ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT BRITISH - UNITED STATES ZONE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE <3 OFFICIAL GAZETTE VOLUME VII No. 25 - 11 September 1954 Published bythe^A, M.G. F.T.T. under the Authority of the Com minder British - United States Forces, Free Territory of Trieste. La Editoriale Libraria S. p. A., Trieste - 1954 A.M.G. OFFICIAL GAZETTE PUBLICATION: on 1st, 11th and 21st of each month. (In the month of January it is published only on 11th and 21st, whereas in the month of December it is published also on 31st). Edition „bis“ (Civil Insertions) on 1st and 15th of each month. PRICE: one copy, 60 Lire. SALE: Office of the Zone President, „Eeonomato“, „Profettura“ Palace, 2nd floor, room 60, daily from 10.00 hrs to 12.00 hrs. SUBSCRIPTIONS : only half-yearly; subscriptions are accepted at the Directorate of Legal Affairs, Public Works Building, Via del Teatro Romano N° 17, room N° 10 groundfloor. a) for the three bound versions of the Gazette............... 3.240.— Lire b) for one version only, either English, Italian or Slovene.. 1.080.—• Lire c) for one copy of „bis“ issues (civil insertions) either in Italian or in Slovene .................................... 720.— Lire Payment through postal order or bank-check to the name of „Gazzetta G.M.A., Prefettura di Trieste“. INSERTIONS: must be drawn up on 200 Lire stamp-paper or on stamp-like paper for those which, pursuant to law provisions, enjoy the privilege of exemption from stamp-duty. Price of insertions : 7 Lire for each word or figure excluding punctuation. Payment through bank-check to the name of „Gazzetta G.M.A., Prefettura di Trieste“. Presentation of insertions : Directorate of Legal Affairs, A.M.G., Public Works Building, Via del Teatro Romano N° 17, groundfloor, room N° 10 ; Tel. 83-33, 78-88, ext. 76, daily from 09.00 hrs to 12.30 hrs and from 15.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs, excluding Wednesdays and Saturdays afternoon. N OTE : Insertions must be presented five days and notices for the convening of Meetings three working days prior to the date of publication of the Gazette. Complaints or researches concerning insertions must always refer to the number of the insertion concerned which corresponds to that of the receipt issued. GAZETTE OFFICE : A.M.G. Headquarters, Room N° 196. Telephone : 29701, 29794 ext. 110 ; daily from 09.00 hrs to 12.30 hrs and from 15.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs, excluding Wednesdays and Saturdays afternoon. CORRESPONDENCE: Directorate of Legal Affairs. Gazette Office, A.M.G., Trieste. ALLIED MILITARY GOVERNMENT British - United States Zone-Free Territory of Trieste Order No. 92 FEES PAYABLE FOR THE TESTING AND INSPECTIONS OF LIFTS AND CARGO-ELEVATORS WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to increase the fees payable for the first testing a/nd for periodical and special inspections of lifts and cargo-elevators, as established by Order No. 116, dated 27 January 1948, and as doubled by Order No. 373, dated 3 December 1948, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British- United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, SIR JOHN WINTERTON, KCMQ, OB, CBE, Major General, Zone Commander, ORDER: ARTICLE I As a partial amendment to the provisions of Order No. 373, dated 3 December 1948, the fees payable for the first testing and for periodical and special inspections of lifts and cargo-elevators in private service, as established by Table ,,B“ appended to law 24 October 1942, No. 1415, and as amended by Article II of Order No. 116, dated 27 January 1948, are hereby fixed as follows, with effect from 1 August 1954 : a) first testing of lifts used for the transport of persons (Cat. A) .... L. 5.000.— — for each periodical or special inspection to same (excluding extraordinary inspections ordered by the Zone President) ............................ L. 2.300.— b) first testing of lifts used for transport of materials accompanied by persons (Cat. B) .............................................................. L. 5.000,— — for each periodical or special inspection to same (excluding extraordinary inspections ordered by the Zone President) ............................ L. 2.300.—- c) first testing of cargo-elevators used for the transport of materials only, where persons may enter the box solely for loading and unloading operations (Cat. C) ...................................................... L. 3.000.— •— for each periodical or special inspection to the said cargo-elevators (excluding extraordinary inspections ordered by the Zone President).... L. 2.100.— d) first testing of motor-cargo-elevators used for the transport of materials only with loading capacity exceeding 25 kilos and no admittance of persons into the box (Cat. D) ............................................ L. 2.500.— — for each periodical or special inspection to the said cargo-elevators (excluding extraordinary inspections ordered by the Zone President) .. L. 1.600,— e) first testing of lifts with several boxes in continuous operations, used for the transport of persons (Cat. E) ..................................... L. 6.100.— — for each periodical or special inspection to the said lifts (excluding extraordinary inspections ordered by the Zone President) ...................... L. 3.000.— This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. Dated at TRIESTE, this 1st day of September 1954. F. C. LOUGH Lt. Colonel JAGC Chief of Staff for T. J. W. WINTERTON Major General Ref. : LD/AI54I105 Zone Commander Order No. 93 INTRODUCTION OF CONCESSIONS OF TEMPORARY IMPORTATION WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to introduce concessions of temporary importation, in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British- United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, SIR JOHN WINTERTON, KCMG, OB, CBE, Major General, Zone Commander, ORDER: ARTICLE I Temporary importation of the following goods is hereby permitted for the purposes hereinafter specified and for a period of six months : DESCRIPTION OF GOODS Purpose for which temporary importation is allowed Minimum quantity which may be temporarily imported Maximum term allowed for re-exportation 1. Chemical additional sub- To be mixed with inland- stances („additivi“) produced fuels Kilos 10 1 year 2. Wool or fine hair fab- To be dyed, printed and/or rics, whether pure and manufactured into considered as such („as- shawls and/or into frin- similati“) or of mixed ged handkerchiefs and/ wool and fine hair, or or bordered handker- with other textile ma- chiefs for the account of terials, the raw fine foreign firms („commit- fabric to weight not tenti“) Kilos 25 1 year more than 160 grams per square metre The concession of temporary importation of iron in plates, hars and rods for the construction of bridges and sheds, supporting trestles and poles etc., introduced by D. L. 18 December 1913, No. 1453, as converted into Law 17 April 1925, No. 473, is hereby extended, for a period of six months to iron or steel tubes of circular or oval section. ARTICLE III This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and, pursuant to the administrative instructions already issued, shall be operative as from 19 June 1954. Dated at TRIESTE, this 7th day of September 1954. F. C. LOUGH Lt. Colonel JAGC Chief of Staff for T. J. W. WINTERTON Major General Ref.: LDIA/5il9i Zone Commander Order No. 94 RENEWAL AND INTRODUCTION OF CONCESSIONS OF TEMPORARY IMPORTATION WHE REAS it is deemed advisable to renew and introduce concessions of temporary importation in that part of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the British- United States Forces, NOW, THEREFORE, I, SIR JOHN WINTERTON, KOMG, CB, OBE, Major General, Zone Commander, ORDER: ARTICLE I Temporary importation of the following goods is hereby permitted for the purposes hereinafter specified and for a period of six months : DESCRIPTION OF GOODS Purpose for which temporary importation is allowed Minimum quantity which may be temporarily imported Maximum term al’owed for re-exportation 1. Pure silver in bars, rods To be worked 6 months blocks, powder and scrap 2. Special steel billets and For the manufacture of blooms unwelded tubes Kilos 100 2 years DESCRIPTION OF GOODS Purpose for which temporary importation is allowed Minimum quantity which may be temporarily imported Maximum term allowed for re-exportation 3. Concentrated soups and To be filled with properly empty sheet aluminium dosed concentrated soups bags and domestic „pasta“ and then warm-sealed — 4 months 4. Raw bamboo cane For the manufacture of coat-beaters Kilos 100 6 months 5. Raw coral To be worked Kilos 100 6 months 6. Scrap pig-iron For the manufacture of motor-vehicles, machin- ery and apparatuses — 2 years 7. Ilmenite (Titanium ore) For the manufacture of titanium white Kilos 100 6 months 8. Acrylic plates „Per- For the manufacture of spex“ air shelters to be fitted on motor-vehicles destin- ed for exportation — 1 year 9. Packing material nam- To be employed for the ed „Klingerite“ packing of cylinder heads of motors fitted on motor-vehicles destined for exportation Kilos 50 1. year 10. Raw bones For the manufacture of buttons and other ob- jects Kilos 500 1 year 11. Raw bones For the manufacture of carpenter’s glue and ossein Kilos 500 1 year 12. „Day Glo“ fluorescent For the production of fluo- pigments rescent varnishes Kilos 50 • 6 months 13. Raw tortoise-shell For the manufacture of » diverse objects Kilos 100 6 months 14. Cyprus umber (raw To be reduced to powder Kilos 100 6 months earth colour) The effectiveness of the following concessions of temporary importation as introduced or already extended by the Orders hereinafter specified is hereby extended by six months, without any interruption in the respective validity: CONCESSION TO BE EXTENDED Order providing for the concession which is to be extended Effective date of the extension granted Metal parts of machinery or industrial Order N° 149, dated installations, to be covered with elastic or hardened rubber or with synthetic resins (with validity up to 19 April 1954) 18 December 1953 20 April 1954 Raw hides, unfit for the making of furs, Order No. 149, dated for tanning and finishing (with validity up to 19 April 1954) 18 December 1953 20 April 1954 Complete motor-vehicles for the modifica- Order N° 149, dated tion and/or conversion, although par- 18 December 1953 20 April 1954 tial, of the respective bodies (with validity up to 19 April 1954) Lead in blocks and scrap, for the manu- Order N° 149, dated facture of lead acetate and of lead arseniate (with validity up to 19 April 1954) 18 December 1953 20 April 1954 Cinnamon, cardamom, amom, Peruvian Order N° 149, dated bark, cretic dittany, „fave tonche“, 18 December 1953 20 April 1954 cloves, ginger, macis, nutmeg, pepper, tea and vanilla, to be classified and, as the case may be, cut and milled, sorted and re-packed (with validity up to 19 April 1954) Yolk of egg, frozen and/or in powder Order N° 35, dated form, for use in the manufacture of edible specialities with validity up to 17 April 1954) 31 March 1954 18 April 1954 Rennet casein, for the manufacture of Order N°. 35, dated galalith (with validity up to 27 March 1954) 31 March 1954 28 March 1954 Cellophane Zenith type, in sheets and Order N° 35, dated bands, also if rolled up in bobbins, for manufacturing plaits for hats and for manufacturing hats (with validity up to 2 April 1954) 31 March 1954 3 April 1954 CONCESSION TO BE EXTENDED Order providing for the concession which is to öe extended Effective date of the extension granted Noble cellulose and raw or bleached cotton linters, for the production of cellulose acetate and of cellulose acetate printing powders (with validity up to 27 March 1954) Order N° 35, dated 31 March 1954 28 March 1954 Ethyl chloride and ethylene bromide, for the manufacture of ethylfluid tetraethyl lead mixture (with validity up to 6 April 1954) Order N° 35, dated 31 March 1954 7 April 1954 Cotton yams of title equal or superior to 75.000 metres for 1/2 Kilo for the manufacture of pure cotton fabrics of the finest poplin type (with validity up to 20 April 1954) Order N° 35, dated 31 March 1954 21 April 1954 Silk yams and waste silk yams, for cleaning, dyeing and/or reeling (with validity up to 6 April 1954) Order N° 35, dated 31 March 1954 7 April 1954 Common wood, either raw or sawn, for the manufacture of containers („imballaggi“) (with validity up to 2 April 1954) Order N° 35, dated 31 March 1954 3 April 1954 Poplin cotton textiles (fancy striped, containing dyed threads in the warp or weft ; or smooth, with a simple cloth or satin fabric ; or diapered as a result of „ratier“ or „jacquard“) to be mercerized and/or to undergo the antishrinkage chemical treatment called „permashrunk“ and/or to be finished (with validity up to 2 April 1954) Order N° 35, dated 31 March 1954 3 April 1954 Buckram in disks (hat bottom) for application on the inside of hats (with validity up to 17 April 1954) Order N° 35, dated 31 March 1954 18 April 1964 Raisins (sultana) for use in the manufacture of oven-cooked sweets („panettoni“, cakes, biscuits of various types) (with validity up to 27 March 1954) Order N° 35, dated 31 March 1954 28 March 1954 CONCESSION TO BE EXTENDED Order providing for the concession which is to be extended Effective date of the extension granted Soft steel and iron wire from 2 to 0.60 Order N° 35, dated - millimetres for re-drawing of wire and reducing respectively to 0.07 down to 0.55 millimetres (with validity up to 27 March 1954) 31 March 1954 28 March 1954 Stainless carbon chrome martensitic Order N° 35, dated steel for the manufacture of orthopedic sole supports (with validity up to 2 April 1954) 31 March 1954 3 April 1954 Tinned steel plates (tinned band) mea- Order N° 35, dated sure cut, including stripes and cuttings for the manufacture of cans to be used for canning of preserved products (with validity up to 2 April 1954) 31 March 1954 3 April 1954 Cold and/or hot rolled iron and/or steel Order N° 35, dated band ; iron or steel bars or rods, either drawn or moulded for the manufacture of rolling shutters, „cancelletti estensibili“, metal-lock fixtures of any type for house building (with validity up to 31 March 1954 7 April 1954 6 April 1954) Virgin negative film, both for colour or Order N° 61, dated black and white picture, magnetic band for film shooting (with validity up to 6 April 1954) 19 June 1954 7 April 1954 Glass enamel in grains or powder for the Order N° 90, dated manufacture of enamelled iron and steel ware (with validity up to 13 April 1954) 19 June 1953 14 April 1954 ARTICLE III This Order shall become effective on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and, pursuant to administrative instructions already issued, shall be operative as from 17 June 1954. Dated at TRIESTE, this 8th day of September 1954. F. C. LOUGH Lt. Colonel JAGC Chief of Staff for T. J. W. WINTERTON Major General Ref.: LD/A/54/87 Zone Commander Administrative Order No. 48 AUTHORITY TO PERFORM NOTARIAL ACTS, ETC. WHEREAS Order No. 171 dated 29 October 1951 makes provision for the designation by name of the director of Legal Affairs and such other officers of the Directorate of Legal Affairs as I may designate for the purpose of administering oaths, etc., all as provided for in said Order, NOW, THEREFORE, I, SIR JOHN WINTERTON, KCMG, CB, GBE, Major General, Zone Commander, ORDER: 1. — Administrative Order* No. 5 dated 29 January 1954 and No. 12 dated 6 March 1954 are hereby annulled. 2. — Lt. Col. Robert W. REYNOLDS, JAGC, U. S. Army, Director of Legal Affairs, Allied Military Government and Mr. R.C.S. ELLISON, Deputy Director of Legal Affairs, Allied Military Government, are hereby empowered to perform the functions set out in Order No. 171 dated 29 October 1951. 3. This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIESTE, this 2nd day of September 1954. F. C. LOUGH Lt. Colonel JAGC Chief of Staff for T. J. W. WINTERTON Major General Ref. : LDfB/olfoS Zone Commander Administrative Order No. 49 AUTHORITY TO CHANGE THE SURNAME WHEREAS Mr. Giuseppe SMERDU', son of the late Giuseppe', and of the late Telesa Gerin, born at Fiume on 31 January 1891 and his son Boris SMERDU’ born at Fiume on 16 October 1930, both residing in Trieste, Via Madonna del Mare No. 14, have complied with the legal formalities required to obtain the change of their present surname SMERDU’ to that of ,,CUN-RAD1“, according to the authority granted to them by the Director of Legal Affairs on 7 May 1954, and WHEREAS said persons have now made application in order that the requested change of surname be effected, WHEREAS the provisions of Title VIII, Chapter I of R. D. 1238 of July 9, 1939 on the Rules and Regulations on the Civil Status have been complied with and no objections have been raised, NOW, THEREFORE, I, SIR JOHN WINTERTON, KCMG, CB, CBE, Major General, Zone Commander, ORDER: 1. — The surname of Giuseppe SMERDU’ and of his son Boris SMERDU’ is hereby changed to that of „CUNRADI“. 2. — The applicants will provide for the inscription of the Order in the proper register of births and the annotation at the foot of the deeds themselves, according to the existing law. 3. — This Order shall become effective on the date it is signed by me. Dated at TRIE STE, this 4th day of September 1954. F. C. LOUGH Lt. Colonel JAGC Chief of Staff for T. J. W. WINTERTON Major General Ref. : LDIB/54152 Zone Commander Notice No. 49 MINIMUM WAGES FOR PERSONNEL EMPLOYED BY SHOEMAKERS, SADDLERS AND LEATHER HANDICRAFTSMEN NOTICE is hereby given tlmt the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board, established pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1 December 1947, has issued in respect of personnel employed by shoemakers, saddlers and leather handicraftsmen not members of category associations or not subject to collective contracts, the following Award: LODO ARTICOLO UNICO L’efficacia del lodo pubblicato con l’Avviso N. 57 sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale di data 11 settembre 1953, si intende prorogata sino al 30 giugno 1955. Sarà considerata legittima una revisione in data anteriore, solamente nel caso di modificazioni del trattamento economico concernente il personale disciplinato dal contratto di categoria. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto, Trieste, 30 luglio 1954. Il Presidente : Sgd. Egidio Furlan I Componenti: Sgd. Bruno Perentin, Amedeo Bortoletti, Renato Corsi, Guido Borzaghini I Consulenti tecnici: Sgd. Ruggero Tironi, Nicolò Pase Ratificato 24 agosto 1954: Sgd. W. Levitus, ff. Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro. Dated at TRIESTE, this 7th day of September 1954. Aw. W. LEVITUS Ref. : DL/C/54/43 Acting Chief, Department of Labour MINIMUM WAGES FOR PERSONNEL EMPLOYED BY COMMERCIAL CONCERNS DEALING IN CLOTHING, OUTFITTING ARTICLES, SUNDRY GOODS, AND FOOD IN GENERAL NOTICE is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board established pursuant to Order N. 63 dated 1 December 1947 has issued in respect of personnel employed by commercial concerns dealing in clothes, outfitting articles, sundry goods, and food in general, not members of category associations or not subject to collective contracts, the following Award : LODO ARTICOLO UNICO L’efficacia del lodo pubblicato con l’Avviso N. 60 sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale di data 11 settembre 1953, si intende prorogata sino al 30 giugno 1955. Sarà considerata legittima orna revisione in data anteriore a quella prevista, solamente nel caso di modificazioni del trattamento economico concernente i lavoratori disciplinati dal contratto di categoria. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto, Trieste, 27 luglio 1954. Il Presidente : Sgd. Egidio Furlan I Componenti : Sgd. Marcello Sessi, Giovanni Poli, Renato Corsi, Guido Borzaghini I Consulenti tecnici: Sgd. Nicolò Pase, Ruggero Tironi Ratificato 24 agosto 1954: Sgd. W. Levitus, ff. Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Dated at TRIESTE, this 7th day of September 1954. Aw. W. LEVITUS Ref. : LDICI54I44 Acting Chief, Department of Labour Notice No. 51 MINIMUM WAGES FOR NON CLERICAL PERSONNEL IN THE EMPLOY OF MOTION PICTURE PRODUCTION CONCERNS NOTICE is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board established pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1 December 1947 has issued in respect of non clerical personnel in the employ of Motion Picture Production Concerns not members of category associations or not subject to collective contracts the following award : LODO ARTICOLO UNICO L’efficacia del lodo pubblicato con l’Avviso N. 66 sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale di data 1° novembre 1953, si intende prorogata sino al 30 giugno 1955. Sarà considerata legittima una richiesta di revisione in data anteriore a quella prevista, solamente nel caso in cui avesse a subire delle modificazioni il trattamento economico in genere del personale con qualifica non impiegatizia, disciplinato da contratti collettivi del settore industriale. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto, Trieste 28 luglio 1954. Il Presidente: Sgd. Giovanni Poli I Componenti : Sgd. Giovanni Semeraro, Mario Ruzzier, Guido Borzaghini, Renato Corsi I Consulenti tecnici : Sgd. Egidio Furlan, Giovanni D’ Elia Ratificato 24 agosto 1954: Sgd. W. Levitus, ff. Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Dated at TRIESTE, this 7th day of September 1954. Avv. W. LEVITUS jRe/. : LDlCl54l45 Acting Chief, Department of Labour Notice No. 52 MINIMUM WAGES FOR PERSONNEL IN THE EMPLOY OF MOTOR HIRING FIRMS, OF GARAGES RUNNING MOTORCAR HIRING AND SUNDRY REPAIR SERVICES NOTICE is hereby given that the Minimum Wages Arbitration Board established pursuant to Order No. 63 dated 1 December 1947 has issued in respect of personnel in the employ of motorhiring firms, of garages .running motorcar hiring and sundry repair services not members of category associations or not subject to collective contracts the following Award : LODO ARTICOLO UNICO L’efficacia del lodo pubblicato con l’Avviso No. 58 sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale di data 11 settembre 1953, si intende prorogata sino al 30 giugno 1955. Sarà considerata legittima una revisione di data anteriore, solamente nel caso di modificazioni del trattamento economico concernente il personale disciplinato dal contratto di categoria. Letto, confermato e sottoscritto, Trieste, 29 luglio 1954. Il Presidente : Sgd. Ruggero Tironi I Componenti : Sgd. Mario Cocci, Alberto Casamassima, Guido Borzaghini, Renato Corsi I Consulenti tecnici : Sgd. Nicolò Pase, Giovanni Poli Ratificato 24 agosto 1954 : Sgd. W. Levitus, ff. Capo Dipartimento del Lavoro Dated at TRIESTE, this 7th day of September 1954. Avv. W. LEVITUS Ref. : LD/CI54I46 Acting Chief, Department of Labour CONTENTS Order Page No. 92 Fees payable for the testing and inspections of lifts and cargo-elevators .... 271 No. 93 Introduction of concessions of temporary importation ......................... 272 No. 94 Renewal and introduction of concessions of temporary importation... 273 Administrative Order No. 48 Authority to perform notarial acts, etc....................................... 278 No. 49 Authority to change the surname .............................................. 278 Notice No.. 49 Minimum wages for personnel employed by shoemakers, saddlers and leather handicraftsmen .............................................................. 279 No. 50 Minimum wages for personnel employed by commercial concerns dealing in clothing, outfitting articles, sundry goods, and food in general .......... 280 No. 51 Minimum wages for non clerical personnel in the employ of motion picture production concerns ......................................................... 280 No. 52 Minimum wages for personnel in the employ of motor-hiring firms, of garages running motorcar hiring and sundry repair services .......................... 281