52 Članek prispel / Received 10. 12. 2020 Članek sprejet / Accepted 9. 10. 2021 Abstract Purpose: To present the case of a patient with an inter-radicular super- numerary tooth. Case report: A 45–year–old male patient presented with sepsis of odon- togenic origin. Oral clinical investi- gation and panoramic radiography revealed the presence of four avital teeth with inadequate root canal fil- lings, including both maxillary first molars. The right one had periapical radiolucencies, indicating periapical periodontitis. The left one had an unusual radiopaque structure between the roots. Condensing osteitis, odon- toma, and benign cementoblastoma were included in differential diagnosis; however, cone-beam computed tomo- graphy (CBCT) showed a miniature supernumerary tooth located between the buccal roots of this tooth. Surgical removal of the inter-radicular tooth was not indicated, because there were no associated pathological changes. Izvleček Namen: Namen prispevka je pred- staviti primer medkoreninskega nad- številnega zoba. Poro~ilo o primeru: V primeru predstavljamo 45–letnega pacienta s sepso odontogenega izvora. Klinični pregled ustne votline in panoramski rentgenski posnetek sta pokazala štiri avitalne zobe z neustreznimi korenin- skimi polnitvami, med katerimi sta bila oba prva zgornja stalna kočnika. Ob koreninah desnega so bile vidne periapikalne radiolucence, značilne za periapikalni parodontitis, med koreninami levega pa nenavadna radiolucentna struktura. V diferen- cialni diagnozi so bili kondenzirajoči osteitis, odontom in benigni cement- oblastom, računalniška tomografija s stožčastim snopom (RTSS) pa je po- kazala, da gre za miniaturen nadšte- vilni zob med bukalnima koreninama omenjenega zoba. Odstranitev med- koreninskega zoba ni bila indicirana, Ključne besede: Zobne nepravilnosti, zobna nadštevilnost, dentalna radiologija, diferencialna diagnoza Key words: Tooth abnormalities, hyperodontia, dental radiography, differential diagnosis Opis redkega primera: Nadštevilen zob med koreninami prvega zgornjega stalnega kočnika Report of a rare case: supernumerary tooth between the roots of the permanent maxillary first molar Avtor / Author Lucija Strmšek1, Iztok Štamfelj1, 2 Ustanova / Institute 1Univerza v Ljubljani, Medicinska fakulteta, Katedra za zobne bolezni in normalno morfologijo zobnega organa, Ljubljana, Slovenija; 2Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Center za zobne bolezni in endodontijo, Ljubljana, Slovenija; 1University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Dental Diseases and Normal Dental Morphology, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 2University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Department of Operative Dentistry and Endodontics, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Poročilo o primeru / Case report: ACTA MEDICO-BIOTECHNICA 2021; 14 (1): 11–19 53 Poročilo o primeru / Case report: ACTA MEDICO-BIOTECHNICA 2021; 14 (1): 11–19 INTRODUCTION Supernumerary teeth are those in excess of the nor- mal number of 20 primary and 32 permanent teeth. The prevalence of supernumerary teeth in the per- manent dentition varies from 0.5% to about 3.0% in different populations (1). The molar region in the maxilla is one of the most frequent regions for the occurrence of supernumerary teeth (2). Most of them are situated buccally to the molar row (paramolars) or distally to the third molar (fourth molars or dis- tomolars). In this article, we describe a rare case of a supernumerary tooth located between the roots of the permanent maxillary first molar (inter-radicular tooth). CASE PRESENTATION A 45-year-old male patient with sepsis was referred to the University Dental Clinic for evaluation and treatment. An oral focus of infection was suspected based on a positron emission tomography scan and isolation of a common oral pathogen, Aggregati- bacter actinomycetemcomitans, from his blood. Pri- or to referral, parenteral antibiotic treatment with ceftriaxone was initiated. Oral clinical investigation and panoramic radiogra- phy revealed no signs of periodontal disease; how- ever, there were four avital teeth with inadequate root canal fillings: 25, 16, 26, and 46. Periapical radiography and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) showed periapical radiolucencies and thick- ening of the antral mucosa associated with the roots of tooth 26. A diagnosis of asymptomatic periapical periodontitis was made. Periapical radiography also revealed an unusual radiolucent structure among the roots of tooth 16 (Figure 1). CBCT images clearly showed that this structure was a miniature supernu- merary tooth (mesio-distal crown diameter 2.1 mm, bucco-palatal crown diameter 2.8 mm, tooth length 7.7 mm) with a single root and a simple conically- shaped crown (Figure 2). It looked like a small re- placement tooth inside the bony septum separating the buccal roots (Figure 3). The root of the supernu- merary tooth was in close proximity to the floor of the maxillary sinus (Figure 4). Surgical removal of ker ni bilo spremljajočih bolezenskih sprememb. V nadaljevanju je bil de- sni prvi zgornji kočnik kot najverje- tnejši izvor sistemske okužbe ekstrahi- ran, preostali avitalni zobje pa so bili ponovno endodontsko zdravljeni. Zaklju~ek: Medkoreninski nadšte- vilen zob se pojavi redko, vendar je treba tudi to možnost upoštevati pri obravnavi radiopačne spremembe v predelu zgornjega stalnega kočnika. Njegova slika na običajnih rentgen- skih posnetkih je lahko nejasna zaradi prekrivanja s sosednjimi koreninami. RTSS ima ključno vlogo pri postavi- tvi pravilne diagnoze in ugotavljanju anatomskih odnosov. Subsequently, the right first molar was extracted as the most likely source of systemic infection. The remaining three avital teeth were endodontically re-treated. Conclusion: An inter–radicular su- pernumerary tooth is a rare occurren- ce; however, it is important to take into account when evaluating a radi- opacity associated with a permanent maxillary molar. Its image on conven- tional radiographs may be unclear due to overlap with the neighbouring roots. CBCT plays a leading role in radiolo- gic diagnosis and the establishment of anatomical relationships. Naslov za dopisovanje / Correspondence Doc. dr. Iztok Štamfelj, dr. dent. med., spec., Univerza v Ljubljani, Medicinska fakulteta, Katedra za zobne bolezni in normalno morfologijo zobnega organa, Hrvatski trg 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Telefon: +386 15224372 E–pošta: iztok.stamfelj@mf.uni-lj.si 54 Poročilo o primeru / Case report: ACTA MEDICO-BIOTECHNICA 2021; 14 (1): 11–19 this tooth was not indicated, because there were no associated pathological changes. Tooth 26 was extracted. Endodontic re-treatment of the remaining three avital teeth was accomplished over the following seven months. Tooth 16 had a mesiobuccal root with three canals and distobuc- cal and palatal roots with one canal each (Figure 5). DISCUSSION One of the unusual sites in the jaw where a super- numerary tooth can develop is the inter-radicular septum of a maxillary molar. We have been able to find only three previous references to the presence of supernumerary teeth at this location. Schulze (3) de- scribed a miniature supernumerary tooth, which was firmly lodged between the roots of an extracted max- illary second molar. Huffman and Thatcher (4) and Jones (5) presented two patients, each with a slightly larger supernumerary tooth between the roots of the maxillary first and second molar, respectively. An inter-radicular tooth tends to remain unerupted within the jaw, unless the adjacent maxillary molar is extracted. In the unlikely case that it remains in the jaw after extraction, it might erupt and replace the extracted molar, as if it were its true successor. An inter-radicular tooth may initiate external resorption in the furcal region of the roots (3, 4) and, although not documented, could cause follicular cyst forma- tion. In our case, the patient was asymptomatic, there was no associated pathology, and the risk of developing external resorption in the future was con- sidered negligible. Firstly, there was a considerable distance between the crown of the inter-radicular tooth and the furcal region of the maxillary first mo- lar. Secondly, the root of the supernumerary tooth was fully formed, and no further tooth migration could be expected. The tooth was, therefore, left in place and kept under observation. From a diagnostic viewpoint, it is important to dif- ferentiate inter-radicular teeth from pathologic enti- ties with a potentially similar radiographic appear- ance but different prognosis and treatment, e.g., condensing osteitis, odontoma, and benign cement- Figure 1. Periapical radiograph of the right perma- nent maxillary first molar showing the presence of a radiopaque structure between the roots (arrow). Figure 3. Axial CBCT image of the right permanent maxillary first molar: MB – mesiobuccal root, DB – distobuccal root, P – palatal root, ST – root of the supernumerary tooth. Figure 2. Sagittal CBCT image re- vealing the presence of a supernumer- ary tooth between the buccal roots of the right perma- nent maxillary first molar. 55 Poročilo o primeru / Case report: ACTA MEDICO-BIOTECHNICA 2021; 14 (1): 11–19 oblastoma. In our case, the inter-radicular tooth was detected incidentally on conventional radiographs; however, the image was unclear due to its small size and superimposition on the roots of the adjacent maxillary molar. CBCT was helpful in making an ac- curate diagnosis and determining the exact anatomi- cal relationships. The additional finding of three canals in the mesiobuccal root of the first maxillary molar has also rarely been reported in the literature (6-8). CONCLUSIONS Clinicians should be aware that the inter-radicular septum of a permanent maxillary molar is a rare, yet possible location of a supernumerary tooth. The image of an inter-radicular supernumerary tooth on conventional radiographs may be unclear. CBCT is indicated to rule out pathologic entities with poten- tially similar radiographic appearance but different prognosis and management. Figure 4. Cross- sectional CBCT image of the right permanent maxillary first molar: P – palatal root, ST – supernumer- ary tooth. Figure 5. Postoperative radiograph of the right permanent maxillary first molar. REFERENCES 1. Schuurs A. Pathology of the hard dental tissues: John Wiley & Sons; 2012. 2. Grimanis GA, Kyriakides AT, Spyropoulos ND. A survey on supernumerary molars. Quintessence Int. 1991; 22(12): 989-95. 3. Schulze C. 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