127 GRAPHIC ARTS TECHNOLOGY STUDENTS’ ATTITUDE TOWARDS VARIOUS MEDIA OF E-BOOKS IN SLOVENIA Odnos študentov grafične tehnologije do različnih oblik e-knjig v Sloveniji Maša Manca Florjanič, Klementina Možina Oddano: 27. 3. 2015 - Sprejeto: 11. 6. 2015 1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek 1.01 Original scientific paper UDK 004.738.5:655.41 :001.87-052-057.875 (497.4) Abstract Purpose : The aim of this paper is to present the results of a survey on the usage of e-books and enhanced e-books among students in Slovenia. The main research objective was to determine factors influencing students’ perception of e-books and enhanced e-books. Methodology/approach : Quantitative methods were used to explore the e-book usage among students. The units of analysis were Slovenian students of graphic arts technology ( N = 230, 18 % men, 82 % women) at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering aged between 18 and 30. The research was conducted during the first semester of the 2014/2015 academic year. ANOVA and t-tests were used to determine statistically significant differences. Results : The analysis showed that printed books were preferred for learning, even by e-book users. E-book users are more familiar with enhanced e-books and have higher inten- tions to use them in the future. Practicality of e-books positively influences the frequency of e-book usage, while problems with focus and concentration when reading on the screen affect it negatively. Research restrictions : The research explores students’ attitude to e-books in general. No par- ticular field of e-books is emphasized. The originality : This research is one of the first to study the e-books usage in relation to students’ attitude towards enhanced e-books. Contribution : This paper gives an insight on the receptiveness of students to e-books and en- hanced e-books and can serve as the basis for future researches. Keywords: e-book, enhanced e-book, enhanced content, user studies, Slovenia