Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 63(2017)9, 479-488 © 2017 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved. D0l:10.5545/sv-jme.2017.4499 Original Scientific Paper Received for review: 2017-05-26 Received revised form: 2017-08-17 Accepted for publication: 2017-08-24 The Yield-Point Phenomenon and Cyclic Plasticity of the Console Beam Andrej Zerovnik* - Ivan Prebil - Robert Kunc University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia In the paper, the influence of the yield-point phenomenon (YPP) on cyclic plasticity of the console beam is presented with the objective to demonstrate the impact of the YPP on the local cyclic plasticity. The influence of the YPP and its dependence on cyclic material hardening or softening was studied through experiments and numerical simulations. Console beams are made from the low-alloy EN 42 CrMo 4 steel in its normalized state (184 HV), which exhibits cyclic hardening, and in its tempered state (296 HV), which is subject to cyclic softening. Numerical simulations were performed on constitutive model of cyclic plasticity taking into account the kinematic hardening, isotropic hardening or softening and formulations of the YPP which are based on the change of the elastic region surface in the stress space at first transition into the stress plateau. Analysis of the results shows the importance of taking into account the YPP equations in constitutive models of cyclic plasticity as well as the influence of the YPP on cyclic plasticity of the console beam. Keywords: yield-point phenomenon, cyclic plasticity, mechanical testing, FEM simulations Highlights • The yield-point phenomenon (YPP) was observed in relation with cyclic plasticity of the console beam. • The influence of the YPP on cyclic plasticity of the console beam was determined from experimental and numerical simulations of cyclic bend tests. • Research was made with the objective to demonstrate the impact of the YPP on the local cyclic plasticity. • Based on the presented results, it is evident that formulation of the YPP in constitutive models of cyclic plasticity leads to more realistic results of cyclic plasticity. 0 INTRODUCTION The yield-point phenomenon (YPP) is the result of a rapid increase in the number of mobile dislocations [1] and [2] and is common in iron [3], low-alloy steels [4] and [5], titanium alloys [6], aluminium [7] and [8], tantalum [9] and [10] and several other metallic alloys [11] to [14] as well as in composites and laminates [15] and [16], polymers [17] and [18] and even rocks [19] and [20]. Most previous studies that were engaged with the influence of the YPP analyse the reasons behind its development and its effects on monotonic loading [1], [2] and [5]. The stress state and the reasons associated with Lüders banding were researched by Schwab and Ruff [21]. Barnett et al. [14] made a major step by experimental microstructural analysis for verification of the onset of deformation twinning in Lüders bands. Wenman and Chard-Tuckey [22] analyse the effect of the Lüders strains on residual stresses from various material hardening models in uniaxially-loaded specimens. The effect of Lüders bands on the bending of steel tubes was discussed by Aguirre et al. [23], Hallai and Kyriakides [24] and Bechle and Kyriakides [6]. Recently, Zou et al. [25] observed cyclic loading in yield plateau and Zerovnik et al. [26] presented the influence of the YPP on cyclic plasticity of the uniaxially loaded specimens. The first to describe the uniaxial model of the YPP was Hahn [27]. The presented model described the stress drop based on Johnston and Gilman's [28] concept of a rapid increase in the number of mobile dislocations at the yield point. Shioya and Shioiri [29] later expanded Hahn's model to a multiaxial one, while Itoh et al. [30] was the first to implement Hahn's model to the finite-element code. Cyclic plasticity research has a long and rich tradition. Armstrong and Frederick [31] were among the first to describe kinematic hardening. Their work was later extended by Chaboche et al. [32] and Chaboche [33] and [34], whose proposal included a superposition of three kinematic rules. Mostly with a view to further improve ratcheting simulation, several other models were later proposed [32], [35] to [41]. Chaboche [42] presented a comprehensive overview of the selected constitutive models. Particularly worth mentioning is the Ohno-Wang model [43] and [44], which introduced critical state of dynamic recovery into kinematic hardening rules. Although of a slightly earlier date, the Ohno-Wang model had not lost its relevance, as was confirmed by Yu et al. [40] in their upgraded model integrating equations of cyclic visco-plasticity. Similarly, the Ohno-Wang model was also *Corr. Author's Address: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 479 Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 63(2017)9, 479-488 modified by Abdel-Karim [39], who proved that inclusion of isotropic hardening enabled the model to predict uniaxial as well as multiaxial ratcheting. Another interesting model that related cyclic hardening to the plastic strain history was proposed by Korelc et al. [45]. However, only few research studies [26], [46] to [48] are focused on the effect of the YPP in combination with cyclic plasticity. Even the materials which express the YPP was addressed by constitutive models of cyclic plasticity, the YPP is not taken into account in most of those models. [49] to [51]. In most cyclic load cases, the zone of elastic deformation surrounds the plastic deformation zone, and failure to consider the YPP would lead to incorrect predictions of plastic deformation deviating from the real-life situation. In order to conduct precise stress-strain analyses, a constitutive model is needed which enables accurate descriptions of the YPP as well as subsequent cyclic plasticity. In the recent period, Yoshida [47] and [48] has made a significant contribution in this field. He has presented two rate-dependent models of cyclic plasticity, which describe kinematic and isotropic hardening as well as the YPP. In his model based on the micromechanical approach, Yoshida claims that after the yield point an abrupt yield drop takes place because of the rapid multiplication of dislocations. Besides describing the phenomenon, Yoshida also used the benefits of the YPP for solving real-world problems [47]. Zerovnik et al. [46] presented their observations of the YPP based on the phenomenological approach which relates the yield plateau with a reduction in the size of the elastic region surface and displacement of the elastic region centre in the stress space. The aim of this paper is to present and evaluate the influence of the YPP on cyclic plasticity behavior of the console beam, with the objective to demonstrate the impact of the YPP on the local cyclic plasticity. The study is based on a combination of experimental observations and numerical simulations. 1 EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS The influence of the YPP on cyclic plasticity was estimated from cyclic bend tests of console beams (Fig. 1). Console beams were made from low-alloy EN 42 CrMo 4 steel, which exhibits cyclic hardening in its normalized state and cyclic softening in its tempered state [26]. To analyse the impact of the YPP in combination with cyclic hardening or softening, console beams were prepare in two different states, normalized (184 HV) and hardened (296 HV). The experiments were conducted on the Instron 8802 test rig [52]. An additional clamping device was made for the purpose of attaching the specimens (Fig. 2). The stiffness of the clamping device was verified through numerical stress-strain simulations, which showed that the impact of the clamping device strains on console beam displacement is less than 1 % of the measured value in all predicted load cases. Instron 2527-101 dynamic load cell (capacity ± 250 kN and certified measurement system error ± 0.1 % of total range) was used to measure the force applied to the beam and the console beam displacement was measured using Instron 2620-604 Dynamic Extensometer (gauge length of 15 mm and certified measurement system error ± 0.1 % of total travel) (Fig. 2). Symmetric and asymmetric cyclic bend tests were performed under displacement control (Table 1) at a loading frequency of 0.5 Hz and under time-dependent sinusoidal load. Fig. 1. A console beam Table 1. Cyclic bend experiments of console beams Specimen Displacement amplitude [mm] Heat treatment CN1 2 CN2 3 Normalized CN3 4 (184 HV) CN4 2* CT1 3 Tempered CT2 4 (296 HV) * Asymmetric loading, mean displacement value is 2 mm. During cyclic loading of the console beams made of 184 HV steel, the GOM Aramis 5M measurement system was used to observe the strain field of the specimens (Fig. 2). Optical measurement system has lenses with a focal point of 50 mm, the area of image capture was 35 mm* 29 mm. System resolution at 0.032 pixels and system error at 0.06 pixels is automatically evaluated. 480 Zerovnik, A. - Prebil, I. - Kunc, R. Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 63(2017)9, 479-488 Extensometer Console beam Clamping device Fig. 2. Cyclic loading of a console beam 2 NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS A source code for a three-dimensional eight-node isoparametric finite element was generated for FEM-based numerical simulations. The formulation was based on the displacement field method, and the stiffness matrix was derived with the variation approach [46]. The FE code was generated using the symbolic algebra package AceGen [53]. Additionally, FE models of a console beam were built (Fig. 3). Fig. 3. FE model of a console beam loaded in bending The constitutive model integrated in the FE code is based on the phenomenological approach and the small-strain theory. The isotropic material properties are assumed. The model includes descriptions of material cyclic hardening or softening, nonlinear kinematic hardening, and the YPP. Also, it takes into account the von Mises yield surface, whereas the equation defining the size of the yield surface F is supplemented by coefficients of the YPP as well as cyclic and kinematic hardening [46]: F = f -(r - M = 0, (1) where aYpre stands for the stress of the upper yield point and R for the coefficient of cyclic hardening or softening. M is the coefficient of the YPP which denotes the isotropic changing of the elastic region size within the stress space resulting from an increase in the number of mobile dislocations at transition from the elastic into the elasto-plastic region. oYcor is the yield stress correction expressing the change in the size of the elastic region within the yield region. cceq denotes equivalent stress [46]. The shift in the position of the elastic domain in the stress space (i.e. the Bauschinger effect) is given by the evolution equation for the back stress describing kinematic hardening, which was originally proposed by Armstrong and Frederick [31] and later extended by Chaboche [33]: X = ]T X( " (2) The segments of the kinematic curve (n=1, 2, 3) are described by an equation proposed by Ohno and Wang [43] and [44], which takes into account the Bauschinger effect and uses the Ohno-Wang parameters to consider mean-stress relaxation in the event of asymmetric hardening: X( " > = 2 Y "> " > jj ( X (") Y X ( n) » y X(")y(")/L. (3) The change in the elastic region size in the stress space is defined by the isotropic cyclic hardening or softening equation. Uniaxial experimental observations [26] show that material hardening or softening continues for the specimen's whole remaining life time. The rate of hardening also depends on the magnitude of the plastic strain. In his observations of cyclic plasticity in construction steels, Korelc [45] detected similar behavior and later n=1 The Yield-Point Phenomenon and Cyclic Plasticityof the Console Beam 481 Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 63(2017)9, 479-488 described the isotropic cyclic material response with a cyclic hardening model that integrates the time history of plastic deformation: Table 2. EN 42 CrMo 4 material parameters of the constitutive model where: R = b0 (b ■ i + R^(srmax)- R )i + b -i, b = sgn (R^s ) -1 - e"So ^, R = (l + («- » » ,s (4) (5) (6) Yoshida [47] and [48] was the first to point out that it is not sensible to consider cyclic hardening or softening in the region of Luders bands (ei).This applies only to the first transition from the elastic into the elasto-plastic region (monotonic loading), and not to subsequent cyclic loading in the Luders strain region. The YPP in Eq. (1) is described by M and oYcor. The stress drop after the upper yield point is described by the equation denoting the isotropic changing of the elastic region size [46]: M = c(