Image Anal Stereol 2010;29:13-18 Review article CONVEX BODIES AND GAUSSIAN PROCESSES Richard A. Vitale Department of Statistics, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT USA 06269 e-mail: (Accepted October 11, 2009) ABSTRACT For several decades, the topics of the title have had a fruitful interaction. This survey will describe some of these connections, including the GB/GC classification of convex bodies, Ito-Nisio singularities from a geometric viewpoint, Gaussian representation of intrinsic volumes, the Wills functional in a Gaussian context, and inequalities. Keywords: convex body, Gaussian process, intrinsic volume, random convex body, strong law of large numbers for random convex bodies, Wills functional. INTRODUCTION For several decades, the topics of the title have had a fruitful interaction. This survey will describe some of these connections, including the GB/GC classification of convex bodies, Ito-Nisio singularities from a geometric viewpoint, Gaussian representation ofintrinsic volumes, the Wills functional in a Gaussian context, and inequalities. For fuller discussions and references, the interested reader is urged to consult the bibliography. GEOMETRIC PRELIMINARIES AND NOTATION The setting is either finite dimensions or infinite dimensions, that is, Rd or l2. Schneider (1993) gives an excellent treatment of the classical theory of convex bodies. The following items and notation will be appear: • Convex bodies K: compact, convex K, L,... • Scaling: 1K = {1x: x G K}. • Minkowski addition: K + L = {x+y: x G K, y G L}. • Closed unit ball: B, Bd . • l-parallel body: K + IB. • Support function: hK(x) = suptGKt>. • Hausdorff metric: p(K, L) = inf{1 > 0: K C L + IB, L C K+IB} = sup |hK(u) - hL(u)|. iui=1 • Norm: |K| = maxxGK = maxHuH=1 hK (u). GAUSSIAN PROCESSES WITH ISONORMAL INDEXING For background and references on Gaussian processes, one can consult, for example, Lifshits (1995) and Bogachev (1998). We assume throughout a sequence of independent standard (i.e., N(0,1)) Gaussian random variables: For a convex body K c l2 and t G K, we consider the map t ^ At = = X ^iZi. i=1 The image is an N(0, |t|2) variable, and the collection {X^t, t G K} is called an isonormall^-indexed Gaussian process in view of the isometric-isomorphism: K ^^{^t, t G K} . Specifically, at + bt ^ a^t + b^i t - tl2 = E (^t - Xt)2 Another key point is the identification hK(Z) = sup = sup X^t. t K t K LIMIT THEOREMS Consider a random convex body X, which is a measurable map from a probability space to its space of values endowed with the Hausdorff metric: X: {W, F, P}-^ (K, p). If X is bounded in expected norm, E^Xy < then one has an expectation EX G K, which can be given implicitly in terms of its support function hEX (■) = EhX (■). There is a strong law of large numbers: Theorem 1 (Artstein and Vitale, 1975) // X1,X2,... a^re independent a^nd identically distributed r^andom convex bodies with E yX1 y < ¥, then JT = X1 + X2 + ••• + Xn a-s\ EX] n n ' The formulation of an accompanying central limit theorem takes into account that there is no convenient notion of subtraction for convex bodies, and so the identification with support functions is used: Theorem 2 (Weil, 198J2) // X1,X2,... a^re iid and E yXy2 < ¥, the^ ^/n [h^n(u) — hEX1 (u^ converges to a centered Gaussian process with inherited covariance function. A different kind of limit theorem appears in Bonetti and Vitale (2000). THE STEINER FORMULA AND INTRINSIC VOLUMES The Steiner formula for the volume of the parallel body to a convex body in Fd is vold(K+1B) = volj(Bj)1 Vd—j(K), J=o where the constants Vj(K), J = 0,1,..., d are known as intrinsic volumes. Following Vitale (1995), we give a derivation of the formula, which also serves to display the nature of the intrinsic volumes: consider iid isotropic line segments ,..., Ln, such that EL1 = Bd. By the strong law of large numbers, (1/n)(Li + ••• + L„) ^ Bd as n ^ and so vold [K + (l/n) (Li + • • • + Ln)] ^ vold (K + IB^). For one line segment (i.e., n = 1), one has vold(K + IL1) = vold(K) +11L11 ■ vold—1 (nLxK), where nL± signifies projection onto the subspace orthogonal to the one spanned by L1 . By induction, vold [K +(X/n)(L1 + ••• + L„)] = X (l/n)Svol | 5|(L5) vold— | SI HlxK) , 0<|S| d / n \ bi] = ^ {bi1 - ai1) ■ ■ ■ {bij - Sij) V 1 J i1 0 ^^ t* is a singular^ity of K. The following elaborates this observation. Theorem 7 (Vitale, 2001) Suppose ^ha^tosc (t*) > 0. Then 1. osc(t*) iimey0 Vi(Kn B(tf, e)). 2. For each J, lim Vj(Kn B(t*, e)) > 0. ei0 (3) 3. K n B(t*, 0+) -B¥(f,osc(f)) in the sense that for each J, the limit in Eq. 3 is equal to 1 B(t *, osc (t *)) lim Vj / A , , oscJ(t*) . (both being-^^^). 4. Define osc (K) = sup{Eosc (t*) : t* G K}. T^hen (J + 1)Vj+i(K) osc (K) = lim J- Vj (K) THE WILLS FUNCTIONAL AND BOUNDS FOR GAUSSIAN PROCESSES In the context of a question in lattice point enumeration, Wills (1973) defined the following functional. It has come to play an important role in the connection between the theories of convex bodies and Gaussian processes. An alternate representation can be derived as follows: 1 W(K) = ^yRdP(dist(x, K) < A) dx, where fA(1) = 1(1 > 0)Ae E 1(dist(x, K) < A) dx — (1/2)12 1 (2n)d/2J^ 1 e[ 1(dist(x, K) < A) dx jRd (2p)d/2 1 (2n)d/2 E vol(K+AB). (2n)d/2 X voh(B)AiV,—(K) i=0 1 d voli-1 WfW2]_1_ iRd (2p)d/2 e-2WxW dx One then has PesuPtGK[Xt-1 o2] = Y _1_ J=0 (K) . This can be extended by writing rK, r > 0, in place of K, which itself can be taken to be an element of Kgb: ^ / \ J EesupteK[rXt-^r2o2] = W j yj(K) . The Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality (Schneider, 1993) implies that Vj(K) < "it V1J(K) = "it VlnE sup Xf reK and hence ¥ / VJ(K) < erEsupteKXt. Thus we have shown the following: Theorem 8 (Tsirel'son, 1985; Vitale, 1996, 2001 ) If {X^t, t G K} is a mean-zero, bounded Gaussian process, then Eesupt{Xt-(1/2)EXf} < eEsuptXt. An immediate consequence is a deviation bound: Theorem 9 (Pisier, 1986; Vitale, 1996,1999) P(supXt - EsupXt > a) < exp[-(1/2)(a2/o2)]. (4) tt Proof: Set o2 = suptGK It is direct to show Eer[suptGKXt-EsuptGKXd < e5r202 . Then P(sup Xt - E sup Xt > a) = teK teK = P(r[sup Xt - E sup Xt] > ra) teK teK = P(er[suptGKXt-EsuptGKXt] > era) < Eer[suptGKXt-EsuptGKXt]e-ra