6 Sodobna pedagogika/Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies Let./Vol. 74 (140) Številka 2/2023 Str. 6–8/pp. 126–129 ISSN 0038 0474 Uvodnik Druga številka 140. letnika revije Sodobna pedagogika prinaša zanimive prispevke, v katerih se avtorji in avtorice ukvarjajo z različnimi temami (psiho- socialne stiske, participacija, kulturna pedagogika, pričakovanja bodočih učiteljev idr.) in skupinami (mladi, otroci s posebnimi potrebami, študenti idr.). Špela Razpotnik in Jana Rapuš Pavel v članku z naslovom Mladi, psihosocialne stiske in šola kot potencialni podporni dejavnik raziskujeta ak- tualno in perečo tematiko. Tako v Sloveniji kot v tujini se kaže povečana pojavnost psihosocialnih stisk med mladostniki, k čemur je svoje prispevala tudi pandemija covida-19. Avtorici opozorita, da postajajo psihosocialne stiske tudi vse bolj kompleksne, prek mladih pa jih doživlja vse več družin in družbenih skupin, tudi šolskih. Dostop do podpore je zaradi dolgih čakalnih vrst otežen, strokovnjaki s področja psihosocialnih stisk pa poudarjajo, da je pomembno angažirati različne vire pomoči v skupnosti, še posebej tiste, ki zajamejo veliko večino mladih. Kot zapišeta avtorici, je takšno okolje tudi šola. Avtorici predstavita del rezultatov nedavnega raziskovanja prvoosebne perspektive mladih z izkušnjo psihosocialne stiske, pri čemer je njuna pozornost usmerjena v šolsko okolje. Izsledki raziskave ju vodijo tudi k oblikovanju vizije o tem, kako šolsko okolje oblikovati kot bolj podporno za mlade, ki se soočajo z različnimi psihosocialnimi stiskami. Socialno in podporno dimenzijo šole prepoznavata kot tisto, kar danes zaradi ravno nasprotnih prioritet (individualizem, tekmovalnost) prepogosto ostaja v ozadju. Sledita dva prispevka na temo participacije. V prispevku z naslovom Partici- pacija učencev s posebnimi potrebami v procesu (pre)šolanja Tajda Pikl in Irena Lesar odpreta tematiko pravice učencev s posebnimi potrebami do participacije pri odločanju o njihovem prešolanju. Izhajata iz predpostavke, da v Sloveniji obstaja prepričanje, da so predvsem strokovnjaki tisti, ki so pristojni za odločanje o učenčevi največji koristi, kar učencem, kot opozorita avtorici, zmanjšuje status avtonomne osebe. S polstrukturiranimi intervjuji sta ugotavljali izkustveni vidik vključenosti in participacije učencev v postopkih identifikacije njihovih posebnih potreb in prešolanja. Kot pišeta, so nekateri učenci opozorili na neustrezno pouče- valno prakso učiteljev, kar je vplivalo na slabšo učno uspešnost učencev v večinskih šolah in tako botrovalo k prešolanju. Prešolanje je za večino učencev pomenilo stresno spremembo, svojih občutkov pa večinoma niso mogli razkriti odraslim. Učenci so opozorili tudi na premalo podpore in informacij, vloga pogovora strokov- njakov z njimi pa je praviloma še vedno v ozadju. Hkrati pa avtorici izpostavita, da so učenci soglasno izrazili željo po sodelovanju in interes za sodelovanje pri sprejemanju tako pomembnih odločitev, kot je na primer njihovo prešolanje. S prispevkom se odpira vprašanje participacije, ki ga bo treba v prihodnje bolj ustre- zno obravnavati tako na ravni skrbi za ustrezno sistemsko vključitev učencev v postopke, ki se jih tičejo, kot tudi neposredno na odnosni ravni. Drug prispevek ima naslov Dejavniki participacije otrok pri načrtovanju v predšolski vzgoji in izobraževanju. Avtorji Sonja Rutar, Blaž Simčič in Alja Smolčič problematizirajo razumevanje participacije otrok pri soodločanju v zanje 7 Jeznik pomembnih zadevah, ki sicer izhaja tudi iz Konvencije o otrokovih pravicah. Kot opozorijo, se o možnosti participacije navadno presoja glede na otrokovo starost in zrelost. Ob tem predstavijo rezultate raziskave o stališčih vzgojiteljic do participacije otrok pri načrtovanju dejavnosti v vrtcu in do vključenosti otrok v načrtovanje glede na dejavnike, kot so prvo in drugo starostno obdobje, delovna doba vzgojiteljic, njihovo usposabljanje ter lastno proučevanje participacije otrok. Rezultati kažejo, da je participacija otrok pri načrtovanju povezana s stališči vzgo- jiteljic glede na naštete dejavnike, predvsem glede na dejavnik samoiniciativnega pridobivanja znanja vzgojiteljic o participaciji otrok v vrtcu. Katja Depolli Steiner v prispevku z naslovom Začetna pričakovanja študentov pedagoških študijskih programov glede učiteljskega poklica prikaže izsledke raziskave, s katero je ugotovila, da so pričakovanja študentov glede učiteljskega poklica na splošno optimistična, najbolj na ravni pričakovanj glede dela z učenci in zadovoljstva s poklicem. Razlike med študenti so se pokazale predvsem na ravni njihove namere o zaposlitvi na področju šolstva. Bolj kot so študenti odločeni za zaposlitev v šolstvu, bolj so optimistični. Njihov optimizem pa je avtorica prepoznala še glede na količino izkušenj s poučevanjem oziroma dela z učenci, ki so jih študenti pridobili še pred praktičnim usposabljanjem v okviru študija. Avtorica prispevek sklene z mislijo, da bi bilo nujno nadaljevati proučevanja pogledov študentov po prvih in vseh nadaljnjih letih izkušenj, ki jih pridobijo pri različnih oblikah praktičnega usposabljanja v okviru svojega študija in podobno. Glede na zmanjšan interes za učiteljski poklic med mladimi bi bilo smiselno podpreti različne raziskave, s katerimi bi lahko bolj celostno analizirali, kaj so ključni dejavniki, ki lahko pripomorejo k večji privlačnosti učiteljskega poklica, in kaj je treba spremeniti, da privlačnost tega pomembnega poklica ne bo več upadala. Kristina Šrot, Matjaž Duh in Metka Kordigel Aberšek v prispevku z naslovom Metoda vizualnega odziva in otrokovo razumevanje etičnega sporočila literarnega besedila metodo vizualnega odziva (MVO) uporabijo kot didaktično pot za preverjanje otrokovega razumevanja etičnega sporočila literarnega besedila s pomočjo vizualne interakcije. Avtorji prispevka so primernost MVO preverjali na primeru književne umetnosti, natančneje pravljice z naslovom Zgodba o kaj- manu. Gre za pravljico iz tujega civilizacijskega kroga in zelo staro besedilo, a njeno etično sporočilo je še kako aktualno. Dotika se namreč posledic človekovega nebrzdanega poseganja v naravo. Izsledki raziskave, ki jo analizirajo avtorji, so re- zultat medpredmetnega povezovanja književne vzgoje z likovno umetnostjo. Ugo- tovitve kažejo, da je v takem povezovanju mogoče doseči optimalno izrabo estetsko oblikovanih besedil kot didaktične poti (metode) za eksternalizacijo učenčevega dialoga z literarnim besedilom. Ključno sporočilo je, da smo ob uporabi primerne metode (npr. metode vizualnega odziva) z otrokom o njegovem literarnoestetskem doživetju zmožni komunicirati, še preden se je ta zmožen o tem, ali je razumel etično sporočilo ali ne, izraziti z besedami. Slovenski del revije končujemo s člankom z naslovom Kulturna pedagogika v primežu spreminjanja paradigme, v katerem se Tadej Vidmar ukvarja z zahtevno in v slovenskem znanstveno-strokovnem prostoru neenotno interpretacijo odziva 8 Sodobna pedagogika/Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies na duhoslovno oziroma kulturno pedagogiko. Avtor v članku prepleta in utemelju- je dve tezi. Prva izhaja iz predpostavke, da je bila slovenska pedagogika po drugi svetovni vojni politizirana in pod nekritičnim vplivom komunističnih oblasti, pri čemer avtor polemizira z drugimi sodobnimi interpretacijami povojnega obdobja. Druga teza avtorja pa je, da je po drugi svetovni vojni prišlo do problematičnega interpretiranja del dveh ključnih slovenskih akademskih pedagogov, Karla Ozval- da in Stanka Gogale. Avtor utemeljuje, da je bila duhoslovna oziroma kulturna pedagogika po vojni po krivici (in na škodo pedagogike) zapostavljena, zlasti pa je bilo po krivici zapostavljeno in celo diskreditirano delo Karla Ozvalda. Kaže se potreba po dodatnih poglobljenih analizah različnih kritik, ne le kulturne, temveč tudi drugih pedagoških paradigem, ki so bile aktualne med vojnama ter v povoj- nem obdobju in so danes del splošne pedagoške vednosti. V angleškem delu revije lahko bralec najprej v angleščini prebere že ome- njeni članek avtoric Špele Razpotnik in Jane Rapuš Pavel Young People, Psychosocial Distress and School as a Potential Supportive Factor. Sledi prispevek Simone Rogič Ožek z naslovom How Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder Experience Relationships. Avtorica izhaja iz težav na področju socialne komuni- kacije in interakcije, ki se lahko pojavijo pri osebah z avtističnimi motnjami ter jim povzročajo izzive pri vzpostavljanju, ohranjanju in vzdrževanju odnosov. Da bi bolje razumeli odnose, ki jih osebe z avtističnimi motnjami vzpostavljajo z ljudmi zunaj družine, avtorica v prispevku predstavi kvalitativno raziskavo o doživljanju odnosov s prvoosebne perspektive. Ugotovila je, da osebe z avtističnimi motnjami izražajo raznovrstno paleto oteževalnih dejavnikov pri odnosih z drugimi ljudmi, hkrati pa tudi spodbudne dejavnike, ki pa so v primerjavi z oteževalnimi izraženi manj pogosto. Doživljanje odnosov s prvoosebne perspektive lahko pomaga tudi pri izboljšanju obstoječe strokovne podpore in izobraževalnih strategij na področju socialnega povezovanja za zagotavljanje boljše socialne vključenosti. Angleški del revije končujemo s prispevkom Žana Korošca z naslovom Research Ethics in Education Sciences in Slovenia between 1991 and 2021. Avtor se ukvarja z raziskovalno etiko; to razume kot obvezen dejavnik vsake študije, ki vključuje ljudi, pri čemer pa se njeno celostno upoštevanje poredko odvije brez dilem, še posebej v izobraževanju, kjer raziskave potekajo z otroki in drugimi ran- ljivimi skupinami. Avtor analizira, kako se je v Sloveniji med letoma 1991 in 2021 razpravljalo o raziskovalni etiki na pedagoškem področju. Po obsežnem pregledu potencialnih razprav bolj natančno analizira tri prispevke. Njegove ugotovitve – poleg tiste o splošnem pomanjkanju pozornosti v razmerju do raziskovalne etike v izobraževanju – so, da se do nje običajno pristopa z vidika norm in potencialnih vprašanj v zvezi z udeležencem, manj pozornosti pa je namenjene raziskovalcu, komisijam, filozofskemu ozadju ipd. Avtor članek sklene s predlogi za razvoj pod- ročja. Zagotovo bo tudi v tej številki bralec našel zanimiv članek zase! Vabljeni k prebiranju! Dr. Katja Jeznik, glavna urednica 126 Sodobna pedagogika/Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies Let./Vol. 74 (140) Issue 2/2023 Str. 6–8/pp. 126–129 ISSN 0038 0474 Editorial The second issue of the 140th volume of the Journal of Contemporary Edu- cational Studies brings together thought-provoking articles whose authors deal with a variety of different topics (psychosocial distress, participation, cultural pedagogy, expectations of their profession expressed by future teachers, etc.) and groups (young people, children with special educational needs, students, etc.). Špela Razpotnik and Jana Rapuš Pavel explore a very topical and rele- vant issue of Young People, Psychosocial Distress and School as a Potential Sup- portive Factor both in Slovenia and internationally, there has been an increase in the incidence of psychosocial distress among adolescents, to which the Covid-19 pandemic has contributed significantly. The authors argue that psychosocial dis- tress is becoming increasingly complex and it is being experienced by more and more families and groups, including school groups, through young people. Access to support is difficult due to long waiting lists, and experts in the field of psychoso- cial distress emphasise the importance of mobilising different sources of support in the community , especially those that can reach a large majority of young people. According to the authors, the school is such an environment. The authors present some of the findings of a recent study on the first-person perspective of young peo- ple with experience of psychosocial distress, with the authors’ attention focused on the school environment. The findings of this study have led them to develop a vision on how to make the school environment more supportive for young people facing different psychosocial difficulties. They recognise the social and supportive dimensions of school as something that is too often neglected due to incompatible priorities (individualism, competition). This is followed by two articles on participation. In their article Participa- tion of Students with Special Educational Needs in the Process of Re-schooling, Tajda Pikl and Irena Lesar raise the issue of the right of students with special educational needs to participate in the decision-making process regarding their school changing. They start from the belief that professionals are the ones who are responsible for deciding on students’ best interests, which, as the authors note, diminishes the students’ status as autonomous individuals. The authors used semi-structured interviews to identify the experiential aspect of students’ involvement and participation in the processes of detecting and identifying their special needs and in their school changing. They found that some students point- ed to inadequate teaching practices, which had an impact on the students’ under- performance in mainstream schools, leading to school changing. For the majority of the students, changing schools is a stressful change, and most of them were unable to share their feelings with adults. The students reported a lack of support and information, and experts’ conversation with them was usually sidelined. At the same time, the authors of the article stress that the students unanimously expressed their desire and interest to participate in important decisions such as their school changing. The article raises the issue of participation, which will need 127 Jeznik to be addressed more adequately in the future, both at the level of ensuring that students are properly involved in the procedures that concern them and at the relational level. The second article on participation is entitled Children‘s Participation in the Planning of Activities in Preschool Education. Sonja Rutar, Blaž Simčič and Alja Smolčič question the understanding of children’s participation in de- cision-making in matters of importance to them based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Authors remind us that participation is usually prejudiced by the child’s age and maturity. They present the findings of a study on preschool teachers’ views on children’s participation in planning preschool activities and on children’s involvement in planning with regard to the first and second age preschool periods, the teachers’ length of service, their training and their own research on children’s participation. The findings indicate that children’s partici- pation in planning is related to the teachers’ attitudes towards the factors listed, especially the preschool teachers’ self-initiated acquisition of knowledge about children’s participation in preschool. In her paper Teacher Education Students’ Initial Expectations of the Teach- ing Profession, Katja Depolli Steiner presents the findings of a study in which she found that students’ expectations about the teaching profession are generally optimistic, most notably in terms of working with students and satisfaction with the profession. The differences between the students were particularly evident with reference to their intention to pursue a career in education. The more de- termined the students were to work in education, the more optimistic they were. The author also identified their optimism in terms of the amount of experience in teaching or working with students that the responding students had gained prior to their practical training in the course of their university studies. The author concludes by suggesting that there is a need to continue to study students after the first and all subsequent years of their experience in various forms of practical training as part of their studies and beyond. Given the declining interest in the teaching profession among young people, it would be worthwhile to support ex- tensive research to analyse in a more comprehensive way what the key factors are that can contribute to making the teaching profession more attractive and what needs to change to ensure that the attractiveness of this important profession does not continue to decline. Kristina Šrot, Matjaž Duh and Metka Kordigel Aberšek’s article The Visual-Response Method and the Child’s Understanding of the Ethical Message of a Literary Text uses the Visual Response Method (VRM) as a didactic approach to study children’s understanding of the ethical message of a literary text through visual interaction. The authors tested the suitability of the VRM through a liter- ary example, a fairy tale called The Story of the Caiman. It is a fairy tale from a foreign civilisation and a very old text, but its ethical message is highly relevant today. It addresses the consequences of people’s unbridled destruction of nature. The results of the study analysed by the authors are the outcome of the cross-cur- ricular integration of literary education and visual arts. The findings show that such integration can make optimal use of aesthetically shaped texts as a didactic 128 Sodobna pedagogika/Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies Jeznik approach (method) to externalise the learner’s dialogue with the literary text. The critical message is that, using an appropriate method (e.g. the visual response method), we are able to communicate with the child about their literary and aes- thetic experience before they are able to communicate in words about whether or not they have understood the ethical message. The Slovenian part of the journal concludes with the article Cultural Pedago- gy in the Grip of the Changing Paradigm, in which Tadej Vidmar examines the challenging and (at least in the Slovenian scientific and professional space) con- flicting interpretations of the response to the geisteswissenschaftliche or cultural pedagogy. In the article, the author intertwines and develops two theses. The first proceeds from the assumption that Slovenian pedagogy after the Second World War was politicised and uncritically influenced by the communist authorities, which the author uses to argue against other contemporary interpretations of the post-war period. Vidmar’s second thesis suggests that after the Second World War there was a questionable interpretation of the works by two key Slovenian uni- versity pedagogues, Karel Ozvald and Stanko Gogala. The author argues that the geisteswissenschaftliche or cultural pedagogy has been unjustly neglected since the war (to the detriment of pedagogy), and Karel Ozvald’s work in particular has been unfairly ignored and even discredited. There is a need for further in-depth analyses of the various critiques, not only of cultural but also of other pedagogical paradigms, which were prominent during the inter-war and post-war periods and are now part of general pedagogical knowledge. In the English section of the journal, the reader can first read the English translation of the article by Špela Razpotnik and Jana Rapuš Pavel, Young People, Psychosocial Distress and School as a Potential Supportive Factor. This is followed by Simona Rogič Ožek’s piece How Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder Experience Relationships. The author draws on the difficulties in so- cial communication and interaction that persons with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may experience and the challenges they face in establishing and maintain- ing relationships. In order to understand better the relationships that persons with ASD have with people outside the family, the author presents a qualitative study on first-person experiences of such relationships. She finds that persons with ASD simultaneously express a diverse range of aggravating factors in their relationships with other people. At the same time, they express encouraging fac- tors, which, however, are less frequent than aggravating factors. Experiencing relationships studied from the first-person perspective can help improve existing professional support and educational strategies in the field of social networking to ensure better social inclusion. The English section of the journal concludes with a contribution by Žan Korošec. In Research Ethics in Education Sciences in Slovenia between 1991 and 2021, the author explores research ethics, which he sees as an obligatory factor in any study involving human subjects. Its full consideration is only rarely without dilemmas, especially in education, where research is conducted with children and other vulnerable groups. The author analyses how research ethics in education was addressed in Slovenia between 1991 and 2021. Having extensively reviewed Editorial relevant studies, the author analyses three papers in more detail. He concludes that, in addition to the lack of attention to research ethics in education, the topic is usually approached in terms of norms and potential questions concerning the participant. Less attention is paid to the researcher, committees, philosophical backgrounds, etc. The author concludes the paper with suggestions for the devel- opment of the area. I am sure that readers will find articles of great interest in this issue. Keep reading! Dr. Katja Jeznik, Editor-in-chief