of adjustment 6,000.00 Sick and Indemnity Claims............................. 4,055.00 j Disability Claims........................................ 286.34 $ 34,509.89 Accounts Payable: Awards for new members..............................$ 1,185.75 Medical examiner’s fees for new members................... 85.00 To Secretaries of lodges for conversions of cert. 49.50 Anton Okolish, postage and stationery 10.95 Taylor and Taylor, tabulating service .................... 96.28 Louis M. Kolar, bronze plates ............................ 6.44 Unemployment Compensation Bureau of Ohio 30.21 Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation Fund 13.66 Minnesota Unemployment Compensation Fund 86.89 $ 1,564.68 Assessments not due................................... $ 51.35 $ 51.35 Outstanding checks ................................... $ 23,485.20 $ 23,485.20 BALANCE JUNE 30, 1939 ............................................ $2,302,244.03 TOTAL $2,361,855.15 STATE OF MINNESOTA") COUNTY OF ST. LOUISI SS: JOSEPH MANTEL, ANTON ZBASNIK and LOUIS CHAMPA, being duly j sworn, each for himself, depose and say that they are first supreme vice-president, ; • supreme secretary and supreme treasurer, respectively of the South Slavonic | Catholic Union of America; that on the 30th day of June, 1939, all of the above ! described assets were the absolute property of said South Slavonic Catholic Union ’ of America, free and clear from any and all liens or claims thereon, except a,s above stated, and that the foregoing statements as lo the income and disburse- ; ments and the general condition of said South Salvonic Catholic Union of America tire true and correct to their best knowledge, information and belief. JOSEPH MANTEL, First Supreme Vice-President. ANTON ZBASNIK, Supreme Secretary LOUIS CHAMPA, Supreme Treasurer Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2Dth day of July, 1939. JOSEPH L. MANTEL, Notary Public, St. Louis County, Minn. (SEAL) My Commission Expires March 5, 1943 STATE OF MINNESOTA] COUNTY OF ST. LOUIS SS: JOB N KUMSE, JANKO N. ROGELJ, FRANK E. VRANICHAR. MATT ANZELC and ANDREW MILAVEC, Jr., trustees of the South Slavonic Catholic Union of America, being duly sworn, each for himself, depose and say that they have examined the foregoing statements of income and disbursements and general conditions of said South Slavonic Catholic Union of America, and that they have carefully compared said statements with the books and records of said Union und are satisfied that said statements are true and correct, in every respect, to the best of their knowledge and belief, JOHN KUMSE JANKO N. ROGELJ