IZOBRAŽEVANJE KNJIŽNIČARJEV ZA JUTRI: DELOVNA PRAKSA - DRUOA POLOVICA ZNANJA Sabina Fras, Maribor UDK 378.602:378.147 Povzetek V času študija irnamo študentje bibliotekarstva možnost "preveriti" naše znanje v knjižnici: del študijskih obveznosti predstavlja obvezna študijska ali delovna praksa v obsegu 80 ur v 2. in 3. letniku. V drugem letniku "obiščemo" šolsko ali splošnoizobraževalno knjižnico, v tretjem letniku pa se seznanimo z delom v visokošolskih, specializiranih ali večjih znanstvenih knjižnicah. V referatu želim kot študentka bibliotekarstva opozoriti na pomen in namen študijske prakse pri študiju bibliotekarstva. Hkrati pa ob tem podam s projektom Delovna praksa - druga polovica znanja idejno rešitev organizacije študijske prakse. Projekt predstavljam na konkretnem primeru prakse v splošnoizo- braževalni knjižnici, v Mariborski knjižnici. UDC 378.602:378.147 Summary During their studies, the students of librarianship have the opportunity to "test" their knovvledge in a library: part of their studies is obligatory hands-on practice covering 80 hours during 2 nd and 3 rd year. In the 2 nd year, we "visit" a school or public library, and during the 3rd year we get acquainted vvith the vvork in a university, special or larger scientific libraries. In the article, the author vvants to point out the significance and purpose of study practice in the course of the study of librarianship. Parallel to this, a conceptual solution for the organization of study practice is presented in the form of the project Hands-on practice - the other half of the knovvledge. The project is presented on an actual čase of practice in a public library, the Maribor Library. FRAS, Sabina: Education of librarians for tomorrov: practical experience - the second half of knovvledge. Knjižnica, Ljubljana, 41(1997)2/3, 289-305 289