Han Steenwijk Sorbisches InstitutlSerbski institut Cottbus/Chosebuz The Contribution of Oroslav Caf to Resian Lexicography Dedicated to the memory of Maria Di Lenardo-Barbarino Cunkina V članku je po abecednem redu predstavljenih več kot 300 rezijanskih besed iz Pleteršnikovega Slovensko-nemškega slovarja (1894-95), ki izvirajo iz zbirke Orosiava Cafa (1814-1874). Obravna- vano gradivo je opremljeno z dodatnimi tedanjimi in današnjimi narečnimi zapisi ter s kritičnimi pripombami. The more than 300 Resian lexical items in Pleteršnik's Slovensko-nemški slovar (1894-95) for which Oroslav Caf (1814-1874) is credited are presented here as aseparate list, accompanied by contemporary and modern attestations and some critical remarks. 1. Introduction The folIowing is intended as atribute to the lexicographical and dialectological achievements of the self-taught linguist Oroslav Caf, who lived from 1814 to 1874.1 Al- though the dictionary that he prepared never appeared in print, its materials were to contribute in a significant way to the lemmata in Pleteršnik's Slovensko-nemški slovar. Caf was, among many other things, especialIy interested in Resian. He himself never visited Resia, but was stilI in a position to obtain first-hand information on the dialect, as a native speaker, Domenico Longhino, had settled in Fram, the village where Caf served as a curate. Judging by the epithet "Beljan" given to him by Caf, his informant probably originated from Bila/San Giorgio (Matičetov 1981-83: 235). Apart from the lexicographical material which Caf extracted from Longhino over a period of 12 years of cooperation,2 we are also indebted to the industrious c1eric for the text of two Resian songs, posthumously published by Milko Matičetov (1981-1983), and of an episode from the New Testament, published during his life- time in Slovenska bčela (Caf 1852). 2. Caf's Resian material in Pleteršnik The Resian data that are designated as such in Pleteršnik by the abbreviation Rez. originate from various sources. By means of additional abbreviations alongside Caf the folIowing scholars are credited: Baudouin de Courtenay (72 lemma entries), Cigale (4 entries), Erjavec (2 entries), Klodič (8 entries), Levstik (4 entries), Miklošič (19 entries), Navratil (1 entry), Valjavec (8 entries) and Vraz (1 entry). Furthermore, for 5 entries containing the abbreviation Rez. the source has not been indicated. Apart from Jan Baudouin de Courtenay and Stanko Vraz the persons just men- tioned never visited Resia and probably did not have first-hand knowledge of the 1 For more detailed information on the life and work of Oroslav Caf, see Rudolf Kolarič, Caf Orosiav, Slovenski biografski leksikon 1, Ljubljana 1925-32, pp. 66-67. 2 Thus Caf in a draft for a letter to Bleiweis (1861), quoted in Matičetov 1981-83: 234. H. Steenwijk, The Contribution of Oroslav Caf to Resian Lexicography 103 dialect.3 It is not only this fact that stresses the importance of Caf's contribution, but also the sheer number of the lemma entries in which he is credited: 329,4 More- over, already a first glance at the Resian lexical units contained in them suffices to indic ate that they are by no means triviaL Many of them are not known from other sources, either contemporary or preceding Caf's activities. This state of affairs justifies the publication of the lexical units attributed to Caf as aseparate list. The information in this list that is taken from Pleteršnik con- sists of the following elements: a) the head word of the lemma entry, printed in bold type. When a Resian lexi- cal unit or the specific Resian meaning being carried by the head word is men- tioned only further on in the lemma as dialectal information, the head word is here given within parentheses, e.g., (b~l) belo 'das Splintholz' and (b~Hdica) 'das Wiesel'; 'schones, schnippisches Madchen'; b) the abbreviated indication on a1ternations and/or the flection class of the head word, also printed in bold type, e.g., brumen -mna 'der Monat Janner'; c) indications on the aspect and valency of verbs, e.g., brbiskati if 'dristati' and fukniti kam pf 'irgendwohin entflattern'; d) the translation, most1y in German, as in the above-mentioned examples ex- cept brbiskati, sometimes in Slovene, as in brbiskati; e) when mentioned, a Resian dialectal form printed in italic type, as in the above-mentioned example (b~l). This section is closed by a full stop and reference to the volume and page number. In order to set off Caf's contribution to our knowledge of the Resian lexicon against the information stemming from other sources up until 1900, attestations from such other sources are added. If an attestation can be found in the works of Baudouin de Courtenay, such a form is adduced to the exclusion of his precursors. Dependent upon the nature of these sources the translations in this second section are in Russian, German, Slovene and Italian. 3. Additional modern amendments to Caf's items However, some factors necessitate the addition of further information to this list. First1y, Pleteršnik still remains, more than 100 years after its publication, an important source for lexical data on which other linguistic studies draw. This alone is already reason enough to check the items contained in it for their accuracy. in the case of data originating from Caf this seems no superfluous activity as he tend- ed to etymologise in his transcriptions (Matičetov 1981-83: 241). Furthermore, Pleter- šnik and his assistants are sure to have adapted dialectal items to the notation for Common Standard Slovene. Secondly, because of the considerable of time that has passed since Caf worked with his Resian informant it may be interesting to com- pare his lexicographical data with such that can be obtained in the field at the present stage of the dialect. 3 On Miklošič as a secondary source for Resian data ef. Steenwijk 1992: 451-454. 4 The 700 or so Resian lexemes that Matičetov (1981-83: 235) counted in Pleteršnik also in- clude such without an explicit reference to Resian, but that can be attributed to the dialect be- cause they are unknown elsewhere. This would then be a maxi mal list, against which ours is a minimal list of altogether 451 entries containing reference to Resian. 104 Slovenski jezik - Slovene Linguistic Studies 3 (2001) Therefore the list is accompanied by modern Resian data mainly originating from two villages, Bila and Osoane/Oseacco. The forrner village was the probable home village of Caf's informant and represents the western, more innovative dialect area, whereas the latter is representative of the eastern, more conservative area within Res- ian. Two ways of offering the lexical material to the female informants were used. First, asemantie description of an item was given, in Resian and/or in Italian, in or- der to elicit areaetion. When these reactions did not result in the naming of the prob- able Resian item that was noted by Caf, then Caf's notation was pronounced in one or more presumed dialectal ways and the informant was asked whether she was familiar with such and such a word. The informant for Bila was Maria Di Lenardo-Barbarino Cunkina (1928-1999) and for Osoane Anna Pusca Čf?kawg (1908-). In addition to a complete check in the afore-mentioned villages occasional and not systematically col- lected material from the villages of Nji:wa/Gniva and Solbica/Stolvizza has also be en inc1uded. The whole procedure of confronting the informants with Caf's data extended over several visits to the dialect area during the years 1992-1996. The modern material is presented with the following conventions: a) a division in two sections has be en made. Information that follows immediately after the data taken from Pleteršnik is held not to conflict signi- ficantly with these data, neither from a formal point of view nor as regards the contents. In the case of apparent conflict between Caf and the modern data the latter are introduced by the remark "Cf., however," e.g., br~ckati se if brecka se 'der Morgen diimmert'. 1: 54. SG -; O -. Cf., however, O rre din 'sta albeg- giando'; b) the abbreviations SG for Bila, Lp for Lipovaz, G for Nji:wa, O for Osoane, P for Ravanca/Prato di Resia and S for Solbica introduce data originating from the re- spective local dialects; c) the translations of the modern material originate from the informants and are therefore given in Italian; d) our own findings are sometimes amplified with attestations by another re- searcher, Roberto Dapit, who collected his material more or less contemporaneously with this research. After this section, c10sed by a full stop, sometimes remarks on various aspects of the information given in the lemma are made. 4. Some general characteristics of the findings The probability that most of Caf's Resian attestations actually reflect the local variety of Bila is reinforced by the following peculiarity. The head words nun, suj and uj, that within Resian show traces of an original *i1, are written with U. It is exactly the Bila variety where the opposition between *i1 and *a has been lost, as both reflect as U. Thus we have SG nun, SU} and WU} on one hand and wut, klubUk and wum corresponding to hud, klobuk and um on the other. In the other Resian varieties this oppostion is reflected by :i for *i1 and U for *a, e.g., O n:in, s:i}, w:i} against xut, klabuk, wUm. The erroneously standardised forms given in Pleteršnik are therefore most likely to have been based on material u1timately originating from a native speaker bom and raised in Bila. H. Steenwijk, The Contribution of Oroslav Caf to Resian Lexicography 105 One could object to this assertion that in the modern material sometimes no positive reaction from precisely the Bila informant was obtained. For several reasons this need not worry us at the present stage. Firstly, for the aim of this study gener- ally no investigation into heteronymic relations was carried through. This means that pending further checking, involving more informants per viHage and specific confrontation with heteronyms, we can for the moment assume that at least in part such non -occurrence reflects individual language use. Secondly, the dialect lexicon of the 19th century is almost certain to have been different from the modern one. Then current lexemes may have been lost by now in one or more viHages. This can be exemplified for the notion 'stockings'. Nowadays at Bila only škuj6ne can be at- tested for it, but in a text most probably written in the Bila variety and originating from the beginning of the 19th century we read 'laze [= ltiče ~ *hlače] (Riva 1966: 85). As this loss progresses slowly it can give rise to heteronymic relations that did not yet exist during Caf's times and that can be assumed to be responsible for an- other part of the cases of non-occurence. The check with the modern language state was more or less successful in about half of the lexical units. Smaller deviations in form or content were by us stiH re- garded as an affirmation of Caf's attestation, e.g., mula 'krava brez rogov' against SG muJa, O muJg 'capra senza corna' and even mir 'bes. die Mauer ohne Mortel' , a1though already during Caf's time exactly this notion is referred to by the lexeme SG maž~rJa 'muro a secco'. When both form and content showed slight deviations this was not regarded as a succesful attestation, e.g., hripelj 'der Nasenscheide- wandknorpel' against O xr,(pavgc 'cartilagine'. Leaving aside the relatively small group of lexical units for which only the etymon but not the relevant notion could be attested, we are confronted with asizable number of cases (120 out of 329) in which not even the etymon mentioned in Pleteršnik's lemma entry was found. The fact that many of Caf's Resian lexemes have not be en registrated in other sources up until 1900 now turn s out to be a mixed blessing. Out of these 120 cases only for vozica 'der Schiebkarren' we have at least an additional attestation by Bau- douin de Courtenay as G uzica 'Schubkarren'. As an explanation for the complete silence in the sources on the remaining 119 etymons only assumptions can be made. For some of them an attestation may be hoped for from the copious folk materials which Milko Matičetov collected in Resia during the whole of his professional career. These are now being transcribed in the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts. When no further attestations will turn up, we seriously have to consider the possibility of language change and loss. An indication in this direction in the mo- dern material is prt1ja, for which the heteronymic relations have been checked. As- suming that Caf's informant was from Bila we conclude that this etymon must have been current there 150 years ago whereas nowadays out of all the four main var- ieties of Resian it is only to be found in Osoane. If a large majority of these 119 etymons indeed represents language loss, than this loss is considerable and most alarming. As in their standardised notation in Pleteršnik the actual Resian forms are not al- ways readily recognisable (see the remarks to several entries in the list), the relevance of these 119 etymons for further linguistic analysis should in each individual case be care- fully evaluated. For instance, among the etymons for which information from other 106 Slovenski jezik - Slovene Linguistic Studies 3 (2001) sources is available, minor etymological corrections to the analysis as carried through in Bezlaj 1976- suggest themselves, ef. berčva, esej, etak, ezde, gruže and kr6sna. References Baudouin de Courtenay, Jan Ignacy 1875 Opyt fonetiki rez}'anskich govorov, Varšava-Peterburg. 1895 Materialien zur sudslavischen Dialektologie und Ethnographie I. Resianische Texte, St. Petersburg. 1913 Materialien zur sudslavischen Dialektologie und Ethnographie III. Resianisches Sprachdenkmal "Christjanske uzhilo", S.-Peterburg. Bezlaj, France 1976- Etimološki slovar slovenskega jezika, 3 vols., Ljubljana. Caf, Oroslav 1852 "Rozeansko i Ogersko-Slovensko narečje", Slovenska bčela 3, pp. 318-319, 399. Dapit, Roberto 1995 Aspetti di cultura resiana nei nomi di luogo 1. Area di SolbicalStolvizza e Kori'toICo- ritis, Padova. 1998 Aspetti di cultura resiana nei nomi di luogo 2. Area di Osoani!IOseacco e Učjal Uccea, Padova. Dobrovsky, Josef 18342 "Uber die Slawen im Thale Resia", in: idem (ed.), Slavin, pp. 118-124, Prag. Faggin, Giorgio 1985 Vocabolario della lingua friulana, 2 vols., Udine. Longhino, Antonio 1992 Val Resia: terra di arrottini, Udine. Matičetov, Milko 1964 '''Pesme rezianske' Stanka Vraza (1841)", Slovenski entnograf 16-17, pp. 203-215. 1981-83 '''Te dve ste rozeanski': Cafov zapis 1844", Traditiones 10-12, pp. 233-244. 1989 "Uinita: un relitto lessicale paleoslavo", Metodi e ricerehe n.s. 8/1, pp. 94-106. 1993 "Resia: 1. Dimensione linguistica", in: G. Fornasir & G. P. Gri (ed s.), La cultura po- polare in Friuli: Lo sguardo da fuori. Atti del convegno di studio, Udine, pp. 57-94. 1998 "Iz rezijanske leksike", in: A. D. Duličenko (ed.), Jazyki malye i bol'šie: in memo- riam acad. Nikita I. Tolstoi (= Slavica Tartuensia 4), Tartu, pp. 49-62. Matičetov, Milko & Gaetano Perusini 1955-56 "Un dizionaretto e due Paternoster resiani inediti", Ricerehe Slavistiche 4, pp. 76-87. Pirona, Giulio Andrea et al. 1935 Il nuovo Pirona: vocabolario friulano, Udine. Pleteršnik, Maks 1894-95 Slovensko-nemški slovar, 2 vol s., Ljubljana. Riva, Franco 1966 Tradizioni popolari venete secondo i documenti dell'inchiesta del Regno Italico (1811) (= Istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti: Memorie. Classe di scienze mora- li, lettere ed arti, vol. 34, fasc. 2), Venezia. Sreznevskij, Izmail Ivanovič 1841 "O narečijach slavjanskich", Žurnal Ministerstva narodnago prosv(?ščenija 31/2, pp. 133-164. Steenwijk, Han 1992 "Miklošič als Resianologe", in: J. Toporišič et al. (ed s.), Miklošičev zbornik (= Ob- dobja, vol. 13), Ljubljana, pp. 451-461. 1994 "Resian jse, jtaku etc.: some etymologies reconsidered", in: A. A. Barentsen et al. (eds.), Dutch Contributions to the Eleventh International Congress of Slavists. Lin- guistics (= Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 22), Amsterdam, pp. 399-406. H. Steenwijk, The Contribution of Oroslav Caf to Resian Lexicography 107 5, The material badijan 'der Sterna ni s (illicium anisaturn),. 1: 9. SG - ; O -. beč 'eine kleine Miinze'. 1: 15. P Apl beče 'den'gi' (BdC 1875: 36). SG beč -a 'moneta', Npl bečavi 'soldi'; O beč -g 'soldo', dgn vallke beč 'un soldo grande'; S beč 'moneta', iti ma beč 'ha tanti soldi'. Remark: As a countable singular beč means just 'coin' , not 'small coin'. (b~l) belo 'das Splintholz' . 1: 17. SG -; O -. (b~Hdica) 'das Wiesel; schOnes, schnippisches Madchen'. 1: 18. G Npl bili?tice 'Eichhornchen' (BdC 1895: 243, 568). SG bilfdicalblfdica 'donnola; persona dai capelli bianchi'; G bilitica 'donnola'; O ba- lldicg 'donnola'; S balldica 'donnola'. Cf., however, G Bilfdic (surname for a thin person). Remark: G bilitica can at least in part be explained as having be en influenced by Fri. bilite 'donnola' (Pirona 1935: 55). b~loha 'weis se Ziege'. 1: 19. SG -; O -. berčva 'die Kohlpflanze'. 1: 20. P Npl b'er]we 'Krauskohl' (BdC 1895: 353). SG berfwa 'verza'; O berfwg 'verza'; S berfwa 'verza'. Remark: The Resian forms contain a voiced affricate which coincides perfectly with Fri. verge [verge] (Faggin 1985: 1558), cf. Bezlaj 1: 17. (brana) 'die Gitterthiir'. 1: 49. O brfm 'kalitka' (BdC 1875: 35). SG br(m -a 'cancello (di ferro o di legno)'; O brfm -g 'cancello di legno; patta' (arch.), braresce ziz brangn 'pantaloni con una patta'; S bron -a 'cancello; cerniera di pantaloni o di gonna' . Remark: The Resian noun is a masculine, not a feminine. brbiskati if 'dristati'. 1: 52. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG drfstat -šcr;n if 'avere la diarrea'; G prelsg drfšcr;n if 'avere la diarrea'; O drfstgt -šcgn if 'avere la diarrea', to mi drfšcr; 'ho la diarrea'. br~ckati se if brecka se 'der Morgen dammert'. 1: 54. SG -; O -. Cf., however, O rre din 'sta albeggiando', rre bUsk 'id.'. br~sk 'die Morgendammerung'. 1: 55. SG brisk -a 'alba', den pušnuwa, ko jr; brisk 'il giorno comincia, quando c'e l'alba'; O brfsk 'alba'. Remark: Isg pred breskon 'before dawn' (Caf 1852: 319) would imply that the noun once was subject to the alternation ~ ~ i, like Gsg l~da, sv~ta ~ NAsg lit 'ice', svit 'world'. 108 Slovenski jezik - Slovene Linguistic Studies 3 (2001) brumen -mna 'der Monat Janner'. 1: 67. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG bruman -uwna/-una 'intraprendente, bravo, capace', ]anar 'gen- naio'; G bruman -uwna 'diligente', Janir 'gennaio'; O brumgn -uwng 'bravo' , fan ar 'gennaio'; S brumen -uwna 'diligente', ]an8r 'gennaio'. Remark: As Caf's attestation is a Ioan from Friulian brume 'december' (Bezlaj 1: 49), in Resian it probably had the form *brUma. c~ščenik 'der SchOps'. 1: 81. SG čišeanik 'uomo senza bambini' (volg.); G čfšeanik (said as an insult); O čišeanek 'uomo non fertile' (volg.); S čfšeanik (said as an insu1t). Cf., however, SG din čišeani mulan 'montone castrato'; O ovgn {? čišegn 'il montone ecastrato'; S eaštrun 'montone castrato'. Remark: Only the metaphorical meaning seems to have be en preserved. crKati if 'mucksen'. 1: 87. SG c;jrkat -kan if 'farsi sentire; bere rumorosamente'; O c;jrkgt non-O; S c;jrket, -ken if 'prendere gli avanzi di un liquido'. Cf., however, O barbulet 'fare rumore bevendo'. Remark: The modern meanings that have to do with drinking confirm its onomato- peic origin as an imitation of the sound of dripping water (ef. Bezlaj 1: 67). čiga 'die Lauer' na čigo iti, na čigo biti. 1: 103. SG -; O -. čigati if 'lauern, aufpassen' na koga čigati. 1: 103. SG č.igat -gan if 'sbirciare; adocchiare', an č.igal to hel 'ha adocchiato la figlia', ja č.igan noga šlov~ka 'sto adocchiando un uomo'; O -. čigav 'der gerne spaht, lauert'. 1: 103. SG -; O -. čigavec -vca 'der Lauerer, der Spion'. 1: 103. SG -; O -. čqnkelj -kIja 'durrer Ast am Baume'. 1: 108. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG na womajana v~ja 'ramo secco sull'albero, senza corteccia'; O ng omaang v~g 'ramo secco senza corteccia'. Remark: Cf. also girin and maybe SG čunklin, S čunkej s.v. gungelj. črmn~1 -~la. 1: 112. čeniel 'krasnyj' (BdC 1875: 21). SG čarnNI -alii 'rosso'; G čarnNI -ala 'rosso'; O čarnNw -alg 'rosso'; S čarnNI -ala 'rosso'. (čiih) 'der Gestank, der Modergeruch'. 1: 116. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG žm:5h -aha 'sapore; puzza di putrefatto'; G j:5h 'odore spiacevole'; O j:5x -uxg 'odore di muffa, di umido'. čuhniti if 'einen ublen Geruch, einen Modergeruch von sich geben'. 1: 117. SG -; O -. (dar) dar do. 1: 122. dardu 'do samogo, do samoj' (BdC 1875: 10). H. Steenwijk, The Contribution of Oroslav Caf to Resian Lexicography 109 SG dardu 'fin a'; G dardu 'fin a', dardu zutra 'fin a domani'; O dardu 'fin a'; g se šlg, po norg,x dardu ror~ na Brix 'sono andato a piedi fin suI Brich'; S dardo 'fin a', dardo won š.ijo 'fin aHa gola'. (d~dee -dea) 'die Marionette'. 1: 126. dfdac 'deduška; čučelo, vypusknaja kukla' (BdC 1875: 84). SG didac -aca 'ometto; giocattolo neHa forma di un uomino'; O didgc -acg 'piccolo uomo'; S didec -aca 'uomo anziano'. Remark: The e does not alternate with zero. (d~dič) 'dedec 6. [der Haftelhaken]'. 1: 126. SG -; O -. Remark: Such a meaning of the Resian lexeme would have been influenced by Ita. uomo (region.) 'sorta d'attaccapanni'. A Resian *d~dic or *didic does not exist. doh6jkati pf 'doklicati (kličoč: hoj!)'. 1: 148. SG -; O -. domačin 'der Hausgenoss'. 1: 155. SG -; O -. Cf., however, G te hišni 'coninquilino'. domačinka 'die Hausgenossin, die Einheimische'. 1: 155. SG -; O -. dnisiti if '(die Naht) auftrennen'. 1: 167. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG rizgmft 'disfare'; O rizng,t, rizdrit 'scucire'; S riznit 'disfare'. (drnQhati) if "drnjuhati".5 1: 174. SG darnjuhat -šf:n if 'russare'; O darnjuxgt -šgn if 'russare'; S darnjuwet -wen if 'russare'. drQzati if 'einsinken (im Koth, Schnee)' sneg se droza 'man sinkt im Schnee ein'. 1: 177. ko j snih, tu dr6za 'wenn der Schnee ist, sinkt man ein' (BdC 1895: 385). SG dr6zat -zan if 'andare e sprofondare; sprofondare fin ai ginocchi', ja dr6zan snik, lužo; G pre3sg dr6za 'essere morbido, cosicche si aprofondisca' (di neve), srin, ko an ni dr6za snih 'neve dura, quando la neve non fa sprofondare'; O dr6zgt -zg, snix dr6zg 'la neve fa sprofondire' , to dr6zg 'la gamba va dentro neHa neve, nel fan- go'; S dr6zet -za if, ja si šla, ki me dr6zala z~mja (when one is completely exhaust- ed), ja si spal, da to jf: dr6zalo (when one is sleeping very profoundly). Remark: The Resian verb is not reflexive. esej, esa, eso '= ta' esej zde '= ta-le'. 1: 197. jisa 'eta' (BdC 1875: 75). SG jse, jsa, js?! 'questo'; O isi, isa, is?! 'questo'. Remark: Cf. on this and the foHowing two lexemes Steenwijk 1994. (etak) etako to bodi! '= amen!'. 1: 197. jtaku 'tak' (BdC 1875: 17). SG jtaku 'cos!'; O itaku 'cos!', itaku to bOde 'amen'. 5 In Pleteršnik's material double quotes encIose forms that he cites more or less precisely according to the source. 110 ezde 'tu-le'. 1: 197. jzd~ 'zde s" (BdC 1875: 17). SG jzd~ 'qui'; O iz# 'qui'. farnik '= faran'. 1: 199. SG -; O -. f1era '= flara'. 1: 201. SG -; O -. Slovenski jezik - Slovene Linguistic Studies 3 (2001) Cf., however, SG magla' macchia'; O maglg 'mac chia' . freča 'die Schleuder'. 1: 202. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG !jjnda 'fionda'; O !rečg 'freccia, fJjndg 'fionda'; S smirjanjf: 'fionda'. Remark: Caf's attestation is probably influenced by Fri. !rezze (Pirona 1935: 346), Ita. !reccia 'arrow'. (irk) na en trk so se ptiči razleteli. 1: 203. SG -; O -. (fikati -kam -čem) if 'schnell werfen': drva v peč trkati. 1: 203. SG !jrkat -kan -čf:n if 'lanciare'; O !jrkgt -kgn -čgn if 'buttare con forza', to mx !jrkg 'sto traballando'. fukniti kam pf 'irgendwohin entflattern'. 1: 204. SG -; O -; S l-ptc msg !Uknol 'comparire all'improviso'. Cf., however, SG u!Uknut -nf: pf 'comparire all'improviso', wtjč jf: u!Uknul od gnJ.(- zda 'l'uccello e comparso all'improviso dal nido', pjs k u!uknul nu wbižal 'il cane improvisamente compariva e scapava via', ni se buj.fjo, ko woginj u!Uknf: 'hanno paura, quando il fuoco esce dal camino'; O vi!Uknut pf 'comparire all'improviso', wtič k vi!uknuw od rnJ.(zdg 'l'uccello e comparso all'improviso dal nido'. fuliti if 'abstreifen': perje, kožo tuliti; 'schleifend gehen'. 1: 204. P !Ulyt hreh 'die Erbsen abschalen, enthUlsen' (BdC 1895: 53). SG tulit -lin if 'sbucciare, scortecciare' non-SG; 'spennare', tulit k(Jkuš 'spennare la galina'; O !Ulet -en if 'sbucciare, scortecciare; strappare (le penne)' , !ulen bob/če 'sto sbucciando i fagioli'. Cf., however, SG lupit -in if 'sbucciare, scortecciare', lupit kartU!ule 'sbucciare le pa- tate'; G na u!ujana krepa 'una testa calva'; O o!Ulet plUmo od patallng 'spennare il gallo'; S o!Ulit krampir 'sbucciare le patate'. Remark: Outside Bila the primary notion referred to by the verb is more general than the one given in Pleteršnik. The metaphorical meaning, however, could not be confirmed. gada 'der Fehler, der Tadel': konj ima dve gadi. 1: 205. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG škljnt -ln ta 'difetto'; O di!j~t 'difetto'. gadba 'das Tadeln'. 1: 205. SG -; O -. gadljiv 'scheuBlich, hasslich'. 1: 205. SG -; O -. H. Steenwijk, The Contribution of Oroslav Caf to Resian Lexicography 111 gater -tra 'das Gatter, das Gitter'. 1: 208. O h(iter 'Drahtgitter' (BdC 1895: 274). SG gat!:r -arja 'rete metallica'; G htit!:r 'rete metallica'; O rat!:r -arjg 'rete'; S at!:r 'rete metallica'. Remark: The e does not alternate with zero. (gaziti) if gaZiti vodo '= vodo bresti'. 1: 208. SG -; O -. gir -rja 'der Knorren'. 1: 210. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG č :5kul -a 'nodo nel legno' , gr:5 p -6pa 'id.'; O rr:5 p -6pg 'nodo nel legno'; S r:5p -6pa 'nodo nel legno'. girin '= gir'. 1: 210. SG g(rin -a 'ramo secco; nodo di un ramo tagliato'; O -. girjast 'knorrig': girjasto drevo; 'holprig': girjasta pot. 1: 210. SG -; O -. girjav 'knorrig'. 1: 210. SG din g(rjavi jarbul 'un'albero nodoso'; O -. (glava) 'der Hutgupf'. 1: 213. gtava 'golova' (BdC 1875: 116). SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG glawa 'testa; cocuzzolo'; O rlawg 'testa'. (glavina) 'der Hutgupf'. 1: 214. SG -; O -. glinišče 'die Thongrube'. 1: 217. SG -; O -. (gnet -eta 'das Gedrange'): v cerkvi je bil gnet. 1: 221. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG to zamcišcanu tu-w carkv~ 'la chiesa e affollata'; O to bilu zarnatu judi 'era zeppo pieno di gente' . gn~tati -tam if 'drucken': gnetati koga. 1: 221. SG -; O -. gniHna 'fauler Mensch'. 1: 222. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG an trcišt 'e molto pigro'; O dgn trišt 'uomo pigro'. (gniloba) '= lenoba'. 1: 222. SG -; O -. (golcati) if 'rUlpsen'. 1: 227. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG r.fgat -an if 'ruttare'; O rlrgt -gn if 'ruttare' . (golčati) if 'tosen' (o gromu). 1: 227. SG -; O -. Cf., however, O to rarml mQcnu 'sta tonando fortemente'. 112 Slovenski jezik - Slovene Linguistic Studies 3 (2001) golidica (golida) 'die Milchgelte'. 1: 227. SG -; O -. golk 'das Tosen des Donners'. 1: 228. SG -; O -. golQbec -bca 'der Adamsapfel'. 1: 228. SG go/6bac 'pomo d'Adamo', con te jet za gol6bac, ci ti ni mučlš 'ti prendero per la gola, se non starai zitto'; O -. Cf., however, O abuku ta-nu w šle 'pomo d'Adamo'. (goltač) 'der Kropf des Geflugels'. 1: 229. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG goltIfn -ana 'faringe' ; O yowtgn -ang 'gola'. Remark: Cf. also gQža. (goltati) if 'rUlpsen'. 1: 229. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG gultat 'prendere un sorso'. Remark: Cf. golcati. gomot -ota 'das Gewuhl in einem Haufen'; 'der Wirrwarr'. 1: 231. SG -; O -. gorjan 'der Gebirgsbewohner'. 1: 233. Npl Ggrjani 'gorskie žiteli, nom. propr.' (BdC 1875: 47). SG ggrjan -a 'montanaro delle Prealpi Giulie'; O ygrjgn -ang 'abitante del comune di Torre'; S grjen -ana 'abitante del comune di Torre'. Remark: In Resia not known as a common noun. (gospodič) 'der Edelknabe, der Junker'. 1: 236. SG -; O -. gostniti pf 'dicht werden'. 1: 238. SG-; O -. Cf., however, O Ste zay6stet -e pf 'addensarsi', minj~štrg Ste zay6stilg 'la minestra si e addensata'. (gQšča) 'die Biestmilch'. 1: 239. SG g6šca 'colostro'; O y6šcg 'deposito in un liquido'. gozdQvski '= gozden'. 1: 242. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG gozdgwji 'del bosco'. Remark: See also s.v. ovnovski. gQža 'der Kropf'; 'der Huhnerkropf'. 1: 242. SG g6ža 'gozzo'; O y6žg 'gozzo'. (grabiti) if vodo grabiti '= zajemati'. 1: 242. grabit 'grabit', napr. seno' (BdC 1875: 44). SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG grabit -in if 'rastrellare', grabit tarinj 'rastrellare il terreno', grabit dwgr 'rastrellare il cortile'; G hrabit 'rastrellare'; O yrabet -en if 'rastrellare', yrabet s~nu, yrawo 'rastrellare il fieno, il ghiareto'. H. Steenwijk, The Contribution of Oroslav Caf to Resian Lexicography grasp 'die Klaue, die Kralle'. 1: 245. SG Ap1 graspe 'K1auen, Krallen' (BdC 1895: 19). SG graspa 'artiglio; zampa'; O -. Cf., however, O parke} -k}g 'artig1io; zampa'; S parke} 'zampa'. Remark: The Resian noun is a feminine, not a masculine. graspati -pam if '= praskati'. 1: 245. SG graspet 'kratzen' (BdC 1895: 526/14). 113 SG graspat -pan -pj{:n if 'graffiare'; G hraspat -pj{:n 'graffiare'; O yraspgt -pgn, -p}gn if 'graffiare'; S raspet -pj{:n 'graffiare' . (giča) 'der Brocken': grča mesa. 1: 247. SG -; O -. (grdina) 'das Gespenst'. 1: 247. SG gardina 'drakon' (BdC 1875: 64). SG gardfna 'persona femmini1e mito1ogica molto brutta'; O yardfng (said as an insult to an ug1y person). greblQ '= greblja, grebljica'. 1: 249. SG -; O -. gigavee -vea 'die Gurgel' . 1: 251. SG -; O -. Cf., however, O yowt(jn -ang 'gola'. grigee -gea 'die Grille'. 1: 251. O yriyič 'Grille' (BdC 1895: 577/291). SG gr/gič -iča 'grillo'; G hrfhič 'grillo'; O yrfyeč -ičg 'grillo'. Remark: The Resian forms correspond to grigič, not gri'gee. grigetati -etam/-~čem if 'zirpen': grigič grigeče; 'klinge1n'. 1: 251. G hrihičat 'schwirren' (BdC 1895: 199). SG grigiČlft -ča if 'cantare (da grilli); sonare', gr.igič grigiča 'il grillo sta facendo il suo verso; il sonag1io suona'; O yriyič(jt -čan if 'sonare', yr/yet yriyiča 'il campanello suona'. Cf., however, O pug yrfyiče 'i grilli cantano'. (gri'gič) 'die Schelle'. 1: 251. O yriyič 'Schelle' (BdC 1895: 577/291). SG gr.igič -iča 'sonaglio'; O yrfyeč -ičg 'campanello chiuso'. (grm) 'die Hase1nussstaude'. 1: 253. harm 'kust, orešina, leščina' (BdC 1875: 14). SG gjrm -a 'noccio1o'; O yjrm -g 'noccio1o'. (grmada 'der Haufen') grmada drv. 1: 254. SG -; O -. Cf., however, O dgn kip djrw 'un mucchio di legno'. Remark: Cf. a1so tasa. grota 'der Leiterwagen'. 1: 256. SG -; O -. gnižav '= garjav'. 1: 259. SG -; O -. Cf., however, O T{!š}uw 'scabbioso'. 114 Slovenski jezik - Slovene Linguistic Studies 3 (2001) gruže '= garje'. 1: 259. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG ruša 'rogna'; G ruša 'rogna'; O rušg 'scabbia'; S ruša 'scabbia'. Remark: This necessitates a rethinking of the lemma gruže (Bezlaj 1: 184). Maybe a link with ruša 'vrhnja plast zemlje z rastlinjem' (Bezlaj III: 209) exists. (gungelj -glja) 'der Finger- oder Fussknochel'. 1: 261. SG -; G hungaj 'malleolo'; O rungej -gjg 'malleolo'. Cf., however, SG čunklin -a 'nocca' , šl~n -a 'caviglia, malleolo'; O čl~n 'nocca'; S čunkej 'nocca' , čl~n 'caviglia'. gungljati -am if 'mit grossen, mageren Fiissen einhergehen'. 1: 261. SG -; O -. h~k 'der Chorgesang'. 1: 265. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG ekat -čf:n if 'cantare in chiesa'; O rekanif: 'il cantare in chiesa'. Remark: Unexpected is the initial voiced fricative in this and the following Oseacco attestation. (hinkati -kam/-čem) if bolnik hinče 'achzt'. 1: 267. SG jinkat -Čf: if 'lamentare'; O rlnkgt -čgn if 'gemere'; S fnket -čajo if 'gemere'. hlačiea 'die Socke'. 1: 269. SG -; O xlačicg 'ealzino'. Cf., however, SG kalcln 'caizino'; O ta? kratka? xlača? 'calzini' (come componente del costume tradizionale resiano). (hI6pniti) pf pes meso hlapne in požre. 1: 273. SG -; O -. Cf., however, O p;is popaduw misu 'il cane ha afferrato la carne'. (hrast) bukov hrast '= bukev'. 1: 279. hrast 'listvennoe derevo' (BdC 1875: 26). SG rast -il -li 'fusto del faggio'; G hrast -li 'fusto del faggio'; O ng bUkawg xrast 'un faggio', rrast -a 'faggio; fusto dell'albero' (Dapit 1998: 72); S rast -il -li 'faggio'. (hripeIj -pIja) 'der Nasenscheidewandknorpel'. 1: 282. SG -; O -. Cf., however, G hrlpovac 'cartilagine'; O xrlpavgc -uwcg 'cartilagine; cista'. (hild) huda roka '= leva roka'. 1: 286. G huda r6ka 'schlimme Hand, linke Seite' (BdC 1895: 154). SG wut -da 'cattivo; sinistro' , ta wuda r6ka 'la mano sinistra'; G hut 'cattivo, violen- te; sinistro'; O xut 'cattivo; sinistro' , tg xUdg r6kg 'la mano sinistra'; S na to Udo r6- ko 'suI lato sinistro' . (hudee -dea) 'der Zaunkonig'. 1: 286. O hudac 'Zaunkonig' (BdC 1895: 286). SG wudac -aca 'scricciolo'; O xUdgc -acg 'scricciolo'; S udec -aca 'scricciolo'. Remark: The e does not a1ternate with zero. (hilk) 'das Gerausch'. 1: 288. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG batabuj -a 'chiasso'; O ŠUŠUr -rjg 'chiasso'. H. Steenwijk, The Contribution of Oroslav Caf to Resian Lexicography (hiikati -kam/-čem) 'Hirmen, schreien'. 1: 288. SG -; O -. itam '= tam-le'. 1: 299. G jitim 'tuda' (BdC 1875: 37). SG jtlin 'la'; O it(m 'la'. itu 'gerade hier'. 1: 299. jito 'tam' (BdC 1875: 57). SG jtu 'li'; O it:5 'li'. iv '= ivje, inje'. 1: 299. SG -; O -. Cf., however, O slrmg 'brina'. izvrtina 'das Bohrmehl'. 1: 352. SG -; O -. (jama) 'das Loch'. 1: 357. jama 'jama' (BdC 1875: 16). SG jama 'buco; grotta'; G jima 'tana'; O amg 'buco; tana'; S joma 'buco; tana'. j~da '= ajda'. 1: 362. P jfjda 'Buchweizen' (BdC 1895: 45). SG jfjda 'grano saraceno'; O ~jdg 'grano saraceno'; S jfjda 'grano saraceno'. jerov '= jerej' pI "jerove". 1: 367. jfro 'svjaščennik' (BdC 1875: 17). 115 SG jfru -ra 'prete', Npl j~ravi; G ~ru -ra 'prete', Npl ~ruvi; O ~ruw -rg 'prete', Npl ~rave; S Npl jfravi 'prete'. Remark: The final v is the result of an erroneous reconstruction (Matičetov 1993: 81, foot-note 107). (kamba) 'der Kinnbacken'. 1: 382. SG kamba 'holzernes Halsband' (BdC 1895: 362). SG kamba 'mandibola'; O kambg 'mandibola'; S komba 'meta della mandibola'. (kamenje) 'eine Bergstaudenfrucht'. 1: 383. kamane 'moroška' (BdC 1875: 98). SG kamanjr: 'variante del mirtillo'; O -; S komank 'Rubus saxatilis' (Dapit 1995: 98). Cf., however, O Kamanjr: TOP. kamoča 'die Gemse'. 1: 384. P camurče Npl 'Gemsen' (BdC 1895: 61). SG camurča 'carnoscio'; G camurča 'carnoscio'; O camurčg 'carnoscio'; S camurča 'carnoscio'. (klobuk) 'eine Art grosser Schwamm'. 1: 411. O klObUk 'šapka' (BdC 1875: 96). SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG klubUk -a 'cappello'; O klabuk 'cappello'. (2. ko) ko teci 'komm nur'. 1: 415. SG kQj 'solamente' , kQj tad! 'vai, vai!', kQj prldi! 'vieni pure !'; G kQj 'soltanto'; O kQj 'solamente', kQj prlde! 'non mancare avenire!'; S kQj 'soltanto'. 116 (kol) 'der Zaunpfahl'. 1: 420. kgl 'kol, palka' (BdC 1875: 49). Slovenski jezik - Slovene Linguistic Studies 3 (2001) SG kgl -olli 'randello, bastone'; O kgw -olg 'palo per recinto; palo di sostegno'. (kolk) 'der Rugel'. 1: 424. G kOlka Gsg 'Rugel' (BdC 1895: 137). SG kulk -a 'collina'; G bik 'collina'; O kuk 'collina'. koredica '= red'; 'der Grasschwaden (beim Mtihen)'. 1: 437. SG koredice Apl 'Reu-Reihen' (BdC 1895: 20, 587). SG koredica 'andana di fieno'; G Apl kuredice 'andana di fieno'; O koredicg 'lunga fila d'erba fa1ciata'. (koščica) '= kocka', 'der Wurfel'. 1: 445. O košCfca 'kostočka' (BdC 1875: 94). SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG kušclca 'ossicino'; O košcfcg 'osso piccolo'. košet '= kozel'. 1: 446. kuš~te Apl 'Bocke' (BdC 1895: 381). SG kuš~t -a 'caprone'; G kuš~t 'caprone'; O kuš~t -g 'caprone'; S kuš~t 'caprone'. Remark: The uniformity of the attestations leaves no doubt that o should be u. 1. krek 'der Raken'. 1: 462. G krekove Npl 'krjuki' (BdC 1875: 80). SG krik -eka 'gancio; rocca'; G krik 'gancio'; O krik -ekg 'gancio'. (kr~vlja) 'die Radfelge'. 1: 465. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG krewlin -a 'uomo zoppicante'; G krewja 'legno cur vato per fare una slitta' (Dapit 1998: 88); O krewjg 'pezzo di legno cur vato' , ni so nareale žl.(kce ziz krew jo 'facevano slitte con un legno curvato' , šlng od kglg 'cerchione' . 2. krlpa 'der Fels, der Steinklumpen'. 1: 468. cripa 'pietra' (Matičetov & Perusini 1955-56: 84). SG krcipa 'grande pietra isolata'; O -. Cf., however, SG krepa 'testa', con ti dlit dg po krepi 'ti picchiero per la testa'; O krepg 'roccia su un pendio; testa'; S krepa 'coccio, testa, pietra (tombale), (Dapit 1995: 118). Remark: These are two etymons, *krfpa and krepa (cf. Bezlaj II: 93, 89). The unu- su al accented vocalism in SG krcipa can be explained as an internal Ioan in which Bila ci renders the phonetics of f in the other local dialects. 2. krlpica 'das Steinchen'. 1: 468. SG krcipica (dim); O -. Cf., however, SG krepica 'testa' (dim.); O krepicg 'testa' (dim). krketjati if '= krkljati'. 1: 472. SG karkaClit (said when polenta is coming to the boil) non-SG; O karkacgt -a if 'gorgogliare', mučnek karkaca 'la polenta molle sta gorgogliando'. kroketjati if 'quacken': žaba kroketja. 1: 475. SG krokoClit -ajo if 'gracidare (dei rospi)'; O -. Cf., however, O žabg kwačr 'la rana sta gracidando'. H. Steenwijk, The Contribution of Oroslav Caf to Resian Lexicography 117 kr6sma '= krošnja'. 1: 476. erasma 'ein Z-artiger Tragbalken, welcher zum Tragen der Waaren auf dem Rlicken dient' (BdC 1895: 382, foot-note). SG krQsma 'strumento per arrotare coltelli'; G krQsma 'strumento degli arrotini'; O krQsmg 'strumento degli arrotini'. Remark: This instrument, not in use anymore, was carried on the back or mounted on wheels, see Longhino 1992. With the attested meaning the Resian lexeme is now semantically closer to krasna than to krašnja (ef. Bezlaj II: 100). krosmar -rja '= krošnjar'. 1: 476. SG -; O -. Cf., however, Lp kramar 'venditore ambulante'; S kromer -arja 'venditore ambulan- te'. 2. krlicelj -clja 'der Eiszapfen'. 1: 480. SG -; O krucej -ejg 'ghiacciolo'. 2. kuc 'die Welle'. 1: 484. SG -; O wQdg ng nareg me vallkee kuea? 'l'acqua sta facendo delle onde grandi'. Cf., however, SG kue 'capriola' , si dal din kue 'ho fatto una capriola'. klicati se -cam/-čem if 'Wellen schlagen': morje se kuea (kuče). 1: 484. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG se kueat -an if 'fare capriole'. kukiicati if 'kukati'. 1: 486. SG kukueat -an if 'cuculiare; spiare'; O -. Cf., however, G pre3sg kukuwa 'cuculiare'; O kukuegt -gn if 'spiare' , kukuwgt -g if 'cuculiare'. kukurikati -kam/-čem if 'krahen (vom Hahn)'. 1: 486. pre3sg kukurfče 'kukurekaet' (BdC 1875: 52). SG kukurlkat -č!:n if 'cantare (dei galli),; O kukurlkgt -č!: if 'cantare (dei galli)'. ku1tra '= kolter' konjska kolter 'die Schabracke'. 1: 486. SG kultra 'coperta pesante; copriletto'; O kuwtrg 'coperta imbottita'. Remark: For horses a kind of blanket named koca was used. klizelj -zIja 'der Hund'. 1: 491. SG -; O -. (lanita) ima črnele lanite. 1: 499. Lpl lanitah 'licih' (Matičetov 1964: 210, 211). SG lanita 'guancia'; O lanitg 'guancia'; S l[mita 'guancia'. Remark: Cf. for this lexeme Matičetov 1989. Stress is unequivocally located on the first syllable. lapliča rogI. lopuča. 1: 500. SG lipuča 'asse lungo con un manic o per sbattere il sapone dal bucato'; O lopučg 'arnese rettangolare di legno con un manico che serve abattere roba di lana o tela di lino'. (lasnica) 'eine Art lange s Gras'. 1: 500. SG lasnlea 'una specie d'erba'; O -. Cf., however, Slasina 'erba secca e gelida'. 118 Slovenski jezik - Slovene Linguistic Studies 3 (2001) legavec -vca '= lažnivec'. 1: 506. SG Z;igavac -awca 'bugiardo'; G Zahovac -uwca 'bugiardo'; O Z;iyavgc -uwcg 'bugiar- do'. 1. 1ihati if 'verschlucken'. 1: 517. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG to mu ŠZ{J wprfk 'gli e andato di traverso'; O to mi SfR wstavilu tu-w yowtanf: 'mi e andato di traverso'. lizgati se -gam if 'sich schminken'. 1: 524. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG se parkjIft -an if 'truccarsi; sporcarsi' , na se parkja wun po vlšti 'si sta truccando la faccia'; O SfR btlrbgt 'truccarsi'. (ljubiti) if 'liebkosen, herzen'. 1: 524. G jubit if 'accarezzare'; O jubet -en if 'accarezzare'. Cf., however, SG bUjit -in if 'accarezzare'. (2. mašča) 'die Obstmaische' "mešča". 1: 555. SG m;išca 'mosto'; O -. Cf., however, O meštg 'mistura di patate, fagioli e altre verdure'. medovje 'die Mistel (viscum)'. 1: 563. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG v;išk -lška 'vischio'; O višk -lškg 'vischio'. (2. mir) 'bes. die Mauer ohne Mortel, z. B. zur Einfriedung'. 1: 584. m'fr 'stena' (BdC 1875: 18). SG mir -a 'muro (in senso generico )'; G mir 'muro'; O mir -g 'muro', xlšg f: naret ziz mirgn 'la casa efatta con un muro', mir f: naret ziz cimintgn 'il muro efatto con cemento'; S mir 'muro'. Cf., however, SG maž~rja 'muro fatto senza malta lungo la strada, muretto'; O ma- ž~rjg 'muro a secco' (Dapit 1998: 108). Remark: As already Baudoiun de Courtenay (1895: 213) has G maž~rja 'eine Mauer, gemacht ohne Kalk', the information given by Pleteršnik seems to be the result of some misunderstanding. 2. miriti if '= zidati'. 1: 584. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG ja narejan din mir 'sto costruendo un muro'; O g naregn dgn mir 'sto costruendo un muro'. mit 'die Stange, der Pfosten, die Saule'. 1: 586. G m'ft 'stanga' (BdC 1895: 136, foot-note). SG mit -i 'paletto lungo, usato per costruire un recinto'; G mit 'stanga'; O -. Cf., however, O Zata 'eine Stange im Zaune' (BdC 1895: 275), Zatg 'pertica, stanga' (Dapit 1998: 97); S Zata 'stanga'. Remark: Judging by Caf's and Baudouin de Courtenay's attestations, the distribution of these heteronyms has remained stable over the past 150 years. (2. morec -rca) 'schwarzer Bock'. 1: 602. SG -; O -. morica 'schwarze Ziege'. 1: 602. G mora 'eine schwarze Ziege' (BdC 1895: 186). H. Steenwijk, The Contribution of Oroslav Caf to Resian Lexicography 119 SG mjra (name for a black cow); O -. Cf., however, SG murica 'mora'; O muricg 'mora', ng č;Jrng taj muricg 'e nera come una mora'. Remark: It remains unclear whether Caf's attestation is actually the denomination of a fruit used as the name of a goat or adiminutive of the attested proper noun. (moriža) moriže 'die Halskrause'. 1: 602. SG murlže 'frangia'; O morlžx -r/š 'frangia'. motik ati if 'mit der Haue hauen'. 1: 604. G mutikilt 'mit einer Hacke, Haue, Karste graben' (BdC 1895: 217). SG mutikIft -an if 'zappare'; O mutik{lt -an if 'zappare'. moti ne 'der Bodensatz einer Fliissigkeit'. 1: 605. SG -; O -. mudžol pogl. muŽoZ. 1: 616. P mulul 'Glas' (BdC 1895: 55). SG mulul -a 'bicchiere'; G mulul -a 'bicchiere'; O muluw -Ig 'bicchiere'; S mulul -a 'bicchiere' . (2. mula) 'krava brez rogov'; 'die Wurst'. 1: 618. G muja 'eine Ziege, welche keine Homer hat' (BdC 1895: 186), mulica 'Daml (BdC 1895: 361). SG muja 'capra senza corna'; mulica 'pezzo di intestino' , mulice -cuw 'intestini'; G mulice 'intestini'; O mujg 'capra senza corna', to taj ng mujg 'manca qualcosa', mu- licx -lec 'interiora'; S muja 'capra senza corna', mulica 'pezzo di intestino' . Cf., however, SG klobas/ca 'salsiccia'; G klobas/ca 'salsiccia'; O klabas/cg 'salsiccia'; S klabas/ca 'salsiccia'. (miHič) 'der Teufel' (šaljivo). 1: 618. SG mujic -a 'capretto senza corna; diavolo'; O mujeC -icg 'capretto senza corna; dia- volo'. muša '= oslica', Mez.-C. 1: 621. P muša 'Eselin' (BdC 1895: 55). SG muša 'asino femminile'; O -. Remark: As the abbreviation Mez. is otherwise not used in Pleteršnik, 1 assume it is a printing error for Rez. muzgalQ 'das Maul'. 1: 621. muzgaW 'guba' (BdC 1875: 24). SG muzgalu 'labbro; labbra'; G muzgalu 'labbro; labbra'; O muzgalu 'labbro; labbra'; S muzgalQ 'labbro'. (mužiti) if 'etwas Weiches kauen, essen': hruške muŽiti. 1: 622. SG muždr:t -r:n if 'masticare qua1cosa di morbido', muždr:n din kos kruwa 'sto masticando un pezzo di pane'; O muzggt -ždgn if 'masticare qualcosa di morbi- do'. mužql 'das Trinkglas'. 1: 622. P muful 'Glas' (BdC 1895: 55). SG mulul -a 'bicchiere'; G mulul -a 'bicchiere'; O muluw -Ig 'bicchiere'; S mulul -a 'bicchiere' . 120 Slovenski jezik - Slovene Linguistic Studies 3 (2001) nad~lovati if impf. ad nadelati: nadelovati pot, cesto. 1: 630. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG ni diwajo grawo ta-na p6t 'stanno mettendo ghiareto sulla strada'. narus 'rothlich'. 1: 664. SG narus 'marone chiaro', an jr; narus 'e di colore marone chiaro'; Onarus 'tenden- do al giallo', tQ ~ narusu 'tende al giallo'. Remark: Resian SG rus, G, O, S ris covers colour shades ranging from yellow through brown. For the notion 'red', see črmn~l 2. navaditi pf '= ovaditi'. 1: 676. O ji nawade!f 'belehrte sie' (BdC 1895: 256). SG nawadit -in pf 'palesare; denunciare, riferire', ja con wan nawadit no rfč 'Le voglio render noto una cosa', m(Jrr;n tit ga nawadit 'posso andare a denuciarlo'; O nawadet -en pf 'denunciare, fare la spia', {ln nawadew varatat 'ha raccontato la ve- rita, nj{Jn con te nawadet 'adesso dira la verita su di te'. 2. navajati if impf. ad navaditi '= ovajati'. 1: 676. SG nawajat -an if 'denunciare, riferire'; O nawa{lt -{ln if 'denunciare, fare la spia'. ner '= nego', 'sondern': ne kruh, ner voda. 1: 699. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG si ni lačan kruwa, si žejan wodi 'non sono affamato di pane, ma assetato di acqua'. nocQ '= nocoj'. 1: 713. naca 'segodnja večerom' (BdC 1875: 62). SG nac6 'stanotte'; G nac6 'stanotte'; O nac6 'stanotte'; S nac6 'stanotte'. nor '= enkrat' (Vestnik II: 61). 1: 715. nur 'odin raz' (BdC 1875: 10). SG nur 'una volta'; G nur 'una volta'; O nur 'una volta', se klicuw kQj nur 'ho grida- to solo una volta'; S nur 'una volta'. nun '= nunec', 'der Taufpathe'. 1: 719. nim 'kum' (BdC 1875: 57). SG nun -a 'padrino; signore'; G nin -una 'santolo; signore'; O nin -Un{l 'padrino; uomo qualunque'. nuvič '= novic 2.'. 1: 720. SG nuvlč 'ženi x' (BdC 1875: 60). SG nuvač -iča 'sposo'; O novič -/č{l 'sposo'. Remark: The unstressed vowel should rather be o. odpr~da '= od spredaj'. 1: 781. SG -; O -. odprt1jiti pf 'aufschnallen': odprejiti oblačilo. 1: 781. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG wodat rinco 'sfibbiare'; O odat preo 'sfibbiare'. odum~ti se -mim pf 'sich auf den Ruf melden'; 'aus dem Schlaf, aus der Be- tiiubung (infoige Riittelns, Rufens) zu sich kommen'. 1: 791. G ni so udum~ly (Jbadwa 'beide kamen wieder zu sich' (BdC 1895: 122). SG udum~t -fjr;n pf 'appena percepire' , udum~t din glas 'appena percepire un suono'; H. Steenwijk, The Contribution of Oroslav Caf to Resian Lexicography 121 o S3! odum~t -in pf 'riaversi dal sonno'. Cf., however, SG se wotpomanut -~n pf 'riaversi dopo lo svenimento'. ogaba 'der Ekel'. 1: 796. SG -; O -. (ograd) vinski ograd 'der Weingarten'. 1: 802. SG Wognft -ada TOP (small mountain); O -. Cf., however, O ornidgk -tkg 'pezzo di terreno dove il fieno e messo assieme'; Lp ornida 'fieno messo assieme'. (ograja) 'der Damm, der Deich'. 1: 803. SG -; O -. (oPQrek -rka) 'ein Lappen, am Schuh, woran die Schnalle oder die Schnur befestigt ist'. 1: 839. SG -; G upurak 'tomaia'; O opurgk -rkg 'pezzo di cuoio sullo zoccolo'; S Npl opurke 'tomaia'. (oprstnik) '= podplat', 'die Schuhsohle'. 1: 844. SG -; O -. osQjenica 'neka gibanica iz koruzne moke', 'abgeschmalzene Polenta'. 1: 858. SG wos6janica 'piatto fatto con polenta, ricotta epanna'; O os6nicg 'polenta molle con latte, formaggio e burro fuso'. ost~ja 'die gemauerte Seitenwand am Feuerherd oder am Kamin'. 1: 861. SG -; O -. (ostrqga) 'der Brombeerstrauch (rubus fruticosus),. 1: 863. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG rublda 'rovo'. ovnovski 'Widder-, Schopfen-'. 1: 877. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG Nsgf mul6nawa 'di montone'; O own{Jwje 'di montone'. Remark: Cf. for the same desubstantive suffix -(Jwj- SG gozd{Jwji s.v. gozdqvski and O konj{Jwje s.v. parkelj, in all three cases used to derive a relational adjective from an accent class (b) substantive. 3. pal 'das Ziel': v pal streljati. II: 4. SG -; O -. (paliid) '= rogoz'. II: 6. SG palUt -di 'canna palustre'; O palUt -dg 'palude'; 'pianta non identificata' (Dapit 1998: 129), ror~ po Paludu TOP. panola pogl. panogla. II: 7. Lp panula 'Kolb en vom Mais' (BdC 1895: 356). SG panula 'panocchio di granoturco'; G pan uh la 'panocchia di granoturco'; O pa- nulg 'panocchio'; S panula 'panocchio di granoturco'. (parkelj -kIja) 'der ungespa1tene Ruf', '= kopito'. II: 9. parkaj 'kogot' , kopyto' (BdC 1875: 19). SG parkja 'zampa'; G an ma d:5lhe parkje 'ruba'; O parkej -kjg 'artiglio; zampa', te konj{Jwje parkej 'lo zoccolo del cavallo'; S parkej 'zampa'. 122 Slovenski jezik - Slovene Linguistic Studies 3 (2001) (p~č) 'der Stein' "peC"; 'der Kummer , der Gram'. II: 16. prC'kamen" (BdC 1875: 19). SG prc -aci 'pietra'; G prc -aci 'pietra'; O prnjc -acx 'pietra'; S prnjc -aci 'sasso'. (1. p~ča) 'der Gram': veliko peča imeti. II: 16. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG peca 'mancanza nel carattere', to šk(;da, ki an ma to peca za se diwat klet 'peccato che ha quel difetto di mettersi a sgridare'; G peca 'difetto fisico o mentale'; O pecr,;t 'male fisico'. Cf., however, SG !aštibi 'pena'. (pečar -rja) 'tisti, ki peči kreše; der Steinhauer'. II: 16. SG -; O -. (pečen -čna) 'kummervoll': vsa pečna sem te iskala. II: 17. SG -; O -. (peč~n) '= kamenit', 'aus Stein': pečena miza. II: 17. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG prCini 'di pietra' , na prCina miza 'una panca di pietra'; G prCini 'di pietra'; O prnjCine 'di pietra' , nr,;t prnjCinr,;t tawlr,;t 'una tavola di pietra' . Remark: The suffix actually used is -in-, like in stcirdinr,;t s.v. strdnica, both adject- ives derived from feminine substanives ending in a consonant. (1. pečica) '= kamenček', 'das Steinchen'. II: 17. picica 'kamešek' (BdC 1875: 99) SG piclca 'pietrina'; O pacicr,;t 'pietrina'. pečljiv 'kummervoll'. II: 18. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG invilcin -ina 'avvilito' . pečnat 'steinern': pečnato srce. II: 18. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG nQ prCinr: scircr: 'un cuore di pietra'; O to prnjCinr: scircr: 'cuore di pietra'. peklQ '= pekel'. II: 20. pr:kl(; 'ad' (BdC 1875: 76). SG pakl(; 'inferno'; G pukl(; 'inferno'; O pakl(; 'inferno'; S pakl(;/pokl(; 'inferno'. (persqgelj) persoglji 'der Samenhanf'. II: 25. SG -; O -. 1. p~sica dem. pesa 'der Mangoid'. II: 26. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG zrjr: 'bietola selvatica'. p~stiti if '= pestovati'. II: 28. SG pestit: pestit noga otroki 'far dire a un bambino quello che non dovrebbe di re secondo i suoi famigliari'; O -. Cf., however, O nastit tu-w peste 'portare nelle mani'. (p~tred) petredi, petredav. II: 32. S ~ P paterdu 'flinfzig' (BdC 1895: 104). H. Steenwijk, The Contribution of Oroslav Caf to Resian Lexicography 123 SG patardu 'cinquanta'; G patardu 'cinquanta'; O patarduw 'cinquanta'; S patarduw 'cinquanta' . Remark: For the form variant petredi there is no Resian basis. p~tredni '= petdeseti'. II: 33. SG -; O -. (1. plčka) 'der Kiirbis-, Zwetschken-, Pfirsichkern'. II: 34. SG p;itku 'nocciolo, seme (della zucca, della susina, della pesca ecc.)'; O -. Cf., however, O kopftg 'seme (della zucca, della mela, della pesca)'; S kopfta 'seme (della zucca o del frutto),. (pila) 'das Riickgrat'. II: 37. SG p(la 'sega'; O p(lg 'sega; addentatura della spina dorsale'; S p(la 'sega; spina dor- sale'. (plahta) 'das Segeltuch'. II: 46. SG plahta 'straccio di una certa stoffa ruvida, iuta'; O plaxtg 'tela che si mette neIla geda per trasportare letame'; S plahta 'tela di iuta per trasportare foglie secche o fieno'. plan 'der Schwung': ogenj je planil venem planu do strehe. II: 48. SG -; O -. (planiti) pf 'auflodern'. II: 48. SG -; O -. pl~ta 'die Falte'; 'die Runze!'. II: 58. SG plita 'piega; ruga'; O pletg 'ruga'; S pleta 'ruga'. plet~nčič 'das Handkorbchen'. II: 58. G pletenčec 'Korbchen' (BdC 1895: 551, 123) SG plitinč;ič -fča 'cestino'; Oplatančič -fčg 'cestino'. Remark: This lexeme is adiminutive of the one below. (plet~nee -nea) 'das Handkorbchen'. II: 58. platanae 'kozin(k)a' (BdC 1875: 23). SG platan;ie -nCli 'cesto'; G platanic -nea 'cesto'; O platan;ie -neg 'cesto'; S platan;ie -nea 'cesto'. (pletenje) '= srobot', 'die Waldrebe (c1ematis),. II: 59. SG platanN 'convolvolo, Convolvulus sepium'; G plitinN 'convolvolo, Convolvolus se- pium'; O platanj~ 'convolvolo, Convolvulus sepium'; S platanj~ 'convolvolo, Con volvu- lus sepiuni. 2. poč 'der Brunnen'. II: 72. SG PQč -a 'pozzo'; O PQč -g 'pozzo'. Remark: Cf. also SG p;ič -a 'pozzo'; S pič -ača 'pozzo'. (poljuben -bna) 'zahm': poljubna toea 'eine Katze, die sich streicheln lasst'. II: 131 SG pujuban -bna 'docile' (di animali); 'buono' (di bambini); G pujuban -bna 'docile'; O -; Spojuben -bna 'mansueto'. Cf., however, O krQtgk -tkg 'mansueto'. (poljubiti) pf 'abstreicheln, liebkosen'. II: 131. SG pujubit -in pf 'accarezzare'; G pujubit 'accarezzare'; O pojubet -en pf 'accarez- zare'; Spojubit 'accarezzare'. 124 Slovenski jezik - Slovene Linguistic Studies 3 (2001) (poljubljati) if 'streicheln'. II: 131. SG -; O -. poromqniti se pf '= pogovoriti se'. II: 161. SG se purumunat -in pf 'spiegarsi, chiarirsi'; O Ste poromonit -in pf 'padare assieme'. (pQzad) 'der Herd' "pozed". II: 202. SG -; G PQz{:!t 'focolare'; O PQz{:!t -ad(5l 'buco nel pavimento per fare fuoco', ni so pakZi boadnek ta-nu w PQzadu 'hanno cotto una focaccia nel focolare'. požlediti se -im se pf 'sich mit Eis uberziehen': drevje se je poŽZedilo. II: 207. SG se poZadanrt -i 'coprirsi con ghiaccio'; O Ste poZadanrt -i pf 'coprirsi con ghiaccio', ko to Ste poZadani, to puz.( 'quando tutto e coperto con ghiaccio, si scivo- la'. Remark: See also žl~dnat. (pnlsčič) 'die Assel'. II: 210. G Npl praščiCi 'Ferkel' (BdC 1895: 215). SG prašCic -a 'maialino'; O prašceC -ic(5l 'maialino'; S prašCic 'maialino'. Cf., however, O Mbic(5l 'asello'. prečigati pf '= prestreči', 'lauemd zuvorkommen'. II: 222. SG -; O -. 2. prt1ja 'die Schnalle (an Kleidem, Schuhen), (Vestnik). II: 239. Npl preje 'die Schnallen' (Dobrovsky 1834: 120). SG -; O pre(5l 'fibbia'. Cf., however, SG rinca 'fibbia'; G rinca 'fibbia', S rinca 'fibbia'. (prep~kati -kam/-čem) if prepekati se 'besorgt sein, sich angstigen, wehkla- gen'. II: 263. SG -; O -. Cf., however, O skarbrt -in if 'preoccuparsi', mate n(5l ryde skarbi za sve otrobe 'la madre e sempre preoceupata per i suoi fig li' . (prepeHca) 'der Schmetteding'. II: 263. pripilica 'babočka' (BdC 1875: 25). SG pripillca 'farfalla'; O prapaZlc(5l 'farfalla'. prgišča 'die Handvoll'. II: 296. SG parg(šca 'manciata' , na pargišca boM 'una manciata di fagioli'; O parrišc{:! 'manciata non piena'. nld '= dosti'. II: 370. rat 'dovol'no' (BdC 1875: 33). SG rat 'abbastanza', se diwa gnuj, da pridi sata rat 'si mette letame, affinche venga molta frutta'; Orat 'sufficiente', ko (5l Ste poromonin, tadij to rat 'quando finisco di padare, basta'. nld~ 'gem'. II: 370. SG rade 'gem' (BdC 1895: 4). SG ridi 'con piacere', ja ridi pravin ziz tabO 'pado volontieri con te'; G rad{:! 'con piacere', ni jin rad{:! misu 'non mangio volontieri la came'; O rad{:! 'con piacere', (5l rad{:! romonin po rozoanskex 'pado resiano con piacere'. H. Steenwijk, The Contribution of Oroslav Caf to Resian Lexicography (razdc;jati -d~jem) pf razdejati obleko 'aufknopfen'. II: 381. riždat 'rastvorit' , raskryt" (BdC 1875: 108). 125 SG riždat -ždin pf 'stendere; togliere' riž#j klubUk 'togliti il cappello'; O riždat, -ždin pf 'stendere; mettere via', riždat srnu 'stendere il fieno'. Cf., however, O odat Jupo 'sbottonare la giacca' . 2. rc;pi'nje 'der Riibsamen, der Reps (brassica napus)'. II: 419. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG rrpa 'rapa'; O rrpq 'rapa'. (romqn) '= govor', 'die Sprache' rozeanski roman 'der resianische Dialect' (Le- topis). II: 437. Lp romanenj 'Aussprache' (BdC 1895: 33), G rumuninje 'Sprechen' (BdC 1895: 214). SG romoninj -inja/-enja/-injaga 'padata; modo di padare', te biski romoninj 'la parlata di San Giorgio'; O -. Cf., however, SG rumunink 'padata'; O romanink 'padata; modo di padare' , našr: romanink to rozoanskr: 'la nostra parlata resiana'. Remark: Caf (1852: 318) also has Npl romani in the meaning 'conversations'. It should furthermore be noted that the lexeme romoninj is not judged to be a well-formed item by several informants. On the other hand, rumuninjr: etc. is gener- ally accepted by them. (romon~ti -im) if '= govoriti'. II: 437. SG -; O -. Remark: Apart from the deverbative SG rumunink, Oromonink mentioned above there exists no form that could be analysed as deriving from a verb in -~ti (Resian -rt). See also below. romqniti -qnim if '= govoriti'. II: 437. P rumunet 'sprechen' (BdC 1895: 46). SG rumunat -ln if 'parlare'; Grumunit -ln if 'parlare'; O romonit -ln if 'parlare'; S romonat -ln if 'parlare' . s~dniti. s~dnem pf '= sesti'. II: 465. sednut 'sest" (BdC 1875: 82). SG sidnut -nr:n pf 'sedersi'; G sidnut 'sedersi'; O sednut -nqn pf 'sedersi' , ko sednqn, con Ste spočit 'quando mi siedo mi riposenY; S sednot 'sedersi'. sej '= ta', 'dieser' , sej - tej 'dieser - jener'. II: 465. See esej. sfr1~nec -nca 'ein Butzel von Haarlocken'. II: 475. SG -; O -. si'rčje '= koruznica', 'das Kukuruzstroh'. II: 480. SG sirčk 'stelo secco del granoturco'; O sirčk 'paglia di granoturco'. skl~ti. sk61nem pf 'verfluchen, verwunschen'. II: 489. SG sklet/skulnut, skulnr:n pf 'sgridare', ni so me skulnuli 'mi hanno sgridato'; O sklet, skuwnqn pf 'rimproverare', ko yq [otročlcq} skuwnqn, qn {Jčr: 'quando gli faccio un rimprovero, piange'. Cf., however, SG moladlwat 'maledire'; O maladit 'maledire' , blaštamgt 'bestemmia- re'; S blaštamit 'bestemmiare'. 126 Slovenski jezik - Slovene Linguistic Studies 3 (2001) sklinjati -am if impf. ad skleti (skolnem) 'verwunschen, verfluchen'. II: 489. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG klet, kulnf:n if 'sgridare', kulnf:n me školerje, ki ni nlmajo wojo me puslušat 'sgrido i miei scolari perche non mi vogliono asco1tare'. 3. skuta 'der Topfen, der Quark, der Streichkase (die kasigen Bestandtheile der Mileh, nach Abscheidung der Molken)'. II: 502. G skuta 'Quark' (BdC 1895: 196). SG skuta 'ricotta'; O skUtq 'ricotta'. 2. sh;zenica 'das Schneewasser'. II: 510. SG - ; O slazanlcq 'acqua di neve scio1ta'. slota 'regnerisches Wetter, Regen mit Schnee' II: 513. SG sl(Jta 'cambiamento di tempo', ni čujajo sl(Jto 'sentono il cambiamento di tempo'; G sl(Jta 'periodo di cattivo tempo'; O sl(Jtq 'temporale'; S sl(Jta 'pioggia che continua per parecchi giorni' , te vallke sl(Jte 'le grandi pioggie'. slotati if 'stlirmen und regnen'. II: 513. SG -; O slot(lt -a if 'esserci un temporale' , to škUr, to ef: slot(lt 'fa buio, ci sara un temporale' . slotav 'regnerisch'. II: 513. SG -; O -. Cf., however, Lp sl(Jtan -tna 'temporalesco'. sml&d 'bleich, gelb (von der Gesichtsfarbe),. II: 519. smljidy [no translation] (Sreznevskij 1841: 154). SG smlit -da 'pallido (della faccia, delle mani)'; Gsm1ft 'pallido'; O smlft -dq 'pallido (della pelle umana)' , smlidq vlštq 'una faccia pallida', smlfda? roka? 'mani pallide'; S smlit -da 'pallido' . smQda '= smod'. II: 519. SG -; O -. (smolika) 'der Wacholder'. II: 520-521. SG smulika 'možževel'nik' (BdC 1875: 96). SG smullka 'ginepro'; O smollkq 'ginepro'. 2. smukati -kam/-čem if 'schluchzen, winseln'; 'schwatzen'. II: 524. SG smukat -čf:n if 'singhiozzare, piagnucolare'; O smukqt -kqnl -čqn if 'soffiarsi il naso', to smučf: tu-w n(Jsu 'il naso fa rumore'. (sQditi) if 'herrichten': posteljo, mizo soditi. II: 529. SG sodit -in if 'condire'; O sodet -en if 'condire; preparare' , soden solato 'condisco l'insalata', soden kowo 'prepa ro il letto'. Cf., however, SG pasojat -an 'preparare (il letto)" ja si pasojan kowo 'mi sto facen- do il letto'. (sQk) 'ein zubereitetes Gemuse, die Zuspeise'. II: 531. O suk 'Kraut' (BdC 1895: 402). SG suk -(Jka 'crauti'; O suk -(Jkq 'crauti', te rfpine suk 'crauti di rapa'; S suk 'crauti'. (spomin) 'die Erforschung des Gewissens'. II: 549. spomagn [no translation] (BdC 1913: 29). SG spomanj -a 'riccordino'; Ospomanj 'riccordo'. H. Steenwijk, The Contribution of Oroslav Caf to Resian Lexicography 127 Cf., however, SG se spomanut -~n pf 'cercare di rieeordarsi' (eome preparazione alla confessione). (stopa) 'die FuBstapfe, die FuBspur'. II: 579. stopa 'stupa' (BdC 1875: 24). SG stopa 'orma'; O stopg 'orma; passo'. strdnica '= medica', 'der Meth'. II: 586. SG -; O -. Cf., however, O tg stjrding w{Jdg 'bevanda non alcoliea fatta con miele'. (stii1ek -Ika) 'krause Loeken'. II: 597. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG čajaronaste lase 'capelli crespi'; O čajarunastfR lasfR 'capelli eres- pi'. (stu1iti) pf stul}eno hoditi 'gebuekt, gekrummt einher gehen'. II: 597. SG stuj{:n 'ristretto' wudjt stu}!?n 'andare un po' curvo'; G stuj{:n -ana 'inchinato'; O tit stUgn 'andare chinato' , ko rreš itaku stugn, naterni SfRJ 'pereM vai eos! curvo, raddrizzati !' suj 'Schaff, Seehter'. II: 600-601. P so} 'Schaff, Wasehbeeken' (BdC 1895: 68). SG SU} -a 'mastello'; G s5} 'mastello'; O s5} -Ug 'mastello'. Cf., however, SG cača 'ramaiolo'. svrk '= svaljek'. II: 615. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG nQ zavit!? 'qualcosa arrotolata'. šče "št}e". II: 618. ŠC!? 'ešče' (BdC 1875: 24). SG šc~ 'ancora'; O šc~ 'ancora'; S šc~ 'ancora'. ščirovec -vca 'das Gesehwur' (Vestnik). II: 621. G šCirovac 'eine Hautaussehlag' (BdC 1895: 198). SG -; G šc/rovac -uwca 'foruncolo'; O šc/ravgc -uwcg 'foruncolo'. šuj '= lev', 'link'. II: 649. SG -; O -. Cf., however, (hud). Remark: The nominal phrase G na te šunini kraj 'naeh der linken Seite' (BdC 1895: 187) is later on eorreeted into [na tej šunčni [kraj} 'naeh der Sonnen-Seite' (BdC 1895: 560, 601). ta '= tja'. II: 653. SG tlin, tli 'di la'; O it(l, t(l 'di la; s ta 'la. tasa 'ein Haufen aufgesehiehtetes Holz, Heu oder Garben'. II: 656. G na tasa daru 'ein MaB, eine Lage, eine Sehicht Holz' (BdC 1895: 155). SG tasa 'catasta' , na tasa loduw 'una catasta di legna'; O tasg 'catasta' , ng tasg djrw 'una catasta di legna', ng tasg brušc 'una catasta di ramoscelli secchi' . tindna 'die Mau1trommel'. II: 669. SG -; O -. Cf., however, O tint/n 'eorda del violino'. 128 Slovenski jezik - Slovene Linguistic Studies 3 (2001) tintinati if 'auf der Maultrommel spielen'. II: 669. S --+ P tintinat 'Hiuten' (BdC 1895: 347). SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG tintinrit -an if 'scampanare, battendo con campanelle contro le campane del campanile'; O tintingt -a if 'scampanare', SfR tintina ko so fJ~štfR 'si scampana quando ci sono le feste'. (toca) '= mačka' "taca". II: 673. tuca 'koška' (BdC 1875: 75). SG tuca 'gatto (in senso generale)'; G tuca 'gatto'; O tucg 'gatto' (in senso generale); S tuca 'gatto'. toča k 'der Kater'. II: 673. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG mačak 'gatto maschile'; O mačgk -akg 'gatto maschile'. tQčica 'das Kiitzchen'. II: 673. Ndu tučice 'Kiitzchen, Katzen' (BdC 1895: 369). SG tučica 'gattino'; G tučica 'gattino'; O tučicg 'gattino'. togotati se if 'trauern'. II: 674. SG -; O -. 1. tQhniti if 'dumpfig, muffig werden'. II: 674. SG t6fnr:n -ana 'ammuffito'; O t6fngn -ang 'ammuffito'. Cf., however, SG se smufav~t -i pf 'ammuffire' , s~r se smufav~l 'il formaggio e ammuffito' . Remark: The existence of a verb from which t6fnr:n etc. would be a derived form is explicitely denied by the informants. (tQžen -žna) '= otožen', 'traurig'. II: 680. tožen 'grustnyj' (BdC 1875: 54). SG t6žan -žna 'triste'; G t6žan -žna 'triste'; O t6žgn -žng 'triste'; S t6žen -žna 'triste'. tQžnost 'die Traurigkeit, die Betrubnis'. II: 680. toshnost 'malinconia' (Matičetov-Perusini 1955-56: 86). SG -; O t6žnust (arch.) 'tristezza'. (tr~buh) 'die Kuttelflecke' "trebuhove". II: 685. trfbuh 'život' (BdC 1875: 11). SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG tribu -uha 'pancia' , Npl trfpe 'trippa'; G tribuh 'pancia'; O tribux, -uxg 'pancia' , Npl trfpfR 'trippa'; Stribo 'pancia'. (trg) dober trg '= dober kup', 'wohlfeil'. II: 689. S --+ P d6ber ter 'billig' (BdC 1895: 346). SG d6bar tark 'buon mercato'; G d6bar tarh 'buon mercato'; O d6bgr tarx 'buon mercato'; S d6bar tar 'buon mercato'. (trQba) 'die Stiefelrohre'. II: 694. SG -; O -. (trQmba) 'das Brunnenrohr'; 'das Stiefelrohr'. II: 696. O trum ba 'Gosse' (BdC 1895: 284). SG tr6mba 'fontana'; G trumba 'fontana'; O trumbg 'tubo; fontana'; S trumba 'fontana'. H. Steenwijk, The Contribution of Oroslav Caf to Resian Lexicography 129 trupati -pam/-pljem if 'zerbrechen, zerst6ren': trupati zid. II: 700. SG trupat -an if 'bussare'; O -. Cf., however, SG vijlit dQlu din mir 'distruggere un muro'; O trumpgt -gn if 'battere con le piedi' . (tii1ast) 'r6hrenformig, hoh!'. II: 702. SG -; O -. Cf., however, O turlgst -astg 'tarmato'. Remark: See also tur1ati. (1. tii1ec -Ica) 'der Hutgupf'; 'etwas Zusammengerolltes'. II: 702. SG tulae -aea 'nuca'; O tulge 'il dietro della testa, nuca'. tulin 'der Wasserwirbel'. II: 702. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG se nareja katji 'si forma un mulinello'; O wQdg nareg kotiw 'l'acqua nt il mulinello'. Remark: S Tulln TOP, indicating a point with a small waterfalI in a brook, might be identical with this item (Dapit 1995: 200). tuliniti se if 'sich wirbeln' (o vodi). II: 702. SG -; O -. (2. tuliti) if tuliti se 'sich wirbeln': voda se tuli; tuliti se h komu 'sich an je- manden schmiegen'. II: 702. SG se tulit -in if: se tulin za mrazon 'mi viene la pelle d'oca per il freddo'; O S3! tu- let -en if 'restringersi', otrQk an S3! tule ta-x matarr: 'il bambino si rannichia accan- to alIa madre'. Cf., however, SG se stlskat -šcr:n if 'stringersi contro qua1cuno', se st.(skajo wkUP 'si stringono assieme'. (turlati -am if 'durchbohren, durchbeissen') molj turla in vrta. II: 703. SG turilit -an if 'tarlare' (soltanto di legno); O turl{lt -a if 'rodere' (di tarme). Cf., however, SG tarme snadajo ubličlle 'le tarme mangiano i vestiti' . tiir1ej '= molj'. II: 703. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG tarma 'tarma'; O tarmg 'tarma'. učigati pf 'erlaueren, erspahen'. II: 707. SG -; O -. udri stati se pf 'infoige Durchfalls sich beschmutzen'. II: 710. SG se wdrlstat -šcr:n pf 'sporcarsi avendo la diarrea'; O -. Cf., however, O S3! zdrlstgt -šcgn pf 'sporcarsi avendo la diarrea'. iij '= ujec'. II: 715. woj 'djadja' (BdC 1875: 57). SG wuj -a 'zio'; G wij -uja 'zio'; O wij -ujg 'zio, prozio'; S wij 'zio'. ukisniti pf 'sauer werden': moka ukisne. II: 717. SG -; O -. Cf., however, O S3! skwaset -e pf 'diventare acido'. (ul~či. ul~žem) pf 'sich krank niederliegen'. II: 719. SG wlignut -r:n pf 'sdraiarsi ammalato', ko wlignr:n, se sputin anu prijaja pa treši- 130 Slovenski jezik - Slovene Linguistic Studies 3 (2001) ka 'quando mi sdraio ammalato, sudo eviene anche la febbre'; O wleynut -gn pf 'sdra- iarsi ammalato', ko wleyngn, con stat bor 'quando mi sdraio ammalato, staro meglio'. (ul~gniti) pf ulegnilo mi je v želodec 'ich bekam Magenbeschwerden'. II: 719. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG ja man ta-po št6midr: 'ho disturbi gastrici' . ul~niti se pf ulenjena koza '= koza, ki se je ulevila'. II: 720. SG se odlrnit -i pf 'cambiare pelle', kozi Jr: odlrnjana 'la capra ha cambiato pelle'; O S3! oblrnet -e pf 'perdere i capelli, le penne' , mu S3! oblrnilg wsg ylawg 'e diven- tata tutto calvo' , kozg ng oblrnjang 'la capra ha cambiato pelle'. (ulizniti) pf moja glava se mi je uliznila 'ich habe die Haare verloren'; uliz- njena koza '= ulenjena koza'. II: 720. SG -; O -. Cf., however, ul~niti se. ulja '= gos'. II: 720. SG -; O -. Cf., however, O ocg 'oca'. uljen '= ulj'. II: 720. P wujan 'ulej' (BdC 1875: 36). SG wulin -a 'arnia'; G wyjr:n -ana 'alveare'; O wygn -ang 'arnia'; S wujr:n -ana 'arnia'. (um) 'der Zorn', na umu biti 'zornig sein'. II: 721. ty se naumo 'ty serdišsja' (BdC 1875: 14). SG wym -a 'rabbia', si na wymu 'sono arrabbiato'; G wym 'rabbia', ni so ha mrli wym 'erano arrabbiati con lui'; O wym 'rabbia', g mgn wym 'sono arrabbiato'; S wum 'bile; rabbia'. (umiti) if umiti se 'zornig sein, zurnen'. II: 724. umat 'odiare' (Matičetov-Perusini 1955-56: 86). SG -; O -. In a song, pre3sg wuma 'jezi se' is attested (Matičetov 1998: 59). Cf., however, O S3! rizdražet 'arrabbiarsi'. upirav 'widersetzlich, widerspenstig'. II: 727. SG -; O -. (uren -rna) uren '= goden', 'flugge': uren ptič. II: 730. SG -; G wyrr:n 'uccello giovane nel suo nido'; O -. Cf., however, SG an jr: wyra za listat 'e pronto per vola re' . urenčič 'ein flugger Vogel'. II: 730. SG wyrančic -a 'uccello giovane capace di volare'; G Npl wyrančiCi 'uccello giovane capace di volare'; O wyrančec -icg 'uccello giovane capace di volare'. urQbiti pf '= posekati': urobiti drevo. II: 731. SG wr6bit -in pf 'abbattere'; G wr6bit arbule 'tagliare alberi'; O wr6bet -en pf 'tagliare (alberi), . (1. uSQditi) pf '= zabeliti, začiniti (jed)'. II: 734. Lp os6dit lidrek, solato 'radicchio (Cichorien-Salat), Salat anmachen' (BdC 1895: 32). SG wos6dit -in pf 'condire', wos6dit minjfštro 'condire la minestra'; G si us6dila dado anu olio 'ho condito con un dado e con olio'; O os6det -en pf 'condire'. H. Steenwijk, The Contribution of Oroslav Caf to Resian Lexicography 131 uv~dniti pf '= uveniti'. II: 741. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG se wplihnut -n{? pf 'appassire'; O S3! wpaxnut pf 'appassire'; S l-ptc fsg se wpinula 'appassire'. (uvr~diti) pf uvrejen infoige des Uberhebens innerlich beschadigt'. II: 742. ppp urfjen, se uridit 'wenn man sich verhoben hat' (BdC 1895: 623). SG se wridit -in 'sforzarsi'; O S3! wrfdet -en pf 'farsi male sforzandosi'. (vakati) if vaka se mi 'es ist mir zum Erbrechen, es eke1t mich'. II: 746. G !fakat 'brechen' (BdC 1895: 161). SG wakat -č{?n if 'vomitare' , to mi paraja za wakat 'mi viene da vomitare'; G wakat 'vomitare'; O wakgt 'vomitare' non-O; S to wač{? 'mi viene la nausea'. Cf., however, O bjuw(}t 'vomitare' , to mi parxag za bjuw(}t 'mi viene da vomitare'; S bjuwit -on 'vomitare'. v~nahti '= božič'. II: 759. O Gpl v'fnahat 'Weinachten' (BdC 1895: 277). SG Vfnahti 'Natale'; G Vfnahti 'Natale'; O Vinaxte -uw 'Natale'; S Vinati -et 'Natale'. 1. vlažen -žna 'lau (vom Wetter),. II: 777. p s~n(.! je wZažno 'das Reu is feucht' (BdC 1895: 67). SG wlažan -žna 'tranquillo' (del tempo); O wlažgn -žng 'mite, umido, senza vento' (del tempo); S wlažan -žna 'umido'. Cf., however, SG womarast -a 'tiepido' (del tempo), S omorest 'tiepido'. (vozica) 'der Schiebkarren'. II: 788. G uzica 'Schubkarren' (BdC 1895: 423). SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG karj(Jla 'carriola' , uzac -fca 'carretto'; O karj(Jlg 'carriola' , wozic, -fcg 'carro' (dim.). (vr~če) 'der Rodenbeutel'. II: 794. wr~c{? 'mešok' (BdC 1875: 25). SG wr~c{? 'sacco'; O wr~c{? 'sacco'. (zad~jati -d~nem) pf suknjo zadejati '= zapeti'. II: 823. SG zadat -din pf 'chiudere'; O zadat -din pf 'chiudere'. zad~šnji 'hinterig'. II: 823. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG zadnji 'ultimo, posteriore'; O zadnje 'ultimo, posteriore'. zadrga 'die Verkniipfung (mittels eines Knotens),. II: 826. SG -; O -. (zadrgniti) pf vrvco zadrgniti. II: 827. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG zavezat warco 'annodare il filo'. zadruskniti pf 'zuschlagen': vrata zadruskniti. II: 827. SG zadrušnut -{?n pf 'sbattere', zadrušnut duri 'sbattere la porta'; O -. Cf., however, O zdruknut -gn pf 'sbattere'. zadruščiti pf '= zadruskniti'. II: 827. SG -; O -. 132 Slovenski jezik - Slovene Linguistic Studies 3 (2001) Cf., however, SG zdrušbit -cm pf 'mandare in frantumi'; O zdrušcgt -cm pf 'manda- re in frantumi'. zafiniti pf '= zafrkati', zafrnjeni lasje 'gekraustes Haar'. II: 828. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG zafjrjani lasji 'capelli non pettinati'. zafTnjenik 'der Krauskopf'. II: 828. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG zafjrjanik 'persona dai capelli non pettinati'. (zagniti) "zagnuti" 'umbiegen'. II: 830. SG zagnUt -a 'curvo' , jte an gre zagnUt 'lui va curvo'; O zaynjt -~n pf 'chinare' , gn stoJ.( zaynut 'sta curvo'. (zagrabiti) pf '= zagrebsti'. II: 832. SG zagrabit -in pf 'egalizzare la terra con il rastrello'; O zayrabet -en pf 'raschiare con il rastrello'. zagraja 'die Verzaunung, der Zaun'. II: 832. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG zagradit -in pf 'dividere icampi'; O tQ zayraanQ 'il posto recinta- to', zayradg 'striscia di terra posta di traverso fra le porche del campo dove si semi- nano i fagioli' (Dapit 1998: 191). zalez zalez solnčni 'der Sonnenuntergang'. II: 847. SG -; O -. zami riti pf '= zazidati', 'vermauern'. II: 853. SG zamirit -in 'chiudere con un muro'; O -. zan~ti -namem pf 'entzunden'. II: 857. SG se zanitit -te pf 'autoincendiare'; O SfR zanitet -te pf 'divampare'. zapr~iti pf 'zuschnallen'. II: 868. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG zadat rlnco 'chiudere la fibbia'; Ozadat preo 'chiudere la fibbia'. (zbrzn~ti) pf ogel zbrzni 'die Kohle wird zu Asche'. II: 905. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG w6gul se tl~ anu paraja p~pf::l 'il carbone brucia lentamente e di- venta cenere' . zgQdnji 'Fruh-, fruhzeitig'. II: 916. SG zgudnji 'presto'; G zwudnji 'presto'; O zwudnje 'presto'. (zid) '= pozid', 'der Herd'. II: 920. SG -; O -. (zvara) 'das Kasewasser'. II: 943. G Asg zwaro 'Molken' (BdC 1895: 187). SG zwara 'siero'; O zwarg 'siero' , ko zwarg zawri, parxag skUtg 'quando il siero bol- lisce viene la ricotta'. (žabica) 'das Anhangeschloss'. II: 951. SG -; O žQbicg 'rana' (dim.); 'piccolo rampone'. Cf., however, SG žljs -6sa 'lucchetto'; O žljs -6sg 'lucchetto'. H. Steenwijk, The Contribution of Oroslav Caf to Resian Lexicography 133 žimen 'das einzelne Rosshaar'. II: 962. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG dlaka wod konjt 'pelo di cavallo'; O tg konjQwjg dlakg 'pelo di cavallo'. žimenje 'das Rosshaar'. II: 962. SG -; O -. žl~dnat 'glatteisig': žlednato drevje. II: 968. SG -; O -. Cf., however, SG poleden~t -a 'coperto con ghiaccio'; G pulidin~t 'coperto con ghiaccio'; O poladan~t 'coperto con ghiaccio', pot f: poladan~tg 'la strada e coperta con ghiaccio'; S ppp Nsgf poladan~ta 'coperto con ghiaccio'. Remark: SG poleden~t is the third known attestation with pretonic lEI [;"l]. Consid- ered together with the other two items, šenQ 'if not' and nev~sta 'daughter-in-Iaw', one starts to think that the Ini is somehow responsible for this preservation of an unrounded mid vowel in pretonic position. žl~dQven -vna 'Schauerregen-': žledovno vreme. II: 968. SG -; O -. Prispelo oktobra 2000, sprejeto decembra 2000 Received October 2000, accepted December 2000 Cafov prispevek k rezijanski leksikografiji Sodeč po prispevanem gradivu za Pleteršnikov slovar ima Oroslav Caf (1814-1874) velike zasluge za razvoj rezijanske leksikografije. Iz Cafovega slovarskega gradiva namreč izvira več kot 300 Pleteršnikovih iztočnic in mnoge izmed njih nam niso znane iz nobenega drugega vira. Jezikoslovna dejstva kažejo na to, da Cafovo gradivo izvira iz Bile/San Giorgio. Standardizacija glasu il z fi se namreč najlaže razloži z vplivom govora, v katerem sta sovpadla il in il, to pa je primer v bilskem refleksu u. V prid temu jezikoslov- nemu argumentu govorijo tudi zgodovinska dejstva, na katera opozarja Matičetov. Približno tretjine besed iz Cafove zbirke danes na terenu ne moremo več potrditi. Razen primera vozica, ki ga Baudouin de Courtenay navaja kot uzica, jih ne naj- demo niti v starejših virih. Ti primeri imajo za nadaljnjo jezikoslovno analizo ome- jeno vrednost, saj sta Pleteršnikovo »filtriranje« narečnih zapisov v standardizirane in Cafovo nagnjenje k etimologiziranju lahko zameglili njihovo dejansko narečno podobo. The Contribution of Oroslav Caf to Resian Lexicography To judge by the Resian lexical items in Pleteršnik for which Oroslav Caf (1814-1874) is credited, it may be said that his contribution to Resian lexicography is 134 Slovenski jezik - Slovene Linguistic Studies 3 (2001) considerable. This goes for the sheer amount of the items, adding up to more than 300, and for their choice, as many of them are not known from other sources. Linguistic evidence strongly suggests that the dialect material originates from a native speaker of the Bila/San Giorgio variety of Resian. The standardisation of it as a can easiest be explained as stemming from a dialect in which a and it have merg- ed, like in the Bila reflex u. This evidence is corroborated by historical evidence brought forward by Matičetov. In about one third of the cases no modern attestat- ions could be obtained for Caf's lexical items. Apart from the item vozica 'der Schiebkarren', confirmed as uzica by Baudouin de Courtenay, these items are not found in other sources either. This means that they could be of limited use for further linguistic analysis, as the "filtering" by Pleteršnik, who standardised the forms for the purposes of his dictionary, and Caf, who was prone to etymologise in his dialect transcriptions, may have obscured the actual underlying dialect form.