Informatica 42 (2018) 127–136 127 Prediction of Sentiment from Macaronic Reviews Sukhnandan Kaur and Rajni Mohana Department of CSE, JUIT, Waknaghat, 173234, India E-mail:, Technical paper Keywords: macaronic language, sentiment analysis, supervised learning, normalization Received: March 11, 2017 Web-sphere is the vast ocean of data. It allows its users to write their opinion, suggestions over various social platforms. The users often prefer to write in their native language or some hybrid content (i.e., combination of two or more languages). It’s also observed that people use a word or two of their native language in a text of base language. The presence of native words along with base language is known as macaronic languages. For example: Dunglish (Dutch and English), Chinglish (Chinese and English), Hin- glish (Hindi and English) The use of macaronic languages over the web is on the rise these days. This type of text generally doesn’t follow any syntactic structure, thus making processing of the content difficult. This paper deals with extracting meaningful information of a text containing macaronic content. It also facilitates the need of expert analysers for the processing of such content to take effective decisions. The performance of various decision support systems is dependable over these analysers. Therefore, this paper presents an algorithm which initially normalizes the content to its base language; later performs sentiment analysis over it. The experimental results using proposed algorithm indicates a trade-off between various performance aspects. Povzetek: Prispevek predstavi iskanje razumevanja makaronskega besedila, tj. besedila z dodanimi bese- dami drugega jezika. 1 Introduction Online review communities successfully allow its users to write their opinion, suggestions over various social plat- forms. These reviews greatly affect the decision to buy or sell any product and to use any service. It is fruitful to the manufacturer or service provider to enhance the pro- ductivity. Automatic decision support systems take these reviews into account for sentiment analysis. However, it is extremely difficult to have reviews in uniform language. During an automatic processing of reviews written online, it is found that 2/3 of the internet users are non-English [5] . The reason behind this is that most of the people have the ability to learn only 2 or 3 languages proficiently. In this technological world, people have equal priority to write over the internet among different languages. People who write reviews belong to different communities from different regions of the world; they have the freedom to use their native language too. When a text contains more than one language, it is called as multilingual text. If a single sentence contains more than one language, then it is called as macaronic text[18]. Example 1: Samsung aQCA cellphone , In the above mentioned text, it is taken as macaronic con- tent containing Hindi and English languages. These irregularities found in the data over the internet make the processing more complex. Due to the scarcity of the language resources over the web, it becomes very diffi- cult to handle all the possible languages over the globe. It is a challenging task of a natural language processing group. The formalism in sentiment analysis limits the system to specific users. The reviews from all the users of a particu- lar entity are valuable. It increases the need of automated systems to handle multilingual content. Derkacz[12] stated some of the requirements to have a multilingual au- tomated system. These requirements are further taken care by language processors to build a multilingual system. In case multilingual systems, the language of whole document is taken into account whereas for macaronic language pro- cessing, we need to detect the language of each word. This paper proposes a sentiment analyser which deals with the macaronic text. Initially, reviews are to be normalized du- ring pre-processing stage. Later, these reviews are proces- sed through sentiment analyser. This paper is organised as: section 2 describes the state of the art sentiment analysers. In section 3, system design and algorithm is proposed. Experimental analysis using va- rious performance metrics are presented in section 4. Fi- nally, the whole work is concluded in section 5. 128 Informatica 42 (2018) 127–136 S. Kaur et al. 2 Related work Numerous researchers have worked in the field of natural language processing. Kaur[14] presented sentiment analysis of reviews written in Punjabi language. The rese- archers collected the reviews written in Punjabi which af- terwards segregated into positive or negative reviews. Das[8] found the need of having SentiWordNet for Ben- gali language. Their work helped the researchers in the field of sentiment analysis. The researchers annotated the required lexicon. Das[7] worked for sentiment ana- lysis of reviews written in Bengali language. In this paper, the researchers have used support vector machine (SVM) with Bengali SentiWordNet. The paper presents the fea- ture extraction for Bengali language. Das[6] deve- loped subjectivity clues based on theme detection techni- ques. Bengali corpus is used in their work and later com- pared the results with English subjectivity detection. Das[9] developed a gaming theory by which researchers can easily build the SentiWordNet in the required language. This work demands the respective linguistic experts. Joshi[13] used supervised learning approach for their work by using Hindi- SentiWordNet for their work. In this pa- per, researchers used standard translation techniques to pre- serve the polarity of each document while translating it. Bakliwal[2] worked for detecting subjectivity based on graph theory. Researchers explored the effect of syno- nym and antonym over the subjective nature of the docu- ment. The results were good for Hindi and English. The researchers claimed that their strategy will work well in ot- her languages too. Das[10] developed a system for deducing the emotion and intensity of emotion based on sentiment hidden in the data. In this work, researchers have used supervised learning methods for their work. Ri- cha[21] presented a survey for sentiment analysis in Hindi language. The results have shown that sentiment analysis in Hindi language is complex as compared to En- glish language. The reason behind this complexity is the non-uniform nature of the Hindi language. Various rese- arch challenges are also discussed. Researchers[21] deve- loped a system which depicts the polarity of the text and tested their system over the Hindi movie reviews. Parul[1] developed a sentiment analyser for movie reviews written in Punjabi language using various machine learning algorithms. Raksha[20] used semi-supervised techni- que for polarity detection in Hindi movie reviews. In their work, researchers reported 87% accuracy of the proposed system by using bootstrapping and graph based approach for sentiment analysis. Pooja[17] used Hindi Senti- WordNet for finding opinion orientation of the reviews. Re- searchers used unsupervised learning for their work. Ker- stin[11] developed a system for multilingual text for obtaining the polarity of reviews written in language other than resource rich language English. Researchers used a standard translation methodology and supervised learning for sentiment analysis. C. Banea[3] developed a sy- stem which focused on the sentiment analysis based on translation of input document other than English. In their work, researchers used English as a source language. They used supervised learning approach for their work. For the translation of the text correctly various available translators are used. i.e. Goggle, Moses, Bing translators. The work by different researchers is summarized into ta- ble 1 . It is noticed that researchers are focusing well in the area of multilingual sentiment analysis. Researchers focused in finding document language for translating any document into base language instead of language of indi- vidual word. This sometimes discard the opinion bearing word written in any foreign language. As in example 1, the word aQCA, means good is discarded if the document language is detected as English. The efficient processing of such documents is required to increase the effectiveness of the decision support system. 2.1 Motivation After looking into the scenario, we found that we need Sen- tiWordNet in almost every language all over the global. It is very complex task. The motivation behind the proposed system is that the existing system for multilingual senti- ment analysis is unable to process macaronic data. The rise in the volume of macaronic data over the internet arise the need of proposed system. The reasons for having macaro- nic content over the web in huge volume are as follows: 1. Scarcity of Resources: Sentiment analysis task de- mands for the availability of lexicons or data of any particular language. There is huge variation in every language model. This makes the model used for one language cannot be used for other languages. For example: Chinese language model does not con- sider spaces while as other models focus mainly over spaces to tokenize. 2. Lack of uniformity of languages: Most of the lan- guages often follow their own traditional structures. Thus, processing of each language data with the gene- ral structure model gives unsatisfactory results. For example: English language use Subject-Verb- Object(SVO) while Hindi Language model follow Subject-Object-Verb (SOV) 3. Freedom of writing in native language: People these days have number of followers from different coun- tries through various online applications. They are also able to propagate their ideas through it. Someti- mes, few words they prefer writing in their own native language, which may not be understandable by some of the followers. In case of an automated system, during pre-processing through one language model, these native words may be neglected taken as foreign language words. Sometimes, we may lose meaningful information during this type of pre-processing. For example: s{ms\g is on great demand. s{ms\g(Samsung) is negected by English language Prediction of Sentiment from Macaronic Reviews Informatica 42 (2018) 127–136 129 Author Work Level Language Results Technique Corpus Year Danet[5] Classification of re- views into positive or negative opinion Document level Punjabi Accuracy = 75% Machine Learning Blogs 2014 Derkacz[18] Classification of re- views into positive, negative, neutral or emotion (sad, happy, etc) Document level Bengali Precision = 70.04%, Recall = 63.02% Machine Learning Custom Lexicon 2010 Das et. al.[14] Document are separa- ted based on Domain independent subjecti- vity and factual con- tent Sentence Level Bengali Precision = 70.04%, Recall = 63.02% Machine Learning Custom Lexicon 2009 Bandyopadhyay et. al.[6] Sentiment analysis of Hindi reviews, English reviews using Hindi SentiWordNet Document Level Hindi, English Precision = 70.04%, Recall = 63.02% Supervised Movie reviews 2012 Joshi et. al.[9] Subjectivity clues ba- sed on antonym and synonym using graph theory Document Level Hindi, English Accuracy = 79% Supervised Movie reviews 2012 Sharma et. al.[10] Polarity detection of movie reviews using unsupervised techniques Sentence Level Punjabi NA Unsupervised Movie reviews 2015 Arora et. al.[21] Sentiment orientation of reviews written in Hindi language Document Level Hindi Precision = 70.04%, Recall = 63.02% Unsupervised Movie reviews 2014 Sharma et. al.[1] Sentiment analy- sis using Semi- Supervised techniques Document Level Hindi Accuracy = 87% Semi- Supervised Movie reviews 2014 Pandey et. al.[20] Opinion orientation of Hindi movie reviews is deduced using Hindi-WordNet Document Level Hindi NA Unsupervised Movie reviews 2015 Denecke et. al.[17] Polarity detection from reviews using standard translation of German reviews in English afterwards find the polarity Document Level German, English Accuracy = 66% Supervised Movie review 2008 Banea et. al.[11] Enabling Multilingual question answering system Document Level French, Ger- man and Spanish NA Supervised Question Answers 2016 Table 1: State of Art Multilingual Sentiment Analysis 130 Informatica 42 (2018) 127–136 S. Kaur et al. model. Thus, it becomes difficult to extract samsung as an entity. 4. For getting point of attraction: People use the mul- tilingual content or some fancy words in various applications like product advertisements, shop names, etc. This makes the task of processing such web content complex. For example: samsung (Samsung) is on great demand. samsung (Samsung) is on great demand. m ona(Mona) is feeling so good. Hence, from the above examples, Samsung is hard to detect as it is being neglected by chosen language model. Due to the above mentioned reasons, it is very much ne- cessary to have an efficient system to process macaronic language content. Our contribution is to enhance the per- formance i.e.precision, recall and accuracy using supervi- sed sentiment analysers. The proposed system is with less fallout which shows its high efficiency. 3 System design The proposed system as shown in Figure 1 applies a vari- ant of techniques for normalization of macaronic text and classification of reviews. The system consists three major components: 1. Language Processing 2. Text Processing and 3. Sentiment Analysis A component based on language detection is carried out using algorithm 1. The core idea of this component is to normalize the macaronic content. Other two components are carried out using algorithm 2. It normalizes the content to extract the SentiStrength of each document. Combina- tion of these two algorithms (Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 2) is used to carry out sentiment analysis for multilingual or macaronic language documents. Figure 1: Proposed System Design 1. Language Processing: It is the primary component of the proposed system. In this component tokenization, language detection and conversion of tokens to its base language is carried out. These sub-components are described as follows: (a) Tokenization: It is the basic unit of any language processing task. A sequence of sentences, words or characters are passed as an input to any sy- stem. The output of this phase is tokens. It can be done at different levels depending upon the level of granularity: sentence level, word level, character level as shown in table 2. The proposed system is based on word level tokenization for macaro- nic language. E.g. Samsung has a good market value. Users are happy with its mobile products. (b) Language Detection/ Translation: For language detection, we have used PoS[19] tagging, as shown in table 3. The unrecognized or untagged tokens can be passed through language detection module. The output of this phase is the tokens in the base language of the system. i.e. Taking En- glish as a base language. If the token is found in Hindi WordNet then Hindi to English translator is applied to it. On the other end, if the word be- longs to Punjabi language, it is passed through the Punjabi to English translator. It is a general procedure which can be applied to various other languages too. 2. Text Processing: It is the second important component of the proposed system. It carries various sub-tasks described as follows: (a) Normalization: After filtration of subjective sen- tences, normalization is to be done. The pro- cess of normalization is to regularize or process the grammatical variants present in the sentence. Grammatical variants include past verbs (regu- lar and irregular) / present verbs, classification of noun phrases in singular and plural. In norma- lization, finding the abbreviations, case folding, etc.Normalization is a process having data in a well format as required for appropriate proces- sing. It includes: Level of Pro- cessing Number of Tokens Sentence Level 2 Word Level 13 Character Le- vel 74 Table 2: Tokenization at different levels Prediction of Sentiment from Macaronic Reviews Informatica 42 (2018) 127–136 131 i. Handling Slangs: Slangs are playing in- dispensable role in opinion mining. So, it will be worthless to reject all the slangs by counting them as stop words. Various algo- rithms are applied to handle different types of slangs.Types of slangs[5]: – Emoticons: Bad , happy – Interjections:Mmmmm-pleasure, hmmmm-wondering, Mhmmm- confirmation – Intensionally misspelled: cooooooool, goooooooood, nyt, etc – Alphanumeric strings: gr8, 9t, etc. Test sentence: She is flying high by having this cellphone. She is flying high by having this cellphone. Happy ii. Idiomization / Replacement of idioms with their actual meaning: In English literature, idioms play very important role in fixing the opinion from sentence about the particular entity. If the stops words are removed then some words which may or may not the part of the idiom can be rejected. In reality, these words are highly contributed to the opinion. Test sentence: She is flying high by having this cellphone. Happy She is very happy by having this cellphone. Happy (b) Tokenization: In our work, we have used word level tokenizer as mentioned in table 2 . The reason behind this to process each token accor- ding to its own language instead according of language of the document. (c) PoS Tagging: Part of speech tagging plays a vital role in natural Language processing tasks. Initi- ally, we have tried to focus whether the state of art PoS taggers are able to recognise a foreign word. For this purpose, we have used NLTK tagger[15] and Stanford Tagger[16]. We have shown the results of both the taggers for vari- ous test sentences in table3. We have found va- rious untagged tokens which are then processed through language processing phase. 3. Sentiment Analysis: In this module, the potency of each review is calculated. The magnitude of the senti- ment associated with each document is calculated by aggregating all the review’s sentiscore corresponding to that document. SentiWordNet is the base for get- ting the actual magnitude of the sentiment of a do- cument. For our work, we have used SentiWordNet v3.0.0. Sentiscore corresponds to each document is taken as an output as shown in table4 . 4 Evaluation 4.1 Dataset We have extracted a corpus of reviews of 10 movies contai- ning 200 movie reviews i.e.100 positive and 100 negative; 160 reviews were used for training and 40 for testing. Each review has a size ranges from 500 to 1000 words. Initi- ally, classification of the corpus is elaborated according to user′s scoring: reviews are marked between 3 and 5 star rating are classified as positive whereas reviews marked between 0 and 2 are taken as negative. This prior classi- fication is based on the assumption that the star rating is correlated to the sentiment of the review. For experiment evaluation, the data was pre-processed with the TreeTag- ger5, POS tagger and lemmatization tool. We have used Support Vector Machine (SVM), Nave Bayes, kNN and convolutional network as classification models to train the system and classify movie reviews. The reviews are not monolingual. These reviews are macaronic in nature i.e. it consists of more than one language i.e. Hindi and English in a single review. We manually annotate the reviews based on language of each token. The guidelines for annotation are stipulated the need of retaining the semantic structure of tokens. Five different graduate students participated in the reviewing process to formulate Gold Standard. To eva- luate the inter-personnel disagreement, we have used kappa measure[4] and score 0.61 is obtained. 4.2 Performance Formally, the performance of proposed sentiment analyser, PSA is a function of four factors as follows: PSA(l,Ld,t,Es) Where Ld is Language Detection l is a Learning Algorithm t is a Tagger Es is a Experimental Setup The performance of the analyser is directly affected by the choice of optimal parameters for each factors mentio- ned above. In the case of optimal parameters choice for each of the factor, sentiment analyser gives maximum per- formance (PSAmax). On the other end, training consists machine translated data and testing of the learning algorithm is based on the human annotated dataset i.e. Gold Standard. The perfor- mance of sentiment analyser (PSA) is negatively affected by error in language detection phase (ELd) as given in equation 1 . PSA = PSAmax − ELd (1) In case of optimal parameters, ELd → 0, PSA = PSA max 132 Informatica 42 (2018) 127–136 S. Kaur et al. Test Sentence Pos tagging by NLTK tagger Stanford tagger mFEwyA gyAn kA ek ÿ aQCA srot h{\ mFEwyA—NN gyAn—:kA—:ek—:ÿ aQCA—srot—h{\— mFEwyA/VBZ gyAn/NNP kA /NNP ek /NNP ÿ aQCA/NNPsrot /NNP h{\ /NNP media is aQCA source of knowledge media—NNS is—VBZ ÿ aQCA—: source—NN of—IN knowledge—NN media/NNS is/VBZ aQCA/JJ source/NN of/IN knowledge/NN mFEwyA gyAn kA ek good srot h{\ mFEwyA—NN gyAn—:kA—:ek—:good —JJ srot —h{\— mFEwyA/VBZ gyAn/NNP kA /NNP ek /NNP good/JJ srot /NNP h{\ /NNP media gyAn kA ek ÿ aQCA srot h{\ media—NNS gyAn—:kA—:ek—:ÿ aQCA—srot—h{\— media/NNS gyAn/NNP kA /NNP ek /NNP aQCA/NNP srot /NNP h{\ /NNP Table 3: Tagging of various test sentences using NLTK and Stanford Tagger Test Sentence SentiStrength texttt mFEwyA is good source of knowledge 0.47 media is good source of knowledge 0.47 mFEwyA gyAn kA ek ÿ aQCA srot h{\ 0 media is aQCA source of knowledge 0 mFEwyA gyAn kA ek good srot h{\ 0.47 media gyAn kA ek ÿ aQCA srot h{\ 0 Table 4: Sentiscore Associated With Review Metric Target Target Selected tp fn Selected fp tn Table 5: Confusion metric used to evaluate performance 4.3 Performance metric For the analysis of results, the following performance me- trics are used by various natural languages processing task including sentiment analysis. It includes precision, recall, F-measure and accuracy. These measures can be calculated using the confusion metric given in table 5. Precision: It is defined as fraction of retrieved documents that are relevant. It is calculated using equation 2. P = number of correct positive or negative documents detected by the system no. of positive/negative documents detected by the system (2) Recall: It is defined as fraction of relevant documents that are retrieved. It is calculated using equation 3. R = number of positive or negative documents detected by the system no. of positive/negative documents present in the Gold Standard test set (3) F-measure: It is a harmonic mean with takes precision and recall both into account. It is a consecutive average of precision and recall. F-measure with α = 0.5, means ta- king precision and recall at equal weightage.It is calculated using equation 4. F = (α2 + 1)× P ×R α2(P +R) (4) Accuracy: it is the fraction of classifications that is correct. . It is calculated using equation 5. A = tp + tn tp + tn + fn + fp (5) Fall-out: It is a measure of the proportion of mistakenly se- lected non- targeted items. . It is calculated using equation 6 FO = fp tn + fp (6) 4.4 Results and analysis The outcomes of our experimental study are presented in Table 6 and Table 7. We can easily notice that every ma- chine learning approach has its own pros and cons. Each of them is valuable in different aspects i.e. precision, re- call, accuracy, fallout and execution time. To validate our results we have used 10-fold cross validation. For the ex- perimental setup, we have used Support Vector Machines Prediction of Sentiment from Macaronic Reviews Informatica 42 (2018) 127–136 133 Learning Approaches Precision Recall Accuracy Fallout Time(sec) NB 51.58 50.4 50.4 92.8 422 SVM 62.29 62 62 45.6 428 kNN 52.01 52 52 49.6 421 Convolutional network 54.96 54 54 24 751 Table 6: Un-normalized Macaronic Sentiment Analysis (a) Comparing different learning approaches based on Precision (b) Comparing different learning approaches based on Recall (c) Comparing different learning approaches based on Accuracy (d) Comparing different learning approaches based on Fallout Figure 2: comparision of various methods Figure 3: Comparison of execution time various machine learning Algorithms based on Proposed Scheme for nor- malized and unnormalized data (SVM), Nave Bayes (NB), kNN and Convolutional net- work(Deep Learning) to analyse the performance of propo- sed algorithm. The results are shown in Table 6 and Table 7. Precision, recall, accuracy, fallout are taken in percen- tage and time is taken in seconds. Time taken by each of the learning technique is very dependent on data size, data types, number of columns, computer hardware, memory, background running processes, cores, etc. This may vary with the change in any of the mentioned attribute. Hence, the time taken in table 6 and table 7 helped in deducing the time trend of each learning model. It is shown as an in- creasing order and noticed the reduction in the time to the marginal level in normalized content. Figure 4: Comparison of proposed technique with State of art Order for unnormalized content: kNN < NaiveBayes < SVM < Convolutionalnetwork Order for normalized content: NaiveBayes < SVM < kNN < Convolutionalnetwork The results have shown in Figure 2 clearly evident the performance of proposed system using various learning ap- proaches. These figures highlight the proposed system per- formance in various aspects. The proposed scheme out- performs the existing system using Nave Bayes by the rise in the values of precision, recall by 17.88% and 18.22%. Observing the results of other classifiers i.e. SVM, kNN and convolutional network also shows significant impro- 134 Informatica 42 (2018) 127–136 S. Kaur et al. Learning Approaches Precision Recall Accuracy Fallout Time(sec) NB 69.46 68.62 68.63 28.79 18 SVM 71.72 71.69 71.75 20.21 21 kNN 65.41 65.31 65.47 40.21 29 Convolutional network 58.03 54.56 55.00 13.04 440 Table 7: Proposed normalized Macaronic Sentiment Analysis Approach Precision Recall Accuracy Fallout Baseline 55.21 54.6 54.6 53 Proposed 66.15 65.04 65.21 25.56 Table 8: Comparison with Existing Sentiment Analysis vements in performance levels. Using SVM and kNN more than 9% and 13% improvement is noticed in precision and recall values using proposed approach. It is also noticea- ble that there is a trade-off between various performance aspects. The effectiveness of system is shown by convolu- tional network but it takes more time than other classifiers for macaronic sentiment analysis. Through observing Figure 3, we have found that the pro- posed algorithm also greatly affect the time taken by each model. It is noticeable that the normalized content reduces the training time in every learning approach. By observing Table 8, results are compared to the baseline approaches; the average value of precision, recall is increased while the fallout is decreased significantly. Figure 4 shows that how effective the proposed approach is as compared to the state of the art sentiment analysis for macaronic language. 5 Conclusion Over the web where huge user generated content has al- ready existed; the need for sensible computation for de- cision support system is rising. The multilingual online content has led to the increase of web debris, which is in- evitably and negatively affecting information retrieval and extraction for decision support systems. To analyse this negative trend and propose possible solution, this paper fo- cused on the evolution of sentiment analysis based on bag- of-words for macaronic reviews. Different supervised ma- chine learning approaches gave different cross validated re- sults. This is done by borrowing the concept of training and testing from the field of machine learning. After successful evaluation, it is concluded that there is a trade-off between various performance measures. In this study, we have in- vestigated the need to normalize the macaronic text. We have also performed sentiment analysis over the macaronic language text consists English and Hindi. We have found an average of about 11% rise in precision and recall va- lues. It is also noticeable that training time is also reduced significantly using proposed approach. We further plan to develop a system to handle with more than two languages as a macaronic text for sentiment analysis. We also plan to apply our proposed algorithm for entity extraction. References [1] Arora, P. and B. Kaur (2015). ”Sentiment Analysis of Political Reviews in Punjabi Language.” International Journal of Computer Applications 126(14). [2] Bakliwal, A., P. Arora, et al. (2012). Hindi sub- jective lexicon: A lexical resource for hindi polarity classification. Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC). [3] Banea, C., R. Mihalcea, et al. (2008). Multilingual subjectivity analysis using machine translation. Pro- ceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Association for Com- putational Linguistics. [4] Bunt, H., V. Petukhova, et al. (2016). Dialogue Act Annotation with the ISO 24617-2 Standard. 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Algorithm 1: Input: Document D where D = d1, d2, d3, ....., dk ’k’ is the total no. of documents ’m’ is the total number of words in a document Ls = language of segment Lb = Base language (English) Output: Ws(weightedSentiStrengthofeachdocuemnt) Begin for k = 1 to k do Tokenization for i = 1 to m do Encoding based on UTF8 end for {Similar category segments are combined} Segmentation based on encoding. Language detection for each segment. if Ls = Lb then goto S1 else Apply translation end if S1 Assemble segments Compute SentiStrength end for 136 Informatica 42 (2018) 127–136 S. Kaur et al. Algorithm 2: Input: Document D where D = d1, d2, d3, ....., dk ’k’ is the total no. of documents ’m’ is the total number of words in a document Output: Ws(weightedSentiStrengthofeachdocuemnt) {Token list(TL) = (t1,t2,.....,tn)} {Word List(WL)= (w1,w2,w3,......wx)} {’q’ is the total number of tokens in a document} {P = list of ’positive category words} {N = list of ’negative category words} {Pw = weight assigned to a token belongs to positive category as per SentiWordnet} {Nw = weight assigned to a token belongs to negative category as per SentiWordnet} Begin for d = 1 to k do Tokenization Stemming Normalization for k = 1 to m do if (tk ∈W ) ⋂ (tk ∈ P ) then wpos(k) = Pw(tk) else if (tk ∈W ) ⋂ (tk ∈ N ) then wneg(k) = Nw(tk) else if (tk ∈W ) ⋂ (tk 6∈ N) ⋂ (tk 6∈ N ) then wneu(k) = 0 end if end for Ws = m∑ j=1 wpos(j)± m∑ j=1 wneg(j) (7) end for