GEODETSKI VESTNIK | 63/2 | SREČEVALIŠČE MEETING POINT 7" cc OT DI E D O Blaž Mozetič predsednikZveze geodetov Slovenije | president of the Association of Surveyors of Slovenia V začetku junija je Ljubljansko geodetsko društvo pripravilo slovesnost ob 25. letnici postavitve obeležja koordinatnemu izhodišču prve katastrske izmere na območju Slovenije. Koordinatni križ oziroma izhodišče koordinatnega sistema je bil leta 1818 položen v trigonometrično točko na Krimu in tako je nastal krimski koordinatni sistem. Izhodišče je točka ali mesto, iz katerega nekaj izhaja oziroma v katerem se nekaj začne, in je obenem osnova oziroma temelj tega. Koordinatno izhodišče je izhodišče koordinatnega sistema, skozi katerega sta položeni koordinatni osi, ki bežita vsaka v svojo smer, ven, stran, v svet. Vse ima svoj temelj oziroma mesto, pa čeprav zgodovinski, kot je to pri izhodišču krimskega koordinatnega sistema. Z leti se je Krim kot izhodišče koordinatnega sistema vedno bolj spreminjal v srečevališče geodetske stroke. Postal je prostor srečevanja ljudi, idej, problemov, vizij, veselja, športa ... Ves ta geodetski zanos in ponos opisuje že sama beseda srečevališče, je srečanje dveh besed, sreča in vališče; sreča je razmeroma trajno stanje velikega duševnega ugodja, veliko zadovoljstvo in veselje; vališče pa je prostor, kjer valijo ptice, kjer se rojeva novo življenje in novo upanje. Krim je tako postal razpoznavni znak oziroma simbol geodetske stroke v Sloveniji, ni ostal samo opomnik na koordinatno izhodišče, ampak je postal srečevališče stanovskega združenja, kamor se geodeti vedno vračamo. Vračamo se simbolično na zgodovinski kraj, v temelj, po mir in moč za premislek, kako in kam preudarno naprej. S takšnimi dogodki geodeti opozarjamo na zgodovinsko in vsakodnevno vpetost naše stroke v družbo, da kljub sodobni in lahko dostopni tehnologiji ni vse imaginarno in nekje tam zunaj, kot se zdi na prvi pogled, in da imamo geodeti izhodišče postavljeno daleč nazaj po časovnem traku, vendar se ravno zato srečujemo, da so lahko naši pogledi in ideje usmerjeni v prihodnost. Dandanašnji je srečevanje ob vsej sodobni komunikacijski tehnologiji še toliko pomembnejše, ker smo prehitro pozabili na tisti pristni fizični človeški stik, ki se po navadi začne in konča s krepkim stiskom roke. Zato ima geodezija več izhodišč, ki so tudi srečevališča, kot je to na primer naš Krim. Srečno! I 161 | I 63/2| GEODETSKI VESTNIK -j The Ljubljana Society of Surveyors organised a ceremony in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the ¡0 plaque dedicated to the origin point of the triangulation network of the first cadastral measurement in S the territory Slovenia. In 1818, a coordinate cross, i.e., the origin point of the coordinate system, was H built into the trigonometry point in Krim, which marks the birth of the Krim coordinate system. O = The point of origin is a spot or place where something comes from, or where something begins, also representing its basis or foundation. The origin triangulation point is the starting point of a coordinate system determined by two coordinate axes that each runs in its separate direction, out, away, into the world. Everything has its foundation or position, although historical, as is the case with the origin point of the Krim coordinate system. Krim, as the origin point of the coordinate systems, has gradually developed into the meeting point of the land surveying profession. It has become the place where people, ideas, problems, visions, joy, sport and other elements meet. The expression 'meeting point' nicely embraces the zeal and the pride that permeate land surveying; 'to meet' also signifies to fulfil, to satisfy, to achieve while 'a point' can be an idea, an opinion that is worth serious consideration. So it happened that Krim became the emblem, the symbol of the surveying profession in Slovenia. It has not remained a mere reminder of an origin triangulation point but has become the meeting point of the professional association where land surveyors like to return. It is our symbolic comeback to a memorial site, to the foundation, where we seek peace, the strength to consider how and where to prudently continue our journey. Such events are an opportunity for land surveyors to call attention to the historical and everyday significance of our profession for society; to the fact that easily accessible modern technology does not mean everything is imaginary and somewhere out there as it might seem at first glance; to the fact that the origin point of land surveying dates back on the historical timeline. This is the exact reason we keep meeting — so that our sight and ideas are turned/fixed to the future. Nowadays, in the era of modern communication technology, meetings are even more critical as we have forgotten about the pristine human contact that usually begins and ends with a firm handshake. This is why land surveying has several origin points that are also meeting points — one of them being our Krim. Best of luck! I 162 |