VSEBINA – CONTENTS Predgovor urednika/Editor’s preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639 PREGLEDNI ^LANEK – REVIEW ARTICLE Effect of the addition of niobium and aluminium on the microstructures and mechanical properties of micro-alloyed PM steels Vpliv dodatka niobija in aluminija na mikrostrukturo in mehanske lastnosti mikrolegiranih PM jekel S. Gündüz, M. A. Erden, H. Karabulut, M. Türkmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641 IZVIRNI ZNANSTVENI ^LANKI – ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES Characteristics of dye-sensitized solar cells with carbon nanomaterials Zna~ilnosti na fiksirano barvo ob~utljivih solarnih celic z ogljikovimi nanomateriali L. A. Dobrzañski, A. Mucha, M. Prokopiuk vel Prokopowicz, M. Szindler, A. Dryga³a, K. Lukaszkowicz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 649 The effect of the welding parameters and the coupling agent on the welding of composites Vpliv parametrov varjenja in sredstva za spajanje na varjenje kompozitov S. E. Erdogan, U. Huner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655 Chemical cross-linking of chitosan/polyvinyl alcohol electrospun nanofibers Kemijsko zamre`enje elektro spredenih nanovlaken iz hitosan/polivinil alkohola S. Pouranvari, F. Ebrahimi, G. Javadi, B. Maddah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 663 Investigation of hole profiles in deep micro-hole drilling of AISI 420 stainless steel using powder-mixed dielectric fluids Preiskava profilov luknje pri globokem vrtanju mikroluknje v AISI 420 nerjavnem jeklu s pomo~jo dielektri~ne teko~ine s prime{anim prahom V. Yýlmaz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 667 The phenomenon of reduced plasticity in low-alloyed copper Pojav zmanj{anja plasti~nosti malo legiranega bakra W. Ozgowicz, E. Kalinowska-Ozgowicz, B. Grzegorczyk, K. Lenik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677 The effect of high-speed grinding technology on the properties of fly ash Vpliv tehnologije hitrega mletja na lastnosti lete~ega pepela K. Dvoøák, I. Hájková . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683 Investigation of the mechanical properties of electrochemically deposited Au-In alloy films using nano-indentation Preiskava mehanskih lastnosti elektrokemijsko nane{enega filma zlitine Au-In z nanovtiskovanjem S. Cherneva, R. Iankov, M. Georgiev, T. Dobrovolska, D. Stoychev . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689 Growth of K2CO3-doped KDP crystal from an aqueous solution and an investigation of its physical properties Rast KDP kristalov z dodatkom K2CO3 iz vodne raztopine in preiskava njihovih fizikalnih lastnosti A. Rousta, H. R. Dizaji . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695 Surface treatment of heat-treated cast magnesium and aluminium alloys Obdelava povr{ine toplotno obdelanih magnezijevih in aluminijevih livnih zlitin T. Tañski, M. Wiœniowski, W. Matysiak, M. Staszuk, R. Szklarek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699 Analysis of the structural-defect influence on the magnetization process in and above the Rayleigh region Analiza vpliva strukturnih defektov na proces magnetizacije v in nad Rayleigh podro~jem K. Gruszka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707 Effect of sulphide inclusions on the pitting-corrosion behaviour of high-Mn steels in chloride and alkaline solutions Vpliv sulfidnih vklju~kov na jami~asto korozijo jekel z visoko vsebnostjo Mn v raztopinah kloridov in alkalij A. Grajcar, A. P³achciñska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 713 Influence of Na2SiF6 on the surface morphology and corrosion resistance of an AM60 magnesium alloy coated by micro arc oxidation Vpliv Na2SiF6 na morfologijo povr{ine in korozijsko odpornost magnezijeve zlitine AM60, prekrite z mikrooblo~no oksidacijo A. Ayday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719 Mechanical properties of polyamide/carbon-fiber-fabric composites Mehanske lastnosti kompozitne tkanine iz poliamid/ogljikovih vlaken C.-E. Pelin, G. Pelin, A. ªtefan, E. Andronescu, I. Dincã, A. Ficai, R. Truºcã . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723 ISSN 1580-2949 UDK 669+666+678+53 MTAEC9, 50(5)637–834(2016) MATER. TEHNOL. LETNIK VOLUME 50 [TEV. NO. 5 STR. P. 637–834 LJUBLJANA SLOVENIJA SEP.–OKT. SEP.–OCT. 2016 Evaluation of the grindability of recycled glass in the production of blended cements Ocena sposobnosti drobljenja recikliranega stekla pri proizvodnji me{anih cementov K. Dvoøák, D. Dolák, D. V{ianský, P. Dobrovolný . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 729 Rheological properties of alumina ceramic slurries for ceramic shell-mould fabrication Reolo{ke lastnosti go{~e iz glinice za izdelavo kerami~nih kalupov J. Szymañska, P. Wiœniewski, M. Ma³ek, J. Mizera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735 Effect of mechanical activation on the synthesis of a magnesium aluminate spinel Vpliv mehanske aktivacije na sintezo magnezij-aluminatnega {pinela D. Kýrsever, N. K. Karabulut, N. Canikoðlu, H. Ö. Toplan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739 Phase and microstructure development of LSCM perovskite materials for SOFC anodes prepared by the carbonate-coprecipitation method Razvoj kristalnih faz in mikrostrukture LSCM perovskitnih materialov za SOFC anode, pripravljenih s karbonatno metodo koprecipitacije K. Zupan, M. Marin{ek, T. Skalar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 743 Artificial aggregate from sintered coal ash Umetni agregat iz sintranega pepela premoga V. Cerny, R. Drochytka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 749 Investigation studies involving wear-resistant ALD/PVD hybrid coatings on sintered tool substrates Preiskave obrabne odpornosti hibridnega nanosa ALD/PVD na sintranem orodju M. Staszuk, D. Paku³a, T. Tañski . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755 Dissimilar spot welding of DQSK/DP600 steels: the weld-nugget growth To~kasto varjenje jekel DQSK/DP600: rast jedra zvara S. P. Hoveida Marashi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 761 Armour plates from Kozlov rob – analyses of two unusual finds Oklepni plo{~i s Kozlovega roba – analize dveh nenavadnih najdb T. Lazar, P. Mrvar, M. Lamut, P. Fajfar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767 Numerical and experimental investigation of the effect of hydrostatic pressure on the residual stress in boiler-tube welds Numeri~na in eksperimentalna preiskava vpliva hidrostati~nega tlaka na zaostale napetosti v zvaru na kotlovski cevi D. Danyali, E. Ranjbarnodeh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 775 Effect of direct cooling conditions on the microstructure and properties of hot-forged HSLA steels for mining applications Vpliv pogojev ohlajanja na mikrostrukturo in lastnosti vro~e kovanih HSLA jekel za uporabo v rudarstvu P. Skubisz, £. Lisiecki, T. Skowronek, A. ¯ak, W. Zalecki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 783 Influence of the tool rotational speed on the microstructure and joint strength of friction-stir spot-welded pure copper Vpliv hitrosti vrtenja orodja na mikrostrukturo in trdnost torno vrtilno to~kasto zvarjenega spoja ~istega bakra I. Dinaharan, E. T. Akinlabi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 791 Measurement of bio-impedance on an isolated rat sciatic nerve obtained with specific current stimulating pulses Meritev bioimpedance na izoliranem `ivcu Ischiadicus pri podgani, vzbujenem s posebnimi tokovnimi stimulacijskimi impulzi J. Rozman, M. C. @u`ek, R. Frange`, S. Ribari~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 797 Influence of different production processes on the biodegradability of an FeMn17 alloy Vpliv razli~nih procesov izdelave na biorazgradljivost zlitine FeMn17 A. Kocijan, I. Paulin, ^. Donik, M. Ho~evar, K. Zeli~, M. Godec. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805 STROKOVNI ^LANKI – PROFESSIONAL ARTICLES Effect of a combination of fly ash and shrinkage-reducing additives on the properties of alkali-activated slag-based mortars Vpliv kombinacije lete~ega pepela in dodatka za zmanj{anje kr~enja na lastnosti malte iz z alkalijami aktivirane `lindre V. Bílek, L. Kalina, J. Koplík, M. Mon~eková, R. Novotný . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 813 Cutting-tool performance in the end milling of carbon-fiber-reinforced plastics Zmogljivost rezilnega orodja pri rezkanju plastike, oja~ane z ogljikovimi vlakni O. Bílek, S. Rusnáková, M. @aludek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 819 Influence of solidification speed on the structure and magnetic properties of Nd10Fe81Zr1B6 in the as-cast state Vpliv hitrosti strjevanja na strukturo in magnetne lastnosti zlitine Nd10Fe81Zr1B6 v litem stanju M. Doœpia³, M. Nabia³ek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823 Metalografska preiskava in korozijska odpornost zvarov feritnega nerjavnega jekla Metallographic investigation and corrosion resistance of welds of ferritic stainless steels M. Torkar, A. Kocijan, R. Celin, J. Burja, B. Podgornik. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 829 EDITOR’S PREFACE After 4 years of great service in the job as Editor-in-Chief of Materials & Technology, Matja` Torkar has taken retirement. He saw the journal through some difficult times and established it as an important inter- national record of scientific achievements. He will be a tough act to follow. The next issue, 6/2016, will see some changes. After many years of being both open access and free to publish, we will have to acknowledge the economic realities of the situation and start to charge for each published paper. In line with other Slovenian journals we will introduce a publication fee of 300, payable on accept- ance of the manuscript, with a reduced fee of 150 for those people presenting at the annual International Conference on Materials & Technology, held annually in Portoro`, Slovenia. This fee will be applied to manuscripts submitted after 30 Sept. 2016. A second change, which we feel is in line with the progress the journal has been making over the past de- cade, is to publish original and review scientific articles. From now on we will not have a separate section for pro- fessional articles. As the number of submissions in the past years has soared, from 120 in 1995 to near 400 in 2015, our selection criteria have had to become stricter. So, in order to help authors get their articles published we have re-written the Instructions for Authors, intro- duced a template for manuscript submission and now require a mandatory check-list to accompany all new manuscripts. For the time being we will still be accepting submissions by e-mail to mit@imt.si, where they will be handled first by the journal’s new Technical Editor, Erika Nared, who will be checking each manuscript’s eligi- bility, before they are assessed by myself or members of the Editorial Board. However, we expect to be switching to a web-based submission procedure in next few years. The journal is becoming increasingly international, with manuscripts being submitted from all over the world. It is very gratifying to see that Materials & Tech- nology is now such a familiar and respected journal in places outside of Slovenia, but we would still like to receive more submissions from researchers from Slo- venia. PREDGOVOR UREDNIKA Po 4 letih delovanja kot glavni in odgovorni urednik revije je dr. Matja` Torkar zaradi upokojitve prenehal z urednikovanjem. Skozi izzivov polno obdobje je vodil revijo, da je postala to, kar predstavlja danes: pomembno mednarodno uveljav- ljeno revijo, ki objavlja mnoge znan- stvene dose`ke. Z naslednjo {tevilko (6/2016), ki bo iz{la v decembru 2016, bomo uvedli nekaj sprememb. Po mnogih letih, tako odprtega dostopa revije kot brezpla~ne objave ~lankov, bo- mo zaradi ekonomske situacije za~eli zara~unavati objavo ~lan- kov v na{i reviji. Tako kot to po~ne `e prenekatera slovenska znanstvena revija. Za obi~ajne ~lanke bo cena 300 , za tiste ~lanke, ki bodo predstav- ljeni na letni Mednarodni konferenci o materialih in teh- nologijah, ki poteka vsako leto v Portoro`u, pa 150 . Za ~lanke, ki jih bomo prejeli od 30. septembra 2016 dalje, bo potrebno pla~ilo za objavo. Druga sprememba, za katero menimo, da je dobro- do{la in nujna za nadaljnji razvoj revije, je objavljanje izvirnih znanstvenih in preglednih ~lankov. Od sedaj naprej tako ne bo ve~ sekcije za strokovne ~lanke. Ker je v zadnjem ~asu {tevilo oddaje ~lankov izredno naraslo, od nekaj 120 v letu 1995 na blizu 400 v letu 2015, smo mnenja, da je potrebno kriterije za izbiro ~lankov za- ostriti. Tako smo, v pomo~ avtorjem, posodobili Navo- dila za avtorje, predstavili bomo vzorec oz. predlogo, kako naj bo ~lanek napisan in poleg oddaje ~lanka bomo zahtevali obvezno oddajo kontrolnega seznama, ki ga bo moral izpolniti avtor. Oddaja ~lankov bo tako {e vedno potekala preko e-po{te: mit@imt.si, kjer jih bo najprej obravnavala nova tehni~na urednica, Erika Nared, preden bodo posredovani v pregled meni ali ~lanom uredni{kega odbora. Nadalje, v bodo~e na~rtujemo prehod na spletno oddajanje ~lankov za objavo v reviji. Revija postaja vse bolj mednarodna, saj so ~lanki poslani iz razli~nih delov sveta. V ~ast nam je, da je revija Materiali in tehnologije danes tako znana in ugledna tudi izven Slovenije, vendar si `elimo, da bi v na{i reviji objavljalo ve~je {tevilo strokovnjakov in raziskovalcev iz Slovenije. Na{e osnovno prizadevanje ostaja {e naprej: da je revija Materiali in tehnologije znanstvena revija, ki je posve~ena izvirnim znanstvenim ~lankom in ~lankom, ki Our basic remit remains the same: we are a scientific journal, devoted to original scientific papers and articles relating to fundamental and applied science and techno- logy. Topics of particular interest to the journal include metallic materials, inorganic materials, polymers, va- cuum techniques and nanomaterials. In response to requests by authors we will be making a lot of effort over the next year to reduce the waiting period for publication to 4–6 months, so as to provide a better service to both authors and readers. In addition, we welcome construc- tive comments from anyone with an interest in the journal and are happy to discuss new ideas. I would like to thank you for your interest in Mate- rials & Technology journal and look forward to working with you in the future. Paul McGuiness, Editor-in-Chief obravnavajo tematiko temeljne in aplikativne znanosti ter tehnologije. Tematike, ki so posebnega pomena za revijo vklju~ujejo kovinske materiale, anorganske materiale, polimere, vakuumsko tehniko in nanomateriale. Glede na `elje in zahteve mnogih avtorjev, se bomo v naslednjem letu trudili skraj{ati obdobje ~akanja na objavo ~lanka (na 4–6 mesecev) in tako stopiti naproti tako avtorjem, kot tudi bralcem. Veseli bomo vsake va{e konstruktivne kritike, predlogov ali novih idej, ki nam bodo pomagale narediti revijo {e bolj{o. Zahvaljujem se vam za va{e zanimanje in prebiranje revije Materiali in tehnologije ter se veselim prihodnjega sodelovanja z vami. Paul McGuiness, Glavni in odgovorni urednik S. GÜNDÜZ et al.: EFFECT OF THE ADDITION OF NIOBIUM AND ALUMINIUM ON THE MICROSTRUCTURES ... 641–648 EFFECT OF THE ADDITION OF NIOBIUM AND ALUMINIUM ON THE MICROSTRUCTURES AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF MICRO-ALLOYED PM STEELS VPLIV DODATKA NIOBIJA IN ALUMINIJA NA MIKROSTRUKTURO IN MEHANSKE LASTNOSTI MIKROLEGIRANIH PM JEKEL Süleyman Gündüz1, Mehmet Akif Erden2, Hasan Karabulut3, Mustafa Türkmen4 1Karabük University, Faculty of Technology, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, 78050 Karabük, Turkey 2Karabük University, Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, 78050 Karabük, Turkey 3Karabük University, Karabük Vocational School, 78050 Karabük, Turkey 4Kocaeli University, Hereke Vocational School, Department of Metallurgy, Kocaeli, Turkey hasankarabulut@karabuk.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-08-08; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-09-04 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.248 In this work, the effects of the addition of Nb and Al on the microstructures and tensile behaviours of micro-alloyed powder metallurgy (PM) steels were investigated. The microstructure of the micro-alloyed PM steels was examined by light microscope, SEM, XRD, XRF and EDS. The results indicated that the addition of (0.1, 0.15 or 0.2) % of Nb-Al increases the yield strength (YS) and the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of the PM sintered steels. Elongation also tends to improve with an increasing Nb and Al content. In addition, the Nb and Al limit the grain growth during austenitization. Keywords: powder metallurgy, micro-alloyed steels, microstructure V delu je bil preiskovan vpliv dodatka Nb in Al na mikrostrukturo in na natezno trdnost mikrolegiranih PM jekel, izdelanih iz prahov. Mikrostruktura mikrolegiranih PM jekel je bila preiskovana s svetlobnim mikroskopom ter s SEM, XRD, XRF in EDS. Rezultati so pokazali, da dodatek (0,1, 0,15 ali 0,2) % Nb-Al pove~a mejo plasti~nosti (YS) in natezno trdnost (UTS) sintranih PM jekel. Tudi raztezek se izbolj{a s pove~ano vsebnostjo Nb in Al. Ugotovljeno je {e, da dodatek Nb in Al omejuje rast zrn med avstenitizacijo. Klju~ne besede: metalurgija prahov, mikrolegirana jekla, mikrostruktura 1 INTRODUCTION Steels with a minimal strength high toughness and excellent weldability are required in a wide range of applications. This combination of properties is achieved by optimizing the chemical composition and by thermo- mechanical processing (TMP). The addition of micro- alloying elements such as Nb, V, Ti and Al contribute to an increase in strength, both directly, through micro- structural refinement and precipitation strengthening, and indirectly, through enhanced hardenability and an associated modification of the transformation micro- structure.1–3 Niobium forms nitrides and carbides, but it is the carbide that is the most important. In steels it precipitates at a temperature just below 1000 °C and prevents auste- nite recrystallization. Niobium carbide particles are very effective in preventing austenite recrystallization and the formation of "pancake" grains that transform to fine ferrite grains.4–6 Thus, the precipitation of niobium car- bide particles plays a major role in controlling the final microstructure and the product properties. Besides in- creasing the non-recrystallization temperature, the pre- sence of precipitates also increases the austenite grain- coarsening temperature7, which is important through controlled reheating.8 Niobium is widely used in this way for the production of fined-grained pipeline and other structural steels. A large volume of work was spent investigating the effect of niobium on the recrystallization and growth of austenite grains,5,6,9,10 and it was found that a minor addition of niobium to the steel was sufficient to inhibit the static recrystallization of austenite and to achieve the final microstructure.11 Similar effects were observed in titanium, and vanadium steels were found generally less marked.12 Aluminium only forms nitride precipitates, which are stable at temperatures above 900 °C. It forms during reheating to heat-treatment temperatures and at the ex- pense of the vanadium nitride, if present. At normalising temperatures it is stable, pins grain boundaries and is effective in refining the grain size.12 Aluminium nitride forms only with a hexagonal crystal lattice and it was not found in any substantial solid solution in the face-cen- tred-cubic micro-alloy carbonitrides.4 AlN precipitation occurs at both grain boundaries and dislocations. It has been shown that the precipitation kinetics depends on the content of nitrogen and alumi- Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 641–648 641 UDK 621.762:669.293:669.71:67.017 ISSN 1580-2949 Review article/Pregledni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)641(2016) nium in the steel and also on the grain size and the annealing temperature.13 In the austenite region, the pre- cipitation occurs predominantly at the grain boundaries because of the considerable volumetric misfit of the AlN precipitates and the steel matrix,14 and the increased diffusion rate of both elements at the grain boundaries, as compared to the grains.15 The rising costs and disposition volatility of metals has led to the development of new PM steels. In particular, PM steels with the addition of copper, nickel and molybdenum to compete with wrought grades. Recently, due to cost constraints and availability, PM steels have also included chromium and manganese as the alloying elements. These material systems are cate- gorized as alloy steels, since significant levels of these elements are required to achieve changes in the mecha- nical properties.16 The demand for cheaper but high- strength structural steels forced powder metallurgists to seek newer compositions with wider applications, and such steels found applications in the automotive industry, aerospace, and power tools.17 Micro-alloyed steels contain small amounts of nio- bium, vanadium or titanium, generally at levels between 0.02 and 0.2 % of mass fractions. Despite the low alloy content, micro-alloying can lead to a major increase in the strength and toughness as a result of carbonitride par- ticles, which led to precipitation strengthening and grain refinement.16 The production of micro-alloyed steels is estimated to be around 12 % of the total world steel pro- duction and are used in every major steel market sector. In many parts of the world their development has played an important role in the expansion of some key indu- stries, such as oil and gas extraction, construction, and transportation.18 The present study was undertaken to examine the effect of Nb and Al on the microstructure and mechanical properties of sintered PM steels. The mechanical properties were determined and the micro- structures were investigated in the sintered condition to assess the role of precipitation strengthening and grain refinement. 2 MATERIALS AND EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE In this investigation, Fe, Nb and Al powders of 180 μm, <45 μm, and <75 μm supplied by Aldrich were used, with purities of 99.9 %, 99.8 % and 93 %, respectively. Electron micrographs of the powders presented in Fig- ure 1 reveal an irregular shape of the powder particles for all the studied samples. The required mass of Fe-0.25C (Alloy 1), Fe-0.25C-0.05Nb-0.05Al (Alloy 2), Fe-0.25C-0.075Nb-0.075Al (Alloy 3) and Fe-0.25C- 0.1Nb-0.1Al (Alloy 4) powders was accurately weighed and mixed in an industrial conic mixer for 1 h. A total of 0.45 of graphite was added to reach a carbon content of 0.25 % in the sintered test pieces. Zn-stearate was added as a lubricant. The mixed powder mass was then com- pacted into dog-bone tensile specimens using a hydraulic press with a capacity of 100 tons and a compaction pressure of 700 MPa. Standard cross-section tensile-test specimens were produced in accordance with the stan- dard of ASTM E8/E8M 19 as shown in Figure 2. The specimen has two large shoulders with a smaller cross-section gauge in between. The shoulders are large so they can be readily gripped, whereas the gauge sec- tion has a smaller cross-section. The test pieces were sintered in a tube furnace with an argon atmosphere. The sintering cycle was: heating to 1350 °C at a rate of 5 °C/min, holding at this tempera- ture for 1 h, cooling to room temperature at a rate of 5 °C/min. The sintered density was determined by Archimedes’ principle using pure water according to ASTM B 328-96.20 Four measurements were made for each composition and the variation of those values was less than 1 %. A tensile test at room temperature was performed using a Schimadzu tensile-testing machine at a crosshead speed of 1 mm min–1 and perfect alignment of the specimens in the pull direction and no slippage. S. GÜNDÜZ et al.: EFFECT OF THE ADDITION OF NIOBIUM AND ALUMINIUM ON THE MICROSTRUCTURES ... 642 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 641–648 Figure 1: SEM micrographs of Fe, Nb and Al powders: a) Fe 180 μm, b) Nb <45 μm and c) Al <75 μm Slika 1: SEM-posnetki prahov Fe, Nb in Al: a) Fe 180 μm, b) Nb <45 μm in c) Al <75 μm Figure 2: General view of tensile test specimen sintered at 1350 °C for 1 h Slika 2: Izgled preizku{anca za natezni preizkus, 1 h sintranega na 1350 °C Three specimens of each alloy were tested and the mean value was used. The examination of the microstructure was carried out using optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy-dispersive spectrometry (EDS) was used to provide elemental analyses of the particles. The average elemental composition of alloys was determined with the X-ray fluorescence technique (XRF). The che- mical composition of the produced PM steels is pre- sented in Table 1. The specimens were mechanically polished using a standard metallographic procedure and etched with 2 % Nital solution. The microstructures were examined in a Nikon ECLIPSE L150 microscope with a magnification of 50× to 1000×. An electrochemical extraction technique was used to characterise the precipi- tates in the examined specimens. This procedure in- volves the electrochemical dissolution of tensile speci- men in the electrolyte (10 % HCl in methanol) and filtering to separate the precipitate from the solution. The dissolution time of 8 hours sufficed for the dissolution of around two grams of the specimen. For the filtering, cellulose acetate filters were used with a pore size of 0.4 μm and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of the collected residues with precipitates was carried out. The XRD data were obtained using Cu-K radiation, a scan step of 4°, a step time of 1 min and 2 range from 20° to 90°. Table 1: Chemical composition of PM steel and microalloyed PM steels Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava PM jekla in mikrolegiranih PM jekel Fe C Mn Al Nb Alloy 1 99.232 0.249 0.2110 0.0000 0.0000 Alloy 2 98,5174 0.2355 0.2316 0.0514 0.0468 Alloy 3 99.0191 0.2624 0.2223 0.0752 0.0740 Alloy 4 99.0452 0.2653 0.2223 0.0974 0.0918 The grain size measurement was carried out using the mean linear intercept (mli) method, with the line inclined by 45°. At least 500 grains cut by the intersecting line were counted for each sample. From the results the mean linear intercept grain sizes21,22 was determined. The sta- tistical errors for the assessment of the mean linear intercept were examined by Woodhead and reviewed by J. R. Blank and T. Gladman,23 and it was suggested that the relative error of the individual intercept value (i/i) = 0.7 is almost constant for a variety of regular and space- filling polyhedrals. The relative error, , of the mean linear intercept based on the measurement of n grains (SEi/i) is deduced as shown in Equation (1): f SE i n n i i = = =   0 7. (1) where i is the standard deviation of the assessment of the intercept lengths. The volume fraction of ferrite or pearlite was also calculated using the systematic point-count method.24,25 According to this method, when the grid points intersect the ferrite boundary, they are counted as half. Errors in the point counting were also calculated by T. Gladman and J. Woodhead26 in Equation (2):  = −f f N ( )1 (2) where  is the standard deviation, f is the measured volume fraction of ferrite or pearlite and N is the total number of points counted. All the volume fractions were expressed ±  (standard deviation) 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The light micrographs of the Fe-0.25C (Alloy 1), Fe-0.25C-0.05Nb-0.05Al (Alloy 2), Fe-0.25C-0.075Nb- 0.075Al (Alloy 3) and Fe-0.25C-0.1Nb-0.1Al (Alloy 4) PM steel in Figure 3 show that the microstructures of the examined steels consist of ferrite and pearlite grains of varying sizes. In Table 2 the relative density, phase volume fractions and mean linear intercept grain sizes of the specimens are listed. Figure 3 and the data in Table 2 indicate the grain sizes decreasing with an increasing content of Nb-Al, from 0.1, 0.15 or 0.2 %. A major benefit of micro-alloy- ing is the decrease of the grain growth rate during S. GÜNDÜZ et al.: EFFECT OF THE ADDITION OF NIOBIUM AND ALUMINIUM ON THE MICROSTRUCTURES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 641–648 643 Figure 3: Microstructures of sintered PM steel and microalloyed PM steels: a) Alloy 1, b) Alloy 2, c) Alloy 3, and d) Alloy 4 Slika 3: Mikrostrukture sintranega PM jekla in mikrolegiranih PM jekel: a) zlitina 1, b) zlitina 2, c) zlitina 3 in d) zlitina 4 Table 2: Relative density, mean linear intercept grain sizes and volume fractions of ferrite and pearlite phases in the PM steel and microalloyed PM steels Tabela 2: Relativna gostota, srednja velikost zrn pri linearni intercepciji in volumenski dele` ferita in perlita v PM jeklu in v PM mikrolegiranem jeklu Alloy Relativedensity (%) Grain size (μm) Ferrite (%) Pearlite (%) Alloy 1 92 29.7±0.93 78.4±0.018 21.6±0.018 Alloy 2 94 27.2±0.85 75±0.019 25±0.019 Alloy 3 94 23.4±0.73 74±0.02 26±0.019 Alloy 4 94 22.9±0.71 73±0.02 27±0.02 austenitizing, and if fine precipitates exist during austen- tizing the growth of grains is restricted and a finer grain size is obtained after quenching.16,27 Niobium has a low solubility product that allows the substantial dissolution of niobium carbonitrides only at elevated temperatures. At low temperatures in the austenite range, the carbo- nitride shows such low solubility and the dispersion strengthening is not generally observed. The undissolved carbonitride at these temperatures acts mostly as an effective grain refiner. The marked change in carboni- tride dissolution between the high and low temperatures (1300 °C and 900 °C) in the austenite temperature range allows substantial strain-accelerated precipitation at temperatures below about 1000 °C, and produces what is arguably the most obvious distinctive effect of niobium, i.e., the marked retardation of recrystallization at these temperatures.4,28–30 Aluminium only forms a nitride that is stable at low temperatures in the austenite range, but will dissolve progressively as the temperature is increased. The extent of the dissolution at high temperatures in the austenite range (e.g. 1350 °C) depends upon the content of alumi- nium and nitrogen, but the solubility product for alumi- nium nitride is low and the only common micro-alloy nitride having a lower solubility product is titanium nitride. Aluminium nitride has the distinction of forming a separate nitride, which has a hexagonal crystal struc- ture and forms no solid solution with the face-centred- cubic micro-alloy carbonitrides.12 Table 3 shows the yield strength (YS), ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and elongation of the examined PM steels, and Figure 4 shows typical examples of the stress-strain curves obtained with the tensile test and a general increase of YS and UTS of steel with the addition of Nb and Al. Elongation tends to improve with increas- ing Nb-Al content. These changes are a consequence of the differences in the precipitation distribution.31 High strength and good toughness in micro-alloyed steels are achieved by a combination of micro-alloying and con- trolled rolling. During sintering and slow cooling from the sintering temperature NbC(N) or AlN precipitates form in the austenite and the ferrite during the austenite- ferrite transformation or after transformation, as suggested by M. A. Erden at al.32 These lead to an in- crease in the strength compared with the titanium-free alloy. Table 3: Mechanical properties of sintered PM steel and microalloyed PM steels Tabela 3: Mehanske lastnosti sintranega PM jekla in mikrolegiranih PM jekel Alloy Yield strength(MPa) Ultimate tensile strength (MPa) Elongation (%) Alloy 1 144 252 13 Alloy 2 198 356 12 Alloy 3 209 375 12 Alloy 4 220 394 13 The alloying elements have widely differing effects due to the different solubilities of their carbides and nitrides in both austenite and ferrite as well as their different precipitation kinetics. The strength is increased by grain refinement and precipitation hardening, by a sufficient content of carbon and nitrogen in the steel.33,34 In modern micro-alloyed steels, the requirements for specific properties may call for the use of more than one micro-alloying element. An example are Al-Nb steels, where aluminium is used for the grain refinement and niobium for controlling the hot-rolled microstructure and dispersion strengthening. The behaviour of the micro- alloying elements can be modified by the presence of another of them and changes dependent on the particular elements. In principle, it depends on their mutual insolu- bility or mutual solubility. AlN has a close-packed-hexa- gonal structure, with little or no solubility for niobium and the NbN has a cubic structure with little or no solubility for aluminium. Under these conditions, the two separate nitrides can co-exist in the austenite accord- ing to their own solubility products.35 In the present experimental work, the solubility pro- duct of AlN, NbN and NbC at 1350 °C was calculated using the equations given by K. Narita.36 At 1350 °C the solubility products of AlN, NbN and NbC are 2.3×10–3, 3.7×10–3 and 3.6×10–2. It is clear that the solubility of NbC is higher than NbN and AlN, and therefore niobium and carbon atoms should be present in the solid solution during sintering at 1350 °C. The dissolved Nb will precipitate as NbC(N) in austenite or ferrite, depending on the cooling rate. The strength increment in micro- alloyed PM steels is mainly due to precipitation harden- ing, resulting in the formation of AlN and NbC(N). The steel’s mechanical properties and toughness were analysed in terms of the influence of grain size. Tradi- tionally, the approaches developed by E. O. Hall37, based on experimental observations, and by N. S. Petch,38 based on both experimental and theoretical approaches. S. GÜNDÜZ et al.: EFFECT OF THE ADDITION OF NIOBIUM AND ALUMINIUM ON THE MICROSTRUCTURES ... 644 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 641–648 Figure 4: Variation of stress–strain curves of the PM steel and microalloyed PM steels at different percentages of Nb and Al content: a) Alloy 1, b) Alloy 2, c) Alloy 3, and d) Alloy 4 Slika 4: Spreminjanje krivulj napetost-raztezek PM jekla in mikrolegiranih PM jekel pri razli~nih vsebnostih Nb in Al: a) zlitina 1, b) zlitina 2, c) zlitina 3 in d) zlitina 4 The relation between the yield strength and the grain size is now commonly known as the Hall-Petch equation (3):  y yk d= + − 0 1 2/ (3) where y is the lower yield stress, o is the friction stress, ky is the strengthening coefficient and d is the grain size. To study the influence of precipitates and clusters on the strength of micro-alloyed PM steel it is necessary to calculate the value of p, which represents the strength obtained from precipitates and clusters in the micro-alloyed PM steel containing a different weight percentage of Nb-Al. This was done using the F. B. Pickering and T. Gladman39 equation (4):  y pd= + + −54 17 4 1 2. / (4) where d is the grain diameter in mm, and p is the strength obtained from precipitates and clusters. In the present study the p values were calculated using equation (2) for micro-alloyed PM steels. A value for the level of p was derived by subtracting the predicted yield strength from the actual yield strength. The values of p are given in Table 4 and vary from -10 to 51 MPa for the Nb-Al-free and Nb-Al-added micro-alloyed PM steels tensile tested at room temperature. As seen in Table 4, different values for p were ob- served in the PM steel and microalloyed PM steels. For example, the additions (0.1, 0.15 and 0.2) of Nb-Al increased the precipitation contribution (p). This is a result of the formation of carbonitrides after sintering at 1350 °C, which led to both precipitation strengthening and grain refinement. Alloy 1 without Nb-Al does not show any measurable precipitation strengthening. The role of niobium in sintered PM steels was investigated by several investigators.40–43 To examine this effect a simple iron-carbon system was investigated by 0.16 % of mass fractions of Nb and carbon contents from 0.10 to 0.50 % of mass fractions and transverse rupture strength and apparent hardness were measured in the sintered condi- tion. At low carbon there is an increase in the transverse rupture strength, presumably due to the precipitation of NbC(N). The precipitation of nitrides, as AlN may also occur during sintering and/or cooling after sintering, since nitrogen cannot be completely avoided in PM steels using current sintering technologies, such as sintering under an argon atmosphere. It has been shown that the   +  transformation in isothermal condi- tions accelerates the precipitation kinetics of AlN, due to the lower solubility of nitrogen in ferrite.44 Table 4: Structure-property analyses of PM steel and microalloyed PM steels tensile tested at room temperature Tabela 4: Analiza lastnosti PM jekla in mikrolegiranih PM jekel pri nateznem preizkusu na sobni temperaturi Alloy o(MPa) d (μm) kyd–1/2 (MPa) ytotal (MPa) y test (MPa) p (MPa) Alloy 1 54 29.7±0.93 100 154 144 –10 Alloy 2 54 27.2±0.85 106 160 198 38 Alloy 3 54 23.4±0.73 113 167 209 42 Alloy 4 54 22.9±0.71 115 169 220 51 o: the friction stress, d: grain size, ky: strengthening coefficient, y total: predicted yield strength, y test: actual yield strength, p: difference between predicted yield strength and actual yield strength (strength obtained from precipitates) The density is also expected to significantly affect the properties of PM steel and micro-alloyed PM steels because the pores are potential crack-initiation sites, and can also guide and propagate cracks through the mater- ial. This reduces the strength as well as the heat-transfer and cooling rates after sintering.45 A strong microstruc- ture may be obtained by incorporating small amounts of alloying elements to compensate for the effect of pores.46 S. GÜNDÜZ et al.: EFFECT OF THE ADDITION OF NIOBIUM AND ALUMINIUM ON THE MICROSTRUCTURES ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 641–648 645 Figure 6: SEM micrograph for Alloy 4 and corresponding EDS of the indicated points Slika 6: SEM-posnetek zlitine 4 in EDS-analiza ozna~enih to~k Figure 5: SEM micrograph for Alloy 2 and EDS line scan of the indicated particle Slika 5: SEM-posnetek zlitine 2 in EDS-analiza preko ozna~enega delca In the present work PM steel and micro-alloyed PM steels showed a similar relative density, i.e., 92 % and 94 %, for the as-sintered condition. This may explain that the strength increase is the effect of the different content of NbC(N), AlN in micro-alloyed PM steel. Figure 5 illustrates EDS Fe, Nb and C line analysis of the cross-section of the matrix and precipitate particle in Alloy 2 (Fe-0.25C-0.05Nb-0.05Al). Two distinct con- stituents are detectable: a Fe-rich matrix and a Nb-rich phase depicted a sharp increase from the Fe-rich matrix to the particle and inverse Fe behaviour. Figure 6 also shows EDS analyses at points of 1 (precipitate particles) and 2 (matrix) marked in the micrograph of Alloy 4 (Fe-0.25C-0.1Nb-0.1Al). As seen in Figure 6, at point 1 the Fe, C, N, Al, Nb and at point 3 the Fe, C, N contents are detected. Concerning the literature and the current results, some NbC(N) and AlN particles probably did not dissolve during sintering. The results of the EDS anal- ysis agree with the precipitates visible on the SEM micrograph of the fracture of micro-alloyed PM steels (Alloys 2 and 4). Past studies to characterize precipitation in micro- alloyed steels have been mainly carried out using the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of extraction replicas and thin foils.47–50 However, quantitative chemi- cal analysis is also helpful to determine the amounts of micro-alloying elements in solid solution and pre- cipitates. Such investigations can be performed using a chemical or electrochemical procedure, selectively dis- solving the steel matrix, and separating the undissolved particles from the matrix by filtration.51 Figure 7 shows the XRD precipitate peaks of the filter residue of Alloy 3 (Fe-0.25C-0.075Nb-0.075Al). The diffraction peaks in this Figure 7 match well with NbC(N) and AlN. There- fore, the precipitates rich in Nb and Al observed in Figure 7 correspond to these two types of precipitates. In an alloy containing aluminium and without tita- nium or niobium, AlN precipitation occurs in the auste- nitic or ferritic regions. Several investigations report a fine precipitation («1 μm) with a large number density of nitride particles for steels containing between 29.96 mg/L and 299 mg/Lnitrogen.15 This precipitation is known to have significant effects upon recrystallization and austenite grain growth.52 The strengthening effect of Nb micro-alloying on steels also occurs with ferrite grain refinement due to austenite grain-boundary pinning, retardation of recrystallization and precipitation strengthening with an increase of the steel’s strength.53 The elemental composition of the micro-alloyed powder metallurgy steels was performed using the X-ray fluorescence technique (XRF), which has many advan- tages: it is fast, accurate, non destructive and has a limit of detection in the range of few ppm for most elements.54 For these reasons, the XRF analysis method is widely used in many fields such as metallurgy, geology and mi- neralogy, the food industry and environmental manage- ment. However, most routine steel analyses involve standard wet-chemical methods or inductively coupled plasma atomic emission. These methods are destructive and require dissolution of the alloy and a long sample- preparation time. The use of the X-ray fluorescence technique is very attractive in many fields and especially for metal and alloy analyses.55 The sample preparation for XRF is relatively simple, so that it requires less time and work. For example, when the solid sample is homo- geneous, then it only needs polishing to be ready for analysis.56 In this experimental work, micro-alloyed PM steels were analysed using the XRF technique to deter- mine their elemental compositions. The chemical com- position in % of mass fractions of Alloy 4 (Fe-0.25C- 0.1Nb-0.1Al) are presented in Table 5. It can be noted from Table 5 that most elemental compositions obtained conform to the values claimed by micro-alloyed steels. Table 5: Chemical composition of Alloy 4 obtained by XRF analysis Tabela 5: Kemijska sestava zlitine 4, dobljene z XRF analizo No. Com-ponent Result Unit El. line Inten- sity w/% normal Analyz- ing depth 1 Fe 99.0452 w/% 99.0452 2 C 0.2653 w/% C-KA 0.0400 0.2653 3 Mn 0.2223 w/% Mn-KA 0.7588 0.2223 0.0281 4 Al 0.0974 w/% Al-KA 0.1224 0.0974 0.0009 5 Nb 0.0918 w/% Nb-KA 1.1323 0.0918 0.0658 Figure 8 shows the tensile-testing fracture surfaces of Alloy 1 and Alloy 3. The changes were observed on the fracture surface of the PM steel and micro-alloyed PM steels sintered at 1350 °C with respect to the micro- voids’ size, shape and depth. The mode of fracture for Alloy 1 (Figure 8a) is purely ductile. This is evident from the presence of numerous dimples along with fine and rounded pores. The mechanisms of the fracture were void formation and coalescence in the necks between adjoining fracturing microvolumes. Some microvoids pre-existed in the material, others nucleated and grew from defects or inclusions. The microvoids nucleate at strain discontinuities, such as those associated with S. GÜNDÜZ et al.: EFFECT OF THE ADDITION OF NIOBIUM AND ALUMINIUM ON THE MICROSTRUCTURES ... 646 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 641–648 Figure 7: X-ray diffraction pattern of residues collected in the filter for Alloy 3 Slika 7: Rentgenogram ostankov zbranih na filtru pri zlitini 3 a-priori defects (pores, microcracks), second-phase par- ticles, inclusions, grain boundaries, dislocations pile-up. As the strain increases, the microvoids grow, coalesce, which involves plastic deformation, and eventually form a continuous fracture surface.57 However, Alloy 3 showed dimples and cleavage facets (Figure 8b) indicating that the fracture is of the mixed type. Large voids were also observed in the alloy. These voids are an indication of the removal of NbC or AlN particulates in the minor fracture surfaces. The pull-out of the NbC or AlN particulates on the crack faces indicates a possible mechanism for crack-tip bridg- ing in the micro-alloyed PM steel, as well M. Hajisafari et al.58 showed that void nucleation and growth in mi- cro-alloyed steel are a function of the shape factor of second-phase particles and the mismatch between the second-phase particle and the metal matrix. Voids firstly nucleate around second-phase particles and consequently grow. The Al-N-based particle inside the large microvoids of micro-alloyed PM steel is clearly shown in the SEM fractograph and the corresponding EDS results in Figure 8c. M. A. Erden et al.32 investigated the tensile behaviour of sinter-forged Ti-alloyed PM steel and they observed a mixed (ductile-brittle) type of fracture in the micro- alloyed PM steel with Ti due to the formation of carbides and the carbide pull-off during heavy deformation. 4 CONCLUSIONS Micro-alloyed PM steels with three different volume fractions of Nb-Al were processed through cold pressing and sintering in an argon atmosphere. The important findings obtained can be summarised as follows: Micro-alloyed PM steels were analysed using the XRF technique to determine their elemental composi- tions. The results show that most elemental compositions obtained confirm to the values claimed by micro-alloyed steels. Micro-alloying with Nb and Al requires high-tem- perature sintering to dissolve the Nb and Al in the austenite. The relative density of the sintered Nb-Al micro-alloyed PM steels can reach 94 % after sintering at 1350 °C. The addition of Nb-Al can improve the strength of micro-alloyed PM steel through precipitation hardening and microstructure refining. The NbC(N) and AlN preci- pitates inhibit the grain growth during the sintering step, leading to enhanced strength. The EDS and XRD analyses of the micro-alloyed PM steels revealed Nb- and Al-rich particles in micro- alloyed PM steel. The presence of Nb and Al elements in the particles indicates that NbC(N) and AlN formed during sintering and/or precipitate during the cooling after sintering. The analysis of the fracture surface indicated that PM steel without micro-alloying addition exhibited ductile fracture. In the case of the micro-alloyed PM steels the mode of fracture is the mixed type with ductile and brittle regions. This could be attributed to the pull-out of NbC or AlN particles during deformation, indicating the possible mechanism for crack tip is bridging in the micro-alloyed PM steels. 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GÜNDÜZ et al.: EFFECT OF THE ADDITION OF NIOBIUM AND ALUMINIUM ON THE MICROSTRUCTURES ... 648 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 641–648 L. A. DOBRZAÑSKI et al.: CHARACTERISTICS OF DYE-SENSITIZED SOLAR CELLS WITH CARBON NANOMATERIALS 649–654 CHARACTERISTICS OF DYE-SENSITIZED SOLAR CELLS WITH CARBON NANOMATERIALS ZNA^ILNOSTI NA FIKSIRANO BARVO OB^UTLJIVIH SOLARNIH CELIC Z OGLJIKOVIMI NANOMATERIALI Leszek Adam Dobrzañski, Agnieszka Mucha, Marzena Prokopiuk vel Prokopowicz, Marek Szindler, Aleksandra Dryga³a, Krzysztof Lukaszkowicz Silesian University of Technology, Konarskiego St. 18A, 44-100, Gliwice, Poland krzysztof.lukaszkowicz@polsl.pl Prejem rokopisa – received: 2014-07-30; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-09-21 doi:10.17222/mit.2014.134 Dye-sensitized photovoltaic cells consisting of a layered structure have been developed for 20 years and they are a basis for the new development trend of photovoltaics. One of the examined aspects of their application is building-integrated photovoltaics. Dye-sensitized photovoltaic cells (DSSCs) were developed by Michael Grätzel and Brian O’Regan in 1991 and have been intensively examined ever since. Because of their low production costs, easy transfer, the relatively high efficiency of the photon conversion to the current and an easy production technology, dye-sensitized cells might represent an alternative to silicon cells. Basically, a dye-sensitized photovoltaic cell consists of five elements: a mechanical base covered with a layer of transparent conductive oxides (TCOs), a semiconductor film, e.g., TiO2, dye absorbed on the semiconductor’s surface, an electrolyte including a redox carrier, and a counter electrode suitable to regenerate a redox carrier, e.g., platinum. As part of this work we produced dye-sensitized solar cells. First, the glass with transparent conductive oxides was thoroughly cleaned. Then, the glass with TCO was coated with a layer of TiO2 using the doctor-blade technique, and fired in a furnace at 450 °C. The plate prepared in this way was then sensitized in a ruthenium-based dye. The counter electrode was obtained by applying it on the glass with TCO carbon nanomaterials, including graphite, carbon black and carbon nanotubes. The photo-anode and the counter electrode were combined and between them was injected the redox electrolyte. This paper provides an analysis of the microstructure and electrical properties of nanostructural coatings with the carbon nano-element of the integrated dye-sensitized photovoltaic cells. Keywords: dye-sensitized solar cell, carbon elements, counter electrode Na fiksirano barvo ob~utljive fotovoltai~ne celice sestojijo iz plastovite strukture in so zadnjih dvajset let tematika razvoja na tem podro~ju, predstavljajo namre~ nov razvojni trend v fotovoltaiki. Eden od raziskovanih vidikov njihove uporabe je fotovoltaika, integrirana v zgradbe. Na fiksirano barvo ob~utljive fotovoltai~ne celice (DSSC), sta razvila Michael Grätzel in Brian O’Regan leta 1991 in so od tedaj pogost predmet raziskav. Zaradi nizkih stro{kov njihove proizvodnje, enostavne prenosljivosti, relativno visoko u~inkovite konverzije fotonov v tok in enostavne proizvodnje, so na fiksirano barvo ob~utljive celice lahko nadomestek silicijevim celicam. V osnovi na fiksirano barvo ob~utljive fotovoltai~ne celice sestojijo iz 5 elementov: mehanska podlaga je prekrita s plastjo prosojnih, prevodnih oksidov TCO, polprevodnega sloja, npr. TiO2, fiksne barve absorbirane na povr{ini polprevodnika, elektrolita z vklju~no redoks nosilcem nasprotna elektroda, ki je sposobna regeneracije redoks nosilca, kot je npr. platina. Kot del tega dela, so bile izdelane na fiksirano barvo ob~utljive solarne celice. Najprej je bilo steklo s presevnimi prevodnimi oksidi dobro o~i{~eno. Nato je bilo steklo s TCO, z uporabo tehnike kirur{kih no`ev, prekrito s plastjo TiO2 in `gano v pe~i pri 450 °C. Tako pripravljena plo{~a je bila ob~utljiva za barve na osnovi rutenija. Nasprotna elektroda je bila dobljena z nanosom TCO ogljikovih nanomaterialov, vklju~no z grafitom, ~rnim ogljikom in ogljikovimi nanocevkami na steklu. Fotoanoda in nasprotna elektroda sta bili kombinirani in med njiju je bil vbrizgan redoks elektrolit. ^lanek predstavlja analizo mikrostrukture in elektri~nih lastnosti prevlek z nano strukturo, z ogljikovimi nanoelementi integrirane fotovoltai~ne celice, ob~utljive na fiksirano barvo. Klju~ne besede: solarna celica, ob~utljiva na fiksirano barvo, ogljikovi elementi, nasprotna elektroda 1 INTRODUCTION The increasing rate of energy consumption in the world is directly related to the increase in the human population. The progress of civilization is associated with an increase in the demand for energy, and particu- larly the most useful of its forms – electricity. Nowadays, mankind consumes 13,500 GW of power. The solar power reaching the Earth is 170,000,000 GW. If even a part of this energy could be used it could reduce envi- ronmental problems involving atmospheric pollution, arising as a result of the excessive use of conventional energy sources. Photovoltaics is an alternative and envi- ronmentally friendly technology for electricity produc- tion. Photovoltaic cells (also known as solar cells or PV cells) are used to convert solar energy into electricity, and this phenomenon is called the photovoltaic effect. The main advantage that enhances the development of organic photovoltaics is the potentially several times lower price of energy production per unit cell area than conventional solar cells based on silicon. Other advantages include 1–4 much better aesthetics compared to silicon solar cells, low toxicity, high transparency, possibility to choose the colour, flexibility, low dead- weight, low power loss due to the unfavourable angle of incidence of the sunlight, which is used in BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaics), working under reduced radiation (cloudy, darkening), where these cells Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 649–654 649 UDK 67.017:620.3:621.383.51 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)649(2016) have a much better performance than silicon solar cells, a low production price due to the use of small amounts of material and the simplicity of production technolo- gies, and the performance is independent of temperature changes in the range of 25–65 °C. The construction of a dye-sensitized solar cell is based on a layered structure, which consists of two trans- parent glass plates with a Transparent Conductive Oxide (TCO) on it, placed parallel to each other and spaced about 40 μm apart (Figure 1). On one of the plates is applied a nanocrystalline titanium oxide layer coated organometallic photosensitive dye (photosensitizer) – this system retrieve in the cell function photo-anode (illuminated anode). On the surface of the second plate glass with TCO is usually nanoplatinum, which is a cata- lytic layer – this system is in the cell cathode. The space between the plates is filled with an electrolyte containing a redox system I–/I3–. Each component shows the depen- dence between many other materials. If at least one element in dye-sensitized solar cells is changed, e.g., the dye, the particle size of the TiO2, the film thickness, or the composition of the electrolyte, the DSSC cell re- quires adjustment to ensure optimal system perfor- mance.5,6 The operating principle of a dye-sensitized solar cell is shown in Figure 2. The dye and the electrolyte are essential components of the cell. The task of the counter electrode is to gather elec- trons flowing from the outer current and to catalyse the reduction of the triiodide ions. Platinum is the most common material used as a counter electrode. Despite the fact that platinum shows a high catalytic activity, its shortage in resources, high costs and corrosion possibi- lity through a triiodide solution, inhibit its application on a large scale in the future.7 For this reason, there is a need for research on alternative materials that are charac- terized by electrochemical activity and chemical stabi- lity. So far platinum8, carbon,9,10 conductive plastics,11 CoS,12 WO2,13, Mo2C and WC,14 TiN,15 have been used as the counter electrodes. There are many publications about the methods of shaping the surface and structure of materials to improve their properties.16–18 Carbon nanotubes conduct electricity. They are almost transparent, flexible and strong, which makes them the ideal material for transparent electrodes for DSSC. The only drawback is that photo-generated charge carriers in the nanotube may recombine with ions in the dye, which reduces the power-conversion efficien- cy of the solar cell. In the present work inexpensive and available carbon materials such as carbon black, graphite, and carbon nanotubes have been used as alternative materials to platinum because of their high corrosive resistance, high reactivity for triiodide reduction and low costs.7,9,10,19–25 The disadvantages in catalytic activity in comparison to platinum may be compensated for by increasing the active surface of a catalytic layer using the porous struc- ture.7,25 Forming high-quality carbon bands on a sub- strate gives us prospects for using carbon as a counter electrode. L. A. DOBRZAÑSKI et al.: CHARACTERISTICS OF DYE-SENSITIZED SOLAR CELLS WITH CARBON NANOMATERIALS 650 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 649–654 Figure 1: Construction of dye-sensitized solar cell6 Slika 1: Zgradba solarne celice ob~utljive na fiksirano barvo6 Figure 2: The operating principle of dye-sensitized solar cells6 Slika 2: Princip delovanja solarnih celic, ob~utljivih na fiksirano barvo6 Figure 3: The production steps of dye-sensitized solar cells Slika 3: Proizvodni koraki pri solarnih celicah, ob~utljivih na fiksi- rano barvo 2 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The production steps for dye-sensitized solar cells were shown in Figure 3. As the counter electrodes we used three carbon materials: carbon black, graphite and carbon nanotube. The dye-sensitized solar cells have the following arrangement of layers (Figure 4): • FTO glass/TiO2/dye/electrolyte/carbon black/FTO glass, • FTO glass/TiO2/dye/electrolyte/graphite/FTO glass, • FTO glass/TiO2/dye/electrolyte/nanotube/FTO glass, where: FTO glass is glass with a layer of fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO). 2.1 Fabrication of the photoanode Glass plates with dimensions 30 mm × 30 mm (10 /sq.) were used. In order to remove any surface con- tamination and to degrease, the FTO glasses were dipped and held in an ultrasonic, deionized water, acetone, ethanol and isopropanol. In order to reduce the active surface of the dye-sensitized solar cells the FTO glass was covered with a layer of tape (Figure 5). In order to obtain a TiO2 paste nitric acid with pH 3–4 was mixed with ethanol.26–28 To the solution was added titanium oxide nanopowder. This solution was stirred until a uniform paste was obtained. A drop of TiO2 paste was applied to the FTO glass and then it was uniformly spread over the glass surface using the doctor-blade technique (Figure 6). After removing the tape, the glass plate with the titanium paste was annealed in a furnace at 450 °C in air and then air-cooled. In order to sensitize the electrode it was immersed in the dye solution with absolute ethanol for 24 h at room temperature, without access to light. Once removed, the electrode was washed with ethanol to remove any excess dye and allowed to dry. A glass plate with a layer of titanium oxide, with and without dye, is shown in Figure 7. 2.2 Fabrication of the counter electrode The preparation of the carbon nanotubes’ surface layers on the silicon substrates was performed using EasyTube®2000. During the process the default settings were used. EasyTube®2000 is an advanced, turnkey, thermal catalytic chemical vapor deposition CVD pro- cess tool for the synthesis of a wide variety of nano- structured materials. The catalyst needed for the CNT growth was a transition metal plus iron, and the catalyst was introduced to the process together with the CNT precursor. It this case the counter electrodes were prepared by spring carbon nanotubes on the FTO glass. The CNT solution was prepared by direct mixing of the acid highly conductive PEDOT:PSS and applied on the glass surface with FTO. The second electrode that was used for this experiment was the electrode with carbon black. The L. A. DOBRZAÑSKI et al.: CHARACTERISTICS OF DYE-SENSITIZED SOLAR CELLS WITH CARBON NANOMATERIALS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 649–654 651 Figure 5: FTO glass covered with a layer of tape Slika 5: FTO-steklo, prekrito s plastjo traku Figure 6: Photo-anode preparation Slika 6: Priprava fotoanode Figure 4: Schema of DSSC with: a) carbon black, b) graphite, c) car- bon nanotube Slika 4: Shema DSSC z: a) ~rnim ogljikom, b) grafitom, c) ogljiko- vimi nanocevkami carbon black is cheap in industrial mass production. Ti is also used in printing toners, so we can easily spray it on to FTO glass. A thin layer of carbon materials, i.e., carbon black (Figure 8a), graphite (Figure 8b), carbon nanotube (Figure 8c), were deposited on the FTO glass that was previously cleared of impurities. 2.3 Fabrication of the DSSC An anode and a cathode were combined with the sealing strip, which simultaneously serves as a separator. Careful electrode bonding is a very important step in the preparation of DSSC cells. It prevents the leakage and evaporation of the electrolyte. The last step was the placement the electrolyte, which is a solution of iodine and iodide in an organic solvent containing a redox couple I–/I3–, between the photo-anode and a counter electrode. 2.4 Measurements Because the used carbon elements and titanium oxide consist of nano-metric structural units or single carbon layers, modern research equipment was used. First of all, an Atomic Force Microscope, a High Resolution Trans- mission Electron Microscope and a Scanning Electron Microscope. Atomic force microscopy (AFM, XE-100, Park Systems) was used to observe the surface morphology of the TiO2 layer with and without the dye. The counter electrodes’ morphology was observed using the scanning electron microscope (SEM; SUPRA 35, ZEISS). The High Resolution Transmission Electron Micro- scope S/TEM (TITAN 80-300, FEI) was used to observe the surface morphology of the carbon nanotubes. The voltages of the DSSCs were recorded using a multimeter (Meter Link Extech EX845) as a source measure unit, which was connected between the FTO glass and the counter electrode. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 9 shows the AFM images of the TiO2 layer and the dye-adsorbed TiO2 layer. The size and the dis- L. A. DOBRZAÑSKI et al.: CHARACTERISTICS OF DYE-SENSITIZED SOLAR CELLS WITH CARBON NANOMATERIALS 652 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 649–654 Figure 8: Counter electrode with a layer of: a) carbon black, b) graphite, c) PEDOT: PSS with carbon nanotubes Slika 8: Nasprotna elektroda s plastjo: a) ~rnega ogljika, b) grafita, c) PEDOT: PSS z ogljikovimi nanocevkami Figure 9: AFM images of the: a) TiO2 layer and b) dye-adsorbed TiO2 layer Slika 9: AFM-posnetek: a) plast TiO2 in b) s fiksirano barvo adsorbi- rana plast TiO2 Figure 7: FTO glass with TiO2 layer: a) before dying, b) after dying Slika 7: FTO steklo s plastjo TiO2: a) pred su{enjem, b) po su{enju tribution of the particles characterize the dye-absorbed surface of the photo-anode. The SEM images show that TiO2 surface with the absorbed dye is smoother than the surface without the dye. Figures 10 to 12 show the SEM surface images of various counter electrodes on the FTO glass. Figure 10 shows the microstructure of the carbon black, where a rectangular atomic arrangement can be observed. Be- cause the fluorine-doped tin oxide film deposited on the glass has a rough surface, in Figure 11 where the gra- phite is shown, we can also observe the rough pyramid microstructure. Figure 12 shows the microstructure of the carbon nanotubes’ electrode, where severely agglo- merated CNTs are observable. We can see that the sur- face with the CNT and the highly conductive PEDOT:PSS has a uniform structure and fewer pores were generated in the structure compared with the micro- structure of the carbon black or the graphite. By adding carbon nanotubes to the electrode it is possible to obtain a larger surface area and therefore a larger contact surface than the graphite and carbon black counter electrode. Table 1 shows the electrical parameters by means of voltage for the three dye-sensitized solar cells with three different counter electrodes. As was expected after the SEM images, the highest voltage comes from the DSSC with carbon nanotubes as a counter electrode. Table 1: Electrical properties of the investigated DSSCs Tabela 1: Elektri~ne lastnosti preiskovane DSSC Type of counter electrode Voltage (mV) carbon black 40 graphite 35 carbon nanotubes 52 4 CONCLUSIONS In this study, for the purpose of decreasing the cost of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs), we investigated the effect of carbon materials, i.e., carbon nanotubes, gra- phite and carbon black, added as a counter electrode. Three different low-cost DSSCs (CNT-counter electrode DSSC, carbon black-counter electrode DSSC, graphite- electrolyte DSSC) were fabricated. The costly platinum electrode is able to be replaced by the modified counter electrode (using CNTs), with only little change in the efficiency of the cell. The effect of the carbon nanotubes on the performance of the DSSC showed that the DSSC fabricated with the CNT and PEDOT:PSS had the highest photovoltaic performances. These results are attributed to increasing the surface area of the counter electrode. The conductivity of the carbon black is lower than carbon materials such as the graphite and carbon nano- tubes, because those carbon nanotubes have a high con- ductivity and a large surface area. The literature proves that the carbon nanotubes with PEDOT:PSS layers have a good adhesion, so it can be used on the DSSC L. A. DOBRZAÑSKI et al.: CHARACTERISTICS OF DYE-SENSITIZED SOLAR CELLS WITH CARBON NANOMATERIALS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 649–654 653 Figure 12: SEM images of carbon nanotubes Slika 12: SEM-posnetek ogljikovih nanocevk Figure 10: SEM image of carbon black Slika 10: SEM-posnetek ~rnega ogljika Figure 11: SEM image of graphite Slika 11: SEM-posnetek grafita electrodes. 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HUNER: THE EFFECT OF THE WELDING PARAMETERS AND THE COUPLING AGENT ... 655–662 THE EFFECT OF THE WELDING PARAMETERS AND THE COUPLING AGENT ON THE WELDING OF COMPOSITES VPLIV PARAMETROV VARJENJA IN SREDSTVA ZA SPAJANJE NA VARJENJE KOMPOZITOV Selcuk Ertugrul Erdogan, Umit Huner Trakya University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 22050 Edirne, Turkey umithuner@trakya.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-03-11; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-09-14 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.059 This paper presents an experimental investigation of the welding of a glass-fiber-reinforced PP composite. The goals of this paper are to investigate the issues of local changes of the welding strength that depend on the heating time and the coupling agent (MAPP). Composite samples were prepared by using an extruding (for mixing) process and a hot-press method. The PP matrix was reinforced by unidirectional short glass fibers. The welding process for the specimens was carried out using a non-contact heated tool butt welding process. Tensile and fatigue tests were conducted to investigate the effects of the heating time parameter and the coupling agent. The highest weld strength dependent on the heating time was achieved with 94 % relative to the base strength of the material. The fatigue behavior of short-fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites (polypropylene/20 % of volume fractions of E-glass fiber) is presented in terms of stress versus the number of cycles to failure. The specimens were fatigue tested at various percentages of their static tensile strengths at a load ratio R = 0.1 and frequency f= 5 Hz. An indefinite fatigue life was obtained at 35 % of the static damage initiation load for glass-fiber-reinforced specimens. Then, these specimen’s maximum welding strengths and fatigue properties that were dependent on the heating time were compared. Keywords: plastic material, composite, heated tool, welding process, reinforcement, fatigue, polypropylene ^lanek predstavlja preiskavo varjenja PP kompozita, oja~anega s steklenimi vlakni. Cilj ~lanka je bil preiskati vpliv lokalnih sprememb na trdnost zvara, ki je odvisna od ~asa ogrevanja in sredstva za spajanje (MAPP). Kompozitni vzorci so bili pripravljeni z uporabo metode ekstruzije in vro~ega stiskanja. PP osnova je bila oja~ana z usmerjenimi kratkimi steklenimi vlakni. Postopek ~elnega varjenja vzorcev je bil izveden z brezkontaktno ogrevanim orodjem. Izvedeni so bili natezni preizkusi in preizkusi utrujenosti, da bi ugotovili vpliv ~asa ogrevanja in sredstva za spajanje. Najve~ja trdnost zvara v odvisnosti od ~asa ogrevanja je bila 94 % trdnosti osnovnega materiala. Obna{anje pri utrujanju termoplasti~nega kompozita (polipropilen/20 % prostorninskih dele`ev E-steklenih vlaken), oja~anega s kratkimi vlakni, je prikazano na krivulji utrujanja kot odvisnost napetosti od {tevila ciklov. Utrujenost vzorcev je bila preizku{ana pri razli~nih odstotkih stati~ne natezne trdnosti, pri hitrosti obremenjevanja R = 0,1 in frekvenci f = 5 Hz. Zdr`ljivost na utrujanje s steklenimi vlakni oja~anih vzorcev je bila dobljena pri 35 % nazivne stati~ne obremenitve. Primerjane so bile maksimalne trdnosti zvarov, z obna{anjem pri utrujanju v odvisnosti od ~asa ogrevanja. Klju~ne besede: plasti~ni material, kompozit, ogrevano orodje, postopek varjenja, oja~anje, utrujenost, polipropilen 1 INTRODUCTION In high-technology applications, a composite is suit- ably qualified due to the fact that it has a higher strength and a better stiffness-to-weight ratio. The vital properties of thermoplastic composites include higher damage tol- erance, corrosion resistance, higher impact resistance and enhanced fatigue life. Due to their recyclable and re-formable natures, thermoplastic composites are se- lected for environmentally benign applications.1–4 The welding process is one of the preferred methods to realize the assembly structure of thermoplastic com- posites. This method eliminates disadvantages such as stress concentration and the galvanic corrosion of me- chanical fastenings. Also, the thermoplastic matrix has its own specific welding parameters with much the same reinforcements. In the welding zone the dispersion of the reinforcement and orientation could be affected by the welding pressure, heating, heating time and some similar properties, which results in the corruption on unity for the reinforced thermoplastic.5–7 Some researchers have worked on different welding methods for thermoplastic composites. At present, there is still not enough literature available related to the pro- cess parameters and their influence on the joint’s strength. C. B. Bucknall et al.8 reported that the weld strengths of glass-fiber-reinforced polypropylene were strongly af- fected by the hot-plate temperature, heating time, and melt flow during welding. K. V. Stokes5 has studied the fatigue life of vibration-welded unreinforced polycarbo- nate (PC), polyetherimide (PEI), modified polyphe- nylene oxide resin (M-PPO) and poly (butylenes terephthalate) (PBT), under tension–tension loading at R = 0.1. The first three polymers are amorphous and PBT is semi-crystalline. K. V. Stokes5 found that the ra- tio of the endurance limit stress to the tensile strength was 0.29 for PC, 0.34 for PEI, 0.22 for M-PPO and 0.31 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 655–662 655 UDK 621.791.92:669.018.25:678.742.3 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)655(2016) for PBT. T. T. Lin et al.9 investigated the effect of weld- ing parameters on the non-contact hot-plate butt welding of polypropylene. For a given hot-plate temperature, an optimum heating time and forging pressure were found. M. Watson et al.10 investigated the parameters of heated tool welding. The heated tool temperature has been found to be a less critical parameter than either the heat- ing pressure or time. These studies mostly concentrate on the parameters of the welding process, such as the heating time, the tool temperature and the pressure. But they lack the compari- son of composites that had a chemical treatment of a ma- trix material like maleic anhydride (MA). There is a need to better understand the influence of various processing parameters and the coupling agent (MAPP) on the joint properties of hot tool welded thermoplastic composites. In accordance with previous studies published in the lit- erature about the fatigue life of SGFR thermoplastics, the fatigue scattering is small, especially in comparison with the fatigue of metallic materials. The final goal of this study is to gain a better under- standing of the effects of using a coupling agent (MAPP) and the heating time parameter on the welding properties of hot tool welded composites. For constant temperatures and reinforced MAPP with a different ratio, thermoplas- tic composite component’s butt welded joint strength, failure strain, modulus of elasticity and fatigue properties that depend on the heating time and cyclic number were compared by using the tensile and the fatigue-tests method. Non-welded material data are also included as a reference. The results are analyzed using curves for the stress versus the number of cycles to failure (S–N) for the fatigue test. 2 MATERIALS AND EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES 2.1 Materials The resins used in this study were commercially available, virgin-grade polypropylene (PP) S.R.L., poly- propylene-grafted maleic anhydride (PP-g-MA (Sigma Aldrich), MA content = 1 % of mass fraction) chopped into strands of glass fiber PA2-4.5 (Cam Elyaf Inc.). Ta- ble 1 lists the properties of the resins as provided by the resin producer. Glass-fiber-reinforced PP granules were prepared with a lab-type single-screw extruder (L/D: 28). And then the granules were shaped as 200×200 mm2 plates using a hot press. The samples were obtained from the plates with a cutting press. ISO 527 tensile-test pro- cedures were used in this investigation. Three identical samples of each composition (Table 2) were measured and the average values were reported. Table 2: Thermoplastic composites used in the experiments Tabela 2: Termoplasti~ni kompoziti, uporabljeni za preizkuse Material type PP (w/%) MA-g-PP (w/%) GF (w/%) PPv (virgin) 100 – – PP20GF 80 0 20 MA2.5PPGF 77.5 2.5 20 MA5PPGF 75 5 20 2.2 Welding method In the non-contact hot-tool welding process, the parts being welded are placed near the hot tool separated from it by a distance referred to as the non-contact gap. The hot tool is removed during the change-over phase. Pres- sure is applied to hold the parts in close contact during weld cooling and solidification. The heat is transferred by thermal radiation and convection. The process is oth- erwise identical to hot-tool welding: the hot plate is re- moved in the changeover phase, and pressure is applied to achieve close contact as the weld cools and solidifies.8 The non-contact hot-tool or hot-plate welding has pro- cessing parameters that influence the weld strength, which include the size of the non-contact gap, the platen temperature, heating time, change-over time, weld pres- sure and duration. A butt-type joint has a lower weld line strength at a low welding pressure.11 The welding and tensile test steps are shown as an example in Figure 1. During the welding process, the heat transfer raises the temperature of the part and the resulting thermal ex- pansion causes a small rightward (away from the hot-tool surface) motion in the part and fixture. When the surface temperature reaches the melting point of the plastic the part surface begins to melt. The externally applied pres- sure causes the molten material to flow laterally out- wards, thereby inducing a leftward motion of the part.8 In non-contact heated tool welding, the contami- nation of the weld surfaces is minimized, the heating is S. E. ERDOGAN, U. HUNER: THE EFFECT OF THE WELDING PARAMETERS AND THE COUPLING AGENT ... 656 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 655–662 Table 1: Thermoplastic materials and glass-fiber properties used in the experiments Tabela 1: Lastnosti termoplasti~nega materiala in steklenih vlaken, uporabljenih pri preizkusih Material Producer Density MFI (g/10min) Melting temp. Vicat soft. temp.(°C) Tensile strength (MPa) Polipropilen (S.R.L) ROM Petrol 0.90 20 165 132 32 PP-g-MA Sigma Aldrich 0.95 115 152 147 – Material Producer Dimensions Density(gr/cm3) Tensile strength (MPa) Melting temp. (°C) Annotations Glass Fiber Cam Elyaf A.ª. D: 10.5 μmL: 4.5 mm 2.54 3450 1722 treated 0.6 % silane uniform, and a small weld bead is produced, providing good, consistent weld strengths.11 An important aspect was the heat-soak time, which was influential in obtain- ing high joint strengths. Ideally, the stops should be as close to the joint interface as possible, consistent with bringing the joint interface into close contact with the heating element. The experimental activity was carried out with the aim of evaluating the static and fatigue behavior under tension loadings of single lap welded joints in composite materials and to investigate the mechanics of damage evolution. In this study the mechanical performance of the weld was obtained using rectangles of injection-molded sam- ples that were welded together. The dimensions of the samples have enough tolerance for the welding process. Two parts were joined under heat that was generated by the stainless-steel hot-tool plate with dimensions of 40 mm × 2 mm × 100 mm. The weld line temperature was manually controlled with an InfraRed thermometer (CEM DT-8835, K-Type). The sets of these test samples and test parameters are given in Table 3. The weld area is equal to 40 mm2. The welding pressure was held at constant values of 0.5 MPa and 4 MPa. For each type of thermoplastic composite a welding temperature of 260 °C was applied.12 The non-contact gap was 1 mm. A con- stant heating displacement and weld displacement were maintained during the experiments. The heating tempera- ture was chosen as an optimum value that is common to welding on all types of thermoplastic composite welding. The range for the heating time was 40 s to 70 s. The weld was always situated in the middle of the specimen, perpendicular to the load line. 2.3 Tensile test In this study the tensile tests were performed using an Instron Universal Testing Machine Model 8501, equip- ped with a 500-kg load cell, a strain-gauge extensometer (Instron, model 2620, UK) after conditioning at 23±2 °C according to the ISO 527 standard. The cross-head speed used for the type IA tensile specimens was 5 mm/min. All the samples were 150 mm in length with a bonded butt (flat) type. The tests were performed in triplicate and the results reported are the arithmetic average of the parallel samples. The dog-bone-shaped sample is routed down to a standard ISO 527 tensile test specimen with a butt joint at its center. The tensile sample, which has a transverse butt weld at mid-length, is then subjected to a constant- displacement-rate tensile test in which the strain across the weld is monitored with an extensometer. In this way the average failure strain across the weld over a 25 mm gauge length can be monitored. 2.4 Fatigue test Load-controlled fatigue tests were performed in the tension-tension mode at ambient temperature (approxi- mately 23 °C). The specimens were tested under a sinusoidal waveform at various loads between 35 % and 80 % of the static damage initiation load according to ASTM D 3479 (tension-tension fatigue behavior). The tests were conducted under a load ratio R = 0.1 and a frequency f = 5 Hz. No significant heating was noticed during the fatigue testing. When specimen failure could S. E. ERDOGAN, U. HUNER: THE EFFECT OF THE WELDING PARAMETERS AND THE COUPLING AGENT ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 655–662 657 Figure 1: Welding and tensile test procedure of a sample: a) divide injection-molded sample into two parts, b) joint samples by welding, c) tensile testing of welded part, d) failure on welded parts after tensile test Slika 1: Postopek varjenja in preizku{anja vzorca: a) dva dela razde- ljenega tla~no litega vzorca, b) zvarjen vzorec, c) natezni preizkus zvara, d) poru{en zvar po nateznem preizkusu Table 3: Some parameters of the experimental procedure for the study and sample codes (welding temp. 260 °C) Tabela 3: Nekateri parametri preizkusov in oznake vzorcev (temperatura varjenja 260 °C) Materials Heating time(s) Welding pressure (MPa) Part I/Part II Materials Heating time (s) Welding pressure (MPa) Part I/Part II PPv 40 0.5/4 MPa MA2.5PPGF 40 0.5/4 MPa 50 0.5/4 MPa 50 0.5/4 MPa 60 0.5/4 MPa 60 0.5/4 MPa 70 0.5/4 MPa 70 0.5/4 MPa PP20GF 40 0.5/4 MPa MA5PPGF 40 0.5/4 MPa 50 0.5/4 MPa 50 0.5/4 MPa 60 0.5/4 MPa 60 0.5/4 MPa 70 0.5/4 MPa 70 0.5/4 MPa not be obtained within 1 million cycles, the test was ter- minated and an indefinite fatigue life was reported. Bet- ween 10 and 15 specimens were tested for each material. The fracture surfaces of the broken specimens were observed visually and using scanning electron micro- scopy (SEM). The samples were first sputter coated with a fine layer of gold under vacuum for 60 s. An accelerat- ing voltage of 20 kV was used to collect the SEM images. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Tensile test results The results of the static tests are presented in terms of both nominal tensile stress on the adherents and shear stress on the adhesive. The aim of this is to provide information on the load-carrying capability of the joints and the adhesive properties. It is a well-known fact that the welding quality is influenced by many processing factors, some of these being the welding time and the welding pressure. It is therefore important to explore the best combination of these factors to obtain the best welding result. Considering the used filler content, it was verified that for all the tested composites the tensile strength increases by the welding time and considering the shape of filler content, the type of fiber for the filler content achieved a relatively high strength compared to the other reinforced PP composites. This happens be- cause the fiber adhesion to the matrix is enough, when compared with the others, to increase the matrix ten- sion’s transfer efficiency through the interface and that is essential to get an improvement of the mechanical pro- perties in the composite. For each time period (40 s, 50 s, 60 s, 70 s) three parallel samples were used and the results reported are the arithmetic average of the parallel samples. The joint S. E. ERDOGAN, U. HUNER: THE EFFECT OF THE WELDING PARAMETERS AND THE COUPLING AGENT ... 658 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 655–662 Table 4: Comparing the results of joint strength and failure strain for the welded samples Tabela 4: Primerjava rezultatov trdnosti spojev in raztezek pri poru{itvi zvarjenih vzorcev Materials Heatingtime(s) Joint strength (MPa) I Sd *** w/b* I Joint strength (MPa) II Sd w/b II PPv (Bulk strength 32 MPa) 40 17.84 7.55 0.55 14.53 5.86 0.45 50 20.16 9.77 0.63 17.66 6.53 0.55 60 23.42 8.02 5.73 20.45 7.94 0.63 70 26.11 8.51 5.81 23.71 12.84 0.74 PP20GF (Bulk strength 41 MPa) 40 24.15 10.87 4.58 20.31 9.12 0.49 50 26.34 11.14 7.55 22.59 6.35 0.55 60 33.18 15.97 9.11 29.16 8.74 0.71 70 37.77 16.23 8.92 33.94 10.81 0.82 MA2.5PPGF (Bulk strength 44 MPa) 40 30.24 10.88 1.68 27.76 8.54 0.63 50 35.61 12.01 6.80 32.59 8.62 0.74 60 38.22 14.11 5.77 38.93 10.88 0.88 70 40.78 18.14 6.92 40.56 11.99 0.92 MA5PPGF (Bulk strength 48 MPa) 40 36.45 10.78 1.75 32.98 9.21 0.68 50 39.27 12.28 4.81 35.26 10.54 0.73 60 41.48 17.33 3.86 36.48 13.33 0.76 70 46.25 19.71 6.96 40.58 10.27 0.92 Materials Heatingtime(s) Failure strain (%) I Sd *** w/ b** I Failure strain (%) II Sd w/ b II PPv (Bulk material strain 0 = 4.56%) 40 3.51 1.3 0.77 3.14 1.72 0.69 50 3.76 0.7 0.82 3.05 2.02 0.67 60 4.11 2.2 0.90 2.87 0.97 0.63 70 4.18 2.4 0.92 2.56 1.12 0.56 PP20GF (Bulk material strain 0 = 0.58 %) 40 0.51 0.16 0.88 0.40 0.14 0.69 50 0.45 0.04 0.78 0.34 0.12 0.59 60 0.41 0.13 0.71 0.29 0.09 0.50 70 0.36 0.08 0.62 0.26 0.11 0.45 MA2.5PPGF (Bulk material strain 0 = 0.35 %) 40 0.22 0.04 0.63 0.16 0.06 0.46 50 0.17 0.04 0.49 0.11 0.08 0.31 60 0.11 0.03 0.31 0.06 0.02 0.17 70 0.08 0.01 0.23 0.04 0.02 0.11 MA5PPGF (Bulk material strain 0 = 0.24 %) 40 0.17 0.04 0.71 0.14 0.07 0.58 50 0.15 0.06 0.63 0.11 0.03 0.46 60 0.07 0.06 0.29 0.04 0.01 0.17 70 0.05 0.02 0.21 0.02 0.01 0.08 * w/b (Relative strength),** w/ b (Relative strain),*** Sd (Standard deviation) strength of the welded samples and the bulk strength of unwelded samples are compared in Table 4. All of the welded assemblies of virgin and reinforced polypropy- lene failed at the weld lines. All the glass-fiber-rein- forced parts were found to fracture at the weld interfaces. The results suggested that the hot-plate-welded MA5PPGF composite parts exhibited the highest joint strength on 0.5 MPa weld pressure, followed by the MA2.5PPGF and PP20GF composites. The welded virgin polypropylene showed the lowest joint strengths. It is clear that a weld does not represent just a discon- tinuity in the material, but is the source of an extended mechanical disturbance, which strongly influences the local material’s behavior, even at a distance outside the weld.13 It can be noticed that for the higher MA-g-PP/GF content the local strain (Table 4) in the accompanying zones is lower, which corresponds to the lower com- pliance of the reinforced material. Also, in this case the lower pressure results in a local strain super elevation at the weld. The range of fiber orientation inside the weld is only very low, so that the material showing a higher degree of deformation and damage at the same weld pressure governs the mechanical behavior for the whole weld range. As the amount of MAPP increases the joint strength increases to a 0.5-MPa weld pressure as reported in Table 4, but the joint strength of the samples decreases with less than 4 MPa weld pressure. Similar results have been reported by J. S. Liu, H. F. Cheng13 Under the influence of the welding pressure, the plasticized mater- ial in the weld zone flows. With increasing penetration, fibers push out of the surface. This fiber bridging causes a high weld strength. But increasing the welding pressure causes a high degree of orientation transverse to flow (injection) to the original fiber alignment. This in turn leads to a decrease in the joint strength. The modulus (E) of the material is also reported in Figure 2. With respect to PPv, they have higher moduli and strengths, but they break at a lower strain. The differences in the E of the PP-based composites cannot be ascribed to their different composition because in that case, E should monotonically decrease with the welding pressure. Increasing the hot-plate heating time increases the temperatures of the materials. The temperature provides the necessary movement of the melt flow, and time is needed for the diffusion to occur. A higher material temperature therefore aids increasing the weld strengths. Homogenous filler orientation such as fiber on the welding zone and matrix material dominates the stress behavior. Fiber reinforcements lead to an increase of the melting point of the matrix. The random orientation of glass fiber on the welding zone affects the welding strength depending on the heating time. Increasing the heating time thereby the melting length leads to increas- ing fiber orientation horizontal to the direction of the load. With the increasing melting length fibers move to the welding zone while the melt flows out. The results that depend on heating time have provided a comparison for a variety of filler-reinforced PP composites. M. Gehde et al.14 have investigated the effect of melting length and joining length for different heating times (0 s, 60 s and 120 s) on the material reinforced PP with a random glass mat (PP-GM). PP-GM attains the highest strength at a low joining length. Varying the melting length does not affect the maximum strength of 28 MPa. In this study, 46.25 MPa, the highest strength value of the welding, was obtained for a low welding pressure, which means a low joining length. This strength was reached at a time of 60 s. The higher strength values from the literature can be said to be associated with the use of MA. MA-g- PP usage, increasing the fiber adhesion, also on the welding interface, has fulfilled its function of improving the strength in the basic structure. The MA-g-PP (5 %), approximately 20 % difference between using and not using the welding strength of the composite were deter- mined at low/high weld pressures. The SEM observation at the fracture surface suggests that the welded MA5PPGF materials have fewer fibers S. E. ERDOGAN, U. HUNER: THE EFFECT OF THE WELDING PARAMETERS AND THE COUPLING AGENT ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 655–662 659 Figure 2: a) Modulus of welded samples under 0.5 MPa weld pressure, b) modulus of welded samples under 4 MPa weld pressure Slika 2: a) Modul zvarjenih spojev pri 0,5 MPa tlaku zvara, b) modul zvarjenih vzorcev pri 4 MPa tlaku zvara that are oriented horizontal to the direction of load 0.5 MPa, when compared to that of the welded MA5PPGF composites (Figure 3) on the pressure load of 4 MPa. The joint strengths of the welded MA5PPGF at a 4-MPa weld pressure may thus be inferior to that of the MA5PPGF composites welded a 0.5-MPa weld pressure. Many transverse fibers were widely detached and some- times fibers in longitudinal direction of the specimen were broken. Additionally, the squeezed-out plastic melt generates a flash, resulting in a sharp transition in the cross-section of the product.8 For a welding pressure of 4 MPa, the SEM micrographs show that the fibers that bridge the weld zone are shorter than those at a pressure of 0.5 MPa. Therefore, the region with fibers protruding from the weld is smaller, and the fiber orientation in the direction of the flash increases. 3.2 Fatigue test results There are many factors that govern the fatigue beha- vior of discontinuous fiber-reinforced polymer-matrix composites. Some of these include the processing con- ditions, the fiber length and the orientation with respect to the loading axis, the properties of the matrix, interfacial properties, and testing conditions. The fibers tend to orient along the flow direction, which leads to superior mechanical properties along the flow direction. As the degree of fiber disorientation with respect to the S. E. ERDOGAN, U. HUNER: THE EFFECT OF THE WELDING PARAMETERS AND THE COUPLING AGENT ... 660 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 655–662 Figure 4: S-N curves at R = 0.1 for glass-fiber-reinforced PP with weld pressure of 0.5 MPa (LP), 4.0 MPa (HP) and PPv (unreinforced), (arrows indicate unbroken specimens) Slika 4: S-N krivulje pri R = 0,1 za PP oja~an s steklenimi vlakni, pri tlaku varjenja 0,5 MPa (LP), 4 MPA (HP) in PP (neoja~an), (pu{~ice ka`ejo na neporu{ene vzorce) Figure 3: a) Increasing fiber orientations in the direction of the flash, b) MA5PPGF composite interface with fiber orientation at 4-MPa welding pressure, c) MA5PPGF composite interface, fibers oriented horizontal to the direction of load 0.5 MPa Slika 3: a) Nara{~anje usmerjenosti vlaken v smeri svetlobe, b) MA5PPGF stika kompozita z usmerjenostjo vlaken pri tlaku varjenja 4 MPa, c) MA5PPGF stik kompozita, vlakna so usmerjena horizontalno v smeri obremenitve z 0,5 MPa loading axis increases, the strength of the composite is increasingly dominated by the matrix and interfacial properties.15–20 All the fatigue data were preliminarily analyzed using the classic stress-life approach and drawing the fatigue curves based on the nominal stress and the num- ber of cycles to failure, identified as the complete separa- tion of the joints. Figure 4 presents the fatigue perfor- mance for all four materials as a plot of the maximum cyclic stress versus the number of cycles to failure, on a semi-log scale (S–N plot). Figure 4 also reports the S-N curves of glass-fiber-filled polypropylene samples that were welded under a 0.5-MPa weld pressure and 4 MPa weld pressure. The vertical axis represents the maximum cyclic stress and the horizontal axis is the number of fatigue cycles to failure in this figure. The stress-life approach allows the influence of the design parameters under investigation to be clearly identified.21–23 In fact, an increase in the fatigue strength of the joints and therefore in their load capability can be observed when the welding pressure decreases for the joint process. Even the influence of the weld pressure itself can be easily identified in Figure 4. In terms of absolute stress, as could be expected from the static tests, MA5PPGF specimens exhibited better performance. Analyzing the fatigue diagrams, the low-pressure weld- ing process led to a higher fatigue strength. At the welding pressure of 0.5 MPa, the highest strength values were achieved with the MA5PPGF material. Based on this result, in the welding zone, the fiber orientation is parallel to the applied force direction. The samples were welded under a pressure of 4 MPa, and the test results showed that the fatigue strength decreased. While MA5PPGF material strength again showed the highest fatigue strength of 26.88 MPa at about 9500 cycle, this load level represents 80 % of the static damage initiation load, which is similar to the findings of previous studies on the welding of thermoplastic composites.15,16 K. J. Tsang et al.16 also reported that the fatigue life of specimens welded at low pressure was 50 % greater than that of the specimens welded at high pressure, this study’s results showed an 18 % fatigue life increase at low pressure. The low-weld-pressure condition shows more fibers ori- ented perpendicular to the weld plane, which may have increased the weld strength and resulted in a longer fatigue life. When the effects on the strength of the welding reinforcement by MAPP are analyzed, using MAPP material at a low rate (2.5 %) provided protection of the weld strength at a low weld pressure. The MAPP2,5PP material showed similar results (Figure 5) under a fatigue load, neither at a low welding pressure nor at a high welding pressure This tendency is also seen in the tensile-strength value (Table 4). Figures 5a to 5c show the fatigue fracture surfaces of reinforced PP specimens welded at low and high pres- sures. The low-weld-pressure condition shows more fibers oriented perpendicular to the weld plane (Figure 5b), which may have increased the weld strength and re- sulted in a longer fatigue life. This is consistent with the fracture surface observed in previous studies.8 For rein- forced material, the fatigue crack propagation process is more local and on a smaller scale compared with that of the unreinforced material due to the presence of glass fibers. 4 CONCLUSIONS This study has examined the effect of different pro- cessing parameters on the joint strength of hot-plate welded thermoplastic composites, including the heating time, weld pressure and using MA-treated polypropy- lene. Four materials were used in the study: virgin polypropylene, 20 % glass fiber, 2.5 % MAPP (and 20 % S. E. ERDOGAN, U. HUNER: THE EFFECT OF THE WELDING PARAMETERS AND THE COUPLING AGENT ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 655–662 661 Figure 5: a) The matrix adhering to the fiber (at high pressure), b) matrix sticking to the fiber can be clearly seen and the orientation of the fibers perpendicular to the weld line. The sample exhibited a similar fracture surface as shown by the tensile specimen with the matrix sticking to the surface, c) fibers oriented to the center of the weld interface (rectangle area). Slika 5: a) Matrica, ki se je prijela na vlakno (pri visokem tlaku), b) osnova, ki se je prijela na vlakno se dobro vidi in orientacija vlakna je pravokotna na linijo zvara. Vzorec ka`e enako povr{ino preloma kot pri nateznem preizku{ancu, kjer se je osnova prilepila na povr{ino, c) vlakna v sredini zvara (pravokotna podro~ja). glass fiber), 5 % MAPP (and 20 % glass fiber) reinforced polypropylene composites. With the increased welding time, the tensile strength increased and this was found to be reversed by corre- lating the welding pressure. At a low welding pressure the MAPP material pro- vides increased tensile strength of the glass-fiber-rein- forced PP at about a rate of 50 %. 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HUNER: THE EFFECT OF THE WELDING PARAMETERS AND THE COUPLING AGENT ... 662 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 655–662 S. POURANVARI et al.: CHEMICAL CROSS-LINKING OF CHITOSAN/POLYVINYL ALCOHOL ... 663–666 CHEMICAL CROSS-LINKING OF CHITOSAN/POLYVINYL ALCOHOL ELECTROSPUN NANOFIBERS KEMIJSKO ZAMRE@ENJE ELEKTRO SPREDENIH NANOVLAKEN IZ HITOSAN/POLIVINIL ALKOHOLA Sara Pouranvari1, Firouz Ebrahimi2, Gholamreza Javadi1, Bozorgmehr Maddah3 1Islamic Azad University, Department of Biology, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran 2IHU, Basic Sciences Faculty, Biology Research Center, Tehran, Iran 3IHU, Basic Sciences Faculty, Department of Chemistry, Tehran, Iran febrhimi@ihu.ac.ir Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-04-17; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-07-08 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.083 Electrospun nanofibrous scaffolds have great potential for many biomedical applications. In the present study, we fabricated and characterized chitosan/polyvinyl alcohol (Chi/PVA) nanofibrous scaffolds through electrospinning. Cross-linking was per- formed using chemically with 5 % glutaraldehyde vapor. The morphology and chemical banding of the electrospun nanofibers before and after cross-linking were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Attenuated Total Reflectance- Fourier Transform InfraRed (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy. SEM micrographs and FTIR spectra showed that the cross-linking process was accomplished successfully. With the biocompatibility and non-toxicity of chitosan and PVA, it is expected that this electrospun nanofibrous scaffold could be an excellent candidate for biomedical applications. Keywords: electrospinning, chitosan, polyvinyl alcohol, cross-linking Mre`e iz elektro spredenih nanovlaken imajo velik potencial za uporabo v biomedicini. V {tudiji smo izdelali in karakterizirali nanovlaknasto mre`o, izdelano z elektro predenjem nanovlaken iz hitosan/polivinil alkohola (Chi/PVA). Zamre`enje je bilo izdelano s pomo~jo kemijske metode s 5 % glutaraldehidne pare. Morfologija in kemijsko povezovanje elektro predenih nanovlaken, pred in po zamre`enju, sta bila ocenjena z uporabo vrsti~nega elektronskega mikroskopa (SEM) in z metodo z oslabljenim odbojem infrarde~e spektroskopije s Fourierjevo transformacijo (ATR-FTIR). SEM-posnetki in FTIR-spekter sta pokazala, da je bil postopek zamre`enja uspe{no dose`en. Glede na biokompatibilnost in netoksi~nost hitosana in PVA se pri~akuje, da bodo mre`e iz elektro spredenih nanovlaken odli~en element za uporabo v biomedicini. Klju~ne besede: elektro-predenje, hitosan, polivinil alkohol, zamre`enje 1 INTRODUCTION Electrospinning is a simple, versatile and cost effec- tive method for forming non-woven fibrous scaffolds. Technically, the electrospinning process uses a high voltage source to draw a polymer fluid into fine fibers which are deposited on a collector.1 In recent years, the use of electrospun nanofibers for biomedical applications such as tissue engineering2, wound dressing3, protein immobilization4, materials for artificial blood vessels5, barriers for the prevention of induced adhesion after operation6, and vehicles for drug or gene delivery7 has attracted a great deal of attention from scientists. Elec- trospinning of synthetic and natural polymers has been reported for collagen8, gelatin9, silk fibroin10, polygly- colide (PGA)11, polylactide (PLA)12 and poly( -capro- lactone) (PCL)13, polyurethane14, poly(vinylalcohol)15, PEO16, polydioxanone17, and polyphosphazene deriva- tives.18 Furthermore, the blending of two or more polymers and copolymerization are effective methods for the preparation of composites with new and desirable properties. Obviously, by adjusting the ratio of the components, structure and morphology of the nanofibers and the biological properties of the electrospun scaffolds can be tailored to the desired traits and functions.1 For example PLGA7, P(LA-CL) copolymers,19 and mixtures of collagen with elastin,20 gelatin with PCL,9 chitosan with poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO)21 and chitosan with PVA22 have all been utilized to fabricate electrospun nanofibrous scaffolds for biomedical applications. In biomedical applications, after electrospinning, different cross-linking methods can be uses to provide stabilization against aqueous environments for those scaffolds produced from aqueous soluble polymers (For example: PVA). In the present study, electrospinning of a chitosan and PVA blend was performed. Chitosan was selected due to its cytocompatibility, biocompatibility, biodegradability and antibacterial activity.23 PVA was used due to its bio- compatibility, biodegradability, non-toxicity, chemical resistance, and good fiber-forming properties.24 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 Materials PVA (average molecular weight of 70000–100000 g/mol) and chitosan (medium molecular weight) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). Acetic Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 663–666 663 UDK 620.192.4:660.017:678.744.7 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)663(2016) acid and glutaraldehyde were obtained from Merck (Germany). 2.2 Preparation of the solutions Chitosan and PVA were dissolved in 50 % aqueous solution of acetic acid at a concentration of 2 % mass fraction and 15 % mass fraction, respectively. The chitosan solution and PVA solution were mixed together with a weight ratio of 40/60 (Chi/PVA) under magnetic stirring at 60 °C. 2.3 Preparation of nanofibrous membranes The optimal conditions for the electrospinning were as follows: 25 kV applied voltage, 15 cm tip-to-collector distance, and 1 ml/h flow rate. Moreover, a 5 ml syringe with a 21 gauge stainless-steel needle was used for the delivery of the polymer solution via a syringe pump. 2.4 Crosslinking of nanofibrous membranes Samples were exposed to the 5 % glutaraldehyde (GA) vapor at room temperature for 48 h for cross-link- ing to stabilize them against aqueous media solubility and enhance their biomechanical properties biomedical applications. After crosslinking, the samples were care- fully washed several times with 2 % glycine for the inac- tivation and removal of the GA.25 2.5 Characterization of nanofibrous membranes The morphology and microstructure of the electro- spun nanofibers before and after cross-linking were determined by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The average diameter of fibers were calculated using the ImageJ (US National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD) image analysis program by analyzing at least 50 fibers in ten SEM micrographs. The chemical structures of the chitosan and PVA powders and Chi/PVA nanofiber mem- branes before and after cross-linking were investigated by Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Transform InfraRed (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy (Bruker Tensor 27, USA). FTIR spectra were obtained in the 4000 cm–1 to 400 cm–1 wavenumber range, with the data analyzed using OPUS software. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Morphology of the nanofibrous scaffold SEM images of Chi/PVA nanofibers before and after GA cross-linking are shown in Figure 1. As seen in Figure 1a, relatively fine, continuous, uniform fiber- structures (no bead), and randomly oriented fibers were obtained. The average fiber diameter was found to be 180±2.28 nm. In accordance with the relatively fine fibers fabricated, it is expected that a suitable porosity exists for biomedical applications. 3.2 Crosslinking of nanofibrous scaffold The SEM micrographs of the cross-linked nanofibers after immersion in water (at least 48 h) are shown in Figure 1b. As PVA is a water-soluble polymer, cross- linking should be performed for the use of Chi/PVA nanofibers in biomedical applications. Several studies have been reported on GA cross-linking for medical application. For example, Jafari et al. used a saturated vapor of a 25 % GA aqueous solution for cross-linking of chitosan-gelatin electrospun nanofibers.26 In another study cross-linking of electrospun water-soluble carbo- S. POURANVARI et al.: CHEMICAL CROSS-LINKING OF CHITOSAN/POLYVINYL ALCOHOL ... 664 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 663–666 Figure 1: SEM micrographs of electrospun Chi/PVA nanofibers, after 48 h immersion in water at 37 °C: a) before GA cross-linking and b) after GA cross-linking Slika 1: SEM posnetek elektro spredenih Chi/PVA nanovlaken, po 48 h namakanja v vodi s 37 oC: a) pred GA zamre`enjem in b) po GA zamre`enju xyethyl chitosan/poly (vinyl alcohol) nanofibrous mem- brane towards wound dressings for skin regeneration was performed using a GA vapor.27 Unlike the previous work, in the present study, the cross-linking was performed using a lower concentration of GA vapor (5 %). Despite using this low concentration, it was proved that the fabricated membranes’ structure is stable in an aqueous solution. Moreover, according to the SEM micrographs shown in Figure 1, the porous structure of the fabricated membranes remained intact implying that they are insol- uble in water. The cross-linking mechanism of chitosan and PVA with GA is shown in Figure 2.28,29 3.3 ATR-FTIR analysis FTIR spectra were taken of the electrospun nano- fibers before and after cross-linking, to assess their chemical groups. The FTIR spectrum of the Chi/PVA blended nanofibers before cross-linking, is shown in Figure 3. The two peaks at 1423 cm–1 and 1565 cm–1 arise fromcarboxylic acid and symmetric deformation of –NH3+ groups due to ionization of primary amino groups in the acidic medium, respectively. The peak at 1703 cm–1 is attributed to the carboxylic acid dimer.22 In this study, this peak is due to the acetic acid utilized for dissolving the chitosan. The peak located at 1244 cm–1 is related to the C–O of the CH2OH chitosan group forming a hydro- gen bond with the OH of PVA, confirming the fabrica- tion of Chi/PVA blend nanofibers.30 The FTIR spectra of the Chi/PVA blended nanofibers before cross-linking is given in Figure 3. Chemical crosslinking of the chito- san/PVA is verified by the peak located at 1586 cm–1 attributed to the C-N band. All chitosan-derived blends cross-linked with GA, have shown the presence of the imine (C=N) band. The imine band was formed by the nucleophilic reaction of the amine from chitosan with the aldehyde group of GA.31 Due to imine band instability with temperature and pH, this group can transform to a C-N group.32 4 CONCLUSION In this work, nanofibrous Chi/PVA was fabricated via electrospinning and stabilized by chemical cross-linking using 5 % GA. 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YÝLMAZ: INVESTIGATION OF HOLE PROFILES IN DEEP MICRO-HOLE DRILLING OF AISI 420 ... 667–675 INVESTIGATION OF HOLE PROFILES IN DEEP MICRO-HOLE DRILLING OF AISI 420 STAINLESS STEEL USING POWDER-MIXED DIELECTRIC FLUIDS PREISKAVA PROFILOV LUKNJE PRI GLOBOKEM VRTANJU MIKRO LUKNJE V AISI 420 NERJAVNEM JEKLU S POMO^JO DIELEKTRI^NE TEKO^INE S PRIME[ANIM PRAHOM Volkan Yýlmaz Gazi University, Faculty of Technology, Manufacturing Engineering, Ankara, Turkey volkan@gazi.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-05-18; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-07-13 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.100 A series of experiments were carried out to drill deep micro-holes, using Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) with different concentrations of carbon powder/dielectric fluid mixture into, and varying machining parameters such as elecrode rotation speed and dielectric fluid spray pressure. Four dielectric fluid concentrations, three electrode rotation speeds, and three dielectric fluid spray pressure settings were tested; the resulting holes were investigated with respect to their average radial overcut and surface roughness (Ra) values. Study results indicate that as carbon powder concentrations, dielectric fluid spray pressure and electrode rotation speeds are increased, ARO values increased while Ra values are observed to decrease. It was determined that improvements in Ra and ARO values may be attained by the right configuration of machining parameters and the selection of the appropriate mixtures of carbon powder with dielectric fluid. Keywords: AISI 420 stainless steel, deep micro-hole drilling, electro discharge machining, hole profile, surface roughness Izvedena je bila vrsta eksperimentov vrtanja globokih mikroizvrtin s pomo~jo EDM in razli~ne koncentracije prahu ogljika, prime{anega dielektri~ni teko~ini pri spreminjanju parametrov obdelave, vklju~no s hitrostjo vrtenja elektrode in tlaka curka dielektri~ne teko~ine. Preizku{ene so bile {tiri koncentracije dielektri~ne teko~ine, tri hitrosti vrtenja elektrode in trije razli~ni tlaki curka dielektri~ne raztopine; nastale luknje so bile preiskovane glede na povpre~ni radij preseka in vrednosti hrapavosti povr{ine (Ra). Rezultati ka`ejo, da nara{~anje koncentracije prahu ogljika, tlak curka teko~ine in hitrost rotacije elektrode pove~uje vrednosti ARO, medtem ko se vrednost Ra zmanj{uje. Bilo je ugotovljeno, da je mogo~e izbol{anje vrednosti Ra in ARO mogo~e dose~i s konfiguracijo parametrov obdelave in z izbiro primerne koli~ine prahu ogljika, ki je prime{an dielektri~ni teko~ini. Klju~ne besede: AISI 420 nerjavno jeklo, vrtanje globokih mikroizvrtin, obdelava z elektroerozijo, profil luknje, hrapavost povr{ine 1 INTRODUCTION In recent years, the use of Electrical Discharge Ma- chining (EDM) for drilling small diameter holes in very hard materials has gathered momentum, as the materials used in newly developed systems exhibit advanced mechanical properties and conventional drilling methods fall short in such materials. In EDM, there is no direct contact between the drilling tool and the workpiece, a significant benefit which eliminates the problems associated with physical contact.1–8 The EDM method is based on principles of thermal and electrical conductivity whereby small regions on the workpiece surface are removed by melting and vaporization. EDM systems allow the drilling of specific diameter holes provided that the material is electrically conductive.9 The EDM me- thod is used for applications such as machine assembly points, fuel injection spray nozzles and aircraft engine cooling holes. EDM hole drilling has found applications at both the macroscale and microscale, with good surface quality and acceptable tapering.10 Due to electrode wear and lateral erosion, EDM holes exhibit some, albeit a small, amount of tapering. This is a complication for the EDM industry to overcome. Research is being conducted into reducing the tapering, and disparities between hole entry and exit diameters are reported to have been reduced to acceptable levels.11 Additionally, it has been reported that the problem may be surmounted with the use of coating on the tool elec- trode.12,13 The parameters used for EDM hole drilling have a significant effect on hole tapering and surface roughness.14–16 Rotation of the electrode has enhanced hole drilling performance in EDM operations.17,18 The type of dielectric fluid and the manner in which it is applied have improved the process.19,20 In addition to the tapering of the holes in EDM hole drilling, the surface roughness of hole walls is also of importance. It has been reported that the electrode plunge action is facilitated by rotational movement, and that surface roughness is simultabneously improved.21 Various types of electrodes are used in EDM and by changing their polarization, the surface roughness of holes have been reported to be Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 667–675 667 UDK 620.1:669.14.018.8:621.95 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)667(2016) reduced.22 It is also reported that ancillary equipment can achieve significant enhancements in surface roughness.23 In EDM hole drilling in tandem with grinding, improved surface roughness results have been achieved.24 Addi- tionally, system hybridization has been implemented resulting in the process duration being decreased while quality has been enhanced.25 One factor affecting machining performance in EDM is the conductive powder mixed with the dielectric fluid. Thanks to the conducting particulate, EDM processing, including hole drilling, is improved. The presence of conductive particulates not only improves hole drilling performance, but also has positive effects on hole taper- ing and hole surface roughness.26–28 However, despite the existence of several studies concerning hole drilling using powder-mixed dielectric fluids, the benefits and drawbacks of the method have yet to be established. This study focuses on carbon (C) powder mixed with the dielectric fluid, as well as two specific EDM para- meters, and attempts to determine their effect on hole profile and surface roughness. In a survey of the litera- ture, no studies have been identified targeting hole pro- file and surface roughness properties of the EDM micro-hole drilling method using either classical or powder-mixed EDM in AISI 420 material; this study attempts to fill the gap. 2 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP For machining, a Furkan brand EEI M50A model EDM machine was used. A custom attachment was mounted on the EDM tool head to allow for the rotation of the electrode at various min–1 (revolutions per minute) speeds and to provide for the dielectric fluid to be delivered through the tool, at the required pressure, to the area to be machined on the workpiece. The attachment is shown in Figure 1; the EDM machine and the testing set-up are shown in Figure 2. Single-hole brass pipe with diameter of 0.5 mm was used as tool electrode; AISI 420 stainless steel, common- ly utilized in the manufacturing industry as hot work tool steel and also used for turbine blade construction, was selected as the workpiece; distilled water in pure form as well as distilled water mixed with carbon powder at three concentrations (2 g/L, 4 g/L and 8 g/L) were used as dielectric fluids. The chemical composition of AISI 420 is presented in Table 1 and the workpiece, electrode and carbon powder physical characteristics in Table 2. Table 3 shows the machining parameters used in the testing. Table 1: Chemical composition of the AISI 420 material in mass fractions, (w/%) Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava materiala AISI 420, v masnih dele`ih (w/%) C Mn Si P S Cr 0.1 1.00 1.00 0.04 0.030 12.0 The average radial overcut value is determined by taking the sum of the individual measurements of the hole diameter along the depth of the hole (Figure 3), averaging the sum, subtracting the result from the tool electrode diameter de, and dividing by 2: ARO( m) e μ = + + + + + +⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ − ⎡ ⎣⎢ ⎤ ⎦⎥ d d d d d d d d 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 2 (1) The surface roughness values were measured using a Mitutoyo Surftest SJ-210. The values were determined through an arithmetical averaging of several readings for each hole. V. YÝLMAZ: INVESTIGATION OF HOLE PROFILES IN DEEP MICRO-HOLE DRILLING OF AISI 420 ... 668 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 667–675 Figure 2: Experiment set-up Slika 2: Eksperimentalni sestav Figure 1: Custom attachment to enable electrode rotation Slika 1: Prilagoditev, ki omogo~a vrtenje elektrode 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Using EDM, micro-holes with a diameter of 0.5 mm and depth of 20 mm were drilled into AISI 420 steel workpiece using four dielectric fluid concentrations (pure distilled water, and distilled water with carbon powder concentrations of 2 g/L, 4 g/L, and 8 g/L), three electrode rotation speeds (100 min–1, 200 min–1 and 400 min–1), three spray pressure settings for the dielectric fluid (20 bar, 40 bar, and 80 bar), with constant discharge current (6 A), pulse duration (200 μs) and pulse interval (100 μs). The effects of the machining parameters on the ARO values for hole profile and surface roughness have been investigated. Sample drillings are presented in Figure 4. The study was designed to test the dielectric fluid mixes against dielectric fluid pressure and electrode rota- tion speed. Test numbers in the following description are described in Table 3: Four groups of dielectric fluid were used for testing (Di-0: pure distilled water with no powder mix, Di-1: distilled water with 2 g/L carbon powder mix, Di-2: with 4 g/L mix, Di-3: with 8 g/L mix). Three separate powder mixes were subjected to three groups of tests (A, B, and C), with three tests in each test group (1, 2, and 3). For the three test groups, the pressure setting of the dielectric fluid was varied (A: 20 bar, B: 40 bar and C: 80 bar). For each individual test within a test group, the electrode rotation speed was varied (1: 100 min–1, 2: 200 min–1 and 3: 400 min–1). For each individual test, the average radial overcut (ARO) V. YÝLMAZ: INVESTIGATION OF HOLE PROFILES IN DEEP MICRO-HOLE DRILLING OF AISI 420 ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 667–675 669 Figure 4: Sample drillings Slika 4: Vzor~ne izvrtine Figure 3: Measurements along hole profile Slika 3: Meritve vzdol` profila izvrtine Table 2: Workpiece, electrode and carbon powder physical characteristics Tabela 2: Fizikalne zna~ilnosti obdelovanca, elektrode in prahu ogljika Material Density (gr/cm3) Specific heatcapacity Electrical resistivity Thermal conduc- tivity (W/m K) Melting point (°C) AISI 420 7.75 460 (J/kg K) 55 (μ -cm) 24.9 1450 Brass 8.25 0.380 (J/g °C) 6.39 (μ -cm) 159 900 C powder 2.25 – 12.2 (μ -m) 100 3527 Table 3: Machining parameters Tabela 3: Obdelovalni parametri Discharge current (I) (A) 6 Pulse duration (On-time) (μs) 200 Pulse interval (Off-time) (μs) 100 Electrode rotational speed (min–1) 100, 200, 400 Dielectric spray pressure (bar) 20, 40, 80 Polarity Electrode (+), Workpiece (–) Dielectric Fluid Pure distilled water, pure distilled water with carbon powder Workpiece AISI 420 Electrode Brass Processing depth (mm) 20 Electrode diameter (mm) 0.5 and surface roughness (Ra) values were recorded. Results of the tests are presented in Table 4. 3.1 Examination of the results obtained for surface roughness (Ra) Variations in Ra values in response to machining parameters and the concentration of carbon powder used in the dielectric fluid are presented graphically in Fig- ures 5 and 6. A fundamental goal of EDM processing in manufacturing is to achieve low surface roughness (Ra) values. While having a direct relationship with the machining parameters, Ra values are also influenced by factors such as the workpiece itself, the type of dielectric fluid used, the dielectric application method and the type of electrode used.1,7,29,30,31 Figures 5 and 6 show the Ra values obtained for. Figure 5 indicates that as the electrode rotation speed is increased, the Ra values decrease across all tests. This is a welcome outcome in terms of the overall industry goal of obtaining lower Ra values in general. A preliminary explanation offered for the decrease observed in Ra values is the easier electrode plunge action due to its rotation. Note that during testing, as the rotation speed was increased, the drilling duration was observed to decrease. In tests conducted using the pure distilled water dielectric fluid (column Di-0) at 20 bar pressure (test group A), the Ra value decreased by 8% (from 3.25 μm to 2.98 μm) as the electrode rotation speed was increased from 100 min–1 to 200 min–1, the Ra value decreasing by another 6% (from 2.98 μm to 2.79 μm) as electrode rotation speed increased from 200 min–1 to 400 min–1 (corresponding to surface roughness results for indivi- dual tests A-1, A-2, and A-3, under column Di-0). For tests conducted with dielectric fluid of distilled water mixed with 2 g/L carbon powder (column Di-1) at 20 bar pressure (test group A), the decreases were 9 % and 8 %, for rotation speed increases from 100 min–1 to 200 min–1, and from 200 min–1 to 400 min–1, respectively (corres- ponding to surface roughness results for individual tests A-1, A-2, and A-3, under column Di-1). For the same V. YÝLMAZ: INVESTIGATION OF HOLE PROFILES IN DEEP MICRO-HOLE DRILLING OF AISI 420 ... 670 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 667–675 Figure 6: Dielectric pressure vs. Ra (constant rotation of 100 min–1) Slika 6: Odvisnost tlaka dielektri~ne teko~ine od hrapavosti povr{ine Ra (pri konstanti hitrosti vrtenja 100 min–1) Figure 5: Electrode rotation speed vs. Ra (constant spray pressure at 20 bar) Slika 5: Odvisnost hitrosti vrtenja elektrode od hrapavosti Ra (kon- stanten tlak curka 20 bar) Table 4: Test organization and results Tabela 4: Zasnova preizkusov in rezultati Di-0 Pure distilled water (no powder mix) Di-1 Distilled water with carbon (2 g/L) Di-2 Distilled water with carbon (4 g/L) Di-3 Distilled water with carbon (8 g/L) Test group Dielectric fluid spray pressure (bar) Electrode rotation (min–1) Average radial overcut (μm) Surface roughness Ra (μm) Average radial overcut (μm) Surface roughness Ra (μm) Average radial overcut (μm) Surface roughness Ra (μm) Average radial overcut (μm) Surface roughness Ra (μm) A-1 20 100 42 3.25 62 2.46 77 2.14 81 1.92 A-2 200 48 2.98 65 2.24 79 2.06 88 1.87 A-3 400 51 2.79 77 2.06 84 1.92 93 1.75 B-1 40 100 53 3.04 71 2.35 82 2.05 92 1.85 B-2 200 59 2.82 78 2.18 86 1.95 98 1.82 B-3 400 64 2.70 83 2.02 94 1.85 104 1.63 C-1 80 100 65 2.66 86 2.26 91 1.92 101 1.81 C-2 200 72 2.62 88 2.11 94 1.88 105 1.74 C-3 400 76 2.51 94 1.96 102 1.73 112 1.68 test group (A) conducted with dielectric fluid mixed with 4 g/L carbon powder (column Di-2), the decreases were 4 % and 7 %, respectively (results for individual tests A-1, A-2, and A-3, under column Di-2). For the corres- ponding tests conducted with dielectric fluid mixed with 8 g/L carbon powder (column Di-3), the decreases were 3 % and 6 % (results for individual tests A-1, A-2, and A-3, under column Di-3). When the same set of tests were repeated using 40 bar pressure, the observed decreases in Ra values were as follows: 7 % and 4 % (B-1, B-2 and B-3 under Di-0), 7 % and 7 % (B-1, B-2 and B-3 under Di-1), 5 % and 5 % (B-1, B-2 and B-3 under Di-2), and 2 % and 10 % (B-1, B-2 and B-3 under Di-3). For tests at 80 bar pressure, the observed decreases in Ra values were as follows: 2 % and 4 % (C-1, C-2 and C-3 under Di-0), 7 % and 7 % (C-1, C-2 and C-3 under Di-1), 2 % and 8 % (C-1, C-2 and C-3 under Di-2), and 4 % and 3 % (C-1, C-2 and C-3 under Di-3). Normally, EDM processing results in craters being formed on the surface of the workpiece due to spark discharges, the presence of craters increasing the surface roughness. The decrease in surface roughness values observed here, in relation to increased rotational speeds of the electrode, is a significant outcome, as it proves that electrode rotation improves the process. The expla- nation for this outcome is that increased electrode rota- tion speeds reduce the force with which spark discharge occurs, as rotation of the electrode hinders the direct flow of spark to a single spot on the workpiece. Instead of a single spot, the spark is relayed to an area on the surface of the workpiece. As the spark is spread on the workpiece, crater depth is reduced, resulting in shallower craters.2,7,10,18,30 As Ra values are directly related to the presence of craters on the workpiece, craters with less depth mean improved (lower) Ra values. In addition to the electrode rotation speed, the study also looked at the effects of dielectric fluid spray pres- sure on surface roughness (Figure 6). It was observed that Ra values decreased as the dielectric fluid spray pres- sure was increased. For tests conducted with the elec- trode rotation speed kept constant at 100 min–1 and using pure distilled water dielectric fluid (individual tests A-1, B-1 and C-1 under column Di-0), increasing the spray pressure from 20 bar to 40 bar resulted in the Ra value decreasing by 6 %; increasing the spray pressure from 40 bar to 80 bar resulted in the Ra value decreasing by another 12 %. When the same tests were repeated for dielectric fluid concentration with 2 g/L carbon, the decreases were 4 % and 4 % (individual tests A-1, B-1 and C-1 under column Di-1); for dielectric fluid con- centration with 4 g/L carbon, the results were 4 % and 6 % (same individual tests under column Di-2); and for dielectric fluid concentration with 8 g/L carbon, the results were 4 % and 2 % (same individual tests under column Di-3), respectively. The decrease in Ra values as a result of the increase in dielectric fluid spray pressure is also a significant outcome for the study. It is interpreted that as the spray pressure is increased, the spark gap is flushed clean to a greater degree, allowing debris to be removed faster. By faster flushing, a continuous supply of clean dielectric fluid is maintained. This prevents the debris buildup from contributing to unwanted spark discharges, result- ing in less damage to the workpiece surface. Controlling the spark discharge is very important to obtain the desired Ra values.1–3,19,20,31 A spark gap region cluttered with debris also impedes the plunging action of the elec- trode, causing larger craters to be formed when the electrode’s movement is obstructed; increasing the dielectric fluid spray pressure curtails this problem. Another factor that affected Ra values was the carbon powder mixture (Figures 5 and 6). In test A-1 with dielectric fluid spray pressure of 20 bar and electrode rotation speed of 100 min–1, conducted using distilled water with carbon powder at 2 g/L concentration (Di-1), Ra values were observed to decrease by 24 % compared to the same test conducted with pure distilled water (A-1 under Di-0).For the same test conducted using distilled water with carbon powder at 4 g/L concentration (Di-2), Ra values were observed to decrease by 34 % compared to the test with pure distilled water (A-1 under Di-0). When using distilled water with carbon powder mixed in at 8 g/L concentration (Di-3), Ra values were observed to decrease by 41 % compared to the same test conducted with pure distilled water (A-1 under Di-0). In test A-2 with electrode rotation speed of 200 min–1, the observed decreases in Ra values were 25 %, 30 % and 37 %, respectively, for Di-1, Di-2, and Di-3, when compared to the Ra value for Di-0. In test A-3 with electrode rotation speed of 400 min–1, the observed decreases in Ra values were 26 %, 31 % and 37 %, respectively, for Di-1, Di-2, and Di-3, when compared to the Ra value for Di-0. In the case of a dielectric fluid spray pressure of 40 bar with electrode rotation at 100 min–1 (test B-1), the observed decreases in Ra values were 23 %, 33 % and 39 %, respectively, for Di-1, Di-2, and Di-3, when com- pared to the Ra value for Di-0. In the case of dielectric fluid spray pressure of 80 bar with electrode rotation at 100 min–1 (test C-1), the observed decreases in Ra values were 15 %, 28 % and 32 %, respectively, for Di-1, Di-2, and Di-3, when compared to the Ra value for Di-0. In all of the tests conducted, it was observed that the carbon powder had a positive effect in decreasing Ra values. The cause is interpreted to be the wider discharge gap that is possible due to the use of the carbon powder mix. A wider discharge gap allows sparks to act on a larger workpiece surface area, leading to craters with less depth, and in turn, lower Ra values. During the hole drill- ing operation, loose debris from the workpiece increases the spark discharge between the electrode’s lateral sur- faces and the workpiece. This in turn leads to high points V. YÝLMAZ: INVESTIGATION OF HOLE PROFILES IN DEEP MICRO-HOLE DRILLING OF AISI 420 ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 667–675 671 on the workpiece surface being melted and vaporized (Fig- ure 7), enabling lower Ra values to be attained.21,26–28,32 An additional reason for the observed decrease in Ra values when carbon powder mixes are used is the for- mation of low-power sparks among the carbon particu- lates and the workpiece surface. These low-power sparks cause shallow craters, which improve Ra values.26,33 The answer to whether further increasing carbon powder concentrations would help boost the observed decreases in Ra values was investigated through addition- al testing not included in this study. In the additional tests, carbon powder concentrations of 16 g/L and 20 g/L were used, but did not yield further improvements. Thus this study has been limited to reporting carbon powder mixed to an 8 g/L concentration. The interpretation for the limit reached in the efficiencies is two-fold: conges- tion within the electrode, and short circuits created within the spark gap. This study has demonstrated that specific carbon powder concentrations are highly effec- tive on Ra and that an optimal carbon powder mix is an effective path to achieving low Ra values. 3.2 Analysis of the findings relating to average radial overcut (ARO) The average radial overcut (ARO), an important parameter in describing the results obtained from EDM hole drilling operations, is the average difference bet- ween the diameter of the hole and the diameter of the electrode. The ARO value provides information on the hole profile; a lower value indicates that hole diameter is close to the electrode diameter. Figures 8 and 9 present the ARO values attained in the study in relation to machining parameters as well as the carbon powder concentrations used. The results presented in Figures 8 and 9 indicate that increases in electrode rotation speed, dielectric fluid spray pressure and carbon powder concentrations, in- crease ARO values. In tests conducted using pure distilled water dielectric fluid (without carbon powder) (column Di-0) at 20 bar pressure (test group A), the ARO value increased by 14 % (from 42 μm to 48 μm) as electrode rotation speed was increased from 100 min–1 to 200 min–1, and the ARO value increased by another 6 % (from 48μm to 51 μm) as electrode rotation speed was increased from 200 min–1 to 400 min–1 (corresponding to ARO results for individual tests A-1, A-2, and A-3, under column Di-0). For tests conducted with dielectric fluid of distilled water mixed with 2 g/L carbon powder (column Di-1) at 20 bar pressure (test group A), the increases were 5 % and 18 %, corresponding to the rotation speed increase from 100 min–1 to 200 min–1, and from 200 min–1 to 400 min–1, respectively (corresponding to ARO results for individual tests A-1, A-2, and A-3, under column Di-1). For the same test group (A) conducted with dielectric fluid mixed with 4 g/L carbon powder (column Di-2), the increases were 3 % and 6 %, respectively (results for individual tests A-1, A-2, and A-3, under column Di-2) and for tests conducted with 8 g/L carbon powder (column Di-3), the increases were 9 % and 6 % (results for individual tests A-1, A-2, and A-3, under column Di-3), respectively. Similar increases in ARO values at all electrode rotation speeds were observed for test groups B and C, corresponding to dielectric fluid spray pressures of 40 bar and 80 bar, respectively. In addition to the electrode rotation speed, the study also looked at the effects of dielectric fluid spray pres- sure on ARO values. It was observed that ARO values increased as dielectric fluid spray pressure was in- creased. For tests conducted with the electrode rotation speed kept constant at 100 min–1 and using dielectric fluid of pure distilled water (individual tests A-1, B-1 and C-1 under column Di-0), increasing the spray pressure from 20 bar to 40 bar resulted in the ARO value increasing by 26 %; increasing the spray pressure from V. YÝLMAZ: INVESTIGATION OF HOLE PROFILES IN DEEP MICRO-HOLE DRILLING OF AISI 420 ... 672 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 667–675 Figure 7: Debris in the spark gap region18 Slika 7: Drobci v podro~ju re`e18 Figure 9: Dielectric pressure vs. ARO (constant rotation of 100 min–1) Slika 9: Odvisnost med dielektri~nim tlakom in ARO (konstantna hitrost rotacije 100 min–1) Figure 8: Electrode rotation speed vs. ARO (constant spray pressure at 20 bar) Slika 8: Odvisnost hitrosti vrtenja elektrode od ARO (pri konstantnem tlaku curka 20 bar) 40 bar to 80 bar resulted in the ARO value increasing by another 23 %. When the same tests were repeated for dielectric fluid concentration with 2 g/L carbon, the increases were 15 % and 21 % (individual tests A-1, B-1 and C-1 under column Di-1); for the dielectric fluid concentration of 4 g/L carbon, the results were 6 % and 11 % (same individual tests under column Di-2); and for dielectric fluid concentration of 8 g/L carbon, the results were 14 % and 10 % (same individual tests under column Di-3). It is argued that better flushing of the machining area with increased circulation speed of the dielectric fluid and a more effective spark discharge, explain the in- crease in ARO values as electrode rotation speed and dielectric fluid spray pressures are increased. With faster flushing of the spark gap, the molten debris is better removed from the region, which leads to uninterrupted spark discharges.1,2,7,16,32 With uninterrupted spark dis- charges, continuous arcing between the electrode lateral surfaces and cavity walls increases ARO values (depicted in Figure 10). In EDM operations, debris inside the cavity may impede spark discharges, leading to a nonuniform hole profile in terms of diameter; large scale craters may also be formed.1-3,33,34 In this study, fluctuations in the hole profile were prevented by the use of electrode rotation and dielectric fluid spray through the electrode itself. Through the selection of machining parameters, the creation of large depressions in the cavity were pre- vented; however, a certain increase in ARO values could not be avoided. This phenomena is related to electrode insulation, a current research topic with recent citations in literature, which requires further development, as research has demonstrated that insulating the lateral surfaces of the electrode helps to prevent increases in the ARO values. Another factor that affected ARO values was the use of the carbon powder. In the A-1 test with dielectric fluid spray pressure of 20 bar and electrode rotation speed of 100 min–1, conducted using distilled water with carbon powder at 2 g/L concentration (A-1 under Di-1), ARO values were observed to increase by 48 % compared to the same test conducted with pure distilled water (A-1 under Di-0). For the same test conducted using distilled water with carbon powder at 4 g/L concentration (A-1 under Di-2), ARO values were observed to increase by 83 % compared to the same test conducted with pure distilled water (A-1 under Di-0).When using distilled water with carbon powder at 8 g/L concentration (A-1 under Di-3), ARO values were observed to increase by 93 % compared to the same test conducted with pure distilled water (A-1 under Di-0). In test A-2 with elec- trode rotation speed of 200 min–1, the observed increases in ARO values were 35 %, 65 % and 83 %, respectively, for Di-1, Di-2, and Di-3, compared to the ARO value for Di-0. In test A-3 with electrode rotation speed of 400 min–1, the observed increases in ARO values were 51 %, 65 % and 82 %, respectively, for Di-1, Di-2, and Di-3, compared to the Ra value for Di-0. In the case of dielectric fluid spray pressure of 40 bar, the observed increases in ARO values were 34 %, 55 % and 74 % for electrode rotation speed of 100 min–1 (test B-1), 32 %, 46 % and 66 % for electrode rotation speed of 200 min–1 (test B-2), and 30 %, 47 % and 63 % for electrode rotation speed of 400 min–1 (test B-3), respec- tively, for Di-1, Di-2, and Di-3, when compared to the ARO value for Di-0. In the case of dielectric fluid spray pressure of 80 bars, the observed increases in ARO values were 32 %, 40 % and 55 % for electrode rotation speed of 100 min–1 (test C-1), 22 %, 31 % and 46 % for electrode rotation speed of 200 min–1 (test C-2), and 24 %, 34 % and 47 % for electrode rotation speed of 400 min–1 (test C-3), respectively, for Di-1, Di-2, and Di-3, when compared to the ARO value for Di-0. At higher dielectric fluid spray pressure, it is ob- served that the increase in ARO values slows down as the carbon powder concentration is increased. In the study, the lowest increase observed for ARO values as a result of an increase in carbon powder concentration was for the case of the spray pressure of 80 bar. Indeed, the increases of 22 %, 31 % and 46 % for test C-2 are the lowest figures for the study in terms of ARO increases with carbon powder concentrations. The interpretation for this surprising finding is that, as spray pressure is increased, the spark gap is flushed clean to a greater extent, allowing faster removeal of debris.20,26,32–34 With faster flushing, a continuous supply of clean dielectric fluid is provided, preventing the debris from generating unwanted spark discharges and an excessive rise in the ARO values. It also results in a decreased machining duration. An increase in machining duration would have increased the hole diameter as well as the accompanying ARO values. ARO values that increase in tandem with increases in carbon powder concentrations bring to the fore a funda- mental problem in EDM hole drilling. Expulsion of carbon powders through the cavity as a result of dielectric flushing leads to spark generation between V. YÝLMAZ: INVESTIGATION OF HOLE PROFILES IN DEEP MICRO-HOLE DRILLING OF AISI 420 ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 667–675 673 Figure 10: Increase in ARO values Slika 10: Pove~anje vrednosti ARO electrode lateral surfaces and cavity walls. This has caused ARO values to increase in an accelerated fashion. The most significant result achieved in this study has been the low increases in ARO values observed at high dielectric fluid spray pressures for increasing powder concentrations, as decreased machining duration has positively influenced the ARO values. However, when the test results are considered in their entirety, it is clear that increased carbon powder concentrations in turn increase ARO values. While this outcome may in fact be exploited in certain applications, it is evident that carbon powder concentrations have a significant effect on hole profiles. 4 CONCLUSION Using EDM, micro-holes with diameter of 0.5 mm and depth of 20 mm were drilled into an AISI 420 steel workpiece using four dielectric fluid concentrations, three electrode rotation speeds, and three dielectric fluid spray pressure settings. Effects of the machining para- meters on the ARO values for hole profile and surface roughness (Ra) have been investigated. The results of the tests are presented below. Significant reductions in Ra values were observed by mixing carbon powder with the dielectric fluid. As the carbon powder concentration was increased, Ra values decreased. In the study, Ra values were observed to decrease as electrode rotation speed was increased. As dielectric fluid spray pressure was increased, Ra values were again observed to decrease. The study also investigated the hole profile (i.e. ARO values); as carbon powder concentrations, electrode rota- tion speeds and the dielectric fluid spray pressure were increased, ARO values were observed to increase. The findings were interpreted to be the result of a continuous spark discharge being enabled. It was determined that Ra and ARO values may be controlled by configuring the machining parameters and using an optimal mix of carbon powder with the dielectric fluid. 5 REFERENCES 1 V. Yýlmaz, Experimental investigation of drillability of micro holes using electro discharge machining, Ph. D. Thesis, Gazi University Graduate School of Naturel and Applied Sciences, Ankara 2013 2 V. Yýlmaz, M. Sarýkaya, H. Dilipak, Deep micro-hole drilling for Hadfield steel by electro-discharge machinig (EDM), Mater. Tehnol., 49 (2015) 3, 377–386, doi:10.17222/mit.2014.091 3 V. Yýlmaz, C. Y. Yýlmaz, M. 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OZGOWICZ et al.: THE PHENOMENON OF REDUCED PLASTICITY IN LOW-ALLOYED COPPER 677–682 THE PHENOMENON OF REDUCED PLASTICITY IN LOW-ALLOYED COPPER POJAV ZMANJ[ANJA PLASTI^NOSTI MALO LEGIRANEGA BAKRA Wojciech Ozgowicz1, El¿bieta Kalinowska-Ozgowicz2, Barbara Grzegorczyk1, Klaudiusz Lenik2 1Silesian University of Technology, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials, Konarskiego Str. 18A, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland 2Lublin University of Technology, Fundamentals of Technology, Nadbystrzycka Str. 38, 20-618 Lublin, Poland kalinowska-ozgowicz@tlen.pl Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-05-19; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-10-12 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.101 This paper presents the results of investigations that allow us to determine the influence of the temperature of plastic deformation in the range from 20 °C to 800 °C during static tensile tests on the mechanical properties and structure of low-alloy copper alloys of the type CuCo2 and CuCo2B, completed by measurements of the microhardness and observations of the structure in a light microscope, and also of fractures in a scanning electron microscope. Based on the results of these investigations the temperature range for the occurrence of the reduced plasticity of the alloys CuCo2 and CuCo2B could be determined. Keywords: low-alloy copper, plastic deformation, structure, mechanical properties, brittleness ^lanek predstavlja rezultate preiskav, ki omogo~ajo opredelitev vpliva temperature na plasti~no deformacijo v obmo~ju od 20 °C do 800 °C s stati~nimi nateznimi preizkusi na mehanske lastnosti in strukturo malo legiranih bakrovih zlitin, vrste CuCo2 in CuCo2B, izvedenih z merjenjem mikrotrdote ter opazovanjem mikrostrukture v svetlobnem mikroskopu in prelomov v vrsti~nem elektronskem mikroskopu. Na osnovi rezultatov teh preiskav je bilo mogo~e opredeliti temperaturno podro~je pojava zmanj{anja plasti~nosti zlitin vrste CuCo2 in CuCo2B. Klju~ne besede: malo legirani baker, plasti~na deformacija, struktura, mehanske lastnosti, krhkost 1 INTRODUCTION Low-alloy copper is applied in various ways. How- ever, most of it is applied in electrical engineering and electronics. It is also used in the production of welding electrodes, elements of bearings, non-sparking tools and chemical apparatus.1–3 High-temperature brittleness results in a reduced plasticity at the given temperature of deformation, called the temperature of minimum plasti- city (TMP).4–6 The reason for this phenomenon concern- ing the brittleness of copper alloys has not been fully explained yet; it depends on many factors, mainly on the chemical composition, the structure of the alloy and the parameters of the deformation.7–12 The purpose of the present investigations was to determine the influence of the temperature of deforma- tion on the mechanical properties, the structure, and par- ticularly the range of temperature for the reduced plas- ticity of low-alloy copper, containing cobalt and boron of the type CuCo2 and CuCo2B. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS The investigations concerned low-alloy copper type CuCo2 and CuCo2B smelted in the laboratory in a crucible induction furnace with a frequency from 500 Hz to 4000 Hz and the mass of the charge up to 100 kg. In the course of smelting to liquid the CuCo2B alloy, boron was added in an amount of 0.005 %. The ready melts were passed to a graphite gate with a diameter of 30 mm. After cooling the obtained ingots, re-forged to rods, 15 mm in diameter, on a pneumatic forging hammer, the weight of its ram amounting to 200 t. For the chemical compositions of the investigated alloys CuCo2 and CuCo2B (Table 1). Table 1: Chemical composition of the investigation alloys Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava preiskovanih zlitin Alloy type Mass contents in mass fractions, (w/%) Cu + Ag Co Si Fe Ni P B CuCo2 96.71 2.76 0.29 0.16 0.01 0.05 – CuCo2B 96.88 2.86 0.16 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.005 After forging the rods were supersaturated at 900 °C and cooled in water. The temperature during this proce- dure was determined based on an analysis of a binary system of the phase equilibrium of copper with co- balt.11,12 The temperature of supersaturation was assumed to be 100 °C higher than the boundary temperature of the solubility of Co on Cu concerning the tested alloys. The Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 677–682 677 UDK 669.3:67.017:620.178.2 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)677(2016) operation of supersaturation was carried out in an elec- tric chamber furnace equipped with a controller ensuring measurements of the temperature with an accuracy of ±2 °C. After their supersaturation the rods were cut into segments, from which samples were used for testing the mechanical properties, applying a threaded grip. The chemical compositions of the alloys CuCo2 and CuCo2B were tested on monolithic samples in the shape of disks with a thickness of about 5 mm and a diameter of 30 mm, cut out from the ingots. The mechanical properties of the alloys CuCo2 and CuCo2B were tested on an Instron 1115 universal testing machine provided with a high-temperature resistance furnace, including a microprocessing system controlling the temperature. The procedure of heating was per- formed in a protective atmosphere containing 95 % nitro- gen and 5 % hydrogen. Static tensile tests were accom- plished in the temperature range 20 °C to 800 °C at a tensile rate of 20 mm/min, corresponding to the strain rate  = 1.28 10–3s–1. Based on the data on the curves of tension for the investigated alloys, the tensile strength (Rm) was determined, and the elongation (A) and the reduction of the area of the sample (Z) were calculated based on the geometrical features of the sample previous to and after the rupture. The result of the tests is the arithmetic mean of the three measurements. Metallographic investigations were carried out on longitudinal microsections of the alloy CuCo2 and CuCo2B after supersaturation and hot tensile tests. The samples were immersed in self-hardening resin, and then mechanically polished. In order to reveal their structure the samples were etched in a reagent containing 5 g FeCl3, 10 cm3 HCl and 100 cm3 C2H5OH. Metallographic observations were performed using an Olympus GX71 (Japan) light microscope with a magnifying power of up to 1000 times. The size of the grains was measured by applying the method of sections. Fractographic tests of the fractions after decohesion in the tensile test were produced by means of a DSM940 scanning electron microscope by the firm Opton, accom- plished at an accelerating voltage of 20 kV and magnify- ing power of up to 3000 times. The precipitation ob- served on the fractures was investigated by means of an EDAX X-ray microanalyzer. Prior to the fractographic test, the sample was ultra-sound cleaned in ethyl alcohol for 3 min. The microhardness was measured on a Vickers scle- rometer, applying a load of 50 g. These measurements were carried out on metallographic microsections of the alloys CuCo2 and CuCo2B after tension at a temperature of 20 °C to 800 °C. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of the analysis of the chemical compo- sitions of the investigated alloys have been gathered in Table 1. The analysis revealed that in these alloys there is a presence of cobalt and boron, as well as admixtures of silicon, iron, nickel and phosphorus. These elements affect mainly the electrical conductivity of copper, reducing it. Moreover, cobalt and iron increase the hard- ness of these alloys, and phosphorus is a de-oxidant, increasing their viscosity. The results of the static tensile tests allowed us to determine the effect of temperature on the strength and plastic properties of the alloys CuCo2 and CuCo2B, and thus also to assess the range of temperature at which the plasticity of the investigated alloys decreases due to the dependence of elongation, contraction and strength on the temperature of deformation (Figures 1 to 3). Ana- lyzing the dependence of the reduction of the area of the sample on the temperature of deformation of these alloys, it has been found to be more or less the same. In both these alloys the range of temperatures at which such a contraction attains its minimum value is quite evident. The diagram of the dependence of elongation on the temperature of deformation of the alloy CuCo2 is cha- racterized by a varying shape (Figure 1). At 20 °C the elongation of the alloy amounts to 34 %. An increase in the temperature of deformation is accompanied by a de- crease in the value of A, reaching its minimum of 4.7 % at the temperature of 600 °C. A further rise in the temperature of deformation to 800 °C involves an in- crease of the elongation to 22 %. At 20 °C the elongation of the alloy CuCo2B amounts to 45.7 %. If the tempe- rature of deformation rises from 20 °C to 550 °C, the elongation decreases, reaching its minimum of 10 % at 550 °C. A further rise of the temperature of deformation results in an elongation amounting to 53 % at 800 °C. The alloy CuCo2B is characterized by a much larger elongation in the range of the temperature of deforma- tion from 700 °C to 800 °C than the alloy CuCo2. Analyzing the dependence of the course of contraction on the temperature of deformation of the alloys CuCo2 and CuCo2B, it has been found to be similar (Figure 2). In the case of both these alloys the range of temperature W. OZGOWICZ et al.: THE PHENOMENON OF REDUCED PLASTICITY IN LOW-ALLOYED COPPER 678 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 677–682 Figure 1: The influence of the temperature of plastic deformation in the tensile test on the elongation (A) of the alloys CuCo2 and CuCo2B Slika 1: Vpliv temperature plasti~ne deformacije pri nateznem preiz- kusu na raztezek (A) zlitin CuCo2 in CuCo2B characterized by a minimum contraction is quite distinct. The contraction of the alloy CuCo2, deformed in the range of temperature from 20 °C to 600 °C, decreases, reaching its minimum at 600 °C (Z = 5.5 %). At a tem- perature of 600 °C to 800 °C the contraction increases up to a value of 30.6 %. At the temperature of deformation 20 °C the contraction of the alloy CuCo2 amounts to 71 % (Figure 2). On the curve of the dependence of the contraction on the temperature of deformation of the alloy CuCo2B there occurs a local minimum (Figure 2). In the range of the temperature of deformation 20 °C to 550 °C the value of the contraction decreases from 85.7 % at 20 °C and attains its minimum Z = 10.9 % at 550 °C. A further rise of the temperature of deformation (to 800 °C) leads to an increase of the contraction to a value of 84.2 %. Comparing the diagrams of the dependence of elon- gation and contraction on the temperature of deformation concerning the alloys CuCo2 and CuCo2B, we find that in both cases there exists a range of temperature in which these alloys indicate a minimum of the plastic properties, characteristic for the phenomenon of brittleness (Figures 1 and 2). The alloy with the addition of boron is charac- terized by brittleness in the range of lower temperatures than the alloy without boron. The elongation and con- traction of the alloy CuCo2B exceed those of the alloy CuCo2 in the entire range of the investigated tempe- rature. The alloy CuCo2 displays a minimum plasticity in the range of temperature from 500 °C to 700 °C, and the alloy CuCo2B at a temperature of 450 °C to 600 °C. Subjected to a static tensile test in the range of tem- perature from 20 °C to 800 °C, the investigated alloys display similar values of tensile strength (Figure 3). The curve in the diagram of the dependence of the tensile strength on the temperature of deformation concerning the alloys CuCo2 and CuCo2B is a decreasing function. The tensile strength of the alloy CuCo2, deformed at a temperature of 20 °C amounts to 237 MPa and drops to 38 MPa at 800 °C, where as in the case of the alloy CuCo2B it amounts, respectively, to 232 MPa and 34 MPa. The results of the metallographic investigations allowed us to determine the influence of the temperature of deformation on the structure of the CuCo2 and CuCo2B in the range from 20 °C to 800 °C (Figures 4 to 9). After a hot tensile test the alloys CuCo2 and CuCo2B have a variated structure in the zone of rupture and the central zone of the sample, with sliding bands. In the central part of the samples the grains have been found with a hardness of 71–93 HV and twins with straight and curve-linear boundaries. In the zone of rupture the structure of the alloy CuCo2, stretched at a temperature of 200 °C, is characterized by the occurrence of micro- cracks at the boundaries of elongated grains of the phase  (Figure 4), and the central part of the sample by axial grains  with twins (Figure 5). The alloy CuCo2B has a similar structure in the zone of rupture. The structures of Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 677–682 679 W. OZGOWICZ et al.: THE PHENOMENON OF REDUCED PLASTICITY IN LOW-ALLOYED COPPER Figure 4: Elongated grains of the phase  with a micro-crack in the structure of the alloy CuCo2 after stretching at temperature of 200 °C (zone of rupture) Slika 4: Razpotegnjena zrna  faze z mikrorazpokami v strukturi zli- tine CuCo2, po nateznem preizkusu na temperaturi 200 °C (podro~je preloma) Figure 3: The influence of the temperature of plastic deformation in the tensile test on the strength (Rm) of the alloys CuCo2 and CuCo2B Slika 3: Vpliv temperature plasti~ne deformacije pri nateznem preiz- kusu na trdnost (Rm) zlitin CuCo2 in CuCo2B Figure 2: The influence of the temperature of plastic deformation in the tensile test on the reduction of area (Z) of the alloys CuCo2 and CuCo2B Slika 2: Vpliv temperature plasti~ne deformacije pri nateznem preizkusu na kontrakcijo (Z) zlitin CuCo2 in CuCo2B alloys stretched at elevated temperatures display a larger amount of microcracks occurring at the boundaries of the grains and at the contact of three grains and twin boun- daries in the zone of rupture. In the central part of the sample a heterogeous structure was detected consisting of a diversified size of the grains (20 μm to 60 μm) depending on the temperature of the deformation and due to the process of recrystallization. In alloys stretched at the temperature of minimum plasticity (550 °C) the structure in the zone of rupture is characterized by numerous micro-cracks. In the structure of the alloy CuCo2B, stretched at the temperature 550 °C, the zone of rupture contains axial recrystallized grains of the phase , 40 μm in diameter, and also many micro- cracks (Figure 6). Also in the central part of the sample there are micro-cracks at the boundary of the phase  (Figure 7). The structure of this part of the sample con- tains grains of the phase  with many twins with straight-lined boundaries as well as stepped boundaries, testifying to the advanced recrystallization of the alloy. In the central part the sample of the alloy CuCo2B there are grains of the phase  with micro-cracks and precipi- tations. After their deformation at 600 °C the investi- gated alloys display the structure of grains of the phase , varying in their size, with twins and micro-cracks (Figures 8 and 9). The structure of the alloy CuCo2B, elongated at a temperature of 800 °C, displays numerous micro-cracks both in the zone of rupture and in the central part of the sample. In the structure of the central part of the sample the micro-cracks occurred in the front recrystallization due to the presence of large grains of the W. OZGOWICZ et al.: THE PHENOMENON OF REDUCED PLASTICITY IN LOW-ALLOYED COPPER 680 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 677–682 Figure 8: Differentiated grains of the phase  with the twins and micro-cracks in the structure of the alloy CuCo2B after stretching at the temperature 600 °C (central zone) Slika 8: Diferencirana zrna  faze z dvoj~ki in mikrorazpokami v strukturi zlitine CuCo2B po nateznem preizkusu na temperaturi 600 °C (sredina vzorca) Figure 7: Micro-cracks at the boundaries of the phase  in the structure of the alloy CuCo2B after stretching at a temperature of 550 °C (central zone) Slika 7: Mikrorazpoke na mejah  faze v strukturi zlitine CuCo2B po nateznem preizkusu na temperaturi 550 °C (sredina vzorca) Figure 6: Recrystallized grains of the phase  and numerous cracks in the structure of the alloy CuCo2B after stretching at a temperature of 550 °C (zone of rupture) Slika 6: Rekristalizirana zrna  faze in {tevilne razpoke v strukturi zlitine CuCo2B po nateznem preizkusu na temperaturi 550 °C (pod- ro~je preloma) Figure 5: Elongated grains of the phase  with twins and bands of deformation in the structure of the alloy CuCo2 after stretching at a temperature of 200 °C (central zone) Slika 5: Razpotegnjena zrna  faze z dvoj~ki in deformacijskimi pa- sovi v strukturi zlitine CuCo2 po nateznem preizkusu na temperaturi 200 °C (sredina vzorca) phase (about 100 μm) with a hardness of about 60 HV and a revealed substructure (Figure 9). The size of the grains in the phase  of the structure of the alloy CuCo2B results from the way of recrystallization in the course of and after the plastic deformation during the tensile test. The results of fractographic investigations allowed us to determine the influence of the temperature of defor- mation on the character of the fractures of the alloys CuCo2 and CuCo2B after decohesion in the tensile test in the range of temperature from 20 °C to 800 °C. The fracture of the alloy CuCo2 and CuCo2B after the decohesion in the tensile test indicates a diversified character depending on the temperature of tension. At the temperature of deformation amounting to 200 °C, the investigated alloys are characterized by a transcrystalline ductile fracture with numerous craters differing in the W. OZGOWICZ et al.: THE PHENOMENON OF REDUCED PLASTICITY IN LOW-ALLOYED COPPER Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 677–682 681 Figure 13: Result of the quantitative microanalysis of the chemical composition of a precipitate in the alloy CuCo2 after a tensile test at 550 °C Slika 13: Rezultati kvantitativne mikroanalize kemijske sestave izlo~ka v zlitini CuCo2 po nateznem preizkusu na 550 °C Figure 10: Transcrystalline ductile fracture in the alloy CuCo2 after a tensile test at 200 °C Slika 10: Transkristalni `ilav prelom zlitine CuCo2 po nateznem preizkusu na 200 °C Figure 9: Coarse grains of the phase  with sub-grains in the structure of the alloy CuCo2B after stretching at a temperature of 800 °C (central zone) Slika 9: Velika zrna  faze s podzrni v strukturi zlitine CuCo2B po nateznem preizkusu na temperaturi 800 °C (sredina vzorca) Figure 12: Intercrystalline brittle fracture in the alloy CuCo2 after a tensile test at 600 °C Slika 12: Interkristalni krhki prelom zlitine CuCo2 po nateznem preizkusu na 600 °C Figure 11: Intercrystalline brittle fracture in the alloy CuCo2B after a tensile test at 550 °C Slika 11: Interkristalni krhki prelom zlitine CuCo2B, po nateznem preizkusu na 550 °C diameters and precipitations in the bottom (Figure 10). The lateral planes of the craters are considerably corru- gated. At the temperature of deformation amounting to 550 °C and 600 °C, these alloys display brittle inter- crystalline fractures with many micro-cracks and precipi- tations (Figures 11 and 12). The planes of the cracks indicate the effects of plastic deformation. At the bottom of the crater on the fracture of the alloy CuCo2 precipitations were found, the che- mical composition of which was determined by means of an X-ray analysis (EDAX) and proved to contain 96.55 % copper and 3.55 % cobalt (Figure 13). In the alloy CuCo2 deformed at 600 °C; an inter-crystalline brittle fracture was detected with micro-cracks at the boundaries (Figure 12), whereas in samples deformed at 800 °C a fracture mixed with cracks on the grain boun- daries was observed. 4 CONCLUSIONS The performed investigations and analyses of the obtained results allow us to draw the following conclu- sions: 1. The low-alloy copper type CuCo2 reaches its minimum plasticity in the tensile test at a temperature of deformation from 500 °C to 700 °C, whereas in the case of the alloy CuCo2B the minimum value is attained at a temperature of 450 °C to 600 °C. 2. An increase in the temperature of plastic deformation from 20 °C to 800 °C involves a decrease in the tensile strength of the alloy CuCo2 from about 240 MPa to about 40 MPa, and that of the alloy CuCo2B from about 230 MPa to about 25 MPa. 3. The temperature of the minimum plasticity (TMP) of the alloy CuCo2B from 20 °C to 800 °C is about 50 °C lower than the TMP of the alloy CuCo2. With a microaddition of boron the alloy is also more plastic (A and Z by about 5 %) in the range of TMP if compared with the alloy CuCo2. 4. The structures of the investigated alloys of copper in the range TMP are characterized by homogeneous grains in the solution , about 40 μm in size, with numerous micro-cracks at the grain boundaries. 5. The investigated plastically hot-deformed low-alloys beyond the region TMP have a typical structure of the solution  with a differing degree of deformation or dynamic or static recrystallization and a ductile fracture. 6. Low-alloy copper, in the range of TMP characterized by minimum plastic properties (A and Z about 5-10 %), displays after stretching a brittle intercrystalline fracture. 7. A micro-addition of boron involves increased plastic properties of the alloy CuCo2B in the entire range of the temperature of plastic deformation and changes the character of the fracture in the temperature interval from 550 °C to 800 °C. 5 REFERENCES 1 M. Tokarski, An outline of physical metallurgy of metals and non-ferrous alloys, Silesian Publishing House, Katowice 1986 2 Z. Górny, I. Sobczak, Modern casting materials based on non-ferrous, ZA-PIS Publishing House, Kraków 2005 3 K. Kurski, Copper and its technical alloys, Silesian Publishing House, Katowice 1967 4 W. 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Ozgowicz, Analysis of intergranular embrittlement mechanisms of á-bronzes at elevated temperature, Part 2, Ores and Non-Ferrous Metals, 7 (2005), 377–391 11 B. Massalski, Binary alloy phase diagrams, ASM, 1990 12 W. £oskiewicz, M. Orman, Equilibrium of binary metal alloys, PWN Publishing House, Warszawa 1956 W. OZGOWICZ et al.: THE PHENOMENON OF REDUCED PLASTICITY IN LOW-ALLOYED COPPER 682 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 677–682 K. DVOØÁK, I. HÁJKOVÁ: THE EFFECT OF HIGH-SPEED GRINDING TECHNOLOGY ON THE PROPERTIES OF FLY ASH 683–687 THE EFFECT OF HIGH-SPEED GRINDING TECHNOLOGY ON THE PROPERTIES OF FLY ASH VPLIV TEHNOLOGIJE HITREGA MLETJA NA LASTNOSTI LETE^EGA PEPELA Karel Dvoøák, Iveta Hájková Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Veveøí 331/95, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic dvorak.k@fce.vutbr.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-06-23; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-09-21 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.127 The aim of this work was to observe the impact of the milling technique employed by the DESI 11 disintegrator on the properties of fly ash. This type of mill is a high-speed pin mill with two counter rotors. The device selected for study allows the use of rotors with different working tools. In this case, two types of rotors were selected, identified as BR-AR and OR rotors. The OR rotor has cylindrical teeth, while the teeth on the AR-BR rotor can be described as rhomboidal. The fly ash was ground by 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 passes through the mill. The Blaine specific surface area, particle size and particle size distribution were measured for each sample. The pozzolanic activity was also determined via a modified Chapelle test, and its influence on the shape of the grains was assessed by SEM. The results were compared together and with the original fly ash. There was a steep increase in the specific surface area and pozzolanic activity after the first pass through the mill. The second pass of ash through the mill did not increase the specific surface area due to strong aggregation, which gradually changes into agglomeration. However, the pozzolanic activity still increased during the aggregation phase. This phenomenon was clearly observable for both types of selected rotors. Based on the results, we can say that in the case of fly ash, a high-speed disintegrator can be a promising means of improving its properties via grinding and mechanical activation. Keywords: high speed grinding, fly ash, pozzolanic activity Namen dela je opazovati posledice uporabljene tehnike mletja, v DESI 11 mlinu, na lastnosti lete~ega pepela. To je mlin z veliko hitrostjo, z dvema nasprotnima rotorjema. Naprava, izbrana za {tudij, omogo~a uporabo rotorjev z razli~nimi orodji. V tem primeru sta bila izbrana dva razli~na rotorja, ozna~ena kot AR-BR in OR rotor. OR rotor ima cilindri~en zob, medtem ko je zob na AR-BR rotorju ozna~en kot romboidalen. Lete~i pepel je bil zmlet z 1, 2, 3, 5 in 10 prehodi skozi mlin. Za vsak vzorec so bile izmerjene Blainova specifi~na velikost povr{ine ter velikost in razporeditev delcev. Pucolanska aktivnost je bila dolo~ena z modificiranim Chapelle testom. Vpliv na obliko zrn je bil dolo~en s SEM. Rezultati so bili primerjani z originalnim lete~im pepelom. Po prvem prehodu skozi mlin se je skokovito pove~ala specifi~na povr{ina in pucolanska aktivnost. Drugi prehod pepela skozi mlin ni pove~al specifi~ne povr{ine zaradi mo~ne agregacije, ki se je postopoma spremenila v aglomeracijo. Vseeno pa je pucolanska aktivnost {e nara{~ala med fazo agregacije. Ta pojav je bil jasno opa`en pri obeh vrstah rotorjev. Na osnovi teh rezultatov lahko re~emo, da je v primeru lete~ega pepela dezintegrator z veliko hitrostjo obetajo~e sredstvo, da z mletjem in mehansko aktivacijo izbolj{amo njegove lastnosti. Klju~ne besede: mletje z veliko hitrostjo, lete~i pepel, pucolanska aktivnost 1 INTRODUCTION One of the trends in the area of milling that have been intensively examined recently is high-energy milling (HEM). With HEM there are certain phenomena that have not been observed in conventional grinding. These phenomena can be summarized by the term mechano- chemical activation.1 The idea of mechanochemical activation is that an increase occurs in the value of the internal energy, consequently increasing the enthalpy and the formation of so-called active surfaces on the newly formed grains. To increase the level of enthalpy, it is not only necessary to supply a large amount of mechanical energy, but it is also important how that energy is trans- mitted to the material. Only if the material is capable of absorbing the energy can the internal structure of the substance be destabilized and new active surfaces be developed.2 The effects of mechanical activation have been described for model materials such as dolomite3 or clay minerals,4–6 or, for example, for silica.7 In the field of grinding and mechanical activation, research is fo- cused on monitoring changes in the crystal structure and amorphization, 6,8 changes in the granularity and the aggregation and agglomeration of particles, 9,10 and changes in surface properties, especially the specific surface area and the zeta potential.4,8 One type of HEM is high-speed grinding (HSG). HSG involves supplying large amounts of energy using very short and intense power pulses. The amount of energy that is effectively transferred to the material is higher in the case of HSG than with conventional grinding in mills with the same power input. One of the types of mills suitable for HSG is a high-speed pin mill with two counter-rotating rotors, known as a disintegrator.11 This type of mill is particu- larly suitable for the grinding and activation of fine powder materials.12 The material is refined by very intensive changes in the mechanical stress, which take place at a very high frequency. Another advantage is the variety of working tools that can be employed to affect the grinding process.13 The disadvantage of this type of milling in the case of silicates is the significant electro- Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 683–687 683 UDK 621.926:621.763:67.017 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)683(2016) static charging of the particles and their easy and quick aggregation.1 One of the important silicate materials that are widely used in the construction industry is ash, va- rious kinds of which exist. A number of authors describe the utilization and effects of pin mills on the physical and mechanical properties of both fluidized bed ashes14,15 and ashes based on SiO2.16 In the case of fly ash, during traditional milling and even during HEM there is not only an increase in the specific surface area, but also an improvement in the reactivity. Different authors use a wide spectrum of methods for the assessment of reacti- vity, though it is typically done by FTIR and calorimetric methods during the hydration of cement pastes contain- ing fly ash.17,18 Increases in the reactivity are commonly achieved via the refinement of large porous particles of ash, i.e., plerospheres, which is relatively easy to do. The refinement of cenospheres is more difficult, and requires more grinding work, but leads to a further increase in the pozzolanic activity of the fly ash.19 The particles remain in the chamber of the high-speed disintegrator for only a few seconds, which is because of the principle by which the pin mill operates. Repeating the passing of the mate- rial through the mill is the only effective way of extending the milling time. However, in the case of fly ash it entails the risk of grain agglomeration. The aim of this work was to describe and assess the effect of a HSG disintegrator’s milling technique on the fly ash’s properties, especially its pozzolanic properties, grain size, grain morphology and specific surface area. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS TEKO fly ash was used for monitoring the impact of the milling technique in question on the material pro- perties. The fly ash was analyzed before the milling began, with its chemical composition being determined by traditional chemical analyses. The density was deter- mined using a Micromeritics AccuPyc II 1340 automatic pycnometer. For the measurement of the Blaine specific surface area, a PC-Blaine-Star automatic device was used with a measurement cell capacity of 7.95 cm3. The determination was performed three times to eliminate errors, and the resultant value was the average of these determinations. Milling of the samples was carried out in a DESI 11 disintegrator, which is a high-speed pin mill with two counter-rotating rotors. The total installed power of this mill is 4.1 kW. The rotors’ rotation fre- quency is up to 200 Hz, and the maximum speed of impact is 240 ms–1. The material is dispensed by a conti- nuous feeder and enters the grinding chamber through the middle of the left rotor. To assess the effect of the selected milling technique, two rotor types were used for comparative purposes, i.e., types AR-BR and OR. The rotors were designed and manufactured by FF Service Ltd. Both types have two rows of teeth on the left-hand rotor and three rows of teeth on the right-hand rotor. The OR rotor has cylindrical teeth, while the shape of the teeth on the AR-BR rotor can be described as rhom- boidal. With this kind of rotor, the tilt direction of the leading edge against the flow of material on the left-hand rotor is always opposite to that of the right-hand rotor. A continuous feeder was used for dosing the fly ash into the mill. The ash was always fed in at a dose of 0.5 kg and milled at the maximum Hz. The time required for all the material to pass through the mill was 180 s. The sam- ples for both rotor variants were prepared for 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10 passes through the mill. Grinding was performed under standard laboratory conditions, at 22 °C and with a relative humidity of 56 %. Between the steps of grinding, the mill was cooled by an air stream so that the temperature of the working chamber did not exceed 70 °C. The Blaine specific surface area was determined for all the samples. All the fly ash samples, including the control sample, were subjected to particle size distribu- tion measurements by laser granulometry. This analysis was performed on a Malvern Mastersizer 2000 with a Hydro 2000 G wet dispergation unit; 2-isopropanol was used as a dispersant. The effect of the milling technique on the morphology of the grains was observed and assessed by electron microscopy (SEM). A Tescan MIRA 3 XMU SEM with a secondary electron detector was used. The Chapelle test method20 was used to deter- mine the pozzolanic activity This test was done on the control sample of fly ash and the samples ground via one, three, and ten passes. The method was adapted for the needs of the experiment. The modified Chapelle test consists of allowing pozzolan and freshly annealed CaO to react together in an aquatic environment at 93 °C for 24 h. The reaction takes place in a tightly closed stain- less-steel vessel and the suspension is stirred with an electromagnetic stirrer. The result is expressed as the amount of Ca(OH)2 bound in mg per 1 g of pozzolan. The results were compared to each other and with those from the control sample of fly ash. 3 RESULTS The results for the chemical composition of the con- trol TEKO fly ash are shown in Table 1. Only selected oxides and loss on ignition are listed in the table. Table 1: The chemical composition of the fly ash Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava lete~ega pepela Compo- nents SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO SO3 Loss on ign. Others Content % per mass 51.8 18.1 9.1 6.7 0.8 6 7.5 The specific surface area and density are then pre- sented in Table 2. Table 2: Density and specific surface area of the TEKO fly ash Tabela 2: Gostota in specifi~na povr{ina TEKO lete~ega pepela Density (kg/m3) 2423 Specific surface area (m2/kg) 494 K. DVOØÁK, I. HÁJKOVÁ: THE EFFECT OF HIGH-SPEED GRINDING TECHNOLOGY ON THE PROPERTIES OF FLY ASH 684 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 683–687 The chemical and physical properties are typical for conventional siliceous ash. The specific surface area values were determined from the samples ground via the selected operating mode for both types of rotors immediately after passing through the mill. The specific surface area results for both types of rotors are shown in Figure 1. After the first pass of the samples through the mill, a significant increase in the specific surface area is apparent in both cases. However, after the second pass through a significant decrease in the specific surface area can be seen. The decrease in specific surface area in the initial stages was greater in the case of the AR-BR rotors. Each additional pass through the mill led to a further reduction in the surface area. However, after ten cycles, the sample milled by the OR rotor had a lower specific surface area than the sample milled by the AR-BR rotor. The granulometry of the control fly ash and of all the ground samples was analyzed by laser granulometry. Selected laser granulometry results for both types of rotor are shown in Figures 2a and 2b. The dependence of the grain size d (0.1), d (0.5) and d (0.9) on the number of passes of the material through the mill is summarized in Table 3 in order to facilitate a comparison of the impact of the milling technique on the course of the grinding. Table 3: The dependence of the grain size d (0.1), d (0.5) and d (0.9) on the number of passes of the material through the mill Tabela 3: Odvisnost velikosti zrn d (0,1), d (0,5) in d (0,9) od {tevila prehodov materiala skozi mlin Number of passes through the mill d/μm 0 1 2 3 5 10 AR-BR 0.1 4.90 3.52 3.66 3.53 3.99 3.99 0.5 25.60 13.19 13.19 12.02 12.15 12.99 0.9 108.083 52.87 47.80 43.86 37.57 40.08 OR 0.1 4.90 3.68 3.47 3.39 4.27 4.85 0.5) 25.60 12.56 11.72 10.61 11.40 12.39 0.9 108.083 46.59 38.90 32.45 33.01 30.91 In both cases, after the first pass there was a signi- ficant reduction in the proportion of coarse particles, with each additional grinding causing a further decline in the amount present. However, at the same time, there was also a decrease in the proportion of ultra-fine parti- K. DVOØÁK, I. HÁJKOVÁ: THE EFFECT OF HIGH-SPEED GRINDING TECHNOLOGY ON THE PROPERTIES OF FLY ASH Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 683–687 685 Figure 2: Particle size distribution: a) AR-BR and b) OR Slika 2: Razporeditev velikosti delcev: a) AR-BR in b) OR Figure 1: Specific surface area for all the samples Slika 1: Specifi~na povr{ina pri vseh vzorcih Figure 3: a) The morphology of the control fly ash, b) 1 pass, AR-BR rotors, c) 1 pass, OR rotors, d) 10 pass, AR-BR rotors and e) 10 pass, OR rotors Slika 3: a) Morfologija kontrolnega lete~ega pepela, b) 1 prehod, AR-BR rotorji, c) 1 prehod, OR rotorji, d) 10 prehod, AR-BR rotorji in e) 10 prehod, OR rotorji cles. The distribution curves after 10 passes were signi- ficantly narrower. This phenomenon is more significant in the case of the OR rotor. The results of the effect of the rotors and the number of passes on the morphology of the grains after one and ten passes of fly ash through the mill are illustrated in Figures 3a to 3e. The SEM analysis shows that a clearly visible refin- ing process is occurring, along with the subsequent agglomeration of particles. This effect is more distinctive in the case of the OR rotors. Based on the evaluation of the specific surface area, samples were selected after one, three and ten passes through the mill for the purpose of determining the pozzolanic activity. The results of this determination are shown in Figure 4. In both cases the first significant increase in evident pozzolanic activity did not occur until the third pass. A significant decrease occurred after the tenth cycle, this being mainly the case for the OR rotors. 4 DISCUSSION A chemical composition with a high content of SiO2 and a low content of SO3 is typical for conventional sili- ceous ash. Morphologically, it is a mixture of spherical cenospheres and porous plerospheres, as is apparent from the SEM image. Its specific surface area of 494 m2/kg is relatively high, which corresponds to the higher pozzolanic activity of fly ash at 860 mg of Ca(OH)2/1g, as determined by the modified Chapelle test. The pozzo- lanic activity of fly ash tested by this method usually ranges from 700 to 850 mg Ca(OH)2/1 g.21 This fly ash can therefore be rated as reactive. In the case of both types of rotor, a step increase in the specific surface area occurred after the first pass of the ash through the mill. The specific surface area increased by about 60 m2/kg to a final 557 m2/kg in both cases. The growth in specific surface area is associated with a decrease in the grain sizes d (0.1), d (0.5) and d (0.9), which is clearly visible from the particle size distribution curves in Figures 2a and 2b. As regards the rotors, the AR-BR curve is clearly wider than that for the OR type. At this stage, especially large, soft and porous plerospheres are milled very inten- sively, as evidenced by the SEM images above. However, the amount of pozzolanic activity is already different at this stage of the milling process. Fly ash ground on the AR-BR rotors showed pozzolanic activity that was 24 mg of Ca(OH)2/1g higher for the same specific surface area than ash ground on the OR rotors. The results correspond well with the particle size distribution curves when the AR-BR sample contains more ultra-fine particles. A sharp decline in the specific surface area can be observed after the second and third passes. This phenomenon can be explained as being the result of the beginning of the aggregation process due to electrostatic forces. The lower decrease in the specific surface area value in the case of the OR rotors than for the AR-BR type can be explained by the cylindrical shape of the teeth on the OR rotors. The friction surface over which the particles roll is smaller with this tooth shape. The charging of the particles, which leads to aggregation, is thus smaller. The aggregation process can be clearly observed on the granulometric curves, which become narrower. However, in both cases, the pozzolanic activity increased signifi- cantly. This phenomenon can be explained as being just due to the formation of aggregates, which are only loosely bound together by electrostatic forces. Because the Chapelle test takes place in an aquatic environment, loosely bonded aggregates can easily disintegrate and the fine particles can react with the calcium ions very swiftly and easily. In the case of the AR-BR rotors, the increase in pozzolanic activity is significantly higher than in the case of the OR rotors. A possible explanation for this abnormality is simply that the AR-BR rotor teeth have a larger contact surface. They thus charge particles and accelerate the formation of aggregates more than the cylindrical teeth of the OR rotors, but may also create more defects on the surfaces of the fly ash particles, causing the particles to become more reactive. Between the third and the tenth passes, a gradual decline in spe- cific surface area can be observed. The particle distribu- tion curves become narrower and there is a significant increase in grain size d (0.1). At this point the aggrega- tion phase has already changed to the stage of agglome- ration, where the particles are bound by chemical bonds.1 This confirms the results of the pozzolanic activity determination, and the SEM images. The specific surface area and pozzolanic activity results achieved by the OR rotors after ten passes are significantly worse than in the case of the AR-BR rotors. Because most of the grinding work in the phase of agglomeration is just consumed in the breakage of new agglomerates, the results indicate the AR-BR rotors have a higher efficiency compared to the OR rotors. 5 CONCLUSION High-speed grinding in a high-speed disintegrator is very effective during the first pass of fly ash through the K. DVOØÁK, I. HÁJKOVÁ: THE EFFECT OF HIGH-SPEED GRINDING TECHNOLOGY ON THE PROPERTIES OF FLY ASH 686 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 683–687 Figure 4: The impact of the technology of grinding on the pozzolanic activity Slika 4: Vpliv tehnologije mletja na pucolansko aktivnost mill, when there is a step increase in the specific surface area, and related pozzolanic activity. During the first pass there is no aggregation or agglomeration of the grains. Fly ash can thus be easily homogenized with the other components of the cement composite, and its properties can be improved at the same time. The disadvantage of this type of mill is the process of rapid aggregation and subsequent agglomeration, which makes it impossible to achieve a higher specific surface area. However, this phenomenon can be eliminated by adding grinding aids or using particle separators, for example. We can con- clude based on all the achieved results that the use of the AR-BR rotor with rhomboid-shaped teeth for the grind- ing of fly ash is more advantageous in the case of a HSG disintegrator than using the OR rotor with its traditional cylindrical tooth shape. Higher pozzolanic activity was achieved for the same specific surface area. Based on the results, we can say that in the case of fly ash, a high- speed disintegrator can be a promising means of improving its properties via grinding and mechanical activation. 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CHERNEVA et al.: INVESTIGATION OF THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ELECTROCHEMICALLY DEPOSITED ... 689–693 INVESTIGATION OF THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ELECTROCHEMICALLY DEPOSITED Au-In ALLOY FILMS USING NANO-INDENTATION PREISKAVA MEHANSKIH LASTNOSTI ELEKTROKEMIJSKO NANE[ENEGA FILMA ZLITINE Au-In Z NANOVTISKOVANJEM Sabina Cherneva1, Roumen Iankov1, Martin Georgiev2, Tsvetina Dobrovolska2, Dimitar Stoychev2 1Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mechanics, Acad. G. Bonchev str., Bl. 4, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria 2Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Acad. G. Bonchev str., Bl. 11, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria sabina_cherneva@yahoo.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-06-26; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-09-09 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.129 Thin Au-In alloy films containing different amounts of In were electrochemically deposited on a CuZn substrate with a 500-μm thickness. The thicknesses of the obtained films varied from 0.4 μm to 2.7 μm. The chemical and phase compositions, as well as the structures of the films, were investigated by XRF, XRD and SEM analysis. The mechanical properties of the films and substrates were investigated using nano-indentation experiments. As a result, load–displacement curves were obtained and two mechanical characteristics of the substrate and investigated films – indentation hardness and indentation modulus – were calculated using the Oliver & Pharr approximation method. The dependence of the indentation modulus and the indentation hardness on the depth of the indentation and the content of In, the structure and the phase compositions of the films were investigated and discussed as well. Keywords: gold-indium alloy, electrochemical deposition, mechanical properties, nano-indentation Tanke plasti zlitine Au-In, z razli~no vsebnostjo In, so bile elektrokemijsko nane{ene na podlago iz CuZn, debeline 500 μm. Debeline dobljene plasti so bile od 0,4 μm to 2,7 μm. Kemijska sestava in sestava faz, kot tudi mikrostruktura plasti, so bile preiskovane z XRF, XRD in s SEM analizami. Mehanske lastnosti preiskovanih plasti so bile preiskane s pomo~jo preizkusa z nanovtiskovanjem. Kot rezultat so bile dobljene krivulje obremenitev-raztezek. Dve mehanski lastnosti podlage in preiskovanih plasti – trdota vtiskovanja in modul vtiskovanja – sta bili izra~unani s pomo~jo Oliver & Pharr metode pribli`ka. Preiskovana in prediskutirana je bila odvisnost modula vtiskovanja in trdota vtiskovanja na globino vtiska od vsebnosti In. Klju~ne besede: zlitina zlato-indij, elektrokemijsko nana{anje, mehanske lastnosti, nanovtiskovanje 1 INTRODUCTION The phase diagram of the gold–indium1 system shows the presence of several intermetallic compounds existing at a temperature lower than the melting point of Indium (~ 156 °C), including stable AuIn and AuIn2 pha- ses with a cubic lattice, similar to the -phase of gold. The indium phase starting from a 53 % mass fraction is tetragonal. The average microhardness obtained for the metallurgical alloy system Au–In is as follows: Au (99.999 %) = 0.660,  AuIn (8 % of amount fractions of In) = 1.700, 1-phase = 3.68, AuIn = 2.73, AuIn2 = 0.77 GPa and the alloy with 80 % of amount fractions of In = 2.07 GPa.2 The microhardness in the hardened condition of the compound Au3In2 ( phase) is 1.83 GPa, and increases in the uniformity of the phase deviations in the stoichiometric composition.3 In contrast to metallur- gically obtained, the electrochemically deposited Au-In alloys are not well studied. At the same time, electroche- mically deposited thin layers of Au–In alloys will find wide application (instead of pure gold coatings) in electrical engineering, micro-electronics, the manufact- uring of various sensors, the jewelery industry, etc. The interest in studying the impact of the content of In in the Au–In alloy on a number of colors, decorative, optical, corrosion, mechanical and other properties, regardless of the method of their production, has also increased.4–6 The aim of the present work is to investigate the indentation hardness and the indentation modulus of electrochemi- cally deposited thin layers of Au–In alloys as a function of the indentation depth and considering the effect on them of the nature of the substrate, the content of In, the structure and phase composition of the alloy films as well as the surface roughness of the films. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART The Au-In alloy films with thicknesses between 0.4 μm and 2.7 μm were deposited onto brass sheet sub- strates (2 cm × 1 cm × 0.03 cm) in a standard electro- chemical glass cell equipped with two Pt anodes as the counter electrodes. The standard preliminary treatment of the brass cathode-substrates includes a procedure for electrochemical decreasing, followed by pickling in a 20 % water solution of sulphuric acid at room temperature. The investigated Au–In alloy films were electrodeposited Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 689–693 689 UDK 620.1:67.017:669.055:669.21:669.872 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)689(2016) in galvanostatic mode (in the range of cathodic current densities from 0.2 to 1.8 A dm–2) of an acetate-citrate electrolyte (containing 1 g/L Au as a metal (KAu (CN)2); 3 g/L In as a metal (InCl3); 90 g/L CH3COONa; 14 g/L citric acid). The electrolysis process was performed without any stirring of the electrolyte and at room tem- perature. The thickness, content of In and percentage composition (Au:In) of the thin alloy films were deter- mined by X-ray fluorescence analysis (Fischerscope XDAL). The structure and morphology of the layer sur- face were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) using a JSM 6390 microscope. The phase com- position was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) using a PANalytical Empyrean Equipped with a multi- channel detector (Pixel 3D) using Cu–K (45 kV-40 mA) radiation in the 20–115° 2 range with a scan step of 0.01° per 20 s. The mechanical properties of the Au–In alloy films containing different amounts of In onto the CuZn substrate were investigated by means of nano-in- dentation experiments, using a Nano Indenter G200 (Keysight Technologies, USA), equipped with a Berko- vich three-sided diamond pyramid with a centerline- to-face angle of 65.3° and a 20-nm radius at the tip of the indenter. We realized a series of 25 indentations on each sample probe. We used an indentation method that was proposed in 7. The indentation hardness and indentation modulus are determined using the stiffness calculated from the slope of the load–displacement curve during each unloading cycle. As a result load–displacement curves were obtained and two mechanical characteristics of the substrate and the investigated films – indentation hardness (HIT) and indentation modulus (EIT) – were calculated using the Oliver & Pharr approximation method.8 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 1 shows the results of the XRF analyses on the chemical composition, thickness () and the micro roughness (Rz and Ra) of the tested alloy samples and the brass substrate on which they were deposited. From the results it can be seen that the interval of changes in content 49–63 % for the mass fractions of indium in the resulting thin alloy layers and changes of their micro roughness. Information about the surface morphology and the structure of the electrodeposited pure Au and In coatings of the working electrolyte for the preparation of the alloy coatings of which in the first case the presence of In ions is excluded, and in the second case, the presence of Au ions is excluded, give the microphoto- graphs presented in Figure 1a and 1f. While the Au coating is dense and uniform, formed by spherical crystallites having a size ~ 0.5–1.2 μm (Figure 1a), the coatings of In have an uneven thickness – over the fine crystal thin indium layer which covers the entire surface 690 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 689–693 S. CHERNEVA et al.: INVESTIGATION OF THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ELECTROCHEMICALLY DEPOSITED ... Figure 1: SEM microphotographs of deposited a) Au 100 %: f) In 100 % and Au–In alloy layers in which the content of indium (in mass fractions, (w/%) is: b) 49.4 % In, c) 54.2 % In, d) 56.0 % In and e) 63 % In (samples No. 2, 7, 3, 4, 5, 6 described in Table 1) Slika 1: SEM-posnetek nanosa: a) Au 100 %, f) In 100 % in nanosi AuIn z razli~no vsebnostjo In (v masnih odstotkih, (w/%): b) 49,4 % In, c) 54,2 % In, d) 56,0 % In, e) 63 % In (vzorci {t. 2, 7, 3, 4, 5, 6 opisani v Tabeli 1) Table 1: Chemical composition, thickness, Rz and Ra of the investigated Au–In alloy layers and the substrate on which they are deposited Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava, debelina, Rz in Ra preiskovanih AuIn plasti in podlage, na katero so bile nane{ene No Sample Content in mass fractions,(w/%) , ìm Ra, ìm Rz, ìm J, A dm 2 deposition time, min 1. Brass substrate (pickled) Cu – 65.80; Zn – 34.20 300 1.61 9.13 2. Àu/Brass Au – 100 0.64 1.13 4.77 1.0; 20 3. AuIn/Brass Au – 50.6; In – 49.4 0.56 1.14 4.90 1.8; 7 4. AuIn/Brass Au – 45.8; In – 54.2 0.75 1.40 5.37 1.2; 15 5. AuIn/Brass Au – 44.1; In – 56.0 1.42 1.15 5.00 0.6; 20 6. AuIn/Brass Au – 37.0; In – 63.0 2.76 1.50 8.93 0.2; 30 7. In/Brass In – 100 0.49 1.18 3.83 1.0; 20 of the brass substrate, they grew, not fully coalesced, spheroidal agglomerates with size ~ 1–10 μm (Figure 1f). The influence of changes in the content of indium on the surface morphology and structure of the Au–In alloy layers is presented in Figures 1b to 1e. From the microphotographs it is clear that at the lowest content of indium (49.4 %) (Figure 1b) the film has a morphology and structure that is different from that of the pure gold film. The alloy coating is formed by homogeneously dis- tributed agglomerates of a size of the base several times larger than that of the spherical grains constituting the gold coating. Moreover, there was no phase hetero- geneity in the regime of back scattering electrons. The reasons for this conclusion give the images on the left- hand side of the SPI electron microscopic image (Figure 1b), obtained in the regime of back scattering electrons (BEI), while the right-hand part of the photograph shows an image that was obtained in the regime of a secon- dary-electron image (SEI). With the same purpose (the recording of possible phase heterogeneity) are the SPI electron microscopic images for a higher content of In (Figures 1c to 1e). Increasing the content of indium in the alloy layer to ~ 54 % (Figure 1c), leads to a levelling of the morphology, respectively, to a finer structure compared with those at a content of ~ 49 % (Figure 1b), in which an even greater degree was observed in the next amount (~ 56 %) of indium (Figure 1d). Obviously, the observed differences in morphology are not related to the phase, but are related to the topographic heterogeneity. When the content of co-deposited In, however, reached 63 %, the morphology and the structure drastically change; they are characterized by large aggregates (3–15 μm), composed of crystallites with dimensions of 0.5–1 μm. Moreover, the BEI image (left-hand side) of the electron microscopic micrograph, at this content (Figure 1e) S. CHERNEVA et al.: INVESTIGATION OF THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ELECTROCHEMICALLY DEPOSITED ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 689–693 691 Figure 5: Dependence of the indentation hardness on the content of In Slika 5: Odvisnost trdote vtiskovanja od vsebnosti In Figure 3: Dependence of the indentation hardness on the depth of the indentation Slika 3: Odvisnost trdote vtiskovanja od globine vtiskovanja Figure 4: Dependence of indentation modulus on the depth of the indentation Slika 4: Odvisnost modula vtiskovanja od globine vtiskovanja Figure 2: XRD patterns of the: a) Au 100 %, f) In 100 % and Au–In alloy layers, containing: b) 49.4 % In, c) 54.2 % In, d) 56.0 % In, e) 63 % In; (o) – reflections of CuZn substrates, () – reflections of AuIn2 Slika 2: Rentgenogram: a) Au 100 %, f) In 100 % in AuIn nanosa z: b) 49,4 % In, c) 54,2 % In, d) 56,0 % In, e) 63 % In; (o) odboji CuZn podlage, () odboji AuIn2 indicates the occurrence of phase heterogeneity. The X-ray phase analysis of the same alloy samples (Figure 2) showed that for electrodeposited samples of electro- lyte containing only gold ions (in the absence of indium ions) the diffractogram showed the presence of reflec- tions of the cubic lattice (a = b = c = 4.08) of the phase of gold (pdf 98-004-4362), and reflections of the brass substrate (pdf 98-062-9457) (Figure 2a). In the case of the electrodeposition of an indium film (in the absence of gold ions in the electrolyte), the diffractogram of the obtained sample indicates the presence of reflections of an In tetragonal phase (pdf 98 005-3091) with the lattice parameters a = 0.3253 nm, b = 0.49455 nm and reflec- tions of the substrate made of brass (pdf 98-062-9457) (Figure 2f). Since the content of indium in the electro- deposited alloy film is in the range 49–63 % of mass fractions of In, then, according to the phase diagram for the system Au–In, they fall into the area of the phase AuIn2. This is confirmed by the recorded reflections in the diffractograms presented in Figures 2b to 2e. The AuIn2 phase has a cubic lattice with highly expanded parameters regarding the -phase of the gold (a = b = c = 6.502). Only in the alloy composition containing over 63 % of mass fractions of In (Figure 2e) is there a presence of both the phase AuIn2 and the tetragonal phase of In (pdf 98005-3091), which is the most likely cause for registered, strongly emphasized, morphological hetero- geneity of the alloy coating (Figure 1). The dependence of the indentation hardness and the indentation modulus of the investigated alloy films on the depth of the inden- tation are shown in Figures 3 and 4. With an increasing depth of indentation, the indentation hardness and the modulus change a great deal. There are two possible reasons for this: the influence of the substrate and the effect of the difference in the structure with depth. The dependence of the indentation hardness and the inden- tation modulus of the investigated alloy films (at load = 1.15 mN, in order to be far enough from the influence of the substrate) on the content of In is shown in Figures 5 and 6. With an increase of the content of In from 0 to 49.4 %, the indentation hardness increases too, and after this (from 54.2 % to 63 % content of In) it starts to decrease. It is obvious from Figure 6 that with an increase in the In content up to 56.0 % and 63 % the indentation modulus of the investigated Au–In films decreases. This could be explained by the influence of the simultaneously existing two phases on the surface electrode: In and AuIn2. The effect of the non-regularity is very strong due to the different type of crystal lattice – tetragonal in case of the In phase and cubic in the case of the AuIn2 phase. Most probably, the inhomogeneity of these two phases, as well as their roughness limit the accuracy, due to the randomly of both phases during the performed measurements. 4 CONCLUSIONS In the present work the mechanical properties of electrochemically deposited thin layers of Au–In alloys as a function of the indentation depth and considering the effect on them of the nature of the substrate, the content of In, the structure and the phase composition of the alloy films as well as the surface roughness of the films were investigated. The results showed that with an increasing content of In from 0 % to 49.4 %, the indenta- tion hardness increased too and after this (from 54.2 % to 63 % content of In) it starts to decrease. Moreover, with an increase in the In content up to 56.0 % and 63 % the indentation modulus of the investigated Au-In films decreases. This could be explained by the influence of the simultaneously existing two phases on the surface electrode: In and AuIn2. The effect of the non-regularity is very strong due to the different types of crystal lattice: tetragonal in the case of the In phase and cubic in the case of the AuIn2 phase. Acknowledgments Authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of Bulgarian National Science Fund under Grant No. T02-22/12.12.2014. 5 REFERENCES 1 T. Massalski, J. Murray, B. Lawrence, B. Hugh, Binary Alloy Phase Diagram, American Society for Metals, Metals Park, Ohio, 1 (1986) 90, 260–270 2 G. W. Powell, J. D. Braun, Diffusion in the gold-indium system, Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of AIME, 230 (1964) 4, 694–699 3 V. K. Nikitina, A. A. Babitsina, U. K. Lobanova, Phase diagrams of the system Au-In, Inorganic materials (in russian), Izvestia AN SSSR, 7 (1971) 3, 421–427 4 L. C. Archibald, G. Sanderson, Electrodeposition of a White Gold-Indium Alloy from an Acid Cyanide Electrolyte, Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing, 55 (1978) 4, 149–154 5 C. Cretu, E. 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Pharr, Measurement of hardness and elastic modulus by instrumented indentation: Advances in understanding and refinements to methodology, Journal of Materials Research, 19 (2004) 1, 3–20 S. CHERNEVA et al.: INVESTIGATION OF THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF ELECTROCHEMICALLY DEPOSITED ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 689–693 693 A. ROUSTA, H. R. DIZAJI: GROWTH OF K2CO3-DOPED KDP CRYSTAL FROM AN AQUEOUS SOLUTION ... 695–698 GROWTH OF K2CO3-DOPED KDP CRYSTAL FROM AN AQUEOUS SOLUTION AND AN INVESTIGATION OF ITS PHYSICAL PROPERTIES RAST KDP KRISTALOV Z DODATKOM K2CO3 IZ VODNE RAZTOPINE IN PREISKAVA NJIHOVIH FIZIKALNIH LASTNOSTI Abrisham Rousta1, Hamid Rezagholipour Dizaji2 1Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran branch, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Physics Department, Crystal Growth Laboratory, 2 Rasooli Alley, North Jamalzadeh st., Tehran, Iran 2Semnan University, Faculty of Physics, Semnan, Iran hrgholipour@semnan.ac.ir Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-06-26; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-10-09 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.128 In this present work, KDP and 2M%-K2CO3-doped KDP crystals were grown by a slow-evaporation solution technique. The grown crystals were characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy, X-ray diffractometry (XRD), UV-Vis spectroscopy, and laser damage threshold (LDT) analysis. The presence of the functional groups of the grown crystals was identified from the FT-IR spectra. The XRD tests showed that the grown crystals had a tetragonal structure. A comparison of the optical transmission of the grown crystals revealed that the K2CO3-doped KDP crystal had a higher transmission than the pure KDP crystal for the entire UV and visible region. Keywords: growth from solution, slow-evaporation solution technique, KDP crystal, K2CO3 additive V predstavljenem delu so KDP in z 2M % K2CO3 dopirani KDP kristali rasli s tehniko po~asnega izhlapevanja teko~ine. Dob- ljeni kristali so bili karakterizirani iz infrarde~o spektroskopijo s Fourierjevo transformacijo (FT-IR), z rentgensko difrakcijo (XRD), z UV-Vis spektroskopijo in s pragom po{kodbe z laserjem (LDT). Prisotnost funkcionalnih skupin kristalov v rasti je bila dolo~ena s FT-IR spektrom. XRD je pokazal, da imajo rasto~i kristali tetragonalno zgradbo. Primerjava prepustnosti svetlobe v rasto~ih kristalih je odkrila, da imajo KDP kristali, dopirani s K2CO3, bolj{o prepustnost kot pa ~isti KDP v celotnem UV in v vidnem podro~ju. Klju~ne besede: rast iz raztopine, tehnika po~asnega izparevanja raztopine, KDP kristal, dodatek K2CO3 1 INTRODUCTION Potassium dihydrogen phosphate KH2PO4 (KDP) is a material that is soluble in water with a positive solubility coefficient. The crystal structure is tetragonal with the lattice parameters a = b = 0.7448 nm and c = 0.6977 nm. A KDP single crystal is piezoelectric at room tempera- ture, and below 123 K (Curie point) it transforms to the ferroelectric phase and has an orthorhombic structure. This crystal is an excellent electro-optic and nonlinear optical (NLO) material, so it is used in optical modu- lators such as a second-harmonic generator. In addition, it is characterized by its good UV-visible transmission, high damage threshold, etc. Many attempts have been made to modify its properties, either by changing the growth condition or by adding different impurities.1–7 P. V. Dhanaraj et al.8 showed that the addition of K2CO3 could make the KDP solution more stable than with other additives and enhanced the metastable zone width of the KDP solution for all temperatures.8 They also found that the laser-induced damage threshold of a K2CO3-added KDP crystal was higher than that of the pure KDP crystal. In the present study, pure and 2M%-K2CO3-doped KDP crystals were grown from an aqueous solution using the slow-evaporation method at room temperature. The grown crystals were then subjected to various characterization techniques. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE KDP crystals, pure and with added 2M% K2CO3, were grown from an aqueous solution using the slow- evaporation method at room temperature. A saturated solution of KDP was prepared by dissolving an appro- priate amount of commercially available KDP powder in double distilled water without any further purification. The solution was then stirred well for two hours using a magnetic stirrer, filtered using Whatmann filter paper and transferred into the growth container for the slow evaporation. In a similar way, a saturated solution of KDP with added 2 M% K2CO3 was prepared. Then each container was covered with a perforated cover and kept in a dust-free place. Within two weeks, transparent KDP crystals of both pure (22 mm × 21 mm × 8 mm) and with added 2 M% K2CO3 (24 mm × 20 mm × 14 mm) were Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 695–698 695 UDK 67.017:620.1:661.635.11 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)695(2016) grown. Figures 1a and 1b show the pure and doped crystals, respectively. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) Both the pure and 2M%-K2CO3-added KDP crystals were subjected to powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis using an X-ray diffractometer (Advance Model D8) with high-intensity Cu-K radiation ( = 0.15406 nm). The grown crystals were ground using an agate mortar and pestle in order to determine the crystal phases by XRD. Figure 2 shows the XRD patterns of the pure and doped KDP single crystals. From the data, both the crystals were found to crystallize in the tetragonal system. Comparing the two patterns, we found no extra peaks due to the doping; hence adding K2CO3 to KDP did not affect its crystal structure. The sharp peaks observed in both patterns indicate the good crystallinity of the grown crystals. 3.2 Optical transmittance The optical transmittance spectrum in the wavelength region 200–800 nm was recorded at room temperature using a Perkin Elmer model lambda25 UV-Vis-NIR spectro-photometer on a 1.8-mm-thick plate of the grown K2CO3-added KDP crystal in the (001) direction. This property is the most desirable one for an NLO material. Figure 3 presents a comparison among the transmittance spectra of pure and 5M%-K2CO3-added KDP single crystals7 and a 2 M%-K2CO3-added KDP single crystal (present work). It is clear from the figure that the crystals are highly transparent across the entire UV-visible region. It is also obvious that the transmittance percentage of the doped KDP crystal is higher than that of the pure one. This improvement in the transparency of the KDP crystal after the addition of K2CO3 to the solution may be attributed to its ability to suppress the inclusions due to the heavy metals usually present in the starting material. A. ROUSTA, H. R. DIZAJI: GROWTH OF K2CO3-DOPED KDP CRYSTAL FROM AN AQUEOUS SOLUTION ... 696 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 695–698 Figure 3: UV-visible transmittance spectra of: a) pure KDP and b) 5M%-K2CO3-added KDP single crystals6, and c) 2 M%-K2CO3-added KDP single crystal Slika 3: Spekter prepustnosti UV in vidne svetlobe: a) ~isti KDP in b) monokristali KDP z dodatkom 5M % K2CO36 in c) monokristal KDP z dodatkom 2 M % K2CO3 Figure 1: Photographs of: a) pure and b) 2 M%-K2CO3-doped KDP crystals Slika 1: Posnetka: a) ~istega in b) z 2 M% K2CO3 dopiranega KDP kristala Figure 2: X-ray diffraction patterns of: a) pure KDP and b) 2 M%- K2CO3-added KDP single crystals Slika 2: Rentgenograma: a) ~isti KDP in b) KDP monokristali z dodatkom 2 M % K2CO3 3.3 Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) analysis The FT-IR spectra of the pure and 2 M%-K2CO3- doped KDP crystals were recorded using a Perkin Elmer model 410 Jasco company spectrometer in the wave- number range from 400 cm–1 to 4000 cm–1 using the KBr pellet technique. Figure 4 represents the FT-IR spectra of the grown crystals. Also, the position of the peaks and their functional group assignments are given in Table 1. Table 1: Observed FT-IR wave numbers (cm–1) and their functional group assignments for the grown pure and 2M%-K2CO3-added KDP crystal Tabela 1: Opa`ena FT-IR valovna {tevila (cm–1) in dodeljene funk- cionalne skupine pri ~istem KDP kristalu in KDP kristalu z dodatkom 2M % K2CO3 Wave number (cm–1) Functional group assignmentsPure KDP crystal 2M %K2CO3 added KDP crystal 3739.30 3744.12 Free O-H stretchinghydrogen bonded 3448.10 3427.85 O-H stretching hydrogenbonded 2489.65 – O=P-OH asymmetricstretching 1649.80 1649.80 O-H bending out of plate 1302.68 1301.72 O-P=O stretching 1100.19 1096.33 P=O stretching 894.81 898.67 P-O stretching 537.08 539.97 O-P-O bending 473.44 470.55 PO4 stretching The broad band that appears in the range from 3800 cm–1 to 2500 cm–1 is due to free O-H stretching of the KDP. These functional groups arise at 3739 cm–1 and 3448 cm–1 in pure KDP and at 3744 cm–1 and 3427 cm–1 in doped KDP. The peaks at 537 cm–1, 1100 cm–1 and 2489 cm–1 in pure KDP and 539 cm–1 and 1096 cm–1 in doped KDP are due to the O-P-O bending, P=O stretching and O=P-OH asymmetric stretching of the KDP, respectively. The O-P=O stretching, P-O stretching and PO4 stretching are found at 1302 cm–1, 894 cm–1 and 473 cm–1 in pure KDP and 1301 cm–1, 898 cm–1 and 470 cm–1 in doped KDP, respectively. We can clearly see from the comparison of the FTIR spectrum of the two crystals that the presence of the do- pant has led to a change in the intensity of the absorption of the IR frequencies and a slight shift in some of the frequencies. The strong similarities of the two graphs reveal the fact that the peaks corresponding to pure KDP crystal are predominant over those corresponding to the K2CO3-added KDP crystal, which may be due to the small amount of doped K2CO3 in the compound com- pared to the KDP. 3.4 Laser damage threshold (LDT) One of the most important considerations when selecting a material for nonlinear optics applications is its ability to withstand high power intensities.9 The laser damage threshold (LDT) of nonlinear optical components depends on physical and chemical factors, particularly imperfections, defects and the con- centration and type of the impurities, etc.10 The LDT of the grown pure and 2M%-K2CO3-doped KDP single crystals was carried out using a Nd:YAG laser with the wavelength 1064 nm and shot-to-shot mode, with an energy per pulse of 50 mJ, a repetition rate of 10 Hz, a pulse duration of 7 ns, a beam waist of 0.0841 mm and a spot diameter of 2.3 mm. The laser beam was focused on the sample with 1-m and 50-cm focal-length lenses. A Tektronic 2430A digital oscillo- scope was used to record the energy of every pulse and save the data in a computer. The damage threshold was calculated for the pure KDP and the 2 M%-K2CO3-doped KDP crystals and the value was found to be 12.1083 J/cm2 and 19.1782 J/cm2, respectively. It shows that, adding 2M% K2CO3 to the KDP solution increased the damage threshold of the KDP single crystal, which can be attributed to the ability of this additive to suppress the inclusions due to heavy- metal impurities like Cr3+, Fe3+, and Al3+ that are present in most of the commercially available chemicals. 4 CONCLUSIONS In this work, pure KDP and 2M%-K2CO3-doped KDP crystals were grown by the slow-evaporation solu- tion technique from an aqueous solution at room tempe- rature. Structural studies indicate that both the grown A. ROUSTA, H. R. DIZAJI: GROWTH OF K2CO3-DOPED KDP CRYSTAL FROM AN AQUEOUS SOLUTION ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 695–698 697 Figure 4: FT-IR spectra of: a) pure KDP and b) 2 M% K2CO3 added KDP single crystals Slika 4: FT-IR-spektri: a) ~isti KDP in b) KDP monokristal z dodat- kom 2 M% K2CO3 crystals have a tetragonal system with similar XRD patterns. Optical transmission studies showed that using 2 M% K2CO3 as an additive increased the optical quality of the KDP crystal compared to the pure crystal. Fourier transform infrared analysis revealed the functional groups of the samples. The laser-damage threshold of the 2 M%-K2CO3-added KDP crystal was found to be higher than that of the undoped crystal, indicating the suitability of K2CO3 as an additive to enable KDP to withstand high power intensities. Acknowledgments This work is based on a Master of Science thesis that was supported by the Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch. The authors are thankful to Dr. M. Nikpour, assistant Prof. of Chemistry Department and Mr. N. Madani faculty member of Physics Department, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch for their assistance. 5 REFERENCES 1 K. D. Parikh, B. B. Parekh, D. J. Dave, M. J. Joshi, Nucleation Kine- tics of L-Arginine, L-Lysine and L-Alanine Doped Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate Crystals, Journal of Crystallization Process and Technology, 3 (2013), 92–96, doi:10.4236/jcpt.2013.33015 2 S. Balamurugan, P. Ramasamy, Y. Inkong, P. Manyum, Effect of KCl on the bulk growth KDP crystals by Sankaranarayanan-Ramasamy method, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 113 (2009), 622–625, doi:10.1016/j.matchemphys.2008.07.102 3 R. Kayalvizhi, G. Meenakshi, Growth And Characterisation Of Pure And Methyl Violet Dye Doped Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate (KDP) Crystal, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 3 (2013), 73–77, doi:10.9780/ 22315063 4 Y. Shangfeng, S. Genbo, L. Zhengdong, J. 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Rajesh, Growth and characterization of KDP crystals with potassium carbonate asadditive, Journal of Crystal Growth, 310 (2008), 5341–5346, doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2008.09.019 9 P. Rajesh, S. Sreedhar, K. Boopathi, S. Venugopal Rao, P. Rama- samy, Enhancement of the crystalline perfection of directed KDP single crystal, Current Applied Physics, 11 (2011), 1343–1348, doi:10.1016/j.cap.2011.03.076 10 N. Balamurugan, P. Ramasamy, Investigation of the Growth Rate Formula and Bulk Laser Damage Threshold KDP Crystal Growth from Aqueous Solution by the Sankaranarayanan-Ramasamy (SR) Method, Crystal Growth & Design, 6 (2006), 1642–1644, doi:10.1021/cg050680n A. ROUSTA, H. R. DIZAJI: GROWTH OF K2CO3-DOPED KDP CRYSTAL FROM AN AQUEOUS SOLUTION ... 698 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 695–698 T. TAÑSKI et al.: SURFACE TREATMENT OF HEAT-TREATED CAST MAGNESIUM AND ALUMINIUM ALLOYS 699–706 SURFACE TREATMENT OF HEAT-TREATED CAST MAGNESIUM AND ALUMINIUM ALLOYS OBDELAVA POVR[INE TOPLOTNO OBDELANIH MAGNEZIJEVIH IN ALUMINIJEVIH LIVNIH ZLITIN Tomasz Tañski, Maciej Wiœniowski, Wiktor Matysiak, Marcin Staszuk, Rados³av Szklarek Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials, Konarskiego Str. 18A, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland tomasz.tanski@polsl.pl Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-06-26; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-10-12 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.132 Modern coating systems deposited on surface layers of structural light materials are currently one of the most important issues in up-to-date material engineering, where vacuum deposition techniques are often used to improve the mechanical and func- tional properties of produced surface layers. Presented in this paper are gradient and monolithic coating types: Ti/Ti(C,N)/CrN, Ti/Ti(C,N)/(Ti,Al)N, Ti/(Ti,Si)N/(Ti,Si)N, Cr/CrN/CrN, Cr/CrN/TiN and Ti/DLC/DLC deposited onto magnesium and aluminium alloy substrates with the cathodic-arc-evaporation method (Arc PVD) and plasma-assisted process (PA CVD). Addi- tionally, a thin metallic layer – in micrometers– (Cr and Ti) was deposited prior to the deposition of the final gradient coating to improve its adhesion to the substrate. This work presents the investigation results concerning the obtained surface-layer micro- structures and mechanical properties of the obtained bi-layer coatings (gradient/multicompound) deposited onto light-alloy substrates using the chosen PVD and CVD methods, especially to meet the requirements needed for light-metal substrates – low temperature and duration. The structure investigations of the deposited coating were performed using a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and glow discharge optical emission spectrometry (GDOES); the mechanical and functional properties were examined using the ball-on-disk method for the wear-resistance determination, and microhardness tests were performed for the functional usability of the coatings. The main finding is that the fracture morphology is characterized by a lack of columnar structures in the obtained coatings. The metallographic examinations carried out proved that the coatings were deposited uni- formly over the whole sample, onto the investigated substrate materials; the measured thickness is characteristic for the produced coating type.It was also found that the particular layers adhere tightly to each other and to the light-metal substrate. The investigation results of the up-to-date PVD methods, together with light alloys, led to obtaining new applications, especially in the automobile and aviation industries. Keywords: light alloys, PVD, CVD, structure, properties Moderni sistemi nanosov na povr{inskih plasteh lahkih konstrukcijskih materialov so eden od najpomembnej{ih izzivov v in`eniringu materialov, kjer se za izbolj{anje mehanskih in funkcionalnih lastnosti plasti na povr{ini pogosto uporabljajo tehnike vakuumske depozicije. V ~lanku so predstavljeni gradientni in monolitni nanosi vrst: Ti/Ti(C,N)/CrN, Ti/Ti(C,N)/(Ti,Al)N, Ti/(Ti,Si)N/(Ti,Si)N, Cr/CrN/CrN, Cr/CrN/TiN in Ti/DLC/DLC ki so bili nane{eni z metodo katodnega izparevanja v obloku (Arc PVD) in s plazemskim postopkom (PA CVD). Dodatno je bila nane{ena tanka kovinska plast (Cr in Ti), debelina v mikro- metrih, in sicer pred nanosom kon~nega gradientnega nanosa, da bi se izbolj{ala njegova oprijemljivost na podlago. ^lanek predstavlja rezultate raziskave mikrostrukture povr{inskega nanosa in mehanske lastnosti dvoplastnega nanosa (gradient/multicompound), nane{enega na podlago iz lahke zlitine, s pomo~jo izbranih metod PVD in CVD, da bi zagotovili zahtevam podlage iz lahke kovine – nizka temperatura in kratko trajanje. Preiskave zgradbe nanosa so bile izvedene s pomo~jo vrsti~ne elektronske mikroskopije (SEM) in z razelektritveno opti~no emisijsko spektrometrijo (GDOES), medtem ko so bile mehanske in funkcionalne lastnosti, preiskane z uporabo metode kroglica na plo{~i za dolo~anje obrabne odpornosti ter mikrotrdote za funkcionalno uporabnost nanosov. Glavna ugotovitev je, da v morfologiji preloma nanosov ni stebraste zgradbe. Izvedene metalografske preiskave so pokazale, da so nanosi enakomerno nane{eni po vsej povr{ini preiskovane podlage, izmerjene debeline so zna~ilne za to vrsto nanosov in ugotovljeno je tudi, da se posamezni nanosi med seboj tesno stikajo, tudi s podlago iz lahke kovine. Rezultati raziskav ka`ejo, da uporaba sodobnih PVD metod, skupaj z lahkimi zlitinami, omogo~a nove aplikacije, posebno v avtomobilski in letalski industriji. Klju~ne besede: lahke zlitine, PVD, CVD, struktura, lastnosti 1 INTRODUCTION Dynamic industry development introduces an escala- tion of requirements concerning new needs and working conditions, which facilitateand direct theprogress within material engineering, especially in the case of fabrication and examination of new materials.1–3 Properties of many products and their elements depend not only on the pos- sibility of transmitting mechanical loads through the whole active intersection or the material’s physical and chemical properties, but also on the structure and proper- ties of the surface layer. The use of surface layers, fulfill- ing thehigh requirements withsoft and cheap cores, is a great way of reducing expenses. A wide range of avail- able layers and ways of theirmodification facilitate the design of thebest combination of core and layer proper- ties possible. Modern surface-engineering techniques in- cluding the use of a corrosion- and abrasive-resistant hard material, despite the maintenance of accurate prop- erties, should allow usto combine esthetic values and ecological production.3 With many available techniques of improving engi- neering materials, the physical vapordeposition (PVD), Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 699–706 699 UDK 621.7.015:621.78:669.721.5:669.715 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)699(2016) chemical vapordeposition (CVD) and hybrid methods (which enable a full control of thechemical composition, structure and properties using characteristics of particu- lar methods like CVD, PVD and conventional thermo- chemical treatments – thermal spraying + heat treatment, nitriding or cyaniding + pulsed-laser deposition (PLD), autocatalytic layer deposition + plasma-assisted process- ing) are essential.4–20 Anotherimportant surface engineer- ing technology, applied inlight-alloy processing, is the laser treatment including remelting and alloying.3 These techniques allow us to make layers with special proper- ties (high hardness and tribological resistance combined with constant substrate properties) and the thickness in a range from tenths of a millimeter to even a few millime- ter scan be achieved. A layer obtained with the laser-al- loying or remelting technique has a different structure and properties than those of the base or the alloying ele- ments.3 The morphology of a quasi-composite layer is homogeneous and exhibits a proper dispersion of the al- loying elements into the whole depth except for a very thin diffusion-saturation layer. The aim of this research was to obtain a hard coat for a soft core – such a material can resist different amounts of load (depending on many factors) because of the coat- ing and thanks to the soft core, the internal forces are transferred and reduced inside. In some cases, the corro- sion resistance is also observed, which is very desirable. An important part of the investigationdone on the mate- rial was the examination of the structures and mechani- cal properties of gradient/monolithic coatings deposited with the PVD and CVD methods onto magnesium and aluminum casting alloys after the heat treatment.5,9,16,18 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART The materials used for the investigation includedcast magnesium and aluminium alloys, whosechemical com- positions are presented in Table 1. The deposition of coatings Ti/Ti(C,N)/CrN, Ti/Ti(C,N)/(Ti,Al)N, Ti/(Ti,Si)N/(Ti,Si)N, Cr/CrN/CrN, Cr/CrN/TiN and Ti/DLC/DLC was made within a device based on the CAE PVD method in anatmosphere of Ar, N2 and C2H2; moreover, the DLC coating wasdeposited using acety- lene (C2H2) as the precursor and was produced with the PA CVD method. A gradient change in thechemical composition ofthe PVD coatings’ cross-sections was achieved by changing the proportion of the reactive-gas dose or a variation in thearc-source current. The DLC coating was characterized byavariation in the silicon (Me) concentration, demonstrating that a gradient layer wasobtained. Silicon was supplied to the furnace cham- ber from the gas phase, Ti/a-C:H-Me/a-C:H. Cathodes containing pure metals (Cr, Ti) and alloys of TiAl and TiSi (50:50 % amount fractions) were used for the depo- sition of the coatings. The diameter of the used cathodes was 65 mm. The temperature was controlled with T. TAÑSKI et al.: SURFACE TREATMENT OF HEAT-TREATED CAST MAGNESIUM AND ALUMINIUM ALLOYS 700 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 699–706 Table 1: Chemical compositions oftheinvestigated alloys Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava preiskovanih zlitin Type of material Mass concentration of the elements, in mass fractions (w/%) Al Zn Mn Si Mg Fe Cu Rest Magnesium alloy – AZ91 9.09 0.77 0.21 0.04 89.8 0.011 – 0.079 Magnesium alloy – AZ61 5.92 0.49 0.15 0.04 93.3 0.007 – 0.093 Aluminium alloy – AlSi9Cu4 85.4 0.05 0.01 9.27 0.28 0.34 4.64 0.01 Aluminium alloy – AlSi9Cu 88.86 0.16 0.37 9.1 0.27 0.18 1.05 0.01 Table 2: Deposition parameters of the investigated coatings Tabela 2: Parametri nana{anja preiskovanih nanosov Coating parameters Type of the achieved coating and the applied coating technique PVD CVD Ti/Ti(C,N)-gra- dient/CrN Ti/Ti(C,N)-gra- dient/(Ti,Al)N Cr/CrN-gradi- ent/CrN Cr/CrN-gradi- ent/TiN Ti/(Ti,Si)N-grad ient/(Ti,Si)N Ti/DLC-gradi- ent/DLC Base pressure (Pa) 5×10–3 5×10–3 5×10–3 5×10–3 5×10–3 1×10–3 Working pressure (Pa) 0.9/1.1-1.9/2.2 0.9/1.1-1.9/2.8 1.0/1.4-2.3/2.2 1.0/1.4-2.3/2.2 0.89/1.5-2.9/2.9 2 Argon flow rate (sccm) 80* 80* 80* 80* 80* 80* 10** 10** 80** 80** 20** – 10*** 10*** 20*** 20*** 20*** – Nitrogen flow rate (sccm) 225→0** 0→225** 0→250** 0→250** 0→300** – 250*** 350*** 250*** 250*** Acetylene flow rate (sccm) 0→170** 140→0** – – 230 Substrate bias voltage (V) 70* 70* 60* 60* 70* 500 70** 70** 60** 60** 100** 60*** 70*** 60*** 100*** 100*** Target current (A) 60 60 60 60 60 - Process temperature (°C) <150 <150 <150 <150 <150 <180 *during the metallic-layer deposition, **during the gradient-layer deposition, *** during the ceramic-layer deposition thermocouples. To improve the adhesion of the coatings, a transition Cr, Ti interlayer was deposited. The working pressure during the deposition process was 2–4 Pa, de- pending on the coating type. The distance between the cathodes and the deposited substrates was 120 mm. Just before the coating-deposition process, the specimens were prepared with the standard procedures of grinding, polishing and chemical cleaning using multi-stage wash- ing in an ultrasonic cleaner and a cascade washer, then dried in hot air. The next step was ion etching in the chamber to clean the surfaces atthe atomic scale and to activate them. The parameters used were asubstrate-po- larization voltage of 800/200 V and a period of 20 min. The conditions of the coating deposition are presented in Table 2. The investigations of the microstructures, micro-area qualitative and quantitative chemical compositionswere performed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) ZEISS Supra 35. The cross-sectional atomic composition of the samples (coating and substrate) was obtained by using the glow discharge optical spectrometer GDOS- 750 QDP from Leco Instruments. The microhardness tests of the coatings were made with a SHIMADZU DUH 202 ultra-microhardness tester. The measurements were made with a 10 mN load, to eliminate the substrate influence on the coating hard- ness. Wear-resistance investigations were performed us- ing the ball-on-disk method. A tungsten carbide ball with a diameter of 3 mm was used as the counter part. The tests were performed at room temperature overa defined time using the following test conditions: a load of Fn = 5N, a rotation of the disk of 200 min–1 20.94 r/s, a wear radius of 2.5 mm and a sliding speed of 0.05 m/s. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In order to determine the structures and relationships between the type of substrate and the types of hybrid lay- ers, the metallographic investigation was done under the technological conditions (the soft substrate – the gradient intermediate layer able to easily change the concentra- tion of one or a few components between the base and the surface – and the external layer) of the cathodic-arc deposition, Arc-PVD, and plasma-assisted chemical va- por deposition, PA-CVD processes. The layers obtained with the CAE-PVD technique are heterogeneous, as many drop-shaped micro-sized molecules exist in their structures. This fact leads to changes in the mechanical, physical and chemical prop- erties of the examined layers (Figures 1 to 6). The big- gest surface heterogeneity, in comparison to the other ex- amined layer surfaces, is visible within the Ti/Ti(C,N)/ (Ti,Al)N and Ti/Ti(C,N)/CrN systems, in which a lot of precipitation of the evaporated, metal, clotty drops were identified (Figures 1 and 2). The occurrence of this mor- phological defect is related with the Arc-PVD process characteristics. Depending on the process parameters, in- cluding the kinetic energy transferred to the drops that are crashed due to the metallic base, and the type of the metal-vapor source used, particles varyingin shape and size are observed. It was confirmed that the clotty drops are spheroidal or irregular or they form agglomerates that often include a few equal drops (Figures 1 to 6). Moreover, characteristic hollows that form because of the clotty drops falling out, were observed after the PVD process wasfinished. On the basis of the metallographic observations it was confirmed that the hollows do not reach the surface. On the DLC layer obtained within the PACVD process fine drops, mostly spheroidal, were identified as well (Figure 5). The surface morphology of the DLC layer is different from that obtained with classi- cal high-temperature CVD processes – no micro-gaps or wavy and globular-like surfaces were observed. The smallest amount of morphologic surface defects was obtained with the Cr/CrN/TiN layer (Figure 4). A fractographic examination of magnesium- and alu- minum-alloy samples with the applied layers, done with a scanning electron microscope, showed a sharp transi- T. TAÑSKI et al.: SURFACE TREATMENT OF HEAT-TREATED CAST MAGNESIUM AND ALUMINIUM ALLOYS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 699–706 701 Figure 2: Surface topography of Ti/Ti(C,N)/(Ti,Al)N layer obtained on MCMgAl6Zn1 cast magnesium alloy Slika 2: Topografija povr{ine nanosa Ti/Ti(C,N)/(Ti,Al)N na MCMgAl6Zn1 livni magnezijevi zlitini Figure 1: Surface topography of Ti/Ti(C,N)/CrN layer obtained on AlSi9Cu4 cast aluminum alloy Slika 1: Topografija povr{ine nanosa Ti/Ti(C,N)/CrN na AlSi9Cu4 aluminijevi livni zlitini tion zone between the base and the layer. The layers are compact in structure with no visible delamination or de- fects. They are placed uniformly and they adhere to the base hermetically (Figures 7 to 10). Observations of the fractures confirm that layers like Ti/Ti(C,N)/(Ti,Al)N and Ti/Ti(C,N)/CrN are laminar with a visible transition zone between the gradient and the anti-wear layers ob- tained with different metal-vapor sources (Figure 7). On the cross-section of the Cr/CrN/CrN, Ti/(Ti,Si)N/ (Ti,Si)N layers, in which identical sets of chemical ele- ments of gradient and anti-wear layers were used, no vis- ible differences were observed (Figure 8). In addition, multi-layer carbon coats like Ti/DLC/DLC obtained with the CVD method, in which the gradient in the middle coating allows a variable silicon concentration, do not exhibit any visible transition zone between individual layers. Moreover, in the range of the thin adhesive layer (whose task is to improve the adhesion of the base and DLC layers) is was possible to identify a bright, continu- ous layer of titanium, which was also confirmed with theEDS spectrometry analysis (Figure 9). It was con- firmed that the titanium nitride layer obtained with the Cr/CrN/TiN system has a close to columned rise charac- ter of crystallite that is characteristic for titanium T. TAÑSKI et al.: SURFACE TREATMENT OF HEAT-TREATED CAST MAGNESIUM AND ALUMINIUM ALLOYS 702 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 699–706 Figure 4: Surface topography of Cr/CrN/TiN layer obtained on MCMgAl9Zn1 cast magnesium alloy Slika 4: Topografija povr{ine nanosa Cr/CrN/TiN na MCMgAl9Zn1 livni magnezijevi zlitini Figure 6: Surface topography of Ti/(Ti,Si)N/(Ti,Si)N layer obtained on AlSi9Cu1 cast aluminum alloy Slika 6: Topografija povr{ine nanosa Ti/(Ti,Si)N/(Ti,Si)N na AlSi9Cu1 livni aluminijevi zlitini Figure 3: Surface topography of Cr/CrN/CrN layer obtained on MCMgAl9Zn1 cast magnesium alloy Slika 3: Topografija povr{ine nanosa Cr/CrN/CrN na MCMgAl9Zn1 livni magnezijevi zlitini Figure 7: Fracture of Ti/Ti(C,N)/CrN layer obtained on AlSi9Cu4 cast aluminum alloy Slika 7: Prelom nanosa Ti/Ti(C,N)/CrN na AlSi9Cu4 livni aluminijevi zlitini Figure 5: Surface topography of Ti/DLC/DLC layer obtained on AlSi9Cu1 cast aluminum alloy Slika 5: Topografija povr{ine nanosa Ti/DLC/DLC na AlSi9Cu1 livni aluminijevi zlitini nitride-based layers achieved with the Arc-PVD (Figure 10). The chemical-composition investigation carried out with GDOES and SEM confirmed the existence of the chemical elements of the obtained layers in a depth of 1.4–3.4 μm (Figures 11 and 12). The maximum thick- ness of the layers was measured to beas follows: Ti/Ti(C,N)/CrN ~3.3μm; Ti/Ti(C,N)/Ti(Al,N) ~3.4μm; Cr/CrN/CrN ~1.8μm; Cr/CrN/TiN ~1.7μm; Ti/Ti(Si,N)/ Ti(Si,N) ~1.6μm; Ti/DLC/DLC ~2.5μm. The variation in the bonding-zone character – an increase in the chemi- cal-element concentration of the base and a decrease in the chemical-element concentration of the layer – leads to the conclusion about the existence of a transitory dif- fusion zone between the base material and the layer, which improves their adhesion. Moreover, with the GDOES examination, the decrease zone of the linear concentration of the chemical elements of the layer was T. TAÑSKI et al.: SURFACE TREATMENT OF HEAT-TREATED CAST MAGNESIUM AND ALUMINIUM ALLOYS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 699–706 703 Figure 11: Variation in the concentration of Ti/Ti(C,N)/CrN layer chemical elementsobtained on AlSi9Cu1 magnesium alloy Slika 11: Spreminjanje koncentracije elementov v Ti/Ti(C,N)/CrN nanosu na AlSi9Cu1 magnezijevi zlitini Figure 9: Fracture of Ti/DLC/DLC layer obtained on AlSi9Cu1 cast aluminum alloy Slika 9: Prelom nanosa Ti/DLC/DLC na AlSi9Cu1 livni aluminijevi zlitini Figure 12: Variation in the concentration of Ti/(Ti,Si)N/(Ti,Si)N layer chemical elements obtained on MCMgAl6Zn1magnesium alloy Slika 12: Spreminjanje koncentracije elementov v Ti/(Ti,Si)N/ (Ti,Si)N nanosu na MCMgAl6Zn1 magnezijevi zlitini Figure 10: Fracture of Cr/CrN/TiN layer obtained on MCMgAl9Zn1 cast magnesium alloy Slika 10: Prelom nanosa Cr/CrN/TiN na MCMgAl9Zn1 livni mag- nezijevi zlitini Figure 8: Fracture of Ti/(Ti,Si)N/(Ti,Si)Nlayer obtained on MCMgAl6Zn1 cast magnesium alloy Slika 8: Prelom nanosa Ti/(Ti,Si)N/(Ti,Si)N na MCMgAl6Zn1 livni magnezijevi zlitini confirmed – it proves that the layers are gradient (Fig- ures 11 and 12). The layers obtained with Arc-PVD and PA CVD on the base of Mg and Al alloys significantly increased the microhardness compared to the base material (Figure 13). This phenomenon is caused by the chemical- and phase-concentration change, various conditions, the type of the method (PVD or CVD) and the combination of the layers. The type of base material – Mg or Al alloys – has the least influence on the microhardness (Figure 13). A sig- nificant rise in the microhardness after the precipitation hardening, exceeding 100 % compared to the base mate- rial, took place due totheCr/CrN/CrN, Cr/CrN/TiN and Ti/(Ti,Si)N/(Ti,Si)N layers obtained with the cathodic PVD process and N2 as the protective gas. The layers’ hardness does not exceed 2000 HV according to the microhardness test results, while the Ti/Ti(C,N)/CrN and Ti/Ti(C,N)/(Ti,Al)N layers obtained within the mixture of CH4 and N2 as the protective gas are even harder than 2000 HV. In the case of the 5N load used in the examination, the average friction factor for theDLC coatings (done on Al and Mg) achieved with a 0.05 m/s slide velocity is in a range of 0.06–0.16 (Figure 15). Thisis a decrease in the whole order of magnitude in comparison to the other layers. This state is characteristic for the DLC layers that consist of graphite, which works like a lubricant during the abrasion process. Moreover, a high traverse speed, which causes heat accumulation, is responsible for an easier self-lubrication of the layer, resulting in a reduc- tion in the friction coefficient (Figures 14 and 15). The sliding distance for the DLC coatings obtained on Mg is even 70 times higher than those measured for Cr/CrN/ CrN or diamond-like layers (Figure 14). The sliding-dis- tance values for all the examined layers were in a range of 6–630 m (Figure 14). When examining all the ball-on-disk test results, it was confirmed that the value T. TAÑSKI et al.: SURFACE TREATMENT OF HEAT-TREATED CAST MAGNESIUM AND ALUMINIUM ALLOYS 704 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 699–706 Figure 15: Dependence of layer friction coefficient on the coun- ter-samplesliding distance achieved withtheball-on-disc method on: a) Ti/(Ti(C,N)/(Ti,Al)N, b) Ti/(Ti(C,N)/CrN, c) Cr/CrN/TiN, d) Cr/CrN/CrN, e) Ti/(Ti,Si)N/(Ti,Si)N, f) Ti/DLC/DLC, obtained on aluminum and magnesium cast alloys Slika 15: Odvisnost koeficienta trenja od razdalje drsenja, dobljene pri metodi kroglica na plo{~i pri: a) Ti/(Ti(C,N)/(Ti,Al)N, b) Ti/ (Ti(C,N)/CrN, c) Cr/CrN/TiN, d) Cr/CrN/CrN, e) Ti/(Ti,Si)N/(Ti,Si)N, f) Ti/DLC/DLC na livnih aluminijevih in magnezijevih zlitinah Figure14: Dependence of sliding distanceto the coating damage on the minimum and maximum friction coefficients intheball-on-disc test used on PVD and CVD layers obtained on aluminum and magnesium cast alloys Slika 14: Odvisnost razdalje drsenja do po{kodbe nanosa na mini- malni in maksimalni koeficient trenja pri preizkusu kroglica na plo{~i, uporabljenem na PVD in CVD nanosih, na livnih aluminijevih in magnezijevih zlitinah Figure13: Microhardness examination results forcast magnesium Mg-Al-Zn and aluminum Al-Si-Cu alloys after ageing, PVD and CVD processing Slika 13: Rezultati meritev mikrotrdote na liti magnezijevi Mg-Al-Zn in aluminijevi Al-Si-Cu zlitini, po staranju ter PVD in CVD obdelavi of the sliding distance for magnesium coatings is larger than the sliding distance obtained with the alumi- num-layer dual system; moreover, the results for the DLC coatings are even 30 % better (Figure 14). For the tribological-resistance examination of the ob- tained layers, the charts demonstrating the rotation quan- tity or displacement of the countersample before the coating damage, depending on the friction coefficient and/or displacement of the countersample along the ver- tical axis were created. For all the registered friction co- efficients dependingon the rotation quantity or the slid- ing distance, similar characteristic curves, which can be divided into two parts, were determined (Figure 15). In the first part, a significant increase in the friction coeffi- cient with the sliding-distance increase was determined. It was accepted that it is the transient friction state. The second part of the chart is similar to the stationary state. Large changes in the friction coefficient measured during the examination were caused by a spallation of the sam- ple and counter-sample surfaces. 4 CONCLUSION Gradient and monolithic coatings including Ti/Ti(C,N)/CrN, Ti/Ti(C,N)/(Ti,Al)N, Ti/(Ti,Si)N/ (Ti,Si)N, Cr/CrN/CrN, Cr/CrN/TiN and Ti/DLC/DLC were successfully deposited onto magnesium- and alumi- num-alloy substrates using the cathodic-arc-evaporation method (Arc-PVD) and plasma-assisted process (PA CVD). The layers obtained with Arc-PVD and PA CVD on the base of Mg and Al alloys significantly increased the microhardness compared to the base material. The type of base material had the least influence on the microhardness. The fracture morphology was character- ized by a lack of columnar structures in the obtained coatings. The metallographic examinations proved that the coatings were deposited uniformly over the whole sample onto the investigated substrate materials and that the measured thickness was characteristic for this coat- ing type. It was also found that individual layers adhered tightly to each other and to the light metal substrate. The average friction factor of the DLC coatings (on Al and Mg) achieved at a 0.05 m/s slide velocity was in a range of 0.06–0.16, which was a decrease in the whole order of magnitude in comparison to the other layers. Examining all the ball-on-disk test results, it was confirmed that the value of the sliding distance for the magnesium coatings was higher than the sliding distance obtained with the aluminum-layer dual system; moreover, the results for the DLC coatings were even 30 % better. 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GRUSZKA: ANALYSIS OF THE STRUCTURAL-DEFECT INFLUENCE ON THE MAGNETIZATION PROCESS ... 707–718 ANALYSIS OF THE STRUCTURAL-DEFECT INFLUENCE ON THE MAGNETIZATION PROCESS IN AND ABOVE THE RAYLEIGH REGION ANALIZA VPLIVA STRUKTURNIH DEFEKTOV NA PROCES MAGNETIZACIJE V IN NAD RAYLEIGH PODRO^JEM Konrad Gruszka Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering and Materials Technology, Institute of Physics, Armii Krajowej Av. 19, 42-200 Czestochowa, Poland kgruszka@wip.pcz.pl Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-06-30; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-09-16 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.154 The paper presents studies of the structural-defect influence on the magnetization process in low magnetic fields (H < 0.4 Hc) and above the Rayleigh range. The investigated Fe62Co10Y8B20 alloy samples were obtained with the injection casting method resulting in the amorphous-structure state, which was confirmed with XRD. The studies were conducted by analyzing the disaccommodation of the magnetic-susceptibility process and using Kronmüller’s theory in the approach to the ferromagnetic saturation area. On the basis of the obtained results, it was found that the main factor responsible for the processes of magnetization in low magnetic fields are point defects, whereas in the case of high magnetic fields, the magnetization process depends mainly on second-type pseudo-dislocation dipoles. Keywords: metallic glasses, defects, disaccommodation, Kronmüller’s theory ^lanek predstavlja {tudij vpliva strukturnih defektov na proces magnetizacije v {ibkem magnetnem polju (H < 0,4 Hc) in nad Rayleigh podro~jem. Vzorci preiskovane zlitine Fe62Co10Y8B20 so bili izdelani z metodo injekcijskega brizganja, kar je povzro~ilo amorfno strukturo, ki je bila potrjena z rentgensko analizo (XRD). [tudije so bile izvedene z analizo procesa neustreznosti magnetne ob~utljivosti in z uporabo Kronmülerjeve teorije pri pribli`evanju feromagnetno nasi~enemu podro~ju. Na osnovi dobljenih rezultatov je bilo ugotovljeno, da so pri procesu magnetizacije glavni faktor to~kaste napake, medtem ko je v primeru magnetizacije v mo~nem magnetnem polju proces odvisen predvsem od druge vrste psevdodislociranih dipolov. Klju~ne besede: kovinska stekla, napake, neustreznost, Kronmüllerjeva teorija 1 INTRODUCTION Iron-based amorphous materials are extensively stu- died because of their excellent soft-magnetic proper- ties.1–3 For this reason, they have been widely used in the electrical industry, primarily as high-efficiency cores for power transformers and chokes and also as coatings due to their high corrosion resistance.4,5 In terms of topological structure, amorphous mate- rials have properties similar to those of liquids. The atoms forming the material are scattered in a chaotic manner so that the observation of the long-range order is not possible. When the cooling rate of a liquefied alloy is sufficiently large, the kinetic energy of the atoms is taken so fast that they are trapped at higher energy positions. This results in the density and local chemical-compo- sition fluctuations, and is the major cause of the areas with a deficiency of atoms. This type of local voids are called point defects (by analogy with the vacancies occurring in a crystal structure). In the cases where several point defects are located in a small local envi- ronment, a concentration to two-dimensional defects occurs and it is referred to as pseudo-dislocation dipoles. Point defects and their conglomerates have a signifi- cant impact on the process of magnetization in high magnetic fields.6,7 The presence of structural defects, which are the centers of internal stresses, causes a defor- mation of local magnetization vectors. The presence of structural defects in amorphous materials affects the magnetization process in the area called the approach to ferromagnetic saturation.8 In close proximity to a point defect, the magnetization vectors are arranged in a "streamline" way9,10 which is a potential cause of do- main-wall anchors. A more complicated situation occurs in the presence of a pseudo-dislocation dipole, where the arrangement of individual vectors is not collinear and the centers of the deformation of these vectors are hooked at the dipole ends.11–13 Ferromagnetic materials, especially the ones based on the Fe-Co-B composition are well known for their great soft-magnetic properties, in particular a low coer- cive field and magnetostriction while they are not expen- sive and have a high sensitivity to alloying additives. In the compounds of this type, iron is typically the major part (more than a 50 % amount fraction) while Co, which has similar properties, allows an increase in the magnetization. Boron, due to a significant difference in the atomic radius, improves the glass-forming ability (GFA). In order to further increase the GFA, a small Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 707–718 707 UDK 620.1:67.017:621.318 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)707(2016) amount of yttrium atoms are introduced. According to the literature, a concentration of up to a 4 % amount fraction has a positive effect on the GFA but exceeding this value brakes down good soft-magnetic properties. Using the studies on susceptibility-disaccommodation phenomena and approach to the ferromagnetic saturation area, it is possible to indirectly describe the structural defects existing in a material. This paper focuses on defects – the relations within a magnetization process and shows that despite an yttrium addition of up to 8 %, one can obtain reasonable results in terms of soft-mag- netic parameters. 2 STUDIED MATERIAL AND METHODOLOGY The investigated material comprises chemical ele- ments of high purity (Fe – a 99.95 % amount fraction, the remaining component elements – 99.99 % amount fractions). A two-step preparation procedure was used. Initially, the ingredients were melted using a plasma arc (a working current of ~300 A) under a reduced pressure in a protective atmosphere of argon. The samples were melted several times to ensure a good homogeneity of the constituent distribution. Then the resulting ingot was melted, using an induction furnace, in a quartz tube and injected into a copper water-cooled mold, which was also under an argon atmosphere (at a pressure of 700 hPa). In the radial cooling process, good-quality amorphous solid samples with dimensions of 15 mm × 10 mm × 0.5 mm were obtained. The structure of the obtained samples was examined using an X-ray diffractometer (Bruker D8 Advance, Cu-K). The magnetic properties were deter- mined with an analysis of the static hysteresis loop and the initial magnetization curve, which were obtained from the measurements of the magnetization as a func- tion of the magnetic-field strength using a vibrating sample magnetometer (model Lakeschore 7301). Measu- rements of the initial permeability of the samples were taken over a wide temperature range of 300–650 K. The samples were suspended in a permalloy frame and placed in a quartz vacuum tube with a thermocouple, and the whole system was placed in an accumulative furnace. The disaccommodation-aftereffect intensity defined as Δ 1 1 1 1 0x t t ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ = −  ( ) ( ) was measured in time (t1 – t0) = 118 s with the transformer method. The frequency of the ac field was set to 50 Hz. The samples were demagnetized by applying a sinusoidal decreasing magnetic field of 120 kHz. 3 RESULTS Figure 1 shows the XRD of a sample after the solidi- fication, measured for the 2 angle in a range from 30° to 100°. The diffraction pattern shows only the broad fuzzy maximum, located in a 2 angle range from approxima- tely 35° to 50°. This means that in a sample in the as-quenched state, there is no long-range order and the interactions between the atoms have a close- or me- dium-range character. Such a shape of a diffraction pattern is typical for the materials with an amorphous structure. Then measurements of the static magnetic hysteresis loop were carried out and the result is shown in Figure 2. The observed shape of the curve is characteristic for a magnetic material with soft magnetic properties. Based on the analysis of the static magnetic hysteresis loop, the basic parameters for the magnetic sample were deter- mined: magnetization saturation Ms = 1.27 (T), coercive field Hc = 289 (A/m). Next, an analysis of the primary magnetization curve in the approach to the ferromagnetic saturation area was carried out. Figures 3 and 4 show magnetization curves as a function of (μ0H)–2 and (μ0H)1/2. With respect to Kronmüller’s theory, as a result of the analysis of the primary magnetization curve, it was found that in a Fe62Co10Y8B20 alloy sample the magne- tization process in the area called "Ewing’s knee" relates to the change in magnetization vector directions caused by the presence of free-volume conglomerates. The linear-defect size (Ddip) must therefore be larger than the exchange distance. Assuming that Ddip > lH, the a2/(μ0H)2 law of approach to the ferromagnetic saturation area is K. GRUSZKA: ANALYSIS OF THE STRUCTURAL-DEFECT INFLUENCE ON THE MAGNETIZATION PROCESS ... 708 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 707–718 Figure 2: Static magnetic hysteresis loop for the Fe62Co10Y8B20 alloy Slika 2: Stati~na magnetna histerezna zanka zlitine Fe62Co10Y8B20 Figure 1: X-ray diffraction pattern of Fe62Co10Y8B20 in the as-quenched state Slika 1: Rentgenska difrakcija Fe62Co10Y8B20 v kaljenem stanju fulfilled. Thus, these defects are the main source of stress in the magnetic-field strength from 0.084 (T) to 0.25 (T). Above the (μ0H)–2 dependence, Holstein-Primakoff’s process intensifies, indicating that the further process of magnetization is associated with the damping of ther- mally excited spin waves with an external magnetic field (the b coefficient). The parameters obtained from the analysis of the primary magnetization curve are summar- ized in Table 1. Table 1: Parameters obtained with the analysis of the primary mag- netization curve Tabela 1: Parametri, dobljeni z analizo primarne krivulje magnetiza- cije a2 (10–2 T2) b (10–2 T1/2) Dsp (10–2 meV nm2) Aex (10–12 J m–1) lh (nm) 0.056 6.59 40.70 1.64 3.59 The absence of the a1/2 and a1 factors indicate that the point defects and linear defects of a smaller size had no effect on the magnetization process in magnetic fields greater than 0.4 Hc (above the Rayleigh region). This does not mean, however, that those defects are not pre- sent in the sample’s structure but only that they are insig- nificant for the magnetization process. To investigate their potential impact on the magnetization at low fields, the susceptibility disaccommodation studies were con- ducted. According to Kronmüller’s theory, it is possible to calculate the exchange distance of pseudo-dislocation dipoles (the lh parameter) and the exchange-constant (Aex) parameter. The latter is responsible for transferring magnetic interactions between the nearest neighbors (the energy of aligned spins) and the former describes the size of a defect’s influence zone. The Dsp parameter, which describes the spin-wave stiffness (and, therefore, the ability to transfer the spin torque) is more than twelve times higher (Dsp/DFe = 12.96) than with pure Fe (the largest percentage share in the alloy), which is found to be between DFe = 2.8 meV nm2 at 4.2 K14 and DFe = 3.14 meV nm2 at room temperature.15 This parameter is connected with the atomic packing density (a higher Dsp means a higher surface density16) and it may indicate that linear defects should rather be considered as swellings of voids resulting in an increase in the local density around the defects, while keeping the overall material density low. The thermal stability of the initial magnetic suscep- tibility was also investigated. This parameter is very important and often determines possible applications. For the studied sample, the shape of the dependency is shown in Figure 5. Quite minor temperature-related changes in the value of the initial magnetic susceptibility were observed. A good stability and an almost linear growth may indicate that, in magnetic terms, the material is homogeneous and no other magnetic phases were formed (in accordance to K. GRUSZKA: ANALYSIS OF THE STRUCTURAL-DEFECT INFLUENCE ON THE MAGNETIZATION PROCESS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 707–718 709 Figure 5: Dependence of the low-field magnetic susceptibility as a function of temperature for the Fe62Co10Y8B20 sample Slika 5: Odvisnost magnetne ob~utljivosti v {ibkem polju od tempera- ture vzorca Fe62Co10Y8B20 Figure 3: Magnetization as a function of (μ0H)–2 for the Fe62Co10Y8B20 alloy Slika 3: Magnetizacija kot funkcija (μ0H)–2 zlitine Fe62Co10Y8B20 Figure 4: Magnetization as a function of (μ0H)1/2 for the Fe62Co10Y8B20 alloy. Holstein-Primakoff process Slika 4: Magnetizacija kot funkcija (μ0H)1/2 zlitine Fe62Co10Y8B20. Proces Holstein-Primakoff the XRD). Considering the rather low temperatures region, the conspicuous increase between 325 K and 400 K can be elucidated mainly with the sample’s internal- tension relaxation processes, together with a minor con- tribution of the magnetic-anisotropy reduction. The sharp decline observed near 600 K is associated with the paramagnetic transition when the ferromagnetic order is destroyed. The time dependence of the initial susceptibility after the demagnetization at various temperatures, or the magnetic-susceptibility disaccommodation curve for the investigated alloy, is presented in Figure 6. As can be seen in Figure 6, the disaccommodation intensity linearly rises up to the broad maximum located at about 542 K. Above 542 K, the intensity decreases, which is directly connected with the decrease in the amount of the atom pairs reorienting in the point-defect vicinity. A pair reorientation can occur in two cases: the first one is associated with a reversible process, in which, through energy delivery, atom pairs near the point defects can swap their positions and return to the initial state after the energy reduction, and in the second one, this displacement is permanent due to the major changes in the local space involving a minimum of three atoms. Both processes can occur in the same time and the curve observed in Figure 6 indicates the effect of the impo- sition of these two phenomena. The visible kink in the same temperature region as in the case of the stability of the initial-susceptibility curve (Figure 5) is presumably also caused by the relaxation processes. This phenome- non must therefore at least partially occur through the irreversible atomic-pair reorientation, clearly manifested between 325 K and 400 K (Figure 6). As the relaxation process of the material has to occur through the displace- ment of atoms into positions that lead to a lower total energy of the system, a part of these movements must therefore lead to the reorientation of atomic pairs visible as disaccommodation phenomena. Next, a numerical analysis of the disaccommodation curve was done (Fig- ure 7). The isochronal magnetic-susceptibility disaccommo- dation curve was numerically analyzed using the depen- dence given with Equation (1): Δ 1 3 3 1 1 x I T T e i i mi i l pi pi t ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ = ⋅ ⋅ −= − ∫∑          e t e z z mi z ie e z− ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ − − ⎛ ⎝ ⎜⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟⎟ 2 2    d (1) where the mean relaxation time mi is given:  mi mi pi Q k T T = − − ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ ⎛ ⎝ ⎜⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟⎟exp 1 1  – the pre-exponential factor in the Arrhenius law, Ipi – the intensity of the ith process at temperature Tpi, Qmi – the mean activation energy,  – the distribution width and z mi= ln /  . The results of the analysis of the disaccommodation curve in function of temperature, based on the above formula done using the least squares method is presented in Table 2. Table 2: Results obtained from the numerical analysis of dis- accommodation curve Tabela 2: Rezultati, dobljeni iz numeri~ne analize neustrezne krivulje a 1.095*10–7  (s) b –2.230*10–5 Tp (K) 433.20 2.62×10-15 Ip 5.223*10–6 Q (eV) 1.378  6.9368 Tp (K) 479.17 2.98×10-15 Ip 3.215*10–5 Q (eV) 1.5189  5.0638 Tp (K) 542.87 5.26×10-15 Ip 2.52*10–5 Q (eV) 1.6942  3.7668 The isochronal magnetic-susceptibility disaccommo- dation curve was decomposed into three elementary K. GRUSZKA: ANALYSIS OF THE STRUCTURAL-DEFECT INFLUENCE ON THE MAGNETIZATION PROCESS ... 710 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 707–718 Figure 7: Theoretical magnetic-susceptibility disaccommodation curve (solid line) and experimental data for the Fe62Co10Y8B20 alloy after solidification Slika 7: Teoreti~na krivulja neprimerne magnetne ob~utljivosti (polna linija) in eksperimentalni podatki za zlitino Fe62Co10Y8B20 po strje- vanju Figure 6: Magnetic-susceptibility disaccommodation curve for the Fe62Co10Y8B20 alloy after solidification Slika 6: Neprimerna krivulja magnetne ob~utljivosti zlitine Fe62Co10Y8B20 po strjevanju processes (peaks). The first peak with the maximum localized at 433 K has the lowest activation energy (Q), the highest width () and the highest intensity (Ip). Most of the elementary-pair-reconfiguration processes there- fore require a minimum activation energy of 1.38 eV. An analysis of Table 2 reveals that the peak maximum temperature (Tp) increases together with the activation energy and relaxation time . At the same time, the distribution width and process intensity decrease. This phenomena is probably related with the atomic mass (and also the radius) of the ingredients. Thus, atom pairs with a higher mass or a bigger size require more energy and time for the relaxation to occur. On this basis, it can be concluded that the first elementary process is mostly caused by boron (a radius of 82 pm, a weight of 10.8 u), the second process mainly involves Fe (r. 126 pm, w. 55.9 u) and Co (r. 125 pm, w. 58.7 u) and the last pro- cess, which requires the largest activation energy, is caused due to an increasing involvement of yttrium (r. 180 pm, w. 88.9 u) atoms. Obviously, due to the smallest size and weight of B, this element probably has the largest share in each of the elementary processes, but it should be noted that the pair reorientation involving atoms with extreme size differences, tends to be irreversible. 4 CONCLUSIONS In the radial cooling process, a good-quality bulk amorphous sample of the Fe62Co10Y8B20 composition was prepared. Studies of its magnetic properties showed that despite a notably large yttrium share, it is possible to make the material to be rather soft (Hc = 289 A/m). Susceptibility studies showed that in terms of magnetic properties, the material is homogeneous. Simultaneously, magnetic-susceptibility disaccommodation studies clear- ly revealed a presence of point defects, which are res- ponsible for the magnetization process in the Rayleigh area. Therefore, point defects must also be distributed uniformly across the entire volume of the material. The decomposition of the susceptibility disaccommodation curve in three elementary processes was sufficient to completely describe the pair reorientation, showing the dependence of the activation energy, intensity and rela- xation time on the mass (and radius) of the elements involved in the reorientation process. At H > 0.4 Hc, in the approach to the ferromagnetic saturation area, the initial-magnetization-curve analysis, with respect to Kronmüller’s theory, led to the conclusion that in the magnetization process, linear defects of the second type play the main role. A detailed analysis of the parameters obtained on the basis of this theory showed that the defects of this type can be considered as swellings of voids, leading to an increase in the local density around them. On the other hand, as it is known, long-term annealing below the crystallization temperature leads to a decrease in dis- accommodation phenomena17 associated with the stress relaxation (due to the atom expansion) and defect diffu- sion to the sample’s surface. There are no indications that the linear defects are not subjected to the same processes, leading to their decomposition into smaller point defects. At the same time, no increase in the intensity of disaccommodation phenomena is observed (directly related to the amount of point defects). This may suggest that the linear conglomerates of defects disappear because of collapse-like processes and not due to shredding. This is consistent with the conclusion about an increase in the structural stresses around the linear defects, pushing to fill the voids and, therefore, reduce the system energy. 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PLACHCIÑSKA: EFFECT OF SULPHIDE INCLUSIONS ON THE PITTING-CORROSION BEHAVIOUR ... 713–718 EFFECT OF SULPHIDE INCLUSIONS ON THE PITTING-CORROSION BEHAVIOUR OF HIGH-Mn STEELS IN CHLORIDE AND ALKALINE SOLUTIONS VPLIV SULFIDNIH VKLJU^KOV NA JAMI^ASTO KOROZIJO JEKEL Z VISOKO VSEBNOSTJO Mn V RAZTOPINAH KLORIDOV IN ALKALIJ Adam Grajcar, Aleksandra P³achciñska Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials, Konarskiego Street 18a, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland adam.grajcar@polsl.pl Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-07-01; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-09-02 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.169 The corrosion behaviour of the 27Mn-4Si-2Al- and 26Mn-3Si-3Al-type austenitic steels were evaluated in chloride 3.5 % NaCl and alkaline 0.1-M NaOH environments using potentiodynamic polarization tests. The type of non-metallic inclusions and their pitting-corrosion behaviour were investigated. In the chloride solution, both the steels exhibited a lower corrosion resistance in comparison to the alkaline solution. The high-Mn steels showed evidence of pitting and uniform corrosion, both in the chloride and alkaline solutions. SEM micrographs revealed that the corrosion pits are characterized by various shapes and an irregular distribution at the metallic matrix. Corrosion damage is more numerous in the chloride solution than in the alkaline solution. EDS analyses revealed that the corrosion pits nucleated on MnS inclusions or complex oxysulphides. The chemical composition of the steels (change in the Al and Si contents) does not affect the privileged areas of pit nucleation, whereas it influences the electrochemical behaviour of the steels in the chloride solution. Keywords: high-Mn steel, austenitic steel, non-metallic inclusion, corrosion resistance, pitting corrosion, potentiodynamic pola- rization test Korozijsko obna{anje avstenitnih jekel 27Mn-4Si-2Al in 26Mn-3Si-3Al je bilo ocenjeno v raztopini 3,5 % NaCl in v alkalni raztopini 0,1 M NaOH, s pomo~jo potenciodinami~nih polarizacijskih preizkusov. Preiskovana je bila vrsta nekovinskih vklju~kov in njihovo pona{anje pri jami~asti koroziji. V raztopini kloridov sta obe jekli, v primerjavi z alkalno raztopino, poka- zali manj{o korozijsko obstojnost. Jekla z visoko vsebnostjo Mn so pokazala jami~asto in splo{no korozijo v obeh raztopinah, tako v kloridni kot v alkali~ni. SEM-posnetki so pokazali korozijske jamice razli~nih oblik in njihovo neenakomerno razpo- reditev po kovinski osnovi. Korozijske po{kodbe so bolj {tevilne v kloridni raztopini kot pa v alkalni raztopini. EDS-analize so pokazale, da korozijske jamice nastajajo na vklju~kih MnS ali na kompleksnih oksisulfidih. Kemijska sestava jekel (spremembe v vsebnosti Al in Si) ni vplivala na prednostna mesta nukleacije jamic, medtem ko je vplivala na elektrokemijsko pona{anje jekel v raztopini kloridov. Klju~ne besede: jekla z veliko vsebnostjo Mn, avstenitno jeklo, nekovinski vklju~ki, odpornost na korozijo, jami~asta korozija, potenciodinami~ni polarizacijski preizkus 1 INTRODUCTION Pitting corrosion is a type of localized corrosion. It occurs mainly in the passive state of metals, in environ- ments containing aggressive ions, i.e., chloride anions. The pits are often invisible during the formation stage, but their progressive local damage can lead to an element perforation.1 It is well known that various factors – the chemical composition, microstructure, heat treatment and plastic deformation – affect the pitting potential.2–4 There are many reports that confirm the negative impact of non-metallic inclusions on the corrosion resis- tance of steel.5–7 High-manganese austenitic steels have different types of inclusions, which form during melting and casting. These steels contain Mn, which combines with sulphur, and Si and Al additions with a high che- mical affinity for oxygen (Al also to nitrogen).8–10 There- fore, the presence of various sulphide and oxide inclu- sions in these steels can be expected.11,12 I. J. Park et al.7 observed MnS, AlN, Al2O3, MnAl2O4 and other complex inclusions in Mn-Al steels. ^. Donik et al.5 and A. Pardo et al.6 reported that the Mn additions to stainless steels have a detrimental effect on the pitting-corrosion resistance in a NaCl medium. Manganese favours the formation of MnS inclusions, which are vulnerable to the initiation of corrosion pits. Moreover, its presence drastically increases the corrosion current density of steel and displaces the Ecorr values towards less noble potentials. K. J. Park and H. S. Kwon13 found that the size of the MnS inclusions increased with an increase in the Mn concentration in Fe–18Cr–6Mn and Fe-18Cr-12Mn steels. The shape, composition and distribution of inclusions have significant effects on the corrosion resistance too. The high-manganese alloys belong to a new, ad- vanced group of steels that combine successively high strength and high plasticity due to the austenitic micro- structure. Because of the homogeneous ductile micro- Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 713–718 713 UDK 67.017:549.3:620.193 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)713(2016) structure they can be used for numerous elements of the energy-absorbing structures of cars.14,15 These steels are used as a cheaper substitute for austenitic stainless steels. Manganese (austenite stabilizer) and aluminium can replace expensive nickel and chromium additions. The potential applications also include construction materials to transport different liquid gases with various pH values. However, their real application also depends on the co- rrosion behaviour. Therefore, the effect of non-metallic inclusions on the corrosion properties of the 27Mn-4Si- 2Al and 26Mn-3Si-3Al steels in two environments, i.e., 3.5 % NaCl (neutral) and 0.1-M NaOH (alkaline), have been investigated in this study using electrochemical polarization tests. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The investigated materials were high-Mn austenitic steels with the chemical composition shown in Table 1. Both steels were treated using the same conditions. The steel ingots were prepared by vacuum melting, then they were hot-forged and roughly rolled to a thickness of 4.5 mm. The next step was their thermomechanical processing, consisting of the hot rolling of flat samples in three passes (relative reductions: 25 %, 25 % and 20 %) to a final sheet thickness of approximately 2 mm, obtained at 850 °C. Subsequently, the samples were rapidly cooled in water to room temperature. The flat samples of the 27Mn-4Si-2Al and 26Mn- 3Si-3Al steels with a 0.38 cm2 exposed surface area were prepared for the electrochemical tests in 3.5 % NaCl (neutral) and 0.1-M NaOH (alkaline) solutions. The samples were mechanically ground with SiC paper up to 1200 grit. Prior to the experiments, all the samples were washed in distilled water and rinsed in acetone. The solutions were prepared using deionised water. The electrochemical cell comprised three electrodes. A stain- less steel and a silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl) electrode (SSE) were used as the counter and the reference electrodes, respectively. The electrochemical measure- ments were performed using an Atlas 0531 Electrochemical Unit potentiostat/galvanostat driven by AtlasCorr05 software. The potentiodynamic polarisation measurements were conducted at a scan rate of 1 mV/s. The potentiodynamic scan data were collected to deter- mine the electrochemical parameters: corrosion potential Ecorr and corrosion current density Icorr. The samples after the corrosion tests were polished using Al2O3 with a granularity of 0.1 μm for the scanning electron microscopy (SEM). To reveal the corrosion pits the cover formed on the pit surface has to be removed. Thus, the samples’ surfaces were polished to obtain a uniform surface with pit-initiation sites. The corrosion damage was examined based on SEM observations and EDS techniques. Additionally, the depth of the corrosion damage on the cross-sectioned specimens was evaluated using a light microscope. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Typical microstructures of the 27Mn-4Si-2Al and 26Mn-3Si-3Al steel specimens are shown in Figures 1a and 1b, respectively. Both micrographs exhibit relatively coarse austenite grains elongated according to the direc- tion of hot rolling. The mean grain size is approximately 80 μm. The microstructures reveal the presence of annealing twins, deformation effects and elongated sulphide inclusions. Potentiodynamic curves of the 27Mn-4Si-2Al and 26Mn-3Si-3Al steels registered in 3.5 % NaCl (neutral – pH 7) and 0.1-M NaOH (alkaline – pH 14) solutions are illustrated in Figures 2 and 3. The average calculated values of the corrosion potential Ecorr and the corrosion current density Icorr determined by the Tafel extrapolation are shown in Table 2. Both steels show lower corrosion resistance in the 3.5 % NaCl solution than in 0.1-M NaOH solution. The corrosion current density registered in the chloride solution was higher in comparison to the alkaline solution (Table 2). The obtained data are supported by the similar results of other authors16,17, who reported that the high-Mn austenitic steels show a lower A. GRAJCAR, A. PLACHCIÑSKA: EFFECT OF SULPHIDE INCLUSIONS ON THE PITTING-CORROSION BEHAVIOUR ... 714 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 713–718 Table 1: Chemical composition of investigated steels in mass fractions (w/%) Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava preiskovanih jekel v masnih dele`ih (w/%) Grade Mn Si Al S P Nb Ti N O Fe 27Mn-4Si-2Al 27.5 4.18 1.69 0.017 0.004 0.033 0.010 0.0028 0.0006 bal. 26Mn-3Si-3Al 26.0 3.08 2.87 0.013 0.002 0.034 0.010 0.0028 0.0006 bal. Table 2: Average values of the electrochemical polarization data for the 27Mn-4Si-2Al and 26Mn-3Si-3Al steels obtained in the 3.5 % NaCl and 0.1-M NaOH solutions Tabela 2: Srednje vrednosti podatkov elektrokemijske polarizacije 27Mn-4Si-2Al in 26Mn-3Si-3Al jekel, dobljene v raztopinah 3,5 % NaCl in 0,1 M NaOH Grade Statistics 3.5 % NaCl 0.1 M NaOH Ecorr/(mV) Icorr/(mA/cm2) Ecorr/(mV) Icorr/(mA/cm2) 27Mn-4Si-2Al average value –788 0.090 –392 0.007 standard deviation 6.5 0.007 3.2 0.002 26Mn-3Si-3Al average value –785 0.009 –395 0.005 standard deviation 11.2 0.005 4.3 0.003 corrosion resistance in the chloride medium than in the alkaline solution. In the 3.5 % NaCl solution, the 27Mn-4Si-2Al steel specimens showed a much higher corrosion current density (0.09 mA/cm2) than the 26Mn-3Si-3Al steel (0.009 mA/cm2). This confirms our earlier results from the potentiodynamic polarisation tests.3 It is related to the higher Al and lower Si contents in 26Mn-3Si-3Al steel in comparison to the steel containing 2 % Al (Table 1). It is reported18 that a silicon addition decreases the corrosion resistance of steel. On the other hand, alumi- nium improves the corrosion resistance due to its tenden- cy to form a protective Al2O3 passive layer on the steel surface in solutions of pH ~7 (Pourbaix diagrams).19 All the specimens polarized in the 3.5 % NaCl solution show Ecorr values shifted to less noble potentials (Table 2) when compared to the specimens polarized in the 0.1-M NaOH solution. The Ecorr shift was about 400 mV towards the cathodic direction. The values of the corro- sion-current density obtained in the 0.1-M NaOH were quite similar for both steels. The 27Mn-4Si-2Al steel specimens showed a corrosion current density of approximately 0.007 mA/cm2, whereas it was 0.005 mA/cm2 for the second steel. The better corrosion resistance of both steels in 0.1-M NaOH is related to the fact that in alkaline solutions, manganese precipitates as Mn(OH)2, which is slightly soluble in solutions with pH>13, whereas in solutions of pH ~ 7 the manganese dissolves as Mn2+ (Pourbaix diagrams).19 The morphology of the corrosion pits after the electrochemical tests were studied using the SEM and A. GRAJCAR, A. PLACHCIÑSKA: EFFECT OF SULPHIDE INCLUSIONS ON THE PITTING-CORROSION BEHAVIOUR ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 713–718 715 Figure 3: Potentiodynamic polarization curves of the: a) 27Mn-4Si- 2Al and b) 26Mn-3Si-3Al steels obtained in 0.1-M NaOH solution Slika 3: Krivulje potenciodinami~ne polarizacije jekel v raztopini 0,1 M NaOH: a) 27Mn-4Si-2Al in b) 26Mn-3Si-3Al Figure 2: Potentiodynamic polarization curves of the: a) 27Mn- 4Si-2Al and b) 26Mn-3Si-3Al steels obtained in 3.5 % NaCl solution Slika 2: Krivulje potenciodinami~ne polarizacije jekel v raztopini 3,5 % NaCl: a) 27Mn-4Si-2Al in b) 26Mn-3Si-3Al Figure 1: Austenitic microstructure of the thermomechanically processed: a) 27Mn-4Si-2Al and b) 26Mn-3Si-3Al steels Slika 1: Avstenitna mikrostruktura termomehansko izdelanih jekel: a) 27Mn-4Si-2Al in b) 26Mn-3Si-3Al EDS techniques. The SEM images of the corrosion damage in both steels after the corrosion tests in 3.5 % NaCl are shown in Figures 4 and 5. The corrosion pits are characterized by various shapes and an irregular distribution at the metallic matrix (Figures 4a and 5a). They are formed both at the grain boundaries and within the austenite grains. It is apparent that the pits are initiated at non-metallic inclusions. The EDS analysis revealed the variation of the chemical composition in the interior of the individual pits. For instance, the chemical composition of the particle inside the corrosion pit in Figure 4b showed a high content of manganese and sulphur (Figure 4d). This indicates that the privileged A. GRAJCAR, A. PLACHCIÑSKA: EFFECT OF SULPHIDE INCLUSIONS ON THE PITTING-CORROSION BEHAVIOUR ... 716 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 713–718 Figure 5: a) SEM micrograph of the 26Mn-3Si-3Al steel surface, b) the individual pit interior, c) EDS analysis from point C after corrosion test in 3.5 % NaCl Slika 5: a) SEM-posnetek povr{ine jekla 26Mn-3Si-3Al, b) izgled posamezne jamice, c) EDS-analiza to~ke C po korozijskem preizkusu v 3,5 % NaCl Figure 4: a) SEM micrograph of the 27Mn-4Si-2Al steel surface, b) the individual pit interior, c) EDS analysis from point D, d) EDS analysis from point C after corrosion test in 3.5 % NaCl Slika 4: a) SEM-posnetki povr{ine jekla 27Mn-4Si-2Al, b) izgled posamezne jamice, c) EDS-analiza v to~ki D, d) EDS-analiza to~ke C po korozijskem preizkusu v 3,5 % NaCl places for the pit initiation are MnS inclusions. There are many reports in the literature5-7,20 that confirm that MnS inclusions are vulnerable for the initiation of corrosion pits. Their presence increases the corrosion current density and displaces the Ecorr values towards less noble potentials. The chemical analysis of the corrosion damage shown in Figure 4b also revealed the presence of oxides containing Al and Si (Figure 4c). Similar results were obtained for corrosion pits created in the steel containing the higher Al content (26Mn-3Si-3Al steel). The pits are preferentially ini- tiated along the grain boundaries (Figure 5a). The EDS analysis showed the presence of corrosion pits at parti- cles with the high concentrations of manganese and sulphur, too (Figures 5b and 5c). The resistance to pitting corrosion strongly depends on the quantity, size and type of non-metallic inclusions in the metallic matrix.11 Park et al.7 found that the size of the MnS inclusions increased with an increase in the Mn content from 6 to 12 % in the high-Cr steel. This is why both high-Mn steels contain a lot of corrosion damage. The SEM images of both high-Mn steels after the corrosion tests in 0.1-M NaOH show good agreement with the results of the potentiodynamic tests. The obser- vation of the steel surfaces (Figure 6a) confirmed a substantial reduction in the amount of corrosion damage. The EDS analyses of the individual pit in Figures 6b and 6c revealed a high content of Mn, S, Al, Si and O, which indicates that complex oxysulphides containing Mn, Al and Si are also preferential sites for pit formation in the alkaline solution. According to I. J. Park et al.21 Al2O3 particles have a higher resistance to pit formation than MnS particles. The nature of the corrosion damage was evaluated on cross-sectioned specimens. In the chloride solution, the specimens showed evidence of uniform corrosion. In addition to uniform corrosion, pitting corrosion was also A. GRAJCAR, A. PLACHCIÑSKA: EFFECT OF SULPHIDE INCLUSIONS ON THE PITTING-CORROSION BEHAVIOUR ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 713–718 717 Figure 7: Light micrographs of the cross-section of 27Mn-4Si-2Al steel potentiodynamically polarized in: a) chloride solution and b) alkaline solution Slika 7: Posnetek preseka jekla 27Mn-4Si-2Al potenciodinami~no polariziranega v: a) kloridni raztopini in b) alkalni raztopini Figure 6: a) SEM micrograph of the 27Mn-4Si-2Al steel surface, b) the individual pit interior, c) EDS analysis from point C after corrosion test in 0.1-M NaOH Slika 6: a) SEM-posnetek povr{ine jekla 27Mn-4Si-2Al, b) izgled posamezne jamice, c) EDS-analiza iz to~ke C po korozijskem preiz- kusu v 0,1 M NaOH observed (Figure 7). Other authors5–7,16 observed corro- sion pits in different high-manganese steels after polari- zation tests in chloride solution too. After the corrosion tests in 3.5 % NaCl the maximum depth of the corrosion pits in the steel containing 2 % Al was evaluated to be 15 μm (Figure 7a). Similar corrosion pits were also identified for the 26Mn-3Si-3Al steel. The corrosion damage formed in both steels in the alkaline medium is characterized by a small depth of 5 μm (Figure 7b). However, the quantity of corrosion damage was much lower when compared to the samples investigated in the chloride medium. 4 CONCLUSIONS The morphology of corrosion damage after electro- chemical tests in 3.5 % NaCl and 0.1-M NaOH supports the data registered in potentiodynamic tests. The high-Mn steels are characterized by a low corrosion resistance, especially in a chloride solution, where corrosion damage is more numerous. The corrosion pits are characterized by various shapes and are distributed irregularly both at grain boundaries and within the grains. EDS analyses confirmed that the corrosion pits nucleated preferentially on the MnS inclusions and complex oxysulphides containing Mn, Al and Si. The low density of corrosion damage in the alkaline solution is related to the fact that Mn precipitates as Mn(OH)2, which is slightly soluble in solutions of pH>13, whereas in solutions of pH ~ 7 the manganese dissolves as Mn2+. The concentration of the individual alloying elements was not strongly related to the corrosion behaviour of the steels in 0.1-M NaOH, in contrast to the 3.5 % NaCl solution. The increased contents of Mn and Si and the smaller content of Al are reflected in the lower corrosion resistance of the 27Mn-4Si-2Al, as registered during the potentiodynamic tests. 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AYDAY: INFLUENCE OF Na2SiF6 ON THE SURFACE MORPHOLOGY AND CORROSION RESISTANCE ... 719–722 INFLUENCE OF Na2SiF6 ON THE SURFACE MORPHOLOGY AND CORROSION RESISTANCE OF AN AM60 MAGNESIUM ALLOY COATED BY MICRO ARC OXIDATION VPLIV Na2SiF6 NA MORFOLOGIJO POVRŠINE IN KOROZIJSKO ODPORNOST MAGNEZIJEVE ZLITINE AM60, PREKRITE Z MIKROOBLO^NO OKSIDACIJO Aysun Ayday Sakarya University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 54187 Sakarya, Turkey aayday@sakarya.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-07-01; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-09-09 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.176 Oxide coatings were formed by micro arc oxidation (MAO) on an AM60 magnesium alloy substrate. The effects of Na2SiF6 in an electrolytic solution on the micro arc oxidation process and the structure and mechanical properties of the oxide coatings were investigated. The results showed that the MAO coating produced in the electrolyte with Na2SiF6 was thicker and more uni- form than that produced in the electrolyte without Na2SiF6. The pore diameter of the MAO coatings was reduced by the addition of Na2SiF6, while the coating density and surface roughness were increased. The coating formed in the electrolytic solution with or without the Na2SiF6 had a higher surface hardness than the AM60 alloy and the results of the corrosion behavior for including Na2SiF6 showed better resistance than that formed in the solution without Na2SiF6. Keywords: magnesium alloy, micro arc oxidation (MAO), Na2SiF6, corrosion Oksidne prevleke nastajajo pri oksidaciji v mikroobloku (MAO) podlage iz magnezijeve zlitine AM60. Preiskovan je bil vpliv Na2SiF6 v elektrolitni raztopini na proces oksidacije v mikroobloku in na mehanske lastnosti oksidne prevleke. Rezultati so pokazali, da je oksidna prevleka MAO, izdelana v elektrolitu z Na2SiF6, debelej{a in bolj enakomerna, kot ~e je izdelana v elektrolitu brez Na2SiF6. Premer por v MAO prevleki se je zmanj{al z dodatkom Na2SiF6, medtem ko sta gostota prevleke in hrapavost povr{ine narasli. Prevleka, nastala v elektrolitski raztopini, z ali brez Na2SiF6, ima ve~jo trdoto povr{ine kot AM60 zlitina. Rezultati obna{anja pri koroziji, vklju~no z Na2SiF6, ka`ejo na bolj{o odpornost kot pri prevleki, nastali v raztopini brez Na2SiF6. Klju~ne besede: magnezijeva zlitina, oksidacija v mikro obloku (MAO), Na2SiF6, korozija 1 INTRODUCTION Magnesium (Mg) alloys have been used in many in- dustrial applications due to their high specific strength, low density and excellent mechanical properties. In re- cent years, Mg alloys are widely used in automotive pro- duction, with their low density, good castability and stiff- ness.1–6 However, the poor corrosion resistance of Mg alloys is restricting their applications. That is why it is essential for magnesium alloy products to be protected with a surface treatment.1,4,7 There are many techniques to improve the corrosion resistance of Mg alloys, such as electroless plating, conversion films, laser surface melt- ing and organic coatings. Micro arc oxidation (MAO) is another efficient method to improve the properties of Mg alloys by producing ceramic films on their surface.1,4,8 The MAO coatings have a strong adhesion to the Mg substrate, controllable thickness and other excellent properties, such as corrosion resistance, thermal shock resistance. However, the properties of MAO coatings are affected by the processing parameters, such as the com- position of the electrolyte, voltage, current density, time, etc.1,9 In this work, micro arc oxidation films have been coated on a Mg alloy with and without the Na2SiF6 in an electrolytic solution and the structure and corrosion re- sistance of the oxide coatings were investigated. The properties of the coatings were characterized by scan- ning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results were compared and correlated to un- derstand the influence of the Na2SiF6 in the electrolytic solution on the coating-formation process, properties and corrosion behavior. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Material and coating process AM60 magnesium alloy was used as the substrate material in this study. The chemical composition of AM60 is given in Table 1. Table 1: Chemical composition of AZ91D magnesium alloy (in mass fractions, w/%) Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava magnezijeve zlitine AZ91D (v masnih dele`ih, w/%) Al Mn Si Fe Mg 5.93 0.18 0.02 (max.) 0.013 Balance Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 719–722 719 UDK 620.193:621.793:67.017 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)719(2016) The samples for all the tests were cut into cylinders with dimensions of 30 mm × 10 mm × 10 mm and mechanically polished with 600- and 1200-grit emery papers, rinsed with distilled water and dried in warm air. The MAO process of the sample was coated in alkali silicate electrolyte solution, which consisted of Na2SiO3 in distilled water with NaOH. After that 1%, 2%, and 4% Na2SiF6 was added to the electrolytic solution. The effects of the Na2SiF6 in the electrolytic solution on the MAO process and the structure and mechanical pro- perties of the oxide coatings were investigated. The electrolyte composition is given in Table 2. The surface roughness (Ra) of the MAO coatings was detected using a Mahr, Perthometer M1 surface roughmeter. The thicknesses of the coatings were measured using an SEM and the values of the conductivity for the electrolytes prepared with the base electrolyte and different con- centrations of Na2SiF6 were measured and are shown in Table 2. The oxide coatings were produced at a constant an- odic voltage of 370 V for 30 min. The temperature of the electrolyte was kept at approximately 30 °C using a stir- ring and cooling system and the current density was var- ied in the range of 0.6–2 A cm–2. The samples were rinsed in water and dried in hot air after the MAO pro- cess was finished. 2.2 Microstructure The surface morphologies of the AM60 samples coated by MAO were characterized with scanning elec- tron microscopy (SEM). The phase components of the coated samples were analyzed with X-ray diffraction (XRD) using Cu-K radiation. 2.3 Hardness test The hardnesses of the AM60 and coated samples were measured using an FUTURE TECH-CORP.FM- 700 microhardness tester at a load of 100 g for loading time of 10 s. The average of three measurements was re- ported. 2.4 Corrosion test The immersion corrosion test was carried out in 10 % of mass fractions of NaOH solution for 10 d in an open system, the corrosion products were cleaned in distilled water with an ultrasonic cleaner, all the samples were weighed with a JA5003N electronic balance (accuracy: 1 mg) before and after the immersion test, and the corro- sion rate was calculated from the weight-loss data. The PH of the solution was around 12±0.5. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The SEM microstructures of the AM60 alloy after the MAO treatment for different electrolyte compositions are shown in Figure 1. It is clear that an increase in Na2SiF6 in the electrolytic solution changed the surface morphologies of the MAO coatings. The MAO coating processed for AM60-% 0, as shown in Figures 1a and 1b, exhibits a relatively uniform surface appearance with large pores. Figures 1c to 1f show the morphologies of the MAO coatings when adding 1 % and 4 % Na2SiF6, respectively, and the coatings are much rougher when compared with Figure 1b. Na2SiF6 can change the solu- tion’s properties, such as the solution conductivity, which A. AYDAY: INFLUENCE OF Na2SiF6 ON THE SURFACE MORPHOLOGY AND CORROSION RESISTANCE ... 720 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 719–722 Table 2: Concentration of the electrolyte solution Tabela 2: Koncentracija elektrolitske raztopine Sample code Na2SiO3(g/L) NaOH (g/L) Na2SiF6 (g/L) Conductivity (mS/cm) Roughness (μm) Average thickness (μm) AM60-%0 15 5 – 14.6 2.986 31.2±5 AM60-%1 15 5 1 15.1 3.532 32.6±5 AM60-%2 15 5 2 15.3 3.565 46.63±5 AM60-%4 15 5 4 17.4 3.920 47.63±5 Figure 1: SEM images after the MAO treatment for: a), b) AM60–0 %, c), d) AM60–1 %, e), f) AM60–4 % Slika 1: SEM-posnetki po MAO-obdelavi: a), b) AM60–0 %, c), d) AM60–1 %, e), f) AM60– 4 % plays an important role in determining the morphology and thickness. The sizes of certain pores decrease obvi- ously with an increase of the Na2SiF6 solution, which is considered to be related to the increasing electrolyte con- ductivity.10 According to Table 2, the electrolyte conduc- tivity increased an increase in the concentration of Na2SiF6. Table 2 reveals the roughness and average thickness of the MAO coatings on the AM60 alloy. It can be seen that the thickness and roughness increase with the con- centration of the Na2SiF6, especially after 2%. The coat- ing properties such as thickness and porosity are influ- enced by the final voltage, which is closely related to the solution conductivity. The electrical conductivity of the electrolytes increases with an increase of the Na2SiF6 concentration. The higher Na2SiF6 concentration corre- sponds to a higher current and thus a more intensive mi- cro-arc discharge will occur on the surface.11,12 Before the coating, the average micro-hardness value is about 60±5 HV0.1 for the AM60 alloy. After the MAO coating, the surface hardness increases with increasing Na2SiF6 concentration, and nearly all the coated samples have a hardness of approximately 479±5 HV0.1 (AM60-%1). The surface hardness increases eight times when compared with the uncoated sample The phases identified through the analysis of the XRD patterns for the uncoated AM60 alloy, AM60-%0 and AM60-%4 samples are presented in Figure 2. It is clear that the bulk material is formed of Mg and Al0.56Mg0.44 phases. However, the MAO coatings formed of Mg, Mg2SiO4 (Forsterite), SiO2 (Silicon Oxide) and MgO (Periclase) phases. In addition, it can be seen from Figure 2b that the Mg2SiO4 (Fosterite) is the minor com- mon phase that is present in all the coatings. This phase is formed due to the composition of Si in the Na2SiO3 (present as a constituent of the electrolyte) in the coating in the form of Mg2SiO4. Different phases were not seen on AM60-%4 sample surface when adding Na2SiF6. Figure 3 shows the corrosion rate variation with the immersion time of the MAO coatings in 10 % mass frac- tions of NaOH solution. It is clear that three characteris- tics behaviors occur in the corrosion test, as can be seen from the curves. First of all, the corrosion rate values of the samples were negative at the initial periods. The mass gain phenomenon can result from the re-oxidation and attachment of the corrosion products. Then, the mass loss happened after immersion for about 5 d. After a long immersion period the coating layer and corrosion products began to exfoliate from the samples’ surfaces. Thirdly, the corrosion rates of the MAO-coated samples were lower than the as-cast sample (AM60) for the whole immersion test. This indicates that the samples having the MAO coating with Na2SiF6 a have higher cor- rosion resistance. A. AYDAY: INFLUENCE OF Na2SiF6 ON THE SURFACE MORPHOLOGY AND CORROSION RESISTANCE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 719–722 721 Figure 3: Variation of corrosion rate with immersion time in 10 % of mass fractions of NaOH Slika 3: Spreminjanje hitrosti korozije s ~asom potapljanja v 10 % masnem dele`u raztopine NAOH Figure 2: XRD patterns for: a) uncoated AM60, b) AM60-%0 and AM60-%4 Slika 2: Rentgenogram za: a) AM60 brez prevleke, b) AM60 0 % in AM60 4 % 4 CONCLUSIONS Oxide coatings were produced on the AM60 alloy by micro arc oxidation in different solutions with and with- out Na2SiF6. The coatings produced with Na2SiF6 were thicker than the ones produced without Na2SiF6 for the same parameters. The pores on the surface decrease with an increasing Na2SiF6 concentration and the surface be- comes rougher. The hardness improves nearly eight times when compared with uncoated sample. The corro- sion resistance of the samples coated in the Na2SiF6 elec- trolyte solution can be attributed to the more uniform and compact structure of this coating, which acts as a barrier to the transfer of corrosive ion from the aggressive solu- tion into the coating. The AM60-%4 sample shows the best corrosion resistance in 10 % mass fractions of NaOH solution. 5 REFERENCES 1 K. Dong, Y. Song, D. Shan, E. Han, Formation mechanism of a self-sealing pore micro-arc oxidation film on AM60 magnesium al- loy, Surface and Coatings Technology, 266 (2015), 188–196, doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2015.02.041 2 H. Gao, M. Zhang, X. Yang, P. Huang, K. Xu, Effect of Na2SiO3 so- lution concentration of micro-arc oxidation process on lap-shear strength of adhesive-bonded magnesium alloys, Applied Surface Sci- ence, 314 (2014), 447–452, doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2014.06.117 3 Y. Ge, B. Jiang, M. Liu, C. Wang, W. 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PELIN et al.: MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF POLYAMIDE/CARBON-FIBER-FABRIC COMPOSITES 723–728 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF POLYAMIDE/CARBON-FIBER-FABRIC COMPOSITES MEHANSKE LASTNOSTI KOMPOZITNE TKANINE IZ POLIAMID/OGLJIKOVIH VLAKEN Cristina-Elisabeta Pelin1,2, George Pelin1,2, Adriana ªtefan1, Ecaterina Andronescu2, Ion Dincã1, Anton Ficai2, Roxana Truºcã3 1National Institute for Aerospace Research "Elie Carafoli" Bucharest- Materials Unit, 220 Iuliu Maniu Blvd, 061126 Bucharest, Romania 2University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science, 1-7 Gh. Polizu St., 011061 Bucharest, Romania 3S.C. METAV Research & Development S.A., 31 C.A. Rosetti St., 020011 Bucharest, Romania bancristina@gmail.com, ban.cristina@incas.ro Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-07-01; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-09-10 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.171 This paper presents the production of carbon-fiber-fabric-reinforced laminated composites based on a polyamide 6 matrix using a multiple-stages technique that involves polymer dissolution in formic acid followed by fabric impregnation and high-tempera- ture pressing. The polyamide/solvent ratio’s influence on the interface and mechanical properties is discussed, analyzing three PA6 weight contents of (10, 20, and 30) % in a formic acid solvent. The mechanical behavior of the obtained laminated compo- sites is evaluated using tensile and 3-point bending tests and the fracture cross-section is analyzed using microscopy investigation techniques in order to evaluate the fiber-matrix interface and the composite fracture mechanism. The results show that the best mechanical performance is obtained when using a solution of 20 % mass fraction of polyamide in formic acid, as this leads to the formation of a uniform polymer layer that is able to completely embed the fibers that constitute the fabric and create a strong mechanical interface within the composite. Keywords: polyamide 6, carbon fiber, mechanical properties, polymer/solvent ratio, mechanical interface ^lanek predstavlja izdelavo laminatnega kompozita na osnovi poliamida 6, oja~anega s tkanino iz ogljikovih vlaken, z uporabo ve~stopenjske tehnike, ki vklju~uje raztapljanje poliamida v mravljin~ni kislini ter impregnacijo tkanine in stiskanje pri visoki temperaturi. Razlo`en je vpliv razmerja poliamid/topilo na stik in mehanske lastnosti, z analizo treh masnih vsebnosti PA6 (10, 20, 30) % v mravljin~ni kislini. Mehansko obna{anje dobljenega laminiranega kompozita je ocenjeno z nateznim preizkusom in s 3-to~kovnim upogibnim preizkusom, presek preloma pa je analiziran z mikroskopsko tehniko, da bi ocenili stik z vlaknato osnovo in mehanizem preloma kompozita. Rezultati ka`ejo, da je najbolj{a mehanska zmogljivost dose`ena pri uporabi raztopine z 20 % masnim dele`em poliamida v mravljin~ni kislini, ker to povzro~i nastanek enakomernega polimernega sloja, ki lahko popolnoma obda vlakna tkanine in ustvari mo~an mehanski stik v kompozitu. Klju~ne besede: poliamid 6, ogljikovo vlakno, mehanske lastnosti, razmerje polimer/topilo, mehanski stik 1 INTRODUCTION In recent decades the use of composite structures in both aeronautic and automotive applications has in- creased tremendously. Nowadays, composites represent approximately 50 % of the structure of the Airbus A350 XWB and the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, resulting in 20–25 % reduction in fuel consumption.1 Most composite struc- tures are based on thermoset matrix fiber composites, but nowadays there is an increasing interest in replacing the thermoset with a thermoplastic matrix. This trend is due to problems arising from thermoset composites, such as the high costs of raw materials, high energy consump- tion, extended processing times, non-visible damage, complex repair procedures, recycling difficulties and sig- nificant amounts of scrap.2–3 A thermoplastic matrix of- fers facile recycling possibilities, lower costs and more flexible processing routes3–6, making them a promising solution for the shortcomings of thermoset composites. Commercial carbon-fiber-fabric-based composites for the transport industry obtained using melt and solvent impregnation with thermoplastic matrixes use PEEK, PPS or PEI7–8, which are high-performance polymers that require over 300 °C for the processing temperature, lead- ing to high costs. This study focuses on an engineering polymer, with a high potential, i.e., polyamide 6. Most literature studies present polyamide 6 composites rein- forced with short fibers (carbon, glass or aramid) pro- cessed by melt extrusion9–12, a few studies present fab- ric-reinforced polyamide 6 composites13–14, because of the technological processing difficulties arising from fab- ric-impregnation issues generated by the molten polymer and fiber wet out.15 Moreover, the data concerning the optimum solution viscosity range and the optimum poly- mer/solvent ratio when using the solvent-impregnation method is very briefly discussed, although its importance is underlined16–18, as the rheological properties of the ma- trix are important for establishing the composite’s pro- cessing parameters. This paper presents the production of carbon-fiber-fabric-reinforced polyamide 6 matrix laminated composites using polymer dissolution fol- lowed by fabric solvent impregnation, solvent removal Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 723–728 723 UDK 67.017:621.315.614:677.494.675 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)723(2016) and thermal pressing. The processing and final properties of fabric-reinforced composites depend on several fac- tors, one of them being the viscosity of the matrix used to impregnate the fabric. In this context, the novelty of the study is represented by an optimization study con- cerning the PA6/formic acid (polymer/solvent) ratio’s di- rect influence on the mechanical properties of the final composites, analyzing the solution’s viscosity and its di- rect effect on the fiber/matrix interface and, conse- quently, on the failure mode of the composites. The me- chanical behavior of the obtained laminated composites was evaluated using tensile and 3-point bending tests, the fracture cross-section being analyzed using microscopy techniques to evaluate the fiber-matrix interface and the composite fracture mechanism and to establish the opti- mum polymer content for the impregnation solution. The results indicate that at an optimum polymer/solvent ratio of 20 % of mass fractions, the obtained materials possess the highest tensile and flexural properties. 2 EXPERIMENTAL SECTION 2.1 Materials The matrix was polyamide 6 (PA6) pellets supplied by SC ICEFS Sãvineºti, while the solvent was formic acid 85 % analytical grade, purchased from Chemical Company, Romania. The reinforcing agent was a car- bon-fiber-fabric twill weave (FC) produced by Chemie Craft, France, 3 K warp, with 193 g/m2 fabric areal weight and 1.7 g/cm3 fiber density. 2.2 Obtaining process The procedure resembles a process involving fabric impregnation with thermoset resins, but it is adjusted to allow the use of polyamide pellets as the raw material. The dried polymer pellets were dissolved in 85 % formic acid in three different concentrations, i.e., 1(0, 20 and 30) % (polymer weight/solvent volume), under mecha- nical stirring for 4 h. Each ply of the carbon-fiber fabric was impregnated with the solution and stacked up in groups of five layers. The solvent was removed at room temperature for 48 h and additional traces were removed at 80–100 °C for 8 h. Each laminated composite was pressed using a CARVER hot platens press, following an established temperature program, with a linear tempe- rature increase from 25 °C to 230 °C and 5 min dwell periods at (230, 235, 240 and 245) °C. Because the fabric layers were semi-impregnated with polymer after the solvent’s removal, the high-temperature pressing did not generate impregnation difficulties that appear during standard polymer-melt impregnation because of the fiber wet-out difficulties.19 The cooling took place under pressure down to room temperature. There were obtained laminated plates differing in the PA6 content solution used, referred to as PA6(10%)/5FC, PA6(20%)/5FC and PA6(30%)/5FC, with an average fiber volumetric ratio of 66 %, that were processed into tensile and flexural shape specimens. 2.3 Testing and characterization The viscosity of the different concentration solutions used for the impregnation was measured using an Ubbelohde capillary-tube viscometer (Cannon CT-1000). The PA6 matrix was subjected to FTIR spectroscopy analysis (ThermoiN10 MX Mid Infrared FT-IR Micro- scope) operated in ATR mode and scanning electron mi- croscopy (QUANTA INSPECT F). The carbon-fiber laminates were mechanically tested (INSTRON 5982 machine) in tensile conditions according to SR EN ISO 527-220 at a 5 mm/min tensile rate on dumbbell speci- mens and flexural tests, according to SR EN ISO 1412521 at 2 mm/min, conventional deflection and span length on rectangular specimens. The fracture cross-section was analyzed using SEM and the fracture mode was evalu- ated using optical microscopy (Meiji 8500). 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Viscosity measurement The solutions containing different contents of dis- solved polymer used to impregnate the fabric has to have optimum viscosity, as it distributes the polymer through the fibers.22 The effect of the PA6 content dissolved in formic acid on the kinematic viscosity of the solution was studied at room temperature. Figure 1 presents the kinematic viscosity values of the solutions with three dif- ferent PA6 weight contents, after 4 h of mechanical stir- ring. The viscosity increases dramatically with polymer content, from 34.1 mm2/s for 10 % PA6 in formic acid to 173 mm2/s for 20 % and 898 mm2/s for 30 %. As the polymer content is increased, the viscosity increases ex- ponentially by approximately five times compared to the C.-E. PELIN et al.: MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF POLYAMIDE/CARBON-FIBER-FABRIC COMPOSITES 724 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 723–728 Figure 1: Kinematic viscosity as a function of polyamide 6 weight content in an 85 % formic acid solution Slika 1: Odvisnost kinemati~ne viskoznosti od vsebnosti poliamida 6 v raztopini 85 % mravljin~ne kisline previous value. The dramatic increase for the 30 % con- tent is due to the fact that this value is very close to the homogenous phase-formation limit of a polyamide/for- mic acid system.23–27 The rheological properties affect the impregnation degree and the fiber/matrix interface. If the impregnating solution viscosity is too low, it will pass through the fabric, resulting in polymer coverings that are too thin, while a too high viscosity will not en- sure uniform and large fiber-matrix contact surfaces, as any penetration through the fibers will be difficult.28 3.2 FTIR spectroscopy FTIR spectroscopy was performed on polyamide films obtained after solvent removal from the three dif- ferent solution concentrations to evaluate the chemical structure and the eventual solvent traces. Figure 2 pres- ents the spectra of the three PA6 samples compared to a pure PA6 pellet, all the spectra showing the characteristic peaks of polyamide 6.29,30 There are no significant changes in the spectra of the samples compared with the pure pellet, as no supplementary peak appears, and there are no traces of unremoved solvent, confirming that the polyamide’s chemical structure was not altered by the solvent’s presence and it was fully dissolved. The small modification of the bands from (689.5, 1201.4 and 1464.7) cm–1 can be assigned to the restructuring of the polymer as a result of solubilization followed by crystal- lization.31 The 1200 cm–1 and 1465 cm–1 peaks corre- spond to the amide V and CH2 bending vibrations, re- spectively, in polyamide  or  form, which is commonly obtained when the processing of PA6 in- volves slow cooling32, as is the case here. C.-E. PELIN et al.: MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF POLYAMIDE/CARBON-FIBER-FABRIC COMPOSITES Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 723–728 725 Figure 4: SEM images of the fracture cross-section of laminated composites: a), b) PA6(10%)/5FC, c) PA6(20%)/5FC Slika 4: SEM-posnetki preseka preloma laminiranega kompozita: a), b) PA6 (10 %)/5FC, c) PA6 (20 %)/5FC Figure 2: FTIR spectra of the pure PA6 pellet and dried samples based on different PA6 contents dissolved in 85 % formic acid: PA6 (10 %), PA6 (20 %), PA6 (30 %) Slika 2: FTIR-spektri ~istega peleta PA6 in posu{enih vzorcev z razli~no vsebnostjo PA6, raztopljene v 85 % mravljin~ni kislini: PA6 (10 %), PA6 (20 %), PA6 (30 %) Figure 3: SEM images of matrix samples used to form the laminated composites: a) PA6(10 %), b) PA6(20 %), c) PA6(30 %) Slika 3: SEM-posnetki osnove vzorcev, uporabljenih za laminiran kompozit: a) PA6 (10 %), b) PA6 (20 %), c) PA6 (30 %) 3.3 SEM analysis SEM analyses were performed on the matrix samples in the form of films to evaluate the morphology and ho- mogeneity. Figure 3 presents the images of dried sam- ples obtained after the dissolution of (10, 20 and 30) % PA6 into formic acid. As the PA6 content increased up to 30 %, there are visible areas of undissolved polymer; this higher concentration value being close to the weight con- tent limit of PA6 in formic acid23–26, it probably needs different process parameters for a complete dissolution (e.g., a longer homogenization time). SEM investigations were performed on the fracture cross-section of the tensile tested laminates. Figure 4 il- lustrates the samples with a matrix obtained by dissolv- ing 10 % PA6 (Figure 4a and 4b) and 20 % PA6 (Figure 4c). In PA6(10%)/5FC (Figure 4a) there are several ar- eas where a thin polymer layer uniformly covers the fi- bers of the fabric, but there are also a few areas where the polymer layer is partially detached from the fiber sur- face and there are uncovered fibers (Figure 4b). The dif- ference is significant for PA6(20%)/5FC, in which case the polymer is distributed in a solid layer that covers the entire fiber surface, but its thickness is not as uniform as in PA6(10%)/5FC. Each carbon fabric ply is covered with its own polymer layer. The polymer ductile fracture is distinguished from the fiber’s fragile fracture. 3.4 Mechanical testing Table 1 illustrates the average values of the strength and elasticity modulus, obtained after tensile and flexural testing of the obtained composites based on five carbon fabric plies. The highest mechanical performance in both the tensile and flexural testing is presented by the sample based on PA6(20%). PA6(20%)/5FC has a 60 % higher tensile strength compared to PA6(10%)/5FC, while the flexural strength is approximately 70% higher. These samples also have a superior rigidity, showing a modulus of elasticity that is higher by 35–40 %. The PA6(30%)/5FC samples showed lower tensile and flex- ural strengths and tensile moduli compared with PA6(20%)/5FC, but higher than the PA6(10%)/5FC, while the flexural modulus had the lowest average value for the entire series. These inconsistent results in PA6(30%)/5FC are most likely due to the high viscosity of the impregnating solution that was probably not able to uniformly distribute on the surface of the fiber fabric, supplemented by possible undissolved polymer sites, which although they were melted during thermal press- ing, could also lead to non-uniform polymer layer sites at the microscopic level. These issues generate inhomogeneity and stress-concentration sites that de- crease the rigidity.33–34 Table 1: Mechanical properties of composites based on PA6 (dis- solved in different contents relative to the solvent) and five plies of carbon fiber fabric Tabela 1: Mehanske lastnosti kompozita na osnovi PA6 (raztopljene razli~ne koli~ine v topilu) in petih plasti tkanine iz ogljikovih vlaken Sample Tensile strength (MPa) Young’s modulus (GPa) Flexural strength (MPa) Young’s flexural modulus (GPa) PA6(10%)/5FC 339.2 45.5 436.7 38.3 PA6(20%)/5FC 540.5 63.6 732.6 51.4 PA6(30%)/5FC 505 56.3 571.6 38.1 Overall, the mechanical results show that all the ob- tained carbon fabric/PA6 laminated samples are superior to the ones exhibited by long-carbon-fiber-reinforced PA635–37 that show a tensile strength between 240 and 300 MPa, a flexural strength between 330 and 500 MPa, and Young’s modulus in the range 25–40 GPa for tensile and 20–30 GPa for flexural. Also, PA6(20%)/5FC me- chanical properties are comparable with those presented by carbon-fiber-fabric-epoxy composites38 with extended applications in aeronautics. 3.5 Fractography Optical microscopy images were recorded on the fracture region of the laminated samples to establish the fracture mechanisms that led to the failure and to evalu- ate their behavior when tested under tensile and flexural loads. Figure 5 presents the fracture region of represen- tative specimens from each sample tested in tensile. The identified fracture mechanisms are marked, all of them being classified as classical mechanisms presented by 39–40: (1) crack propagation, (2) layer de-bonding, (3) fiber breakage, (4) fiber pull-out, (5) ply breakage. The PA6(10%)/5FC and PA6(20%)/5FC fractures resemble as three layers are broken by fiber breakage in the same area, the fracture causing layer de-bonding to the next C.-E. PELIN et al.: MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF POLYAMIDE/CARBON-FIBER-FABRIC COMPOSITES 726 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 723–728 Figure 5: Fracture regions of tensile-tested specimens: a) PA6 (10 %)/5FC, b) PA6 (20 %)/5FC, c) PA6(30%)/5FC Slika 5: Podro~ja preloma nateznih preizku{ancev: a) PA6 (10 %)/5FC, b) PA6 (20 %)/5FC, c) PA6 (30 %)/5FC layers, with more pronounced de-bonding in PA6(10%)/5FC. PA6(30%)/5FC presented the most destructive failure, involving several mechanisms including fiber pull out and interlayer crack propagation, leading to delaminated areas. This can be explained by the high viscosity of the solution that led to non-uniform matrix layers, creating stress-concentration sites. In flexural testing (Figure 6), PA6(10%)/5FC and PA6(20%)/5FC did not present any layer rupture until conventional deflection, but the PA6(30%)/5FC presented the rupture of one external layer that de-bonded on a longer length. It is important to mention that although PA6(10%)/5FC presented in general the lowest mechanical performance, its fracture mode was not as destructive as for PA6(30%)/5FC. The optical images complement both the mechanical test results and the SEM studies. 4 CONCLUSIONS The study presents the production of carbon-fab- ric-reinforced laminated composites based on the engi- neering polymer polyamide 6 as the matrix using a mul- tiple-stages technique that involves fabric solvent impregnation with a formic acid solution that contains different contents of dissolved polymer, solvent removal and high-temperature pressing. The aim of the study was to evaluate the polymer/solvent (PA6/formic acid) ratio’s influence on the mechanical interface within the compos- ite and on the mechanical properties. Three polymer con- tents in formic acid were used (10, 20 and 30) % weight/volume, with the rheology tests showing that the solution viscosity increases exponentially. A lower con- tent solution led to a slightly uniform polymer layer that covered the fibers of the fabric, ensuring large contact ar- eas, but because the thin layer was too weak, the lami- nates’ mechanical performance was lower. The highest content solution (30 %) had an extremely high viscosity and most likely did not distribute uniformly, probably generating stress-concentration sites that resulted in a very destructive failure during the mechanical testing. The study concludes that the optimum content is 20 % polymer dissolved into the solvent, as it leads to medium-viscosity solution that supports polymer pene- tration through the fibers and forms polymer layers with suitable thickness and uniformity on the fiber surface. This ensures high contact areas, a strong fiber-matrix in- terface and, consequently, an optimum fiber-matrix load transfer, leading to high mechanical performances in ten- sile and bending and failure modes that do not exhibit a high degree of delamination. The results show that at an optimum polymer/solvent ratio, these composites can represent potential solutions as materials for high me- chanical performance in aeronautics and automotive ap- plications. Acknowledgments This work was funded by the Sectoral Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007-2013 of the Ministry of European Funds through the Financial Agreement POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132397 and by Roma- nian Ministry of Education through the PN-II-PT-PCCA- 168/2012 project: “Hybrid composite materials with thermoplastic matrices doped with fibres and disperse nano fillings for materials with special purposes”. 5 REFERENCES 1 T. Chady, Airbus Versus Boeing-Composite Materials: The sky’s the limit…, Le Mauricien, September 2013, http://www.lemauri- cien.com/, 15.6.2015 2 M. Mrazova, Advanced composite materials of the future in aero- space industry, Incas Bulletin, 5 (2013) 3, 139–150, doi:10.13111/ 2066-8201.2013.5.3.14 3 B. 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DVOØÁK et al.: EVALUATION OF THE GRINDABILITY OF RECYCLED GLASS ... 729–734 EVALUATION OF THE GRINDABILITY OF RECYCLED GLASS IN THE PRODUCTION OF BLENDED CEMENTS OCENA SPOSOBNOSTI DROBLJENJA RECIKLIRANEGA STEKLA PRI PROIZVODNJI ME[ANIH CEMENTOV Karel Dvoøák1, Du{an Dolák1, Dalibor V{ianský2, Petr Dobrovolný1 1Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Veveøí 331/95, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic 2Masaryk University, Faculty of Science, Kotláøská 267/2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic dolak.d@fce.vutbr.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-07-01; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-09-14 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.184 The replacement of primary raw materials in cement production is a current topic. Potentially usable raw materials include recy- cled glass. The disadvantage of glass is its tendency to aggregate. The conventional method for the production of blended ce- ment is separate grinding and then homogenizing the components. However, in this case aggregated fine glass in the cement composites acts only physically and mechanically as a filler rather than as an active pozzolan. An interesting option to prevent the formation of aggregates formed from glass is co-grinding. This procedure is not very common in practice. Various ingredi- ents of blended cements have widely different grindabilities, and it is therefore better to grind them separately. The aim is to compare the co-grinding and separate grinding of a combination of Portland clinker and recycled glass. The grindability was tested on clinker, glass, and blended cements prepared by co-grinding and by separate grinding. The results of the experiment show that by co-grinding the components of blended cement with the addition of 20 % of recycled glass as a pozzolan, a syn- ergy effect caused by the various mechanical properties of the components occurs. The aggregation of grains is less significant than during separate grinding and it leads to a better grinding effect. This knowledge can by utilized in the design and process- ing of new blended cements. Also, co-milling the glass-cement system can eliminate the stage of homogenization, and, therefore save energy. Keywords: grindability, Portland clinker, recycled glass Tema ~lanka je nadome{~anje primarnih surovin pri proizvodnji cementa. Potencialno uporabno surovino predstavlja reciklirano steklo. Pomanjkljivost stekla je, da ima nagnjenost k sprijemanju. Obi~ajna metoda proizvodnje me{anega cementa je lo~eno drobljenje in homogenizacija sestavin. V tem primeru drobnozrnato steklo v cementnih me{anicah deluje samo fizikalno in mehansko kot polnilo in ne kot aktiven pozolan. Dodatno mletje je pomembno za prepre~evanje nastanka skupkov stekla. Vendar pa ta postopek ni tako pogost v praksi. Razli~ne sestavine cementne me{anice se razli~no drobijo in je zato bolje, da se jih drobi lo~eno. Namen {tudije je primerjati dodatno mletje in lo~eno mletje kombinacije Portland klinkerja in recikliranega stekla. Mletje je bilo preizku{eno na klinkerju, steklu in me{anici cementov, pripravljenih z dodatnim mletjem in z lo~enim mletjem. Rezultati preizkusov so pokazali, da se pri isto~asnem mletju me{anic cementov z dodatkom 20 % recikliranega stekla kot pozolana, pojavi sinergijski pojav zaradi razli~nih mehanskih lastnosti sestavin. Zdru`evanje zrn je manj izrazito kot pa pri lo~enem mletju in povzro~i bolj{i u~inek mletja. To dejstvo je mogo~e uporabiti pri na~rtovanju in izdelavi novih me{anic cementov. Torej se lahko z isto~asnim mletjem sistema steklo-cement, odpravi fazo homogenizacije in s tem prihrani energijo. Klju~ne besede: sposobnost mletja, portlandski klinker, reciklirano steklo 1 INTRODUCTION Secondary raw materials represent an ever more fre- quent replacement for primary raw materials in the pro- duction of building materials. The area of cement pro- duction is no exception. In current practice, blended cements are applied increasingly more often. In these ce- ments, the Portland clinker is replaced by hydraulically active compounds or agents with pozzolanic proper- ties.1–3 Glass is chemically and mineralogically very close to traditional pozzolans. Therefore, various types of recycled glass may be potentially interesting raw ma- terials for the production of blended cements. Various authors have described the behavior of finely ground glass in cement composites.4,5 However, due to a consid- erable ability to agglomerate, the recycled glass used as an additive for the cement composite is not reactive enough and acts only physically-mechanically as a filler.4 The common production process for blended cements is separate grinding of the individual components and their subsequent homogenization. This procedure is common in the production of blast-furnace slag cements. In this case the procedure is advantageous because Portland ce- ment clinker and blast-furnace slag have very different grindabilities and it is therefore preferable to grind them separately, and subsequently to homogenize.6 As noted above, fine glass powder exhibits a significant ability for aggregation, which greatly complicates the homogeniza- tion with Portland cement. Therefore, the traditional ap- proach of separate grinding and subsequent homogeniza- tion seems to be less suitable in the case of a glass-cement system. An interesting option to prevent the formation of agglomerates with pure glass is co-grinding of the glass and clinker. The content of SiO2 in recycled glass is only in amorphous form and the hardness is 7 on the Mohs scale. The standard alite Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 729–734 729 UDK 620.1:621.926:621.315.612:621.742.48 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)729(2016) clinker contains four main minerals, and their weighted average hardness is between 6 and 7 on the Mohs scale.7 However, the recycled glass is much more fragile, which means the grindability of both components could be very similar. Various authors have chosen different methods to assess grindability. Most methods are based on an evalu- ation of the ratio of the energy consumption and refine- ment of the material.8–12 An interesting approach is to evaluate the grindability by using particle size distribu- tion curves.6 The aim was to assess whether in the case of a cement-glass system, co-grinding of the component is more advantageous than separate grinding with subse- quent homogenization. The selected approach was to monitor and compare the grindability of the individual components as well as the mix. The method of monitor- ing the impact of the constant grinding time on the parti- cle size distribution curves and specific surface area was chosen for the experiment. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS For monitoring the grindability, recycled glass and Portland cement were used. The chemical composition of the recycled glass was determined by traditional chemical analysis. The modified Chapelle test method13 was used for the pozzolanic activity determination. The modified Chapelle test consists of the reaction of pozzolan and freshly annealed CaO in an aquatic envi- ronment at 93 °C for 24 h. The reaction takes place in a tightly sealed stainless-steel vessel and the suspension is stirred by an electromagnetic stirrer. The result is expressed as the amount of Ca(OH)2 bound in mg per 1 g of pozzolan. The density of the recycled glass was deter- mined by automatic pycnometer Micromeritics AccuPyc II 1340. For the measurement of the specific surface according to Blaine, an automatic PC-Blaine-Star device was used to measure the cell capacity of 7.95 cm3. The determination was performed three times to eliminate errors. The morphology of the particles was determined by scanning electron microscope (SEM). A Tescan MIRA 3 XMU SEM with a secondary-electron detector was used. The Portland cement was prepared in a labo- ratory ball mill by co-grinding of the Portland clinker from cement plant Hranice and the chemo-gypsum Pregips in the ratio 95/5. Milling was carried out to the same specific surface area that was measured on the recycled glass. The chemical composition, the density, the specific surface area, and morphology of the particles were also determined. The blended cement was prepared by co-milling Portland clinker, gypsum and recycled glass in the ratio 76/4/20. Milling was carried out to the same specific surface area that was measured on the recycled glass. As in the previous case, chemical compo- sition, density, specific surface area and morphology of the particles were also determined. The milling in this phase of the experiment was always carried out at a total dose of 5 kg in a Brio OM 20 ball mill at a speed of 40 min–1. The grinding of the recycled glass, the Portland cement and the blended cement for determining the grindability was performed in a Fritsch Pulverisette 6 planetary mill at 500 min–1. A steel vessel of 500 mL and 25 steel grinding balls of 20 mm diameter and a mass of 180 g of material were always used. The grinding times were (1, 2, 3 and 5) min. Then, the particle size distribution was performed on each of these samples using a Matest Air jet sieve. The sieves mesh size were (0.010, 0.020, 0.041, 0.063, 0.090 and 0.125) mm. The Blaine specific surface area and morphology of the particles by SEM were determined on all the samples ground for 5 min. A simple calculation using weighted- average values of the surface areas separately milled components was made to facilitate the grindability com- parison, Equation (1): SBC = 0.8 · SPC + 0.2 · SGR (1) Where SBC is the theoretical specific surface area of the blended cement, SPC is the specific surface area of the Portland cement and SRG is the specific surface area of the recycled glass. Subsequently, a sample of the blended cement was prepared by homogenization of the sepa- rately ground components in the same proportions. Ho- mogenization of the sample was performed using a labo- ratory homogenizer for 1 h. On the resulting samples the specific surface area according to Blaine was deter- mined. The results were compared with the calculation. 3 RESULTS Chemical compositions of the clinker and gypsum are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. Table 1: Partial chemical composition of clinker Tabela 1: Parcialna kemijska sestava klinkerja Component SiO2 CaO Al2O3 Fe2O3 SO3 Others Content (%) 20.29 65.33 5.21 5.04 0.79 3.34 Table 2: Partial chemical composition of gypsum Tabela 2: Parcialna kemijska sestava mavca Component CaSO4·2H2O H2O CaSO4 Others Content (%) 84.00 11.00 2.40 2.60 The chemical composition of the selected clinker is typical for Portland clinkers. In the case of gypsum, it is highly pure with a relatively high humidity; therefore, it should be dried for the cement preparation to reduce the humidity to under 5 % according to ^SN 721206. Chemical composition of the recycled glass is sum- marized in Table 3 and its pozzolanic activity is indi- cated in Table 4. Table 3: Partial chemical composition of the recycled glass Tabela 3: Parcialna kemijska sestava recikliranega stekla Component SiO2 CaO Al2O3 K2O Na2O Others Content (%) 69.25 8.09 0.83 0.41 16.44 4.98 K. DVOØÁK et al.: EVALUATION OF THE GRINDABILITY OF RECYCLED GLASS ... 730 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 729–734 Table 4: Pozzolanic activity of recycled glass with different specific surface area Tabela 4: Pozolanska aktivnost recikliranega stekla z razli~no specifi~no povr{ino Specific surface area (m2 kg–1) 244 Pozzolanic activity (mg Ca(OH)2/g pozzolan) 1112 The chemical and mineralogical compositions of the recycled glass resemble a classic pozzolan. The sample of recycled glass with a specific surface area of 244 m2 kg–1 reached a pozzolanic activity of 1112 mg Ca(OH)2/1 g in a modified Chapelle test. An overview of the properties of the raw materials on the grindability are included in Table 5. All the pre-grinding was made on a ball mill to ensure roughly the same surface area as the recycled glass. Table 5: Overview of input materials Tabela 5: Pregled vhodnih materialov Material Compo-nents (%) Pre- ground Density (kg/m3) Specific surface area (m2 kg–1) Portland cement Clinker 95 Yes 3081 250 Gypsum 5 Glass Glass 100 No 2458 244 Blended cement Clinker 76 Yes 2952 247Gypsum 4 Glass 20 All the input materials were then ground in a planetary mill for (1, 2, 3 and 5) min with a rotational speed of 500 min–1. Each sample was then examined with a sieve analysis. The results are summarized in Fig- ures 1 to 5. From the size distribution curves of the input materi- als it is evident that although the specific surface area is similar, the recycled glass is much coarser. This is caused by the different shapes of the grains in the recy- K. DVOØÁK et al.: EVALUATION OF THE GRINDABILITY OF RECYCLED GLASS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 729–734 731 Figure 4: Size distribution after 3 min Slika 4: Razporeditev velikosti po 3 min Figure 1: Size distribution of input materials Slika 1: Razporeditev velikosti vhodnih materialov Figure 2: Size distribution after 1 min Slika 2: Razporeditev velikosti po1 min Figure 3: Size distribution after 2 min Slika 3: Razporeditev velikosti po 2 min cled glass, Portland cement and blended cement, as seen in Figures 6 to 8. The curves of the particle size distribu- tion of the grinded materials indicate that the grindability of the recycled glass and the Portland cement is similar for selected time intervals. However, by co-grinding these materials, the grinding effect was stronger. The images taken by scanning electron microscopy before and after the grinding of the components are K. DVOØÁK et al.: EVALUATION OF THE GRINDABILITY OF RECYCLED GLASS ... 732 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 729–734 Figure 8: SEM image of RG: a) before and b) after grinding Slika 8: SEM-posnetek RG: a) pred in b) po mletju Figure 6: SEM image of BC: a) before and b) after grinding Slika 6: SEM-posnetek BC: a) pred in b) po mletju Figure 5: Size distribution after 5 min Slika 5: Razporeditev velikosti po 5 min Figure 7: SEM image of PC: a) before and b) after grinding Slika 7: SEM-posnetek PC: a) pred in b) po mletju shown in Figures 6 to 8. BC is an abbreviation for blended cement, PC for Portland cement and RG for re- cycled glass. The Blaine specific surface area was determined on all the samples ground for 5 min. The results of the mea- surement and the calculated specific surface area are summarized in Table 6. SBC = 0.8 · SPC + 0.2 · SGR SBC = 0.8 · 500 + 0.2 ·517 = 503.4 Table 6: Change of specific surface area before and after 5 min of grinding Tabela 6: Sprememba specifi~ne povr{ine, pred in po 5 min mletju Component Cement Glass Blended c (to- gether) Blended c (sepa- rate) Blended c (calcu- lation) Specific sur- face area be- fore g (m2/kg) 250 244 247 – – Specific sur- face area after g (m2/kg) 500 517 532 504 503.4 Specific surface area of separate grinded blended ce- ment corresponds with the calculation. In the case of co-grinded blended cement the specific surface area is considerably higher. 4 DISCUSSION The chemical and mineralogical compositions of the recycled glass resemble a classic pozzolan. The sample of recycled glass with a specific surface area of 244 m2 kg–1 reached a pozzolanic activity of 1112 mg Ca(OH)2/1 g in a modified Chapelle test. The pozzolan activity of the chosen recycled material can be rated as high, because classic pozzolans such as fly ash reach values of 700 mg to 850 mg.14 Therefore, it can be stated that this is a pro- mising pozzolanic material. The chemical composition of the selected clinker is typical for Portland clinkers with a large amount of tricalcium silicate.7 In the case of gypsum, it is a highly pure by-product gypsum from the production of titanium dioxide. The grain morphology of the Portland cement and glass, which were adjusted to the same initial surface area and were used as the input for the grindability tests, are significantly different. Unlike Portland cement, recy- cled glass consists of grains with a substantially sharp- edged morphology. This grain shape can be explained by the high fragility and amorphous structure of the glass.15 From the measured values of the balances of the raw ma- terials on the sieves, the statement can be made that with a low surface area and larger grain size, Portland cement is milled the best. Glass is indeed fragile, but has a higher tendency to aggregate the particles.15,16 This phe- nomenon can affect the outcome of the determination of the particle size distribution during the early stages of grinding. As shown in Figures 2 to 5, with increasing surface area, blended cement is ground more intensively than recycled glass or Portland cement. Increased effi- ciency co-milling is caused by the different mechanical properties of the clinker and the glass.7,15 When recycled glass is milled separately, it preserves the delicate char- acter and this leads to its rapid disintegration. Neverthe- less, the distinctive ability of aggregation and agglomera- tion negatively affects the final particle size distribution, as evidenced in Figure 8. In the case of clinker, the abil- ity to aggregate and agglomerate is lower.17 Because of the chemical and mineralogical compositions of the grains they are more able to compensate for the impacts of the grinding elements. This affects the particle size distribution. The co-milling of cement and recycled glass leads to a better milling effect, since the above-described phenomena are compensated, plus the clinker grains are functioning as an additional grinding medium. This is re- flected not only in the resulting particle size distribution obtained on specific surfaces, but also in a better homo- geneity of mixed cement. The synergistic effect of co-milling in the case of cement glass was proved by the simple calculation model of weighted averages for the results of the separately ground materials’ surface areas. The result of the calculation, 503.4 m2 kg–1, correlated well with the experimentally measured value of the spe- cific surface area of the blended cement composed of separately milled components, i.e., 504 m2 kg–1. By joint grinding of the blended cement in same grinding condi- tions, a much larger specific surface area has been achieved, i.e., 532 m2 kg–1. 5 CONCLUSION The pozzolanic activity of the fine recycled glass is relatively high. It reaches higher levels of pozzolanic ac- tivity than traditional ash, and on a significantly lower surface area. The distribution of particles of recycled glass and Portland cement measured by sieve analysis with separate grinding is similar. The synergistic effect of co-milling was demonstrated in comparison with a blended cement prepared by the homogenization of sepa- rately ground materials. This phenomenon is caused by the fact that the negatives associated with separate grind- ing of the individual materials are suppressed. Another advantage of co-milling the glass-cement system is en- ergy saving, by eliminating the stage of homogenization. Based on the results obtained, recycled glass appears as a potentially useful pozzolan for the preparation of blended cements by co-milling with cement. Acknowledgment This work was financially supported by project num- ber: 15-08755S "Study of effects of samples preparation on inorganic binders final properties" and project No. LO1408 "AdMaS UP – Advanced Materials, Structures and Technologies", supported by Ministry of Education, K. DVOØÁK et al.: EVALUATION OF THE GRINDABILITY OF RECYCLED GLASS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 729–734 733 Youth and Sports under the National Sustainability Programme I. 5 REFERENCES 1 C. Meyer, Y. Xi, Use of recycled glass and fly ash for precast con- crete, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 11 (1999), 89–90, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0899-1561(1999)11:2(89) 2 D. 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SZYMANSKA et al.: RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF ALUMINA CERAMIC SLURRIES FOR CERAMIC ... 735–738 RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF ALUMINA CERAMIC SLURRIES FOR CERAMIC SHELL-MOULD FABRICATION REOLO[KE LASTNOSTI GO[^E IZ GLINICE ZA IZDELAVO KERAMI^NIH KALUPOV Joanna Szymañska, Pawe³ Wiœniewski, Marcin Ma³ek, Jaros³aw Mizera Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Woloska Street 141, 02-507 Warsaw, Poland joanna.szymanska.pl@gmail.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-07-01; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-09-15 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.188 This research is about the properties of ceramic slurries prepared from hydrous nano-alumina-based binder and a corundum matrix used for fabricating the prime coat of ceramic shell moulds. Solid-state alumina powders with different granulations were used. The modification of the technological properties of the prepared slurries was based on additions of a polyacrylic binder with different amounts of polymer with respect to the alumina for different powder ratios. The slurries were prepared and tested in a mechanical mixer. During the slurry preparation (within 96 h), the plate weight, Zahn cup 4# viscosity and dynamic viscosity were controlled. The morphology and chemical properties of corundum powders and polymer were characterized with SEM and powder-grain-size distribution. The obtained results of the corundum-based ceramic slurries indicate that the application of a polymeric binder with various concentrations based on nano-alumina oxides causes different properties in comparison to the other commonly used binders. Keywords: ceramic slurries, investment casting, shell moulds, alumina powder Raziskava obsega lastnosti kerami~nih go{~, pripravljenih iz nanoglini~nega veziva na vodni osnovi in korundne osnove, uporabljenih za prvo prevleko pri izdelavi kerami~nih tankostenskih form. Uporabljen je bil prah glinice v trdnem stanju, z razli~no zrnatostjo. Spreminjanje tehnolo{kih lastnosti pripravljene go{~e je temeljilo na dodatku poliakrilnega veziva z razli~no vsebnostjo polimerov, glede na glinico pri razli~nih razmerjih praha. Go{~e so bile pripravljene in preizku{ene v mehanskem me{alniku. Med pripravo go{~e (v okviru 96 h), je bila kontrolirana te`a plo{~, viskoznost 4# z Zahn potopnim viskozimetrom in dinami~na viskoznost. Morfologija in kemijske lastnosti korundnih prahov in polimerov so bile dolo~ene s SEM in z razporeditvijo velikosti zrn. Dobljeni rezultati kerami~nih go{~ na osnovi korunda ka`ejo, da se z uporabo polimernega veziva in razli~ne koncentracije nanoglinice, dose`e razli~ne lastnosti v primerjavi s standardno uporabljanimi vezivi. Klju~ne besede: kerami~na go{~a, precizijsko litje, tankostenska forma, glinica v prahu 1 INTRODUCTION The investment-casting process is commonly applied in the manufacturing of the materials for the aviation, energy and military industries. The limiting components (flight safety parts) such as aircraft turbine blades characterized by complicated shapes are cast with the Bridgman method.1 A commonly applied technique is the lost-wax processing including the use of ceramic shells. It determines the precise shape, dimensional accuracy, appropriate structure and metallurgic purity of designed parts. So far, ceramic shell moulds were fabricated on the basis of colloidal silica. However, the presence of SiO2 in the prime coat during the Ni- or Co-superalloy casting causes a reaction with the liquid metal at a high temperature, inducing an oxidation of the reactive metal such as Hf. Such an adverse phenomenon reduces the quality of the properties of cast parts, affecting its exploitation time.2 The basic components for a ceramic slurry are binders and fillers in the form of ceramic powders and supportive materials. A commonly used binder is hydro- lyzed tetraethylorthosilicate together with organic com- pounds of silicon.3 However, pure ethyl silicate does not have the binding capacity. Water-based binders dry more slowly than alcohol-based ones. Consequently, there is a time elongation enabling the control of the surface smoothness, permeability, strength and dimensional stability of the model.4,5 A proper selection of powder for ceramic shell moulds and their parameters such as the kind, shape and size of particles affect the final characteristics of the cast elements.6 Ceramic powders present a thermal resistance, a slight thermal expansion and a lack of polymorphic transitions. Deflocculants, softeners and surfactants mainly deter- mine the rheological properties of ceramic slurries.3 It was found that a nano-Al2O3-based binder does not react with Ni-alloy components. Moreover, such a binder demonstrates a higher melting point and a larger surface area than other inorganic solvents. It is also characterized by an improved dispersion of the particles in water, thus allowing the control of rheological properties by preventing the sedimentation of heavy particles in a cera- mic slurry.6,7 This is why such a binder can be applied instead of the colloidal silica-based binder. Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 735–738 735 UDK 67.017:666.122.3:666.7 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)735(2016) The main aim of the following research was to examine and define the properties of a nano-aluminum- oxide-based binder and a corundum matrix using a polymeric binder with various concentrations. 2 MATERIALS AND EXPERIMENTAL METHODS The subject of this research was a powder of Al2O3 with granulation of 0–30 and 200 mesh (Treibacher) characterized by the average size of 11.79 and 45.00 μm, respectively. Solvent, binder and a hydrous polymer were dispersed in colloidal Al2O3 with a particle size of 16 nm (Imerys, Evonik). The additive material applied to modify the rheological properties of the slurry was a poly acrylic polymer (Imerys, Evonik). Ceramic slurries with a solid phase content of 72.5 % by weight and polymer amounts of (6, 10, 15) % mass fractions with respect to the alumina for different powder ratios of 35:65 and 65:35 (200:030 mesh) were prepared in a mechanical mixer within 96 h with a speed of 160 min–1. During the slurry preparation, the pH (with the use of a pH meter), plate weight and Zahn cup 4# viscosity were checked every 24 h. These measurements are fundamental for the investment-casting industry. After 96 h of mixing, rheological properties such as dynamic viscosity were also defined with a Brookfield DV-II rheometer with the spindle rotating in a speed range of 1–200–1 min–1. All the measurements were taken in an air-conditioned lab at 21 °C. To characterize the morphology of the corundum powders and the polymer, SEM images were taken with a Hitachi SU70 scanning electron microscope and a BSE detector at a voltage of 5 kV. A particle-size test was done using a Horiba LA-950 laser diffraction device (Hitachi, Japan). The plate test was based on immersing the plate (7.5×7.5 cm) in the moulding mass and estimating its weight after 120 s. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The morphology of the powder based on the SEM analysis of #200 and #0–30 indicated typical structures of molten powders with angular-shaped particles. The obtained results shown on Figure 1 prove that the lowest plate values correspond to 6 % of mass frac- tions of the polymer content for a powder ratio of 35:65. The largest ones were noticed for the slurries with 6 and 15 % of mass fractions of the polymer content at a pro- portion of 65:35. The highest plate stability was obtained for the slurries with 15 % of mass fractions of polymer addition (65:35) and 10 % of mass fractions of polymer content (35:65). The values of the plate weight con- trolled on the last days of the measurements were in a range of 1.7–2.4 g. The measurements of the plate weight revealed a correlation with the polymer content: a 6 % of mass fraction of the polymer addition resulted in the highest weight value, equal to 2.40 g; this value was slightly lower in the case of a 15 % of mass fraction of the polymer content and the lowest for a 10 % of mass fraction of the polymer amount. Zahn Cup 4# measurements showed (Figure 2) the lowest values (13–15 s) for the slurry with the 6 % of mass fraction of the polymer at the 35:65 ratio. The highest viscosity was noticed for the slurry with the 15 % of mass fraction at a powder ratio of 65:32. In this case, there was also a rapid viscosity change from 32 s (noticed on the first day) to 21 s after 96 h. The viscosity was stable during the whole ceramic-slurry preparation process for 6 (at 65:35) and 10 % of of mass fractions (at 35:65). The obtained results shown on Figure 3 indicate sta- bility of all the measured slurries within the measure- ment time. The lowest values were noticed for the slurries with 10 % of mass fractions of the polymer content at the 65:35 ratio and for 6 of % of mass fractions of the polymer addition at the 35:65 powder proportion. The thickness values estimated after 96 h oscillated from 0.12 to 16 mm. Moreover, the slurries J. SZYMAÑSKA et al.: RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF ALUMINA CERAMIC SLURRIES FOR CERAMIC ... 736 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 735–738 Figure 2: Relation between Zahn cup 4# viscosity and stirring time for ceramic slurries with 72.5 % of mass fractions of solid content for different polymer contents at 35:65 and 65:35 powder ratios (200:030) Slika 2: Razmerje med Zahn viskoznostjo 4# in ~asom me{anja kera- mi~ne go{~e z 72,5 % trdnega masnega dele`a, pri razli~ni vsebnosti polimera in razmerju prahov 35:65 in 65:35, mre`a (200:030) Figure 1: Relation between plate weight and stirring time for ceramic slurries with solid-content mass fraction of 72.5 % for different polymer contents at 35:65 and 65:35 powder ratios (200:030) Slika 1: Razmerje med te`o plo{~e in ~asom me{anja go{~e z vsebnostjo 72,5 % trdnega masnega dele`a, pri razli~nih vsebnostih polimera in razmerju prahov 35:65 in 65:35 (200:030) with 6 and 10 % of mass fractions of the polymer content were characterized as similar according to the viscosity level. The measurements of the ceramic-slurry dynamic viscosity are shown on Figures 4 do 6 where the rela- tionship between the shear rate and viscosity is pre- sented. As seen on the diagrams, additions of different concentrations of polymers to the ceramic slurries of Al2O3, with two powder ratios, determine their viscosity. The obtained results indicate that the application of 10 % of mass fractions of polymer at the 35:65 powder ratio causes the largest increase in the dynamic viscosity where the maximum value is 763 MPa s. The most effective was the addition of 6 % of mass fraction of polymer at the 35:65 powder ratio resulting in the lowest dynamic-viscosity value of 321.12 MPa s. 4 CONCLUSION The Al2O3 powder characterized by irregularly shaped particles with sharp edges demonstrates the ability to agglomerate, resulting in a non-uniform par- ticle-size distribution. The Zahn cup viscosity (7.35 s) is slightly larger in comparison to water viscosity (5.83 s), thus the Al2O3 particle dispersion in the binder is faci- litated. In addition, a relatively large content of the solid phase in a slurry reduces the coat shrinkage during the drying process and enhances its strength. The properties of the coating surface may be improved by increasing the plate weight. An addition of a poly acrylic polymer at the lowest content to the alumina powders with various granulation values allows a regulation of the rheological properties of the ceramic slurry towards more effective ceramic shell-mould fabrication. The investigated slurries show standard features in the investment-casting process on an industrial scale. They are prospective for future shell-mould fabrication. Acknowledgement The financial support from the Structural Funds for the Operational Programme Innovative Economy (IE OP) provided by the European Regional Development Fund – Project "Modern material technologies in aero- J. SZYMAÑSKA et al.: RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF ALUMINA CERAMIC SLURRIES FOR CERAMIC ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 735–738 737 Figure 6: Relation between viscosity and shear rate of Al2O3 ceramic slurries with 72.5 % of mass fractions of solid content for 15 % of mass fractions of polymer content at two powder ratios, 35:65 and 65:35 (200:030 mesh) Slika 6: Odvisnost med viskoznostjo in stri`no hitrostjo Al2O3 kerami~ne go{~e z 72,5 % masnim dele`em trdnega pri 15 % masnega dele`a polimera, pri dveh razmerjih zrnatosti prahov 35:65 in 65:35, mre`a (200:300) Figure 4: Relation between viscosity and shear rate of Al2O3 ceramic slurries with 72.5 % of mass fractions of solid content for 6 % of mass fractions of polymer content at two powder ratios, 35:65 and 65:35 (200:030 mesh) Slika 4: Odvisnost med viskoznostjo in stri`no hitrostjo Al2O3 kerami~ne go{~e z 72,5 % dele`em trdnega pri 6 % masnega dele`a polimera, pri dveh razmerjih zrnatosti prahov 35:65 in 65:35, mre`a (200:030) Figure 5: Relation between viscosity and shear rate of Al2O3 ceramic slurries with 72.5 % of mass fractions of solid content for 10 % of mass fractions of polymer content at two powder ratios, 35:65 and 65:35 (200:030 mesh) Slika 5: Odvisnost med viskoznostjo in stri`no hitrostjo Al2O3 kerami~ne go{~e z 72,5 % masnim dele`em trdnega pri 10 % masnega dele`a polimera, pri dveh razmerjih zrnatosti prahov 35:65 in 65:35, mre`a (200:030) Figure 3: Coating thickness (H) dependence on time for the slurries with 72.5 % of mass fractions of solid content for (6, 10, 15) % of mass fractions of polymer content at two powder ratios, 35:65 and 65:35 (200:030 mesh) Slika 3: Debelina nanosa (H) v odvisnosti od ~asa pri go{~i z 72, 5 % masnim dele`em trdnega in pri vsebnosti (6, 10 , 15) % masnega dele`a polimera, pri dveh razmerjih prahov 35:65 in 65:35, mre`a (200:030) space industry", Nr POIG.01.01.02-00-015/08-00, is gratefully acknowledged. 5 REFERENCES 1 S. Roskosz, Relationship between mould’s technology and structure of investment cast nickel based superalloys, In¿ynieria Materia³owa, 29 (2008) 4, 375–379, doi:bwmeta1.element.baztech-article- BPL8-0006-0070 2 H. Matysiak, J. Ferenc, J. Michalski, Z. Lipiñski, G. Jakubowicz, K. J. Kurzyd³owski, Porosity and strength of ceramic shell moulds used in investment casting process by Bridgman method, In¿ynieria Materia³owa, 32 (2011) 1, 17–21, doi:bwmetal.element.baztech- cle4cb00-4f01-476e-8401-81df9ad0e967 3 J. Raabe, E. Bobryk, Functional Ceramics, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, 1997 4 R. Haratym, Investment casting processes for ceramic shell moulds, Warszawa 1997 5 S. Jones, C. Yuan, Advances in shell moulding for investment cast- ing, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 135 (2003) 2–3, 258–265, doi:10.1016/S0924-0136(02)00907-X 6 M. Zagórska, P. Wiœniewski, H. Matysiak, K. Kwapiszewska, J. Ferenc-Dominik, J. Michalski, K. J. Kurzyd³owski, The influence of polymer binder, based on nano-Al2O3 dispersion, on the properties of ceramic slurries used in the investment casting, Euromat, 2011 7 M. R. Ismael, R. D. Dos Anjos, R. Salomao, V. C. Pandolffelli, Colloidal silica as a nanostructured binder for refractory castables, Refractories Applications and News, 11 (2006) 4, 16–20 J. SZYMAÑSKA et al.: RHEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF ALUMINA CERAMIC SLURRIES FOR CERAMIC ... 738 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 735–738 D. KÝRSEVER et al.: EFFECT OF MECHANICAL ACTIVATION ON THE SYNTHESIS OF A MAGNESIUM ... 739–742 EFFECT OF MECHANICAL ACTIVATION ON THE SYNTHESIS OF A MAGNESIUM ALUMINATE SPINEL VPLIV MEHANSKE AKTIVACIJE NA SINTEZO MAGNEZIJ-ALUMINATNEGA [PINELA Derya Kýrsever, Nilgün Kaya Karabulut, Nuray Canikoðlu, Hüseyin Özkan Toplan Sakarya University, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, 54187 Sakarya, Turkey dkirsever@sakarya.edu.tr Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-07-08; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-09-09 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.209 A magnesium aluminate spinel powder (72 % Al2O3 & 28 % MgO) was prepared with mechanical activation. Samples were sintered in a temperature range of 1400–1750 °C. The final sintered products were characterized with densification, phase and microstructural analyses and a hardness measurement to evaluate the influence of mechanical activation on the synthesis of a magnesium aluminate spinel. Keywords: mechanical activation, magnesium aluminate spinel, ceramic, sintering, densification, mechanical properties Prah magnezij aluminatnega {pinela (72 % Al2O3 & 28 % MgO) je bil pripravljen z mehansko aktivacijo. Sintranje vzorcev je bilo izvedeno v temperaturnem obmo~ju 1400–1750 °C. Na kon~nih sintranih vzorcih je bila dolo~ena zgostitev, opravljena je bila analiza faz in mikrostrukture ter meritev trdote, da bi ocenili vpliv mehanske aktivacije na sintezo magnezij- aluminatnega {pinela. Klju~ne besede: mehanska aktivacija, magnezij-aluminatni {pinel, keramika, sintranje, zgo{~evanje, mehanske lastnosti 1 INTRODUCTION Magnesium aluminate spinel (MgAl2O4, MA) is a widely used refractory material due to its high-tempera- ture properties, mechanical resistance, thermal-shock re- sistance and high corrosion resistance to acidic and basic slags.1,2 MA spinel has a high melting point (2135 °C), high hardness (16.1 GPa), relatively low density (3.58 g/cm3), high strength (180 MPa) at room and at elevated temperatures, high chemical inertness, a low thermal-ex- pansion coefficient (9 × 10–6/°C between 30 °C and 1400 °C) and high thermal-shock resistance.3Also, MA spinel refractories are very attractive due to their envi- ronmental friendliness, contrary to magnesium chromite refractories. However, aspinel formation is accompanied by a 5–7 % volume expansion which does not allow it to densify in a single-stage firing.4 Therefore, the synthesis of spinel and fabrication of spinel refractories were not feasible with commercial methods due to the difficulty with sintering.1,2 High-purity spinel was synthesized mostly with hydrothermal techniques, sol-gel, spray plasma, cool drying, controlled hydrolysis, co-precipi- tation, mechanical activation and the aerosol method.1 Mechanical activation is a method, which can induce changes tothe solid-state properties, such as the distor- tion of the structure, accompanied by the accumulation of energy and the formation of active centers on the newly formed surfaces.5 Different processes can remark- ably influence the reactivity of solids. Mechanical treat- ments are particularly important as long as they can help to produce changes to the texture and structure of the solids. In many cases, these alterations tothe structure cause certain modifications to the phases formed due to the thermal treatment of the solids, which were mechanochemically treated.6 The main aim of this study was to prepare a magne- sium aluminate spinel by firing between 1400–1750 °C and to analyze the effect of mechanical activation. Inves- tigations of the phases, crystal morphology and densifi- cation of the fired products were carried out. In addition, the hardness values of the samples for different sintering temperatures were studied. 2 EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS Al2O3 (72 % of mass fractions) and MgO (28 % of mass fractions) powders were ball milled with alumina balls in a polyethylene bottle for 1 h. The mixture was made in a high-energy planetary ball mill (Fristch) at a rotation speed of 600 min–1. The ball-to-powder weight ratio was adjusted to 20. Milling of the precursor was carried out for 1 h. Activated and non-activated powders were uniaxially pressed to form pellets at 255 MPa. The pellets were sintered in the temperature range of 1400–1750 °C for 1 h. An X-ray diffraction analysis was performed using a Rigaku Ultima X-ray diffractometer. A Joel 6060 LV scanning electron microscope was used for the morphological analysis of the non-activated and activated powders and sintered samples. The hardness Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 739–742 739 UDK 67.017:621.762:669.721:661.862’027 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)739(2016) measurements of the samples were done using Leica Microsysteme GmbH. The apparent porosity and bulk density of the sintered samples were measured with the liquid-displacement method using Archimedes’principle. Water absorption was alsoinvestigated. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 1 shows SEM micrographs of non-activated and activated powder mixtures. The non-activated pow- der mixture has well-defined faces and edges. However, the particle size decreases and the particle shape be- comes round with mechanical activation. Figure 2 shows XRD patterns of the non-activated and activated powder mixtures of MgO and Al2O3. As a result, Mg(OH)2, Al2O3 and MgO peaks are observed. SEM micrographs of the fractured surfaces of all the samples sintered in the temperature range of 1400–1750 °C for 2 h are shown in Figure 3. It can be seen that all the samples appear to be relatively dense D. KÝRSEVER et al.: EFFECT OF MECHANICAL ACTIVATION ON THE SYNTHESIS OF A MAGNESIUM ... 740 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 739–742 Figure 1: SEM micrographs of powder mixtures: a) non-activated, b) activated for 1 h Slika 1: SEM-posnetka me{anice prahu: a) neaktiviran, b) aktiviran 1 h Figure 3: SEM micrographs of all sintered samples prepared from: a), b), c), d), e) non-activated and f), g), h), i), j) activated powder mixtures Slika 3: SEM-posnetki vseh sintranih vzorcev pripravljenih iz: a), b), c), d) , e) neaktivirana in f), g), h), i), j) aktivirana me{anica prahu Figure 2: XRD patterns of non-activatedand activated powder mix- tures of MgO and Al2O3(A: Al2O3, B: Mg(OH)2, P: MgO) Slika 2: Rentgenograma neaktivirane in aktivirane me{anice prahu MgO in Al2O3 (A: Al2O3, B: Mg(OH)2, P: MgO) with the increasing sintering temperature and mechanical activation. After the sintering at 1700 °C, spinel grain growth was found for the non-activated and activated samples. However, porosity levels seem relatively higher for the non-activated samples. Figure 4 shows the XRD patterns of the non-acti- vated and activated samples after the sintering in the temperature range of 1400–1750 °C for 2 h. These con- firm that the Mg-Al spinel is the only phase of the acti- vated samples. However, Al2O3 peaks are also present at 1400 °C for the non-activated samples. Figure 5 summarizes the bulk density and apparent porosity of all the sintered samples. A general trend in the increasing bulk density and decreasing apparent po- rosity with the increasing sintering temperature was ob- served. The mechanically activated samples showed rela- tively higher density values compared to those of the non-activated samples. On the other hand, the mechani- cally activated samples obtained a lower apparent poros- ity than the non-activated samples. The sintered bulk density and apparent porosity ofthenon-activated and ac- tivated samples are 3.76 g/cm3 and 3.1 g/cm3, respec- tively. The reduction of the particle size decreases the dis- tance between the vacancy sites (or betweenthegrain boundaries) and enhances the vacancy diffusion to the surface, thus increasing the densification. The reduction of the particle size is obtained with mechanical activa- tion.7 Figure 6 shows the water absorption of all the sin- tered samples. It can be seen that the water absorption decreases with the sintering temperature and mechanical activation. For the activated samples, there is no relative water absorption above 1600 °C. Figure 7 shows the hardness resultsfor the non-acti- vated and activated samples with respect to the sintering temperature. The highest hardness value of an activated sample is 1623 HV at 1650 °C. Also, the hardness values of the activated samples arehigher than those for the D. KÝRSEVER et al.: EFFECT OF MECHANICAL ACTIVATION ON THE SYNTHESIS OF A MAGNESIUM ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 739–742 741 Figure 4: XRD patterns of: a) non-activated and b) activated samples sintered at different temperatures for 2 h(M: MgAl2O4, A: Al2O3) Slika 4: Rentgenogrami: a) neaktivirani in b) aktivirani vzorci sintrani 2 h na razli~nih temperaturah (A: Al2O3, M: MgAl2O4) Figure 6: Hardness measurements forall the sintered samples Slika 6: Meritve trdote vseh sintranih vzorcev Figure 5: Bulk-density and apparent-porosity plots for all the sintered samples Slika 5: Diagrama gostote osnove in navidezne poroznosti vseh sin- tranih vzorcev non-activated samples. These results arerelated to thedensification and a low porosity level. 4 CONCLUSIONS Magnesium aluminate spinel samples were synthe- sized using mechanical activation. The activated samples resulted in higher density and hardness values in com- parison with the non-activated samples. In addition, theactivated samples exhibited dense grains and a low porosity. So, mechanical activation can facilitate a sin- gle-stage sintering process and greatly influence the costs of the production. 5 REFERENCES 1 P. Orosco, L. Barbosa, M. C. Ruiz, Synthesis of magnesium alu- minate spinel by periclase and alumina chlorination, Materials Re- search Bulletin, 59 (2014), 337–340, doi:10.1016/j.materresbull. 2014.07.026 2 P. G. Lampropoulou, C. G. Katagas, Effects of zirconium silicate and chromite addition on the microstructure and bulk density of magne- sia–magnesium aluminate spinel-based refractory materials, Ce- ramics International, 34 (2008), 1247–1252, doi:10.1016/j.ceramint. 2007.03.015 3 I. Ganesh, Fabrication of magnesium aluminate (MgAl2O4) spinel foams, Ceramics International, 37 (2011), 2237–2245, doi:10.1016/ j.ceramint.2011.03.068 4 H. S.Tripathi, B. Mukherjee, S. Das, M. K. Haldar, S. K. Das, A.Ghosh, Synthesis and densification of magnesium aluminate spinel: effect of MgO reactivity, Ceramics International, 29 (2003), 915–918, doi:10.1016/S0272-8842(03)00036-1 5 E. Turianicová, A. Obut, ¼. Tu~ek, A. Zorkovská, Ý. Girgin, P. Balá`, Interaction of natural and thermally processed vermiculites with gas- eous carbon dioxide during mechanical activation, Applied Clay Sci., 88–89 (2014), 86–91, doi:10.1016/j.clay.2013.11.005 6 S. Koç, N. Toplan, K. Yýldýz, H. Ö. Toplan, Effects of mechanical activation on the non-isothermal kinetics of mullite formation from kaolinite, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., 103 (2010), 791–796, doi:10.1007/s10973-010-1154-5 7 R.Sarkar, S.Kumar Das, G.Banerjee, Effect of attritor milling on the densification of magnesium aluminate spinel, Ceramics Interna- tional, 25 (1999), 485–489, doi:10.1016/S0272-8842(98)00065-0 D. KÝRSEVER et al.: EFFECT OF MECHANICAL ACTIVATION ON THE SYNTHESIS OF A MAGNESIUM ... 742 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 739–742 Figure 7: Water absorption of all the sintered samples Slika 7: Absorpcija vode vseh sintranih vzorcev K. ZUPAN et al.: PHASE AND MICROSTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT OF LSCM PEROVSKITE MATERIALS ... 743–748 PHASE AND MICROSTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT OF LSCM PEROVSKITE MATERIALS FOR SOFC ANODES PREPARED BY THE CARBONATE-COPRECIPITATION METHOD RAZVOJ KRISTALNIH FAZ IN MIKROSTRUKTURE LSCM PEROVSKITNIH MATERIALOV ZA SOFC ANODE, PRIPRAVLJENIH S KARBONATNO METODO KOPRECIPITACIJE Klementina Zupan, Marjan Marin{ek, Tina Skalar University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Ve~na pot 113, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia klementina.zupan@fkkt.uni-lj.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-07-21; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-10-09 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.232 Most SOFC development has been based on nickel yttria-stabilized zirconia anodes. Such materials have excellent catalytic properties for fuel oxidation, high electrical conductivity, good mechanical strength and an appropriate thermal expansion coef- ficient compatible with other cell components. Unfortunately, cermet anodes based on doped zirconia exhibit some disadvan- tages, e.g., the catalysing side reaction of carbon deposition during hydro-carbon fuel oxidation and a susceptibility to sulphur poisoning. Perovskite-type compounds based on lanthanum-strontium-manganese-chromium oxide (LSCM) can serve as an al- ternative material. Since the optimal perovskite composition is still not known, La1–xSrxMnyCr1.yO3± (x from 0 to 0.3 and y from 0.4 to 0.6) ceramics were prepared with the co-precipitation method. Crystalline phase formation was followed by X-ray powder diffraction and Rietveld refinement. Quantitative microstructure analysis of the samples sintered at various temperatures was performed on SEM micrographs using Axiovision 4.8 software. Keywords: co-precipitation, oxide LSCM anode, phase development, microstructure Ve~ina razvoja visokotemperaturnih gorivnih celic je temeljila na anodnih materialih na osnovi niklja in cirkonijevega dioksida, stabiliziranega z itrijem. Ta ima odli~ne katalitske lastnosti pri reakciji oksidacije goriva, visoko elektri~no prevodnost, dobro mehansko trdnost in temperaturni razteznostni koeficient, skladen z ostalimi komponentami celice. @al so ti materiali med delovanjem podvr`eni ne`elenim reakcijam izlo~anja ogljika in zastrupljanja z `veplom, zato jih posku{amo nadomestiti z oksidnimi spojinami perovskitnega tipa, z lantan-stroncij-mangan-krom oksidom (LSCM). Optimalna sestava teh materialov {e ni znana, zato smo z metodo soobarjanja pripravili keramiko La1–xSrxMnyCr1.yO3±  (x od 0 do 0,3 in y od 0,4 do 0,6). Z rentgensko pra{kovno analizo in Rietveldovim prilagajanjem smo spremljali razvoj kristalnih faz. Z analizo SEM posnetkov vzorcev po sintranju pri razli~nih temperaturah smo mikrostrukture pripravljenih materialov kvantitativno ovrednotili z uporabo programa Axiovision 4.8. Klju~ne besede: kopercipitacija, oksidna LSCM anoda, razvoj faz, mikrostruktura 1 INTRODUCTION Fuel cells can be considered as devices that electro- chemically convert fuels into electricity or, more pre- cisely, batteries with permanent fuel supplies. Solid-ox- ide fuel cells (SOFCs), based on an ion-conducting electrolyte, have several advantages over other types of fuel cells, including their potential fuel flexibility and very high chemical-to-electrical conversion efficiency due to the absence of Carnot limitations. Further energy gains can be achieved in SOFC systems when cogene- rated heat is used for the internal reforming of methane or other hydrocarbon fuels directly on the anode.1 Porous Ni/YSZ-based materials are conventionally used as SOFC anodes due to their high electrical conduc- tivity, activity for electrode electro-chemical oxidation, stability under reduced environmental conditions, appro- priate thermal expansion and a chemical compatibility with other cell components.2 Despite the many advan- tages they possess, there are some drawbacks, such as a low tolerance to sulphur impurities3 and a tendency to coke when hydrocarbons are used as fuels4. Alternative cermet anode materials have been extensively studied, such as Cu-CeO2-YSZ. Researchers have demonstrated their operation using various fuels.5,6 Recently, another alternative approach aiming to prepare all-oxide anode materials has been proposed in order to develop electrodes that exhibit catalytic, electron- and ion-conducting properties. Many problems with all-oxide anodes have been overcome with the introduction of novel perovskite-structure materials with the general formula ABO3–. The A element is typically lanthanide, while the B element is the transition metal. In principle, catalytic activity toward fuel oxidation, electron- and ion-conductivity can be tailored by a wide range of doping elements. The oxidation states of the A-site and B-site cations determine the oxygen vacancy concentration .2 Among various perovskites, a particularly complex metal oxide with the composition La0,75Sr0,25Mn0,5Cr0,5O3– has attracted much attention as a Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 743–748 743 UDK 67.017:661.8’02:621.3.032.22:537.533 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)743(2016) promising anode material, due to its good catalytic activ- ity, excellent redox stability, reduced carbon deposition susceptibility and improved sulphur-poisoning stability.7 An introduction of alkaline earth ions, i.e., Mg2+, Ca2+, and Sr2+, into the A site of lanthanum chromite can en- hance the electrical conductivity by two orders of magni- tude.7 L. Deleebeck et al.9 first demonstrated that the removal of Sr from La1–xSrxMn1–yCryO3± improves the thermo-chemical stability and the electronic conductivity in a humidified H2 atmosphere. In their second study, they reported that the catalytic activity toward H2 oxida- tion decreases with increasing Cr content (y = 0.4–0.6), while the relatively high Sr content (x = 0.2) shows a lower catalytic activity.10 The optimal LSCM material composition is not yet known. Various chemical routes to prepare LSCM powders have been reported, including the solid-state reaction,7 the chelating method,11 gel casting,12 and combustion synthesis.13–16 However, the synthesis of single-phase LSCM composed of fine powders requires a further im- provement. Co-precipitation is a promising and simple chemical method to prepare well-defined and less-ag- glomerated perovskite powders. It was reported that the most significant synthesis parameter for LSCM prepara- tion via co-precipitation is the pH value of the reaction mixture, which should be maintained slightly below 8 in order to ensure that all the cations precipitate.17 In addi- tion to an appropriate chemical composition of the LSCM material, the electrode performance in an operat- ing SOFC is also essentially dependent on the electrode microstructure, final porosity and potential presence of secondary phases. In this work, we applied the "reverse strike" carbon- ate co-precipitation method for batch La1–xSrxMn1–yCryO3± perovskite preparation in which the Sr content and the Cr-to-Mn molar ratio were varied. The aim of this work is to describe the relationship between the microstructure parameters and the LSCM composi- tion using various analytical techniques. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE La1–xSrxMn1–yCryO3± (x = 0, 0.1, 0.2 or 0.3 and y = 0.4, 0.5 or 0.6) oxides were prepared using co-precipita- tion synthesis (Table 1). La(NO3)3⋅6H2O (99 %), Sr(NO3)2 (98 %), Cr(NO3)3⋅9H2O (98.5 %) and Mn(NO3)2⋅4H2O (98 %), all from Alfa Aesar, were used as the source of metal ions. The carbonate precursors were prepared using the "reverse strike" method in which a mixed metal nitrate solution is added to a precipitant carbonate solution to achieve a more uniform cation dis- tribution by instantaneous precipitation. A total of 600 mL of 0.125-M aqueous solution of (NH4)2CO3 was poured into a jacket glass reactor (1.25 L); 0.5-M metal nitrates solutions were prepared, as were adequate vol- umes of each LSCM component regarding the desired fi- nal LSCM composition. The solutions were mixed to- gether and dripped into a stirring precipitant solution. The precipitating solution was kept at 60 °C under a CO2 protective atmosphere to prevent manganese oxidation during synthesis. The pH inside the jacket glass reactor was kept at 7.8±0.1 by the periodic addition of ammonia (25 %, aq.). Afterwards, the precipitate was filtered off under a CO2 environment and washed three times (50 mL) with a 0.125-M solution of (NH4)2CO3, dried for 6 h at 110 °C and finally calcined at 1000 °C in an air at- mosphere. Table 1: Compositions and sample notations Tabela 1: Sestave in poimenovanje vzorcev Sample composition Sample name La0,7Sr0,3Cr0,5Mn0,5O3–d La7Cr5 La0,8Sr0,2Cr0,5Mn0,5O3–d La8Cr5 La0,9Sr0,1Cr0,5Mn0,5O3–d La9Cr5 La1Cr0,5Mn0,5O3–d La10Cr5 LaCr0,6Mn0,4O3 La10Cr6 La0,9Sr0,1Cr0,6Mn0,4O3 La9Cr6 La0,9Sr0,1Cr0,4Mn0,6O3 La9Cr4 LaCr0,4Mn0,6O3 La10Cr4 The synthesized powders were milled in an agate mortar and un-axially pressed into pellets (100 MPa) and sintered at various temperatures (1250 °C, 1300 °C, 1400 °C and 1500 °C) for 1 h. The calcined and sintered samples were analysed with a PANalytical X’Pert PRO MPD apparatus. For the determination of the microstructure, the sintered tablets were polished (diamond pastes of 3 μm and 0.25 μm), thermally etched, and subsequently analysed with a FE-Zeiss ULTRA Plus SEM. The quantitative analyses of the microstructures were per- formed on digital images (images were digitized into pixels with 255 different grey values) using Axiovision 4.8 image-analysis software. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The carbonate co-precipitation route is an appropriate method for the preparation of complex metal oxides, such as La1–xSrxMn1–yCryO3± (LSCM). When the "re- versed strike" co-precipitation method is used and the mixed solution of metal ions drips into the concentrated precipitant solution, the various cations within each droplet precipitate almost instaneously.18 Lanthanum car- bonate precipitated at pH > 4.2, manganese carbonate at pH > 5 and strontium carbonate at pH > 7.3. Chromium precipitates as a hydroxide in a very narrow pH range from 6.6 to 7.3; however, Cr(OH)3 starts to dissolve at a pH value of 7.9.17 Therefore, the precipitation of mixed metal oxide should be carried out carefully in the tiny pH range from 7.3 and 7.9. If we take into account only sim- ple carbonate and hydroxide species (Equations (1) to (4)) for the calculation for the stoichiometric amount of ammonium carbonate as a precipitant agent, we can con- clude that an excess of 50 % is used during the precipita- K. ZUPAN et al.: PHASE AND MICROSTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT OF LSCM PEROVSKITE MATERIALS ... 744 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 743–748 tion process. Thus, the super-saturation ratio in the case of the LSCM synthesis calculated from the molar ratio of ammonium carbonate and total metal ions is 1.5. 3(NH4)2CO3 + 2La 3+ La2(CO3)3 + 6NH4 + (1) (NH4)2CO3 + Sr 2+ SrCO3 + 2NH4 + (2) 3(NH4)2CO3 + Cr 3+ + H2O Cr(OH)3 + 6NH4 + + + 3HCO3 – (3) (NH4)2CO3 + Mn 2+ MnCO3 + 2NH4 + (4) According to Figure 1, the perovskite LSCM phase formation for all the samples is practically complete after calcination at 1000 °C for 1 h (the perovskite peaks are denoted with a letter "P"). The main perovskite phase is quite well crystallised. In the sample La7Cr5, with the highest Sr content and equal amounts of chromium and manganese, the XRD analysis revealed a small amount of strontium secondary phase SrCrO4 (denoted with the letter "S"). It is described in the literature that in the hu- midified hydrogen atmosphere SrCrO4 further transforms into the Ruddlesden-Popper phase Sr2CrO4.9 Addi- tionally, the X-ray powder diffraction indicates that in samples with the lowest Cr content (0.4), a lanthanum- rich secondary phase La2CrO6 is formed (denoted with the letter "L"). Varying the Sr content in this Cr-poor sample reveals that in the Sr-free and Sr = 0.1 samples the La2CrO6 content determined according to the Riet- veld refinement is 3.1 % and 7.6 %, respectively. Multi- ple RTG peaks observed in some patterns are a conse- quence of a perovskite lattice superstructure. This lattice superstructure is formed due to the octahedron tilting, which has its origin in the random Sr-incorporation into the perovskite structure.19,20 By doping lanthanum-man- ganite with Sr and Cr, the symmetry of the structure is lowered due to the different sizes of the introduced cat- ions compared to the original ions. Consequently, octa- hedrons defined by a central cation (B-site cation) and the surrounding oxygen ions are slightly tilted and the repeating structure pattern is defined by eight original unit cells. The secondary phases are highly undesired in the fi- nal LSCM since they result in the so-called layered perovskite structure with additional layers of Sr-oxide, La-oxide, or a mixture of both separating the LSCM at temperatures around 1100 °C and in a H2 atmosphere. Furthermore, the secondary phases decrease the thermo- chemical stability, catalytic activity and electrical con- ductivity of the LSCM.9,12 K. ZUPAN et al.: PHASE AND MICROSTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT OF LSCM PEROVSKITE MATERIALS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 743–748 745 Figure 2: X-ray diffraction patterns of all samples after calcination at 1250 °C Slika 2: Rentgenogram vseh vzorcev po kalcinaciji pri 1250 °C Figure 1: X-ray diffraction patterns of prepared samples after calcina- tion at 1000 °C Slika 1: Rentgenogram pripravljenih vzorcev po kalcinaciji pri 1000 °C Figure 3: SEM micrographs of all samples sintered at 1250 °C and sample La9Cr6 sintered at 1250 °C, 1300 °C, 1400 °C and 1500 °C Slika 3: SEM-posnetki vseh vzorcev po sintranju pri 1250 °C in vzor- ca La9Cr6, sintranega pri 1250 °C, 1300 °C, 1400 °C in 1500 °C After the sintering at 1250 °C, the only phase present in all the samples is the LSCM perovskite, as shown in Figure 2. The absence of secondary phases indicates that they re-dissolve in the main LSCM phase when the sintering temperature is increased. This discovery also gives a very effective tool for controlling the amount of secondary phases in LSCM or even eliminates them completely. Due to the possibility of eliminating the sec- ondary phases from the LSCM, it is reasonable to con- clude that the co-precipitation method offers an essential advantage over the synthesis processes that are based on the solid-state reactions in which local inhomogeneity in chemical composition are quite common. One of the major challenges in applying LSCM mate- rial as an anode in ceramic fuel cells is achieving the continuity of the electrode material as well as the conti- nuity of the pores. Good contact between the particles is critical for forming continuous paths throughout the formed anode, reaching a high conductivity. The sinter- ing behaviour of all the samples after sintering at 1250 °C is demonstrated in Figure 3. Since all the microstructure parameters that are important for an exact anode analysis are sometimes difficult to deduce simply from the SEM micrographs, a detailed quantitative microstructure analysis of sintered samples is performed. For statisti- cally reliable data in each case, 5 to 10 different regions were analyzed. The results of the quantitative micro- structure analysis are summarized in Table 2. The parameters d , dx, dy and are represented as the diameter of the area-analogue circle – Dcircle, the intercept lengths in the x and y directions – FERETX, FERETY and the Shape factor fcircle. Spore and FERETMAX are determined as the pore areas and maximum intercept lengths of the pore while rel and are determined from the geometric densities of the tablets and the theoretical densities that were calculated using the Rietveld refinement. SEM micrographs sintered at 1250 °C reveal that the microstructure parameters greatly depend on the sample composition. When comparing samples with equal amounts of Cr and Mn with various Sr contents we can observe that the presence of strontium promotes sinter- ing. It is also evident that the grains are larger in samples K. ZUPAN et al.: PHASE AND MICROSTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT OF LSCM PEROVSKITE MATERIALS ... 746 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 743–748 Table 2: Results of quantitative microstructure analysis of the sintered samples Tabela 2: Rezultati kvantitativne analize mikrostrukture sintranih vzorcev T/°C /% dy/μm dx/μm d/μm Spore/μm2 FERETMAX/μm teor / g cm–3 rel /% La10Cr5 1250 51.9 0.30 0.31 0.28 0.67 0.44 1.02 6.71 48.1 1300 50.9 0.43 0.44 0.41 0.74 0.86 1.66 49.1 1400 40.1 1.00 1.01 0.92 0.73 1.31 2.03 59.9 1500 27.4 1.85 1.91 1.70 0.70 1.27 1.82 72.6 La9Cr5 1250 44.6 0.52 0.53 0.48 0.70 0.77 1.69 6.60 55.4 1300 41.5 0.60 0.61 0.55 0.71 0.72 1.60 58.5 1400 25.4 1.10 1.11 1.02 0.74 0.58 1.26 74.6 1500 9.9 2.89 2.92 2.67 0.69 0.39 0.65 90.1 La8Cr5 1250 43.7 0.50 0.49 0.45 0.70 0.36 1.05 6.56 56.3 1300 40.3 0.62 0.60 0.55 0.67 0.20 0.76 59.7 1400 27.0 1.22 1.25 1.14 0.74 0.77 1.46 73.0 1500 16.0 2.54 2.65 2.35 0.72 0.65 1.12 84.3 La7Cr5 1250 45.9 0.56 0.58 0.53 0.72 0.37 0.80 6.45 54.1 1300 42.1 0.86 0.86 0.79 0.76 0.74 1.04 57.9 1400 31.2 1.23 0.86 1.14 0.75 0.66 1.47 68.8 1500 21.8 1.94 2.00 1.79 0.73 0.39 0.87 78.2 La10Cr6 1250 54.2 0.44 0.45 0.42 0.72 1.12 1.42 6.72 45.8 1300 48.1 0.76 0.77 0.72 0.75 1.33 1.92 51.9 1400 37.9 1.20 1.21 1.13 0.77 1.33 2.06 62.1 1500 23.4 1.97 1.96 1.84 0.76 1.94 2.31 76.6 La9Cr6 1250 54.0 0.24 0.23 0.22 0.79 0.37 1.07 6.57 46.0 1300 50.5 0.39 0.39 0.36 0.79 3.10 2.73 49.5 1400 40.7 0.67 0.69 0.63 0.76 2.54 2.94 59.3 1500 38.6 1.70 1.73 1.60 0.78 1.35 2.02 61.4 La10Cr4 1250 44.5 0.40 0.41 0.38 0.78 0.59 1.11 6.73 55.5 1300 39.2 0.77 0.78 0.72 0.71 0.36 1.01 60.8 1400 31.6 1.21 1.19 1.11 0.72 0.83 1.42 68.4 1500 24.0 2.15 2.09 1.94 0.70 1.11 1.47 76.0 La9Cr4 1250 54.1 0.43 0.43 0.40 0.72 2.63 2.76 6.59 45.9 1300 50.7 0.69 0.67 0.64 0.73 1.65 2.43 49.3 1400 34.1 1.43 1.44 1.33 0.76 2.30 2.65 65.9 1500 22.5 2.68 2.60 2.44 0.75 1.13 1.18 77.5 that contain Sr than in the Sr-free sample. Although no secondary phases are detected in the Sr-free sample (La10Cr5), the microstructure is composed of regions with larger and smaller grains. All Sr-free samples with a lower Cr-content behave similarly. The presence of a secondary phase SrCrO4 in the sample with the highest Sr content (La7Cr5) evidently does not have a significant effect on the LSCM grain size distribution. In contrast, the presence of a lanthanum-rich secondary phase La2CrO6 in samples with a lower Cr content (La10Cr4 and La9Cr4) causes non-homogenous microstructures with the denser regions containing larger grains and the less dense regions containing smaller grains. In the phase-pure LSCM sample with a Cr content y = 0.6 (La9Cr6), a very interesting microstructure is formed af- ter sintering at 1250 °C. In this sample, the formation of well-connected fine grains is observed. The results of a quantitative microstructural analysis are in good agreement with optical observations. The rel- ative sintered density increases and the porosity de- creases with the increasing sintering temperature. Sam- ples with a Sr content x = 0.1, 0.2 or 0.3 and equal contents of Cr and Mn sinter at the lowest sintering tem- perature of 1250 °C to somewhat higher densities than the Sr-free sample (La10Cr5). At the same sintering tem- perature, rel reaches 48.1 %, 55.4 %, 56.3 % and 54.1 % for the samples La10Cr5, La9Cr5 La8Cr5 and La7Cr5, respectively. The addition of strontium to the perovskite also results in grain growth, during which grains reach an average size of 0.28 μm at 1250 °C in a Sr-free sam- ple, while for the highest Sr content in sample x = 0.3 the average grain size grew to 0.53 μm. At the highest sinter- ing temperature (1500 °C), rel. reaches 90.1 %, 72.6 %, 84.3 % and 78.2 % for the samples La9Cr5, La10Cr5, La8Cr5 and La7Cr5, respectively. From this fact, it can be deduced that the addition of Sr to some amount x = 0.1 accelerates sintering, while adding Sr to perovskite above a certain concentration x = 0.2 and 0.3 supresses the densifying process. At a lower Sr concentration, SrCrO4 (according to phase diagram SrO–Cr2O3) forms a liquid phase due to eutectic and peritectic reactions21 that promote sintering.22 In principle, a higher Sr-content in- creases the amount of SrCrO4 phase which reacts to the liquid phase and secondary solid phase through a peri- tectic transformation. This secondary solid phase hinders sintering. A higher sintering temperature also results in pronounced grain growth in which originally sub-micro- metre grains grow to almost ~2.7 μm in size at 1500 °C. With this pronounced growth the grains become less similar to an ideal sphere, which is manifested as a slight decrease in the shape factor. Similar behaviour was ob- served for the sintering of a combustion-derived LSCM ceramic.23 In the LSCM phase, with a pure sample (La9Cr6) with Cr content y = 0.6 and a low Sr-addition, the forma- tion of well-connected grains is observed after sintering at 1250 °C. With increasing sintering temperature, the densification process normally advances and the grains grow; however, the grain growth is somehow less pro- nounced than that in other samples. The average grain size for sample La9Cr6 sintered at various temperatures 1250 °C, 1300 °C, 1400 °C and 1500 °C is 0.22 μm, 0.36 μm, 0.63 μm and 1.6 μm, respectively. Furthermore, for the sample La9Cr6, a calculation of the average FERETMAX of pores versus the grain diameter gives the highest value among all the samples. Since the average pore diameter is comparable at sintering temperature 1250 °C in all samples, this value somehow indicates a low average LSCM grain size and pore appearance in the sample, which contribute mainly to the open porosity. This fact together with the absolute value of porosity is very important from the practical point of view if such material is to be used as an anode layer in the operating SOFC. In order to form a continuous phase of pores in sintered samples, the porosity should be at least 30 vol.%, while the pore appearance should contribute to open porosity to keep the LSCM anode layer permeable for gases. Several very important findings arise from the quanti- tative microstructure analysis of LSCM samples. Re- garding sintering optimisation, a lower Sr content (x = 0.1) with a somewhat higher chromium content (y = 0.6) (sample La9Cr6) leads to proper microstructure forma- tion at 1250 °C, where the grain-to-grain contact area is enlarged, making it progressively easier to find a solid continuous path of LSCM throughout the sample. At the same time, the appropriate porosity is preserved and the average grain size is the smallest, thus enlarging the in- terface area where gaseous reactants meet the electro- catalytic solid surface in a potential fuel cell. With addi- tional information from the literature10 regarding LSCM catalytic activity toward H2 oxidation, it can be con- cluded that La0,9Sr0,1Cr0,6Mn0,4O3 is the most appropriate LSCM chemical composition, which will also ensure the desired microstructure characteristics at the relatively low sintering temperature of 1250 °C. 4 CONCLUSIONS La1–xSrxMn1–yCryO3± perovskite materials (x from 0 to 0.3 and y from 0.4 to 0.6) were prepared using the "re- verse strike" carbonate co-precipitation method, which has been shown to be an appropriate method since it al- lows good control over the reaction system and the prep- aration of LSCM materials with various compositions. After calcination of the precipitated mixed carbon- ate-hydroxide precursors at 1000 °C, the main crystalline phase in all the samples is LSCM perovskite. In the sam- ple with the highest Sr content (x = 0.3) and equal amounts of chromium and manganese (y = 0.5), a stron- tium secondary phase SrCrO4 was detected, while in samples with a lower Cr content (y = 0.4) a lanthanum- rich secondary phase La2CrO6 is formed. After sintering at 1250 °C, the secondary phase re-dissolved into the perovskite. K. ZUPAN et al.: PHASE AND MICROSTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT OF LSCM PEROVSKITE MATERIALS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 743–748 747 Microstructure parameters for the LSCM ceramics greatly depend on the sample composition. In samples with equal contents of Cr and Mn, a slight addition of Sr (x = 0.1) accelerates the sintering, while adding Sr to the perovskite above a concentration of x = 0.2 supresses the densifying process. In samples with a lower Cr content (x = 0.4), the presence of a lanthanum-rich secondary phase La2CrO6 causes non-homogenous microstructures to form. 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ZUPAN et al.: PHASE AND MICROSTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT OF LSCM PEROVSKITE MATERIALS ... 748 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 743–748 V. CERNY, R. DROCHYTKA: ARTIFICIAL AGGREGATE FROM SINTERED COAL ASH 749–753 ARTIFICIAL AGGREGATE FROM SINTERED COAL ASH UMETNI AGREGAT IZ SINTRANEGA PEPELA PREMOGA Vit Cerny, Rostislav Drochytka Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Veveri 95, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic cerny.v@fce.vutbr.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-07-22; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-09-23 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.235 Fly ash is one of the most commonly used secondary raw materials in the Czech Republic. It is used predominantly for re-cultivation, roads and additions to cement or plasters. The use of fly ash in the technology of sintering-based artificial aggregate was tested in the 1980s. However, the production was stopped for various technological and economic reasons. Nowadays, possibilities for the production of artificial aggregate are tested with fly ash produced in the Czech Republic and could be promising for future technologies, mainly with respect to the stability of production. The paper presents part of the study describing the possibilities of using microsilica and Fe2O3 for the optimization of a raw-material mix and fly-ash body. Three samples of high-temperature lignite combustion fly ash were selected from prospective sources in the Czech Republic. The fly ash was mixed with 5 % or 10 % additions. Then, samples were fired at temperatures of 1150 °C and 1200 °C. After firing, the physico-mechanical properties of the fly-ash bodies and microstructure were evaluated. The results imply that the addition of microsilica unambiguously improves the quality of the fly-ash body. The addition of Fe2O3 did not take part in the formation of the melt and weakened the fly-ash body’s structure. Keywords: fly ash, ash body, firing, microsilica, sintering, iron trioxide Lete~i pepel sodi k najpogosteje uporabljanim sekundarnim surovinam na ^e{kem. Predvsem se uporablja za rekultivacijo, za ceste in za cementne omete. Uporaba lete~ega pepela v tehnologiji izdelave sintranih agregatov je bila preizku{ena v osemdesetih letih prej{njega stoletja. Vendar je bila proizvodnja ustavljena iz razli~nih tehnolo{kih in ekonomskih razlogov. Dandanes se preizku{ajo mo`nosti za izdelavo umetnih agregatov iz lete~ega pepela nastalega na ^e{kem, kar je lahko perspektivno za bodo~e tehnologije, predvsem iz stali{~a stabilnosti izdelave. ^lanek predstavlja del {tudije o mo`nosti uporabe mikrosilike in Fe2O3 za optimizacijo me{anice surovin na osnovi lete~ega pepela. Trije vzorci lete~ega pepela pri visokotemperaturnem zgorevanju lignita, so bili izbrani iz obetavnih virov, ki so na voljo na ^e{kem. Lete~i pepel je bil zme{an s 5 % ali 10 % dodatka. Nato so bili vzorci `gani pri temperaturi 1150 °C in 1200 °C; po `ganju so bile dolo~ene fizikalno-mehanske lastnosti teles iz lete~ega pepela in ocenjena je bila mikrostruktura. Rezultati ka`ejo, da dodatek mikrosilike nedvomno izbolj{a kvaliteto kosov iz lete~ega pepela. Dodatek Fe2O3 ni sodeloval pri nastanku taline in je oslabil zgradbo kosov lete~ega pepela. Klju~ne besede: lete~i pepel, kos lete~ega pepela, `ganje, mikrosilika, sintranje, `elezov trioksid 1 INTRODUCTION Power plants producing electrical energy create ener- getic by-products during the combustion of pulverized lignite. The dominant proportion of the by-products is fly ash. Ecological and economic reasons motivate tech- nological innovations focusing on using solid waste. The production of artificial fly-ash aggregate is a suitable construction material, which could be made from fly ash. Artificial, sintered, fly-ash aggregate is one of the few construction materials that can be produced only with fly ash. European and worldwide trends of newly developed building technologies accentuate the demand for the production of high-quality, sintered, artificial, fly-ash aggregate. If the character of the fly ash is optimal, no further treatment is needed. However, not every sample of fly ash has an optimal composition. The quality of fly ash has an influence on the composition of the mix, the technological parameters and the quality of the produced aggregate. For enhancing the properties of sintered fly-ash aggregate, additions commonly used in the cera- mics industry could be used. The main candidates are microsilica and oxides of iron. Microsilica is an amorphous SiO2, which is common- ly obtained from separators during the production of ferrosilicon and silicium in electric arc furnaces. The application of microsilica in fire-resistant materials has been known for more than 40 years. The main task of microsilica in fire-resistant ceramic materials is the reac- tion in the system of binders, including the reaction me- chanism at various temperatures. Various temperatures can be critical as regards the reactions. Microsilica con- sists of spheroidal particles with a mean diameter of around 0.15 microns. These spheroidal particles are a construction unit of primary agglomerates, which are bound to one another by strong bonds. The large specific surface and the wide distribution of microsilica increases the effectiveness of the encapsulation of the grains and the functionality of the fire-resistant ceramic materials compared to a narrow fraction. Microsilica is usually the finest part of the system with a specific surface of around 20 m2 g. The surface properties and possible impurities are important for a determination of the properties of the Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 749–753 749 UDK 67.017:622.411.52:621.762.3 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)749(2016) final product. Microsilica can add more than 50 % to the total surface area of the particles in the mix.1 Oxides of iron influence the formation of a ceramic body in various atmospheres2, temperatures and firing cycles in furnaces There are three main forms of iron used in ceramics: red iron trioxide (Fe2O3), black iron monoxide oxide or magnetite (FeO or Fe3O4) and yellow hydrated iron oxide (FeO(OH)). Iron trioxide is con- siderably influenced by a reducing atmosphere, in which it can act as a melting agent at high temperatures. The presence of iron reduces the temperature of melting.3 From the point of view of a reduction of the firing tem- perature, oxides of iron can be used as effective melting agents for the production of sintered fly-ash aggregate. The optimal mix of appropriate raw materials for the production of artificial aggregate is mixed with water and granulated on a cylindrical or plate granulator, which makes the appropriate shape of the sintered fly-ash aggregate. After granulation, the bodies are fired at a maximum temperature of around 1200 °C. After suffi- cient firing and cooling, the mix is crushed and screened for the final fractions. For the production of aggregate of good quality, the granulometry of the input materials, their structure and chemical composition are also important. The produced sintered fly-ash aggregate is used for filtration layers, back filling and lightweight concrete.4–6 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART Three samples representing prospective sources in the Czech Republic were selected for verification of the appropriateness of high-temperature lignite combustion fly ash for the production of artificial aggregate. From the physico-mechanical and physico-chemical parameters we selected the loss on ignition (CSN 72 0103) showing unburned residues, the bulk density (CSN 72 2071), the specific surface area and the rest on the 0.045-mm sieve (CSN 72 2072-6). We also conducted the chemical and mineralogical analyses. The parameters listed in Table 1 imply that fly ash produced in the Czech Republic has a minimal unburnt content and fulfills the requirements of the standard (CSN 72 2072-6, 2013) for a maximum loss on ignition of 15 %. For self-firing, it will be necessary to mix the fly ash with pulverized coal to achieve an optimal value of 8 % combustibles by weight. The greater coarseness of the fly ash FA3 evaluated with respect to the rest on the 0.0045-mm sieve and specific surface is evident. This fly ash also has a larger content of iron and lime, which can cause a reduction of the melting temperature of a batch. All the values of the high-temperature fly-ash samples fulfill the requirements of the Standard CSN 72 2072-6, 2013 for a minimal value of 800 kg m–3. As is clear from Table 2 FA1 has the highest per- centage of mullite and a lower content of amorphous phase in comparison with FA2 and FA3. The minera- logical analysis further confirms that FA2 contains more minerals with a lower melting point and a low content of mullite. Table 2: Mineralogy of tested ashes, in mass fractions (w/%) Tabela 2: Mineralogija preizku{enih pepelov, v masnih odstotkih (w/%) Sample Quartz Mullite Hematite Magnetite Amorphousphase SiO2 Al6Si2O13 Fe2O3 Fe3O4 – FA1 7.0 39.3 1.2 0.1 39.5 FA2 7.2 19.1 2.5 3.1 55.2 FA3 7.8 32.3 – 0.2 58.1 As an addition for the experimental work, microsilica (96 % SiO2) and Fe2O3 (powder, 97 % cleanliness) were selected. As a reference, samples from pure fly ash were used, which were then modified with a 5 % or 10 % addition. The mixtures were mixed with water to reach the limit of fluidity. Samples of size 20 mm × 20 mm × 100 mm were made, which were next day dried at 60 °C for 2 h and then fired in a muffle kiln. The firing was characterized by an initial temperature of 25 °C and the rate of firing the muffle kiln of 300 °C/h and an isother- mal dwell at 1150 °C (resp. 1200 °C) for 10 min. After firing and natural cooling, the specimens were taken out of the kiln and placed in a desiccator. After thermal sta- bilization, their density (CSN EN 1015-10), compressive strength (CSN EN 14617-15) and water-absorbing capacity (CSN EN 1097-6) were determined. Then, the samples were analyzed with a scanning electron micro- scope using a sensing element in an environmental form. Primarily, the structure was analyzed and the influence of the addition on the fly ash body. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION After firing in a laboratory furnace and sufficient cooling to laboratory temperature 20±5 °C, the following V. CERNY, R. DROCHYTKA: ARTIFICIAL AGGREGATE FROM SINTERED COAL ASH 750 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 749–753 Table 1: Main parameters of the tested ashes Tabela 1: Glavni parametri preizku{enih pepelov Sample Loss on ignition (%) Bulk density (compacted) (kg/m3) Rest on the sieve 0.045 mm (%) Specific surface (m2/kg) Chemical composition (%) SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 SO3 CaO FA1 1.19 990 58.5 329 47.7 28.2 5.6 0.13 1.1 FA2 1.15 1010 72.0 234 50.0 23.4 14.5 0.26 3.4 FA3 1.07 1110 53.1 299 54.6 29.5 5.5 0.10 1.8 physico-mechanical parameters of the test specimens were determined. Figure 1 shows the results of the determination of density. In general, it can be stated that the density grows slightly with an increasing temperature of firing. The samples based on FA1 showed the highest values of den- sity, while the samples based on FA3 showed the lowest density. A determination of the compressive strength (Figure 2) showed that the strengths at the firing temperature 1200 °C were considerably higher than the strengths at 1150 °C. The addition of silica had a very positive effect on the strength of the fly ash body – samples with as little as 5 % showed considerably higher strengths. In contrast, the addition of Fe2O3 weakened the fly-ash body and the measured strengths were often lower than those of the reference samples based on pure fly ash. An evaluation of the results of the determination of the water-absorbing capacity (Figure 3) in some cases shows the influence of firing temperature on the quality of the fly-ash body. The water-absorbing capacity of the samples fired at 1150 °C was often much higher. This can be caused by insufficient sintering of the fly-ash body and a higher proportion of open porosity. The influence of the type of addition on the results of the water-absorbing capacity is most marked for the samples based on FA with the addition of Fe2O3. To clarify the results determined during the evalua- tion of the physico-mechanical parameters, the samples V. CERNY, R. DROCHYTKA: ARTIFICIAL AGGREGATE FROM SINTERED COAL ASH Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 749–753 751 Figure 3: Water absorption of fired samples Slika 3: Absorpcija vode `ganih vzorcev Figure 1: Density of fired samples Slika 1: Gostota `ganih vzorcev Figure 5: Detail of structure of fly-ash body with 5 % of mass fractions of Fe2O3 Slika 5: Detajl strukture kosa lete~ega pepela s 5 % masnega dele`a Fe2O3 Figure 2: Compressive strength of fired samples Slika 2: Tla~na trdnost `ganih vzorcev Figure 4: Structure of fly-ash body with 5 % of mass fractions of Fe2O3 Slika 4: Struktura kosa lete~ega pepela s 5 % masnega dele`a Fe2O3 were examined under a scanning electron microscope with a sensing element in an environmental form. The aim was an evaluation of the influence of firing tempe- rature and additions on the structure of the fly-ash body. Figures 4 to 7 show the structure of a surface of a test specimen based on FA3 with a 5 % addition of Fe2O3 and fired at 1200 °C. Figure 4 shows a low proportion of sintered structure and visible grains of fly ash. Figure 5 shows a part of a sample with melted material at higher magnification, where non-reacted grains of Fe2O3 are visible. Figure 6 shows a closer detail of the same place grains of Fe2O3 and Figure 7 an analysis of the elements in a larger area where the dominant Fe is evident in the grains. This fact proves that Fe2O3 did not take part in the formation of a solid structure, and that it weakened the fly-ash body. Figures 8 and 9 show the structure of the test spe- cimens based on FA3 with a 10 % addition of silica. Fig- ure 8 shows a sample fired at 1150 °C, where the grains of fly ash and a minimal proportion of melted material are clear. Figure 9 shows a sample fired at 1200 °C, where the proportion of melted material is more con- V. CERNY, R. DROCHYTKA: ARTIFICIAL AGGREGATE FROM SINTERED COAL ASH 752 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 749–753 Figure 8: Structure of fly-ash body with 10 % of mass fractions of silica Slika 8: Struktura kosa lete~ega pepela z 10 % masnega dele`a kre- mena Figure 6: Non-reacted proportion of Fe2O3 in fly-ash body Slika 6: Nereagiran dele` Fe2O3 v kosu lete~ega pepela Figure 9: Detail of structure of fly-ash body with 5 % of mass fractions of silica Slika 9: Detajl strukture kosa lete~ega pepela s 5 % masnega dele`a kremena Figure 7: Marked composition of elements of sample with non- reacted Fe2O3 Slika 7: Razporeditev elementov v vzorcu, ki ni reagiral z Fe2O3 siderable and the grains have a stronger and more homo- geneous structure. 4 CONCLUSIONS The manufacture of artificial aggregate from fly ash is one of the options for using the maximum proportion of this raw material in construction materials. The cha- racter of the fly ash and good control of the technology for producing the aggregate by self-firing also brings savings for traditional raw materials. The paper des- cribed the experimental testing of possibilities for the modification of fly ash with the addition of microsilica or Fe2O3 in order to achieve better quality of the fly-ash body with a lower energy demand of the process. The results show how important it is to set the firing tem- perature at 1200 °C, which makes sure it is possible to achieve considerably higher strengths in the system. An evaluation of the influence of the used additions showed that the addition of microsilica unambiguously improves the quality of the fly-ash body. Higher strengths and a lower water-absorbing capacity were achieved compared to use of pure fly ash. The addition of Fe2O3 did not take part in the formation of the melt, and stayed almost un- changed and weakened the fly-ash body structure. Acknowledgements This paper has been worked out under the project No. LO1408 "AdMaS UP – Advanced Materials, Structures and Technologies", supported by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports under the "National Sustainability Programme I". 5 REFERENCES 1 B. Sandberg, B. Myhre, Microsilica A Versatile Refractory Raw Ma- terial, Indian Refractories Congress, Jamshedpur, India 1994, 1–7 2 R. Magrla, M. Fridrichova, K. Kulisek, K. Dvorak, O. Hoffmann, Utilisation of Fluidised Fly Ash for Reduction of CO2 Emissions at Portland Cement Production, Advanced Materials Research, 1054 (2014), 168–171, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.1054.168 3 J. Britt, All about iron: Iron is everywhere in many different forms, but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring-or even brown, Cmtech- nofileiron, 2011 4 J. 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STASZUK et al.: INVESTIGATION STUDIES INVOLVING WEAR-RESISTANT ALD/PVD ... 755–759 INVESTIGATION STUDIES INVOLVING WEAR-RESISTANT ALD/PVD HYBRID COATINGS ON SINTERED TOOL SUBSTRATES PREISKAVE OBRABNE ODPORNOSTI HIBRIDNEGA NANOSA ALD/PVD NA SINTRANEM ORODJU Marcin Staszuk, Daniel Paku³a, Tomasz Tañski Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials, Konarskiego Street 18A, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland marcin.staszuk@polsl.pl Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-07-22; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-10-13 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.236 This paper is an important research contribution to the development of PVD coatings, in particular, on ceramic substrates, which, due to their dielectric properties, are difficult materials to coat using this technique. In order to satisfy the desired expectations relating to the PVD coatings, one of the basic properties must be provided for, the adherence to the substrate. The main aim of this research is to investigate the structure and mechanical properties of the coatings deposited in a hybrid process, comprising the atomic-layer deposition (ALD) and cathodic-arc evaporation (CAE-PVD) on sintered carbides and multipoint ceramic cutting tools. The concept of this research study involves an execution and investigation of ALD + PVD hybrid coatings on sintered carbides and a sialon-ceramic substrate, and defining the influence of the ALD interlayer on the adherence of the investigated coatings. The critical load Lc, which is the adhesion measure of coats, was determined with the scratch-test method and a tribological test made with a pin-on-disk tester. Observations of the surface topography and wear mechanism were performed using a scanning electron microscope and atomic-force microscopy. The investigation studies showed that an ALD layer considerably improves the adherence of the PVD layer to the tool-ceramic substrate. The research of the coatings on sintered-carbide substrates showed that the adherence of the PVD coating to the substrate deteriorates in the case of applying an ALD interlayer. Keywords: PVD, ALD, hybrid coatings, tool ceramics, sintered carbides ^lanek je pomemben raziskovalni prispevek k razvoju PVD nanosov, {e posebno na kerami~ni podlagi, ki je zaradi dielektri~nih lastnosti zahteven material za nana{anje s to tehniko. Da bi zadovoljili pri~akovanja na delu s PVD nanosom, je oprijemljivost na podlago osnovna lastnost, na katero je potrebno biti pozoren. Glavni namen raziskave je preiskati strukturo in mehanske lastnosti nanosa, nane{enega s hibridnim postopkom, ki obsega nanos atomskih plasti (ALD) in katodno izparevanje v obloku (CAE-PVD) na sintrane karbide in ve~to~kovno kerami~no rezilno orodje. Koncept te raziskave vklju~uje izvedbo in preiskavo hibridnega nanosa ALD + PVD na podlago iz sintranih karbidov in sialon keramike ter dolo~itev vpliva vmesne plasti ALD na oprijemljivost preiskovanih nanosov. Kriti~na obremenitev Lc, ki je merilo oprijemljivosti nanosov, je bilo dolo~eno s preizkusom razenja in s tribolo{kim preizkusom trn na plo{~i. S pomo~jo vrsti~nega elektronskega mikroskopa in mikroskopa na atomsko silo je bilo izvedeno opazovanje topografije povr{ine in mehanizma obrabe. Izvedene preiskave ka`ejo, da ALD nanos mo~no izbolj{a oprijemljivost PVD nanosa na orodno keramiko. Pri nanosu na podlago iz sintranega karbida je raziskava pokazala, da je pri uporabi ALD vmesne plasti, oprijemljivost PVD nanosa slab{a. Klju~ne besede: PVD, ALD, hibridni nanosi, keramika za orodja, sintrani karbidi 1 INTRODUCTION Sialon-tool ceramics are a group of tool materials combining the mechanical properties of silicon nitride Si3N4 and the chemical properties of Al2O3. Ceramic sinters are fabricated with powder-metallurgy methods, but in contrast to sintered carbides, they do not contain a metallic binder. The use of tool ceramics as compared to sintered carbides is still considerably small but it is growing, also due to the application of thin wear-resis- tant layers PVD and CVD.1,2 Surface engineering technologies play a significant role in material engineering and are viewed as the fun- damental scope of knowledge in this field of engi- neering. The research entities working in this field try to investigate and identify the phenomena taking place on the surfaces of the machined materials. In order to improve the operating properties of products, various surface-machining technologies are applied.2–6 The advantages arising from the application of PVD coatings on cutting tools such as a high microhardness and resis- tance to abrasion, a low friction coefficient of the tool covered with the coat, the resistance to oxidation or to the formation of build-up edges on the tool, combined with the possibility to machine materials without liquid cooling lubricants are important contributions advocating the development of this technological field. However, in order to improve the desired properties of PVD coatings, one of the basic properties must be taken care of, which is the adherence to the substrate. The coating of ceramic materials in PVD processes, including also tool cera- mics, is difficult due to dielectric properties, since the inability of the substrate polarization during the coating Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 755–759 755 UDK 620.19:620.178.16:621.793.8 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)755(2016) process makes it difficult to obtain coatings with a good adherence to ceramic substrates.2,7–11 The fabrication technology of stratified coatings of the type "adhesive layer/PVD layer" using the multi- stage surface machining is one of the most modern methods to modify the properties of the surface layer and it consists, in a successive application, of two (or more) technologies of surface engineering. In terms of material effects, we obtain multilayer systems whereof one part is made up of an appropriately selected adhesive layer fabricated on the surface of the substrate, which protects the "proper" PVD layer against a loss of internal cohe- sion and an insufficient adhesion to the substrate. And on the other end of the system, we obtain a PVD coating which efficiently insulates the substrate, limiting the impact of the external harmful factors encountered in the operating process.2,12 The coatings of the (Ti,Al)N type are isomorphic, with titanium nitride which is still widely applied. The presence of aluminum in the coatings of this type brings about the situation where the service-life temperature of these coatings exceeds 970 K, and in such operating con- ditions of raised temperature, a layer of Al2O3 is formed on the surface, which forms a diffusive barrier for the atmospheric oxygen.13,14 Zinc oxide is a semiconductor characterized by a high energy gap (3.4 eV), high exciton binding energy (60 meV) and easy n-type doping.15,16 Zinc oxide, ZnO, obtained with the use of the ALD technique on a sialon- ceramic substrate enables the polarization of this sub- strate during the technological process of PVD and, hence, the objective of this paper is to investigate the im- pact of the ZnO layer obtained with the use of the ALD technique on the adhesion of the hybrid coating ALD/PVD of the ZnO/(Ti,Al)N type to the sialon sub- strate. For the sake of comparison, we also investigated the coatings on sintered carbide substrates. 2 MATERIALS AND METHOD The research studies were carried out on multipoint cutting tools made of sintered carbides WC-Co and sialon-tool ceramics covered in the PVD and ALD/PVD processes. The tools were covered during the cathodic- arc evaporation process CAE-PVD with the (Ti,Al)N coating type and in the ALD/PVD hybrid process using the ZnO/(Ti,Al)N coating type. The topography of the surfaces and wear mechanisms of the coatings was viewed with a Supra 35 scanning electron microscope from Zeiss. The secondary-electron (SE) detection was used to obtain the images of the tested samples, with an acceleration voltage of 5–20 kV. The topography of the coatings was tested using a Park Systems XE-100 atomic-force microscope. The tests were carried out in the non-contact mode. The adherence of the coatings to the substrate was assessed with a scratch test on a Revetest device from CSEM. The method consists of moving a Rockwell C diamond indenter through the surface of a tested sample at a constant speed, with the applied force growing linearly. The ranges of the applied load were 0–100 N and 0–200 N. The Lc critical load, at which the coating adhesion is lost, was determined according to the acou- stic-emission value registered during the measurement and by observing the scratches formed during the scratch test. The abrasive-wear-resistance tests and the wear-fac- tor tests for the tested coatings were performed with the pin-on-plate method using a CSEM Tribometer (THT). A 6 mm Al2O3 ball was used as the counter specimen. The tests were made at room temperature. The following test conditions were applied: a normal force of FN = 10 N and a movement speed of v = 0.1 m/s. The total distance of 1 km was set for all the tested specimens. 3 DISCUSSION AND TEST RESULTS The value of critical load Lc, being the adherence measure for the investigated coatings on sintered-carbide substrates or sialon-tool ceramic substrates, was deter- mined using a scratch test (Figure 1). The research studies show that the ALD/PVD hybrid coat has a much M. STASZUK et al.: INVESTIGATION STUDIES INVOLVING WEAR-RESISTANT ALD/PVD ... 756 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 755–759 Figure 1: a) Acoustic emission (AE) and friction force Ft depending on load Fn for the ZnO/(Ti,Al)N coating on sialon ceramics, b) scratch failure at Lc (opt) = 65 N, magnified 200× Slika 1: a) Akusti~na emisija (AE) in sila trenja Ft v odvisnosti od obremenitve Fn pri ZnO/(Ti,Al)N nanosu na sialon keramiko, b) po- {kodba z razo pri Lc (opt) = 65 N, pove~ano 200× higher adherence to the sialon-ceramic substrate than the PVD coating without the adhesive layer (Table 1). A re- verse situation takes place in the case of coatings on sintered-carbide substrates. Due to high adhesion of the PVD coating to the sintered-carbide substrate, the ALD layer causes a drop in the critical load from 109 N to 55 N. Table 1: Critical loads Lc of the investigated coatings Tabela 1: Kriti~ne obremenitve Lc preiskovanih nanosov Type of coating Critical load Lc, N Sialon substrate Cemented-carbidesubstrate (Ti,Al)N 21 109 ZrO/(Ti,Al)N 64 55 The damage done to the coats during the performed adhesion/scratch tests was identified on the basis of observations with the scanning electron microscope. The studies carried out show that it is the delamination, which is the principle mechanism of the coat damage on the sialon-ceramic substrate after the critical load Lc has been exceeded. In the case of the PVD coat, which is characterised by a low adherence to the ceramic substra- te, a total delamination with vast chipping was identified. Furthermore, a low adherence of the PVD coat to the ceramic substrate indicates a considerable morphological non-homogeneity and, in particular, the presence of chippings found on the whole surface of the coat (except for the scratch area) (Figure 2). A low adherence of the coat to the substrate results in its unprompted chipping due to the internal strain of the coat. In the case of the ZnO/(Ti,Al)N hybrid coat on the sialon substrate, dela- mination was identified on both sides of the sample (Figure 3). The chipping on both sides of the scratched sample is definitely less vast than that observed in the case of the (Ti,Al)N coat on the same substrate. The only morphological defects of the hybrid coat are the drop- shaped microparticles, inseparably connected with the cathodic-arc evaporation process (Figure 4). In the case M. STASZUK et al.: INVESTIGATION STUDIES INVOLVING WEAR-RESISTANT ALD/PVD ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 755–759 757 Figure 4: Surface topography of the ZnO/(Ti,Al)N coating deposited onto the sialon-ceramic substrate: a) SEM, b) AFM Slika 4: Topografija povr{ine ZnO/(Ti,Al)N nanosa, nane{enega na podlago iz sialonske keramike: a) SEM, b) AFM Figure 2: Characteristic failure obtained with the scratch test of the (TiAl)N coating deposited on the sialon-ceramic substrate Slika 2: Zna~ilna po{kodba pri preizkusu z razenjem nanosa (Ti,Al)N, nane{enega na podlagi iz sialonske keramike Figure 3: Characteristic failure obtained with the scratch test of the ZnO/(TiAl)N coating deposited on the sialon-ceramic substrate Slika 3: Zna~ilna po{kodba pri preizkusu razenja ZnO/(Ti,Al)N nanosa, nane{enega na podlago iz sialonske keramike of the coats on sintered-carbide substrates, friction is the dominant mechanism. In the case of the PVD coat on the sintered-carbide substrate, which is characterised by the highest adherence among the investigated samples, no abrasion deep down in the substrate was identified until the maximum load was reached during the scratch test. However, numerous cohesive cracks were identified after surpassing the critical load Lc. In the ZnO/(Ti,Al)N coat on the same substrate, we identified a uniform abrasion spreading down into the substrate after the critical load was exceeded. With the tests on the abrasive-wear resistance of the coats deposited on sialon ceramics and on sintered car- bides using the pin-on-plate method, we found that in almost all the cases where the coats were applied the coats were damaged down to the substrate zone (Figures 5 and 6). The dominant wear mechanism of the investi- gated coats was attrition. We also found that in some cases the damaged coat sticks onto the material of the counter specimen, which has a direct impact on the changing values of the friction coefficient. The research studies also confirm a positive impact of the ZrO layer on the attrition resistance as compared to the specimen without such a layer. At one end of the scratch, we ob- served a lot of damage to the coat deposited on the sialon substrate without the ZrO layer. The damage is of adhesive character – we can observe stratifications and cracks of the layer (Figure 5). And in the case of the coat deposited with the ZrO layer, the end of the scratch is uniformly grated without any adhesive damage (Fig- ure 6). 4 CONCLUSION Nowadays, the improvement of the wear resistance of cutting tools mainly involves surface machining, while the selection of the technology or coating material aims at ensuring the proper resistance of a tool to dominant wear mechanisms. The operating properties of the coats resistant to the wear are the results of many components, primarily the microhardness, the grain size and the adherence to the substrate. Especially the last property is of key importance, and in view of the performed research studies2, the grain size, the thickness and the micro- hardness of the obtained coats have smaller impacts than the adhesion on the durability of cutting tools since the changes in these properties have smaller impacts on service life. The paper presents the results of research studies in- volving the application of an ALD layer to obtain a better adhesion of the PVD coat to the tool sialon-cera- mic substrate or sintered-carbide substrate. We inve- stigated the (Ti,Al)N coat deposited on both substrates, with the ZnO layer and without it. On the basis of the investigation studies, we can state that zinc oxide con- siderably improves the adherence of the PVD coat to the ceramic substrate, which was confirmed with scratch tests and observations of the damage made during the tests, using a scanning electron microscope. The critical load, being the adherence measure of the PVD coat on the ceramic substrate, increased due to the application of the adhesive layer by over 200 %. With respect to the investigated coats on sintered carbides, the adherence of the PVD coat to the ALD layer decreased as compared to the coat without ALD. The improvement in the adherence of the PVD coat to the ceramic substrate is undaubtly connected with the possibility to polarize the substrate during the coating process involving the application of the ZnO layer. The results of the research studies are important since the deposition of ceramics in PVD processes is hindered due to the dielectric properties of ceramics. M. STASZUK et al.: INVESTIGATION STUDIES INVOLVING WEAR-RESISTANT ALD/PVD ... 758 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 755–759 Figure 6: Trace of tribological damage on the surface of the ZnO/(Ti,Al)N coat deposited on the sialon-ceramic substrate Slika 6: Sled tribolo{ke po{kodbe na povr{ini ZnO/(Ti,Al)N nanosa, nane{enega na podlago iz sialonske keramike Figure 5: Trace of tribological damage on the surface of the (Ti,Al)N coat deposited on the sialon-ceramic substrate Slika 5: Sled tribolo{ke po{kodbe na povr{ini (Ti,Al)N nanosa, nane{enega na podlago iz sialonske keramike Acknowledgements The publication was co-financed by the statutory grant of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology in 2015. 5 REFERENCES 1 M. Sopicka-Lizera, M. Tañcula, T. W³odek, K. Rodak, M. Hüller, V. Kochnev, E. Fokina, K. 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This paper aims at investigating the weld-nugget growth of dissimilar-resistance spot welding of ferrite-martensite DP600 and drawing-quality special-killed (DQSK) low-carbon steel. It was revealed how the weld-nugget size is influenced by the main welding para- meters: welding current, welding time and electrode force. The weldability lobe was established and proper welding conditions for the welds with a sufficient size and without an expulsion were determined. Using the experimental data, an empirical relationship between the weld-nugget size and the welding parameters was developed. Keywords: resistance spot welding, dual-phase steel, dissimilar welding, weld-nugget growth Velikost jedra zvara je klju~nega pomena pri dolo~anju mehanskih lastnosti uporovnih to~kastih zvarov. Namen tega ~lanka je preiskava rasti jedra zvara pri to~kastem uporovnem varjenju feritno-martenzitnega DP600 in pomirjenega maloglji~nega jekla DQSK za globoki vlek. Ugotovljeno je bilo, kako na velikost jedra zvara vplivajo glavni parametri varjenja: varilni tok, ~as varjenja in pritisk elektrode. Vzpostavljen je bil varilni kiln in dolo~eni so bili pravilni varilni pogoji za izdelavo dovolj velikih zvarov, brez izgonov taline. Z uporabo eksperimentalnih podatkov je bila postavljena empiri~na odvisnost med velikostjo jedra zvara in parametri varjenja. Klju~ne besede: uporovno to~kasto varjenje, dvofazno jeklo, varjenje razli~nih materialov, rast jedra zvara 1 INTRODUCTION Resistance spot welding is considered as the domi- nant process for joining sheet metals in the automotive industry. Simplicity, low cost, high speed (low process time) and automation possibility are the advantages of this process. The quality and mechanical behavior of spot welds significantly affect the durability and crash- worthiness of a vehicle.1–3 To ensure and maintain the structural integrity of a finished component under a wide range of operating conditions, e.g., a crash situation, a remotest possibility of producing even one or two defec- tive welds in a critical component needs to be eliminated. These requirements, coupled with the uncertainties about the weld quality due to the difficulty of applying non- destructive tests to spot welds, are responsible for the practice of making more spot welds than needed for maintaining the structural integrity. Typically, there are about 2000–5000 spot welds in a modern vehicle. Around 20–30 % of these spot welds are due to the un- certainty of the quality of spot welds. A significant cost associated with over-welding provides a considerable driving force for optimizing this process.4 Resistance spot welding is a process of joining two or more metal parts using fusion at discrete spots at the interface of workpieces. The resistance to the current flow through the metal workpieces and their interface generates heat; therefore, the temperature rises at the interface of the workpieces. When the melting point of the metal is reached, the metal will begin to fuse and a nugget begins to form. The current is then switched off and the nugget is cooled down to solidify under pressure.5,6 It is well established that the geometrical attributes of spot welds, particularly the weld-nugget size, are the most important controlling factors determining the me- chanical strength of RSWs.7–12 In this regard, the weld-nugget size was included in several empirical rela- tions. For example, J. Heuschkel13 developed empirical relations among the tensile-shear strength (P), weld- nugget diameter (D), base-metal tensile strength (BM), sheet thickness (t) and base-metal chemical composition (C, Mn): [ ]P Dt C= +  ( . )0 05Mn BM (1) where  and  are material-dependent coefficients. Similar relations were developed by other researchers. For example, the following relation was developed by J. M. Sawhil and J. C. Baker14 for the tensile-shear strength of spot welds: P ftD=  BM (2) where f is a material-dependent coefficient, with a value between 2.5 and 3.1. Considering the importance of the weld-nugget size for the quality of spot welds, there is a need to study the Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 761–765 761 UDK 621.791.76/.79:691.714:621.791.05 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)761(2016) effects of RSW parameters such as welding current, electrode force and welding time on this key physical weld attribute. Moreover, an increased use of advanced high-strength steels (AHSS), particularly ferrite-marten- site DP steels, led to a wider range of possible material combinations in the resistance spot welding (RSW) of body-in-white assemblies. Therefore, there is clearly a practical need for the study of the weld-nugget growth during the RSW of dissimilar steel grades. In this paper, weld-nugget growth characteristics of dissimilar RSW of ferrite-martensite DP600 and drawing-quality special- killed (DQSK) low-carbon steel are investigated. The aim of this paper is to reveal how the weld-nugget size is influenced by the main welding parameters: welding current, welding time and electrode force. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 2-mm-thick drawing-quality special-killed (DQSK) low-carbon steel and 2-mm-thick DP600 dual-phase steel sheets were used as the base metals. The chemical compositions of the base metals are shown in Table 1. Resistance spot welding was performed using a PLC- controlled, 120 kVA AC pedestal-type resistance-spot- welding machine. The welding was conducted using a 45-deg truncated-cone RWMA Class 2 electrode with an 8-mm face diameter. Table 1: Chemical compositions of steels used in this study Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava jekel, uporabljenih v {tudiji Base metal C Mn Si S P DP600 0.035 1.08 0.388 0.004 0.038 LCS 0.065 0.204 0.095 0.017 0.018 To study the effects of the welding conditions (welding current, welding time and electrode force) on the weld failure mode, several welding schedules were used. Figure 1 shows a schematic of the welding sche- dules used in this study. A total of 60 combinations of the welding current, the welding time and the electrode force were performed. Samples for the metallographic examination were prepared using the standard metallographic procedure. Light microscopy was used to examine the macrostruc- tures and microstructures and to measure the weld fusion zone (weld nugget). The samples for the metallographic examination were prepared using the standard me- tallographic procedure. A 4 % Nital etching reagent was used to reveal the macrostructures of the samples. The FZ size is defined as the width of the weld nugget at the sheet/sheet interface in the longitudinal direction. The indentation depth is expressed as the percentage of the sheet thickness. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Weld macrostructure Figure 2 shows the macrostructure of a weld joining DP600 and low-carbon steel indicating that there are three distinct microstructural zones: 1) The weld nugget (WN) or fusion zone (FZ) which is melted during the welding process and then resoli- dified showing a cast structure. The macrostructure of the weld nugget consists of columnar grains. 2) The heat-affected zone (HAZ) which does not melted but undergoes microstructural changes. 3) The base metal (BM). 3.2 Effects of the welding parameters on the weld- nugget growth The effects of welding parameters on the weld- nugget size are shown in Table 2. Contour plots for the weld-nugget size versus the welding current and the welding time at three levels of the electrode force are shown in Figure 3. According to these results, the following points can be drawn: 1) The welding current has a profound effect on the weld-nugget growth. Increasing the welding current increases the weld-nugget size. 2) Increasing the welding time increases the weld- nugget size. 3) Increasing the electrode force decreases the weld- nugget size. Indeed, when applying electrode force, S. P. HOVEIDA MARASHI: DISSIMILAR SPOT WELDING OF DQSK/DP600 STEELS: THE WELD-NUGGET GROWTH 762 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 761–765 Figure 2: Macrostructure of a weld of DP600 and low-carbon steel: FZ size is defined as the width of the weld nugget at the sheet/sheet interface in the longitudinal direction Slika 2: Makrostruktura zvara DP600 in malooglji~nega jekla: FZ je {irina pretaljenega jedra na stiku plo~evin v vzdol`ni smeri Figure 1: Schematic of the welding schedules used in this study Slika 1: Shema ~asovnega poteka varjenja v tej {tudiji there is need to use higher welding current and welding time to obtain a specific weld-nugget size. The amount of heat generated at the sheet-to-sheet interface during the spot-welding process is the main reason for the nugget formation and its strength. The heat generated during the resistance spot welding can be expressed as follows: Q RI t= W W 2 (3) where Q, R, Iw and tw are the generated heat, the elec- trical resistance, the welding current and the welding time, respectively. Therefore, the three main parameters affecting the weld-nugget growth are the welding current, the welding time and the electrical resistance. The heat varies directly with the interface resistance, the welding time and the second power of the welding current. Again, this contact (interface) resistance varies in a complex manner and it is influenced by the electrode force, the surface condi- tions of the sheets used and also by the geometry of the electrode tip. Increasing the welding current and the welding time increases the heat generation, which in turn, causes an enlargement of the weld nugget. The static electrical resistance (i.e., the contact resis- tance) is mainly governed by the electrode force, which in turn controls the weld-nugget formation.15 On a duc- tile material, where a normal force is applied across the contact interface, the number of surface asperities supporting the applied load gradually increases due to their successive yielding. In other words, the true contact area will initially be a relatively small fraction of the macroscopic, or apparent, contact area. Later, the true contact area will increase with the application of load and, in the limit, approach the apparent contact area.8 Therefore, an increase in the electrode force decreases the electric resistance and thus reduces the generated heat at the sheet/sheet interface. Since the generated heat is proportional to the squared current, the current to the duration and the con- tact resistance is inversely proportional to the electrode force, another parameter, the so-called heat factor, can be defined as follows: Heat factor W W e = I t F 2 (4) S. P. HOVEIDA MARASHI: DISSIMILAR SPOT WELDING OF DQSK/DP600 STEELS: THE WELD-NUGGET GROWTH Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 761–765 763 Table 2: Effects of welding current and welding time on the weld- nugget size at three different electrode forces (S: small, A: acceptable, E: expulsion) Tabela 2: Vpliv varilnega toka in ~asa varjenja na velikost pretalje- nega jedra pri treh razli~nih pritiskih elektrod Welding current (kA) Welding time (s) Weld-nugget size (mm) F=4.1 kN F=5.1 kN F=5.7 kN 8 0.3 4.35 (S) 2.3 (S) 1.2 (S) 8 0.4 4.67 (S) 3.15 (S) 2.2 (S) 8 0.5 4.9 (S) 3.8 (S) 2.6 (S) 8 0.6 5.12 (S) 4.24 (S) 3.7 (S) 9 0.3 4.8 (S) 4.4 (S) 4 (S) 9 0.4 4.9 (S) 4.8 (S) 4.65 (S) 9 0.5 5.25 (S) 4.9 (S) 4.67 (S) 9 0.6 5.73 (A) 5.4 (S) 5.22 (S) 10 0.3 4.85 (S) 4.55 (S) 4.55 (S) 10 0.4 6.3 (A) 6.35 (A) 5.6 (A) 10 0.5 6.95 (A) 6.65 (A) 6.6 (A) 10 0.6 7.35 (A) 7.25 (A) 7.1 (A) 11 0.3 6.75 (A) 6 (A) 5.9 (A) 11 0.4 7.5 (A) 7.3 (A) 7.1 (A) 11 0.5 7.55 (A) 7.5 (A) 7.2 (A) 11 0.6 8.5 (A) 7.75 (A) 7.95 (A) 12 0.3 7.65 (E) 7.35 (E) 7 (E) 12 0.4 8.2 (E) 7.95 (E) 7.95 (E) 12 0.5 9 (E) 8.95 (E) 8.75 (E) 12 0.6 8.8 (E) 8.9 (E) 8.9 (E) Figure 3: Weld-nugget size versus welding time and welding current at electrode forces of: a) 4.1 kN, b) 5.1 kN and c) 5.7 kN Slika 3: Velikost pretaljenega jedra zvara v odvisnosti od ~asa varjenja in varilnega toka pri sili elektrode: a) 4,1 kN, b) 5,1 kN in c) 5,7 kN where Fe is the electrode force. It is expected that the higher the heat factor, the higher is the weld-nugget size. As it can be seen in Figure 4, the weld-nugget growth is proportional to the heat factor, with the ex- ception of high heat factors. This can be explained with the fact that increasing the heat factor increases the probability of expulsion. Expulsion can increase the heat losses. Therefore, increasing the heat factor beyond the critical value does not increase the weld-nugget size. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is not a proportional relationship between the heat factor and the weld-nugget size. This is important when selecting the optimum welding condition to obtain a larger weld- nugget size. 3.3 Quantitative relation between welding parameters and the weld-nugget size To establish a relationship between the weld-nugget size and the welding parameters, viz., the welding time, the welding current and the electrode force, the follow- ing relation was developed using multiple regression: Weld Nugget Size 4 1.18 W W = + + + − 06252 2121 569533 . . I t 3 07395 0 2568 0 063452 2. . .F I F Ie W e W+ − (5) In Figure 5, the values of the weld-nugget size ob- tained experimentally are plotted against the weld- nugget size predicted with Equation (5). As can be seen, there is very little scatter of the points from the proposed equation. Deviations are well within the 95 % confidence limit. The ability to make a weld, based on the welding parameters and under production conditions, is best defined in terms of a šweldability lobe’. The weldability lobe defines the available tolerances for producing a weld of a defined quality. In this way, it is possible to determine the welding parameters that allow an accept- able weld quality as defined with precise physical limits, such as the weld size, or non-marking or aesthetic qualities, associated with the amount of surface inden- tation.4 According to the AWS D8.1M standard16 for automotive weld-quality resistance spot welding of steels, the lower limit of a lobe diagram corresponds to the welding condition leading to the welds with the nugget size larger than 4t0.5, where t is the sheet thick- ness. The upper limits outlining the tolerance box for acceptable welding are generally defined in terms of the weld-nugget expulsion. In Table 2, the range of the welding parameters pro- ducing reliable spot welds is highlighted in blue. The welding condition producing small welds is in gray. Also, the expulsion occurrence is highlighted in red. The suitable welding-current range is from the current, under which the minimum nugget diameter (for example, 4t0.5) is formed to that, under which the expulsion occurs. A wide suitable welding-current range is desirable because it is possible to control the nugget diameter within a pre- scribed range even if the welding current fluctuates. The welding range for each welding time is about 2 kA, which is a proper welding-current range indicating good weldability. 4 CONCLUSIONS Understanding the influence of RSW parameters on the weld-nugget growth during resistance spot welding is a prerequisite for the development of the optimum weld- ing conditions, ensuring high levels of joint quality in auto-body manufacture. The results of the present re- search revealed how the weld-nugget size is influenced by the main welding parameters, viz., the welding current, the welding time and the electrode force: 1) Increasing the heat input caused by increasing the welding current and the welding time led to an en- largement of the weld nugget due to increasing the heat generated at the sheet/sheet interface. S. P. HOVEIDA MARASHI: DISSIMILAR SPOT WELDING OF DQSK/DP600 STEELS: THE WELD-NUGGET GROWTH 764 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 761–765 Figure 4: Weld-nugget size versus heat factor (HF) Slika 4: Velikost pretaljenega jedra zvara v odvisnosti od faktorja toplote (HF) Figure 5: Scatter plot for the weld-nugget size Slika 5: Diagram raztrosa velikosti staljenega jedra zvara 2) Increasing the electrode force can increase the initial sheet/sheet contact areas and therefore decrease the sheet/sheet interfacial electrical resistively, which in turn leads to a reduction in the generated heat at the sheet/sheet interface. In other words, increasing the electrode force increases the welding current and welding time required to melt the sheet/sheet inter- face. 3) We determined a relation involving the weld-nugget size and the welding parameters, viz., the welding current, the welding time and the electrode force. This helped us to evaluate the combined effect of the welding parameters on the weld-nugget size. Using such a quantitative relation, the selection of the opti- mum welding condition becomes straightforward. 4) Another factor, the heat factor = I2t/F, was defined to evaluate the combining effect of the welding parame- ters on the weld-nugget size. 5) The weldability lobe for dissimilar-resistance spot welding of DP600 and low-carbon steel was deter- mined using the established criteria of the AWS standard. A wide welding-current range was estab- lished indicating good weldability. 5 REFERENCES 1 M. Pouranvari, H. R. Asgari, S. M. Mosavizadeh, P. H. Marashi, M. Goodarzi, Effect of weld nugget size on overload failure mode of re- sistance spot welds, Sci. Technol. Weld. Joining, 12 (2007), 217–225, doi:10.1179/174329307x164409 2 M. 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LAZAR et al.: ARMOUR PLATES FROM KOZLOV ROB – ANALYSES OF TWO UNUSUAL FINDS 767–773 ARMOUR PLATES FROM KOZLOV ROB – ANALYSES OF TWO UNUSUAL FINDS OKLEPNI PLO[^I S KOZLOVEGA ROBA – ANALIZE DVEH NENAVADNIH NAJDB Toma` Lazar1, Primo` Mrvar2, Martin Lamut3, Peter Fajfar2 1National Museum of Slovenia, Pre{ernova cesta 20, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Material Science and Metallurgy, A{ker~eva cesta 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 3Slovenian centre of excellence for space sciences and technologies, A{ker~eva cesta 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia peter.fajfar@omm.ntf.uni-lj.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-07-30; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-10-13 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.242 During archaeological excavations of the fortifications on Kozlov rob, two perforated steel plates were discovered, the purposes of which had never been explained satisfactorily. Detailed examinations and scientific analyses confirmed that in one case at least we were dealing with fragments of armour from the late Middle Ages or the early Modern Period that had later been reworked into an entirely unrelated object having, in all possibility, a non-warlike function. Keywords: armour, weapons, archaeometallurgy, metallography, nano-indentation, Kozlov rob Med arheolo{kimi izkopavanji utrdbe na Kozlovem robu sta bili odkriti dve preluknjani, jekleni plo{~i, katerih namembnost ni bila nikoli zadovoljivo pojasnjena. Natan~ne preiskave in znanstvene analize so potrdile, da gre v vsaj enem primeru za fragment oklepa iz poznega srednjega veka ali iz zgodnjega novega veka. Ta je bil naknadno predelan v predmet, ki po vsej verjetnosti ni slu`il voja{kemu namenu. Klju~ne besede: oklep, oro`je, arheometalurgija, metalografija nanovtiskovanje, Kozlov rob 1 INTRODUCTION Kozlov rob is a lone hill of almost rectangular form reaching an altitude of 426 m above sea-level overlook- ing the town of Tolmin. Due to the strategic importance of the location, a castle was built on Kozlov rob in the 12th Century. The castle remained in use until the mid-17th Century.1 Archaeological excavations at Kozlov rob were car- ried out in 1964/5 and 1996/7. The excavations revealed various finds.2 As elsewhere in Central Europe,3,4,5 the finds consisted mostly of small, often fragmentary ob- jects. Among those related to warfare, the largest group is represented by crossbow bolts.6 In addition to other fragments of arms and armour, two steel plates were found, both perforated with rows of holes. One of them was first reported on in 2008.1,7 The unclear purposes of the plates soon stimulated lively discussion. The first plate evidently represents the upper half of a breastplate. The second plate is made from much thicker steel sheet but lacks any recognisable features. The two fragments have little in common apart from the more or less symmetrically distributed holes. This is an indication that both objects had performed an identical function during their last period of working life. At least three hypotheses have been suggested as to their intended purpose: 1. Fragments of armour were used by the castle garrison for target practice with crossbows. 2. The perforated breastplate with vent holes is an example of extremely rare tournament armour for foot combat. 3. Worn-out fragments of armour were recycled and modified into something else, perhaps a grate or vent. In 2010 the plates from Kozlov rob were submitted to in-depth research for the first time. Four small samples were removed from each plate and subjected to me- tallographic analysis. The results indicated that both plates were made from relatively high-quality steel con- taining approximately 0.3 % to 0.8 % carbon with a ferritic-pearlitic structure.8,9 These preliminary results underlined the need for additional analyses and a more detailed publication about the plates from Kozlov rob. The following paper has been compiled to present a comprehensive overview of the analytical methods used as well as an interdiscip- linary discussion of the latest findings. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART The fragment of breastplate No. 1 (Figure 1) is heav- ily corroded. It represents the upper half of a steel cuirass reaching up to the folded rim of the neck and armpit cut-out. The fragment originally belonged to a Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 767–773 767 UDK 620.17:623.445.1:67.017 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)767(2016) breastplate of comparatively plain construction, possibly of North Italian manufacture, in the style typical for the period around 1500 AD.8,10 It is made from one piece of steel sheet, approximately 1.5 mm to 3 mm thick. The length of the plate is 252 mm, the width is 286 mm, and its weight is 778 g. Due to a progressive state of corro- sion, the original thickness of the sheet metal is difficult to measure precisely, but can be estimated at around 2 mm on average. The convex-shaped steel sheet is per- forated along two thirds of its width on the right-hand side with 18 holes arranged in more or less symmetrical rows. The holes are mostly of uniform, square shaped, pierced from the inner side of the breastplate.1,9 The fragment of steel plate No. 2 (Figure 2) is shaped as an irregular parallelogram. It is made from a massive steel sheet with a multi-layered anisotropic mi- crostructure. The plate is perforated with 16 square and round holes pierced from both sides. Due to advanced corrosion the metal sheet has largely disintegrated longi- tudinally into multiple layers. The surface is covered with a thick layer of corrosion products. The thickness of the steel sheet is approximately 3.5 mm to 7 mm, with an average of around 4.5 mm. The length of the plate is 245 mm, the width 244 mm, and its weight is 1.504 g.8,9 For the microstructural characterization and the mechanical analysis three small samples were removed from each steel plate. The locations of the samples of fragment No. 1 are shown in Figure 1, and their shapes are shown in Figure 3, and the locations of the samples of fragment No. 2 are shown in Figure 2, and their shapes are shown in Figure 4. The obtained samples were embedded in resin, ground, polished and etched using a solution of 2 % nital. The microstructural cha- racterization was performed using light optical micro- scopy (Olympus Microscope BX61). The tests for me- chanical analysis were conducted on an Agilent G200 Nanoindenter using the continuous stiffness measure- ment (CSM) option. The CSM technique allows the contact stiffness together with the projected area of hardness impressions to be measured at any point along the loading curve.11,12 This instrument monitors and re- cords the dynamic load and displacement of the indenter during indentation with a force resolution of approxi- mately 50 nN and a displacement resolution of approxi- mately 0.01 nm. 3 RESULTS 3.1 Metallographic analysis Sample 1 originates from the edge of a heavily cor- roded hole. The examined surface runs along the plane of the plate. The sample is corroded, hence the micro- structure of the metal is invisible on the macro photo- graph (Figure 3a). Sample 2 was removed from the lower, broken part of the plate. The examined surface T. LAZAR et al.: ARMOUR PLATES FROM KOZLOV ROB – ANALYSES OF TWO UNUSUAL FINDS 768 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 767–773 Figure 1: Fragment of breastplate showing the locations of the samples (Photo: T. Lazar), Gori{ki muzej, Nova Gorica, s. n. Slika 1: Odlomek prsne plo{~e z mesti odvzema vzorcev (foto: T. Lazar), Gori{ki muzej, Nova Gorica, s. n. Figure 3: Samples from the plate No. 1: a) sample 1, b) sample 2, c) sample 3 Slika 3: Vzorci plo{~e {t. 1: a) vzorec 1, b) vzorec 2, c) vzorec 3 Figure 2: Fragment of steel plate showing the locations of the samples (Photo: T. Lazar), Gori{ki muzej, Nova Gorica, s. n. Slika 2: Odlomek jeklene plo{~e z mesti odvzema vzorcev (Photo: T. Lazar), Gori{ki muzej, Nova Gorica, s. n. runs perpendicular to the plane of the plate (Figure 5). The microstructure contains mostly pearlite (darker microstructural areas of the grain) with a small propor- tion of ferrite (white microstructural areas). On the lower edge of the sample the grain is finely formed within a directional structure. Also, the proportion of ferrite is markedly larger. The dark area along the left edge repre- sents the corroded surface. Sample 3 was taken from the right edge of the plate. The examined surface runs along the plane of the plate (Figure 6). The microstructure contains mostly pearlite with a small proportion of ferrite. On the upper edge of the sample (the outside edge of the plate) the grain is smaller and the proportion of ferrite larger. The dark area around the right edge represents the corroded surface. The existing corrosion products are formed mostly on the basis of Fe2O3 and Fe3O4. Within the narrow band along the lower right edge, the microstructure of sample 2 is directed along the flow of material produced during the perforation process (Fig- ure 5). The grain is plastically deformed, non-recry- stallized, as is typical of cold working. Given that the edge layers contain a significantly higher portion of recrystallized ferrite grain, it can be estimated that the steel plate was heated to a temperature between 700 °C and 900 °C prior to the perforation process. At that temperature and a suitable time of heating the steel plate was partly decarburised on the surface. This is confirmed by the microstructure containing an increased proportion of ferrite. The narrow band of non-recrystallized grain may have been formed during a later repair of the hole done cold. Sample 4 originates from the edge of a round hole. The examined surface runs perpendicularly along the plane of the plate (Figure 7). In the centre of the sample the microstructure contains mostly pearlite with a small proportion of ferrite. In the outer layers the grain is formed more finely and there is an increased content of ferrite. Sample 5 was removed from the left edge of the plate. The examined surface runs perpendicular to the plane of the plate (Figure 8). Along the entire cross- section pearlite can be observed, indicating that the steel has a composition containing 0.8 % carbon. Sample 6 was taken from the edge of a square hole. The examined surface runs perpendicular to the plane of the plate (Fig- ure 9). The microstructure is fine grained, containing pearlite and ferrite. The edges of the sample contain ferrite and the grain is larger, too. The microstructure of sample 5 is predominantly pearlitic. The examined surface is directed towards the interior of the plate. Such a microstructure is typical of hot working. The micro photographs demonstrate that T. LAZAR et al.: ARMOUR PLATES FROM KOZLOV ROB – ANALYSES OF TWO UNUSUAL FINDS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 767–773 769 Figure 7: Sample 4, plate No. 2 Slika 7: Vzorec 4, plo{~a {t. 1 Figure 5: Sample 2, plate No. 1 Slika 5: Vzorec 2, plo{~a {t. 1 Figure 6: Sample 3, plate No. 1 Slika 6: Vzorec 3, plo{~a {t. 1 Figure 4: Samples from plate No. 2: a) sample 4, b) sample 5, c) sample 6 Slika 4: Vzorci plo{~e {t. 2: a) vzorec 4, b) vzorec 5, c) vzorec 6 the plate was formed by hot forging, then slowly air cooled. The holes on the second plate were punched hot as well. This is confirmed by the compositions of sam- ples 4 and 6 that contain fine-grained microstructures with an increased ferrite content in the outer layers, which are partly decarburised. The grain is larger than is the case with the first plate. The proportion of ferrite is larger, too. Assuming that both plates were heated to the same temperature during the manufacture, the larger grain size may be attributed to a longer heating time, as plate No. 2 is twice as thick as No. 1. The examined samples also contain non-metallic inclusions that were oriented perpendicularly to the direction of deformation during the sequences of hot forging.13,14 Figure 7 demonstrates that these inclusions are rela- tively soft and therefore were deformed considerably. 3.2 Mechanical analysis In order to obtain a deeper insight into the origin of the archaeological finds in the form of two perforated steel plates it was decided to obtain some mechanical data. Since the archaeologists and museum curators are not in favour of any material being detached from mu- seum objects, the amount material to work with is usually fairly small, hence it is difficult to extract its mechanical properties. Due to such constraints the nanoindentation technique was used, which can provide a Young’s modulus and a hardness from very small sam- ples. The penetration depth of 1 μm was carefully chosen in order to avoid the influences of the indentation size effect, the surface roughness or the surface inclination and to reach a constant value or plateau region. At each point at least 6 measurements were taken. In spots where the results showed extensive dissipation, the number of measurements was increased considerably. The first point of interest was plate No. 1, sample 2 (P1-S2), removed from the area next to a hole, where at the edge finely formed grains are found with an in- creased portion of ferrite and in the middle part larger grains with a predominantly pearlitic microstructure. The results are presented in Table 1. In order to eliminate point fluctuations in the load-displacement curve the values are averages at depths between 800 nm and 900 nm from each test. (Note that for the nanoindenta- tion range the hardness values are greater than for the micro or macro scale11,12). The hardness measurements of P1-S2 (Figure 10) show a large dissipation at the edge in comparison to the area in the middle. It shows a slightly larger mean hardness (Table 1), but considering the dissipation it all falls into the margin of error. Since ferrite has a smaller hardness than pearlite it is assumed that the influence of cold-worked smaller grains is mini- mized by a greater ferrite share in the microstructure. Furthermore, the tests were made separately at the ferritic and pearlitic grains, but the results overlapped, most likely due to effects from adjacent grains, so it was T. LAZAR et al.: ARMOUR PLATES FROM KOZLOV ROB – ANALYSES OF TWO UNUSUAL FINDS 770 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 767–773 Figure 9: Sample 6, plate No. 2 Slika 9: Vzorec 6, plo{~a {t. 1 Figure 10: Hardness as a function of contact depth for P1S2: a) the edge and b) the middle Slika 10: Trdota v odvisnosti od kontaktne globine za P1S2: a) rob in b) sredina Figure 8: Sample 5, plate No. 2 Slika 8: Vzorec 5, plo{~a {t. 1 hard to draw any sound conclusions. Sample 3 (P1-S3), taken away from the afterwards induced holes, shows a considerably smaller hardness. The grains remained in the original state and no plastic deformation occurred, which agrees well with the above hypothesis. Table 1: Hardness tests statistics on the first plate Tabela 1: Statistika preizkusov trdote za prvo plo{~o P1-S2 middle P1-S2 edge P1-S3 Mean 3.18 3.38 2.29 Std. Dev. 0.24 0.53 0.15 % COV 7.48 15.82 6.36 In Table 2 the hardness results from plate No. 2 are given. Samples 4 and 6 (P2-S4, P2-S6), taken from the vicinity of a hole, show higher hardness where the grains are smaller with a lower share of ferrite, which in these cases is in the middle of the samples. Where the grains are larger and a higher share of ferrite is observed, the hardness is lower, comparable with the samples P1-S3 and P2-S5, taken from the area with no subsequent reworking of the plates. Table 2: Hardness tests statistics on the second plate Tabela 2: Statistika preizkusov trdote za drugo plo{~o P2-S4 middle P2-S4 edge P2-S5 P2-S6 middle P2-S6 edge Mean 3.05 2.69 2.82 2.97 2.57 Std. Dev. 0.08 0.09 0.3 0.3 0.23 % COV 2.56 3.24 10.53 10.1 9 4 DISCUSSION Fragments of armour were used by the castle garrison for target practice with crossbows. Both steel plates are perforated with holes, mostly of a square shape, measuring approximately 10 mm × 10 mm (Figures 11 and 12). Such dimensions correspond to the typical late-medieval crossbow bolt with a square- or diamond-shaped head. A sizeable group of bolt heads of that same type was unearthed on Kozlov rob6,7, seem- ingly supporting the idea that the plates had been used for marksmanship practice. However, several arguments speak against such an explanation. On both plates the holes are placed quite neatly in straight rows. Such precise shot placement would be difficult to achieve even by a skilled marks- man. At any rate, the arrangement of holes is much more symmetrical than might be expected from a random dispersion of hits. The penetration of late medieval crossbows should not be overestimated. The spanning force of a "one-foot" military crossbow was within the range of 1500 N, or 2100 N in the case of the heavier "two-foot" type. In the 15th century, even more powerful crossbows were deve- loped with draw weights up to 5000 N.16–20 However, their efficiency was low. At point-blank range, the maxi- mum penetration of a typical crossbow bolt weighing 70 g might reach up to 60 mm of pinewood. Documented cases of projectiles stuck within the wooden structures of medieval castles show a degree of penetration averaging only 20 mm in seasoned softwood.16 The kinetic energy of a crossbow bolt21 at point-blank range may be estimated at around 200 J.16 The latter is clearly superior to a yew longbow with a kinetic energy of 120 J at a draw weight of 670 N.22 However, it would be barely sufficient to penetrate even the relatively thin plate No. 1. The second plate, at least twice as thick, would prove entirely resistant to crossbow bolts. In fact, it would be proof against a musket ball possessing at least ten times greater kinetic energy.23 Therefore, it seems highly unlikely that the two steel plates from Kozlov rob were pierced by crossbow bolts. The final answer is provided by the metallographic analysis. Had the holes been made by the impact of crossbow bolts the samples would show evidence of mechanical deformation and cold work hardening of the microstructure. The perforated breastplate with vent holes is an example of extremely rare tournament armour for foot combat. In the late Middle Ages, new types of armour were developed specifically for tournament use. The famous T. LAZAR et al.: ARMOUR PLATES FROM KOZLOV ROB – ANALYSES OF TWO UNUSUAL FINDS Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 767–773 771 Figure 12: Holes on plate No. 1 (Photo: T. Lazar) Slika 12: Luknje na plo{~i {t. 1 (foto: T. Lazar) Figure 11: Square-shaped holes of plate No. 2 (Photo: D. Todorovi}) Slika 11: Luknje kvadratne oblike na plo{~i {t. 2 (foto: D. Todorovi}) tournament book of René of Anjou from ca. 1460 depicts a cuirass with numerous vent holes for fighting on foot (Figure 13).24,25 Recent archaeological excavations at the Haus Herbede in the Ruhr district have revealed a breast- plate of the exact same type.26,27 The discovery of a per- forated breastplate at Kozlov rob gave rise to speculation that it might have belonged to a similar suit of tourna- ment armour designed to prevent overheating.1,7 Nonetheless, a closer examination of the breastplate disproved such a possibility. The holes are crudely made, which is clearly inconsistent with the workmanship of late-medieval tournament armour. At any rate, the breast- plate would be very uncomfortable to wear due to the sharp perforations. The second perforated plate is an even less sophisticated product. The holes were struck into the steel sheet from both sides, in many cases, form- ing crude bulges up to a centimetre deep. Such a plate could never have belonged to armour worn on one’s person (Figure 14). Worn-out fragments of armour were recycled and re- worked into something else, perhaps a grate or vent. Steel was an expensive commodity in the past, hence recycling of old or damaged steel products was part of everyday life. Provided that a damaged fragment of armour had to be scrapped, it seems plausible that it was reworked into a new product, even something as mun- dane as a fireplace grate or a vent. Two very similar plates used for that purpose were spotted coincidentally in 2010, built into a modern brick structure on the island of Rab (Figures 15a and 15b). The perforations on the plates were clearly made using a massive chisel or punch. Due to the thickness of the metal sheet, particularly on plate No. 2., it can be T. LAZAR et al.: ARMOUR PLATES FROM KOZLOV ROB – ANALYSES OF TWO UNUSUAL FINDS 772 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 767–773 Figure 13: Armour for foot combat as depicted in René of Anjou’s tournament book (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, MS Fr 2695, fol. 25v) Slika 13: Oklep za pehotni dvoboj iz turnirske knjige Renéja An`uj- skega (Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, MS Fr 2695, fol. 25v) Figure 14: Side view of plate No. 2 (Photo: D. Todorovi}) Slika 14: Stranski pogled plo{~e {t. 2 (foto: D. Todorovi}) Figure 15: a), b): Unexpected analogy from the Adriatic coast: two simple steel vents, designed in the same manner, built into a modern outbuilding on the island Rab (Photo: T. Lazar) Slika 15: a), b): Nepri~akovana podobnost z Jadranske obale: dva pre- prosta jeklena zra~nika, oblikovana na enak na~in in vgrajena v moderno zgradbo na otoku Rab (foto: T. Lazar) assumed that the punching was performed while the plate was heated in a forge. Even so, the process would have necessitated heavy hammer blows, causing severe deformation of the material. Further explanation of the work process may be provided by scientific analyses, in particular metallography.13,14,28,29 5 CONCLUSION The fragmentary breastplate No. 1 was a quality pro- duct made of steel with a relatively high carbon con- tent.16 The latter also holds true for plate No. 2, even though, based on its shape alone, it is impossible to determine what sort of object it had belonged to origi- nally. One cannot exclude the possibility that it was merely a steel semi-product.8 The results of the metallographic analyses proved that both plates had been reworked in a similar manner. As could be expected given the technological capabilities of the pre-industrial era, the holes were made by hot punching. Only later on, as indicated by the non-recry- stallization, the directional structure of the part of sample 2 (Figure 5), some of the holes may have been repaired or reworked slightly by cold working. The mechanical analyses show that in the case of small samples the nanoindentation technique can provide useful additional data. The results confirm the metallographic analyses and further reveal the material properties as well as the methods of making and processing the plates. Based on the above observations, it is clear that once the holes had been punched and formed, at least plate No. 1 was not exposed to temperatures in excess of approximately 400 °C that would have caused recry- stallization of the cold-worked areas. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the perforated plates were most likely used as simple grates, vents or were put to some other similar uses. The reworking of the steel plates seems all the more plausible considering the gradual decline of armour in Europe during the 17th century. From that standpoint it might be easier to understand why on Kozlov rob a breastplate was reworked into a new product, no longer having anything in common with the armour’s original purpose. 6 REFERENCES 1 B. @bona Trkman, F. Bressan, Oro`je z gradu Kozlov rob; Vojske, oro`je in utrdbeni sistemi v Poso~ju, Tolminski muzej, Tolmin 2008, 58 2 B. @bona Trkman, A. Kruh, Stanje raziskav gradov in dvorcev na obmo~ju histori~ne Gori{ke I. Dobrovo, Kozlov rob, Rihemberk, [tanjel, Gori{ki letnik, Nova Gorica, 33–34 (2010), 195–217 3 K. Predovnik, Trdnjava Kostanjevica na Starem gradu nad Pod- bo~jem, Filozofska fakulteta, Ljubljana 2003, 240 4 C. Krauskopf, Plemstvo in predmeti iz njegovega vsakdanjika. Raziskave materialne kulture 13. in 14. stoletja, Arheo, Ljubljana, 23 (2005), 47–62 5 T. 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RANJBARNODEH: NUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT ... 775–782 NUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT OF HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE ON THE RESIDUAL STRESS IN BOILER-TUBE WELDS NUMERI^NA IN EKSPERIMENTALNA PREISKAVA VPLIVA HIDROSTATI^NEGA TLAKA NA ZAOSTALE NAPETOSTI V ZVARU NA KOTLOVSKI CEVI Daryoush Danyali, Eslam Ranjbarnodeh Amir Kabir of University of Technology, Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, Tehran, Iran islam_ranjbar@yahoo.com, islam_ranjbar@aut.ac.ir Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-08-13; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-10-09 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.255 A tube to tube-sheet weld joint is a critical section in many boilers. Leakage and failure are two common problems that can occur with this type of joint. The tensile residual stresses associated with welding can play a major role in these problems. In the present study, the Finite-Element Method is used to predict the residual stresses in a tube to tube-sheet weld and the effect of hydrostatic pressure on the residual stresses’ redistribution. Investigations were performed by numerical analyses and experimental methods. The joint included a circumferential fillet weld in one pass using a gas tungsten arc welding process. The thermomechanical behavior of the joint is simulated with a two-dimensional axisymmetric model and a subroutine developed in ANSYS software. The thermography method is used for the thermal verification and the hole-drilling strain gauge under post-weld heat treatment is used for the mechanical analysis verification. The numerical and experimental results showed that applied hydrostatic pressure can reduce, by about 58 %, the axial residual stress. Keywords: hydrostatic test, residual stress, boiler tubes, tube-sheet, finite element method (FEM) Kriti~ni podro~ji v kotlih sta zvarjen spoj cevi in cevne predelne stene. V tej vrsti spoja sta glavna problema, ki se pojavljata, pu{~anje in poru{itev. Zaostale natezne napetosti povezane z varjenjem so glavni dejavnik pri teh problemih. V {tudiji je bila uporabljena metoda kon~nih elementov za napovedovanje zaostalih napetosti v zvarih cevi in cevne predelne stene in vpliv hidrostati~nega tlaka na razporeditev zaostale napetosti. Raziskave so bile izvedene z numeri~no analizo in z eksperimentalnimi metodami. Spoj je vklju~eval obodni zvar izdelan v obloku z volframovo elektrodo in za{~ito s plinom. Termomehansko obna{anje spoja je bilo simulirano z uporabo dvodimenzijskega osnosimetri~nega modela in programa razvitega z ANSYS programsko opremo. Termografska metoda je uporabljena za preverjanje toplote in pri toplotni obdelavi zvarov je bila uporabljena metoda z merilnimi listi~i na izvrtini za preverjanje mehanske analize. Numeri~ni in eksperimentalni rezultati so pokazali, da uporabljen hidrostati~ni tlak, lahko za 58 % zmanj{a osne zaostale napetosti. Klju~ne besede: hidrostati~ni preizkus, zaostala napetost, kotlovske cevi, cevna predelna stena, metoda kon~nih elementov (FEM) 1 INTRODUCTION Boilers are a very important part of many industries, such as power generation, food, hospitals, and hotels. Boilers are the most troublesome components of elec- trical power generation plants. It costs the US utility industry over $5 billion per year in unscheduled shut- downs, repairs and power replacements.1 In general, the safety and structural integrity of a boiler are of para- mount importance. Welding is common method in the boiler-manufacturing process and the process of welding has a direct influence on the integrity of the components and their thermal and mechanical behaviors during service. Micro-cracking in tube to tube-sheet welds, in both the radial and circumferential directions, is commonplace.2 The nature of failures in the vicinity of the tube to tube-sheet interfaces is particularly difficult to determine because of the large temperature gradients as well as the relatively high pressures. Due to the high temperatures introduced during welding and the subsequent cooling of the welded metal, welding can produce undesirable residual stresses and deformations. Radial cracking is more likely to occur, but circumferential cracking also occurs and results from the thermal cycling, which is exacerbated by a high residual stress.3 The thermal stress, mechanical stress and welding residual stress of tube to tube-sheet has received a lot of attention in recent years. B. Yildrim and H. F. Nied4 investigated the residual stress and distortion in boiler-tube panels with welded overlay cladding. X. Qingren5 reported that residual stress in the circumferential weld in pipes is reduced when hydrostatic pressure is increased. To the best of the knowledge of the author, a very limited number of FEM models have been proposed for predicting the residual stresses in a tube to tube-sheet weld and the effect of hydrostatic pressure test on the residual stresses in this type of joint. The present study uses a two dimensional Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 775–782 775 UDK 519.6:620.179:67.017 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)775(2016) axisymmetric FEM model for the calculation and distribution of the residual stresses in a tube to tube-sheet joint. The Thermography Method is used for the thermal verification and the hole-drilling strain gauge under post-weld heat treatment is used for the mechanical analysis verification and then the effect of hydrostatic pressure on the redistribution residual stresses is investigated by numerical analyses and experi- mental methods. 2 FEM AND VERIFICATION PROCEDURES 2.1 Welding verification procedures To verify the results of the FEM method, an experimental test with the same geometry, material and welding parameters was produced, as shown in Figure 1. 2.2 Material properties The base metal of the tube was steel St35.8 and tube-sheet was steel 17Mn4. The chemical compositions are listed in Table 1. Table 1: Chemical composition in mass fractions (w/%) Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava v masnih odstotkih (w/%) Composition C Si Mn P S Cr St35.8 0.17 0.35 0.60 0.03 0.03 – 17Mn4 0.20 0.20 0.120 0.03 0.025 0.30 For the thermal and mechanical analyses, the rela- tionship between the thermo-physical and the thermo- mechanical properties of the materials with temperature is incorporated, as shown in Figure 2. The welding parameters used were exactly as same as the boiler-repair parameters. The dimensions of the welded parts are presented in Table 2. Table 2: The dimensions of the pieces used Tabela 2: Dimenzije uporabljenih kosov Material Diameter(mm) Width (mm) Width (mm) Thickness (mm) Tube 51.8 – 200 3.2 Tube-sheet – 80 80 12 2.3 Thermal verification procedure To verify the thermal model, thermography was used. In this study, the welding temperature was monitored with a model T8 thermography camera. It helps to record the temperature during the welding and after the weld cooling. 2.4 Mechanical model verification procedure To verify the weld profile obtained using the FEM method, a section was prepared for macroscopic exami- nation of the welded samples. The section was prepared, polished and etched in a solution with 50 mL of 37 % hydrochloric acid and 50 ml of distilled water for 30 minutes. After the etching period it was examined macroscopically. 2.5 Residual stress verification procedure The hole-drilling strain gauge under post-weld heat treatment is based on the principle that if a hole in a piece is created, stresses around the hole and the hole will be released. When this amount increases, the mobi- lity of the hole will increase. The strain and thus the amount of residual stresses can be calculated by deter- mining the displacement of the hole. This procedure is based on Tait’s research.3 The amounts of axial residual stresses were produced by the drilling under post-weld heat treatment technique. D. DANYALI, E. RANJBARNODEH: NUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT ... 776 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 775–782 Figure 1: Schematic of geometrical model for verification Slika 1: Shematski prikaz geometrijskega modela za preverjanje Figure 2: Thermo-physical and mechanical properties Slika 2: Termofizikalne in mehanske lastnosti The samples were drilled using a TOSKURIM drilling machine. The high-speed steel drill was 2 mm in diameter, known as the drill chuck. The rotation speed was 2743 min–1 and the forward speed of the drill was 0.05 mm/min. After drilling, the distances between the holes were measured and recorded with a MITUTOYO micrometer type with an accuracy of up to 0.02 mm. After measuring the distance between the holes, the samples were heat treated according to the guidelines for heat treatment.5 The applied heating rate was 220 °C/h. The welded parts were held at 620 °C for an hour and then they were allowed to cool with a cooling rate of about 275 °C/h, cooled in furnace to 300 °C and after that in air. Figure 3 shows the applied heat-treatment cycle for the welded parts in this study.6 After that the samples were cooled, the distances between the holes were measured and recorded again in the same manner using the same micrometer. The resi- dual stresses in the specimens are released by drilling the specimens, and the axial strain, ex, and transverse re- leased strain, ey, are measured. Using the measured strains, the axial residual stress, x, can be obtained from Equation (1):7 x = [–E/(1 – v 2)](ex + vey) (1) where E is Young’s modulus and v is Poisson’s ratio. 2.6 Hydrostatic test verification procedure Before applying hydrostatic pressure, the distances between holes were measured and recorded again. The drilling apparatus and procedure were the same as used in the calculation of the residual stresses. Figure 4 shows a hydrostatic test setup and Figure 5 shows the sample drilled to investigate the behavior of residual stresses after the hydrostatic pressure. To create the real conditions, like hydrostatic test conditions, the welded part was restrained between the fixed jaws of a clamp. The fittings for the pressure-test- ing machine were installed and water with a temperature of about 15 °C was injected into the welded part. When the air bubbles exit completely, a pressure equal to 1.5 times the boiler’s design pressure was applied to the welded part.6 Due to the design the pressure of the investigated boiler in this study was 0.4 MPa, while the D. DANYALI, E. RANJBARNODEH: NUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 775–782 777 Figure 3: Heat-treatment cycle Slika 3: Potek toplotne obdelave Figure 5: The sample drilled for axial residual stress measurement and hydrostatic tests Slika 5: Zvrtan vzorec za merjenje aksialnih zaostalih napetosti in hidrostati~ni preizkus Figure 4: Hydrostatic test setup Slika 4: Sestav za hidrostati~ni preizkus Figure 6: Applied hydrostatic pressure as a function of time Slika 6: Uporabljen hidrostati~ni tlak v odvisnosti od ~asa applied hydrostatic pressure to the welded part was about 0.6 MPa. Figure 6 shows the applied hydrostatic pressure as a function of time. After 1800 s, the hydrostatic pressure was removed. After the completion of the hydrostatic testing procedure, the distances between the drilling locations were measured and recorded with the same micrometer. 2.7 FEM meshed model The FEM model of the welding process is performed on the St35.8 steel tube with an outer diameter of 51 mm and a wall thickness of 3 mm, and 17Mn4 steel tube- sheet with a wall thickness of 12 mm using a single pass. There was no gap between the tube and tube-sheet. The welding process used was gas tungsten arc welding. For a more convenient calculation, a part of the tube-sheet was selected for the FEM analysis. Although the real welding is a three-dimensional procedure, it is often considered sufficient to represent a circumferential weld with a two-dimensional axisymmetric FEM model.7 The two-dimensional axisymmetric FEM model is much faster and easier to perform.8,9 Therefore, the methodo- logy described here is based on a two-dimensional axisymmetric model. The meshed model is shown in Figure 7. For the meshing, plane55 and Surf151 elements were used for thermal analysis and the plane82 element was used for the mechanical analysis. In total, 346 nodes and 303 elements were generated. The welding of the tube to tube-sheet was performed with a single pass weld. In the weld adjacent, the meshing was very fine due to the high thermal gradient of this region during the welding process. 2.8 Thermal analysis The heat equation is a parabolic partial differential equation that describes the distribution of heat (or vari- ations in temperature) in a given region over the time and is generally describes by Fourier’s relation, Equation (2):6 c t x K T x y K T y z Kx y zp d d d d ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ = ⎡⎣⎢ ⎤ ⎦⎥+ ⎡ ⎣⎢ ⎤ ⎦⎥ + d d T z Q ⎡ ⎣⎢ ⎤ ⎦⎥+ (2) where  is the density (kg/m3), Cp is the specific heat capacity (J/kg K), K (W/m K) is the thermal conduc- tivity, Q is the heat input (W), and T is the temperature (K). The Gaussian function is calculated by following Equation (3):6,10 q r Q r r r ( ) exp= ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ − ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ ⎡ ⎣⎢ ⎤ ⎦⎥ 3 3 0 2 0 2π (3) where q(r) is the heat flux (W/m2), r0 is the radius of the welding heat source that is estimated to be about one half of the Gaussian curve width, r is the distance from the middle point of the heat source to the center, and Q is the heat input (W) that is calculated using Equation (4):6 Q = V·I· (4) where V is the welding voltage, I is the welding current, and ç is the welding efficiency. In this paper V, I,  and r0 were 10 V, 120 A, 0.85 and 10 mm, respectively. The filler metal, welding speed and gas flow rate were ER70S-6, 5cm/min and 15 L/min, respectively. The fluid flow in the welding pool increases the heat-transfer rate, which has an important effect on the temperature field in the welding process. The effect of fluid flow on the weld pool temperature for the whole temperature field is considered by the heat-transfer coefficient, h. In this study, as in a previous study, h = 15 D. DANYALI, E. RANJBARNODEH: NUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT ... 778 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 775–782 Figure 8: The applied thermal boundary conditions Slika 8: Uporabljeni toplotni robni pogoji Figure 7: FEM meshed model Slika 7: Model mre`e za FEM W/K m2.11 Due to the small thickness of the parts, preheating before welding is not done and the initial temperature of the welded parts was assumed to be 27 °C. Figure 8 shows the applied thermal boundary conditions. 2.9 Mechanical analysis The residual stress was calculated by using the tem- perature distribution obtained from the thermal analysis as input data. The material properties relevant to the re- sidual stress are the Young’s modulus, the yield strength, the Poisson’s ratio, and the coefficient of thermal expansion. The total strain can be decomposed into three components, as in Equation (5):11 thotal = e + p + th (5) where e, p, and t are the elastic strain, plastic strain and thermal strain, respectively. The elastic strain was modeled using the isotropic Hooke’s law with a tempe- rature-dependent Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio. During the mechanical analysis, boundary conditions were applied to prevent the rigid-body motion. Figure 9 shows the applied mechanical boundary conditions. Because of the tube-sheet rigidity, BC-X is constrained in the X-direction and BC-Y is constrained in the Y-direction. The S.L lines are axisymmetric lines. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Thermal results The thermal contour recorded by the experimental method is shown in Figure 10 and the thermal results recorded by experiment and the FEM are shown in Figure 11. The weld-pool peak temperatures of the FEM model and the experiments are 1900 °C and 1716 °C, respectively. This 10 % difference shows the good agree- ment between the experimental results and the FEM model. This difference could be due to changes in thermo-physical properties of the materials as a function of the temperature, the difference in the thermal con- ductivity. In the same way, Majzobi and colleagues con- ducted a study in which a thermography technique was used to record the thermal history.12 The thermal history D. DANYALI, E. RANJBARNODEH: NUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 775–782 779 Figure 10: Contours of the thermal history Slika 10: Plastnice termi~ne zgodovine Figure 9: The mechanical boundary conditions Slika 9: Mehanski robni pogoji Figure 12: Temperature contours for the FEM model during welding Slika 12: Razporeditev temperature pri FEM modelu med varjenjem Figure 11: Curves of the thermal history Slika 11: Krivulji toplotne zgodovine of the contours recorded by the other researches also shows a difference of about 11 %, which confirms the results of the present study. The weld profile that is created with the FEM is shown in Figure 12. The peak of the weld’s penetration is 1.06 mm into the tube. The weld profile that is created using the experimental method is shown in Figure 13. The peak of the weld penetration is 1.2 mm into the tube. Comparing these two sets of results shows that great- est difference in the amount of weld penetration into the tube-sheet is about 12 %. The results are proved to be in a logical agreement for the FE method and experimental results. 3.2 Mechanical behavior under hydrostatic effect The residual stresses contour in the axial direction is shown in Figure 14. The axial residual stress calculated by the FEM and experimental methods is shown in Fig- ure 15. The peak axial residual stress of 105 MPa is located in the weld root zone. The peak axial residual stress calculated by the experimental method was 85.94 MPa. The axial residual stresses first decrease from the peak value, and then start to increase. All the axial resi- dual stresses decrease along the weld and the outer surface of the tube. The axial residual stress values are D. DANYALI, E. RANJBARNODEH: NUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT ... 780 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 775–782 Figure 17: Residual stresses in axial direction using the FEM and experimental methods, after the hydrostatic test Slika 17: Zaostale napetosti v osni smeri po FEM in po eksperimen- talni metodi, po hidrostati~nem preizkusu Figure 14: Residual stresses results in axial direction using the FEM method, before the hydrostatic test Slika 14: Zaostale napetosti v osni smeri po FEM metodi, pred hidro- stati~nim preizkusom Figure 13: The weld profile using the experimental method Slika 13: Profil zvara pri preizkusu Figure 15: Residual stresses results in axial direction using the FEM method, before the hydrostatic test Slika 15: Zaostale napetosti v smeri osi, po FEM metodi, pred hidro- stati~nim preizkusom Figure 16: Residual stresses in axial direction using the FEM and experimental methods, after the hydrostatic test Slika 16: Zaostale napetosti v smeri osi po FEM in eksperimentalni metodi, po hidrostati~nem preizkusu reasonable, compared to Sattari-Far’s research re- sults.13,14 The maximum difference between the two methods is 18 % and the lowest is 2 %. As compared to Tait’s results2, the findings of the present study are acceptable. The peak axial tensile residual stress is 105 MPa in the root of the joint, which caused the initiation and growth of fatigue cracks under cyclic loading in this boiler joint. In order to investigate the effect of the hydrostatic test on the residual stress in the axial direction in a boiler-tube weld, hydrostatic pressure is applied using the FEM and experimental methods. Figure 16 shows the curve of the residual stress results in the axial direc- tion using the FEM and experimental methods, before the hydrostatic test. It is clear that the hydrostatic pres- sure affects the residual stress in the axial direction, as shown in Figure 17. The maximum difference between the two methods is about 9 %. The results of the FE method show a peak in the residual stress in the axial direction after the application of the hydrostatic pressure is 52.4 MPa. The results of the experimental method show that the peak residual stresses in the axial direction after the application of hydrostatic pressure is 47.7 MPa. The residual stresses in the axial direction calculated by the FEM method in the weld root are shown in Fig- ure 18. The residual stresses in the axial direction cal- culated by the FEM method in weld root show that the application of a hydrostatic test pressure after the welding process can reduce the tensile residual stresses in the axial direction from 105 MPa to of 52.4 MPa, i.e., by approximately 51 %. The results of the residual stresses in the axial direction calculated using the FEM method in the weld toe shows that hydrostatic pressure can reduce the tensile residual stresses in the axial direction from 40.8 MPa to 20.4 MPa, i.e., a reduction of about 50 %. The residual stresses in the axial direction calculated using the experimental method in the weld shows that applying a hydrostatic test pressure after the welding process can reduce the tensile residual stresses in the axial direction from 20.74 MPa to 8.71 MPa. This means a reduction of about 58 %. The reason for this reduction can be sought in the accumulation of the hydrostatic pressure and the previous residual stresses that were caused by plastic deformation. In the plasti- cally deformed region, the total stresses exceeded the yield strength and partial relaxation of the residual stresses can be occurred. 4 CONCLUSIONS This study predicted the axial residual stresses and their behavior under hydrostatic pressure using the FEM and experimental methods. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. The root of tube to tube-sheet joint and the weld toe were two critical points with the maximum axial tensile residual stress. 2. Applying a hydrostatic pressure after the welding process could reduce the axial tensile residual stresses in the weld by about 58 %. 3. Applying a hydrostatic pressure after the welding process could reduce the axial tensile residual stresses in the root of tube to tube-sheet joint by about 50 %. 4. Applying hydrostatic pressure after the welding process could reduce the axial tensile residual stresses in the weld toe by about 51 %. 5. It was easier and cheaper to calculate the residual stresses in the design of a complex geometry in connection with a corner joint with a very low thickness using the technique of strain measurement accuracy of the hole under the heat treatment. 6. The results of the present study could be generalized for other critical boiler joints, such as the shell to furnace joint and the furnaces to tube-sheet joint. 7. 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SKUBISZ et al.: EFFECT OF DIRECT COOLING CONDITIONS ON THE MICROSTRUCTURE ... 783–789 EFFECT OF DIRECT COOLING CONDITIONS ON THE MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF HOT-FORGED HSLA STEELS FOR MINING APPLICATIONS VPLIV POGOJEV OHLAJANJA NA MIKROSTRUKTURO IN LASTNOSTI VRO^E KOVANIH HSLA JEKEL ZA UPORABO V RUDARSTVU Piotr Skubisz, £ukasz Lisiecki, Tadeusz Skowronek, Artur ¯ak, W³adys³aw Zalecki 1AGH University of Science and Technology, Department of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computers Science, 30A Mickiewicz Ave, Kracow, Poland 2Ferrous Metals Institute, 12-14 K. Miarki, Gliwice, Poland pskubisz@metal.agh.edu.pl Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-09-18; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-10-26 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.298 The article presents hot deformation and controlled direct cooling of hardened medium-carbon HSLA steel with micro-additions of alloying elements Ti and/or V. It also contains a study of the effect of thermomechanical-processing conditions on grain refinement and precipitation kinetics in the replacement of the conventional reheating-requiring heat treatment with a cost-effective technology. Controlled cooling with accelerated air and mist adjusted to lower carbon and hardenability-related alloying elements by means of employing experimentally designed heats, varying in the Mo content, was designed to meet the mining-industry requirements for mechanical properties. Besides microstructural-property relations, the vital problem of non-uniformity of the obtained properties is addressed with regard to within-part variances in the cooling rate of the as-forged, undeformed and dynamically recrystallized material. The strength and plasticity versus the microstructure of the produced fine pearlite/bainite structure with grain-boundary ferrite were evaluated. Microstructure-property relations allowed the formulation of the conclusions on the effect of direct-cooling conditions on the microstructure and grain substructure, their mutual synergic effect in controlling the microstructure, as well as guidelines for the transfer of the locally established process parameters into technological conditions. Keywords: thermomechanical processing, drop forging, accelerated cooling, grain refinement, tempered martensite ^lanek predstavlja vro~o deformacijo in kontrolirano ohlajanje srednjeoglji~nega HSLA jekla z mikrododatkom legirnih elementov Ti in/ali V. Vsebuje tudi {tudijo vpliva pogojev termomehanske obdelave na udrobnjenje zrn in kinetiko izlo~anja pri nadome{~anju obi~ajnega re`ima ogrevanja za toplotno obdelavo s cenej{o tehnologijo. Da bi dosegli zahteve rudarske industrije in mikrostrukturne lastnosti, je bilo vzpostavljeno kontrolirano ohlajanje s tokom zraka in me{anice zraka ter vode, prilagojeno ni`jemu ogljiku in drugim elementom. Ti vplivajo na prekaljivost z uporabo eksperimentalnih talin, v katerih se je spreminjala vsebnost Mo. Poleg odvisnosti lastnosti od mikrostrukture, je glavni problem neenakost dobljenih lastnosti, kar je delno povezano z razlikami pri ohlajanju v kosu kovanega, nedeformiranega ali dinami~no rekristaliziranega materiala. Ocenjeni sta bili trdnost in plasti~nost v odvisnosti od nastale drobnozrnate perlitno/bainitne mikrostrukture s feritom po mejah zrn. Odvisnost mikrostrukture od lastnosti omogo~a postavitev zaklju~kov o vplivu pogojev pri neposrednem ohlajanju na mikrostrukturo in zrna substrukture ter njihov medsebojni vpliv pri kontroli mikrostrukture, kot tudi navodila za prenos lokalno ugotovljenih procesnih parametrov v tehnolo{ke pogoje. Klju~ne besede: termomehanska obdelava, kovanje s padalnim kladivom, pospe{eno ohlajanje, zmanj{anje zrn, popu{~en martenzit 1 INTRODUCTION Forging has long been more than a mere shaping technique. In addition to the accuracy requirements, such as allowances and yield, mechanical properties must be fulfilled. As an alternative to the traditional quenching and tempering (Q&T) heat treatment, thermomechanical processing (TMP) in controlled conditions of forging and direct cooling is increasingly used on an industrial scale, offering a good combination of strength and ductility at a lower cost.1–3 The strength levels obtained with TMP are often lower as compared to a traditional Q&T material4, due to an excessive surplus of indices in the case of the latter. Furthermore, some mechanical properties of TMP mi- croalloyed grades, such as the fatigue strength, are second to those treated with Q&T.5 The key issue is to control the chemistry and processing cycle so as to achieve the sustainable strength, plasticity, cracking and/or fatigue resistance required by the end user of a finished product. Thus, numerous microalloyed grades for specific applications have been designed over the decades. So have the technologies of forging and subsequent cool- ing.6,7 This work is devoted to the design or modification of a microalloyed steel grade exhibiting as-forged air- cooled mechanical properties suitable for a mining appli- cation. The target application of this combination is a miners’ linking hook for coal transport, which, after a Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 783–789 783 UDK 621.78.08:67.017:691.714 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)783(2016) controlled hot-forging and direct heat treatment, involv- ing quenching and self-tempering, is expected to provide a yield strength (YS) of 800 MPa, the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of 1050 MPa, an elongation to fracture of A 15 % and/or an impact strength at room temperature of KCV 60 J/cm2 to substitute C45 or SJ355 heat-treatable structural steel grades. 2 EXPERIMENTAL METHODS The research plan included testing the effect of forg- ing temperature on the microstructure and mechanical properties obtained after direct cooling in forced air and atomizers, applied to designed microalloyed grades, hot deformed in an inconvenient high-speed hammer-forging process. The goal of the study was both the investigation of the effect of material-process conditions on the final (as-forged) properties, and its applicability to drop-forg- ing industrial conditions with respect to the uniformity of the properties. Eight different sets of alloying elements were com- posed on the basis of the computation in Thermocalc under equilibrium thermodynamics conditions. Diagrams were established on the basis of a volumetric-change analysis (dilatometer DIL 805 with probe LVDT) CTT, followed by an examination of the microstructures ob- tained with different cooling rates of 0.17 °C/s, 0.42 °C/s, 1 °C/s, 2 °C/s, 4 °C/s, 10 °C/s, 20 °C/s, 40 °C/s, 50 °C/s and 100 °C/s, taking into consideration the cooling rates predicted in the modeling of physical cooling of the target geometry. Having had selected two grades, further described as A and B, laboratory tests of rolling and direct cooling with water and air were con- ducted, as well as forging on a hydraulic press of 5 MN with a ram velocity of 50 mm/s. To estimate the amount of deformation and the actual forge-end temperature in the bulk of the part, a nume- rical calculation of an equivalent strain and temperature progression in hot forging was carried out. Since the forging temperature should be high enough to dissolve carbides and carbonitrides so as to enable their precipi- tation during the post-forging direct cooling, a soaking temperature of 1190 °C was established and forging temperatures ranging between (1100, 1000 and 900) °C were assumed. The cooling rate – fast enough to provide harder microstructural components during the sub- sequent cooling8 – was realized with atomizers. Numerical modeling was conducted with the finite- element method (FEM) in code QForm3D. Besides supplying the data for the prediction of transformation products or microstructural development, and carbide and carbonitride precipitation kinetics, the results of the calculation formed the basis for experimental controlled cooling tests on a laboratory continuous cooling line, QuenchTube Duo (Figure 1). The laboratory cooling line simulated an industrial cooling line, providing a forced stream of mist with intervals resulting from the transfer of a part between consecutive cooling zones. All runs involved the same cycle, irrespective of the forging temperature and the alloy. Cooling was conducted at a cooling rate adapted to the temperature changes, calculated for a drop-forged miners’ link hook (Figure 2), which formed a case study for an evaluation of the effectiveness of the selected pro- cessing conditions with respect to the forging tempera- ture and chemical composition. 3 MATERIALS The study involved experimentally designed steel grades, which were to provide directly cooled forgings with the mechanical properties comparable to typical mining-industry grades, such as C45, 41Cr, 36CrNiMo4 and 23MnNiCrMo5. Eight grades were made, based on the assumption of a reduction of carbon and the major alloying elements, and micro-additions of Ti, V and Nb, with or without Mo. The heating was performed in an induction-heating vacuum furnace, VSG-100, with a 100 kg nominal capa- city of the melting pot. Thermodynamic stability and volume fractions of phase components and precipitates were calculated in Thermocalc and confirmed with a dilatometric analysis. Upon the investigation of the pri- mary and transformed austenite grain size, the predicted or calculated yield and impact strength, two grades were P. SKUBISZ et al.: EFFECT OF DIRECT COOLING CONDITIONS ON THE MICROSTRUCTURE ... 784 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 783–789 Figure 2: Geometry of the target application; T1, T2 – thermocouple locations Slika 2: Geometrija preizku{anca; T1, T2 – lokacija termoelementovFigure 1: Laboratory simulation of the cooling line Slika 1: Laboratorijski simulator linije ohlajanja selected (Table 1), indicating the smallest grain size and a potential combination of strength and ductility. Utilizing the deformed material from plastometric tests with formulas for characteristic times,9 continuous-cool- ing-transformation diagrams (CCT) of non-recrystallized materials were made, as shown in Figure 3. 4 RESULTS AND EVALUATION 4.1 Analysis of the target forging technology Forging-machine kinematics has an enormous impact on thermomechanical parameters for a hot-forged piece. As could be expected, hammer forging produces an increased amount of generated heat and temperature gradients, which influence the flow stress and metal dis- placement. Numerical modeling with FEM allowed for an estimate of the level, variance and gradients of the temperature and strain development during the forging. This information made it possible to evaluate the ob- tained results of direct cooling where, unlike for the traditionally heat-treated material, the as-forged steel inherits the aftermath of dynamic processes. Thus, to fit the laboratory-test results to the target application, we carried out an insightful analysis of the development of the thermomechanical indicators of the changes influenc- ing the final microstructure and properties. The results of the FEM analysis are summarized in Table 2. Table 2: Evolution of thermo-mechanical conditions in the forged part (in locations shown in Figure 2) Tabela 2: Razvoj termo-mehanskih pogojev v kovanem kosu (na me- stih prikazanih na Sliki 2) Operation 1 2 3 4 5 Effective strain T1 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.84 0.88 T2 0.62 1.25 2.51 2.75 2.81 Temp., °C T1 1115 1107 1089 1105 1090 T2 1115 1130 1136 1144 1140 4.2 Effect of the cooling rate To assess the dependence of the structural compo- nents and the grain size on the cooling rate, the micro- structure derived from a dilatometric investigation of normalized material was examined. Micrographs ob- tained for both alloys are shown in Figures 4 and 5. 4.3 Physical modeling of forging and cooling The effect of the run-out table temperature on the ki- netics of austenite restoration and precipitation of car- bides and carbonitrides, and the resulting strengthening P. SKUBISZ et al.: EFFECT OF DIRECT COOLING CONDITIONS ON THE MICROSTRUCTURE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 783–789 785 Figure 4: Microstructure of as-received (hot-rolled) alloy A after anisothermal cooling at rates: a) 1 °C/s, b) 10 °C/s, c) 50 °C/s Slika 4: Mikrostruktura izhodne (vro~e valjane) zlitine A, po anizotermnem ohlajanju s hitrostjo: a) 1 °C/s, b) 10 °C/s, c) 50 °C/s Figure 3: Continuous-cooling diagrams calculated with TTSteel code, modified with theoretical equations9 Slika 3: Diagram kontinuiranega ohlajanja, izra~unan s TTSteel kodo in spremenjen s teoreti~nimi ena~bami9 Table 1: Chemical compositions of experimental heats of microalloyed steels used in the study Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava eksperimentalnih talin mikrolegiranih jekel, uporabljenih v {tudiji Steel % C % Mn % Cr % Si % Mo % Ti % V % Nb % N Ac1,°C Ac3,°C A 0.30 1.50 0.42 0.26 0 0.011 0.09 0.039 0.011 809 785 B 0.28 1.24 0.42 0.27 0.2 0.019 0.067 0.047 0.010 728 727 efficiency was investigated by varying the forging tem- perature while employing the same cooling conditions after the deformation. According to the plots of temperature measured during the experiments, the assumed temperatures changed during the deformation and therefore the forge end temperature was not exactly the same as expected. Due to a non-uniform distribution of strain in the bulk, the amount of generated deformation heat varied with the location (Table 2). However, the assumed tempera- tures of forging, (1100, 1000 and 900) °C, allowed an analysis of the material response in the representative ranges in relation to the temperatures of the dynamic- recrystallization stop and the solution of carbonitrides/ carbides. The highest temperature, assumed for the total content of carbon and microalloying elements, was found in the solution, available for precipitation. The lowest forging temperature of 900 °C dropped to 880 °C due to the material transfer and die cooling; it was meant to provide the alloys with a reasonable amount of accu- mulated strain, based on the calculated recrystallization stop temperature. The forging at 1000 °C was to show the effect of the precipitates formed prior to forging on the evolution of dynamically recrystallized grains. As alloy B did not contain Mo, this test was conducted for alloy A only. The obtained cooling curves are shown in Figure 6 for steels A and B, respectively. For clarity, the plots were shifted and the moment of deformation was indicated by plotting the forging load (in grey). This was also an opportunity to indicate unexpected dependence of the load extreme on the temperature for steel B, which shows a higher value at 1000 °C than at 900 °C. The experiment conducted showed that the deformation temperature is high enough to avoid ferrite nucleation, which adversely affects the strength properties.10,11 The load observed at 900 °C implies there is no occurrence of ferrite dynamic precipitation, while incomplete softening can be found with the aid of a metallographic analysis (Figures 7 and 8). 5 MICROSTRUCTURE AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES The microstructure obtained using accelerated cool- ing with mist is composed of martensite and bainite, depending on forging temperature portions of fine and narrow-spaced pearlite, differing in the fractions of the constituents. The cooling rate of 20 °C/s is sufficient to omit the high-temperature onset of a diffusion-driven transformation into recrystallized austenite. Industrial- like conditions of direct cooling (based on the assump- tion of quenching directly after deformation) caused an increased amount of ferrite, with a simultaneous increase in the fraction of martensite instead of bainite or Widmanstätten ferrite. As indicated in the physical simulation included in the study, 80° s–1 in a range of P. SKUBISZ et al.: EFFECT OF DIRECT COOLING CONDITIONS ON THE MICROSTRUCTURE ... 786 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 783–789 Figure 5: Microstructure of as-received (hot-rolled) alloy B after anisothermal cooling at rates: a) 1 °C/s, b) 10 °C/s, c) 50 °C/s Slika 5: Mikrostruktura izhodne (vro~e valjane) zlitine B, po anizotermnem ohlajanju s hitrostjo: a) 1 °C/s, b) 10 °C/s, c) 50 °C/s Figure 6: Experimental cooling-curve plots for: a) steel A, and b) steel B; load peaks (grey) indicate forge-end points Slika 6: Diagrami eksperimentalnih krivulj ohlajanja: a) jeklo A in b) jeklo B; konice obremenitve (siva barva) ka`ejo konec kovanja 800–500 °C suffices to produce a 50 % martensite transformation after the post-forging operations like trimming the flash and transfer on air. As shown in Figure 7, by forging at 900 °C, we obtained non- recrystallized microstructures with a high density of crystallographic defects, such as shearing bands and sub-cells with very fine grains at the grain boundaries, illustrating the increment of the total strength enhance- ment due to the reduction of the forging regime. Based on comparable cooling conditions, the micro- structure analysis indicated a strong effect of forging conditions on the grain size and morphology, which is reflected by mechanical properties. Steel A exhibits a higher strength, with UTSs of 1688 MPa after the forging at 1100 °C and 1486 MPa for 900 °C (Table 3). Steel B shows a better ductility associated with the Mo addition. Furthermore, directly cooled steel A showed a 5 % elongation while steel B indicted an 8 % elongation, which is a satisfactory result, taking into account that no tempering was carried out, while auto-tempering, enabl- ing a ductility enhancement, could be utilized in indu- strial processes. 6 CONCLUSIONS Deformation at a varied temperature, in connection with direct cooling, indicates a strong influence of hammer-forging conditions on the resultant mechanical properties. This gave us an opportunity for investigating P. SKUBISZ et al.: EFFECT OF DIRECT COOLING CONDITIONS ON THE MICROSTRUCTURE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 783–789 787 Figure 8: Microstructures of alloy B in as-forged direct-cooling con- ditions, after forging at: a) 900 °C, b) 1000 °C, c) 1100 °C Slika 8: Mikrostruktura zlitine B, ohlajene takoj po kovanju na: a) 900 °C, b) 1000 °C, c) 1100 °C Figure 7: Microstructures of alloy A in as-forged direct-cooling con- ditions, after forging at: a) 1100 °C, b) 900 °C Slika 7: Mikrostruktura zlitine A, ohlajene takoj po kovanju: a) 1100 °C, b) 900 °C Table 3: Mechanical properties of the microalloyed steels after accele- rated cooling Tabela 3: Mehanske lastnosti mikrolegiranih jekel po pospe{enem ohlajanju Alloy Forging tempera- ture, °C YS, MPa UTS, MPa Elongation at fracture, A10 % Area reduction, % Steel A 1100 °C 1104 1688 3.2 6 900 °C 915 1486 5.8 20 Steel B 1100 °C 706 1208 9.4 44 1000 °C 1043 1514 7.5 38 900 °C 757 1012 11.0 59 the possibilities of controlling microstructural properties and comparing them. According to the prevailing studies of the TMP utili- zation in combination with microalloyed steels, detri- mental hammer-forging conditions and the required final properties make big differences. Nevertheless, hammer- forging plants, as well as those employing high-speed- press forging, are quite numerous and the control and design of the TMP process in such conditions are still challenging. Both the chemical compositions of the designed alloys and the technology based on the concept of direct cooling from the forge-end condition assure simplicity and attractiveness to the forging industry, offering reduced costs and making it possible for steelworks to keep the imposed limits of alloying elements. Moreover, the predefined cooling conditions are easily transferable to forge-plant conditions. The contents of the micro- alloying elements in alloys are kept within reasonable limits required from the standpoint of control of the grain-structure evolution due to the interactions of the precipitates with microstructural defects during forging and the subsequent cooling.12 The incremental character of forging, the thin end, optionally allows continuous-cooling deformation modeling. However, it may be noticed that the hook undergoes a double reduction: during the flattening and finishing of the impression. Hence, a simple compression of a 25 mm flat bar ensures appropriate geometrical and, more importantly, phenomenological similarity condi- tions. Thus, the forging tests reflected the industrial pro- cesses of both forging and cooling. Having passed the 800–500 °C range, the cooling rate was slowed down producing a type of the equalizing hold (Figures 6 and 7), reducing thermal stresses on the one hand and the time for the Nb carbide precipitation13 on the other hand. Precipitates greatly contribute to the hardening of an alloy; however, the efficiency of their strengthening de- pends on the volume fraction and size of the precipitates. Depending on the particle relation to the dislocation parameters, it can pile up and loop the dislocations or be sheared by it.14 In the case of the analyzed alloys, both instances were witnessed. The produced carbides and carbonitrides TiC and Ti(C,N) are of the largest size among the occurring precipitates. They are reported to take on the form of cube-like shapes, reaching a micro- meter in diameter, which enabled an observation with the immersion technique using an optical microscope. On the other hand, Nb carbides have smaller particle dia- meters. They are found to have a spherical shape and the size of dozens of nanometers. Their contribution to the total strength enhancement reaches 90 MPa13,15, which causes high effectiveness in pinning grain boundaries during deformation and grain-restoration processes. The volume of these precipitates allow for a signifi- cant microstructural controllability brought about by Nb(C,V), provided the whole Nb content dissolves at temperatures of 1170–1190 °C. The applied Nb content is supposed to retard recrystallization, which calls for a lower forging temperature. The overall level of the strength properties results from the grain refinement, which contributes up to 250 MPa.14 It is enhanced by the presence of N and Al, lowering the tendency for coagulation of the V(C,N) precipitates. In addition to reducing the amount of vana- dium dissolved in the austenite16 by decreasing the self- diffusion of iron, N reduces the grain-growth tendency17, as long as it is below the content necessary for the VN formation.18 Besides the precipitates, the grain is refined due to the grain-structure restoration during the forging, which greatly influences the concentration of nucleation sites. Decreasing the forging temperature from 1180 °C to 1000 °C resulted in lowering the forge-end point from about 1210 °C to 1034 °C, producing a fine-grained structure, which formed a base for fine colonies of pear- lite or bainite during the cooling. The produced micro- structure exhibits a grain size decreasing with the lower- ing forging temperature. However, contrary to higher temperature trials, a microstructure abundant in cry- stallographic defects was obtained during the forging at about 900 °C, such as shearing bands and non-recry- stallized sub-cells with particularly fine grains at the grain boundaries, which can be attributed to disconti- nuous dynamic recrystallization, resulting in a selective renovation of the grains, typical of a low-temperature deformation.19,20 The presence of such grains confirms that the deformation was completed below the tempera- ture, at which the recrystallization and/or the strain- induced precipitation inhibiting static recrystallization can occur. 21 The mixture of fine recrystallized and strain-hard- ened grains produced a significant strengthening, re- sulting in an UTS of 1700 MPa, similar to the related studies.22 On the other hand, a low plasticity, reaching at most 11 % of A10 elongation to fracture was obtained. However, in an industrial practice, higher plasticity indi- ces should be expected as, in contrast to small laboratory samples, massive parts allow the auto-tempering effect to occur, enabling a ductility improvement. It must be noted that the flat specimens did not have a privileged grain-flow direction. On the contrary, the grain-flow orientation in the gauge area of the tensile specimens was perpendicular to the tension direction. In the considered part, the situation was different – the metal flow pattern produced an evident longitudinal grain flow, allowing the ductility enhancement. Acknowledgements Financial assistance of NCBiR within project PBS2/ B5/29/2013 agreement, is acknowl- edged. P. SKUBISZ et al.: EFFECT OF DIRECT COOLING CONDITIONS ON THE MICROSTRUCTURE ... 788 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 783–789 7 REFERENCES 1 W. 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Akinlabi University of Johannesburg, Department of Mechanical Engineering Science, Auckland Park, Kingsway Campus, Johannesburg 2006, South Africa dinaweld2009@gmail.com Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-09-21; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-10-05 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.301 Copper is very difficult to be spot welded with conventional fusion-welding techniques due to a high thermal diffusivity. Fric- tion-stir spot welding (FSSW) is a novel solid-state welding process, suitable and effective for spot welding copper. Commercially pure copper sheets of 3 mm thickness were spot welded using an industrial friction-stir welding machine. The spot welds were made by varying the tool rotational speed at three levels. The spot welds were characterized using light microscopy. The shear-fracture load was evaluated using a computerized tensile-testing machine. The results revealed that the tool rotational speed remarkably influenced the microstructure, the shear-fracture load and the mode of fracture. Keywords: copper, friction-stir spot welding, microstructure, shear load Zaradi velike toplotne prevodnosti se baker zelo te`ko to~kasto vari pri obi~ajnih postopkih varjenja z zlivanjem. Torno vrtilno to~kasto varjenje (FSSW) je nov na~in varjenja v trdnem stanju, ki je primerno in primerljivo s torno vrtilnim to~kastim varjenjem bakra. Bakrene plo~evine, debeline 3 mm, iz ~istega komercialno dostopnega bakra, so bile to~kasto zvarjene s torno vrtilnim to~kastim varjenjem, z uporabo industrijske naprave za tovrstno varjenje. To~kasti zvari so bili izdelani pri treh hitrostih vrtenja orodja. Karakterizirani so bili z uporabo svetlobne mikroskopije. Stri`na trdnost je bila ocenjena z uporabo ra~unalni{ko vodenega nateznega stroja. Rezultati so pokazali, da hitrost vrtenja orodja mo~no vpliva na mikrostrukturo, stri`no trdnost in na~in preloma. Klju~ne besede: baker, torno vrtilno to~kasto varjenje, mikrostruktura, stri`na obremenitev 1 INTRODUCTION Pure copper is extensively used in the optical and electronic industries owing to its excellent properties such as good ductility, high electrical, thermal conduc- tivity and good corrosion resistance. The welding of copper is often encountered in the electrical, nuclear and automobile industries.1,2 Spot welding of pure copper is generally hard to do with conventional fusion welding because of the high thermal diffusivity, which is about 10 to 100 times higher than in many steels and nickel alloys. The heat input required is much higher than in almost any other material. Further, pure copper is susceptible to solidification cracking and blowhole formation.3,4 Fric- tion-stir spot welding (FSSW) is a novel solid-state welding technique, promising for spot welding copper without the problems associated with fusion-welding techniques.5 FSSW is a derivative process based on friction-stir welding (FSW) which was developed at The Welding Institute in 1991. There are several differences between FSSW and FSW. One distinct difference is that there is no translation of tool during FSSW. FSW is commonly employed to join metallic plates in a butt configuration along the line of contact. On the other hand, FSSW is performed on thinner plates kept in a lap configuration. A rotating, non-consumable, cylindrical-shouldered tool with a pin is plunged, at a predetermined feed rate, into the overlapping plates to a depth slightly shorter than the total thickness of both plates. Frictional heat is generated between the plate material and the rotating tool, which plasticizes the material. The rotating action of the pin induces the material flow in both the circumferential and axial directions. The axial force applied along the tool axis forges the plasticized material and forms an annular, solid-state bond around the pin. At this moment, the rotating tool is retracted, leaving the exit hole behind. The major process parameters, which influence the joint strength, are the tool geometry, the tool rotational speed, the tool penetration depth and the dwell time. FSSW exhibits key advantages such as excellent mechanical properties, a low distortion, ease of handling, low cost, and clean working environment.6–8 The FSSW technique has been successfully used to spot weld aluminum9, magnesium10, steel11 and plastics.12 Both similar and dissimilar spot welds were reported in Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 791–796 791 UDK 621.663:67.017:621.791.05:669.3 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)791(2016) the literature13,14. FSSW of copper and its alloys is least explored. Z. Barlas15 spot welded pure copper and brass sheets using FSSW and analyzed the influences of the tool rotational speed, dwell period and material location on the microstructure and the tensile shear-fracture load (TSFL). He found that the welding parameters had an important influence on the TSFL and the failure mode. The TSFL increased with an increase in the tool rota- tional speed and dwell time. R. Heideman16 spot-welded AA6061 and pure-copper sheets and studied the effects of the tool pin length, the shoulder plunge depth, the welding time and the tool rotational speed on the TSFL. Literature on FSSW of pure copper is scantily. There- fore, the present work focuses on spot welding copper sheets of 3 mm using FSSW and analyzes the influence of the tool rotational speed on the TSFL. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS Commercially available pure copper sheets of 3 mm were used in this study. The optical photomicrograph of the as-received copper sheet is shown in Figure 1. Lap joint configuration was used to fabricate the spot welds where the rolling direction of the material was kept parallel to the loading directions and the joint was initially obtained by securing the sheets in position using mechanical clamps. A non-consumable tool made of high-carbon steel was used to fabricate the joints. The tool had a shoulder of 18 mm and a conical profile of a diameter varying from 5 mm to 3 mm along the length of pin. The pin length was 5.7 mm. An industrial-purpose FSW machine (I-STIR), depicted in Figure 2, was used for FSSW. The FSSW procedure and the welding cycle are depicted in Figure 3. The tool rotational speed was varied at three levels of 1200 min–1, 1600 min–1 and 2000 min–1. Other parameters were kept constant. The dwell period and axial force were 3 s and 10 kN, respectively. Spot welds were made on two sheets clamped in the lap configuration. Sufficient cooling was allowed between successive spot welds. The spot-welded copper sheet is shown in Figure 4. Six spot welds were made for each set of the process parameters. Specimens were machined from the welded sheets and polished semi-automatically in a polishing machine (Struers LaboPol 25). The mirror-polished specimens were etched with a color etchant containing 20 g of chromic acid, 2 g of sodium I. DINAHARAN, E. T. AKINLABI: INFLUENCE OF THE TOOL ROTATIONAL SPEED ON THE MICROSTRUCTURE ... 792 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 791–796 Figure 3: Schematic illustration of the friction-stir spot-welding process Slika 3: Shematski prikaz postopka torno vrtilnega to~kastega varjenja Figure 1: Light micrograph of pure copper Slika 1: Svetlobni posnetek mikrostrukture ~istega bakra Figure 2: I-STIR friction-stir welding machine Slika 2: I-STIR naprava za torno vrtilno varjenje Figure 4: Friction-stir spot-welded sheet Slika 4: Torno vrtilno to~kasto zvarjena plo~evina sulfate and 1.7 mL of HCl (35 %) in 100 mL distilled water. The macrostructure was recorded using a stereo microscope (OLYMPUS SZX16). The microstructure was observed using a metallurgical microscope (OLYM- PUS BX51M). The TSFL was evaluated using a compu- terized tensile tester (INSTRON 1195) at a crosshead speed of 2 mm/min. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Macrographs of the copper friction-stir spot-welded as a function of the tool rotational speed are presented in Figure 5. It is possible to spot weld successfully using the chosen parameters. The weld zones are almost sym- metrical with respect to the axis of the keyhole. The tool rotation generates frictional heat, which plasticizes the copper. The force applied along the axis of the tool promotes the vertical motion of the plasticized copper. The axial force further consolidates the plasticized copper and a spot joint is formed. The joint width is clearly visible on all the joints. Considerable areas of both the top and bottom sheets are bonded together. The hook does not extend to the keyhole area, which indi- cates bonding between the sheets. The bond width was measured and was found to be (7.5, 8.5 and 10) mm, res- pectively, at the selected tool rotational speeds. An increase in the tool speed improves the bond width because the frictional-heat generation depends upon the tool rotational speed.17 The higher the tool rotational speed, the higher is the heat generation. Hence, more copper is plasticized and the bond width increases. Regions with different microstructures were observed on these macrographs. They are the stir zone (SZ), the thermomechanically affected zone (TMAZ), the heat- affected zone (HAZ) and the base copper. These regions are presented in the micrographs in Figure 6 as a func- tion of the tool rotational speed. The stir zone is adjacent to the keyhole area and displays very fine grains. FSSW was derived from FSW. The plasticized material in FSW undergoes dynamic recrystallization, which results in the formation of fine grains. The width of the stir zone reduces as the tool rotational speed is increased due to a higher heat input. The TMAZ region presents slightly elongated grains with an array of oxide particles. The shearing of the plasticized material from the advancing side to the retreading side causes the grains in this region to elongate. The width of the TMAZ is found to reduce with an increase in the tool rotational speed. The third I. DINAHARAN, E. T. AKINLABI: INFLUENCE OF THE TOOL ROTATIONAL SPEED ON THE MICROSTRUCTURE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 791–796 793 Figure 6: Light micrographs of the transition zone of friction-stir spot-welded copper at: a) 1200 min–1, b) 1600 min–1 and c) 2000 min–1 Slika 6: Svetlobni posnetki mikrostrukture prehodne cone torno vrtilno to~kasto zvarjenega bakra pri: a) 1200 min–1, b) 1600 min–1 in c) 2000 min–1 Figure 5: Macrographs of friction-stir spot-welded copper at: a) 1200 min–1, b) 1600 min–1 and c) 2000 min–1 Slika 5: Makro posnetek torno vrtilno to~kasto zvarjenega bakra pri: a) 1200 min–1, b) 1600 min–1 in c) 2000 min–1 region, the HAZ, contains coarse grains. The coarseness of the grains increases with an increase in the tool rotational speed as presented in Figure 7. A higher frictional heat causes the grains to become coarse. The grain size in the HAZ region is higher com- pared to the grain size of the as-received pure copper in Figure 1. This region is clearly influenced by the frictional heat generated during FSSW, leading to the grain growth. The stir zone is very thin at the higher tool rotational speed of 2000 min–1. The higher heat causes the recrystallized grains to grow further and diminishes the width of the stir zone. The microstructure of the un- bonded zone is presented in Figure 8. The grains of the upper and lower sheets are not uniform. The grains in the upper sheet are coarser than those in the lower sheet. This can be attributed to the proximity of each sheet to the tool shoulder. The upper sheet receives more heat input compared to the lower sheet, causing the grains to become coarser. The influence of the tool rotational speed on the TSFL is depicted in Figure 9. It is evident from the figure that the increase in the tool rotational speed increased the TSFL. Although the increase in the tool rotational speed caused grain growth in different regions across the joint, the TSL improved upon the increased tool rotational speed because the TSFL depends upon the joint width and the hook position from the stir-zone area. A hook is formed in a FSSW joint as the material from the bottom sheet flows upwards during the process. The distance of the hook from the stir-zone area determines the load-carrying capacity of the joint. The hook is not I. DINAHARAN, E. T. AKINLABI: INFLUENCE OF THE TOOL ROTATIONAL SPEED ON THE MICROSTRUCTURE ... 794 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 791–796 Figure 8: Light micrographs of the unbonded zone of friction-stir spot-welded copper at: a) 1200 min–1, b) 1600 min–1 and c) 2000 min–1 Slika 8: Svetlobni posnetki nezvarjenega podro~ja torno vrtilno to~kastega zvara bakra pri: a) 1200 min–1, b) 1600 min–1 in c) 2000 min–1 Figure 7: Light micrographs of the heat-affected zone of friction-stir spot-welded copper at: a) 1200 min–1, b) 1600 min–1 and c) 2000 min–1 Slika 7: Svetlobni posnetki mikrostrukture toplotno vplivane cone torno vrtilno to~kasto zvarjenega bakra pri: a) 1200 min–1, b) 1600 min–1 in c) 2000 min–1 clear in the macrograph in Figure 1 due to the annealing effect of copper during FSSW. The other factor is the bond width. The bond width increased with an increase in the tool rotational speed. This provided more tangential area to resist the external load. Hence, the TSFL increased as the tool rotational speed was increased. The photographs of failed speci- mens are shown in Figure 10. The failed specimens de- monstrate different modes of failure. The nugget pull-out failure is observed at the tool rotational speeds of 1200 min–1 and 1600 min–1. It can be inferred from the I. DINAHARAN, E. T. AKINLABI: INFLUENCE OF THE TOOL ROTATIONAL SPEED ON THE MICROSTRUCTURE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 791–796 795 Figure 12: Images of tensile shear specimens during loading as marked in Figure 11 Slika 12: Posnetki nateznih stri`nih vzorcev med obremenjevanjem, kot je prikazano na Sliki 11 Figure 9: Effect of tool rotational speed on tensile shear load of friction-stir spot-welded copper Slika 9: Vpliv hitrosti vrtenja orodja na natezno stri`no obremenje- nega torno vrtilno zvarjenega bakra Figure 11: Load-versus-displacement graph for a tensile shear-tested specimen at the tool rotational speed of 1600 min–1 Slika 11: Odvisnost obremenitve in raztezka pri nateznem stri`nem preizkusu vzorcev pri hitrosti vrtenja orodja 1600 min–1 Figure 10: Images of failed sheets at tool rotational speeds of: a) 1200 min–1, b) 1600 min–1 and c) 2000 min–1 Slika 10: Posnetki poru{enih plo~evin pri hitrosti vrtenja orodja: a) 1200 min–1, b) 1600 min–1 in c) 2000 min–1 photographs (Figures 10a and 10b) that the nugget pull-out originated from the bottom of the keyhole area. The diameter of the hole in the upper failed sheet is higher at 1500 min–1 than 1200 min–1. This is due to an increase in bond width, which provided a wider me- tallurgical bonding. The mode of failure at the tool rota- tional speed of 2000 min–1 is tearing. The tearing started circumferentially around the unbonded region and could not pull the nugget out because the higher bond width at 2000 min–1 caused the sheet to tear like a tensile speci- men. The load-versus-displacement curve for the tensile shear-tested specimen at the tool rotational speed of 1600 min–1 is presented in Figure 11. The load increases with a constant slope until point šc’ is reached. Corres- ponding photographs in Figure 12 show details of the points marked in Figure 11. As the load is increased to point šb’, the specimen bends. The axis of the normal load does not coincide with the centre of the tested spe- cimen, which creates a small moment causing the bend- ing. The specimen starts to yield, i.e., the nugget pull-out commences at point šc’. The load does not drop sharply to zero, unlike in the cases of tensile failures, because the nugget pull-out is not instant. The nugget pulls out gradually as the separation increases until point šg’ is reached. The load drops to zero, which indicates a com- plete separation of both sheets. 4 CONCLUSIONS Commercially pure copper sheets were successfully spot welded using the novel FSSW technique. The influence of the key processing parameter, the tool rotational speed, on the microstructure and TSFL was analyzed. The increase in the tool rotational speed increased the bond width and coarsened the grains in the stir zone and HAZ. The TSFL improved as the tool rota- tion increased. The nugget pull-out failure took place at 1200 min–1 and 1600 min–1 and the tear-out failure took place at 2000 min–1. 5 REFERENCES 1 K. Surekha, A. 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ROZMAN et al.: MEASUREMENT OF BIO-IMPEDANCE ON AN ISOLATED RAT SCIATIC NERVE ... 797–804 MEASUREMENT OF BIO-IMPEDANCE ON AN ISOLATED RAT SCIATIC NERVE OBTAINED WITH SPECIFIC CURRENT STIMULATING PULSES MERITEV BIOIMPEDANCE NA IZOLIRANEM @IVCU ISCHIADICUS PRI PODGANI, VZBUJENEM S POSEBNIMI TOKOVNIMI STIMULACIJSKIMI IMPULZI Janez Rozman1,3, Monika C. @u`ek2, Robert Frange`2, Samo Ribari~3 1Center for Implantable Technology and Sensors, ITIS d. o. o., Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2Institute of Physiology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Veterinary Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Gerbi~eva 60, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 3Institute of Pathophysiology, University of Ljubljana, ZaMedical Faculty, lo{ka 4, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia samo.ribaric@mf.uni-lj.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-09-30; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-10-26 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.307 In this study we designed and tested a four-probe, bio-impedance measurement set-up for peripheral nerves, based on the Red Pitaya open-source measurement and control tool. The set-up was tested on an isolated rat sciatic nerve (RSN) while it was stimulated with specific current stimulating pulses. The measurements tested the hypothesis that the specific waveform of a stimulating pulse elicits current differences at the double layer (DL) interface between the platinum (Pt) stimulating electrode and the nerve tissue. Impedance spectroscopy was used to electrically characterize the interface between the Pt electrode and the nerve tissue and measure the interface electrical impedance (Z). An analysis of the frequency response and the impedance, with specific current stimulating pulses, characterised the structure and the composition-related electrical properties of the RSN. An analysis of the voltage responses (VRs), measured at the same time, showed that the maximum negative polarization across the electrode-electrolyte interface (Emc) and the maximum positive polarization across the electrode-electrolyte interface (Ema) did not exceed the safety limits for water electrolysis. We conclude that the voltage and current changes, elicited at the DL of the in- terface between the Pt stimulating electrode and the nerve tissue, do not lead to tissue damage. Based on the obtained electrophysiological results we conclude that the developed stimulating electrodes and the stimulus pattern could act as a useful tool for developing nerve-stimulating electrodes. Keywords: electrical impedance, electrical impedance spectroscopy, bio-impedance, voltage response, current source, platinum, rat sciatic nerve, electrode-nerve tissue interface Izdelali in preizkusili smo napravo za {tiri-to~kovno merjenje elektri~ne impedance (Z) perifernih `ivcev, katere osnova je odprtokodna merilna in kontrolna konzola (Red Pitaya). Naprava je bila preizku{ana na izoliranem `ivcu ischiadicus pri podgani (RSN) tako, da smo `ivec lahko dra`ili z izbranimi tokovnimi stimulacijskimi impulzi. Preverili smo hipotezo, da izbrani stimulacijski impulzi izzovejo razlike na dvojni plasti (DL) prehoda med platinovo (Pt) stimulacijsko elektrodo in `iv~nim tkivom. Z metodo impedan~ne spektroskopije smo izmerili Z na prehodu med Pt elektrodo in `iv~nim tkivom. Analiza frekven~nega odgovora RSN, medtem ko je bil stimuliran s posebnimi tokovnimi stimulacijskimi impulzi, je podala od sestave in zgradbe odvisne elektri~ne lastnosti `ivca. Nadalje je analiza so~asno merjenega napetostnega odgovora (VR) pokazala, da nobena od obeh, tako najve~ja negativna polarizacija Emc kot tudi najve~ja pozitivna polarizacija Ema, na prehodu med elektrodo in elektrolitom, ni presegla varne meje pri kateri lahko pride do elektrolize vode. Zaklju~ujemo, da napetostne in tokovne razlike, ki so nastale na DL prehodu med Pt stimulacijsko elektrodo in `iv~nim tkivom, nimajo {kodljivega u~inka na `iv~no tkivo. Kon~ni sklep raziskave je, da je mogo~e pridobljene elektrofiziolo{ke rezultate koristno uporabiti pri nadaljnem na~rtovanju in razvoju stimulacijskih elektrod. Klju~ne besede: elektri~na impedanca, elektri~na impedan~na spektroskopija, bioimpedanca, napetostni odgovor, tokovni vir, platina, kol~ni `ivec podgane, prehod med elektrodo in `iv~nim tkivom 1 INTRODUCTION Tissue-characterizing techniques based on electrical impedance (Z) are being used to study the Z variations of biological tissues over a range of frequencies. Some of these analysing techniques provide Z values of the tissue sample as a lumped estimation at a suitable frequency range and the information on several complex bioelec- trical phenomena occurring in cells and tissues under an alternating (AC) electric current signal.1,2 In this regard, a measurement of the complex Z in biological systems is one of the developing technologies for monitoring and determining the pathological and physiological status of biological tissues.3 Namely, with AC electrical stimulation, biological tissues produce a complex Z that depends on the tissue composition, structures, health status, and applied stimulus frequency.4 In biological tissues, plasma membranes of the cells are composed of electrically non-conducting lipid bilayers and an ion-conducting proteins channels.5,6 This structure provides a capacitance to the applied AC signal and contributes to the overall response of the biological tissues by producing a complex Z, which is a function of the tissue composition as well as the frequency of the applied AC signal. Z is a measurement of the overall Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 797–804 797 UDK 621.317.33:616.833.58:599.323.452:543.42 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)797(2016) ability of a medium to conduct electrical current, defined as the ratio of the voltage in an object to the current in a conductive medium. Z is a complex quantity, which consists of a real part (resistance) and an imaginary part (reactance).7 Its units are ohms ( ). In this regard, Wtorek et al.8 presented the construction of a probe for immittance spectroscopy based on the four-electrode technique. They tested the probe in "in-vivo" measurements on swine gluteal tissue. The simplest set-up for measuring Z is the so-called two-probe set-up, where a current source is used in order to feed a known current (I) into the unknown Z. A volt- age measurement using a voltage-measurement device determines the voltage drop, which is assumed to be pro- portional to the unknown Z. However, the resistivity of cables and the contact resistance also fully contribute to the voltage drop and to the measured voltage. As a re- sult, the measurement result Z is actually higher than the true Z. In the diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases, for in- stance, the Z of muscles can be measured to monitor pa- tients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, muscular dys- trophy and inflammatory myopathies. In clinical practice, a surface-electrode Z measurement is used for Z measurements of the skin tissue, which can be used for monitoring various conditions relating to the physical or medical state of a patient. The accuracy of a Z measure- ment with surface electrodes can be degraded by un- known contact impedances. In order to avoid the disadvantages of the two-probe, Z measurement set-up, the four-probe, Z measurement set-up employs an additional pair of electrodes. In the four-probe, Z measurement set-up, the current is fed through two feeding electrodes1,4 (considered as drive terminals) within the line of four equidistantly placed electrodes, while the voltage drop is measured between two measurement electrodes2,3 (considered as measurement terminals). The voltage is measured with an instrument that has a very high input Z, so that almost no current flows through the measurement electrodes, i.e., their cables and contact resistance play almost no role in the measurement. Therefore, the measured voltage is almost identical to the voltage drop at the unknown Z.9 For many applications, the four-probe, Z measurement set-up thus provides sufficient accuracy. The measurement of Z in biological systems, such as nerve tissue, with the four-probe measurement set-up, eliminates the influence of the Z of the electrode/nerve tissue interface on the nerve tissue Z. Namely, electrode polarization is avoided and the contact Z is eliminated from the measurement.10,11 However, the Z measurement error cannot be fully eliminated due to current flow through the measurement electrodes. As the use of Pt electrodes in selective nerve-stimulation applications (SNS) became indispensable, significant research was dedicated to understanding the electrode-electrolyte interface in “in vivo” and the electrode-nerve tissue interface in "in vivo". Of particular importance to SNS is Schwan’s limit of linearity: the voltage at which the electrode system’s Z becomes nonlinear and is often exceeded during SNS.12,13 The main goal of this study was to use the electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and voltage response (VR) experimental results to enhance our understanding of the effect of physical processes at the interface Z, with the expressed purpose of improving the interface design of future multi-electrode stimulating systems for SNS. The measurements were performed to test the hypothesis that a specific waveform of current stimulating pulse elicits controlled and tissue-safe voltage differences at the double layer (DL) of the interface between the Pt stimulating electrode and the nerve tissue. These repeti- tive voltage differences are potentially harmful since over time they can prevent effective excitation of the nerve tissue at the stimulating electrode due to electroly- sis-induced nerve-tissue damage. 2 MATERIAL AND METHODS 2.1 Experimental design and set-up Among the several custom-designed pieces of equip- ment, the most important was a temperature-controlled measuring chamber and proprietary stimulation/record- ing cables (Figure 1d). The chamber was developed for the two-probe and the four-probe electrophysiological measurements. The bulk body of the chamber was ma- chined out of Plexiglas, using a computerized numerical control milling machine. The main part of the chamber was a ladder with seven Pt hook-shape electrodes mounted horizontally over the chamber aperture and filled with a Krebs-Ringer solution (154-mM NaCl, 5-mM KCl, 2-mM CaCl2, 1-mM MgCl2, 5-mM HEPES, 11-mM D-glucose, pH 7.4). The distance between the electrodes was 4.8 mm. The hook-shape electrodes were manufactured from a cold-drawn Pt wire (99.99 % purity) with a thickness of 1 mm. Pure Pt is commonly used as a stimulating elec- trode material because it can effectively supply high- density electrical charge to activate the neural tissue. Pt is normally used in the form of a pure metal because im- purities and alloying elements may adversely affect its mechanical characteristics, working characteristics and its stability against corrosion in physiological media. Pt also has many physical properties that are of great value for their use in the technology of implantable stimulating electrodes. The contact surface of the Pt electrodes was increased, relative to the electrodes’ geometric area, by sanding with a metallurgical grade sandpaper number 1000. Consequently, in the developed measuring system, the two Pt hooks (electrode 1 and 7) of the ladder, representing the first two points of the four-probe measuring set-up, are used as shown in Figure 1d. For measurements of the voltage drop elicited by the current J. ROZMAN et al.: MEASUREMENT OF BIO-IMPEDANCE ON AN ISOLATED RAT SCIATIC NERVE ... 798 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 797–804 pulse, the two hooks (electrode 3 and 5) representing the second two probes of the four-probe measuring set-up, were used. The hook electrode 1 is connected to the high current source output (IH) of the bio-impedance front-end device (Figure 1c), while the hook electrode 7 is connected to the low current source output (IL) of the bio-impedance front-end device. Electrode 3 was con- nected to the high-voltage input (VH) of the bio impe- dance front-end device and electrode 5 was connected to the low-voltage input (VL) of the bio impedance front-end device. Before the rat’s sciatic nerve (RSN) was placed on the ladder of electrodes, the chamber canal was filled with saline to prevent the drying out of the RSN. To reduce the polarization and voltage shifts, the electrodes were soaked for 15 min to 30 min. 2.2 Nerve dissection and preparation Z measurements were performed on two isolated RSNs harvested from adult male Wistar rats, weighing 300 g to 350 g, purchased from Charles River. Animal handling complied with the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals law, which is consistent with the European Community Directive 2010/63/EU and was approved by the Institutional Review Board. The rats are euthanized by CO2 and exsanguination. Dissection began with an incision through the skin on the lateral side of the hind limb from the knee to the hip region. To expose the RSN, the superficial layer of the thigh muscle is carefully dissected between the m. gluteus superficialis and m. biceps femoris. The length of RSN available for measurement depends on the point at which the RSN divides into the peroneal, tibial and sural nerves. To prevent nerve injury during handling, a thread was tied around the distal end of the RSN. After the attached tissue was removed from the RSN, the RSN was cut as close to the knee joint as possible. Similarly, at the proximal end, the RSN was cut as close as possible to the spinal column. By doing so, the RSN obtained was long enough (between 30 mm and 35 mm) to be in contact with all the electrodes in the ladder. Afterwards, the RSN was placed in a glass sili- con-lined Petri dish filled with Krebs-Ringer solution. As the buffer was used for cell physiology experiments, it was gassed with 100 % oxygen for 10–20 min, so that the RSN could recover from the dissection. The RSN was transferred from the Petri dish into the chamber and placed on the ladder so that it touched all the electrodes. The RSN was kept moist with saline to prevent it from drying out and rendering it useless for the experiment. Finally, to prevent evaporation and drying of the tissue the chamber was covered with a lid. All of the recordings were made at an ambient temperature of 22–23 °C. 2.3 Measuring system The Red Pitaya (Red Pitaya, Solkan, Slovenia) devel- opment platform was used for the stimulating/measuring set-up shown schematically in Figure 1. This platform enables signal generation, signal acquisition and signal processing. The set-up used two built in D/A and A/D converter inputs enabling measurements with a 14-bit resolution at a 125 MHz/s sampling rate. This sampling rate could be adjusted with a decimal/dividing factor to 1, 8, 64, 1024, 8192 and 65536, respectively. Red Pitaya was attached to the Z front-end device as shown in Figure 1c. This de- vice was composed of a voltage-controlled current source (VCCS) based on the Howland method. The VCCS was designed to provide a constant current signal (ic), up to 4 mA, independent of the value of the attached load within a frequency range from 1 Hz to 1 MHz. The Z front-end device enabled simultaneous, four- and two-probe Z measurements.3,7 2.4 Bio-impedance spectroscopy measurements The EIS-based frequency response studies of Z, of any material, can provide the material’s structure- and J. ROZMAN et al.: MEASUREMENT OF BIO-IMPEDANCE ON AN ISOLATED RAT SCIATIC NERVE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 797–804 799 Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the stimulating/measuring set-up: a) programming part of the Z measurement set-up, b) Red Pitaya, c) Z front-end device, d) 3D view of the measuring chamber with a ladder of electrodes Slika 1: Shematski prikaz stimulacijsko/merilne naprave: a) programska enota naprave za merjenje Z, b) Red Pitaya, c) vhodno izhodna naprava (Z), d) tridimenzionalna slika merilne celice z lestvico elektrod composition-dependent electrical properties as well as its frequency response.14 In this study, EIS was used to esti- mate the complex (Z(f)) and phase angle ((f)) of the RSN at different frequencies fi (fi: f1, f2, f3,..., fn) by mea- suring the surface voltage (V(f)) developed for a constant low-amplitude, low-frequency alternating sinusoidal cur- rent (I(f)) injected into a RSN using both the two- and four-probe methods.15–18 Afterwards, the frequency-de- pendent electrical bio-impedance Z(fi) was found as the transfer function of the RSN, and thus the Z(fi) was cal- culated by dividing the voltage data (V(fi)) measurement by the applied current (I(fi)), as shown in the following Equation (1): Z(fi) = V(fi)/I(fi) (1) The programming part of the Z measurement set-up, shown in Figure 1a, was performed with a Lenovo T420 portable computer (Lenovo, Singapore) and MATLAB R2007a software (The Mathworks Inc., USA). In this way, communication and concomitant functional control of the Red Pitaya was made and monophasic and biphasic voltage pulses to drive (driving pulse) a VCCS within the front-end device, having a specific waveform shown in Figures 2a and 2b, were generated. An afore- mentioned waveform of the stimulating pulse was adopted from a recent study where this waveform was tested by selective nerve stimulation of the isolated por- cine left cervical vagus nerve segment.19 Afterwards, driving pulses were delivered to the VCCS, where they were converted into constant current pulses by means of the high-output-impedance current generator. To avoid a measurement error in developing the presented Z mea- surement set-up, it was essential that a high-output Z was maintained over the operating frequency range so that the injected current was constant and that the current source did not load the sample.20 The stimulating current pulses, having precisely the same waveform as the driv- ing pulses that were delivered to the VCCS, were con- stant current, biphasic, partially charge-balanced and asymmetric, composed of a precisely determined quasi-trapezoidal cathodic phase with a square leading edge of intensity ic, a plateau of the cathodic phase with the width of tc, followed by an exponentially decaying phase with the width of texp and the time constant ôexp, and ended by a wide, rectangular, anodic phase with the width ta and intensity of ia. In the four-probe measurement, the generated current stimulating pulse waveform ic was applied to an isolated RSN via the two outer hook electrodes within the ladder, electrode number 1 and electrode number 7 that served as current feeding probes IH and IL. They were separated from the electrodes number 3 and 5 that served as volt- age probes VH and VL, respectively. In the two-probe measurement, the generated current stimulating pulse was applied on an isolated RSN via the electrode number 1, serving as a current feeding probe IH, and connected to the electrode number 3 that served as a voltage probe VH and via the electrode number 7, that served as a current feeding probe IL and was connected to electrode number 5 that served as a voltage probe VL. These measurements were used to obtain the Bode and Nyquist diagrams with which the equivalent circuit model elements could be calculated for each of the sam- ples. The Nyquist diagram consists of a Zimaginary vs. Zreal plot, representing the imaginary and real values for the Z. This paper however, only reports an “in-vitro” study of RSN samples conducted using EIS to find the frequency-dependent Z. 2.5 Voltage-response (VR) measurements The presented set-up also enabled measurements of VRs that were elicited in the RSN using generated quasi-trapezoidal monophasic and biphasic pulses. The generated stimulating pulse was measured indirectly as a voltage drop at the reference resistor with a trains imped- ance amplifier to assess the value of the phase angle . Later on, this value was used in the processing of data for the Z calculation. The aforementioned stimulating pulse was used for excitation of the RSN that represented a floating load; therefore, the elicited voltage drop was measured differentially using an instrumental amplifier. The RSN was stimulated with the generated current pulses while information on the VR and stimulating cur- rent was recorded simultaneously. In this regard, ic was 1.8 mA while tc was 60 μs. In each measurement, where 50 pulses were generated, the last pulse was saved and a time to gap of 250 μs was introduced. The EIS was per- J. ROZMAN et al.: MEASUREMENT OF BIO-IMPEDANCE ON AN ISOLATED RAT SCIATIC NERVE ... 800 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 797–804 Figure 2: Voltage driving pulses to control the VCCS current source: a) a monophasic pulse and b) a biphasic pulse Slika 2: Napetostna krmilna pulza za kontrolo VCCS tokovnega vira: a) monopolarni pulz in b) bipolarni pulz formed using current sinusoidal signals with an ampli- tude of 400 μA that were generated at frequencies evenly distributed within the frequency range between 1 Hz and 500 kHz and delivered to the RSN. While the RSN was stimulated with the aforementioned current sinusoidal signals, the stimulating current and VR were saved again. All of the data were analysed off-line and Z was calcu- lated with the lock-in method. 3 RESULTS 3.1 Bio-impedance spectroscopy Figure 3a shows the Bode diagram of the absolute value of Z, measured on the RSN, using the two- and four-probe set-ups while the RSN is stimulated with two specific monophasic and biphasic excitation pulses, re- spectively. Figure 3b shows the  obtained with the two- and four-probe set-ups expressed in the Bode diagram during RSN stimulation with monophasic and biphasic stimuli. Figure 3c shows the Z spectrum measured with the two- and four-probe set-ups, presented with the Nyquist diagram (Cole-Cole diagram), while the RSN is stimulated with monophasic and biphasic stimuli. The absolute Z value, expressed in the Bode diagram while the RSN is stimulated with monophasic and biphasic stimuli and measured using the two-probe set-up, decreased almost exponentially from approxi- mately 60 k measured at 1 Hz to slightly below 800 measured at 20 kHz (Figure 3a). At frequencies between 20 kHz and 100 kHz, Z remained almost unchanged; at frequencies above 100 kHz, however, Z began to decrease rapidly. It was noted that traces of Z belonging to stimulation with monophasic and biphasic stimuli were almost identical. Figure 3b, representing the  expressed in the Bode diagram, shows that for the two-probe measurement, the capacitive nature of an interface between RSN and plati- num electrodes prevailed at frequencies below 500 Hz. Namely, a corresponding  measured at 1 Hz was –60 °C and  measured at 500 Hz was –10 °C, respectively. At frequencies between 500 Hz and 30 kHz, the nature of the interface remained still slightly capacitive, express- ing the same value of the phase angle , i.e., –10 °C. Within this frequency range, the ohmic nature of the in- terface between the RSN and platinum electrodes pre- vailed. At frequencies above 100 kHz, however, the na- ture of the interface between the RSN and the platinum electrodes started to be progressively capacitive again, expressing the sharp decrease of  towards negative val- ues. The traces of , belonging to the stimulation with the monophasic and biphasic stimuli, were almost identi- cal. In Figure 3c, the Z spectra measured with two- and four-probe set-ups expressed in a Nyquist diagram (Cole-Cole diagram) while the RSN is stimulated with monophasic and biphasic stimuli differ considerably. This diagram represents the relationship between the imaginary and the real component of Z, as measured at the interface between the RSN and the particular plati- num electrodes using the two- versus four-probe set-up and monophasic versus biphasic stimuli. In other words, this diagram represents the relationship between capaci- tive and ohmic natures of the interface between the RSN and the platinum electrodes. The difference was not sig- nificant for monophasic versus biphasic stimuli but was for the two- versus four-probe measurements. Traces of Z spectra, belonging to stimulation with monophasic and biphasic stimuli, were almost identical for the two- as well as for the four-probe measurements. For the two- J. ROZMAN et al.: MEASUREMENT OF BIO-IMPEDANCE ON AN ISOLATED RAT SCIATIC NERVE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 797–804 801 Figure 3: Results of Z spectroscopy measurements while the RSN is stimulated with monophasic and biphasic stimuli: a) Absolute Z value measured with a two- and four-probe set-ups expressed in a Bode dia- gram, b)  obtained with a two- and four-probe set-ups expressed in a Bode diagram, c) Z spectrum measured with two- and four-probe set-ups expressed in a Nyquist diagram (Cole-Cole diagram) Slika 3: Rezultati spektroskopskih meritev Z, medtem, ko je bil RSN stimuliran z monofaznimi in bifaznimi pulzi: a) absolutna vrednost Z merjena z dvo in {tirito~kovno metodo, prikazana z Bodejevim diagramom, b)  merjen z dvo in {tirito~kovno metodo, prikazan z Bodejevim diagramom, c) spekter Z merjen z dvo in {tirito~kovno metodo prikazana z Nyquistovim diagramom (Cole-Cole diagram) and four-probe measurement, the Z spectrum below 10 k of the real/ohmic component, showed an almost identical relationship between the imaginary/capacitive and the real/ohmic nature of the interface between the RSN and the Pt electrodes. Above 10 k of real/ohmic component, however, the two-probe measurement showed an almost linear decrease of an imaginary/capac- itive nature and, at the same time, an almost linear in- crease of the real/ohmic nature, while the four-probe measurement showed no further increase in the real/ohmic nature. 3.2 Voltage-response (VR) measurements VRs, during the excitation of the RSN with the quasi-trapezoidal monophasic and biphasic pulses using the two- and four-point measurement set-ups, are shown in the Figures 4a to 4c. Figure 4a shows the VRs elic- ited with a monophasic pulse and measured with the two- and four-point set-ups. VRs measured with the four-point set-up follow the quasi-trapezoidal pulse more accurately than the VRs measured using the two-point set-up. This was in accordance with Figure 3 where the real/ohmic nature of the interface between the RSN and the Pt electrode in the four-point measurement prevails over the imaginary/capacitive nature of the interface be- tween the RSN and the Pt electrode. Figure 4b shows VRs measured with the two- and four-point set-ups elicited with the biphasic pulse. VRs measured with the two-point set-up follow the quasi-trapezoidal pulse more accurately than the VRs measured with the four-point set-up. This is in accor- dance with Figure 3 where the real/ohmic nature of the interface between the RSN and the Pt electrode in the four-point measurement prevails over the imaginary/ca- pacitive nature of the interface between the RSN and the Pt electrode. As seen in all three panels of Figure 3, the leading edge of the cathodic phase ic and the plateau of the cath- odic phase with the width tc of the generated stimulating current pulses were not of exactly the same shape as the waveform of pulses that were delivered to the VCCS. Other parts of the generated current pulses, such as expo- nentially decaying phase with the width of texp and the time constant exp in both monophasic and biphasic pulses as well as the rectangular, anodic phase with the width ta and intensity of ia in the biphasic pulse, are al- most identical. It was presumed that in calculations of Z, after a monophasic and biphasic pulse, the aforemen- tioned dissimilarity did not influence Z significantly. Figure 4c shows VRs measured using the four-point set-up, elicited with a train of generated biphasic pulses with a cathodic intensity (ic) of 1.8 mA and the elicited VRs with the entire voltage drop of V = 1.7 V. As shown in Figure 4c, an onset of ic elicited the near-in- stantaneous voltage increase with the same time course. However, when ic was terminated, the course of the volt- age in the exponential decay region where ic exponen- tially approached the lowest value, the voltage also expo- nentially approached the value of approximately -0.15 V. Almost at the same time as the cathodic pulse ic was ter- minated, the onset of an anodic intensity (ia) of 0.6 mA elicited the near-instantaneous positive voltage of ap- proximately 0.65 V, having a slightly different course. As in the VR of the tested stimulation pulse, the max- imum negative polarization across the electrode-nerve tissue interface (Emc) and the maximum positive polariza- tion across the electrode-nerve tissue interface (Ema) reached -0.15 V and 0.65 V, respectively. None of them exceed the safety limit range for water electrolysis, from -0.60 V to +0.85 V.21 J. ROZMAN et al.: MEASUREMENT OF BIO-IMPEDANCE ON AN ISOLATED RAT SCIATIC NERVE ... 802 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 797–804 Figure 4: Stimulation pulses and corresponding VRs: a) VRs measured using a two- and four-point measurements elicited with a monophasic pulse, b) VRs measured using a two- and four-point measurements elicited with a biphasic pulse, c) VRs measured using a four-point measurement elicited with a train of biphasic pulses Slika 4: Stimulacijski pulzi in pripadajo~i VR-ji: a) VR-ji merjeni z dvo in {tirito~kovno metodo, izzvani z monofaznim pulzom, b) VR-ji merjeni z dvo in {tirito~kovno metodo, izzvani z bifaznim pulzom, c) VR-ji merjeni z dvo- in {tirito~kovno metodo, izzvani z vlakom bifaznih pulzov 4 DISCUSSION The presented work demonstrates the feasibility of a Z measurement on an isolated RSN with quasi-trape- zoidal current biphasic stimulating pulses. The feasibility of the stimulating paradigm, where the specific stimulus waveform was used to selectively stimulate different types of nerve fibres within the cervical segment of por- cine vagus nerve, has already been published.19 In the last two decades, particular attention has been paid to vagus nerve stimulation techniques that are used to treat, among others, a number of nervous-system dis- orders, neuropsychiatric disorders, eating disorders, sleep disorders, cardiac disorders, endocrine disorders, and pain.22–25 Considerable scientific and technological efforts have been devoted to developing systems of elec- trodes that interface the human vagus nerve with elec- tronic implantable devices.26,27 The Z characterization of the electrode-electrolyte in- terface is of paramount importance in the field of neuroprotheses, where small electrodes are required for SNS and recording of superficial regions of peripheral nerves via multi-electrode systems. The electrode-elec- trolyte interface is determined from the known electrode Z, which should be as low as possible to avoid nerve tis- sue damage. A high Z would result in a large applied electrode voltage leading to undesirable electrochemical reactions that damage the nerve tissue.28 As shown in the presented study, neither the maximum negative polariza- tion across the electrode-electrolyte interface (Emc), nor the maximum positive polarization across the elec- trode-electrolyte interface (Ema), exceeded the safety lim- its for water electrolysis.21 Nevertheless, large surface area stimulating elec- trodes (due to a roughened surface), with a relatively much smaller geometric surface area and thus a much lower Z than current designs, could be beneficial, espe- cially where a larger number of stimulating electrodes within the multi-electrode system29 is needed. The au- thors demonstrated “in vitro” that by increasing the real surface area of stimulating electrodes, a significantly lower polarization impedance and electrode impedance, as well as a low residual direct current, could be ob- tained. Also, all three electrical parameters, electrode im- pedance, access resistance and polarization, could be cal- culated from the current and voltage measurements. Thus, a theoretical equivalent circuit model of the inter- face between the RSN and Pt electrodes could be mod- elled by fitting the equivalent circuit model elements to the EIS-based frequency-response spectroscopy experi- mental results.28,30,31 5 CONCLUSIONS The first conclusion is that at frequency range between 0 kHz and 2.5 kHz, which confines the power spectrum density of the proposed quasi-trapezoidal stimulating pulse (power spectrum density not shown in this paper), the ohmic nature of the interface between RSN and Pt electrodes prevailed over the imaginary/ capacitive nature, yielding the relative low Z of approxi- mately 1 k . The second conclusion is that the differences elicited at the DL of the interface between the Pt stimulating electrode and the nerve tissue, while the RSN was stimu- lated using biphasic quasi-trapezoidal stimuli, have not exceeded the voltage range considered safe for nerve tis- sue. The third conclusion is that the designed and tested four-probe bio-impedance measurement set-up, based on the Red Pitaya open-source measurement and control tool, provided data on the structure- and composition-re- lated electrical properties of the RSN tissue that contrib- ute to the development of multi-electrode nerve stimulat- ing systems. Definitions of field-specific terms SNS – selective nerve stimulation RSN – segment of a rat sciatic nerve AC – alternating current Z – electrical impedance VCCS – voltage controlled current source driving pulse – voltage pulses to drive a VCCS EIS – Electrical impedance spectroscopy Pt – platinum chamber – temperature-controlled measuring chamber CNC – computerized numerical control ic – intensity of the cathodic phase tc – width of the cathodic phase texp – width of the cathodic exponential decay exp – time constant of the exponential decay ia – intensity of the anodic phase ta – width of the anodic phase IH and IL – current feeding probes VH and VL – voltage probes VR – voltage response R – reference resistor  – phase angle DL – double layer Ema – maximum positive polarization across the elec- trode-electrolyte interface Emc – maximum negative polarization across the elec- trode-electrolyte interface Acknowledgement This work was financed by the research grant P3-0171 and P4-0053 from the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS), Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia. The authors ac- knowledge Professor Dejan Kri`aj from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, for the J. ROZMAN et al.: MEASUREMENT OF BIO-IMPEDANCE ON AN ISOLATED RAT SCIATIC NERVE ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 797–804 803 useful discussion and enabling us to use a measuring set up developed in his laboratory. Ethical approval The neural tissue was treated in accordance with the approval guidelines of the ethics committee of the Veteri- nary Administration, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Republic of Slovenia. Conflict of interest statement The authors declare that there are no conflicts of in- terest regarding the publication of this paper. None of the authors received any financial or other compensation for undertaking this study or during its execution. No per- sonal relationships with other people or organizations in- appropriately influenced the work. 6 REFERENCES 1 T. K. Bera, J. 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KOCIJAN et al.: INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT PRODUCTION PROCESSES ON THE BIODEGRADABILITY ... 805–811 INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT PRODUCTION PROCESSES ON THE BIODEGRADABILITY OF AN FeMn17 ALLOY VPLIV RAZLI^NIH PROCESOV IZDELAVE NA BIORAZGRADLJIVOST ZLITINE FeMn17 Aleksandra Kocijan, Irena Paulin, ^rtomir Donik, Matej Ho~evar, Klemen Zeli~, Matja` Godec Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia aleksandra.kocijan@imt.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2016-03-31; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2016-04-06 doi:10.17222/mit.2016.055 The purpose of this research was to evaluate the biodegradability of a cast FeMn17 alloy that was processed by hot rolling and annealing, which influenced both the mechanical and corrosion properties of the FeMn17 alloy. The corrosion behaviour and in-vitro biodegradability were investigated by light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and immersion tests in Hank’s solution. Compared to pure Fe, the cast FeMn17 alloy has a better biodegradability (higher corrosion rate). We showed that hot rolling additionally improves the biodegradability, while the annealing process lowers the biodegradability of the FeMn17 alloy. Keywords: biodegradability, FeMn alloy, corrosion, XRD, SEM Namen raziskave je bil oceniti biorazgradljivost zlitine FeMn17 s predelavo z vro~im valjanjem in `arjenjem. Vro~e valjanje in `arjenje vplivata na mehanske in korozijske lastnosti zlitine FeMn17. Korozijske lastnosti in biorazgradljivost smo preverjali s svetlobno mikroskopijo, vrsti~no elektronsko mikroskopijo, rentgensko difrakcijo in s testi potapljanja v Hankovo raztopino. V primerjavi s ~istim Fe, ima zlitina FeMn17 veliko bolj{o biorazgradljivost (ve~jo korozijsko hitrost). Pokazali smo, da vro~e valjanje dodatno izbolj{a biorazgradljivost, z `arjenjem pa se biorazgradljivost zlitine FeMn17 poslab{a. Klju~ne besede: biorazgradljivost, FeMn zlitina, korozija, XRD, SEM 1 INTRODUCTION Biodegradable metallic materials represent a novel class of bioactive biomaterials that can temporarily sup- port tissue healing and should progressively degrade completely without a negative effect on the healing pro- cess.1–3 Potential applications of these biomaterials are paediatric, orthopaedic (fixation screws and pins) and cardiovascular implants (coronary stents).1,4 Biodegrad- able polymers were first investigated as bioactive bio- materials; however, in recent years biodegradable metal- lic materials, especially Fe and Mg alloys, have received more attention due to their superior mechanical proper- ties and their cytocompatibility.1–3,5 Compared with Mg-based materials, Fe-based materials possess similar mechanical properties to stainless steel and are more at- tractive for applications that require high strength and ductility.1 Despite the immense potential of Fe and Mg alloys, experiments and clinical trials also exposed their weaknesses: too rapid degradation rates, poor mechani- cal properties and significant hydrogen evolution during the corrosion process of Mg-based alloys and a too slow degradation of Fe-based alloys.5–8 Fe-based alloys may also present problems with cer- tain imaging devices (magnetic resonance imaging, for example) due to the Fe’s ferromagnetic nature. However, alloying and heat treatment can modify the mechanical, corrosion, and ferromagnetic properties of pure Fe.1,2 The choice and the amount of alloying element is impor- tant with respect to the toxicity and degradation behav- iour of the Fe alloy.2 Mn represents a suitable alloying element based on microstructural, magnetic, corrosion, and toxicological considerations.2 Mn (austenite-forming element) transforms Fe into a nonmagnetic material, lowers the standard electrode potential of Fe and thus en- hances the degradation of the material, which represents an essential trace element necessary in many enzymatic reactions. Newly developed Fe-Mn-based alloys contain- ing up to 35 % of mass fractions of Mn have comparable mechanical properties to stainless steel, faster degrada- tion and improved MRI compatibility.1,2 Despite this, the low corrosion rate still represents the major problem fornewly developed Fe–Mn-based alloys. Non-conventional processing techniques such as powder metallurgy, electrodeposition and inkjet 3D- printing can achieve the faster degradation of Fe–Mn al- loys.1,2 However, these techniques are rather complex and expensive, therefore it is necessary to further investi- gate conventional methods, such as casting with addi- tional steel-processing techniques in order to find an eco- nomically favourable solution. Research has rarely been made on the influence of subsequent processing and heat treatment on the properties of any conventional, cast, Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 805–811 805 UDK 620.1/.2:669.056:67.017 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)805(2016) biodegradable, metallic materials, including Fe–Mn- based alloys. The aim of the present study was to investi- gate the influence of three basic steel-processing meth- ods (casting, hot rolling and annealing) on the corrosion behaviour of the biodegradable Fe–Mn-based alloy due to the formation of less-corrosion-resistant deformational martensite.9 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART Material preparation – The investigated Fe-based al- loy with 17 % of mass fractions of Mn (FeMn17) was produced from relatively pure Fe and Mn. Both materials were melted in an induction furnace under air atmo- sphere at approximately 1700 °C and cast into two iron moulds. One mould was left to cool down in air atmosphere and the other one was after casting in mould, hot rolled at approximately 1000 °C for a 33 % reduc- tion. Parts of both samples were annealed at 1050 °C for 1 h and then furnace cooled. The materials were ana- lysed and the results were compared with pure Fe. The chemical compositions of the alloy and the pure Fe were determined using an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer XRF (Thermo Scientific Niton XL3t GOLDD+) and arepresented in Table 1. Metallographic investigation – Samples were cut with a water-cooled saw and cross-sections of the sam- ples were prepared by the standard metallographic tech- niques of grinding and polishing. The samples were etched with 3 % Nital, an ethanol solution of HCl(aq) and an ethanol solution of HNO3(aq). The characterization of the material was performed using a light microscope (LM, Microphot FXA Nikon with Olympus DP73) and a scanning electron microscope coupled with an en- ergy-dispersive spectrometer (SEM, JEOL JSM-6500F, EDS INCA ENERGY 400) for analyses of the inclusions and phases. X-ray Powder Diffraction – The samples were mea- sured using a Panalyitical XPERT Pro PW 3040/60 goniometer 2 between 15–90° with a step size of 0.002° and a scan step time of 100 s on each step. Cu with (K = 0.154 nm) anode was used with a current of 40 mA and a potential of 45 kV. Mechanical properties – The microhardness was measured by Vickers HV5 (5 kg load, 11s -Instron Tukon 2100B). Electrochemical measurements – Were performed on prepared specimens, ground with SiC emery paper down to 1200 grit. The experiments were carried out in a simu- lated physiological Hank’s solution, containing 8 g/L NaCl, 0.40 g/L KCl, 0.35 g/L NaHCO3, 0.25 g/L NaH2PO42H2O, 0.06 g/L Na2HPO42H2O, 0.19 g/L CaCl22H2O, 0.41 g/L MgCl26H2O, 0.06 g/L MgSO47H2O and 1 g/L glucose, at pH = 7.8. All chem- icals were from Merck, Darmstadt, Germany. The mea- surements were performed using a three-electrode, flat BioLogic corrosion cell (volume 0.25 L). The test speci- men was employed as the working electrode (WE). The reference electrode (RE) was a saturated calomel elec- trode (SCE, 0.242 V vs. SHE) and the counter electrode (CE) was a platinum net. Electrochemical measurements were recorded by using a BioLogic Modular Research Grade Potentiostat/Galvanostat/FRA Model SP-300 with an EC-Lab®software V10.44. The specimens were im- mersed in the solution 1 h prior to the measurement in order to stabilize the surface at the open-circuit potential (OCP). The potentiodynamic curves were recorded after 1 h of sample stabilisation at the open-circuit potential (OCP), starting the measurement at 250 mV vs. SCE more negative than the OCP. The potential was then in- creased, using a scan rate of 1 mV s–1, until the transpassive region was reached. The linear polarisation measurements were performed at ±25 mV according to the OCP, using a scan rate of 0.01 mV s–1. 3 RESULTS AND DISSCUSION 3.1 Microstructure characterization The microstructures of all four samples, i.e., cast, hot rolled and both samples after annealing at 1050 °C and furnace cooled down, are shown in Figure 1. There is no difference in the chemical composition, where as there are some differences in the microstructure. In the cast sample, the cast structure occurs upon cooling, though the cooling rate is too high for equilibrium phase trans- formation, as predicted from the Fe–Mn phase diagram. We observed some boundary segregations rich in Mn and inclusions of MnS and TiN, which were also confirmed by the EDS analyses. The observed average grain size for these samples was approximately 350 μm. There was also some smaller porosity present in the microstructure. The cast + annealed sample (Figure 1b) has a similar microstructure with the same precipitations and inclu- sions that are ubiquitous at grain boundary and in the grains. The difference is in the much larger grain sizes (average of approx. 1200 μm) and more segregation of Mn at the grain boundaries according to the prolongation of the time available for the cooling after annealing. In the hot-rolled sample was observed, beside austen- ite, also traces of strain-induced martensite and deforma- tion twins. Due partly to the recrystallization, the micro- structure consists of large and small grains. The A. KOCIJAN et al.: INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENT PRODUCTION PROCESSES ON THE BIODEGRADABILITY ... 806 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 805–811 Table 1: Chemical composition in mass fractions, w/% Tabela 1: Kemijska sestava v masnih dele`ih, w/% Material Mo Ni Mn Cu Ti Si C Fe Pure Fe