36/60 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 8.9. 2024 23. NEDELJA MED LETOM 23RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Dra go Gacnik, SDB ŽUPNIK -PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ stgregoryhamilton.ca HALL RENTALS 289-339-6900 E-MAIL hallrental@ stgregoryhamilton.ca SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH Danes nam bogoslužje predstavlja evan­geljski dogodek o ozdravljenju gluhoneme­ga, dogodek, ki ga pripravlja že odlomek iz Izaija, ki napoveduje cudovita božja dela. Apostol Jakob spodbuja, naj bo naše obna­šanje resnicno kršcansko. V prvem berilu prerok Izaija napoveduje konec izgnanstva ko pravi: »Pogum! Ne boj­te se!» Judje so odšli v babilonsko izgnan­stvo, sedaj pa prerok že vidi konec tega tr­pljenja, ki so ga povzrocili grehi ljudstva. Bog bo posegel na cudovit nacin: »Tedaj bodo spregledale oci slepih, gluhim se bodo odprla ušesa, jezik nemega bo vriskal.« To, kar je Izaija oznanjal, se je v polnosti uresnicilo v Jezuso­vem služenju. Jezus se je z neskoncnim usmiljenjem posvecal ozdravlje­nju bolnih in slabotnih. Gluhonemi je clovek, ki ni sposoben komunikaci­je, torej je izkljucen iz družbenega življenja; ker ne sliši, ne more odgo­voriti. Temeljni razlog njegove bolezni je gluhost: nem je zato, ker je gluh. Ljudje, ki so privedli gluhonemega, so prosili Jezusa, naj nanj polo­ži roke. Jezus ga pelje stran od množice. Ne išce priljubljenosti niti uspe­ha, temvec želi le pomagati. Ne mara, da bi ga gledali, ko naredi cudež. Jezus se ozre proti nebu: s tem dejanjem hoce povedati, da se cudež zgodi zaradi edinosti med njim in Bogom. Potem vzdihne in rece: »Odpri se!« In takoj se odprejo ušesa tega cloveka, razveže se vozel njegovega jezika in zacne pravilno govoriti. Gluhonemi je ozdravljen in postane enakovreden v družbenem življenju; sedaj lahko sliši in tudi odgovori. Cerkev je ta cudež uporabljala za razlago, kakšne ucinke ima krst, in v obredih, ki sledijo krstu samemu, je ohranila Jezusovo kretnjo, s katero se je dotaknil ušes in jezika. S tem hoce pokazati, da je krst ozdravitev gluhosti: daje sposobnost slišati božjo besedo, jo razumeti in okusiti ter s tem vzpostaviti komunikacijo z Bogom. Z druge strani pa je krst tudi ozdravitev nemosti: daje sposobnost, da moremo govoriti Bogu in o Bo-gu, sposobnost, da moremo moliti in hvaliti Boga; daje sposobnost, da lahko pricujemo za svojo vero. Tako so vsi kršceni v polnosti clani kršcanske družbe -Cerkve -in božjega obcestva. Zavedati se moramo, kako velik dar smo prejeli s krstom. Ta nam je dal sposobnost, da moremo poslu­šati božjo besedo, vse to, kar Sveti Duh govori Cerkvi. Obenem nam daje zmožnost pricevanja za našo vero. Ce poslušamo in v svojem srcu premišljujemo božjo besedo, jo lahko posredujemo tudi drugim. Drugo berilo ni neposredno povezano z evangelj­sko pripovedjo, povezano pa je s kršcanskim življe­njem, z življenjem v veri in ljubezni. Ce verjamemo v Gospodovo ljubezen, smo tudi pripravljeni ljubiti. Jakob nas opozarja na pomanjkanje vere in lju­bezni v našem ravnanju: »Moji bratje, svoje vere v našega Gospoda Jezusa Kristusa, Gospoda velicastva, ne združujte s pristranskostjo.« Ohraniti moramo vero, ki je cista, nedotaknjena. Jakob nam prikazuje bogataša, ki se v kršcanski skupnosti predstavlja v blešceci obleki, z zlatim prsta­nom na roki, in reveža, cigar obleka je umazana. Kdor ima premalo vere, bo dal prednost bogatašu, kajti ta lahko podari veliko, ima veliko moc, vpliv. Bog ima posebej rad reveže. Jakob pravi: »Ali ni Bog izbral tistih, ki so revni na svetu, da so bogati v veri in dedici kraljestva, ki ga je obljubil vsem, ki ga ljubijo?« V evangeliju Jezus namenja veliko pozorno­sti prav revežem. Tako kristjan resnicno živi v veri in ljubezni, v po­polni svobodi srca in duha. To notranjo svobodo, ki temelji na veri, zahteva obcestvo z vsemi ljudmi. Vera nam kaže prave vrednote, nas usmerja naproti vses­transki ljubezni, nas obvaruje skušnjav, ki nas odda­ljujejo od Boga, od njegove besede in od obcestva z njim. Sprejmimo torej te mocne Jakobove besede, ki že­lijo poglobiti naše kršcansko življenje. Vedno bolj mo­ramo poslušati božjo besedo, ki so nam jo posredovali apostoli. Vendar ne ostanimo le pri tem, temvec jo sprejmimo v notranjosti. Takrat nas bo ona vodila in nam pomagala rasti v veri in ljubezni. -(prim. Oznanjevalec 2003, št. 4) 23RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Response: Praise the Lord, O my soul! First Reading: Isaiah 35:4-7 God will open the eyes ofthe blind and the ears ofthe deaf. Second Reading: James 2:1-5 Belief in Christ means that we should treateveryone equally. God does notfavour the rich over the poor and neither should we. Gospel: Mark 7:31-37 Jesus heals both the body and the soul. He enables us all to see and hear more clearly. “If anyone has ears to hear, let him lis­ten!” (Matthew 11:15) Illustration Have you ever had an “Aha! Moment”, a time when you suddenly realised something that you previously didn't comprehend, or per­haps when your understanding of something suddenly clicked? The Greek scientist Archime­des is alleged to have experienced a great mo­ment of insight whilst sitting in his bath, which led to him running down the street, naked, shouting “Eureka!” (I have found it!). Today is Education Sunday and we give thanks for all those who have provided those eureka mo­ments for us, those who taught us in the past and all those currently teaching in our schools and colleges. And as we celebrate the vocation of teaching we also give thanks to Jesus, the master teacher. In today’s Gospel he touches a man’s eyes and ears and lets him see and hear. Good teaching is about opening eyes, ears and minds – letting people see things differently, showing them a new perspective. Gospel Teaching So, what is Christ trying to teach us? Notice that Jesus never speaks in theological jargon. His preferred teaching style is the par­able: stories about good Samari­tans, lost sheep, lost sons and wedding feasts. Stories about things that never took place, but actually take place all the time – in every town and city, on every con­tinent, on every day of human existence. Interest­ingly, Jesus rarely mentions God explicitly in the parables; they are not “other-worldly” stories but focus on the ordinary events of this world now. He knows such stories will stay long in the minds of those who hear them; he hopes that his listeners will make the connections, that the penny will drop, and they will begin to see life from a fresh perspec­tive. The religious leaders around Jesus claimed to have all the answers. Jesus, on the other hand, often just asks questions, creating problems for his listen­ers to grapple with rather than spoon-feeding them solutions. It’s the grappling that leads to spiritual growth. Application The fact that so many people today can remem­ber the parables is a testament to Jesus' teaching power. We have all heard the parable of the Good Samaritan and we are usually impressed. We might say, “What a lovely story. How heart-warming!” But the parables are designed to go deeper than this. The Gospel writers did not record them so that future readers could admire their prose or marvel over Jesus' undoubted skills as a storytelling teach­er. The whole point of a parable is to help us to dis­cover for ourselves something profound, to precipitate a “light bulb moment” which will inspire us to transform our behaviour and become a different person. To say: “In future I will not ignore that person who needs help, I will copy this Samaritan in the way I re­spond to the needy”. And that is the essence of Christ’s teaching. What concerns Jesus is how we act rather than the ideas we hold; he calls us to be people who for­give. He urges us to be generous and compassionate with others and to pursue social justice and the way of peace. There is a bias towards action in the Gospel. Jesus tells us that if you don’t do it, then you don’t believe it; if you don’t do it then you haven’t heard it or seen it. It’s only when we start to actually put his teaching into practice that we can truly believe, in our hearts, what we say we believe all along in our heads. We can’t be “theoretical Christians”. In the words of James, “If good works do not accompany faith, it is quite dead”. If there is no change in us then the world isn’t changed; Christ’s teaching just lives on in the pages of the Bible: nothing happens, the book is closed, there is a brief moment of admiration per­haps, and then life moves on. But Jesus wants more from us – his desire for his followers is to: “understand with their heart and be converted and be healed by me”. The incarnation means the word became flesh and Jesus wants his teaching to be­come a lived reality, to become enfleshed in our world, to leap out from the page and into our lives. Can we open our eyes and ears to Christ, the master teacher? Can we experience our own eureka moment – putting into practice the teaching of Jesus and thereby experiencing his promise of “life in all its fullness”? 2024 SLOVENIAN CANADIAN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION 2024 Slovenian Canadi­an Scholarship Founda­tion Awards Application Now Available. The Slovenian Canadian Scholarship Foundation was created to provide stu­dents of Slovenian-Canadian descent, residing within the Halton, Hamil­ton-Wentworth, and Niaga­ra regions, the opportunity to be recognized for their academic achievements, community involvement, and appreciation of their Slovenian heritage. Select applicants will be granted a monetary award in the form of a scholarship or bursary from the founda­tion. The presentation of awards will be held on Sep­tember 22, 2024 at St. Gregory’s Fall Banquet. The application dead­line was August 23, 2024.. Please forward any ques­tions to Teresa at 905-930­7545 or Irene Glavac Petric at glavacpetric@gmail.com. V septembrskem vikendu, se je na Sloven­skem parku kar precej dogajalo. Lepo vreme je privabilo veliko družin. Tudi pri maši, ki smo jo imeli ob 1:00h popoldne se nas je nekaj nabra­lo. V kuhinji so bilo dobro založeni s hrano, tako da nihce ni bil lacen. Veliko se je dogajalo okrog »pocitniških hišic« po parku. V soboto, 7. septembra je bilo tradicionalno slovensko romanje v Midland, kjer je cerkev ka­nadskih mucencev. Ob 10:30 smo se zbrali pri slovenskem križu in se ob polurni komemoraciji spomnili slovenskih žrtev druge svetovne voj­ne. Poleg govora in recitacije je Oktet Jurij Dal­matin iz Boštvanja zapel nekaj slovenskih pesmi. Nadaljevali smo z molitvijo križevega pota v parku ob postajah. Zakljucili pa s sveto mašo, v cerkvi. Sveto mašo je vodil g. Andrej Golcnik, župnik iz Boštanja, somaševali pa smo še g. Leopold Valant in g. Tine Batic. Na koncu maše so sledile litanije Matere Bož­je in blagoslov z Najsvetejšim. Po maši pa je ok­tet zapel še nekaj slovenskih pesmi. OBVESTILA - ANNOUNCEMENTS KOLEDAR DOGODKOV - Sept 14th -Bled -Golf Tournament - Sept 15st - London -Mass at 3:00 p.m. - at St. John the Divine Church - Sept 21st -Društvo sv. Jožefa -Bocce tour­nament - Sept 22nd - St. Gregory the Great -Fall Ban­quet - 60 years of the Parish - Mass: 10 am - Oct. 5th -Bled -Oktoberfest - Oct. 6th -Lipa park - Thanksgiving Luncheon - Oct. 26th -Slovenski Park - Oktoberfest BRALCI - READERS: September 8th - Rita Bartula Sept. 15th - Slovenian Sept. 22nd - Slov. - Eng. (Sidonia Poppa) CIŠCENJE - CLEANING Sept. 14th - Štefka Eržen team Sept. 28th - Lojzka Novak team Oct. 12th - Lukežic & Volcanšek CWL - KŽZ Our first CWL General Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 11 after 7PM Mass. All members including new members are most welcome to attend. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE 40 Days for Life is inviting YOU (young and old) to participate in a peaceful prayer vigil across the street from McMaster Children's Hospital, happen­ing each day (Sept. 25th- Nov. 3rd) from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. This is our opportunity to pray for the voiceless and save their parents from the suffering abortion will bring. Sign up in the online calendar via: https:// bit.ly/40dayshamilton or call 905-962-2864" DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA - BALINANJE 2024 Društvo sv. Jožefa prireja vsa­koletno tekmova­nje v balinanju v soboto, 21. sep­tembra 2024, s pricetkom ob 9:30 uri dopoldne. V skupini po 4 tekmovalci bodo lahko nastopili; po tekmovanju bo pogostitev in sicer zunaj na pro- stem: igralci bodo dobili »kranjsko klobaso« z željo in pijaco: Ce­na na igralca je $10.- Ce bi kdorkoli drugi želel kranjsko klobaso in žemljo, je cena $5.- Rezervacije za ekipe in za pogostitev spre­jemata Frank Novak na številki 905-561-1944 ali Peter Novak na številki 905-928-9984. Odbor društva sv. Jožefa vas vljudno vabi. St Joseph’s Society will be hosting their Annual Bocce Tournament on Satur­day September 21st, 9:30 a.m. Teams of 4 will be allowed, to be followed by an outdoor lunch. For Bocce players. the lunch will include a “kranjska klobasa” on a bun and a beverage for $10 per person. Any­one wishing to join for kranjska on a bun is $5 per person. To reserve a team or lunch only, please contact Frank Novak 905-561-1944 or Peter Novak 905-928-9984. V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: September 11, 2014 Joseph September 12, 1973 John, Jr. September 13, 2019 Ana September 14, 1995 Diane Darinka September 15, 2020 SV. MAŠE - MASSES: Mon. to Fri.: 7:00 P.M.; Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slo); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slo); 11:00 A.M (Eng) - From July to Fall Banquet only 10:00 A.M. -KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: By appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 to 7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI -Sporocite, ce je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obišcemo. You are welcome to call for a per­sonal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 DON BOSCO SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 23. NEDELJA MED LETOM 8. SEPTEMBER 23RD SUNDAY IN OT Rojstvo Device Marije Mala maša †† † †† † †† † † V zahvalo Bogu in Materi Božji Za žive in rajne župljane Paula in Franc Pelcar Maks Pavlicic Ivan in Matija Zelko Monika Gašpar Pok duhovniki iz naše župnije Za ozdravljenje rodu K. in V. p. France Zupancic, DJ Ivo Delac 8:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. Romarju za Marmoro -- --- --Stan Pelcar & Josie Dubé z druž. Helen Špiler Toni in Marija Franc Agnes Perkic Družina Truden Sandra Koprivc Sue in Zdravko Avguštin Granddaughter Rita † † Ilija Bartula Saveta Bartula Granddaughter Rita Granddaughter Rita PONEDELJEK -MONDAY 9. SEPTEMBER Peter Klaver, red. † Francka in Ivanka 7:00 P.M. Sestra Jožica Novak z družino TOREK -TUESDAY 10. SEPTEMBER Ines, mucenka † † Martin Tompa Joe Tompa 7:00 P.M. Barica in Štefan Žugec Dragica Tompa SREDA -WEDNESDAY 11. SEPTEMBER Bonaventura, red. † Eileen MacKenzie 7:00 P.M. N.N. CETRTEK -THURSDAY 12. SEPTEMBER Marijino ime †† Pokojni starši Za zdravje sodelavk 7:00 P.M. Jožica Novak z družino Iva Joželj z družino PETEK -FRIDAY 13. SEPTEMBER Janez Zlatousti, šk. c. uc. †† Pok. iz druž. Wamplin in Opeka 7:00 P.M. N.N. (Slo) SOBOTA -SATURDAY 14. SEPTEMBER Povišanje sv. Križa Albert, mucenec †† † † †† † †† †† Marija in Nick Skalij Thomas Grebenc Stane Napast Za duše v vicah Izabella Oliveira Venci in Marija Ferencak Mama Marija in Sestra Vida, obl. 5:30 P.M. Jožica Vlašic z družino Sestra Mary Grebenc Družina Pinter Marija Košir Marija Košir Regina in Martin Nedelko Martin Malevic z družino 24. NEDELJA MED LETOM 15. SEPTEMBER 24TH SUNDAY IN OT Žalostna mati božja † † † † †† Za žive in rajne župljane Franc Saje Lojze Muhic Ludvik Prevec Za družino Slavko Slobodnik, obl. Pokojni Slovenci iz Londona 10:00 A.M. 3:00 P.M. -- --- --Žena z družino Jože Gimpelj Žena Ida z družino Daša Joželj-Kranjc z družino Ženja Olga z družino St. John the Divine Church