Sombre Tit Parus lugubris in Serbia and Montenegro – a review of historical and recent data with suggestions regarding its distribution and habitat Žalobna sinica Parus lugubris v Srbiji in ^rni gori – pregled zgodovinskih in novej{ih podatkov z možnimi zaklju~ki glede njene raz{irjenosti in habitata Marko Rakovi} Radnička 8, 14000 Valjevo, Serbia and Montenegro, e–mail: Kongres ornitologov Slovenije ob 25. obletnici DOPPS Slovene Ornithologists’ Congress at the 25th anniversary of DOPPS – BirdLife Slovenia 1. Introduction The historical data on Sombre Tit Parus lugubris in Serbia and Montenegro show that this species was always rare (Matvejev 1950a & 1976). The first data originate from the ornithological collections of the Natural History Museums of Belgrade, Sarajevo and Zagreb (Anonymus 1904 & 1907, Vasič & Obratil 1990). Most of the data were given by Matvejev (1950a, 1950b & 1976), and Kollibay (1904). Vasi} (Vasi} 1980 & 1977, Vasi} & Gruba~ 1983), Hill (1985), Ham (1980 & 1983) and others collected sparse data from the whole country. The aim of this paper is to describe the distribution and habitat selection of this species in Serbia and Montenegro on the basis of historical sources and of field data collected by the author. However due to the secretive nature of this species and its poor detectability, conclusions are presented only in the form of hypotheses which will require further field work. 2. Methods Data collected by the author result from ornithological studies carried out between 1996 and 2005, mainly in the Valjevo region (north-western Serbia), the Tara river canyon (north Montenegro) and in Boka Kotorska bay (Montenegrin seashore). The fieldwork included field observations and mist-net catching during bird ringing camps in the Tara canyon and the Valjevo region. Historical data were taken from the literature. In order to map this species’ occurrence in the study area, UTM maps 10 x 10 km for Serbia and Montenegro were used. As the Sombre Tit can be a difficult species to detect, particularly at low densities, and having in mind that it is sedentary, we used all the data to present the species’ distribution, regardless of the date of observation. 3. Results and discussion All the records on Sombre Tit (collected from literature, and author’s unpublished data) are presented in Tables 2 and 3. Data are ordered chronologically, separately for Serbia and for Montenegro. During field studies, Matvejev (Matvejev 1950a) found Sombre Tit (breeding period) in the following localities: Peć, Priština, Ozren, Soko Banja, Miroč Veliki Štrbac, Negotin, Knjaževac, Majdanpek, Golubac, Borski Veliki Krš, Stol, Zlot, Zlotska Mt., Sićevo, Svrljig, Vranje, Bosiljgrad, Bela Palanka, Niš, Suva Mt., Stara Mt., Topli Do, Vidličke Mt., Banja Koviljača, foothills of Rudnik Mt., Kosjerić, Svrljiške Mts., Prokuplje, Kuršumlija, Gornja Studenica, foothills of Kopaonik Mt., Kraljevo, Kragujevac, Žagubica, Fruška Gora Mt. (Stražilovo) and Mladenovac. Due to the general scope of this paper and the lack of specific data on dates and habitat, these data are not included in Table 1. Sombre Tit is uniformly distributed throughout Montenegro, central Serbia and Kosovo and Metohija, while in Vojvodina it was recorded only on Fruška Gora Mt. and in Deliblato Sands (Figure 1). It apparently avoids mountain complexes in south-western Serbia and in inland parts of Montenegro. According to Matvejev (1976) this species is most numerous at the edges of canyons and gorges, while it can also be found in mountains up to 1600 m a.s.l in eastern Serbia. In western Serbia, it was recorded up to 1200 m a.s.l (on Tara and Medvednik Mts.). M. Rakovi}: Sombre Tit Parus lugubris in Serbia and Montenegro – a review of historical and recent data with suggestions regarding its distribution and habitat Figure 1: Distribution of Sombre Tit Parus lugubris in Serbia and Montenegro; black circles indicate historical data (prior to 1990), white circles indicate data collected after 1990. All data are presented, from both breeding and non-breeding periods. Slika 1: Raz{irjenost žalobne sinice Parus lugubris v Srbiji in ^rni gori; ~rni krožci ponazarjajo zgodovinske podatke (pred letom 1990), beli krožci pa podatke, zbrane po letu 1990. Predstavljeni so vsi podatki, tako iz gnezditvenega kot negnezditvenega obdobja. According to the author’s data, as well as that obtained by other researchers, the majority of observations of Sombre Tit originate from various types of orchards (Kollibay 1904, Anonymous 1907, Matvejev 1950a, 1950b & 1976, Matvejev & Aleksandrov 2002, Vasi} 1976 & 1980, Vasi} & Gruba~ 1983, Popovi} 1971, Vu~kovi} & Vizi 1977, own data); other habitats include submediterranean shrubs (Matvejev 1950a, Vasi} 1980, own data), mediterranean forest vegetation (Quercus pubescens, Laurus nobilis, Carpinus orientalis, Fraxinus ornus; Kollibay 1904, Rubini~ 2003, Bordjan 2005, own data); Castanea sativa forests (Vasi} 1980); Pinus sylvestris stands surrounded by Fagus sylvatica forest (Puzovi} et al., 1988) and Alnus glutinosa stands bordering streams (own data). Matvejev (1950a) reported that Sombre Tit is most common in the orchards, as well as in vineyards, neighbouring Quercus stands and shrub, while in the following monograph he stated that this species is most common in the submediterranean orchards, and also recorded it in submediterranean open forests, olive groves, mountain forests of Quercus petraea and Quercus cerris, as well as in relict pine forests (Matvejev 1976). He presents the frequency of Sombre Tit recorded on Mt. Kopaonik (established by using of method of minimal transect; Matvejev 1976) as oak Quercus sp. forests – 40%, Pinus nigra forests – 67%, forests at foothills of mountains – 50%, orchards – 40% and polidominant relict forests – 60% (Matvejev & Aleksandrov 2002). Authentic habitats of this species were similar to present-day submediterranean forests and shrubs. Remnants of these habitats include Quercus pubescens, Carpinus betulus and Carpinus orientalis stands. I suggest the following hypothesis: the species adjusted to the modifications of its habitat induced by humans by inhabiting orchards, created at the expense of submediterranean forests. It is also possible that, once adapted to newly created orchards, it spread its range northwards, into areas with microclimatic conditions suitable for its survival, using orchards as “stepping stones”. Sombre Tit appears to be far more common in orchards than in remnants of its original habitat. In particular, it was often recorded in traditional (sometimes even totally non-cultivated and neglected) plum orchards, where manure is used as fertilizer, where fruit is falling off and partially remaining on the ground, and where the fruit trees are not sprayed with pesticides. In the near future, the intensification of agriculture will possibly lead to the spread of intensive orchard management, which could pose threat to this species. Acknowledgements: Many thanks to Voislav Vasić for the data, his help on processing the results, as well as for literature provided. I would also like to thank Daliborka Barjaktarov, Primož Kmecl, Ivana Novčić and Marko Tucakov for their help during data processing, as well as Milan Paunović and Marko Šćiban for their original data. Summary This paper contains all available historical data as well as data collected by the author on the distribution and possible breeding habitat of Sombre Tit Parus lugubris in Serbia and Montenegro from 1899 to the present time. Sombre Tit is dispersed throughout central Serbia and Montenegro but avoids high-mountain complexes. In Vojvodina, Sombre Tit can be found on Fruška Gora Mt. and Deliblato sands where it is present throughout the year. It typically inhabits orchards and submediterranean oak and hornbeam forests up to 1600 m a.s.l. A hypothesis is presented that the species uses orchards as “stepping stones” for its spread northwards. Povzetek Prispevek vsebuje vse razpoložljive zgodovinske in druge podatke, ki jih je avtor zbral o razširjenosti in morebitnem gnezditvenem habitatu žalobne sinice Parus lugubris v Srbiji in Črni gori od leta 1899 do danes. Žalobna sinica je razpršena po celotni osrednji Srbiji in Črni gori, vendar se izogiba visokogorskih območij. V Vojvodini jo je mogoče najti na Fruški gori in v Deliblatski peščari, kjer se pojavlja vse leto. Naseljuje sadovnjake ter gozdove submediteranskega hrasta in belega gabra do 1600 m n.v. Avtor domneva, da žalobna sinica uporablja sadovnjake kot “odskočno desko” za širitev proti severu. References Anonimous (1904): Spisak ptica u Muzeju Srpske zemlje. - Muzej Srpske zemlje, Beograd. Anonimus (1907): Građa za faunu Stare Srbije i Makedonije. - Muzej Srpske zemlje, Beograd. Bordjan, D. (2005): Sombre Tit Parus lugubris. - Acrocephalus 26 (126): 126. Cramp, S., Simmons, K. E. L. 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Rakovi}: Sombre Tit Parus lugubris in Serbia and Montenegro – a review of historical and recent data with suggestions regarding its distribution and habitat APPENDIX / PRILOGA Table 1: Historical and recent data on Sombre Tit Parus lugubris occurrence and habitat in Serbia Tabela 1: Zgodovinski in novej{i podatki o pojavljanju in habitatu žalobne sinice Parus lugubris v Srbiji Date / Datum Site / Mesto opazovanja No. of individuals, Habitat Source / Vir sex and age/ Št., spol, starost osebkov Historical data (continuation of Table 1 / nadaljevanje tabele 1) 23 May 1899 Knjaževac: Donja Kamenica 1 plum orchard Anonymous (1907) 9 Jun 1899 Kur{umlija 1 - Anonymous (1907) 19 Jun 1899 Prokuplje – Gornja Trnava 1 juv plum orchard Anonymous (1907) 20 Jun 1899 Kur{umlija 1 - Anonymous (1907) 3 Jul 1899 Lower Studenica valley: Studenica Monastery 1 juv - Anonymous (1907) 12 Sep 1900 Žagubica: Đula 1 - Vasi} & Obratil (1990) 3 Oct 1900 Gornji Milanovac 1 - Vasi} & Obratil (1990) 4 Oct 1900 Boljkovci 1 - Anonymous (1907) 4 Oct 1900 Gornji Milanovac 1 - Vasi} & Obratil (1990) 30 Mar 1903 Ra{ka - - Anonymous (1904) 19 Apr 1903 Kopaonik 1 - Anonymous (1904) 19 Apr 1903 Kopaonik 1 - Anonymous (1904) 5 Aug 1950 Požar 3 - Matvejev (1950b) 18 Aug 1950 Rasti{te 1 pair - Matvejev (1950b) 19 Aug 1950 Peru}ac in pairs, never typical in orchards up Matvejev (1950b) flocking with to 700 m a.s.l. other tits 9 Aug 1958 Brezovica – Kosmet - - Hainard & Suisse (1959) 1960 Upper Lepenac valley - - Hainard (1960) 29 Oct 1968 Galinik 3 - Vasi} (1976) 19 Apr 1969 Peru}ac 1 - Vasi} (1976) 13 Jun 1969 Galine – Tara 1 plus several mountain orchards Vasi} (1976) fledged young and foothills 7 Jul 1969 Vrbnica 1 submediterranean Vasi} (1980) shrub 1971 Uvac river gorge rare forests at the gorge Popovi} (1971) slopes; outside of the gorge in village orchards 1976 – 1980 Deliblato Sands - south European, Ham (1983) mostly deciduous forests 3 Jun 1977 Vrbnica 1 submediterranean Vasi} (1980) shrub 4 Jun 1977 Đocaj 1 Castanea sativa forest Vasi} (1980) 5 Jun 1977 Dobro{ few cultivated landscape Vasi} (1980) 10 Jun 1977 Stol - - Ham (1980) 14 Jul 1978 P~inja: around the common oak forests Vasi} & Gruba~ (1983) monastery Date / Datum Site / Mesto opazovanja No. of individuals, Habitat Source / Vir sex and age/ Št., spol, starost osebkov Historical data 20 Jun 1979 Velika Sugubina 1 - Đ. Marinkovi} pers. comm. 22 Sep 1979 Seli~evica near Ni{ 1 orchard Vasi} & Gruba~ (1983) Nov 1980 Sredska – southern Serbia 1 pair - Hill (1985) Dec 1980 Žur 1 pair - Hill (1985) 16 Apr 1983 Vis – Si}evo 1 pair - Hill (1985) 24 Mar 1984 Crna Reka 1 pair - Hill (1985) 10 Jul 1984 Juhor – Dobra voda 1 small culture of Pinus Puzovi} et al. (1988) sylvestris surrounded with beech forest 1 May 1985 Prevalac 1 pair - Hill (1985) 3 May 1985 Crna Reka 1 pair - Hill (1985) Jul 1989 Rtanj - ecotone: orchard M. Paunovi} pers. comm. – beech forest Recent data 9 Aug 1997 Bebi}aLuka 1 pair plum orchard own data near the river 14 Aug 1997 Po}uta 2 juv. ringed plum orchard own data near houses with yards 20 Jul 1998 Po}uta 1 juv. ringed same as previous own data 24 Jul 1998 Po}uta 1 ad. ringed same as previous own data 30 Jul 1998 Po}uta 1 ad. ringed same as previous own data 16 Oct 1998 Medvednik 2 ad. ringed same as previous own data 13 Jul 1999 GornjeKo{lje 1 pair plum orchard own data 6 Jul 2002 Tometinopolje 1 pair with young Alnus glutinosa stand own data near the stream 4 May 2004 Ro{ci 1 ad. ringed orchard M. Š}iban pers. comm. 8 May 2004 Gornji Dubac pair with 4 plum orchard Ruži} (2004) juveniles 30 Jun 2005 Pe{ter 1 ad Quercus pubescens forest own data near road 20 Jul 2005 Miro~ 1 ad orchard own data M. Rakovi}: Sombre Tit Parus lugubris in Serbia and Montenegro – a review of historical and recent data with suggestions regarding its distribution and habitat Table 2: Historical and recent data on Sombre Tit Parus lugubris occurrence and habitat in Montenegro Tabela 2: Zgodovinski in novej{i podatki o pojavljanju in habitatu žalobne sinice Parus lugubris v ^rni gori Date / Datum Site / Mesto opazovanja No. of individuals, Habitat Source / Vir sex and age/ Št., spol, starost osebkov Historical data (continuation of Table 2 / nadaljevanje tabele 2) 1 Jun 1891 Skadar Lake – Rijeka 1 - NHM Zagreb Crnojevi}a collection 18 Jun 1891 Skadar Lake – Rijeka 1 - NHM Zagreb Crnojevi}a collection 21 Jul 1891 Skadar Lake – Rijeka 1 - NHM Zagreb Crnojevi}a collection 13 Jun 1894 Berima 1 pair with young - Firer (1900) Aug 1899 Drenovo, Selce - - Firer (1900) around / okoli Crvena stijena 30 - Firer (1900) 1900 25 Sep 1902 Montenegro: Boka 1 Quercus pubescens Kollibay (1904) Kotorska – Dobrota, forests; olive groves; Kameno, Kava~ houses with yards; shrub and forests in vicinity of rocks and stony ground 7 Jan 1903 same as previous 1 same as previous Kollibay (1904) 15 Jan 1903 same as previous 1 same as previous Kollibay (1904) 10 Mar 1903 same as previous 1 + 1 same as previous Kollibay (1904) 10 Mar 1903 same as previous 1 same as previous Kollibay (1904) 25 Mar 1903 same as previous 1 same as previous Kollibay (1904) 19 May 1903 same as previous 1 same as previous Kollibay (1904) 23 May 1903 same as previous 1 same as previous Kollibay (1904) 20 Aug 1903 same as previous 1 same as previous Kollibay (1904) 20 Sep 1903 same as previous 1 same as previous Kollibay (1904) 26 Sep 1903 same as previous 1 + 1 same as previous Kollibay (1904) Apr or May Skadar Lake – Rijeka - - Ticehorst & Whistler 1928 Crnojevi}a (1929) 26 Apr 1929 Rijeka Crnojevi}a 1 mixed forest NHM Belgrade collection 1966 – 1975 Sutomore: Grlo gorge near regular remnants of Quercus Vasi} (1977) the village Brca pubescens forest 6 Jul 1971 Šavni~ko Po{}enje - - Vasi} et al. (1990) 1974 – 1975 Mratinjski stream near - orchards Vu~kovi} & Vizi (1977) river Piva 3 May 1974 lake Šasko - - V. Vasi} pers. comm. Dec 1974 Pivsko oko 1 - Vu~kovi} & Vizi (1977) 28 Apr 1975 Lov}en National Park 1 appeared from a hollow V. Vasi} pers. comm. 4 May 1975 Sutomore: Brca 1 - V. Vasi} pers. comm. 8 May 1975 Virpazar 1 pair - V. Vasi} pers. comm. 5 May 1977 Lov}en National Park - - R. Scott pers. comm. Date / Datum Site / Mesto opazovanja No. of individuals, Habitat Source / Vir sex and age/ Št., spol, starost osebkov Historical data 11 May 1977 Sutomore: Brca, Grlo and - - R. Scott pers. comm. Buljarice 2 Aug 1981 Su{ica river gorge - - Vasi} et al. (1990) 26 Jul 1985 Vrulja - - V. Vasi} pers. comm. 18 Jul 1987 Komarnica river gorge - - Vasi} et al. (1990) Recent data 20 Aug 1997 Tu|emili 1 orchard Gruba~ (2000) 14 Sep 1999 Bijela 1 remnants of Quercus own data pubescens forests 23 Jul 2002 Tepca 1 ad. ringed orchard own data 3 Feb 2003 above Kotor 1 Mediterranean Rubini~ (2003) vegetation 10 Feb 2003 above Kotor 1 Mediterranean Rubini~ (2003) vegetation 18 Jul 2003 Tepca 1 Carpinus betulus shrub own data near the river 24 Apr 2005 Pržno 1 Quecus pubescens forest Bordjan (2005) 27 Apr 2005 Marovi}i 1 pair same as previous Bordjan (2005) 29 Apr 2005 Tu|emili 1 pair same as previous Bordjan (2005)