Scientific paper Sumanene Units in P-type Surface Networks Beata Szefler,1 Mahboubeh Saheli2 and Mircea V. Diudea3* 1 Department of Physical Chemistry, Collegium Medicum, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Kurpinskiego 5, 85-950, Bydgoszcz, Poland 2 Department of Mathematics, University of Kashan, Kashan 87317-51167,1. R. Iran 3 Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Babes-Bolyai University, 400028 Cluj, Romania * Corresponding author: E-mail: Received: 13-10-2011 Abstract Sumanene is a synthesized circulene molecule, with formula: 6:(5,6)3. We propose here units for periodic P-type surface networks, based on their stability, evaluated at the Hartree-Fock HF level of theory. Design of the yet hypothetical lattices was performed by using operations on maps, as provided by CVNET and Nano Studio software. The topology of the network was characterized by Omega polynomial. Keywords: Sumanene, P-type surface networks, Omega polynomial. 1. Introduction Among the carbon allotropes discovered in the na-no-era, fullerenes (zero-dimensional), nanotubes (one dimensional), graphene (two dimensional) and spongy carbon (three dimensional) were the most challenging.1,2 Inorganic compounds including oxides, sulfides, selenides, borates, silicates, etc. of many metals, also found applications as nano-structured functional materials.3-12 Zeolites are natural or synthetic alumino-silicates with an open three-dimensional crystal structure. Zeolites are micro-porous solids known as »molecular sieves.« The term molecular sieve refers to the property of these materials to selectively sort molecules, based primarily on a size exclusion process. This is due to a regular structure of pores, of molecular dimensions, forming channels.13-17 The rigorous and often aesthetically appealing architecture of crystal networks attracted the interest of scientists in a broad area, from crystallographers, to chemists and mathematicians. The present study deals with some hypothetical carbon crystal-like nanostructures, based on real Sumane-ne molecule, of which stability is calculated at the Har-tree-Fock HF level of theory and topology is described in terms of Omega polynomial. 2. Network Design The hypothetical carbon crystal networks herein discussed were built up either by identifying two opposite open faces of a unit, as in Figure 1, left, or by joining the opposite atoms, as in Figure 1, middle and right, by the aid of Nano Studio software,18 also enabling their embedding in the P-type surface,1,2 which belongs to the space group Pn 3 m. The topological characterization will be done on cubic (k,k,k) domains (see Figure 2). Figure 1. Top row: C60 (left), Sum_TA_108 (middle); Sum_T_84 (right). Bottom row: Sum_CZ_192 (left); Sum_CA_216 (middle); Sum_S2LeX_168 (right). 2. 1. Computational The stability of periodic P-type surface networks were tested based on optimized geometries at Hartree-Fock HF (HF/6-31G**) level of theory. The calculations were performed in gas phase by Gaussian 09.19 It was necessary to use relatively large computational effort for the examination, due to the size of the structures, used method and basis sets of calculations. Within this work, stability tests of five units consisting of Sumanene patch (Figure 2) was carried out. As a reference structure, we considered C60, the most referred structure in Nanoscience. Table 1 lists the total energy obtained after optimization of the analyzed structures at Har-tree-Fock HF (HF/6-31G**) level of theory, the total energy per Carbon atom, Etot/atom and HOMO-LUMO HL Gap. This test of stability was done to support the idea that sumanene, a real molecule, can be used to synthesize structural units for more elaborated nanostructures: Sum_T_A_108 (middle); Sum_T_84 for dendrimers while Sum_CZ_192, Sum_CA_216,and Sum_S2LeX_168 for ordered Schwarzites, embedded in the P-surface. From Table 1 it is clear that such units show a stability comparable (or higher) to the well-known C60 reference structure; Sum_T_84 and Sum_S2LeX_168 are the most simple and stable units, possible candidates for laboratory synthesis. Figure 2. Top row: Sum_CA_216 (left), Sum_S2LeX_168 (middle); Sum_CZ_192 (right). Bottom row: the corresponding P-net-works, in the corner position; k = 3. Table 1. Total energy Etot per atom (kcal/mol) and HOMO-LUMO HL Gap, at Hartree-Fock HF (HF/6-31G**) level of theory for some Sumanene-based units, possible to be used in construction of periodic structures. Structure No. C HF/6-31G Etot/atom HF_Gap atoms (d,p) (au) (au/mol) (eV) 1 C 60 60 -2271.830 -37.864 7.418 2 Sum TA 108 108 -4103.136 -37.992 7.259 3 Sum T_84 84 -3194.384 -38.028 7.562 4 Sum CZ_192 192 -7298.367 -38.012 6.044 5 Sum CA_216 216 -8206.401 -37.993 6.442 6 Sum_ _S2LeX_168 168 -6389.018 -38.030 6.637 We mention here that networks similar to those described above are frequently used as molecular sieves, and their structure was modeled.20 2. 2. Omega Polynomial A counting polynomial21 is a representation of a graph G(V,E), with the exponent k showing the extent of partitions p(G), u p(G) = P(G) of a graph property P(G) while the coefficient p(k) are related to the number of partitions of extent k. (1) Let G be a connected graph, with the vertex set V(G) and edge set E(G). Two edges e = (u,v) and f = (x,y) of G are called codistant (briefly: e co f) if the notation can be selected such that:22 d(v,x) = + l = d(it,x) +1 = d(u,y) (2) where d is the usual shortest-path distance function. The above relation co is reflexive (e co e) and symmetric (e co f) for any edge e of G but in general is not transitive. A graph is called a co-graph if the relation co is also transitive and thus an equivalence relation. Let C(e): = {f e E(G); f co e} be the set of edges in G that are codistant to e e E(G). The set C(e) can be obtained by an orthogonal edge-cutting procedure.: take a straight line segment, orthogonal to the edge e, and intersect it and all other edges (of a polygonal plane graph) parallel to e. The set of these intersections is called an orthogonal cut (oc for short) of G, with respect to e. If G is a co-graph then its orthogonal cuts C1, C2, ..., Ck form a partition of E(G) = C1 u C2 u ... u Ck, Ct n Cj = 0, i * j. A subgraph H ç G is called isometric, if dH(u, v) = dG(u, v), for any (u, v) e H; it is convex if any shortest path in G between vertices of H belongs to H. The relation co is related to ~ (Djokovic23) and 0 (Winkler24) relations.25,26 Two edges e and f of a plane graph G are in relation opposite, e op f, if they are opposite edges of an inner face of G. Then e co f holds by the assumption that faces are isometric. The relation co is defined in the whole graph while op is defined only in faces/rings. Note that John et al.22 implicitly used the "op" relation in defining the Cluj-Ilmenau index CI. Relation op will partition the edges set of G into opposite edge strips ops, as follows. (i) Any two subsequent edges of an ops are in op relation; (ii) Any three subsequent edges of such a strip belong to adjacent faces; (iii) In a plane graph, the inner dual of an ops is a path, an open or a closed one (however, in 3D networks, the ring/face interchanging will provide ops which are no more paths); (iv) The ops is taken as maximum possible, irrespective of the starting edge. The choice about the maximum size of face/ring, and the face/ring mode counting, will decide the length of the strip. Also note that ops are qoc (quasi orthogonal cuts), meaning the transitivity relation is, in general, not obeyed. The Omega polynomial27-29 Q(x) is defined on the ground of opposite edge strips ops S1, S2, ..., Sk in the graph. Denoting by m, the number of ops of cardinality/length s = SI, then we can write The first derivative (in x = 1) can be taken as a graph invariant or a topological index: An index, called Cluj-Ilmenau22 CI(G), was defined on Q(x): CI(G) = |[0'(1)]2 - [Q'(1) + Q"(1)]} (5) In tree graphs, the Omega polynomial simply counts the non-opposite edges, being included in the term of exponent s = 1. A similar description of polyhedral nanostructures can be done by using the Cluj polynomial.30 2. 3. Omega Polynomial in Sumanene-based Networks Omega polynomials are herein calculated at various Rmax. Formulas were derived by numerical analysis. Formulas for the infinite networks are listed in Tables 2 to 7, with examples at the bottom of these tables. Formulas for the number of vertices and number of various rings are given in Tables 8 and 9, respectively. Table 2. Omega polynomials in Sum_CA_216,"N"; Rmax[6] Formulas Q(G, x) = [k2(72k + 60)]x1 + [k2(72k - 24)]x2 + 24k2 x3 + [12k2 (k - 1)]x6 Q'(G, 1) = |£(G)| = 288k3 + 12k2 = 12k2 (24k + 1) CI(G) = 82944k6 + 6912k5 + 144k4 - 792k3 + 252k2 k Omega polynomial: examples e(G) CI(G) 1 132x1 + 48x2 + 24x3 300 89460 2 816x1 + 480x2 + 96x3 + 48x6 2352 5526576 3 2484x1 + 1728x2 + 216x3 + 216x6 7884 62138340 4 5568x> + 4224x2 + 384x3 + 576x6 18624 346806720 5 10500x> + 8400x2 + 600x3 + 1200x6 36300 1317597300 6 17712x1 + 14688*2 + 864x3 + 2160x6 62640 3923607600 Table 3. Omega polynomials in Sum_CA_216, "N"; Rmax[8] Formulas Q(G, x) = 48k2 x2 + [12k(2k + 1)]x3 + [24k2(2k - 1)]x4 + [12k(k - 1)]x5 + [12k2(k - 1)]x6 + [3k(k - 1)2]x8 Q'(G, 1) = |£(G)| = 288k3 + 12k2 = 12k2 (24k + 1) CI(G) = 82944k6 + 6912k5 + 144k4 - 1392k3 + 492k2 k Omega polynomial: examples e(G) CI(G) 1 48x2 + 36x3 + 24x4 300 89100 2 192x2 + 120x3 + 288x4 + 24x5 + 48x6 + 6x8 2352 5522736 3 432x2 + 252x3 + 1080x4 + 72x5 + 216x6 + 36x8 7884 62124300 4 768x2 + 432x3 + 2688x4 + 144x5 + 576x6 + 108x8 18624 346772160 5 1200x2 + 660x3 + 5400x4 + 240x5 + 1200x6 + 240x8 36300 1317528300 6 1728x2 + 936x3 + 950x4 + 360x5 + 2160x6 + 450x8 62640 3923486640 Table 4. Omega polynomials in Sum_S2LeX_168, "X"; Rmax[6]= Rmax[8] Formulas Q(G, x) = 60k3 x + 48k3 x2 + 24k2 x3 + 12k2 (k - 1) x5 Q'(G, 1) = |£(G)| = 216k3 + 12k2 = 12k2 (18k + 1) CI(G) = 46656k6 + 5184k5 + 144k4 - 552k3 + 84k2 k Omega polynomial: examples e(G) CI(G) 1 60xl + 48x2 + 24x3 228 51516 2 480x* + 384x2 + 96x3 + 48x5 1776 3150096 3 1620x> + 1296x2 + 216x3 + 216x5 5940 35269452 4 3840x> + 3072x2 + 384x3 + 576x5 14016 196414272 5 7500x> + 6000x2 + 600x3 + 1200x5 27300 745223100 6 12960x> + 10368*2 + 864x3 + 2160x5 47088 2217163536 Table 5. Omega polynomials in Sum_S2LeX_168, "X"; Rmax[10] Formulas Q(G, x) = [k(48k2 + 88k - 17)]x1 + [30k3 - 9k2 + 4k + 2]x2 + [2k(10k2 - 11k + 7)]x3 + [k(3k2 + k - 3)]x4 + [k(3k2 - k - 2)]x5 + [k(k - 1)2]x6 + [k(k2 - 2k + 2)]x7 + [k3 + k2 - 17k + 2]x8 + [3k(k - 1)]x9 + [2(k - 1)]x10 Q'(G, 1) = |£(G)| = 216k2 + 12k2 = 12k2 (18k + 1) CI(G) = 46656k6 + 5184k5 + 144k4 - 620k3 + 18k2 + 74k + 64 k Omega polynomial: examples e(G) CI(G) 1 119x1 + 27 x2 + 12x3 + 1x4 + 1x7 + 1x8 228 51520 2 702x1 + 214x2 + 100x3 + 22x4 + 16x5 + 2x6 + 4x7 + 8x8 + 6x9 + 2x10 1776 3149500 3 2037x> + 743x2 + 384x3 + 81x4 + 66x5 + 12x6 + 15x7 + 29x8 + 18x9 + 4x10 5940 35267308 4 4412*1 + 1794x2 + 984x3 + 196x4 + 168x5 + 36x6 + 40x7 + 70x8 + 36x9 + 6x10 14016 196409224 5 8115x> + 3547x2 + 2020x3 + 385x4 + 340x5 + 80x6 + 85x7 + 137x8 + 60x9 + 8x10 27300 745213384 6 3434x1 + 6182x2 + 3612x3 + 666x4 + 600x5 + 150x6 + 156x7 + 236x8 + 90x9 + 10x10 47088 2217146980 Table 6. Omega polynomials in Sum_CZ_192, "Z"; Rmax[6] Formulas Q(G, x) = [12k2(10k - 1)]x + 48k3 x2 + 24k3 x3 Q'(G, 1) = |£(G)| = 288k3 + 12k2 = 12k2 (24k - 1) CI(G) = 46656k6 + 5184k5 + 144k4 - 552k3 + 84k2 k Omega polynomial: examples e(G) CI(G) 1 108x* + 48x2 + 24x3 276 75660 2 312x1 + 384x2 + 192x3 2256 5085360 3 3132x1 + 1296x2 + 648x3 7668 58784076 4 7488x1 + 3072x2 + 1536x3 18240 332664000 5 14700x> + 6000x2 + 3000x3 35700 1274424300 6 25488x> + 10368*2 + 5184x3 61776 3816160560 Table 7. Omega polynomials in Sum_CZ_192, "Z"; Rmax[8] Formulas Q(G, x) = [12k2 (5k+ 4)]x + [24k2 (3k - 1)]*2 + 24k2 x3 + [3k2 (k - 1)]x4 + [3k2 (k - 1)]x4 + [12k2 (k - 1)]x6 Q'(G, 1) = |£(G)| = 288k3 + 12k2 = 12k2 (24k + 1) CI(G) = 82944k6 - 6912k5 + 144k4 - 828k3 + 312k2 k Omega polynomial: examples e(G) CI(G) 1 18x1 + 48x2 + 24x3 276 75660 2 672xl + 480x2 + 96x3 + 12x4 + 48x6 2256 5084160 3 2052x> + 1728x2 + 216x3 + 54x4 + 216x6 7668 58778676 4 4608x> + 4224x2 + 384x3 + 144x4 + 576x6 18240 332649600 5 8700x> + 8400x2 + 600x3 + 300x4 + 1200x6 35700 1274394300 6 14688x> + 14688*2 + 864x3 + 540x4 + 2160x6 61776 3816106560 Table 8. Number of atoms v = | V(G)| v(N) = 8k2[27 + 24(k - 1)] v(X) = 8k2 [21 + 18(k - 1)] v(Z) = 192k3 k N X Z 1 216 168 192 2 1632 1248 1536 3 5400 4104 5184 4 12672 9600 12288 5 24600 18600 24000 6 42336 31968 41472 Table 9. Number of rings R[5](N) = 24k3; R[6](N) = 4k2[8 + 11(k - 1)]; R[8](N) = 26k3 R[5](X = 24k3; R[6](X) = 32k3; R[8](N) = 2k3 R[5](Z) = 24k3; R[6](Z) = 32k2; R[8](Z) = 2k2[8 + 7(k - 2)] k N X Z R[5] R[6] R[8] R[5] R[6] R[8] R[5] R[6] R[8] 1 24 32 26 24 32 - 24 32 - 2 192 304 208 192 256 16 192 256 64 3 648 1080 702 648 864 54 648 864 270 4 1536 2624 1664 1536 2048 128 1536 2048 704 5 3000 5200 3250 3000 4000 250 3000 4000 1450 6 5184 9072 5616 5184 6912 432 5184 6912 2592 4. Conclusions In this paper, we presented the design of three hypothetical carbon networks, embedded in the P-type surface, achieved by the aid of Nano Studio software. The stability of these units, as given by the Hartree-Fock calculations, was found to be close to that of the C60 reference structure, thus being a promise for the laboratory synthesis. The topology of these networks was characterized by Omega counting polynomial, at various maximal rings. The number of vertices and rings in such infinite carbon nanostructures was also given. 5. Acknowledgements. This article was supported by the Romanian CNC-SIS-UEFISCSU project number PN-II IDEI 129/2010 and also by the Computational of PCSS, (Poznan, Poland). The valuable comments of reviewers are highly acknowledged. 6. References 1. M. V. Diudea and Cs. L. Nagy, Periodic Nanostructures, Springer, 2007. 2. M. V. Diudea, Ed., Nanostructures, Novel Architecture, NOVA, N.Y., 2005. 3. G. R. Patzke, F. Krumeich and R. Nesper, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2002, 41, 2447-2461. 4. C. N. R. Rao and M. Nath, Dalton Trans., 2003, 1, 1-24. 5. R. Tenne, Chem. Eur. J., 2002, 8, 5296-5304. 6. H. Imai, M. Matsuta, K. Shimizu, H. Hirashima and N. Ne-gishi, Solid State Ionics, 2002, 151, 183-187. 7. M. Adachi, Y. Murata, I. Okada and S. Yoshikawa, J. Elec-trochem. Soc., 2003, 150, G488-G493. 8. Y. Zhou, L. Cao, F. Zhang, B. He and H. Li, J. Electrochem. Soc., 2003, 150, A1246-A1249. 9. O. K. Varghese, D. 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V tem delu predlagamo enote za periodične P-tipe površinskih mrež glede na njihovo stabilnost, ki jo izračunamo z uporabo Hartree-Fock HF teorije. Zaenkrat še hipotetične površinske mreže smo načrtovali s pomočjo teorije operatorjev na preslikavah, ki je vgrajena v CVNET and Nano Studio računalniška programa. Topologijo površinskih mrež smo popisali z Omega polinomi.