Št. 2. / 2014 IGRA USTVARJALNOSTI - teorija in praksa urejanja prostora | THE CREATIVITY GAME - Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning Mojca Golobič DOKTORSKI ŠTUDIJ S PODROČJA KRAJINSKE ARHITEKTURE DOCTORAL STUDY PROGRAMME IN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE EDITORIAL ČLANEK ARTICLE RAZPRAVA DISCUSSION RECENZIJA REVIEW PROJEKT PROJECT DELAVNICA WORKSHOP NATEČAJ Zakaj doktorski študij krajinske arhitekture? Ker je krajina zapleten sistem, I ker pomeni kakovost bivanja, ker je osnova za samobitnost in kulturno dediščino ... morajo naše odločitve o njej temeljiti na teoretično trdnih konceptih in empiričnih podatkih. Doktorski študij s področja krajinske arhitekture poteka v okviru študija Bioznanosti na Biotehniški Fakulteti. V okviru doktorskega študija izobražujemo strokovnjake za raziskovalno in akademsko delo na področju krajinske arhitekture ter na interdisciplinarnih področjih, ki se ukvarjajo z urejanjem prostora in varstvom okolja. čeprav to v osnovi niso znanosti, pa odgovornost do javnosti in kompleksnost problemov zahtevata argumentirane in verodostojne odločitve, ki morajo biti osnovane tudi na rezultatih raziskovalnega dela. Temeljni področji raziskovanja sta teorija stroke, na primer teorija oblikovanja, oblike, struktur, vzorcev v krajini, teorija doživljanja krajine in metodologija stroke, raziskovanje in razvijanje novih postopkov/metod načrtovanja. Kot ena izmed planerskih dejavnosti krajinska arhitektura vstopa v izrazito interdisciplinarne raziskave z različnimi naravoslovnimi in družboslovnimi disciplinami, na primer geografijo, ekologijo, hidrologijo, prostorsko sociologijo, ekološko psihologijo itd., z njim lastnimi raziskovalnimi metodami. Zato je doktorski študij priložnost za razvijanje specifičnih znanj, ki združujejo posamezna why the doctoral study programme in Landscape Architecture? Acknowledging that landscape is a complex system, that the quality of landscape means the quality of life, and that it is the basis of independence and cultural heritage, we should make our decisions about landscape based on theoretically sound concepts and empirical data. The doctoral study programme in Landscape Architecture is carried out in the framework of the doctoral studies in Biosciences at the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana. within the doctoral study programme we aim to train and educate experts for research and academic work in landscape architecture and in interdisciplinary fields concerned with spatial planning and environmental protection. Although these fields are not necessarily sciences in their essence, the responsibility to the public and the complexity of problems ask for well argued and reliable decisions that must be based on research results. The basic research fields are theory of landscape architecture, e.g. theory of design, form, structure, landscape patterns, theory of landscape experience, and methodology of the profession, research and development of new planning procedures/methods. As part of planning activities, landscape architecture has entered distinctly interdisciplinary research, which involves different natural and social sciences, such as geography, ecology, hydrology, spatial sociology, ecological psychology etc., with their own research methods. 12 IGRA USTVARJALNOSTI - teorija in praksa urejanja prostora | THE CREATIVITY GAME - Theory and Practice of Spatial Planning No. 2. / 2014 raziskovalna področja. Doktorski študij s področja krajinske arhitekture je usmerjen v prepoznavanje teh potreb ter razvoj uporabe znanstvenega instrumentarija za interdisciplinarno raziskovanje. Sedanji študijski program je sestavljen iz organiziranega pouka (predavanj, vaj, predstavitve teme doktorske disertacije idr.) v obsegu 60 kreditnih točk, preostalih 120 kreditnih točk pa je namenjenih individualnemu raziskovalnemu delu za doktorsko disertacijo. Predavanja sestavljajo temeljni (10 KT) in izbirni (5 KT) predmeti. Za področje krajinska arhitektura sta temeljna predmeta Teorija krajinskega oblikovanja in Teorija varovalnega planiranja, izbirni predmeti pa so: Teorija oblike, Krajinsko oblikovanje, Presoja vplivov na okolje, Metode v prostorskem planiranju, Tipologija kulturne krajine, Participativno prostorsko načrtovanje in Krajinska antropologija. Doktorand izbere predmete skupaj z mentorjem in koordinatorjem področja in glede na raziskovalno področje doktorske disertacije. Potreben je vsaj en temeljni predmet s področja, na katerega se doktorand vpiše. Izbor preostalih predmetov je možen izmed vseh ostalih temeljnih in izbirnih predmetov študija in iz drugih primerljivih programov domačih in tujih univerz. V postopku je prenova doktorskega študija Bioznanosti, po kateri ne bo več obveznih predmetov in bo študent lahko svobodno izbiral med predmeti na vseh 16 področjih, ki jih vključuje študij bioznanosti. Med njimi so poleg krajinske arhitekture še npr. agronomija, ekonomika naravnih virov, hortikultura in varstvo naravne dediščine. Na prenovljenem študiju krajinske arhitekture bomo zmanjšali število predmetov ter ponudili predvsem vsebine, ki jih ne predavamo na II. stopnji in ki so na ustrezni ravni zahtevnosti za III. stopnjo. Predvidoma bomo izvajali en predmet s področja teorije oblikovanja krajine ter predmet Strateško planiranje in analiza politik. V pripravi je še en izbirni predmet s področja zahtevnih prostorskih (računalniških) analiz. Ker doktorsko delo temelji na raziskovalnem delu, spodbujamo študente, da se na študij vpišejo z okvirno predstavo o raziskovalnem vprašanju, ki ga nameravajo obdelati v svoji disertaciji. če je le mogoče, študente vključimo v delo na potekajočih projektih ali jim pomagamo pri pridobivanju projektov ter s tem pogojev za izvedbo raziskave, ki je potrebna v okviru disertacije. V zadnjih letih so bile na študiju KA izdelane disertacije z naslednjimi naslovi: ■ Vloga posameznih čutil pri oblikovanju regionalne identitete Dalmacije, ■ Zeleni sistem v razvoju odprtih površin izbranih mediteranskih obmorskih mest, ■ Simulacija razvojnih procesov v prostoru z uporabo tehnik strojnega učenja, ■ Kompleksnost oblikovane krajine, ■ Scenarij razvoja kulturne krajine kot dejavnik spreminjanja stališč in ravnanja deležnikov, ■ Krajina kot dejavnik usmerjanja urbanizacije pri načrtovanju stanovanjskih območij. In the context of the doctoral studies lies the opportunity to develop the specific knowledge that combines the knowledge in other specific research fields. The doctoral study programme in Landscape Architecture is focused on the recognition of these needs and on developing the use of scientific instruments for interdisciplinary research. currently, the study programme consists of organised lessons (lectures, practicals, presentations of PhD topics etc.) totalling 60 credits (EcTS), while the remaining 120 credits are devoted to individual research work for the PhD thesis. The lectures comprise basic (10 ECTS) and elective (5 ECTS) courses. For the programme in Landscape Architecture, the basic courses are Theory of Landscape Design and conservation Planning Theory. The elective courses are: Theory of Design, Landscape Design, Environmental Impact Assessment, Methods of Spatial Planning, Typology of the cultural Landscape, Participative Spatial Planning, and Landscape Anthropology. A doctoral student selects the courses together with the supervisor and field coordinator, in relation to the research field of the PhD thesis. The choice of at least one basic course from the selected field of study is required. The choice of other courses is possible from among all other basic and elective courses and from other comparable programmes of domestic and foreign universities. The doctoral study programme in Biosciences is currently being revised; there will be no more compulsory courses and the student will be free to choose among the courses in all 16 fields that are part of the biosciences study programme. Along with Landscape Architecture, other fields include Agronomy, Economics of Natural Resources, Horticulture, and Protection of the Natural Heritage. In the revised programme in Landscape Architecture the number of courses will be reduced; it will mostly consist of the contents that are not delivered at level II, but rather have the complexity required for level III. A course in the field of theory in landscape design and the course Strategic Planning and Policy Analysis will be introduced. Another elective course in the field of complex spatial (computer) analyses is also being prepared. Since the PhD work is mainly research-based, we encourage the students who enrol to already have a general idea about the research question that they intend to address in their thesis. If possible the students are included in ongoing projects or we help them in applications for projects, to secure the necessary conditions for their PhD research. In recent years, the following PhD theses were prepared as part of the programme in Landscape Architecture: ■ The role of certain senses in creating the regional identity of Dalmatia, ■ Green systems in the evolution of the open space of selected Mediterranean towns, ■ Simulation of spatial development processes using machine learning techniques, ■ Designed landscape complexity, ■ Influence of landscape scenarios on stakeholder attitudes and actions, ■ Landscape as a factor in directing urbanisation in housing planning.