Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 64(2018)6, 393-400 © 2018 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved. D0l:10.5545/sv-jme.2017.5189 Original Scientific Paper Received for review: 2017-12-30 Received revised form: 2018-02-19 Accepted for publication: 2018-04-16 New Hybrid System of Machine Learning and Statistical Pattern Recognition for a 3D Visibility Network Matej Babič1* - Karolj Skala2 - Dookhitram Kumar3 - Roman Šturm4 1 Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 Ruder Boškovic Institute, Croatia 3 University of Technology, Mauritius 4 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia Intelligent systems are an excellent tool to use for solving complex problems in the field of industrial applications. We use the mathematical method of fractal geometry and network theory when laser-hardening techniques are applied. The microstructure of the robot-laser-hardened specimens is very complex; however, we can present it by using a 3D visibility network. We convert the scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of the microstructure to a 3D graph and calculate the density of the visibility network of these 3D networks. We have analyzed the topographical properties of the hardened specimens by using the algorithm for the construction of a visibility network in a 3D space. We develop a new hybrid system of machine learning for predicting carbide content of the hardened specimens by using multiple regression, neural networks, and a genetic algorithm. We find the statistical significance of the relationship between attributes of the hardened specimens, the topological properties of visibility graphs, and carbide content of the hardened specimens._ Keywords: fractal geometry, hybrid system, laser hardened specimens, visibility network, statistical pattern recognition Highlights • We have calculated the statistical properties of the data of the parameters of the hardened specimens. • We have described the carbide content of the hardened specimens using the topological properties. • We have presented a new intelligent hybrid system model to predict the carbide content of the hardened specimens. • Our new method has many applications in pattern recognition, computer graphics, computational geometry, and so on. 0 INTRODUCTION Robot laser hardening [RLH] [1] is a heat treatment similar to inductive or conventional flame hardening. We can analyze the microstructures of RLH specimens using 3D visibility networks (graphs). A visibility network [2] is a graph of visible areas, which presents a set of nodes and obstacles in the Euclidean plane or space. Fractal geometry [3] was developed by Mandelbrot, who built the Mandelbrot set y=z2 + c with the help of a computer. He provided a new approach in the scientific discipline as he set out and designed a new way of thinking about structures and shapes. The Hurst parameter H [4] is the correlation between random steps X1 and X2, which is followed by the time-to-time difference At. Hurst parameter occurs in many areas of applied mathematics, including fractals and chaos theory, and is used in many fields ranging from biophysics to network computers. The parameter was originally developed in hydrology. However, modern techniques to estimate the Hurst parameter H come from fractal mathematics. The fractal dimension has been used to measure the roughness of sea coasts. The relationship between the fractal dimension D and the Hurst parameter H is given by the equation D = 2 - H for 2D objects and D=3 - H for 3D objects. We developed a new method to estimate the Hurst parameter H of a 3D object. In this paper, we introduce a new hybrid intelligent system to predict the carbide content of RLH specimens from the topological property of the density of the visibility network and fractal dimension. 1 PREPARATION OF MATERIAL SPECIMENS The study was done on the standard tool steel labeled as DIN 1.7225 [5]. The tool steel was surface hardened by laser at different speeds and different powers. We use a robot laser cell RV60-40 (Reis Robotics Company). The maximum power of the robot-laser cell is 3000 W. We hardened specimens with an output power of 1500 W. Therefore, we modified the speed parameter v £ [2, 5] mm/s and the temperature parameter T £ [800, 2000] °C. Each sample was prepared by etching and polishing (IMT, Institute of Metals and Technology Ljubljana, Slovenia) for a microscope evaluation (IJS, Jozef Stefan Institute). Fig. 1 was made by field emission scanning electron microscopy, JMS-7600F, JEOL. We wanted to know whether the microstructure of the RLH fractal patterns found a structure from which the Hurst parameter H could be estimated. Fig. 2 presents a 3D graph of the *Corr. Author's Address: Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, , 393 microstructure of the RLH specimen. It is converted from Fig. 1 by using Fig. 1 color depth. Fig. 1. SEM picture of microstructure of the RLH specimen Fig. 2. 3D graph of microstructure of the RLH specimen 2 DESCRIPTION OF METHOD We used fractal geometry and a visibility network to determine the complex microstructure of the RLH specimens. Fig. 3 presents the random vertices of the 3D graph. For better visual presentation, we use 5x5 vertices of the 3D graph. 3D graph presents microstructure of the RLH specimens. Babic et al. [6] present a solution for constructing a visibility network in a 3D space. Fig. 4 presents the results of the problem of constructing a visibility network in a 3D space. We use the statistical topological property of the density of the visibility Fig. 3. Vertices in a 3D graph Fig. 4. Visibility network of vertices in a 3D graph network for pattern recognition from SEM images of the RLH specimens. The density q was calculated for each visibility network by Eq. (1): q = - 2m n x (n -1) (1) where m is the number of edges, n is the number of vertices in the visibility network. We present a method of estimating the Hurst exponent H for 3D objects [7]. First, we use the program Image J to find all the coordinates (x, y, z) of the SEM picture. Secondly, we estimate the Hurst exponent H by using the z-coordinates, which present a long continuous graph (Fig. 5). Also, all points (xz, y0, zz) present a space component on a 2D graph for all points (xz, zz). All points (xi,j1, zz) present a second space component on a 2D graph for all points (xz, zz). We made a space component for all y, Vz. Then we combined all these space components into one space component. For this long space component, we can estimate the Hurst exponent H. We use the fractal dimension for pattern recognition from SEM images. Fig. 5. Long continuous graph We use the method of a visibility network and fractal geometry for statistical pattern recognition. To model the results, we use intelligent system methods, that is, multiple regression, neural network (NN), and genetic programming (GP). NNs [8] have the ability to solve a variety of problems. The sophistication of NNs is primarily due to their ability to imitate the principle of the functioning of the biological brain, which means that they solve problems similarly to humans. We used the Neuralyst program to create a model with NNs. Neuralyst is a software tool used within Excel. It has the ability to model NNs. We used a multi-tasking neural system with backpropagation and no back links. We had the option of setting different attributes. Table 1 presents the attributes of the NNS. Table 1. Attributes of the NN Learning speed [-] 0.6 Inertial coefficient [-] 0.5 Test mass tolerance [-] 0.02 Tolerance of the learning set [-] 0.03 Number of layers [-] 4 Fig. 6 presents a general multi-layer NN system. Table 2. Attributes of the GP Size of the population of organisms 500 Maximum number of generations 100 Reproduction probability 0.4 Crossover probability 0.6 Maximum permissible depth in the creation of the population 10 Maximum permissible depth after the operation of crossover of two organisms Smallest permissible depth of organisms in generating new organisms Tournament size used for selection of organisms Genetic programming [9] is similar to genetic algorithms and differs only in terms of the presentation method. Individual component in genetic algorithms is presented by a sequence of numbers, and the individual component in genetic programming is presented by a computer program. GP automatic writing of programs according to the nature of natural selection (evolution). At the beginning, we have some randomly written programs, which represent the initial Fig. 6. General multi-layer NN system 6 2 7 population. Then by crossing and selection, we get the next generation. Table 2 presents the attributes of the genetic programming. We used the genetic operations of reproduction and crossover. Fig. 7 presents an example of an organism in genetic programming. (22 -(-^-))*(l7+eos(Y)) Fig. 7. Organism in GP Multiple regression (MR) [10] is designed to investigate linear causes the relationship between a single dependent variable and one or more independent variables. With it, we determine the statistical feature in the power of connection and we predict the values of the dependent variable. The impact of each of the independent variables is estimated to be independent of the interactions between independent variables. Hybrid evolutionary computation [11] is a generic, flexible, robust, and versatile method for solving complex global optimization problems and could be used in practical applications. We present a new intelligent hybrid systems model in Fig. 8. Data information is presented in Table 3. Table. 3. Attributes of the hardened specimens S x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 Y S1 1000 2 1.91 2.30 0.191 85 39 S2 1000 3 1.96 2.26 0.224 85 45 S3 1000 4 1.95 2.26 0.210 85 43 S4 1000 5 1.94 2.34 0.235 85 41 S5 1400 2 1.92 2.22 0.246 85 36 S6 1400 3 1.98 2.39 0.228 85 49 S7 1400 4 1.95 2.25 0.201 85 45 S8 1400 5 1.98 2.29 0.215 85 48 S9 1000 2 1.97 2.18 0.247 39 46 S10 1000 3 1.86 2.18 0.232 45 32 S11 1000 4 1.98 2.41 0.219 43 45 S12 1000 5 1.94 2.21 0.241 41 42 S13 1400 2 1.98 2.26 0.225 36 28 S14 1400 3 1.58 2.27 0.238 49 19 S15 1400 4 1.97 2.43 0.208 45 41 S16 1400 5 1.81 2.29 0.197 48 38 S17 800 0 1.97 2.23 0.289 85 47 S18 1400 0 1.98 2.24 0.277 85 52 S19 2000 0 1.97 2.26 0.245 85 50 S20 950 0 1.96 2.28 0.217 85 66 S21 850 0 1.95 2.32 0.212 85 80 S22 0 0 1.91 2.30 0.195 85 39 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The attributes of the hardened specimens influence on the carbide content (Table 3). The specimens are labeled as S1 to S22. Attribute x1 represents the temperature [°C] and x2 represents the speed of RLH [mm/s]. Attributes x3, x4, and x5 represent the keys for pattern recognition. Parameter x3 represents the complexity in 2D, x4 represents the complexity in 3D, x5 represents the density of the visibility networks in a 3D space, and x6 represents the carbides in specimens. The last attribute Y is the measured surface carbide Genetic Programming Butiding hybrid system of machine learning Fig. 8. Intelligent system model and new hybrid intelligent system content of the RLH specimens. Specimen S22 presents the material before the RLH process. In Table 4, we denote measurement (M) data (D) by MD, prediction data obtained by MR, prediction data obtained by neural network (NN), prediction data obtained by GP, and prediction data obtained by the hybrid system by H. Specimen S14 has a minimal carbide content after hardening, that is, 19 %. Table 4 present the statistical properties of the experimental and predicted patterns. Table 5 present topological properties of 3D visibility network. The measured and predicted carbide content of the RLH specimens is presented in the Fig. 9. The MR model is presented by Eq. (1), GP model is presented by Eq. (2), and hybrid model is presented by Eq. (3). We calculated precision of the GP model, NN and of the MR model by calculating average of absolute difference between measured and predicted data divided by measured data. The GP model has 85.57 % precision, the NN has 90.57 % precision, MR has 80.87 % precision and hybrid system has 62.98 % precision. Table 5 presents the topological properties of the 3D visibility network. Measured and predicted parts of carbides of the LHR specimens depend on attributes X], X2, X3, X4, X5 and x6 are presented in Fig. 9. We use the statistical topological property of the visibility networks to describe the carbide content in the microstructures. Image analysis of the SEM images of the RLH specimens is an interesting approach. With MR, GP and NN, we predict the carbide content in the microstructures. Finally, we present a new hybrid system of intelligent systems. For measured and predicted parts of carbides of the LHR specimens data, we calculated Kendall correlation coefficient. The best results for prediction give us NN, because the Kendall correlation coefficient (0.021) is most close to experimental data (0.131). Table 3 presents the topological properties of the 3D visibility network and attributes of RLH specimens. In this way, we can see how the attributes of speed and temperature influence the topological structures of visibility graphs in 3D space. Table 6 presents the statistical properties of the topological properties of the extreme number, number of edges, and triadic census type 16 to 300 of the 3D visibility network for RLH specimens. Firstly, we calculated the basic statistical properties of the mean, standard deviation, standard error, median, geometric mean, and harmonic mean of the topological properties of visibility graphs in 3D space of RLH specimens. We found significant positive relationships between the kurtosis, Fisher's G2, the coefficient of variation, the coefficient of dispersion, Table. 4. Measured and predicted data S MD MR NN GP H S1 39 55.28 38.98 38.7 34.77 S2 45 50.93 44.53 45.0 37.32 S3 43 47.84 42.25 45.0 40.61 S4 41 45.89 42.27 41.4 44.78 S5 36 42.41 36.98 40.8 44.18 S6 49 49.69 48.32 44.3 43.32 S7 45 40.97 44.86 46.7 46.45 S8 48 40.00 48.06 44.6 48.86 S9 46 42.74 45.97 46.2 40.85 S10 32 35.98 32.08 18.8 47.98 S11 45 48.01 44.98 40.0 44.99 S12 42 33.04 42.26 42.0 55.08 S13 28 39.91 46.48 27.7 47.05 S14 19 19.88 18.99 22.8 67.35 S15 41 42.15 41.54 45.2 51.32 S16 38 27.23 37.08 38.0 60.50 S17 47 59.78 47.86 47.4 30.50 S18 52 50.58 50.11 49.7 39.58 S19 50 42.10 51.01 50.1 48.54 S20 66 62.98 66.65 47.5 28.93 S21 80 65.82 79.25 46.4 27.35 S22 39 79.59 84.60 84.9 58.25 Table. 5. Topological properties of 3D visibility network S Extreme number Number of edges Triadic census type 16 to 300 S1 120823 3500351 4865624 S2 125787 3308776 4191425 S3 123943 3335861 4267175 S4 124833 3355735 4353872 S5 124626 3314397 4212248 S6 131540 3190001 3796016 S7 126962 3311163 4196282 S8 130799 3173601 3741603 S9 123393 3355056 4256560 S10 126395 3386391 4483986 S11 124296 3315948 4207031 S12 123829 3355735 4353872 S13 128143 3451450 4862060 S14 122500 3685175 5877473 S15 120818 3338595 4199754 S16 116812 3733624 5848517 S17 133031 3178192 3774789 S18 130974 3182544 3819193 S19 131043 3170121 3746658 S20 95090 4151533 7284078 S21 106916 5653616 1764141 S22 86871 5735036 1466536 Model of multiple regression: Y=-99.0509 - 0.0178 x x1 - 3.25717 x x2 + 46.65489 x x3 + 38.06208 x x4 - 63.3748 x x5 + 0.165097 x x6. (2) Model of genetic programming Y = 0.129654 x (-x6 - x22 - 2 + 2 + X X^ Xr :(-x 2 + x22) x3 + x2 J X2 X X6 X ( O X + — X2 Xi + X2 X (X2 + XX2 X X3 ) + X6 (3 X (x2 + X3 ) + X5 )X (3 + 2X X3 X (2 + X3 ) + X6)) (X2 + x3 + X6) X Y 7.71283 + 2 x x2 - x6 — + - v x2 - x3 X V 3 J (3) x 6 X 6 2 X 6 4 V 3 J X 6 + X 4 4 x6 Hybrid model Y2 + Y(A + B) + AB - C — 0, A — 0.129654 ;(-x2 + x2 ) - X3 +1—+-2 x3 + x2 B — 99.0509 + 0.0178x1 + 3.25717x2 - 46.65489x3 + 63.3748x5 -0.165097X6, CC — X2 X3 X6 , x1 + x2 (x2 + x2 x3 ) + x6 2 + X6 x2 - x3 (x3 (x2 + x3 ) + x6 )(x3 + 2x3 x (x2 + x3 ) + x6)) f \ X6 X6 + — X (x3 x2 + x6 X 7.71283 + 2x2 - x6 + 2 6 +- X2 X3 X2 X1 X 6 X 2 X X 6 + 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 & & $ & rip' rt> £ & & & J? n$> A" o> o> o> o> o> o> o> o> o> o> o> o> o> o> o> /¿> ¿V .0S> Ä . ♦ Experimental data y = -0.1417X + 45.766 T = 0,131 ■ Prediction with MR y = -0.4789X + 51.998 T = - 0,08 A Prediction with NN y = -0.5965X + 53.91 T = 0,021 x Prediction with GP y = -0.4445X + 48.439 T = - 0.008 X Prediction with H y = -0.1457X + 46.61 T = -0,11 Density of the visibility networks in a 3D space of RLH specimens Fig. 9. Measured and predicted carbide content of the LHR specimens depend on attributes xh x2, x3, x4, x5 and x6 and the topological properties of visibility graphs in 3D space of RLH specimens. Table. 6. Statistical properties of topological properties of 3D visibility network SP Extreme number Number of edges Triadic census type 16 to 300 Mean 121792 3599223 4253132 Standard deviation 11531.35 714391.3 1201353 Standard error 2458.49 152308.8 256129.4 Median 124461 3346826 4209640 Geometric mean 121194 3546497 4055020 Harmonic mean 120509 3505535 3790200 Kurtosis 5.90 7.454659 4.719475 Fisher's G2 4.03 5.993685 2.517122 Coefficient of variation 0.094 0.1984849 0.2824632 Coefficient of dispersion 0.05 0.1024648 0.1701942 4 CONCLUSIONS The paper presents a new method of constructing visibility networks in a 3D space, a new method of describing the complexity of 3D space, and a new hyper-hybrid system of machine learning for the use in mechanical engineering to predict the topographical properties of materials. The paper presents a method of using visibility graphs in 3D space and fractal geometry to analyze the complexity of RLH specimens. Analyzing the complexity of RLH surfaces is a very hard problem. This new method has many applications in pattern recognition, computer graphics, computational geometry, and so on. The main findings are: 1. We use the method of network theory and fractal geometry to analyse the microstructure. 2. For prediction of the carbide content of hardened specimens, we use intelligent system methods, namely a neural network, multiple regression, and a genetic algorithm. The best results for prediction give us neural network. 3. We present the new hybrid spiral sequences. 4. The paper introduces a new method of machine learning in metallurgy. 5. We find the statistical significance of the relationship between attributes of the hardened specimens and the experimental and predicted pattern data. 6. The paper compares three methods, namely multiple regression, neural network and genetic programming, with a hybrid system of intelligent systems. 5 REFERENCES [1] Petrovič, S., D., Šturm, R. (2014). 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