VSEBINA – CONTENTS IZVIRNI ZNANSTVENI ^LANKI – ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES The mechanical properties of two-phase Fe-NiCrMo alloys at room temperature and 290 °C after ageing in the temperature range 290–350 °C Mehanske lastnosti dvofaznih zlitin Fe-NiCrMo pri sobni temperaturi in pri 290 °C po staranju v razponu temperature 290 °C do 350 °C J. Vojvodi~ Tuma, B. [u{tar{i~, R. Celin, F. Vodopivec. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 Mechanisms of HF bonding in dry scrubber in aluminium electrolysis Mehanizmi vezave HF v ~istilnem sistemu pri elektrolizi aluminija I. Paulin, ^. Donik, M. Jenko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 The corrosion behaviour of duplex stainless steel in chloride solutions studied by XPS XPS raziskave korozijskega vedenja dupleksnega nerjavnega jekla v kloridnih raztopinah A. Kocijan, ^. Donik, M. Jenko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 The application of an artificial neural network for determining the influence of the parameters for the deposition of a zinc coating on steel tubes Uporaba umetnih nevronskih mre` za dolo~itev debeline cinkove plasti na jeklenih ceveh S. Re{kovi}, Z. Glava{ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 The application of the program QFORM 2D in the stamping of wheels for railway vehicles Uporaba programa QFORM 2D pri kovanju koles za `elezni{ka vozila A. Shramko, I. Mamuzi}, V. Danchenko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 STROKOVNI ^LANKI – PROFESSIONAL ARTICLES Influence of the working technology on Al-alloys in semi-solid state Vpliv tehnologije preoblikovanja Al-zlitin v testastem stanju M. Torkar, M. Dober{ek, I. Nagli~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 Steel refining in a vacuum unit with chemical boosting Rafinacija jekla v vakuumski napravi z vpihovanjem legirnih dodatkov Z. Adolf, M. Dostál, Z. [ána . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Historical survey of iron and steel production in Bosnia and Herzegovina Zgodovinski pregled proizvodnje `eleza in jekla v Bosni in Hercegovini S. Muhamedagi}, M. Oru~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 17. MEDNARODNA KONFERENCA O MATERIALIH IN TEHNOLOGIJAH, 16. – 18. november, 2009, Portoro`, Slovenija 17th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY, 16–18 November, 2009, Portoro`, Slovenia . . . . . 175 ISSN 1580-2949 UDK 669+666+678+53 MTAEC9, 43(4)177–229(2009) MATER. TEHNOL. LETNIK VOLUME 43 [TEV. NO. 4 STR. P. 177–229 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIJA JULY–AUG. 2009 J. VOJVODI^ TUMA ET AL.: THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF TWO-PHASE Fe-NiCrMo ALLOYS ... THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF TWO-PHASE Fe-NiCrMo ALLOYS AT ROOM TEMPERATURE AND 290 °C AFTER AGEING IN THE TEMPERATURE RANGE 290–350 °C MEHANSKE LASTNOSTI DVOFAZNIH ZLITIN Fe-NiCrMo PRI SOBNI TEMPERATURI IN PRI 290 °C PO STARANJU V RAZPONU TEMPERATURE 290 °C DO 350 °C Jelena Vojvodi~ Tuma, Borivoj [u{tar{i~, Roman Celin, Franc Vodopivec Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia jelena.tumaimt.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2009-02-19; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2009-03-09 Fe-NiCrMo alloys were aged for up to 17 520 h in the temperature range 290-350 °C to achieve the spinodal decomposition of δ-ferrite. The tensile properties and the Charpy notch toughness were determined at room temperature and at 290 °C. The ageing affected the tensile properties only a little, but decreased very strongly the notch toughness and to a greater extent the content of α-ferrite. The tensile properties were lower at 290 °C than at room temperature and the difference was virtually independent of the content of ferrite. The notch toughness was significantly higher at 290 °C, and the difference amounted to three times the lowest toughness of the aged alloy with the maximum content of δ-ferrite. The different effects of ageing are explained in terms of the ferrite microhardness, the strain hardening of the austenite and the mechanisms of deformation and fracturing. Key words: Fe-NiCrMo alloys, microstructure, spinodal decomposition, tensile properties, notch toughness, testing temperature Zlitine Fe-NiCrMo so bile starane do 17 520 h pri temperaturah med 290 °C in 350 °C zaradi spinodalne razgradnje trdne raztopine v δ-feritu. Dolo~ene so bile raztr`ne lastnosti in zarezna `ilavost po Charpyju pri sobni temperaturi in pri 290 °C. Staranje malo vpliva na raztr`ne lastnosti, a mo~no zmanj{a zarezno `ilavost, in to tem bolj, ~im ve~ je v zlitini ferita in ~im bolj je napredoval spinodalen proces. Raztr`ne lastnosti so bile ni`je pri temperaturi 290 °C kot pri sobni temperaturi, razlika pa je bila prakti~no neodvisna od vsebnosti ferita in od stopnje spinodalnega procesa. Zarezna `ilavost je bila ve~ja pri 290 °C kot pri sobni temperaturi in razlika je bila trikratna pri najni`ji izmerjeni `ilavosti starane zlitine z najve~ ferita. Razli~en vpliv staranja na lastnosti je razlo`en z upo{tevanjem trdote δ-ferita, deformacijske utrditve avstenita ter mehanizmov plasti~ne deformacije in preloma. Klju~ne besede: zlitine Fe-NiCrMo, spinodalni razpad, raztr`ne lastnosti, zarezna `ilavost, temperatura preizkusa 1 INTRODUCTION In alloys with a high content of chromium the solid solution of chromium and nickel or cobalt in α-iron is not stable. In the temperature range up to approximately 750 °C the solid solution is decomposed with a spinodal process into two constituents: one enriched in chromium and the other in nickel or cobalt1. Both phases retain the initial α-iron lattice but have a different lattice parameter that depends on the composition of the solid solution. The lattices of both phases accommodate with elastic internal stresses that increase the hardness and brittle- ness, and after magnetisation give the alloy hard-magne- tic properties2. The kinetics of decomposition depends on the diffusional transport of atoms in a substitutional solid solution. The rate of diffusion depends strongly on the temperature and it is very slow in the temperature range in which alloys of this type are operating in nuclear power plants. In the same conditions of tempe- rature and time, the solid solution in austenite is stable; it may change only with the precipitation of carbides if the content of carbon is above the solubility limit that depends on the temperature. At higher temperatures the spinodal decomposition is replaced by the formation of σ phases that also decrease the mechanical properties at room temperature3. In the process of spinodal decom- position, the properties of alloys with a two-phase microstructure of austenite and δ-ferrite are changed, depending on the volume share of ferrite and the extent of the decomposition, respectively, and the difference in the chemical composition and the lattice parameters between both spinodal constituents. In some nuclear power plants essential parts of the equipment are manufactured from Fe-Ni-Cr-Mo alloys and may have, depending of the chemical content of alloying elements and impurities as well as the eventual thermal history, a different content of δ-ferrite formed with equilibrium or non-equilibrium solidification. The operation temperature of nuclear power plants is rela- tively low, in many plants it is around 300 °C, and the process of spinodal decomposition is very slow, as is the rate of change of the properties. For this reason, in this work the ageing was performed at a relatively low temperature and for a time that should suffice for a Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 179–187 179 UDK 669.01:620.18:539.42 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 43(4)179(2009) reliable evaluation of the kinetics and mechanisms of the changes of the properties of built-in alloys. In the investigation of the instability of the properties of Fe-Ni-Cr-Mo alloys with a two-phase microstructure4 it was established that the change of properties was greater for an alloy with 14.5 % of δ-ferrite than for an alloy with 8.5 % of δ-ferrite when ageing in the tempera- ture range 300–400 °C, while at higher temperatures the ageing effect was smaller. In5 these findings we con- firmed and found that the content of δ-ferrite determined from the Schaeffler diagram was unreliable and that its distribution in as-cast alloys is inhomogeneous and can vary in the range 1.5 to 22.5 for the same cast piece. The ageing effect on Charpy toughness was very strong in temperature range 303 °C to 325 °C and the initial toughness was achieved again after annealing at 550 °C. Of several processes that could affect the alloys’ pro- perties, the main embrittlement process is the spinodal decomposition6. A correlation was developed7 for the assessment of the thermal embritlement and the prediction of changes in the fracture and Charpy and tensile properties of as-cast two-phase alloys. The use of small specimens for the investigation of in-service-aged elbows gives reliable values for the J-a results in conditions where strongly deviating specimens are rejected8. The low-cycle fatigue increases rapidly with the increase of the ageing time9. An essential difference in the properties obtained at room temperature and at 300 °C for aged alloys with a different content of δ-ferrite is observed in ref. 10. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK Three alloys with the compositions in Table 1 were prepared by melting in a laboratory induction furnace from the same raw materials and cast into square ingots of 100 mm thickness. The average contents of δ ferrite were 2 %, 11 % and 27 %. In the two alloys with lower contents of ferrite, this phase was formed mostly during the solidification of grain boundaries, forming a network that was more closed with a higher content of ferrite (Figure 1 and 2). It is concluded that δ-ferrite solidified from the residual melt, enriched in elements that improve the stability of ferrite in the equilibrium binary and ternary systems. In the alloy with the highest content of ferrite the microstructure is explained by the start of solidification with the formation of ferrite and the subsequent solidification with the formation of austenite in a peritectic reaction between the solid ferrite phase and the melt enriched in elements stabilising the γ-phase (Figure 3). All the alloys were assumed to be suited for the investigation because in all these the δ-ferrite constituent of the microstructure were embedded in austenite. All the alloys were aged for a time up 4 320 h for the tensile tests and up to 17 520 h for the Charpy notch tests and hardness at three temperatures: 290 °C, 320 °C and J. VOJVODI^ TUMA ET AL.: THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF TWO-PHASE Fe-NiCrMo ALLOYS ... 180 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 179–187 Figure 1: Microstructure of the alloy with 2 % of δ-ferrite Slika 1: Mikrostruktura zlitine z 2 % δ-ferita Figure 2: Microstructure of the alloy with 11 % of δ-ferrite Slika 2: Mikrostruktura zlitine z 11 % δ-ferita Figure 3: Microstructure of the alloy with 27 % of δ-ferrite Slika 3: Mikrostruktura zlitine s 27 % δ-ferita 350 °C. It was assumed that the rate of spinodal decom- position depended on the exchange of atoms between both phases with volume diffusion. The diffusion rate is about 3 times greater at 350 °C than at 290 °C. It was thus expected that the ratio of the rates of spinodal decomposition was equal and that after 17 520 h of ageing at 350 °C the decomposition of the solid solution would be achieved at 290 °C, after a much longer ageing time at 290 °C. This assumption does not imply that the effect of ageing on properties is equal for both tempera- tures. The answer to these questions, observations of spinodal constituents with transmission electron micro- scopy would be necessary. Tensile properties and Charpy notch toughness of aged specimens were determined at room temperature and at 290 °C, operating temperature of parts in a nuclear power plant. The hardness and microhardness were determined only at room temperature. Austenite does not fracture with cleavage, thus according to8, the very wide spread of Charpy results were rejected as a result of the local, greatly increased content of ferrite in the specimen with a small section. Most of the specimens strongly deviating from the parallels and clearly deviating in the curve depicting the effect of ageing time were found for the Charpy specimens. Table 1: Chemical composition of the examined alloys Tabela 1: Kemi~na sestava zlitin Alloy Elements, w/% C Si Mn P S Ni Cu Mo I 0.06 0.43 1.59 0.03 0.01 11.9 18 1.84 II 0.07 0.67 1.04 0.03 0.01 11 21.7 2.03 II 0.06 1.68 0.67 0.03 0.01 9 20.8 2.46 3 HARDNESS AND MICROHARDNESS The ageing time at 350 °C does not affect the hard- ness of the alloy with 2 % of δ-ferrite; only very slightly does it affect the hardness of the 11 % ferrite alloy, and slightly the hardness of the 27 % ferrite alloy (Figure 4). At a lower ageing temperature the changes of hardness were also small for the 27 % ferrite alloy. The ageing time does not affect the austenite microhardness and increases the microhardness of the ferrite (Figure 5). The increase is larger and faster for the ageing tempe- rature of 350 °C. For this alloy, the initial microhardness of the ferrite was increased by 82 % after 4 320 h of ageing, doubled after 8 760 h and increased by 2.2 times after 17 520 h of ageing. The chemical composition of the δ-ferrite is similar in all the alloys. It can thus be assumed that the hardness of this phase increased with the ageing time in a similar way also for the alloys with a lower content of α-ferrite. The minor share of ferrite in the alloys explains why the ageing affected the alloys’ hardness to a much smaller extent than the micro- hardness of the ferrite. 4 TENSILE PROPERTIES In Figures 6, 7 and 8 the effect of ageing time is shown for the yield stress at room temperature and at 290 °C. In the 2 % ferrite alloy, the yield stress at room temperature is slightly decreased during the ageing at all three tested temperatures. For the alloy with 11 % of ferrite a similar yield-stress decrease is found for the ageing temperatures of 290 °C and 320 °C, while when ageing at 350 °C the yield stress is slightly increased. For the alloy with 27 % of ferrite the yield stress is increased at all ageing temperatures. Compared to the increase of the ferrite microhardness, which amounts to 82 % after 4 320 h of ageing, the increase of the yield stress is much lower; it amounts to only approximately 4 %. It is assumed that the small decrease of the yield stress is due to the relaxation of the cooling stresses in both low-amount ferrite alloys. At 290 °C the yield stress is lower for all alloys than at room temperature, and the effect of the ageing time is J. VOJVODI^ TUMA ET AL.: THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF TWO-PHASE Fe-NiCrMo ALLOYS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 179–187 181 Figure 5: Microhardness of δ-ferrite and austenite in the 27 % ferrite alloy and the dependence on the ageing time at 350 °C Slika 5: Mikrotrdota δ-ferita in avstenita v zlitini s 27 % ferita v odvisnosti od ~asa staranja pri 350 °C Figure 4: Hardness of all three alloys with the dependence on the ageing time Slika 4: Trdota vseh treh zlitin v odvisnosti od ~asa staranja similar for the alloy 1. The yield stress is not affected by the ageing for the alloy with 11 % of ferrite. It is constant for the alloy with 27 % of ferrite during ageing at 290 °C, slightly increased during ageing at 320 °C, and increased a great deal at both test temperatures after ageing at 350 °C. Ageing at 290 °C and 320 °C has no effect on the tensile strength at room temperature and at 290 °C for the 2 % and 11 % ferrites (Figure 9, 10 and 11). For the alloys with 11 % and 27 % ferrite the tensile strength is increased only at room temperature. At both higher ageing temperatures the tensile strength increases with the ageing. The increase is greater at 350 °C, when the strength at room temperature and at 290 °C, compared to the initial value it is higher by 12 % and 10 %, respectively. Again the increase of the tensile strength is much smaller than the increase of the ferrite hardness. The elongation is very slightly affected by the ageing of all alloys at 290 °C and 320 °C, while after ageing at 350 °C it is lower due to the higher content of ferrite (Table 2). It is not affected significantly by the ageing time and temperature at both testing temperatures and for all the alloys it is lower during testing at 290 °C. For all the alloys the reduction of the area is virtually unaffected by the content of ferrite and the ageing time at 290 °C and 320 °C. At room temperature it is virtually equal for all the alloys and ageing conditions (Table 3). For all the alloys it is significantly lower at 290 °C and J. VOJVODI^ TUMA ET AL.: THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF TWO-PHASE Fe-NiCrMo ALLOYS ... 182 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 179–187 Figure 8: Effect of ageing time at 350 °C on the yield stress at room temperature and at 290 °C for all alloys Slika 8: Vpliv trajanja staranja pri 350 °C na mejo plasti~nosti vseh zlitin pri sobni temperaturi in pri 290 °C Figure 6: Effect of ageing time at 290 °C on the yield stress for all alloys at room temperature and at 290 °C Slika 6: Vpliv trajanja staranja pri 290 °C na mejo plasti~nosti vseh zlitin pri sobni temperaturi in pri 290 °C Figure 9: Effect of ageing time at 290 °C on the tensile strength of all alloys at room temperature and at 290 °C Slika 9: Vpliv ~asa staranja pri 290 oC na raztr`no trdnost vseh zlitin pri sobni temperaturi in pri 290 °C Figure 7: Effect of ageing time at 320 °C on the yield stress for all alloys at room temperature and at 290 °C Slika 7: Vpliv trajanja staranja pri 320 °C na mejo plasti~nosti vseh zlitin pri sobni temperaturi in pri 290 °C J. VOJVODI^ TUMA ET AL.: THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF TWO-PHASE Fe-NiCrMo ALLOYS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 179–187 183 Figure 11: Effect of ageing time at 350 °C on the tensile strength at room temperature and at 290 °C for all alloys Slika 11: Vpliv ~asa staranja pri 350 °C na raztr`no trdnost vseh zlitin pri sobni temperaturi in pri 290 °C Table 2: Effect of ageing time at 350 °C on the elongation at room temperature and at 290 °C Tabela 2: Vpliv ~asa staranja na raztezek pri sobni temperaturi in pri 290 °C δ-ferrite (w/%) 2 11 27 Ageing time Test temperature 22 °C 290 °C 22 °C 290 °C 22 °C 290 °C 0 h 51 35 45 36 40 28 24 h 54 39 46 40 37 30 168 h 54 34 52 36 37 28 720 h 48 38 48 36 37 27 4320 h 51 34 44 33 33 26 Figure 10: Effect of ageing time at 320 °C on the tensile strength at room temperature and at 290 °C for all alloys Slika 10: Vpliv ~asa staranja pri 320 °C na raztr`no trdnost vseh zlitin pri sobni temperaturi in pri 290 °C Table 3: Effect of ageing time at 350 °C on the reduction of area at room temperature and at 290 °C Tabela 3: Vpliv ~asa staranja na kontrakcijo pri sobni temperaturi in pri 290 °C δ-ferrite (w/%) 2 11 27 Ageing time Test temperature 22 °C 290 °C 22 °C 290 °C 22 °C 290 °C 0 h 64 61 68 62 64 47 24 h 68 58 62 58 68 51 168 h 67 56 63 58 67 50 720 h 68 56 61 60 64 50 4320 h 66 50 60 56 60 46 Table 4: Yield stress reported for the 2 % ferrite alloy at room tem- perature and 290 °C; ageing temperature 350 °C Tabela 4: Razmerje proti meji plasti~nosti zlitine z 2 % ferita pri sobni temperaturi in pri 290 °C; temperatura staranja 350 °C δ-ferrite (w/%) 2 11 27 Ageing time Test temperature 22 °C 290 °C 22 °C 290 °C 22 °C 290 °C 0 h 1 1 1.14 1.24 1.52 1.71 24 h 0.94 0.96 1.18 1.24 1.52 1.68 168 h 0.95 0.98 1.15 1.29 1.55 1.74 720 h 0.91 0.92 1.19 1.19 1.57 1.70 4320 h 0.92 0.89 1.18 1.22 1.59 1.79 Table 5: Tensile strength reported for the 2 % ferrite alloy at room temperature and 290 °C; ageing temperature 350 °C Tabela 5: Razmerje proti raztr`ni trdnosti zlitine z 2 % ferita pri sobni temperaturi in pri 290 °C; temperatura staranja 350 °C δ-ferrite (w/%) 2 11 27 Ageing time Test temperature 22 °C 290 °C 22 °C 290 °C 22 °C 290 °C 0 h 1 1 1.15 1.19 1.41 1.49 24 h 1.0 1.05 1.15 1.18 1.43 1.52 168 h 1.0 1.01 1.16 1.28 1.47 1.55 720 h 1.0 1.01 1.18 1.28 1.51 1.53 4320 h 1.0 1.04 1.22 1.27 1.58 1.59 Table 6: Elongation for the 11 % and 27 % ferrite alloys reported for the 2 % ferrite alloy at room temperature and 290 °C; ageing tempe- rature 350 °C Tabela 6: Razmerje proti razteznosti zlitine z 2 % ferita pri sobni tem- peraturi in pri 290 °C; temperatura staranja 350 °C δ-ferrite (w/%) 2 11 27 Ageing time Test temperature 22 °C 290 °C 22 °C 290 °C 22 °C 290 °C 0 h 1 1 0.88 1.02 0.78 0.80 24 h 0.98 1.11 0.90 1.03 0.72 0.85 168 h 0.89 0.97 1.05 1.0 0.72 0.80 720 h 0.87 1.08 1.02 1.0 0.74 0.77 4320 h 0.94 0.97 0.97 0.94 0.66 0.74 all ageing conditions and diminished the most after the ageing of the 27 % ferrite alloy at 350 °C. The effect of the content of ferrite and ageing time on the change of the yield stress and the tensile strength at both testing temperatures after different ageing times at 350 °C is shown in Tables 4 and 5. Both properties are higher with an increased content of ferrite and are increased slightly more when testing at 290 °C than at room temperature. The data in Tables 6 and 7 show that the initial elongation is less with a higher content of ferrite. For the 2 % and 11 % ferrite alloys the elongation is not affected by the ageing time at both testing temperatures, while it is slightly decreased with longer ageing. For the 27 % ferrite alloy the elongation is slightly greater when testing at 290 °C. The scatter of the test results was great for the reduction of area and, for this reason, the effect of ageing time at 350 °C is not clear; it is, however, very small. During testing at 290 °C the difference in the properties is greater. The yield stress and the tensile properties of the non-aged and aged alloys increase with the content of ferrite in a non-linear dependence, which is similar for the yield stress and the tensile strength. 5 NOTCH TOUGHNESS In Figures 12, 13 and 14 the effect of time for different ageing temperatures on the Charpy notch toughness is shown for both testing temperatures and the 2 %, 11 % and 27 % δ-ferrite alloys. With 2 % of ferrite and ageing at 290 °C and 320 °C the notch toughness starts to decrease gradually with an intermediate ageing time, and it is decreased to a value of about 80 % of the initial level after the longest ageing time of 17 520 h (2 years). With ageing at 350 °C the notch toughness drops after ageing for approximately 4 320 h when testing at room temperature and 290 °C to approximately 2/3 of the initial value. In all cases the notch toughness is higher when testing at 290 °C than at room temperature. The difference is about 30 J (16 %) for all the tested specimens. The effect of ageing is stronger for the 11 % ferrite alloy. At room temperature the notch toughness starts to J. VOJVODI^ TUMA ET AL.: THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF TWO-PHASE Fe-NiCrMo ALLOYS ... 184 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 179–187 Table 7: Reduction of area for the 11 % and 27 % ferrite alloys reported for the 2 % ferrite alloy at room temperature and 290 °C; ageing temperature 350 °C Tabela 7: Razmerje proti kontrakciji zlitine z 2 % ferita pri sobni temperaturi in pri 290 °C; temperatura staranja 350 °C δ-ferrite (w/%) 2 11 27 Ageing time Test temperature 22 °C 290 °C 22 °C 290 °C 22 °C 290 °C 0 h 1 1 1.06 1.01 1.0 0.87 24 h 1.06 0.95 0.97 0.85 1.06 0.84 168 h 1.05 0.92 0.98 0.95 1.05 0.82 720 h 1.06 1.0 0.95 0.98 1.0 0.92 4320 h 1.03 0.82 0.94 0.92 0.94 0.81 Figure 14: Alloy with 27 % of δ-ferrite. Effect of the ageing time at different ageing temperatures on the notch toughness at room temperature and at 290 °C10. Slika 14: Zlitina s 27 % δ-ferita. Vpliv trajanja staranja pri razli~nih temperaturah na zarezno `ilavost pri sobni temperaturi in pri 290 °C Figure 13: Alloy with 11 % of δ-ferrite. Effect of the ageing time at different ageing temperature on the notch toughness at room temperature and at 290 °C10 Slika 13: Zlitina z 11 % δ-ferita. Vpliv trajanja staranja pri razli~nih temperaturah na zarezno `ilavost pri sobni temperaturi in pri 290 °C Figure 12: Alloy with 2 % of δ-ferrite. Effect of the ageing time at different ageing temperatures on the notch toughness at room temperature and at 290 °C10 Slika 12: Zlitina z 2 % δ-ferita. Vpliv trajanja staranja pri razli~nih temperaturah na zarezno `ilavost pri sobni temperaturi in pri 290 °C decrease already after 168 h of ageing at 350 °C and 720 h at 290 °C. With longer annealing the notch toughness decreases faster, to approximately 35 J, thus to 30 % of the initial value. At the test temperature of 290 °C the notch toughness is higher by 30 J to 40 J (approximately 25 %) than at room temperature. The effect of ageing time is similar; it is, however, smaller and the minimum test value of 80 J is 2.3 times greater at 290 °C than at room temperature after the same ageing. The initial notch toughness is similar for the alloys with 27 % and 11 % ferrite; however, the effect of ageing is enhanced for the 27 % ferrite alloy. The toughness starts to decrease after a similar ageing time as for the 11 % ferrite alloy; however, it decreases faster by increasing the ageing time, since by ageing at 350 °C the level of 35 J (approximately 1/3 of the initial value) is achieved already after 720 h and the toughness of approximately 20 J already after 4 320 h of ageing at 350 °C, and this remains unchanged also after the longest ageing time of 17 520 h. At the lower ageing tempe- rature of 320 °C the decrease in the notch toughness is slower and then the final value of 33 J (32 % of the initial value) is achieved after 8760 h of ageing. During ageing at 290 °C the rate of decrease of the toughness is slower and the minimum value is approximately three times higher than for the 27 % ferrite alloy after the same ageing time at 350 °C. For the 27 % ferrite alloy the notch toughness is higher when testing at 290 °C by about 25 J, and the minimum value after the longest ageing time at 350 °C is approximately three times greater than when testing at room temperature. The effect of the ageing temperature is similar as at room temperature; however, the differences after the longest annealing are smaller than those at room temperature. An easier comparison of the effects of the content of ferrite and ageing temperature is possible from the relative values in Table 8. The data show that the effects of the content of ferrite and ageing temperature are much greater for the notch toughness than for the tensile properties. The notch toughness at room temperature is lower for all the alloys after the longest ageing at 290 °C; however, the decrease is stronger and virtually equal for the 11 % and 27 % ferrite alloys. A similar extent of notch-toughness lowering is found for the 2 % ferrite alloy after ageing at 320 °C, whereas it is much stronger and again virtually equal for the 11 % and 27 % ferrite alloys. After ageing at 350 °C the notch toughness is slightly diminished for the 2 % ferrite alloy, while it is diminished more for the 11 % ferrite alloy and even more for the 27 % ferrite alloy. In all cases the decrease of the notch toughness is lower when testing at 290 °C than at room temperature. 6 ANALYSIS OF THE EXPERIMENTAL FINDINGS The effect of ageing temperature and time is explained by the extent of the completion of the spinodal decomposition of the solid solution in the δ-ferrite. For the tensile properties, the change is relatively small and, when detected, it increases continuously with the ageing time and it is greater with a higher ageing temperature. The Charpy notch toughness is decreased slowly in the first period and very fast after the level of the hardness of ferrite was achieved. The ageing time of the initial rapid decrease of the notch toughness is shorter with a higher ageing temperature. The lowest toughness was achieved at an ageing temperature of 350 °C. The hard- ness of the ferrite increased continuously at all the ageing temperatures and more rapidly at the higher temperature, and it was not finished even after the longest applied ageing at 350 °C, when the initial hardness was increased by 2.2 times. Thus, the increase of the ferrite hardness affects differently the tensile properties and the notch toughness. It is assumed that the explanation is in the differences of the behaviour of the ferrite inserts by the axial deformation and the localised flexion deformation. With the axial deformation the aged ferrite inserts start to deform plastically at a sufficient level of strain hardening of the austenite, inducing only small changes in the elongation and a reduction of the area for different contents and microhardnesses of the aged ferrite and the different width of the austenite ligaments. For this reason, up to a microhardness of ferrite of HV 537 obtained after ageing for 4 320 h at 350 °C, the fracture surface of the tensile specimens is entirely ductile and dimpled, confirming that the ferrite and the austenite matrix are fractured after the cold deformation in the ductile mode. The explanation of the initial slow decrease of the notch toughness is probably the same, while the phase of the rapid decrease of notch the toughness begins when the aged ferrite starts to fracture with clevage2. The difference in the behaviour of the ferrite of the same J. VOJVODI^ TUMA ET AL.: THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF TWO-PHASE Fe-NiCrMo ALLOYS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 179–187 185 Table 8: Charpy notch toughness for all the alloys reported for the 2 % ferrite alloy at room temperature and 290 °C; ageing temperature 350 °C Tabela 8: Razmerje proti zarezni `ilavosti zlitine z 2 % ferita pri sobni temperaturi in pri 290 °C; temperatura staranja 350 °C δ-ferrite (w/%) 2 11 27 Ageing time Test temperature 22 °C 290 °C 22 °C 290 °C 22 °C 290 °C Ageing temperature 290 °C 0 h 1 1 0.76 0.82 0.80 0.80 17 520 h 0.61 0.79 0.39 0.66 0.37 0.62 Ageing temperature 320 °C 0 h 0.96 1.03 0.75 0.78 0.69 0.73 17 520 h 0.58 0.82 0.22 0.60 0.21 0.50 Ageing temperature 350 °C 0 h 0.94 0.97 0.70 0.78 0.69 0.73 17 520 h 0.53 0.77 0.21 0.43 0.13 0.38 hardness with the flexion tests of the notched specimens is related to the difference in the mechanism and the rate of deformation and fracture. The deformation and fracturing of the Charpy specimens in the ductile range occurs in approximately 10–2 s, while the tensile test time is several orders of magnitude longer. The presence of the notch limits the volume of the plastic deformation and from the moment of the crack propagation from the notch the plastic deformation is limited to a layer of metal with a thickness of less than 50 µm on both sides of the crack lips11, while the width of the plastic deformation in the phase of the increase of the reduction of the area of tensile specimens is much greater. The rapid plastic deformation with the Charpy test generates adiabatic heating of the deformed metal. For this reason, with the Charpy fracturing the temperature in the layer of the plastic deformation at the crack tip and both sides of the crack is increased, the more this happens the greater is the extent of plastic deformation in structural steels, even by several hundreds of °C11. These differen- ces make the comparison of tensile and Charpy tough- ness values unreliable for the same alloy. It is assumed that with localised plastic deformation the much stronger effect of ageing on the notch tough- ness than on the tensile properties may be explained by assuming that the ferrite with the hardness above a determined level started to fracture with cleavage ahead of the tip of the propagating crack. Ferrite inserts with very narrow cracks would also increase the local stress concentration and generate crack initials in austenite ligaments ahead of the tip of the propagating crack. Most of the energy consumed for the brittle fracturing of structural steels is consumed for the elastic deformation that generates the stress concentration necessary to start the cleavage of ferrite at the notch tip11. With ductile fracturing of structural steels, 6 J to 7 J of energy is consumed for the elastic deformation before the plastic deformation is initiated. Generally, for the cleavage fracturing of structural steels below the brittle-fracture threshold, a similar energy is consumed. The content of δ-ferrite in the alloy with the lowest Charpy notch toughness of 20 J was 27 %. Assuming that the energy consumed for the fracturing of ferrite is proportional to its content in the alloy, it can be deduced that at the lowest level of Charpy toughens of 20 J, only approximately (8 × 0.27) = 2.1 J are consumed for the fracture of the aged ferrite. Thus, with a level of 20 J, approximately 10 % of the energy is consumed for fracturing the aged ferrite and 90 % for fracturing the austenite ligaments. The total content and shape of the ferrite inserts could modify significantly the energy deduced for the Charpy cleavage of the ferrite. It can be reliably concluded that in reality the energy consumed for the cleavage of the ferrite could be only lower than the deduced value, while it is reliable to assume that the formation of the initial crack in the austenite ahead the fracture tip would also decrease the energy consumed for the fracture of the austenite. Generally, it is found for low carbon iron alloys that by increasing the test temperature up to a level depend- ing on the chemical composition and microstructure, the yield stress and the tensile strength are decreased and the elongation and the reduction of the area remain constant or are even slightly increased. Logically, the yield stress and the tensile strength are lower at 290 °C. However, a smaller elongation and a reduction of the area are found independently of the content and the microhardness of ferrite. The conclusion is that the lower tensile properties at 290 °C than at room temperature are very probably due to the lower intensity of the strain hardening by the axial tensile deformation at higher temperatures. The same explanation could also be applied for the greater Charpy notch toughness at 290 °C, since, it was found that the volume of plastic deformation before the crack is started at the notch tip is greater with lower strain hardening, while the energy spent in the crack propa- gation is virtually identical in both cases11. 7 CONCLUSIONS The following conclusions are suggested on the basis of the experimental findings and their explanation: • the effect of the content of ferrite on the properties of non-aged two-phase Fe-Ni-Cr-Mo alloys is explained by the differences in the chemical composition and the linear grain size; • the ageing affects the properties more with an advanced process of spinodal decomposition of the δ-ferrite. For this reason, the properties are changed more after equal ageing times at 350 °C than at 290 °C; • the effect of ageing is relatively small for tensile properties. It is much greater for the Charpy tough- ness, which is diminished down to approximately 1/5 of the initial value after the longest ageing at the highest applied temperature; • the tensile properties are lower at 290 °C than at room temperature, independent of the content of ferrite and the ageing. In contrast, the notch tough- ness is higher at 290 °C than at room temperature for all the ferrite contents and ageing temperatures; • the difference in the properties at room temperature and 290 °C is explained in terms of the hardness of the ferrite, the strain hardening of the austenite and the difference in the mechanisms of plastic defor- mation and fracture propagation by the axial tensile test and the Charpy notch flexion test. The authors are indebted to the Slovenian Research Agency and NPP Kr{ko for their financial support of the project, to Mr. B. Breskvar for the preparation of alloys, Mr. D. Kmeti~ for the thermal treatments and Mr. B. Arzen{ek for the mechanical tests. J. VOJVODI^ TUMA ET AL.: THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF TWO-PHASE Fe-NiCrMo ALLOYS ... 186 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 179–187 8 REFERENCES 1 F. Vodopivec, M. Pristavec, J. @vokelj, D. Gnidovec, F. Gre{ovnik: Zaitschrift für Metallkunde 79 (1988), 648–653 2 F. Vodopivec, D. Gnidovec, B. Arzen{ek, M. Torkar, B. Breskvar: @elezarski Zbornik 23 (1989), 73–78 3 F. Tehovnik, Izlo~anje -faze v avstenitnih nerjavnih jeklih, Mate- riali in tehnologije, will be printed 4 G. Slama, P. Petrequin, T. Mager: Assuring structural integrity of steel reactor pressure boundary components: SMIRT post-conference seminar, 1983, Monterey, USA, 211 5 C. 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PAULIN ET AL.: MECHANISMS OF HF BONDING IN DRY SCRUBBER IN ALUMINIUM ELECTROLYSIS MECHANISMS OF HF BONDING IN DRY SCRUBBER IN ALUMINIUM ELECTROLYSIS MEHANIZMI VEZAVE HF V ^ISTILNEM SISTEMU PRI ELEKTROLIZI ALUMINIJA Irena Paulin1,2, ^rtomir Donik2, Monika Jenko2 1 TALUM, d. d., Kidri~evo, Tovarni{ka cesta 10, 2325 Kidri~evo, Slovenia 2 Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia irena.paulinimt.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2009-04-21; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2009-05-26 Modern dry scrubbers in electrolytic winning of aluminium operate with very high efficiency, typically above 99 %, and all but the fugitive fluoride losses are returned into electrolytic cell. The principle of purification of exhaust gases from electrolytic cells is adsorption of HF onto primary alumina in dry scrubber reactors, where gases from cells and flow of active (primary) alumina run into each other and react. It is very important how the reaction between gases and primary alumina takes place and which chemical mechanisms are taking part. Nevertheless, also industrial conditions are playing an important role in efficiency of the scrubbing reaction. In references on dealing with related systems there can be found that most research was made to improve dry scrubbing systems and their efficiency, but not much was done to explain chemical mechanisms of fluoride bonding on active alumina that is essential for the cleaning process of exhaust gases. Chemical and micro-chemical analyses enabled to determine the fraction of bonded fluoride on the surface and in the interior of the fluorinated alumina grains. Also the correlation between the most efficient fluoride bonding on active alumina and real industrial conditions was determined. Key words: chemical adsorption, HF-alumina interaction, fluoride bonding mechanism, EDS, dry scrubber Ve~ina ~istilnih naprav pri proizvodnji primarnega aluminija ima u~inkovitost ve~jo od 99 % in ves ujeti fluor se vra~a v proces elektrolize. ^i{~enje plinov HF iz elektroliznih celic deluje po principu vezave fluora na primarno glinico, ki se dozira v reaktor ~istilne naprave, skozi katero te~ejo plini. Zato je zelo pomembno, kako poteka vezava fluora na aktivno glinico in kak{ni so najugodnej{i pogoji za to. V prej{njih raziskavah je bilo veliko narejeno na podro~ju u~inkovitosti ~istilnih sistemov, mehanizmi vezave fluora na aktivno glinico pa {e niso bili podrobno raziskani. S kemijsko in EDS-analizo elementov smo ugotovili dele` vezanega fluora na povr{ini in v notranjosti zrn glinice. Poiskali smo povezavo med u~inkovitostjo mehanizma kemijske vezave fluora na aktivno glinico in industrijskimi pogoji, pri katerih poteka ~i{~enje plinov, ki nastajajo med procesom elektrolize. Klju~ne besede: kemijska adsorpcija, interakcija glinica-HF, mehanizmi vezave fluora, EDS, ~istilni sistem 1 INTRODUCTION Aluminium is one of the most important and widely used metals in industry and in everyday life in modern world, also. Pure aluminium is extracted by electrolysis of alumina (Al2O3) prepared from bauxite. Primary aluminium is extracted from alumina with electrolytic process according to the 2 Al2O3 + 3 C (graphite)  4 Al + 3 CO2 (g) reaction. The process, with additives of cryolite, AlF3, CaF2 etc. into electrolyte, proceeds at temperatures below 1000 °C and at constant DC, most frequently 180 kA to 190 kA. Electrolytic cells are connected in series in order to keep constant electrical current in all the cells according to the Ohm’s law. Like in all the other industries, the major driving force in the primary aluminium industry over the last 20 years has been to produce more metal of better quality at lower costs. But production of greater quantities of metal results in significant increase of emissions. Hence, aluminium industry has developed unique industrial emission control and recovery systems. Fluoride emissions of the highest concern during the electrolytic process are those related to cryolite, (Na3AlF6), chiolite, (Na5Al3F14), and atmolite, (NaAlF4) particulates, and to HF, CF4, and C2F6 gases1. The focus in this paper was directed to fluorides that were caught and bonded onto the alumina surface during the cleaning process. Minimizing the fluoride emission in aluminium electrolytic cells has many positive effects; reduction of local and global environmental impacts of the process, improved working environment as well as economic effects and advantages in cell operation. Efficiency of removal of fluorides from flue gases in modern dry scrubbing systems is now higher than 99 %, and fluoride emissions from smelters are typically close to 0.5 kg F/ton Al 2,3. Nevertheless, further reduction of fluoride losses through emissions can lead to chemically more stable electrolyte and the level of fugitive fluoride emissions (emissions through the pot-room roof) is thus reduced, too. Fugitive emissions are estimated to be 4–5 times higher than the stack ones3 of which up to 80 % may be represented by standard background emissions 4–6. In the past there have been some significant but limited studies on exact contributions of various sources Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 189–193 189 UDK 669.71:546.16:620.18 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 43(4)189(2009) to the total fluoride emissions from cells. 7,8 In 1963 Henry 7 measured the influence of a number of variables in 10 kA experimental aluminium reduction cells on particulate and gaseous emissions. In 1972 Grjotheim et al. 8 prepared a review of available data for careful assessment of contributions of important parameters. Mathematical models to predict total fluoride losses were based on these data. 9,10 Over 30 years of research brought to improved efficiency of existent cleaning systems and to an examination of fluoride bonding mechanism on active alumina in dry scrubbing reactors. Principle of the dry scrubbing system is simple. Scrubbers operate by direct extraction of flue gases from electrolytic cells into reactors where gases react with active alumina. At first, poisonous fluoride and HF are adsorbed from the gas mixture onto active alumina surface. Then gases with active alumina are transported through bag filters where solid sandy alumina with adsorbed gases is removed. The fluoride-enriched alumina is after filtration returned back into electrolytic process. Effectiveness of the cleaning process depends on details of the system and the process. Continuous sustaining "equal parts of alumina" in the process gas stream represents the opportunity of modern dry scrubbers to reduce fluoride emissions11. Most of dry methods essentially consist of adsorption and chemisorption of HF from flue gases coming from aluminium cells by active alumina. Research projects mainly deal with various technologies and their improvements, rarely with exact mechanisms how HF is actually bonded onto raw alumina. Dando13 made review of experiments that were performed from 1970 till now. However, it is well known that more than one mecha- nism of HF bonding onto primary alumina was proposed but none of existent hypotheses was undoubtedly confirmed with analyzing techniques, such as XRD, XPS, TGA, NMR etc., were used in various experiments and analyses. Primary focus in previous examinations of alumina – HF systems was directed to various types of alumina and their capacity for HF adsorption. The results of these studies have been used to propose mechanisms of HF adsorption on alumina. Two basic models emerged: 1) physical adsorption of HF on the alumina surface (hydroxyl groups bonded to surface and/or physi- sorbed by water) to form alternating layers of HF and H2O 14, or 2) direct chemisorption of HF at reactive sites on the alumina surface with formation of Na-F and/or Al-F species and with additional monolayer being physically adsorbed on top of chemisorbed layer 15. However, Wagener et. al. observed that alumina readily adsorbs HF under either hydrous or anhydrous conditions16. Some authors17,18 believe that certain num- ber of H2O molecules is needed to bind HF molecules to the surface of alumina. Others19 believe that an Al2O3·nHF type of compound is formed which is trans- formed into AlF3 when heated above 300 °C. Several research works have shown that both mechanisms took place depending on process conditions. However, Wagener et. al.16 concluded that H2O did not play an essential role in the alumina-HF interaction. HF was not only adsorbed physically, but it reacted with the exposed alumina surface to form an AlOF or Al(F,OH)3 type of compound. If a large excess of HF has passed over alumina also AlF3 was formed (and alumina particles became soft and friable). Our research represented a more theoretical analysis of chemical bonding reactions. There exist two possibilities for HF bonding on primary alumina. The first one is the Lewis acid-base complex and the other one is the theory of hydrogen bonding. Lewis theory claims that acid can take electron pair and base can donate it. Al3+ is by definition Lewis hard base and F- is Lewis hard acid. Due to their chemical properties they form together most stable complex. The other theory is the theory of hydrogen bonding. This theory was already well described in some papers14,20,21. Basically, it is a surface process where humidity is present. The reaction mechanism involves few steps: H2O adsorption forming an aqueous layer on the alumina surface; HF adsorption to acidify the surface water layer; dissolution of the alumina surface to form AlO2– and AlOH2–, and precipitation of AlFx(OH)3–x · nH2O. The overall adsorption rate is controlled by the rate of the surface chemical reactions rather than by transport of fluid phase, mass transfer, and intraparticle diffusion. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK Smelting grade alumina samples, both primary and reacted, were analyzed as-received from TALUM company, Kidri~evo. The reacted alumina was prepared in industrial conditions. Primary alumina passed through the dry scrubber system where HF from electrolytic cells was bonded in controlled reactor conditions to vapour- phase HF. The temperature in the dry scrubber system was about 90 °C (363 K). The flow rate of air sucked from electrolytic cells into dry scrubber system was of 500 000 m3/h and all the air passed through six reactors into which new (primary) alumina was dosed. Electron microscope was used to analyze bonding of fluoride onto primary alumina. Sandy alumina before and after the dry scrubbing was examined in scanning electron microscope (SEM – JEOL-JSM 6500F). There were made also micro-chemical analyses with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS Oxford Instruments INCA x-sight ENERGY 400). This technique is an analytical technique used for the analysis or of a sample, limited to detection of about 0.1 % of chemical elements and to 1–3 µm of analyzed volume, depending on analyzed materials. I. PAULIN ET AL.: MECHANISMS OF HF BONDING IN DRY SCRUBBER IN ALUMINIUM ELECTROLYSIS 190 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 189–193 Cross-section micro-chemical EDS analyses of fluorinated alumina grains were made with larger grains to find differences in fluoride concentrations on the surface and in the interior of grains. Alumina sample was prepared as metallographic sample with grinding and polishing. Chemical analyses of fluoride in the fluorinated alumina were made by standard Pechiney method with ion-selected electrode (Thermo ORION EA940, elec- trode: Thermo 9409 BM). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Alumina grains had large surface area because of their morphology (Figure 1). Larger was the surface more of vapour-phase HF could be bonded onto alumina in reactors, and less HF escaped into environment through the chimney after dry scrubbers. Some authors22 used TGA, XRD and NMR and proposed that fluorides were adsorbed onto alumina in at least 2 ways, i.e. as mobile and as rigid species. Though no real structures were identified, it was hypothetically proposed that adsorbed fluoride existed as surface- bonded species or as fluoride incorporated into the alumina structure network (Al-F-Al bonds), respectively. We have used EDS technique to analyze fluorinated alumina grain to find differences in fluoride concen- trations on the surface of alumina grain and in its interior. Figure 2 shows fluorinated alumina grain with a line of discrete spots analyzed with the EDS. Results of EDS analyses are presented in Figure 3. More fluoride was detected on the grain surface than in the interior. This indicated that adsorption as well as diffusion progressed from surface into interior. However, there was difference in intensity of fluoride bonding; greater amount of fluoride was found on the surface. Reduced oxygen content and increased fluoride content were determined on the grain surface. The ratio of elements detected with the EDS enabled to propose that AlF3 and Al2O3 were the most probable compounds on the grain surface. Alumina represented substratum on top of which aluminium fluoride was bonded. Results confirmed the theory of Lewis acid-base complex since by definition Lewis hard acid Al3+ and Lewis hard base F- most likely formed strong complex. Reaction: Al2O3 + 6 HF  2 AlF3 + 3 H2O took place on the surface of alumina grains. Less oxygen and more fluoride was present there (Figure 3). On the other hand, alumina content was constant through the whole grain cross section. However, the hydrogen bonding reaction was still taking place in the process. It depended on temperature in reactors that varied with the surrounding temperature and with the humidity level in reactors. Results of chemical analyses of fluoride in fluorinated alumina from dry scrubbers enabled to determine fluoride contents in different periods of year. In summer when the average day temperature of surrounding was between I. PAULIN ET AL.: MECHANISMS OF HF BONDING IN DRY SCRUBBER IN ALUMINIUM ELECTROLYSIS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 189–193 191 Figure 3: EDS discrete-point line analysis of fluorinated alumina Slika 3: Linijska analiza fluoriranega zrna glinice z EDS-tehniko Figure 1: SE image of grain of alumina Slika 1: Slika sekundarnih elektronov z vrsti~nim elektronskim mi- kroskopom zrna glinice Figure 2: SE image of EDS discrete-point line analysis of fluorinated alumina Slika 2: Slika sekundarnih elektronov z vrsti~nim elektronskim mi- kroskopom zrna glinice z ozna~enimi mesti linijske analize EDS fluoriranega zrna glinice 20 °C and 25 °C (month average; every-day temperature was measured at 2 p. m.) also temperature in reactors was higher, above 105 °C. In winter, temperature in reactors was only about 80 °C since the surrounding temperature was about 0 °C. When temperature in reactors was above the temperature of water evaporation more fluoride was bonded onto alumina. Thus in warmer months, from June to September, more fluoride was detected in the fluorinated alumina (Figure 4). In conditions when humidity was low more fluoride was bonded as AlF3 compound by the principle of Lewis acid-base complex. In colder months when the tempe- rature in reactors did not exceed 85 °C, more H2O was present and more fluoride was bonded by hydrogen bonding mechanism. However, relation between the humidity level and the fluoride bonding was obvious; higher temperature, less humidity, and more fluoride was loaded onto alumina. Molecules of water occupied the surface of alumina and thus less fluoride could be adsorbed. Mechanisms of possible bonding 13 of vapour-phase HF on new (primary) alumina are shown in Figure 5. One possibility was that fluoride was bonded directly on alumina (aluminium atoms) instead of on terminal hydroxyls (OH groups) (Figure 5 A). On the other hand, fluoride bridging to alumina by hydrogen bonding could exist too. The most efficient bonding of fluoride was achieved when fluoride was bonded as bridging fluoride and also as terminal fluoride (Figure 5 B). Small amounts of fluoride were detected with the EDS analytical technique also in the interior of grains. Continuous adsorption of fluoride, in excess of surface monolayers, took place with diffusion of surface bonded fluor into the alumina lattice to displace oxygen in bridging sites. This could also occur by direct continuous reaction of alumina with vapour-phase fluoride to displace the bridging oxygen, followed by continuous diffusion of fluoride into alumina surface. Growth of aluminium fluoride on surface impeded but did not stop the continuous diffusion of fluor into the alumina lattice that could cause alumina decay in reactors due to limited contact time inside the reactor. 4 CONCLUSIONS Comparison of data obtained in this study with observations collected from previously published examinations of related systems strongly supports findings on the dry scrubber reactor chemistry and retention of fluoride. Significant conclusions can be made from chemical microanalyses of alumina grains and relations between the fluoride bonding and industrial conditions depending on external conditions. Micro-chemical analyses confirmed the theory of fluoride bonding on the surface of alumina. A very small amount of fluoride was also found in the interior of grains, but diffusion gradient was not large since the layers of bonded fluoride on the surface have hindered penetration of fluor into the interior of grains. Important finding of this paper was the correlation between chemical reaction of vapour-phase HF and primary alumina in dry scrubber reactors and the industrial temperature conditions. In the warmer season when average daily temperature was 20 °C to 25 °C, temperature in reactors increased to over 100 °C and chemical analyses confirmed higher contents of fluoride on reacted alumina. Less fluoride was detected in periods when the average daily temperature was below 5 °C and temperatures in reactors were around 80 °C. This temperature difference influenced the fluoride adsorp- tion, because it was related to chemical reaction that took place on the surface of alumina grains. Less fluoride was bonded with hydrogen bridges and more of it was chemisorbed directly onto the surface as AlF3. 5 REFERENCES 1 M. M. Hyland, B. J. Welch, J. B. 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PAULIN ET AL.: MECHANISMS OF HF BONDING IN DRY SCRUBBER IN ALUMINIUM ELECTROLYSIS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 189–193 193 A. KOCIJAN ET AL.: THE CORROSION BEHAVIOUR OF DUPLEX STAINLESS STEEL ... THE CORROSION BEHAVIOUR OF DUPLEX STAINLESS STEEL IN CHLORIDE SOLUTIONS STUDIED BY XPS XPS RAZISKAVE KOROZIJSKEGA VEDENJA DUPLEKSNEGA NERJAVNEGA JEKLA V KLORIDNIH RAZTOPINAH Aleksandra Kocijan, ^rtomir Donik, Monika Jenko Institute of metals and technology, Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia aleksandra.kocijanimt.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2008-12-16; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2009-03-11 The evolution of the passive films formed on duplex stainless steel 2205 in a chloride solution was studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and their compositions were analysed as a function of depth. The passive films on the duplex stainless steel contained the oxides of the two main elements, i.e., Fe and Cr. The alloying elements were found to improve the corrosion resistance of duplex stainless steels; however, their content within the passive layer was negligible. A strong chromium enrichment was observed in the passive layers with increasing chloride concentration. The potentiodynamic measurements were used to determine the corrosion behaviour of duplex stainless steel under different concentrations of chloride solution. Keywords: duplex stainless steel, XPS, passive films Z rentgensko fotoelektronsko spektroskopijo (XPS) smo raziskovali nastanek pasivne plasti na povr{ini dupleksnega nerjavnega jekla 2205 v raztopini natrijevega klorida. Pasivna plast na povr{ini tega jekla je vsebovala oksida dveh glavnih elementov Fe in Cr. Legirni elementi pove~ajo korozijsko odpornost dupleksnih nerjavnih jekel, njihova vsebnost v pasivni plasti pa je zanemarljiva. Z ve~anjem koncentracije kloridnih ionov se je mo~no pove~ala vsebnost kroma v pasivni plasti. Klju~ne besede: dupleksno nerjavno jeklo, XPS, pasivne plasti 1 INTRODUCTION Duplex stainless steels (DSSs) with a ferrite/austenite volume ratio of about 1:1 have been recognized as good corrosion-resistant materials in various aqueous environ- ments 1. The high Cr content together with the high Mo and N contents gives rise to a high pitting-corrosion resistance in chloride solutions. The presence of an approximately 50 % volume of ferrite results in an increase in the strength, as compared with the austenitic stainless steels 2,3. It is generally known that DSS is also more resistant to stress corrosion cracking in chloride- containing solutions 4. Molybdenum increases the stability of the passive film and, therefore, the ability of the stainless steel to resist the localised corrosion, including pitting and crevice corrosion, particularly in environments containing chloride ions 4. Various spectroscopic techniques have been used to study the corrosion behaviour of duplex stainless steels. Souto et al. 5 studied the passivation and the resistance to pitting corrosion of duplex stainless steel in neutral and alkaline buffered solutions, with and without chloride ions. The presence of NaCl enhanced the metal’s electro- dissolution through the passive layer. The interpretation of the results was based on the presence of Cr and Ni in the alloy. Antony et al. 6 showed the aggressiveness of sulphate-reducing bacteria in a marine environment, which plays an important role in the corrosion of duplex stainless steel. The initiation of the attack was evident from SEM and AFM studies. In addition, ESCA studies revealed that under anaerobic conditions sulphidation of the passive film occurs. Abreu et al. 7 pointed out the stabilising effect of molybdenum on the surface of the passive film, enhancing the formation of a layer on duplex stainless steel with a higher Cr/Fe ratio. In the present work, 2205 duplex stainless steel was studied in various sodium chloride solutions. The com- position and the depth profiles of the oxide films formed on 2205 duplex stainless steel at various potentials were studied by XPS analysis. 2 EXPERIMENTAL Duplex 2205 stainless steel was investigated. Its composition was confirmed by analytical chemical methods, as shown in Table 1. The experiments were carried out in 0.9 %, 2 % and 3.5 % solutions of sodium chloride. All the chemicals were from Merck, Darmstadt, Germany. The test specimens were cut into discs of 15 mm diameter. The specimens were polished with SiC emery paper down to 1000 grit prior to the electroche- mical studies, and to 4000 grit prior to the XPS studies, and then rinsed with distilled water. The specimens were then embedded in a Teflon PAR holder and employed as the working electrode. The reference electrode was a Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 195–199 195 UDK 669.14.018.8:620.193:620.18 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 43(4)195(2009) saturated calomel electrode (SCE, 0.242 V vs. SHE) and the counter electrode was a high-purity graphite rod. Table 1: The composition of the 2205 duplex stainless steel (w/%) Tabela 1: Sestava dupleksnega nerjavnega jekla 2205 (w/%) Material Cr Ni Mn Si P S C Mo duplex 2205 22.74 5.74 1.37 0.38 0.032 0.001 0.03 2.57 The potentiodynamic measurements were recorded using an EG&G PAR PC-controlled potentiostat/galva- nostat Model 263 with M252 and Softcorr computer programs. The specimens were immersed in the solution 1 h prior to the measurement in order to stabilize the surface at the open-circuit potential. The potentio- dynamic curves were recorded, starting at 250 mV more negative than the open-circuit potential. The potential was then increased, using a scan rate of 1 mV s–1, until the transpassive region was reached. The passive layers on the alloy’s surface were formed under potentiostatic conditions for 1 hour at potentials of –0.2 V, 0.4 V, 0.8 V and 1.2 V vs. SCE. These potentials were chosen with reference to the characteristic features of the polarization curve (see Figure 1). After the electrochemical preparation, the specimens were rinsed with distilled water, dried and transferred to the analyzer chamber within an hour. The XPS measurements were performed using a VG Scientific Microlab 310F instrument, non-monochro- matized Mg Ka radiation (E = 1253.6 eV) and a hemi- spherical electron analyzer operating at a pass energy of 20 eV. The spectra were collected using Avantage 3.41V data-analysis software, supplied by the manufacturer. The thickness of the passive layer was determined by argon-ion sputtering for different time intervals. The reference sputtering rate was 0.01 nm/s, and this was calculated relative to Ta2O5 as the intensity of the oxygen signal decreased to a half 9. Sputter depth profiles were measured for the passive films formed at two selected potentials, –0.2 V and 1.2 V, in all three test solutions containing a different concentration of NaCl. After a background subtraction, according to Shirley 10, and processing with CasaXPS software developed by Fairley 11, the XPS signals were separated into the contributions from the different species. The spectra were evaluated using the parameters of standard peaks. Figure 2 presents examples of the deconvoluted spectra. To calculate the composition of the passive layer the peak areas were corrected with the corresponding photo-ionization cross-sections: σ (Fe 2p3/2) = 9.68, σ (Cr 2p3/2) = 6.90, σ (Mo 3d5/2) = 5.62, σ (Ni 2p3/2) = 13.04, and σ (O 1s) = 2.51 12, 13. 3 RESULTS Figure 1 shows the potentiodynamic curves for 2205 DSS in mass fractions 0.9 %, 2.0 % and 3.5 % of sodium chloride solutions. After 1 h of stabilization at the open-circuit potential, the corrosion potential (Ecorr) for the 2205 DSS in all three solutions was approximately –0.300 V. Following the Tafel region, the alloy exhibited passive behaviour. The extent of the passive range slightly decreased with the increasing chloride concen- tration. The passive range is limited by the breakdown potential (Eb), which corresponds to the oxidation of water and the transpassive oxidation of metal species. The breakdown potential for the 2205 DSS in a 0.9 % A. KOCIJAN ET AL.: THE CORROSION BEHAVIOUR OF DUPLEX STAINLESS STEEL ... 196 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 195–199 Figure2: Examples of fitted Cr 2p3/2, Fe 2p3/2, Ni 2p3/2 and Mo 3d XPS-spectra Slika 2: Primeri obdelanih Cr 2p3/2, Fe 2p3/2, Ni 2p3/2 and Mo 3d XPS-spektrov Figure 1: Polarisation curves recorded for the 2205 duplex stainless steel in chloride solutions with three different concentrations Slika 1: Polarizacijske krivulje dupleksnega nerjavnega jekla 2205 v raztopinah natrijevega klorida z razli~nimi koncentracijami chloride solution was approximately 1.10 V, and this moved towards more negative values with an increasing chloride concentration, i.e., to 1.03 V and 1.00 V, respectively. The XPS spectra were recorded after exposures at potentials of special interest, in close correlation to the polarization curves. The samples were oxidised at the selected potentials prior to the XPS measurements for 30 min. Figure 3 presents the cationic fractions of the passive layer after the oxidation of the 2205 DSS in the presence of three different chloride solutions. The bulk com- position of the alloy is indicated by the dotted lines, so that the relative enrichment and depletion of the particular elements are clearer. In all three solutions the fraction of Fe was less than that of the bulk con- centration, and this effect increased with the chloride concentration. The passive layer was Cr-enriched compared to the bulk concentration; the Cr concentration was somewhat higher at lower potentials and slightly decreased at higher anodic potentials. The concentration of the Ni was strongly reduced compared to the bulk concentration; that of the Mo was slightly increased at higher anodic potentials compared to the bulk concen- tration. This result suggests the preferential dissolution of Fe and Ni from the passive layer in the presence of chloride ions. Figures 4 and 5 show the composition depth profiles for the 2205 DSS after the oxidation at –0.2 V and 1.2 V in the presence of three different chloride solutions. The profiles present the relative concentrations of the A. KOCIJAN ET AL.: THE CORROSION BEHAVIOUR OF DUPLEX STAINLESS STEEL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 195–199 197 Figure 4: Depth profiles of the 2205 duplex stainless steel as a function of sputtering time after oxidation at –0.2 V in (a) 0.9 % NaCl, (b) 2 % NaCl and (c) 3.5 % NaCl Slika 4: Globinski profili dupleksnega nerjavnega jekla 2205 v odvisnosti od ~asa jedkanja po oksidaciji pri –0,2 V v (a) 0,9 % NaCl, (b) 2 % NaCl in (c) 3,5 % NaCl Figure 3: Cationic fractions of the passive layer on the 2205 duplex stainless steel in (a) 0.9 % NaCl, (b) 2 % NaCl and (c) 3.5 % NaCl as a function of the oxidation potential. The dashed lines denote the bulk values of the atomic fractions for Fe, Cr, Ni and Mo within the alloy. The oxidation time was 30 min. Slika 3: Kationske frakcije povr{ine pasivne plasti na dupleksnem nerjavnem jeklu 2205 v raztopinah natrijevega klorida z razli~nimi koncentracijami (a) 0,9 % NaCl, (b) 2 % NaCl and (c) 3,5 % NaCl v odvisnosti od potenciala oksidacije. ^rtkane ~rte prikazujejo vrednosti atomskih frakcij Fe, Cr, Ni in Mo v osnovnem materialu. ^as oksi- dacije je 30 min. metallic and oxidised species of a particular metal. After each sputtering step the composition of each oxide and metal species was plotted cumulatively along the ordinate, so that the total composition amounted to 100 %. The precise stoichiometry of the oxide cannot be determined due to ion-sputtering-induced effects, such as the reduction of the oxidation state 16,17. The films were seen to exhibit a gradual oxide-to-metal transition, with complete oxidation only at the outermost surface. Never- theless, the metallic parts of the individual components appeared at the surface due to a less uniform oxidation or an effect related to ion-sputtering reduction 16,17. The main constituent of the passive layer formed at the surface of the 2205 DSS after oxidation at –0.2 V in all three solutions was Cr-oxide, and the total amount of Cr was enriched compared to the bulk concentration (Figure 4). The second major constituent of the passive layer was Fe-oxide, although the total amount of Fe was lower than in the bulk. The amounts of Mo- and Ni-oxides were very low, especially for the Ni, in com- parison to the bulk. After the oxidation at 1.2 V the passive layer consisted predominantly of Fe-oxides and was slightly depleted in Cr-oxide (Figure 5), compared to the results at –0.2 V, due to the effects explained later. The amount of Ni species was significantly depleted at the outer layers. With the increasing chloride concentration the amounts of Fe and Ni species decreased due to the preferential dissolution in the presence of chloride ions. Therefore, the amount of Cr-oxide increased. 4 DISCUSSION The corrosion-passivation processes of a duplex stainless steel polarised in neutral chloride solutions were investigated by using electrochemical and surface analytical techniques. The results obtained in the present work reveal that the passive film formed on the surface of the DSS 2205 in the chloride solution at pH 7 contains oxides of the two main elements, i.e., Fe and Cr. The oxides of the alloying elements Ni and Mo are negligible compared to the bulk, except for the increased Mo concentration in the transpassive region. Previous studies have confirmed that for stainless steels the amount of nickel present in the passive film is very small 18,8,19. Abreu et al. 8 also observed only a small amount of Ni distributed along a passive film of DSS. Milo{ev et al. 18 reported the strong depletion of Ni in the layer formed on AISI 316L in a neutral solution compared to the bulk content. Clayton et al. 19 emphasized that Ni is rarely observed in the passive films of stainless steels formed in solutions containing chloride ions. From the equili- brium diagrams it is expected that at potentials anodic to 0 V, chromium would dissolve preferentially in the buffer solution 14. The XPS results confirm this predic- tion: when the DSS is passivated at potentials = 0 V, the chromium level slightly decreases and that of the iron increases towards the oxide-solution interface (Figure 5). Increasing the chloride concentration causes a sub- stantial reduction in the potential range for passivity and further growth of the oxide film is hindered as the metal electro-dissolution becomes the dominant electrochemi- cal process 3. The passivity of stainless steels arises from the high corrosion resistance exhibited by the Cr(III) oxide-hydroxides present in the passivating layers. The role of the alloyed chromium in enhancing the passivity of stainless steels is frequently explained in terms of a percolation model of passivation 3. It is considered that chromium forms insoluble Cr2O3, and a continuous network of Cr-O-Cr-O is then produced, which prevents the dissolution of iron. The addition of nickel has a beneficial influence on the corrosion resistance of ferritic steels 3. However, its influence is less effective than in the case of chromium, A. KOCIJAN ET AL.: THE CORROSION BEHAVIOUR OF DUPLEX STAINLESS STEEL ... 198 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 195–199 Figure 5: Depth profiles of the 2205 duplex stainless steel as a function of sputtering time after oxidation at 1.2 V in (a) 0.9 % NaCl, (b) 2 % NaCl and (c) 3.5 % NaCl Slika 5: Globinski profili dupleksnega nerjavnega jekla 2205 v odvisnosti od ~asa jedkanja po oksidaciji pri 1,2 V v (a) 0,9 % NaCl, (b) 2 % NaCl and (c) 3,5 % NaCl since Ni(II) ions do not anchor the water molecules and the hydroxyl ions enough to prevent the chloride ions from migrating through the passivating layer by replacing the water and hydroxyl groups, and therefore, cause localised corrosion. Molybdenum does not significantly change the composition of the film, but its presence is believed to contribute to the deprotonation of the hydroxide by acting as an electron acceptor, creating an oxygen abun- dance in the inner regions of the passive layer and helping in the formation of a stable CrO3/Cr2O3 pro- tecting oxide. The other effect of this reaction is the production of protons; they will be drawn towards the solution by the cation-selective properties of the outer layer. This will increase the proton activity on the surface and assist in the formation of ammonium ions. This is, according to Olsson 20, one of the conceivable mechanisms of synergism between molybdenum and nitrogen in the DSS. Clayton and Martin emphasised that nitrogen reactions, particularly at higher potentials, are extremely sluggish, and that there is a possibility for the formation of soluble oxidised species, which may be dispersed in the solution and not observed in the surface analyses 21. Our results agree with this assertion, since the concentration of Mo in the passive layer was strongly diminished compared to the bulk and N was not detected at all. However, this induced modification in the film can explain the high Cr/Fe ratio measured in the XPS depth profiles, which indicates the better corrosion characte- ristics of molybdenum-containing alloys. 5 CONCLUSIONS The chemical composition of the film formed on duplex stainless steel showed the presence of two main oxides, i.e., Fe and Cr. The oxides of the alloying elements Ni and Mo were negligible compared to the bulk. A slight decrease of the chromium content close to the oxide/solution interface at higher anodic potentials was also observed. The compositional changes in the passive film can be explained on the basis of the selective solubility of the oxides at the applied potentials. Molybdenum mainly enhances the effect of other passivating species, i.e., Cr, more than acting directly in the passivating process in chloride media since its content in the oxide layer is minor. 6 REFERENCES 1 S. T. Tsai, K. P. Yen, H. C. Shih, Corros. Sci., 40 (1998), 281–295 2 F. Tehovnik, F. Vodopivec, L. Kosec, M. Godec, Mat. Tech., 40 (2006), 129–138 3 A. Kocijan, ^. Donik, M. Jenko, Corros. sci., 49 (2007), 2083–2098 4 J. A. Platt, A. Guzman, A. Zuccari, D. W. Thornburg, B. F. Rhodes, Y. Ossida, D. W. Thornburg, B. F. Rhodes, Y. Ossida, B. K. Moore, American Journal of Ortodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 112 (1997), 69–79 5 R. M. Souto, I. C. Mirza Rosca, S. Gonzales, Corrosion, 57 (2001), 300–306 6 P. J. Antony, S. Chongdar, P. Kumar, R. Raman, Electrochim. Acta 52 (2007), 3985–3994 7 C. M. Abreu, M. J. Cristóbal, R. Losada, X. R. Nóvoa, G. Pena, M. C. Pérez, Electrochim. Acta 49 (2004), 3049–3056 9 K. Hashimoto, K. Asami, Corros. Sci. 19 (1979) 3, 251–260 10 D. A. 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High Nitrogen Steels-HNS 88, The Institute of Metals, London (1988) p. 256 A. KOCIJAN ET AL.: THE CORROSION BEHAVIOUR OF DUPLEX STAINLESS STEEL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 195–199 199 S. RE[KOVI], Z. GLAVA[: THE APPLICATION OF AN ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK ... THE APPLICATION OF AN ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK FOR DETERMINING THE INFLUENCE OF THE PARAMETERS FOR THE DEPOSITION OF A ZINC COATING ON STEEL TUBES UPORABA UMETNIH NEVRONSKIH MRE@ ZA DOLO^ITEV DEBELINE CINKOVE PLASTI NA JEKLENIH CEVEH Stoja Re{kovi}, Zoran Glava{ Faculty of Metallurgy, University of Zagreb, Aleja narodnih heroja 3, 44000 Sisak, Croatia reskovicsimet.hr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2009-02-09; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2009-03-04 The influence of deposition temperature and time on the thickness of a zinc coating on tubes with different dimensions was investigated. Backpropagation neural networks (BPNNs) were established to predict the zinc-coating thickness on the tubes using the temperature of the zinc melt, the deposition time and the tube diameter as the inputs. A BPNN was used to determine the optimal temperature range for zinc deposition on tubes with a diameter of 48.3 mm and determine the influence of the deposition time on the zinc-coating thickness. Key words: zinc-coating deposition, temperature, coating thickness, artificial neural networks Povratna nevronska mre`a (BPNM) je bila uporabljena za oceno debeline plasti cinka na podlagi temperature cinkove kopeli, trajanja cinkanja in premera cevi kot vstopnih podatkov. Z mre`o BPNM je bilo dolo~eno optimalno temperaturno podro~je za cinkanje cevi s premerom 48,3 mm in vpliv trajanja cinkanja na debelino cinkove plasti. Klju~ne besede: cinkanje cevi, temperatura, debelina cinkove plasti, umetne nevronske mre`e 1 INTRODUCTION Zinc deposition is the most efficient and ecologically most acceptable method of protecting steel from corrosion. Because of the high affinity of zinc for oxygen, in the presence of moisture and carbon oxide in the atmosphere, the outer layer of the zinc is changed to alkaline zinc carbonate, a layer (known as "white rust") that prevents any advance of the corrosion process. In comparison to other corrosion-protection methods, zinc deposition provides long-term protection (20–50 years), the process is automated and fast, the protective layer is resistant to mechanical damage, the protection of complex shapes is possible and a uniform thickness of the protective layer is achieved. In the last few years the demand for zinc-coated tubes has increased significantly. Today, more than 75.0 % of the tubes produced use some sort of corrosion protection. For certain types and applications of tubes, the minimum thickness of the zinc coating is defined in standards. However, the price of zinc is high and increasing the thickness of the zinc coating significantly increases the production costs. The zinc metal costs amount to approximately 50.0 % of the costs of the deposition process. Zinc deposition is a very complex process 1,2. Molten zinc in contact with steel forms alloys, which have different compositions (different phases). Some of them are brittle and are detrimental to the quality of the zinc coating. The zinc-coating thickness depends on several factors: the temperature of the molten-zinc bath, the deposition (immersion) time and the chemical composition of the steel 3,4. The process of forming the zinc coating by reacting the zinc with iron is influenced by carbon, phosphorus, silicon and aluminum. Carbon, phosphorus and silicon have a significant, negative influence on the quality of the zinc coating; they promote the formation of brittle phases that cause peeling of the zinc coating from the pipe 3. The melting point of zinc is 419.4 °C and the deposition process is carried out in the temperature range from 430 °C to 460 °C. After immersion of the tubes the zinc-melt temperature decreases, and it must not fall below 430 °C. At higher temperatures the thickness of the zinc coating increases and the share of the brittle phases in the coating rapidly increases, also 1,3. The deposition time depends on the mass of the tube and must be equal to the time needed to equalize the temperature of the tube and of the zinc bath. If the immersion time is shorter, the zinc coating will be thick and the surface of the tube will be rough because of the crystallization of the zinc on the colder tube surface. If the immersion time is too long, the zinc coating will be brittle, see also 1–4. The angle of the tube extraction from the zinc bath affects both the zinc-coating thickness and its appearance. By increasing the angle of extraction, the draining of the zinc from the surface of the tubes Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 201–205 201 UDK 669.586:681.32 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 43(4)201(2009) increases and the thickness of the zinc coating is reduced 3. The temperature of the zinc bath is a very significant parameter with regard to the zinc-coating thickness. Thus, it is clear that determining the optimal process parameters to obtain the desired zinc-coating thickness is of great importance. Based on its characteristics, the deposition of a zinc coating from a zinc bath, as with most technical processes, belongs to the group of complex and nonlinear systems. This means that the temperature of the zinc melt (i.e., the bath), the dependence of the immersion time and the thickness of the zinc coating on the tubes is not linear. Models that describe this system based on a multiple linear-regression technique could be applied more or less successfully, but only for specific process conditions under which they have been developed. 2 APPLICATION OF THE NEURAL NETWORK In recent years, rapid progress in artificial intelli- gence has enabled us to use a new method for processing information – artificial neural networks (ANNs) (5). ANNs are complex systems consisting of simple elements (artificial neurons) operating in parallel, which can successfully solve the system’s nonlinearity. These elements (neurons), inspired by biological nervous systems, are in a specific interaction, mutually and with the environment of the system (the weights of the artificial neural networks), in this way building a functional unit. Two or more neurons may be combined in a layer, and a particular network might contain one or more layers (input layers, output layers and hidden layers, also). The number of inputs to the network is determined by the problem and the number of neurons in the output layer is defined by the number of outputs required by the problem. However, the designer has to define the number of layers between the network input and the output layer and the size of the layers (the number of neurons). The network function is determined by the connections between the elements. We can train (i.e., teach) the ANN to perform a particular function by adjusting the values of the connections (i.e., the weights) between the elements. Each input to the neuron is weighted with an appropriate weight. The sum of the weighted inputs and the bias forms the input to the neuron transfer function, which maps a neuron’s (or layer’s) net output to its actual output. The most popular transfer functions are linear, log sigmoid, hyperbolic, tangent, sigmoid, etc. The bias is much like the weight, except that it has a constant input of 1. A properly trained ANN can map input to output patterns with minimal error between the modeled and the measured output values. The testing of an ANN follows its training and it is performed with a new input data set, which is not included in the input data set for training the ANN. Currently, backpropagation is the most important and the most widely used algorithm for neural network training. This algorithm uses the mean squared error and the gradient descent for training. The goal of these examinations was to determine the influence of the immersion parameters, in the first place the influence of the zinc-bath temperature and the immersion time on the zinc-coating thickness and establish neural network models for predicting of the zinc-coating thickness using the deposition parameters as the inputs. 3 EXPERIMENTAL The information that the zinc-coating thickness on the tubes was much greater than that prescribed in the EN10240 standard was confirmed in a preliminary study 6. In the frame of this study the thickness of the zinc coating was assessed for six different tube dimensions and a larger number of samples. The technological process of the zinc deposition on the tubes consists of a chemical treatment, drying, zinc deposition, removal of the excess zinc and cooling. The tubes are immersed in a standard detergent suspension for 10 minutes, washed out in water with two to three immersions in an inclined position for draining the detergent and pickled in (50 g/L) sulphuric acid at 65 °C for 20 min. Then the tubes are rinsed three times and treated with suspensions of ZnCl2 (155–185 g/L) and NH4Cl (180–200 g/L) and finally dried at 120 °C and coated. The chemical composition of the zinc bath was controlled and maintained in the prescribed range. The temperature of the bath was only changed during the process if required by the processing, for example, a change of the tube dimensions or the coating thickness, a standstill of the coating line, etc. The immersion time was selected with regard to the tube dimensions and then varied to determine its influence on the zinc-coating thickness. After the zinc deposition, the excess zinc from the tubes was removed with compressed air at a pressure of 2 bar and cooled in water. Also, on rejected tubes the coating thickness was not assessed for the collection of the required data. The tubes’ assessment data are shown in Table 1. Table 1: Overview of the performed measurements Tabela 1: Pregled opravljenih meritev Tube diameter, mm Immersion time, s Number of measure- ments Temperature, °C Zinc-coatingthickness, g/m2 min. max. min. max. 26.9 10.63 132 437 452 415 599 33.4 10.35 85 435 462 463 649 42.4 8.80 111 445 454 429 649 48.3 7.72 150 449 568 414 680 60.3 5.63 66 445 460 454 689 71.6 4.25 57 450 661 420 569 S. RE[KOVI], Z. GLAVA[: THE APPLICATION OF AN ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK ... 202 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 201–205 All the assessments were performed in real industrial conditions on a quantity of 3830 t of coated tubes of six different diameters. A total of 601 measurements of the zinc-deposition temperature and the zinc-coating thick- ness were performed. 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In the first phase of the examination all the measured data were used to create the ANN (all the tubes’ diameters together) and the performance of the ANN in predicting the thickness of the zinc coating on tubes was checked with the coefficient correlation (R). The input parameters for the ANN were the tube diameter, the zinc-bath temperature and the deposition time, and the output parameter was the thickness of the zinc coating. When creating a neural network, it is important to prevent any overfitting of the data. In this work, the early-stopping method was used to improve the network generalization and prevent the overfitting. According to this method, the experimental data set is divided into three subsets: the training data set, the validation data set and the test data set. The training data set was used for computing the gradient and updating the network’s weights and biases. The validation data set was not included in the training data set and was used to decide when to stop the training. The test data set error was not used during the training; it was, however, used for the comparison of the different models, i.e., for the evaluation of the performance of the networks. To achieve the most efficient training, the input and the output data are normalized before the training. In this paper, different network architectures are examined, with the aim to determine the networks with the minimal generalization error. The best results were achieved with the multilayer backpropagation neural networks (BPNNs) trained using the Levenberg-Mar- quardt algorithm. The performances of the trained BPNNs were deter- mined with regression analysis of the networks’ outputs (predicted values of the zinc coating) and the corres- ponding target values of the zinc coating were obtained experimentally (Table 2). Figure 1 shows the perfor- mance of the BPNN on the test data set. Table 2: Coefficients’ correlation (R) for training, validation, tests and the entire data set (all diameters of the tubes together) Tabela 2: Koeficienti korelacije (R) za trening, preverjanje in preiz- kuse ter pregled vseh podatkov (za vse cevi) Data set Trainingdata set Validation data set Test data set Entire data set R 0.823 0.828 0.809 0.821 Figure 1 shows a good network generalization, which is confirmed by a high value of the coefficients’ correlation between the networks’ outputs and the corresponding target measured values, confirming the correctness of the network architecture and the proper selection of the input network parameters. With the goal of achieving a higher accuracy of prediction of the zinc-coating thickness, a separate neural network was established for each tube diameter. The input parameters for the ANN were the temperature of the zinc melt and the immersion time, and the output parameter was the zinc-coating thickness. The early-stopping method was used to improve the network generalization and prevent the overfitting. To achieve the most efficient training, the input and the output data were normalized before the training. Different networks’ architectures were examined to determine the networks with a minimal generalization error. The best results were achieved with the multilayer backpropagation neural networks (BPNNs) trained using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. The performances of the trained BPNNs were checked with regression analyses between the networks’ outputs (predicted values of zinc coating) and the corresponding target values of the zinc coating obtained with the measurements (Table 3). Figure 2 shows the performance of the BPNN on the test data set for each tube diameter. Figure 2 shows the good networks’ generalization, confirmed by high values of the coefficients’ correlation between the networks’ outputs and the corresponding target values obtained by measuring (from 0.759 for smallest diameter tubes (26.9 mm) to 0.947 for tubes with a diameter of 60.3 mm). The correlation confirms the correctness of the networks’ architectures and the proper selection of input networks’ parameters. Tubes with diameter of 48.3 mm represent the majority of the zinc-coated product. For this reason, the largest number of measurements (150 cases) was carried S. RE[KOVI], Z. GLAVA[: THE APPLICATION OF AN ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 201–205 203 Figure 1: Performance of the BPNN for the test data set. R – coeffi- cient correlation, A – predicted values of zinc-coating thickness (g/m2), T – target values of zinc-coating thickness (g/m2). All tested tubes together Slika 1: Performance BPNN za sklop podatkov: R – koeficient korela- cije, A – napovedane debeline cinkove plasti (g/m2), T – ciljne debe- line cinkove plasti (g/m2), vse cevi skupaj out on tubes of this diameter (Table 1). In Table 4 some measurements are shown. Table 3: Coefficients’ correlation (R) for training, validation and test, and the entire data set Tabela 3: Koeficienti korelacije (R) za trening, preverjanje in preiz- kuse Tube diameter, mm BPNN label Coefficient correlation, R Training data set Validatio n data set Test data set Entire data set 26.9 BPNN1 0.727 0.741 0.844 0.759 33.4 BPNN2 0.857 0.896 0.904 0.878 42.4 BPNN3 0.803 0.802 0.767 0.802 48.3 BPNN4 0.872 0.858 0.871 0.868 60.3 BPNN5 0.967 0.902 0.952 0.947 71.6 BPNN6 0.806 0.948 0.905 0.864 The high coefficients’ correlation between the net- work outputs and the corresponding target values obtained with the measurements (R = 0.868) confirms 204 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 201–205 S. RE[KOVI], Z. GLAVA[: THE APPLICATION OF AN ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK ... Figure 2: Performance of the BPNN on the test data set for tubes of different diameters: a) 26.9 mm (BPNN1), b) 33.4 mm (BPNN2), c) 42.4 mm (BPNN3), d) 48.3 mm (BPNN4), e) 60.3 mm (BPNN5), f) 71.6 mm (BPNN6). R – coefficient of correlation, A – predicted zinc- coating thickness (g/m2), T – target zinc-coating thickness (g/m2) Slika 2: Performance BPNN za sklop podatkov za cevi z razli~nim premerom: a) 26.9 mm, b) 33,4 mm, d) 48,3 mm, e) 60,3 mm, f) 71,6 mm. R – koeficienrt korelacije, A – napovedana debelina plasti cinka (g/m2), T – ciljna debelina plasti cinka (g/m2) Figure 3: Dependence of zinc-coating thickness on zinc-melt tem- perature. Immersion time: 84.0 s. Tube diameter: 48.3 mm. Results obtained with BPNN4. Slika 3: Odvisnost med debelino cinkove plasti d in temperaturo taline; ~as v kopeli 84 s, premer cevi 48,3 mm. Rezultati BPNN4. Figure 4: Dependence of zinc-coating thickness on zinc-melt tem- perature. Immersion time: 92.0 s. Tube diameter: 48.3 mm. Results obtained by BPNN4. Slika 4: Odvisnost med debelino plasti cinka d in temperaturo kopeli; ~as v kopeli 92 s, premer cevi 48,3 mm. Rezultati BPNN4. Table 4: Measured values of the zinc-deposition parameters and the zinc-coating thickness (tubes of diameter 48.3 mm) Tabela 4: Izmerjeni parametri za nanos cinka in debelina plasti cinka (cevi s premerom 48,3 mm) Ordinal number Immersion time, s Temperature of zinc melt, °C Zinc-coating thickness, g/m2 1 84.0 446 398 2 455 625 3 450 418 4 460 652 5 459 482 … … … … 145 92.0 448 525 146 455 536 148 450 475 149 460 524 150 453 569 the suitability of the networks’ architecture. The optimal deposition temperature was obtained for this tube diameter (48.3 mm) with an ANN for both immersion times of 84.0 s and 92.0 s (figures 3 and 4). The zinc-melt temperature was varied in the interval from 430 °C to 456 °C for both immersion times. According to the norm EN10240, the minimum thickness of the zinc coating on the tube (the mass of zinc coating per unit of surface) is 400 g/m2. In Figures 3 and 4 it is shown that the optimal temperature interval for coating tubes with a diameter of 48.3 mm is 430–440 °C. In this temperature interval the immersion time did not have an important influence on the thickness of the zinc coating. The obtained results show that it is also possible to decrease the immersion time. 5 CONCLUSIONS – the investigation shows that it is possible to determine the influence of the deposition parameters on the thickness of the zinc coating and optimize the coating by applying the artificial neural networks; – different network architectures were examined to determine the networks with a minimum genera- lization error. The best results were achieved by applying the multilayer backpropagation neural net- works (BPNNs) trained using the Levenberg-Mar- quardt algorithm; – high values of the coefficients’ correlation between the networks’ outputs and the corresponding target values obtained by measuring show a good net- works’ generalization for all the tube dimensions, all together and for each tube dimension separately; – for most of the tube stock produced, a tube of diameter 48.3 mm, the dependence of the deposition temperature and the zinc-coating thickness were obtained. The optimal temperature range for the zinc deposition on these tubes was 430–440 °C; – additionally, it was found that the used immersion time at the lower galvanization temperatures did not have a significant influence on the zinc-coating thickness, while at the temperatures above 442 °C, with an increase in the immersion time the zinc- coating thickness was increased too. 6 REFERENCES 1 D. Ash, Elektrogalvanising for the tube and pipe industry, Tube specialty, 2008, 1–7 2 D. Gotal: Prakti~ni priru~nik, @eljezara Sisak, Sisak 1982, 184–205 3 www.ohgalvanizedtube.com 4 www.thermix.com 5 M. T. Hagan, H. B. Demuth, M. H. Beale, Neural Network Design. Boston, PWS Publishing Company 1996 6 S. Re{kovi}, Analiza potro{nje cinka, PC [avne cijevi, @eljezara Sisak, Sisak 2000 S. RE[KOVI], Z. GLAVA[: THE APPLICATION OF AN ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 201–205 205 A. V. SHRAMKO ET AL.: THE APPLICATION OF THE PROGRAM QFORM 2D IN THE STAMPING ... THE APPLICATION OF THE PROGRAM QFORM 2D IN THE STAMPING OF WHEELS FOR RAILWAY VEHICLES UPORABA PROGRAMA QFORM 2D PRI KOVANJU KOLES ZA @ELEZNI[KA VOZILA Aleksandr Shramko1, Ilija Mamuzi}2, Valentin Danchenko1 1National Metallurgical Academie of Ukraine, Prospekt Gagarina 4, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine 2Faculty of Metallurgy, University of Zagreb, Aleja narodnih heroja 3, 44000 Sisak, Croatia mamuzicsimet.hr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2008-11-20; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2009-04-15 Computers allow us to obtain and process data to improve and accelerate the analysis of the information required to optimize the processes of metal forming and to minimize production costs. The computer program Qform 2D, adapted to wheel forming, has been used for several years in the company "Interpipe – Nikopolski tube rolling plants" for solving problems related to the selection of the optimal schemes for the hot plastic deformation of wheel blanks, the analysis of existing shapes and the development of new shapes for the die-forging tool. Key words: stamping, railway wheels, computer simulation, distribution and rate of deformation Ra~unalniki omogo~ajo, da pridobimo in procesiramo podatke za izbolj{anje in pospe{enje analize podatkov za optimizacijo procesa oblikovanja kovin in zmanj{anje stro{kov izdelave. Ra~unalni{ki program Qform, prilagojen za kovanje koles, se uporablja `e ve~ let v podjetju "Interpipe- Nikopolski tube rolling plant" za re{evanje problemov, povezanih z izbiro optimalne sheme za vro~e kovanje surovcev za kolesa, analizo uporabljenih oblik in za razvoj novih oblik orodij za utopno kovanje. Klju~ne besede: kovanje, `elezni{ka kolesa, ra~unalni{ka simulacija, porazdelitev in hitrost deformacije 1 INTRODUCTION Railway transport and the manufacturers of wheels for railway transport are constantly facing more and more complex problems related to the reliability and durability of the rolling stock under conditions that are becoming increasingly strict. From an analysis of the development of the technology for manufacturing the wheels for railway vehicles of major producers it is clear that it is necessary to increase the exploitation properties of wheels and to optimize the hot forming of wheel blanks. The use of modern computer facilities and methods for obtaining and processing data allows us to improve and accelerate the analysis of the data necessary to optimize the processes of metal forming and, at the same time, to minimize the costs of production. The computer program Qform 2D, adapted to the conditions of wheel manufacturing, has been used for several years in the company "Interpipe – Nikopolski tube rolling works" for solving problems connected with the choice of the optimal schemes for the hot plastic forming of wheel blanks as well as the analysis of existing, and the development of new, grooves for the die-forging tool. 2 EFFECT OF THE PARAMETERS OF HOT PLASTIC DEFORMATION ON THE WHEEL RIM’S MECHANICAL PROPERTIES The effect of deformation on the mechanical properties of the wheel’s steel was determined with laboratory specimens and from stamped wheels. It is related to the steel’s macrostructure and microstructure1. In addition, the degree of deformation, the temperature and the rate of deformation significantly affect the mechanical properties as well as the "hardening-soften- ing" processes occurring during the deformation, including the time of the inter-deformation pauses. During the hot plastic deformation at a temperature above the temperature of recrystallization, the processes of metal hardening and softening occur in parallel and compete with each other. As a rule, during the hot deformation, softening prevails over hardening. A distinctive feature of the hot-forming process is the stage of stable flow, when above a critical level the deformation resistance becomes independent of the increasing plastic deformation. The critical deformation depends on the rate and the temperature of deformation that affect the mechanism and the kinetics of the hardening and softening processes. The strain resistance increases with the increase of the extent of hot deformation and the rate, which may Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 207–211 207 UDK 621.73.042:629.4 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 43(4)207(2009) even hinder the softening processes and increase the deformation hardening, while the rate of deformation also increases the temperature that then increases the rate of metal softening. Therefore, it is possible to regulate the steel’s micro- structure, its homogeneity and stability with changes of the deformation schemes’ schedules and temperature and to affect, in this way, the mechanical properties of the metal. In the company "Interpipe – Nikopolski tube rolling works" the optimizing of the schedules of the wheel blanks’ hot deformation was solved on the basis of the results of a series of laboratory and industrial experiments in cooperation with scientists from the Iron and Steel Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine using the computer program Qform. In the investigations the effects of the degree, rate and temperature of deformation on steel hardening were determined with a Type 805 A/D2-dilatometer. The investigations were performed on samples of steel cut out from the ingot zone intended for the wheel rim. In the process of plant forming the maximum steel hardening is achieved during the initial stages of the wheel blank’s deformation, while the deformation in the last stages of forming must be sufficient to compensate for the steel softening during inter-deformation pauses with a decreasing time-length or with increasing the rate of deformation in the following stages. The influence of deformation pauses on the steel softening was studied with dilatometry and the deformation of specimens at different temperatures with various degrees of defor- mation and different inter-deformation pauses2. Various versions of the wheel blanks’ hot-defor- mation schemes were suggested and investigated with simulation by applying the program Qform 2D. The computer model used in the present work is based on the plastic-flow theory. In this theory, the deformed metal is assumed to be an incompressible and rigid plastic body. The model describing the plastic deforming includes: – the differential equation of motion: σ ij j, = 0 (1) – the kinematic correlation: ω ν νij i j j i= + 1 2 ( ), , (2) – the state equation: σ σ δ σ ω ωij ij ij= +0 2 3 ) (3) – the expression for incompressibility: ν i i, = 0 (4) – the heat-balance equation: c T T T k T T( ) ( ) ( ( ) ( ))ρ τ βσω d d div grad= + (5) – the model of material flow stress in dependence on the deformation parameters: σ ε ω= f T( , , ) (6) With σij, εij, νi being the components of the tensors of the stress and the rate of deformation and the vector of the flow rate; σ ε ω, , being the intensities of the stresses, deformations and rates of deformation; σ0 the average normal stress; δij the Kronecker symbol; T the tempera- ture; β the coefficient of transition of mechanical energy into heat (β = 0.9–0.95); ρ the density; c the thermal capacity and k the thermal conductivity. In equations (1)–(4) the rule of summation with repeating indexes is used. The indexes i, j change from 1 to 2 for two-dimensional calculations and from 1 to 3 for three-dimensional calculations. The cooling of the blank during the transport from the furnace to the press, as well as between the presses and the rolling mill, is described with the equation of thermal conductivity (5). The heat boundary conditions on the free surface include the heat exchange by convection and radiation. The heat exchange on the contact surface is considered with a heat-transfer coefficient, while the friction on the contact surface is determined by applying Levanov’s relation: τ σ σ= −K s e n s( ) , /1 1 25 (7) with Ks being surface constant; σn the pressure constant; σs the yield stress. The equations (1)–(4) are transformed into a system of algebraic equations on the basis of virtual speed principles and a FEM, where the components of the rate vector and the average stress are nodes of unknown values. The rate and the average stress are approximated with square and linear functions of the form on triangular elements. The generation and rebuilding of the FE of the network are automated. The heat-balance equation (5) is transformed by means of Galerkin’s method into a system of differential equations that are numerically integrated with respect to time. The thermomechanical problem is solved by applying the method of successive approximations of the mechanical and heat problem by entering the boundary values. In the strength calculation the tool is assumed to be an elastic-plastic body with linear strain hardening and submitted to the blank contact forces that depend on the boundary conditions. The results of the calculation of the deformation parameters in the central zone of the wheel rim with a mass of 400 kg according to the different schedules are shown in Figure 1. With the options of the program the deformation parameters influencing the mechanical properties in different zones of the wheel are investigated, e.g., the A. V. SHRAMKO ET AL.: THE APPLICATION OF THE PROGRAM QFORM 2D IN THE STAMPING ... 208 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 207–211 rate and degree of deformation and the rate of accumulation of the deformation can be determined. For the presented case, the rate and degree of deformation calculated by applying the program Qform are shown in Figure 2. The comparison of the experimental data on the rheological properties of the wheel steel with the results of the computer simulation allowed us to determine, and afterwards to realize in the stamping process also, the most suitable scheme of the distribution of rate and the degree of deformation by passes for the multistage stamping of the wheel blank and to obtain improved mechanical properties in the central wheel-rim zone3. 3 INFLUENCE OF DEFORMATION SCHEME ON THE HARDNESS OF THE WHEEL-HUB METAL The practice of manufacturing wheel pairs with increased wheel hardness (HB = 320) in the train car buildings plant revealed a substantial spread in the metal hardness values (above HB = 20) around the opening (bore) for the wheel hub on the internal and external sides of the wheel. An irregular hardness distribution over the length of the wheel hub bore generatrix affects the accuracy of the geometrical parameters of the bore turning before the wheel is pressed on the axis. The irregular hardness distribution is often connected with the coning of the bore of more than 50 µm, which is a reason for rejecting the wheel. The hardness (HB) of carbon steels is related to the flow stress characterizing the plastic strain resistance of steel (f) by a linear dependence through the factor of proportionality (C): f = C × HB The steel’s plastic strain resistance depends on its microstructure. In the present case, besides the micro- structure, it includes the changes to the intra-grain and dislocation structure, too. The various mechanisms hindering the dislocations slip that are widely used for increasing the plastic strain resistance and hardness are related to the interaction of dislocations with the presence of effective and uniformly distributed obstacles, as well as grain boundaries. The parameters of the hot plastic steel deformation, such as the rate and degree of deformation, the degree of total deformation, the temperature of deformation including the length of inter-deformation pauses, significantly affect the grain size of the wheel steel 2. The influence of the these parameters on the distribution of hardness along the generatrix of the wheel-hub bore was investigated in the plant in the frame of the production of wheels with D = 957 mm A. V. SHRAMKO ET AL.: THE APPLICATION OF THE PROGRAM QFORM 2D IN THE STAMPING ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 207–211 209 Figure 1: Results of the calculation of the wheel-blank shape change at different stages of the existing (a) and the experimental (b) technology: 1 – upsetting in the 20-MN press; 2 – upsetting to a ring in the 50-MN press; 3 – ring expansion (dilatation) with a punch on the 50-MN press; 4 – stamping in the 100-MN press; 5 – stamping in the 50-MN press Slika 1: Rezultati izra~unov spremembe oblike surovca pri razli~nih stopnjah sedanje (a) in poskusne (b) tehnologije. 1 – kr~enje v 20 MN-pre{i, 2 – kr~enje v obro~ v 50 MN-pre{i, 3 – {irjenje obro~a, s trnom v 50 MN-pre{i, oblikovanje v 100 MN pre{i, oblikovanje v 50 Mn pre{i Figure 2: Distribution of deformation (a) and of deformation rate (b) in the central wheel-rim zone for the stages of the blanks’ forming using different schemes of stamping Slika 2: Porazdelitev deformacije (a) in hitrosti deformacije (b) v sredi{~ni zoni oboda kolesa pri fazah oblikovanja surovca in pri uporabi razli~nih shem oblikovanja according to the standard GOST 10791-2004 as well as wheels with increased hardness according to the techni- cal conditions TU V 35.2-23365425-600; 2006. The parameters of the deformation of the internal, central and external zones in the wheel hub were determined with a computer simulation of the wheel-stamping process applying the program Qform 2 (Figure 3). As shown in Figure 3, the true (logarithmic) defor- mation of steel (∆e) on the hub internal side during stamping the blank in the 100-MN press achieves a value of 2.4; it decreases in the central zone and on the external hub side to values of 1.2–1.4. At the same time, the deformation rate () increases from the internal to external side of hub from 0.1 s–1 to 8 s–1. Earlier investigations of the rheological particula- rities of the wheel’s steel have shown a softening of the metal, while deforming it with a rate of deformation of 0.1 s–1 and values of the logarithmic deformation of above 0.15 at a temperature of 1100 °C (the temperature of the wheel blank stamping in the 100-MN press). At the same temperature, steel hardening still takes place, while deforming with a rate 10s–1 and a logarithmic deformation of 1.22. Thus, applying the existing scheme of deformation for the wheel blank in the 100-MN press, steel softening will take place on the internal side of the wheel hub, while hardening will take place on the hub’s external side. Metallographic studies of the changes in the microstructure of steel for different wheel-hub parts confirmed that under these conditions a different steel hardness on the opposite ends of the wheel hub is obtained4. 4 DETERMINATION OF THE POSITION OF THE NEUTRAL PLANE BY STAMPING WHEEL BLANKS The stamping process must ensure a precise mass distribution of the initial blank for the part of the disc and the wheel hub as well as other parts of the wheel. An erroneous balance of the masses of different parts of the blanks leads to the formation of defects in the wheel’s geometry, e.g., rim shrinkage, non-filling of the hub, and a "thick disc". For this reason, when calculating groovings it is of great importance to know the position of the plane relative to which the metal flows to both sides during the wheel forming in the press. The position of this plane changes in the process of blank forming; however, it is not clear how the change occurs. When calculating the groovings for wheels with a flat disc it is assumed that the neutral plane corresponds to the middle of the wheel disc length. No recommendations have been given about how to determine the neutral plane position in the calculation of the groovings for the wheel with a disc of curvilinear form. With the program Qform it is possible to determine the value and the direction of the rate of deformation at any point of the wheel during the whole cycle of the blank’s deformation5. From the vectors of the directions of deformation rate it is possible to establish the position of the neutral section of the wheel as the plane relative to which the metal flows to both sides (Figure 4.1–4.2). The program Qform was used to study the position of the neutral radius (Rn) and the metal flow rate at any point during the cycle of forming the blank to various shapes of the disc. A. V. SHRAMKO ET AL.: THE APPLICATION OF THE PROGRAM QFORM 2D IN THE STAMPING ... 210 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 207–211 Figure 3: Distribution of the degree (A) and the rate (B) of steel deformation along the generatrix of the wheel-hub bore for stamping the blank in the 100-MN press Slika 3: Porazdelitev stopnje (a) in hitrosti (b) deformacije po obodu izvrtine pest kolesa za oblikovanje surovca v 100 MN pre{i Figure 4.1: Variation of the position of the neutral plane (Rn) relative to the middle of the disc (Rav) in the process of forming the wheel blank with D = 957 mm in the 100-MN press Slika 4.1: Sprememba polo`aja nevtralne ravnine (Rn) glede na sredino diska (Rav) pri oblikovanju surovca za kolo z D = 957 mm v 100 MN-pre{i Two types of wheels were chosen as the object of investigation: a wheel with a flat-conical disc and a wheel with a curvilinear disc. The process of stage-by- stage deformation of the blanks in the 100-MN press was simulated considering the groovings of the deforming tool for stamping both wheels. The value of the "neutral" radius (Rn) was determined for each stage of the blank deformation and the results of these investigations served as a basis for building the curves of the change of the position of the neutral plane (Rn) relative to the middle of the disc (Rav). As shown in Figure 4.1, during deforming the blank for the wheel with a flat-conical disc, the neutral plane, defined with the parameter Rn, constantly changes its position (place) relative to the middle of the wheel disc defined with the parameter Rav. The average of all the values of Rn (Rn.av) is displaced toward the side of the wheel axis by 8 % for wheel blanks with a mass of 500 kg and by 11 % for wheel blanks with a mass of 700 kg. A different picture is obtained for the stamping of wheels with a curvilinear disc shape (Figure 4.2). In this case the character of metal flow in the deformation process is determined by the surface of the upper die forming the wheel disc with the greatest angle to the horizontal. The neutral plane then passes through the point close to its middle and not to the middle of the disc, as in the previous case. In this connection, Rn is displaced along the horizontal relative to Rav for a much greater value, equal to 16 %. Investigations of the influence of different factors on the position of the neutral plane showed that while calculating the groovings of the press tool for manufacturing wheels for various disc shapes, one should be initially guided by the disc geometry and consider the findings in6. 5 CONCLUSIONS – The program QForm 2D can be successfully used for the computer simulation of the deformation process for stamping railway wheels with different shapes and sizes. – The program allows us to determine the intensity of deformation and the rate of metal flow at any point of the wheel and to determine the position of the neutral plane of metal flow. – The program was tested with calculations of the shape of forming tools and verified with the indu- strial production of wheels of different shapes and sizes. – The authors are indebted to Mr. Franc Vodopivec for his revision of the manuscript. 6 REFERENCES 1 I. G. Uzlov, A. I. Babachenko, A. V. Shramko et al. Issledovanie vliyaniya deformatsinnoy obrabotki kolesnoy zagotovki na mekhani- cheskie svoystva zheleznodorozhnykh koles. Metal i litiye Ukrainy, (2005) 9–10, 54–57 2 A. A. Milenin, A. B. Shramko, A. G. Stupka. Fizicheskoe modeli- rovanie mnogostupenchatoy deformatsii stali v protsesse prokatki zagotovok zheleznodorozhnykh koles. Metalurgicheskaya i gorno- rudnaya promyshlennost, (2005) 2, 37–40 3 A. Shramco, A. Kozlovsk’yy, V. Danchenco. Effect of hot defor- mation characteristics on mechanical properties of metal of the railway wheel rim. International Heavy Haul Conference, Specialist Technical Session – Kiruna, Sweden, (2007), 713–718 4 V. P. Esaulov, A. V. Shramko, V. N. Danchenko et al. Neravno- mernost raspredeleniya tverdosti po dline stupitsy zheleznodo- rozhnogo kolesa. Metalurgicheskaya i gornorudnaya promyshle- nnost, (2007) 5, 90–93 5 Danchenko V. N., Milenin A. A., Kuzmenko V. I., Grinkevich V. A. Kompiyuternoe modelirovanie processov obrabotki metalov davle- niem. Dnepropetrovsk: Sistemnye tekhnologii, (2005), 448 6 A. V. Shramko, V. A. Afanasjev, A. G. Stupka, D. V. Sorokin. Issledovanie techeniya metala pri formovke zheleznodorozhnykh koles. Sovershenstvovanie protsessov i oborudovaniya obrabotki davleniem v metalurgii i mashinostroenii: Tematicheskiy sbornik nauchnykh trudov. – Kramatorsk: DGMA, (2006), 307–311 A. V. SHRAMKO ET AL.: THE APPLICATION OF THE PROGRAM QFORM 2D IN THE STAMPING ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 207–211 211 Figure 4.2: Change of the neutral plane position (Rn) relative to the middle of the disc (Rav) in the process of forming the wheel blank with D = 932 mm in the 100-MN press Slika 4.2: Sprememba polo`aja nevtralne ravnine (Rn) glede na sredino diska (Rav) pri oblikovanju surovca za kolo z D = 932 mm v 100 MN-pre{i M. TORKAR: INFLUENCE OF WORKING TECHNOLOGY ON Al-ALLOYS ... INFLUENCE OF THE WORKING TECHNOLOGY ON Al-ALLOYS IN SEMI-SOLID STATE VPLIV TEHNOLOGIJE PREOBLIKOVANJA Al-ZLITIN V TESTASTEM STANJU Matja` Torkar, Mirko Dober{ek, Iztok Nagli~ Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia matjaz.torkarimt.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2009-01-05; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2009-02-27 We present two industrial technologies for working Al-alloys in the semi-solid state: thixocasting and rheocasting. The development of these processes has enabled significant progress and improved market competitiveness for the aluminium-casting industry. During both processes the share and the form of the globular solid phase are very important and they influence the flow of material in the tool. The comparison of thixocasting, rheocasting and the conventional casting process characteristics must be considered during the choice of one of these technologies. The performed investigations of rheocast components of A357 alloy revealed the important reasons for failures were the non-optimised parameters of the semi-solid working technology, the rapid opening of the tools and the non-optimised shape of the tool cavities. Key words: thixocasting, rheocasting, semi-solid state, microstructure, Al-alloys Predstavljeni sta dve vrsti tehnologije ulivanja oz. preoblikovanja v testastem stanju, thixocasting in rheocasting. Razvoj teh dveh postopkov je povzro~il preobrat pri postopkih ulivanja aluminija in omogo~il bolj{o konkuren~nost na trgu. Klju~nega pomena sta dele` trdne faze in oblika te faze, ki vplivata na tok materiala v orodju. Primerjava thixocastinga, rheocastinga in konvencionalnih postopkov pri preoblikovanju Al-zlitine poka`e njihove zna~ilnosti, ki jih je treba upo{tevati pri izbiri za uvedbo ene od teh tehnologij. Opravljene raziskave rheocast-komponent iz A357-zlitine so pokazale, da so med glavnimi vzroki za ugotovljene napake pri preoblikovanju Al-zlitine premalo optimirani parametri tehnologije preoblikovanja v testastem stanju, tudi prehitro odpiranje orodja in neprilagojena oblika orodij. Klju~ne beside: thixocasting, rheocasting, testasto stanje, mikrostruktura, Al-zlitine 1 INTRODUCTION Several methods for casting Al-alloys were deve- loped in the past, for example, gravitational casting, low-pressure die casting, high-pressure die casting and squeeze casting in porous preforms. All these methods have some advantages and some disadvantages that influence their application. The automotive industry demands better parts with lower weight (which means thinner walls) and lower price. To improve competi- tiveness in the market, new and improved processes are being developed. Basic and applied research work in the past also enabled the development of new technologies for working Al-alloys in the semi-solid state. The basis of these technologies was Fleming’s1 discovery that a material with a globulitic microstructure in a two-phase region (L+α) behaves in a thixotropic way. In the conventional casting process the local supercooling is responsible for the evolution of a dendritic microstruc- ture and for the evolution of a globular microstructure a lower supercooling of the melt is favourable. This can be achieved either with forced convection of the melt during the solidification or with slow cooling. Lower cooling rates support the spherical growth of the solid phase. A more detailed background to these processes is described in 1–6. Semi-solid metal processing offers several advantages over conventional technologies such as casting, forging and powder metallurgy. Semi-solid metal processing enables the manufacturing of components with complex shapes, with thin walls, with good mechanical properties and with a high dimensional tolerance and accuracy. The thixocasting process uses stirring of the melt during the solidification of a continuous cast bar to obtain the globulitic microstructure. These bars are then cut to the required pieces and reheated to the hot-work- ing temperature. During the rheocasting process the globular primary αAl phase is obtained by rapid cooling, followed by controlled cooling to the temperature range of the hot working. With the conventional casting process, the development of the microstructure depends on the cooling rate. The comparison of the rheocasting, thixocasting and conventional casting processes is schematically pre- sented in Figure 1. From this figure it is evident that during rheocasting the material is obtained with a controlled cooling of the melt, while thixocasting needs stirring of the melt during solidification and additional heating for the hot working. The analyses of both processes on real components were carried out5 and a comparison of the production parameters is presented in Table 1. The production parameters in Table 1 allow us to compare both casting processes on the basis of data Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 213–217 213 UDK 669.715:620.18 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 43(4)213(2009) obtained from industrial components. The comparison of the costs for the different hot-working technologies of Al-alloys is presented in Figure 2, where it is assumed that the cost per kg of the rheocast component is 100 %. Figure 2 shows that the price per kg of a thixocasting component, compared with rheocasting, is lower only for high-pressure die casting (HPDC), which ensures the properties of the components of lower quality. The thixocasting is 22 % more expensive due to the more expensive technology, squeeze casting is 13 % more expensive because of the lower productivity and gravity casting is 4 % more expensive because of the cost of machining the components. From this comparison it is evident that rheocasting is a more competitive techno- logy than thixocasting. Therefore, rheocasting is advan- tageous from the energy- and costs-saving points of view, when compared to thixocasting. M. TORKAR: INFLUENCE OF WORKING TECHNOLOGY ON Al-ALLOYS ... 214 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 213–217 Table 1: Comparison of production parameters for thixo and rheo 8V bracket 5 Tabela 1: Primerjava parametrov izdelave nosilca 8V-motorja po thixo- in rheo- postopku 5 CHARACTERISTIC THIXOCASTING NEW RHEOCASTING Material A357 alloy in billets, obtained by electromagnetic stirring during the casting (Supplier: Pechiney) A357 alloy ingots, without any special preparation (Supplier: various) Semi-solid slurry production – billet sizing – induction reheating in vertical medium-frequency furnaces up to the semi-solid state – melting in a gas furnace – metal preparation in the holding furnace – pouring into specific steel cups and cooling up to the semi-solid state Slurry Temperature 577 °C ± 2 °C* 579 °C ± 2 °C * Metal need 4000 g 4700 g Metal losses 10 % 1 % Tool 2-cavity die with 4 hydraulic cylinders 2-cavity die with 2 hydraulic cylinders Injection Horizontal, with the slurry laying on the shotsleeve Vertical, with the slurry inverted in the shot sleeve Cycle time 59 s 52 s Scraps recycling scraps recycled by the supplier scraps recycled in-house Scraps rate 3 % visual + 2 % X-Ray 1 % visual + 0.5 % X-Ray * temperature measured in the centre of the slug Table 2: Chemical composition of A 357 alloy in mass fractions (w/%) Tabela 2: Sestava A 357-zlitine v masnih dele`ih (w/%) Alloy Cu Mg Si Fe Mn Ti Zn Sr Al A 357 0.2 0.4 – 0.7 6.5 – 7.5 Max. 0.2 Max. 0.2 0.05 –0.2 Max. 0.2 0.03 Rest Figure 2: Costs comparison of technologies for Al-alloy component production. The cost per kg of the rheocast component is taken as 100% 5 Slika 2: Primerjava stro{kov tehnologij izdelave komponente iz Al-zlitine. Stro{ki na kilogram izdelave rheocast-komponente so prikazani kot 100 % 5 Figure 1: Schematic presentation of the rheocasting, thixocasting and conventional casting processes and the obtained microstructure. Slika 1: Shematski prikaz rheocastinga, thixocastinga in klasi~nega ulivanja ter dobljena mikrostruktura Besides the presentations of the basic differences and characteristics of the thixocasting and rheocasting technologies, the aim of the experimental work was to evaluate and to detect typical failures in the rheocast components. 2 EXPERIMENTAL WORK The rheocast components produced on an 800 t UBE rheocasting device were evaluated, and the micro- structure of the slurry was investigated. Before the hot working the slurry was knife cut and quenched into water. After the manufacturing the components were quenched into water and investigated. The components were checked with an industrial x-ray device, YXLON SMART 225 kV (Andrex), for internal soundness. The surface and internal defects were also checked with metallography. The samples for metallography were cut from the components and prepared using a standard metallographic procedure. The microstructure was investigated with a light microscope (Nikon Microphot FXA) equipped with a 3CCD video camera (Hitachi HV-C20A) and software (analysis) for a quantifiable assessment of the microstructural characteristics. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The slurry of A357 Al-alloy (Table 2) at the tempe- rature of hot working and with an approximately 50 % content of liquid phase behaves like a butter. It can thus be cut with a knife. The microstructure of the slurry consists of the globular αAl and eutectic phases (Figure 3a). With inadequate thermal conditions the slurry has a dendritic or mixed dendritic-globulitic microstructure (Figure 3b). One of the investigated rheocast components is pre- sented in Figure 4a, and the microstructure of the com- ponent quenched in water, in Figure 4b. The comparison M. TORKAR: INFLUENCE OF WORKING TECHNOLOGY ON Al-ALLOYS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 213–217 215 Figure 4: Component (a) and microstructure (b) of the component, quenched in water Slika 4: Komponenta (a) in mikrostruktura (b) komponente, ohlajene v vodi Figure 3: Suitable (a) and less-suitable (b) slurry microstructure. Quenched in water Slika 3: Primerna (a) in manj primerna (b) mikrostruktura surovca. Ohlajeno v vodi Figure 5: X-ray picture of shrinkage porosity in one of the compo- nents Slika 5: Rentgenski posnetek poroznosti v eni od komponent of the slurry (Figure 3a) and the component micro- structure (Figure 4b) did not show any difference. As expected, in both cases the microstructure consisted of the globulitic αAl primary phase, surrounded by the eutectic phase. To detect the internal defects the components were examined with x-rays. A typical x-ray picture of the shrinkage porosity in the component is presented in Figure 5. The metallography confirmed the presence of internal porosity (Figure 6). The possible causes of porosity are a lack of melt, a too high content of trapped gases or a too low pressure in the die. Besides porosity in the critical regions of the component, cold joints were also observed. In these joints two fronts of the melt (Figure 7) in the die cavity contact with an intermediate oxide layer that greatly lower the local tensile strength of the alloy. Metallographic examinations also revealed some other types of defects in industrially produced rheocast components. Besides microporosity, an increased share of eutectic was often observed near the surface (Figure 8). In some cases an overflow of the melt and pull cracks due to rapid opening of the die (Figure 9) were found. The increased share of eutectic near the surface is the consequence of an unequal material flow in the die cavity, where the die pressure squeezed the liquid eutectic to the surface. 4 CONCLUSIONS A comparison of the thixocasting and rheocasting processes for the hot working of the Al-alloy A357 revealed, for both methods, some basic differences that should be considered during the choice of technology. The main reasons for the failures during the hot working of the A357 Al-alloy in the semi-solid state by rheocasting were the non-optimised parameters of the semi-solid technology, the too fast opening of the tool and the non-optimised shape of the die cavity. Acknowledgement This work was supported by EC, under contract no. G1RD-CT-2002-03012. M. TORKAR: INFLUENCE OF WORKING TECHNOLOGY ON Al-ALLOYS ... 216 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 213–217 Figure 9: Overflow and pull crack due to rapid opening of the die Slika 9: Prelitje in razpoka zaradi prehitrega odpiranja orodja Figure 8: Microporosity and increased share of eutectic near the surface Slika 8: Mikroporoznost in pove~an dele` evtektika ob povr{ini Figure 7: Cold joint of two melt fronts Slika 7: Hladni spoj ob stiku dveh tokov taline Figure 6: Internal porosity – lack of melt, too high content of gases or to low pressure in the die Slika 6: Notranja poroznost – manko taline, prevelika vsebnost plinov ali prenizka sila stiskanja orodja 5 REFERENCES 1 M. C. Flemings, R. G. Riek, K. P. Young, Rheocasting, Materials Science and Engineering, 25 (1976), Sep.-Oct., 103–117 2 M. F. Zhu, J. M. Kim, C. P. Hong, Modeling of globular and den- dritic structure evolution in solidification of an Al-7 mass % Si alloy, ISIJ Intern., 41 (2001) 9, 992–998 3 P. J. Uggowitzer, H. Kaufmann, Evolution of globular microstructure in new Rheocasting and super Rheocasting semi-solid slurries, Steel Research Int., 75 (2004) 8/9, 525–530 4 M. Torkar, B. Breskvar, M. Godec, P. Giordano, G. L. Chiarmetta, Microstructure evaluation of the NRC-processed automotive component, Mater. Tehnol. 39 (2002) 6, 73–78 5 P. Giordano, G. L. Chiarmetta, Thixo and Rheo casting: comparison on a high production volume component, Proceedings of the 7th S2P Advanced Semi-solid Processing of Alloys and Composites, ed. Tsutsui, Kiuchi, Ichikawa, Tsukuba, Japan, 2002, 665–670 6 F. Taghavi, H. Saghafian, Y. H. K. Kharrazi, Study on the ability of mechanical vibration for the production of thixotropic microstructure in A356 aluminum alloy, Materials & Design , 30 (2009) 1, 115–121 M. TORKAR: INFLUENCE OF WORKING TECHNOLOGY ON Al-ALLOYS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 213–217 217 Z. ADOLF ET AL.: RAFINACIJA JEKLA V VAKUUMSKI NAPRAVI Z VPIHOVANJEM LEGIRNIH DODATKOV STEEL REFINING IN A VACUUM UNIT WITH CHEMICAL BOOSTING RAFINACIJA JEKLA V VAKUUMSKI NAPRAVI Z VPIHOVANJEM LEGIRNIH DODATKOV 1Zdenk Adolf, 1Miroslav Dostál, 2Zdenk [ána 1 V[B-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, 17. listopadu 15/2172, 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic 2 EVRAZ Vítkovice Steel, a. s., 708 33 Ostrava, Czech Republic zdenek.adolfvsb.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2008-10-13; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2009-04-15 This paper describes an integrated system of secondary metallurgy (ISSM), which is exploited at the company EVRAZ Vítkovice Steel a.s. Ostrava Czech Republic. The system consists of a caisson-type vacuum unit, enabling chemical boosting, decarburisation, desulphurisation, chemical homogenisation and the modification of a liquid steel’s chemical composition simultaneously in two ladles. The experimental part was focused on observation and evaluation with a statistical analysis of the parameters, which influence substantially the final hydrogen content after a vacuum treatment of steel. The most important of the monitored parameters appeared to be the vacuum treatment time, the sulphur content in the refined steel and the difference between initial and final temperatures of the steel in the ISSM. Keywords: vacuum refining of steel, ladle with chemical boosting, reduction of hydrogen content V ~lanku je opisan integrirani sistem za sekundarno metalurgijo (ISSM), ki je v uporabi v podjetju EVRAZ Vitkovice Steel, Ostrava, ^e{ka Republika. Sistem sestavljajo vakuumska posoda, v kateri je mogo~e legiranje dodatkov, razooglji~enje, raz`veplanje, kemi~na homogenizacija in sprememba kemi~ne sestave taline v dveh ponovcah isto~asno. Eksperimentalno delo je bilo namenjeno spremljanju in statisti~ni analizi parametrov, ki pomebno vplivajo na vsebnost vodika po vakuumski obdelavi jeklene taline. Najve~ji vpliv je bil ugotovljen pri trajanju vakuumske obdelave, kon~ni vsebnost `vepla in razliki med za~etno in kon~no temperaturo procesa v ISSM. Klju~ne besede: vakuumska rafinacija jekla, ponovca z legiranjem, zmanj{anje vsebnosti vodika 1 INTRODUCTION In 2007 the company EVRAZ Vítkovice Steel put into operation the integrated system of secondary metallurgy (ISSM). The equipment enables chemical boosting, vacuum treatment, degassing, decarburisation, desulphurisation, temperature and chemical homogeni- sation and modification of the chemical composition of molten steel simultaneously in two ladles. 2 EQUIPMENT ISSM The basic part of the ISSM technological equipment consists of a caisson, which contains a refining ladle with molten steel stirred by an inert gas. The design of the equipment is shown in Figure 1. After the insertion of the ladle, the caisson is hermetically closed and the treatment of hot metal begins. The evaluation of the technological parameters of the ISSM is shown in Figure 2. Figure 3 shows a timeline of the metallurgical parameters of the molten steel during its refining. 3 EXPERIMENTAL PART The steel manufactured in a bottom blown converter OBM is characterised by an increased content of hydro- gen. Therefore, the objective of the experimental work was to evaluate the connection of the measured parameters in terms of the final content of hydrogen during the steel’s treatment in the vacuum unit. The investigated X70 steel is intended for large-diameter welded tubes used for long-distance ducts. The required chemical composition is given in Table 1. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 219–222 219 UDK 669.187:669.788 ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 43(4)219(2009) Figure 1: Design of the ISSM vacuum unit Slika 1: Shema vakuumske naprave ISSM The evaluation of partial influences of the individual parameters on the hydrogen content of steel was made by the method of pairing linear regression. The evaluated data were obtained from heat sheets. The variables, their maximum, minimum and average values, are given in Table 2. The extent of the impact of the independent variable (regressant) on the hydrogen content in the steel (regressor) was evaluated with the help of: – the correlation coefficient (R), characterising close- ness of dependence, – the slope of a straight line, which was recalculated to an angle, which is formed by the straight line with the axis x (), characterising the closeness of the dependence, – the testing parameter (P), the values of which should be lower than 0.05. In order to obtain a comparison of the slope of the dependence characterising the intensity of the effect of the given parameter on the hydrogen content, the values of the regressant were re-calculated to a dimensionless form in the interval from 0 to 1 using the equation x x x x xi i= − − min max min where xi is the concrete value of the parameter, x i is the re-calculated value of the parameter, 1, xmax, xmin are the maximum and minimum values of the parameter. The results of the regression statistics are given in Table 3. 3.1 Evaluation of the results of the regression analysis From Table 3 it follows that the final content of hydrogen in the steel is, as expected, influenced mostly Z. ADOLF ET AL.: RAFINACIJA JEKLA V VAKUUMSKI NAPRAVI Z VPIHOVANJEM LEGIRNIH DODATKOV 220 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 219–222 Figure 3: Metallurgical parameters of the ISSM processing Slika 3: Metalur{ki parametri procesiranja ISSM Figure 2: Technological parameters of the ISSM processing Slika 2: Tehnolo{ki parametri procesiranja v ISSM Table 1: Chemical composition of the steel X70 in mass fractions (w/%) Tabela 1: Kemi~na sestava jekla X 70 (w/%) X 70 C Mn Si P S Cu Ni Cr V Ti Al N Nb min 0.020 0.03 max 0.11 1.80 0.40 0.018 0.006 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.08 0.035 0.050 0.010 0.06 Table 2: Table of variable values Tabela 2: Tabela z vrednostmi spremeljivk Minimum Maximum Average Unit Regressor Hydrogen content 1.2 2 1.58 µg/g Regressant Duration of vacuum treatment 525 1595 937.1 s Temperature of steel at the beginning of the treatment (ISSM) 1589 1624 1605.5 °C Temperature of steel at the end of the treatment (ISSM) 1557 1576 1564.5 °C Difference between the initial and final temperatures of the steel (ISSM) 28 55 40.9 °C Sulphur content in steel during tapping from the converter in mass fractions (w) 0.0047 0.012 0.008 % Sulphur content in steel at the end of the treatment (ISSM) in mass fractions (w) 0.0011 0.0038 0.002 % Mass of charged ferro-alloys 20 214 100 kg Difference between overall time of treatment and duration of vacuum treatment in ISSM 16.5 38 23.9 min Regressor Sulphur content in ISSM in mass fractions (w) 0,0011 0,0038 0,002 % Regressant Duration of vacuum treatment 525 1595 937,1 s by the vacuum treatment time (Figure 4). A higher initial temperature of the steel, which accelerates the diffusion of hydrogen in the melt, also has a positive influence. While the temperature of steel at the end of treatment in the ISSM has no influence (it must correspond exactly to the specified temperature of the casting on the CCM), the difference between the initial and final temperatures of the steel in the ISSM shows a substantial influence on the reduction of the hydrogen content (Figure 5). It is evident from Figures 6 and 7 that the final content of hydrogen is closely related to the sulphur content in the steel. This is explained by the surface activity of the sulphur, which prevents the transfer of hydrogen into the gaseous phase. The higher slope and the closeness of the dependence in Figure 7 shows that the negative influence of sulphur on the degassing is already evident at low contents of sulphur at the end of the vacuum treatment. At the beginning of the steel treatment in the ISSM, the steel contains, apart from sulphur, also surface-active oxygen, which also restricts the de-sulphurisation. However, its content was not monitored. Ferro-alloys containing humidity are always a source of hydrogen. The mass of ferro-alloys shows the com- paratively insignificant influence on the final content of hydrogen due to the intensive vacuum treatment. The intensive contact of steel with slag during argon blowing into the melt also causes deep desulphurisation, which is evident from Figure 8. Z. ADOLF ET AL.: RAFINACIJA JEKLA V VAKUUMSKI NAPRAVI Z VPIHOVANJEM LEGIRNIH DODATKOV Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 219–222 221 Table 3: Parameters of evaluated dependencies for hydrogen and sulphur on different variables Tabela 3: Parametri ocenjenih odvisnosti za vodik in `veplo od razli~nih spremenljivk Hydrogen content R P α Duration of the vacuum treatment 0.381 0.0005 −20° Temperature of steel at the beginning of the treatment (ISSM) 0.204 0.071 −9.8° Temperature of steel at the end of the treatment (ISSM) 0.031 0.791 −1.5° Difference between the initial and final temperatures of the steel (ISSM) 0.2725 0.0172 −13.8° Sulphur content in steel during tapping from the converter 0.220 0.050 10.6° Sulphur content in steel at the end of the treatment (ISSM) 0.3304 0.0031 15.6° Mass of charged ferro-alloys 0.216 0.120 9.2° Difference between the overall time of the treatment and the duration of the vacuum treatment in ISSM 0.1466 0.2094 7.4° Sulphur content in ISSM R P α Duration of vacuum treatment 0.4477 0.00001 −26.8° Figure 6: Dependence of hydrogen content on the sulphur content in steel during tapping from the converter Slika 6: Odvisnost vsebnosti vodika od vsebnosti `vepla ob izlivu jekla iz konvertorja Figure 5: Dependence of the hydrogen content on the difference between the initial and final temperatures of the steel in the ISSM Slika 5: Odvisnost vsebnosti vodika od razlike med za~etno in kon~no temperaturo jekla v ISSM Figure 4: Dependence of hydrogen content on the vacuum treatment time Slika 4: Odvisnost med vsebnostjo vodika in trajanjem vakuumiranja The positive value of the slope in Figure 9 (the dependence of hydrogen content on the time of vacuum treatment and argon blowing of the steel only) shows that during the time of argon blowing and alloying the hydrogen content increases. 4 CONCLUSION The aim of the work was to compare the influence of selected parameters on the final content of hydrogen during steel refining in the ISSM vacuum unit. The investigation was made on this equipment installed in the company EVRAZ Vitkovice Steel. The experimental findings of the tests are as follows: • the greatest effect on the final hydrogen content in steel after treatment in the ISSM is found for the vacuum treatment time. This dependence shows both significant closeness and slope; • the increased initial temperature of the steel in the ISSM has a positive influence on the hydrogen diffusivity and, therefore, also a positive influence on steel degassing; • the final temperature of the steel after treatment in the ISSM has no influence on the degassing efficiency, since, it is specified in a very narrow interval depending on the casting temperature of the given grade on the CCM; • the mass of ferro-alloys showed a certain influence on the final hydrogen content in the steel, but it was less significant than the effect of the vacuum treatment time; • the content of sulphur influences significantly the final hydrogen content in the steel because of it high surface activity; • from the comparison of the dependence of the hydrogen content on the duration of the vacuum treatment and argon treatment it was found that during the time when the steel was argon treated only, the degassing is almost arrested; • the influence of the vacuum treatment time on the reduction of sulphur content was found to be important. Although the vacuum does not affect the desulphurisation, the increase of the intensity of the stirring of the steel and the slag as a result of argon blowing into the vacuum-treated steel has signifi- cantly reduced the content of sulphur. The work was undertaken within the frame of the project EUREKA 3580! and the project FI-IM4/110 with the financial support of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic. 5 REFERENCES 1 Dostál, M. Pánvová pec ISSM – hodnocení vybraných parametr taveb Ladle furnace ISSM – evaluation of selected parameters of heats. Bachelor degree thesis, V[B-TU Ostrava, 2008, 40 pp. Z. ADOLF ET AL.: RAFINACIJA JEKLA V VAKUUMSKI NAPRAVI Z VPIHOVANJEM LEGIRNIH DODATKOV 222 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 219–222 Figure 9: Dependence of the hydrogen content on the time when the steel is not vacuum treated in the ISSM Slika 9: Odvisnost vsebnosti vodika od ~asa prepihovanja z argonom brez vakuumiranja Figure 8: Dependence of the sulphur content on the vacuum treatment time Slika 8: Odvisnost vsebnosti `vepla od trajanja vakuumiranja Figure 7: Dependence of the hydrogen content on the sulphur content in the ISSM Slika 7: Odvisnost vsebnosti vodika od vsebnosti `vepla v ISSM S. MUHAMEDAGI], M. ORU]: HISTORICAL SURVEY OF IRON AND STEEL PRODUCTION IN BiH HISTORICAL SURVEY OF IRON AND STEEL PRODUCTION IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ZGODOVINSKI PREGLED PROIZVODNJE @ELEZA IN JEKLA V BOSNI IN HERCEGOVINI Sulejman Muhamedagi}1, Mirsada Oru~2 1University of Zenica, Faculty of metallurgy and materials, Travni~ka c. 1, 72000 Zenica, Bosna i Hercegovina 2University of Zenica, Institute of Metallurgy "Kemal Kapetanovi}", Travni~ka c. 1, 72000 Zenica, Bosna i Hercegovina sulejman.muhamedagicfamm.unze.ba Prejem rokopisa – received: 2009-01-08; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2009-01-16 Cast-iron and steel production facilities were, and still are, frequently located on sites with deposits of iron ore and coal. The center of steel metallurgy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and of the former Yugoslavia, is located in the Iron and Steel Plant Zenica, today known as Arcelor Mittal Zenica. In this paper the beginning, the development and the planned growth of the iron and steel plant in Zenica is presented with periods of success and periods of crisis. Key words: Iron and Steel Plant Zenica, developmentr, pig iron, steel. Proizvodne naprave za grodelj in jeklo so pogosto zgrajene na le`i{~ih `elezove rude in premoga. Sredi{~e proizvodnje jekla v Bosni in Hercegovini ter v nekdanji Jugoslaviji je bilo v @elezarni Zenica, danes Arcelor Mittal Zenica. V tem sestavku so predstavljeni za~etek, razvoj in na~rtovana rast @elezarne Zenica z obdobji krize in uspeha. Klju~ne besede: @elezarna Zenica, razvoj, grodelj, jeklo 1 INTRODUCTION Metal materials based on iron have been used for millennia; first as natural iron metal and then extracted from iron ores 1. Pig iron is produced in blast furnaces and is the basis for steel production, with a share of more than 60 %. Pig iron is produced from ores with 40 % to 65 % Fe. Besides the content of iron, the possibility of using it in a blast furnace without previous ore pro- cessing is of essential importance 2. Steel is an alloy that can be plastically worked; it is of strategic importance for every country and has many applications 3. Its wide range of technological and mechanical properties make steel the most important metallic material with a steady growth in annual production. Today’s technical society would not be possible without steel, which is produced in an annual quantity that is five times greater than the total production of all the other metallic materials 4. 2 HISTORICAL SURVEY The Iron and Steel Works Zenica is the basis of the Bosnian and Herzegovinian (BH) economic mosaic, with a development based on the advantages determined by its location and which are the basis for the future technological development: the millennium tradition of iron production, the location and the natural advantages of its central location in BH, the deposit of quality coal, the proximity of the Vare{ iron-ore deposit and the advantage of road and railway communications along the Bosna valley. The concession for the erection of the Ironworks Zenica was given in 1892 to the Austrian industrialists Leon Bondy (Prag), Moritz and Adolf von Schmit (Wilhemsburg) and Hans von Peng (Thorl).The first production facilities were erected in a single year, and in 1893 the production of small profiles and wire rod was started. The official name of the company was Eisen und Stahlgewerkschaft Zenica. In the rest of the paper a review of the iron works is given for the period 1892–2008, with the emphasis on different stages. In 1898 the owners formed the share company Eisenindustrie – Aktiengesellschaft Zenica, with the aim to strengthen the company, and the increased capital and profit enabled the further con- struction and modernization of the production facilities in the period 1898 to 1913. In 1908 the iron works became a member of the Central European cartel of the metallurgical industry. A maximum production of 38 583 t of steel was achieved in 1912, and this was not exceeded until 1936, when a substantial enlargement of the production facilities was introduced. In 1936 the Kingdom of Yugoslavia backed the restructuring and the enlargement of the production facilities for steel. In this year, the characteristic growth of production facilities by stages was started with the erection of the rolling mill for heavy profiles. The production increased to 80 000 t of steel, and more than 72 000 t of final rolled products. In the period of capital erection from 1947 to 1958, in the time of Socialist Yugoslavia, the Ironworks Zenica Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 223–229 223 UDK 669.1(497.15)(091) ISSN 1580-2949 Professional article/Strokovni ~lanek MTAEC9, 43(4)223(2009) was enlarged with the erection of the integrated process, and by the 60th year the project to build facilities with an annual production of 265 000 t of steel was prepared. This program was planned to be realized in three stages. The production facilities enlarged in the period from 1892 to 2008 occurred in several stages. As an integrated steel producer, it includes all the processing stages: the production of coke, agglomerate, pig iron, steel, power stations and steel transformation to final products with hot rolling and forging. 3 STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE IRONWORKS ZENICA The stages of development are shown by year together with the annual production for all works and for 110 years of activity. In this period of time the name and the owners changed, and presently the name is Arcelor Mittal Zenica. 1892–1893 Erection and revamping of production facilities 35 000 t per year Erection of 2 puddling furnaces, 2 rolling mills, drives and the boiler 1895–1898 55 000 t per year Completion and reconstruction of production faci- lities. Erection of 3 Siemens-Martin (SM) furnaces with a capacity of 15 t, electrical power station and a new light profiles rolling mill (Figures 4, 5, 6 and 7). 1936−1940 Erection of the heavy rolling mill, 2 SM furnaces of capacity 40 t and 50 t, electric arc furnace of capa- city 3 t, drive generators and the mechanical work- shop 100 000 t per year S. MUHAMEDAGI], M. ORU]: HISTORICAL SURVEY OF IRON AND STEEL PRODUCTION IN BiH 224 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 223–229 Figure 1: Technological scheme of the integrated production of steel in the Ironworks Zenica (2007) Slika 1: Tehnolo{ka shema integrirane proizvodnje jekla v @elezarni Zenica (leto 2007) Figure 3: Light rolling mill at the beginning of the 20th century Slika 3: Lahka valjarna v za~etku XX. stoletja Figure 2: The Ironworks Zenica in 1895 Slika 2: @elezarna Zenica leta 1895 1947–1958 Pig iron: 600 000 t per year Steel 75 000 t per year Finished rolled and forged products 540 000 t Erection of: • 4 coke batteries with 39 furnaces per battery, with an annual capacity of 650 000 t and with auxiliary faci- lities, • the complex of blast furnaces consisting of the ore treatment with a capacity of 400 000 t of burden materials, agglomeration with 8 Greenawald pans with surfaces of 22 m2 and a capacity of 800 000 t per year of agglomerate, • 3 blast furnaces with volumes of (850, 750 and 800) m3 and a capacity of 600 000 t of pig iron, • the new steelworks with 4 fixed SM-furnaces with a capacity of 70 t, 4 tilting 180 t SM furnaces and the 10 t electric arc furnace, • complex of rolling mills with a Blooming mill, a continuous mill for half products and 3 finishing rolling mills: medium, light and wire rod rolling mills, • forging shop with presses of 6 MN, 18.5 MN and 51 MN, hammers and the rolling mill for rings and wheels, S. MUHAMEDAGI], M. ORU]: HISTORICAL SURVEY OF IRON AND STEEL PRODUCTION IN BiH Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 223–229 225 Figure 5: Taking specimens from the SM furnace before the First World War Slika 5: Odvzem vzorcev iz SM-pe~i pred prvo svetovno vojno Figure 4: Heating furnaces for the light rolling mill before the First World War Slika 4: Ogrevne pe~i za lahko valjarno pred prvo svetovno vojno Figure 8: Manual charging of additions in the SM furnace Slika 8: Ro~no zakladanje dodatkov v SM-pe~ Figure 7: Medium rolling mill Slika 7: Srednja valjarna Figure 6: Ore bedding with a view of the blast furnaces Slika 6: Rudni dvor s pogledom na plav` • facilities for thermal treatment and machining, and the power station 1960–1961 A draft project was prepared for new investments for a realization in three stages 2 650 000 t per year 1965–1968 (stage I) 1 000 000 t per year Modernization and a production-capacity increase. With the completion and reconstruction of the ore treatment and the blast furnaces for the production of 700 000 t per year of pig iron, the erection of a new system for steel-scrap conveying and the introduction of oil heating for the SM-furnaces, the erection of slag bedding, the projected steel plant annual production was S. MUHAMEDAGI], M. ORU]: HISTORICAL SURVEY OF IRON AND STEEL PRODUCTION IN BiH 226 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 223–229 Figure 11: Hammer forging Slika 11: Kovanje s kladivom Figure 10: Rolling on the Blooming rolling mill Slika 10: Valjanje na valjarni Bluming Figure 9: Charging of ingots in the pit furnace Slika 9: Zakladanje ingotov v talno pe~ Figure 12: Heavy forging piece on the 18.5 MN press Slika 12: Te`ak odkovek na pre{i 18,5 MN Figure 13: Casting in moulds Slika 13: Ulivanje kokil achieved. For the plants own needs, a steel casting shop was built. 1965 The seconds stage of the project was finished 1 250 000 t per year 1970–1989 (Stage II) A new integrated ironwork was erected with the following facilities: • coke battery no. 5 with 65 ovens with a capacity of 720 000 t per year, • unloading stations and the transport system for raw materials, • agglomeration shop with 6 units, each with a surface of 75 m2, • blast furnace 4 with a volume of 1 756 m3 and a capacity of 1 250 000 t per year of pig iron, • facilities for the treatment of ore materials • a steel plant with 100 and 130 LD convertors and mixers 21 300 t, • continuous casting for blooms of section (265 × 340) mm, • billet-rolling mills with an annual capacity of 1 500 000 t, a light rolling mill with a capacity of 650 000 t per year and a wire rod rolling mill with a capacity of 430 000 t per year, • power complex with 2 220 t/h steam boilers, a heat shop and a pumping station for water, turbogene- rators of 7 MW and 25 MW, turbotuyeres TD-4 and TD-5 with 18 MW for technological air for the blast furnace 4, transformers and the net for the distri- bution of energy. 1988 The productions was 1 118 780 t of convertor, 762 886 t of SM and 24 334 t of electro steel 1 906 000 t per year Total (stages I and II) 2 250 000 t per year 1990–1991 The British company British Steel Consultants, London, and the World Bank suggested several development options for the reconstruction of the Ironworks Zenica. They established that the ironworks may became profitable after the realization of the proposed program and become competitive in the market. A study was prepared on the basis of the total steel production in Yugoslavia. 1992 The production in Ironworks Zenica, with a tradition of over 100 years of production and working with steel, was halted in the second half of 1992 because of the war and all the facilities were preserved. In September and October 1992 the ironworks was heavily damaged by air bombing. The realization of the reconstruction program proposed by the company British Steel Consultants, London was stopped. 1993–1995 The protection of the facilities was ensured and the air-bombing damage was repaired. The proposal for the revitalization and the start up of production was prepared in August 1994 with the cooperation of local specialists and those from development organizations in Zenica and with the optimistic anticipation of the employees and the managers for the future. They were convinced that the production of steel was justified by economic, market and development factors. In the study, all the base, technical, market, economic and financial elements were considered for an optimized production program. In particular, the following were analyzed: • the permanent halting of old and loss-making facili- ties, • the economic and technical justification for the reactivation of facilities erected after 1976, • the necessity of production for supplies to the manu- facturing industry and because of market trends, • the number of employees, • the required financial funds for the restructuring of production facilities and for the working capital, • the economic evaluation of the technical, techno- logical, production and market parameters, the role of the Ironworks Zenica in the economy of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, S. MUHAMEDAGI], M. ORU]: HISTORICAL SURVEY OF IRON AND STEEL PRODUCTION IN BiH Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 223–229 227 Figure 14: Discharging of red-hot coke Slika 14: Praznjenje `are~ega koksa iz pe~i • the development potential and the change of owner- ship. The following were proposed: to permanently stop the old and loss-bringing facilities from the 1950s: the coke battery 1 to 4, the ore-treatment facilities, the old agglomeration with 8 Greenawald pans, the blast furnaces 1 to 3, the SM steel plant, the electric arc furnace 3 t and the cast-steel factory, the heavy and light mills and the wire rod mills II. • Revitalization and the start of facilities erected after 1976 aimed at an integrated cycle production with the production of coke, agglomerate, pig iron, steel and rolled and forged products. • The increase of the capacity of the old electric arc furnace from (10 to 15) t per year and the reconstruc- tion of the vacuum facility for molten steel. 1998–2000 The moral codex and the traditional perseverance of the Zenica metallurgists maintained the cadres, the facilities and the start of the production of steel with the remelting of steel scrap from dismantled and permanently halted facilities in the SM and electric arc furnaces. This forced solution was accompanied by significant reconstructions to cover the marketing requirements. The production was started in the rolling mill and the forging shop and with the manufacturing of reinforcing nets, building armature and lattice beams. In parallel, in 1998 the certification audit confirmed the management quality conformed to the requirements of ISO 9001 for the rolling and forging products 2000 SM furnace 53 118 tons, electric arc furnace 23 533 t 76 651 t 2003–2004 Planned production 1 000 000 t In 2003 and 2004 the EAF 100 t, the continuous casting, a new formill and a new heating furnace for the light rolling mill were built. The production of approximately 1 000 000 tons of steel was achieved in the electric arc 15 t and in the SM-furnaces. The operation of the forging shop of approximately 15 000 t was based on the plants own steel, while, for the rolling mill beside the SM furnaces production, a limited quantity of billets was also imported. In August 2004 a contract was signed with the company LNM Holdings N.V, which became the owner of 51% of the Zenica company. By the end of 2004 the operation of the SM-furnaces was closed permanently. 2004−2006 The production with the electric arc furnace 15 t was used for the forging shop and, with the electric arc furnace 100 t, for the rolling mills. In parallel, a revision of projects was carried out in the frame of the starting up of the integrated steel production. 2006 Annual production of electric steel 480 035 t 2008 Production was started with the reconstructed blast furnace, agglomeration and the coking plant. 2007−2008 The "Feniks" project aimed at starting up the inte- grated production was approved and its realization was started. In parallel, activities were started up for the preparation of measures and time limits for the decrease of emissions and pollution, applying the best available methods, with the aim to obtain an environmental license. The work with reconstruction and overhauling of the facilities for primary processing continued: agglomeration, blast furnace, steel plant, energy supply and quality control, for infrastructure and auxiliaries. By the second quarter of 2008 the test S. MUHAMEDAGI], M. ORU]: HISTORICAL SURVEY OF IRON AND STEEL PRODUCTION IN BiH 228 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 223–229 Figure 16: The new continuous-billets casting facility Slika 16: Nova naprava za kontinuirno ulivanje gredic Figure 15: The new electric arc furnace 100 t Slika 15: Nova elektroblo~na pe~ production of the coking plant and by July also the test production with agglomeration, blast furnace, convertor steel plant and the auxiliaries were started. 2007 Annual electric steel production 533 289 t 2008 Annual electric steel production planned 780 000 t 2009 Annual steel production planned 1 140 000 t 2012 New investments and the construction of continuous casting for slabs planned for the annual production of 2 000 000 t 4 CONCLUSION Steel has for a long time been connected to Central Bosnia and Herzegovina, and especially to the area of Zenica, a distance of 70 km from Sarajevo. With the start of the integrated production process in the Ironworks Zenica, this area again acquired a strong base industry for the production and transformation of iron ore, steel and market products. 5 REFERENCES 1 Z. Pa{ali}: Metalurgija ~elika (Steel metallurgy); Fakultet za meta- lurgiju i materijale, Univerzitet u Sarajevu, 2002 2 S. Muhamedagi}: Metalurgija gvo`|a-Visoka pe} (Pig iron metallur- gy-blast furnace), Fakultet za metalurgiju i materijale, Univerzitet u Zenici, 2005 3 S. Muhamedagi}: Metalurgija gvo`|a-Priprema zasipa (Pig iron metallurgy, burden preparation), Fakultet za metalurgiju i materijale, Univerzitet u Zenici, 2005 4 M. Oru~: Savremeni metalni materijali (Modern metallic materials), Fakultet za metalurgiju i materijale, Univerzitet u Zenici, 2005 5 Fotomonografija – @eljezara Zenica, "Zadruga" Sarajevo, 1968 6 Mittal Steel Zenica – Poduhvat za budu}nost BH ~elika (Venture for the future of the BH steel), Zenica, 2005 S. MUHAMEDAGI], M. ORU]: HISTORICAL SURVEY OF IRON AND STEEL PRODUCTION IN BiH Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 43 (2009) 4, 223–229 229