ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION ' SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 9 SEPTEMBER, 1972 VOLUME 44 Officers of Br. 50 Cleveland, Ohio The National President’s branch, No. 50 of Cleveland, Ohio has enrolled 35 new members in the 45th Anniversary Campaign that concluded June 30. Campaign Report is in this issue! Br. 50 came in with the top ten branches achieving their quotas of a new member per each officer and we congratulate them and send best wishes! The branch worked hard and not only the officers - but many other members who all helped to make a fine showing in this Campaign. Keep up the good work, ladies! It’s a pleasure to salute you on the cover of ZARJA. ZARJA - THE DAWN No. 9 SEPTEMBER, 1972 Vol. XLIV Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zver« Published Monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN SEPTEMBER National Officer: Sept. 1 — Barbara Rosandich, State President, Ely, Minnesota Branch Presidents: Sept. 4 — Rose Hribar, Br. 104, Johnstown, Pa. Sept. 6 — Mary Stusek, Br. 49, Willowick, Ohio Secretaries: Sept. 2 — Joanne Ponikvar, Br. 54, Warren, Ohio Sept. 7 — Mary Lenich, Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn. Sept. 8 — Helen Skoff, Br. 46, St. Louiis, Mo. Sept. 10 — Mary Dezman, Br. 12, Milwaukee, Wise. Sept. 10 — Louise Puchreiter, Br. 83, Crosby, Minn. Sept. 12 — Amalia Sorch, Br. 91, Oakmont, Pa. Sept. 16 — Mary Satkovich, Br. 97, Cairnbrook, Pa. Sept. 19 — Theresa Zallar, Br. 104, Johnstown, Pa. Sept. 20 — Jenmie Pugelj, Br. 47, Garfield Hgts. Ohio Sept. 26 — Josephine Turk, Br. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. Sept. 30 — Minka Chrnart, Br. 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY. Annual Subscription $3.00 — naročina $3.00 letno For Social members, $2.40 — za družbane član/ice $2.40 Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, Ell. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednlice do 1 v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 DATES TO REMEMBER Sept. 10 — MINNESOTA STATE CONVENTION, Br. 23 Ely, Minn. Sept. 13 — CARD PARTY, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wise. Sept. 17 — COLORADO, KANS.-MO. STATE CONVENTION, Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo. Oct. 1 — ILLINOIS-INDIANA STATE CONVENTION, Br. 24, LaSalle, III. Oct. 1 — STATE DAY, Br. 13, San Francisco, Calif. Oct. 5 — POT LUCK SUPPER, Br. 13, San Fran. Calif. Oct. 14 — BAKE SALE, Br. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio Oct. 15 — CARD PARTY, Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio Oct. 15 — CHRISTMAS SOCIAL, Br. 72, Pullman, III. Oct. 19 — MISC. CARD PARTY, Br. 17, West Allis, Wise. Oct. 22 — WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION, Br. 102, Willard, Wis. Dot. 29 — RECOGNITION DINNER — OHIO-M1CHIGAN STATE CONVENTION Combined Branches of Cleveland, Ohio. Dec. 3 — CHRISTMAS PARTY, Br. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. TO ALL BRANCHES OF OHIO-MICH. Dear Members: Please note and remember the date: OCT 29, 1972, 1 p.m. at the Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. This is the date, time and place of the OHIO-MICHI-GAN State Convention at which time all branches are welcome to attend and send their delegates. Following the meeting we will have a big DIN-NER-DANCE, 4 p.m. at the Slovenian Home. Donations for the dinner and an enjoyable program are $3.50 each. Bring your friends and loved ones. Don't miss it. We will be observing our first Recognition Day, in honor of an officer of our Zveza who has this year her 20th anniversary working for S.W.U. and we hope all branches will give their fullest cooperation to make the event a really special one. Benefitting from this evening will be for the Slovene Home for the Aged in Cleveland, so we ask for all your help. See you all there! MARY BOSTIAN State President b 3L, Wul ud to S>foucnia Q? Europe! ■ B B H B B El B BBBJ We are inviting all our members to join our low priced direct flights on the most modern JET planes DC-8 jets and BOEING 707 to Ljubljana Brnik airport From CLEVELAND TO LJUBLJANA (Same prices apply to passengers from Pittsburgh) 1. Leave September 7 Return September 28 Round trip fare $$278.00 2. Leave September 21 Return October 12 $266.00 a 3. Leave October 12 Return November 2 $209.00 B 4. Leave December 29 Return January 18 $209.00 From CHICAGO to LJUBLJANA 1. Leave Chicago October 12 Return Nov. 2 Round trip fare $249.00 2. Leave Chicago on December 29 Return on January 18 $249.00 For reservations and information write or call: Mrs. Corinne LESKOVAR 2032 West Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Phone 847-6679 TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS BY: KOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL INC. 589 East 185 Str., 216-531-1083 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44119 216-531-4066 i'll BBBEJBBBEBBBBHBBHBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBHBBHflB Beauteous Debutants Presented at Cotillion Ball Slovenian misses from Cleveland area made their debut at the 2nd S.W.U. Debutante Ball in May at a ceremonies resplendant with beauty and color. Seen here are the 10 Debs just at the time of presentation: from left, top: Catherine Klemenčič Primuth, Madelyn Minello, Elizabeth Jane Novak, Franceska Marie Bradek, Cynthia Denise Jagodnik, bottom row, from left, Dyntha Sturm, Ruth Pryhe and Mary Ann Kokley. S.conJ S. W.U. CotilLn 2)'Lk,nh BJl By the time this article will be published, our Second S.W.U. Cotillion Deb Ball will be a beautiful memory cherished by all the beautiful Debs and their proud families and friends. The Ball held on May 13th at the Celebrity Room at the Eastgate Plaza in Mayfield Hts., Ohio began with cocktails at 6:30 and at 7:00 a delicious dinner was served among the striking red and whiite decorations. The former Debs looking lovely in their pastel gowns served as hostesses. During dinner we had a surprise visit by our Mayor Ralph J. Perk who delivered a short address to the Debs and their guests. After dinner our honored guests were introduced, National President, Tomi Turek, State President, Mary Bos-tian, our first Baffl Chairman, Frances Sietz and our Foun-dei Mrs. Marie Prisland who gave the Debs some good advice on selecting a mate. Our own Judge of Common Pleas Court August Pryatel was our main speaker and his address was superb and touched every one who heard it. Then came the moment everyone was waiting for —the Presentation of the Debs on the arms of their fa-(Continued on Page 11) ☆ In the right photo are Deb twins Marleen and Melanie Kramer. All the 10 girls are members of Cleve land area branches and of Slovenian nationality. Hostes s e s for the night were the 12 young women who made their debut at the first Cotillion Ball in 1970. % FINAL TALLEY OF NEW MEMBERS ENROLLED IN 45th ANNIVERSARY MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN Congratulations and thanks, all who supported the recently concluded Membership Campaign in honor of the 45th Anniversary! We can be proud of the growing interest and cooperation of our branches and members. The total reached was 416 new members, more than in any of the last three campaigns! Among our workers, all diligent and loyal members of Zveza, we could easily name the veterans or the pioneers, but allow me to name at this time, the youngest worker! She is Miriam Leskovar, age 15, daughter of our Editor. Miriam, or Mimi as she’s called enrolled three adult Class B members. (Photo in. Slovenian Section). With our congratulations, we hopefully recommend that Mimi and her generation give us their interest and efforts in the future! In June, we wanted to present a nice bouquet of new members to our Founder for her birthday. That month we did enroll 54 new members, and as she would say, this was indeed a “lep pušeljc”! Again, to all workers and branches, heartiest thanks! FANIKA HUMAR, Sec’y Br. NAME A B JR. TOTAL 1 Marie Prisland 1 6 — 7 Margaret Fischer 1 1 2 Dorothy Brezonik 1 1 Olga Saye 1 1 Elsie Bregar 2 Mary Brezoniik 1 1 Mary Germ 1 1 Mary Turk 1 1 Dorothy Kregel 1 1 Helen Shwiegele 1 1 Hermine Dicke 1 1 Anna Modiz 5 2 2 9 28 2 Emilia Razman 3 3 Corinne Leskovar 2 3 5 Mary Krapenc 2 2 Ann Zorko 2 4 6 Mary Muller 1 1 Luba Troha 1 1 2 Elizabeth Zefran 1 3 4 Jennie Puhek 2 4 6 Lil Putzel 1 1 Ann Mladic 5 5 Mimi Leskovar 3 3 Fanika Humar 12 11 23 Krista Arko 1 1 Nežka Gaber 2 2 64 3 Frances Si m o ni c h 3 3 Anna Pachaik 5 4 9 12 6 Julia Knizaj 1 1 Mary Lauter 5 2 6 13 Marija Curk 1 1 Pauline Barberich 1 1 Jeanete Ki Noram 1 1 17 10 Mary Camloh 1 1 1 12 Margaret Kracnik 1 1 Mary Dežman 1 3 4 Frances Ples ko 1 2 3 Josephine Wilhelm 2 2 10 2 13 Josephine Aiuto 2 2 Margaret Fager 2 2 Rose Scoff 2 1 4 7 Ann Fabian 1 1 Katherine Lampe 2 Agnes Lovrin 1 1 Rose Bianco 1 1 16 14 Frieda Miller 2 Theresa Skur 1 1 Vera Bajec 1 1 4 15 Frances Novak 1 1 1 16 Ana Lustig 8 2 10 Anna Buck 1 1 Katie Triller 1 1 Jean Bukvich 1 1 Alvina S re both 1 1 Margaret Spretnjak 1 1 Mary Rago 1 1 Gladys Buck 1 1 17 17 Josephine Schlosar 1 1 Mary LaCourt 1 1 Mathilda Muren 1 1 Frances Piwoni 1 1 Rose Schubert 1 1 Josephine Nimmer 1 1 Josephine Imperl 1 1 Victoria Kasteliic 1 1 Ann Gas peric 1 1 Marie Ftoryan 1 2 2 5 Marion Marolt 1 1 2 16 19 Mary Leniich 2 1 3 3 20 Mary Barbich 2 2 Emma Planinšek 3 3 6 Olga Ancel 4 6 4 14 Josephine Muster 1 1 Theresa Mu.hioh 3 3 Jo Sumic 1 1 Emma Nosse 1 1 Antonia Sandal 1 1 Josephine Erjavec 4 1 5 Frances Hubert 3 3 Marilyn Nemanich 1 1 Mildred Pucel 1 2 1 4 Theresa Marentich 2 2 4 Marie Main a rick 1 1 Mary Kay Demick 1 2 3 50 21 Stella Dancull 1 6 7 Theresa Laoh 1 2 3 10 23 Barbara Rosandich 1 1 Mary Shikonya 1 1 Mary Tolyam 1 1 3 24 Anne Wangler 1 1 1 25 Jennie Feme 1 1 Mary Otoničar 1 1 Mary Kolegar 4 4 6 26 Lena Hotujec 1 1 Johanna Cesnik 1 1 2 28 Mary Lanctot 1 1 1 32 Ann Cooke 4 4 Ceoiiia Znidar 1 1 Josephine Co men she k 1 1 Anna Godlar 2 2 Mary Bostian 3 2 5 ZARJA- -THE DAWN Mary Drobnich 1 1 14 33 Joan Dane 1 ski 2 2 Dorothy Jancar 1 1 Caroline Macon 1 1 4 35 Frances Bradaoh 1 1 1 40 Angeline Kozjan 2 2 Agnes Jancar 2 2 4 42 Antonia Kastelic 1 1 1 43 Rose Kraemer 17 18 35 Mary Tratnick 2 4 3 9 Betty Dvornik 1 1 Frances Widemsek 1 1 2 Victoria Sporis 1 1 Christine Rebernisek 1 1 Josephine Verbick 1 1 Mary Mohorko 3 3 6 56 46 Helen Skoff 1 1 1 47 Mary Ulcer 1 1 1 50 Jane Novak 5 5 Marie Azman 1 1 Ann Izanec 1 1 Juliana Gorensek 2 2 Sophie Zagorc 1 1 Mary Petnic 1 1 Ann Hočevar 1 1 Irene Jagodnik 1 1 Jean Paik 1 1 2 Antonia Turek 5 1 6 Josephine Be noin 4 4 Marie Dolinar 2 2 Betty Sernel 3 3 Jo Minelio 1 1 J’ean Gercar 1 1 Vida Zak 2 A. Dekleva 1 1 35 52 Frances Shega 1 1 1 55 Mary Macek 1 1 2 56 Rose Maras 1 1 1 57 Mary Moler 1 1 Frances Yerman 1 1 2 63 Mary Musich 2 3 Adelaide Glavitz 2 7 66 Dorothy Legan 1 1 Christine Konte 1 1 2 71 Mary Tomsich 1 1 1 73 Louise Epley 3 4 7 7 77 Elizabeth Conway 1 1 Mary Chrnart 1 1 2 89 Caroline Dawson 3 Anne Antkowiak 1 1 4 95 Regina Buchanan 1 1 Avelyn Driscoll 1 1 Mildred James 1 1 Helen Gabich 1 1 Mildred Poropat 2 Julia Hansen 1 1 7 100 Mary Jasina 1 1 1 Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: MEN WANTED God is searching for men who are unique and filled to running over with His Spirit. God and the world need men who will stand in the gap. Modern Americans have accepted and are tolerating conditions never before permitted by any generation of our ancestors. Never has wild pleasure been considered fitting human behavior as it is today. Never have public officials been so brazen in seeking the vote of the people through promises of things that are morally and spiritually wrong. Never have ministers turned their pastoral duties toward the social order to the near exclusion of the salvation order as abounds in our time. If God is to have men who will stand in the gap and hold back the flood of destructive emotional and spiritual forces, we must first understand the nature of the problem and why things are as they are. There are some major forces that have brought about the chaos, frustration and anti-Christian areas in which we live. We live in this age of uncertainty because we have either accepted or endured a doctrine of universal conformity. The forces that reduce the power of an influence for God and Christ in the lives of our people are seeking to become levelers of men. It is their conviction that only through lowering mankind to a dependency upon the ideas, ideals, and material judgements of superior people can we live together in harmony and peace. There is also a widespread devotion to the idea of universal change that nothing absolutely nothing, can be allowed to remain the same. There is practically no consideration give as to whether the change iis good or bad, right or wrong, easy or difficult, necessary or unnecessary. The assumption is that change is inevitable, and it is true that changes of various kinds take place every day everywhere. But irresponsible changes only for the sake of making things different is unreasonable. iooo-o-o OOOOOOOCKKKKKHKKKM) CKKKKKKHKHXXXXKKV | “WOMAN OF THE YEAR” | | MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN | O From now until March 31st, 1973. 9 9 Prizes will be cash according to the point system: 9 9 1 point for a new Class B member, and $1.00 9 9 1 half point for a new Olass A member and 50c. 2 9 1 fourth point for a new Junior and 25c. g 6 in addition, the winner will receive a round trip c 6 to the convention city of Ohicago, Ml. for the 16th č 6 National Convention, May 20-24, 1973, or alternative o 6 prize of $50.00 cash! 0 9 Best of luck! 9 TOTALS: 50 204 162 416 416 ACTIVITIES No. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Greetings from the Mid-West to all sisters and friends of the Slovenian Womens Union. We are happy to announce the Officers’ Campaign effort brought in 32 new members! All officers acquired new members. Our Officer of the Year, Anna Modez was tops with 12 new members, regular and social. Since my last report four new members were entered who are: Miss Susan Simenz, Mesdames Frances A. Rothe, Frances B. Rothe and Linda M&lanz. A hearty welcome! Plans are being made for the party which will be held September 13th at 7:30 P.M. in the Church Hall. Please come and bring your friends. There will be door prizes and refreshments. The date of Willard State Convention has been changed to October 22nd, please keep this date in mind. Our wedding congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ailstock nee Gail Girdaukas and to Mr. and Mr. Warren Mogenberger nee Stanza Francis. We are also extending our best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Drexler who celebrated their 25th anniversary. Sylvia has been a member for a long time. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. William McCue upon the arrival of a new daughter. The S.W.U. Folk singers accompain-ed by Mesdame Olga Saye have been busy entertaining this summer. Besides performing at the various nursing homes they participated in a Bavarian Fest at Sheboygan sponsored by the Mall Merchants Ass’n. They also appeared at the Holland Festival at Cedar Grove and have been well received and enjoyed by all. Of interest in Sheboygan is the visit of two pen pals. Susan Simenz a member, has been corresponding with a French girl for five years and she is at the present visiting with Susan, which should be very interesting for both. Language is not a barrier, Dominique Penot has studied English five years and French has been one of Sue's courses four years. Mrs. Steve Healey a member of our branch from Chicago and her husband were fortunate to travel to Paris, Madrid and London this summer, which must have been an enjoyable trip. Our next meeting date is September 20th; do try and be present, we would love to see you. MARGARET FISCHER Secretary No. 3, PUEBLO, COLO. Dear Members, you are most cordially invited to the celebration of our 45th anniversary and State Convention on Sunday, Sept. 17th. We will again join the two events at one time. Mass will begin the day at 10:30 a.m. at the Slovenian church of Marija Pomagaj. We will remember our dearly departed members who are always with us in spirit. We will be thankful that we have reached this memorable anniversary thru years of hard work and progress. After mass will be the State Convention at the Church hall. At 1:00 p.m. we will enjoy a delicious dinner, buffet style at the Minnequa Club. It will be followed by a short program and dance with lots of fine Slovenian music, polkas and waltzes to dance to. Tickets for this day’s program, that is dinner and dancing will be $3.75 per person and members already are selling them. If you like to have a good time, join us. I know that the happy melodies of our musicians will make you all feel good. Especially do we invite our neighboring branches, officers and members, to attend. Don’t forget the date is Sept. 17th in Pueblo. ANNA PACHAK No. 5, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. For many years, we have been making the annual pilgrimage to Lemont, III. and again this year, we were blessed with a full bus of 41 wonderful people who responded to our call. Every year, Sylvia Stanfield, our president, has had the time-consuming job of recruiting pilgrims and always with a smile and a kind word, never showing any disappointment, when the zero week was near and still no “sure yeses”! All I have to say is that no one knows unless they try it, for the many, steps and phone calls it takes before “L” day arrives. This year, it was fun because I love people and talking to them, but on the other hand, the pressure of whether or not we'd have a full bus, was pretty hard on me. I remember my own answers to Sylvia in previous years was “I’ll let you know the week of the trip”, and she’d just say, “O.K.”! Well, Sylvia, from now on, this gal will cause you no more worries! As Sylvia was 'in Europe this summer, remembering us at Brezje, we went to Lemont remembering her, Ludmilla Albin, and her sister, Ella Freitag. It was such a joy to listen to her relate her trip visiting with her mother's and father’s relatives. Welcome home now, Sylvia, Ludy and Ella! And, welcome to your old job, too! As usual, we came to Lemont on Saturday, July 15, there to meet Antonia Bayt her daughter, Mary Lam- bert and son Chet and wife, Maryann who were already there. We were happy that Mrs. Bayt was able to make it as she hasen’t been too well. We thank her and family for being kind to Margaret Sustersich, taking her in their car from the Retreat House to church, etc. This saved much needed energy so Margaret could participate in other things there. Our group always participates in every religious service and we thank our Slovenian Franciscan Fathers for the Saturday and Sunday ceremonies. Special thanks, Fr. Fortunate, Fr. Daniel and Bro. Robert for being so gracious and helping us in ever so many ways. Several elderly ladies were able to really enjoy these two days because of their kindness to them. The older ladies always look forward to this pilgrimage because they hear Mass and pray in their mother tongue, and sing Slovenian hymns with all their hearts and soul. Would that our younger generation could respond with such deep faith and full hearts even in English as our ladies do in Slovenian. In our group were several in their late 70’s and 80’s but to hear them you’d never believe it. Anna Jurančič will be 85 in December, she whipped up a batch of delicious krofe for us 'in the morning before we left and still had more energy for the trip. On the bus, she led the rosary hymn and helped us to really liven up our group with other happy Slovenian folk songs so beloved to us. We can’t ever repay her for good heart but we pray the Lord will keep her well and with us for many more trips to Lemont. Thank you also to Anna Lambert who led the rosary In Slovenian, Amelia Pieczko, for doing the honors on the trip home in English and to Mary Barbarich who led the singing of Slovenian hymns at the evening mass on Sat. and Sunday 7 a.m. Her hubby, Pete, the happy ac-cordian player, kept us full of joy and had our feet tapping to his lilting polkas, So, we say thanks to him, also. Judy Velikan, who typed and made copies of 4 different sets of songs and prayers so all of us had the words, worked hard to get this done and so, thanks to her, too. To everyone who came with us on this unforgettable trip, our sincere appreciation because without each and everyone of you, It wouldn’t have been possible. We were sorry that Mary Mervar and Frances Turk were unable to go this year, but we pray God will grant them and other members of Br. 5 better health so next year we can all once again be on our way to our beloved Mary, Help of Christians in Lemont. God bless one and all. SOFIE BARBARICH Stand-in for Sylvia Stanfield SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS WRITE ESSAYS It appears that the scholarship winners are most appreciative of the financial and moral support given them by the Slovenian Women’s Union through its scholarship program. They submitted their essays on ‘‘What the Slovenian Women's Union Means to Me” as follows: — • — Mr. Michael J. Matichich of Branch No. 1; Sheboygan, Wis. —$250.00 Dr. Adolph Žnidaršič Scholarship. To me, the Slovenian Women’s Union means an organization dedicated to preserving the traditions of the Slovenian people in America. When the Slovenian people moved to the United States, they entered a great land. But they came with an excellent background worth preserving and the Slovenian Women's Union 'is one way of preserving -it. My only encounter with the Union is the local branch which provides excellent services. There is a group of Slovenian Folk Singers who continue to spread Slovenian culture. I have had an opportunity to get public practice in playing my accordian at the organization’s meetings which provide a very receptive audience. The Slovenian Women's Union means dedicated persons. Mrs. Rudolph Saye, for example, iis president of the (local branch and teacher of the piano accordion. And, Mr. John Prisland who organized the Union is head of the Scholarship program. And, many more people help one another through the Union programs. Sincerely, MIKE MATULICH — • — Miss Catherine Marie Perme of Branch No. 32; Euclid, Ohio. $200.00 Oton Zupančič, the famous Slovenian poet once wrote in ‘‘DUMA” that he feared Slovenian emigrants would forget their Motherland. So far his fears have not been realized in America. Slovenian culture has flourished and enriched American society with its music, dances, foods, ideas and goals. I feel that Slovenian women have a major role in transmitting this Slovenian culture from generation to generation. Only a woman can teach her children and children's children in a way in which no book could. Most important, though, is a woman's unselfish support and pride in her menfolk which has inspired and supported the Slovenian nation for centuries. The Slovenian Women's Union to me is a symbol of pride - pride in our Slovenian heritage and pride in our womanhood. The Slovenian Women’s Union in confidence that Oton Zupancic's ominous words will never be realized. CATHERINE PERME — • — Miss Lynda Joyce Shine of Branch No. 54; Warren, Ohio. $200.00 I am extremely proud to be of Slovenian origin. Since 1 have been a little girl, I have been taught by my parents to take pride in my heritage as an American Slovenian. As far back as I can remember, my life has always been touched by many Slovenian activities carried on by our tocal branch 54 of the Slovenian Women’s Union iin War-r®n, Ohio and other local Slovenian organizations to which ny family belongs. I shall always fondly remember the many SWU Christmas parties to which my Grandmother Shine, who is eighty-eight years old and the oldest living member of our branch, took me as her speoia-l companion to enjoy these events. Over the years as I grow older, I realize that my future success and happiness can be attributed to some degree to the many fine and wonderfuil people i have been associated with during my growing up and shall continue to be In future years. LYNDA JOYCE SHINE Miss Geri L. Kernz of Branch No. 89; Oglesby, Illinois. $200.00 Our heritage can be counted as one of our most precious possessions. Yet today, when family ties and relationships are dying, the Slovenian Women’s Union stands as a flame in behalf of the respect and restoration of family cultures. The Union does not merely end at these goals, but continues by bringing a strong bond of unity and friendship between younger and older women of Slovenian descent as well as those of our society and the world. It works in developing outstanding citizenship qualities and encourages the participation in civic duties and affairs. At the same time, it shows a deep interest and respect for international affairs. It realizes the importance of education and promotes and supports its foundations. It is founded on Catholic principles and ideals when good faith is so necessary in our world of turmoil. The Slovenian Women’s Union represents a link with the past and an example for the present and future. GERI L. KERNZ Miss Natalie Mary Kastigar of Branch No. 14; of Euclid, Ohio. $200.00 Marie Prisland Nursing Scholarship At this moment the Slovenian Women’s Union means everything to me. It difficult to describe the happiness 1 felt when I read the letter informing me that I had been one of the five who had been selected for the Marie Prisland Nursing Scholarship. Never before had I received so great a gift. The $200 will certainly help me in working rriy way through college. It is not until an unexpected event takes place, that we realize how important certain things are to us. It is the same iin this case. I took the Union for granted. I have been a member of branch 14 for 18 years and have attended the meetings wiith my mother. The members make me feel right at home and after the meetings they play exciting popular games. I have never been lucky otherwise, but thanks to Mrs. Vera Bajc, both of my parents, and my teachers I have been fortunate enough to receive this scholarship. Thank you so much! NATALIE KASTIGAR Our sincere thanks to the youg students for their honest and beautiful thoughts. Special recognition to Natalie Mary Kastigar of Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio whose essay in the Slovenian language appears on page 17. She is the first of our scholarship students to submit her thoughts in the mother tongue of her forefathers that she has come to know and love. Again, our best to all these fine young scholars and may they have continued success and fulfillment. HERMINE DICKE, Secretary S.W.U. Scholarsh'ip Fund No. 12, MILWAUKEE, WISC. It was good to be back at our usual meeting and see the good attendance and get my opportunity to personally thank everyone for the nice cards and good wishes sent to me after my accident. I was glad to be out again able to take part and enjoy the good lunch, donated by the twins, Jo Wilhelm and Anne Meier. They were celebrating a brithday and of course, Stavia donated as she always does. The State Convention is being held on Oct. 22, 1972 at Willard, Wise, where you are always assured of the best hospitality and home cooked Slovenian style food, so it's a very worh-while place to be and all those interested in going please contact Mrs. Plesko or myself by our September meeting on the 21st. We must let Willard know how many to expect. Also, a bus will be available and all members will be rewarded for attending, so please contact the officers for details. Please report all sick members. Get-well wishes were went to Mrs. Kos at the County Hospital as well as the Misses Komar and Koren who aren't too well. Remember them in your prayers. Mrs. Gornik, a long-time, loyal member recently celebrated a 50 years anniversary. May she enjoy many, many more. Frances Tratnik, former Vice-President and good member, will be missed at the meetings as she has taken up residence in Florida where her daughter lives. Hope your move brings you much happiness and visit us if you’re back here visiting! To all the lucky tourists who do get to Florida, you might look Frances up. I’m sure she would enjoy the visit. We finally got at least nine new members! We welcome Rose Schroe-der, Imogene Richwalski, her son, Ronald as well as two juniors, grandchildren of Mrs. Kokalj, Katherine Ann and Anne Maria Del Bovo, Georgette Cannestra, granddaughter of Evelyn. Laurich and daughter Linda’s mother, Stavia Dobersek’s grandson Lance Lee Dobersek and last, Mrs. Wilhelm’s grandchildren, Lisa and Heather Laatsch. Congratulations to all new members. Let’s keep it up and enroll more! Hope you all have a good summer and enjoy your vacations. Good luck! MARY DEZMAN No. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. San Francisco Branch 13 of S.W.U. proudly reports their quota and over, one new member per officer in the 45th Anniversary Membership Campaign honoring Mrs. Marie Prisland. Please attend September 7th meet- ing at 7‘30 P.M. in preparation for “State Day" Sunday October 1st with a Mass at 8:30 A.M. at Church of Nativity, Fell and Franklin Streets. Also to plan Thursday October 5th (our meeting night) with Pot Luck dinner at 6:30 P.M., 2101 Mariposa Street. For further information contact Josephine Aiuto, chairman, 863-6263 or Virginia Sustarich 647-9439. ROSE SCOFF, State Pres. No. 14, EUCLID, OHIO We hope all our members and members of other SWU branches have had a pleasant summer. Since we also can plan on having more weeks of nice weather, we hope that all our members will be attending our meetings on the first Tuesday of the month at Recher Hall in Euclid. Our President, Pauline K rail I is busy already preparing for our Card Party to be held on Sunday October 15, 1972 at 3:00 P.M. in the auditorium of the Slovenian Society Home (Recher Ha'll). This benefit is something we can all attend, especially since it really is the only fund raising function we have during the year. Donations for door prizes are also very welcome. Canned food and staple items help a lot to make up grocery baskets a very nice prize. Anyway that you can help Pauline will be greatly appreciated in the success of this Card Party. Mary Iskra and Margaret Tomazin both had their brothers visit with them this summer. They came all the way from Ljubljana, Slovenia to spend a month with their sisters and all their relatives and friends. Very soon now, Mary Strazishar from Arrowhead Ave. will be visited by her brother from Argentina. For Mary, who also is a new grandmother again, this visit will be extra special for she hasn't seen her brother for over 45 years. We wish them a happy reunion. At the last meeting the members agreed to give the Slovenian Home for the Aged located in our community a donation of $100.00. Since this Home is in the middle of a big fund raising campaign, we know the donation will be put to good use. At some of our meetings when we celebrate anniversaries and birthdays for the season, we have had some wonderful ladies take on the job of being hostesses. Frieda Miller, Eleanor Davenport, Frances Erzen, Rose Rodgers, and Mary Yenc have done an excellent job preparing the food and refreshments. AH the members that attend the meetings have said how delightful these celebrations are mainly because of the little "extras" these hostesses have contributed. Everyone would Jike to say ‘Thank you” for such a wonderful job. We are sorry to hear that so many members are on the sick list. Mary Smerdel and Marlyn Fitztlwm are in Hilicrest Hospital. Others who are ill are Mary Walters, Mary Fakult, Martina Hribar, and Mrs. Stopar. Mrs. Marolt who has been very ill did come to the last meeting to say hello to everyone. Even our Sunshine Committee wasn’t immune to the “sick” bug. Frances Globokar who usually always goes with Vera Bajec to visit the HI is hospitalized herself. Please all get well very soon ladies. You’re missed by all! Our deepest sympathy goes out to Antoinette Zabukovec whose father passed away the later part of July. With the coming of the new season we hope every will enjoy good health and that everyone comes to our Card Party in October. Remember too, that strange as it may seem, we are getting closer to the end of the year. If you haven’t paid your dues please bring them to Vera Bajec at 19613 Chicasaw Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44119. Have a nice September. MITZI GLOBOKAR, Reporter No. 16, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS At our June meeting, two members were sworn in to the organization. A big welcome is extended to Lorretta Paolone and Kathleen Brunetti. We hope to see them attend our meetings regularly. Our president, Jean Bukvich and our secretary, Gladys Buck, gave us a report on the meeting they attended in connection with the coming convention which will be held in Chicago next year. Get well wishes are extended to Anna Lustig’s son John, who has had a long siege of illness. The ladies remember John in the role of our Santa Claus at past Christmas parties. Birthdays in June were celebrated by Mary Maricich, Josephine Krai and Marge Spretnjak. They contributed the goodies for the social part of the evening. Recipients of the Sunshine Fund Awards were Helen Magnus and Gladys Buck. We are all hoping some day to receive the lovely handcrafted tote bag made by Jean Bukvich. We have a celebrity in our midst. One of our members, Mary Span Burke, was the subject of an article in the Chicago Tribune Sunday Magazine on June 25th. The article written by her son-in-law, Richard Gosswiller, was a very nostalgic, touching, humorous autobiography of Mary’s life highlighting her return to Slovenia after 67 years. Mary came from the village of Maria Zagorje. Our annual chicken dinner was held Josephine Krai, Katie Triller with engraved silver platter in honor of 35 years as president of Br. No. 16 and Jean Bukvich. Marge and Sylvia Spretnjak presenting Album of Mo-mories to Katie Triller. in June at the Golden Shell restaurant. We took this occasion to honor our past president, Katie Triller, who held the office for 35 years. Katie was pleasantly surprised to find that 45 members were gathered together in her honor. Among those present were Katie’s nieces, Jean Bukvich, Marie Cieslik and Edna Winters; grand-nieces Anne Marie Serapin and Sandra Winters and her cousin Helen Dwyer. Two members from Branch 95, Helen Perko and Ann Kompare were among the guests. Festivities began When Josephine Krai crowned Katie our Queen. In behalf of the members, Anna Lustig next presented her with an engraved silver platter in honor of her 35 years as president. Marge and Sylvia Spretnjak compiled a "This is your Life” book composed of pictures and articles relating to Katie's Zveza life of more than 45 years. Dinner and a games party followed and a good time was had by all. MARGE SPRETNJAK No. 17, WEST ALLIS, WIS. Once again our spring miscellaneous card party for St. Mary's Church Fund was a great success. Many thanks to °ur officers and members for their generous donations of their time, table, door and other prizes, also many thanks to the donors for the refreshments for the evening. After the business meeting in May we held a sociail and prizes were awarded to the following: Afghan, Theresa Zagar; Bottle Rum, Antoinette Pakiz; Wine Set, Candy Er-menc; Frog Novelty, Maria Pahiic; Pin & Jewelry Set, Donald Meyer; Knife Set, Isabelle Novak; Carving Set, Marge Gawlik; Table Cloth, Wild Bill; Towel Set, Josephine Imperl; Bottle Anisette, Janet Oman; Six Pack, Vida Ya-kosh. The hand-crocheted afghan was donated by Mrs. Anna Kegel and the rest of the various prizes awarded to the above mentioned were donated by our members throughout the year. Many, many thanks to the donors. On Thursday, October 19, 1972, a Misc. card party will be held for our treasury. Misc. prizes will be most welcome and a general invitation is extended to our neighboring branches. Bring your relatives and friends and make it an enjoyable evening. Cake and coffee will be served. Donation 75c. per person. On June 17, 1972 a surprise party was held for our President, Marion and Anthony Marolt on their 25th silver anniversary by their relatives and friends. They were under the assumption they were attending their friends’ 50th anniversary and when they entered the auditorium, they were surprised to see their own bridal attendants in the receiving line and the auditorium was filled with their own relativ- es and friends. I didn’t know if they were going to cry, laugh of faint away. Many of their relatives and friends came from out of town and state for this happy occasion. The wedding cake was almost a replica of the cake of 25 years ago which was baked and beautifully decorated AFELY 5 NEIGHBORHOOD OFFICES 813 East 185th St. 25000 Euclid Ave. V 6235 St. Clair Ave. 6135 Wilson Mills ** 26000 Lake Shore Blvd. ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT GEREND - HABERMANN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 53081 RECIPES! (MM'S GLOW _ The fytcheia (fcj) TESTED! Seni $4.00 for your postpaid copy to: Mrs. Antonia Turek 986 Bryn Mawr Ave. A. GRDIMA & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 65 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel. KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 3, Ohio ZEILE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST •' , 2201 West Cormak Road Chicago. Illinois 60608 FDI€ Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. Phone 327-4500 Milwaukee, Wisconsin LISTEN TO CHICAGO’S SLOVENIAN RADIO PROGRAM! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate and Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, VI 7-6679 60608 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Director and Embalmers CHICAGO, ILL. 60608 Virginia 7-6688